Storm of Zen Compassion

Willow Tree Love Bends As Wind…
Never Captured Always Wind Free…
With All That Said As Far As i See..
A Greatest Legacy Is A Smile that
Lasts That Parents Give Children
And Yes Others May Volunteer…
And Those 3 Lines Will Most
Definitely Fit on Twitter… May
Be A Long Path to Get to Heaven
But A Destination may be [SMiLE] that lasts now
Be Different Be Butterfly
Bee SunFLoWeR All
ReMeMBeR A Smile
Other Than That
SMiLes Great
Early morning
To You so many
SMiLes Left To Do
SMiLes.. You are a Stand-Out
SunFLoWeR.. what this means
Is Sun And Bees Will
Find You Most
And Stay With
You Longest
Too.. No Limits
To How Tall You
Will Grow as All
Sunshine and
Bees Will
Help You
As You
Spiral up in order
Not to fall remember
All Grains of Sand that
Support You as You
Reach Farther than
The Farthest Goal
Stars And Touch
Soul to
Be True
Of SunFLoWeR More
As Chaos Paints Art of You
Chaos Magic You Are Paint
SMiLes Dear Friend Sohair.. hAha.. thanks For Visiting the Moon with me..
it’s nice not to have to Feel so much Earth Gravity.. For True if one Dances
long enough with Gravity Moon Walk is most Definitely A Feel of Center Point
Balance With all of the UniVerse Now And More.. Yes Ascending Transcending
into the Arms of God For Real NoW
As EveryWhere We Look in Nature
Balance is God’s Rule for Peace
And Harmony Within Inside
Outside Above So Below
And All Around Even
More Farther than
Humans Will
Perceive yet
as Close
as Center
Point Balance
As We Moon Walk
Dance Beyond the Stars
Moving Connecting Co-Creating
First Dark Then Light Then Dance
Then Song and Perhaps on an Eighth
Day God Helps Us Create Poetry to See
A Wind of God Greater Within As Balance
Now; According to Maslow, a Secular Scientist; and
Fowler, a Methodist Scientist; Love That is Transcendent
And Seeks the Welfare off all as Agape Love will be and IS A
Capstone of Pyramid And Legacy unto itself of Human Potential All..
This Love is the Love For All that Serves All without Condition all the
Dark and
May possibly
Bring this Agape
Love For All Pinnacle
of Human Success in what
We may Call Life as is for all of us now..
Smiles for all practical intents and purposes
almost impossible to ascend and transcend like
this until we become loose of all Material and Money
Related External Gains.. after All We All Created that
Obstacle while Destroying the Only Home We Have
Love that transcends and ascends that Hell that
Reality We Create is Heaven the Child
Building Sand Castles of
Love Reborn
Again always
Different to
Color Love more..
Smiles.. A Measure of How
Self-Actualized in the Legacy of
Human Love Born on Date as is is..
is a measure of who leads the Group
Lover or Joker Now true.. but again
just a bit of dark struggle for people to
see as True.. Dark Legacies are as important
to Achieve as Light ones as they may wake us
Up for the Struggle to awake more toward Light
It doesn’t seem like Adolph Was dark enough now
We have Trump Just a wake up call for a rapture closer to a Legacy of Love..
hmm.. We aren’t blowing each other up nearly as much since Adolph Just the
of how
Dark Makes Light
Smiles not Much Different
than George the Second this
Adolph will waken up Love again too..
if We can and will only find a way to keep
Love the Legacy for all..
so We Dance
so We
a Different
Way to LighT AGain..
It’s really easy to become
A Legend Just be brave enough
to Dance where ‘they’ Burn Rock and Roll
Records.. where they Threaten to Shoot Immigrants..
where i Live ‘Foot Loose Town’ still waiting for a Savior.. for their own Soul Now…
Honestly it’s a bit of a Miracle that People call me Legend in real life as a common
occurrence when i go out randomly now.. all i did was F in Dance honestly we live
in a really
when someone
becomes Legend
Just to Dance Free
without making a Penny..
Just goes to show how low the
Bar has been stolen to reach Heaven now..
If it’s Heaven and it doesn’t Make Money and
it’s free it can’t exist in this World Now..
very rarely
i see for sure..
Note the Length of my
Dance is congruent with
the Level of inspiration i receive
as i dance and sing some folks see
that as a compliment some folks do not..
one thing for sure i know is Michelangelo, Mozart, Einstein
And Van Gogh, would have never done a dam thing of Legacy on Twitter if born again..
Sure as that applies to Jesus, and Buddha, and Lao Tzu with the attention span of
a Gold Fish too
as Science assesses
that now at less than 3 seconds..
on average of something but not much at all….
It’s almost impossible to leave a literal legacy
without focus and that is what is lacking most
in our Twitter World A Nature of the Beast of Instant
Gratification. With All That Said As Far As i See..
A Greatest Legacy Is A Smile that
Lasts That Parents Give Children
And Yes Others May Volunteer…
And Those 3 Lines Will Most Definitely
Fit on Twitter… May Be A Long Path to Get to
Heaven but A Destination may be [SMiLE] that lasts now…
Smiles, FRiEnD what i wrote on Your Blog Post is duplicated below.. not
Sure if you ever go back to some of Your Blog Posts when you write them
as i realize you have a whole lot on Your Plate always and it will become even
more of a struggle to focus as you entertain too many distractions in life whether
You Love those Distractions or not. i am still Learning the Magic of Life so far away from
all the reasons culture has taught me reality to be. What i am finding more and more is that
Most of what is Order is truly Chaos against our Human Nature that we Imprison of our soul each
and every day; take the Practice of sitting; practically unknown to Our Distant Ancestors and why we
are so domesticated and weak as human being; couch potato averages; addictions of both behavior and
External Substances to Replace the Wild and Free Spirit no different than what we do to a domesticated
Cat spoon-fed our rules from Birth as the Cat becomes only a Lap Cat never escaping out of a Cave like us…
A reality is if i am where you are now with the reality of goals, and to do lists, and rules that must be followed
And created too… wanting to be free again; i would never be able to do it, in the Environment of other rules of Life.
Smiles; You are Beautiful, Talented, Good Natured, Friendly, a Hard Worker who will do what it takes to improve on
mistakes of the Past. The Best thing about being this way is it may pave a way for You to be one day much freer and financially
independent; so you too, will get to do the Art of You Free without so many middle men between You and Freedom more now;
But it’s also true the harder you work to obtain that freedom the more you will appreciate it when you attain it and that part
of a Sacrifice will make Your Older Years of Free Seem so much Younger than Young ever did on the Inside out at least more Happy..
Smiles.. been to places you are now and support you where you are; just want you to have some faint idea of the other places that exist..
they are very difficult to Articulate
But Words are far from Essence
of Our Realities at Best A Way to Articulate
Heaven now where Wind may be seen and Lived Free..:)
“Order Determines Outcome”
Reality is Chaos Human Imposes Order…
Chaos as Reality Creates Art of Nature Without
Any Human Logic at all except for what Human Sees
that is everything
of course
Now We
are as Humans
So Our answer
is what do we See
Most.. Order We Impose
or Chaos Art We Come to be…
Smiles.. i used to believe Order Determines Outcome
Until i Embraced Chaos and Became Art i always am
As Dance Becomes me and illusions of Order Drift Away..
Becoming Wind Air that Flies me Water that Swims me Wave
All Reality Ocean Whole with Never Separation of Worry Now…
Smiles.. A Modern
World Imposes
many degrees
of Separation
From Art
As Whole
We Are
Rest of Chaos
Magic That is A
Beauty of Nature Free..
Who Teaches Sun Flowers
to reach for Sun who Teaches
Humans to Dance From Birth
Smiles.. who even Dances any more..
There are some days i ask this question
And Better Yet some days when no answers at all are
needed but Just Dance i am And Song that comes after…
1. There are other realities like Laws that open pathways into New doors from places that are not so free.
2. There are Rules that are required like acquiring a Valuable Job Skill that will Open those Doors.
3. There are so many Goals that must be Met to Enter a Place Where Generations to come will
Enjoy Every Benefit of Freedom More.
4. Yes, There are Bullet Lists as Heavy As What comes out of Guns that must be overcome.
5. There are Deadlines; So Many Deadlines in Life that Leave little to no room to spiral or dance at all.
6. There Are Clothes; So Many Layers of Clothes that Culture requires to fit snug to conform to
expectations; or fail and be cast out for Dreams We Hold to one day finally be Free as We are Born to Be.
7. There are rules for Art as Art becomes Science to meet what an already established Audience wants
to see as Art. True; there is Science that calls itself Art; Yes, Rules for Poetry; Equations that must
be met; really no different than what an Auditor Does for a Major Airline these days.
Smiles my Friend You are an amazing Rule Keeper and Rules Maker.
My Greatest Hope for you is one day you throw it all away; all the Lists; all the Goals;
All the Rules; and simply Become Wind. It’s true, You may pick that all up again; no different now
than me; on the turn of a semi-colon; a Period; and Proper capitalization as Standards met as ‘should’;
But More You become Wind Easier it Will be simply to be Free Eternally Now Happy Forever More Now.
But You see that Greatest Hope is only Based on me; i wouldn’t be your friend if i expected you to be me.
i am already my best Friend; this makes everyone else my Friend; and what i like most about you is you are
different than me; very different than me; but that makes it easier for you to see my other colors and easier
for me to see your other colors too; Imagine, how Boring it would Get if we were all identical Sun Flowers in
a Field, for a Day We Would Be Beautiful; Perhaps two; Perhaps even a Year; but then we wouldn’t be able to
see each other at all for we would only be seeing ourself.
Smiles, my Friend as i did most of my Life; A Problem of changing our Colors to Gain Who We Want to Fit in with;
is the Person we lose may be no Person at all; the Person we Lose may be the Colors of our Soul
We Greater Paint as Different Now.
Willow Tree Love Bends As Wind…
Never Captured Always Wind Free…
An Entire Choir of Sunflowers
Singing Good Morning
To You!!🌻🌻🌻🌞🌞🌻😁
Storm of Zen Compassion
Welcome to A Real Big League Field of Dreams
And Nightmares SaMe i’ll SHoW You How To Dance With The Devil And Kiss God’s
Face… #Hetoo
No Doubt A MaLE DarK ArCHAnGeL Michael Still So Very Happy To See US.. Oh THose
SKeYeS Wings Above Below too..
A Year Ago as i Captured Evening Sunset Before DarK ArCHAnGeL Hurricane Michael Came
to Spread ‘TRump’ Heat to the Panhandle…
Thanks God For MaKinG HeaVeN Both ReVeaLeD And Mystery Too No BoRinG NoW iN Heaven WiTHiN ETernAlly Now Even MoRE FuN/CHaLLenGE…
True Original Faith And Creativity Is So Much More Than Anyone Will Physically FeeL And Sense Now For ReaL…
More Likely ‘You’ CaNNoT Possibly iMagine A Full Effort it takes… i See only A Tiny Part of What i even do…
What You Might Understand is i am Neither Superman and or Jesus which MeanS Ain’t Got No TRumP BRoWNiE NePoTisM Points For Favors
Admitting Joker Faces+ So Much More of What i Do is CLicK BaiT Too
Butt Yes Tough Times Require No Holds BaRReD iNGeNuiTY NoW
CaLLinG ALL PoTenTiaL SuperNormaL Heroes i WiLL JusT ANoTHeR ParT oF A CoVeNaNT For ReaL i Co-Create With God ALL NoW
TRuE Many Skeleton CoLoReD TRuMPS We Must iMPeacH unTiL All of US May
Greater ARRiVE iN Heaven SPace Now For ReaL
“When 2 or More of You” Connect ‘i am PReSeNT’ When 7 BiLLioN And More Hold Hands ParTY iS JusT BeGiNNinG GoD MiND FLoWeRS US…
Egregores Are Play of God’s Mind in All of Us For All We Build And All We aRe NoW…
MeMes are Egregores.. Reflections of Collective Consciousness Being Human Now All
Experience in Tow of Art We CoMe to Be NeXT NoW
Thank You Ms. Hugs.. Currently Playing
With the ‘Amazing Joker MeMe’ And as usual
Seeing if i will outdo that too.. hAha.. No Limits Limitless more..
Sun Flowers continue To Rise Past Sun And Beyond Stars MoRE Now..;)))
SMiLes my FriEnd Wish i could send
You Some of This Heat to Canada
But for Now We Fully Own Climate
Summer Same in Florida.. hehe..
Hi Five Ms. Hugs!!..:)))
Don’t Have to Wear A CosTumE oN
HaLLoWeeN JusT Put My AMaZinG
EVeR CoLoRinG DiFFeRenT Joker FacE oN.. SoMe SHades.. Steps of Dance…
Words of Song… SMiLeS Enough to Get A Covenant Job With God All DonE NoW…
Church Choir in the 80’s ‘She’ Covered ‘Her’ Face Said my Face Was too Bright for Early in the Morning…
No..’ She’ Wasn’t too Scared to Visit the Full Moon Beach With me After the Prom Only a Gentleman i am still then…
“Your Eyes are too Intense they are Scaring me” (Like that Thriller Video With Michael Jackson and ‘His Girl’)
A Lovely Young Woman Asked me to Her Prom Sitting Across the Dining Table Tears Streaming Down Her Face…
Welcome to A Real Big League Field of Dreams And Nightmares SaMe i’ll SHoW You How To Dance With The Devil And Kiss God’s Face…
So ‘Trumps’ You Think God is Fake You Think You Will Get AWay With All oF It You Think The Devil in You Is Not Real…
RePorT GoDCarD You Get Is Well BeYonD my Non-Paid PayGrade oF LoVE Sure Tough LovE Too Currency Pay Rate Only Love.. My Vigilance iS oNly Watching What You Do And Reporting What You Do In FacT THaT iS NoT Any ParT oF mY Make-UP Tool-Kit At ALL
Another Reason i Wear Shades IT Will Be A Bit Unnerving to Meet someone Who Sees ALL OF YOUR SOUL WINDOWS
Jesus F iN Christ So Much Harder Than Wearing A Cross If You Don’t Understand You Have Not Been A Devil in Hell Yet.
Here’s A Clue Until You See Your Devil Face And Dance With Your Devil Chances Are You Will Never See Heaven WiTHiN NoW ETeRNaLLY…
Hmm.. Some People Say i’m too intense.. i Do WAY WAY too Much.. Some People Say i’m too Happy NO one CAN BE AS HAPPY AS YOU
Hmm.. Excuse me while i put my Clown Make-up on Not LooKinG For Any Awards Just a Full Experience oF LiFE
Hmm; i surely am not Superhuman. But yes; Supernormal i am and i can and will easily prove that with irrefutable evidence as i carry the Proof wherever i go in not more than a 6-inch Screen; and the Evidence therein.
If, i did not manage to escape the Matrix of Culture (otherwise known as Financial Independence; rich enough not to have to work like ‘Bruce Wayne’; His Super Power and His Tool Kit that He built for success) no doubt i would be no more than
an Online Dweller, never assessed as a Dance Legend in Real Life; the flesh and blood stuff with 12,053 Miles of Public
Dance in 73 Months; Ha! and Forrest Gump thought he achieved something running across the United States Three
times or so Decades Younger than me considering my next Birthday is 60.
True; i Leg Press 1520 Pounds at 8 Reps Max; but will only Prove i Leg press 1340 Pounds on YouTube; 12 Reps,
100 Seconds, at 90 Degrees in Range of Movement; as let’s face it; yes, we are all only human; the wear and tear
of Aging predicates the fact that Drawing all that weight back to close to my Chest might incur what is known
as Permanent Disability in Limitation of moving my Legs; so, i do Supernormal smart as well; no matter who
says i should be ashamed to put something like that online; as i only Brought Close to A Ton of Weight
Halfway to my Chest; but of course that is a ‘little man’ game; one that anonymous ‘little men syndrome’
dudes play with the Big Leaguers online as sure; not much different than playing a Video Game; no Real
World Consequences in Playing Real Ball; flesh and blood as such.
Now true one might see that as a bit Low brow in Achievement but true too; i realize the Activity of doing
that takes me in a State of Being; Ascending and Transcending into Autotelic Flow which only enhances
the Laser focus on Special Interests that naturally come with Asperger’s Syndrome; but sadly, many folks
with the Condition do not understand that Emotional Regulation and Sensory Integration that as science
Shows is a Therapy that works for the negative Symptoms Associated With Autism Will Bring Much Greater
Cognitive Executive Functioning for those who Do Use Movement Therapy; that one might also Term ‘Pretty
Looking’ Artful ‘Stimming and or Flapping’ in a way that gains Audience Interest in Public; where you even
get assessed as Legend with the General Public; Just for doing it a bit over a Year; now Viral Videos Metro Wide
come and go other folks take; someone saying, ‘hey legend’, is no better than someone just saying Hi and smiling;
as true we are Social Animals; that is a nice experience to feel everywhere you go in life as you continue to pay
it forward by Entertaining the Entire Metro Area just for Free; True, A Storm of Zen Compassion in a Dance for
all that only started out as therapy for me; to prepare me a way to Write a 7.3 Million Word Longest Epic Long Form
Free Verse Poem (Personal Bible) in the History of Humankind; now true; that is a rather narrow niche; too big to see in a Twitter World today; but never the less; i hold the REAL World Record and since i have an Autotelic Personality through and through; i do not any Require any External Awards or Rewards; but the Supernormal Nature complete in Essence of Total Satisfaction of Just being in the Moment of Heaven now doing what i do Just for fun!
