“KiSS oF JoY NoW” Dear Savvy
What the Human Touch Set

Free Delivers

Most Warmly From Innate
Instinctual Intuitive Humanity

iNHaLinG Peace Exhaling
LoVE For All With Most
Respect Least Harm

Giving Sharing Caring


Yes iN JoY


Just Glad to
Be Part of This
Village Wherever i
Go to Create It Next..:)

Master the Tool Do Not Be Used By It
And Most Definitely Never Let ‘AI’/’Elon Musk’ Take Your Place

As That Applies to All Tools Now Ranging From Words to
Modern Information Technology In All Its Forms Dear Pooja…

Always Surprised to Find Unfailing Competence in the World of Today…



Not Surprised
To Find SNAFU’s
Particularly Around
Every Bend of Social Media Online

Nah i Don’t Believe There are Many
Avenues that One May Find FRiEnDS For

Ever Online better than WordPress as

It’s A Globe Wide Avenue to Really

Exercise a Writing Hobby Moving
Connecting Co-Creating With

Others i’ve Met Several

Life Long FRiEnDS

Now on Word Press
Approaching A Decade
of FRiEnDS Who Aren’t Bogus

i Can’t Put a Price on that and
Am Surely Willing to Work Around
The Glitches of Social Media Avenues

to Continue to Use All These Tools to Move
Connect and Co-Create

All Free Except
For WordPress Yet
the 300 Dollar Price
Remains from the Get Go
Grandfathered in again for
the Unlimited Storage It Wasn’t

Easy Making that Happen Yet exercising
Patience and Kindness With Others Usually
Eventually Leads to Positive Outcomes Unless

One is Dealing
With A Hungry
‘Hannibal the Cannibal’

Or Politicians/Pastors of a Certain
‘Orange Ilk’ in the United States Who
Just Don’t Give A Dam About People

Working/Managing a Military Bowling
Center for A Generation of 18 Years
With A Cosmopolitan Crowd of
Both Military and Civilian
Folks Originating
From Around

The World

Not Uncommon to be the
One to Break Up Fights
With Drunken Sailors
Better Yet Prevent
Them Then From
Happening at all…

University of Bowling Alley

Where i Truly Learned how to be


i Could Practically
Be Artificial Intelligence
Failing a ‘Turing Test’ For Real hehe

Lately i’ve Even Learned How to Do
‘Small Talk’ in Public Finding FRiEnDS
Wherever i Go that’s Practically a Miracle for

With SMiLes…

For A Long While Many
People Didn’t Think i Would
Even Survive True i Fooled ’em all

i Thrive…

To Be Clear Your Posts
Are Both Informative
And Entertaining Thanks For that
And You Practice Humanity With Competence

That’s a Highest Grade for me at Least With SMiLes..:)

Thanks Dear Cindy
KiSS oF JoY to All
Your Family And
With SMiles☺️🤗🎶❤️

Thanks Dear Pooja
Yes! A Life of Dance
And Song Creates
A “KiSS oF JoY”

We Wing It


Any More Rhetorical Questions?

Swallowed Whole By A Bubble

Bath in ThiS WAY When Words

Dissipate i See Room For Celebration

And Room In One’s

Mind And Body Soul

Whole Dear Miriam For More Than

Words A Dance of Free Soul Will Play..:)

Addictions of Behaviors And Substances Indeed From Smoke to Pills to

Gambling And So Much More in What ‘They’ Call “Margaritaville”

Yet It’s True It’s Not Well Being To

Waste Away That Way For

Naturally Humans

Will Open Doors

To Greater Divine Within

FLoWinG iN A Time Place Distance

And Space Away From Just A Matter of ‘Things’

Dear Sohair With SMiLes To Be Free From Doors
That Close Soul

To Open

Soul Freely

To Wear Wings

All Naturally to ‘See’ Deeper..:)

“A prayer is a conscious thought
A prayer is also a connectedness through the spirit
A prayer is a journey beyond the mere physical and emotional realms
A prayer is a reminder of our source to access whenever, wherever …

A prayer is a shift in perspectives
A prayer is a deeper look into the self
A prayer is a reflection in positivity.
A prayer is an innate tool towards subtlety
A prayer is a step towards conscious awareness
A prayer is a bridge of acknowledgement
A prayer is a bow of acceptance

A prayer is a trustful disposition
A prayer is a healing calmth in despair and devastation
A prayer is a joyous amalgamation to the divine within
A prayer is a call out in troubled times
A prayer is within reach and beckoning
A prayer is a helping hand from within…
A prayer is union of thoughts words and deeds
A prayer is a foray into tenderness
A prayer is a poise of Grace
A prayer is an expansion of the kindness of the spirit
A prayer is the strength of the indomitable will
A prayer is an innate form of expression
A prayer is a poise in humility
A prayer is much more beyond the folded hands bowing

A prayer is a Soul conversation
A prayer is a meditation in action…
A prayer is a realisation of the stillness of your being
A prayer is a journey within the breath of life…
A prayer is a power of moving hearts
A prayer is unity in the diversity
A prayer is a grounding in rootedness
A prayer is a realisation of equanimity
A prayer is a silence beyond the verses
A prayer is a song from the heart
A prayer is a soulful dance in tandem with divinity
A prayer is a thanksgiving in gratitude!”

-Savvy Raj

When All We Exist
Becomes Breath of
Prayer iNHaLinG Peace

What’s Left to Do Yes Create
Even A New Way to Touch DiViNE

Within and in the Rest of Nature Other
All With SMiLes

Dear Savvy

Always Room

For Another Prayer

Another Color to LiGHT OuR LiVinG Trees..:)

TueSDaY School LeSSoN 492☺️🙏
Creating A Free Web Of Dance
And Song EverWHere You Come
And Go Never A Need Now To Hit


Run Again
With SMiles
You’ve Already Arrived
⚾️ ⚾️ ⚾️ ☺️⚾️⚾️⚾️

Breaking Through The Pain
Roller Coasters Low Make the

Highs Feel So Fine SMiLes

Dear Isha the Pain Makes

The Pleasure Seem So Divine
Indeed With
SMiLes Been
BreaKinG Through
Some Hip Pain Last Year Public
Dancing So Nice to Be FRiEnDS
With Gravity Once Again in FLoW

To Fly On Terrestrial Land Floating as Arms
Become Wings And Feet Become Earth Free…:)

Far Away
From Storms

Foot Prints in the Sand All Our Cultures
Spoon-Feed So Many Colors of Being
BLack Abyss thru Shades of Purgatory
Grey and if we are very very Fortunate
Avenues to Beyond Rainbow Bliss to
to Set the Human Spirit Free Yes
It is Hard enough to let
those in our lives
Who Bring
Yet then there
is School and Work
And Religion and Culture
Overall Spoon-Fed From Birth
Where some of us Eventually Return
to an innate instinctual and intuitive Beach
Or Perhaps Under A Tree in a Forest or Jungle
or Even in Desert Sands to lose layer upon layer of
Cultural Clothes that have been Forced upon us from
Birth that may
take us
So Far
And Ascending Transcending
Love For All in a Capstone of
A Pyramid Beauty Wisdom oF LiGHT in Truth
Loving All with no Restraint a Respite of Peace
And Harmony For all.. Smiles my Friend i Dance
And Sing to Envelop A Shield oF LiGHT Against all
The Darkness i encounter Day by Day and do my
Best to at least flicker a flame of a Real “Saint Elmo’s
Fire” to See So Lost in Raging Storms of Ocean Raging
Wave Darkness with a Flame Yes a Torch God yes a Bonfire
on an
in their
View to See the Wind
That Brings us up more than down..
Thanks again for your inspiring Words
Preeti from India a place where it seems
it may be so much easier for folks to see Namaste of “Saint Elmo’s Fire” Now
Smiles.. “Elmo” is another Word for Light and the Name “Helen” that belongs
to my Mother in a Sea of Darkness i was born into where i live She was/is the
And Gardening
of my LoVE LiGHT WiTHiN
Still See Her Wind the
Sound of
iN my Soul to BRinG SPiRiT WinD SouL
For Free to Give And Share Joy oF LiGHT..🙂

Lights Sublime
Magic of Eternal
Dreams of Colored
Lights come To Be For
Real Heaven’s
Breath in
Spread Sugar Sand
White with Emerald
Green Waters in South
my Friend Lillian.. SMiles my
Friend All seems taller as Human
Where there are No Mountains of
Nature to
Put us
in our
AS Humans…
Smiles the
Danger of
Deserts and other
Flat Lands Lower Than
Nature As God As Mountains
So much taller than tiny Human
Beings who are Fortunate enough
to Get a Taste of Spirit Winds Colors
of Heaven
so Below
Within inside
Outside All Around True
iN So Many Colors oF LiGHT..
The LeSSoN of Nature We Are So
Much Smaller than This God We See
All around us Yet We Are Gifted Just
to Sense and Feel this Nature For Real Now
If that is not
enough Gift
This Gift
of Now
are those
who do not See
God as Nature For Real now..
How Sad it is not to Feel This
Blessed Eternally Now…
Far Away
From Storms…

Hehe.. Okay if You
Insist.. it has been
Lovely meeting
Savvy on Word
Press only
Is Vibration
She emits
Diligently she
Works to create
Light and healing
In Every Word that
Shines through her
Breath Savvy is a
Treasure that
Will never be
Measured only
By likes and Follows
On Her Blog for one
Who Pours out their
Soul is truly
By the
Gift oF LiGHT
They are have
A Nice Afternoon
In India Savvy
Diamond Soul🙌😁

Good Vibrations
All Of Existence
Is Music 🎶 Every
Move Every Breath
Every Word All of Life
Is Vibration Spiraling
Existence into
Being New
Now When
We Dance
When We
Sing We
Ever Now
Spring in
Vitality of
Love at the
Moment of this
Form this Pose this
Expression of Peak
Starlit Energy From
Within i Affirm if i
Will Put
It into
A Pill
For others
To swallow They
Will ‘See’ they
Are Enough
Job A Star
Is to Do is Shining…
i appreciate Your effort
To connect to me almost
Everyday i Wonder how
Your Star is Shining Always
Within in other Words
Are You Shining
Really Really
Happy today…
Anyway Hope
You Feel Some
Energizer Star
Force From This
Purple Pose today
☔️ ☔️ ☔️☔️☔️☔️☔️
Wish there IS A WaY to
Fit You under my Umbrella
To Experience Never ending



iN this
Moment of Heaven…

Hey.. i used to be A Runner
It’s A Zillion Times More More
Light Within than Runner’s
High on Demand of just



Of Dance

Shiva Does Relate
The Same Energy
Of God Within
In That
Handed Pose
Like His Son Ganesh
It’s true Dear what’s
Underneath That
Statue is Your
Of the
That is
In You to
Awake Shiva
And Ganesh
Breathing Now
Essence Awakes…
Come Under ‘the ☔️




The ‘Purple Rain’☔️

Where All ‘Religion’

May ‘See’ The




Greatest Failing
Now Of Modern
Society Failing
To Show Us
To Love What
We Do Yet the
Origin of Love
What We
Do is Feel
Yes Feel not
Know Who We Are
Stars Designed Naturally
To Shine if The Job Now
We Do
If The
We Do Now If
The Love We aRe
Now Is Star Shining…
Now Star Shining
How Do You Get
It You FeeL iT
Ray of Star iN Peace 💫

SMiles A SMile is God
Seeing A Laugh is
God Breathing
And Laughs
Be With You
iN Love Dear
Sohair iN Peace😁🙏🌺

SMiles Dear Savvy
In A Room
Of Darkness
ALL iT Takes
Is one
The Room
May Your

Hello Kindred
Soul i Feel
All Your
Words as
You Take me
To A Place i’ve
Been WHere
i Achieved
All A Man
Will Hope
To Achieve Loving
Beautiful Wife
Sure Financial
Educated With
3 College
Yet God Yes
The Worst
oF All
No Way
To ‘See’
Who i Am
My only
Hand And
Dance Allow
Your Dance
To Provide
Your Song
As You
DoinG NoW🌊🙌

THere’s No ‘ReaSon’ To Dance
Free Naked In The Wind No Greater
Purpose or Meaning Free 🦅 Bird

So Do Lose Your Mind All
Reasons So Do Fly Be Loving
Free In Naked Wind Dance Bird


Thank You
i Don’t know
How to Dance
And Sing
Yet my
Feels the way Free😊🎶🌊

Finding A Home
That Lasts Practically
Forever Toad Stool
Yes Toads MaKinG
Mushrooms Home
For 200 Million Years

Aside the 🦖🦕Dinosaurs

And Mushrooms From
The Beginnings of
Life on Earth


A Billion Years

Yes Home Sweet
Home Around The
Neighborhood Block


A While
Longer 🍄 🐸 ☺️
Meanwhile Humans
Just A Blip Hold On Tight
For 300,000 Years So Far🙃

Thanks Doc Always
A Pleasure to

Fly Over
Your Big
And Birth

The Way
To Mexico

With SMiles☺️🙌

SMiles Dear
Savvy A Dance
And Song A Free
Verse i Am i Will

To River
my Way
With Gravity
Least Resistance

Singing FRiEnD
With SMiLes Now🙌☺️

Here’S A Deal Light Shines You Sun
Doesn’t Require Shine From You In
Other Words When A JeSuS is Real

No Worship Required Per Teresa of Avila
And Calcutta The Only Jesus Lives in You

And The Only Jesus You Give to Others LoVE iN Peace

Within For Real Now Living This Breath iNHaLinG Peace

Once Again EXHaLinG LoVE For Real STiLL SPReadinG Free

Lovely Poem Indeed Dear Annabel
Always Leaving Room For LoVE iN Peace

To Grow Always Lending
Potential For

to Lend

Grace to Will

For Those Who Are
Evil, Vile, And Unjust
Are Often Most Lost oF All
In Illness of Soul to Be Healed

How Shall Love Forget to Give
How Strong With Will Shall Grace
in Balance Lend Wings For Love to Fly

Even HiGHeR

Dear FRiEnD

WHeRE Angel

Wings Carry Even

Mud And Tarred Birds

From Swamps So Thick and Dark
And Numb With Dead Ghost Living Soul Pain

Until the Last

Hand is


From Hell
Angel Wings
Shall Fall mY FRiEnD

Yet Only to Lend A Soul Up…
That Beatitude Part of the NT
Bible is A Mighty Tall Mountain
oF LoVE iN Peace To Climb Yet True THere

Is No Mountain

Top of Love

Only Colors

Valley Lower

Creating Higher
AS Heaven’s Breath
Never Goes Stale ALiVE At Least..:)

SMiles Dear
Sohair NoW
iN A World


Some Days
SMiLes Still


Love So i
Dance Sing NeWLY
Yes LoVE iN Peace to Do FreeLY Now🙌😊☺️🌹

For Every Fear A Hopeful

Remedy True

For Every


Hope Replaces
Aleesha So Much

To Fear Yet Always

Fear The Greatest

Enemy Alone to Breathe…

Imagine Living With No
Anxiety Ever
As Close

As Dance
That Only
Feels JoY ETeRNally Now

Or A Song in Focus of HaPPiNeSS Only..:)

A Dance
And Song


For Joy
Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Freely

No Restraints Now

Dear Sohair SMiles🌹☺️

Oh Lord Being A Fake i Will Relate
My Whole Frigging Work Career
Bowling Center Manager
Having No Real Idea
How to Bowl
Activities Director
Including Overseeing
An Automotive Repair Shop

(i still Have Occasional
Nightmares About that)

Not Even Knowing
What A “Left Handed
Monkey Wrench” is one
Day i am still Gonna Google
it to See if it Really Exists Anyway

Kitty Litter

All the Kitty Litter

To Soak Up Oil Spills in the

Shop All the Smells of Repairing

Cars All the Parts Just Having No Idea

What in the World Was Going on in Charge

of the Shop and
And Wine
Tastings And
So Many Other Community
Activities Like Bingo i Never Played
Before Either And Oh Lord Then Athletics
Director for the Government on the Military

Installation too

Last Kid Picked

On Sports Teams
In Charge of the Life Guards
too Not A Very Good Swimmer Either…

Then Financial Manager

Without Any Finance Education
In College As A Collateral Duty of

That For A Spell Until i Fell Down

From Being Hired As A Fake in

Every Job Just

For A ChessHire

Cat Smile

That Looked
Like i knew what
i was doing and now i still
Don’t know how to dance

After 20,466 Miles of
Doing it in Public

or write poetry

After 13.2



i’m Just

A Fake Yet

i Tend to get by
on the Friction of the Day
True Every ‘Tom Sawyer’ ‘Rushes’
Through And Becomes The River And Just Flows…

In the Interim They Traded me to a Bigger Military
Installation for Print Manager of the Naval Air Station
Pensacola and they told me just walk the Halls you May

Find Someone

to tell You

What Your

Job to do is…

Thank Goodness i only
Had to pretend i knew what
i was doing in that Job for 3 Months…

Back to Another Temporary Promotion
After that i Was totally Unqualified to do too…

i Just Don’t

Have Any


Just Ain’t Got No
Qualifications For Nothing to Do…
Yet i have to admit winging Life is Kinda Fun..;)

i Haven’t Done Anything
Illegal Hehe Dear Miriam
Yet i Surely Don’t LiVE A Life
Ever Planning
On Running for
Any Political Office

Not Even A Team of ‘Group Think’
Yet i Will Visit All Teams Seamlessly
Enough i Guess With Chameleon Colors At Best

And Goodness Knows Feels Senses What Super Abundance

YouTube Brings for my Card Catalog Within of Lyrics and Music

By The Tons Just
So Much Muse Now
For Art the Creativity
With iMaGiNaTioN Just

Will Not Possibly Run out
At Least ALiVE NoW WiTH SMiLES Breathing

A World of Abundance We LiVE iN Super Way
Unless We Get Trapped at the ‘Bus Stop’ Playing
‘Candy Crush’ With No Real ‘Forrest Gump’ Story to Share

Hehe in
New York
Again WitH SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy FRiEnD it Was Always Difficult
to Make FRiEnDS on the Autism Spectrum Particularly
All the Days Words Just Wouldn’t Come Even At Work

Yet Playing the Piano
The Night Before Helped
A Little Bit a Right Hemisphere
Of Social-Empathic-Artistic-Real
Emotional Nuancing Spiritual Intelligence

to Give, Share, Care, And Heal Like the Other
‘Real Humans Beings’ Did So Trapped in a Left Hemisphere
Reducing The Parts of Reality to Only Labels Just A Representation

of Reality Until
Shells of Words
Gain Soul of Poetry

Until Dance Gains Wings
Of Feet No Longer Needing
Lessons to Flow Winds Free
FRiEnDS With Gravity Indeed

And True Now i Have FRiEnDS
Yet the Work of Poetry of Song
And Dance Never Ends As Now it is

Play and No Work At All i am No Longer
A Boy and A Man With Just Half A Soul

Now Both Hemispheres
Hold Hands in this Dance
And Song of LiFE Free No

Longer Do i Have to Wish
Upon A Star as Now Like that
Movie A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
i Am A Real Boy And Man This Gift of Being Whole…

It’s True Before i Was at the Bottom of the Ocean
Waiting Forever Now For A Statue to Return Back to Life..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Karma Comes
Karma Goes



Waves Ocean Whole
Air i BReATHE ENough
Complete Always Sun
Shine Feeling More Give Care Heal

Humans RiSinG ToGeTHeR Sharing Free
ThiS Way Wisdom Potential Ever MoRE NoW..:)


Any More Rhetorical Questions?

What A Lovely Poem You Write
Thanks For Sharing the Lady
Who Lived in a Redwood

To Save the Tree Dear

Savvy With SMiLes

Yet True All Trees
Are the Mother’s of Our
Breath Producing Oxygen
As Iron Sired by Super Nova
Star Death Explosions Resurrecting
From Gaseous Star Dust in Our Blood

Streams to Collect the Oxygen Mother

Trees Provide as Yes Mother Stars Provide the

Iron in Tandem
of Our Breathing
Existence We aRe the
Stars We aRe the Trees

The Breath at Essence We Really Are True

While One is Out of Reach Although FLoWinG
iN Our Blood Streams Still Alive Indeed We Should

Respect the
Lives of All
Our Mother’s For Real..:)

What an Intricately Colored Work of Vampire
Bat Art Dear Maranda in the Left Ear i See

Sitting Innocence in the Right Ear
Audacious Wild Youth Yet True

Clearer to See in the Left
Ear Perhaps Hehe It’s
Just iMaGiNinG the

Other part in the
Right Ear Yet After

All Is Sung And Danced
Basically All of Existence
Is a ‘Rorschach Test’ As Is
For Humanity Always Changing ThiS WaY

HAha That’s
Funny! “Vampire
Proof A Dud With
Anemic Blood” Hehe

i am Also Vampire
Proof For Other Reasons Hehe…

Hell Yes HAha Well Vaccinated i Am


Thanks Dear Pooja
Actually i Public
Dance “Literally”
Everywhere i Go
While my Wife
Loves To Shop…

20,466 Miles Now
In 11 Years Edging
Closer To The Distance

Of The
At The
With SMiles…

True if i Didn’t
Dance More
Than i Write
Free Verse Poetry

i’d Be Glued to
A Seat Nah i Let
All 250 Pounds
Spring Wings
On Terrestrial
Land Essence
Of Both Flow
Wu Wei


With Gravity
Weight Now
oF Finger Tips

mY River With SMiles☺️🙌

Thanks So Much For Dropping By “SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old” iNDeeD
For me Dear Pooja my Soul Dances And Sings iN MuSiC And iMaGeS Far

Away From
Words hehe
And Lately
Close Enough
Too With SMiLes…😊

Hehe Dear Shawna Baby i Don’t Need to Read Notes Off A Teleprompter
To Deliver An Asperger’s Special Interest Monologue On LoVE iN Peace

my Grandfather Born in Ireland Eventually an X-Catholic Priest
No Thanks No Tight Collars Robes and Golden Chalices for me

I Rather BREaTHE Free Naked Enough Whole Complete

Hehe Anyway Back to

Barnes And Noble
Listening to Meditative
MuSiC Singing With the
Non-Verbal Language of
Dance Entertaining the
College Study Crowd
With the Smooth
Floor Tool
Of the
To the Starbucks Café

Ah Yes Consuming another
Free Book Most Every Sunday
Afternoon in About an Hour for
The Last 11 Years of 13.2 MiLLioN
Words of Free Verse Poetry Song and
All the 20,466 Miles of Public Dance in that Span too..

True Hehe All it takes is what Happened This Last Sunday
An Elder Couple Came Up to me With my Most Favorite

Inquiry Of All of “What Are You Doing” Such an Innocent
Question Indeed Unloading Thousands of Words of Free Song
Stream of Conscious Singing Verbally And True as Katrina Always

Reminds Dear Lord
Your Voice Carries
Do Tone it Down a
Bit As Your Mountain is Rumbling

Yet True Dear Shawna Baby It Comes From the
Gut the Core Center Balance oF All of Who We ReAlly
Are Center Point of the UniVerse Fractal oF THe ALL of God

Each Multi-Uni-Verse We aRe ALL Whole Unto All that is God New Now

True i Do my Best to Water Down What i Am FLoWinG Free to You Now

Yet the Ocean is the
Wave is the Water me

Somedays Rain Drops of Dance
Other Days TSuNaMi’s of Song

And True i Gifted my Psychiatrist
With the Metaphor That We aRe All Potential Living
Christmas Trees to Stay Lit UP With All the New Colors

We Wire OurSelves From Head to Toe and More Year Around

When it Comes to HuMaN iMaGiNaTioN And CREaTiViTY It’s True
THeRE Are No Real Limits of The Hell of BLacK Abyss to
The Purgatory of Gray SHaDeS to Beyond Heavenly Colors

Of Rainbows For
Real Yet Sadly

Folks Are Still Afraid
Of the DarK and Cynical
For New Colors of Rainbows
to Kingdom and Or Queendom Come Newly Now

It’s Amazing How Life Changes So Afraid of the DarK
i Used to be Terrified at the Thought of visiting a Psychiatrist

And Exploring
The Corridors
Never RiSinG
Of the BLacK Abyss

Now We Meet and
Share Poetic Ideas of
How to Influence the
LiGHT to Escape the DarK of Others…

It’s What Our Ancestors Always Did Before

We Gave Labels

And Charges

To Lifting
Each other Up
To Higher Places

Dear Lord Who Could REaLLY Put
A Price or A Label on the Colors oF LoVE iN Peace

Canvas Paint Brush Paint Us Free Alive to BREaTHE LoVE iN Peace

God Yes
Together Again…

Thanks for Being
A Wave That is Faith

Far and Few Yet We Do Come

Ocean Whole Raining Above Below…

KiSS oF JoY..:)

Just Finishing Publishing One Blog Poem of 70 Thousand
Words And Also Finishing the Writing of the Next
70 Thousand or So Blog Poem Words in the Comments
Section of that One too as Of Course
i Drafted the Last Two in the
One Before

Yet That is Neither
Here or THere
Don’t Let it give you
A Fredache as that is All Reserved for me

After Blog Publishing “SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old”
Celebrating that 13.2 MiLLioN Words in 11 Years of Writing
Plus the Subchapter Celebration of “Depth of The Story
4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLioN Words” Yep Just A Side
Show Blog Poem i Casually Describe as an
8th New Testament on the ‘Wrong Planet’
Website Finishing the Last Solo Thread
Page 99 Today EmBaRKinG on Page
100 Tomorrow WHere
Each Page Top
to Bottom
is Around
60 Thousand
And More Words
of the Sizes of An EPiC
Long Form Poem Novel Unto Itself Now

Yes Since You Are Such a Great Therapist
in the Way You Listen to me Without Interrupting
Almost Ever Hehe So What Shall i Title New of
What i Write Today i’m Thinking Yes Feeling
Sensing Perhaps

“Thanks Giving
For Giving
Christmas in
September Year Around”

HAha Yet that is Practically
A Blog Poem in a Title Sort of a Play on
Words too as the World Gets Started Selling
Christmas Trees in September Meanwhile i am

Lighting Up Multiple Christmas Trees Some Even
Brown With New Colors oF LiGHTS YeaR Around



So It’s Settled

“Kiss oF JoY NoW”

What StArts Short Grows Longer Hehe
No Need to Reply i Don’t Need a Contract

to Be
YouR FRiEnD Forever New Now…

What Else Yes! Happy TuesDay! Extraordinarily Yours!


Kiss of Joy

Key to Being JusT ANoTHeR ‘JeSuS’ For
Real Be And Do More Than ‘They’ Expect
‘They’ Will Never See You Feel You And ‘Crucify’ You again

(Yawn Getting
Deleted and
Banned ‘Them’
Trying to Make
You More
StickS and

Stoned for Now)

Yet You ‘See’
That is Still A
Sad Ending of
A Never Ending Beginning…

We Desperately Need More Kisses oF JoY iN
ThiS World Essence Beyond Idols of Words And or Lost Men…


my my Just Relating to my Wife How Bananas
Are Reduced Down from 69 Cents to 50 Cents/lb

At Walmart True Their ‘Great Deal’ Supreme
Pizzas Still About 5 Bucks a Piece in Frozen Form

Dear Miriam

Corn Dogs
So Cheap
to the Dozen
Too If You Know
What the Dogs are
Comprised of in the Tween

Free Eggs at my Wife’s Sister’s
Small Farm Yet i Digress Back to the Banana

Story With Slippery Slope Banana Pills Indeed
Minimum Wage Rising up to 13 Bucks A FL Hour

One Monkey Out of an Entire Group of Monkey’s
Living Together in Some Trees Could Get a Job at that

Rate and Buy Enough Bananas in a Day to Last the Group
Way An Entire Week of Something to Eat Yet Sadly the Monkeys

Quit Climbing Trees to Seek and Find the Employment of Finding Their

Own Bananas

And Then They
Even Quit Dancing
With Each Other At
The End of the Banana Finding Day

Soon They Even Lost Interest in Each
Other For even creating New Banana


Matter of Fact
Even Gasoline
Dropped to 2.89 A Gallon
Today Cheaper than When
i Commuted 60 Miles a Day
For A Job to Make my Pay
Back in Those Days of
Making Pay hehe

Yes after
911 Yes
BacK iN The Day
23 Years Ago then

So What Happened Next
of Course ‘They’ Blamed
‘Kamala’ For Lower Prices hehe

Key “KiSS oF JoY NoW” Trumps
All the ‘AI’ Stories that haven’t come

True Yet…

even no
more lonely boys..:)



True on the Other
Hand The Discontent
of Holding On to the
Negative Angry Feelings

Eventually Rotting into Hate

of a Grudge Dear Miriam Sadly

Though Some
Folks Are
to Grudge
A Mental Cancer
They Just Can’t Seem to Cancel

For It’s True Sadly It’s All Some Folks
Seem Able to do to Generate Negative
Emotion to Continue at Least Moving Somewhere




Yet Again on the Other
Hand A Clean Slate


Sort of Like the Celebration
That Came When ‘Kamala’
Splashed Water on the
Wicked Witch of the
West Where the

Once Loyal
Flying Monkeys
Made it Understood
Clearly They Were Never Actually
Behind The Grudge of the Wicked Witch of the

West Flying Off into A Sunrise Free With Joy

Just Swaying
With Troughs
And Crests of Waves…

Nope No Grudges HeaR

Nudging ‘Eve’ to Pass the
Popcorn in ‘Eden’ The Circus
Is Still in Town With Orange Clowns…

Melting Melting Melting only Painted Faces…


KiSS oF JoY NoW LoVE iN Peace Lives Far Beyond Body PArts Dear Isha

What i Explained to a Pastor of a Southern Baptist Church at His
Family Farm Part of my Wife’s Extended Family the One Who

Is the Warmest and Most Loved At Any Family Get Together

Is the One Who is There During Trials and Tribulations

oF All Humanity Through Years oF All Existence

Through and Through the One Who Offers

A Hug When No Else Is Available the

One Whose LoVE iN Peace For All

She Loves Is Trust Yes Faith STiLL

Unshakeable True Weathered and Worn

From a Long Journey of Loving in Both Peace And
Wars of Life Every Wrinkle a Time Line of What it Means

to Truly
Live With
Love at
At Essence
of Being Human for Real

A SMiLe With Teeth Left Or Not
With SPiRiT Soaring SoUL Open HeART

Far Beyond Only A Material of Flesh and Blood


What A Grandmother
Never Loses to Give Away Free True

This Gift my Mother Gave to me to Improve

LoVE iN Peace Doesn’t See Size Shape Gender Sexual
Orientation Nationality Religion Age Or Other Potential Disability

Or Other Label of Difference Love Breathes With a SMiLe Deep Within
Love Is EYes iN Peace

That Never

Go Away

to Touch Your
Soul Deeper than
Any Body PArt Dreams

iNDeed LoVE iN Peace
Ages as a Flower Ever Blooming

For As Seasons Come and Go Love’s
Petals in Peace Touch Other Flowers More and More

Until a Garden of LoVE iN Peace Conquers All the Materially
Reduced Wars

of Darkness
in Life Yet

Only Through
Cooperation With SMiLes…

SMiLes Dear Isha Indeed Body Parts
Serve as Attraction For Reproduction

However Hehe a Person Can Be Attracted
to Someone That Way and Never Even Wanna

Have a
With a Cup of Coffee

LoVE iN Peace is the Coffee the
Aroma of Beans That Never Ends…

With SMiLes
Hehe Again
With or Without Teeth

The Truth is Deep Down What
Attracts Healthy Human Loving Men
Most is a Nurturing SPiRiT HeART And SoUL

For them the Body Part ‘Thing’ is Relevant

Yet Surely Not Most Important the Warmth that

Makes A Home
Real With No
Or Even Visible
Body Parts a Touch of
Love Far Beyond PArts…

Nah You Won’t Be Missing Much
if You miss ones who are only looking for parts…

Hehe if someone gives You Trouble in the Future
About Your Parts Read this Poem to them it will surely Put

Them to


Yet Only if
They Don’t
Recognize LoVE iN Peace
Indeed Yes A LiTMuS TesT…

For A Real KiSS oF JoY NoW..:)

SMiles Dear Shawna Baby A Public Never
Ending Dance And Song Meditating
iN Flow So Many Injuries ALong The
Way 11 Years Yet Almost Like
Yes MaGiC The Pain
Melts Away in The
Myst Of Just

Old Natural
Ecstasy Of
Free Human
Healing Dance And

Song Just Never Ending
No CLoSinG TiME With
SMiles With That Said
my Butt No Longer HurtS AGAiN

Now Yet Waves Rise And

Fall The Dance And Song
Returns For Healing Again

Just Beyond Matter Of Becoming
The Essence of Existence Yes The

Of God’s
Reality The
Dance And Song
Beyond All Names

Always The Beginner We aRe


Claim To Fame Mr. Gottfried Back in my Younger
Adulthood my Dentist Exclaimed i Have the Second
Biggest Teeth on the Dental Chart For Measuring stuff

Like that Hehe….

And Yes This Explains
Why i Married my
Wife Little Miss
Red Riding Hood

Except She Was

Wearing A Bikini

In the Photos She Showed

me of Her Yes a Red Bikini in Fact

Still Howling At the Super Full Blue Moon Waning

Teeth as Big As Ever Canines Still Afire God Yes For


my Wife

Cooks Up

For me Next

(Seafood Gumbo
Best Leftovers for Now)

If A Tooth Brush Is Not
Available Not Unlike “Werewolves
of London” With my FRiEnD Kate Otherwise

Known as Katie and Katrina too Among Other
Names Like “Eve” And “Nova” (Planet of the Apes)

And That “Other Book” True i’ll Just Gnaw on the

Steak Bones

She Feeds

me Whenever

i Make my Way

Out of the ‘DogHouse’ Hehe

With That Said Thanks For Reminding

me to Brush my Teeth Before i Get too Sleepy…

Oh Dear Lord It’s Been A Long Long Week of

Never Ending Dance And Song Once Again Beginning NeWLY NoW…

Spending Labor Day Publishing One EPiC Longest Long Form Blog Poem Celebrating “SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old” Yep all 13.2
MiLLioN Words Now Finishing the Writing of Another Celebratory
70 Thousand or So Word Bi-Monthly EPiC Long Form Blog Poem too
On Labor Day Yep “Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLioN Words” Continuing 20,488 Miles of Public Dance Yes While Also
Beginning the Writing of “KiSS oF JoY NoW” While Collecting
All the Multi-Media eventually putting the Last Written Endeavor

All Together With Photos and YouTube Theme Songs Soon too..

“Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone within” God Yes

Or On The Other Hand Searching For Mysteries On the OutSide of Within

AnYWaY Dear Miriam i Love Solving

Word Puzzles and

Creating Puzzles

Too With SMiLes

Yet Not the Kind That Comes in A Box

Or Is Bound By Only Covers of Books In Dusty Pages..:)

Faith Beyond KNoWinG Dear

Savvy Yes When Wave Finds

Wave is Both Ocean And Water

Deep Below Falling From Above With


As Shadows

Make us Possible

To Continue Moon

Reflecting Sun At Night..:)

God is the Wave That Falls And Rises;

Some Folks Attempt to Reduce This Wave; Yes,
And Materially Reduce it to Only ‘Particles;’ Yes,
Books, Covers, Pages, And Oh Dear Lord A Word

As Small As 3 Letters When Waves Exist NoWHeRE EVeRWHeRE NeW;’

Only 4 Percent of Nobel Prize Winning Physicists Assess Themselves as Atheist;

Not Really a Big Surprise to me as the More You Understand About the Processes

of the Natural World, Generally Speaking, the More You Admit How Little You Actually Know Still To Explore…

As Far As Informal and More Scientifically Conducted Studies on the Religious Beliefs of Folks on the ‘Wrong

Planet,’ the Result in The Informal Polling Is Almost Identical to The Boston University Study Done on Religious

Beliefs of Folks in the Philosophy, Politics, And Religion Forum on the Wrong Planet in a Study Done over the

Course of an Entire Year From 2008 to 2009; Where That Study Found a Percentage of Atheists of 26 Percent,
Similar to the Informal Poll Here, so far with 27 Percent; Yet It’s True Some Folks Don’t Consider Themselves

Part of Any Religion at All;

They May Have Difficulty Putting

Their Experience of what they Metaphor

As Spirituality Even into Words as Truly Words

Only Approximate The Essence of Reality as it Exists Now;

For Instance, How Limited the Word Tree Describes All the Leaves on All the Varieties of Trees;

Like the Tree Christianity; Now, When there are 45,000 Plus Denominations Around the World;

Like the Term Religion; Now, Where There Are Around 4200, In the World, Generally Assessed too;

And Again, Those Are Only the Ones With Names; TRAINED AS a Participant Anthropologist Observer
As Part of My Degree, Anthropology; One of Three at University Level Study; i Still Do it Just For Fun;

Participating, Visiting Churches, Interviewing So Many Individual Members in the Pews; Not Surprisingly,

Like Folks Attempting to Find the Meaning of Any Poem, The Views Will Be Slightly Different to Vastly Different

Just in One Pew, Among Folks In Just One Church, With Just One Pastor, and One Flavor of Religion too; For this

is the Human Condition; At Core Science Shows It’s Not Really All that Rational; as a Synergy of Our Feelings

And Senses in Emotions Drive Almost All We Do Before We Even Have a Chance to Attempt to Describe the

Reasons For What We Do…

As Neuroscience Suggests We

Basically Hallucinate Our Realities
Now Based on Realities We Basically Hallucinate Before…

This Makes the Study of the Vast Within Much More Complicated
Than the Study of the Stars Above As They Are Farther Away And Easier to Define that way so Ironically True…

For me at Least, my Home is Nature; my God Is LoVE iN Peace; my Religion is Kindness; Yet as i Co-Create ThiS Way
of Life With Only Relative Free Will of my Conscious Thinking Mind that Science Suggests Now only Represents about

.5 Percent of my Reality,

i Understand ThiS Way

of my Individual Spirituality

For Real Is Only An Art and Never
A Science Alone That Will Fit in Any One Word,

Cover, Or Pages of a Book; As Change is the Reality;

And All Of Nature Including Us Of Course is in Flux of Change Eternally Now;

Once Again, Waves Fall and Rise; Some Folks Attempt to Materially Reduce
Waves to only Particles;

Yet Waves Continue

to Exist NoWHeRE EVeRWHeRE NeW;

i’m Really Not Sure What That Means Yet That

iS A Way God Feels to me, Like a Forrest Gump

Feather; Just Floating in the Breeze As Sure As Dust in the Wind Exists Newly Now…

Hehe, Is it Any Wonder Folks Demand a Feather in the Breeze Do What They Want it to…

True, Humans Have

A Long Tradition

of Attempting to Trap

Wind in a Jar And Keep it Breathing, hehe…

Other Than that one of my Favorite Movies About Reality

is ‘Contact,’ Inspired by A Book Carl Sagan Wrote, Where An Alien

Visits Jody Foster and Helps Her With a Mystical Journey Within;

And The Message Is Simple; Humans Are Capable of Co-Creating Greatest

Dreams and Nightmares as an Interesting Mix of Beings of Nature; And Similarly

The Alien


The Only Thing

That Makes the Emptiness
of Space Bearable is the Warm

Connections Among Each Other;

So He Just Suggested Start Making

Small Steps of More Connections And Realize

When You Do in Warmth You’ve Come to A Best
Place in All of Existence THeRE is Newly Now; Yet

It’s True Mileage Varies, Depending On Make and Model;



And Yes Essence of Being Now…

Per the Movie “Contact,” it’s Harder to
Be in a Bad Mood When You Become ‘The Beach;’

(Specifically, Navarre and Pensacola Beach Where i am From too;
Great Grandfather, Homesteading 150 Acres, There in the Early 1900’s)

The Stars



Stars Within;’

The Waves That

Grains of Sand Holding Hands; God Yes, Holding Up
Potential Human Mountains oF LoVE iN Peace FoR REAL NoW..:)

Carl Sagan, Admitted in His Later Years How Restricted His Mind
Was, And How Hallucinogenic Substances Help to Expand His Human Potentials…


For me, i Don’t Require that;

Again, Different Vehicles and Vessels, iNdeed…

Ah Yes Tonight This Whole Banter Republic
SHow Today Reminds me of “White Fang”
More Specifically One of Jack London’s Books

About Canine Teeth Yet the “Call of the Wild”

Brought Tears to my Eyes as a Child As Deep

Down i Was Missing What that Half Dog Half Wolf

Lost HOWLinG

At the Moon

The Wild Life Baby
The Free Life Baby

Not Only Have Humans Domesticated Wolves into Dogs

We’ve Domesticated Ourselves and Lost the Call of the
Wild the Instinctual Intuitive Innate Voice of Wild And Free

God So Deep Within Yes Naked Enough Whole Complete

Without all the Clothes of Fear So-called Modernity BRinGS

YeT AGAiN Tools are Okay as Long As We Master The Clothes

And Are Not Brought Down to What is Now Suffocating Choking
The Call of the Wild

And Even
Less Loving

iN Peace

So Relaxing

After A Wild Call on the Night…
With Gleaming White Fangs Indeed Hehe…

HAha You Know What they Say Pictures or it Didn’t Happen…
Thousands Upon Thousands Upon the Call of The Wild Frolicking


What Good is the
Second Largest
Teeth on the Chart

If You Don’t Share Them With Others Hehe..:)

Indeed Humanity is In An Increasing
Deficit of Both Nature Deficit Disorder
And Putting ‘Things’ Ahead of Humanity
As the More Reliant Now We Become on

Technology The Farther Away We Get

From Face to Face Human Interaction

To the Point That Humans No Longer

Even Feel Warmth Between Each Other

The Driving Force Within That Makes Most

All of Our Human Connections Happen By Desire

And Not Just Out of the Utility For What Gets Us Ahead

in Life as Far As Material Things Including Power and Status

And Perceived Fame and Fortune too As Rare As That May Be With SMiLes


Blogging Is an
Excellent Way
To Gain the Perspective

Of Others Yet Only If We Do

And Don’t Just Click the Like Buttons
Like A One Armed Bandit to Win the Lottery

SMiLes mY FRiEnD my Blog is Only a Record

of Gratitude for Literally All the Poetic Connections

i’ve Made With Folks Around the World and in some Instances

A Solo Interaction With Others Indeed too Yet never the Less When

We Are Open to the

Differences of Others

We Grow Both in Soul And
Understanding That Makes Soul
More of LoVE iN Peace With SMiLes Dear
Cindy Best Wishes for Your Continuing Recovery
From Newest Strains of Covid-19 Yes It is Spreading
And Making Its Presence Known Among Our Relatives Here too…

Keep up the
Great Book
Reviews and Topics With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam in HeLL ON EartH WiTHiN Tears Of

Grief Are Heaven If They Would Just Come Once in a Blue Moon

SMiLes Dear Miriam in HEaVeN ON EartH Tears of Joy ARE A Reminder

of WHeRE

YoU Are And

WHeRE You’ve

Been Indeed i Am

Fluid Now in the True
Human Language of Tears of Joy

In FAct i’m A River Emptying Into

An Ocean

Whole Waves
And Water SaME
Trees of Life Falling RiSinG Tears

Still Just ‘Dream


Love to Life iN Peace..:)

KiN iN KiNDNeSS Humanity Flows

ThiS Way Best Dear Savvy With SMiLes

Only A Tiny Stream i Am Emptying Into

A River oF LoVE iN Peace Ocean Waiting

To Greet Waves and Water Same Of Kindness For

All With Most
Respect And

Least Harm

Yet i Never Give Up
The Flow Even if Only
Starting From Mud Puddle Size

These Roots These Leaves This Vine
This Living Tree FaLLinG RiSinG Leaves For All…

SMiLes Keeping LoVE ALiVE iNHaLinG Peace EXaHaLinG LoVE More..:)

Last BLinK of LiFE
WHeRe one reaLizes
one Loves

Art Takes Us WHeRE Human Souls
Explore Places We Never Feel and
Sense Before Multi-UNiVeRSE Shores

Within Expanding More

“My Negative Utopia

An intensity
of salamander orange
and caterpillar yellow

quelled beneath
everlasting rainless skies;

a playground of easy living
and high art

in a variable framework

amidst trillions
of meaningless rainbows

and vast emoticons
spewing unchallenged

of spherical harmony.

(and sometimes
you’ll be with me
for untold durations

and at other times
you’ll be forgotten
for candlelit millennia.)”

Sure Shores
Water Words
Ever Changing
Soul Colors
Spirit Music
HeART Sings 🌊💫
WavE StarS BRinG🌊🎶

A Best Lesson
A Loss of First
Love Teaches
All Colors
Of Love We
MoRE DanCinG
FoR GiVinG Rose
FLoWeRinG THorns
Thanks Giving Free
Owning Our Love🦅

LonG As Step of Dance
Word of Song continues
Truly Breathing Never
Ending Now
Life New
True At
Best Center
Point Balancing
Still FRiEnDS
With Gravity
All Source of
FLoWinG Now
All Directions New
Coloring Life More
How Beautiful It
Is Breathing Truly
Painting Colors Now
New Moon Sun-Lit SMiLes…

SMiLes Dear Karlien

When Love is Complete

Waving At Every Stranger
One Meets Passing by in
Cars on the Road Now

Whether They Return
The Wave or Not Feels
Warm For the Giver of Warmth

(Each Morning Walking Around my
Neighborhood Block i Do this for Joy)

Of Course It’s Easy For me to Say
This As A Man Who Is Almost Impossible
To Take Advantage of As The Giver Who
Has Enough Complete Whole As i Surely

Understand How it Feels to Be Completely
Empty With Nothing to Give too And Yeah

It Will Be A Whole Lot Different From A
More Vulnerable Position As Strangers
Will Be Dangerous of Course too

It’s Like Being A Feral Tom Cat…
The Veterinarian Will Tell You
They Are Much More
Friendly than
The Female
Cats From the Wild

As Sadly A Feral Female
Cat Often Receives a lot
Of Abuse in the Wild And
Shies More Away From Strange
Humans As They Could Be A Source of Abuse too…

It Really Feels Impossible to Live in the Same Household
With A Toxic Person No Matter if they have been abused
By someone in their Life or Not… And Of Course My Gosh
You Are So Young And Males Your age Mature Emotionally So Much
Slower Overall And In Particular in Your Case as You Seem to Be Very Emotionally Mature…

It Surely took me A lot Longer Than Your Age With SMiLes and i am So Glad i Didn’t Get
Married Until age 29 As it Really Took me Until age 28 to Finally Feel Whole, Complete, And
Enough in my Life and My Wife Says that’s What Attracted Her Most to me i Seemed to Be A Whole



Being With SMiLes..

