Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Autism Spectrum Identity

People on the Autism Spectrum have many different ways of associating themselves with it:

On the Spectrum (condition associated identity) 

Autistic (condition first identity) 

Aspie (condition first identity) 

Person with Autism (person first identity) 

Person with Asperger's (person first identity) 

A unique personal ideology of identity (ideological first identity) 

Or other

Some people also describe this in terms of neutral disability language, disability first language, and people first disability language. I am using the word condition here as the most inclusive word in consideration of not making anyone uncomfortable that might not associate their Autism Spectrum Condition with Disorder or Disability.

Simon Baron Cohen is one of the few professionals that describes Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC's) in his Research to allow for this inclusion.

I was diagnosed later in life, so I can't easily change my "Ideological First Identity", which is specific to my personal life experience living on the spectrum.

I can't say I have ever fully identified with my name, instead more of an "Ideological First Identity" specific to my own unique experience on the spectrum.

I use four short lines based on the letters in a family name spelled on Facebook, in word play, to describe an "Ideological First Identity".

Kind Autistics Taking in Everything Mindful in Awareness 

Autistic Love
And the Science of Kindology
An Ideological First Identity

This is the way I experience Autism.

When I first entered "Internet Reciprocal Social Communication", in November of 2010, I created the Acronym "AGHOGDAY", as a user name for communication.  This acronym represents "Another Ground Hog Day" where each day is similar to the day before, in my challenge with Auto-Immune Issues.

My experience of life has been one of the Hyperlexic-Hypersensitivity to the environment variety of Autism, where I love letters, words, and numbers, and anything else I can decode in the symbols and patterns I find in life. 

My sensory challenge is the most difficult with tactile sensitivity as I can rarely bear the thought of moving my fingers across man-made textures.

However, my sensory experience of the natural world was a wonderful thing to me.

My verbal speech has always been a challenge since a verbal language development delay until age 4.  Reading from a very young age and reading fast has never been a problem; however, the type of comprehension required to verbally discuss what I read or what I saw, with others, in spoken language has often been hard.

I am all about the details, but sometimes I catch a glimpse of a tapestry.

For me "Kindology" is the "Science" of seeing the "Patterns" in life of things that are similar in "Kind". 

For me "Kindology" is also making a "Science" out of showing "Respect" for "Others", "Taking in" all facts and environmental variables per "Everything" conscientiously, "Mindful in Awareness". 

his lifelong "Endeavor" has been far from a "Perfect Science" for me that I found "Challenging" through the course of "Life". 

"Autistic Love" is the type of "Love" coming from "A Science of Kindology", resembling "Altruism", instead of "Expectation" of social or material "Reward".

The Logo (:@@@:) represents my "Philosophy of Life", which includes the three A's of Autistic Love, And the Science of Kindology, An Ideological Identity.

The Logo (:@@@:) also represents
three symbols of "the Nautilus" and pattern of "Golden Spiral" in "Nature" that can be seen as far as the eye can look, with the aid of all "Human Collective Intelligence" and "Abstract Thought".

"Blinded by the Light" by Manfred Mann's Earth Band:

After an immune system problem, when my eyes stopped making tears about five years ago, I could no longer tolerate light for about a year, and I either had to find a way to move from "Visual Thinker" to "Verbal Coherent Thinker" or I was going to be in "Real" trouble.

I found a "Coherent Verbal Mind" somewhere, or perhaps better put, it found me.

My life focused on "Receiving Input" changed to "Output" as a result of that "Neuroplastic" "Adaptation".

The result has probably been somewhere close to five million words or more typed from a keyboard, on the Internet, in a little over two years.

My major Autistic "RRBI" focus has been Autism Research and Discussion, but there are other "random" interests such as "Algorithms".

The "soul-less" Google Algorithm "Auto-Complete suggestion", which cannot fully tell the difference between "rhetoric" or "intent",  "reciprocates" communication to me about this "Algorithm Interest".  It provides Auto-Complete suggestions on the two acronyms; one a family name and the other one that only has meaning to me.

The name/acronym "Katie Mia" is now topped with a search suggestion of "Katie Mia Autism", validating the "extent" of my interest in Autism.

The Acronym "AGHOGDAY" now results as a "Auto-Complete suggestion", when the three letters "AGH" are typed in, right below a "Real" word "Aghori", which in a "Synchronistic" way is "odd" to me. 

In regard to "Agh", "Aghori", and "Aghogday", I think I understand now why I get "hits" on my Blog from India.  I thought that was "unusual" until today.

I find now that "Aghori" is also "representative" of the "dark force" in me generated, in part, by Auto-Immune issues challenging the "Positive" influence of "Ideological First Identity" per "KATiE MiA".  In addition, it is reflective of an increase in a "natural tendency" toward "non-conformity".

I never imagined I would be initiating communication in a blog, as until now I have only responded to others in many different internet avenues of communication. 

Another day another adaptation. The way of life for all life.

"Time Passages" by Al Stewart:


It is also a way of life described as the "Duckyway".

Autism and the "Duckyway",
connected by patterns in Words, Photos, Music and Moving pictures:

In addition, it is a way of life described more fully in a "Collection of Thoughts" associated with Autism, the Internet and "Ideological First Identity", illustrated with Words, Photos, Music and Moving pictures in the link below:


Here is an interesting discussion and informal poll from the Wrong Planet website linked below on the issue of  "Autism Spectrum Identity". 

There was no easy majority of opinion to find; instead evidence of how unique people on the spectrum view their life, the lives of others, and life in general.


"AutisticS Peeks!"

It's Good

to Hear




Autistic Spectrum



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