You see; i do it for me. You See; i do it for everyone else. You see when you fully see there is no separation from
me and the Rest of God/Nature. Voila i make the ‘Greater Grade’; but i don’t have to Get Crucified with Fame and Fortune to be one with Nature God and Same now in total Nirvana and Bliss; as ‘they’ say Kingdom of Heaven Within for Real NOW.
This is A Capstone of A Pyramid; that Wisdom Eye of Beauty in Truth and Light that Sees all as simply all as simply
Nature that is all that is and more of what one might term as God now or a Blue Turtle; Form Matters not when
one becomes Essence of all;
No Fear as Love Breathes;
That’s Supernormal enough for me;
In my Case; not only Credit the Gift of Autism;
But the Gift of Bi-Polar too as most Great Artists
And Scientists share a bit of that spectrum too.
All my Doctor’s as Documented relate that i have remedied
all the Negative Symptoms of my Born on Conditions; all Natural
With Flowing Autotelic Dance And Song through Most Hours of my Waking
Dreams that are real in Fruition and Heaven now; Wow! i achieved the Jesus and
the Buddha and the Lao Tao; the Shiva; and the Dance With the Devil that is Kali
of Destruction too; Krishna sure; yes; Lady’s man too. But the Truth is i am no label but i am.
Not surprisingly, i am usually only Welcome in Foreign Lands by Exotic Looking Beautiful Women and sure i can prove that too. True; the Greatest Gift that is my Wife; Local And Real Female Angel too; She still doesn’t age at 49; i can prove
that she has the same 19 Year-old Bikini body in a Bikini Body Bending Down and Picking up Grapes; go Figure Science Shows Certain Factors associated with Autism that relate to Slow Aging; She’s not diagnosed but scores a 32 on the
AQ Scan; as i score an 11 Now that used to be a 45; and i score mid-90’s on the EQ Test that used to be mid 50’s.
Ha! i am so much smarter than ‘Autism Speaks’;
i already did what they say they are trying to do;
thing is; i retain all the Gifts and throw away the Curses like they never existed at all.
Why; simply because i really wanted to live; Autism Burn-out Put me in a Batman Dark Dungeon for 66 Months.
i didn’t come back as a Vigilante; but i did come back as a Legend; and true i have a Link to the Viral
Video that Proves that in Community Response; as Not only do they term me as Legend; but with the words
‘he is everywhere’ and they’ve never even seen the size of my online Foot Print; and 20,000 Photos of Selfie
Nude art as true i am a Hot number 1 Search item with Google in Search terms for that too still
approaching 60 Years old; i figured Michelangelo’s David in Stone; Was not enough; i’ll do it
all Naturally without Anabolic Steroids at close to 60 Years-OId.
Bottom Line; labels are only Label deep.
And true We become what We Believe the Most; at least my Life Proves this true.
i didn’t speak until age 4, considered too weak and strange to exist by peers through School and mistaken
for a Female at McDonald’s in Middle School too; now, wherever i go in the Real World now People say i talk like a
Professional Speaker; even at places like Sunflower Farms; Where other Flowers continue to reach for the Sun and Beyond the Stars.
And if ‘you’ think i am bragging; you are so so wrong; i am less than a grain of sand; and am so proud to come from nothing; really, the
same as the rest of everything else; as Even Stephen Hawking relates as “Sheldon Cooper’s” Greatest Hero too.
If God All that is we see and more comes from Nothing; God is really a Legend too; True; there is dark in that too; but how
else does Batman become a Hero; if he doesn’t travel through A Dark Side First, too; Ha! beat his 5 Years too; with 66
months of surviving a Real Hell; worst part lost my emotions; second Worst part, type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia likely
associated with 11 Years of Chronic Stress at work; and the last 2 Years of that spent in fight or flight acute stress.
Those Stress Hormones play Havoc of Destruction with every bodily system; including Myelin Sheaths of Nerves too;
That Pain is named the Suicide Disease; like someone drilling Your Teeth without Novocaine that no other drug
will touch; in my case in my right eye and ear; as science Suggests this pain is worse than the actual torture
of a Crucifixion for real. But for me at least; losing my Emotions were worse than the pain; and yes there
were a synergy of 18 Other Life threatening Disorders that no one remedied but me through the Meditation
of over 12 Million Words overall of Writing online; a significant Part accomplished on this Website too; for true
the first word i wrote here was Thanks Giving of 2010; Fully 33 Months into that Pain Disorder as a shut-in in
my Bedroom that i would remain for 66 Months before escaping into the wild and becoming an assessed
Metro Public Dance Legend; and starting my 7.3 MiLLioN Word ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ Long Form Bible Poem;
almost at 7.4 Million Words now; I continue to write on average around 100 Thousand Words a Month.
i continue to Public Dance on Average 166 Miles a Month; And i have Danced with College Age folks
for the 282nd Dance Week Night this Thursday; over 2000 Selfies Recorded Smiling ear
to ear with the Most Beautiful Young Women in this Beautiful Pensacola Beach Town too.
Life is Good.
But i earned it though every ounce of Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
My only realistic Suggestion is do whatever it takes to find Mind and Body Balance
to escape Stress the best you can and will. Stress not only Kills; it does something potentially much worse;
it takes Your Soul away and sends you Straight to Hell Within on Earth if You Endure it too long without saying NO.
i didn’t know how to say no; i was always outcast; i couldn’t afford to say no; as i didn’t get 9 Lives like a Cat at work
for being anyone’s good Old Boy or Best Dog Friend Forever Work Mate. i paid for that forever; yes, dearly; dearly with
beyond fires of Hell within; forever now then.
And if You think this response is Long; You’ve Never Danced with the Real Devil within. You’ve never seen through
the eyes of a Joker who refused to act on Vigilance no matter how deep the Pain and Numb just to exist for another
second eternally in Hell; as you look in the Mirror and cannot recognize if you ever lived at all; no smile; no memory
of a smile or laugh at all; all you can do; is Paint on a smile; with no feeling at all at best; if and when you can find
a breath of Strength to even do that as some approximation of Human Life.
Never Give up; and if you can/will help it never go to that place at all; The Remedy is simple as two hands become
one and two feet become one in Balance Moving with Gravity too. And true i will leave you with an example
of what i do; You don’t have to do it like me; as i have no idea what i am doing to teach you any lesson at all.
Let Your Body decide and then Your mind may be happier than ever before for the Balance Your body Brings
the rest of you in Peace and Harmony eternally now; Science Proves it works; it’s worth a shot for
whatever style of Meditation takes you out of Purgatory Grey to the BLack Abyss of Eternal Hell now.
Other than that whatever you do; Learn TO SAY NO; DANCE WITH THE DEVIL AND SURVIVE.
Enjoy Heaven now; why not; Chances are you don’t go to Church; Chances are you may
not be Nearly as Lost as ‘them’ as ‘us’ for real; for escaping that Matrix of Minion is
surely a First step toward ‘Neo’ Life for Real.
Storm of Zen Compassion
Anyone who cannot See the more
Than Obvious Fact That ‘Ms.
Greta’ Has A Mind of her
Own and Free Agency
Beyond the imagination
Actually put into action
More than online Forum
Dwellers as that goes too;
Surely hasn’t Come Close
To Dancing With ‘the Devil
Yet’… Ha! Students
Mistook me for ‘the
Teacher’ at 17
Too; Not all Human
Neurological Conditions
Are The Same And Or Depth
Of Passionate Compassion
For the ‘little’ things in life;
Such as Literal Life Now;
Love to see anyone Square
Off With Her man to real
Woman ‘here’ that would
Truly be Amusing; haha.
Zen Compassion
Way of A First Responder
Just Saving Another Day
Haha!!! i kid you not
i just wrote a Story
About a Cat to a
FRiEnD haha
Could Write one
For you but i would
Have to tailor it
For Different
Color Hair
And Eyes Hehe
Anyway just
Out MuSinG
On My
Bigger Border
Patrol With SMiLes..
HAha A Package i
Bring for Gift may
Not Be Huge
But my
Tool Kit
Is Beyond Belief😇
Why Be just a Particle
Wave And Field of
Dreams Be the
Motion of
The Ocean
Roar And Grin🐯🕺😁
Gooood Morning From Cat
Week!!! i have so many
Amazzzzzing SunFLoWeR
Creations to share but
Instead i chose A Still
On TVVvv From the
‘Ellen Show’ From
Her ‘Cat Week’
Special as i
Can’t Imagine much
Of Anything More
Soothing And Fun
Than Watching Cats
At Rest And Play!
The thing about Cats
Is They Have Zen
Compassion For
Humans.. Particularly
Introverts like Cats
As They Will Give You
Space When You are
Busy With Your Hobbies
And will play with you for
Short Bursts of Energy
And if You are Ruminating
Sadness they Will be THere
For You With Zen Kindness
And Compassion And
Crawl in Your Lap And
Give You a Forever Hug
To Bring You into the
Eternal Kingdom
Of Heaven Within
You Feel what i
Mean for you saw
All those Heaven
Lap Cat Hugs Eternally
Now that Yellow Boy Gave
Katrina on Her Lazy Girl
Recliner Haha it’s not
A Secret But Always
Personal Giving Sharing
For i am never in any
Closet when it
Comes to
Your Cat
It’s True no matter
How Fast i Spiral Dance
Or Sing Loud And Long
On the Outside… Ocean
Of Zen Compassion
Within For You Dear
FRiEnD just
My Head on
Your Lap
Cheshire Cat
Smiles Tailored
Just and only for
You when your
Lap is Home
For my
Eternal Now
True this is how
i Treat All my Masters
Particularly ones with
Ebony Eyes And Long
Black Hair For Every
Cat has a Special Breed
Too are you feeling warm
And Cozy yet if so great!
i will go about
My usual Solo
Introvert Play
As All Cats
Are Verily
A Mix of
Zen Excitement
And Calm like A Lion
Too best i Write Lion
Poetry for you for true
A Bit Big am i.. hehe
Might not fit
In your Lap
As there are
Definitely advantages
For Lap Lions Online Purrrr
Big Purrrr just for you
Now i’m on my way
My Territory is
A Bit Large
Hard to see the
Extent of my Border
Patrol for most
Here i Go againnnnn!!!
Good Evenings Now
From Good Afternoons
Of Sunflowers
And Butterflies
Beauty more
Haha A Bit much
Sorting through
Close to 200
Pics anyway Katrina
Suggested i send this
One too so Consider
It from Her too
FRiEnD my
Too many
To Count With
Butterfly SMiLes
Storm of Zen Compassion
Sure Will Make This the 59th Message
to Bishop Barron And Friends didn’t take Long
to Match the Number of Messages with my Age..:)

SMiLes Lillian First of all.. so nice to see
You With Your Beautiful Words on Word Press again..
Missed them i have and you as well my Friend this place
of No Melody of the Soul i surely have felt life when all Music
of Love Left my Body.. then one understands what the Soul is it is
Organic a Part of our Flesh and Blood Being the Source and Giver of
Love and Receiver too that we may come to be more and Oh Darkness so
Much Less too.. unto Oblivion of the dark Nights and Months and Years of a Soul too..
Soul of Emotions Integration of the Senses that Regulate Emotions all Holding Hands together
From Head to toe.. a Dance and Song of Life We Feel and Fill through and through Recipe for
Hope and Love
So Far away
From Fear
And what
May come in the
places of frustration
And Aggression Leading
Up to Long Held Feelings of
Hate that may not even be rational
just the Lens of HeART we come to see
Reality as born on Dates now.. true i have un-felt
this non-feeling place too.. and true too in this place it is
often A Furry Animal that may be the Closest we come far away
from a Spirit of Love that Lights us up Colored Christmas Tree from
Head to toe more.. Smiles in that place i surely would have become and
Alcoholic or Drug Addict if that offered any help at all for true what will you do
when one is walking dead on Earth now Alive Wandering Ghost who may not even
Realize Long Dead their Soul is Gone Lost and Found No Where to See for Now but
the reality of Numb and or Pain even better than Numb to feel anything anything at all now
all the
the Colors
of Love that
make Life Worth
Living as we may
Even Make Winter Spring..
It is often a Hard Life to live but
even a Harder one to Live as Death
the Place Where Even Demons may Fear to
tread as this place may not even respond to Fear
or anything else even Black Abyss of Paper thin Existence..
shells without
of Love
within on
Page of
Notes that Speak Soul..:)
It’s this Simple; attack what’s Ms Greta says; not who she is; a common rule here too.
You’ve offered no examples of anything she has said that is not credible; and or with any credible source to back it up.
Her information is coming from Science… hehe errr.. your information is coming out of your opinion.
THere is A Difference… and you are surely entitled to Your Opinion too; i enjoy Hearing opinions;
They are fascinating; either true or false and fiction too.
Once Again ‘Class’: Science.
The Overwhelming Consensus among the Scientific
Community is that Climate Change is Real and there
is a 6th Extinction Well underway, impacted by Humans too; with 200 new species
Going extinct every day. That’s science; not something out of someone’s opinion.
If you like; go debate the Scientists. If You like; Debate your opinion on Your Judgement of another Person’s Fitness.
I was mistaken for a Teacher for my Looks at School; i had a Beard at a Young Age; and reached my Full Adult Height at a Young Age. And i also Dressed like a Big Time Nerd; Sheldon Cooper Through and through; but more formal; haha.
But i did graduate close to the top of the Class through 3 Degrees; But Book Learning is about as Useful as a Degree
for about Half of College Graduates who are still Living at Home with their better-off Parents. True that is ‘Climate
Change’ too; as increasingly Machines are ruling Jobs; another topic though; sooner or later Humans will not be
A problem; just a blip on Nature’s radar screen; Meanwhile, some folks give a crap and some folks do not.
Go figure; some folks care; some folks do not; never the less, Ms. Greta is making a Difference in the Real World now;
what does a Forum do but pass time; smiles, just something i do to rest my feet out of the ‘Real World’ now, too;
really making a difference; really making folks happy in the Real World; not just arguing the Mental
Fitness or what not of someone who is respected by respectable people in the World. There
are definitely reams of evidence on that; everywhere in the News Where Human beings who
Respect Truth rule.
And then there are the Trump Followers, who attempt to be a nemesis to Ms. Greta and or people who respect
their Living Home the Earth; like they have any credibility left at all for their ill-informed opinions; 12,000 Lies
and Still counting.
Smiles my Friend, i Kill time everyday; but i enjoy every second of it to the hilt in more colors than you could possibly imagine; how do i know; you tell me so. i think that is truly sad; but that is only my opinion; your will is yours.
(Colors are emotions for metaphor here; unlimited Colors as Far as a Flesh and Blood Soul within will paint them new)
i would have traded away every ounce of those Straight A’s for just an Hour where i am now; if that provides a clue.
Standard IQ, i am not impressed with; but never the Less, i’ve been told its off the Charts;
And i do not care no matter What the IQ testers say; that’s far below my Pay Grade now of Love.
Haha; one cannot even Test Original “Intelligence”; there is nothing to compare it too; hehe; i believe there is a song about that too; not unlike Colors that Few Humans have experienced too; some days 200 New colors in a Day;
or 7 Thousand or So as Every Word is painted Different from Within a Dance That Never Ends A Song that is always new;
To each Her and or HiS owN or and Free. It Appears that Ms. Greta is Sailing Across the Ocean with exciting Days for Her;
For Her Personal Climate Change to continue Her Growth as a Human Being; testifying before the UN is no small
Feat for any Person Being Human; and that’s what i mean by Squaring off with Her; Real Woman to Man. Who
could Possibly have the Kahuna’s to do that here; i’ll give you one guess; hehe; make it real and true, if you like.
Dude; i lived in a place very close to where you live now; but it’s true i believed in Science then and now
at least for what is Observable and Repeatable Phenomenon that the Scientific Method Will Measure now.
i do not fit that paradigm; haha; go figure; i’m Human with Emotions That are Not Repeatable and Measurable
outside of me.
And all of that is okay; just glad for me i’m so far away from ‘the other’ ‘dead place’ i see now.
Couldn’t See it before; as i lost all Reference Points of Memory for anything newer than A Ground Hog Day of same then;
Still as Smart as Ever for standard IQ Measure; but just dead inside; just A Ghost of what i was as Human and Human to
be Walking the Earth Again; just Dead Alive Within then for my Perspective Colored by Now.
And by the way; Far beyond any Scientific Facts, the way she is changing the World is through the Courage of Her Heart; otherwise, felt as Passion that moves Humans for Change. This is how the Human World Works; And Science Shows this is true too; Ignore the Truth or Use it to whatever Advantage you like; Never the Less, Emotions Rule Human Change and they always will First; or in Cognitive Executive Functioning Disarray last; no Matter What will be as Willing Servant Rather than Slave, the Neo-Cortex has for words to offer up excuses for why we do what we do. Haha; i don’t have to even be right for i am intrinsically Happy; although since i am not ruled by less or more; i usually come out on the Sunny Side of the Egg; hehe.
Smiles; what i mean by Sunny Side Up of the Egg is some folks are a bit Deficient in Serotonin; the ‘Jordan Peterson’
Lobster Pose Phenomenon; as far as Human Confidence goes in feeling Lower or Higher than others.