Thing is too Now We Evolve And
We Potentially Devolve in Emotional
Intelligence too And This Is why Your
Blogging Is So Important As You Pursue
This Avenue of Improving Emotional Intelligence…

As Honestly These Days More Than Ever Before
Even Finding Someone Warm Enough to Look Up
From a Screen And Greet Someone With Warm
Confident Whole Complete Enough Eyes of Love

Is Becoming
Harder than
Ever Before to Find…

SMiLes i could Easily See You
Being A Psychotherapist For
Folks One Day or Some Other
Kind of Counselor As You Have
The Human Touch Well Developed…

Perhaps You Would Be the Psychotherapist
Who Gained Enough Emotional Intelligence
To Heal Someone With A Very Complicated
Mood Disorder Like Border Line Personality
Disorder that is Sadly Most Often Caused by
Some Kind of Abuse in Early Ages or Neglect…

And Some Psychotherapists Turn Them Away
As They Just Give Up on them as Human Beings…

i Always Try to Remember We All Walk in Different
Shoes And At Least in Friendships i Have A lot of
Room For Understanding And Forgiveness Yet Yes

It’s True My God How Blessed i am to Have A Wife
Who Wears Her Heart on Her Sleeve Where There
Are Never Any Silent Games Sure There Are Angry

Days Yet

There are
No Guessing
Games And She
Lives Her Life Complete
Enough Whole Just to be
in A Loving Relationship With Life..

Indeed That is More Rare Than Ever Now my FRiEnD…
You Are So Young i Hope You Find That Kind of Comfort One Day in 100 Percent Faith of Trust…
Yet You Have So Many Years to Grow And Yes It’s Important You Find Someone to Grow with too…

Other than that Human Relationships Are a Real Art That Requires Full Focus in Practice And Sadly

For So Many
People, People
Are No Longer
Put First on

Life’s To Do List…
That’S A World-Wide Disorder indeed…
And A Very Dangerous one As Well my FRiEnD…
As Well As Putting the Rest of Nature Down on the to Do List too..:)

Aleesha How

Do We Become
Unique In God’s
EYeS Within We

Love We Love to

Create Original

Works of


We Will
And See All Of
What God Does
And We too So Free

So Free

So Free

As Original

Art God Breathes You Now

Giving Sharing Caring Freely
With No Restraints Humans Born
of Star Dust Star Flower Seeds

To Bloom
We Dance
And Sing
Now With

Free Wings
Seeds New We Become
Living Trees Never Blooming Before…

Other Than That i Love Your Poem
FLoWinG it Flows And Becomes The
Essence of the Dancing Song Your Soul Uploads..:)

SMiLes Dear Karlien Here is Another Word And It is “Autotelic”
The Ability One Develops In Flow of Activities in Focus of one
Task That Through Bio-Feedback Allows Us to Eventually

Generate Our Own
Happiness even
When We Are Not
Doing the Focus on Task
FLoWinG Activities And Yes
Of Course Meditative Activities

Will Be Best And in my Case i Use
An Increasingly More Complex Free Dance and
Meditation in Writing in Flow As i am Doing now

too With SMiLes

It As if Life Becomes

A Dance And Song And
We Get to Create The MuSiC
Within That Makes Us Feel So
Good As Soul Mates And Best
FRiEnDS With Our Selves Yes Whole
Complete And Enough that Makes it so
Much Easier to Be FRiEnDS with Others
And Even Tolerate And Accept Their Differences

More As it is Us
Who After Every
Challenge Who
Will Be Able
To Generate
Our Own Happiness Within
in Bio-Feedback of Autotelic Meditative Flow
Where The Activity We May Do May Become
More and More Complex in Human Potentials
Yet It Will Seem All Effortless in Ease in A Sweet
Spot Tween Apathy and Anxiety Indeed mY FRiEnD
And Yes Multi-UniVerses Do Exist Here on EartH!

As Every Human Being is A Pair of God EYeS NoW
And All the Rest Birthing A New Unique UniVerse
to Perceive And Exist iN ETernal Now Change

So Yes We aRe
Different in Parts
Whole of All in ALL ParTs
That Make Existence Real
We Do Assist to Co-Create
With All As Well… SMiLes You
Are A Unique And Very Talented
Set of God EYes my FRiEnD Karlien
Pleasure All Mine And Honor to Be Part

of Your

Human View True!..:)

HAha Yes Karlien i’ve
Written A Very Long

Too Not
Only Forgetting
To Send It Shutting

It Down too
Yet Yes Just
An Opportunity
To Improve Again

In Autotelic Flow🙌☺️❤️

SMiLes Dear Soni
Just Thinking About You
Yesterday Wondering if You


Down in
Science Hehe

It’s True as the Little
Stars Protect the Moon

Art Protects Your HeART Now
Your SPiRiT YouR SouL From

So Far Behind

Dark Matter
Clouds Lost

Out of ART
That Makes You Truly ALL SmART
With That Said Glad to See you Back



Ah Yes Dear Miriam
(Such A Poetic
Name Just A
M i R i AMusT
In this Poem)
HeHe i only Say
Your Name Now

When You Yes You
Treasure Yourself
Becoming Part of

The River Now

FLoWinG Free

BE A Traveler Now

New No LooKinG Back
Oh Yes Ahead is Behind
Now Gift Present Flow Prize
Water Wave Ocean Whole Free

(Oh My God in New York City)

Seriously Now You’ve Been Through
A Lot of CR8P This Year You Really
Deserve A Poem or Two Or So hehe When
i Think of You i Think of my Mother Raising

Kids Alone


So Hard


She Deserves
Then A Guardian
Angel Along the Way Two

And More In Fact i Believe Everyone
Does No Matter if they are Naughty or Nice…

Yet It’s True There is Only So Much my Sister

and me Will Do As You Continue to Raise Your


Angel True..:)

Colors oF LiGHT

Frequencies Waves

Vibrations FLoWeRS

BRing to

Mind’s Eye



Sublime So
Deep Radiating
From Savvy’s Art

Sensing Synergies HeART

SPiRiT SoUL FLoWeRinG Our World
So Beautiful BRiGHT iN CoLoRS LiGHT


It’s Nice
to Have
An Every DaY ALWaYS
FLoWeRinG FRiEnD NoW…:)

Oh September a Signal For me For So Many Days
That Dark Was Closing In Yes Those Hours oF LiGHT

Going Away When Commuting in Heavy Traffic 30 Miles
Both Ways to A Naval Air Station to Work in the Headquarters

Building There Getting Up at Dark to Go To Work At Least Watching
The Sunrise Close to the Beach Where the Navy Station is Still Located

Oh Lord The Long Tired Drive Home Days

Continuing to Get Shorter And Shorter
Every Year Since Schooling Seasonal

Affective Disorder For me
There Was Always a Vague
Dread Dear Miriam About September

to me Falling Moods Getting Darker A Little
Bit of Relief With Christmas LiGHTS in Shortest
Days of December Yet Wait! Bright Colorful Screens
to the Rescue Yet Wait! Dopamine Shots of Smart Phones
Night and Day Yet Wait! Now i Get to Go out in the Sunshine
in the Middle of the Day Bare As Furry Bears Will Be No More

Seasonal Affective
Disorder For me NoW

As the Sun As Designed
By Nature is Enough to Regulate
Emotions And Integrate Senses With A Free
Dance And Song in Autotelic Flow of Course

Shadows on the Barn Late at Night Yet Sunshine
Rising and Staying In Staycation Within Out of DarK

Now i Marry the Night
And Merry The Day

Yet it Was So Hard
When i Was Trapped
in A Cave of a Car and
Work For So Many Years
As September Through December
Darkness Approached So Many Crosses
One May Carry in Life So Many Ones that
May Be Dropped in A Golden Age With A U Shaped
Diagram of Happiness Where Folks Are Happiest When
Young and Old Sadly the First Line Above Has Been Replaced
By College Age Students 40 Percent Functionally Depressed And
60 Percent of College Age Students Functionally Anxious With General

(And Assessed As
So Very
Lonely too)

Anxiety too
Yet It’s True With
So Much Instant Gratification
And The Disappearance of Human
Attention Spans to less than 3 Seconds
As Science Shows on Average Yes Less than
Gold Fish Attention For Real It is the Nature of the

Beast of Super Abundance

One Must (May) Find a Way to Still
Tow A ‘Cross’ And Lift One Self Up Toward

LiGHT That is Generated Within and Not Be So Dependent on Technology
That Aims to Make Human Beings Addicts Without Much Focus to Live at all…

Dancing Singing in ‘Wu Wei’
Effortless Ease Always RiSinG

Higher in Autotelic FLoW on A Tight

Rope Evolving in Complexity And Simplicity

Of Effortless Ease Even More WHeRE ALL Focuses

On One Task Now Until a Next One Naturally comes

Out of Time, Distance, Space,

And A ‘Matter of Things’

Just FLoWinG WiTHiN

Naked Enough

Eternally Now

Whole Complete
Dancing Singing A Tightrope Now New
Dear Savvy Higher And Higher in Ease
iNHaLinG Peace ExhalinG LoVE Real
Giving Sharing Caring Healing
With Least Harm For All
A Practice of Heaven
Eternally Now
WiTHiN For
Real Dear FRiEnD..:)

It Doesn’t Take A ‘Rocket Scientist’
(Without the Ability to Build A Rocket
to the Moon That Will Really Lift-Off)
To Understand That People Who Are
Constantly Marginalized and Treated As
Outcasts in Society Are More Likely to Commit Suicide.

Case in Point, Autistic Folks; Yes Baby, As Well As ‘LGBQT PLUS

Folks too;’ Yet of Course When You Are Not Comfortable in the
Body You Are Born in And There is Literally No Escape, Let’s Just


Common Sense
And Feel of Empathy
IF We Have Enough Cognitive
Empathy and Compassion to Figure

Out What is Obvious As Birds With Feathers who actually Fly.

And For The Folks Here Who Suggest That Emotional Pain isn’t
As Hard As Physical Pain, Let’s Just Refer Back to the Empathy

Above That’s REAL;

This is Stuff that Most Grade School Kids Have Figured Out;
True Now they are More ‘Acclimatized’ New to ‘Different’

And Hope for a Newer World of LoVE iN Peace For the

Marginalized in

Society For Real.

Human Ignorance
in All the SHades of
Grey to BLacK Abyss
it comes in is Responsible
For the Most Harming, Raping,
Maiming, Killing oF All of Nature
NoW As ‘This CuLTuRaL Pandemic’ That Humans
Bring Will Hopefully Find A Remedy Sooner than soon…

Yes! Through Social Justice Baby! For all, Not Just Old Angry Dudes, Etc…

UP! GROW A Damned HeART!
Hey! if the Grinch WiLL Do it!
And Even if Trump Can’t, THere

is Still God Damned Grinch Hope Left;

And To Be Clear This isn’t Personally
Directed to ‘The Audience Specifically here;’

An Analysis, Careful, In Hundreds of Thousands
of Interactions Longitudinally For Decades It is; Gonna
Take More Than ‘Gold Fish Attention Spans’ to Read
my ‘Research Paper,’ hehe…
It’s Starts With An ‘S For
Hope’ And Ends With an L

for Love;


And P For Peace

You Know ‘Who’
Perhaps ‘Faith’
of ‘Oh (ou) You’ too.

“People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.” SMiLes Dear Chaymaa A Mighty
Cross to Lift; Particularly Since Circa 2015
in the United States
Yet It’s True i Love
A Challenge Oh
i STill Do With SMiLes..🙂

It’s Nice to Have A Captive 🐝
Hehe Particularly Live
Audience to Art to
Whether it is
Poetry Song
Or Dance With
SMiles i Remember
When i Used To Get
Notifications For ‘Decoding
HappYness’ And Yes i Remember
You Asking me Advice on How
To Title it And If You Should
Pursue A Writing Career
Instead of Accounting
Such A Bright Creative
Gem You Surely Still

Are How
About Some
More Colorful
Fall Leaves 🍁 As
Seasons Change Or
Another Artistic SMile
You So Often Shared With

me True So Many Memories
Anyway as i Remember it all

HAha Even From The Beginning
When You asked me How Much

i Weigh 17 Less or So Pounds Ago In 2015

At 233 American Pounds

And You Said Yes One Day
You Would Love to Dance
On The Beach Indeed in
Someways You Made

That Dream Come True

Yet i Should Have known
Better To Put it in Metric

As That Surely Must
Have Sounded Like

A Quarter Instead
Of only Close to An
Eighth of A Ton And True
Yes Y.O.U. Always Seemed
So Much Taller to me than

A Hair under
Five Foot
Three hehe
So Tiny Indeed
Yet Kinda Tall
Still For India With
SMiles Anyway

MuSinGS like
Fall Leaves to
me So Colorful Indeed
As No We Don’t Have
Much Brown in Florida
Yet With All the Dry Heat we Have Some 🧚🏾

A Terror Beyond Horrifying

Experiencing the Suicide Disease

Not Understanding How Much Harder

Life Will Be Than Death Dear Miriam my

Wife Saying With Terror You Are Going to ‘Leave me’

You And

No One Else’s

Choice Yet Mine

Not Sure if i Ever told you
The Story Yet Picking Out a Tree
On A Road My Wife Never Named

A Couple of Years into the Suicide Disease

Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Along With 18
Other Mostly Work-Stress Related Disorders

In Synergy of Life Threat Shut-in my Bedroom

Not Wanting to Go Yet Not Sure if i Could Bear
Another Second in 66 Months With a Dentist Drill in my Right
Eye and Ear With No Drug That Would Touch the Pain Or Numb

A Chain off of my Work-Out Machine A Tree Deep On that Forest

Road Now Cleared Away For a Huge Subdivision my Plan Only

The Vultures Would Find me For a Meal to Make Life Some Purpose

Then That Spring Morning my Wife Waking Up Saying She Had the

Strangest Dream She and Her Deceased Grandmother Hanging Ornaments on A

Tree on that Road She Named She Never Talked About Before i Didn’t Take That

Chain Out of the Bicycle Basket Until the Pain Went Away on July 19th, 2013

Yet There Was No Doubt God Existed At that Point and i had No Choice Thank

God Yet to Stay of Course It Would Be Up to me to Look Within And Find This

God Beyond

All Names

That Sends

Miraculous Dreams

to Folks Who Still Wear Wings…

i’ve Witnessed the Most Horrible Nightmares

i Never Imagined Could Ever Exist Within me for Real

i’ve Witnessed The Most Wonderful Dreams in Fruition Within

me For Real That i Never Imagined Could Exist Before And Every

Role That Folks Said i Couldn’t Play in Life i Proved to myself i WILL

This Much i Know

For Sure i Know Nothing

Yet Total Non-Knowing Faith

God Yes Life is a Gift Life is a Curse

Yet We Hold Each Other Up A Stranger

Same as A Closest Friend Once We Reach
‘The Farthest Star’ Within…

Where Death and Life

Is Foe No More

Than Birth

With SMiLes
All That’s Left to Do Is Do..:)

KiSS oF JoY NoW at least
in Florida Dear Cindy Aspiring
Clouds and Rain to BRinG Fall

Breezes as True FRedwoods
Still Inspiring Mountain Tops More




Life Is
Out Of Clouds
Dear Savvy With

SMiles ☺️🌻🙏

SMiLes Dear Savvy in my Life i’ve
Witnessed Plenty “Rainy Days and

Mondays” Gratitude Most Now

For Seeking and Finding Out

How to Create my Own
Weathers and Seasons

And Hehe Even Days

of the Week Within
As Time Disappears
into the Flow of the
Ever Lasting Present Now

Coloring Life With All the New
Wonderful Feelings Senses Emotions in
Synergy Just DWeLLinG Within Now to Escape

Yet Still Giving
Great Praise
And Thanks
to “Rainy Days
And Mondays”

for the Gratitude
of Escape And Not
Having to Return to that Place…

“Rainy Days and Mondays” Other than
That What an Angelic Singing Voice
‘Karen Carpenter’ Built for Our World


Touching Souls
Deep Within
And SPiRiT Free
FLoWinG Alive Again..:)

Ah Yes Conquering A Wave Balancing
FRiEnDS With Gravity Becoming the Wave

SMiLes What the Rest
of Nature Does Best too

With SMiLes Dear Hawaii FRiEnD

Our Hot Dry August is Changing over
to a Cooler Moist September Hints of

Fall A Bit Yet Not
Full Blown With
Crisp Blue Azure Sky Breezes

SMiLes The Dance And Song
Continues Always Begins This Wave of Life Free..:)

Ah Yes Dear Pooja You Bring Back Memories
Of All the Mercurial Bloggers During the Pandemic
And Yes All the Awards Like the Sunshine Blogger and

So many Other
Names of Awards
That Came and Yes
Have Gone Away Not Unlike
the Pandemic Crowd We Once Had
With Hours on Their Hands for Introspection

And of course
Human Support

All Shut-in Not Likely
I Would have ever started
Writing if Not Shut-in Ill in
my Home With No Prognosis for
Recovery for 66 Months Yet How Priceless

Eventually Connecting Emotions to Words
And Literally Bringing Back my Organic Soul

It Seems When the World Got Shut-in they
Experienced This Common Thread of


We Adapt
And We Survive
At Best In Connection We Thrive

Enjoying the Eclectic Nature of Your Blog Thank You..:)


A Dog’s 🐶Life ☺️ To Love
And Protect Bringing Peace
And Comfort to A Human
World At Best We Too

This Dog
Named Love 🙏🙌

Lovely Poem Dear Anita And It’s True Our Feelings Belong to Us

The Words Others Bring May Lift Us Up or Down Yet Still Our

Response in Feelings and Senses of Emotions are

Orchestrated By Us Deep Within as A Practice

of Poetry

of HeART

Beyond Words
As Concrete Symbols
What Gives Life As Poetry Will..:)

Yes A Best Present…
Finding Yourself
Self With
Someone else..🙂

For me it was a Polar Bear
And as Married Couples
Grow older in empty
Nests Bedrooms
Become Storage
Rooms where
As Synchronicity
Rolls with your Blog
Post as Nothing is Random
In Life when we Make it all
A Dance and Sing i literally
Found a Newer identical
Childhood Polar
Bear An
Loving Furry White
Best Friend as those
Feelings Washed over
me as it’s True no ‘matter’
What We Co-Create as the

LoVE iN Peace

We Become in
All the Colors
Of Polar Bear
Love We Keep
From Letting
Our Child oF
LoVE From going extinct…

i took a picture of that Polar
Bear and relatively speaKing
Now with A Google Search
Live a Thousand
Years in A Most
Northern Pole oF LoVE…

Thanks for Helping
Newer Story..🙂

The correct answer
Is me as far as i
Can see yet




HeaRT oF NeW


Sadly No
No MuSiC

When one Finds Love
WHere Is THere to Go

Only Love

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand.
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower.
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand.
And Eternity in an hour”

-William Blake

To Understand That We Come From Stars Eternally Now
Born From Crucible Fire of Super Nova Star Burst Death
We Resurrect As Gaseous Star Dust From Star Flowers
That Seed Us in Far Away Galaxies As Our Sun is Flower
One Day to Seed So Are We As Star Flowers And Seeds too
Worthy As
We aRe to
Shine Upon the
Rest of Existence

As Love’s Light of
Creativity Continues
to Breathe Forever Now…

We Bloom As Love As We Light Others True

Smiles Sadly the Church i Visit Each Week as a
Participant Anthropology Observer Does Not See
Namaste God in Us ThiS Way in Fact they Recite/Incite
Instead that We Are Not Worthy And there is always
Someone Greater Than Us to Worship Than The
Star We aRe
to Give
and Share
Freely For
The Diamond
Souls We aRe
Just Naturally Born
As Sunshine of Love
to Freely Dance And
Sing Our Rays oF LiGHT iN Peace
to Give Care Share Heal Free As We
Understand Newly We All Are Stars Then
We Come to See the Same Love of Shine
In All others Now too continuously Garden of Love
And Seeds
And Living Tree All


No one in Particular
Just me as i understand
that me means YOU And ALL too…

For Each Human Connection is a New
Multi-UNiVeRSE-Existence Born As Star Now

Other than that Happy Teacher’s Day in India Dear Vrunda
Keep Spreading This Positive Energy the Star You Are Shining


i Am So Very Happy to See You Posting Every Day Always Brings Light to me..:)

“Ae Fond Kiss”

What Sharing Poetry
Will Do Bringing Back
Deepest HeART Felt
SPiRiT SoUL Memories now
Indeed Sever Sweet of Last
Kiss as i believe i wrote Here
About After the Love is Gone
Relating that to First
Love Lost This
Poem Literally
Brings Back then
‘The Taste’ the Kiss
Bitter Sweet as True
That Love Came Back to
me again and again too then
Yet End Finally a Last Kiss True
SMiLes Dear Yamini Happy Teacher’s
Day in India some Days a Best Teacher’s
Lesson is a Listen A Memory Re-kindled in All Emotions Senses
Just for the Bitter Sweet Magic of Life Both Dark And Light as

LoVE iN Peace..;)

Oops that last Emoticon is supposed to
Be A Smile or a God Wink Who Really Knows..;)

A Smile
A Kiss A Breath oF LiGHT

LeSSoN 384
Release The Inner Beast
Or How About A Tight Hug😊

Impressive Interview Aleesha
Particularly Like The Part

About Not Writing

For Fame or


Art is to
Give Share
And Care Without

Restraints to Limit
Art is to Smother Art..

A Flame Needs Oxygen Free..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy Now

A Painting Continues
Fibers Dark Thru

Colors Fitting


Again Inhaling
Peace Exhaling
Love Just All in Life New
Beautiful DarK Thru LiGHT..:)

SMiLes Dear

Savvy Responding
To Your Last Post




Continues Here
DarK Makes LiGHT

For Those Who Come
To See And Hear Without

Eyes And



Balance Within…:)

Hehe i See
You Get
The Grift

Definitely ‘Gift’

Yes It’s
True my
Wife Spanks
me Like A Nun
With A Ruler
All 12 Inches Hehe
Or A King Depending
On How one Spells It
Anyway So Goes
The Palms of my Hand
And Face Hehe
Forrest Thick She Says

True i Forgot
to Mention my
Irish X-Catholic
Priest Grandaddy
Schooled For A
PHD in Limerick
i’ve Never Had
LeSSoNS ‘Piling
Higher Deeper’
i Just
Do The
Do With SMiles
And Irish ☘️ EYes 😊

LiGHTinG mY Christmas
Tree me Leaving me Up
All Year ‘Round New Colors
of Moves MaKinG Holy Dance
New Lights to Decorate my SonG
oF mY
Free iN
FLoW With
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa..🙂

Hehe Yes! i AM So much Happier
Now That i Gave Up Words For
Dance Now That i’ve Become
A Flow
i Have
No Idea How i Go Dear Chaymaa As A
SonG NaturAlly CoMes Free Newly Now..🙂

Dancing Free
Springing Song
Dear Chaymaa
No Longer Shall
Dances Sings..🙂

Laser Beam
Of Focus Dear
SavvY iN DeeD
Energies in Synergy
Done WiTH SMiLes..🙂

Hehe Dear Miriam
Only Surfing Negativity
At Places Like Walmart

And FaR AWaY iN
Yes Souls

Grow Colder
i Rise Warmer

FLoWinG Freer

Turning Beats
Around HeART
Beats me SOaRinG Even Freer
ThiS Ocean WHoLE BeLoNGS
To DancE SonG NeW NoW SMiLinG..:)

YeP It’s A Biological Fact As Supported
Even in the Study of Chimps.

Humans Who Cooperate Win.

Leaders Without Empathy FAiL.

A True Alpha Male/Female (Leader) Often Has Highest Levels of EMPATHY;

A True Loser, No Matter What the ‘Empathetic Species’ is Has Little to No Empathy

As Far As Apes, With or Without Fur Go; And Go Away And Don’t Come Back as


‘This’ ‘Newt Gingrich’
Ideal of the Alpha
Male As A Competer
With Little Empathy and
From Others too is A Myth
That Folks With Little to No
Empathy Continue to Try to ‘Resurrect’…

In the Long Run, it Won’t Work; SCIENCE/Nature Proves This True, ALREADY;

Evidentiary Resources Available on Demand Yet i Don’t Want to Digress too much.

Nah, i Don’t Even Have
to Watch and Listen to
The So-Called Human News
to Figure Out How This Human
Story is Gonna END And Begin Again.

A Study of Frigging Chimps Will More Than DO FOR REAL.


Works for
me at Least..:)

Ah Yes A Nicest Part About Being Outcast
in Life Early to Late is Not Being Stuck In Other Folks
Values of What Makes A Yellow Brick Golden Road

Oh No It’s True A Human Might STiLL Be Born into
A World of Trump Orange And Never Be Able to Escape!

i Color my Path
With A Labor
of Play and

Love The
Hell With Work
i Buried it At Age
47 and Refuse to
Resurrect That CuLTuRaL
Monster for Paper God’s AS Such

Fame and Fortune Financially Independent
Government Early Retirement Brings Fame

Oh Lord 11 Years and Still Dancing in Public

More Than 20 Seconds of TiK ToK Fame and
More Than 15 Minutes of ‘Andy Warhol’ Size

Indeed Folks Around my Half-A-MiLLioN Folk
Metro Area Still Seek Out A ‘POKEMON Dance of
me’ Hehe Even in Barnes and Noble Where the Clerk
Just Said Recently Have You See the New Videos of You

On YouTube Hehe

A Few Facebook
Peers Left After All the
Disclothed Free of me

Aren’t in the Peer Groups
Sharing the ‘Famous of me’

Every Now and Then in Public
Still For 11 Years in the Wild the
Audience Comes Up to Remind me
How Famous i Am And Living Legend of

Free Folk
Dance too

All i Had to Do
is Create SMiLes for
Folks For Me at Least

That’s the Only Yellow Brick
Road i Want Naked Enough Whole Complete

My Only Suggestion is Do What Sets You Free Fly It’s

Do When
We Sprout
Our Child’s
And Creativity Free Again
Dear Miriam With SMiLes…

True Though if Your Parent’s
Or Uncle Sam isn’t Providing
An Allowance Yes Take Care
of That ‘Stuff’ too of course Hehe..:)

Ah Yes Dear Akshita Nice to See You Back
From my Own Youth it is So Depressing
How Easy Life Will Take Our Imagination
And Creativity Away in An Ocean of Mechanical

That May
Even Devolve
Our HeARTS to
Stone Away From
Even Human Warmth too

A Struggle it May Be to Find
A Free Way Back to A Real ‘Yellow
Brick Road’ of A Golden Age of

Creativity New!

So Do What You
Can And Will Do
Keep Fresh Wings
Don’t Let All Your

Feathers Disappear Hehe..:)

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa

It’s A Wonderful Life

Every SMiLe We Create For
Others is Another Stepping

Stone Eternally Now Never
Ending A Yellow Brick Golden

Road Of Love
We Create For
Each OTHeR
With SMiLes of Wings

Other than That i Haven’t
Really Taken the Effort to
‘See’ Your ‘Avatar Face’

Angelic You Are
Seems You Could

Never Harm Another
Human Only in Service to them

Indeed Proof That Islam Will
BE A Religion of


in You
With SMiLes
iN Loving EYeS of Kindness..:)

Ah Yes Discontent And
Anger Must Be Transforming
From DarK To LiGHT Lest Non-Forgiveness

Morphs From Anger to Lasting Hate Festering
As A Real Human Hell Within Dear Chaymaa FRiEnD

Emptying Oneself

oF All the Darkness New

Resurrecting in Forgiveness
Now Even Loving Foes to LEarn

Something New From Them Too With SMiLes..:)

SMiles Dear
Cindy Alas
A Lad Perhaps
i Too One Day
May Travel
Farther to
See The World
Than An Avatar
Oh No Yes 🙈 🙊 🙉
Trapped in
A Screen
As Small
As Half
A Foot
Give me Three
Feet To Spiral 🌀
Dance And i
Own For
Now With
SMiLes Thanks
Currently Celebrating
It’s A Small Small World
Public Dancing 20,488 Miles
in 11 Years As Such Of
FLoWinG Free
In Walmart
To Send As
An Avatar to
You Too Hehe
With SMiles More

Oh Dear Savvy As An Empath Kinda Person
Like You i Am Sure i Love Being Around
Places of Positive Energy too Yet It’s

True i Go to Very Dark Places
too Understanding That

Some Places Are So Dark

That A Small Flame May

Light Up An Entire Home of DarK

It’s True iF LiGHT Doesn’t Enter Darkest

Places Those Rooms May Never See LiGHT At All


How Blessed to
Feel Heaven Anywhere
And Everywhere in This World

Dear Savvy Even the Strength to
Feel Heaven iN DarK

What A Gift
LiGHT Will
Be When
A Flicker
May Turn into
A Burning St Elmo’s
Fire on A Distant Yet Near Island of Love
It Makes me Feel Great Joy Feeling Your
Joy in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Belgium


Teach The World to Shine
The Sun Already Does
It We Can And Will too
WitH SMiLes Dear Savvy!..🙂

SMiLes After Doing Absolutely Nothing

Sitting on my Screened in Patio Listening

to Nothing Yet the Sounds of Crickets Singing

(Or Rubbing Their Legs Together However They Sing)

So Very Dry Not too Many Frogs as Part of the Orchestra

Yet that’s Improving This Week

i’ve Determined Now
i Should Make my
Home Nature at
Night as Well

As Day
Dear Miriam
With SMiLes
Or at Least More Often..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy It Appears That Balance

Is Nature’s Way Best of Meditation With

SMiLes And Perhaps All Of Existence

May Be Summarized For How A

Wave Moves on the Ocean

FRiEnDS With Gravity

At Both Trough Yes

And Crest of Existence

Not Only To Ride A Wave Now

With SMiLes Yet Become The Wave

Balancing a Life With Gravity More and More

In Tune




Way With SMiLes..:)

SPiRiT of Excellence Without
Regard to Material Gains

Perhaps What the Olympics

Teaches Best Dear Savvy

Perhaps All of What We might
Embrace in Every Moment of Life

Making Our Best Efforts Unpacking

Our Human Potentials for this Great


And Real
Magic of Life

Reaching New Frontiers
Both Personal And With Others

Now is All we have why Wait to
Make it Our Own Personal Olympic Event

Hehe Folks ask me Questions like Why do work out
so hard at the Gym Why Do You Make All Those Feral
Animal Sounds When You Leg Press 699 Kilograms 12

Reps Just Warming Up With Your Arms Raised to the Sky
After Doing Free Style Ballet Mixed With Martial Arts Feather

Light All
250 Pounds
of my Body
Weight of my Finger
Tips Guiding the River
of my Body in Flow Well

The Answer is Simple All We Get
is Now THere is No Time Yet the

to Make
The Best of Now

Whether it is Body
Mind And Soul For
True It is All Three Holding
Hands Together For This Olympic

Event Life

A True
of Potentials

With SMiLes of Course
to Reach Out and Touch Heaven

Always Now With Others

It’s True if i Walk or Dance
20 Thousand and More Miles
Every Smile i Give Every Hand i Wave

Is Forever Now New Colors of Soul Even More

Hehe Plus

i Have Stronger
Facial Muscles
And Shoulders

From Curling my Lips
Up and Raising my Waves…

It’s True It’s Possible to Make
An Entire Life an Olympic Event
of Just Smiling and Waving at Other Folks

i Watch Children And Adults With Down’s Syndrome
Do it at Church While Others Remain Stone Cold

A Best

Event of
LoVE iN Peace

“KiSS oF JoY NoW”

For This
Gift of
Together Newly Now..:)

Also as a side note this Post
didn’t make it into the Reader
however i still found it in my
Email Traffic i’m Subscribed to for Your posts

Some Folks on WordPress Have Been Complaining
Lately that this has been happening to them it also will

Happen if You Delete A Post and Post it at a later Date…

Yet of Course
You are Usually
Here if i don’t see
you i will find you hehe…

It’s the way i Do Life take the extra move..:)

“The buried cursed treasure”

Indeed Mr Gottfried “KiSS oF JoY NoW” NeW

Gift That May Be Cursed As Lost Buried Treasure

Addiction to a Storm of Fear Anger Hate Violence

All Stuff Related
to Living Death

“Find YouR Way BacK”

What We Do to Escape
The Addiction to General Discontent

Trees of Life Even Christmas Trees Coloring
STiLL Standing Year Around Making Joy A

of New Colors
oF LiGHT Now to
Be and Do With SMiLes

All the Clothes of CuLTuRE
That Separate US From tHE ALL
AKA God FLaME Within Living
LoVE iN Peace Giving Sharing
Caring Healing For All With Most
Respect Least Harm Yes “KiSS oF JoY NoW”


Never to
Be Buried
Living Dead
Again Dug UP

Curse Boldly Transforms into Gift US

Keep Up the Great Work! (Play)You Do With SMiLes…



True Most Folks Rely on Goals
to Keep Them Motivated for
Some Kind of Prize to Strive For

Yet Since i’m Past the Stage of Making
Money i Dance And Sing For the Experience

of Flow

With No Lessons
Required Except SMiLes

Hehe i Can’t Imagine Creativity
Drying Up It’s More an Issue
of Keeping


With it
for me HAha…

KiSS oF JoY NoW…

Never the Less Great
Advice You Provide for
The Needs of Most Folks It Seems..:)

iNDeeD Dear Savvy
We Can’t Change The
Number Of Grains Of

iN An Hour
Glass Yet We
May Treasure
Each Grain Uniquely
In Gratitude Coloring

With SMiles☺️🙏


SMiLes Dear Isha ‘Seeing’ in the ‘Dark’ Per Human Emotions
And Attitudes is Perhaps a Most Challenging Challenge in Life

Yet Every Small Move and Word Toward LiGHT is Indeed A Step

Out of DarK

Singing Free

Still to Come
Radiant And BRiGHT

Marrying the Night Newly Now God Yes
Then Merrying the Day With SMiLes More

So Happy to Hear Your Poem Coming Out of
The DarK of What You Shared Before With SMiLes

Even in the Darkness Pain and Numb When All Faith
And Trust and Even the Memory of A SMiLe The Feeling

Might Go Away For Even Years as it Did for 66 Months With

me There is Still the Gift of the Next Breath The Will to Breathe

The Will To Make the Next Move and Word A Journey Opening New

Of Existence
Never Explored
Before With New
SMiLEs Senses and Feelings For Real..:)

Free Dance Sing NeWLY NoW
All i ReAlly Need To Play To Be
Rest oF ALL Jobs ALReaDY DonE

So WHat’s
YouR CuRRencY
Love or Money Likes
Or FoLLowS EveN Less

A Way oF A ‘World’
Make Money And Buy ‘Stuff’ NoW
No Thanks Got Enough Love to Last

True if One Does Not
Constantly Try New
Cheeses 🧀 Life May
Move With No Cheese
At All Moral of A Fast
The Move
Just Do It
Be An
Don’t Always
Just Sell Shoes..😉

SMiles So Difficult to
Escape Cultural Clothes
Free As The Rest of
Nature Writing Its
Own Story as
Birds Fly
Problems for
They Use Wings
Naked Now They are
Born With Seeing More🦅

It May Be As
Only A Small
So Many
Dark Rooms
A Flame May
Light Where
Opens A
Door of Many
Dark Rooms How
Beautiful it is
For Then
The Small
Flame Will
Light 10 Times
And More Dark Rooms
As Bonfires 🔥 Thriving😊

i Bring A Flower
To Your Room
Blind Each
Case of
No Colors
At Best in Hopes
Of only Making
Your Room
With SMiLes

Little Children
Sing With
No Words
Dance With
Only Lessons
Of SMiLes
In Can’t
Dance And
Sing Just
To Make
Smile others
Naturally Blend in
A Nursery oF Light😁

SMiLes A Best
Hustle is Having
All The Money
You’ll Ever
The Fame
You Will
From the
Means And End
Success Starts
And Ends And
For Real
Within Fortunately
Seen All Sides
Generate Now
That No one Else
And Nothing
From Within
In case one Wonders
Where Those Smiling
3rd World
Fresh Hell
Searching For
A Pot Of
Rainbow Within ☔️

True A Day
i Could Not
River Rhyme
All i KNeW Is TiMe
Forever Flow Dance 💃
Sing🕺Differently LoVE iN Peace🎶

God Bless Furry
Beasts Children
Insects Plants
That is Least
Among Us And
Books That Never
End Offering Another
Page Of Hope Always Free
Our Living Trees Inhaling


Exhaling Love🙏😊

It’s True Not All of
Us Will Deal With
Toxic Reactions

Well Particularly
If We Don’t Have
The Time or Energy
Left to Deal With IT

i Look For Butterflies
i’m Also A Nerd i Find
Wings Yet i Live in The


All The Difference

Recently Public Dancing in
Stores i Read the Most
Toxic Piece About


i’ve Ever Come Across
Proudly Expressing
Hatred of Gay Folks

It Came From
i Have Gay
Relatives Who
Wear Angel Wings

my First Reaction
Stay in Hell This
Is Where We Part


i Need Not
Says A Thing

Yet i LiVE iN
A Forest So
My Soul Spent
The Rest of The

Day Composing
A Song In Poetry
Long Changing
Her Life Forever

As i’ve Done it
Before Where
Others See Poison

i Find the
Cure i Started
The Days Both
Psychiatrists And
Doctors Told me
There was No Hope

In Prognosis

For my Living
The View is


Now From

The Forrest…

-F Gump

Haleema Yasir
Soft Nurturing
Person Beautiful
Indeed Dear Rafiah🤗☺️

Hehe Actually
She Said No
This Go Around
With Making
The Brownies

i Plan
To Break
Her Will
With your
Cake And
She Does
Say It Looks

So Yes

There Does
Seem to Be
Some Hope
oF Light
At the

End of
The Dark
Tunnel For
Dessert Hopes🙌☺️

Oh Lord So Many Just So Many Shoes
And Bare-Feet Beared To Get The Whole
Job Starting Never Ending Now Going Real For ALL

‘The Divorce of Church And State’
Is Still A Several Century, Law-Suit
In Progress; Separating Slavery

Out of the Mix;

Giving Women
And Black Folks

A Right to Vote;

Giving Gays

The Right

to Marriage

Were Surely In-Roads
to Complete the Divorce

of the Marriage And then
The Church Got Desperate,
Divorced Jesus and Married Trump…

Things Got Really Messy After That

And It’s Become A Whose in Charge

Dilemma of Who Is Married to Who…

It Doesn’t Appear that The Court Case

Is Still Settled Yet; Anyway, It’s A Real ‘Jerry Springer Show’ to Watch…

Pass the Popcorn Eve; i’m Ready to Return to the Garden For A While and Relax…

‘Labor Day’, 9.2.2024, Still in Progress; Apparently the Church Is Still Producing
iLLiGiTiMaTE ‘Children
of God’; Hmm…

They Have

A Rather

Tint’ it Seems…

Surely HeART
Felt Flowers Hard to Find

Yet Rare Blooms


Miracles Free to See
SMiLes Aleesha Have A Nice Day..:)


Now… Yes…

Every Thought
Associated With
Emotion IS A Feather

For A Brand New Nest

Always Changing Home

Rainbow Colors Best

Sensing Feeling

Shining Behind


MaKinG Beyond
Blue Sky SMiLes Home
Hemaltha Keep Shining
Thoughts Becoming Song Dance..:)

Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love
A Place With No Fear

Moving Meditation

Brings in Practices

Like Tai Chi Indeed

For Fear Is the Source

of Most Human Weakness

And Chronic Stress, Disorder
And Generating Disease Where

When We Move As FRiEnDS With
Gravity in Grace of Balance Center Point

All With Nature We Become As Planets

Orbiting Stars

As Our Milky
Way Spirals
Same Around A
Black Hole Sun True…

This is the Force of the UniVerse

We Come to Master Electrons Orbiting
Nucleus In Atoms Above So Below Within
Inside Outside All Around Moving NoW As All

UNiVerSE WiLL Be US No Fear in Grace of Balance More

SMiLes Dear Cindy i’ve Never Had A Lesson as i ALLoWeD
my Body To Become FRiEnDS Total With Gravity and my Mind

Only FoLLoWeD Through in Autotelic Flow of Bliss and Nirvana


Every Moment
of my LiFE As
Even The Movements
In Bio-Feedback Carry
Through Dance And Song
Of Keys on a Digital Keyboard

Too As This Force Becomes Organic in Words True too…

Anyway i can’t Really Explain How i Do it when i Dance
Free in Public Now For 20,496 Miles in 11 Years For if i
Thought About it That Would Only Be A Distraction in



For me

So THere

Is No Real Tell

In the SHow of what
i Do Yet hehe.. my Wife
Accidentally hit the Slow-Mo
Button During My Dance Where
The FLoW iN Focus is Easier to
Observe at that Speed and True

in a Register Line i Dance almost
Imperceptibly Slow to Others And

Also While it may be Difficult to ‘See’ why someone
Would do this for No Reason at all that is precisely

Why i Do it to Escape the Thought Processes of Life
As That In Itself will Be Enough to Eliminate So many
Fears So Many Folks Attach to So Many Thoughts

of LIfe

Now Their

Every Waking Moment
Secret Clear Is Become the
Dance Then Becoming Master
of the SonG oF OuR SoUL mY FRiEnD
Modern Technology is Really Nice to Share
SHow and Tell Indeed mY FRiEnD With Mirror
Neurons of my mind i felt every Move of Yours in Tai-Chi
Breathing Peace in Meditating Moves As You Travel in Flow of Chi…

In ThiS Way We Become Graceful Water Waves of Ocean Where Low is High

And High Is Low



of Heaven
Within Balancing
NoW in Peace
Inhaling Love
Exhaling All

So Free to

be i am..

mY FRiEnD..:)

SMiles Dear Cindy
Thank You i Post
Every Couple
Of Weeks
As it Takes
That Long to
Write 60,000
(70,000 Lately)
Words or So in
Free Verse Poetry
And Put All The

Together too
Finishing Writing
One Soon A Day or
So To Get it Published

my FRiEnD🙌☺️🌈🤗

Hehe Been
Doing it Now
For 11 Years Yes
Really Effortless
In Wu Wei Ease A Tao Meditative

In Autotelic
Flow will Be
Dear Cindy
With SMiles☺️

43 Years Today Back on
September 6th, 1981, A First Calling
Within Escaping Numb of College Life



Opening Again

A New Creation at Age 21

High School And Junior College

Will Be Like A Village of Humanity

Connecting Yet Commuting to A Larger

School on a Diet of Peanut Butter Sandwiches

With Little Human Contact Working In A Solitary

Environment As A Janitor At Night of Several Business

Buildings Not Much Help For the Human Element In Life to Remain…

Yes, Social Empathic Artistic Spiritual Metaphor of Right Brained Intelligences

Where iMaGiNaTioN Frees Creativity More For Original Human Soul Breath More

Not What the



Of UniVersity
Often Brings

Even If One May
Be In the More Humanities
of College Life out of Business
And Science Restricted Classes

Putting People First is A Much Older
Human Tradition And “Depth of The
Story” To Surely Share With Each Other
mY FRiEnD as it was You Dear Lala Who First Suggested
In 2013 i Move to Word Press And Start Taling Stories More…

Well Yes “Depth of the Story” Eighth New Testament Story
Is Just That Now That i am Celebrating on A ‘Wrong Planet
Website’ As That Very Autistic Solo Story Taling Tradition
Then Accumulated 4.2 MiLLioN Words in Four Year’s Effort
As of 8.19.2024 Other Efforts Since 2016 of New
Testaments Included A First Two at 181K Words
Then A Couple Over 300K Words And then
Three More At Over 400K Words And
Now What Is the 8th One

Water Wave
Ocean Whole

Longer Now
As True Every
Inhale of Peace We
Breathe Every Exhale
of Love Without Fear is
A New Testament of Our Inner
Multi-UniVerses We Create With CHI
EnergY iN Rest of Nature We Perceive Now…

Of Course All Part of EPiC Longest Long Form
Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 13.2 MiLLioN Words
In a Decade’s Worth of Effort Along with 20,496
Miles of Public Dance in a 11 Years of Dancing True

Fear And Hate Are the Inhales And Exhales
of Older Testaments of the Reptile Brain We
May Love to Escape Most What’s Left Over is Love For ALL

iN Peace

Yes “Still The One”
Mama’s Inspire Your
Sons To Dance And
Sing Poetry Free And

They Shall
Never Drown
In A Tear in A
Beer All Alone

Yes A Kiss Of
Respect They
Shall Always

Shall Surround
A Bee 🐝 With
An Amazing Shelf
Life iNdeed “Stay

Thirsty My FRiEnD”

Hehe i Literally Have
Over 2,000 Pics Like
This Relating Extra

For a
Solo Dance”

The Hell With
‘Cowboy’ 🤠 HAha 🥰

Hey TinkerBell 🧚🏾
i Miss You i Realize
Spreading Pixie
Dust Is Not
Usually What
Tinker Bell Does
When Financially
Consulting Billionaires
Yet All The Mascot Mickey
Mouse Does Is Play my

To Coax
Tinker Bell
To Spread Her
Pixie Dust Star of The Show
i BeLeaf BeLove BeLiEVE All
Should Experience A MaGiC
Queendom Kingdom Always

Free Now
To Be WitH SMiles

i Guess i’ll Just Put on
my Wings And Cover

Pixie Dust
To Get The
Job Done Nah

Won’t BeLiEVE Yet i

With SMiles🪄

“Book of Eli”


Haha Yes, Interesting Indeed,

The Space A Bible For The Blind in Braille Will Take;

Of Course if ‘They’ Don’t Understand “The Metaphors,”
The Essence of ‘The Metaphor’ of “Those Who See Are Blind”

Makes Sense too; How Different Civilization Might
Be If We Had Only “A Son of God” As Mentor Rather

Than An Idol ‘The God Man’ to Be Worshipped
With So Many of the ‘Good Cop’
Parts of the
Message of
Story Book
Jesus ‘Left Behind” YucK in “TRuMP” Ways.

