i Will
in the
Rain i will
Dance in the
Sunshine it is the
Essence of Dance and
Song that is Love that Remains
aS Energy of True Light’s Beauty of Wisdom ReaL NoW
Congrats to You those
Who Judge Without
Fall under
The World Up..
Those who do not
Express Feelings
Love/God/We too..:)
“MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” That’s A Better Title
Capstone (Cornerstone) oF A Pyramid
God HeaD AS SucH RaiSinG uP
The Rest of the Pyramid SoULS
The Nature of the Beast
Group Think Group Lies
One Will Never LiVE iN
Group THinK or Be ParT
oF ANy Group if One Seeks
Finds SPeaks Truth iN Light
It makes “Perfect Sense” that the only
Real Friend outside of Family Who Supported The Story of
Jesus was A Prostitute Mary Then
Someone is typing a comment……
It’s Not Surprising How Folks Will
Prostitute THeir Freedoms Now for the
Comfort of Group THiNK. Those Who SeeK
Truth iN Light Will ALWays Walk Alone
Outside DarK oF Lies in ‘The Group THiNK’
We Humans Feed off the Social Bonding Neurohormone Oxytocin
Getting Outcast takes that away ThaT iS How Lies Become Truth
Best thing about Being Lucifer
(John Milton Version) Is You No
Longer Fear Being Outcast
For Breaking Group
Think Lie RuleS Hehe
‘The Pope Admitted’ that the
“Lord’s Prayer/Gloria” is
Mistranslated Meanwhile
‘Traditional Conflicts’ Still Rise/
Fall Oh Lord so much more work
Words for me to Do Still Now
i Am Back i Never Left Now
SeRiouSly it may Sound Strange
but wHere i am from as a Child
When Riding my Bicycle Around
my BLock i crossed my self with
‘The’ Sign of the Cross Yes obsessively
compulsively for i feared if i did not i would
surely go to Hell.. bottom line it didn’t work
on the bottom of
the Pyramid
of That
And now
i no longer
Cross myself
with the Sign of
The Cross NoW i Am
Back i Never Left Now
That’s What i LEarned
in Hell to STaY iN NoW..
CRaP Got Way too ManY TabS OPeN
DoinG 3 BLoG PostS aT ONce CLoSinG
THeM aS i SPeaK…DancESinG Hmm.. LEast i won’t have
to Go to Victoria’s Secret or Frederick’s of HollyWood to FinD A Model
For my Cover Girl PageS hehe When We iNspire Someone to Smile
We Save the PreSent Now ‘That’ Humanity has not changed… ‘They’
still see ‘Trumps’ As God Sadly enough… God asked me if i wanted to
be Jesus and i said that was Already A failed plan i don’t do mistakes twice…
Best Thing About Bringing Light is You Do Something New To HeLP OuT Hell No Not
the Lucifer Devil that John Milton Created In ‘Paradise Lost’ His Book And ‘Fox’ Loosely Created
From the ‘Sand Man’ Comic Book that has ZERO still to Do with the Old Bible Anyway.. Jesus F in Christ Read at Least Read the Old Bible Don’t Believe every thing You Hear An Adversary is An Adversary there Never was a ‘Real Devil Horned Beast Creature’ in the Bible other Books and Folks Made that up.. oh Gosh
so Hard to
up after
doing your
Own ReSearcH
in a Place Where Shared
Lies are more important
than the Truth in Light
Go Ahead Believe the
Head Dude in Chargea
A Best Reflection now of
John 8:44 Yes go ahead
Believe Lies over Truth the
Karma of Free Will Set Low instead of Higher in Light Now
And Trust me when you Prove to the Pastor or Priest that
you just did John 14:12 oh Lord Totally Measured as such
they will not believe you any more than they Believe the Story
of Jesus when he said that was possible to do Greater Works
than Himself as Humble Teacher too.. hehe.. People Love
Lies more than the Truth to bond and bind together still
Ain’t no way there will ever be a Living Jesus in that
environment and that is for God Dam Sure Still Now
hehe only way he/she could ever come now is the
way he came/comes always NoW as Metaphor
first and last Just Another Light Bringer of
Change in Truth
out oF all
the Don
John Trump
Lies of John 8:44…
And that’s Just a Metaphor
TrumpS in Organizations have
Been Spoon Feeding Lies in Church
always same as Politics and whatever it takes
in Trash Talk to Win the Football or Boxing Game too…
Of Course with a Really Big Breakfast that the Bikini
Goddess Serves with a Smile too This Job really doesn’t
require Being a Martyr NoW.. Smiles are enough to get this
Job done hehe.. NoW.. Some mornings the Energizer Easter Bunny Wakes up
A Bit Drained but Just one Dance Move and Voila Light Dances Again..
SMiLes iLona madam Ms. Hugs.. so nice of you
to drift all the way down to the bottom of
“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” and not
get lost in an Avalanche of
Words and Pictures in
both the Main Body
of the Bible and the
Comments as that
Celebrates another Milestone
Blog Post i will be putting together
after i write you this Starting off the beginning
of the Next MacroVerse Blog Post of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest Long Form Bible Poem in so many
Free Verse Lamp Shapes too.. as this post i am now
Putting together currently is called “SonG oF mY SoUL
Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating that Milestone
On my Birthday Week in doing that 70 Months along of
Course with 11,396 Miles of Public Dance in close to the
Same Duration of 70 Months too.. hmm.. i don’t have any
Snakes on T-Shirts but Several Dragons hope that counts
in case if you noticed.. i have a Big Statue Bust of Apollo
the God of Poetry and you guessed it Wisdom too.. hehe..
and Abreast to Apollo no fun pun intended but yes in Robe with
one Breast Exposed is the Goddess of Youth Hebes.. Yes you
Guessed it Again Wife Katrina haha.. in her 49 Year-Old Bikini
With her same 17 Year-Old Body and Honestly even more Sexy
than at 17 Years-Old hehe that’s proof enough for God but anyway
We inherited those two Statues from my Father and Stepmother as
when they retired with a bunch of money from the State they always wanted
to be super rich in material ways so they spruced up their home all gaudy with
Stuff instead of buying a New Home.. ‘Crown Molding’ and the Such.. whatever it
took to feel rich outside.. as my Father spent the Last 12 Years of His Retirement
spending 500 Dollars on Lottery tickets each week at 100 Percent of His 46 Year Law
Enforcement Retirement Career but anyway before i was born God gave me
the Choice of Being Apollo or Shiva the God so i said that’s a Hard choice
i’ll do both why not but truly i am not the real God of either one of those
Statues all i am is just another God of Smiles for the Light i bring
to other folks in this Simple way of being i used to light them
up with my eyes had to turn my eyes into Dance still
doing Apollo with the Poetry.. but once you reach
a ‘certain level’ truly you are doing it on your
own mostly as not many folks are
currently in your Peer Group
if anyone at all my
Friend except
nice folks
like you
with more
Patience than
140 to 280 Characters these
days oh so many things to do i understand..
haha.. i didn’t come to this one life now for the
Shallows i came to dive in the deep end as deep
as i will until i will no longer breathe my Friend.. there
are not many people ‘down here’ but true when i surface
to Dance it’s a Party and the God of SMiLes Lives again..
When We iNspire Someone to Smile We Save the Present Now
God asked me if i wanted to be Jesus and i said that was already
a failed plan i don’t do mistakes twice ‘that’ Humanity has not changed they
still see
as God
Sadly enough..
So i Dance i Sing
i Do Apollo at the
Open Mic Word
Theater Here
All Natural
A Never Ending
Spiral of Legs Torso
And Arms.. NoW in a Grand
Circle of Never Ending Dance Light..
And like last night.. a Group of Dudes
Yell out of their Car Window After i Dance
‘You Are Legend We have much Love for you’..
This Job really doesn’t require being a Martyr NoW
Smiles are enough to get this Job done hehe.. NoW..
Some mornings the Energizer Easter Bunny Wakes up
A Bit Drained but Just one Dance Move and Voila Light Dances Again..
Of Course with a Really Big Breakfast that the Bikini Goddess Serves with a Smile too..
Wow!!! It’s amazing to see you having so much joy!!!
In one Week of Course i can not WiLL not Speak
For You but both in terms of Jobs and
Moving somewhere
To get ahead
Instead of
Focusing more
On life and love
i am so Glad i
Decided to
Become no one
Instead of someone
Yet as hard as i tried
To just be no one
i was Forced into
Promotions that i
Did not want that
Brought me intense
Stress then like you
experience in your
Big City now with
Such An important
Way of making a living
Too at the cost of
whatever you see
as Important to you..
SMiLes.. i escaped
That as it literally
Cost me my Soul
For 66 Months
Now i am who
i am supposed to
Be A Dude Who
Dances and Sings
In Spiral Footprints
And Finger Prints
Unnamed like
God yet Still
After Dance.. Random
Strangers Yell out of
Their Windows From
Their Cars Like Last
Night Exclaiming You
Are Legend With
Much Love
i just say
Thanks For the
Welcome as i’m
Positive God Will
Do the Same for
This Gift of Life
Free if All God had
to Do is What God
Does Spiral Dance
And Sing A Song
Eternally Now
Dark thru Light
Reaching out Now
And Touching Us…
Smiles my Friend
It’s like the Wizard
Of Oz.. Home is where
Now Our HeART SPiRiT
SoUL Lives.. At what
Cost what Dream is
It Worth it now to
Leave That Behind
i Voted No with God
i Dance And i Reach
And touch the Souls
Of Everyone i Meet
With no expectation
Of Returns God
Reminds me of
Who i am
On my BD Night
Before i get in my
Car yet Still i would
Rather Work NoW in a
Bowling Alley Serving
Shoes out for Close to
Minimum Wage where
The Human Connection
Was Deep and Really Real
And Lasted like a Village for
Decades with the Same Friends
And Always New Ones
Yep Better Than Being
“Legend With Much
Love” from distant
Windows of invisible
Voices in Random
Passing Cars.. my
Only Ambition was
To Love after 3 College
Degrees i succeeded
Best in Doing that serving
out and Sanitizing Dirty Rental
Shoes back and Yes i Met Katrina There the
Bikini That Never Ages hehe.. SMiLes my
Friend What our Cultures Convince us to Do..
i Rather Work
For SMiLes my
Really Live
In my opinion
at least for Love..
SMiLes my Friend
there is a much Greater
Force than Harm and Guilt
and that is the Power
of Forgiveness
for when
we are forgiven
of our Trespasses
those who receive Forgiving
and give Forgiving acknowledge
that we are Humans and Not Robots
with no
of mistakes..
or better put
really the Shadows
that are core to our
Basic Survival to be here at
all.. Being Human isn’t easy
We will
Do Well
to Give
each other
a bit of Rope
to Climb up the
Cliffs to avoid a
Fall all the Way to the Bottom of the Rocks..
hehe.. not many Mountains where i live yet
Valleys are always a Potential with High as Well..
Good Evening to you too iLona Madam AKA Ms. Hugs
surely hope you’ve gone to Sleep by now in France.. yes
i am doing Fine i actually am challenged by bits of Dark
Pieces like falling off a Picnic Bench Backwards Catching
my Fall with my Left Hand
yet.. almost
back to
Good as
New thanks
to the Regenerating
Effect of Moving Meditation
AKA Both Dance of Steps on Solid
Ground and Dance of Fingers in Song
for Higher Frequencies of Soul Vibrations
Even more in Healing and Regenerating ways
of Life of Love of Life as Flowers Spring Human More..
As Soul
A Tune
in Words True
iN Light too BeautY iN
Wisdom A Way of Pure Agape Love..
Thanks my FriEnd still Celebrating my Birthday
Tonight for the 265th Dance Week With all the Cool
College Age Folks at Seville Quarter the Metro Dance Hall..
Hehe.. Short
on Hours of
Sleep Always
on Thursday Nights WiTH SMiLes..:)
in the
Rain i will
Dance in the
Sunshine it is the
Essence of Dance and
Song that is Love that Remains
aS Energy of True Light’s Beauty of Wisdom ReaL NoW
Congrats to You those
Who Judge Without
Fall under
The World Up..