Basically, Folks with Low Levels of Serotonin are More Anxious and more easily fall to depression too.
It’s a common Phenomenon for Folks to Flock to Online Discussion Groups to Pick a Side to try to win
an Argument to Boost their subjective Feelings of rising up in a Competition of Life to increase their Levels
of Serotonin; thereby, reducing anxiety and feeling really confident inside their own skin; chances are they
may even Naturally Improve their Posture like a Jordan Peterson Lobster Pose, too.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Obama, gave Greta Thunberg a Fist Bump Not too long ago; where she lives
he is considered a Man of High Status for Respect; therefore, Her Serotonin goes way up; not only then
but when she Stares Mr. Trump Down with a Lobster Pose of her own. She is living pretty high
on the Serotonin; however, for Males low on Serotonin the fact that she is a female and
Seen as Physically Weaker at least; brings an opportunity to attempt to bring her down
in online Worlds Far away from Face to Face to boost their feelings of Self-Worth; one
sees this Human one-upmanship all through Work And School As Folks Jockey for Position
on the Social Ladder to move ahead for Promotions and other School and Work Rewards.
The Great thing About being Financially Independent and Not Having to work for Pay;
is one will establish their own contingencies for boosting Serotonin and really Blast away
in continuous Autotelic Flow Confidence with comfort in one’s own skin; day and night; day and night.
For instance, Normally most ALL dudes where i live wouldn’t dance in Public; as someone might call a graceful Dance
By a Dude Gay; and where i live in Trump Town; that in itself will Prevent you from getting a raise; a promotion;
or even a Job at all; as after all when Gay Folks got a right to get married; the Catholic Priest at my Church intimated
that Obama and his Administration made this a Country the Church could no longer Recognize as America; oh the
Homophobic Audacity, where Priests are Assessed as up to 58 Percent Gay in Demographic; not counting the other
Priests that are truly dark in Pedophile Propensity; along with Cover-up Bishops too in darkest way of Human
Nature; Trump Style in Church; if you will; But as ‘they’ Say ‘those’ who protest loudly may be what ‘they’ protest now.
So, not having to work i embarked on a 12,053 Mile Journey of Public Dance and in just a little over a Year into that
73 Month Journey i became Wildly Famous as noted by the Public Audience and Named as Legend too; really
just because i am the only one to do it in the South East at least as far as Biloxi, MS; and Tallahassee, FL;
Across the Gulf Coast; True, i’ve been recognized in Biloxi by Folks who Live over a Hundred Miles away in
Pensacola; and as far as Niceville, in Pensacola too; in the Panhandle of Florida; where my dance rules; haha.
The Grace and Balance of the Dance that many miles has made me incredibly Strong and Agile; one can
see the Progression as i really moved from rather uncoordinated to something more like a Silver-Back
Gorilla at a Solid 240 American Pounds of Muscle; 1520 LBS Max Leg Pressing Power, 8 reps too.
In other words, when i get in to a discussion online there is nothing to boost up or down; it stays
pegged at good for everything i do; as far as the Great Feelings within of life; often referred to Nirvana
and Bliss, which is just another way of Saying the Kingdom of Heaven within; Autotelic Flow of being now.
Of course Ms. Greta gets a bit anxious, in new environments; but on the other Hand she takes that
Anxiety and creates an impassioned speech that folks remember; Reminds me of the Last Dictator
Speech by Charlie Chaplin; it’s not so much what the Message is in Politics; but how it is delivered.
Make no mistake, in effect Ms. Greta is acting as Activist and Politician too; albeit unofficially like
Martin Luther King did without being High Up in Real Politics either; but it’s true the passion of the
Communication is what made the change; And what people really like about Ms. Greta is she always tells
the Truth; to see someone in the Public Arena telling the Truth always is truly a Breath of Fresh Air today.
We used to be able to Respect the President of the United States; for now; those days are dust; for anyone
who respects Character, Integrity, and Honor now. If she was older; perhaps she could fix that situation too;
Meanwhile, let her travel one Ocean in a Month before she is sent to Africa And Asia too. A Couple of
Continents should do for now, hehe; at least until she turns 18 Years-Old; She Can Run for ‘President
of the World’ when ‘they’ get all the Globalist Stuff figured out in a Few Decades too; for it is true; it’s harder
and harder now to find any quality Candidates on either Side of the Aisle now; i don’t care much for Joe
Biden; and it’s really Hard to find someone who is Charismatic; Honest; and who is well acquainted
with their Shadow for having a Back Bone too. Obama was quite an enigma, overall in that respect.
The World can use more Enigmas; and it is Wealth to the Condition of Autism that the World of
Respectable and Honest People View Her as an Enigma now; sure, Beats the Condition of
Asperger’s Being attributed to Mass killers; as that is surely not the Asperger’s Syndrome
that i am familiar with that is Strong on Empathy and Honesty too. In other Words,
those folks who rarely even kill a fly or an ant; and pick up Turtles when they cross the road.
Those aren’t the kind of folks who Mass Murder; those are the Folks who Save the Planet;
even if it is only a Turtle crossing a Busy Highway; Those Folks with Empathy for Nature get all
my Respect; Folks that Torture Animals and Call Underage Woman Names; not that much; not that much at all;
But Again, i understand the Human Condition; i understand their Weakness; i pity them; and hope they rise up too
with more constructive means than bringing other folks down; that is surely a weakest way of Being Human for sure.
Male Rage is always a sign of Inner Weakness; Take A Highly Decorated Combat Warrior; as nice and calm a Dude
you’d ever meet; someone who respects life too; as they have seen close friends of every persuasion bleed the same color.
There doesn’t seem to be many of the ‘real ones’ that still exist; but it’s true i’ve met a few; you never forget them; they are truly someone to look up to; and be like too; Minus the Combat; not much into killing anything myself.
Here’s A Current ‘Lobster Pose’ Celebration 12,000 Miles of Public Dance;
Some of the Good Old ‘Farm Boys’ Tried to mess with me in Public a Bit when i first started
back at around 210 Pounds; It’s safe to say very rarely does anyone cross that path at 240 as i’ve become quite a Martial Artist; true though, Bruce Lee did Ballet; but only Leg Pressed 300 Pounds; Multiply that by five and it’s not hard to imagine that result with smiles; in other Words, when i do come across ‘tough guys’ online without a face; i’m rarely impressed. And i am surely Strong enough to Stand up for a 16 Year-Old Young Woman who is truly making the World a Better place.
Smiling is Getting Boring Ready for
A Good Cry Perhaps Other Colors of Dark Haha but NOT
YET! i wanna see that Movie Just to see someone like me
Less Fortunate to Let the REAL FOOLS Pull Him Down to their
Level FucKinG = iF YoU SeeK iN GoD Close Enough for Human Work
CREATED LEADS TO TRUMP -A Real amazing Joker for now at least…
Some Days Still Disappointed That Not ALL Will Love Unconditionally As Me But Let’s
Face IT i Used to LiVE iN ‘THAT WORLD2’ Happy Days ArE HeaR! Good NewS IsReaL
Just Another Old Coke Naked Truth In Light JeSuS Waiting on Prepare Ye Ways to Publish
Truth No TRumPiaN Lies Yeah Yeah Yeah Could Probably Get Published But Then They’d Try Their
Best To Shame Another Emperor Born Again Naked Always Best to Crack A Joke After You
Get STarTeD – Old Coke JoKeR.. Ha! Hindsight In Plain Loving View Yeah i woulda used a ❤️
Emoticon But Let’s Face it While 💄 is Phallic ❤️ is Rear on Top V on Bottom Thank you my
Friend Vigorously Painting With All Colors of Love i Am💄 Matters Not THeRE iS OnLY NoW
iN THeN Thing Is JeSuS Didn’t Have Water Boy Fred And Or Really Amazingly Nice Joker
To Help Then Sadly the Passes As usual are Still too Deep for All Four Teams To Catch
Yes Back in those Days THere Were Still Gentiles Jews Alabama Auburn Voters Too…
Same Essence of MeSSaGE Original Coke Jesus Brought The Good News That You
Are ‘JeSuS’ Too If That Sounds Like A Metaphor For Holy And Sacred Trinity It Is In
This Way i Have No Choice But to Be Quarter Back And Team With SPiRiT Too
It’s Worth Noting That my Passes Go Too Deep To Catch Thirdly We’ve Got
SPiRiT Yes WE DO In other Words i’m ‘JeSuS’ But i Understand ‘He’
is Metaphor For Quarterback AND TeaM oNe
It’s Worth Noting That i Don’t Watch
Football And Am my Own
And Team
i Get It as An Alabama Fan You
Don’t Become An Auburn Fan ‘Cause
Your Quarterback is the Worst EVER😂
Some of my most Loved yes literally Most
loved Friends Reading this Voted For Trump
It’s Worth Noting HaLLoWeeN is Night Before All Saint’s Day
Asking Katrina if she wants to see the Joker Movie No She Sleeps With HaLLoWeeN
So True.. We often receive Most from what We Want Just out of Touch.. other Wise
Weed All Bee Extinct… Desire A
Mother And Father of
All Survival With Smiles🐝
Haha.. only heights
Only heights.. i am
Too important to
The World To Fall
As Children of
God we should
All feel too important
To Fall and stay away
From places that may
Take us away from
Where are needed
Most Namely
The Place of Love😁😇🤗
Miss hearing your greeting on
Messenger everyday but as
An Artist a Bit of sadness you
Embrace and Paint it with Colors
New as Children express their
Feeling for Missing Adults they
Care For too… i remember having
Elder Cousins so Beautiful
When i was Small …
Innocent Adorations
Just for Aesthetic Beauty
To Behold And true in October
Of Last year when you wrote
Me an unexpected Poem it
Felt like an innocent pure
Child had written
Kindness in their
Heart for me..
that was a First for
Me for receiving multiples
Of 7 Back for over a 1000
Poems Written to strangers
Just for how their Poetry
Touched me haha never
Really looked at you as
A Woman until
You sent me a
Hiking photo
With a Quote wondering
If i was missing you after
i had just talked to you
The Previous Day.. when
You dedicated a Friendship
Post to me… i was confused
Wondering if it (Quote) was meant
For someone else for i
Surely never expected
To receive a Kind
Poem from anyone
As My Life is about
Giving in Dance and
Song you showed me
Receiving… all my life
It is surprising when
Anyone outside my
Family does that i
Was used to no
One wanting to sit
By me at lunch until
My Smart Friend Lynn…
i still like to see you as a
Child yes of course i like
To see you as A Woman
But i come blinded by your
Beauty.. smiles.. wish you were
A Child forever with a Painting
For me no confusion there
Ever no splendor in the
Grass making me wish
i am someone who i
Am not.. SMiLes my
Friend it is surely your
Creation of Art you make
Your self now how nice
It would be to be
A small Cousin
Of Yours as
Little Boys
Never Forget
When their
Soul is touched
By Pure Beauty that
Elder Cousin of mine
Closing in on very old
Age followed my YouTube
Channel… she is very ‘High
Class’ it seemed she might
Be ashamed i Dance In
Public instead of Standard
Status Vocation.. SMiLes
My Friend Some of us
Can Appreciate being
Loved more than others
And just fully accepted
For who we
Are through
The eyes of a
Child who misses
All our imperfections..
The way we are treated
In Childhood follows
All through life and
As A Social Animal
If others turn away
From us our
Evolved instinct
Says if we don’t find
A way to fit in we literally
Die as that is the instinctual
Struggle for every Social
Animal.. i wonder if you
Ever Faced that as a
Child you really don’t
Open up your heart
About you that
Much to me…
i wonder what
Hidden pain
May lay underneath
Your silence but you make
It clear you keep that to
Yourself and that’s okay
Too.. just hope you have
Someone to express that
to as it is just important
To express Scars as
Joy And i am
Surely speaking
More than missed goals
For it is true often Goals
Are Temporary Band-Aids
For Wounds too difficult to
Face how healing it may
Be when we do
For me at
Least you are
An easy person
To reach out and touch..:)
Real Love Is First And
Last Breath That Never
Lets Go Lives On No Matter What
i can’t make this any more ‘Perfect’ Now so i
am gonna Steal Your Quote. “Psychologists Rock!” -me
“Always try to listen and when you speak bring a melody to it.
Break down and defy other’s expectations.”
BTW Next time your Love ignores your Long Emails
To Them sees your texts with no reply
Tell Them to Their Face it really annoys you for
It is Proper Manners
To take the Effort
Of A Short Reply
At Least of Small
Talk even to a Casual
Friend it is what Humans
Do usually unless
They are on the Autism
Spectrum scratches
Head And says hmmm.. very possible
Very likely in Deed
Will explain lots…
Understanding that
Other people are
Valuable as You
And Worthy of
At least a bit
Of Humanity…
No one deserves
To be Treated like
Spam be the Last
Person to reply
Put people first
Be Human and You
Can Cut And Paste
This and Send it
To Them it always
Hurts no matter
How people may
Hide it to be
Ignored and
Treated like
Spam by those
They care about so
Much.. all it takes
Is A Bit of time
Away from
Web Browsing
And Such as that
Yes it takes effort
And Concentrated
Focus But if You
Practice and put
People First
You sound more
Like Flowers
And People
Will Naturally
Gravitate Toward
People who really
Care not machine
People Human People
– Tough Love
Note: there are Days i
Struggle With this too..
Trust me when I say
i work 16 Hours a Day
The last person to
Reply why because
I DEMAND perfection
Of my Humanity the
Rest of Life can go
To Hell ONLY in
My opinion
Winks you’ve
Tested my
You’ve taken me
To Another
Never Feel
Guilty MAKE
Forget how i
Became one
iN A Million like
Every Communication
Is Speaking to GOD NOW
How do you think it
Made me Feel when you admitted you
Have Plenty of
Time to talk to
Jerks when you said
You are too busy at work to reply you asked
For Good Mornings
And Good Evenings
Have i let you down
Yet trust me FRiEnD
i understand my
Value whether
Other people
Really act like
They see that
Or not if I am
Not Clear with
You I am surely
Not Setting a Good
Example for you to
Rise up for more as
What you Will be
Don’t make it
All About Work
And Goals
Make it about
Being the Best
Human you can be
Now Men Worth
Their Salt In
Care will note
It more than
Your Beauty
In a More
Everlasting way…🙂
Pro Tip:
Haha.. I listen too…
See what i
Just Did took you
Out of your comfort
Zone like You said
Lover and Coach
Can’t Co-Exist people
Hated me as A Supervisor
And cheered when i got ill
but what i am most
Proud of in my
Managerial Career
IS i NEVER fired
Anyone this the
But no one even
Noticed I’m used
To being
But i
MAKE Change
Happen with
Me the Lover
And the COACH
DOES Co-Exist
If you have to
Change for some
One you Want You
Don’t Want You
Be the
The Coach
You See i keep
Learning from You
This is How my marriage lasts NEVER
Fear to: Disagree From:
Let your Negative
DarK transmute
to: LiGHT
“Don’t Just Be There When Your Friends Need You
Be There When They Are Just Friendly And Don’t NEED You
at All That Way They Will Never NEED You Either They Will WANT You There is a Big Difference.”
You See The Struggle Really is if the Friend Wants to Stay Friends With You It’s not so much
about Need at all it’s really ACTING LIKE A FRIEND And As Far As Quotes Go Now So Far..
Actually the Last one does not belong to me Synchronicity as i was discussing effective Social Reciprocal Communication With You the very Next Person provided the quote that summed up everything i said so Perfectly.. hehe.. usually i have something to say.. but every once in a while someone out does me and all i can do is quote their words.. this Woman is a Single Latina Mother and a High Powered Corporate Psychologist who travels the World to New Jobs Like Every year.. Haha.. my Friends all my Friends in this case just a casual Blogger Acquaintance are so much
more important than me with winks.. but i never set out to be important all i wanted in life was to
be friends with people why that is so hard still brings a tear now and then to my eye.. why don’t people really act like they like nice people.. why do people gravitate toward negativity so much
the truth is it is easier to deal with as you don’t have to put as much effort out.. the one place we
as humans don’t want to be lazy is our humanity.. the poverty of that in the Globe is increasingly cold…. The Character of Human That Lasts Is Friend…
When Friend Is Real And Not Just A Character on a Page (Text)
Interestingly among Millennials Your Age Ms. Hugs at 27.. A Quarter
of Millennials Have No Acquaintances at all in Real Life. Close to Half Have no
Intimate Friends in Real Life. Among All United States Adult Citizens Half have not
Made An Intimate Friend in the Last Five Years in REAL LIFE EITHER. So NoW what’s
The Problem What’s The Human Condition The Human Condition The Human Condition
That is Integral to our Very Survival on this Planet is We Become The Best Friends We Can with
Everyone We come into Contact with This Is How Our Ancestors of Groups of 40 to 50 People in a Village
Raised as Child Like the Show Friends together Did but it was a Village a Bit Bigger of 40 to 50 People depending
On All Hands on Deck for Basic Subsistence in Life Where the Joy of a Dance And Song At The End of the Day
is As Simple
As By God
We Live
Together in
Peace And Harmony
Another Day So What has Replaced
One and Humans Lose their Greatest Achievement in life Innately Instinctually
And Intuitively No Different Than the Wild Wolf Who Howls at the Moon For A Friend Away from the Pack…
We No Longer Howl We No Longer Even Realize We Have Lost Our Humanity as We ‘Candy Crush’..