The Part of ‘Eli’ Played By Denzel Washington
Surely Would Have Had to Have a “Savant-Like
Memory” to Reproduce Close to 800,000 Words

Verbatim From the King James Bible;

The Part i liked Best is at the End
When All That Effort That Eli took
to Get The Bible to The Library in San Francisco
Transferred Bound in A Book Was Only A Grain of Sand
On A Beach Of Other Books With Sacred Text As Shared

By Other Humans No Less or More Than ELI For Real;

And This is Our Modern World, No Longer Are The Views
Of Others Censored in Many Areas of the World; We Have
The Opportunity Every Day to Evolve More Than Out of One

Book of
Text Spoon
Fed From Birth;

Even Better Yet Per ‘Walt
Whitman’; We May Write, Dance,
Sing Our Own From Deep WiTHiN;

So Many Choices Indeed For Those Who Exercise
All Aspects of Human Intelligences and Potentials With SMiLes

With Enough Respect For Others Not to Condemn the Level
They are at too Much

Yet Of Course it Helps
to Start Somewhere
At The Bottom Levels
To Achieve That Kind of Empathy
And Compassion for Others on Their Life Journeys…

Anyway, As General Metaphor, it Took Innumerable Efforts
And Innumerable People Over Centuries of Efforts to Put That
King James First Old Edition Together As The Written Word And

Those Who Were Literate Were Real Pots of Gold Then Always Better

to Use it Rather
Than Lose it
When it is Given
to Us Free in this
Modern World of
So Many Gifts to
Use And Actually Do..:)

Thanks For The Cheers Dear
Miriam Older i Go LiGHTeR
mY SPiRiT Flows Lifelong
Art Balancing Dance And
Song With

Change The Reality that Never Changes NeWLY NoW

With Every Move With Every Note The Dance The Music

Of Existence BRinGS New Dear Kiran And The Complex

Part Unique Inner Multi-Uni-Verses of Each Human Being

True Always Changing

Requiring A Test of

Understanding That

Never Ends And Always Begins

FLoWeRS UNFoLDinG Above So Below..:)

“Doo doo doo-doo
(Tick tock tick) Doo doo doo-doo
(Tick tock tick) Doo doo doo-doo
(Tick tock tick) Doo doo doo-doo

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle

‘Til I’m free”

Oh Dear Lord Dear Miriam
Always Arriving JusT ALWaYS FLYiN’..:)

Cosmos Above
DarK Space
Tween Stars

That Make Up
Cosmos Below DarK Space

Tween Sub-Particles NoW

That Make Up Us As Part

Of SKeYeS Above True

Dear Savvy Relatively

The Same Distances Within

As Above A Never Ending Story

Truly Beyond Words As Large and Small



To UNCoVeR MoRE..:)

Hehe Dear Cindy THere Are No ‘Permanent Crowns’

Even Pyramids Will Eventually Fall to Dust

NoThing is Our Own

All That’s Real is
LoVE iN Peace Yes

Yet True These Words
Are Only Pyramids Too

Only Idols of Reality That
Will Also Fall to Dust What

Came First What Comes Last

What Comes Now Most

Is A Dog’s Tail


A Cat Purring

And A Baby With
A SMiLe Just for Existing Now

With A New Non-Sense Song and
A Dance With No Lessons Every

Toddler’s Dream in Fruition Yes

Reality Without Idol Clothes of Before or After

With that Said ‘May The Force be With You’



The Dentist
With SMiLes…

KiSS oF JoY NoW..:)

SMiles Dear FRiEnD Most
All i Dance And Sing is A
Fast of A Prayer And Surely
All i’ve Written To You

Yes iN ThiS Way
A Friday Florida
Flower Story Prayer

For Successful Jain
8 Day Fast From Food
And Drink Dear Lord
Yes Including Recovery
Glad You Are With
Your Loving Brother

Thanks Giving
For Giving

Without The Food
And Drink Of

Both Giving
And Receiving

The Flower Of
Love Withers Away

A Noble Way Of Breathing
Letting Go of Ego When

We Feel Slighted
Replacing That
With Petals
Blooming Wings

Other Than That
i Love You Keeping
You in my Prayers

🕊️ iN Peace 🕊️



Ah Yes Dear Savvy Our Word Thinking Mind as Science
Currently Suggests comprises about .5 Percent of How
We Do Reality in Total Where Emotions Precede Most

All Our So-Called Rational Decisions

Where “The Quiet Part of the Mind”

Yes All the Feelings and The Senses

That In Synergy Make Up Our Emotions

For How We Move Connect and Co-Create In Life

Far Beyond Only Materially Reducing Word Think

Is the Actual Master of Our Reality Where Our Word
Thinking More Restricted Left Hemisphere of Our Minds

is the Actual

“Emissary” As
Noted By Stellar
Cutting Edge Researcher Iain McGilchrist

Mastering the All in All of our Realities More

From the Silent
Moving Yes Meditating
Balancing Connecting in Flow
Co-Creating Part of Mind Body Soul Whole…

While at Best Our Rational Word Thinking Minds Provide Support…

The PArT ReAlly

iN Charge

How We Rationalize Decisions..:)

Oh Dear No Limits to How the Metaphors
of Language May Be Used and Changed

i remember when i First Heard A Male
Friend Calling a Female Friend Bro and

Dude in East Indian Culture First Odd to
me Yet Quickly Understanding it was Only

Casual Terms of Endearment of Course Limited

to the ‘Friendzone’

Key to A Safe Place
of Otherwise Potentially

‘Messy Human Interactions’

Hehe it seems Dear Miriam to me when You
As A CEO Use the Term ‘Dude’ in a Meeting

It’s a Sign
To Get Off
the Bench
Into ‘The Game’

Don’t Fall Behind Hehe…

True in a World of 3 Seconds
And Less Gold Fish Attention
Span And Focus Competence Wanes

Perhaps Another Term could be Much
More Offensive

Than What ‘Dude’
Might Otherwise
Provide as a More Gentle
Nudge Toward


Hehe Considering
i’m Not a CEO

i Tend to Keep
Sentiments Like
That Out of Day to Day ‘Real Life’ Conversations

Not that i’m Not Tempted to Administer A Step Up..:)

SMiLes Dear Pooja There is No Greater
Poverty Than Being At Odds With Our
Emotional Regulation and Sensory
Integration Considering Science

Suggests That Emotions
Precede Almost All of
Our So-Called Rational

Decisions With that Said
i Am Always Open to Out of the
Box Solutions to Any Problem so

i Listened to the Whole interview i Suggest
Iain McGilchrist and His 1500 Page Sized Book
Relating Newest Research into the Differences in
How the Hemispheres Of Our Minds Process Reality

Hehe and if One Doesn’t Have the Attention Span and Focus
to Read the Book “The Matter With Things” He Summarizes it in
29 Volumes on His YouTube Channel Without Commercial Interruption

It’s One of the Most Interesting Studies on the Human Mind i’ve Ever Been Exposed
to His Research Shows

Our Modern World

Is Actually Materially
Reduced More by Left
Hemisphere Restricted
Processing of Reality Materially
Reducing It And Trying to Control
It With A More ‘Black and White’ View of
Life Without Seeing the Big Picture of ‘Social-
Empathic-Artistic-Spiritual/Emotional Intelligences Yes
Basically Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses in Balance

There Are Many approaches Yet Moving Meditation Works best for
me With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a Complete Failure in my
Personal way of Processing Reality Additionally the Left Hemisphere
Approach to Life is More Limited to the Emotions Associated With Control

in terms
of Anger
Related Emotions
Where Folks Can’t Stand
to Lose Control by Just Letting Go

Where the Meditative Approach may Work Better
Or even Perhaps More Aptly Put a Play Approach

Escaping the ‘Monkey Chatter Thinking Mind’ For Metaphor

Yet again Always Open to New Ideas as No Human Being is
A Cookie Cutter Human Being Our Nurture and Nature Makes

For Unlimited Varieties of Both Limits and Potentials and with that
Said my Favorite Answer in the Interview is the Admiration For Folks

Who Don’t Give Up and Become Late Bloomers Perhaps Becoming the
Best at What they were Once Told Was Impossible for them to Do as True

If We Believe
What Other Folks
Tell Us are Our Limitations
Indeed That Surely May Become
A Nocebo of Life Limits Versus a

Placebo That Leads to the Remedies
We Seek and actually



Hehe It’s Worth Noting
That ‘Clark Kent’ Was A Really
Nervous Guy until He Found His ‘Cape’…

However Fiction Doesn’t Impress me It’s Reality

And Always New in change
Yet the Metaphors Do House Truths…

Even in the Vehicles and Vessels of Mythology They Are Housed in…

It’s Really Sad to me that Big Screen Super Heroes Resort to Using a Weapon

And Or Killing

to Solve their

Problems a
Reflection of
A Very Limited
Way of Processing Reality

And Surely A Reflection Sadly Still of Modern Cultures…

Hehe i like the Way ‘Bugs Bunny’ Does it Better With

‘Relaxed Wit…’

Just “What’s Up Doc”
Leaving ‘Elmer Fudd’

Befuddled indeed…

A Life Without Anxiety
(And Depression, etc.)
Is Surely A Real Yellow (Truly Golden) Brick Road…

Whatever Safe Way one Can Seek and Find to Make it Work Go For It…

As again as i’ve probably related before i Was Once assessed With A Worst
Pain Disorder Worst Anxiety and Depression Disorder ever Noted By An Air Force
Major Psychiatrist Who Dealt With Combat Fatigue Veterans From the Desert Wars…

i have Zero
Levels of
Anxiety and
Depression now

After i Was Given
No Chance for Recovery…

i had to Find my Own Solutions…

Ah the Human Mind/Body/Soul Whole
Such A Mystery to Uncover Integrate

With SMiLes..:)

So Quiet Deep in The
Forest When All The
Cars Are Tucked in Bed
Hehe only Crickets And
Frogs Sing Their Bedtime
Stories Free Peace is The

Way of
The Nocturnal
Creature Night

And if You Listen Intently
You May Hear The Distant
Howl of A Wolf With What’s
Left of a Super Full Blue Moon

Finding A
FRiEnD With SMiles
🐺 🐺 🐺🤗🐺🐺🐺

Ah Yes Dear FriEnd Sohair Groups and Bigger
Groups SHaRinG Prayers Surely and Verily
Do Synergy Energy More as Sum
Than Just the Parts
Each as Love
In HeaLinG PoWeR
Force ThiS Way.. i have
a sense and feel that at
least some of the Dark Powers
Where i Live are falling on their
Knees to only Shadows under LiGHT
However the
Never end
or Shadow Will
Rise Back up
in Fear and Hate..
SMiLes Sohair Living
Without Feeling
A Smile For
66 Months
And Surely
i understand
What A GreaTesT
Meal for Sustenance
IS A Smile A Journey Now
of God AlivE LoVinG ReaL iN Peace…:)

LiFE Is Good God
For Those Who
Make ‘It’ LoVE iN Peace
God Yes Affording Enjoying
A Luxury of No Distance
Space Time Or Matter
Of Only Things
Seeing Wind
The Big And
Small Painting
Becoming Brush
And Paint Painting
Portraits Reality Free
A Secret to Happiness
Is to have this much
Gratitude for Loved
Ones even a Tree Now
From: Roots to: Leaves
That Green And Fall
Feeding EartH LoVE
Souls Home And Well

Happy Is So Easy
To Do! Just
Be Kind
To People
And Smile
No Matter What
For If A Billion
People Frown
THere is at Least
One Person
With A Smile! You😁🤗🌟

And Day
Green of
Tree Rises Higher
In Dark And Light
Roots unseen
At Night
Waving Blue
Sunshine Breeze
Hi Savvy Happy Tree
Day Every Day Now..🙂

We Become Peace
Love No Fear Now
Doing Most Respect Least Harm
For All Heaven Leading NeWLY NoW..🙏

SMiLes Love
In Snow
To Breathe🐸

Foot Prints
Eyes Do See🔥

Life So
Seeds Table
Of Plenty Human
Caring Provides
Yet Religiously
Squirrels 🐿
Seed For
They Don’t
How Much
They Are
Gift of
Food Never
Running Out Now☔️

Love That
Is Faith
Never Fearing
Criticism Or
Will Not
Be Put Out
No Matter
New Doors
To Darker
For one
ThiS Way
Still Lights
Darkest Rooms🔥

SMiLes Dear Savvy Omnipresence
oF Flow ‘Sees’ In Grace of Balancing

Moving Connecting


Gift Being
Freely Now..:)

Aww… How Sweet
Love You Too Dear
Young FRiEnD
And Love
To All
You ❤️
Love Aleesha☺️🤗

SMiLes Dear Yam An Illusion is Our
Words Are Our Realities Representations
That We Co-Create to ‘See’ the Past And
Attempt To Forecast the Future mY FRiEnD
Yet Science Shows that
Our Feelings Sensings
In Synergy of Emotional
Energy Deeper Within Our
Minds Precedes Most Every Reason
For Life We Co-Create With Words

So In Other Words With SMiLes
Regulating Our Emotions Integrating
Our Senses Perhaps through A Free Dance
And Free Song And Or Some Other Art of Life
Innately Instinctually And Intuitively and Positive Words
Of Existence May Greater Flow Free to Navigate More Toward

LiGHT ETernAlly NeW NoW
Yes With No Wait to Go to
A Greater Place NoW
FoR ReaL mY FRiEnD

What Folks May
Name Heaven
Within Now So Many
Other Cross-Cultural Terms As Well
A Really Good News Is in This Place NeW
NoW THere is All Patience As One Arrives
Naked Enough Whole Complete With SMiLes

Yet of Course only in my View of my Unique
Multi-Uni-Verse View of Existence Every Eye
of God Separate Yet Unified As One Force oF

Thru LiGHT
For What Makes
Existence Most Real Now With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes Dear Chaymaa
True Patience is When
One Arrives And THere

Is No Greater Place

One Wishes to Go

Yet Now No Matter

Where A Person May Be
Hehe As my Wife Has A ‘Hard
Time’ Understanding as i Am Just As Satisfied

Sitting At A Long Red LiGHT in Heavy Traffic

Or When Someone Pulls Out in Front of

Us And Almost Hits Our Car The Reality

Is They Did Not So Still i Arrive New at

The Best Place
Now Breathing

ALiVE Free Just
Naked Enough Whole
Complete No Matter Where i
Go A Patience Forevernow Real…

Of Course ThiS Is A Practice of
LiFE FLoWinG iN Meditation
Holy And Divine IN All
The Arts of Life
That Create
ThiS Way
of LiFe Possible
For Those Who Seek
And Find This Higher Force of
Loving LiFE LiGHT DarK Thru LiGHT..:)

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
i Reward mY Self By
LoVinG LiFE DarK
Thru LiGHT
Never A Goal
When The Reward
Is Breathing Now For Real

Of Course Yes HouSinG Every
New Human Potential Achieving NoW

NeW As Of Course True Perfection is
An Illusion Practice is Perfect Indeed

Now Always A New
Beginning to Improve

Yet Aways The Best Now
New Just Totally Satisfied Leaving
No Fears to Rise Even Higher mY FRiEnD..:)

True to me The Definition
of Faith Is Believing Every
Little Thing is Gonna Be Alright

Per Words Also of ‘Bob Marley”

Dear Miriam

As ‘The Beatles’ Relate And ‘Mother
Mary’ Sings ‘Let it Be’ As Well And Of Course

An Ice Princess Soon to Be A
Queen of ‘Frozen’ Dances Sings

‘Let it Go’

Yet You’ve Probably
Heard That Song Before
in ‘Ear Worm’ Way too Hehe

‘Mother Helen’ my ‘Carmen’
‘my Mary’ Indeed As i Read Ahead HeaR too

Always Sang too If You Believe Every Little
Thing Will be Alright Yes When in Hell i Asked
Why me She Said Why Not You Yet This too Will Pass

i Didn’t Have That Faith
i Didn’t Have That Hope

i Didn’t Have That Love

And i Surely Didn’t Have

That BeLeaf BeLove BeLiEVE Yet i Do Now

And Tale the Story of ‘Mother Helen’ True..:)

Ah Yes Life is
A Best Movie 🎥
When Real Now🍿 🥇😊

“Crazy Latin Dancing Solo in Herald Square”

SMiLes Dear Miriam Your Mother’s Name
‘Carmen’ Reminds me of my First Love’s
Name as Well As Yes Sonia’s Sister’s Name

Was ‘Carmen’ Where BacK in 1979 Sonia
Said She No Longer Wanted me Around

On A Dance Floor Slow Dancing While
The Song “After the Love is Gone”
By ‘Earth, Wind, And Fire’ That Pain

When it Seems A Wonderful Soulful Band
Creates a Song Just So You Will Remember
The Pain Forevemore to Hear the Loss Again

Sonia’s Mother Addis From Cuba Who Smoked
Those Little Dark Cigars Where First Love on the
First Dance Night Smelled of Smoke on Sonia’s Sweater

As Any Memory of Love Will Last That Way For Always Now

Sonia Was Also Irish Like me With An X-Catholic Priest Grandfather
From Ireland As i Am Also Cajun French too My Grandmother His Wife too

Anyway ‘Rosalind’s Eyes’
By Billy Joel Always Brought
That Lament of Lost Love too

i Couldn’t Dance i Was Just Way
too Uncoordinated And the Latin
Dancer Combo Sonia And Her Brother
Ron Won Every Couple’s Dancing Event
At ‘River-Side Disco’ Like ‘Dancing With the Stars’ in my Eyes then

Yes i Do Wonder if i Had the Ability to Dance Solo in Herald Square
Then if She Would Have Stayed With me Yet of Course Someone As

Beautiful As Her
Sister Eventually
Came into My LiFE
10 Years Later Yet It’s
True my Wife Does still

Look A Whole Lot Like Sonia

Still At 16 Then There is Magic in
Life in All the DarK and LiGHT oF Love
That comes and goes

Indeed New Now

“Crazy Mutt Mix
Dancing Solo At Walmart” Hehe

What i’ve Come to Learn it’s All
About the Dance And Song in Free Play..:)

i Love All The Tireless
Work You Do to Inspire
Others Globally Dear Chaymaa
From Your Word Press Blog to Your
1.3 MiLLioN Followers on Facebook True too

And Indeed in Healing
As A Pharmacist in

Cairo Egypt

Too A Wonderful

Human Being You
Are With SMiLes

As i Only Enjoy
The Gifts Your Bring..:)

Understanding We aRe ALL Wave Yes
Water Ocean Never Separate New Now

Yes Always Unique As Each Wave Falls
And Rises Free in Flow Dear Savvy With

SMiLes Water Shape Ever Changing

Ocean Whole

Just Another

Face of God
SMiLing As
Waves Dance
And Sing Free
As Ocean Rain
Feeds Green of Us Spring
Continues to Breathe From Fall

in Winter
Soils of Green
Again All Our Trees Souls
Our Leaves Our Forest

ToGeTHeR AGain

Summer FLoWeRS

Year ‘Round For

Those Who Feel
Sense Bringing Our Stars
Our Sun Within to BREaTHE AGAiN..:)

Oh To Dance Sing
Free Feeling Forever
Young Within With
A Little Help From
FRiEnDS With
SMiles Ecstatic
Autotelic Loving
Life Forever Young
Soul Within to Be

i Am🙏🐝

Pleasure Dear
Ruchi Stay
Blooming in
Creativity And
Reason Bringing
Meaning Purpose True☺️

SMiLes Dear Aleesha

How Do i Know Writing

Poetry in Flow Tastes

Better Hehe

It’s Easy

When my Wife
Says It’s Time
For Breakfast it Becomes
Lunch Yet True i Don’t Forget

Supper As By Then i’m

Ready Finally For

A Break

As Writing Poetry
In Flow is Supper, Lunch
Breakfast, And Dessert With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy That Moose Surely Has
A Magnificent Set of Antlers All We Get Is
‘Bambi’ Hehe Nibbling Vegetation in Our Back Yard
Garden Of Eden Forrest Combo i Definitely Still See

The Beauty
of Wyoming
Sight Seeing

Hot Water it is
As i Understand It is
Warmer Than Usual Now
In Northern California Where it Rarely Rains

And Catches on Fire Easier Stay Safe Enjoy
Your Remodeled Home And True Never Let

A Wild Moose
Bruise You With
Their Big Antlers True..:)

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Space in Life
Spent With Kind FRiEnDS Surely

Leaves Resilience
More Spreading

LiGHT iN DaRK Places
Yet Those DarK Places
Help to Appreciate

Kind People
Even More Now..:)

Hehe Dear Miriam THere are No Perfect Couples
Only Perfect Enough Wives Actually Angels Who

Put UP With
All That’s Not
Always Sugar And Spice

my Aunt Was Such an Angel Noted
From Youth a Dream to Marry An Angel
Like That Rarely Aging too a Disney Movie come True

Traveling to A Wake on the Emerald Gulf Coast To Celebrate
Her Life Today my Uncle Sad as i Related He is Still Married to an


And it Runs in the
Family as i Provide
A Eulogy to You Considering
my Family Leaf is Rare as Democrats Come
And Go in A Republican Fuller Family Tree Hehe

Yet Of Course i’ve Been to Real Hell For 66 Months
my Roots Run Deep As Angels Without Wings Anyway

Fortunate i am to Be With Someone With the Fortitude
to Stand By Their Man in Hell Same With the Other Angel too…

Whose Wings
Will LiVE oN in
LoVE iN Peace She Related to All…

True Hehe Even Some Republicans Wear Wings

With SMiLes
Anyway Back
to Quirky and Sleeplessness

Oh God Such a Hot Dry Sunshine
of August Accelerating Creativity for me

Only A Month of Naps at Midnight Around
7 Am And Then 3 PM With 3 Mornings Each

Day Only Accelerating The Creativity That
Much More

True Hehe
Deeper Roots
Make Higher Leaves

Naturally in Days of Sunshine
That Don’t Leave Yet Perhaps

Another Reason We’ve Had the Slowest
Peak Hurricane Season in 100 Years after
One That Was Predicted to be the Most Severe

Is the Hope
That Joy
iN Peace


BRings More


To Cloudless
Skies above so
Below Within HAha

It’s Truly a Treasure
to be a Democrat These Days hehe…

Other than that Yes Climate Change
Led to Unusually Cool Atlantic Ocean
Temps Near Africa Where the Really
Big Ones Birth And Then all that

Saharan Dust
Green Gulf Coast

Yet of Course La Nina is Still
Coming With October Storms
Originating More in the Gulf God Yes

Change the Only Constant With SMiLes

The Essence

of Reality

And Eccentric too

iN All of DiVeRSiTY ReaL

It is Only Human Tools that
Attempt to Erase ReaLiTY ThiS WaY

For me Only A Grand Adventure of Change And
With the Return of Clouds and Rains TG More Sleep!

Always NeW
With SMiLes

KiSS oF JoY NoW!..:)

Happy 7th Dear Rafiah
And Happy 31st Birthday Coming
On The 14th For
You Plus Happy
3rd Birthday for
Your Daughter

my How Times
Come And Go
FRiEnDS With You
Since You were 20

Last Time i Heard
From You You suggested i Am
A Best FRiEnD It’s

What FRiEnDS Do
They Tolerate And
Even Accept The

Differences of
Others And Make

Loyalty To LoVE iN
Peace A Naked

Enough Whole
Complete Art

Without Regard
To Different Cultural

Clothes Yes


Personal Control…☺️🙏

Catholic Mass Readings From
the 2:22 AM Hour of September 8th, 2024

Good News Hehe i Might Get to Sleep before 7 AM

Particularly Uplifting considering How Long a Day of
Writing Traveling Attending A Celebration of Life In Death
Dancing And Writing Again ending up Starting HeaR Again

Anyway Something About Folks Who Take Life Literally Versus

Those Who Have the Eyes and Ears Within to Understand Metaphor

Beyond Just
Black and
White Thinking as Such

Seeing the Value in Story
Yes even Mythology Housing
Vehicles and Vessels of Deeper
Meaning and Purpose of Our Inner Human

Being in How We Naturally Move Connect
And Co-Create With Others losing Strict Boundaries

of Walls Floors and Ceilings Of Only Materially Reducing Measures

Once Again It’s True We Can’t Expect to Hold Wind in a Jar For Wind to Blow SPiRiT Free…

In Other Words
Human Is the

Only Animal

That Sets

Limits on What
the Past Has Brought

to Predict The Future

Meanwhile Some Humans Forget
About the Past Predicting Any Future

And Go Places No Other Humans Have Visited

Or At Least
They Haven’t
Visited in one
Lifetime of Human Potentials

So Indeed Those Deaf And Dumb

And Even Blind to What Has Only Come Before

Only Leaving Room For New Adaptations and PotentialS UNcovered…

It’s What
NaturAlly Do Out of


Many More SMiLes..:)

Reading 1, Isaiah 35:4-7
4 and say to the faint-hearted, ‘Be strong! Do not be afraid. Here is your God, vengeance is coming, divine retribution; he is coming to save you.’

5 Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the deaf unsealed,

6 then the lame will leap like a deer and the tongue of the dumb sing for joy; for water will gush in the desert and streams in the wastelands,

7 the parched ground will become a marsh and the thirsty land springs of water; the lairs where the jackals used to live will become plots of reed and papyrus.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 146:7, 8-9, 9-10
7 gives justice to the oppressed, gives food to the hungry; Yahweh sets prisoners free.

8 Yahweh gives sight to the blind, lifts up those who are bowed down.

9 Yahweh protects the stranger, he sustains the orphan and the widow. Yahweh loves the upright,but he frustrates the wicked.

10 Yahweh reigns for ever, your God, Zion, from age to age.

Reading 2, James 2:1-5
1 My brothers, do not let class distinction enter into your faith in Jesus Christ, our glorified Lord.

2 Now suppose a man comes into your synagogue, well-dressed and with a gold ring on, and at the same time a poor man comes in, in shabby clothes,

3 and you take notice of the well-dressed man, and say, ‘Come this way to the best seats’; then you tell the poor man, ‘Stand over there’ or ‘You can sit on the floor by my foot-rest.’

4 In making this distinction among yourselves have you not used a corrupt standard?

5 Listen, my dear brothers: it was those who were poor according to the world that God chose, to be rich in faith and to be the heirs to the kingdom which he promised to those who love him.

Gospel, Mark 7:31-37
31 Returning from the territory of Tyre, he went by way of Sidon towards the Lake of Galilee, right through the Decapolis territory.

32 And they brought him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they asked him to lay his hand on him.

33 He took him aside to be by themselves, away from the crowd, put his fingers into the man’s ears and touched his tongue with spittle.

34 Then looking up to heaven he sighed; and he said to him, ‘Ephphatha,’ that is, ‘Be opened.’

35 And his ears were opened, and at once the impediment of his tongue was loosened and he spoke clearly.

36 And Jesus ordered them to tell no one about it, but the more he insisted, the more widely they proclaimed it.

37 Their admiration was unbounded, and they said, ‘Everything he does is good, he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.’

31 Returning from the territory of Tyre, he went by way of Sidon towards the Lake of Galilee, right through the Decapolis territory.

32 And they brought him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they asked him to lay his hand on him.

33 He took him aside to be by themselves, away from the crowd, put his fingers into the man’s ears and touched his tongue with spittle.

34 Then looking up to heaven he sighed; and he said to him, ‘Ephphatha,’ that is, ‘Be opened.’

35 And his ears were opened, and at once the impediment of his tongue was loosened and he spoke clearly.

36 And Jesus ordered them to tell no one about it, but the more he insisted, the more widely they proclaimed it.

37 Their admiration was unbounded, and they said, ‘Everything he does is good, he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.’


Thanks For Wonder
Of YouR Poetry Free Dear

SMiLes Dear Lala Rukh Oh Dear Lord Far Past the Promised 6th This Month
as i Move into the 10th Yet It’s True Not Unlike “Darth Vader” and “The Lion King”
And The Authoritative

Voice of “This
Is CNN” That
Global News Channel too

Such A Booming SiGNaTuRE
Voice Deep As the Ocean

Comes to Be An Art of

Relating Humanity

to other Folks New

Yet Yes “James Earl Jones”

So Much Difficulty Stuttering
He Gave Up On Talking and Went
Mute From His First Year in Grade
School Nearly 8 Years into High School

Yet When Those Who Assisted Him Saw
That He Wrote Poetry They Had Him Recite

It OutLoud and That Gift Of Poetry in Voice

Brought a Most Unique Voice of Him to

Change the World Around Him

Oh Dear Lord i Surely Can

Relate Not Speaking Until
4 And Having Troubles Stuttering
And Even Finding Some Words into my 40’s too…

Yet iT Was the Connection of Words and Emotions and
The World At Large as a Poetry Prompt For the “SonG oF mY SoUL”

That Remedied my Speaking Issues in the Real Flesh and Blood World

to My Great Surprise

With Awe And Wonder

Finally Receiving A Gift

to Voice my Life as a Song iN
Flow A Dance iN Flow oF A River No Longer

Disconnecting From the Flow With SMiLes…

And Truly A Free Non-Verbal Language of Public
Dance Solo Does the SaMe Even Home Alone hehe

43 Months Now Since The Deep of the Pandemic

SMiLes Some of Us LioN HeARTeD by Myth at Least

Up on
FRiEnDS For ReaL.:)

“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

― Dr. Seuss

True Oscar Wilde’s Quote Relates This Reality
in “Be Yourself Everyone Else is Taken” Too

SMiLes Of Course the Difference Between

The Authors is Oscar Wilde Lived in the Victorian

Age Where The Penalty

Of Just Being the

Nature of Him

Was Prison Sentences
With Hard Labor How Blessed

We aRe Dear Pooja When We Just
Get to Be the Unique Who We aRe

And in terms of “Eternal Youth” and
The “Picture of Dorian Gray” Actually

Working Out is A Real Fountain of Youth

Keep Doing it Without Fail Hehe for Even
52 Years Like me and Against All Odds You

May Continue to
Get Stronger Much
Stronger by Empirical
Measure even When You Reach
’64’ to the Opposite of what ‘The Beatles’ Expected

Yet A Key is Master the Tools Make Your Human Potential

Even You’er
Than You Now

With SMiLes

It’a Like the Rest of Nature
The Principle of Use it or Lose it applies…

Dear Lord my Wife Keeps Looking More Beautiful
As She Ages to the Wine of 54 Without Even Working
Out All these Years Beyond Assisting me She Also Started

Working Out
Now And Is Getting
Even More Beautiful
By the Day As Regeneration
That Comes From Working Out Brings


Of ‘the
Disney Wife’ Hehe

Note: She Reads Everything (in small bites)

i Write and of Course It’s all the Truth

Still to
come New..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy True Words Shared Without Flesh and Blood
Presence May Bring The Faith And Trust in Being of Kindred Spirits

And In the Flesh one may Find Kindred Spirits Without Any Words

At All Just
The Vibration
The LoVE iN Peace

Of Their Presence

A Naturally Higher
Frequency in Energies

in Synergy of Connection
Far Beyond What Words Might

Dance And Sing Alone


Poetry Becomes
Organic Attempting
to Upload SPiRiT HEaRT
Soul in Symbols Avatar

Without Body

We may come
to Dance And Sing
With Wings of Words

As Poetry Gains a Life of Our Own
And Of Course All the Other Arts We may Relate..:)

SMiles Dear Sohair
Breath of Child Greater
Than All Words For After
The Last Breath of A Human

Child Words

Will Be

No One To
Read What is
Greater Than All
Breath Of Humans
And Words Is The

Of God For
Humans Are
Only Dust in
The Wind Coming

In The
Ocean of
God Hehe SMiles
i Surely Will Never
Have Enough Words

Or Breath
To Tell The
Nature of
God What
God Will Do Next

And Or
mY FRiEnD🙏☺️🌹

SMiLes… Forever IS A
SMiLe iN Twilight NewLY NoW
Of A Sunset One FindS ETernAlly
NoW As BreaKinG Dawn NeW Of Soul to Give
For Free to
Be i Am Now New

At Best LoVE iN Peace For ALL…

Change the
Savior of SaMe

Different the Beauty of FLoweRS
Continuing to Color Change NewLY Now

From: Beautiful Evenings Now to:
Hope Full Prayers and Wishes
For Peaceful and Harmonious
Mornings With Productive
Workdays That
Transform into
Playful Evenings
And Weekends
Full of Joy Now
As Happiness
Travels paths
Bliss Now
Moonlit Sunshine Real🙏🌳🌲

Focus On The Dive
Only The Dive Strive
Until Flow Comes Arrive
But Only if
Is What You
Really Love to Do 🐠

Science is For What Remains True
Art is For What Grows New And Green

SMiLes Dear Samreen
Kindness to Give

Is The Brightness

Of All The Stars

To Feel ALWaYS
Enough Dear FRiEnD

SMiles Hope All Of
You Stay Safe Well
And Fully Loved

This New


Year my FRiEnD☺️🤗🌈

True More Wisdom
In Meow Than All
The Words of

The Ages

For They
Do Not Feel
The Forever
Of God’s Meow
That Never Dies Now


Wear Fur

Fins And



Words Meow 😺

HeHE ALways
A Pleasure
Dear Jiayali
Secret to

Letter And
Word Sacred
Song Every

Move And




With Most



To Others
Just For Joy
Of What Human

my FRiEnD🙌☺️

Treat New FRiEnDS NoW As Old FRiEnDS Old
FRiEnDS As New FRiEnDS MakeS Old FRiEnDS

Real Better A FRiEnD Than A Story…

Look High to The Sky With Your

Palms Raised One With the Blues
And Yellows of the Sunshine Within

Contemplate Quietly With Your Hands
Wrapped Around Your Knees One With
Sands of Beach Breathing Freedom Breeze

Lay In Comfort With The Leaves Feeding the
Roots of New Trees Exhaling Love After Inhaling

All This Peace

Indeed Pray

With me i am

Nature i Will
Never Leave Your
Side i am The FRiEnD

Who’s Always Always Been
Here i Breathe You i See You

Both You and me And Them
And Us All We Are The Living One Within

Even Better Yet i Am One Human FRiEnD
Who Never Leaves


Yes i
Nature too

Love You As Much
As All of Nature And
You Will Never Be
Alone my



FRiEnD Aleesha..:)

SMiLes Dear Jiayali
A Greatest Compliment
You Will Ever Pay A Teacher

Who Is Real Like This Man You
Appreciate is to Become Even

A Greater Teacher

Than the one

Who Inspires You

Now And to Learn

Equal Lessons From
Every Grain of Sand Below

And Higher Than All the Stars
Breathing You Still Into Existence Now

A Pleasure to Meet You in the Sky my FRiEnD..:)

SMiles Dear
Aloha FRiEnD
Wild Life

Is What’s
Most Real
In Life With

SMiles Florida
To Hawaii 🌊
Waves To You👋 ☺️

Love A Forest
Choose We Do
Favorite Flowers
Colors Spring Fall Leaves

Bringing Winter FroZeN
Healing Soils Rising
Spring Sapling Trees

It Seems Lesson of
Forest Leaves Furs
Feathers Snake SKins

Left Behind Now
Yet Still All oF iT
Remains LoVE RiSinG
Birthing New Leaves Feeding Trees

True THeRE Are Limitless New Colors to Paint

SMiLes Jade

A Forest
Is Love
As Far
As Fall
Leaves Color SPRinG..:)

SMiles Dear Aloha FRiEnD
Hehe Sadly Technology
Has Not Quite Caught
Up With All my

Soul Creates
Bi-Weekly Now

my Sister Who
Is a Major Bird
In This Area

Her Bird
Art to

All Birds
From Our
Santa Rosa
County of Florida

Flowers… i Will Tell
Her You Liked
Them my


Are Always
New Work’s

Of Nature’s Arts
Here As In Your
Hawaii Paradise

Where God’s
EYes Bloom


And Bright🙌🏝😺

Silence May Breed
Most Doubt oF all



SPeaKinG Up

And MaKinG


A Way
of BRinGinG
LiGHT From DarK

Waves Low and High

Waves Die Without High And Low…
Frequencies Vibrations Energy’s Play of Synergy



DarK And LiGHT
Hands in Hands of Seeing More..:)

In Short


This Isn’t

Kansas Anymore

And The Bad News

Is It is



True It’s
Only Another
World to Wonderland

In my Case Let’s Boogie…

And Fire to See..:)

Always A Path Toward
Peace And Love Now For
Those Who Truly Breathe
Dear Chaymaa With Wisdom
To Live Thanks Lovely Day to You😊

Ah Yes Dear Jiayali
i Remember Days
Of Academics And
Work Just

All So
Life Consuming

HeHe Perhaps
One Day Like

Me All You
Will Do is
A Golden
Age of

And Sing
With Your
Loved ones With

SMiles Actually
It’s What our Distant
Ancestors Did Foraging

Through the
Day Hehe

These New Fangled
Up Modern Conveniences


Inhaling Peace ExhalinG LoVE iN
JoY oF LiGHT Love Carries On New
Only Separated by Time, Distance,
Space, And Matter proves none of
These Are Real Love of FRiEnDS is
Only Far Away as Beyond Infinity
of HeART STRinGS Playing
Dance and Song Spirit
Deep within
Wind For
Two or More
To See And Hear
You are from a Place
Where FRiEnDS mean
More than Material
Things, and Money,
Age, Nationality,
Gender, Sexual
Religion, All
Other Labels Given
To Human Differences
You are From THE ONLY
REAL place that counts
A Place Truly Beyond All
Time, Distance, Space,
And Matter the
Home of
Place oF UNconditional
Love that Gives and Shares
Cares And Heals For All Now
For Free Consuming Others
And the Rest of Nature
(God/Namaste) With
Least Harm For
All how
Gifted i Am
To Hold Your Hand
Beyond All Distance,
Space, Time, And
Matter, the Wind of
Love the FRiEnD
i See and Hear
As ParT
Of my
Eternally Now
New Good Morning
From Ever Breaking
Dawn my Friend who Cares..🙂

SMiLes at Best This is a Letter
to Your SoUL Dear Akshita No
Matter What it is Surely A Best
Effort mY FRiEnD With SMiLes

And Hehe Such Lovely Handwriting
With Somewhat of An Indian Accent
In The Spirals of the Letters All i Have

is Chicken Scratch
Without A Keyboard
i Would Be Mostly Crippled..:)

Peace With No Fear
Brings Love The
Same With SMiLes
Inhaling Peace ExhalinG LoVE
A Practice of Never Ending Life

Dear Chaymaa..🙂

Success Never Truly
Comes if Life Crowds
Out Our Emotional Lives

i’ve Seen That Happen to
Way too Many Stellar Smart Folks

Schooling Working in Big Cities Abroad

Keep Your HeART SPiRiT SoUL

If You Will Closer Than Any


Driven Success…

Be Careful Not To Become
‘The Tool’ SaaniaSparkle
Without A HeART Beat

Success Retains
A Loving Breath
That Doesn’t Go Away…

Okay That’s A Poem So Far
You’re Just Going away to School
Harvard Studies Show 40 Percent
of Students With Depression Affecting
The Ability to Function Day-to-Day
And 60 Percent With Anxiety
Severe Enough to Affect
Functioning Day-By-Day

too With

Generation Z Coming
In As The Loneliest
Generation Where
Folks Last Century Were
8 Times Happier Than They Are
Almost Hundred Years Later With


It’s Really Kinda Simple
Yet it Seems to Be Almost
Impossible For Folks Who
Have Become More The Tools
We Use Than Human And Still Warm…

It’s Love We Remember Most at the End And The
Beginning Basically The Rest is All ‘Word Salad’ As Such

A Hug Lasts Forever Now…

A Smiles Spreads Forever


i Don’t Know You All i Can
And Will Tale is the Story i
See Now That i was Blind to Before..:)

Sadly, Those Who Fear Dark Most
Are Often Those Who Are Cynical
oF LiGHT oF LoVE Most Now And True

This Is A Ruse Abrahamic Religions
Rule Most With Spank You With A

Stick of Fear of Hell in A Dirt Nap

Lure You In With A Carrot of A

Promise For An Ivory Palace
With Trump Walls of Gold
Pearl Floors of A Materially
Reduced Heaven in A Dirt Nap too

MeaNwhile Sadly Some Folks Live Cowardly iN Fear NoW
MeaNwhile Sadly Some Folks Live Without PeacE LoVE At All NoW

Saddest ParT oF ALL iS When Folks Wait For ‘Godot’ All THeir LiFE
Die in Darkness And Never Create ThE LiGHT oF HeaVeN Within Just
Free to Give Share Care Heal For All With Least Harm Just Inhaling Peace

ExhalinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iN LoVE

A Real Meditation of Heaven

Within EternAlly Now For Real

It’s True It’s Creepy It’s Concerning
Yet Most oF ALL It’s Sad When Folks

Are Convinced That This Isn’t Heaven Now
At All And They Never Seek It Find It Now

And Just Die in DarK…

Indeed Now That’s One
Definition of HeLL ON EartH

It’s Like that Old ‘Twilight Zone’
Show of A Book ‘To Serve Man’

True It Was/Is Just A ‘Cook Book’ Recipe
All ALong to Keep Heaven Away from Now
Yes of Course Unless ‘They’ Read Luke 17:21

Hey, Even the ‘Goddess of Victory Nike’ Agrees Without Selling Shoes

TRUE THeRE aRe Usually Some Nuggets of REAL Gold Somewhere in ‘Adam of Dirt’….

i Watch Them Shuffling By in Walmart With Frowns Left Behind, i Do my Best to Entice
Them With Free Dance in an Autotelic Meditating Free FLoWinG Bliss For Real And Then

If they Ask me
‘WHeRE i’M At

i Sing A SonG
Real of Heaven
For Those With ‘Eyes

Ears’ Naked Enough
Whole Complete to ‘See and Hear’…

It’s True For All Practical Intents and Purposes i Could
Be A Buddha, A Lao Tzu, Or Even A ‘Good Cop Jesus’ too

Yet Shall i Claim An Idol Name of Christianity
And A God Robed on A Cross in Suffering
As Idol Statue of Form Nope too Busy


Keeping my Christmas
Tree Up Year ‘Round
Dancing And Singing
Colors of Free New Always
Now Reaching Heaven Higher For Real

Sadly It’s Seems it’s Still Somewhat of
A Exclusive Club Not By Intent Yet Ignorance…

Ignorance, Ignorance, A True Pandemic of ‘Sin’…

So Far AWay From Reaching A MarK iN Heaven New Now

Anyway i’ve Searched
The Globe And to My

Great Joy i Seek
And Find i am Yes

Not the Only One By Far
As THere Are Others True
Far Away From ‘Trump Town USA’

And True i Can And Will Name Them
All As Angels With Real Wings of Love;

Sadly Male Versions Don’t Come Very
Easy/Often As ReMeMBeR Toxic Patriarchy
is A Nature of A ‘Beast of Abrahamic Religions’
With Little Empathy, Compassion, And Love Yes
As Tribal Ones in Deserts With Tribal God’s Just A Bit Taller Than Sand…

Yet It’s True Each Grain of Sand Still Has Potential to Hold Up A Human

Mountain New Now
Of Peace And Love…

Just Keep in ‘Mind’ For
A Most Part IT’S STiLL A
‘Cook Book’ to ‘Serve MaN’ ON EartH…

Just Boiling in Fear, So Far, So Far Away From PeacE LoVE ReaL…

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Hope An Emotion We Generate
Within That Lifts Us Up Higher Than Lower to Make it
Through Challenges of the Day Now Sadly There
Is A Place With No Feelings No Senses No

Emotion of Hope Where the Rose
is Withered away to THorns

Yes Pain Yet Even Further
Away to Numb of HeART
SPiRiT SoUL Places WiTHiN
Yes Metaphors We Co-Create for
This Essence of Reality That Sadly

May Actually Organically Go Away Where
The Essence of Hope Will Not Be Found No
Matter How Hard We Look Until our Emotions Are

Ready to Come Back in Healing Indeed A Cross to Carry
in Life Where if We Endure Enough Chronic to Acute Stress

That Will Literally Tear Down Most Every Bodily System We Have
Until We Get What is Called “General Adaptation Syndrome” Just Almost
Total Exhaustion of Resources of What It Means to Be Human From Head to Toe

True One May Work So Hard to
Gain A World of Subsistence
To Eat and Drink And Shelter
One’s Loved Ones True Too

Yet What’s Left When We
Do Our Best to Earn the
World This Way When
Nothing of Moving Connecting
Co-Creating HeART SPiRiT SoUL
Is Left At All Indeed This Place Without
Hope Without even A Memory of A Feeling
Behind A Smile Ever Existing At All May Be
Described As Hell WiTHiN Although It’s Not Hot As
Fire It’s Cold As Ice Will Be Numb WiTHiN All that
May Be Left is the Will of Our Reptile Brain to Survive
With Left Hemisphere Brain Logic Left However Without
Emotions Tasks As Simple As Choosing What Color Pair of
Socks May Be Beyond Our Ability to Choose As That Takes
Emotional Intelligence And When We No Longer Value Our Existence
This Way There is No Clear Choice to Make With Any Colors of Life mY