Those who do not
Express Feelings
Love/God/We too..:)
“MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” That’s A Better Title
Capstone (Cornerstone) oF A Pyramid
God HeaD AS SucH RaiSinG uP
The Rest of the Pyramid SoULS
The Nature of the Beast
Group Think Group Lies
One Will Never LiVE iN
Group THinK or Be ParT
oF ANy Group if One Seeks
Finds SPeaks Truth iN Light
It makes “Perfect Sense” that the only
Real Friend outside of Family Who Supported The Story of
Jesus was A Prostitute Mary Then
Someone is typing a comment……
It’s Not Surprising How Folks Will
Prostitute THeir Freedoms Now for the
Comfort of Group THiNK. Those Who SeeK
Truth iN Light Will ALWays Walk Alone
Outside DarK oF Lies in ‘The Group THiNK’
We Humans Feed off the Social Bonding Neurohormone Oxytocin
Getting Outcast takes that away ThaT iS How Lies Become Truth
Best thing about Being Lucifer
(John Milton Version) Is You No
Longer Fear Being Outcast
For Breaking Group
Think Lie RuleS Hehe
‘The Pope Admitted’ that the
“Lord’s Prayer/Gloria” is
Mistranslated Meanwhile
‘Traditional Conflicts’ Still Rise/
Fall Oh Lord so much more work
Words for me to Do Still Now
i Am Back i Never Left Now
SeRiouSly it may Sound Strange
but wHere i am from as a Child
When Riding my Bicycle Around
my BLock i crossed my self with
‘The’ Sign of the Cross Yes obsessively
compulsively for i feared if i did not i would
surely go to Hell.. bottom line it didn’t work
on the bottom of
the Pyramid
of That
And now
i no longer
Cross myself
with the Sign of
The Cross NoW i Am
Back i Never Left Now
That’s What i LEarned
in Hell to STaY iN NoW..
CRaP Got Way too ManY TabS OPeN
DoinG 3 BLoG PostS aT ONce CLoSinG
THeM aS i SPeaK…DancESinG Hmm.. LEast i won’t have
to Go to Victoria’s Secret or Frederick’s of HollyWood to FinD A Model
For my Cover Girl PageS hehe When We iNspire Someone to Smile
We Save the PreSent Now ‘That’ Humanity has not changed… ‘They’
still see ‘Trumps’ As God Sadly enough… God asked me if i wanted to
be Jesus and i said that was Already A failed plan i don’t do mistakes twice…
Best Thing About Bringing Light is You Do Something New To HeLP OuT Hell No Not
the Lucifer Devil that John Milton Created In ‘Paradise Lost’ His Book And ‘Fox’ Loosely Created
From the ‘Sand Man’ Comic Book that has ZERO still to Do with the Old Bible Anyway.. Jesus F in Christ Read at Least Read the Old Bible Don’t Believe every thing You Hear An Adversary is An Adversary there Never was a ‘Real Devil Horned Beast Creature’ in the Bible other Books and Folks Made that up.. oh Gosh
so Hard to
up after
doing your
Own ReSearcH
in a Place Where Shared
Lies are more important
than the Truth in Light
Go Ahead Believe the
Head Dude in Chargea
A Best Reflection now of
John 8:44 Yes go ahead
Believe Lies over Truth the
Karma of Free Will Set Low instead of Higher in Light Now
And Trust me when you Prove to the Pastor or Priest that
you just did John 14:12 oh Lord Totally Measured as such
they will not believe you any more than they Believe the Story
of Jesus when he said that was possible to do Greater Works
than Himself as Humble Teacher too.. hehe.. People Love
Lies more than the Truth to bond and bind together still
Ain’t no way there will ever be a Living Jesus in that
environment and that is for God Dam Sure Still Now
hehe only way he/she could ever come now is the
way he came/comes always NoW as Metaphor
first and last Just Another Light Bringer of
Change in Truth
out oF all
the Don
John Trump
Lies of John 8:44…
And that’s Just a Metaphor
TrumpS in Organizations have
Been Spoon Feeding Lies in Church
always same as Politics and whatever it takes
in Trash Talk to Win the Football or Boxing Game too…
Of Course with a Really Big Breakfast that the Bikini
Goddess Serves with a Smile too This Job really doesn’t
require Being a Martyr NoW.. Smiles are enough to get this
Job done hehe.. NoW.. Some mornings the Energizer Easter Bunny Wakes up
A Bit Drained but Just one Dance Move and Voila Light Dances Again..
SMiLes iLona madam Ms. Hugs.. so nice of you
to drift all the way down to the bottom of
“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” and not
get lost in an Avalanche of
Words and Pictures in
both the Main Body
of the Bible and the
Comments as that
Celebrates another Milestone
Blog Post i will be putting together
after i write you this Starting off the beginning
of the Next MacroVerse Blog Post of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest Long Form Bible Poem in so many
Free Verse Lamp Shapes too.. as this post i am now
Putting together currently is called “SonG oF mY SoUL
Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating that Milestone
On my Birthday Week in doing that 70 Months along of
Course with 11,396 Miles of Public Dance in close to the
Same Duration of 70 Months too.. hmm.. i don’t have any
Snakes on T-Shirts but Several Dragons hope that counts
in case if you noticed.. i have a Big Statue Bust of Apollo
the God of Poetry and you guessed it Wisdom too.. hehe..
and Abreast to Apollo no fun pun intended but yes in Robe with
one Breast Exposed is the Goddess of Youth Hebes.. Yes you
Guessed it Again Wife Katrina haha.. in her 49 Year-Old Bikini
With her same 17 Year-Old Body and Honestly even more Sexy
than at 17 Years-Old hehe that’s proof enough for God but anyway
We inherited those two Statues from my Father and Stepmother as
when they retired with a bunch of money from the State they always wanted
to be super rich in material ways so they spruced up their home all gaudy with
Stuff instead of buying a New Home.. ‘Crown Molding’ and the Such.. whatever it
took to feel rich outside.. as my Father spent the Last 12 Years of His Retirement
spending 500 Dollars on Lottery tickets each week at 100 Percent of His 46 Year Law
Enforcement Retirement Career but anyway before i was born God gave me
the Choice of Being Apollo or Shiva the God so i said that’s a Hard choice
i’ll do both why not but truly i am not the real God of either one of those
Statues all i am is just another God of Smiles for the Light i bring
to other folks in this Simple way of being i used to light them
up with my eyes had to turn my eyes into Dance still
doing Apollo with the Poetry.. but once you reach
a ‘certain level’ truly you are doing it on your
own mostly as not many folks are
currently in your Peer Group
if anyone at all my
Friend except
nice folks
like you
with more
Patience than
140 to 280 Characters these
days oh so many things to do i understand..
haha.. i didn’t come to this one life now for the
Shallows i came to dive in the deep end as deep
as i will until i will no longer breathe my Friend.. there
are not many people ‘down here’ but true when i surface
to Dance it’s a Party and the God of SMiLes Lives again..
When We iNspire Someone to Smile We Save the Present Now
God asked me if i wanted to be Jesus and i said that was already
a failed plan i don’t do mistakes twice ‘that’ Humanity has not changed they
still see
as God
Sadly enough..
So i Dance i Sing
i Do Apollo at the
Open Mic Word
Theater Here
All Natural
A Never Ending
Spiral of Legs Torso
And Arms.. NoW in a Grand
Circle of Never Ending Dance Light..
And like last night.. a Group of Dudes
Yell out of their Car Window After i Dance
‘You Are Legend We have much Love for you’..
This Job really doesn’t require being a Martyr NoW
Smiles are enough to get this Job done hehe.. NoW..
Some mornings the Energizer Easter Bunny Wakes up
A Bit Drained but Just one Dance Move and Voila Light Dances Again..
Of Course with a Really Big Breakfast that the Bikini Goddess Serves with a Smile too..
Wow!!! It’s amazing to see you having so much joy!!!
In one Week of Course i can not WiLL not Speak
For You but both in terms of Jobs and
Moving somewhere
To get ahead
Instead of
Focusing more
On life and love
i am so Glad i
Decided to
Become no one
Instead of someone
Yet as hard as i tried
To just be no one
i was Forced into
Promotions that i
Did not want that
Brought me intense
Stress then like you
experience in your
Big City now with
Such An important
Way of making a living
Too at the cost of
whatever you see
as Important to you..
SMiLes.. i escaped
That as it literally
Cost me my Soul
For 66 Months
Now i am who
i am supposed to
Be A Dude Who
Dances and Sings
In Spiral Footprints
And Finger Prints
Unnamed like
God yet Still
After Dance.. Random
Strangers Yell out of
Their Windows From
Their Cars Like Last
Night Exclaiming You
Are Legend With
Much Love
i just say
Thanks For the
Welcome as i’m
Positive God Will
Do the Same for
This Gift of Life
Free if All God had
to Do is What God
Does Spiral Dance
And Sing A Song
Eternally Now
Dark thru Light
Reaching out Now
And Touching Us…
Smiles my Friend
It’s like the Wizard
Of Oz.. Home is where
Now Our HeART SPiRiT
SoUL Lives.. At what
Cost what Dream is
It Worth it now to
Leave That Behind
i Voted No with God
i Dance And i Reach
And touch the Souls
Of Everyone i Meet
With no expectation
Of Returns God
Reminds me of
Who i am
On my BD Night
Before i get in my
Car yet Still i would
Rather Work NoW in a
Bowling Alley Serving
Shoes out for Close to
Minimum Wage where
The Human Connection
Was Deep and Really Real
And Lasted like a Village for
Decades with the Same Friends
And Always New Ones
Yep Better Than Being
“Legend With Much
Love” from distant
Windows of invisible
Voices in Random
Passing Cars.. my
Only Ambition was
To Love after 3 College
Degrees i succeeded
Best in Doing that serving
out and Sanitizing Dirty Rental
Shoes back and Yes i Met Katrina There the
Bikini That Never Ages hehe.. SMiLes my
Friend What our Cultures Convince us to Do..
i Rather Work
For SMiLes my
Really Live
In my opinion
at least for Love..
SMiLes my Friend
there is a much Greater
Force than Harm and Guilt
and that is the Power
of Forgiveness
for when
we are forgiven
of our Trespasses
those who receive Forgiving
and give Forgiving acknowledge
that we are Humans and Not Robots
with no
of mistakes..
or better put
really the Shadows
that are core to our
Basic Survival to be here at
all.. Being Human isn’t easy
We will
Do Well
to Give
each other
a bit of Rope
to Climb up the
Cliffs to avoid a
Fall all the Way to the Bottom of the Rocks..
hehe.. not many Mountains where i live yet
Valleys are always a Potential with High as Well..
Good Evening to you too iLona Madam AKA Ms. Hugs
surely hope you’ve gone to Sleep by now in France.. yes
i am doing Fine i actually am challenged by bits of Dark
Pieces like falling off a Picnic Bench Backwards Catching
my Fall with my Left Hand
yet.. almost
back to
Good as
New thanks
to the Regenerating
Effect of Moving Meditation
AKA Both Dance of Steps on Solid
Ground and Dance of Fingers in Song
for Higher Frequencies of Soul Vibrations
Even more in Healing and Regenerating ways
of Life of Love of Life as Flowers Spring Human More..
As Soul
A Tune
in Words True
iN Light too BeautY iN
Wisdom A Way of Pure Agape Love..
Thanks my FriEnd still Celebrating my Birthday
Tonight for the 265th Dance Week With all the Cool
College Age Folks at Seville Quarter the Metro Dance Hall..
Hehe.. Short
on Hours of
Sleep Always
on Thursday Nights WiTH SMiLes..:)
SMiLes Susan Thanks For Taking a Trek Across A Mount EveResT of
Photos and Words and Music to accompany the Mountain too.. hehe..
i took a Challenge this Morning without a Cup of Coffee Still laying in Bed
to Read the Whole Thing Through without the Music to Keep me awake..
lured into the temptation of
Sleep Hugging my
Wife who
Like a Fairy
Princess of course
was quite the Temptation
to go nap again.. but it’s also
true out of all of these 7 Million
Words of Free Verse Poetry Long
Form Epic Style Song Words in Free Verse Shapes
along with 11,404 Miles of Public Dance in the
Last 70 Months to muse that all now too Free
as well that often comes for no reason at
all but the designs of Ornate Lamps
as if that is An Archetype
built in before
we create
the Forms for
the Essence that
Masters Light for Us
As surely we are Light
Houses and Homes Ornate
as well more so when we practice
our Human Potentials without Group
Think to Mold us into ‘sex objects’ for
Target Audiences as we Prostitute our
Human Potentials for the Warm and Fuzzy
Glow that Belonging Hugs Bring us as well
to Light Our Christmas Tree Homes Up more
But still there is the Light of Truth We
other wise will seek and find
out of Group think
and the
in Flow
that will come
So Deep from Subconscious
Quantum Metaphor Flow of Human
Mind and Body Potential unleashed
and released when we get into that Flow
State of Meditation Mind that comes from
Dance And Song Free my Conscious mind in
Beta Wave Style of thinking will Never Art Words
like these as Theta Wave Song over Staccato Beta
Breaths of Incoherence..
so i read what
my Soul
had to
Sing to
me the Warmth
of my Wife furloughed
Long Enough.. to Hear
What my Soul Dances True
to me too.. it’s always new my
Friend i have no idea what i am
doing myself until i read it for the first time too..
Smiles it’s Just how Creativity when original works
there is no Target Audience not even the Ego who writes..
it’s not surprising that folks of old who did this were noted to
have ‘Voices of God’ Speaking within when all they were doing
as far as ‘Science knows’ now is unleashing and releasing the
rest of their Mind to come to the table of plenty and Dance and Sing..
i am as
and more impressed
by Whitman than Jesus
Lao Tzu or Buddha or
Mohammad or even
Mythological Krishna
For Whitman was both
a Greater Free Verse Soul Poet
and on top of that he was a real man
too who Wrote his own Soul of his Self..