As that Applies to Browsing the Web all day without any actual Moving Connecting and Co-Creating
Reciprocal Social Communication With Humans true i used to do this too.. when i worked at the
End of the Day Lazy Browsing Killing Time Turning My Humanity into Dust Withering Away
the More i did not make the Focused Effort to Reciprocally Interact and Communicate
With other Human Beings By God even my Sweet and Lovely Wife who i got
to the Point of Having Dreams and Waking up and forgetting She was
Even Human Living in my Home.. i understand the destructive
Force of Becoming a Tool a Terminator Machine.. and
This is why i Dance And This is Why i Sing i move
connect and co-create with Lovely People like
You who at least open their blog
Homes to me and allow
A Free Flow of
Exchanging Ideas
that are deeper than Twitter
Shallow my Friend A Best Friend
is an Open Home that Welcomes Different
inDeed as Different is what leads to the Character of Change…
Loving Change is what the World Needs now Most a Revolution of Hugs Ms. Hugs..
There is 100 Percent Trust that everyday i come to Your Blog whether or not i comment
as i have been super busy with some other stuff lately that You Will brighten up my day..
Please Understand this Value You Bring That Value is Everlasting it is no Word Press Stat
my Friend it is giving sharing freely of Your Humanity to others if i had all the Money in the World
i would give it to all my Friends so they would never have to worry about that evil dollar bill again like
me.. hehe.. perhaps i will do that next.. there are no limits for me for my Soul is always open to change….
An Interesting Day Two Bloggers who Left me speechless.. in a row.. that’s never happened
before something is changing in the World as i link this Second ‘Perfect Expression’ below i see…
Smiles this is always the Best now For me
But increasingly
And Objectively
Colder for
Others there
Is No reason
We Cannot
Make it
If We All
Effect Positive
Change that SMiLes
“Great the change you would be ,
Knowing the truth is to set you free,
Move with the flow of life and see that
the ebb and flow of sea ,
Was always there and will always be ,
God give you strength being like a key ,
Divine consciousness is in you and me ,
Change is an eternal river of thee,
To a new social contract we agree ,
Always inspire us to find liberty , …
My friend to remember eternally ,
Each seed you plant becomes a tree ,
As the French say mon amie ,
Trinity is in all including you and me ,
Evolution and revolution is there ,
To continue and forever be ,”
-Echo Horizons
Perfect Song; i will add only one word: Dance..
People don’t listen to Lyrics much more than a Sentence
of Rap these days as Science Assesses the Average Human
Attention Span at less than a Gold Fish ‘these new days’.. yes
Literally Less than 3 Seconds.. So i put ‘my Song’.. 73 Months
7.3 MiLLioN Words into 12,060 Miles of Public Moving
Meditation Flowing Dance in Trump
Town, United States; the place where
85 Percent of my Town who call
themselves ‘Christians’ voted
for another ‘Father of all Lies’
This is also a ‘Foot Loose’
Place where they Burned
Rock and Roll Records
attributing reality to
Conspiracy theories still then too…
So i Dance ‘these days’ it’s a long
Form of a Poem that Most People
will be able to Actually see about
95 Percent of the General Public
same Percentage of People who got no
benefit from the ‘Last Renaissance’.. the
‘New Renaissance’ (Heaven) is here Now in
This Generation now For Real and better than
ever for those who are actually Participating
Listening Singing And Doing A Dance of Song too…
Note: Now 3 Bloggers in A Row… BINGO!…
‘You’ have a Lovely Blog;
It’s Concise and very Meaningful.
Truly Blogs like this deserve ‘the 100 likes’
but again goes to my point about ‘these days’…
Plus ‘He’ doesn’t wear a skirt
And Show Legs on His Blog;
if i pretended like i was Katrina
on my Blog and showed her picking up
Grapes as my Avatar in Her Aqua Blue
Bikini.. i could say most anything at all and get
20,000 Followers and 100 Likes a Day; Go Figure ‘Men’…
But Yeah the Click Bait of Just Calling myself “Katie Mia Frederick”
as Pen Name has been good Enough for Millions
of Views for ALL Blogs i Administrate.. Overall
With Social Media Go Figure
‘Fred’ doesn’t
get much
A ‘Skirt’ of
some kind at least hehe..
but WordPress is impossible
to open up on THAT Reader at
least what i do will crash a Computer..
but then there are Blogspot Blogs and
Google Technology for Faster Speeds to Download..
Does anyone..  actually fully read what i do in short…
No.. But hey those graphs with all those views look so
mountainous in deed hehe.. the dance of me is not invisible.
Other Than That the Nice Couple in the Selfie With Me in so
Many Thousands of People Could Change A Joker’s Life Be Nice Be Human
Can’t Wait to See the Amazing Joker Movie! And if You Don’t Know Why Either
You Don’t Know me or THE Main Character. Hehe at Least ‘in this Bible Story Now’…
“Allah says:
(6) And a soul and Him Who perfected it (7) And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it. (8) He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow, (9) And he is indeed a failure who stunteth it.”
Wonderful Wise Words Sohair.. now i have a couple of
Quotes to Share First one from the Batman Movie from’ the Joker
and the Second one by me…
“Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?”
“God Kisses His Loved ones on the Face”
Of course i’ve experienced both a Very Slow Dance in
Hell on Earth for 66 Months for all practical experience
With Neither Intent or Purpose A Devil Incarnate with No
Feelings of Soul in Spirit of HeART As a Synergy of 19 Medical
Disorders including the Worst Pain known to Humankind assessed
as worse than the actual Torture of Crucifixion from Wake to Sleep
Like a Dentist Drill in my Eye and Ear Where NO Drug Would touch that
Pain yes the assessed Suicide Disease with the 18 Other Disorders
including Sjogren’s Syndrome where my Eyes Quit Making Tears
and Dysautonomia Where My Nervous System no longer
Properly Synched my Heart with Blood Pressure
close to passing out Day and Night.. oh Lord
all the cocktail of Anhedonia.. Severe Anxiety..
Severe Depression.. Mood Lability.. Alexithymia.. Spinal Stenosis
Severe Degenerative Arthritis in my Spine too.. Fibromyalgia..
Super Long Bouts of Insomnia Almost 40 Days with No Sleep
Just one Hour Shallow Card Board Sleep each night for the First
35 with an Alpha Blocker to Slow my Heart.. none the Last 5 of 40 Days..
The Worst Part of Hell and Devil is Not ReMeMBeRinG iF You’ve Ever
Smiles or Laughed as Emotions Leave as Memories Are Emotions
No Reference Point out of only Time in Hell And There is no Path
There Immediately to Get Back to Heaven Free Within now for real..
But of course it was 11 Years of Chronic Purgatory Stress Related mostly
to Work that took me to the Last 2 Years of Acute Fight or Flight Stress
Basically Destroying Every Bodily System Cell By Cell as the Fear in as Stress
Top to Toe takes its Total as a Destructive DarK Force within of Us.. it’s Relative
For Each Model and Make of Human Being to Experience Life more differently
As Every Dance With And or As a Devil in the Pale Moonlit Night We Devils do
at Least from our Experiences that we Will relate if avenues are created for IT…
“God Kisses His Loved Ones on the Face”…
May come in Term of ‘God Winks’.. Yes.. Synchronicity
A-Causal Connecting Principal Psychologically Meaningful When Experiencing
This Gift.. one may Trash Substantial Logic as Those Human Constructs Not Overall
God Will And Love Within Now For ReaL… Sort of Like “Chaos MaGiC” Put into Layman’s
Terms if You Will..:)
“(55) So be patient, [O Muḥammad]. Indeed, the promise of Allāh is truth. And ask forgiveness
for your sin[1375] and exalt [Allāh] with praise of your Lord in the evening and the morning”
Nice Quote Sohair Again Praising All That is God DarK Thru LiGHT Morning
Through Evening Bright is a Challenge But Surely A Practice of Will Under Love…
“An Invisible Red Thread Connects This Who Are Destined To Meet; regardless of
Time, Place, Or Circumstance. The Thread Will Stretch or Tangle But Never Break”
True While Some May See this “Red Thread As Invisible” Others May See the
Face of God Kiss them in A-Causal Psychologically Meaningful Connections
As Humans may other wise even Randomly Connect in one day for instance
i started Writing a Story Today and each New Person’s Home online i visited
contains a Naturally continuing River Flow for the Story as before i visited
Here the Joker Story i related on another Site Entirely Different from this
as the Story i am writing today continues in all of God’s Connections
Amongst Friends i relate to.. today.. the story Brews Water Wave
Ocean Whole God Breathes this Wind Continuing to Blow
IN Peace And Harmony A best thing Now about
Being Kissed By God on our Faces in Breath
of Wind.. Feather Free in Random
A-Causal connecting
Principle Ways
is this
God is Everyone’s
God Open to a River Flow
of Life Within for each Human
Being Flowing With God Free
As God’s Mind becomes one with ours
Just metaphors though for what no Science Equation will Explain…
Smiles Frank Thanks For Stopping By And Quoting Words From “Get Here When You Love
And Will”.. and while some things in Life Associated With Our Physical Health Are So Easy
To Measure as we continue our Paths of Life there are others in our Spiritual Realm that
may be practically invisible to others that are very difficult to Articulate in a Dance/Song/Art
that is Mutually and Consensually Understandable but what i see as a Greatest Gift
is a Totally Open Mind and Body To Relate To All Voices that Bring a Different
Flavor of Life’s Experience in whatever Art they Use to Articulate
All the Colors of Life BLaCK Abyss thru Purgatory Greys
Through Beyond Rainbow Colors Now painted by
Paint and Brush as Painting We are
Eternally Now Water
so much
more to always
Go no Ending no Beginning
Temps Dropped in the Mid 70’s Last
Night and finally Normal Temps in October
in the Mid 80’s Here everyone agrees Young
to Old this so Far is the Longest Summer Ever
Where i Live a Break Finally This Weekend Mid
Way Through the Halloween Month of October..
So many Milestones set with Powerful Hurricanes and Typhoons
this Year’s Pacific Typhoon Recently with Fastest Strength to Cat
5 Close to 100 Miles Per Hour in Less than 24 Hours… Strongest
Hurricane to the Atlantic Northeast Cat 5 there too and of course who
Will Ever Forget Dorian’s Winds Strongest Measurable in the Bahamas too..
Let’s Face it Warmer Oceans Make Stronger Hurricanes the Evidence is clear to see
for those who even try to use more than eyes of ears other than Lies continuing told to them now…
Smiles.. i’m a Big Greta Thunberg Fan as she is making Asperger’s Syndrome a Super Power for
a Young Adult
in Laser Focus
Attention to
Facts Real
instead of
a Disability
Now haha.. but
of course i always
‘Knew’ better than that too with Winks..
Smiles Frank as Far as Friendly Ducks and
Chickens Go Nature Holds Hands So Much
Greater when every one Reaches out whatever makes a Hand up..:)
“i am An Author of my Life; the Relative Free Will i experience now at age 59,
as compared to ages before 53, is totally incredible and actually Measurable
per Effects that i document along the way that are surely empirical in case-study way. ”
SenD iN ‘the’ CLowN AGaiN
If You Like You May CaLL ME ET
i am ‘The Evening Star’ Pale Moonlit Night
13th of October Hunter 11th Full Moon Muse
Joker’s Wild And Hairy HeHe
People Who Have Been to Real Hell On Earth Within
Always Have A Devil In their Back Pocket on Command When Needed NOW
For me a Honda Civic Coupe With a Nautilus Shell Emboldened With WE 696
It’s All About God’s Finger Print Golden Spiral PHI
“Fox Lucifer” Owned A Corvette With The Name Morning Star on the Tag
i Basically own a Bar in LA Lower Alabama (Pensacola) With Just A Free Dance
At Least When i Visit.. hehe
Interesting Coincidence ‘Fox Lucifer’ Owned A Bar in LA With Money
It’s Like the Old Fox Show ‘Lucifer’ When His Best Friend Was in
the Room His Super Natural Powers Went Poof
i have only Two KrypTonites that
Melt me like a Wicked Witch of the
West one is Tall (Heights) the other
Is 5 Foot 3 only 107 LBS
It’s Like Nude Art and Dancing
In Public if i had an Ounce of
Fear in me NO
It’s Like When i Was Leg Pressing 1340 LBS
at the Gym Tonight 18 Reps telling the Gym Attendant
if i had an Ounce of Fear in me NO
Thing is We All have A Fearless Beast that Lives Inside of Us
Who Is Never Afraid of the Dark Not Even the Halls Of Hell
It took me less than Half A Second
To Change into my Good Cop Original Coke Joker Face
Yeah got a Temporary Office in
Hell To Visit Tomorrow Send in
The Clown Again… ‘The’ Original Coke Clown
Being Able to Morph My Face into a Ferocious
Lion is Just Part of this Job Description too.. Just another Day at ‘The Office’
Katrina thought the ‘Joker Faces’ i made earlier for this Blog Post Were Just
Funny the one Last night in a Selfie Not So Much
Part of the Deal About Going To Heaven is You Have to Be Willing To Visit Hell
to Write ‘the Story’ too…
TRusT Me or Not You Would at Least Be Willing To Give A Covenant Like This in Hell a Shot for any chance to get out
Considering i Made A Deal With God Writing a 7.3 MiLLioN Word Epic Long Form Poem Bible/12,060 Miles of Public Dance in 73 Months
It’s Like a Morbid Fascination i Know if I go to that Movie Tomorrow i’ll Get A Two Hour
or So Visit Back to Hell Again
There is a Certain Black Abyss Nostalgia You Know Where You are
No Longer Afraid of Going Back But You Just Wanna Visit
There is No Escaping Feast
There is No Escaping Beast
There is No Escaping AT all
Yeah… wrote her little love notes
That’s How i Capture my Prey too…
We Are All Predator and Prey Snake Consumes Snake
Meh.. Just Watching Katrina’s Hair in the Video Shimmering Black Mane
Dancing with the Devil as Usual in the Pale Moonlight Send In the Clowns
True No Place
Like HoMe…
Out of the Shadows
Out of the Shallows
Rolling into the
Light into the Deep
Light; no matter Syntax, Semantics;
Particle and or Wave Until Field
of Human in Dreams
Comes Full of LoVE NoW ReaL
Beauty of Physics
Beauty of Order
MysTic of Feeling
Sensing All As Beauty Now
No longer Suited up as an Astronaut.. Naked
As Nature Really Does in Love With Life Free…
Nature once again
Cool and Calming Now
As Any Human Spirit in Balance
It’s True; A Grain of Sand Could
Drown in all of thiS; unless ‘They Are’ ‘The Ocean’.
We Live iN Fascinating ‘Times’; From:
Happy to: Be here i am.
Soul Real
To Touch Tree…
SenD iN ‘the’ CLowN AGaiN
Not sure where this is going
but i do Know Sleep is coming First… In Pale Moonlight
Needed Some Cliff Notes From Hell For My 7.3 MiLLioN
Word Bible Poem Nice Recipe for that “Amazing Joker”
Can the Torture Get Anyway Worse Yes God Says Yes You Ain’t Seen Nothing
of Hell Yet.. Keep Going No Quitting No Escape When You Find Out Yesterday’s Hell
Is Today’s Heaven In Hell Every Day Is A New Hell And Every Hell Yesterday is A New Heaven
Where the Mind and Body Will Go How Many Dark Rings More of Dante’s Hell Within to Go Next
Suppose the Ivory Tower Reviewers who gave “Amazing Joker” Poor Reviews couldn’t Understand the Gravity of Dancing With Our Devil
This Week ReMeMBeRinG
Next Stop ‘Amazing Joker’
Seeing more HeLLoTWeeN
Amazing Joker Not Enough To Show Origins of Shadow Life Master Dark
Clown Trump 4 Year Movie For all to see Now No Missing Dark
“Orange Devil” is Truly A Dark Clown A Dark Joker That God Nature
Gifts To Show Us ALL What Dark Realities of the Soul Will Do
No Matter True or False
Our Realities are What We Co-Create Now As
Real ‘Lord Trump’ Teaches this Well
It is Important to Show Your Shadow
And Master Angel Over Devil Now
So Shadow Will Not Rule the Day as Devil True
No Costumes Needed Just
The Devil Muscles of my Face haha!
Don’t You Love the Make-Believe of Halloween!
