Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Algorithms Should Love Autistics

"I Robot" by the Alan Parson's Project:


Algorithms have been guilty of discriminating against people on the spectrum.

In fact, the Algorithms probably could screen people on the broader autism phenotype that venture out into the Google Plus and Facebook territories of the online world, as part of the algorithm’s design is to police an appropriate and profitably acceptable social environment.

"Ghost in the Machine" and "Synchronicity" by The Police:


Facebook has a limit on words in comments its Algorithm considers "Socially Inappropriate in Length". It is comforting in a way to hear "I am not the only one" that has been discriminated against by the "Autistic Hating Algorithm". ;)

The Algorithm also has a propensity to "weed out" people that do not care to show their face publicly, collect peer appropriate relationships, display a variety of interests instead of restricted ones, use restraint in perseverance of using the same features repetitively, and engage in the reciprocal social-communication device of likes, shares and messages.

Monologues are at times not enough to keep good social standing with the Algorithm.

The Google Plus Algorithm can be even more restrictive in "weeding out” "Online Autistic Behaviors".

At least online, it is often the Algorithm instead of society that should love Autistics instead of "Hating" them, particularly if one considers another stereotype/myth is that Autistics design them.

To go a step further my Firefox Browser Spell Checker, has yet to accept "Neurodiversity" or "Autistics", as even being real words yet. As we begin "Autism Awareness Day", perhaps this is one part of acceptance that could be fixed with computer code.

The Algorithm Autistic-complete, excuse me, I mean auto-complete search results now tops "Autistics Should be Loved" as part of an Autistic generated effective solution in designing a popular Facebook page with that exact phrase.

However, if the Algorithm really means it, show us some unconditional Acceptance, not just words. :)

On a more serious note, and maybe a positive one in some cases, I guess in some ways the Facebook and Google Plus Algorithms can potentially be an effective means of teaching social skills that are part of the social norm, as it does provide free ABA type behavioral modification techniques to alter human behavior. :)

"The Logical Song" by Supertramp:



Autism, the Internet and "Ideological First Identity", a Collection of Thoughts:



"AutisticS Peeks!"

It's Good

to Hear




Autistic Spectrum



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