Never Retold by Innumerable other Ghost
Authors or folks who transcribed the ideas of
the illiterate then as well.. True.. i like Rumi too..
he too was real and really wrote the Words he Felt in Flow
of what it means to be real and fulfilling all of Human Potential
whether in Dance or Song..
as Free Dance Essence
as Flesh And Blood
Form of
too now
Free With other
Human Souls Springing FLoWeRS NoW too..
Thanks for the Birthday Wish not many folks catch
up enough to my Mountain to wish me one these days
the dVerse Trail i remember with you and when you come
by it reminds me.. i wanna go back for additional arenas of Human
Muse too.. it doesn’t take much for me to get inspired these days particularly
after i have spent 70 Months paying attention all my focus of Soul on all
the Blessings that do become Blissings in Heaven now Within Carrying
on as Light i give more.. Smiles my Friend Stars don’t ‘think’ about shining
either now
they just
do it
Light ‘stuff’ up..
sadly most humans
never come close to
Finding their Ray oF Light..
even sadder is they copy each other this way….
hehe i am no longer A Xerox machine i Breathe i BReatHE..:)
Photos and Words and Music to accompany the Mountain too.. hehe..
i took a Challenge this Morning without a Cup of Coffee Still laying in Bed
to Read the Whole Thing Through without the Music to Keep me awake..
lured into the temptation of
Sleep Hugging my
Wife who
Like a Fairy
Princess of course
was quite the Temptation
to go nap again.. but it’s also
true out of all of these 7 Million
Words of Free Verse Poetry Long
Form Epic Style Song Words in Free Verse Shapes
along with 11,404 Miles of Public Dance in the
Last 70 Months to muse that all now too Free
as well that often comes for no reason at
all but the designs of Ornate Lamps
as if that is An Archetype
built in before
we create
the Forms for
the Essence that
Masters Light for Us
As surely we are Light
Houses and Homes Ornate
as well more so when we practice
our Human Potentials without Group
Think to Mold us into ‘sex objects’ for
Target Audiences as we Prostitute our
Human Potentials for the Warm and Fuzzy
Glow that Belonging Hugs Bring us as well
to Light Our Christmas Tree Homes Up more
But still there is the Light of Truth We
other wise will seek and find
out of Group think
and the
in Flow
that will come
So Deep from Subconscious
Quantum Metaphor Flow of Human
Mind and Body Potential unleashed
and released when we get into that Flow
State of Meditation Mind that comes from
Dance And Song Free my Conscious mind in
Beta Wave Style of thinking will Never Art Words
like these as Theta Wave Song over Staccato Beta
Breaths of Incoherence..
so i read what
my Soul
had to
Sing to
me the Warmth
of my Wife furloughed
Long Enough.. to Hear
What my Soul Dances True
to me too.. it’s always new my
Friend i have no idea what i am
doing myself until i read it for the first time too..
Smiles it’s Just how Creativity when original works
there is no Target Audience not even the Ego who writes..
it’s not surprising that folks of old who did this were noted to
have ‘Voices of God’ Speaking within when all they were doing
as far as ‘Science knows’ now is unleashing and releasing the
rest of their Mind to come to the table of plenty and Dance and Sing..
i am as
and more impressed
by Whitman than Jesus
Lao Tzu or Buddha or
Mohammad or even
Mythological Krishna
For Whitman was both
a Greater Free Verse Soul Poet
and on top of that he was a real man
too who Wrote his own Soul of his Self..
Never Retold by Innumerable other Ghost
Authors or folks who transcribed the ideas of
the illiterate then as well.. True.. i like Rumi too..
he too was real and really wrote the Words he Felt in Flow
of what it means to be real and fulfilling all of Human Potential
whether in Dance or Song..
as Free Dance Essence
as Flesh And Blood
Form of
too now
Free With other
Human Souls Springing FLoWeRS NoW too..
Thanks for the Birthday Wish not many folks catch
up enough to my Mountain to wish me one these days
the dVerse Trail i remember with you and when you come
by it reminds me.. i wanna go back for additional arenas of Human
Muse too.. it doesn’t take much for me to get inspired these days particularly
after i have spent 70 Months paying attention all my focus of Soul on all
the Blessings that do become Blissings in Heaven now Within Carrying
on as Light i give more.. Smiles my Friend Stars don’t ‘think’ about shining
either now
they just
do it
Light ‘stuff’ up..
sadly most humans
never come close to
Finding their Ray oF Light..
even sadder is they copy each other this way….
hehe i am no longer A Xerox machine i Breathe i BReatHE..:)
It’s Safe to Say that somewhere around at
Least Forty Percent of the Country are Stuck
SoMeWHeRE As Adults between Stage 0 and 3
With a Long Way to Get to God as All That is
LoVE iNcarNate We
In short moving From:
Group THiNK
to: UniVersal Love (God) MaKinGRaDE MaKinG A Grade oF LoVE
Two Pop Stars (Madonna and Sting) Fiftyish in Two songs.. one ‘Ray
oF LiGHT’ the other ‘Send Your Love’.. ascending transcending NoW
into the 7th Level of Maslow’s Pyramid Capstone of Faith
as Love For the Rest of Nature all that is one yes God
as all that is all of this.. same as Fowler’s Measure of
the 7th Level Capstone
of Faith
as Love For (ALL) God
as Related by Wiki of course too Here:
Least Forty Percent of the Country are Stuck
SoMeWHeRE As Adults between Stage 0 and 3
With a Long Way to Get to God as All That is
LoVE iNcarNate We
In short moving From:
Group THiNK
to: UniVersal Love (God) MaKinGRaDE MaKinG A Grade oF LoVE
Two Pop Stars (Madonna and Sting) Fiftyish in Two songs.. one ‘Ray
oF LiGHT’ the other ‘Send Your Love’.. ascending transcending NoW
into the 7th Level of Maslow’s Pyramid Capstone of Faith
as Love For the Rest of Nature all that is one yes God
as all that is all of this.. same as Fowler’s Measure of
the 7th Level Capstone
of Faith
as Love For (ALL) God
as Related by Wiki of course too Here:
“Stage 0 – “Primal or Undifferentiated” faith (birth to 2 years), is characterized by an early learning of the safety of their environment (i.e. warm, safe and secure vs. hurt, neglect and abuse). If consistent nurture is experienced, one will develop a sense of trust and safety about the universe and the divine. Conversely, negative experiences will cause one to develop distrust with the universe and the divine. Transition to the next stage begins with integration of thought and language which facilitates the use of symbols in speech and play.
Stage 1 – “Intuitive-Projective” faith (ages of three to seven), is characterized by the psyche’s unprotected exposure to the Unconscious, and marked by a relative fluidity of thought patterns.[4] Religion is learned mainly through experiences, stories, images, and the people that one comes in contact with.
Stage 2 – “Mythic-Literal” faith (mostly in school children), stage two persons have a strong belief in the justice and reciprocity of the universe, and their deities are almost always anthropomorphic. During this time metaphors and symbolic language are often misunderstood and are taken literally.
Stage 3 – “Synthetic-Conventional” faith (arising in adolescence; aged 12 to adulthood) characterized by conformity to authority and the religious development of a personal identity. Any conflicts with one’s beliefs are ignored at this stage due to the fear of threat from inconsistencies.
Stage 4 – “Individuative-Reflective” faith (usually mid-twenties to late thirties) a stage of angst and struggle. The individual takes personal responsibility for his or her beliefs and feelings. As one is able to reflect on one’s own beliefs, there is an openness to a new complexity of faith, but this also increases the awareness of conflicts in one’s belief.
Stage 5 – “Conjunctive” faith (mid-life crisis) acknowledges paradox and transcendence relating reality behind the symbols of inherited systems. The individual resolves conflicts from previous stages by a complex understanding of a multidimensional, interdependent “truth” that cannot be explained by any particular statement.
Stage 6 – “Universalizing” faith, or what some might call “enlightenment”. The individual would treat any person with compassion as he or she views people as from a universal community, and should be treated with universal principles of love and justice.
In short moving From:
Group THiNK
to UniVersal Love (God) MaKinGRaDE MaKinG the Grade oF LoVE
Group THiNK
to UniVersal Love (God) MaKinGRaDE MaKinG the Grade oF LoVE
It’s Safe to Say that somewhere around at
Least Forty Percent of the Country are Stuck
SoMeWHeRE As Adults between Stage 0 and 3
With a Long Way to Get to God as All That is LoVE iNcarNate We
Least Forty Percent of the Country are Stuck
SoMeWHeRE As Adults between Stage 0 and 3
With a Long Way to Get to God as All That is LoVE iNcarNate We
Space with
Open Soul
Is always
God Father” at the ‘top’ and then at the so-called ‘bottom’ inheriting
EartH The sons of God saw that the daughters of humans
were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
(Bibles Writer one Wife)
Famous Now
Legends who
Only Feel what
They Give Reflecting
What it means
To Be
Free never
By other
Free BReatHES
Congrats on more
Sunshine my FriEnd..:)
Given A Choice Now of
News.. Reason or Fiction
i Leave ThaT all Behind
NoW Arting
PerHaps With
An F who
AS Star
DusT Sentient
Standing Tall
Pantheistic Gas..
Resurrecting from
Super Nova Crucible
Fire Star Burst Flowering
FLoWeRinG US Alive..:)
Yes.. Hellooove you know when the Internet
First came out i have always been such a visual
touch and auditory empath
Feeling thinker
That Words Bored
Me i had zero desire
To write anything for
i had zero creative spark in me to write
Anything then
True as everything
i do still shows i still
Think very visually
And express my self
In Visual images
Other than Words
Yes of course my
Newer Language
Is Free Dance too
i do Treasure all
The Human
Feelings you
Express to me
In the Photos you
Send me i have quite
A Large catalog.. of
So Many Friendship
Photos as ha my
Entire Life NoW iN
Photos is uploaded
Online in so many
Ways i have to
Really try hard
To keep
Track of
Just me hehe..
Anyway Kiddo
It’s been Lovely
That you’ve
Shared your
Adventures with
Me i had some really
Lovely Platonic
With Girls in
School particularly
Before i knew any
Thing about the
Actual details
About Sex I’m not
Much for Badminton
But i surely would
Have played Tennis
With you for hours
And i would always
Be satisfied with
All expectations
Fulfilled smiles my
Friend since then I’ve
Developed an ability
To imagine entire
Worlds that never
Existed before
And Go there like
This physical World
Doesn’t exist at all
That pain i endured
Left me no choice
But to develop that
Ability if i Literally
Wanted to survive
Another Second
So you see i can
Imagine entire
Lifetimes with
Just one
Photo from
You it’s so Beautiful
To be able to do this
Thanks for letting me
Take you on those
Word Adventures
Too for With
There are no limits
For where we have
Been or for where we
Will go albeit it
Is only my imagination
Coloring your reality
Too as Words of course
Will take us to
Magical Places
True my
Lovely Friend
Whose still
Shots i
Continue to
Paint With
Words of Art at
Least you are not
So overwhelmed
By me that you have
Left my side like almost
Every other Friend i have Met
it is a rare friend Now who will
Stay with
I give
You are much more
Beautiful as a Subject
In 2019 vs 2015 as i
Remember the
First photo when
It was taken now
There is an
Inner glow that
Lights up the
Environment as
You no longer look
Like your light is
All trapped inside
Sadly the way so
Many Women in
Patriarchal Countries
Hide their feminine
Glow drowned
In toxic
Patriarchy as
That is changing
Globally now to
The great dismay
Of men who
Are not
Really men….
And now on another completely different ‘topic’
my First.. and Longest Dance Friend as a steady
Dance Partner from Seville Quarter Chelsea became the
Second Flesh and Blood Local Person other than my immediate
Family to Wish me a Happy Birthday on Thursday Night Dancing at the Seville Dance Club
True it was nice that a Car Load of Young Men Yelled out You are Legend with much Love too..
Anyway.. Chelsea wasn’t afraid of my Different when she first met me the Summer of 5 Years ago
there in 2014 and now she still is not in anyway ashamed to be around a person as different
as me.. for she is a Beautiful and Unique Person herself.. she is always the Friend you will
on having
a Smile for You..
And sure for now
i honor her as my
Only FB Profile Pic for the
Day so far at least.. hehe..
as the Entire World Nature (God) is
Friend now
with no separation
all (God) Nature is Lovely Friend to me..
but true not quite like a Dear Friend Uniquely who lights me up
usually that’s Cats and Beautiful Human Souls in a Personal way
God (Nature) Winks
in Synchronicity too
not unlike a Friendship
Birthday Wish WHere someone
Really Feels Who you are inside..:)
Space with
Open Soul
Is always
God Father” at the ‘top’ and then at the so-called ‘bottom’ inheriting
EartH The sons of God saw that the daughters of humans
were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
(Bibles Writer one Wife)
Famous Now
Legends who
Only Feel what
They Give Reflecting
What it means
To Be
Free never
By other
Free BReatHES
Congrats on more
Sunshine my FriEnd..:)
Given A Choice Now of
News.. Reason or Fiction
i Leave ThaT all Behind
NoW Arting
PerHaps With
An F who
AS Star
DusT Sentient
Standing Tall
Pantheistic Gas..