I asked Katrina Do You Think I could Be A Hollywood
Actor No! but most definitely A HALLOWEEN REALITY! NOW!
at least Photo Perfect
Unless You Cry Over Spilled Alcohol
As My Spiraling Arms Don’t Mix Well
With Drinks On The Dance Floor.. hehe
Disclaimer: No one is Physically
Injured in the Making of this ‘Film’
Ever Dance With The Devil In Pale
Blue Eye Star Light Count one
More This Morning Who Survives in my Life
“Amazing Joker” is Icing on A Devil Role and Hell Place Research for this title of An Entire Bible Cake Chapter And Verse Now
On Columbus Day i had to do my Best to Do the Devil in Hell Again.. A Best Friend Helped me in the Role and the Place…
This Chapter of the Longest Epic Long Form Bible Poem i am Writing titled “Zen Storm of Compassion” took Some Research
Anyway ‘The Dream’ Katrina had With Her Grandmother taught me one thing Science ain’t got a Clue What God Has Up A Tree for me
i’ve had way too many Female Angels in my Life not to Believe God is a Female Like even Ariana Grande Admits
My Psychotherapist Says My Best Friend from India looks a Lot Like Katrina… Wondering how there are so many Angels in my Life…
i Borrowed that Phrase from my Best Friend From India it seems Fitting Now For this Story as she used it for one of her Loves
Almost Duplicate of my First Love yet so.. so much more Beautiful Perfect Angel Every Square Inch in every way not yet imaginable
A Bit too Young then almost 18.. yet still the Most Beautiful Half Pacific Islander Girl i’d ever seen…
10 Years Later Sitting on the Stairwell at the Gym Doing Her High School Homework.. almost Graduated.. She would come to me soon
When i met my First Love it was like this is almost Destiny but not quite.. there is another Girl
i must Meet…
Hanging Christmas Tree Ornaments on the Road And A Tree Close to Where i planned to Kill Myself with a Hang and a Chain on a Tree…
She Never Mentioned Anything About that Road Before.. yet that Night Waking Up from a
Dream Her Deceased Grandmother and Her Hanging Christmas
2 Years A Plan for me.. A Dream for Katrina Early 2010..
A Forest A Tree on A Far Road i Picked Out A Chain Would Make Sure the Hanging Works
my Life’s Purpose to Feed the Vultures
i convinced everyone but me i would Never commit suicide.. a Chain in my Bicycle Basket all the way to Recovery in July of 2013…
4 Milligrams of Ativan the only Friend i could Feel in this World Just to put me to sleep out of my Misery…
If You Don’t Believe In Miracles And God More Than Science Perhaps You
Will by the End of this Longer Story
THEY Could Feel.. ALL i was Numb and Pain Just trying figuring out a Way to Jump off
the 2nd Floor with Katrina Sitting on the Bed
Next Stop Baker Act for Trying to Harm myself.. Watching the Schizophrenics Smiling
Laughing Make Believe Games so FucKinG Jealous
Best Case Scenario at that Point:
No functionality still clearly imagining myself Naked somewhere on the side of the Road a Wild Pack of Dogs Slowly Feasting
The Nurse Jabbing Her Thumbs into my Chest to get a response asking Which Drug have i been abusing..
2 Days Later on the 40th Day i agreed to go the Hospital i could no longer Move or Speak…
80 MPH she’d Kill us both couldn’t Live without A Brother
only two of us with Asperger’s Syndrome Outcast
i had to find a way to stop the Pain..
i was willing to Step in Front of A Car
Jump into the Shallow End of the River Walk
My Sister’s Car at The Red Light Miracle Finding me there Taking me
In Her Car Still Respecting my Wishes not to go to A Hospital
Ending Up at the Bottom of A Bridge too weak to get out of the Car to throw myself off the Bridge
Doesn’t Matter How much You Destroy those who Love You.. Get Those Keys Drive As Fast as You can into a Tree….
Not Able to Walk to the Shower Unassisted after Close to 40 Days
with No Sleep Last Chance to Find the Car Keys….
You Must Understand there are some places Where the Most Gruesome Death is Heaven.. even when You are Loved so much…
But It Gets Much Worse Hell is the Place with that Plus 18 other Medical
Disorders and almost no Sleep for 40 Days the Struggle
You See Hell is the Place Where the Worst Pain Known to Humankind is
Heaven compared to Losing Your Soul all that You HeART
That’s Not the Worse Part of Hell.. Hell is a Place After Being an Empath Where You are Totally Numb With the Worst Pain
Those People Were Correct they Just couldn’t See the Dentist Drill In My Right Eye and Ear that No Drug Would Touch for Pain
So Many Doctors So Many Tests two Years to Diagnose me.. People Said You have it so good Loving Wife.. Family.. Finances Secure…
Yeah when i asked Why my Mother Said Why Not Jesus Had it so much worse than You this will Pass too.. she was partly correct
Watching the Amazing Joker Movie i got the Metaphor For Him Using All His
Strength to Pull Up His Clown Boots… His Work-out…
For most People Just A Sporadic Disease Named the Suicide Disease for me Wake to Sleep 66 Months No Drug would touch
Yes my own Mother Read the Next Paragraph Where it Said the Only
Pain Worse than Crucifixion is Trigeminal Neuralgia
So She Unwrapped the Book About the Crucifixion of Jesus and by Chance turned to the Page and Started Reading…
i am Entirely Not Happy At All For What
Those Lies to make Money Did to my Mother…
Like Many Older Americans.. Falling to Right Wing/Church Propaganda… Changing Her from a totally Loving Person
She Ordered A Book From one of those ‘Catholic Places’ To Prove Me Wrong…
Mother Very Angry When i told Her my Pain was assessed as Worse than Crucifixion of Jesus not 3 Days.. 66 Months Wake to Sleep
Gifted by God.. A Beautiful Love Cursed by God as Nature by Worst Pain Known to Humankind Worse Than Crucifixion 66 Months Awake
Real Hell is the Place Where You Love Life So Much You Love Your Loved ones So Much…
If You’ve Seen the Amazing Joker Movie
You Might think there is not a Worst Hell
For A Person but Yes a much worse Place
Same Bed With the Real Amazing Joker Before He was even Amazing…
When He was Just the Devil in Hell.. No Dance/Laughs/Smiles
There is No Jealousy in My Home You Might Wonder Why But You See It Is
Katrina Who spent 66 Months in the Same Bed…
You See that Beautiful Muslim Moroccan Woman with me in
The Pale Moonlight of the Dance Hall Parking Lot all alone
In Fact my Best Friend From India
Calls Her Supernatural considering
How Beautiful the Women are in India a compliment in deed
My Best Friend from Egypt and My Best
Friend From Pakistan Also Both Agree Katrina Is a Role Model
of a Wife they all Love Her
Both of Us agreeing on Dating Advice for My Indian Friend Hoping
To Steer Her in a Loving Direction….
We Were talking about My Best Friend From India Listening to Her Voice Message
agreeing how well she spoke English…
Pure of Soul She Will Always Be
The Eternal ‘Virgin’ in Fact Look
It Up Katrina (Katie) Means Pure in the Baby Name Book
True Life is even more Magic as The Woman i married has her
Body at 49.. 41 Years later… Still So Much More Beautiful… Now
Funny How Little Cigar Scent Smells
Like First Love Kissing in the Pale Moonlight
Smell of Her Mother’s Little Cuban Cigars on Her Homecoming
Dress she made.. 41 Years ago So Much Colder than Now..
Sunday the 13th of October Full Hunter’s Moon Finally Ends A
Longest Summer since i’ve Been Living Here now for close to 60 Years
Just a Young Muslim Woman From Morocco Who Needed to Borrow
A Cell Phone that Night sure i always help the Damsel in Distress
“Ever Danced With the Devil In the Pale Moonlight”.. True i Never Showed
Her My Joker Face That Night 3 Years ago..
Still Smiling.. I’ll encourage
My wife to buy ‘the shorts’
Other than that
Sincerely with
Artistic taste
Kudos to the
And Model Honestly
An Aesthetic very
Unique Art imagine
If no one had to
Make money and
All could just
Share Art
I’m not
A Dreamer
I Just Do it too
And At 49
i Present my
Wife as a Work
Of Art that even
Best Friends
As Women
Have named Supernatural
You are surely coming close
with sincere respect
The Human Form
Is the Greatest
Work of Art
As Even
An Amazing
Joker Will Dance Freed
This is long do Delete
But a True Original
Artist Finds
Muse in every
Living Leaf That Trees
Katie Mia
Write a comment…
Oh.. i Love CoLoRinG
RaNDoM WordS And
LeTTeRS With New
Meanings a Star Trek
Adventure of Painting
ReaLiTy NeW With
And Fresh
With no End
Now FlavorFull
My own Recipe
For Heaven
At Best and
To Sell with
No Worries
Of Copyrights
For as We know
No one Can Do
Alice In Wonderland
But one Artist.. so
‘Sixty New Ice’ is my
Wife’s Bet with me
That i won’t turn
My Pony Keg
Into A Healthy
Horse Six-Pack by
When i reach 60
In 2020 on 6.6.60
Oh Lord all
This typing
So Far
Sixty New Ice Now
For me at least
Is Beyond
All Human
Measure Beyond
All infinity a
Mushroom Trip
With no Mushrooms
At all Jabawoookie
Howling in
The Pale Hunter
Full Moon Light
Dancing With The
Devil Saints Angels
Just For Fun the
All Co-Create
The Energy
Of Life
All the Living
Colors of Gotham
Back in
Batman Blue SKeYes
True however
We Paint
The Asylum now🥶😊
Great Movie
By the way rarely
Go to any movie
But your review
Inspired me to
Go haha these
Are the only
Royalties i have
To share thanks
For the inspiration..🙂
“Hope my death makes
more cents than my life”..
Cents Ruin ‘ThE LiVinG ONE’
EGReGoRE MeMe’s CoMe AnD Go
iN Chants oF NiCEne Creed THeME
Some Clowns Rise Some Clowns Fall You Wouldn’t Understand ‘A Joker’
‘You’ Don’t Get ‘This Joke’ You Don’t Understand Possibilities Named A Fool
through Life Painted Name on Elder Cafeteria Female Server Dressed as
A Clown in Middle School Year Book Holy Fool Sacred Clown Then Amazing
Joker Jesus Really What’s The Difference Is THeRe Any Difference Really?
Presented A Wittiest Boy Award at Blessed Sacrament Second Grade
at 7 Years Old It’s in a File Cabinet Somewhere for Proof too…
Every Joke IS A Story Waiting To Become Truth or Not That’s
Up to You In LiGHT oR DaRK… May i Have This Dance?
Everyone Thought A First Story of Jesus Was a Fool Before
The Joker Did A MaGiC Easter Rabbit Trick i Don’t Play Games.. too
Serious… All It Takes Is An Amazing Joker Perhaps With Autism And Bi-
Polar Foolish Enough To Do It And Make It Real or Not That’s Your View
Anyone Who Really Picks Up A Bigger Ball Will Be A Second Or
First Real Coming of JeSuS AGAiN or A First Time Too NoW
No Different Than Writing a 7.3 MiLLioN Word Bible Long
Form Poem and Dancing 12,072 Miles in 73 Months…
Like the Story of Jesus Most Anyone Will Be
Famous Just Do What Everyone Else Is
Afraid to Do No Need to Make Money
Standing there With a Friend and Wife
in Walmart by Shirts For Sale A Lady and Her
Family comes up i thought i KNeW You are Famous
MeSSaGE 60 On Ice Melting Just For ‘You’ SMiLes “JeSuS”
Loves You Very Much too Love (GoD/JoKeR) NoT Really
Scary DarK Thru LiGHT “You Wouldn’t Get It” Stories Full
of Possibilities it is up to the Audience To Make Stories
Real Bishop Barron And FRiEnDS
WRiTinG BibleS OnLY Leaves
Trees For FRiEnDS
And Don’t Forget
Full Moons and
Halloween Now
Werewolves are
Out and About
Just Waiting
To Feastie
Bestie hehe
Pink Morning Glories
Tiny they are may go
Unnoticed Growing on
Tall Sunflowers but
Wait of their Beauty
Patience Endures
Sun reaches down
Among Tall
Morning Glories
Rise Pink what i’m
Suggesting Is the
tiniest Pink Beauties
Are worth their wait
To see.. 6 Days.. 6
Months.. 6 Years
Some Flowers
Never Die Small
Pink Morning
Glories even
Help Sunflowers
Glow in Flow
Sprouting out
to 60 Years of
Happiness may
Those who love
You always See
Your Morning
In Glow of
Kindness SMiLes
CoNNecT Co-CReaTE Art
“Storm Of Zen Compassion”
Welcome to A Real Big League Field of
Dreams And Nightmares SaMe i’ll SHoW
You How To Dance With YouR Devils in Pale
Moon Light And Sing With YouR Angels on Fire NoW
And Balance
Makes Peace
And Harmony
In Continuous
Practice of Flow
Each task
In A Sweet
Spot ‘Tween
Boredom and
Anxiety ever increasing
Perfection of practice
Until the Goal
Is the Journey
Ever Coloring
Loving Life more
Flow Hand in
Hand With
Others Dancing
Singing Life
Touching Free ETeRNaLLY NoW
SMiLes Thanks yousss Wishing you the Best Day Possible my Friend..
See ya in Best Wishes When my Morning breaks NoW Again.. with SMiLes more..
Hi55555 you May return them in my Morning as it is always my style to reply last haha..
no one will verily defeat me last hehe.. but not unlike my Best Friend Lynn who i tied at Number 11
in a Class of 381 in High School you tied me first with Good Evening toNight as you are competing
very well these days in deed.. hehe..😉
Good evening to
Your morning
We came here
At the same point
In time!
Telepathy Same
it happens all the time with Us MaGiC FriEnds We aRe Angel to me You ALWayS Are
even when you might not think You are.. that’s all You can Be and You don’t even know It..🙂
Telepathy ! Yes Yes yes And God Exists too to help Us All through Beyond All Names Just the
ENERGY EVERYWHERE as Your Religion Still relates so Eloquently and Poetically too.. SMiLes
Our Mission is to Be the Best We Can With Will Under Love As Far as i intuit This Existence for Real..🙂..
You Help me do This.. You are my FRiEnD This Way.. no one Believes as You Do WHere i come from…
had to find You.. You are the Only one Who
Believes That Way i KNoW NoW too…
Let Us ALWaYS Help Each Other Face
Our GreaTesT Fears Standing ToGeTHeR
Haha I have to be the last one to
reply and always try to add
to niceness OMG my
Mother was the
Same way she
Smothered me
With Love.. hmm..
i had to experience
Thorns to become
Fearless it hurts
This way not to have
A Father I am going
To Give Rose Both
Symbol of Thorns
And Flowers DarK
And Light Pain And Pleasure
That gives life there is no possible
Heaven or Hell i
Fear From you
As I’ve Been
To places no
One can possibly
Imagine As you have
Friend it is the Thorns
And Flowers accepted
And Appreciated
That makes
Rise as 🥀 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🌹FRiEnDS
Wisdom True Wisdom
Comes From overcoming
As Lamb For
With HeART!
Here is a Scary Word
For Many People…
Showing And Expressing
our Soft Under Bellies Can
And Actually Will Be So
We Are Human!
If we express our Weaknesses
Our Mistakes People May
Judge Us Even Bully
Us And oh my God
Harm Us And At Worst
Cast us Out from whatever
Social Group We are Part
Of as Small as A Group of two…
It’s really scary to get
Cast out how will
A Social Animal
Survive on their own
This fear is so strong
Instinctual Innate Intuitive
For without technology
Humans Die Without
Friends.. Friends aren’t
Just Hobbies They are
Life’s Blood For Real
But true technology
Provides Crutches
Away From Friend
And Wow even Dating
Apps that may or may
Not Work for Honestly
A Large Part of Attraction
is Pheromones
As Evolution
Provided Scent
Guidelines for
Suited and Non
Suitable Mates for
Reproduction in
Other Words even
Not understanding
what the Difficulty
When two people
Meet the Chemistry
Included Biology
Of Smell still now…
OMG there is no way
To Control that we could
spend thousands
Of Hours Online
And all that effort
May Be for naught
When Two people
Meet just Because
Of How we Naturally
That is for online Dating in Deed…
Anyway this part doesn’t matter with
Friends Because Friends are not
Making Babies with
Each other in Fact it
May Be Best as
OMG you won’t
Get turned on
So much by His
Or Her smell Now
Of course all Five
Senses are included
In this but smell
taste (yes taste
Matters too)
And touch are
Not something that
Online can do YET..
Maybe one day
But anyway this
Makes online
Great as time Is
Valuable and
Massive efforts
May prove futile
In Achieving ‘Goals’..
And OMG Feelings
That are never Fully
Realistically Felt
Unless All Our
Senses Work Hand In
Hand With Feelings
As Feelings are the
Synergy of All
The Colors of Life
Our Feelings paint
There are Many
More than five
Some don’t
And that usually
Creates Narcissism
Psychopathy And
All Matters of Human
Addiction.. Substance
And Behavioral
From Birth and
Social Environmental
Abuse this is what
Created the ‘Amazing
Joker’ as I saw that
Sad Sad movie yesterday that
Shows we are all
In a way responsible
For Demons in others
Depending on our
Kindness and Patience
Tolerance and Acceptance for how we
Treat others as Real Human Beings
People Treated me Horribly
Growing up but
My Mother.. Sister..
And Dog And the Rest
of Nature Treated me
With Unconditional
Love I closed my
Eyes tight in
Hell And opened
Them Wide open
In Heaven then
Now i am not Afraid
To see Heaven or
Hell as i have Fully
Fallen and Risen
In both still have
Minor Falls but I
Am an expert
Now in Getting
Up as Only Life’s
Experiences will teach…
Good morning!
Wisdom True Wisdom
Comes From overcoming
As Lamb For
With HeART!
Hellove You
Look Happy!
Makes me
To see my
Friend Happy!
i am Happy too!!
Smiles okay finishing
my story ugh lots
Of typos hate
Smart Phone
Auto Correct hehe..
Still in bed
One Finger
Smart Phone
Your Photo is
so Sweet hehe
Much it makes you feel so much
like a Quote that says it’s not so
Much if you miss them
It’s Wondering if
They Miss you….