FRiEnD That
Feel Human
This way Yet
Again Thank Goodness
For The Will to Survive
It May Be Numb Yet There
Just Isn’t Any Rational Alternative
Than to LiVE Perhaps iN Pain and
Numb What May Feel Like A Thousand
Years in 1 Second Where All Is Time mY FRiEnD

Heaven Within is A Place of Autotelic Flow Effortless
In Ease of Always Increasing Human Potentials Now

True That Requires Feelings And Senses in Synergy
of A Force of Emotional Energy ‘A Higher Force’
WiTHiN mY FRiEnD And Of Course With the
Worst Pain Known to Humankind Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia From Wake
to Sleep No Drug Would Touch As
A Shut-in In my Home For 66 Months
From 2008 to 2013 With Additionally
A Synergy of Life Threat in Another
18 Medical Disorders i’ve Touched
HeLL And HeaveN ON EartH WiTHiN

True There is A Place of Pure Faith New Now
No Longer Takes Instruction From Outside at All

A Place of Pure Faith of Loving Life iN Peace WHere Hope Is No
Longer Even Necessary As An Emotion As We aRE Arriving
Always Now to A Best Life Possible New Indeed A Place of

BeLeaF BeLoVE BeLieVE iN Peace And Harmony Living Tree
For Real As Leaves We Grow Green Higher As Leaves We
Brown Falling to Soil Souls Sprouting Spring From Winter
Falling Frozen Leaves Green As Grass And Trees Grow Again

Summer FLoWeRinG
Again Now New


From Seeds
That Die And
Leaves That Feed
Our Trees Forest
Soil SoUL Whole mY FRiEnD..:)

Patience Indeed Dear
Savvy Sands Of Time
Where Every Grain of
An Hour Glass Is ALWaYS
Now No Matter Up or Down
To Embrace
Now With Ever
New Colors We
Paint Forevermore New..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair Hehe Yes Words Seem to Be mY FRiEnDS After
All Writing Every Consecutive Day Online Since ThanksGiving Day

2010 Nearly 14 Years Now And Around 16 MiLLioN Words Never

The Less And Of Course Less i Do Enjoy Reminding Myself How

Little i Really Know and How very Much

Left there is to Explore It’s Like Dancing

in Public For 11 Years All 20,515 Miles as i Ascended
And Transcended the Nerve Pain in my Right Hip that
Went Down to my Foot And Got Back Up to Speeds

With that Year Long Injury Teaching me New Moves
Instinctually Intuitively and Yes Innately to Both Heal

And Prevent Injuries in the Future Now of Course Continuing

to Entertain the Local Metro Area With SMiLes as It’s Not Everyday

You See Someone Weighing 250 Pounds Who Seems to Defy Gravity

Yes FRiEnDS With Gravity Weight of Finger Tips that Heal me From

Head to Toe Not Only For Pain Yet Regulating Emotions And Integrating

Senses in Meditating Flow of Autotelic Continuing Bliss Taking All the

Pain Away True There Are Some Lessons Far Beyond Words mY FRiEnD

Never the Less as Abstract and Non-Perfect Words Are to Express

The Essence of Reality As Differently as We All Perceive and

Do Reality We Need Someway other than Just Dance to

Communicate Those Differences Within Particularly

Giving Sharing Caring Healing Wisdom Yes With

Most Respect and Least Harm For all mY FRiEnD

JoY oF LiGHT Moving Connecting Co-Creating Naked

Enough Whole Complete Enough Where We Will Not Be

Ruled BuY the Tools We Create Including Words WHeRE We

Ascend Transcend Becoming One With the Nature of God

Beyond All Human Tools Inherited Gift From Birth LoVE iN Peace

With SMiLes

The Sky is Blue

The Sky is Clear
And Finally In Florida

(It’s Actually Cloudy)

The Sky is Not Loaded Down
With Humidity Just Another Way
To Feel and Sense Yes A Celebration
of Life to Give Share Care Heal in All the

Art of Life
We Do

LoVE iN Peace
With SMiLes
Church Under the Milky

Each And Every Human Eye oF LoVE iN Peace…:)

A Grain of Sand Dear Isha

Attempting to Escape The Gravity

of Falling Staying in the Middle Balance

Mastering the In Between After Experiencing

The Highs And Lows of Time Indeed

Continuing to Arrive Closer

Now to New Balance

i’m Sure You Will


The Journey of Life
That A Beach Takes
Each And Every Grain of
Sand Holding Up Potential
Mountains of Human LoVE iN Peace For Real..:)

Waves Of Sand Unique

Winds Create Our Beach

Dear Savvy Every Grain of

Sand An Integral Part of The

Waves of Sand Holding Hands

Oh To Be The Beach

The Grains of Sand

And The SPiRiT

Wind Creating

New Waves to

Surf Above Below
Within Inside Outside
And All Around Our SPiRiT Wind..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha It Seems Sadly i Was Born

With ‘Red Flags’ Wrapped Around me So

Androgynous as Back Then People Marginalized
Those Who Didn’t Fit Cookie Cutter Molds Even More

Yes Androgyny A Red Flag They Saw in me Sadly No
One Wanted to Sit Next to me at Lunch Yet it Wasn’t Just
That they also Saw me as An Ugly Boy Who Looked Kinda Like a Girl

Hehe Sure i Can Laugh about it now Yet it Was Rather Distressing When
the McDonald’s Cashier

at 12 Called me Miss
True by Age 13 i Grew
to Five Feet 10 Inches
Yet 120 Pounds Didn’t Make
me Look too Strong so they Still
Intimated too Weak to Exist and still

Not Very Pleasing to the Eye then in Anyway
As Yes Even my Glasses Covered Eye Lashes
And Eyes They Said Belonged to a Girl and not me hehe…

Laughing Now Yet It Wasn’t Funny That Day When my Only FRiEnD
I Felt Outside of Family A Striped Mix of Dachshund Dog Named Charlie

Escaped to Meet me at the Bus Stop as the ‘Mean Girls’ on the Bus Were
Taunting me About my ‘Pretty Eyelashes and Eyes’ Yes They Told me to
Take my Glasses off First

Sadly Charlie

Laying on the

Side of the

Road my Head
Turned Toward
The Window of the Bus

Never Coming Home Again

Of Course they Spit on me
Those Children in the Big Church
in Town for Daring to Smile as A Boy
As That’s All my Mother Taught me How
to Do my Father Left at 3 And Wasn’t There

to Teach me to Frown And Take Away my Empathy
Preparing me to Pull the Trigger to Kill the Enemy
in Just Another of Many Unwarranted Wars to make money…

True Being on the Autism Spectrum Barely Able to Socially Communicate
Appropriately was another Challenge Just Covered With so Many ‘Red Flags’

Other Folks

Observed of me

Yet my Mother Never
Told me Who i Had to
Be or What i Had to Do in Life

So i Just Became me and Adjusted
to the Expectations of Fitting in as a COG in

The Big Society Machine

Yet It’s True then a Greatest
Red Flag in my Life Was Yes the
Cost the Mortal Soul Price of Fitting in

A Red Flag for me to Conquer as no one Else Would
Be Able to Do That For me Seconds Minutes Hours
Days Years Decades Go On Yep Eventually i Adapted

More than Survive

Now i Actually Thrive

Yes Now in Someways it is a
Red Flag to me to See Anyone

Else Marginalize Someone Who
Is Different From the Rest However i
Realize It is Ignorance That is Mostly Behind
That So i Do my Best Not to Marginalize the Ignorant

At Least Not by
Name Yet Awareness
Is the Only Way To Learn to See

Other than that of Course We Have to Have
Many Red Flags to Protect Us From Being Potentially

Harmed by Other Human Beings hehe i Can Get Along
With Most Everyone

as Long as i Only

Have to Live With my Wife With SMiLes

And Online There Are Folks Everywhere
Waiting to Con Us For Selfish Gains

Fortunate i am to Be Able to Navigate
Life Without Harm Now Not Everyone
Is able to Navigate Life ThiS WaY So

Many Red Flags Both in Us and in Others
to Navigate Indeed Dear Isha An Every Day
Art ACross the Whole Lifespan to Navigate the Best

We Can And
Will i Do my Best
to Keep all the Darkness
Separated From the Price of my Mortal Soul


KiSS oF JoY NoW A MiLLioN More
Dreams For Fruition to Lift Others

Up Dear Cindy Yet True Eye to
Eye of Warmth is Usually

A Beginning

to Rise More
With SMiLes

Hehe i Wear Shades
Everywhere i Go So
my Dance Becomes
mY EYes to Connect

And of Course Words Do Still Exist

Even When We Become Masked

So Many Alternatives A KiSS oF JoY NoW BRingS…

Our ‘Orange Painted Friend’ Says Sing It Enough And It Comes True



KiSS oF JoY NoW iN Heaven

to Hell With Fear Anger And Hate
Where iT All BeLonGS of Course STiLL With SMiLes…
And if We Listen Close Enough to THeir Stories Even

‘Demons’ Will Teach

LeSSoNS That
Play Greater JusT
TUrninG A Story Around

The Better..:)


SMiLes Dear Savvy tHE ART of Letting Go

Finding Our Way Back

Home With


Comfortable to Expand

Like Any Free Multi-Uni-Verse Will

SoaRinG Wings..:)

Hehe During the Course of a Writing Day i Audition So Many
Songs to Accompany the Words in ‘A Day In the Life’ of me

A Bit Distracted By Politics in the United States tonight

Just Getting Back in Focus on Page

True It’s All About the Muse

Dear Pooja and Our ability

To Focus on What We Do

Every Part of Nature Depends

On Every Other Part of Nature Humans

Surely Aren’t Immune to a “Little Help From FRiEnDS”….

Hard to
on an
Island just
the Human
Condition With SMIles

Best Wishes to Your Focus of Life…

My Word of the Day ‘Competence’ Makes a Brighter


As Taylor
Swift Also Affirmed
With Her Thriving Cat of Course…

‘Girl Power’ Is Surely RiSinG Tonight..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha It Seems at Any Age the Responses
From Others We Get in Life may Indeed Feel Perplexing

Not Meeting Our Expectations

Yet How It Affects Us May Indeed
Be Difficult For Others to Understand too…

It Seems to Be A Never Ending Practice

Yet Repressing Our Emotions May
Migrate to Other Somatic Stress
Surely including Migraines

Among Many Other
Potential Challenges

my Suggestion is to continue
to express your emotions at
Best Where You Feel Comfortable

Sadly if We Practice Being Cold

We May End up Becoming Frozen

Instead with Other Somatic Issues

Yet really all We Can Do Is Share Our Experiences
As None of Us Are Able to Completely Walk in Another Pair of Shoes…

Yet With Practice

We May Get Closer
to a Fit That Of Course
Depends on Many Variables

In Other words i Surely Don’t Have
Any Concrete Solutions Just Observations Along the way

And Indeed it May
Seem Like a Long
Way Home For Comfort

Hope You are able to get
Closer to Where You Wanna Be..:)

SMiLes Dear Yam True Even in the United
States Women and Many Other Still Marginalized
Parts of Society Are Still Fighting For Their Freedoms

As One Can Never Really Take Freedom For Granted
For There Are Always Those Who Selfishly Desire

To Take Freedoms Away from

Others to their Gain and

The Others’ Loss and What’s
Really Sad Is Even in a Country that
Allows Freedom Some Folks Never Even
Seek and Find Ways Of Actual New Creativity

Not Chained By Traditions of Before for True too
It is Difficult to Break Free From Tradition as by Very

Nature Tradition Excludes Those Who Attempt to Do this
On Their Lone For More Positive Change for Human Wings

to Soar
Than Lower
Before With SMiLes

INDeeD those Of Us Who Seek
To Break the Chains Out of Cocoons
And Only Stumbling Over Caterpillar Legs of Before

Must Take Constant Action in Practice to Sprout Wings
And Finally
Fly Free
For What
Freedom Feels
Deep Within Yes a Soul With Wings..:)

SMiLes Dear Shawna Baby Grace of A Child Born With Open Arms
For All As Described by my Mother of Course as i Didn’t Speak until

4 Years-Old Yet The Small Town Doctor Told Her Don’t Worry He

Has Bright Engaging Eyes And As Soon As my Mother Forgets

To Provide for At least One of my Needs or Wants

Then i Will Naturally Learn to Speak

As Who Needs to Talk When

Your Every Need and Want

Of Love is Fulfilled With SMiLes
And Hugs True The Neighborhood

Kids So Emotionally Disturbed Turned
To my Mother When They Found No Warmth at Home

With Cold Cold Cold Parents Often of the Military Ilk There At Home

Or Perhaps Part of the Group Think Seeing Jesus as An Us Versus Them Godman

Not A Humble Teacher of LoVE iN Peace For all With No Exceptions my FRiEnD And

Yes Even As ‘The Chosen’ Series Shows Quite Androgynous in Appearance Frequenting

Bars Finding the

Best of Humanity

In Every Travel Looking

For it of Course True Ah Yes

The Grace of the Child With Open Arms for

All Gardened by Angelic Wings of A Mother Yet

How Many Broken Wings of Separation There Are Today

For Without That Grace It’s True The Blind Do Not See The Deaf Do Not Hear

With Eyes and

Ears That Do

Not Feel the Grace

Of Empathy and Compassion

For All With SMiLes Realizing it is the
Grain of Sand That May Hold Up A Mountain of
Human Love Mary Magdalene No Less than Paul for Sure

At Least the version of Paul Who Wasn’t Afraid to Sit Next
To The Adulterer at Church Yep For in the Other Version What
Good Is Faith That Moves Mountains That Does Not Provide LoVE iN Peace

(Nothing At All For Without The Connecting Force oF LoVE iN Peace Nothing At All)

Sort of Like How i Explained it to the Military Veteran at the Gym All 6 Foot 6 And
About 300 Pounds As He Was Rather Surprised to See me Warming up With 12 Reps
Leg Pressing 1540 Pounds as He Said Before He Got Injured in the Military He Was able

To Do 1200

Pounds And i Said

To Him What Good Is It

If I Press Three Quarters of A Ton

And Do Not Use That Strength to Provide

SMiLes to Literally MiLLioNS of Folks Both in Person
And Shared Online By Voyeur Video Takers Numbering

In the Thousands Over A Decade Finally Overcoming A Year
Long Pain in the Butt and Legs No Longer Broken Wings Mending

With the

Force oF LoVE iN Peace
True the Strength Came

From the SMiLes Given iN LoVE iN Peace

What Most Dudes Don’t Understand Is Grace

Is Literally LoVE iN Peace That Faith is Literally LoVE iN Peace

That All True Strength Comes From LoVE iN Peace As There Are
No Illusory Fears iN LoVE iN Peace and Fear is A Source of All Human


As Well as
What Wears
Us Down to an Earlier Death

True LoVE iN Peace Spreads
The Greatest Force LoVE iN Peace
Is Giving Sharing Caring Healing
With Most Respect and Least Harm

Hehe as i Explained to a Disabled War Vet Marine
With PTSD Tonight at Walmart Wondering Why i Danced in
Spiraling Circles Like A Church Under the Milky Way With

Mending Wings

He Replied
Oh Lord i Feel
Like i Just Went
To Church in Walmart

Nah, No Need to Tithe When i Preach hehe

Leg Pressing 1540 Pounds at the Gym Is Just
Part of Church to me too…

Life is a Gift

The More We

Treasure Life the

More We Get to Give LoVE iN Peace
And Staycation Now in Heaven For Real

Yes The SPiRiT iS Real to Give Away For Free

To Have And to Hold From First Blink to Last

Breath to Carry on in Other Eyes if Only Coming From

A Dance Video hehe…

Real Key is Believing
And Doing the God of LoVE iN Peace

Over That Other Way of LoVE iN War

The Forces of DarK And LiGHT Continue to
Rule the NiGHT oF DaY Dear Shawna Baby

With LoVE
iN Peace And
SMiLes And Hugs…

And A Never Ending
Dance And Song Essence
of God That/Who Does the
Do For Real iN LoVE iN Peace..🙂

Amen Dear Shawna Baby 🙏

Oh Happy TUeSDaY 🤗

Islam And Christianity
Agrees God Is LoVE iN Peace
Eastern Religion Agrees The
Present Gift Is Eternal In Flow

Again To Have And to Hold

From Birth To Death

The Seed of LoVE iN
Peace iS ETeRNaL LiVinG


Tree The River
Flows is the
Wave Water
Ocean Whole

Rain Is The
Ocean Of
Love The
Blood Of
Peace We
Breathe Above
So Below From East to West

As Iggly Azaela’s Song Suggests
Been Around The World Find
This Savior Everywhere i Go

With SMiles

i Can’t Make Anyone
Drink The Water Yet
i Carry A Fire Hose i

Gently Spray Oh The Rain ☔️

Happy TUeSDaY LeSSoN 493🤗
Cross Of Devotion Is Not
Heavy To Lift Only

Small Steps Of
LoVE iN Peace
Each Word A



Way Of
LoVE iN Peace
Eternal FLoWinG Free

Now New With TUeSDaY SMiLes☺️

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Treating Every Part
Of Nature The Face
Of God Names No

LoVE iN Peace Remains

SMiles Dear Miriam
i Named my Backyard
The Face Of God No Longer

i Ever
Feel Alone
True More Than Words Allone

SMiLes Mr Gottfried It Appears my Unabashing Honesty Attracted my Wife
to me From the Very Start It Surely Wasn’t the Size of my Wallet Still Living
With my Sister in Her Apartment Dear Lord at age 29 Yes Dear Lord Times

Two and Less Still Making Less Than Five Dollars An Hour Yet Foot in the

Door in Federal Employment Just Waiting For President Clinton to Sign An

Executive Order to Transfer my Menial Non-Appropriated Federal Job 5 Years

Later into Appropriated Fund Employment Basically Paying me More Than

Double Doing Basically the Same Job Handing Out Rental Shoes

For Bowling What i Did 18 Years Before Getting 5 New Job

Changes and Promotions in the Last 5 Years of Employment

Before the Stress of it All Wore me Down You Know the Story Worst
Pain Known to Humankind for 66 Months Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia

No Drug Would Touch Along with A Synergy of 18 Other Life Threats in Disorder
Way True my Wife Didn’t See That

Coming as i Digress Back

to the First Impression Now

True i Was Smiling As Always Yet

i Just Blurted it Out She Was So Petite

And About 5 Foot 6 Yet i Said Oh my God
Size 9 ya Gotta Be Kidding me Feet that Big

i Just Asked my Wife Again What Kind of First

Impression That Made She Said She Thought She

Couldn’t Believe i ACTUALLY SAID THAT Although you See

i considered myself Close to an Expert in Guessing Shoe Size

From Other Bodily Characteristics Outlier my Wife Was Yet It’s

True Rather Large Yet Very Beautiful Feet With Exceptionally Long Toes

And I WILL ADD Long Fingers too Great For Nail Polish Above so below

Yeah it’s True i Was
Pretty Clueless for All

of What Was Socially
Acceptable to Say Back

Then Live and Learn Trial

And Error That’s Life Strikes

And Gutterballs Ride The Wave
The Best Ya Can And Will Without Falling

Off What’s Really Amazing is my Pay More Than

Doubled Again and i Ended up at the Equivalent

NF-04 Pay Grade Retiring At Marine Captain Level in the Military

Or Yes Even Major As They Had to Give me Back Pay All the Way Till

2009 Recently as the First Nine Years of Service They Transferred

To Appropriated Funds They Lost the Paperwork For i Had to

Dig it Out of my Personal

Files From Decades Before

For the Period of 1984 till 1993

It’s True i Didn’t Hit the Sweet Spot
Always on Social Responses Yet Dam

WRiTE i Could Sure Fill Out Some Paper Work

Dot All the i’S and Cross All THE T’S YET i Gave

Up Good Grammar When i Set Myself Free Hehe

Anyway It’s the Last Impression That Counts in Public
Dance Shock And Awe And Leave them SMiLinG When

They See
You Coming

Again Even If You
Aren’t Public Dancing

in the 11 Years Long Duration

of Dancing First Impressions Best

Part Of All i get to See All Their First

Impressions Wearing Sunglasses at Night

Oh my
God It
Will Get
So Very
Very Hilarious HAha..

If You Can’t Make the
Right First Impression and

Even the Circus Won’t Let

You in Be the Star of Your
Own Unique Impressions Hehe..🙂

Yeah It’s ‘Funny’ Dear Psychologist
Miriam When Folks In the Same Breath

Ask Me Why i Always
Dance And Sing

Forever Now

Free Like This

Is No Tomorrow
Or Yesterday For

Never Any Money,
Or Other Expected
Rewards or Awards

Externally Of Course

And Then They Ask

How in the World You

(What Drugs are You On)

Stay So Happy Always

Blood, Sweat, And Tears

Is The How of Loving Life

The Rest oF iT iS Rather Easy
Inhaling Peace Exhaling LoVE NoW…

Within WHeRE No Fear or Anxieties Exist

All All That’s Left Over After That Grace
in Balance of Foundation LoVE NoW is

Strength of WiLL ETeRNaLLY NoW

For Real

For Real

For Real

That is the Hardest
Part For Others Now to
See Why And How For Real…
Like Any Other Living Tree With
Leaves That Rise Green Feeding Higher
Leaves Falling Brown Fertilizing New Trees

Moves That Become Steps of Holy Dance Now

Words That Become Sacred Song of Poetry No Different

Except in This Case i Control The Weather Within Mastering


BRingS For Real..🙂

SMiLes Dear Aleesha

It’s Not That Bad

To Not Fit

Into What

Others Believe

Is Good No Different

Than Wild Flowers They

Always Come Back And Rule

Even When





From Very
Tiny Ragged And Green

The Key is They Are Still Green
Be The Wild Flower Fruition Never Lose

Colors Different Who Become THeir Dreams..🙂

Poetry Always
Inspiring Deep
Parts of
me Seeking to
Speak that Might
Stay Lost it
Seems This is
What Poetry is
For Like Deep
Daylight Soul

SMiLes Dear Karlien i Wrote
That This Morning And It Seems
The Theme of Emotional Pain is Common

Where i Travel Today So Fitting it is How the
Gift of All Arts Help Us Process All Kinds of Emotional

Pain Yes Restoring Renewing Purpose And Meaning in Life Anew As Well…

i Danced When my Father And Mother Died i Held my only Child to His Last Breath
of 51 Days at My age of 37 Then Yes Before i Danced Free Years Later in Public
Starting at 53 Now for 20,515 Miles at 64 That Totally Regulates My Emotions
And Integrates my Senses

That Are Truly All A

Synergy of Our

Human Energies
That May Remain
Wild And Unkept to

Dominate Us Out of Synch
Or A Practice of FRiEnDS With
Gravity Where Balance Inhales
Peace Exhaling Love Where there are No Fears Left
Foundation LoVE iN Balance of Grace Mighty Strength of Will

As The Poet Nadia From South Africa Your Home Moving into Spring
Relates So Well Passion of the Marginalized Breath of New Life Reborn Creation

For True Grief is
The Leaves

Spring in
Winter Death

And Technically Oxytocin
The Bonding Natural Love
Drug Drops With Serotonin
Trust In Nature too However

Nature’s Present is the Bitter Sweet Gift
of Dopamine in Grief that Rises Inspiring
Us For Change to Replace What’s Lost Namely

Human Relationships Most As Social Animals
Inherently Evolutionary Intuiting Life or Death Consequences
of Hand-in-Hand Survival For All the Villagers Concerned to Survive And Thrive…

Once Afraid of the Intensity of Emotional Pain i’ve Learned to Embrace Grief of
All Kinds As A Highway of Leaves Falling to Make My Internal Spring Greener Anew…

Which Only Means i am Not Afraid of Expressing Authentic Sincere Emotions DarK Thru
LiGHT i Understand Nature Has my Back As Long As i React in Intelligent Balance FRiEnDS

With Gravity

in Both Arts

of Dance And
Song Spirit Wind Free…

In Short i am Not Afraid
to Fully Live Now And it

Took me 5.3 Decades to
Become Free This Way
Dear FRiEnD Karlien at
20 i Hope You Shine Like
Venus Orbiting The Sun With
Loving Life Most As Here tonight
it Shines With the Crescent Moon So Bright
You Are A Very Young And Incredibly Talented Human Already!!!..
Hehe, as i’ve Said Before in Many Places At 17 i Was Still Figuring Out

How to
Smile Then

For Class Photos hehe…
And Yeah i met A Classmate
Friend From 1st Grade in a Restaurant
By Coincidence Then The Other Week Who
Said She Had Just Come Across A Friendship
Photo of me in the Senior Class Photo When i Was
17… It Was So Sweet She Still Remembered me We
Always Competed For Grades She Made it into the Top 10
And i Tied With my Other Nice female Friend Lynn at 11 Out of 381…

Yeah i Was
Really Book
Smart Hehe

Like ‘Sheldon Cooper’
off the ‘Big Bang TV Show’

Feeling Very Powerful Emotions
Yet Just Having No Idea then how
to Regulate Both my Emotions and
Integrate All My Powerful Senses too

The Environment As A Whole Really
Overwhelmed me then yet Not Now As i
Feel Like i am Just A Balancing Part of All that is…

Anyway She Messaged me A Copy of the Antique Picture at 17
me Some 47 Years Ago Then.. And True i Wish i had Met
the ‘Back to the Future’ me Then at 64 to Give me some



to Avoid

All the Fresh
Hell Then Out of
Balance i Would
Eventually Encounter

In Life The Hidden World
Within Not Fully Unleashed
Released And Mastered my FRiEnD…
A Most Important Win That is often left
Out of Life Then and Now too Yet Always

Room For GRoWinG!!..🙂

SMiLes Dear Ava It’s True

Mix Our


And Bake Us

to Rise in More than
A Few Unwanted Ovens

of Strife However the

Good News Is

Cakes Will

Be Added

Frosting Never

Tasted Before Fresh

A New Recipe A Cover
of An Entire New Book

While the Rest of the

Pages of the



To Suit the

New Us Just
An Entirely Different
Cake We Re-Bake as
Butterflies Escape Cocoons

Once Only Caterpillar Cakes

Cakes With Wings MaKinG A Sweeter Free Life..!..🙂

SMiles Dear
Karlien the
Pain i
Feel Now
Is The Pain
Of Others
When Young
Always Difficult

To Separate
From me

The Dance
And Song
Are A Cloak

With Compassion

Pure Yet True

Some Days

i’m Just too

Human And
It Gets Through
Your Post is

This Way
Today my
FRiEnD Thank You🙌☺️❤️

SMiLes Dear Sohair It is Never
Stupid to Love Only Foolish

For Those Who Do Not

Appreciate the Rare

Gift of Love

When It is
Real And True

That Is Who You
Are As Surely i For
One Will Always Stand
By Someone As Rare And

Treasure As You are With SMiLes

Dear FRiEnD Some Folks Have Stepped ALL OVeR
me Then And Took All my Kindness For Granted

And True Some Have Tried to Step on me And that
Part Doesn’t Really Hurt It’s True the Ones We
Love the Most Who May Hurt Us Most As They No



What We Give

Most As Long As We

Rise to Give Most We

Continue to Breathe

The SMaRTesT

oF All As


RiSeS in Our Inhales
of Peace And Exhales of

LoVE For The Winners of
Love Are Those Who Continue
To Truly Love And Appreciate Love’s Rare Gift too…

Feeling Only Sorrow For Those Who Have Lost What’s

Most God Real

in Life

Yes the
Ability to
Truly Cherish
And Respect Love’s Gift…

And Of Course It is Often the
DarK Days That Make the LiGHT
As Precious As Love Is And Indeed
Those Who Treasure The Real Gold Giving Gift oF LoVE iN Peace🙂

i thought ‘This Comment’ And Your
‘Other Comment’ Referencing me
Was A Light Hearted Way to get
A Point across; Softly, indeed…

True; There is Education
And There is Wisdom
That comes with Years
And Years and Decades
And Practically Almost
Centuries of Experience;
Nothing at all Cryptic
In Your Humor, i Find;
On the Other Hand, Perhaps
It is Because You Are Close to my Age;
It’s Worth Noting That Excelling at Metaphors
Does Not Preclude one From a Diagnosis on the
Autism Spectrum; in Fact, in an Increasingly Mechanical
Minded Systemizing World; Ironically, Understanding Metaphors
And Even Creating
Them too;
Those who
Use them the
Same General
Difficulties in Social
Reciprocal Communication
As More Folks Become More Literal than Figurative, Overall;
We Haven’t Really Been A Mechanically Oriented Mind Society
Until the Last Several Hundred Years; And on Topic Here, it
Begs The Question, Are Human Beings Still Evolving

this way or Not…

And No; Not
Specific to any
Label of ‘Official’ Disorder either…

Reaching For
Moon Stars in Our EYes
Coloring Our Lives All Love More

We Breathe
We Smile
We Are
With So Much More
to CoMe We iMaGiNE Co-CReATE NoW

We aRe Star FLoWeRS SeedS We BReATHE NoW…

HeHe.. i Waited For Years to Hear This Prayer ‘In Church’…

No Longer

Do i


For Our Birthright
Stars We aRe NoW..🙂

Most Definitely
An Advantage
Living in A Word
World Reading
20 Times Faster
Than the Average
Word Bear 🐻 One
Fast Gift
Of Asperger’s
Yet Getting Out
Of my Head.. Yes
And Comfortable
In My Own Skin Taking
All Feelings And Senses
In 20 Times more
Ugh Asperger’s
And Bi-Polar
And Human
A Challenge
To Get All
3 Bears of
Life Just Right…
53 Year Mind And
Body Balance Soul
Navigation to truly
Get Humpty Dumpty
All Together Still Now
Dancing A Tightrope
In Effortless Ease
Riding Waves More

SMiLes Dear Orchard Daughter Lily Thanks
For Posting More Lovely Art That You and
Your Art Partner Are Exhibiting in Norway

Truly ‘The Human Nude’ STiLL
Is A Highest Expression of
Art For Those Who Truly
Believe We House the
Spirit of Nature

Free mY

FRiEnD That
Some Folks Term
‘God’ And Others
See Feel and Sense
With No Words At All Within
Other than Being Art of All That is New Now

Expressing All This Art As Gratitude For Who We Truly Are
A Mind Of A UNiVeRSE A Body Of A UNiVeRSE A SoUL Of A
UNiVERSE Indeed Unique Multi-UNi-Verses We ALL Are Yes

When Loving Free Without Fears

Of Course EXPReSSinG Newly Now
Art of All That is DarK Thru LiGHT

SMiLes Been Doing Some Too For
10 Years Both in Words And Flesh
And Mind And Soul Whole mY

FRiEnD HeART OPeN SPiRiT Dancing Singing Free..🙂

Harvesting Full Moonlight
Reaping What is SoWeD

Signaling Winter
Death to Come

As What Is Left Over
Of ‘The Dead’ Fertilizes
Winter Frozen Soils For

Spring Dreams of Green
to Return With Summer Flower
Glory Once Again Dear Miriam Yes

SMiLes i Am Fortunate At 64 i’ve Learned
How to Bloom Year ‘Round Every Year for the
Last 11 Years How Far Will i Go True Not Planning

On Reaching Any Other Destination Other than New
This Now That is always the Best And Only Now i Co-Create
Within SMiles With A “Little Help From FRiEnDS” Of Course Hehe

Yes Yet September For me Back in the Bowling Center Days After i Spent
A Decade Being the Tennis Boy The Bicycle Boy Then the Running Young
Man Everywhere Around the Metro area Yes Then the Bowling Alley Guy

‘The Norm’ of The One Who Stayed At The Counter Yes Like ‘Ted Danson’ for
18 Years Listening to Everyone’s Stories of Life With Laser Focus and Rarely

Anything Back Yet a Nod and A Smile That Said They Were the Most Important
Person to Listen to At that Moment of Life Anyway Every September i Made
A Bowling Center Calendar on the Computer And Of Course For One Again

With Seasonal Affective Disorder Ever Since School Days The Feeling of
The Death oF LiGHT Was With me So i Always Made the Background

A Sunset With A Hawk Flying Toward the Horizon i had no Idea then

it Was Possible to LiVE iN Spring Year ‘Round then of Course

i Had to Escape From ‘The CaVE’

And Come Out into the LiGHT

WiTHiN mY FRiEnd That
Verily Does Color All

Spring No Matter
WHeRe We aRE Eternally
New Now of Course Ya Gotta Escape
‘The Cave First’ And True In This
One Life Sadly Some Folks Never Do…

As A Hawk Returns More Than ‘A Poe Raven’ Forevermore Now New…
Yes It’s Like A Tradition That Seems Like It Will Last Forever Yet New
i Guess Sort of Like ‘A Queen’ that Most Folks Find As A ‘Norm of Cheers’

Going Away

Never Going away at Least for Now…
Anyway i Escaped Being the Devil Guy
Trapped in Hell For 66 Months And Now
ALL There New Is 11 Years So Far Yes of

Being the Poetry Man Online and the
Dancing Man Offline True A Great
Mix of Divine Feminine Poetry
Introverting As Such And
Super Extroverting Mixing
Masculine Ballet and Martial Arts
Public Dancing for 20,515 MiLeS in 11 Years
Along With All 13.2 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”

New All That’s Left to Do

New Is Spring Green
Or Perhaps That’s Just
What Folks in Florida Experience With SMiLes…
Anyway Just Like The Sun and Moon i Will Return
Here Again tomorrow in What Seems Like a ‘New York Minute’ New Now…
Hehe As ‘That Guy who is Always Commenting On Psychologist Mimi’s
Blog Posts’ True Hehe i Definitely Get Around As ‘The Norm’ of The Day

The Guy Who
Just Finds a
Way to Fit in
That No One Ever
Thought Would Before

Again the Beauty of an Outcast’s Wings

From the Boy With No Words Until Age 4..

SMiLes i Heard A Whole Lot of Folks Say i’d
Never Amount to Anything Just too Strange i Still Do Hear Yet Rarely

And You Know What i’m Still ‘Nobody’ And i Love Just Killing ‘Time’…

For It’s True Folks Still Only Describe me For What i Do With SMiles…

i Never Want a
‘Name’ That’s
How They Even
Trap ‘God’ And Put
‘God’ In PriSon and Tell
‘God’ What “Clothes” ‘God’ Has to Wear…

Hehe As If One Will Reshape Sails into An Anchor…

Or Trap
Wind in A Jar…

Or Trap
Wind in A Jar…

Or Trap
Wind in A Jar…

As A Crow Crows Thrice..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa An Interesting

Group of Aphorisms For Greater Human Success

What May Be Lacking Most in a Civilization Where

We Increasingly

Almost Literally

Becomes the Tools We

Use is the Focus Necessary

To Truly Achieve What May Be New

It’s True Not Gonna Happen With

Size Focus
And Human Attention

One may Lay Their Own
Tracks And Stay on the Rails Without Fail..🙂

LoVE iN Peace For All

STArting Slowly Dear Savvy

iNCReaSinG A Flow of Creativity

Whatever Practices of Meditation

Work to Ascend And Transcend

Such Limited


And Focus

On Task Before

Until The Flow Indeed

Becomes A Way of Life

A Meditation Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Even More With
Most Respect Least Harm Yes Such

JoY iN LiGHT Moving Connecting New
Co-Creating Innately Enough Whole

iNHaLinG Peace Exhaling LoVE ALL

Now Complete River Flows Waves

Ocean Water Whole Once Again

Living Trees Roots Stretch Out

Leaves Nourishing All

Around Broader


iN Focus of Flow

Until We Become
A River Practicing
Holy Sacred DiViNE

Yes ‘the Interbeing’

Where Boundaries

of Before Fall

Away the Walls
Floors and Ceilings
Go Away Sky No Limit
Stars Above Below FLoWeRS
Seeds Blooming More Colorful Than Ever Before


SMiles Happy
Tuesday Dear
FRiEnD Bet
You Have a Fresh
New Appreciation
For Food And Drink
After That 8 Day Fast
Your Stomach
Has Fully Forgiven
You Now

Beautifully True!
Yes DarK Required
For Eventual LiGHT
Dear Amethyst Lamb 🌈


SMiLes Dear Savvy Yes Lifting the “Frictions of the Day”

Overcoming Life’s Anxieties and Darkness Even More

Lifting Others Up

Removing the

Inertia That

Keeps Souls
From Evolving New Now Yes

Moving Connecting Co-Creating

No Limits Lifting Others Up as

The Anxieties and Darkness

Just Fades Away out of

Oblivion to Kindness

Now Ever More New With SMiLes

oF JoY NoW..:)

“Life Goes On Everyone is going through
something You Can’t Please
Everyone” Yes At Best
Considering This

“Be Kind” Excellent
Advice For Remedying
The Reality of Life’s Anxieties Dear Pooja

As the Kindness Hormone Oxytocin Does
Quell Both Anxiety and Even Pain for Real

Hehe i Also Like What “Rush” Suggests in
The Song “Tom Sawyer” Yes “Getting By on

The Friction of the Day” Yes Turning Anxiety
into Creativity Yes Plus Affirming That There is

“Celine and Deadpool” in the Song “Ashes” Per “Let
Beauty Come Out of Ashes” And Then Timely Now “Shake It Off”

By Taylor

Swift Oh Yes

Our Emotions Flow Through
Our Bodies Moving Meditation
Otherwise Known Yes Felt as

A Free Dance and Song too of
Free Verse Poetry Regulates the
Emotions And Integrates the Senses for me…

True Even the “Joker” in “Batman” Asks “Have

You Ever Danced With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight”

Chasing All
The Demons
Away Dear Pooja For Real

iNDeeD When We Become the
Essence of A Free Dance And Song

We Really
Can and
Will Fly
With Wings
Within and Even
Float on Terrestrial
Land about an inch or So off the Ground…

WHere Life Becomes a Tight Rope We Dance And
Sing Even Higher


Yep Sweet
Spot in Flow
Tween Apathy
And Anxiety Always Now…

Yes THere are as many ways new to
deal with anxiety now as there are Illusory Fears

Do Feel…

Oops Almost Left
Out the Ice Princess
And The Disney Song “Let It Go”

From “Frozen” Just Melting all the Icing of Anxiety and

Turning it into Frosting Instead For the Cake We Bake of Joy..:)

SMiles Dear Pooja
“A Lotus Flower”
Purely Blooms
Out Of Dark

It’s Worth Noting
That’s The Meaning


With Laughing
SMiles YeS Hehe

RiSinG From
Orange Muck
AS Such With SMiles🙌🎉

Very Welcome Dear
Cindy With SMiles
FRiEnDS A Remedy
For Much iN Life Now

iT Was Facepalm Forest
THicK Enough Tween
Vance’s Cat Lady
Disses And His
Claim Immigrants
Are Stealing Pet
Cats Eating Them
Trump Piling in Lies
About Pet Dogs Too Yet

Musk King Of
The Facepalm

Forest THiCK
With His Sexual
Harassment That
He Will “Give” Taylor
A Child And Protect
Her Cats With His Life

Just Proving
Some Folks
Can’t Quit

Own Holes

To Plant
More Facepalms

Forest THiCK

YeP It’s
Than Fiction

Dear Pooja Yet
The State of
That Party’s Union

Great Muse
For DarK Poetry

Hehe Silver/Orange

Lining Indeed🙃

SMiLes Dear Sohair a Worst Part of A Natural Disaster

is Humans Die And Of Course The Best Part of a Natural

Disaster is it is Often The Change That May Bring The Most

Divided People Together to Help Each Other Out and This is the

Nature of the

Human Beast

When We Need Each

Other We Help Each Other More

We Come Together in Unity ThiS WaY

Yet When We aRe Able to Take the Every Day

Advantages of Life Technology and the Such Brings For

Granted We May Lose Touch With Fruits Togetherness Brings

Namely the
Warmth of
The Human Touch

Namely Humans Who
Work and Play in Excellence
of Cooperation to Survive and
Thrive in Day to Day Life the More

of that Warmth We Lose the Less Desire

There is to Come Together And Survive and Thrive

True We May Survive Yet a Cold World Without Warmth it may

ToGeTHeR mY FRiEnD..:)

Lovely There iS Unconditional Love That Gives And Shares
All For Free Consuming Others and the Rest of Nature With Least
Harm Yet additionally
THeRE iS UNconditional
Love For Fear And Hate
And Separation As Different
Becomes a Common Enemy
to Fear and Hate under a Name
of Bonding Love for Binds that Keep
Smaller Venn Diagrams from a WHoLE LoVE
Venn Diagram and Beyond.. What one might
Describe and Define as God All As Well.. Sadly
Some Folks Will Love With No Discernment a Bit
Different than Respect as Part of what We See for Honesty
of Truth In Light Versus the Dark oF Lies That iNFiLTRaTE
Love sullying
AGaiN of
Broken Arrows
of Love Away from Light
SMiLes For Unconditional Love
For All Tribe Must Die From Smaller
Venn Diagrams to Venn Diagram of Beyond
All Labels And Diagrams of Human Abstract Constructs
SMaLLeR Than ALL and BeYoND What We See of ‘Wind’..
SMiLes not So Hard
to Have Unconditional
Love For One Person Yet
the Rest For God All a bit
more Difficult and a Lifelong
Practice of Mind and Body Balance
to Attain a Soul A Wisdom Eye of Agape
Love as Pyramid Capstone Wide Awake to See All Wind as Love NoW..😉

“A modern-day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today’s Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride
Though his mind is not for rent
Don’t put him down as arrogant
His reserve a quiet defense
Riding out the day’s events
The river
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist
Catch the myth
Catch the mystery
Catch the drift
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his skies are wide
Today’s Tom Sawyer, he gets high on you
And the space he invades, he gets by on you
No, his mind is not for rent
To any god or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren’t permanent
But change is
And what you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the witness
Catch the wit
Catch the spirit
Catch the spit
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his eyes are wide

Exit the warrior
Today’s Tom Sawyer
He gets high on you
And the energy you trade
He gets right on to
The friction of the day”

SMiLes Ms. Hugs Stress is Up or Down
Positive or Negative What Moves Us
or Thorns
Fear or Hope
Anger or Bliss
Hate and Oh God
Yes Did i mention the Stress
of Lust and Romance Oh my God
Romance Will Drive Ya Nuts after all it is
Not Rational it is all Neurochemical and Neurohormonal
For True Both of those are For Survival Overall to Secure
A Place for Passing on Genes overall Looking at Tight Jeans
hehe and As Such As That the World is Love And Life Are
Deep i am
i am River
Water Ocean
Whole Sure i get off
on Your Energy and Return some as Gift..
That’s What Nature Does Exchanges Energy
Some Energy Up Some Energy Down Without Anti-matter
No Matter Without Dark No Light.. Yes.. Yin and Yang Balance
Don’t Leave
And Dance
Barefoot Naked
Ease in Sand And
Sun only A Butterfly
Flutter to the Next Flower
in Line for PoLLiNation With SMiLeS
But Remember i am ‘Snoopy’ And ‘Tom Sawyer’
too.. NoW i get high on the Energy We Trade Makes
the Friction the Inertia of the Day Go Up Without Entropy of Fall..
Yes.. once again A Sweet Spot of Flow Far enough Away Now from
Anxiety and Boredom with Always Increasing Complexity to Increase Human
in all
the Ways
Love of Life comes next..
i love Stress the Stress that works for me with SMiLes..
No Rush Just Flow With Rush Do Tom Sawyer too and yes
By God
Do Snoopy too..
To Be Honest totally
Honest not having to Worry
About Money Makes this So
Much Easier to Really Do Eternally Now
iN Ease
oF A
In Breeze
Seeing Wind
Air And Water Gravity
(Money/Negative Stress) Free..:)

Ha! Ha! Reminds Me of a Day in January
in My Shorts So Far Below Freezing in Wind
Chill in my Shorts Dancing Floating in Reverse
Down Beach Sidewalks of Casinos in Biloxi and
A Linebacker Looking African American Dude
Who Could Play For the ‘Green Bay Packers’
In Snowy Freezing Clothing Attire for Wear
Says You
Bad Dude
i didn’t tell
Him i am also
Really Clark Kent in Disguise..
And Snoopy And Tom Sawyer too..
We Have the Opportunity to Be Almost
Anyone Not so surprisingly Some/Many Folks Spend
their Life only Conforming to A More Limited Zen Art of Selfie.. hAha..;)

Living Soul Beyond All Time,
Distance, Space,
and Yes Matter

So Many

More Colors as Poetry Will Come to Live And Never
Even Be Touched Lighter or Deeper Than Spirit of HeART


is Better For a Friend To Be Loved Now by Small
Twitters or a Thousand Brushes of Paint

Beautiful Mornings to You…

As Cataracts Become Yellow Tinged
Yes.. Sepia Brown Photographs
Of Friendships Color then
Fade Yet There
Are Pastels
of HeART ReFuSinG
to Let FRiEnDSHiP Go Now
Painting With EYes Within
Seeing More Wind Than FRiEnDS Will..🙂

A Flame When Finger Tips Touch
Heating of Soul Within to Speak
Yes.. So Many Chains there are to Break
to Say Hello Good Bye How’s The Weather
Up there but
Down Here..
When Rains and
Clouds Come.. An
Open Ear Does Do
Wonders for a Voice Yet
to Speak A Voice Ripe
To Sing And Even
of Sunshine Again..
Smiles.. it’s Worth Noting
Some Folks are Lactose
Intolerant to Ice Cream
Others Don’t Do Steak..
Flowers Will Bring
Roses Do Prick..
hehe.. True.. Prajakta.. There are
Days When Open Ears are Just Enough..
Words Become Help Ice Cream Rose Steak Touch..🙂