Resurrecting from
Super Nova Crucible
Fire Star Burst Flowering
FLoWeRinG US Alive..:)
Yes.. Hellooove you know when the Internet
First came out i have always been such a visual
touch and auditory empath
Feeling thinker
That Words Bored
Me i had zero desire
To write anything for
i had zero creative spark in me to write
Anything then
True as everything
i do still shows i still
Think very visually
And express my self
In Visual images
Other than Words
Yes of course my
Newer Language
Is Free Dance too
i do Treasure all
The Human
Feelings you
Express to me
In the Photos you
Send me i have quite
A Large catalog.. of
So Many Friendship
Photos as ha my
Entire Life NoW iN
Photos is uploaded
Online in so many
Ways i have to
Really try hard
To keep
Track of
Just me hehe..
Anyway Kiddo
It’s been Lovely
That you’ve
Shared your
Adventures with
Me i had some really
Lovely Platonic
With Girls in
School particularly
Before i knew any
Thing about the
Actual details
About Sex I’m not
Much for Badminton
But i surely would
Have played Tennis
With you for hours
And i would always
Be satisfied with
All expectations
Fulfilled smiles my
Friend since then I’ve
Developed an ability
To imagine entire
Worlds that never
Existed before
And Go there like
This physical World
Doesn’t exist at all
That pain i endured
Left me no choice
But to develop that
Ability if i Literally
Wanted to survive
Another Second
So you see i can
Imagine entire
Lifetimes with
Just one
Photo from
You it’s so Beautiful
To be able to do this
Thanks for letting me
Take you on those
Word Adventures
Too for With
There are no limits
For where we have
Been or for where we
Will go albeit it
Is only my imagination
Coloring your reality
Too as Words of course
Will take us to
Magical Places
True my
Lovely Friend
Whose still
Shots i
Continue to
Paint With
Words of Art at
Least you are not
So overwhelmed
By me that you have
Left my side like almost
Every other Friend i have Met
it is a rare friend Now who will
Stay with
I give
You are much more
Beautiful as a Subject
In 2019 vs 2015 as i
Remember the
First photo when
It was taken now
There is an
Inner glow that
Lights up the
Environment as
You no longer look
Like your light is
All trapped inside
Sadly the way so
Many Women in
Patriarchal Countries
Hide their feminine
Glow drowned
In toxic
Patriarchy as
That is changing
Globally now to
The great dismay
Of men who
Are not
Really men….
And now on another completely different ‘topic’
my First.. and Longest Dance Friend as a steady
Dance Partner from Seville Quarter Chelsea became the
Second Flesh and Blood Local Person other than my immediate
Family to Wish me a Happy Birthday on Thursday Night Dancing at the Seville Dance Club
True it was nice that a Car Load of Young Men Yelled out You are Legend with much Love too..
Anyway.. Chelsea wasn’t afraid of my Different when she first met me the Summer of 5 Years ago
there in 2014 and now she still is not in anyway ashamed to be around a person as different
as me.. for she is a Beautiful and Unique Person herself.. she is always the Friend you will
on having
a Smile for You..
And sure for now
i honor her as my
Only FB Profile Pic for the
Day so far at least.. hehe..
as the Entire World Nature (God) is
Friend now
with no separation
all (God) Nature is Lovely Friend to me..
but true not quite like a Dear Friend Uniquely who lights me up
usually that’s Cats and Beautiful Human Souls in a Personal way
God (Nature) Winks
in Synchronicity too
not unlike a Friendship
Birthday Wish WHere someone
Really Feels Who you are inside..:)
WHere a Street Light at 3:33 AM in the Morning
Hurt my Eyes as Much as Looking Directly into the Sun Forever
i see
No i
No eYes
or ears at
ALL Soul Springs
Soul Green LiVeS SKeYes
Aqua Blue and Golden Sun Alive..
From: i’LL Go OuT SiDE And Ask…
GeT Back to: Y’aLL oN THiS SooN…
HmM iF NaTuRE HaS A LooK A SaY
i DiD A Test Now
i looked through
the Avatars of all
Your Likers.. 80 in total
and i was the
only one
with Katrina
Hehe with my
Wife there is
no Depression
Just endless
Bikini Photos
for Now at least..
i Love to see Couples
taking photos together
better yet i Love to take
Photos of my Wife in her Aqua Bikini
could be
This way..
true a Bikini
is not always
enough for 66
Months too a
Pretty Bikini Does
help but it will not
cure Depression alone
with SMiLes or worse
with no smiles at all yuck
yep been there done that hell too my
FriEnd iLona madam Ms.. Hugs Hope
Your Saturday is Ecstatic Filled with Fun..
or at least with SMiLes hehe.. silly ones too..
“It cost 00,00$ to be a good person.”
This is True and as ‘Sia’ Dances
And Sings Cheap Thrills
CoMe with
BiLLs at All..
Just Dance Just Sing
Free ToGeTHeR alone
allone all SaMe DiFFeReNT True..
First oF all
YouR Smile
made me
isn’t that
Gold enough
no Need Now to
Dig anymore for SMiLes..
In other News Folks who Worship
the God of Money Fall Fall Fall so
low below
of Happiness
without all that
Litter of Green
for life and
that’s all of life
for them.. no one
knows how rich i am
and they never will except
for those who FeeL iT and
Receive it from me all For Free hehe..
SMiLes SMiLes never has a Cent in a Pocket
When SMiLes Goes to Dance SMiLes Never Buys
A Drink.. or Receives one from anyone else unless
it is a Cup of Water Trusted from a Good Samaritan
who sees the Mud Puddle of Sweat from SMiLEs on the
Dance Floor
is weighed
down with all
the Money Matters
she even wears a pair
of Far Away close up
Specs when she pays
the Credit Card bill off full
each month so we will receive
Free Star Bucks too.. oh God i am
such a Cheap Skater.. always have been
always will be.. give me a Dollar Burger
not very Healthy but worth more than a Lottery
Ticket for a Numbers Game where Humans always
and lose
for the God
of Money they
Worship Most
oh Trump Dreams
of GOlden Towers Higher
Put the Rich Con Dude for Bucks
in Charge and see how much Money
one will
eat for
Lunch And Dinner
while the Polar Ice
Caps Melt the Richest
Homes on Gulf Shores
in Hurricanes like Archangel
Michael in Wings of Nature God’s
Face of Wrath even more these days at least..
Humans are not only Gold Diggers these days
they are Earth and God Rapers same as the Nature
they take and hoard more of God all Natural than
Give and Share to Green Nature Alive God more than Dead…
of Course
too Barren
as any Dollar
Bill Laden Hell
of Paper Souls
with only Black
And Green Print
Left of Dreams of Soul Reborn..
simply as Love my friend Love to Give
and share Naked i come into this World
With Love Ashes Left with Love Giving i return now..
True i lived FroZen for 66 Months in Crucifixion Pain
yes Worse Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia with little
to no Emotions from Wake to Sleep for 66 Months in
Desert Dark Night With No Moon or Stars in my Bedroom
for 66 Months WHere a Street Light at 3:33 AM in the Morning
Hurt my Eyes as Much as Looking Directly into the Sun Forever
i see
No i
No eYes
or ears at
ALL Soul Springs
Soul Green LiVeS SKeYes
Aqua Blue and Golden Sun Alive..:)
Hurt my Eyes as Much as Looking Directly into the Sun Forever
i see
No i
No eYes
or ears at
ALL Soul Springs
Soul Green LiVeS SKeYes
Aqua Blue and Golden Sun Alive..
From: i’LL Go OuT SiDE And Ask…
GeT Back to: Y’aLL oN THiS SooN…
HmM iF NaTuRE HaS A LooK A SaY
i DiD A Test Now
i looked through
the Avatars of all
Your Likers.. 80 in total
and i was the
only one
with Katrina
Hehe with my
Wife there is
no Depression
Just endless
Bikini Photos
for Now at least..
i Love to see Couples
taking photos together
better yet i Love to take
Photos of my Wife in her Aqua Bikini
could be
This way..
true a Bikini
is not always
enough for 66
Months too a
Pretty Bikini Does
help but it will not
cure Depression alone
with SMiLes or worse
with no smiles at all yuck
yep been there done that hell too my
FriEnd iLona madam Ms.. Hugs Hope
Your Saturday is Ecstatic Filled with Fun..
or at least with SMiLes hehe.. silly ones too..
“It cost 00,00$ to be a good person.”
This is True and as ‘Sia’ Dances
And Sings Cheap Thrills
CoMe with
BiLLs at All..
Just Dance Just Sing
Free ToGeTHeR alone
allone all SaMe DiFFeReNT True..
First oF all
YouR Smile
made me
isn’t that
Gold enough
no Need Now to
Dig anymore for SMiLes..
In other News Folks who Worship
the God of Money Fall Fall Fall so
low below
of Happiness
without all that
Litter of Green
for life and
that’s all of life
for them.. no one
knows how rich i am
and they never will except
for those who FeeL iT and
Receive it from me all For Free hehe..
SMiLes SMiLes never has a Cent in a Pocket
When SMiLes Goes to Dance SMiLes Never Buys
A Drink.. or Receives one from anyone else unless
it is a Cup of Water Trusted from a Good Samaritan
who sees the Mud Puddle of Sweat from SMiLEs on the
Dance Floor
is weighed
down with all
the Money Matters
she even wears a pair
of Far Away close up
Specs when she pays
the Credit Card bill off full
each month so we will receive
Free Star Bucks too.. oh God i am
such a Cheap Skater.. always have been
always will be.. give me a Dollar Burger
not very Healthy but worth more than a Lottery
Ticket for a Numbers Game where Humans always
and lose
for the God
of Money they
Worship Most
oh Trump Dreams
of GOlden Towers Higher
Put the Rich Con Dude for Bucks
in Charge and see how much Money
one will
eat for
Lunch And Dinner
while the Polar Ice
Caps Melt the Richest
Homes on Gulf Shores
in Hurricanes like Archangel
Michael in Wings of Nature God’s
Face of Wrath even more these days at least..
Humans are not only Gold Diggers these days
they are Earth and God Rapers same as the Nature
they take and hoard more of God all Natural than
Give and Share to Green Nature Alive God more than Dead…
of Course
too Barren
as any Dollar
Bill Laden Hell
of Paper Souls
with only Black
And Green Print
Left of Dreams of Soul Reborn..
simply as Love my friend Love to Give
and share Naked i come into this World
With Love Ashes Left with Love Giving i return now..
True i lived FroZen for 66 Months in Crucifixion Pain
yes Worse Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia with little
to no Emotions from Wake to Sleep for 66 Months in
Desert Dark Night With No Moon or Stars in my Bedroom
for 66 Months WHere a Street Light at 3:33 AM in the Morning
Hurt my Eyes as Much as Looking Directly into the Sun Forever
i see
No i
No eYes
or ears at
ALL Soul Springs
Soul Green LiVeS SKeYes
Aqua Blue and Golden Sun Alive..:)
Romancing the Stone
Philosophers’ Stone Now
Humans have the Ability
to Love
Ode the
of the Moon
Romance GLoW
Love Present
Gift FLoW
Sohair as you may
have noted before i use
‘NoW’ lots when i Sing and
Most Always when i Dance in Flow
Flow A Gift Present of NoW in Dance
of Our Being We are born with A Song
But Words both Written And Spoken are
Yes tools we
Co-Create to
share a Mutual
of our Realities
at Best we Hope
SMiLes.. ‘Eckhart Tolle’
A Champion of the Force of Now
or as he says the ‘The Power of Now’
considering all that is is now (god) that is a giving
now.. if i said given it would be past so i focus on giving now (god)
sharing now.. using the language literally of now puts us more in now
A Present now.. more too other than past and future tense now.. Now
Language is a Great Tool to use As Tolle Also Suggests Words are only
Signposts that guide us closer to Light of Love Truth or farther away now..
Smiles.. when i first incurred the Dentist Drill in my Right eye and ear
with no Drug that would touch that Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
from Wake to Sleep that would linger on as the pain assessed as
worse than actual crucifixion from wake to sleep for an entire 66
Months.. my Step Mother’s Husband’s Daughter bought me
not only the Book but the Audio Version of Eckhart
Tolle’s “Power of Now’ true.. i had already read
the Book and surely understood then that
Emotional Pain is Tension and
Actual Physical Pain we
carry in our
unless we
express those
Emotions Fully
as other wise they
just become physical pain
the ‘Energy’ doesn’t just disappear..
it’s like a River that Floods it doesn’t go away..
and at worse all becomes numb all becomes piece
of paper existence all becomes the literal living dead
walking the Earth as Ghosts who vaguely remember
they once lived.. anyway.. i said thank you for the tape
the book but there are no absolute aphorisms when it
comes to the Human condition for it is not a Science Project
No two people sense and feel the world the same.. although
some folks would like to make humans into Robots like this although
they neither can or will.. not even ourselves.. as we all come from God God beyond
All distance space and time.. God Beyond Measure yes our Human consciousness
that Science
still has
no clue
of how
we even
exist now
as God’s EYes real too..