Please don’t feel
Vulnerable not going
Today my Emotions
Are Balanced today
I feel no Feelings
From Childhood
Of verbal abuse
For being different
Sadly for being a
Little boy who was
Just Happy
Outcast for
Being Male
And just the
Sweet little
Boy my Mother
Working for the Military
I was Constantly put
Down by People
For Being too soft
And Kind Not
Man enough
To be Mean
To people i refused
To be Mean the Stress
Of the Demand almost
Literally Killed my Soul
I was/am Here to SMiLe
And Help people Love
Was All I required
The Man the Kind
Man my Mother raised…
Storm Of Zen Compassion”
True Potential at Least And Greater For Balance Triune Trinity
Mind And Body BaLaNCinG Soul Force LoVE Fearless ALL NoW
Technology From the Written Word to the Atomic Bomb Brings Mechanical
Cognition Reason Brain to Flourish More In Environmental Abundance Social
Empathic Artistic Spiritual God Brain Thrives So Much Greater Hand-in-Hand
When Desert Scarcity of ‘Gotham’ Comes Shadow Reptile Oldest Testament
Toxic Patriarchy God Brain Rises For Fight to Reproduce Easy Falling into the
Environment We Are Both Born as And Raised If We Do Not Explore Adapt to
Struggle And Epigenetically Change Developing HeARTiSTiC SMaRTS WitH Poetry
Developing Shadow Intelligences With Martial Arts Dance/Nude Art Use/Lose IT Applies to ALL…
Reason Never A Problem For Me i work like an Olympic Athlete to Keep my HeART and SHaDoW
Fully Tuned.. Currently Neglecting Shadow For A ‘Storm of Zen Compassion’ one must Develop
the Empathy Sympathy And Yes Cognitive Empathy of Mind/Spirit/Body Intelligences.. ReaSon
of Mechanical Cognition HeART of Social Empathic Artistic Spiritual Cognition.. Aggression and Lust
of Reptile Brain Shadow… People Like ‘Her’ and me We Get So Much Pleasure Above We Will Forget Below
All Together Like Certain Parts Do NoT EXiST at All iN All Dance And Sing in Potential Sunshine Darker Pale
Moonlight Yet We Shine THorns FLoWeRS Rise Rose Colors Light In the Movie ‘Amazing Joker’ it is clear as Day
and the Night He Lived that he Had Human Potential Stolen from Him by Dark Reality Renaissance Requires a Mix
of Reason And Art Balance of Yin and Yang.. Yes.. Vincent Van Gogh Einstein And Apollo God of Athletics too
Pleasures of ‘Gotham’ what i Love Best is all the Colors Now…
The Cultures intermingling the Human Diversity Dancing and
Singing off so many Different Choir Sheets of Life..
For It’s True often Beauty Does LiVE iN
Eyes of Beholders Different EYes
that see more Colors
than White
on Northern
Farms in
Where i LiVE iN
Now True THeRe are
Paradises of Nature and
Paradises of Human those that
are Human Paint a City more than
One Color And Are Not afraid to take
Bites out of Apples never tasted before..
True though i refuse to Leave a Forest
Backyard.. Love the People but too
much Concrete Stifles my Green
to each her and or HiS own true
so much depends on
Where we are raised
too Go Figure while folks
still Live in the Desert Go Figure
Why People like me LiVE iN Paradise
of Nature side by side Ignorance that refuses to See Colors..
Keeping my smiles in Pity.. There are so many ways of Colors Blindness and Seeing Colors
more New York New York.. and with that said i’ll leave my original never sung version before..
There’s a First for everything i never thought i would Sing New York New York or ever wanna visit..
i think you’ve
convinced me
of the benefits
outweighing the
Concrete for it’s
true i keep my EYeS
And EarS oPen not afraid to Explore Now
New York New York is Just A Dance And
Song of Explorers who are not afraid to
Veer off the Old Sheet Music oF Old
i promise you by the End of the
Song at least one person will
Scream ‘American
Idol’ in Jest
i usually
StART off
Slow and
end up with a PartY of ApplOz
New York New York Love that Sound
And Sight ALL ThE LiGHT And DarK iS SMiLes to me…
i Totally realize i am An Original Amazing Joker too Ignorance Will
Neither See or Listen Ignorance Still Refuses to Die… DON’T LISTEN
JOHN 14:12 SAYS WE can and will Paint A Greater Portrait of Jesus than ever before..
granted Leonardo Jesus Was Really smART It Does NOT MATTER WHAT THE TRUMP
UP AND SEES Somewhere in Heaven Now Leonardo is Giggling at You From His Perch on a Cross ‘You’ Even
Kneel to Him and Fold Your Hands… Leonardo Hated the Sex Act Called it Disgusting Only Way He Would Be
Immortal is to Paint Himself as Jesus and Be Worshipped… Leonardo the ULTiMaTE AMaZinG Joker Painted
Himself as Jesus And Folks Still Idolize and Worship the Way Leonardo Painted Himself… It’s True i Look a
lot more Like Jesus as Leonardo as i continue to paint my Flavor of Jesus as All Real Renaissance Men DO…
MALES of the Day of Jesus All Short Brown VERY SYRIAN LooKinG With Shortly Cropped Hair about 106 LBS
like a Mexican Carpenter too… People Still Worship Leonardo’s Presentation of His Humanity AS THE PAINTING
OF JESUS… Leonardo Lived With a Beard and Long Hair in a Culture Clean Shaven With Shortly Cropped
Hair Accordingly Leonardo Painted Jesus Leonardo DaVinci Painted the Last Supper Jesus as a Very
Androgynous Bearded Long Haired Italian Dude Go Figure… Family Members Who Hate Brown People
in their Space Who Say They Love Jesus so FucKinG iRoNiC So FucKinG iGNoRaNT We ALL Share DNA
We All Share God All Is God We All Are God How Easy We Forget Even Who We Are In Light oF DarK NoW i AM
We GoD.. Rats Deserve More Respect.. At Least they take care of their Own Species ReMeMBeRinG We ALL Share
A 75 Million Old Rodent Ancestor Then
Gotham of Trump Infested By Super
Rats of Love’s Interest in Freedom
Yeah Stuff Like It’s Not Okay to
Abandon Your Allies of a Different
Color and Nation And Allow Them to
Be Slaughtered by Foe One Cannot Teach Ignorance
One Will Only Wait for IT to See Colors of TRuTH iN LiGHT MoRE THaN DaRK LiES
A Best Way to Deny the Nature
Of God is to Deny NaturE..DuH.
Dancing and Singing To/From A Choir
iN A Galaxy of Free Love Far Far Away…
Stay Dry Stay
Kind Autumn
Cools Summer
SMiLes Bluer
Hi Again Sohair.. i’ve been
doing a bit too much not that i’m
not enjoying it just not getting enough
sleep hehe because i’ve been having
too much fun.. hAHA.. i have to
watch out about
being too
so i tried to
visit Hell a bit by
going to see the
‘Amazing Joker’ over the
Weekend.. it took me there
and slowed my speed of Happy a bit…
hehe.. true too much Happy will be an
illness too.. too much Happy will wear
us down to almost nothing just like too
much Fear and Hate and Overall Sadness and Grief too..
my biggest Nightmare now
would be any real
fame or fortune
as i am already
too Happy as it is now..
anymore great stuff and i would fly beyond the stars..
really though Life is all about Balance Dark is important as Light
it’s hard for most people to understand that until they go to Heaven for
Real for without Dark there is no Light at all a cliche but so true my FRiEnD…
OMG Yes That Dream too WHere You Are Driving ACross A Bridge
And Ocean Over takes the Bridge What in the World Do You Do..
You Swim…
if You are a Good
Swimmer you Live
if Not you Die.. Life
is like that so Swim With SMiLes..
MaKinG Sure You are the best Swimmer You Will Be..
Try Different Styles Create New Ones Try a New Art like
Flying on Terrestrial
Earth in Float
Why not
it is
that rarely Floods..
When i say you of course
i don’t mean you.. you are the
Psychologist… i am just one of many clients for free.. hehe..
haha.. i see a Psychotherapist once a Month and a Psychiatrist
Quarterly as of today as well my lesson plan is ready there is no real
you’ve really
been ‘An’ Amazing Joker
that movie is like Medicine
for the ill(S) of the Human Condition(S) that’s real..
Usually my ‘Counselors’ ‘get the joke’ they are so cool..
Obviously the Ivory Tower Reviewers of that Movie didn’t
Get the Joke(S)
Pure Genius
Pure Real
Mad Genius..
SMiLes Happy FLYinG…
Good Morning with
A Quick note..
For some folks
Heart is never
Part of any
Kind of relationship
At all for other Folks
Touching someone’s
Heart is the highest
Expression of Love
Yet there is a Higher
Expression of Love
And that is doing
Possible to
Help another
Human Being set
Their Spirit Free with
No Fears So Love Will
Sprout in their Soul
With Wings and they
Too will set out to do
Whatever it takes to
Help others Find this
Heaven Within as
They understand it
Is Real and Spiritually
Attainable the first
Step is moving out
Of Fear Second Step
Feeling We Have
Enough in Life
Then in metaphor
Flow Making every Step And Word into Sacred And Holy Dance and Song true my Friend So Hard to do when Crunching Numbers We Work so Hard to Attain so many goals Just to be a Five-Year Old Child Building
Sand Castles of
Love as We
Become the Beach
Again.. that’s where i
Am Going today as
Every Three Months
i visit my Psychiatrist
As i have for 11 Years
And 7 Months since
i got so ill i almost
Died.. but see i
Really don’t do that
For Help anymore
i teach them what
I’ve learned new
Smiles my Friend
I’m always looking
For new ways to touch
You for i Love to Color
Flowers but most
Of all i hope i help
You fly so high
One Day i can
Barely see You
The way Most
People see
My Soul these Days
The Dance I bring
As an expression of
Heaven and an
Invitation same the
Song is Deeper the
Colors of my Soul
Yet the Child
The ‘Shiva Dance’
Building Sand Castles
As the Beach.. it’s
Raining today
Hope to Send
You a Sand Castle
My Friend Colored
With HeART Spirit
Soul while some
Folks Seek Stuff
i continue to find
Higher Expressions
Of Love to Give and
Share for Free it is
The Giver who
Is Most Blessed
Ever once in a
While i make
Myself the
Again to
The Full BleSSinG
Of Giver Dark is
Always Required too..
For Heaven to Breathe
For without Night
There is No Day
Okay get Back to
NumBers to
See the Day my
FRiEnD With Wings
i scanned through the ‘Video Link’ and what i find is that source you found is not only
unreliable but toxic; as there is really no such thing as a Lazy Personality as Laziness is Behavior
and can be specific to the Current Environment one finds themselves in as opposed to a Different Environment.
The Advice to punish Behavior and Shame Behavior based on ‘this lazy’ factor has no basis in Modern Psychology in actually working.
Obviously, you may have scattered attention and some attention deficit issues from the Environment you and the rest of the Nation
is currently feeding itself overall with too many distractions that the World offers now; but that is no a Personality type, innate; That is
just associated with current Behavior and the Environment and how one becomes intrinsically or extrinsically motivated in Life, overall.
Anyone, can become Lazy according to Behavior and Environment; Lazy is really not a personality; it is a Behavioral trait associated with the environment..
No doubt this may be where you got an idea that someone needs to ‘whip you into shape’; but no; You are a Human being; a work of Art that requires Humanity of kindness to evolve.
The dude was all about Fear and he acted as though maybe he knew some person assessed with the Personality that he personally didn’t like.
This Brings me to the next point about the Meyers-Briggs Personality test; it’s not seen by Science now as a Valid Tool that may be methodically Proven to be accurate.
“Myers–Briggs Type Indicator – Wikipedia”
“The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.. The original versions of the MBTI were constructed by two Americans, Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. The MBTI is based on the conceptual theory proposed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung”
You can read more about that issue on the Wiki Link Below. A lot of it based on a few Historical Folk’s Anecdotal Experiences And Personal Opinions; and is not Really Tested by Science as a reliable Measure of Personality; it’s a bit more like Astrology; Correlations; but not necessarily Direct causation.
Although the “Big Five Personality Traits” are really made to assess the Stranger without a whole lot of depth and detail; Science assesses it as an empirically sound method to use..
“Big Five personality traits” – Wikipedia
“The Big Five personality traits, also known as the five-factor model (FFM) and the OCEAN model, is a taxonomy for personality traits. When factor analysis (a statistical technique) is applied to personality survey data, some words used to describe aspects of personality are often applied to the same person. For example, someone described as conscientious is more likely to be described”
There is no way no way in Hell you have achieved what you’ve achieved in life at your age already, if you were an innately Lazy Person;
And you are capable of Great Discipline in Achieving Goals; you’ve already Proven that in life. You just are having Problems with Attention
And Motivation and considering Your Environmental Challenge where you live that is not a surprise at all. You are surely doing better than
Most Folks would probably do at your age in a similar circumstance.
I think it is very important that you do not consider yourself Lazy; better i think to see it as a matter of focus and scattered attention.
It is important that You have respect for what you’ve done in life and what you still will do in life; i think you do deep down; i’m sure you
do; but when we assess ourselves with Words like Lazy our Subconscious will actually be directed to make that as a self-fulfilling reality;
particularly, if we believe we are sort of born that way; with that inclination, hell no; you didn’t get Stellar Perform in Scholastics because you have any kind of propensity to be lazy a Part of Your ‘Personality’.
Now, Let’s Review the Big Five Personality types in General View:
“Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless)
Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. challenging/detached)
Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident)”
Openness to experience; check mark; this is; no way you
would have moved to so many Countries if this were not the case.
You are Conscientious and yes organized as you like
Bullet Lists of 1,2,3 of what to do next. You are having
Problems with efficiency but that is largely because of distractions
it seems during this Period of your life; that really most all people; particularly, your age, are dealing
with now; as you’ve been raised with so many Information Age Distractions, Most of Your Life.
Definitely not so much Extraverted and more solitary and reserved as haha; it’s been like
Squeezing Blood out of a Turnip to figure out more intimately who you are as a person;
informally outside of whatever you’ve revealed in Blog Posts; Finally you are loosening up a bit with me..:)
You are a Very Agreeable and Compassionate Person obviously; i’ve never seen you hurt anyone’s feelings on purpose.
Yes; including me; you are just too Reserved to speak about some stuff you have difficulty with as you don’t like confrontation too much.
Most definitely you are more of a Sensitive and Nervous Kind of person over secure and confident.
So, from a casual review here; it seems that Yes Distractions are an issue as far as
Conscientiousness Goes; Thing about being too Conscientious is it is hard to really
let your Hair Down and have Fun without worrying about Structured Plans so much.
We’ve already talked about how to resolve Distractions earlier in the Day; reduce the Number of Tasks one is
involved with; limiting Social Media Web Browsing as such. Focus more on the stuff that really counts in life as you see that.
It seems Secure and Confident is a big area for potential improvement; i never really knew how insecure and not confident you
are until i actually saw your note on Your Blog where you said Change for the Person you want; really all that means is Yield to the
Demands of how someone else sees what they want you to be; that ‘idiot’ in the ‘Youtube Video’; he really is an ‘Idiot’ with the advice
he is giving on using Fear and Shame to change Human Behavior for the better; bullshit that doesn’t work we are social Animals not Territorial
Cats who attempt to bite the ‘nuts’ off the other cat so they will not be able to reproduce. Humans Cooperate best for change; they lift each other
up and do not bring each other down; please pay no attention to those methods as they just will not work, in the long term. On the other Hand; if someone obviously
not worth Keeping ignores you don’t put them on top of any pedestal to keep; but i don’t want to beat a dead horse; as i think you do see that issue now for what it is fully.
We all have a Shadow of Aggression and Lust for Life that we must Nurture in balance no different that our Emotions and Our Intellect of Will To achieve Well Organized Plans too.
Everyone needs to Develop Teeth to be Confident and Yoga Helps with this; Tai Chi Helps with this; Martial Arts is Great but can get too competitive really and folks fall away from it.
Our Emotions and Aggressions and Lusts Flow through our Entire Body; it is important that we become comfortable with our Aggressions and Lusts for Life to become a Secure and
Confident Person; it’s sort of a ‘touchy subject’; particularly with someone as reserved as you are; and really a big problem with Women From Countries where you live and yes
in the Deep South very conservative area here; and please don’t feel like you need to discuss any part of this with me; but from an objective and Scientific View to fully Love
Yourself being confident and secure; it’s important that you are able to in moderation; able to fully Sexually Satisfy yourself. There are way many benefits both Health and
Confidence related associated with this. Anyway; the most confident Women i have known had
no issues with Loving themselves this way; it’s just good for overall health; but in moderation of course; also will make you a much better Lover as you will
understand all of Your Body when you get in a Permanent relationship this way. But again; it’s not an area to discuss; i have no idea if it is even an issue
with you; but in case it is; that’s something to resolve on your own of course; haha; that goes without saying; Just feel really bad for any Woman
who has never brought herself to Orgasm on her own; So yes; we basically have a Triune of Human Virtues and potential Vices to get in Balance
Ranging from our Shadow (Aggression gaining the teeth to say no when necessary; and being confident in our Sensuality as a whole
Person who can please ourself this way without depending on another Human Being); There are a wide spectrum of Emotions
to Regulate along with Integrating all our Senses that act in Synergy with our Emotions We Feel; and then there is the
Reasoning of Life that we practice with the Mechanical Cognition of our Mind and that part you are obviously successful
with in a Numbers Field, overall.