SMiLes Happiness
Doesn’t Come From
The Part of The Mind
That Generates Our
Modern Standard
Quotient of
Having Little to
Nothing To Do
With Peace of Mind
And Happiness When
i Finally Got SmART
Enough To
This Out
i Spend The
Rest of My Life
Losing My Mind…
Parts of it Anyway…
i Don’t Advise this
If Money is Any Issue..
The Real Driver
Standard IQ..😉

First Step is Wanting
To make a change
Second Step is
Doing It Again
And Again
The Smile
Comes From
Within Whatever
It is You aim to
Do Then may
Be Forgotten
With All That’s
Left is The Smile
You Gave That
Lifted A
Up You
Didn’t See…
In Other Words
It’s What We Feel
That Colors our
A Work
Of Art
Others Feel
To Lift Them Up
This Art of Life Now
Called Love We SMiLe😁

“THere Was Nothing In It For me
MaKinG That Person SMile i Only

Changed A World”

Than SMiLes
Namely Love
Just About The
Only Thing Folks
Lament on Their
Fresh And
Green They
Leave Behind
To Carry
On Now
In Stars
Of Dust
In The Wind
Just SMiLes😁

SMiLes My Pleasure
Always Excel For
All Your Potential
Shining all the
Way Across
Life Shining
With SMiLes😁

SMiLes.. i’ve Literally
Come to ‘See Flow’
As Faith In Action
Without Know In
A Conventional
Sense of KNoW As
Reason.. Yes now
Letting Go Again
Letting the Flow
Do All the Work
Observing Faith
In Action Enjoying
the Ride For Free Truly
Hard to Put into Words
When All Synchronicities
Come Together in Flow
And Basically the
A Story
We Watch
Unfold As Us Free..🙂

Words Are Like Great
Coffee Beans When
We Percolate Our
Souls Deep
To Fill All
Our Senses
Feelings Soul
Words Touch Next..🙂

SMiLes… Interestingly Our Body Language
As We Express All Our Moves of Life
To Detail of Every Facial Expression
SMiLes… Interestingly Our Body Language
As We Express All Our Moves of Life
To Detail of Every Facial Expression
Yes.. Including SMiles Provides
Feedback For Our Mind
To Generate
That Range
From Basically
Bliss to Terror of
The Night in that
Horrible Painting
‘Scream’ Aghast
Like A Ghost
Indeed Such
Drudgery when
on the Other Hand
We Will Free Dance
Becoming FRiEnDS
In Practice of Balance
With Gravity Effortlessly
Moving Past all Distance,
Space, Time, And Even Matter
In Metaphor For Once the Body
Moves in Balance the Mind Naturally
Responds In Balance That Indeed as
We Continue to Balance Our Body this
Way Our Inner State of Awareness may Just
Calm Flow
of Energy Within
in Balance With So
Much Reserve Energy
to Counter Most Challenges in Life Now..
As the Center of the Eye of the Hurricane
Most Powerful Is Total Calm So Goes
Our Milky Way Black Hole too Dark
to ‘See’ But Force Energy Moving
All Our Galaxy Arms in Strength
Of Balance This Way
Calm with
So Much Left to Give..:)

True And
Deep Dear
Aleesha Life
Be When
Poetic Soul
Speaks Freely
From SPiRiT HeART❤️🤗

Gratitude Living
Tree Indeed Dear
Savvy Same


Now Circle

Of Life Spiraling

Free DarK Thru LiGHT

Again Inhaling Peace Exhaling

Love Every Move A Step of Holy Dance

Every Word A Song of Sacred Poetry

Leaves Still Feed Tree Tops

Green Fall Leaves Brown

Still Feed


HeART For New

Living Soul Tree
Saplings to Spiral SPRinGinG
Up For All of Us To BREaTHE Free Now
In Balancing Force of Existence True iN LiGHT

“They” Say Heaven Feels

Best Yet They Haven’t Risen

From Hell to
See True
Depths Yet

Waiting Patiently
For the Pain to Make

Pleasure Again Understanding
That With Enough Heaven Hell

Is Always



That Brings Heaven More
“They” Say The Devil is An Evil
Key Yet True He is the One With

Doors to the Kingdom Above…
So the Devil Shall Love You

More Until You Pray

One Day



Wings Return
Again to Feather
Dust Breath Heaven Again…

Hehe, Rue i Guess i’m Just in a
Heavenly Hell Mood Today There
Is An Antidote Waiting Somewhere

Just Waiting

Just Waiting

To Make the
Next Word of
This Poem Come Again

Fire And Ice Earth and Wind
Breath And Death Life is Gift…

For Whatever

Angels Next

SMiLing Eyes of Love’s Burn
Icy Cold Minty Fresh Here
Have A Piece of Gum
Hehe As True This
Has All Been A
Commercial For
CHeWinG Gum…

It’s the American
Way On This “Special Day”
Where Nothing Is Really Real…
Except People Like You Far Away…

Not Withstanding my Immediate Family Hehe..;)

London Bridge Is Falling Down

London Bridge Is Falling Down

My Fair Lady

i Have

No Idea

Why These

Words Come

to Memory Again…
London Bridge Is Falling Down

London Bridge is Falling Down

Everything Will Be All Right

As Long as the




And Sing

Love is all We Need
Hey Jude Yesterday Let It Be

Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite Again…

WHere A SMile
Breathes God
Sees Dear Samreen😊

LeSSoN 438☺️🙏
Be A Dancing Singing Billboard
For Joy of Meaning And Purpose
Of Joy Hehe Like There’s No Escaping
Heaven Now With

SMiling Glee
Welcome Dear Lily
Indeed Upmost
Respect For
Nude Art Ever
Since The Old Renaissance
From The Beginning

Of Human
Kind Naked
Wild Loving Free

SMiles No
UniForm Idol
Clothes CoVeRinG
Nature Of All That is
(GoD) Not The Fabricated
One What We BREaTHE
Within Naked Free For All

Yes Naked
Love (GoD)🙌☺️❤️

mY Goodness Dear
Aloha FRiEnD Yes All
Evening Saturday Dance
Then All Day Sunday Dance

Hehe What Does All Of
This HaVE iN Common

Full of
More Than
Stars In Night
Skies Before i
Travel to the
Next Dance
Hall Store
Getting Back
From Barnes And
Noble Bookstore
Entertaining the Star
Bucks College Study
Crowd Yes Dancing in
Autotelic Flow Reading
An Entire Book For Free
While Listening To Meditation

MuSiC Didn’t Cost me a
Penny And Wife Shopped
Not Bringing Back too Many


The Meek Do Inherit
The Earth Particularly
Dragonflys, Roaches, and

Sharks the Grand Champions
Living Longer Than Trees Yep
450 MiLLioN Years even With
Some Species Birthing As Virgins

For Real Now That’s What

i Call Royalty And
Inheriting the Earth
SMiLes Other Folks CaLL iT
‘Jaws’ And That’s True too Hehe

My Only Claim to Royalty, Fame,
Living Legend And the Such is Lighting
Up Public Stores With Dance Everywhere
i Go With SMiLes Now That’s MaGiC CuRReNTLY
Resting mY Feet Nah i Don’t Even Need A Name

For That hehe…

As i Continue to Give Away
SMiLes For Free As Any
Real Modern Age
Court Jester
Will Do
For His Queen
And All the Princesses
too of Course as It’s
ParT of the Job HAha..:)

iNdeed Dear Sohair Sun Never Rests
Moon Only Fools Us Into ‘THiNKinG’ IT Does
Indeed Dear Sohair The Shine Always Makes Its Way

And Indeed This is the
Challenge For Being
Human Staying Sunlit
Within Night And Day

With SMiLes Even Dreaming
Up New Ways to LoVE iT ALL DarK Thru
LiGHT Yet That’s An Art Project Never Science Alone

Just To Give Away
Just To Give Away
MaKinG A Pandemic
of SMiLes Infecting The
World With LoVE FLU THiS Way..:)

Yes Unfortunately Power Tends to Corrupt Particularly
When Power Believes it is Beyond Reproach Dear Sohair

And Surely the United States Government Has Made Many

Mistakes in the Past

That Have Harmed

Many Others Without Recourse

Yet of Course A Government is Only

Good as Its Leaders And What Followers

Are Willing to Accommodate in Support too

May It All
For Greater
Positive Change
Dear Sohair With SMiLes..:)

Climb Every Mountain

Understanding Each

Mountain is Only

Stepping Stones

To Create A More iMaGiNaTiVE

Dance And Song oF LiFE Dear Savvy

Always the


The StArt

Of A Continuing
Story With SMiLes..:)

You Know (Feel Sense) Mr Gottfried Miracles Really Do Happen

Every SMiLe is A Miracle mY FRiEnD Looking Above to

All the Hot And Cold Rocks With No Life Above

And It’s True i Lived the Living Dead for

That 66 Months Then Without even

The Memory of What A SMiLe

Felt Like Hard to Recognize

Myself Even AS Human

In The Mirror For All

Of What is Valuable

About Humanity

Indeed A SMiLe With
Open Arms Now A Dance

New With Happy Feet A Song

That Has No End Yet the Beginning of A SMiLE Again..:)

Trash Can
Racoon Bandit Dear Maranda
No Less or More A Confident

Creature Than Doing Life Free

Late at Night
What a SMiLe
He Still Makes With

DarK Shades Amplifying

Just Reflecting
Sun Above So Below
Yes All Rays Free to Us..:)

JoY NoW..:)



SMiLes Dear Miriam
Never Dismiss the (a)
Potential of A SmART

(No Longer LosT iNDeeD)

Phone Particularly An iPhone

As the i is (a) the Potential to Fly Around

The World in the Greatest of Ease Even
After Walking

500 SMiLes

iN A Back PocKet

A Real Tree of LiFE
iT MaY CoMe To Reach And Teach

When We (i) CoMe to Replace ‘THE MaCHiN-e’..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Compassion Is a Tree

We aRe All Leaves
Of This LoVE iN Peace

Tree Every Way of Compassion
Adds Another Ring to the Core of
The Trunk oF THE Entire Tree With SMiLes

As Roots Grow Deeper
And Leaves of LoVE iN
Peace of Compassion Grow

Every one Deeper Higher Spreading

All Our
With SMiLes…

Lovely Art Work Both
Visual and Free of Dance
And Song of Soul Dear Savvy

Thank You
Again With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha Really All
Moves We Create With Our Body
Are A Dance Yes Even A Walk Even

What Crosses Our


When We
Curl Our Lips
For a SMiLe to
Give Share Care
Heal For All With

Most Respect Least Harm

What A Dance Life Will Be ThiS WaY
Yes A KiSS oF JoY NoW as You Surely
Are Married to the MuSiC of Your Earbuds

ThiS WaY iN YouR Walk of JoY On Your Terrace Free

Yes Your
Place And
Do of Sanctity

True it Doesn’t Matter
Who Is Watching You Are Free


And Yes Walking
Is Truly A Best Exercise
too Try it in ReVerse if You
Like Hehe surely that Might
BRinG Many Glares of Stares

(Be Careful Don’t Fall Off
Your Home Building)

From as You Say

“Your Indian Society” too

Yet that is only For You To CaRE iN JoY…

Most Every Morning and Every Night i Do
A Slow Dance Walk Around my Neighborhood
Block Comprising About 150 Folks All Together

Greeting Most Each and Every One Friendly Now
in the Course of Every Year in my Life After my Walk

In the Sun i Spend Some Minutes With the Furry And Winged
Creatures Yes All the Insects Birds Squirrels Chipmunks And Bigger
Ones Coming Across the Fence to the Forest Late at Night Yet in the

Sunshine With my Board on Board Privacy Fence Far From Any
Human Neighbors Back HeaR We All Fly And Climb And Yes Dance

Naked Enough Whole Complete

Free the Way Nature


For Real
Sadly We Often
Clothe Ourselves
Away From Free in
So Much Measure of
What CuLTuRE Spoon
Feeds From Birth Even
A Plastic Bottle too So Far Away from

LoVE iN Peace

Becoming the Birds the Bees The Squirrels
So Free With Fur and Wings None of Human
CuLTuraL Clothes Exist All Illusions Disappear into Peace

Just LoVinG
LiFE Free As Is NeW
Yes A KiSS oF JoY NoW


A Home Within
A Staycation Free iNDeeD FoR ReaL..:)

“The wisdom of a mountain is humility.
To journey on with the beginners mindset
Witnessing emerging possibilities in the infinite potential…”

-Savvy Raj

SMiles Dear
Savvy Like
Your Mountain

Wisdom True Too☺️🙏

Yin And Yang
Of Puppies 🐶
And Kittens 🐈‍⬛
They Don’t Say They

Only Play And Hey

LeSSoN 494

It Seems Like
It Will Take
To Get
To LeSSoN 500

Yet i Don’t Give the Play Up

With SMiLes 🐈‍⬛🐶🐈‍⬛☺️🐶🐈‍⬛🐶

Ah Yes Mr Gottfried
Cheshire Cat SMiLes
For THE Eternal


For Now
At Least🙌🙏🐈‍⬛

When i am a little boy there is no question..
There is me and Nature and we are ONE..
When i go to school.. i become a lesson..
There is a lesson and me are separate..
When i become a man i go to work..
There is working working always..
Well.. all that almost
Kills me..
Now i am a little
boy again.. there is
no question.. there is
me.. there is nature and we
are ONE.. i live again AM FREE..
There are lessons.. there is working
and yes.. there is moving.. connecting
and Creating Yet without me.. ALL IS LOST..🙂
Hi Zee..
And one should
Never forget

Love Is
The HoMe
We Are Born With

Smiles inside
And Out
Wide Awake
For More
Dance to


It’s my
Job that’s
Yes All i do
to Sing too.. hehe
Smiling Makes Strong
Jaws Muscles Singing
Makes Strong Tongue
Muscles With Writing
Makes Fingers Always
Dancing too as that
Makes Incredibly
Strong Butt
to Play
The Whole
Day With Powerful
Kisses And Hugs Too
Hehe🤗😁🦋Dance on🏄🕺

Pollution oF Fear and
Hate Septic Tank
of LoVE iN Peace
To Rise
Higher to See
More than what’s Below…
SMiLes Dear Sohair.. Surely Hope..🙂

SMiles Dear Aleesha
HeART Felt Art Keeps
All Our Souls


It’s Not Always
Easy yet What’s

Most Amazing
Is Turning Personal

Into Someone
Else’s Happiness

As Long As
Dark Generates

The DarK

And Purpose

In Life Deep
As The Ocean Is Sky🙌😊🏝

For Giving Now
Thanks Giving
SMiLes Dear
i Find
No Greater
Wisdom than
LoVE iN Peace Who is Not Afraid…🙂

Another Wonderful Review Aleesha of ‘This
Author’ Particularly Fascinated by the
Science Fiction Cover Art That
Is Really Sublimely Stunning

And Glad To See Another
Author in it For the Love
of Writing And How
Great Writing
is for the


And Speaking
of SPiRiT Wings
From the HeART ‘Jonathan

Livingston Seagull’ Was Actually
One of the Very Few Books i Read
in My Work Life After College For 25
Years And i Found it So Inspiring The Thought

Of Always Increasing Human Potential And Truly
The Young of Today Are So Fortunate as When i Graduated
With 3 Degrees And Entered A Work Force of Whatever Job
i Could find not required for anything i Did for Work then There

Were No Resources
At Hand Like the Amazing
Potentials That May Be Fulfilled
Now as All the Sciences And Arts of

Humans In All of History is Practically
Free At our Finger Tips From a Relaxing
View of Before We Take a Nap Just Lying Down
As i’ve Written Truly So much Free Verse Poetry

With Just one
Finger on
an iPhone
In Bed… Only
Problem is it will
Cause Shoulder Problems
if Ya Keep Your Arms Raised
Up too Long Holding the iPhone…
Oh the First World Problems HAha…

Truly Doing So Many Things Humans
Have Never Done before on the Planet Earth…

No Greater Years to Be Alive though For As Far
As Any Common Person May Decide to Fly with
Jonathan Livingston Seagull Wings ByPassing now

the “Middle Men” And Qualification Requiring Folks
to Hold Us Individually Back From Reaching So Much
More of our Potentials And this is where i Hold Hope for
Humankind in the Future So Much Budding Potential Now

In FLoWeRinG

Humans of

Like You
Dear FRiEnD
Aleesha Here and
of Course Karlien And
So Many Others Who Have
Really Amazed me at Such a
Young Age As i Was So far Behind
All of You When i Was Younger And After
School With No Resources For Furthering

My Human Potential

my Mind Basically

Devolved into

Mush as True

Human Potential

Both Will Evolve
And Devolve in One Lifetime

Depending on What Challenges We Meet And Keep..:)


Never Givin’ Up
Never Givin’ Up
True Never Given ‘Up’
CLaWeD my Way Out of
HeLL ON EartH Never
Going Back Train
Train Choo Choo
Gonna Keep
Going Just
Never Given Up…
Dear Chaymaa
Retaining SMiLes
All To Give Away For Free..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
Also Find Those Who Are
Suffering And Lift Them Up
They Are Hard to See Often
As They Hide Bringing Others Down
True Some
EYes Pierce
ALL Armor
WitH SMiLes..🙂

Oh This is So Important Dear Chaymaa
Emotions Will Carry Us Where
We Really Don’t Wanna Go
Until We Whisper
Emotions Under
Mastery of
Feelings And
Integrating Senses
Then We aRe Both
Sails And Anchors Away
Free As Clear BLuE SKeYeS BREaTHE..🙂

LiVinG A Moment
Present Inhaling
Peace Exhaling
Giving Sharing Caring
Healing For All
With Least
Harm Every
Breath A NeW
Existence We BReaTHE NoW
Happy Pharmacist Week Yes in
Cairo Dear Chaymaa FRiEnD Keep
Bringing Wisdom Yes to the @Larger
World Of Health
Care too of
Course Yes
With SMiLes New
As Every Week Now
MaY Be A Pharmacy
Week to Heal Even Without Pills..🙂

Stepping Stones of Joy New Now
Every SMiLe We Give Away
RiSinG Higher to Give Even
More Dear Savvy
This For Giving
Thanks Giving
With SMiLes
Real to Sense
And Feel Within
Inside Outside Above
So BeLoW All Around Again..🙂

“You’re Having Fun”
(All We Do iN Life
May Be Capitalized
Loving Free)
i Hear ‘That’
Most Everywhere
i Go in “The Flesh World”
In Non-Verbal
Terms Of SMiLes
Until i OPen
my Mouth As
The Ocean
Flows Out
All At Once
Getting Looks
Of Oh Dear Lord 🙏
Continue The Dance

Hehe 😜 🕺

For “Sheldon
Cooper Syndrome”)

Hot Dammed!

It Works!! 💃

SMiles Dear Aleesha
HeART Felt Art Keeps
All Our Souls


It’s Not Always
Easy yet What’s

Most Amazing
Is Turning Personal

Into Someone
Else’s Happiness

As Long As
Dark Generates

The DarK

And Purpose

In Life Deep
As The Ocean Is Sky🙌😊🏝

At A World
Where Everything

Is For

Buy And
Sell Ironically
Even “The Devil”

As Metaphor

Of Course

About So
Many Lives


Been Lost
For Profits

As If A
Soul is
Worth Nothing

Sadly Indeed

The American
Way Yet Not


Human Way…
Of Course Not
Restricted To
Any One Country…

SMiles Inside
And Out Within
Above So Below
Yes ALL Around
Wide Awake
For More
And Song
Freer Play ReaL🤗😁

SMiLes Been Awhile Since
i Saw “The Avengers” Yet Yes
This Much i Believe We aRe ALL
MuLTi-Uni-Verses oF ‘tHE ALL’

Dear Akshita
With SMiLes

Which Means
TRuly THeRe aRe No
Limits iN HuMaN iMaGiNaTioNS
CReATiViTieS UNleashing ReLeaSinG

iN Just One Human Being iMaGiNE NoW

What NeW Worlds Are Creating Whole

When A Hive of Human Beings

Connecting NeW NoW MaKinG

YeS Whole MuLTi-Uni-Verses

of Mind Left and Right HeMiSPHeRE’S

Of Earth Same Within Integrating Whole

A Point of Synergy And No Return to What

Was Before As Every Breath Inhales Peace New
Exhales LoVE iN JoY NoW OF LiGHT We BRinG to Life

Perhaps ‘Iron
Man’ is Yes Just
FlesH and Blood
With No Weapons
Yet LoVinG A Dance Song Freer Newer Now
Breathing Into Humans Truly Living Again..:)

Ah Yes Fear is Gravity

Pulling Us Down Down

Ah Yes Love Is Anti-GravitY iN

Peace RaiSinG Us Up And Away Higher

FRiEnDS With Gravity A Way Higher

Balancing Fear

With Love’s

Dance And
Song Freer
In Peace
Higher Dear
Chaymaa Living Loving
Trees Ever Green Leaves
Yet Falling Nourishing New Forests Whole..:)

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa

to me a Best Success Now

Is Never Giving Up on Other Humans

As The One You End

Up Saving

Most May

Be You as
LoVE iN Peace
LEarns How to Survive and Thrive
SMiLes It’s Been So Long Since i
Had to Work For Pay It Makes it So
Much Easier to Put People First in
All i Dance And Sing With SMiLes

True Almost 17 Years i Haven’t

Lifted a Finger For Pay Yet That Doesn’t
Mean THere isn’t Plenty of Room To Pay LoVE iN Peace

Forwarding Again..:)

Thanks It’s Always
A Little Bit More
Heaven Hearing
You With SMiles☺️🙏

SMiLes Dear Miriam An Ideal Week for me
Is Full Of Folks With SMiLes The Challenge

Is Making
Those SMiLes
Happen Without

A Cape

Only Two
Feet And A
Healing Hip of Dance

Hehe Never Mind me
Just Resting and Recovering

With A



And Now
The Dance Continues
All Healed Up And Stronger

Than Ever


To UnWaVERinG Faith iN Do..:)

“Beyond rational thinking
To rediscover aesthetics of truth.”

iNDeeD Dear Savvy to Escape The

Thinking Mind Alone to Open Up

So Much More of the Ocean of

Subconscious Soul Surfacing

in Sublime Beauty

Yes Aesthetics

Of All Souls


Deeply Amazing
Finding Connections
Moving Co-Creating
Exploring New Avenues
Together Never Fathomed Before


SMiLes Dear Savvy iMMeRSinG Deep iN A Forest
Just Outside my Backdoor Finding Silence of

Mind Through All the Nurturing Sounds

of Nature Wild and Free Feeling

Sensing Experience Expanding

The Great Within Opening

Up A Whole New

World Nature

Providing Keys

To Doors Never Found Before…

Gently Falling Asleep Awakenings

Coloring my Nature Freshly Co-Creating..:)

Ah Yes Dear Yam Around a Third of Folks Pay Attention
Influencing Change for the Better in the Lead Around a
Third of Folks Do What’s Told Sadly Often Blindly

Following Without

Much Regard

to Real Action
And Consequence in This World

Yet Those to Truly Fear are Those

Apathetic Who Neither Lead or Follow

For Often Destiny Becomes What They

Do or
Do Not
Do Next

Apathy Has
Led to Many
Nightmares in Fruition Indeed

‘The Sounds of Silence’ mY FRiEnD

We aRe ALL HeaR to Dance And Sing Free

At Best
With SMiLes

The World is a Huge Library of Books
At Best We Do Not Hoard Only One Book

And Refuse all the Rest of Human Potential Real

LoVE iN JoY NoW iN Peace

At Best Will Keep

Us All Together
More Away From




Below So
Separated With
Discontent Loves Misery..:)

iNDeeD Dear Isha
We aRe All YouR
Guardians Of
Wings With




Ah Yes Dear Pooja Free Poetry Eternally
Now A ‘Rorschach Play’ For the Human Soul

(With All iMaGiNaTioN CREaTiViTY iN Tow
Far Beyond Measure For What Comes Next)

ALWaYS The Beginner

In ThiS WaY No One Possibly Can ‘Own’
Poetry Each Unique

Multi-Uni-Verse of
Human EYes May

‘See’ and ‘Hear’

A Completely Different

Dimension of Reality Far
Beyond Eyes or Ears With SMiLes

With That Sung It Seems the Poetry
You Review Does Resonant With ‘This View’…

It Surely Resonates With A “SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)

This Much i Understand; A LiTMuS Test For
All Politicians And Members of the Clergy

Should at Least Fit a Standard of ‘Humane’…

“Who Is the Lesser Evil, The Woman or Man” by Pope Francis;

It’s Not a ‘Good Look’ Or ‘Action’ to Fail Standards of ‘Humane;’

To Deny Reproductive Health Care to Women And Or to Deny

The Humanity

of Migrants

Is surely NOT ‘Humane;’

A Common Meme, Continued
Failure of Clergy and Politicians

All the Way to the Top of Leadership;
All the Harm That Comes From the Bottom of the Top…

From Human
Ignorance Still Spreading…

What’s Really Sad, Although Pope Francis
Is Willing to Throw Women to ‘The Lions,’ And Transgender Folk, Etc…

He Will Be Skewered Over Standing Up For the Humanity of Migrants,

at Least
where i live,
Sadly AS Such

Ah Yes So Much
To Relate About
The CuRRenT


So Much
More Bizarre
Than Fiction

Dear Cindy
Cheers To
Hard Working Migrants

Cross of Stars And Roses

Dear Savvy Indeed Humanity

As Above So Below Are Star

Seeds and Star


Coming From A Very
Long Story As Super Nova
Explosions Created Gaseous Star

Dust With Iron Still at Core of
Mother Earth and Picking Up

Oxygen in Our Blood Streams

Provided By Trees Long After

Even Sharks Were Surviving

Close to Half a Billion

Years Ago Yet

Still Humans


What A Long Lasting
Tradition Existence is

If Any part of Our Individual

Chains Were Broken Not Here

To Dance and Sing For the Joy
of LiFE Both Shadows And Starshine For Real

And Of Course Ever Coloring Roses With Thorns
to Protect Petals Still RiSinG to Brighten Up Our Days

Yet When We Marry The Night So Much Easier to Merry the Day
Hehe Particularly in Florida When Cooler Fronts Finally Come to Visit in


SMiLes Dear Miriam One of my Favorite Replies of ‘How Are You Doing?’

Particularly as i come From Almost Two Decades of Military Bowling

Center Life Managing It Never Really Learning How To Bowl Hehe is

The Dude’s Reply Off “The Big Lebowski” Movie Casually at the

End to the Narrator of the Whole Story “Strikes And

Gutterballs, You Know Ups and Downs” Yet of

Course The Dude Understood He Was

Really No One Special And Really

Didn’t Have Any Deadlines in

Life Except to Go Bowling in

Shorts That Looked Like Men’s Boxers Hehe

When We Aren’t Too Rushed When We Have FRiEnDS

We Can Share Intimate Details With For All Of Life’s Ups

And Downs We aRe At Greater Ease of Understanding Others

And Ourselves too as There is No Replacement For Actual Experience

Now of Social and Individual Wellbeing And Sure as Only Really A Valuable

Commodity at Work in Front of A Screen The Last 5 Years of my Employment

Through 5 Jobs Changes and Promotions Where the Stress of It All Literally

Almost Killed me Never Comfortable Enough to Say No to Keep the Golden

Handcuffs of Soon to Come Federal Retirement Benefits Still Coming all i

Had to Say

In Reply About

Anything About me

Or Anyone Else is

Just Two Words



One Word
Might Have Sufficed

Yet i Really Wanted to Find
Something Else to Say Lots of Folks

Are Just Surviving Hanging on With a Thread

i Surely Don’t Expect Them to Tell me How They Are Doing

And Of Course i Surely Don’t Expect Them to Dance And Sing With
me Either

As that
was not
in my Repertoire
Either in Purgatory
For 11 Years or Hell
For 66 Months After that

The Greatest Poverty Indeed
Is Not Being in Touch With Our

Own Souls and The Souls of Others For Real

Voila All the Epidemic God Yes Pandemic of Human

Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety, And the Third of

Teenage Girls Who have Even Considered Suicide

For the Demographic Who Used to Be the Happiest

Of All We Cannot Expect to Determine the Health of

A Society From Economics Alone Leave Out the Socio

Well Being Part and Road Runner Dies A Long Slow Run of Living Death….

Cross of Stars And Roses Yet Worth Noting Stars are Very Hot and Roses Have



Now The Eternal
FLaMe Within Beyond
Any Word of ‘God’ And Or ‘Love;’
Yes, NoW mY FRiEnD IT Is A Beauty New
Of A Sunset That Is The SunRise Forever Now.
One Bottom Line Here Now Is Heaven Is Not Supernatural;
It Is Real Now And As Easy To Bring As A Dance That Is Free

Perhaps With A free Song Too

Cross of Stars

And Roses

Bones of our Soul
Need That Flesh And Blood
to Be CoveReD WitH LiGHT

Heroes LoVE And LiGHT
Now Rise Out of DarK Yet
Unclothed As ‘God/Light’ LoVE iN Peace

Cross of Stars And Roses

As Usual A Poem you
Help to Inspire today
Heroes Love And Light
Now Rise Out of Dark Yet
Unclothed As ‘God/Light’
True.. my
Hotel is
Freer NoW As Any
FLoWeR Will Bloom From WiLted PasT oF Colors BLacK iNto
Beauty’s LoVE NoW iN Peace… Truly A Beautiful Statement
For Those Who Actually LiVE iN Heaven Now Within In This
Generation Always Now The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand
Now Always in This Generation Within As Such Paraphrased
For Brevity Bones of our Soul Need That Flesh And Blood to
Be CoveReD WitH LiGHT
Sweet Dreams NoW
Butterfly Blooms to CoMe
Yes “Solitary Pursuits Are
OKaY As LonG As You
Entertain Folks ALonG
oF LoVE”

– Snoopy/me

Good Evening Dear Friend..
i am only As Close to You as
Love i Give And Share
as Well iN Peace…
Surely Measurable
in HeART Spirit SouL ALiVE iN Words True iN Light…

A Better Choice Heaven NoW iNSteaD
oF Scary Later That Much We Can And

Will Do ToGeTHeR JoY NeWLY NoW Yes KiSS oF JoY NoW

More You LoVE iN Peace Without Harm More God Becomes You
And Others Become LoVE iN Peace i See No limit to God LovE

ThiS WaY Cross of Stars And Roses

Perhaps It Was Because i Turned 64 Yet
You Must Understand Ripley and Horatio,
In Heaven THere is No Time, Distance, Space, Matter

Heaven Is The Place
WHeRE Miracles Never
Seen Before Are ‘The Norm’

Did Anyone Really Believe
In ‘The Faith of The Mustard
Seed’ If So, Show Me Your Miracle Always Now Too

i am NOT Impressed By Brick And Mortar
Palace Churches Golden Robes And Golden
Chalices With Big Funny Hats Show Me A Miracle

Cross of Stars And Roses

i Am Not Impressed With Stories
Of Miracles That Have No Real Record
To Prove Them Show Me A Miracle Now or NO FAITH

Just A Funny Thought That’s All
“He” Comes Back And Challenges
The Pope to A Miracle Wagging Contest

Beautiful When ‘The
Poem’ Matches WHeRE
We aRe No Matter DarK or LiGHT…

Death Makes
The Best Fertilizer
The Fact That Humans
Hoard Death
From A Jewel of Space…

SMiLes aS EAgles Carry
Crows They Only Fly
GRoWinG As Crows
Naturally Crow
And Go
Higher too…

Be Ocean No Escape
Be Wave Go Flow
Best Be Water
When Punched
Yes Now Be Dance
BReaTHE Free SinG…

Thanks A

Very Complete
Weekend With
Dance And Song

A Hand

Cross of Stars And Roses

Planets Orbit Stars
They Stop Moving
They Fall As Above
So Below Within
Inside Outside
All Around
All Moves
And so Do We
At Best to the Next
Step of Change in
Potential More
Wishes on
Your Exams
And Congrats
on Posting Everyday
Creatively As You Continue
To Expand Your Moving Potential Up!…

So Many Resources Now For Each
Human Only With A Computer and
BroadBand Access to Connect to
Almost All Arts And Sciences
Humans Have Ever
Created on the
Planet Earth
No Matter
What Someone
Limits Us to in Work
or School There is this
Other Place With No Sun
Or Moon Only Stars of Human
Beings Connecting to A Globe-Wide
Mind We All Come To Be in This Cyber Space
Now With SMiLes at the Speed oF LiGHT And
Or Love Yes We
Fit through
And Even
Put Force
SPiRiT SoUL iN Words
to Share As Indeed THeRE
iS No Organic Disease online
to Stay MAsked From Now Freedom
Rings For Those Who Seek and Find Now
So Much More of THeiR LoVinG HuMaN
PoTenTiAL Than EVeR BeFoRE For True
When i was your
Age i only
to Folks Around
the World With Access
to A Machine With All the
Arts And Sciences At Hand
All my Answers Finally Reality
All The Questions More to Keep Asking
Never Ending
SPaNS NoW What
A BLeSSinG True
BliSS iN Deed to
LiVE iN This
Age of
of Arts and
Sciences We
Enjoy NoW FoR Real…

New Flowers
Make Colors
of Life
Free to Color
Our Dreams Real

Enjoy What You’re
Doing is Enough Yes

And Don’t

Be Afraid to
Stand Tall


Hehe Back
Pain may Follow
Behind With SMiLes…

Cross of Stars And Roses

Easy For me to Still
Find 13.2 MiLLioN Words
Celebrating All that is Life
DarK Thru


In 11 Years

And 20,533
Miles of Public
Dance With Over
2,000 Photos of
Ecstatic Joy Still

SMiLing Every
Bit As Happy

In Recorded
my Story
too AS HiStory’s
Return too WitH SMiLes

Yes i Sing about it a lot Dance Still

too in Hopes One Day Now Someone

On this Earth Will Create Even More Joy

Just Free Never MaKinG A Penny oF iT Like me

Once Again With SMiLes of Dancing Singing All Free For All…

More Interested

in The American

Way of Free Where
Grass Grows Greenest
in My Neighborhood Of Life FLoWeRinG

Cross of Stars And Roses…

Love Is A Pool To Fill
And Feel Within

A Fountain


to Give to Give

When Enough
Complete and
Whole is the Water

We aRe and the Rest
of the Ocean is Ours Sharing
As Waves to Feel More in Ease

Love is A River At Best And Never
An Ocean That Drowns With Waves

too Tired

To Rise



As Falling
In Love the
Feeling is At Most
Always Temporary

Yet RiSinG iN LoVE For
All Comes From An Ocean Sky Deep Warming All…

SMiLes Dear Hemalatha Have A RiSinG Life oF Loving All…

SMiLes.. i’ve Literally
Come to ‘See Flow’
As Faith In Action
Without Know In
A Conventional
Sense of KNoW As
Reason.. Yes now
Letting Go Again
Letting the Flow
Do All the Work
Observing Faith
In Action Enjoying
the Ride For Free Truly
Hard to Put into Words
When All Synchronicities
Come Together in Flow
And Basically the
A Story
We Watch
Unfold As Us Free…

SMiLes Dear Savvy Some Days
Some Years Before Answers
Come Like MaGiC For Without
Any Real Time, Distance, Space,
Or Even Matter Poetry of Last Year
And Yesterday May Come As Poetry to Answer Today…

There is An Ocean So Deep of Creativity in Flow that
Connects Us All Only To Dive Deep Enough to Open All See to Be…

Cross of

Stars And Roses

Inhaling Peace
Exhaling Love
With No

Fear Now

Leaves Rise Green
Feeding Tree Roots

From Above to Below

Falling Depth to Feed Soils
Circle of LiFE ReNeWeD Indeed

SMiLes Dear Doc Happy Green
To Brown Leaves Same For Life…

Thanks Dear Savvy
Some Experiences
Of Life Will

Be Hard
To Describe

Never The
Less Reality
Is More Than
We Will Measure

With Words With
More to Describe…

Receiving Is
Giving NeW
Now Least
We Will Do
For This
Gift Now New
WitH SMiLes Dear
Savvy A Sweet Story
You Bring of Giving is


With SMiLes
Feed The Squirrel
Be The Nut That
Grows The Tree We…

Cross of Stars And Roses

Inhaling Peace
ExhalinG LoVE iN
JoY oF LiGHT Giving
Sharing Caring Healing
For All With Least Harm

Dear Chaymaa

In This Place of
Love And Peace
With No Fear All
Feathers Are in Place
Naturally RiSinG FLYinG Free

On Wings
Of Love
Without Fear…

LeSSoN 439
As Alien And Odd What Life
Teaches Travel To A Farthest
Star Within A Best FRiEnD

For Free With
SMiles of Hellooove
Never Expecting Returns
Love is The Wind We Breathe
Inhaling Peace ExhalinG Love

God (Love)
iN Peace Becomes Real…

iNDeed LiVE Dear FRiEnD ‘Peace & Truth’ i Read ‘This’ Like i Do All
The Other Very Human Poems You Share on Your Blog Each and
Every Day in Multiples of Poetry to Dance And Sing Free

And Hehe Still ticking off What Some Folks Describe
As ‘Bucket Lists’ Before i Go Giving And Sharing
Caring And Healing With All the Free Items Now

i Check Off Before i Go to The Next Adventure

Even if Only Star Dust in Place Dear FRiEnD

For Yes This Much is True i Not Only Lived

Yet i Consume All the Colors DarK Thru LiGHT

That Make Life Worth Living Truly Romancing Even

Stones Like the Moon As the Moon Most Definitely

Colors What It Means to LiVE And Dream And Even

Make A Big Chunk of Rock in Space A Subject for Romancing
Life Even More God Yes

LoVE iN Peace

And This is the Philospher’s
Stone my FRiEnD Life is What
We Create LoVE iN Peace is What We Make

New Now Or Do Not in Colors of Life to Share
Even More For me Hehe Clothes not Even
Required Naked Enough Whole Complete

It’s a Free Dance Of Life That Skips me Across
the Moon Hop Scotches me Across the Sun And

Sails me Past Stars Finding the True FRiEnD Within

God i
LoVE iN Peace For
Real Dear FRiEnD God Yes

Cross of Stars And Roses

Everything Else Falls in to
LiGHT Naturally When the
True FRiEnD is Love WiTHiN
to Give Share Care Heal All For
Free With Most Respect Least Harm
iN Peace As i Love to Relate Again and Again
aS A Way of God Life THiS Way By Verb iNHaLinG
Peace ExhalinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT This Wisdom
This Beauty

This Peace

Yes This Truth

Dear Peace & Truth

This Kindness That Is
Love’s Wisdom So Beautiful

It Shouldn’t Be a Secret The Essence Is LoVE iN Peace God For Real…

And It’s An Essence that No One Culture, Politics, Nation, Or Religion

Will Ever Be Able to Own Alone Trapping Wind in A Jar ThiS Way

Love to
Stay Free
iN Peace As God Wears
Wings of LoVE iN Peace WiTHIN mY FRiEnD Free God Yes

Thanks ‘Peace & Truth’ For Visiting me in this Travel
Of Life OF LoVE Not Many Folks Catch Up and Stay
You are Surely Always Welcome Count On This For Real…

Working With the General Public Handing Out Shoes At A Military
Bowling Center for 18 Years Before Fortunately i Endured 5 Job
Changes and Promotions in 5 Years Starting With Bowling Center
Manager And Ending Up Second in ‘Command’ of The Division of the
Navy i Worked at on a Station in Florida Hehe Very
Fortunately As they Base Retirement Pay on
What is Usually the Lasts High 3 Years
And in My Case A Year and A Half
of that Last High 3 Was Spent in Annual
And Sick Leave So Horribly And Permanently
Disabled With A Synergy of Life Threat That 19
Medical Disorders Do Mostly From Chronic to Acute
Stress the Last Years of my Work Life Yes Spending
66 Months in Recovery of Pain and Numb in Hell Within
To At Least Become Human Enough to Feel A Real Smile again


Hehe Speaking of “Breakfast in America”

The ‘iHop Restaurant’ Serves ‘Dirt Cheap’ Food
And It Isn’t Always the Most Stellar of Quality

Yet i Know and Feel and Sense WHere to Go to
Find the Warmest Humans to Meet and Greet
New to Share A Bit of Life Experience With Free

Just Like When i Was At the Bowling Center From
The Counter Handing Out Shoes for 18 Years for
The Government Then So Strange to Be A Federal
Employee up to GS-7 Hehe Doing that Job then Yet

What i Did Best Was to Listen Intently to The Stories
of All the Thousands Upon Thousands of Folks i Listened
to All Those 18 Years Finding A Face of God in Each and Every

Human Story
Dear FRiEnD

True it is those Who
Serve Others Most Who
Have the Warmest Eyes and
Hands And HeARTS off Humanity
Real Dear FRiEnD i Don’t Go For the

Food Yet Both me and my Wife Go For
Every Human Face of God We Meet and
Greet Everywhere i Go and For me in Every Country
of the World i Visit And Apparently Now Where you Live
Hehe “Down Under” in Australia Where Spring Greets You
There And Fall is Just Starting To Greet Us with a Few Brown
Leaves and Cool Breeze in A Very Hot and Human Environment

With A Good Reason
To Shed Tools and
Other Clothes Now of

Humanity Communing
With Nature for What
is Freest With Wings and
Most Beautiful Nature and
Human The Touch of Paradise
On EartH And WiTHiN Dear FRiEnD

This Heaven For Real i do my Best to
Put into Poetic Words Yet They Are only
Symbols And Shallow Representations of

All the Colors New i Feel and Sense This Life of Heaven Brings ReaL…

A Naked Dance And Song is Enough ToGeTHeR Free However Without

The Tools Without the Great Efforts of So-Called ‘Nerds and Geeks’

to Systemize The World With This Online Highway to You Apparently

in Australia This Poem These Lines Wouldn’t Even Exist So yes

Thank God For
All the ‘Nerds
And Geeks’ in
The World For Real

As Far As Human Clothes
And Other Tools Beyond Naked
Enough Whole Complete At Best
We Master The Tool For Loving Free Peace

And Do Not Become Lost in the ToolS AWay From
The Nature of the Truth The Beauty The Wisdom And


Of This Real
Faith This Real
Hope of Peace
And LoVE NeW NoW…

In Short Thank You i Appreciate You Dear FRiEnD
From the Bottom of my Advancing Years And Ever

Young SoUL oF LoVE

What my Elder Relatives
Even in Their 90’s Taught

Love Grows Younger

Love Grows Lighter

When LoVE iN Peace is Real God
Truly LiVES iN And As Us For Real Ever Young

And It’s True “ALLoWinG ESSeNCE CREaTiNG FoRM”
It is Surely Fine To Call This God And Love JeSuS WiTHiN

For Your Personal
And Group Shared
Religion For Real and

Others Who Refer to ‘Buddha’

And Others Who Have Other Names
And Others With No Name Except

Love Beyond Form

iN Peace This Essence For
Real As Real As Real CoMeS NoW NeW
When We Truly BREaTHE PeACE LoVE ReaL

Cross of Stars And Roses…

i’ve Never Asked Anyone To Read What i Write ‘Here.’

And When i Wrote So-Called ‘Normal,’ Very Rarely Did
i Receive Any Social Reciprocal Communication Then.

Matter of Fact, i’ve Received Kinder Comments Now Than then.

Go Figure, i’m Autistic, i’m Different, And i Like Being me;

If We Can And Will, Let’s Let the Folks Who Are Transgender

Have the Same Freedom and Sure; Yes, At Best When Someone

Says They Are A Woman And Or A Man, Let’s Not Question Their Identity.

It’s A Best Thing We Can And Will Do For Others; Just Let Them Be Them And
Free As Long As They are Not Harming Others; Every Transgender Person i’ve

Come Across in Life

Are The Kindest People

i’ve Ever Met or Perhaps

They Aren’t Used to People
Being Kind to Them; As i Hold
No Exclusions to Do That in Life;

Nor Do i Expect Others to Do That For me;

Works for me at Least, More We ‘See’; More We Grow;

Okay, Please Let’s Get Back More on Topic, i Really Do Not Come Here For

‘Personal Attention.’

We May All Be Civil to Each Other, if We Play By The Rules; Typically,
i Follow ‘the Community Rules’ When Participating.