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never
the situation but your thoughts about it. The
past has no power over the present moment.”
This Quote ‘became’ patently False as soon as the
Absolute Word Never is inserted into the line.. sure
this may apply to Mr. Tolle’s Life but Mr. Tolle Never
Experienced a Dentist Drill in his eye and ear that
was physical in origin.. a situation beyond all
this is just
‘common sense’
we are about as far
away from Words as
we are from understanding
How Human Consciousness works..
And even our Conscious Minds only
Represent about 5 Percent of our total
Realities as we exist and experience a
Cognizant Reality of Life.. what i do agree
with what Mr. Tolle in His many Quotes speaks
is both Life and We are the Dancer.. let me.. look
up to quote him exactly real quick… “Life is the dancer
and you are the dance.” it appears that Mr. Tolle sees God
more Like the Indian God Shiva.. An Endless Dance An Endless
Dancer i have to Wonder how often Mr. Tolle Dances versus Speaks
or sits still.. True though sitting still is a repetitive movement too in fact
just standing still requires 300 muscles of repetitive movement to make
that reality happen too.. problem is most repetitive movement may eventually
cause Ergonomic injury same as quoting the same old dam phrases as that
will create
better yet
put Creativity
Rot more.. ever since
the Written Word is invented
more and more of us have become
a species that quotes others instead
of creating our own dances and songs of Life..
We are the Dancers We are the Singers Life is the
Dance and Song we move connect and co-create or
do not.. Sadly God has become a Noun more than Verb too..
AS Humans
the Tools
the Labels
more than ‘the living one within’
the Light the Flame the Torch the
Bonfire sure for metaphor ‘the Saint
Elmo’s Fire’ That is on a distant Island
Never just captured and passed from hand to hand…..
when we meet
God face to Face
God will never be
imprisoned in Human Tools when Living..
but back to Love Reproductive Love the Eros
Changing from Hand Holding Human Affection
into the Anxiety of the Heart Flutter of bonding
and holding on to another Human Being for the
Vital Core Success of Children born who will survive
to carry on the Housings of the Vehicles and Vessels
of Human Souls.. yes Romance when Humans are Free to
Love and sure other Socio-Economic transactions.. When
Scarcity is the Rule for the Day over Abundance and Basic
Survival Rules over the ‘French Creation’ of Romance somewhere
around the 11th and 12th Centuries of Greater Abundance for
the Economics of Free Flowing Love oh Lord with the anxiety
of Heart Flutters ‘remember me.. forget me not..’ hehe.. and
then comes the beauty of Flow in Marital Relations and other
Relations True when Trust as Love Becomes Faith is the Glue
of all Bonds of Love.. so Truly Light away from that other
Roller coaster of Hearts that flutter flicker in the
anxiety of fear
of forgetting
no longer
you or me
or however that
is presently working
in the Roller Coaster of
Romantic Dreams come real..
hehe.. i’m sinking just thinking about
it so i rise back to 30 Years of Interactions
with my Wife where Love is now Faith no longer
a Heart Flutter away from a flicker towards dark..
Smiles my Friend Monogamy leaves room for other Light..
in fact this Faith this Love Leaves Room to Love all as God
NoW in Trust
and Faith
as Love
and who
endures the best
we hope.. we Trust
We Love we become Faith as LoVE NoW
SMiLes my Friend i just recently took so
Many Beautiful Gorgeous and very very Attractive
photos of my Wife to Share with the entire World
the Difference between Romance and this Love is
it endures all darkness.. fears no other Love fears
no fear
at all
but true
this Love is only
between two people
i share my Wife’s Bikini
photos with the entire World the
same way she allows me to have close
Relationships with Women and Dance with
whoever it may be for Real Love is Rarely ever Jealous….
Real Love is Compersion that only sees Joy when Love is
and Queen
of the Entire
UniVerse Now
the Present Gift
G o D
Smiles my Friend
it is the Essence (God) that
is Real all the Words in the
World will never equate to the Faith of Love (God)
THere Are lower And Higher Grades oF Love Beyond ALL MEaSuRE (God) NoW..
Smiles my Friend after Painting 7 Million Words oF A NeWeR Age Bible i come
in that 70 Month Effort
Far From: Painting God….
to: JusT A Tiny Bit CoLoRinG.. more….
Hopefully ‘Someone’ Will Do A Better Job than ‘me’…
That’s A Part That Most Christians Miss Most God Will
Never Be Fully MeASured.. “John 14:12” IS A CRuX
oF ALL Never Ending Stories now…:)
Goooood Morning
From Florida safe trip
back to Work for you And
i wanted now to paraphrase
‘A Quote’ ‘i Heard today’ for
You and sure now
me And everyone
Else (god) too (we)
Will now never truly
Define Now another
Human Being….Even
Ourselves with Words
As our Feelings…And
Senses Are…Always
Changing now what
We will Enjoy and
Accept More is a
Present Dance
Of Life with no
Labels but Stars
Of Frequencies
Of Vibrations
A Force of
Higher and
Lower my Friend
As we raise the Energy
(Force/Love) Higher
Or Lower better to
‘See’ other Beings
(us/god) as Beings
oF Light Now
As time
space and
By God Words
Are illusory at
Best while the
Frequencies of
Vibrations of our
Feelings and Senses
Are all the Force of
Light we truly own
We truly give and
share with others
How crude these
Words.. yes labels
(Other tools)
Are how deep
Is the Human
(Touch) Now
Stars We
Are into
My Friend
It is safe to
Say my
This yet
Always Dances
Different the
Gift Now..
Other than
That Helloove
We all ‘hear’ that
Word Different
Yet Light
Philosophers’ Stone Now
Humans have the Ability
to Love
Ode the
of the Moon
Romance GLoW
Love Present
Gift FLoW
Sohair as you may
have noted before i use
‘NoW’ lots when i Sing and
Most Always when i Dance in Flow
Flow A Gift Present of NoW in Dance
of Our Being We are born with A Song
But Words both Written And Spoken are
Yes tools we
Co-Create to
share a Mutual
of our Realities
at Best we Hope
SMiLes.. ‘Eckhart Tolle’
A Champion of the Force of Now
or as he says the ‘The Power of Now’
considering all that is is now (god) that is a giving
now.. if i said given it would be past so i focus on giving now (god)
sharing now.. using the language literally of now puts us more in now
A Present now.. more too other than past and future tense now.. Now
Language is a Great Tool to use As Tolle Also Suggests Words are only
Signposts that guide us closer to Light of Love Truth or farther away now..
Smiles.. when i first incurred the Dentist Drill in my Right eye and ear
with no Drug that would touch that Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
from Wake to Sleep that would linger on as the pain assessed as
worse than actual crucifixion from wake to sleep for an entire 66
Months.. my Step Mother’s Husband’s Daughter bought me
not only the Book but the Audio Version of Eckhart
Tolle’s “Power of Now’ true.. i had already read
the Book and surely understood then that
Emotional Pain is Tension and
Actual Physical Pain we
carry in our
unless we
express those
Emotions Fully
as other wise they
just become physical pain
the ‘Energy’ doesn’t just disappear..
it’s like a River that Floods it doesn’t go away..
and at worse all becomes numb all becomes piece
of paper existence all becomes the literal living dead
walking the Earth as Ghosts who vaguely remember
they once lived.. anyway.. i said thank you for the tape
the book but there are no absolute aphorisms when it
comes to the Human condition for it is not a Science Project
No two people sense and feel the world the same.. although
some folks would like to make humans into Robots like this although
they neither can or will.. not even ourselves.. as we all come from God God beyond
All distance space and time.. God Beyond Measure yes our Human consciousness
that Science
still has
no clue
of how
we even
exist now
as God’s EYes real too..
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never
the situation but your thoughts about it. The
past has no power over the present moment.”
This Quote ‘became’ patently False as soon as the
Absolute Word Never is inserted into the line.. sure
this may apply to Mr. Tolle’s Life but Mr. Tolle Never
Experienced a Dentist Drill in his eye and ear that
was physical in origin.. a situation beyond all
this is just
‘common sense’
we are about as far
away from Words as
we are from understanding
How Human Consciousness works..
And even our Conscious Minds only
Represent about 5 Percent of our total
Realities as we exist and experience a
Cognizant Reality of Life.. what i do agree
with what Mr. Tolle in His many Quotes speaks
is both Life and We are the Dancer.. let me.. look
up to quote him exactly real quick… “Life is the dancer
and you are the dance.” it appears that Mr. Tolle sees God
more Like the Indian God Shiva.. An Endless Dance An Endless
Dancer i have to Wonder how often Mr. Tolle Dances versus Speaks
or sits still.. True though sitting still is a repetitive movement too in fact
just standing still requires 300 muscles of repetitive movement to make
that reality happen too.. problem is most repetitive movement may eventually
cause Ergonomic injury same as quoting the same old dam phrases as that
will create
better yet
put Creativity
Rot more.. ever since
the Written Word is invented
more and more of us have become
a species that quotes others instead
of creating our own dances and songs of Life..
We are the Dancers We are the Singers Life is the
Dance and Song we move connect and co-create or
do not.. Sadly God has become a Noun more than Verb too..
AS Humans
the Tools
the Labels
more than ‘the living one within’
the Light the Flame the Torch the
Bonfire sure for metaphor ‘the Saint
Elmo’s Fire’ That is on a distant Island
Never just captured and passed from hand to hand…..
when we meet
God face to Face
God will never be
imprisoned in Human Tools when Living..
but back to Love Reproductive Love the Eros
Changing from Hand Holding Human Affection
into the Anxiety of the Heart Flutter of bonding
and holding on to another Human Being for the
Vital Core Success of Children born who will survive
to carry on the Housings of the Vehicles and Vessels
of Human Souls.. yes Romance when Humans are Free to
Love and sure other Socio-Economic transactions.. When
Scarcity is the Rule for the Day over Abundance and Basic
Survival Rules over the ‘French Creation’ of Romance somewhere
around the 11th and 12th Centuries of Greater Abundance for
the Economics of Free Flowing Love oh Lord with the anxiety
of Heart Flutters ‘remember me.. forget me not..’ hehe.. and
then comes the beauty of Flow in Marital Relations and other
Relations True when Trust as Love Becomes Faith is the Glue
of all Bonds of Love.. so Truly Light away from that other
Roller coaster of Hearts that flutter flicker in the
anxiety of fear
of forgetting
no longer
you or me
or however that
is presently working
in the Roller Coaster of
Romantic Dreams come real..
hehe.. i’m sinking just thinking about
it so i rise back to 30 Years of Interactions
with my Wife where Love is now Faith no longer
a Heart Flutter away from a flicker towards dark..
Smiles my Friend Monogamy leaves room for other Light..
in fact this Faith this Love Leaves Room to Love all as God
NoW in Trust
and Faith
as Love
and who
endures the best
we hope.. we Trust
We Love we become Faith as LoVE NoW
SMiLes my Friend i just recently took so
Many Beautiful Gorgeous and very very Attractive
photos of my Wife to Share with the entire World
the Difference between Romance and this Love is
it endures all darkness.. fears no other Love fears
no fear
at all
but true
this Love is only
between two people
i share my Wife’s Bikini
photos with the entire World the
same way she allows me to have close
Relationships with Women and Dance with
whoever it may be for Real Love is Rarely ever Jealous….
Real Love is Compersion that only sees Joy when Love is
and Queen
of the Entire
UniVerse Now
the Present Gift
G o D
Smiles my Friend
it is the Essence (God) that
is Real all the Words in the
World will never equate to the Faith of Love (God)
THere Are lower And Higher Grades oF Love Beyond ALL MEaSuRE (God) NoW..
Smiles my Friend after Painting 7 Million Words oF A NeWeR Age Bible i come
in that 70 Month Effort
Far From: Painting God….
to: JusT A Tiny Bit CoLoRinG.. more….