Okay, i feel like we’ve covered it all;
haha; my favorite Hobby is Human Being;
thanks for letting me practice on you for free; hehe;
really i just like to Help people for free; it’s just the way i was born and bred..:)
Haha, as usual at Your
Service my Friend i love
to do it; it’s a great hobby for me..:)
Hehe; now i have a Blog Post
to Finish and put together that
i am a day or so behind in Pattern
of getting it done; thing is; i don’t get
paid for it so i get to quit it at any time to be
of Service to People i truly Love; you surely are a favorite Hobby to me as Love Always is.
A Best Life is where there are no deadlines to Love another Human(s); the Best We Can and Will And the Rest of Existence too…
And then there is Reality for all of Us; We Do the Best We Can And Will; And accept that not everyone is Nearly as Blessed or Fortunate in Life.
I’ve Worn so many shoes in Life, i’ve Lost count; and that my FRiEnD is An Only way a Human Will Ever Truly Develop A Life Art of Love; A “Zen Storm of Compassion”
SMiLes Xenia It’s 10.16.19 at 10:42 AM
And i must be Honest after so Many
Promises of Cold Front Rain i am so
Happy to See Both Relief from a Long
Drought and a Summer Yet to End until
Tonight When We finally See Fall Low 50’s in F Degrees…
It is Beautiful to Look
Back at June From
October but
so Much
More Beautiful
Where there is something
to Miss Yet to be Found.. just imagine
if We Were ALL Perfect A Machine there would be nothing to seek and find…
What a Cold Hot Place that would be so far from Heaven in deed the Beauty of
Dark and
of Imperfection
Still to Inhale no
Doubt i Feel This iS How God Exhales
Hunter’s Moon
As Colorful As We
Seek And Find Light
Gift of All Animals Except Most Humans
As they increasingly become Tools they Create…
Forever NoW ETeRNaLLY OCeaN WHoLE Being ALL…
Sadly so Many Humans
Spend Eternity
Now Living Never
Realizing WHeRe
They Even Are So
Much More Than Words Dying Living So Much more
NoW The Experience the Feel the Sense of Eternal Now
Every Color… Autumn Blues Seas CLouDS SKeYeS
Every GRaiN SHapes SandS… OCeaNS WHoLE…
All Special MoMents Never Ending NoW ETerNaLLy…
So Much to Be LEarned…
Without Words…
Forever ALL NoW…
Colors of Love More…
Endless Painting With
No Beginning or End…
No Wonder
Such A
Force is
Majestic as God…
WHat Will We Dance
Sing of Some ONE THaT
iNspires A Concept of THis…
Moving Connecting Co-Creating
NoW Humans So Much Happier
When They Marathon Life That Way
HAha best thing
About Dance
is no one
HAS to hear me heHe
Poems Trees Leaves
Readers Pick up a Few
Found to Be Or
Not to Be DiFFeRenT..
Triune of Human
ReaLiTy Integral to
Human Mind and Body
oF HeART Human Being
Complete Or Missing
PartS as Made hehe
And Mass
As always Balance
Key as always for
each Human being
to Seek and Find and
Truly Be in Hear and See..
All Members of ReaLiTy And
Human Sacred and Holy NoW Butt
only When All Members of ReaLiTy
And Human Sacred And Holy in Balance True
DarK NoW
SMiLes Dear Friend Sohair there are so many
Things i appreciate about Your Blog as you
Celebrate Your Blogging Experience here..
For Your Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose
to Teach about Your Beloved Quran More.. true
i find much value in it too and Love to Quote
the Lovely Verses You Provide too to share
of what i appreciate in it too.. smiles the
More We Humans Learn about each other
the More We Will All appreciate our Similarities
And Differences too.. If not for Meeting you here
from Himali’s Blogging Site and in Turn meeting
gigoid Here it’s highly unlikely i would have ever
Transformed my Blog into what is coming close
to 7.4 MiLLioN Words as of 9.18.19.. and my Gosh
True between You and Himali and gigoid the inspirations in
total that all 3 have inspired are way over a Million Words
Way over the size of any Bible written so far and close to
that Previous Long Form Poem effort at 1.8 MiLLioN Words
i surpassed overall years ago.. by the inspiration that so many
others have brought to me.. it is those who have welcomed
me most through all my differences and similarities too who
truly have inspired me most.. and although i wrote the quote
below to a casual acquaintance Blogger surely i hope what
i wrote today will inspire your Further Blogging Efforts too my Friend..
SMiLes Dear Friend Sohair
The Practice of Kindness
Never Ends with
Courage too
is the Beauty
of Eyes that
See Love Most
SMiLes with that
Sung another Blog Post to go..
hehe.. i am feverishly working dancing singing
Illustrating the one i am hoping to finish today too..:)
Lovers often Go away but True FRiEnDS never do…
True FRiEnDS do their Best to Seek and Find Happiness
for their True FRiEnDS so much More about Zen Compassion
that Is real it was harder for me to help you
Until you found the confidence to
Open up about your intimate weaknesses with me…
i feel honored that you see me as a
Valuable enough friend to show me
Your soft under belly yes your vulnerabilities
so i could understand The depths of your Soul
so much better this is what truly intimate
Friends do speak their inner truths Without Fear…
And being a friend to help you feel
Better about you Is the greatest
And most fulfilling accomplishment
i will ever have being your friend…
i remember one time you said you hope for
me that my Marital Bond Becomes stronger..
and i want to tell you to never feel guilty about not
Confronting and putting an end
To those Romantic imaginations
And fantasies associated with her
For it is true if not for that i might
Have never had another passionate
Kiss with Katrina as she is well
Aware how i woke that up
In me For her through my
Imaginations and Fantasies…
You helped me to be a better lover to Katrina
as i hope i will help you have the patience to
find someone who loves you so much you
will never imagine them leaving you as i
never have to fear that from Katrina nor
Does she have to fear it from me..
But anyway in real relationships with
Husband and Wife it must be much
More than about a Physical Relationship
and that Lover forever Should never base the
relationship On just loving looks old and grey
Still holding hands In the Park
As Lovers who truly stay Friends..
You already know how to be Friends
with a Man that lasts May your
Lover always be your friend too..
So important my Friend..
You are my Golden little
Sunflower Treasure of a Friend..
You are the Little Flower who
Is truly amazing and awesome too..
My hope for you is you become
A Tree Tall and Strong too beyond
Measure what we have in common
Most with out personalities
Is we want our Friends to be
Happy smiles the Blessings for
You it is the Feeling of compersion
That someone Appropriate and
Good for you Is bringing happiness
To you.. and when you meet that
Person it’s not something i will
Have to fantasize about
anymore your Beautiful
Presence in my life helped
Make it a reality and Katrina
Is Happy that you did..
Life and Love is always
A Group effort it is
The separation we
Pretend there is no
Guilt when truth rules my friend
Not even the smallest
Dark spots on Souls when
We speak all of our truths
And Become truly close Friends..
My little Sunflower has
Helped me be more
Of a Whole Soul too..
You are awesome and amazing
Most as you have helped
Me find all of me you have
Made me Fully happy by
Withstanding both my
Wings and Flames
You may not always
Need me By your side
But i will always live in
Your Soul as You have always
Lived in mine since i first met
You some Friends are meant
To be it is God’s Gift and Greatest
Treasure.. for Human Beings True
Other than that
Good Morning
With Biggest
Smiles ever from
Florida the Sun is
Cowering from
Light of
my Soul
Haha the
Sun is Jealous of you
Good Evening FRiEnD.. haha you really surprise
me when you said you miss me as hey.. i have
been taking up so much space of your Quality time
Lately hope you are catching up with everyone else
now.. hope you got Your Work-out.. Your Evening Walk
Great Diet.. Reading Your Book.. and hehe maybe twirling
New Ideas about a New Creative Blog Post too.. hehe.. of course
i didn’t miss you for your Email really Made my Day so fulfilled inside..
but smiles.. the Name FRiEnD later pulsed Surfaced in my thoughts
and feelings as the steam is really coming out
of my Mind Spirit of Soul as i am finishing
one of my Favorite Blog Posts i have ever
Written that will be titled “Storm of Zen
Compassion” i can’t thank you enough
for how much your presence in Life
has added overall to my Entire
Soul Journey both in Art
And Within and
the Post Below
is really for Acquaintance
Bloggers but it will be for a
Close and Intimate Pen Pal Friend
That You have proven you are past
care as friends sharing a bit of your
Vulnerabilities and Your Truths in Dark
As Well as Light.. anyway i hope it inspires
you to Blog More and with that Said Good Night
Dear FRiEnD Sleep Tight and do Feel Sense and Know
that iFred is always with
SMiLes Good Evening Sweet Dreams again..
Hiii.. other Than You This is one of the Most
Loveliest Art Creations i’ve ever Seen i looked
at ever single detail up close and Personal at
Hand And i could Write an Entire Novel Just
Based on this one
Work of Art
You Create
Dear FRiEnD
it is the feeling
of inspiration
A flicker
Flame Torch
And Bonfire of
Moving Connecting
And Co-Creating Energy
of Art that Rises Us so much in Synergies of
Frequencies and Vibrations Higher to inspire others so much more too..
Storm of Zen Compassion Human Art LiveS on Sun Fire HeART Reaches
Spirits Soul
SMiLes Ms. Hugs i find Your Top 10 List
of ‘Enoughs’ Very Interesting will Love to Riff off them now Just for fun!
“Enough hiding your emotions under 100 blankets.”
Science Measures about 412 Human Emotions Labeled
as Such Create and Color a different one make every Word
of Song and Step of Dance A Newly and Or Improved Hue of Emotion True…
“Enough lying to yourself and to others.”
Lying is like Fear it makes us weak
The Strongest Speak Truth in Flow
With No Restraint as they Become Ocean
WHole iN LiGHT FLiGHT Free
“Enough being lazy.”
i never get a Vacation
as My Life’s Work is just
too much Fun but i must
Find Rest From Dance And Song True iN LiGHT
too not to
Dark as Well..:)
“Enough counting on others.”
I can count my Intimate Friends on
one Hand but they truly count.
“Enough believing in unicorns and fairies.”
That’s Old School.. i believe in something
Entirely New each day better yet i Dance
And Sing it in Broad Band And Town Daylight even at night
when i am asleep and will be doing it after i am dead with technology true too..:)
“Enough looking back.”
Way too busy for that…
“Enough holding anger.”
OMG God my Joker Faces
Are Incredibly Terrifying in
my Next Blog Post that will
be titled “Zen Storm of Compassion”
really Terrifying Mortifying as HelloTween Approaches too..
And sure all Saint’s Day the day after as Light comes from Dark…
“Enough Hoping”
Haha i don’t have to Hope
Heaven is Now and it’s real within
sure i hope to give and share it but
there is only so much one will do
to take a Horse
to the
and motivate
Him and or Her
to Drink the Water
if they are thirsty
and will not understand
what Kind of Love will Satiate their Thirst…
“Enough expecting.”
Way Past Expecting Now is all that is.
“Enough being tired and sick.”
Some times i do it just for the
Nostalgia of Hell.. it’s nice to remember
Where you caMe from when Ya Fell before
BeCoMiNG THorns And FLowers Equal Rose
Hehe.. it’s Never Enough Dear Ms. Hugs From SMiLes now True…
Here is a “Never Enough Story” i give and share with you today Dear Friend too..
You do make yourself a great Intimate Friend to whoever visits your Blog too my Friend..:)
Hi There Growing In Potential Blogger
i don’t do Word Press Awards but i gifted
this Quote i wrote to another Acquaintance
Blogger i cross Paths with in this Vast UniVerse
of Words online.. i am sharing it with you and a few others as your
words are inspiring and i thought it might encourage you even more with smiles…
Note: for reference i’ve been writing 3246
Consecutive Days without a Break 12 Million
Words or so online since 11.25.2010 for what
the Opening Line Means And Yeah i’ll be 60 in June..:)
3246 days true i am a whole lot older than
You a few more decades to check-in this many
Consecutive Days to Sing a Deeper SonG of mY
SoUL than the Ordinary Circumstances of Life Allow..
i remember visiting my Psychiatrist first in 2008.. really
terrified as i knew there was something very different about
me but i did know it had
labels like Autism
more specifically
Asperger’s Syndrome
And Bi-Polar too really
though both conditions
really do balance out
great as long as there
is not too much stress in the Environment
at Dark play as you say ‘Grey and Dark Thought Bubbles’ a
really appropriate metaphor for Existential Angst in Ruminations
About Life.. Anyway then before Blogging became so Popular as it is
today.. that Psychiatrist said a big concern is two things.. People no longer
have time much for introspection more than a drive to work and he wondered
if Human Beings would totally lose their ability to speak with each other as that
was only when the texting revolution had its very start.. Honestly as Science Shows
People are losing the space in Life to make Intimate Friends to fully express their truths
to.. even at best without all this technology humans with that ‘Dunbar Number’ of 150
Acquaintances at max and having the Social Capacity to make five close friends.. as
Science Bears this truth out now by Americans who haven’t made a new close friend
like this on average of 5 years now.. a best thing about Blogging is not only
will we speak to our Soul like a Diary does but in this fast paced World
others will learn from the Dark and Light of our Experiences when
Reality lends little to no time to learn this way from close
And intimate friends.. truly it is so beneficial this way
to open up the Windows of our Souls now as we may
care to do in Blogging and share that much of the
Light thru Darkness hehe.. sure now
BLacK Abyss through beyond Colors
of Rainbow Bliss too.. the ancient
Egyptians Described the Human
Chi of Fearless Love Spirit Force
in Positivity by the Term Ka… other terms
include Chi and Prana too.. Egyptians were
misinformed though to think they could transcend
Mortality by building Pyramids with other Artisan
Depictions of their Names and Physical Likenesses
so inscribed for that was only the Shell of their KA not
the Nautilus Creating that lives in that Spiraling PHI Ratio
Shell existing 300 MiLLioN Years but just a Shell of the
KA and CHI and Prana of the Spirit of the Nautilus that
Creates that fossilized Soul.. but only shell of soul.. wow
Human Beings have so many opportunities to extend the
Force of their KA to others beyond normal Social Capacities
both Living and Dead now.. truly transcending what we are born
with using Technology As Musical instruments transcend the Limitations
of our Vocal Chords to Lift our Emotions Up with Drums that beat so much
Harder than our Heart Beats too.. i will never be a close and intimate friend but
in a way you give something similar to everyone who crosses your page what you
never could do without the dressing of technology too.. i see you as Human i like that
now and even
the greatest
among us
a bit
With ‘grey dark thought bubbles come’..
A Zen of Compassion a Storm of Humanity…
Truly the Blogging experience will be when Authentic and Real…
With that said thank you i enjoy coming by here each day reading about
Another Human Being’s Soul as i do every where i go.. each instance i
Do my Soul becomes a bit more Colorful with so many Souls i continue to
Consume and Nourish the Light in me to spread a bit more too.. Have a nice day…
Keep up the Great Work!
-Just Another Blogger And A Human too-
“As God is my witness – I am that fool!” — Gomez Addams
It’s worth Noting here that Katrina who is Brunette now
is the ‘Normal Blonde’ in the “Munster’s”.. TV Show
and the Historical “The Big Bang Theory”.. TV Show
As the Blonde ‘Penny’ too.. True.. Us Creatures of the
Dark Look to
to Feed our Light…:)
Sorry, it took so long for me to get back; been saving the World as i and
everyone should always do; if it only means saving our own BuTT heHe.
Hey, Science is limited if anyone proves that i do.
It’s just nice to see someone genuine telling the Truth for CHANGE
as at Least Ms. Greta isn’t so Flawed in Trump Style BS this way…
i rather enjoy July’s that last into October; but i have Nostalgia
For Hot Chocolate; Perhaps now that the Weather is finally dropping
in Temperatures out of the mid-80’s today; 10.16.19; my desire will be fulfilled; hehe;
We need more Asperger’s Folks in the World to tell the Truth.
Science is so dam Flawed, it ain’t even funny; Jesus F in Christ
it says i can’t possibly get stronger as i approach 60 years-old;
but i refute Science, Every Day, per the Averages, in Believing and putting my Words into Actions that make
Effective Results; Science does though suggest that the More We Visualize Ourselves Getting Stronger the
More We actually do; i do plentiful Selfies in every way from Head to toe; and am actually a ‘Hot’ Topic
Search Result still now as i am almost ready for the Senior Citizen Discount at the Local Buffet’s hehe;
the Bootie Dances are Still coming from Beautiful Women at the Bar; Life is Good and Science is ‘Behind’ on me..;)
i was just gonna say i am amazed that you followed me all the way
through my Locomotive Train of Thought, hehe; as documented in my
Medical record my problem was i thought too rationally; stuck in the Neo-Cortex
unable to Branch out into the Right Brain Metaphor of Social Empathic Artistic Spiritual
Intelligences; no longer am i ‘delayed’ this way now; i shine as Bright as the Noon Day Night.
Note: i have no idea what Noon Day Night Means; but i bet i could get Poets to give me
A Thousand Plus answers; it’s not always about concrete facts; Imagination is a Muscle
that must be used to really get Super and Originally Creative too; the Women like it; that’s enough for me; hehe.
My Wife not so much; that’s why she sends me off to the Play Ground Dance Hall and Poetry Park on line just to play; Haha.