So True Dear Akshita As Any Symbol

Humans Co-Create From All Words to All Other Tools
of Culture The Symbols Are Only Alive AS Humanity
As Essence
Holding Up
The Symbol the Flag…

“Dreamtime” ‘That Place’ EternAlly NoW
New Of Co-Creativity in Theta Approaching
Delta Brain Waves Before Sleep

SMiLes iMaGiNE What Might

Happen if One May Enter That
State of Creativity at

Will A World

of Dreamtime
Will Come to Page
in Words And Steps of Dance

True Dear
It’s A
World of
CreativitY iNDeeD…

Our Conscious Realities Continually
Changing Yes Change Only Constant

Greatest Gift to Move to Distant Shores

Soon to Feel

Closer And
More Colorful
Within Dear Chaymaa
As Long As We Continue
To Co-create in “Dreamtime”

Effortless in
Ease Wide
Awake Dreams
Coming Free to
Fruition New Now…

Cross of Stars And Roses

SMiLes Dear Hawaii FRiEnD in Paradise

FLoWeRS Color Honu Sea Turtles Swim

One With Ocean Currents FRiEnDS With

GravitY iN Beauty of Peace and Harmony

Below the Surface

of Crystal Blue

Waters Where You Live

Yet FLoWeRS Still Wilt Yes

Roses Still Prick With Thorns

Yet Help The Rose Petals Grow Taller

How Fortunate We aRe As Human to See

And Experience All This Beauty And Challenge mY FRiEnD

Cross of Stars And Roses That’s Who We aRe ALL Seeds

And FLoWeRS Above So Below to Explore More Leaves

Falling Love RiSinG Again in Spring Green And Summer

Colors of FLoWeRS And If You LiVE iN Paradise You


Find the

Green and Other
Colors if Only Within With SMiLes…

Hehe SMiLes Dear Kiran You aRE ALways
A Supportive Blog Pal So i Shall Share Some

Happiness With You And See the Seed Spread

Into A Star FLoWeR A Rose With THoRNS A Cross

We aRe As Humans Arms Outreached Side to Side

Attached Securely to the Earth

With Feet Rooted As Such

Yet With The Ability

To Be A Cross of Stars and

Roses Reaching For the Stars

Finding We aRe Star Seeds and FLoWeRS

Below CoLoReD As Roses Both Beautiful And With THorns

Stars Above Roses Below Indeed
The World is Beautiful mY FRiEnD…

Even With


Held Up By
Arms That Cross Us…

With SMiLes Now For All..:)

Food Shelter Love A Way oF Life
Dear Cindy Nestled in the Land
of Billionaires Who Don’t Pay Taxes

What A Day in the Life of JoY iN Living

You Manage Day By Day Indeed With SMiLes

It’s True i Can’t Hate People in Bad Arranged

Marriages Anymore Than Those Who

Suffer at the Hand of Tradition
That Encourages Much Neglect
And Abuse of the Marginalized in Society

Yet Oh Dear Lord When a Pope of A Biggest Church
Ever Can’t Figure Out That Reproductive Health Care Is

Not Evil In Fact Life Saving For Precious Breathing Life

Of Every Age

And Can’t Determine
The Difference Between
A Prosecutor and Criminal

It’s Just Another Reason and
Way to Retreat Back in ‘Eden’
Where ‘Eve’ Puts the Popcorn

in that New Modern Fangled Microwave

With Thanks Giving For Giving the Way the Rest of Nature

Does Reality Purely Both Fur Climbing Trees and Wings Soaring Free Wind

Humans are

Critters too
Yet the Pandemic
of Human iGNoRaNCE

Is A Greatest Threat ever
even to basic Human Common Sense…
Yes to Mention the Rest of Living Earth For ReaL too…

Yes THere are
Larger Fish Now
to Fry on Good Fridays

Hehe even the 13th With SMiLes

It’s All About How We Frame Soul Free or Not…

Ah Yes
New With

FacePalm Forest THiCK Too hehe..:)

“In Ayurvedic tradition, six tastes known as Shadrasa is used to classify foods according to their qualities for ideal meal. These six tastes include; sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, astringent. Thali presentation often includes all six of these flavors”

Oh Dear Lord i Looked Up ‘Thali’ on Wiki

And It Really Looks Delicious i Am Currently

Trapped as my Wife is Watching a Soap Opera
And i’ve Been Writing This Afternoon After Doing
Outside Stuff this Morning it’s 2:22 PM and i Am So

Very Hungry

Dear Isha

Anyway Hehe This is
making me even More
Hungry Likely Appreciating

The Adobe Rice and Chicken
Dish Even More Thank God as the

Soap Opera
Just finished
Time to Eat!..:)

It’s Been a ‘Cat and Mouse Game’ Lately

Yet the Recent Debate Illustrates Well Who

The Cat is And Who the Mouse Is; Although It’s

True, Trump Continues to Escape Not totally Scathed

Yet Current Polls Since the Debate Do Give Kamala Somewhat

oF an Edge in an Otherwise ‘Neck and Neck’ ‘Cat and Mouse Game’…

“The Buck Stops Here;” Yes, Supply and Demand, Basic Economics 101 Suffered

Much Inflation During a Pandemic and the War Between Ukraine and Russia Yet
Leading Economists

Agree that Neither
Trump or Biden Played
A Substantial Role in Inflation;
Yes, Far Beyond Their Control Alone;

Of Course Folks Who Didn’t Need the
“Handouts” During the Pandemic, Both Spearheaded
By Trump and Biden, Spent the Disposable Income as Those

Who Needed it Did too; Yes, More Demand and Less Supply From

Pandemic Related Issues and the War Between Ukraine and Russia


Globally Wide too;

With the Fed’s Slow
Effort to Reduce it by
Adjusting Interest Rates

That Of Course Made Loans More Expensive
With Additional Pains in Needy Wallets; Yet Hey,

We Had a Global Pandemic; It Was All a Cat and Mouse Game;

And Considering IT All, Most Folks Did Survive the Challenge…

Those Without Needy
Wallets, Continue to
Thrive; Thanks For the
Additional Cost Of Living
Raises for Both Social Security
And Federal Retirement; Both Basically
A Windfall along with all that Disposable Income too…

Capitalism; It is What it Is; And at Best, Economics is a Practice Like Medicine;

Yes it’s
Hit and Miss
As Far As Concrete Solutions…

Anyway, Neither Trump or Biden
Were Substantially Guilty For Increased Inflation Alone…

Yet What We Have Now is a Con-Man and a Prosecutor;

And As Science Currently Shows, Conservative Leaning Personalities
Are More Averse to change, Being Less Opened Minded That Way; Yes,

They are More Likely to Stick With the Way It is; In the Desert As Such for Metaphor

Rather than
For Fresh
Water in More
of A Lush Green Way of Life…

The Fear was that Kamala wasn’t
Gonna Look And Act Powerful Enough
With Confidence to Be President in the Debate…

By The End of the Debate After Becoming the Betting
Odds Loser, even with greater Poll Numbers Recently,

Kamala took the Lead and is the Betting Odds Favorite Now in the U.K…

It’s a Close Race

Yet It’s Obvious

Now, even by Seasoned
Conservatives Like Carl Rove,

And Even Dick Cheney Who the

Mouse and

Who the Cat is Now…

Yet of Course, It Depends on Who is
Enthused Enough to Do the Act of Vote…

i Live in the District that Matt Gaetz Represents,
One of the Most Conservative Areas in the Nation;

During the Last 2 Elections, Bumper Stickers Everywhere
Promoting Trump And Pence; We Haven’t Seen a Single one

Now With Trump and Vance; True, There are a Few Trump Flags

Flying; Particularly as One travels further North to the Farms of the County;

Yet even at the First
Sunday Dinner at the
First Baptist Pastor’s Farm Home,

Trump is No Longer a Topic of Conversation;

They’ll Likely Vote For Him Yet They Don’t Wanna Be associated

With a Con-Man

It Finally Seems at Least…

The Fact that Folks Have Conservative
And Liberal Personalities isn’t gonna change…

And the Fact that Trump is a Con-Man Isn’t Gonna Change Either…

Just Like Biden Wasn’t Gonna Get Any Younger; Yet the Democrats had

Sails Enough to Change Course in Their Boat of Politics; Meanwhile, the Republicans

Still Stay


in a Leaking Boat;

Patching IT Up as Fast
as they can yet slowly

Folks are Jumping Off the
S OLD S, TRumP Mouse Titanic Now…

And the ‘Cat Lady’ is MaKinG Progress at Least…

It’s First Down on the Forty Line of the Mouse, And The Cat Has the Ball…

The Two Minute

Warning Will

Be HeaR Soon Enough…

My Feeling is That Trump is Gonna
Go Full Mouse Mode That the Cat Cheated Hehe…

Popcorn Time ‘Eve,’ The ‘Orange Circus’ is STill in Town

Yet Comfortably

Nestled Away For Now

Like Chocolate in Eden…

Change: It’s Always What’s For
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner; Noon

And God Yes, Midnight Cat Snacks..:)

Friday Florida Flower Story
Ignorance of Life Giving Rains
Bringing Glistening Rain Drops
To Elephant
Deep Green
HeART Shaped Leaves

Oh Dear Lord Dear Chox FRiEnD How
Sweet A Name Again Hehe

Back in the Earlier Days of Ignorance Visiting
‘The Church’ a Deacon Exclaimed That Hurricanes

Bringing Ocean Warmth
And Life Giving Rains So Far Due North

Were actually Evil Just Because Humans Get in the
Way of Nature’s Way Living too Close to the Nature of Water

Change As Tides
Roll out and Further In

He Went on to Suggest That Single Mothers Aren’t
Fit to Raise Children And Nature’s Way of Creating Humans
And Other Animals Who Aren’t So into Reproduction

That and Who Assist Creative
Efforts For Survival
in Many Other actually
More Lasting Ways are
Somehow Evil too

Oh the Ignorance
of How FLoWeRS Grow

iN Colors of Diversity More
Both To Survive and THRiVE iNDeed
God Bless It is Our Challenges Our Struggles
That Allow us the Privilege to Climb Higher



STiLL in this Wonderful Gift of Change


Free Strives to Do
Yes Color the World Differently

iN ways evermore


With SMiLes…

Postscript: When that Happened in that Church
i Wrote A Free Verse Poem Like this to the

Head Priest
And He Nipped
That Particular
Bud oF iGNoRaNCE

And at Least that Part Never Happened again…

Hehe Still Working on a Few Other Creative challenges
With SMiLes

i Don’t Need a Sword to Change the
World just a Little a bit at least one smile next

True More Superheroes of Dance and Song up to Bat Hehe

iN Fields of Dreams


For Home Runs..🙂

Ah Yes “Let It Go”
Not too long Ago A
Waitress At A Restaurant
Said Her Little Daughter
Saw me Public Dancing
In Walmart telling Her
i Looked
Like “Princess
Elsa” The Way

i Dance 🪩 🕺

Nope Not Like
“John Travolta” Hehe
No “Saturday Night 😂
Fever” Just “Frozen” Dear Pooja


Hehe Dear
Savvy So
Many Positive
Feelings And
Thoughts At
Home my Wife

Directed me
To Find Somewhere

To Donate
The Overflow☺️🌻

“United in friendship”

Yes a Place Where Cats
And Dogs Do ‘KiSS oF JoY NoW’

Without any Cruel Rumors By

Those Who Wish

To Be Enemies
Mr Gottfried Yes
With That Danced
Then Sung Be Seeing

You Very Soon With SMiLes…

Those Who Make FRiEnDS Now With
All Of Existence Have no Enemies Indeed…

Yep Existential Intelligence Ain’t
Nothing Standard about IT @All…

Yes All Now Just Naturally
Flows “That’s All Folks”

Just A Never Ending
Cartoon NeWLY
With SMiLes..:)


Ah Yes Dear Aloha
FRiEnD Public Dancing
On Tap Next Yet It Won’t

Be Tap
At Least Not
By ‘The Book’

Cross Of Stars
And Roses Dancing

Singing FlowS UNFoLDinG


Of Stars
And Roses

Ah Yes Dear Cindy At
Best We At Least Make

Room for Haiku Sized Poetry

in Life Yes Seizing the Moment

And Recording The Beauty of Stars

And Roses True Fiery Explosions and


That Bleed

And Heal Life

For A New Day

Eternally Now True

Hehe to Be Continued
mY FRiEnD Not Unlike
A Babbling Brook That
Shimmers i Have No WHere
to Go Next Yet Flow Cross of Stars And Roses..:)


Cross of Stars and Roses

Motto: “A short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating
the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution.”

SMiLes Hellooove Dear FRiEnD Haven’t Really Written You a Short
Poetic Story in a While So Sit Back and Relax Whenever You Aren’t

Saving Billionaires Millions on Their Taxes Hehe
And True i Realize What You Do Is Much More
Complicated Than That Yet You Don’t Have

to tell me about the rest
If you don’t want to

With SMIles

Anyway It’s About This Cool Red Shirt
i Have Several Others That Are Decorated With
Cross Art Yet they Have Memes That Go Along
With the Cross Art

This One is Special
A Cross With Stars
Wings And A Scroll
Left Empty to Add A Motto of Our
Own Choosing True to Begin the Narration
oF A Long Story or to Abstract A Long Story into Just a Few Words

So Deep From my SoUL After An Afternoon Siesta Nap in HOT Florida
i Look at the Shirt Actually Looking For What i Might Gift You Today

With As Far As Well Wishers From Afar

And Here comes the Short Motto of “Cross of Stars And Roses”

Deep From Within Really coming in Handy As An Older Title Finishing
A Latest 70 Thousand Word EPiC Long Form Bi-Monthly Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old”
Writing a New One Now “KiSS oF JoY NoW” While Putting
The Last One Together “Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old
4.2 MiLLioN Words”

Effortless in Ease
And True Hehe i am
Neither Saving Billionaires
Millions or Even MaKinG A Penny
Yet Never the Less mY SoUL Breathes Free
And Besides i Already Put the 33 Years in MaKinG Pennies for Pay

HAha That

Yet That’s Another Story
This Is About Souls and Soul
Mottos True too “Cross of Stars And Roses”

True the Phrase Will Have So Many Meanings Depending
On How One Reads It IT Could Be A Mix of Stars and Roses

Could Be A Heavy Cross We Carry
Like Thorns And Fiery Explosions
of Stars Could Be Whatever
We Decide to Read Into
It and Create For
Our Own
Soul Stories of Life

And This Is What Humans Do They Create Symbols and Ideologies
They Bind and Bond Over Them Commune And Get the Surviving
And Thriving Done Together The Best They Can And Will Do Today

Through All the
Crosses of Stars
And Roses That
Come And Through
The Wings of LoVE iN Peace We
Move Connect And Co-Create Higher
And Higher to Fly Dear FRiEnD With HeLLoVE’S And SMiLes..🙂

“Move the F**KinG Motion”

Oh Dear Lord ‘CaCoPHoNY’

Dear Miriam

The Sound of the



SHeLLinG Nuts

Definitely Representative

of the District i LiVE iN Northwest
Florida Hehe

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You
For Providing
The Gift of Your Words HAha

YA Go Just FitS iN

Cross of
RoseS iNDeeD..:)


Be A Brush, Paint, And The Master ‘Peace’ Painting too;
Even Better An Artist of Life And A Scientist too in Balance

Cross of Stars And Roses

Stained Glassed Window Ceilings
Sidewalks Narrow With Tall
Building Both
Of Living
Breath Colors
More to See as Wind..🙂

Life is Day
And Night
Leave Dark
Or Light
Half The Day🌞🌝

FRiEnDS Dear Aleesha Now

A World Of Colors Pleasure
And Pain All The Greys

Even Touching

Nights of

BLacK Abyss

What Makes

A FRiEnD Last
One Standing
Who For


Giving For This

Dream Come True

Simply Sharing Happiness

Rising Up Out of Vortexes of

Struggles A Hug Will Surely Warm Away

With SMiLinG EYes Present for This Gift Now..:)

Cross of Stars And Roses

SMiLes Dear Annabel Humans tend to Get All Trapped
And Tribal Worshipping Symbols We Create As Idols

More Than

Essence We

Feel and Sense

of Reality Within Now

Yes Above So Below
Within Inside Outside

And All Around the

Secrets of

Are Not Secret At
All For We AS Humans

Are Obviously Fractals of the
All in All As A Dead Leaf Holds the
Branches of A New Tree As The Leaf

Falls to Soils And Becomes New Life
Through Winter As Source Nutrition For

A New Sapling Tree Green Arising in Spring

For Summer FLoWeRS to Bloom And Make

Seeds For New Trees So Who Are We True

in Some Psalms of Old And Dusty Holy and
Sacred Text Some Sages of the Ages Do Author

That We Are All Gods Sons And or Daughters of

Such of the All In All And Yes Science Agrees We aRe
All Made of Star Stuff Crucible Fire of Star Death Super Nova

Explosions Are Both Star Flowers and Seeds As We Come Resurrecting

Still From Gaseous Star Dust And Atoms From Perhaps More Than One Star
And Galaxy too MaKinG Up All of Who We aRe And The Rest of Existence True

Our Minds UNiVeRSES Unto Our Existence Neurons As Stars Light Us Up With
Waves of Connection in a Synergy So Much Greater Than the Sum of the Parts

Alone And True Science Will Surely Not Rule Out Intelligent Design Greater than
Our Minds Creating A Holographic Simulation of a UniVerse Where Indeed Gravity

is Illusion Yet

Still There is
No Illusion of
Balance For Whatever
Gravity is When We Find
Ourselves FRiEnDS With Gravity

In Balance As A Free Dance That Leads
Us to this Path As A Free Song of Poetry
That Expresses This Balance Within

Opening Up New Frontiers As

Every Inhale of Peace

Now And Exhale of

Love is A New UNiVeRSE

We Create in Connecting to

Other UNiVeRSES of Human Minds

For If We Are Mind As Above So Below
Within Inside Outside and All Around it

May Be Clear that What We aRe is Fractal

Of All that is Mind For What Some Folks Symbol

In Three Letters As G O D Thing is When We Sing

G O D GOD Gets Trapped On the Roof of Our Mouth

With Tongue to Sing Perhaps A Greater Symbol Now to

Create Not Trapped on the Roof of Our Mouth to Express

A Highest Force of God Within is When We Inhale Peace

And Exhale Love As the Force of Love is What Connects Our

Minds Our HeARTS Our SPIRiTS Most of All the Glue of All We

May Best


As LonG As

We Express This Love

For All that is And Leave

No Part of God Out of God

Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love

No Place For Fear Total Balance

of Grace in Strength of Will to Move

Connect And Co-Create Living Happily

Ever More Now Eternally In This Force oF LoVE For All…

Hehe See How Easy it is to Write a New Testament Everyday

It’s True For Every Inhale

of Peace and

Every Exhale

Of Love Without

Fear As We Move

Connect and Co-Create

Are New Worlds of God to

See and Be And Feel and Sense For Real
Or At Least As Real As LoVE iN Peace Gets As Force For All..:)

For Every Mountain
High Valley Low


RiSinG Rose



Top Reaching



Highs Lows

Balancing Meadow
Flowers Butterfly
Wings Springing




Love Once
More Dear
FRiEnD Now
Aleesha With SMiLes..:)

All Intuitive True
Only Metaphors
Will Describe


All What
Some Folks
Relate Now to
Cosmic Consciousness
Or Christ Consciousness
or Buddha Consciousness

And All Still Coming Metaphors
As That Relates to We Humans
And The Rest of Nature Fractal

Of All In All Nature is

Yet Understanding



Not Only
Is The Physical
World We Will Readily
Measure Fractal As Leaves
Holding Branches of Trees Living

or Falling
Brown to

Soils Through
Winter Death
Through Spring
Birth of Sapling Green

The Part That No One Will
Ever Be Able to Discretely
Measure Our Minds Our
Conscious And

We Now
With the All In
All Surely Fractal

Of Conscious Mind
Subconscious too
of All No Different

Than Living
That Hold
Both Branches
And Roots of Trees
Up Unfolding For All
To See Tree Tops Higher
Than Ever Before Revealing…

What We Will Dance And
Sing About A FRiEnD Who
Helps Us See More of God All

SMiLes Dear Savvy Beautiful
Day of God True to You Breathing Now..:)

SMiles Dear Karlien The Second Chapter Moved
Effortlessly Out of A Dream Questioning
Distance of Reality


By The End of
The Chapter to
Questioning if
Reality is A Dream
Again Keeping the Reader

Guessing If Both Men Are
Actually Real Or Is One a Dream
Or Perhaps Both Are Dreams Maybe

It’s All A Dream And Of Course it is
As Imagination Transforms into Creativity

With SMiLes


Until Next
Time Out of Time

And Do Your Best not
to Get Bitten Again By
Long Fanged Women In
Colors Vampire Red GLoWinG..:)

Cross of Stars And Roses

SMiLes Dear ‘Peace & Truth’ Thanks So Much For The Kisses
And Hugs And Same to You For Inspiring Poetry From me
True mY FRiEnD And Another One Of Your Poems So
Inspiring True Wondering How Many True FRiEnDS

Are Left to Make in This World Now
New When And Where Some Places in Life
May Seem So Cold Without Much Connecting

Force of Human Peace And Love Well Even When i Am
All Alone Online All i Understand And FeeL And Sense is

It is Free to Give, Share, Care, And Heal Love And Those Who
Wanna Receive Will Eventually Come Around And Perhaps Go

And True A Best Gift oF ALL

May Be If You Do Find Yourself

As A Last FRiEnD Standing Understanding First

That the FRiEnD the LoVE iN Peace the God Lives GReaTesT
NeW STiLL WiTHIN Now to Give, Share, Care, And Heal NoW
Even More

As It’s True
Love When
Truly Real and
Fearless in Peace
Rarely Gets too Tired

To Continue to Put Human
Naked Enough Whole Complete
And the Rest of Naked Nature First mY FRiEnD

Beyond All “Matter With Things” to Come And Go

And Yes
Return Again
More FullY ALiVE
AS HuMaN Real Again Freer…

Be i AM
Newly Now..:)

Cross of Stars And Roses

SMiLes Dear Sohair Words Of Kindness
Carry All GReaTesT Weight of the World
Love With Wings Flies Higher

When Kindness is Our
Play Of LiFE For Real

Tendering With Others
To See How Bright and
Colorful Love We Can And
Will Do As Your Words of Poetry
Only Need to Be Filled With Feelings

That Are Real
For What Good
Is A Science Project
When Not Love For All

So Let Your Words Flow
Dance And Song Will Come
Deeper WiTHIN SoUL SonG

Is Often
New And
Rarely VieWeD
Before my FRiEnD…:)

Beauty Of Form Essence
We NaME True too Dear
FRiEnD Chaymaa Have You

Ever Noticed ‘Love’ is Slightly
Trapped Behind Our Front
Teeth With Bottom Lip

When We Sing This
Word For Real Through
Song of Our Throat Mouth
Including Teeth Lips and
Roof Of Mouth Breathing Throat
With Vocal Chord Words of Song THiS WaY

YeS How About ‘God’ As God Includes Our
Tongue Getting Stuck on the Roof of Our

Mouth HAha True though ‘Allah’ As the SonG
Of Our Tongue Rolls Off the Roof Of Our Mouth

And Allah Escapes
Our Mouth Free NoW
As Wind We BREaTHE NeW

Okay Last Yet Still Not Least
‘Chaymaa’ Well i Really Don’t
Know How You Might Pronounce
Your Given Name When You Sing It
Yet the ‘Chay’ Part Comes With Wind
Of Breath That Neither Teeth, Tongue,

Roof Of Mouth or Lips Do Touch And Then

Comes ‘Maa’ Like A Name For A Mother’s Love

Of Course A Kiss of Love As Both Lips Touch

And Then Mother’s Love Escapes as Wind of
Breath Free As Love of Giving Sharing Caring


Life is Born
ThiS Way New Now Yes
Through Dance and Song

So Yep You Should Surely
Choose Such A Beautiful
Name For Yourself First

Hehe even if i Have no
Clue How to Pronounce it HAha
Essence What Counts Most With SMiles..:)

Cross of Stars And Roses

Rose FLoWeR With
Butterfly Wings Place
Where Life Comes in

Brilliant LiGHT
Oh So Long Since
i’ve Painted Words

With Erotic Touches
Dear Orchard Daughter Lily

SMiLes This Art Inspires me
to Freshen Some More of the
Art i’ve Created With A More


Feathered Brush
Other Than That It’s
Truly Lovely As Well As
Your Photo too mY FRiEnd

Best Wishes For Your
Newest Norway Exhibition..:)

Beautiful Soul-Felt
Poem Dear Cindy
For Giving Now
Thanks Giving
Love That Is Real
Will Always Be Merciful

Both Apologizing

And Forgiving

A Hardest Part
May Be Showing
Someone How They
Harmed Us They May

Not Consider

A Hardest Part May
Be Admitting Harming
Another Without Enough Consideration

Of Their Unique Soul Feelings Sensings

And Knowings Of Life As True We aRe All
Unique EYes of God Creating Unique UNiVeRSES

Of Our Own A Greatest Art of Progressive Wisdom
Now Across The Lifespan From First Shared Touch

Smile and Love

With Mother

In Affection of Empathy
Sharing Emotional Contagion

Through Cognition of Empathy
That Grows As Practice of Art With
All Our Different Views of Life And The
Views Others Help Us See of Their Unique
UniVerses Created Now by Their Unique EYes

of God True

Through All the
DarK and LighT
We Come to Blind
And See Greater Now Alone Allone

Love is Never A Concrete Science
Alone When Real Always A Practice of Art
NeW DarK Thru LiGHT NoW WHeRE Blind is


to See More of the Soul of All FRiEnDS We
Meet and Greet in Life For True THere is Ego
We May be Mightily Attached to For Feeling Naked
Enough Whole

Yet There

is Also Detached

Compassion From
Ego Loving Unconditionally
Feeling No Less From Whole
Complete Enough Naked Whether We
Are Apologizing or Forgiving in Greater
Works of Love For All to Feel Sense BE

For When Love is
Real Apologies

Never End

Nor Setting Free

For Wings of Love

To Determine When

To Come Back For A Smile

And Hug Or Just Perhaps A Text of Hellooove

Whatever Symbol May Say Hello With Love my FRiEnD..:)

“The laugh of a child will make the holiest day more sacred still.”
— Robert G. Ingersoll (American lawyer and orator 1833-1899)

“I exist as I am, that is enough.” — Walt Whitman

“One can endure sorrow alone, but it takes two to be glad.”
— Elbert Hubbard

In view of these three PArts of Wisdom
it’s worth noting that some folks cannot
Feel the Laugh of a Child Nor the FeeLinG
of Holy Sacred DiViNE

i Exist as i AM
iS rarely enough
iF one can Feel
neither the Laugh
of a Child New or A
FeeLinG Now oF Sacred
Holy Truly DiViNE WiTHiN

For one who can feel neither..
two alone will likely never be Glad Allone
Naked Enough Whole Complete Holy Sacred
For Real As
Real Gets for Real..:)

mY FRiEnD ‘That’ May Be Your Interpretation
of Bible Verses, Yet It’s Just One Interpretation
As It’s Poetry And May Be Interpreted As Many
Ways As 45,000 Plus Denominations And All Those
Folks Sitting in the Pews Do Relate Differently Hehe;

Yes, Some Folks Believe Turning the Other Cheek
Actually Means Allowing Someone Still to Actually
Smack Ya Some More As Some Folks See it that way;

That’s Neither Altruistic or Anti-Altruistic, It’s Just
Plain Non-Sense, Unless Ya Believe A ‘Roman’
Rule That Says Don’t Fight Back Be Under ‘Our Control;’

And Yes, Typically When Ya Love the Enemy
Ya Don’t Usually Expect Nice Things in Return;

Yet Ya May Do It Now too; As Ya Don’t Need
Anything in Return From the Enemy As such;

Again, Just Depends on the Interpretations;

They Are Unlimited And the Original Ghost
Authors, Scribes, and Such Who Wrote Them
No Longer Exist to Explain the Original Intent.

Maybe Altruism Doesn’t Work For You

Yet Science Says It is Real and Works
For The Best for ‘Real Success’ for those
Who Are Able to Employ it For Real Now;

Yes, it Surely is A Path And A Journey

That Remains A Kingdom And Queendom

Of Heaven Within For me to Give, Share, Care,
Healing Freely With No Expect of Return of Course

to Able to Do That in Effortless
Ease it Helps to Be Naked, Enough,
Whole, Complete With Plenty to Give,
Share, Care, Heal Never Running Out Now For Real…

(And in No Way, Shape, or Form Am i Talking About
Material Goods or Money As i Don’t Even Carry Cash hehe)

No Lie, Financial Independence Helps Yet my Way of
Kindness With No Expect of Return Brought All the
Material Riches i Will Ever Need too; Life Verily Isn’t Fair,

For Some the Darkness
May Be All They Ever See
Yes For Now At Least, Returning

to the ‘Lion King Movie’ For Those
Who Only Find Scraps of Love With Not
Enough to Give Away Free Sharing With Caring

And Healing a Fountain Never Ending Flowing True…

Let me Know When You Get to Heaven and What You Find Here

or Etc… And to Be Clear, if i Wore Your Shoes i Might Have A Similar View As You

Yet i
Do Not;

And That’S How Life
Comes And GoeS And ReturnS AGAiN…

Not Everyone Sees it, Feels it, and Or
Senses it Yet Altruism Is itS Own Intrinsic
Reward For Those Who Are Able to Generate

The Neurochemicals and Neurohormones That Go With It…

No Doubt That Some Folks Without that Ability Are Not too Interested in Altruism Indeed…

It Has Very Little to Do With Material Rewards Yet Of Course When one is Naked, Enough,
Whole, Complete And Doesn’t Require Many Material Rewards for Complete Satisfaction in Life

The Money Tends
to Grow Like Mold
in the Bank Until One
Day Ya Find You’re Rich Enough
to Never Need to Earn A Penny Again;
And You Let A Wife Have it All As It Was
All Her Inheritance Then From the Very
Beginning When the ‘Mold’ Started Growing Hehe…

On the Other Hand, There Are Others Who Are Empty
Within Who Never Ever Gain Enough Material Rewards

For Naked

And True i’ve Known
Many Folks Like That
And Very Few Who Do Life Like me…

And That’s Okay, No one is Required to be like me..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy HeARTS Are Like Hands

Clenching Fists Produces Hardening HeARTS

Whereas Open Hands Attached To Open Arms

For Others


LoVE iN Peace

Longest Runs of

Beats That Grow Stronger

As Life Extends iN LoVE iN Peace..:)


Nature Of Change
Change is Nature

ALWaYS NeW Dear Savvy

With SMiLes

For It’s True Even
in a Small Bed of Roses
And Other Butterfly Flowers

No FLoWeR Remains the Same

Always Wilting With New FLoWeRS

With Beauty ever more to Discern Yet

Hehe Butterflies Thrive on Imperfection

Able to Detect Differences of 1 in A Million

of Asymmetry in Prospective Butterfly Mates

Yet As Human
From What
i’ve Viewed
in Life it is the
Unique Imperfections
That Now Or Soon Bring

The Most Beautiful Changes oF All

We aRe Not Perfect Statues at the Bottom of the
Ocean Waiting to Come Alive We Live We Breathe

We Change
For Beauty More

Yes Appreciating


That Bring that
Beauty Even More With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes Dear Yam Without
The Friction of Resistance
We Wouldn’t Be Able to Move

On the Other Hand (And Feet) in Increasing
Levels of Perfecting Balance FRiEnDS NoW With

Gravity After Practicing 20,533 Miles of Public Dance
in 11 Years ThiS WaY Oh Goodness i Feel the Weight of my Finger Tips

As the Weight of my Body all 250 Pounds comes More in Balance With Gravity

On the Other
Hand with
No Resistance
No Friction No Gravity

No Longer Mastering Moves of
me Finger Tips No Longer Navigating

Of mY Body Whole

iNDeed With All Stuff Life
There is the Sweeter Part
of Balance For the InBetween

It’s Like Leg Pressing 699 Kilograms
at the Military Gym 12 Reps warming Up

A Dance of Balance

First Then Overcoming More of Gravity

With Balance Whole

Yet Hehe i’m Still Not Stronger
Than an Ant as i only Do 6 Scale
More my Weight an Ant Does 10

Still Trying
to Be as
As an Insect Hehe…

At age 64 Not Done Yet…

Some Species of Worms Grow
New Heads With New Brains
Retaining Memories of the

Old Missing Heads and Brains

Perhaps some Humans Aren’t
Using All of their Potentials Hehe

Better FRiEnDS With Gravity

Yet Yes One Must Adapt to
And Master Resistance First

And Continue This Practice of
Gaining Human Potentials More..:)

ALWaYS The Beginner
NeW iNdeed Dear Yam

Essence Change Yet

Sadly Some Humans
Stick to Fly Paper

Even When
There is

No Real
Glue Never
Releasing Wings For New..:)

SMiles Dear Miriam Children
Are Born With Only Two
Innate Fears Loud Noises

And Heights

Also Blessed With
Non-Sense Songs
And Dances With
No Lessons For No
Reason Yet Joy Now

Ah Yes Two Realities
And More Dreams of
Joy Or Nightmares Of

Fear Often Spoon Fed
These Days By “Despicable
Orange Leaders AS Such”

For A Recognizable
Modern Minion Meme

The Geese”

Or “The Birds”
As Alfred Hitchcock
Might Relate For Halloween

‘Round Too

Dear Lord Folk’s
LoSinG Their Ability

F iN FiCTioN

Just Another Run
Of The Mill Town
‘Nightmare On Elm Street’


As Dreams Meet FRUiTioN

Hehe Anyway Thanks For
Inspiring This Verse IT Wouldn’t

Exist Without
You And Of
Course Without
Copy And Paste HAha

Catholic Mass Readings From as usual
The Early Morning Sunday Hours of September 15th 2024

Something About One Flesh and Blood One Vision oF LoVE iN Peace
For All True We Could CaLL iT “Fried Chicken” in Non-Sense Words Like
“Queen” Did in Their Song “One Vision” Yet No Matter the Language One

Vision oF LoVE iN Peace

When This Faith Become Action

The Essence the Real Savior of LoVE iN Peace

Comes Through Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All

With Most
Respect and
Least Harm Yes For All

Nah You Don’t Need to Follow Anyone to Do it

Just Lead or at Least Offer Support oF LoVE iN Peace

SMiLes Free..:)

Reading 1, Isaiah 50:4-9
4 Lord Yahweh has given me a disciple’s tongue, for me to know how to give a word of comfort to the weary. Morning by morning he makes my ear alert to listen like a disciple.

5 Lord Yahweh has opened my ear and I have not resisted, I have not turned away.

6 I have offered my back to those who struck me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; I have not turned my face away from insult and spitting.

7 Lord Yahweh comes to my help, this is why insult has not touched me, this is why I have set my face like flint and know that I shall not be put to shame.

8 He who grants me saving justice is near! Who will bring a case against me? Let us appear in court together! Who has a case against me? Let him approach me!

9 Look, Lord Yahweh is coming to my help! Who dares condemn me? Look at them, all falling apart like moth-eaten clothes!

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
1 Alleluia! I am filled with love when Yahweh listens to the sound of my prayer,

2 when he bends down to hear me, as I call.

3 The bonds of death were all round me, the snares of Sheol held me fast; distress and anguish held me in their grip,

4 I called on the name of Yahweh. Deliver me, Yahweh, I beg you.

5 Yahweh is merciful and upright, our God is tenderness.

6 Yahweh looks after the simple, when I was brought low he gave me strength.

8 He has rescued me from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling.

9 I shall pass my life in the presence of Yahweh, in the land of the living.

Reading 2, James 2:14-18
14 How does it help, my brothers, when someone who has never done a single good act claims to have faith? Will that faith bring salvation?

15 If one of the brothers or one of the sisters is in need of clothes and has not enough food to live on,

16 and one of you says to them, ‘I wish you well; keep yourself warm and eat plenty,’ without giving them these bare necessities of life, then what good is that?

17 In the same way faith, if good deeds do not go with it, is quite dead.

18 But someone may say: So you have faith and I have good deeds? Show me this faith of yours without deeds, then! It is by my deeds that I will show you my faith.

Gospel, Mark 8:27-35
27 Jesus and his disciples left for the villages round Caesarea Philippi. On the way he put this question to his disciples, ‘Who do people say I am?’

28 And they told him, ‘John the Baptist, others Elijah, others again, one of the prophets.’

29 ‘But you,’ he asked them, ‘who do you say I am?’ Peter spoke up and said to him, ‘You are the Christ.’

30 And he gave them strict orders not to tell anyone about him.

31 Then he began to teach them that the Son of man was destined to suffer grievously, and to be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and to be put to death, and after three days to rise again;

32 and he said all this quite openly. Then, taking him aside, Peter tried to rebuke him.

33 But, turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said to him, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are thinking not as God thinks, but as human beings do.’

34 He called the people and his disciples to him and said, ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.

35 Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.


SMiLes Dear Savvy i See What i’ve Often
Seen in my Life Yes There is a Sand Storm

Yet What i Notice Most Is a Group of Women
Dressed Culturally Similar Bonding and Binding

Most With the Human Warmth A Group
Hug of Women Closely Huddled Brings

Reducing Potential Anxieties and Even
Pain to Materially Reduce It What the Love
Neurohormone The Social Bonding one Oxytocin

Yes Naturally
Does Free

The Price
oF LoVE iN Peace Indeed

Humans Rise Stronger Together
We Share Symbols Including All the
Cultural Clothes and Tools We Use

Plus Ideologies to Bring This Hug
of Humanity Together to Heal for Real

Sadly It’s Missing Most Now Among
The Youngest Generation of Women

In the United States It’s Much Harder
to Achieve This Online Button Pushes

of Likes Follows and Shares Only Goes So
Space Deep

Particularly as it seems
Folks are Basically LoSinG
THeir Abilities to Move Connect
And Co-Create With Each Other to Rise Higher…

It’s True Poetry/Other Arts Can Work and Play as a bit of Salvation
Relatively Speaking Versus Only Button Pushes Indeed With SMiLes..:)

SuNDaY Florida FLoWeR Story

The HighLiGHT oF Today is What We Commonly
Refer to as the Red Star Flower or Technically
Called the Red Cypress Vine Sadly A Flower

That Needs No Human Feeding or Watering
To Bloom Even in Drought-Like Conditions
When This Pic is Taken is Considered A Weed

For It is So Good At Bringing A Salutation of Beauty

To Greet Human Beings Where They Never Expected to See it Before

Yes Like in a Garden of Limestone Rock Making Its Beauty Felt to Sense

The Gift

of Life Through
And Through More
Beautiful Than Ever Before

Oh Dear Lord Hehe This is Becoming
Another Short Poetic Story Yet it Continues

to Flow HAha Whether Fed And Watered By Others or Not

Oh Dear Sort of Like the Story of my Life as it Grows Even Longer

And Somewhat Invasive for All the Duties Life Does Bring True

A Child in School With a Smile For All at the City Park and Middle
School Halls Verbally Threatened And Yes Spit on by the Local
Christians in the Big

Church that Boys
Literally are Not
Allowed to Smile
Salutations of Greetings

In This Place That Gardens
Men to Go to Unwarranted
Wars to Kill Folks Who Do
Not Look or Act Like Them Dead Dead Dead

None of that for me for i am That Strange Kid Odd iNDeeD
HeaR Who is Always Happy Who Doesn’t Even Wanna Kill A Fly

Yet Perhaps
Swat A Mosquito
Sucking my Blood
As an Autonomic
Response or
Like that
Night in the
Bar i Was Attacked
And i Subdued them
to the Ground in A Choke-Hold
Oh No Before i Even Had A Place
to Make a Rational Way to Escape With No Harm

Oh Dear Lord This Free Poetic Story is Becoming Longer And Longer
And More Invasive Yes Like a Red Star Flower Weed iNDeeD Hehe Yet It’s

True Those Similar Folks From That Big Church With A Steeple at School
Spit on Katrina In Line for Having a Pass for Reduced Priced Lunches
For Being So Poor Even With No Electricity or Water Having to Climb
40 Foot Trees for an Opportunity of Eating Free Moist Fruit From on High

Having to Walk
To School in the
Winter in Freezing
Rain too Poor For
Even An Umbrella
to Carry Yet She Sure
Did Develop Some Beautiful Legs Hehe

And True the Tree Climbing Helped the Rest of Her too

Oh Lord at Only 8 Years Old

Meanwhile when i was
A Kid i Was Watching
Dark Shadows on the
Black and White TV Instead

of Climbing Trees Funny How
Life Works Out the Meek Truly Do Inherit

The Earth Whether it is the Red Star Flower

This seemingly Never ending Story For Dear You With SMiLes

True So Many Salutations And Today’s Blue Cross Shirt Has

That Meme i Find a Way to SMiLe Even After i had to Wear

With No
More Twinkling
Light to Bring
With SMiLinG Eyes

Even Under a Pandemic
Mask With A Salutation

of Dance With The Word

SMiLes And Again Dear You
With Hellooove’s Too And Remember

Not Unlike the Red Star Flower Vine

And The Rest of the Cross of Stars and Roses

i Need Nothing In Return to Spread and i Never Give Up

Cross of
And Roses With SMiLes

PLuS A KiSS oF JoY NoW oF CourSE..:)

It Is Truly All my Pleasure
To Spread Seeds Of Joy
Blooming In EYes of
Kind Young Indian
Flowers Like You
Dear Kiran With

Ending Now☺️🙏🤗

Thanks Dear FRiEnD
Truly A Little
MaGiC Treasure With
Hey Just
Like You Too

So Very
Willed True

SMiLes Dear Cindy In Hell A Tear
of Grief is Heaven Yet Beyond Sadly

It Doesn’t
Rain in
Hell That Way

Until it Does

And A Tear
of Grief Brings LiGHT

iN DarKest Dungeons Before

SMiLes in Other Words
i Surely Literally Relate
to Your Published Poem Thank You

It is Only Through Poetry/Art That Glimpses
of Heaven And Hell Will Come to Those in


SMiLes Dear Anita Even Science
Shows The Oldest Generation
Has The Greatest Measure

of Well Being in

Every Element

of Living Measured

Surely All the Challenges

All the Dark All the Blood

Sweat And Tears Overcome

Create A Cross of The Will of Stars

Above to Shine

And The Beauty

Of Flowers Below

To Exist As Roses With Thorns

What A Gift All the Challenges Life Springs

Out of What is Fertilized of Souls FroZen Before

Night Brings Day As Dark Brings Greater LiGHT…

Thank You Wonderful FLoWinG iNSPiRinG Poem..:)

Indeed Dear Isha How Often

When The External World

Seems to Come All Unwound

We Look Within And Finally

Hear the Flame Beyond

All Time Distance

Space And

Surely A
Matter With Things

For It is True This

Candle Found Within

Will Light Darkest Dungeons
of Before Out THere And What Is iN HeaR True..:)

Oh Dear Lord Dear Anna How Fortunate to Be Together With Someone
All Together for A Total of 35 Years on September 21st the Date We Really

First Got ‘Together’ in 1989 Yet

It’s True i’ve Lived With

The Opposite Situation

Too That Did Not End

With an Amicable Hug

Every Night With No Fail
the Only Marriage Advice
my Wife’s Mother Gave Us
on Our Wedding Day 5 Months
Later on February 21st, 1990 Yes

What A Relief to Escape the Other

Condition Living With Someone Else
in a Lonely Home And What Really Taught

me is the Alternative
of Being All Alone

Will Surely

Be So Much
Better Than


When it Just
Won’t Work Out

i Doubt Seriously i Would
Ever Get Married Again

One Success These

Days is Surely


Fortune With
SMiLes Surely
Sympathetic with
Your 20 Years in that
Other Place Mine only
Lasted 2 Years off and on Thank God..:)

So far IT
IS A Happy
Dance And
Song What
More Will
i ask
From: Love
to: None Happier
Than Dance And

Song iN Peace😁🕺

We Take
Nature Takes
Us Away Returning
NoW Action and
Masters Us
As Us Too..🙂

SMiles Dear Karlien A River
i Am Effortlessly Flowing
Where There Are

No Damns

People Who
Welcome Rivers

Are Those Who
Accept All Languages

Of The River As
i Empty myself

As Water Same
Becoming Waves

And Ocean Whole
Thanks For Letting

me Wash Over
Home of Your

Soul Not Always
Welcome Where
Different Languages

Of God

The Kindest
People See
Essence Over Form

Inhaling Peace
Exhaling Love

For Me Every
River Language

Valuable With SMiles🙌☺️❤️

SMiles Dear
Karlien Peaceful


Loving Waves
Ocean Lets

All Waves
Come Play

Honor All Mine
To Be A FRiEnD
Of Your Waves 🌊☺️🙌❤️

RiSinG Green Falling Leaves

Dancing my Way Free Spirit

Weight Wind Invisible True

iN LiGHT Feeling SMiLinG From

Deep Within



Birthing Singing

BLoWinG Winds
Everywhere i Go
Perennially Always

F L O W i N G EVeR

Green Now WitH SMiLes

Christmas In September NoW

Ever Month of Ever WHere
Dear Rue Simple So TRuE

Not Much More Complicated

Than A Dancing Smile Singing For All

LiVinG Tree Spreading Out

Just Leaving

Foot Prints

From the

Beach i Come
Again Inhaling
Peace Exhaling

Love my Teacher
Rue Teaches me So TRuE too..:)

“TWaS A DarK And Stormy Night” Just Breathing

No Matter How Grey And Stormy Clouds

No Matter How Still Ocean Smiles

Sun Always Comes

Back to Shine




From Fall to Rise

“TwaS A DarK And
Stormy Night” i Smiled

At A FRiEnD And They

Did Not Return A Smile of Kind

Meanwhile Snoopy Dances And

Sings for No Reason At All For

The Essence

Of Joy

Is Purpose

Enough For those

Strong Enough to
Return Smiles Through Dark Sky Clouds…

Why Go To the Moon Coloring Moon Within…

So Many Reasons And Not Nearly Enough Smiles For No



Yet Joy
Of Dance
And Song
Foraging Still
The Day Close
To Naked Holding
Hands Only Clothes
of Love Inhaling Peace
Exhaling Love Most With
Enough Food And Shelter to

Exist Now


Is Love

Returning Again
HeART Beats of
Drums Campfire
Midnight Dance Free
Trancing FLoWinG Allone

ToGeTHeR What Makes the
Tribe Most Real Raising the
Child to Be A Greatest Prize
to Secure Love For the Future Now…

So What Will We Build Next to Make
A Happier Future… Leave Smiles of Love


In Oceans
No Longer

SMiLes For
All Bright

To Return
From ‘Twas
A DarK And Stormy NiGHT’…

Where Hope Tells Truth iN LiGHT
Peace Inhales Love Exhales Returns

Now to Give
And Share

of ‘TwaS A DarK And Stormy NiGHT’…

-Just Another Dog With No ReASoN Yet A Tale to Wag…

CoNFuSinGLY Sadly From A Young Pup… Rarely ‘Man’s
Best FRiEnD’…


my Mother’s Only Clear
Meaning and Purpose

In Life Raise



Them With

Love Let Them

Stumble and Get

Back Up And Forge

Their Own Unique Path
Truly A Hero’s Journey

With Darkest Hell Pitfalls
And Joy Of Laughter Along

The Way in Heaven True too



A Few

Still Resonate

Her Hero Journey

Is Still An Amazing Success

No Greater No Clearer Value
In Meaning And Purpose of

Life Than Raising

A Child Now to

Remain Become LoVE iNCaRNaTE

For All They Meet And Greet In Life…

It Seems You’ve Set Your Sails On A
Similar Path Never Distracted Over What

Truly Counts…

Love is The

That Never
Leaves A LiFE
Through DarK And
LiGHT True it May
Leave Yet A Mother’s

Love Will Return in Sails
Many Breaths Still to come

Fair Winds FoLLoWinG Seas…

Ocean Breeze Love Will Continue Seeing..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Yes Space of Calm
Grace of Balancing

Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Inhaling
Peace Exhaling Love

Yet Origin

Of All

Love Springs
Grace of Balancing
Moving Connecting Co-Creating
Now Inhaling Peace Exhaling

Love Water Waves Ocean

Whole Never Ending Story

Waves Rise Higher Lower

Tides Return


Shores Expand
For New Room
For Flowers of
Love to Bloom
Out of Peace of Calming Grace
Center Point Balancing FRiEnDS

With Gravity’s Hand..:)

SoUL Bones Cold
FlesH And Blood

HeART Awakes

SPiRiT Song





HeART Beats
Back to Life SMiLing

All the Way Back to
Peace Grace Inhaling

Generating Dancing SPiRiT
Exhaling Love Balancing Back


With Gravity

Less Inertia

Holding Us Back

SMiLes Dear Aleesha

Rest Easy Awakening With
New Colors Springing SPiRiT SinGinG

For However Your Truth iN LiGHT Arrives Now..:)

‘Present Wonder And Enthusiasm’
With ‘Inter-Being’ NoW Embodying
All That Is Free Love of Nature As
‘Thich Nhat Hanh’ Might Relate
Dear Savvy True You’ve
Captured The Soul of
A Puppy A Kitten And

A Human Child True

Dancing Spiraling Like
A Milky Way Free With
No Lessons Regulating
Emotions Integrating Senses
Naturally ThiS Way Yes Inhaling
Peace ExhalinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT

And Yes Singing A Non-Sense Song of
Joy The Sounds Even An Infant Makes
While Smiling At Another Child Who Will

Never Be
A Stranger
in A Kingdom
And Queendom
of Present Wonder
And Enthusiasm Truly
Loving Life With Joy New Now..:)

Always Beginning
Never Truly Paint
By NuMBeRS This
Life This Love This
Beauty of All Ours to
Co-Create This LiGHT
Free No Fear Anew with
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Now..🙂

Just A More Right Hemisphere
Way of Processing A Deeper
Story of Life; Folks Around The
Globe And Even Some Folks Here

Have No
At All Understanding It;

Yet It’s Poetry And That
Makes It The Reader’s
View To Interpret; And For

Folks Not Interested in
Pursuing Philosophy,
Politics, And Religion

This Way, It Is
Practically Useless
To Them And That’s
The Way Life Goes Or Changes;

Anyway, it’s Up To You to Determine
That; From The Beginning of It
Edna Had it Figured

Out Then From The
The Native Way Her
Older Filipino Culture
Processes The World,
Before Materially Reduced
More Left Hemisphere Processing
Of The World By Western Ways of

Reduced Culture;

If You Are Looking
For Someone With
A “Proper Pedigree”
To Explain What i’m
Relating Here, i Suggest
The Thorough, Very Detailed

Work Of
Iain McGilchrist;
Anyway, Poetry is A
Medium to Explore Soul
Deeper; A Metaphor That

No Previous
Lesson Plans When Free;

Tearing The Pages out of
The Rule Books, Sprouting


Out of
A Very
Old Pre-Planned
Musty Moldy Cocoon;

In Technical Terms, This is
Long Form Poetry; It Clicks

All The
Wiki Requirements For That too;

Surely, Not Everyone’s English

Cup Of Tea in a Twitter World Now…

Again, only Your Interpretation;
One May Enable Their “Abusers,”
Foes, Enemies; Whatever Ya Wanna
Call Your “Abusers” to Allow Them
An Opportunity to Fall on Their own
Swords And Remove Some Scale
Of “Blindness;” Yes, Ignorance to

Become at Least A
Slightly New Creation
To See Greater Truths Of

Life indeed my FRiEnD Essence
Of The “Altruistic Cross” Yet There
Are Much More Clever Ways Of

Doing it Than Giving Your Life
Away At 33 Or So Years And
Not Helping Nearly As Many

People if You Had Stayed
Here And Got The Job
More Fully Done instead
Of Promising To Return

While Folks Still Wait
For Bone 🍖 Covered
Flesh 2K or So Years

Later For Their Dead
Hero 🦸‍♂️ To Return Now;

Sadly, Never Picking Up
“The Ball” And Dancing
Singing Free Their Own
EPiC Hero Journey of Life;

Yep, Where I LiVE iN Just
Another “Trump Meme Town”
i Hear ‘That Sad Failed Story’ Lots…

Other Than That if You Haven’t
Heard, Rationally And Logically
Measuring Reality only is Like

Picking Bones
And Never
Flesh And
Blood of Real

Soul With A Sadly
Very Reduced Limited Existence;
Yes, A Literal Materially Reduced

Some Refuse
To Remove At
The “Right Hand”
Of “Scientism” That
i See At Church As Much
As i Saw it At School And
Yuck 🤮 Federal Employment AS Such.