Hopefully ‘Someone’ Will Do A Better Job than ‘me’…
That’s A Part That Most Christians Miss Most God Will
Never Be Fully MeASured.. “John 14:12” IS A CRuX
oF ALL Never Ending Stories now…:)
Goooood Morning
From Florida safe trip
back to Work for you And
i wanted now to paraphrase
‘A Quote’ ‘i Heard today’ for
You and sure now
me And everyone
Else (god) too (we)
Will now never truly
Define Now another
Human Being….Even
Ourselves with Words
As our Feelings…And
Senses Are…Always
Changing now what
We will Enjoy and
Accept More is a
Present Dance
Of Life with no
Labels but Stars
Of Frequencies
Of Vibrations
A Force of
Higher and
Lower my Friend
As we raise the Energy
(Force/Love) Higher
Or Lower better to
‘See’ other Beings
(us/god) as Beings
oF Light Now
As time
space and
By God Words
Are illusory at
Best while the
Frequencies of
Vibrations of our
Feelings and Senses
Are all the Force of
Light we truly own
We truly give and
share with others
How crude these
Words.. yes labels
(Other tools)
Are how deep
Is the Human
(Touch) Now
Stars We
Are into
My Friend
It is safe to
Say my
This yet
Always Dances
Different the
Gift Now..
Other than
That Helloove
We all ‘hear’ that
Word Different
Yet Light
“Genesis Ch.1. V.32”
Liberty Is Not
A Statue Nor
Is God A Word
With the Most Beautiful Woman
in the World on a Beautiful Beach
Charlton Cries for ‘they’ finally Destroyed the Big C Culture
Ha! A ‘REaSoN’ i AM so much more more more more now
to Give/Feel/Share Is THere Is NoThing to ReCeiVE NoW
Hi Sohair.. Agreeing to Disagree is most always a step
Forward to Learn from others who we may not share
the same life experiences and perspectives with i do totally
Agree.. hehe.. and i do like the overall Philosophy about the
Present and Power of Now that Eckhart Tolle Brings to the
Overall Table of Human Ideas about Existential Intelligences..
Thoughts are the Furniture of Our Soul.. we attach Feelings to
Our Thoughts and they surely bring us up and or down this way too…
So Yes to Master Thoughts
in Tandem With Regulating
Emotions and Integrating
Senses in whatever
Moving And/Or Still
Prayer of Meditation
Existing Or New to
come more as Light
And i am doing very well
now.. i injured my left Shoulder
Last Weekend with a Nasty Fall onto
my Left Hand off of the Bench of a Picnic
Table over Sunday After Church Dinner on the
Farm Grounds there.. it seems to be healing nicely
now but ‘the Energizer Bunny’ Keep going and going
Without Hardly taking a week day off.. but of course
Dance is the Medicine that will cure most all pains too..
Liberty Is Not
A Statue Nor
Is God A Word
With the Most Beautiful Woman
in the World on a Beautiful Beach
Charlton Cries for ‘they’ finally Destroyed the Big C Culture
Ha! A ‘REaSoN’ i AM so much more more more more now
to Give/Feel/Share Is THere Is NoThing to ReCeiVE NoW
Hi Sohair.. Agreeing to Disagree is most always a step
Forward to Learn from others who we may not share
the same life experiences and perspectives with i do totally
Agree.. hehe.. and i do like the overall Philosophy about the
Present and Power of Now that Eckhart Tolle Brings to the
Overall Table of Human Ideas about Existential Intelligences..
Thoughts are the Furniture of Our Soul.. we attach Feelings to
Our Thoughts and they surely bring us up and or down this way too…
So Yes to Master Thoughts
in Tandem With Regulating
Emotions and Integrating
Senses in whatever
Moving And/Or Still
Prayer of Meditation
Existing Or New to
come more as Light
And i am doing very well
now.. i injured my left Shoulder
Last Weekend with a Nasty Fall onto
my Left Hand off of the Bench of a Picnic
Table over Sunday After Church Dinner on the
Farm Grounds there.. it seems to be healing nicely
now but ‘the Energizer Bunny’ Keep going and going
Without Hardly taking a week day off.. but of course
Dance is the Medicine that will cure most all pains too..
“1/ TO Stop thinking about other people’s defects and to think only about your defects and begin to repaire your inside world.
2/To accept people as they are and to stay away from those who do not know who you are.
3/To be optimistic and do not lose trust in God.
4/To think positively and to stay away from any passive thoughts.
5/To value every tiny gift..and to thank God for it.
6/To practise your favorite hobby and to give yourself a time every day for thinking of nothing.”
Smiles.. Sohair.. i Agree Now With
All Your Tenants Here to Gain And Stay
in Heaven Within on Earth Now.. so sure..
i am Quoting them for Truth too.. Some of
us have more Stomach For Handling strange
Folks Around us and some are not innately
cut out
for it
as much Now..:)
All Your Tenants Here to Gain And Stay
in Heaven Within on Earth Now.. so sure..
i am Quoting them for Truth too.. Some of
us have more Stomach For Handling strange
Folks Around us and some are not innately
cut out
for it
as much Now..:)
Yes Yes yes..
Ask First Before
Shooting as Bullets
don’t always heal fast..
Cognitive Empathy may be Lost
when we do not do our best to understand
others actually
giving ourself
the Pleasure
to Respect
more now too..:)
Ask First Before
Shooting as Bullets
don’t always heal fast..
Cognitive Empathy may be Lost
when we do not do our best to understand
others actually
giving ourself
the Pleasure
to Respect
more now too..:)
SMiLes i’ve had up to 16 Likes in the span of 1 Minute
can you imagine someone reading 480 Thousand Words in a
Minute.. hehe.. actually i think that was like Bombing me with
as they
Like something
about me hehe..
and that’s okay too..
Likes won’t hurt me
and i’m fairly resilient
to Words and even Sticks
And Stones too these days as well hehe..
one thing i will say is very few people make
meaningless comments very few people make
comments at all hehe.. you are one in a million with SMiLes this way..
Wife doesn’t
read my Blog
as she says it
makes her Fredache get worse..
but i did show her all the photos
of Her Bikini Bottom and top on
the Last Golden Stream Blog Post hehe..;)
can you imagine someone reading 480 Thousand Words in a
Minute.. hehe.. actually i think that was like Bombing me with
as they
Like something
about me hehe..
and that’s okay too..
Likes won’t hurt me
and i’m fairly resilient
to Words and even Sticks
And Stones too these days as well hehe..
one thing i will say is very few people make
meaningless comments very few people make
comments at all hehe.. you are one in a million with SMiLes this way..
Wife doesn’t
read my Blog
as she says it
makes her Fredache get worse..
but i did show her all the photos
of Her Bikini Bottom and top on
the Last Golden Stream Blog Post hehe..;)
Age of the Booty.. interesting Post
in Booty Competitions with Stone
Butt Statues with plentiful Curves
true though we used to live in the Age
of the Breast.. the age of Booty comes when
there are plenty of fats and sugars to eat.. in abundance
butt when Scarcity Exists Breasts are Worshipped more as
an all Natural innate instinctual and intuitive Source of Food
for the Little Children of course up to 5 Years-old.. true.. most
Mother’s Don’t Nurse their Children as Long these days
but rarely
is there
a Wet-T-Shirt
Contest Where i
Live anymore either
as it’s more about Butt
And even Booty Dances too..
Speaking of Booties my Wife
Wins the UniVersal Booty Competition
this Century as the Person of this Century at least hehe..
as always
i provide
too my Friend.. hAha..
not bad for 49 Years-old
nothing much has changed
even before i met her at 17 years old..
Lips contests are one of my Favorites
but that is an entirely different story way off topic here..
oh yeah that reminds me of the ‘Planet of the Apes’ we are all
born of Super Nova Explosions Crucible Fire of Star Burst Death
We Resurrect as Sentient Star Dust plus same Iron from Super
Nova Explosions in our Blood Stream that exists in core of
Mother Earth True too.. Yes the Most Beautiful Woman on
the ‘Planet of the Apes’ was named Nova too.. but true
After a Car that
was named
too AFAIK at least..
Anyway.. Beautiful Women All Women
Turn the Wheels of Mankind still to spin
Stories and other Arts to carry Wayward
Sons and or Daughters on as the Species
continues to carry on this way even more.. hAha..
anyway back on the Lip Contest Nova couldn’t Speak
at all perhaps that is some men’s dream for their Significant
other hmm.. not to speak not at all but perhaps not as much..
anyway.. the Apes on the Planet of the Apes figured out that they
couldn’t afford to Let Humans talk and gain recorded intelligence
in the Written Word as they might blow the World Up again Frying
Most all of the Monkey’s and Apes on Planet Earth too.. True.. the Written
Word was basically the Tool the First real part of Culture we created
to record Human Intelligence and Arts to Build upon that.. and now
We have
And Entire
Worlds in
6 inch
of Screens i
suppose as we continue
to Rape the Earth as a Species
bringing scarcity and extinction
to 1 out of 8 Million other Living
Plant and Animal Species on the Planet
Mother Earth it might be hard to say who
the Villain or Hero to Nature as God Might
Be the Humans who erased the Foot Prints
of Talking Head Humans on the Earth or the Humans
Who Saved the Human Species to continue to Dominate
and Destroy the Rest of the Living Sphere of Earth as Culture
becomes the Poison yes the Grim Reaper for the rest of the Earth..
the Living Part all.. so what is dark or light perhaps the Dragon Fly
and Roach
Will have
the First
and Last
Living Dance
And Song still
to come after we
Humans have long
gone destroying ourselves
and the many of the other relatives
of the Dragonfly and Roach too.. and
yes of course our Mammal Friends and plants too..
Smiles my Friend chances are the Dragon Fly and the Roach will Survive..
i am going
to watch
my Wife’s
and enjoy
whatever Lip Service she gives me hehe..
even if it is just nagging from wake to sleep
with Road Runner and Wiley Coyote end of the Day Hugs too..:)
in Booty Competitions with Stone
Butt Statues with plentiful Curves
true though we used to live in the Age
of the Breast.. the age of Booty comes when
there are plenty of fats and sugars to eat.. in abundance
butt when Scarcity Exists Breasts are Worshipped more as
an all Natural innate instinctual and intuitive Source of Food
for the Little Children of course up to 5 Years-old.. true.. most
Mother’s Don’t Nurse their Children as Long these days
but rarely
is there
a Wet-T-Shirt
Contest Where i
Live anymore either
as it’s more about Butt
And even Booty Dances too..
Speaking of Booties my Wife
Wins the UniVersal Booty Competition
this Century as the Person of this Century at least hehe..
as always
i provide
too my Friend.. hAha..
not bad for 49 Years-old
nothing much has changed
even before i met her at 17 years old..
Lips contests are one of my Favorites
but that is an entirely different story way off topic here..
oh yeah that reminds me of the ‘Planet of the Apes’ we are all
born of Super Nova Explosions Crucible Fire of Star Burst Death
We Resurrect as Sentient Star Dust plus same Iron from Super
Nova Explosions in our Blood Stream that exists in core of
Mother Earth True too.. Yes the Most Beautiful Woman on
the ‘Planet of the Apes’ was named Nova too.. but true
After a Car that
was named
too AFAIK at least..
Anyway.. Beautiful Women All Women
Turn the Wheels of Mankind still to spin
Stories and other Arts to carry Wayward
Sons and or Daughters on as the Species
continues to carry on this way even more.. hAha..
anyway back on the Lip Contest Nova couldn’t Speak
at all perhaps that is some men’s dream for their Significant
other hmm.. not to speak not at all but perhaps not as much..
anyway.. the Apes on the Planet of the Apes figured out that they
couldn’t afford to Let Humans talk and gain recorded intelligence
in the Written Word as they might blow the World Up again Frying
Most all of the Monkey’s and Apes on Planet Earth too.. True.. the Written
Word was basically the Tool the First real part of Culture we created
to record Human Intelligence and Arts to Build upon that.. and now
We have
And Entire
Worlds in
6 inch
of Screens i
suppose as we continue
to Rape the Earth as a Species
bringing scarcity and extinction
to 1 out of 8 Million other Living
Plant and Animal Species on the Planet
Mother Earth it might be hard to say who
the Villain or Hero to Nature as God Might
Be the Humans who erased the Foot Prints
of Talking Head Humans on the Earth or the Humans
Who Saved the Human Species to continue to Dominate
and Destroy the Rest of the Living Sphere of Earth as Culture
becomes the Poison yes the Grim Reaper for the rest of the Earth..
the Living Part all.. so what is dark or light perhaps the Dragon Fly
and Roach
Will have
the First
and Last
Living Dance
And Song still
to come after we
Humans have long
gone destroying ourselves
and the many of the other relatives
of the Dragonfly and Roach too.. and
yes of course our Mammal Friends and plants too..
Smiles my Friend chances are the Dragon Fly and the Roach will Survive..
i am going
to watch
my Wife’s
and enjoy
whatever Lip Service she gives me hehe..
even if it is just nagging from wake to sleep
with Road Runner and Wiley Coyote end of the Day Hugs too..:)
Children EVoLVinG FLoWeRinG LovE Light
From: THorns DarK to: LiGHT RoSE AgaiN
No Pun intended Just
Fun.. i’m Back.. Truly
Living Life Loving Life
Without Thinking is RiSinG
to Kings and or Queens oF iT aLL
Why Only Do A World When We are
All Beyond A UNiVeRSE iNFiNiTY NoW When
Wild And Free So Far LoVE Out of PRiSoN confines iN Neo-Cortical
Distance.. Space.. And Time.. Yes.. Life Still Now Evolving A Titanic
Dance and Song with no THinK@ALL so Far Beyond Words of even
Song too..