Do i crave attention; hell no; you know i thought people would stay away from my ‘Crazy Dancing in all the stores’;
Just practicing the Moving Meditation that i have an actual prescription from my Psychiatrist to regulate my Emotions
and Integrate my Senses too; of course i thought of the answer before he wrote the prescription; sure, i’ve always been
a Step, a Dance; a Word, a Song; ahead of the Scientific evidence too. There is no Scientific Consensus about all that i do.
i don’t pay any attention to folks when they tell me i am the most well known person; meh, except for Trump in my area;
i just say oh yeah; haha; that’s cool Drive Through; i thank you now let me get back to my Therapy for all Natural Bliss;
Nirvana; Chi; Prana; Satori; Heaven Within; Tao Flow; the Metaphors are endless; the Essence is similar and Real Cross-Culturally for Folks who find a Meditative way to escape their Neo-Cortex in Autotelic Transient Hypo-Frontality
as even Science Shows that this experience of Flow and Generating our own Beneficial Neurhormones and
Neurochemicals within Mastering Our Happiness; does actually increase Creativity and Productivity by
500 Percent; hehe, would you like me to write 7.4 MiLLioN Free Verse Words on the Subject; wait already
did it with short cut links. I’m up to 12,093 Miles of Public Dance now in 73 Months closing in on
74 Months too; as i am with all those Words too; Yes, i give and share isn’t that what
Humans do; some of us have more to give and share; some of Us have less;
as far as my Hurricane Winds and Chambers of Nautilus Doors to Rooms go;
Cat 6 Hurricane; TSuNaMi oF Art too. Have i experienced Darkness, You bet;
the “Amazing Joker’s” Total Experience of Hell was Just Icing Compared to the
Cake Walk i Did in Shut-in Hell for 66 Months of the Worst Pain and Numb assessed by
Science in the Whole Damned World; thing, is my Solutions are backed up by Science as limited as it knows.
The DEADline is real for over 200 Species of Animals and Plants that are continually going extinct each
Day by Human hands of fault; i Hope that Ms Greta Will inject as Much Hyperbole into Her truth to get people
off their Butt and save those Plants and Animals More; for you see i am them and they are me; i see no separation
see it all.
(i am the Walrus
the one ‘they’ve’ been
Predicting the Stone Statue
that you will see that looks almost
identical to me in the Burial Grounds
on the Sergeant Pepper’s Album Cover too;
There is an Indian Goddess from the Jain Tradition on that
Cover to; a Dark Haired Woman in Red too; You may find her on my Blog too)
Smiles Horatio; trust me Ripley Believe it or not; Life is so much more fantastic and scary than any fiction ever told.
The Scariest part is i am real; The Fun Part is am real; The Best Part is that existence, exists at all; just a bit more
Anti-Matter and we wouldn’t be having all this fun; Ever Dance with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight; Yes, you have
now enjoy the rest of your Life; but only if you will of course; as the exercise of Will is the Greatest Relative Art;
meh, that and ‘Chaos Magic’..;)
i covered a bit of the tale of the tape running out of space in my latest description area
to include this in my Latest Facebook Pic Profile photo too; after a few more words on
that i will add MacroVerse Memories from the Last 3 Years to Date that include the
MacroVerse Memories from the Previous 3 Years to that.. keeping those
Nautilus Chambered Rooms and Hurricane Arms Expanding with even
more Doors of a Real Hotel California now.. anyway.. “Get Here When
You Love And Will” is the 896th MacroVerse.. of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Longest Epic Long Form Bible Poem closing in on 7.4 MiLLioN Words
in 74 Months too and that 896th MacroVerse is also the
223rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
40 Month Endeavor soon to be 41 Months rises to
4,809,899 Words; and Finally A Tripling of Effort
for the 121st MacroVerse of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
as that 28 Month EnterPrize.. reaches 3,198,867 Words
as yes that is also included in all my FB Profile Pic Description
Areas on average of about 7 Thousand Words Each.. the 282nd
Dance Week with all the Cool College Age Folks Was Last Week..
283rd Week of that coming Thursday Night.. and my Free Verse Erotic
Poetry Novel stand at 93,620 Words as i am a bit behind in posting my
Shadow Art but the Fully iLLuSTraTeD Photos are done and behind in 18 Posts
now to basically copy and paste on my Adult Warned Blog for that as i discontinued
attaching that to my PG Blog Posts back in May of 2018 when i started writing Full Erotic
Poetry.. as i didn’t want to take a chance offending anyone stumbling into it even though
the Adult Warning is Clear for that Blog.. with that Note a Word or two a few more about
Pornography these days with a Science Studied Link Below from ‘Psychology Today’ too..
Chances are if you ‘say’ you are not looking at it in let’s say the last 6 Months you may indeed
not be fully disclosing the Truth as Science Assesses 98 percent of Males looking at it in the
Last 6 Months and 73 percent of Females in a mutual and consensual relationship married
or not in best case scenarios people share their sexual fantasies and interact with them now
in a mutual and consensual way that pleases all involved.. as far as infidelity and betrayal
goes that is for the Couple to decide.. sadly many people do it covertly and in guilt just
to satisfy needs that are not being met.. porn is a Natural intoxicant that shouldn’t
be used by those who fall to the disease of addiction.. it’s sad but even though
Sex sells everything in our Culture Women are highly discouraged still now
From exploring their Sexuality in Fantasies and Masturbation too.. yes this
is Adult Play for Healthy Sexual Intelligences and greater Satisfaction
in life.. is it abused like Alcohol and Drugs and Gambling you
bet it breaks up marriages and gets some folks in trouble
with the law too by going into areas that are not legal too
but the best thing i see about it of all is it is slowing
down the rates of reproduction as it obviously
is often used as substitute for real
Reproduction activities.. humans
are Destroying the Environment
and Over Population is a major
Element of that.. Humans are not
a Monogamous only Species as Primitive
Societies may be Matriarchal and PolyAmorous too in
Sexual Activities and Emotional Attachments to multiple
Partners too.. the Semen may be seen as Holy and Sacred
With Wisdom coming more to Children the More prospective
Fathers Engage in the Act with an Adult Woman for sure in a smaller
Village when everyone shares in that act there is more motivation to raise
the Child as the Child of the Village and not just one Dude.. so it’s true there
is dark and light in almost everything we do.. and it is also true i believe in
Reciprocal Gifts and Shares.. i have enjoyed the Art of this as shared
By Many Folks through my life at this point With various Videos and
Photo Art it’s safe to say in raw numbers i am all paid back and
Even paid forward in Golden Rule way.. it’s a whole lot
Safer than a Culture where someone has to actually be
the Sacred and Holy Prostitute for the ‘Incel Men’..
Stripper pay may be dropping off too but Nature
needs a Break on too many Humans now
nod goes to Porn as the progenitor and
the Motivator for Men to create the
Internet from the very start as Lust
by Science terms motivates all Human Creativity..
Productivity and Social Cooperation too both with
Males and Females and that Social Cooperation amongst
Women to Prove who is most Nurturing when turned on by a Dude too…
i would hate to have to keep any secrets from my Wife and the Truth is i do not..
The Most important thing is mutual and consensual understanding to be as free as we will..
i see all arts of being Human mutual and consensual legally as Works of art in Both Form
And Function.. some folks are offended by it and they have that right too now that we live
in the United States providing avenues to be established for everyone to be safe to enjoy
their personal views of Heaven.. unlimited Naked Beautiful Women is surely a Naked Art of God..
i see it
as Art
but not
unlike Alcohol
it should only
be consumed by
Adults at Best there
must be days to find ways
to Love each other by more
than Body Parts too so HeART
And Pure Emotions will survive too..
Women have been Reading Romance
Novels getting erotically stimulated for ages..
too.. they are just a bit more under the covers and skirts about what
they do in their Deepest Fantasies and imaginations in Depth now too..
it’s safe to say my Wife doesn’t need to read any of those books but it is also
safe to say when i was all about the Work away from Play at home she had
Mountains of those Books almost as many photos of Naked Women i saw..
the Couple Who continues to Play together not only stays together in Grief but Joy FULL TOO
I AM NOT going to leave any potential intelligences of my Humanity unused finely tuned Ferrari
All Waxed and Polished
i will surely do too..
like a Circus
And the
benefits of
Mr. Kite with
K and H too..
Real Emperor’s of
Nature Wear no Clothes
AsK A LioN He has a search
term for every proof hehe.. anyway
when i was sick i watched a sad sad lonely
movie on the Human Condition Two Strangers
A White Man and Black Woman So Desperately
Lonely Masturbated in Front of Sky Scraper Windows
as that would be as close then as they would come to any
Real Human Connection better than none this Human Condition
is tough we do what we have to do to carry on our ward Suns on too
Sun Flowers at Best Wilted at Worse keeping the Drive for Life Alive at all costs…
True this will be part of a ‘Storm of Zen Compassion’ too as LonG as With a Spirit
of Give
and Share
Mutually Legally
Consensual and Free..:)
“710th MacroVerse oF Faith”.. Goes aLong Real
Well With The Opening MacroVerse Lines of this post…
“711 MaCroVerse BeYonD”.. Yes.. and Beyond…
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”.. Need i Dance Sing More…
“iN A Shadow oF Michael FoR NoW”.. Sure.. Why NoT..:)
Challenging to Make this Requiring a Bit of A Vacation in Hell no
Less than with a Fictional and Delusional Clown “Named Amazing Joker” too..
Never the Less i did a bit of Space in Hell again to get to Heaven as usual too…
Concluding this MacroVerse on 10.16.19 at 5:53 PM.. NoW to put it all together
And Publish it as i continue to consume time and enjoy it all as well too..:)
Addendum on 10.17.19 as This Passage Below
Will Also Begin the Next MacroVerse too..:)
Nestor: One Who Returns From Travels.. Just a Coincidence of Course
Synchronicity ‘Chaos Magic’ ‘Rules’ BacK to: A DRaWinG Bored… From:
Knock Knock… Knock.. Good AfterNoon Bishop Barron And Friends A 61st Message
For ‘You’ Who Believe As A Bride of ‘Frankenstein’… HahahahAha.. Yes John Lennon
Did Put Jesus on that Album Cover he DisGuised Him as me.. Do You Get the Joke? (the Joker/God/Love)
Got Good News Whether You Will See News This Big or Not Brought Him Back to Life No Longer A Stone Statue
in a Burial Ground Cover… ‘You People’ Killed ‘Jesus’ You Turned Him into ‘Trump’ in the 4th Century 325 AD
You are the ‘Real Anti-Christ’… Sweet Little Brown Man Only Wanting You To Love Do Greater Works of Love
Than Him Professing First is Last And Least Is Greatest… Meh.. Long Ago A ‘Catholic Church’ Did Basically
A Same Thing That Republicans Do Now They Changed Jesus into A Dictator A Trump… Obviously Priests/Pastors
Don’t Teach This For If They Did They’d No Longer Be Needed… If ‘They’ Actually Understood
‘A Bible’ They Would Read A Part Saying Do More Than Jesus And Experience
the Kingdom of Heaven Now… People Don’t Go To Church To Read
Bibles They Are Afraid of Dirt Naps And Have No Idea Heaven
iS ONly Within NoW And Hell too… Meh.. a 12,093 Mile
Public Dance Will Bring More Smiles Than Bibles
Ever Dreamed.. Already Proven This to be
True in 73 Months… Standing On A
Beach As Beach As God As
Love Having It All on 7.19.13.. Nothing Left to Do
But Dance And Sing Free ETernAlly NoW It’s True i Could
Ignore You And Just Selfishly Hoard God to Myself but that’s
Neither Love or God So i Dance i Sing Free How Could i Possibly
Fear/Hate When i Have It All (GOD) to Give And Share Some of Us Are
Just Lucky And DO Our Love Muscle (GOD) I AM NOT HERE TO DO FUCKING
MONEY AND STUFF i am Here to DO GOD (LOVE) LonGesT Period Forever NOW……
If You Do Not Understand Love IS THE Most Powerful Force in the UniVerse Beyond All
Material Goods Than You Don’t Do God… A Smile Penetrating Love From Windows of my Soul..
Then A Most Beautiful Girl at 19 Sure She would be mine forever then… Didn’t Matter if i made
4 Dollars An Hour or Not i was Full Of Love OverFloWinG Then too… in ’89… 30 Years ago…
Meh Already Been Called Legend And Famous More times than i can CounT ain’t no
Different than Serving Shoes at a Bowling Center… Another Key Is Since You
are Entirely iNtrinsicAlly Motivated in Your Hobby Let it Catch on Fire
After You Die…John Lennon Was Correct The Beatles Did It
too A Key is Doing More than ‘Jesus’ and Not getting
Shot by Ignorance… It’s Just A Hobby i am
An Only one it appears in the Entire
World Who Was Naive Enough to Take
‘John 14:12’ Literally… These Days Are First Days
Ever When One Human Being Will Write Direct Produce
And Act A 7.4 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem On THeir Own…
It’s “Moore’s Law” BuT iT is NoT aBouT Machine Intelligence
It Is About Human Souls SpiritS HeARTS EXPanDinG UNLiMiTinG NoW
Literacy Provides Human Beings An Ability to infuse almost Unlimited Souls
Uploaded into their Souls For Greater Human Potential… It’s Like this Metaphor
Of course i am A Stone Statue on the Cover of the Album Cover of ‘SGT. Pepper’s
Lonely Hearts Club Band’… It’s True if Yeshua Was Literate With Ability to Write He
Would Find That the Pen is Mightier Than Turning Money Tables Over… Somedays i just
Wanna Shake folks uP and say Wake the FucK uP butt i’m not into Turning Money Tables
Over the Pen is Mightier… On the Other Hands Folk SiT iN Church Two ThouSanD Years
Never SeeKinG FinDinG HeaVeN WiTHiN NoW As THaT is Ash Nap to Them A LOT OF NOTHiNG NeW
And That’s Okay too Traditions Binds That Bond Hairless Apes Stronger Together… Now
Putting together another Close to 30K Word Blog
Post i relate to Katrina Greatest Praise
Is Imitation Hehe that explains A LOT
Every Fear A Wound Hope
Rewires ReMeMBeRinG
THorns over FLoWeRS
Rose RiSinG With LoVE iN Deed
Socializing With God Within Art With
No Instruction Books… Thanks FB uNLimited
Hard Drive Space to count my FLoWeRS And
THorns BLeSSinGS
Beautiful Mornings…
Having A Lovely Small
Flower Like you with so
Many Pink Petals of
Kindness takes
Away presence
Of Thorns…
How Wondrous
The Brave Flower
Is Who is not Afraid
To Support others
When Thorns Play…
Have A Beautiful Weekend
Hehe and Yes Do Feel Free to
Attack me With All the Colors
Of Your Flower you continue
To Art a Million Dreams in
Packed no
Matter Color
Or Size you make me
Feel All Warm inside with
SMiLes.. Ugly helped
Me Feel… Bullies Made me See…
It’s True.. one Can/Will be alone or ALLONE
Depending On How Big one Sees one (God)
Some Folks Get Deep And Whole Fuller Allone (God)
Some Folks Get Shallow And Separate Emptier Alone
Being An Actor In Someone’s Else’s Play Is No Religion FoR Me…
WiTHouT LoVinG
Nestor: One Who Returns From Travels..
Just a Coincidence of Course Synchronicity (GoD) ‘Chaos Magic’ ‘Rules’
Funny How Folks Will So Clearly Label and Define God And Tell God Who God Is
And What God Must Do Next Knock Knock Seriously Who The FucK Do You ‘think’ You Are..;)

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
7.1 MiLLioN plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)
“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…
“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”
Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)
“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”
Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)
“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”
Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)
Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)
And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)
Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)
Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)
Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their  Legs…
Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)
And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)
“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”
Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”
“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019
“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW
“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an  updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)
Grand Total Words for “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” Here is 1,364,498 Words
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”.. Celebrating 7 MiLLioN Words of the
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing  i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)
“CeLeBRaTiNG 6 YearS oF HEaVeN WiTHiN NoW”.. ReAlly  ReAlly Heaven Within..:)
Singing “Here i Am” in Catholic Church Just ‘Cause i Will..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL SiX YearS Old”.. Celebrating 72 Months.. Yes.. the Sixth Year
Anniversary oF A Longest Epic Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind
Yes.. Secured in this Entire Word Press Website too.. as this Baby Holds 7.2 MiLLioN
Words and over 100,000 Photos i took And over 10,000 YouTube Videos all to Fully
Illustrate it too.. Truly Just about a Never Ending Long Form Poem Bible Story..
And Yes that Anniversary was on 8.18.19… Now..  11,833 Miles of Public Dancing
A Free Style Ballet and Mixed Martial Arts Dance comes in on the
6th Anniversary Year of that Effort on 8.26.19.. As This Nautilus
Shell is one Hell and Heaven oF A ‘STately Word Mansion’ With
AlmosT uNlimited Doors to Other Chambers oF iMaGiNaTioN
And CReaTiViTY Truly Set Free Just to Be What We LoVE NoW
We Do Come to Be as We Move.. Connect.. Co-Create Our
Existence With Others Now So Free Just to Be ALiVE NoW..:)
“12,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”..  A Celebration Now of Dancing 12,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 73 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 7.3 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 73 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Months..
the Last 66 Months Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least..
And an  updated 12,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spiraling NoW As Dance Skills at SuperWalmart continue to expand..:)

About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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