Yes, Hehe, Trump is an ‘Excellent Example.’

He’s Been Used by The Republican Party to Appease ‘Their Base;’

And In Being Used Has Received A Whole Lot of Yes’s That Anyone
Else Would Have Received No’s From Who Weren’t Supported By The Republican Base.

So, By Enabling Trump To Do All His DasTurDly Deeds That’s Allowed Trump To Come

Very Close to
Falling on His Sword
AS Soon As Sooner than Soon Comes Next;
Yep, Negative Aspect of Living in A ‘Yes World;’

Somedays The Best Part of What Some Folks May
Perceive as A Foe May Be Their True Saving Grace;

However, it Appears that Trump is As Incorrigible As
A Repeat Offender; Yet in His Case, Long to Make A Final First Fall..:)

Ah Yes Dear Miriam to Make Things Happen

To Change The World Every Shimmer Every



in the Stream of Life..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy All the EYeS of Nature

Beyond EYeS InDeed The See of Nature

The Sea of iMaGiNaTioNS Spreading

to New Oceans of Every Subconscious

Way of Bringing

Dreams to Fruition

Springs Water Falls

ARiSinG NeW Valleys

Becoming Mountains Higher

As Long As We Continue To BREaTHE NeW

DayS Eternally Now Change The One Constant

We Will Rely on A New Day A Birth of Every Breath

Rivers of

oF Peace iN LoVE At Best..:)

Oh my Gosh Mr Gottfried What Synchronicity Again Just Discussing
The Boogie Wonderland of Floating/Flying on Terrestrial Land Yep Just
An Inch Above the Ground Enough FRiEnDS With Gravity ThiS WaY Weight

of Finger Tips
Total Center
Balance Feather
Weight Wind at 250 Pounds Hehe

It’s True my Arms Used to Be my Wings

Now i Guide my Entire Land Based Airship

Fresh With my FingerTips

Dear Lord When i Worked
for the Military We Provided
Morale Welfare and Recreation
to Budding Helicopter Airplane and
Super Fueled Jet Pilots They Only Trained

A Few Years Yet to Do It With a Human Body
Takes Closer

to A Decade and

More Yup Michael Jackson
Did the ‘Moon Walk’ Child’s

Play Milky Way Is When it
All Starts To Unwind iN A
Golden Age PHI Spiral Free

True You’ll
Never Wanna

Die ThiS WaY
Only LiVE NoW

Perhaps in Another
Hundred Years Folks
Will Understand It’s A
Real Fountain of Youth If

You Are Still HeaR on Sunday
Night my Time i’ll Let You Know

Feel and
Sense it
Real With SMiLes

With Even Another YouTube
Video Celebrating Perhaps 100K Miles
Far Beyond Around the Circumference

Coming Soon Naked Enough Whole
Complete of


Sing It
Dance It

God Yes FLY IT NoW iREaL..:)

Hehe Dear Miriam never had a desire to Ghost someone

Yet Back in the Working World i Surely Never Had the Energy

to Make FRiENDS Outside of Work and of course within the

Walls of Work That Are Usually Acquaintances

Dear Lord after Public Dancing 11 Years All
21,553 MiLes After a Saturday Night and
All Day Sunday Dance Still Moving on to

Walmart After the Mall And Finishing
A Whole Book in Barnes and Noble
While Listening to Meditative Music
And Entertaining the Star Bucks
Cafe College Study Crowd there

Hehe For Some Payback for Just
Another Free Book Read on a Sunday Afternoon

Yep With Walmart and Publix to Go After Consuming
A Whataburger And a Free Senior Cup of Coffee Attached
to this Laptop in Whataburger Now With the Dunbar Limit Number

of 150 Successful Regular Human Interactions and 5 Close FRiENDS

A Wife And a Sister And Her Wife is Surely Enough with Literally Hundreds
Yes Thousands of Other Interactions With Folks Who Are More Familiar With me

Than Them

True i Used to Be
A Ghost Wandering the
Earth Yep the Phantom of the
Opera and the Hunchback of Notre
Dame Shut in Ill in my Home 66 Months WHere Every
Connections Even at Home Was Excruciating in Pain

And Numb

Oh Gosh There
Was no Way to Connect then

Dear Lord Every Connection is
Holy and Sacred Now as i Was THE GHOST THEN

Yes the
Living Dead

No more No More No


SMiLes Now…

Not Here to Receive
Only HeaR to Give True
Sort of the Opposite of “Hotel TRuMP California”

Yet true never need a Body Guard And Such Orange Yuck!


my Own Stunts

Nope Not Ashamed
to Weigh 250 Pounds hehe Besties With Gravity
Floating Weight of Finger Tips Greatest of Wu Wei Ease

It’s True When You Defy Gravity Folks Tend Not to Forget You Hehe…


Dear Lord Being
CEO of Several
Health Clinics
in New York New York

It’s Amazing to me You even
Have a Second to Write a Blog…

iSurely Couldn’t Do SuperWoman Like You

iONly Play..:)

SMiLes Dear Vrunda Sharing Your Journey Here on WordPress for Many Years
i’ve Surely taken note of Your Striving to find Love as Many Other Folks i Know
Online Have Experienced for Even a Decade

And More Yet Your Fulfillment

in Understanding Yourself
Along with Your Maturing
Emotional Intelligence

Will Go A Long Way in
Maintaining the Loving
Relationship You Finally Have

Best Wishes to You With SMiLes…

So Many Folks Start too Early and
Whatever Potential There is Dissolves That Way..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha i Can Surely Relate in School and Work No one Tells
Us that All That Mechanical Cognition Withers Away our Social Empathic
Artistic Real Spiritual Emotional Moving Connecting Co-Creating Ways of Life

iNdeed THere is Another World With Limitless Colors to Explore to Which the
Depth of the Eternal Now is Only As Deep As We Color Now So Yes! Continue

To Explore all Your
Feelings and Senses

Relate it in Your Art

Now And Never Let it
Escape Your Reach again

As You Balance it All New

Hehe Yet of Course i’ll Never
Tale You What to Do Just A Suggestion

You already
Seem You
Are Doing Now…

The Way i Approach Life
is Every New Move of Dance
And Every New Word of Song

Is Only A Beginning New to Explore

Wonderful Winged Secret one never Feels Old ThiS WaY..:)

“Very true.
And call it…
Beauty in Asymmetry
Delight in Disorder
I believe this ability to acknowledge and accept and
appreciate diversity keeps one expansive and inclusive.

And that’s what makes it

all just perfect.”

Wise Words
Dear Savvy
Thank You☺️🙏

Naked Enough
Whole Complete
Always The Beginner
Ocean Making
New Waves
ThiS Way Never
Washed Away By

Other Waves

SMiles SaaniaSparkle

We aRe Spoon Fed A
Way Of Competition
From Birth

Water Ocean
Whole Only Cooperating

All Naturally

Balancing Together
Nature’S WaY LoVE iN

Flow No Crests
Of Waves Without
Troughs Let It Go Just

Flow 🌊

Ocean Vision

Another Beautiful
SuNDaY Waking
UP With Perfect
Room Temperature
Cool Blue Skies
Of Late Summer
Toronto Within Hehe
You Get It For Real On
As We Get
Rain For 3 Days
Before Our Outside
Beautiful Blue Sky
Cool Late Summer
Days Return
Yet Grey Skies
Still SuNDaY
Beautiful to
Within With SMiles
As Every Dance and
Song Free Becomes
Day to me

iNDeeD Dear Amethyst
Lamb When The Sky
Is “Blue” Not Everyone

Or Will Ever
Both Dimensions

Of Life And
Living Death…

Only Art Will Relate…


Ah Yes Dear Pooja
Be THE Eternal
Beginner Never
The Ender Now

WHere Starts And
Finishes Are Only


Yes Be THE
Essence NeW
KiSS oF JoY NoW☺️🙌

SMiles Dear Anita
Regarding ‘Durga’
And Other ‘Devi’

Beings hehe
Big Mistake
To Believe
Is Weak
And Powerless

Surprises Are
Still Abundant

🦁 🙌☺️🌹

Studies Do Show out of
60,000 or so ‘Thought
Balloon’ Words A Day
Passing thru our
Mind Mostly
Each Day on
Average 80 Percent
Of ‘First World Human
Problems’ Comprise
Negativity of
All those thoughts
Each Day Sadly We
Wire ourselves for
DarK ThiS Way
Yet A Happy
Song Focused
As We Dedicate
Each Word And
Move This Way
Holy And Sacred
Full of Positive Meaning
And Purpose Changes
DarK To LiGHT And
Then We Become
A Multi-Colored
Evergreen Eternally
Now Lit Up ‘Christmas’
Tree one Move one
Word continuing
Focus and Flow
Grey Scales
From our Rivers of 💡
LiGHT Ever FLoWinGreeN

Yes! Love, Hope, Faith, Patience,
Courage, Understanding, Peace,
Passion, Healing, Strength, Beauty

Freedom Thanks Dear

Savvy For Always



Poetry Prompts
Touches HeART NoW

Reaching Beyond For Soul More…

i Will Add One And More To the List…

Fearless Will To Give Share Care Heal Freely With

No Restraints



More Virtues

Of Love ALonG Our Ways ToGeTHeR NoW
Cooperating Always For the Win For LoVE iN Peace…

oh my Gosh i Feel As Rich As Love Hope Faith
Births Human Breath! Reborn into A Newer


Creation Now
Always New
Thanks to Dear
FRiEnDS Like You…
Hehe, And Even the

Ones Who



Like All
Love i SPRinG iN Peace

With SMiLes At Least…

Hehe, My Middle Name
is ‘Arthur’ Can’t Decide Now
if i Wanna Do Art or Author

Stuck “Somewhere Between
The Moon and New York City”…

Fortunately My Middle Name Allows
Both And Even More With my

Other ‘Names’ With SMiLes..:)

Indeed Dear Isha Headphones
Doorway to Our Soul Opening
HeART Strings NoW As MuSiC
Extensions of Our Vocal Chords
That Piano and Guitar And Other
Stringed Instruments Extend True New

Percussion of Hammers
Piano Keys BRing HeART
Beats So Very Human Emotionally

Deeper too With SMiLes True THere is
No Limit in iMaGiNaTioN of HeART SPiRiT
SoUL Musicians Bring to Instruments They Play

iN So Many Moving Connecting Co-Creativities

A Doorway to THeiR HeART SPiRiT SoUL They Play
A Doorway For Us to Enter As They Give Share Care

And Heal THiS Way
Songs oF SoUL In All Ways
Arts Impart SPiRiT oF HeART

SMiLes What A Gift YouTube is to
Humankind All Those SoULS STill
Airing Wings of MuSiC They BRinG Free..:)

Ah Yes A Psychopathic Leaning
Mix Far Below A HeART SPiRiT
SoUL Those Who BRinG Who Are
Interested in Winning A ‘Reproductive
Game’ Yet That’s All As All They May Have

Is Empty Within
After That True
Without Even
Any Somatic
Energy to
Keep a Livelihood

Going Vagabonds of
Pleasure Shallow and
Rarely Deep in Deed Dear Yam FRiEnD…:)

Ah Yes Dear Miriam
Embrace Chaos Until
It Becomes Mastery of


As All oF iT
Turns into
Art Beyond
All Reasons Yet

Faith Nature’s iMaGiNaTioN
All Your Creativities Set Free..:)

A Child’s Smile for Another
Child Before Speaking
A Child’s Song Without
Words Only Sound Making
Tunes Emotionally Regulating
Integrating Senses With A Dance

With No Lessons

Toddlers Will Do
Barely Standing Up

Yet Dancing Singing New
Free For Life Set Free Always Now
True A Child’s Life of Heaven Real Sohair

And Eyes of
Children for
Us to Wake Up
To As Loving Free Once More…:)

No Ahead or Behind
Truly Now
Gift New
How Deep
We Color Now
How Deep We LiVE
The Present Gift New
Dear Chaymaa Far
From Prisoner
of Illusory
Far Away
From Now So Free..🙂

Passion For the
Welfare of the
Indeed Dear
Chaymaa With
SMiLes of Glee
For All to Lift
Up More
SMiLEs Free..🙂

Embodying Dance
DeLiVeRinG Song
Free Deeper Now
A Place Heart Soul
Spirit Flows Within New
All of Existence Spirals Yes
And Flows ThiS Way From Yes
Smallest to Largest As Dance
Is Truly No Destination Yet to
Move Connect Co-Create Free
Dear Savvy FRiEnD It’s Just
Not Enough to Be an
Avatar on a Screen
Must Get Away
And Spread
my Wings
Yes Arms
And Legs
of Dance
Oldest STill
Newest Ways
Humans Move
Connect And Co-Create Now..:)

Love to You As Well
Long Distant Yet
Soul True Poet
With SMiles
Dear Jayani😊🙌

SMiles Hehe Dear
Ruchi Old As The
Beach i Am Yet
Emerald Green
Waves Sugar
White Sands
Seas Oats in
The Breeze And
Gull Wings Spiraling
Around Sun Retains
Soul of Poetry True
With SMiles All
my Pleasure
Hehe To
Be This Beach 🏝 😊🙌

Ah Yes Dear
Yam As Words
May Become
Shells on The
Beach With No
Sea Life Within As
A Muslim Woman
Fortunately You
May Be
Able To
Skip the
Dating App Life
Of So-Cold Civilization

Of Modernity
With Little
To No Sea Life
In Shells 🐚 Of Soul 🙏

All my
Dear Sohair
Kindness Treasure
When Giving Now
Echoing New
Yes A SaMe
Dance And
Song Free iN SMiles🌹☺️

It’s True Dear Aleesha Love
That is Real Is Always More

Than Touch Some Say it is
‘The Shape of Water’

True A Blanket

to Cover The

Entire World


Warmth That

Is Shared Within With
Special All Others Filling

All Rooms With Sunshine Bright Feelings

Lighting All The Nights Up With Daylight Trust



BLiSSinGS Soft

When LoVE iS Truly
ReaL IT Only Rises

And Never Falls

Again as


Now That
Are Green
May Only Fall
To Become Brown
To Nourish Soul Soils Fresher

For Even More Green Life Of Love

In Spring As All SeaSoNS Become
One Water Ocean Waves For All to Rise From Fall…

Other Than That Your Poem Definitely Beyond Touch Indeed With SMiles..:)

By Inspiring
Poetry Prompts
Thanks For Perfecting

A Practice
Of Inspiration
Poetry FRiEnD
Dear Hemalatha 🙌❤️😊

True Dear Yam FRiEnD
A Cold Society Is No
True Religion of
Warm Peace
And Love
True Warm
Peace And Love
At Essence God
Worth Loving Living
Inhaling Peace Exhaling

Free Best Protective
CoVeRinG oF GoD iNDeed🙏🏝

As the Study of Psychology Shows, What Separates
Villains From Heroes is the Hero Cannot Separate
Themselves From the Empathy of Others And On The
Other Hand, the Villain, Per Modern Example of ‘Trump’
As “Poster Boy” Impeached Twice And Potentially Soon

to Be Criminally
Convicted For Crimes
Against Our Democracy;

True, Trump Shows Very Low
to No Levels of Human Empathy
And Particularly Compassion For
Those Who Are Marginalized in Life;

True, the Democrats Severely Bended
Political Correctness in Supporting A ‘Trojan
Horse’ Of Trump’s Hand Picked Candidates As At Core

Truly They Are Harming the Republican Party As Well
As the ‘Hand-Picker-Trump’ Who Could Have Been As Easily

Chosen as A ‘Trojan Horse’ to Bring the Republican Party Down
And Indeed Hillary and Her Political Crew Misunderstood the Potential

Support ‘5th Avenue’ Supporters of
Trump Might Step Up to ‘the Bat’ When
Trump Promised His Supporters Would
Still Support Him, Even If He Shot Someone
on 5th Avenue, in the Middle of the Day in New York.

Well, Well, Well, Oh Dear, Let me Count The WayS iN
Metaphor In How Trump Accomplished That Yet Truly
Most Everyone is Familiar With the ‘Falling Star’ of Trump;

Almost Biblical
Indeed By Revelation
of Archetypal Villain
As Obama Played
The Opposite Role
Play With A Two-Term Limit…

When You Are Out to Save Democracy
From A Villain, All Cards Are Laid-Out-to-Play
to Win; True, ‘Politics’ is Just ‘Soft-Core War’ in the Way

It is Played At the Federal, State, Local, Work, School,
Church, And Even Home Life too; Life is Not For the FAint of HeART
SPiRiT SouL, Unless You Are Not Involved in ‘the Game’ And Don’t Have to

Get Your Hands Dirty to Continue to Climb The Mountain and Not Fall Down…

i Was Sort of a Rule Follower All of my Life too Yet even in Federal Government
Work With So Many Regulations and Rules and Political Correctness As Such We

Even had a Seminar
on The Difference Between
Legal and “Unlegal”; Of Course,

“Unlegal” Is Not a “Dictionary Word;”

It’s the Grey Area That You Do to Stay
Out of ‘Jail’ Yet Still get Things Done By
Breaking ‘The Official Way’ to Do Life Now;

As ‘They’ Say; “Lead, Follow, Or Get Out of the Way;”

And True Yes That Involves Some Risk Taking too;

Yet True, It’s Life in ‘The Big Leagues;’ Some Days

You Strike Out and Other Days You Might Just Save

Democracy By Doing Something ‘Unlegal’ And Being

The Hero, Even if You Must Move Through Some ‘Shading;’

It’s Truly An ‘Art of the Deal;’ And It’s Not For Folks With ‘Weak Tummies….’

i’m Not Comfortable With The Democrats Supporting The ‘Unwitting Trump Trojan Horses’
To Bring The Republican Party Down As True i’m Kind of A Rule Maker and Follower too;

Yet A Best Advice

my Boss Ever Gave

me was, “Fred, Why
Don’t You Just Break the Rules;”

He Said He Was Just Kidding; Yet He wasn’t….

“Ya Gotta Know When to Hold ’em and When to Fold ’em…”

And Indeed That’s An ‘Art of the Deal’ That the Folks on the
‘Benches’ of Life Don’t

always get…

To Do…

Life in the
Big Leagues;

Thank Goodness,
Someone is Willing
to Stick Their Neck-Out

To Save the Frigging Day….

Now to Be Clear (If Possible)

There Are Trump Supporters Still Today
Who Believe They Are Saving The Day By
Changing Democracy into A Theocratic Controlled Government;

As ‘They’ Say We All Must Live By ‘THeir’ God’s Rules Yet Other Folks

Do Mean it When
They Say Give
me Liberty or Give me Death;

As is the Case When Folks Are Free
to Die And Spread A Pandemic Unmasked
And Unvaccinated And Other Folks Are Free

to Break What is ‘Normally’ Considered ‘Politically Correct’

When it Comes to Saving Democracy; Yawn, That was
the advice the Writers of the ‘Bill Maher’ Show Gave the
Democrats Long Ago

in Playing
Low Ball
Some Days too…

Note: I’m Not Suggesting
i’d Do What They are Doing
if i Was in their Position; Just
Observing The Overall Human
Condition And Philosophizing
About Politics As it’s Become Religion too…

As if That’s Ever Changed Through HiSTorY to Date…

Anyway, After 66 Months Recovering From A Life Threat of 19 Medical
Disorders As i Always Played by the Rules at Work Conforming and Never
Thought it Was Possible to Say No; i Saw That Boss Again at a Casino in

Biloxi and He Said,

My God You “No Longer

Move Plastic” Like a Robot;

You Flow Now Like You Don’t

Have to Think About the Rules for Dancing in Public Hehe…
Yet i Digress That is the Story of Another ‘Real Life Living Legend’ HAha…

Oh By The (ThiS) Way, Dumping Human Beings Off A Plane And Not Forewarning
The Authorities That They Are Coming and Will Need Help is WHAT ‘THE VILLAIN DOES;’

No Humanity
of Empathy And
Compassion Required;
Not a God Damned Ounce…

Again, What Separates A Real
Hero Leader From A Real Villain Leader Most Often…

SMiLes Dear Savvy Indeed With Glee
Hello to Every Human MuLTiUNiVeRSE

Adding A New Verse to the UNiVeRSE

From Birth With SMiLes All the
Colors STiLL to Come Anew

All the Memories of What
Will Come Still To Create

All the Potential in Every Dance
And Song Free of Arts And Sciences
And More to Change The World Even

if it is only
One SMiLe
Giving Sharing
Caring Healing For Real

At Best Closer to HeART SPiRiT
SoUL Balancing Mind Body THiS Way..:)

A Great Play of Life Often Termed As A Great Work of Art
Whatever Craft You Come to Consistently Focus on Task

Each And Every Day Of Life Eventually A Flow Comes

Where Regardless of Any Goals the Practice the

Activity of the Play of Your Craft in Flow

Becomes the Joy Unto the Dance

And Song oF YouR Soul

Breathing More

Colorful Within
With Even SMiLes
Long Lasting Whether
Visible on the Outside or Not

It’s True Every Once in a While One of These
Great Plays of Life Will Endure Past Our Lifetimes Now

Yet a Most Important
Part is You Really Lived
in the Flow Lighting Up
New More Colorful Now

Ways of
And Authentic Soul
Dear Isha With SMiLes…

It’s Just Another Way of Meditation
And Yes A Real Fountain of Youth as Even
Modern Science Shows Regenerating Gray
Matter of the Mind Reducing Amygdala Sized Fear

Surely Doing the Similar From Toe to Head Beyond

All Empirical

Measure the

Joy of the
SouL Set Free
SoaRinG Higher Wings..:)

“Flying without wings”
Ah Yes Mr Gottfried With
Only Finger Tips A Digital
Letter Keyboard Add in
A Fiber Optic Cable
And my Avatar
Words At The
Speed oF LiGHT
And LoVE iN Peace
And Other Stuff Will

Surely Reach
Out And Touch
A Globe Without

At Least
AS Such
With SMiles
No Matter Moon
Sun Or Stars iFly Free

Even A
Body Hehe
🌍 🌎 🌏 🕊️ 🩸 💧

Grim Reaper in the Orange of Fire

What A Wonderful and True Art You

Provide in the LiGHT of DarK Dear Maranda

For Real Yes After i Got Out of the Depths of Hell
of Pain and Numb For 66 Months Facing the Grief (Grim) Reaper

in Every Thousand Years of a Second in Hell With No Memory of the Feeling

of a SMiLe Forever then Almost Immediately

When i Escaped Back in the Fall of 2013
We literally (It’s Not Like Eating Dogs and
Cats Rumors Spread at the Top) Have Photographic

Evidence to Prove the 18 Foot Tall Grim Reaper Standing

In Our Front Yard taller than Our Roof to Celebrate My Exit

(We Bought it at Lowe’s Currently Deflated in an Orange
Tub Sort Of Like When ‘Kamala Devi Harris’ Splashed
Water on the Wicked Orange Witch of the West AS Such)

Out of Hell

Well that Reaper
Stood in 2014 and
2015 Yet in 2016 Sadly

‘HE’ Became Replaced by ‘The Real Thing’

Fortunately i Already Escaped and Continue
to See Folks Fall on 5th Avenue one by one

The Rapture
Continues STiLL

As the Grim (Grief)
Reaper continues to get back up…

Ah Yet Yes There is a Lotus Flower of
A First Name and A Goddess of
A Middle Name to the Rescue

Again With A Cat and Mouse
Game Smile to Also

Relate another way

of Living instead of living dead…

Yes Hope LoVE iN Peace For Real…

On Dear Lord Even a KiSS oF JoY NoW

Yes Oh Dear Lord How Wonderfully You
Begin and end a StArting Story With Your

Visual Art Dear Maranda

And As Usual
my Way And Yours All Free…

Moral oF A STory


(A Bucket of Water IT Will DO)

My method of Campaigning
is Unusual Yet somewhat Longly Memorable hehe..:)

i Understand the Pain Dear Cindy After housing a Cat with
Feline Leukemia for 10 Years Beloved as such watching His
Challenges Along the Way Considering the Next Pet might

Last Longer than
me Even With
Soul Age HAha

From The Day We Provided
Anesthesia So He Wouldn’t
Even Have to Experience the
Discomfort of a Shot of Mercy

That Of Course Wasn’t Offered as
an Option to my Mother in Her 8 Days
of Starving And Thirsting to Death in the

American Religious Way of Hoarding Life
In Going the “Natural Way” Instead of REAL Mercy of Course

Now We Feed the Wild Furry And Winged Creatures Free And Never Even
Poison the Winged Insects as they Fertilize New Colors of Flowers More

And Of course
Aerate Soils
As Free Ants Do
too Just Skip the Ant
Mounds watching where We Walk Next

The Loving Warmth Of Helping the Wild to Flourish
May not Be As Close as a Lap Cat and Puppy Eyes Provide

Yet It Was Hard
to Take Yellow Boy
Out of the Wild into
The Cave Forevermore

Particularly at Wonder and Awe
The Call of the Wild in His Eyes

Those Few Instances He Escaped Back into Nature Free

It Touched my Soul i Shed my CuLTuRaL Clothes and DO the same…

And if People
Don’t Appreciate
my Call of the Wild

They May Surely

Enter Back into

The Prisons of their
Caves and Other Cultural Clothes…

All Covered Out of the Light of Day at Night

On the Other Hand A Soft Bed Hot Water and
Air Conditioning in Florida Along With Hunting
and Gathering in Walmart For What my Wife
Does When i Free Dance There Is Really

Nice as i Don’t
Have to Personally
End Any Life of Animals or Plants

It’s Just that It Doesn’t Make Much Sense
to me When Folks With a Double Car Garage
Only Used for Walmart Flea Markets in their Yard

Park Their Hundred Thousand Dollar Four Wheel Drives
That Get 12 Miles to the Gallon Out in the Road And Complain

About Inflation When Gas is $2.69 A Gallon Now Versus Over

3 Bucks Back at the Turn of the Century after 911 and the Such

‘The American Consumer’
A Strange Breed Indeed

Often Buying More than they
will ever really ever consume

And Complaining now When the
Basics are better than ever before…

Yes Like Practically all the Science and
Art at Our Finger Tips for Pennies on the Dollars

of increasing
Human Potentials

More Than Buying
Up the Local Walmart
For the Next Double Car Garage
Flea Market for the Stuff they Never Used…


IT Happens…

With That Sung
Indeed at Best Dancing Free
Or Not We Love the Ones We aRe
With the Very Best We can and will…

With SMiLes…

Hehe Meet You at Star
Bucks for A 6 Dollar Coffee

Better Yet Let Let’s Do the Free
Senior Coffee at Whataburger

With a Burger Without
Fries and No Sugary

Drink at the Side…

On Top of that i Promise
You a Conversation Like You’ve
Never Heard Before As the Locals

They Surely
Will Relate
The Truth Hehe

Just Go Back and Dance Free…

Ah Yes The Call of the Wild All Free

As FRedwoods continue to sprout here and THeRE..:)

i Am From “The Planet
Raccunis” We Do Not
Shop in Walmart We
Only Dance Free Dear
Maranda 🦝

Note: my Wife is
Not From Raccunis
my Marriage is
Mixed With The
Species “American
Consumer” Hehe

Meanwhile We Feed
The Earth Raccoons
A Free All They Can
Eat Buffet In Our
Forest Eden Backyard

Along With All The
Other Winged And
Furry Creatures

including me 🐻


KiSS oF JoY NoW Hope You Have a Clear
Harvest Super Full Moon View Dear Xenia Along
With the Murky Brown Red Partial Lunar Eclipse if that comes

Your Way too With
SMiLes Beautiful
Fall Coming Week to You All…

Clear Cutting Forests Teeming With Wild Life
Dear Xenia Subdivisions Sprouting Up Where

Life used to Live More

Than Brick and Mortar

We Took Another Route
in the Forest Whole

Planting even
More Trees

With SMiLes…

Sadly People Cut them
Down as they are afraid of falling leaves

Otherwise Known as Fertilizer for New

Green And Other Colorful Life

This is Nature We aRe Nature
Sadly Separation

Has Become the
Mission Rather
Than Unity in

Balance of
All Life that
moves connects and co-creates…

So Much Room to Plant More Trees…

SMiLes Dear Xenia Such a Flat Land i’ve Lived in Almost
All my Life that One Visit to Helen Georgia in an Alpine Village

There a Whole New World of Hills and Mountains Higher

As New
Expand Our

of Mind
Soul Whole

And Of Course New
Poetic Connections
Bring New Worlds True too…

SMiLes Dear Xenia i used to Hate to See
Summer Sunny Days Go Away Yet Now

i Welcome Brown Leaves Rain and

Anything Under 100 Degrees Heat
Index although

A Challenge
Is Always
Interesting too

Snow Will Surely Be
Wonderful This Year
As Just a Novelty of Course..:)

Hands Of Love Rooted in Kindness
Coming From Love And Compassion

For All of Nature Indeed Dear Savvy

Roots of Trees Communicate Below

Hands Are Ours to Reach Out and

Touch Others Connecting in So

Many Ways Yet to

Create A Greater

WaY iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE For
All Always Most Respect least Harm


TUESDaY Summer Harvest Full Super
Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse LeSSoN 495
Redemption Art of Coming
Out of The DarK Finding
True Gold Of LoVE iN Peace
iN Rainbows ReUNiTinG
With Nature Giving It
All Away For Free
Coming Back
Life For
Real With SMiles
Ah Yes The 4th Memed
Cross T-Shirt
Named Redemption
in Review of The First Three

The First Devotion
The Second Cross
of Stars And Roses
The Third Salutation

Hehe This Concludes
495 With Much More To

Come Every Breath Of
Every Part Of Nature
Newly Now of THE ALL
Never Ending New Testament

With SMiles

TUESDaY School
LeSSoN 496
Yes Get one
Free Plus the
Next one Too Hehe

A Day With no Electronic
Devices… Air Conditioning
Only Fireplaces Living
Rooms Then And Front
Porches WHere FRiEndS
And Lovers Rule
Art of Flesh And
Blood Social
As the Mainstay
And LifeBread
Of Human
Care For Each
Other How Far
Away or to Each
Other We All Have
Come Will Life
And Care
Revive Our Breath
In SYMBoLS of Text🦋

When We Are ‘Deleted’
In A Way it is more
Room for Us
To Generate
A Hug As
There Are So
Many Who Will
Appreciate Unconditional
Love Who Only Breathes
iN Peace
ThiS Way
To Give🤗🎶

Doors CloSinG
Opening Opening🎶

Loving Soul Food
Blessed NoW
Those Most
With Avenues
Dancing Singing
Love Giving
For Giving
Giving Free
Inherent Reward Be..🙏🤗

Nature Works
Best Dancing
All In
Of Loving
Life Giving
Sharing Caring
Healing Freely🙏😊

One With
Forest Trees
Free Wind
Dances Sings
Community Breeze🌊💨🌲

Life Tells Us Many
Things to Be to
The Point
We Become
All Clothes
Our Tools
What is Left
Starts and
Begins A Give
Love Bearing
Never Ending
Carrying Peace
SeeinG LoVE iN Peace😊

Sadly Savvy With Invention

Of Time And Clocks To Rule

Each Second Minute

And Hour

In Deadlines

Still To Create

What Comes Missing

Now Most is the Human

Touch For It is True There

Is A Lock In Every CLocK

That May Separate

Us From

Flow Now

of Dreamtime

WaKinG FoReVeRNoW iN Ease
Moving Connecting Co-Creating
Humanity Dancing Singing ToGeTHeR

Thriving Again As MoonLight Sings

Promise of Sunshine Again

Complete Whole


Hands With
No CLoCK Hands
Substituting for

Inhaling Peace
Exhaling LoVE
ToGeTHeR NoW Real…

Hehe, Yet It’s True It May Be
Hard to ‘See’ ThiS Way As Money
May Offer Little Soul to Create mY FRiEnD…

Indeed BLeSSinGS BLiSSinGS Free Am i to Be This Way With SMiLes

For All the Blood, Sweat, And Tears Still BRinGinG me to This Place of

Loving Co-Creation…

With A Little
Help Yes

Of Help
From Kind FRiEnDS…:)

Yes! Dear
USA Writes

More Than
We Receive

For Even Science
Shows One Altruistic
Act of Kindness to
Others Without


When We Become
Loving Enough Whole
Complete in Will And
Strength With

of Grace
In Balancing
Inhaling Peace
Exhaling Love This Way

Will Bring Higher Levels of
Happiness And Well Being
For Even Months to Come
What A Free Love Drug Giving Is!

Giving Becomes The Essence
Of Receiving Same Happier We
Make Others Naturally Happier
We Become in Cooperating
SPiRiT HeART Souling


Problem is
Sadly Our Culture
in the West is Based
More on Competition Than
Cooperation That Means Profit
For Most All We Do in Life Even


Where We may
Expect to Make

A Profit Off of What
We Give to Others

As This Applies to All
Stuff Nature of Life True too
iN LiGHT And DarK AS Humans
Through Their Competitive Spirit of
Profiting off All Stuff Life Consumes Nature


Hoarding More Than Sharing Taking More Than
Giving For the Competitive Spirit of Profiting Off of

Living Associating

Hehe So Don’t Even Try
to Feed me More Words than
i Give to You People Wonder Why

i Am So Happy They Haven’t Seen
The SMiLes i Put on Other Faces With

Life Now

Indeed Dear
FRiEnD Make
Someone All ones

Happier than You and

You Will Be The Last

And The First to Inherit

All the LoVE oN EartH You Create NoW..:)

Every New Bridge We Cross
Creates A New Reality
to Land in A Way We’ve




Yet True There Are

Even More Bridges to

TraVerse Within to Get

To Where We Never

Leave Yet Grow Most

And Yes In Life Without
Challenge There is No Growth

Rewards Come For New Mountains
Scaling We’ve Never Climbed Before…

For Sure It is True Though
When We Come to
Inhale Peace
And Exhale

Love Most
Free The Blood
Sweat And Tears
of Challenge Roll Over
The Shadows Of Us Easier

For New LiGHT

To See Out

oF Caves

We Sit Before
Dear Aleesha With SMiLes..:)

Yes Yes Dear
USA Writes
This is Why
We Have To

Be Whole


Of Will on
Of Balancing
Grace Loving All

Oh Goodness
When i Worked
That Exhausted
me So Much Giving

For Pay
Left At

End Of
The Day
Sad Wife
Then This
Is Life in the

USA For So
Many Just
Up to Sea
Level my FRiEnD

Why They Call
Golden Ages


For Pay 💰

Hehe Yet
You Are


In School
Be Happy As
You Will And
Are Able to


Money Free
Makes A Huge
Difference for me😊

Become What We Do Now
Then Nothing
Left to Do Yet Do What We Do

Hehe, Dear Karlien, i suppose
i Will Just Say “Just Do It” too

And Don’t Worry About

Any Shoe
Sales Now

If We Don’t Have
to RUN A Big Corporation Like ‘Nike’

For It’s True Where Money Is Involved
There Is Always More Than Just Do
True There is Collecting A Pay

Check That Will Be Such
A Distraction For the
Flow of Human
Free For With MaKinG
Money With Creativity And
Productivity Always An External
Audience to Satisfy True if We Get
Hooked On Likes, Follows, And Even

Views oF All That We Do However Yes
Metrics Are Great to See What Influence
We Might Bring to Help Others too And Also
Obviously True Yes Usually We Have to Make
Money to Survive Unless Independent of That
Paper Green And Even Green to Gold In South Africa

my FRienD
Fear is the
Source of So
Much Human Weakness
Stress Disorder And Disease

Loss of Inhaling Peace And Exhaling
Love As In This Place There is No Room For
Anxiety or Self-Doubt Either That is Of Course Fear
And Associated With Reductions in the Neurochemical
Serotonin Yes The Self-Confidence Brain Juice That May

Come Greater As We Become More Comfortable in Our Physical
Bodies And Even Become Proficient in Martial Arts For Indeed We
Are Part of the Animal Kingdom And As Long As We Do Not Have
Any Experience in Successfully Defending Ourselves Physically

There is Usually Less
Confidence to Feel
In the Jungle,
And Deserts
of Humans too…

Yet True… No Need to Ever
Strike Anyone Now Just A Free
Dance of Moving Meditation Will
Do For Literally Becoming Comfortable
in Our Bodies This Way BOOSTS SEROTONIN

As so often in Somatic Ways That is Where
Our Unresolved Emotional Issues Go indeed
in Tension From Head to Toe Where Bio-Feedback
Through Moving Meditation Will Actually Help to Regulate
Emotions and Integrate Senses Where We Move More Like

Lions and


Across the
Savannah Through
Non-Verbal Language
Yes the Way We Move

It is Usually Pretty Easy and
Basic to See Who Is Self-Confident
Without As Much Self-Doubt And Those
Now Who Live a Life of Anxiety And Fears
And Yes Of Course Self-Doubt And As Psychiatrists
Admit Now Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is Not Enough
As Indeed ‘The Body Keeps Score’ For All the Trauma We Experience in

Life too

Head Down

And Depressed

Or Standing Tall

Making ‘A Lobster
Pose’ Hehe as i often
Do as A Yoga Pose

LIKE A Wolf HAHA… Boosts
Levels of Serotonin And Just
Makes Me That Much More Confident
In All i Do… It’s Like Writing Free Verse
Poetry Every Where i Go Whether People

Like me or Not or Like What i Do or Not Now

i Generate My Own Happiness And Comfort
Within Through A Dance Naked Enough Whole
Without Any CuLTuRaL Clothes Of Tools At All…

Naked Complete Whole Enough Look Around

And Try to Imagine How People Would Feel This
Way if Everything They Had Was Taken Away

Yet the Skin They Wear And The Love They

Give And Share Freely This Is Freedom

my FRiEnD The Kind of Confidence

The Rest of the Animal

Kingdom Enjoys

Without All the
External Illusions
That Humans Impose
On Themself As Anxieties
Fears and Self-Doubts that

We Surely Won’t Worry About
As We Take Our Last Breath on Earth…

Basically Again Autotelic Flow A Practice Now
Of Life That Brings Flight With No Need For Wings…
And Of Course This Is Just Specifically From my
View There Are Unlimited Other Ways to Do it
Yet The Essence Becomes Fear Is For Others

And Never
For Us Now
With Smiles
of Peace Inhaling
Love Exhaling Best
For All We Meet and Greet in Life…

Living on the Autism Spectrum For 5.3
Decades Never Comfortable in my Skin
As A Biological And Environmentally
Induced Challenge in Life Confidence

Was One of the hardest Parts of
All In Life As i Wasn’t Literally
Comfortable in my own

Skin i’ve Kept a Record
of My Public Dance From the
Beginning 11 Years Ago Until
Today From the Beginning Where
i was assessed as Ridiculous By
the Viewing Public To the Years
i was Assessed as Famous and
Living Legend Literally As Such as
Far As 200 Miles From Where i Lived
As True still the only one Who Public
Dances in a Radius of 500 Miles or More
in the Deep South of the United States the
Hardest place assessed by Social Science
To Be Different in Life Traditionally So i Set
Myself Free From Caterpillar to Cocoon to
Butterfly With No Need For Wings Yet You
See It Doesn’t Matter What Folks Call me
Ridiculous or Legend I AM COMFORTABLE

i Lost the Fear


i even

And That’s the
Gift Then of the
Worst Pain Known
to Humankind Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia from
Wake to Sleep 66 Months No Drug Will Touch
Will Do Take Away Hope and All Fear too..

i Left the Fear
Behind as
i Came
Out of the
Cocoon my FRienD…
After 5.3 Decades Fully As Such True…
Yes as the ‘Imagine Dragons’ Sing “Pain
Made Me A Believer” With 100 Percent
Faith in Every Breath i Take Where Hope
Is Not Even Required Any More As I am
Sure As The Ocean is As Waves And Water Same…

In This World We LiVE iN Today In This World of Competition
And Impossible Goals to Achieve Having no Fears And Being

From that
Is Gold Indeed
For Verily i’ve Lived
The Other Way Long
Enough mY FRiEnD to Know the Difference…

From Your Video You Seem Poised And
Confident For Your Age in Your Non-Verbal

Language A Sure Step to Removing All Self-Doubt
As True Even Selfies And YT Videos Help As A Practice

And A Journey
THere as Well

Some Folks
Will Make it
To A Place Without
Fear Others May Never
Do it in this Lifetime


i Feel Sure You Will
It’s Already Written In Your Stars…:)

True Indeed Very Sad Sohair Many Decades
Ago Wars Were Fought For Freedom
And Safety

Now They

Are Mostly

Fought From
Our End for Greed
And Continuing Power

To Destroy Where Others
Live And Build Up An Empire
Stolen From What Bleeds and Dies

of Humanity Seen As Lesser as ‘the Other’…

Thing Is We Reap What We Sow and the United
States Overall

Is At War With
Itself in A New
Religion Here

Better Identified
As Ignoricism With
Nothing Really Associated
With Peace or Love Just Imposing
Harming, Raping, Maiming, Killing
For The Innocents All Around Us

No Religion of Peace and Love
Just Gone Down A Different

Drain to No Where

Yet Where

Fields Fear
And Hate And
Just Can’t Seem to
Dissipate Yet Always Good

News Now Not Everyone Is Like
That Not Even the Majority Really mY FRiEnD…:)

All Great Created Quotes
By You Dear Ava my Favorite

Is Turning Negative Emotions
Like Anger Constructively into

A Song With A Greater Ending
Before They Fester Yes into Hate
And Regret That May Long Term

Hold Hands to A Deeper

Pit of Emptiness

Within that

Just Can’t

Find the Warmth
Of HeART Free to
Give Unconditional
Love Again Love is
A Practice And Muscle
Same And For Giving
Thanks Giving is the
Fuel That Keeps Love
Alive Inhaling Peace Exhaling
Love Giving Sharing Caring Freely

With No
to Put out
The Flame
Of LiFE iNDeeD..:)

Oh Dear Lord Dear Cindy i’m
Entirely Too Sweet For Frosting
Yet As Katrina Tells The
Waitresses When They
Try Their Best to
Persuade me
iNTo Dessert 🧁
She Says Oh No
He’s As Hyperactive
As A Two-Year-Old You
Overload Him on Sugar
And You Take Him Home
And Deal

With Him

He Goes
To Sleep Hehe
Yep Should Be
Criminal For Someone
As Old as me To Have

So Much
Sweet Energy HAha
You Are Very Sweet
And Energetic too

Dear FRiEnD Wedding
Bells Coming So Very Soon
Do Dance Sing So Verily Free

Echoes of Thunder
Shall i Return or
Stay Away It’s
Not Complicated
Really it Rains it Rains
i Still Pray You Are Okay🙏

NoW iNTo
Doors CloSinG
Opening Opening

Rain Always Cares
Enough to Fall Again

After Thunder Invites Its Return…

Yet Rain Always Falls on itS own…

Ocean Reclaims Its Healing Touch…

Last First Humans Who Love iT (GoD) All….