A Dance
Free IS A
Spirit Rising Souls
Communing HeARTS
With Others even more..
NoW Smiles my Friend it’s
True those Who ReMeMBeR
Life most NoW Those Who
NoW FeeL AnD Sense
Life as Eyes
Still of Children
Wilder and Freer Now
Are And Will Always Be
All Last As First to accept
A Dance This Song of Life Free
Oh and by the Way i wasn’t that
impressed with ‘Her’ Ballerina toes…
Try it at 240 LBS and be a Real WoMaN HulK Truer too.. hehe..
By the way i will never be able to Sit on that Thick Tree Trunk
With You Extending over the Sea This ‘KinG oF me has/is no choice
but to
be afraid
of Heights
less i Fly NoW
Away and never come back..
True though somewhere Deep Down
Ocean Whole ‘Hope’ will always coMe back Up to iFly..
SMiLes my FriEnd Life is Beautiful NoW
As i Love to Dance And Sing too Thorns
Make Flowers Roses too.. THere
is no Beauty Greater
Than A Parent’s
True Love for A Child..
No Loyalty Greater.. No
Charity Lesser.. No Faith
More Enduring.. No Grace
Ever as Extending in Forgiveness
too.. But of Course only When True
as this applies to A Return of this Love
to Parents too.. A Much Greater Mission and
Challenge in Life is to one day Become our own
Parents own Siblings own Friends overflowing in
Giving Sharing
Selfie of Love Fearless
to All Others True extending
This Love out to Even NaTurE NoW
More as God as All that is True too..
A Capstone of A Pyramid
my Friend
When Love
Becomes incarnate
As US A Capstone NoW
of A Pyramid of God Truest
in Light too accepting Thorns
Flowering even more as Risen Rose Love..
Other than that Nice Photo.. Keep Smiling
WitH A Parent’s
Love that
All of
As True Love
As Parents will
Do for all Love (God)
Children EVoLVinG FLoWeRinG LovE Light
From: THorns DarK to: LiGHT RoSE AgaiN
NoW iN Paradise
A Life Living
Never Dead Now
Thanks just Thanks
For the
Gift Now..
SMiLes my Friend…
6 Feet Above IS
Always A
Greater Gift…
No Worms for me…
Ashes Below
Fumes from
Of What’s
Left Right Above..
2AM never fearing
Walking Blocks away
From Dance Hall Bar…
Cosmic Sound in
Shot Gun
Blast Waking
Dead in Lord’s
Prayer true
When a
Sneezes a
Katy Perry
Eye of the
As Thugs
Spread out
Of Roach Motels…
Hehe.. trust me
Never Heard
A Sneeze Louder…
HAha Heart Attack
Material For Sun Day
School and Thug Beats..
Bigger Teeth in the
Dentist Sizing
Chart Too With
‘Hulk’ Grin…
Bigger Teeth…
Male privilege….
Didn’t have it
for Decades until
Lion Sneeze..;)
From: THorns DarK to: LiGHT RoSE AgaiN
No Pun intended Just
Fun.. i’m Back.. Truly
Living Life Loving Life
Without Thinking is RiSinG
to Kings and or Queens oF iT aLL
Why Only Do A World When We are
All Beyond A UNiVeRSE iNFiNiTY NoW When
Wild And Free So Far LoVE Out of PRiSoN confines iN Neo-Cortical
Distance.. Space.. And Time.. Yes.. Life Still Now Evolving A Titanic
Dance and Song with no THinK@ALL so Far Beyond Words of even
Song too..
A Dance
Free IS A
Spirit Rising Souls
Communing HeARTS
With Others even more..
NoW Smiles my Friend it’s
True those Who ReMeMBeR
Life most NoW Those Who
NoW FeeL AnD Sense
Life as Eyes
Still of Children
Wilder and Freer Now
Are And Will Always Be
All Last As First to accept
A Dance This Song of Life Free
Oh and by the Way i wasn’t that
impressed with ‘Her’ Ballerina toes…
Try it at 240 LBS and be a Real WoMaN HulK Truer too.. hehe..
By the way i will never be able to Sit on that Thick Tree Trunk
With You Extending over the Sea This ‘KinG oF me has/is no choice
but to
be afraid
of Heights
less i Fly NoW
Away and never come back..
True though somewhere Deep Down
Ocean Whole ‘Hope’ will always coMe back Up to iFly..
SMiLes my FriEnd Life is Beautiful NoW
As i Love to Dance And Sing too Thorns
Make Flowers Roses too.. THere
is no Beauty Greater
Than A Parent’s
True Love for A Child..
No Loyalty Greater.. No
Charity Lesser.. No Faith
More Enduring.. No Grace
Ever as Extending in Forgiveness
too.. But of Course only When True
as this applies to A Return of this Love
to Parents too.. A Much Greater Mission and
Challenge in Life is to one day Become our own
Parents own Siblings own Friends overflowing in
Giving Sharing
Selfie of Love Fearless
to All Others True extending
This Love out to Even NaTurE NoW
More as God as All that is True too..
A Capstone of A Pyramid
my Friend
When Love
Becomes incarnate
As US A Capstone NoW
of A Pyramid of God Truest
in Light too accepting Thorns
Flowering even more as Risen Rose Love..
Other than that Nice Photo.. Keep Smiling
WitH A Parent’s
Love that
All of
As True Love
As Parents will
Do for all Love (God)
Children EVoLVinG FLoWeRinG LovE Light
From: THorns DarK to: LiGHT RoSE AgaiN
NoW iN Paradise
A Life Living
Never Dead Now
Thanks just Thanks
For the
Gift Now..
SMiLes my Friend…
6 Feet Above IS
Always A
Greater Gift…
No Worms for me…
Ashes Below
Fumes from
Of What’s
Left Right Above..
2AM never fearing
Walking Blocks away
From Dance Hall Bar…
Cosmic Sound in
Shot Gun
Blast Waking
Dead in Lord’s
Prayer true
When a
Sneezes a
Katy Perry
Eye of the
As Thugs
Spread out
Of Roach Motels…
Hehe.. trust me
Never Heard
A Sneeze Louder…
HAha Heart Attack
Material For Sun Day
School and Thug Beats..
Bigger Teeth in the
Dentist Sizing
Chart Too With
‘Hulk’ Grin…
Bigger Teeth…
Male privilege….
Didn’t have it
for Decades until
Lion Sneeze..;)
For the Severely Functionally Disabled the Shut-in For 66 Months
with 19 Medical Disorders in A Synergy of Life Threatening Reality
Every Second of Life Where a Greatest Danger is with the Suicide
Disease Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia A Pain Literally Assessed
As Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion as Type One is sporadic
and seconds lasting whereas my type of Crucifixion Pain
was from Wake to Sleep For 66 Months as a Shut-in
mostly in my Bedroom wearing a T-Shirt and
the other part of Underwear a lot
less fun than ‘Breaking
Bad’ but at least
all Legal
as such
IN Literal Hell on Earth
where the Most i was challenged to
do by the professionals who were taking
care of me was just go into a Whataburger
Eat a Hamburger and sit there for 15 minutes
of Hell somewhere else other than Your Bedroom
around the General Public of Strangers you don’t know
true i became separated from Society for those years
most no one recognized me as living at all where i live
So Yes.. while Hamburgers are not my Style of eating
these days as true i do love to pursue all my Human
Potentials now partially clothed ‘David’ Poses
and all the way in the raw are part of
my Art too.. although i no longer
do the Hazing of Underwear
Art as once i got out of
Hell as a miracle happened
to me and a Synergy of Life Threatening
Symptoms left me as Phoenix Rising from
the Ashes on Navarre Beach on July 19th of 2013
as still well Documented on this Longest Long Form
Poem Bible Journey passing 7 Million Words at almost
the 70 Month Point on 6.18.19.. and yes in the Records of
the Professionals who even admitted it was an unexplainable
Miracle that Happened to me as there was no prognosis for any
kind of Recovery for a Life that was a Real Life in any way again..
i was determined never ever never ever to live in any kind of fear again
that was illusory so i took the advice of Words Attributed to ‘Jesus’ as Follows:
with 19 Medical Disorders in A Synergy of Life Threatening Reality
Every Second of Life Where a Greatest Danger is with the Suicide
Disease Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia A Pain Literally Assessed
As Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion as Type One is sporadic
and seconds lasting whereas my type of Crucifixion Pain
was from Wake to Sleep For 66 Months as a Shut-in
mostly in my Bedroom wearing a T-Shirt and
the other part of Underwear a lot
less fun than ‘Breaking
Bad’ but at least
all Legal
as such
IN Literal Hell on Earth
where the Most i was challenged to
do by the professionals who were taking
care of me was just go into a Whataburger
Eat a Hamburger and sit there for 15 minutes
of Hell somewhere else other than Your Bedroom
around the General Public of Strangers you don’t know
true i became separated from Society for those years
most no one recognized me as living at all where i live
So Yes.. while Hamburgers are not my Style of eating
these days as true i do love to pursue all my Human
Potentials now partially clothed ‘David’ Poses
and all the way in the raw are part of
my Art too.. although i no longer
do the Hazing of Underwear
Art as once i got out of
Hell as a miracle happened
to me and a Synergy of Life Threatening
Symptoms left me as Phoenix Rising from
the Ashes on Navarre Beach on July 19th of 2013
as still well Documented on this Longest Long Form
Poem Bible Journey passing 7 Million Words at almost
the 70 Month Point on 6.18.19.. and yes in the Records of
the Professionals who even admitted it was an unexplainable
Miracle that Happened to me as there was no prognosis for any
kind of Recovery for a Life that was a Real Life in any way again..
i was determined never ever never ever to live in any kind of fear again
that was illusory so i took the advice of Words Attributed to ‘Jesus’ as Follows:
Verse 37 out of the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas as such…
37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”
As of course this Verse was never included in the Bigger Version
of the Catholic Bible as this Verse is Jesus saying that God Lives within
all of Us and do not expect me to return after i die in the Form i presently
live in now.. Look For God Within and one day you too may experience a
Holy Creative Spirit in Flow as Science calls this Transient Hypo-Frontality
too as escape out of the Neo-Cortex enough to Light up the rest of the
Brain/Mind/Body/Heart/Spirit/Soul so our entire Christmas Tree
comes to be lit up Real with Agape Love for all of Existence
Real as God never ever limited to Words alone as
Our Temple of God is our Flesh and Blood
that Holds the Conscious Being of
the Mind’s Eye that Science
Still has no FucKinG iF
YoU SeeK iN GoD ReaL
Clue how our Conscious Being
Exists Integrated in a Synergy
of too many Parts to truly count
in Flux as a Metaphor for a Quantum
LinK too in Human Potential when we
come Unleashed and Released with More
of what we are Evolved to Do as Beings of
Dark thru Light now as above so below within
inside outside all around all is whole there is
No Separation no End or Beginning Voila
We are all Eyes of God meanwhile
Folks trap this reality in Words
in Books as small
as 80 Thousand
to 800K Words..
And whoever wants to
Believe in a God as small as
that that and who lives within us
that never evolves more from dark thru
light than that is surely more than welcome
to stay the size of God they are.. Some Mustard
Seeds Grow into Trees some Sycamores Grow Tall
and Refuse to be cut down to the size of Books and Words
And Smaller Gods than All with no limits one God of Unlimited
Potential that lives within us alive now.. true talk like this was always
seen heretical in the Catholic Church they even invented a Devil called
Lucifer to insure no one rocked the Boat of the same Kind of ‘Child Abuse’
of God’s Children Free that continues to be swept under the rug in bits and
Pieces of Hell on Earth as i speak some truth in light now too without restraint
as the Catholic Church is no longer both Pope as God and Building restraining
God from being Free as us.. in fact the Church has lost almost all its so-called moral
Authority as Karma didn’t forget the Suffering of all those little children as even the Ability
to have Faith in Love as God within was/is stolen away from them with ‘Trench Coat Priests’
‘little men Incels’ who never
grew up now to
be real Whole
Men.. as such..
With Real
Hearts of
Loving Free
Fearless Real..
True.. same may
have been done
to them too Vicious
Cycle of Humankind Death
When Shadows are Hidden
and never come out to play
to be Well Practicing Regulating
in Emotions Integrating in Senses
where Love is the Law and do no Harm
with Cognitive Empathy is an Integral part
oF A Real Golden Rule Now.. that actually Works
where everyone gets a Swing at their own Flavor of
Heaven Harming no one else consuming them with the least harm now..