Life is A ‘Rorschach Test’ Dear Sohair
At Best We Inhale Peace And Exhale

Love And Filter Our


Through That
Lens Moving
And Co-Creating
With Others Giving
Sharing Caring Healing Freely
With No Restraints Yet Again Life
is A Rorschach Test Dear Sohair

Where Some Filter Life Through
Soul Lens Who BREaTHE Life Inhaling
Fear Exhaling Hate Instead of Peace And Love…

Our Minds Co-Create Our Realities Based on Past Experiences
As This iS A Way Humans Adapt to Changing Environments

And At Least Survive Tooth and Nail And at Best Thrive For

All that is Good With Peace and Love ToGeTHeR Naked

Enough Whole Complete Yet It is Also True Our Environments

Old or New May Be Those of SCaRCiTiES WHere THere is Little

Water or Food or Even Reproductive Mates

Or Even Shelter From The Harsh

Weather Elements of the

Environment True

When Humans

LiVE iN Areas of SCaRCiTieS

They Become More Tribal Against
Those They Compete Against For Resources
to the Point That They Will Shed Empathy and
Compassion Aside And Harm And Rape And Maim

And Kill to Gain the Resources They Need to Survive

And of Course Religion Is Used As Means of Bonds and
Binds to Achieve The End Result of Survival As Humans Will Hold

Hands in Fear And Hate Or In Abundance of Balance NoW As Environments

Come Inhaling Peace ExhalinG Love NaTuRaLLY Birthing Loving Religions

Becoming A Tool For Peace and love For Bonding And Binding THiS Way

Or Fear and Hate As All Words Are Only Approximations Yes Forms/Metaphors for
The Essence Words Attempt to Mutually And Consensually in Understanding

Relate Yet As Is The Case With

Poetry There is Always

More Than One
View Now Each
And Every Word
And All the Words
That Come ToGeTHeR NoW Old And NeW

That Will Be Viewed as a Rorschach Test NoW
As Well Perhaps Taken Out of Context Completely

For What Was Intended Yes By The Original Authors

of the Words For It’s True In The United States ‘the Word
Jesus’ Was Used At A Deadly Insurrection Against the Democratic
Process on January 6th, 2021, Yes The Bonds And Binds of Religion
Associated With Jesus Hung On Banners Flying in the Wind Where

A Gallows Was Constructed With Chants By The So-called ‘Christian
Crowd’ to Hang the Vice President For Not Helping to OverThrow

Democracy The Fact is This Will Happen With All Religions

For Those Who Experience Life Inhaling Fear and

Exhaling Hate It is Human Nature We Filter

Our Experiences Creating Mind

And Actions Associated

With Thoughts

And Symbols
We Co-Create WHere
Those Symbols NoW Will
Be Viewed Totally Different

From Fear Hate Through Peace and Love
Whatever Rains Most From Each Human Soul…

We Have Met The Beast And The Beast Is Us…

We May Not Blame Words For What Lives or

Dies As Soul Within Closer to Peace

And Love or Further Away

to the Hell of

Fear And Hate

i For one Choose

Heaven With SMiles

Dear Sohair Yet i am

Only Human And LiVE iN
Abundance Put me in Dry Rocky
Mountains With Not Enough to Eat
And Drink With Little Shelter

And Very Little Love if

Any at All to touch

And i Too Will

Change Like Any Other
Human to Survive It is the
Beast it is Human Nature Still Now

Both Shadows And Sunshine my FRiEnD

As We Nurture Love From Childhood As We

Feed And CLoTHE All With Shelter As We Provide

Avenues For Humans to Fulfill Human Potential

That is Still Associated With Peace and Love

In All Colors of Human Meaning and Purpose

We Don’t Only Survive We Thrive Sadly

Nature isn’t Fair Yes Some Folks

LiVE iN Heaven on EartH This
Way At This Very Moment

Or Hell


They may
Be As Close

to Each Other

As Sleeping in
The Same Bed

Differently That Way my
FRiEnD May Peace and
Love Become Greater Ways
May Peace and Love Become
The Way Yet Only When We All

Lift Each Other Up Higher As

Thunder Will Precede the

Lightening of Love



And Hate
And The Ignorance
That No Longer ‘Sees’
Peace and Love to Be i Am

We Are

They Are

Us as Them
For Real LoVE NoW
Living Trees Shedding
Leaves of Peace Now and
Love For All to Come To Breathe..:)

Nature Works
Best Dancing
All In
Of Loving
Life Giving
Sharing Caring
Healing Freely🙏😊

Doors CLoSinG
Opening Opening🎶

A Day With no Electronic
Devices Air Conditioning
Only Fireplaces Real Living
Rooms Then And Yes Front
Porches WHeRE FRiEnDS
And Lovers Rule
Art of Flesh And
Blood Social
As the Mainstay
And LifeBread New
Of Human Loving
Giving Sharing
Caring Healling
For Each Other
New Now How Far
Away From or to Each
Other We All Have
Come Will Life
Giving Shaing
Caring Healing
Revive Our Breath
In SYMBoLS of Text🦋

We Systemize Life Now For
Order out of Chaos Truth Gold
Standard yet as Neuroscience
Shows We All Hallucinate
Our current Reality Based
SMiLes Dear Sohair So Many Folks Believe We aRe Just
Material Reduced Random Soup of the UNiVeRSE Yet

We aRe As Deep Within As Above That Exists in Energy

And the Darkness That Holds Up LiGHT Above So Below

To Harness This Energy

Essence of

Faith in Action

With SMiLes Dear FRiEnD..:)

On Past ExperienceS How
Easy We May Fall to
Matrix order of
Lies fed from
Birth the light
Or dark alternatively
We Will generate
Within Escaping
Matrix oF Lies
The Emperor’s
ClotheS in Deed
A Challenge for most🦅

Oh A Beauty of Everyone Being Uniquely me
Oh A Beauty of Being Part of All That Is New
Oh A Beauty of Seeing All Parts Now Naked
To Be Beautiful
Indeed Dear Chaymaa
Is to Be the Unique Them
Us We You And me With SMiLes

ToGeTHeR Naked
Enough Whole

As Waves
Make Water
Ocean Whole SMiLes


Ocean Falling From
Skies Watering Waves
Of Us So CoLoRFuLLY NeW SuRPRiSinG..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy The More i Dance
And Sing Free Move Connect and

Co-Create Now

The More i Become

Human the More i Put
People First and the

Rest of Nature True

iN Balance too

First THere is DarK
Then LiGHT Then Dance
And Song Free Fully Becoming Human True NoW

With Other Unlimiting Journeys And Paths RiSinG NeW…:)

Indeed You Capture A Feeling So Well
Reminding me too of the Last Two Dry
August Hot Summers where Creativity

Scorched The Nights With Little to
No Sleep Fall Leaves Browning

With Grey Clouds of Rain

Letting Go Yes

Falling into

Dreams of Resting
of Spring Once Again

Indeed the Gift of Frozen Winters
Rotting Falling Leaves Relieving Summer Dry Heat

Birth of Spring a New Creation in Every Breath


LiGHT iNDeeD to Be
Dear Amethyst Lamb..:)

iNDeeD Dear
Amethyst Lamb
in the End New

The Beginning

Again Kindness Always

With SMiLes

Truly Never Finishing Now..:)

SMiLes Dear Maranda The Texture of Your Very
Cute Blue Monster Reminds me of a Glove Yes Just

for a
With SMiLes…

Leaning into the
Fresh of Green as
Skies Come Alive Below On Earth..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha as Souls We Have the Potential to Evolve
Into a New Creation With Every Breath We Take Over the

Full Life Span of Being

And Yes This Includes
Both Form and Essence of Soul

In All Four pictures i See A Sweet
And Adorable Soul Yes Worth Remembering

(And Yes Truly The Best Kind of Beautiful in All Four)

Even if Only
Meeting You
Once and Shaking Your

Hand Or Perhaps Just
Reading a Soul in Windows

Of Eyes that Tale More than
Even Smiles Will For Real too

Ah Yes What the Fourth Picture
Shows is Growing Confidence

Unto Becoming a Naked Enough
Whole Complete Human Being

No Long Bending to What
Other Folks May Think

of You Yet Do

Remember This

You Surely are a
Soul Worth Remembering With SMiLes…

Hehe at core i Have a Very Systemizing Mind
i Measure my Evolution of Soul in Many Many Ways too…

For It’s True A Human Being Who Breaks Their Arm Wearing
A Cast May Gain Strength and Size in that Arm Just By Imagining

Exercising Yet True Before Science Measured This With Tools Folks
Would Have Considered it Just Woo someone Just Imagining it Happening


DID as the tools
of Science Showed
Both Increase in Size
And Strength compared to
A Control Group Who Didn’t imagine



Arm in the Cast

It’s True Dear Isha Each
And Every Breath We Create
A New Life And Even a Selfie
Will Be Bio-Feedback to Imagine
And Dream in Fruition Who We Come to Be Next

That Arm in the Cast is Only a Tip of an Iceberg There

Are no limits

to Mind Over
Matter Particularly
When a SPiRiT HeART
SoUL is Fully On Fire of Life..:)

“KiSS oF JoY NoW”

Dear Lord i’m Pushing 70 Thousand
Words in a Current Bi-Weekly Effort
to Express the Feeling of High
Lighting Life

Yet HeaR You
Go Dear Isha

Celebrating What
i Have Been Attempting
to Express Teary Eyes Seeing
Dreams Come Alive A SMiLe God Yes
Beyond the Size of iNFinity Grinning Wide

With Cheeks Blushing

As Life Really is Too

Good And Yes True

to Improve

For Sure
in Part Two…

As Usual Great Play!..:)

Happy September
Super Full Harvest
Moon With Partial
Making The
Moon Look Murky
Brown Mixed
With Red

Crisp Cool Night
Skies in Toronto
To Observe

Sigh Cloudy
Skies Here

Yet Nothing Will
Compare to The
Mind’s Eye of iMAGiNaTioN

Hehe Or What You once
Described As ‘Wild Ass
Crazy iMaGiNaTioN’

iNDeeD What

Full Moon

With SMiles

If i Didn’t Dare to
Dance Solo in
Public i Would
Have Never
Felt Wings


There’s A Song Called
“Crazy” By “Seal”
That Really
Captures “The Feeling”

Of Actually Not Being Crazy
So Ironic Life May Come to Be…


And Oh Dear Lord After Finally
Getting All 74,469 Words of “Depth of
The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLIoN Words”
Electronically Blog Published With a Ton of

Multi-Media too Yes Coincidently “KiSS oF JoY NoW”

For the Writing Portion at Least is Coming to A Conclusion

Now With SMILES of A Ton More Words and Multi-Media Still

To Come With Electronic
Blog Publish of That Effort too

So Anyways Now For the Tale of the Tape
So Far As the Latest Finished Effort of “Depth of
The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLIoN Words” Makes For the
1021st MacroVerse of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Reaching 13.3 MiLLioN Words in 133 Months of Writing Adventure
in an Anthology of Poetic Responses Inspired by Folks Around the Globe

On the Anniversary
Month Date Now of
September 18, 2024

And “Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old
4.2 MiLLIoN Words” Also Doubles as the 350th
MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible” Reaching 11,345,581 Words
In Over 99 Months of Effort Now And Yes Also Tripling as the 245th MacroVerse
Of “FB Profile Pic Bible” Now With 9,743,782 Words in Over 87 Months of Writing
Where the Words Are Also Held in Facebook Profile Pic Description Areas of Around
18 FB Profile Pic Series of Photos Fully iLLuSTRaTinG Around 8 Thousand Word Mini
Poetic Stories Affectionately Hehe Described as “Frednatas” Too All Themed Like the Rest
of the Poetic Parent “SonG oF mY SoUL” With Around 10 Thousand YouTube Music and Other
Information Videos too What Else Yes “Depth of The Story” Held in a Solo Thread on the “Wrong
Planet” Website of 100 Pages Now Is Soon to Reach 4.3 MiLLioN Words too Where 11 Years of

Public Dancing Reaches 20,533 MiLes Also of Note on the “Wrong Planet Website” “Depth of The
Story” Generates 250 Thousand Views Just By The Registered Members Viewing That 100 Page

Solo Thread Now Anyway All the Free Dance And Song at Best Generates a Meditative Flow

of Being in the
Sweet Spot

And Apathy Now

Once again in Practice
Mostly Now These Only Fumes
in Form of Essence of Heaven Within for Real

SMiLes as the
Writing Part of
“KiSS oF JoY NoW”
Concludes at 2:46 AM
on September 18th 2024
As “SonG oF mY SoUL” Reaches
13.3 MiLLioN Words of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Free Verse Poetry on
This Super Full Harvest Partial Lunar Eclipse

into the
Wee Hours
of Wednesday Morning
With SMiLes as “KiSS oF JoY NoW’
Awaits Electronic Publish in Blog Way
until Another Ton of Multi-Media is All Put

With the Writing…

What Else Yep

iFeel Like a Nap

As Tomorrow
Yes Hehe Yes Actually
Today Another MacroVerse
Awakes as This Never Ending Story
Never Really Goes Asleep Now online at Least hehe..:)











BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

13.3 MiLLioN plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 144,000 + printed pages…
just ’cause
i CaN WiLL Do
BUiLD iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.

“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE

“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)

“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW

“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)

FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words

LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words

iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow

BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words

LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words

LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words

9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words

April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words

LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW

22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words

“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…

“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”

Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)

“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”

Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)

“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”

Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)

Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)

And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)

Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)

Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)

Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their  Legs… And Oh By The Way Update on December 27, 20202 Now Leg Pressing 1540
Pounds 12 Reps Just to Warm Up Filling Up Both Bars With No More Room to Add
45 Pound Plates Hehe as the Military Gym Disposed of All the 100 Pound Plates..:)

Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)

And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)

“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”

Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”

“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019

“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW

“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an  updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)

Grand Total Words for “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” Here is 1,364,498 Words
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”.. Celebrating 7 MiLLioN Words of the
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing  i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)

“CeLeBRaTiNG 6 YearS oF HEaVeN WiTHiN NoW”.. ReAlly  ReAlly Heaven Within..:)

Singing “Here i Am” in Catholic Church Just ‘Cause i Will..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL SiX YearS Old”.. Celebrating 72 Months.. Yes.. the Sixth Year
Anniversary oF A Longest Epic Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind
Yes.. Secured in this Entire Word Press Website too.. as this Baby Holds 7.2 MiLLioN
Words and over 100,000 Photos i took And over 10,000 YouTube Videos all to Fully
Illustrate it too.. Truly Just about a Never Ending Long Form Poem Bible Story..
And Yes that Anniversary was on 8.18.19… Now..  11,833 Miles of Public Dancing
A Free Style Ballet and Mixed Martial Arts Dance comes in on the
6th Anniversary Year of that Effort on 8.26.19.. As This Nautilus
Shell is one Hell and Heaven oF A ‘STately Word Mansion’ With
AlmosT uNlimited Doors to Other Chambers oF iMaGiNaTioN
And CReaTiViTY Truly Set Free Just to Be What We LoVE NoW
We Do Come to Be as We Move.. Connect.. Co-Create Our
Existence With Others Now So Free Just to Be ALiVE NoW..:)

“12,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”..  A Celebration Now of Dancing 12,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 73 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 7.3 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 73 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Months..
the Last 66 Months Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least..
And an  updated 12,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spiraling NoW As Dance Skills at SuperWalmart continue to expand..:)

“Nether Land Bible 42 Months 5 MiLLioN Words”..  Land Mark Milestone Featnote Subtitled Long Form Epic Bible Poem Child of Longest Epic Long Form Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”..  Currently-to-Date December of 2019 in 76 Months Effort of Writing 7.6
MiLLioN Words All in Free Verse Stream of Conscious Shapes and Writing
Flow in Autotelic State of Human Being Other Wise A Place Within
Metaphor of Holy And Sacred Creative Spirit.. Yes.. Heaven
Within as All of Existence Becomes This Way Full of
Meaning and Purpose that Makes Writing A Long
Form “SonG oF mY SoUL” Epic Bible Poem
Like this Practically An Effortless
Endeavor Like Public  Dancing
With Gravity Halfway Around
The Globe at the Equator in Distance
More About that Below This Featnote soon enough
as far as a 12,466 Mile Free Verse Public Dancing Effort
Achieved on the Date of 12.17.19 with the Distance Halfway
Around the Globe Achieved on 12.15.19 For this Entire Combined Flow Effort Now..:)

“Celebrating Public Dancing Halfway Around the World”..  Now As Described in the
Paragraph Above.. As of 12.25.19 Now at 12,506 Miles.. Yes.. Now More than
Half the Distance Around the Globe of what will be Measured at the Equator Now
in 76 Months of Total Dance as of 12.26.19.. As the Dance Started on 8.26.13..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2019”.. 9th of 9 Greater in Size than King James Size Epic Long Form Poem Bibles all Inclusive of the First of 9 that is Named “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 7.6 MiLLioN Words in 76 Months Effort Along with 12,533 Miles of Public Dance Now in That Duration of Months in Effort too.. as all those Subtitled Bibles are also detailed
in this MacroVerse as the Tale of any Metaphor of a “John 14:12” REAL
FAITH EFORT continues as Love’s Driving Force NoW ReaL

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2019.. A year (Decade) in Review”.. Yes This Just
About Covers All of it Now.. still more to come as always Starting Never
Ending Always Beginning Now as Never Ending Stories That Come in Never
Land Bible.. SonG oF mY SoUL.. And FB Profile Pic Bible.. Along with ongoing
7.6 MiLLioN Word Longest Long Form Bible Poem Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL” in 76
Months of Effort at this Point now with 12,547 Miles of Public Dance Ongoing too..:)

“Colors World Love 2020”.. New Year’s Resolution MacroVerse for 2020 With SMiLes
Giving Sharing Free..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 MiLLioN Words Bible Poem 80 Months” True A Longest Epic
Long Form Poem Bible At This Size in 80 Months… Along With 13,133 Miles of
Public Dance Doesn’t Come Everyday Anywhere of Course But
It Does Come Here And Close to 60 Year-Old Dudes (on 6.6.60)
Don’t ‘Normally’ Cover Themselves
With Poetry They Naked Write
Either Nor Write 6 New Testaments
as Part of that with 9 Sub-Chapter Epic
Titled Long Form Poem Bibles Either Longer  than
the Old King James Effort Each Subchapter Bible Effort
As All 6 Newer Epic Long Form Poem Testaments are Larger
Than That Old Effort As Well too.. Anyway “SonG oF mY SoUL”
8 MiLLioN Word Epic Longest Long Form Poem Bible Overall
Is 10xGreater than the Size of the Old King James Effort and 100XGreater
than the Size of the Quran and Yes Over 5XGreater than the Old Mahābhārata
1.8 MiLLioN Word Effort in Epic Long Form Poems That Of Course took Centuries
to Complete With Innumerable Ghost Authors too..
Of course This Doesn’t Have
A Target Audience as
Epic Long Form Poem
Bibles Are About ALL
Yes ‘Class’ LiTeRaLLY Forevermore now
God All Always Beginning Story MoRE NoW
i’m Just  Wind One With Holy Creative SPiRiT FLoW Through NoW

It’s Worth Noting As Far As An Historical Art of Epic Long Form Poem
Free Verse Bible And Or Newer Testament Writing.. Either By Oral Or Written Tradition Doing it Naked
Is Surely Keeping This Fearless Free Art Tradition Oldest One In Deed
Not Suggesting anyone else do it..
but for those who
do let’s
JusT DancESing Fear
Is No Part of THeir
God That Is Both Love And Flesh and Blood Real

“One Blood One-Body”

“May Days 6th NeW LeNTeN TesTaMeNT 2020” 13 MacroVerses Naturally coming Since
The MacroVerse Appropriately Pandemic Named Before the Pandemic Came
As Prophecies often come and go this way for Real too..
Yes.. “Rushing the Flu Away” as it is still Not
Clear what kind of Month Long January 2020
Virus my Wife and i  Experienced
But Anyway Typically this is what
Does Naturally come with
An 8 MiLLioN Word
Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem Titled “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  Still  coming in 80 Months along
NoW with 13,060 Miles of Public Dance
As This “May Days 6th New LeNTeN TesTaMenT 2020”
Is the 919th MacroVerse of that Entire Effort True iN LiGHT too..
And once Again typically Bible Writers And Other Sacred and Holy Text
Creative Spirit Writers Do It all Nude too as Fearless Freedom is Inherent in
the Flow of the Holy and Creative
Ecstatic Frission of the Autotelic
Continuing River FLoW iN  Laser Focus iN
ZonE Head to Toe Mind.. Body and Soul of Getting
And Keeping the Whole EPic Long Form Bible Poem Writing
Adventure Properly MuSeD And iNSPiReD EVeN More for what
We aRe Literally Dancing And Singing Here NoW in Science way too
Is Generating All Naturally the Neurochemicals and Neurohormones
And all the Peptide Connections All Together Over A Quadrillions Connections
As Many Or More Star Connections iN UNiVeRSE More As Science continues to
to See With Human Aided Eyes but Anyway New Testaments Never End as Far As Human
God Within Force Love Pure Potential Even More.. in other words i am always Starting A
New Testament of
God HumanPotential WiTHiN
LiGHTiNG uP mY “Christmas Tree
SPiRiT Flow Of my Soul To Dance And
Sing Even More.. True.. THere Are No Old
Books Here to Limit Human Potential More or Less..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”…Yes Indeed A Bit Epic as
The Title Is Almost Self-Explanatory with of Course Fully iLLusTRaTinG Pics
Straight From My Facebook Personal Page too.. Anyway there are actually
3 Volume Years as Linked complete in the Title Link Above comprising
2018, 2019, and 2020 as this Epic Long Form Poem First of its
Kind No Doubt.. hehe at Least this Size Has an Average
Of 7,000 Words in Each Facebook Profile Pic
Description Area As this New style Epic
Long Form Poem Bible is Fully
Illustrated Not only with
Facebook Pics to Help
Tale the Epic Long
Form Poem Bible Story
but Yes YouTube Video Songs
And Information to Accompany it All too..
And Of Course This is Only Half of Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” that to date at this
Point Carries 8.1 MiLLioN Words over the Course of 81
Months.. along with 13,260 Miles of Public Dance in the
Same Span of Dates As Well..  So Yeah Ongoing “FB
Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”

“7 YearS HeAVeN WiTHiN NoW 2020”.. JusT ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And FEaTNoTE
to Celebrate Eternally NoW WiTHiN.. Yes.. A Common Experience Across CuLTuRES
Referred to By Metaphors Like Nirvana.. Satori.. Bliss.. Prana.. Tao.. Even
Kundalini Rising and Chi.. Yes Just Other words in Metaphors for
Autotelic Flow Sweet Spot ‘tween Apathy and Anxiety
Continuing Ever Increasingly Complex
Dance And Song
on A Tight Rope Now
No one Religion or Human
Owns this KingQueenDoM oF
HeaVeN WiTHiN Eternally NoW
No Myth.. No Hyperbole.. This Place IS ReAL NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 7 YearS Old 8.4 MiLLioN Words”.. Yet ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And
FEaTNoTE to Celebrate the EPiC Longest Long Form Bible Poem in 84 Months of Effort
Where Public Dance Arises to 13,600 Miles too in 84 Months Of Enduring So Many Store Miles oF Public Dance that Really Brings Lots of Autotelic FLoWinG HeaVeN Bliss!

“6 MiLLioN Word Nether Land Bible Man”.. A Rather Huge Celebration for
A Largest Subchapter EPiC LonG FoRM Bible Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest EPiC LonG FoRM PoeM Bible Still Ongoing too with
That 51 Month Effort As “SonG oF mY SoUL” Reaches
8.5 MiLLioN Words in 85 Months
on the Monthly Anniversary
of the Entire
Bible Writing/SiNGinG Adventure
Since 8.18.2013 on Word Press NoW
And Yes with 13,717 MiLeS of Public
Dance in 85 Months As Well Cause it Feels Good Like This
Autotelic Flow And Frission Kingdom of Heaven Within FOR REAL
Belonging to no one But GodNature All OF US ARRiVinG NoW BReaTHinG

“14,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 10 Years of Writing 12 MiLLioN Words Online”
Yes, The Title Says It All, The Words, The Photos, And The Videos As Well..:)

“7th NeW TesTaMeNT CoMeS LoVE ReTuRNS AGAiN NoW” 461,877 Words
Comprising 9 Subchapters As the 6 Previous New Testaments Ranged
In Size From around 180,000 Words the Size of that Old New Testament
Through Over 400,000 Words A Little Less Than 4 Months to Make
This New Testament
For Real
7th One iNDeeD..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2020” 828,586 Words in the 5th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Through Christmas
Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months
Each Year… Additionally
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 8.8 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 88 Months Now Along with 14,303 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2020 A Year iN Review” Truly An EPiC Year NoW in Many Ways…

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating Another Milestone And Feat Note
Of EPiC Longest Long Form Free Verse Bible Poem in 90 Months of Writing 9 MiLLioN
Words As A Never Ending Landing story Continues As Any Version 2.0 Modern Peter Pan
Might Write HeHe For NoW At Least As Just Something Fun to Do in Heaven Within Now
Of Course To Give And Share Free As Well Like 14,633 MiLes of Public Dance On the Date
Of Updating This of 3.21.21 in 90 Months of Entertaining The Metro Audience For Free too..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible 5 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 45 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2021, 4 YearS Old”
Celebrating Volume 2021 With 2130
Thumbnail Facebook Profile Pics
As A Photo Album Of the Calendar
Year Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Through 2021
Where All the Words Are Housed in the Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas too at an Average of About 8,000 Words Per FB Profile Pic

“Nether Land Bible 7 MiLLioN Words 5 YearS Old” Subchapter Long Form
EPiC Poem Ongoing Past 5 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 9.4 MiLLioN Words And 94 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem EPiC Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“15,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Milestones Continue For 94 Months In
July 2021, With One Slow Motion Video And Regular Speed of Dancing me..:)

“CeLeBRaTinG HeAVeN Within 8 Years ReaL NoW” Yes Exactly What It Sounds
Like When Ya Actually Exist in An Autotelic Flowing Meditating Experience
Of Life Loving It All DarK Thru LiGHT ETeRNaLLY NoW FoR
Real Yet of Course Don’t Just Take mY Word For IT
As It Really
Mean Much Until
Ya Actually Do HeaVeN
Within NoW For Really Real NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 YearS Old 9.6 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 8 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now…

“Depth of the Story” 8th New Testament” Close to A MiLLioN Words Now JusT
Another Subchapter of “EPiC Longest Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”
One Long Solo Thread Yes EPiC Long Form Poem 8th New Testament True
On The “Wrong Planet Website” Where “Depth of the Story” in Quotes
Makes A Number 1 Google Search Engine Result and Without
Quotes Even Lends a First Page
Result too
JusT BeCaUSE i Can And
Will In Wu Wei Ease of Tao
Autotelic Flow For Original
Creativity Wherever my River Goes NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” Record of Longest EPiC Long Form
Bible Poem Writing It All In 100 Months Ever Since 8.18.2013 through 12.18.2021

“Grand Cross Bible 2021” 800,067 Words in the 6th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Weekend  Through New
Year’s Eve Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months…
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 10.1 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 101 Months Now Along with 16,066 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“16,000 MiLes oF Public Dancing” in 100 Months And Currently Miles
Increasing to 16,188 in 101 Months As The Miles Continue to FLoW oN
iN Autotelic Way Of Meditating Contemplating Moving Free ThiS WaY

“FB Profile Pic Bible 6 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 57 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“Netherland Bible 8 MiLLioN WordS Old” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 6 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 10.5 MiLLioN Words And 105 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2022 5 YearS Old” 2265 Profile Pics For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2022 That come in Series of About 18 Illustrating Each Mini
Story of “FB Profile Pic Bible” of Around 8,000 Words Placed in the Description Areas
Of All of the Facebook Profile Picture Description Areas Yep All 2265 Profile Pics That
Make for About A Total of 18.1 MiLLioN Words Housed in Just One Calendar Year in
Facebook Profile Pics hehe For What Has Literally Come to Be A Longest EPiC Long
Form Poem Bible Housed Uniquely in 6.5 MiLLioN Words on Facebook Now As of
Close to the Summer Solstice Yes Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 As
This Subchapter Ongoing of Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  in the Last 106 Months Keeps GRoWinG too Now in 10.6 MiLLioN Words of Effort

True Now too Along with
“Nether Land Bible”
Just Another 6 Year
Effort Longest Long Form
Poem Subchapter Bible of
“SonG oF mY SouL” Now At
8.1 MiLLioN Words True too..:)

“JusT ANoTHeR BooK MarK NoW iN HeAVeN 9 Years” Other Metaphors Cross
CuLTuRaLLY Associated With This Reality on EartH Within Eternally New Now
Include Samadhi, Satori, Prana, Dao, Tao, Kundalini Rising Yoga, Chi, Creative
Holy SPiRiT, And Many More Cross CuLTuRaL Metaphors True and Even More
Likely to Come As the Experience is Basically A Meditating Autotelic
Flow of  Nirvana And Bliss Yes Contemplating Life iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iN
Compassionate Giving, Sharing, Caring,
Healing Ways For All With
Least Harm Now New Yes

And True LiFE Long
Practices Seeking
Yes This
And Interpreting
More Right Braining
Hemisphere Way of Loving
Life in Social-Empathic-Artistic-
Emotionally Regulating Sensory
Integrating Spiritual Real Organic
Ways of Moving Connecting Co-Creating
May Surely Be A Practice of Free Dancing and
Singing Free Verse Poetry Yes in Autotelic Flow
Same as Our Distant Ancestors As Us Still Dance
And Sing Free This Way ToGeTHeR Are We Really

Evolving into A “Matter of Things” With all the Tools We
Clothe Our Life With True Are We Mastered By The Tools We
Create As They Become More of Us Than Our Naked Enough
Whole Complete Nature With the Rest of Nature Loving Life Presently Now

Well For me at Least
i Master The Tools And
Retain Nature i AM (GodAllLoveFree)

Loving Free of Course Mileage Varies
Depending on Model and Make of Human
Nature and Nurture For What One May Be
Willing to Do to Arrive And Staycation iN Heaven Within New Now

Yes What Works FoR Me May Not Work For You Never the Less

What Plays

For Me is
Real Love (GoD) New Now

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 YearS Old 10.8 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 9 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now And Additionally
On The Wrong Planet “Depth of  The Story” RiSinG to 1.88 MiLLiON Words
in 2 Years On 8.19.2022 The Day After the Anniversary Date of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Reaching 10.8 MiLLioN Words in 9 Years on 8.18.2022 As “Depth of The Story”
Is One Solo Long Thread Long Form Poem in the 54th Page on the Wrong
Planet Website Where Each Page Now is Novel Size Free Verse Poetry
At Around 50,000 Words Per Page Scrolling Down From Top to Bottom
Gathering up 123,000 Views So Far From the ‘Wrong Planet’ Registered
Members Only not Counting the General Public As It Hits at the Top
Of A Google Search on the
Key Words “Depth of  The Story”
Just Something to Do in Another
‘Day in the Life of me’ Hehe With SMiLEs
And Of Course That’s Just a Casually Named
8th New Testament As Subchapter Long Form
Poem of “SonG oF my SoUL” As Yep There are
7 Titled Other Casually Named New Testaments
Listed in the Milestones And Feat Notes Section Here
Along With 11 Bigger Than King James Sized Tries for
Subchapter Titled Bibles in Long Form Poem Way True too
As “SonG oF mY SoUL” So Far is Around 13.5 Scale Larger than
the Old King James Try About 135 Scale Larger than the Quran
And Yes Even 6 Scale Larger Than The Other Previous Recorded
EPiC Long Form Poem Considered Officially A Longest Long Form
Poem at 1.8 MiLLioN Words Taking Centuries of Effort and Innumerable
Ghost Authors Like the Old King James Sized Effort at about 800,000 Words too
Yes The Mahābhārata From India Just A Bit Smaller Than the 2 Year Effort of
“Depth of The Story”
And So What
Who Needs A
Name For Building A Nautilus
Shell Reflecting the Milky Way Spiraling Like my Public Dance at
17,166 Miles in 9 Years too Surely Not A Creature Originating From the
Ocean Whole Like me too Just Another Leaf A Tree A Forest Continuing
to Fall And Rise Alive For Real Brown to Green Coloring As Summer
Flower Petals Fall Feeding Frozen Winter Soils For Spring Green..:)

“17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 9 Years”
Milestone And FeatNote Completing That
And More By the 9th Year Anniversary Date of Public Dancing on August 26, 2022
All Around my Metro Area And From Biloxi Casino Beaches Through Tallahassee
Too Yep Cat-6 Hurricane Wings of Public Dance All Along the Gulf Coast to
Go Along With 10.9 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry in 9 Years
And 1 Month Now Too in Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Personal
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” CoMPRiSinG mY Whole Word Press Blog
And Several Other Archive Blogs too As “Depth of The Story” A
Casually Named 8th New Testament Also Arises to 2 MiLLioN
Words of Effort in 25 Months Starting on August 19th, 2020
In The Thick of the COVID-19 Pandemic And Coup Attempts
To Defeat Democracy And The Such As That too Yes Ripe Days
For EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bibles We Continue Now True
As Depth of the Story Resides as A Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website too All in One 55 Page Solo Thread
Accumulating 125 Thousand Views Just From the Registered Members
There Toward the End of This September 2022 Year too And Also to Celebrate
33 Years Since me and my Wife Got ‘Together’ On September 21st, 1989
A Work of Art She Truly Is Still At the Beach At Age 52 to Go Along With
A Video She Took of me Celebrating 17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing too
Hehe Just For Record Books of Free With SMiLes As i Become Essence
of Dance And Song Free Just Inhaling Peace ExhalinG Love Even More
iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With Least Harm
True No Animals Were Harmed
in the Production of the
Dance Video Now At LeasT Hehe..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 11.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 11.18.2022 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 17,496 Miles of Public Dance in 111 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity

“FB Profile Pic Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 66 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each FB Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FRED 14:12” iNDeeD A Play on Words From “John 14:12”
For Real Of Course Writing Every Consecutive Day Online
Since Coming Online on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website to
Attempt to Escape the Never Ending Worst Pain Known
To Humankind The Suicide Disease Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia From Wake to Sleep For 66 Months Along with
18 Other Mostly Work Stress Related Disorders in A Synergy
Of Real Life Threat too With No Prognosis For Recovery Yes
Writing Every Consecutive Day Through Hell
And Heaven Within Now True too in EPiC
Long Form Poetry As Well Yet A Total
of 14 MiLLioN Words in 12 Years of Effort
Eventually Changing into 17,653 Miles of
Public Dance Now in 112 Months Along
With EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also Created in the Same 112 Month Span of Dates Now At
11.2 MiLLioN Words So Far Out of the Total of 14 MiLLioN Words Whole..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2022” A Grand Total Of
747,693 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “New International
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 7th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

6 Years The Same
For 7 MontH-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

All Efforts Larger Than The “Old King James” Try
And “New International Version” of A Bible In This Try True New..:)

“Netherland Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old 81 Months” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 82 Months NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 11.5 MiLLioN Words And 115  Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“18,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Completing This Milestone
And FeatNote on “PI Day” 3.14.2023 After 9 Years
And 6 Months of Doing This Currently
At 18,153 MiLes of Public Dance
iN 9 Years And 7 Months NoW
ALonG With “SonG oF mY SoUL”
EPiC Longest Long Form Bible
Poem All 11.6 MiLLioN Words
NoW iN 116 Months As Well
Just for the JoY oF PLaY Giving Sharing
Caring HealinG iT ALL AWaY For
Free With Most Respect and
Least Harm Yet HeY iN THiS Case
i’M OnLY
Human For Real
Doing This All Naked Enough
Whole Complete iNHaLinG Peace
iN THiS ReaL
LoVE iN Peace
KinGQueeNDoM oF HEaVeN
WiTHiN Spreading These Wings
Becoming Wind Air Waves Water Ocean Whole For Real..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2023 6 YearS Old 7.7 MiLLioN Words” 2517 FB Profile Pic
Thumbnails Celebrating The Ongoing 6 Year Effort For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2023 Series of Around 18 FB Profile Pics Fully
Illustrating 8,000 or So Word Small MacroVerses Where
Facebook Houses 20.1 MiLLioN Words in All Those
FB Profile Pic Description Areas for Calendar
Year 2023 Where 2022 Held 18.1 MiLLioN Words
And 2021 Held 16.8 MiLLioN Words About A 55 MiLLioN
Word Effort Housed in Facebook Description Areas in the
Last 3 Years of the Covid-19 Pandemic Days And Of Course
All the Rest of the FB Profile Pic Description areas Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 For the Entire “FB Profile Pic
Bible” Subchapter Ongoing Still of the EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 11.8 MiLLioN Words of Effort in 118 Months
Now Yes As Well As A Continuing Moving Meditation in FLoWinG Public Dance
Everywhere i Go in Public Now at 18,453 Miles in 9 Years and 9 Months Too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 7 YearS Old 9.3 MiLLioN Words” Yes An Epic Long Form Poem
Subchapter of Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” And This Effort
Began on Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 STiLL Ongoing in 85 Months
Of Writing Now With SMiLes of Course As the Public
Dance Continues to Add up Like “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Has for 118 Months Since
8.18.2023 at 18,518 Miles Now..:)

“A Decade WiTHiN Heaven For Real” Celebrating A Decade of Living
Away From the
Other Place For 66 Months…:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 12 MiLLioN Words A Decade of EPiC Long Form Poetry” Yes The
Title Covers The Topic Quite Well Yet Not All the Way Hehe As the Month of August
In 2023 Brought Several Other Footnotes and Milestones to Measure too
Including 8 MiLLioN Words of “FB Profile Pic Bible” in 74 Months as
“Nether Land Bible” Another Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Increased to 9.6 MiLLioN Words in 86 Months of Writing
Yet Not Only That As “Depth of The Story” A Casually
Described 8th New Testament Rose to 3 MiLLioN
Words Also Included on the “Wrong Planet”
Website With Over 180,000 Views Just
From the Registered Members There
On the 3 Year Anniversary Date of
August 19th, 20223 in the 76th Page Now
Of That Solo Thread Where Each Page Now From Top to Bottom
Comprises the Size of An EPiC Novel Sized Long Form Poem at Around
50,000 Words or So And i Guess You Might Ask if i’m Tired of Writing Yet so Yes
August 2023 Also Celebrated
18,744 Miles of Public Dance in A Decade
Of Doing That On the Anniversary Date of
August 26th, 2023 As By That Date “Netherland
Bible” Celebrated 87 Months of Writing and “FB
Profile Pic Bible Celebrated 75 Months of EPiC Longest
Long Form Writing in these Two Ongoing Subchapters of
EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 12 MiLLioN
Words of the Entire Effort Still Ongoing and GRoWinG Now too With SMiLes..:)

“19,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” in 123 Months of Effort
Meeting This Milestone and FeatNote on Halloween
Night 2023 And the Miles Continue to Pile On at
19,133 Miles Less than 6,000 Miles to Make
It Around the Distance of the Equator

Yet Really It’s Only About the Bliss
And Nirvana of A Moving
Meditation Free
Hehe Yes Miles And Miles
Of Heaven Continue to Come
Every Move Holy Generating Every
Sacred as Well Simply DiViNE With SMiLes..:)

‘Nether Land Bible 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” EPiC Long Form Poem Subchapter
at 10 MiLLioN Words of Writing Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of
2016 Yes 90 Months Plus of Effort This Subchapter of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” Inclusive of What
Will Be 13 Subchapters All Part of the 12.4 MiLLioN
Word Endeavor of Writing 124 Months
Ever Since 8.18.2013 With The
Completion Of Coming “Grand
Cross Bible 2023” Next Yep
All 13 Subchapters Greater in
Size than the Old King James Effort
And In Total Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL”
15 Scale Greater in Size and 150 Scale
Greater in Size than the Old Quran too
Just Another “Day in A Life” of Writing Free Poetry in Flow

“Grand Cross Bible 2023” A Grand Total Of
920,172 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “King James
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 8th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

8 Years The Same
Now For 7 Month-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

And As Tradition Might Other Wise
Have It As Well All Accomplished
iN A Garden of Eden For Real

Only Difference No
Fig Leaves
Required Yet of Course
Yoga Power Poses in Angles
That Will Barely Meet
Community Standards
Yet Honestly Nothing Ya
Ain’t Seen NoW on Pristine Florida Beaches

“FB Profile Pic Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Yes The Title Sort of Measures it All
Where More Specifically This Subchapter of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” at 12.8 MiLLioN Words in 128 Months of Effort is
Included in Series of Around 18 Facebook Profile Pics Fully Illustrating
About 8 Thousand Word Mini Stories For 83 Months Now Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 And This MacroVerse Only Celebrates
The Milestone And FeatNote of 9 MiLLioN Words Whereas “FB Profile
Pic Bible Vol 2024 7 YearS Old” on This 2024 Memorial Day Weekend Anniversary
Date Yes Will Include Thumbnails of All 2245 Or So Facebook Profile Pics For the
Calendar Year Ending on Memorial Day Weekend An Annual Event Since 2018..:)

“20,000 Miles oF Public Dance” Finishing This Milestone And Featnote
of 20,000 Miles of Public Dancing on May 30, 2024 in 129 Months
Of Effort iN This FLoWinG Moving Meditation
That Continues to Improve
FRiEnDS With Gravity
Basically Transforming
248 Pounds of Human
iNto Weight of Finger Tips Mastering ‘The Balance”
That Includes All of Mind and Body SoUL Organically Real..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 13.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 07.18.2024 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 20,242 Miles of Public Dance in 131 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity

“Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words” Largest Subchapter
of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Encompassing All 13.1 MiLLioN Words of The Entire
Long Form Poem Effort as “Nether Land Bible” Now
Increases to 8.1 MiLLioN Words Along with
20,323 Miles of Public Dance in 131 Months
Same Distance in Months Required to
“SonG oF mY SoUL”
So far Now at Least With SMiLes..:)

“11 Years iN Heaven Within” Basically Naked Enough Whole
Complete Nothing to Add or Subtract to in the Flow of
The Gift of Life Just For Giving Thanks Giving Yes
Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With
Most Respect Least Harm iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT

As A Continuing Practice Yes

Art of Life And Of Course

To Celebrate All the BLiSSinGS
Yes BLeSSinGS oF LiFE Each And
Every Now ThiS WaY As LoVE iN
Becomes Real on EartH Now

No Myth The Real Life NeW iN JoY ALL

“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old” Longest EPiC Long Form Poem at
13.2 MiLLioN Words Gaining Up to 13.3 MiLLioN Words in
133 Months on 9.18.2024
Anyway Really Only A Personal Modern Big Bible
View of the World Around me Including People and
The Rest of Nature Sure Culture Philosophy Politics
Religion and
Even Mystical
Spirituality too

(Almost the Entire Effort a Free Verse Anthology of Poetic
Responses Inspired by Folks All Around Our Globe)

Mind Body Soul HeART OPeN
SPiRiT STiLL RiSinG Dance And Song of SoUL Free
As Yah even at 64 Years Old Using Available Modern
Tools For Physical Well Being too
Still Improving in that
Avenue Per
Naked Enough Whole Complete

(Per Current Nature Photo Above Still Improving Too)

Body Mind and Soul Still Evolving Now By Now Now

It’s All We Get Now Color it More
Color it Less Yet Yes Never the Less
Our Lives are Ours to Color in Moving
Co-Creating Ways Together Free
Less of What Our
Human Potentials May Come to Be NewLY NoW



About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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