Anyway Now.. for those of us who have been clothed and domesticated as Pets
away from God Free.. we do have the opportunity to Strip the Clothes of Culture
Sure both metaphorically and literally where allowable in all legal appropriate
Avenues to do that too.. i took HeART to this Message of the words Attributed
Free to a Human Named Jesus this was no myth this was a metaphor
A message to find living God within and Finally take our place
aside God forever now eternally to Seed Love and Life as
much as we will in this Beauty that can and will
be Heaven now within such a Gift that
many folks never see and hear
without organs of eyes
and ears..
for they
never look within
seeking finding Living
God Rising up out of Ashes
Reborn now too.. yep at hand
Always in this Generation now
putting Heaven off is just something
that folks made up of a Hell after a Dirt
Nap too so they will be able to subjugate
Your God Given Human Freedoms and control
you and sure even core survival of Our Reproductive
Freedoms too.. guess what we Live in the USA the place
that agrees with this ‘Original Coke’ Jesus a place with a Declaration
of Independence.. that states we have the right to Life and Liberty and
yes the right to Pursue our own Flavors of Happiness within the parameters
of all Local State and Federal Laws that Protect other folks from harm now too..
i am wearing no less Clothes in the Photo Before than a Jesus who wasn’t the Real
Jesus as portrayed as just a man in the Gospel of Thomas no man who rose from the
Dead Just a Human another Face of God Looking Within Seeing and Hearing the eyes
of God real with Ears without any Organs of eyes or ears.. yes Feeling and Sensing God
whole no
Apart from Whole
our Temple of God
And Potential for Holy
Creative Spirit realized
with even the potential of
an Autotelic State of Being
Where through a Meditative
Moving or Still Meditation of
Life with enough practice through
Bio-Feed Back We Master and Regulate
and Integrate our Emotions and Senses through
the Orchestra that is the Symphony of our Soul as
Neurohormones and Neurochemicals do come under
our Relative Free Will Conductor for what ever Measure We Decide
of Heaven Now or challenge Lower in to DarK to Feel Light even HiGHeR
i am
no Statue
i neither
Hang on
A Cross or
am etched in
Stone i am Flesh
And Blood and Spirit
of God All Whole too
An Illusion is that anything
in life is anything else less or
more as nothing as everything now..
in other words there are not words for God
All.. NoW..
do the illusion
of separate the
Material Reductionism
or Just Roar as Lion with
no Bows other than Unconditional Fearless
Love in Consuming all the Rest of Nature with
the Least Harm Giving And Sharing Much more
than Taking and Hoarding now.. anyway my Body
Art is coming back to the Avenues that allow that
online now free.. and yes legal and appropriate where
allowed too.. i don’t pursue just one part of Human
i feel
and sense
who i AM
with Zero Shame
about any part
or function as
all my
are one Force of
LoVE NoW Fearless
Away from iLLusory
Fears as Love Rules Unconditionally
more doing no harm as no one has to enter
my Freest of Temples of God
and Blood
Spirit FLYinG
HiGheR NoW True in LiGht Free..
ReAlly JusT A Matter of getting Back
to: God Born i am on Date Mastering
Technology From: ReFuSinG to Be A Tool NoW
Some Folks Dance…
Some Folks Do Not
Some Folks
Roar Some Folks Do Not
Roar This Is Just A way
of A World Free or Not for Some Folks Now
i’m at 220Lbs at age 54 in the Bottom Artful
Legal enough Pose in June of 2014..
240Lbs Now or so.. 20 LBS Later
and 3 times Stronger at
1340 LBS up to 18 Reps
in Leg Pressing
now at 11,418 Miles
of Public Dance by the
End of June too.. it’s a long
way from a Hamburger now as 7 MiLLioN
Words of Longest Long Form Free Verse Poem
All in Free Flowing Shapes many of which are Lamps
and not pre-planned by me come to be.. effortless it all
is one step as dance one word as Song Always now..
Sure Eternally NoW iN Flow Now Real too.. Holy
Creative Spirit
Flow Now
you don’t
get this
A Ritual alone
this is a Gift received from
Real Human Blood Sweat and
Tears or it just floats in and Stays
Like a Seagull on a Beach for years and
years to come with no respite but Heaven within now..
in a dance and song lifeline lifelong of Spirit that is truly Real NoW..:)
of the Catholic Bible as this Verse is Jesus saying that God Lives within
all of Us and do not expect me to return after i die in the Form i presently
live in now.. Look For God Within and one day you too may experience a
Holy Creative Spirit in Flow as Science calls this Transient Hypo-Frontality
too as escape out of the Neo-Cortex enough to Light up the rest of the
Brain/Mind/Body/Heart/Spirit/Soul so our entire Christmas Tree
comes to be lit up Real with Agape Love for all of Existence
Real as God never ever limited to Words alone as
Our Temple of God is our Flesh and Blood
that Holds the Conscious Being of
the Mind’s Eye that Science
Still has no FucKinG iF
YoU SeeK iN GoD ReaL
Clue how our Conscious Being
Exists Integrated in a Synergy
of too many Parts to truly count
in Flux as a Metaphor for a Quantum
LinK too in Human Potential when we
come Unleashed and Released with More
of what we are Evolved to Do as Beings of
Dark thru Light now as above so below within
inside outside all around all is whole there is
No Separation no End or Beginning Voila
We are all Eyes of God meanwhile
Folks trap this reality in Words
in Books as small
as 80 Thousand
to 800K Words..
And whoever wants to
Believe in a God as small as
that that and who lives within us
that never evolves more from dark thru
light than that is surely more than welcome
to stay the size of God they are.. Some Mustard
Seeds Grow into Trees some Sycamores Grow Tall
and Refuse to be cut down to the size of Books and Words
And Smaller Gods than All with no limits one God of Unlimited
Potential that lives within us alive now.. true talk like this was always
seen heretical in the Catholic Church they even invented a Devil called
Lucifer to insure no one rocked the Boat of the same Kind of ‘Child Abuse’
of God’s Children Free that continues to be swept under the rug in bits and
Pieces of Hell on Earth as i speak some truth in light now too without restraint
as the Catholic Church is no longer both Pope as God and Building restraining
God from being Free as us.. in fact the Church has lost almost all its so-called moral
Authority as Karma didn’t forget the Suffering of all those little children as even the Ability
to have Faith in Love as God within was/is stolen away from them with ‘Trench Coat Priests’
‘little men Incels’ who never
grew up now to
be real Whole
Men.. as such..
With Real
Hearts of
Loving Free
Fearless Real..
True.. same may
have been done
to them too Vicious
Cycle of Humankind Death
When Shadows are Hidden
and never come out to play
to be Well Practicing Regulating
in Emotions Integrating in Senses
where Love is the Law and do no Harm
with Cognitive Empathy is an Integral part
oF A Real Golden Rule Now.. that actually Works
where everyone gets a Swing at their own Flavor of
Heaven Harming no one else consuming them with the least harm now..
Anyway Now.. for those of us who have been clothed and domesticated as Pets
away from God Free.. we do have the opportunity to Strip the Clothes of Culture
Sure both metaphorically and literally where allowable in all legal appropriate
Avenues to do that too.. i took HeART to this Message of the words Attributed
Free to a Human Named Jesus this was no myth this was a metaphor
A message to find living God within and Finally take our place
aside God forever now eternally to Seed Love and Life as
much as we will in this Beauty that can and will
be Heaven now within such a Gift that
many folks never see and hear
without organs of eyes
and ears..
for they
never look within
seeking finding Living
God Rising up out of Ashes
Reborn now too.. yep at hand
Always in this Generation now
putting Heaven off is just something
that folks made up of a Hell after a Dirt
Nap too so they will be able to subjugate
Your God Given Human Freedoms and control
you and sure even core survival of Our Reproductive
Freedoms too.. guess what we Live in the USA the place
that agrees with this ‘Original Coke’ Jesus a place with a Declaration
of Independence.. that states we have the right to Life and Liberty and
yes the right to Pursue our own Flavors of Happiness within the parameters
of all Local State and Federal Laws that Protect other folks from harm now too..
i am wearing no less Clothes in the Photo Before than a Jesus who wasn’t the Real
Jesus as portrayed as just a man in the Gospel of Thomas no man who rose from the
Dead Just a Human another Face of God Looking Within Seeing and Hearing the eyes
of God real with Ears without any Organs of eyes or ears.. yes Feeling and Sensing God
whole no
Apart from Whole
our Temple of God
And Potential for Holy
Creative Spirit realized
with even the potential of
an Autotelic State of Being
Where through a Meditative
Moving or Still Meditation of
Life with enough practice through
Bio-Feed Back We Master and Regulate
and Integrate our Emotions and Senses through
the Orchestra that is the Symphony of our Soul as
Neurohormones and Neurochemicals do come under
our Relative Free Will Conductor for what ever Measure We Decide
of Heaven Now or challenge Lower in to DarK to Feel Light even HiGHeR
i am
no Statue
i neither
Hang on
A Cross or
am etched in
Stone i am Flesh
And Blood and Spirit
of God All Whole too
An Illusion is that anything
in life is anything else less or
more as nothing as everything now..
in other words there are not words for God
All.. NoW..
do the illusion
of separate the
Material Reductionism
or Just Roar as Lion with
no Bows other than Unconditional Fearless
Love in Consuming all the Rest of Nature with
the Least Harm Giving And Sharing Much more
than Taking and Hoarding now.. anyway my Body
Art is coming back to the Avenues that allow that
online now free.. and yes legal and appropriate where
allowed too.. i don’t pursue just one part of Human
i feel
and sense
who i AM
with Zero Shame
about any part
or function as
all my
are one Force of
LoVE NoW Fearless
Away from iLLusory
Fears as Love Rules Unconditionally
more doing no harm as no one has to enter
my Freest of Temples of God
and Blood
Spirit FLYinG
HiGheR NoW True in LiGht Free..
ReAlly JusT A Matter of getting Back
to: God Born i am on Date Mastering
Technology From: ReFuSinG to Be A Tool NoW
Some Folks Dance…
Some Folks Do Not
Some Folks
Roar Some Folks Do Not
Roar This Is Just A way
of A World Free or Not for Some Folks Now
i’m at 220Lbs at age 54 in the Bottom Artful
Legal enough Pose in June of 2014..
240Lbs Now or so.. 20 LBS Later
and 3 times Stronger at
1340 LBS up to 18 Reps
in Leg Pressing
now at 11,418 Miles
of Public Dance by the
End of June too.. it’s a long
way from a Hamburger now as 7 MiLLioN
Words of Longest Long Form Free Verse Poem
All in Free Flowing Shapes many of which are Lamps
and not pre-planned by me come to be.. effortless it all
is one step as dance one word as Song Always now..
Sure Eternally NoW iN Flow Now Real too.. Holy
Creative Spirit
Flow Now
you don’t
get this
A Ritual alone
this is a Gift received from
Real Human Blood Sweat and
Tears or it just floats in and Stays
Like a Seagull on a Beach for years and
years to come with no respite but Heaven within now..
in a dance and song lifeline lifelong of Spirit that is truly Real NoW..:)
SMiLes Dear Friend
From Nice Source of
All my Force is
NoW Valleys
NoW As
Rose WHoLE..
Hey.. Both my
Saint Rose.. Santa Rosa
SMiLes MEanT to Be..
Free Love
Comes From
Blood.. Sweat
And Tears…
Is just
An Obstacle..:)
ChangE THoRN
Hehe.. i did the Research
Net worth in 2018.. 8 Million
Dollars with inspirations to reach
15 Million Dollars in 2019 This Year
no less.. thing
is when this
‘Thing’ She
(Agape Love) Dances
And Sings as Coming
Real NoW Money is no
longer a Part of the Life
Equation as LonG as one
has enough to meet basic
Subsistence And Social Esteem
Standards with A Social Role that
is Full of Loving Meaning and Purpose best
NoW as Holy and Sacred for the more Gratitude
We have for every little thing in life is Big Boosting
in Serotonin all Natural as Moving Connecting and
Co-Creating takes care of all the Dopamaine and Oxytocin
and yes Endorphins with enough practice in exercise and
Overall Moving
And Still
too.. Dance is an
Oldest Way of Achieving
all of this as Human Beings
together without even a stitch
of Clothing as long as ya don’t get
Your Longer parts froze-off or Skin
Burnt to a Crisp.. by Excessive Sunshine too..
heHe.. Ice and Fire not always a Great Mix for Flesh and Blood
Humans As Such.. It’s like the New Testament Old Bible Says the
Rich person who is attached to External Stuff never finds the God Force Higher
NoW Within the Autotelic Bio-Feed Back in Transient Hypo-Frontality Flow
Satori.. Kundalini Rising.. Prana.. Chi.. the Kingdom of Heaven within
The Essence is similar and the Forms of Words attempting to House the
Essence as Vehicles and Vessels like Words are Different for the Similar
Essence True in Light Real.. Nirvana and Bliss.. Yes.. Heaven may only
be away a
where Legal
and consensual
and sure wear clothes
why not.. whatever makes
one comfortable in Heaven now..
one thing for sure is it doesn’t cost
A Red Lincoln Cent or a Washington
Black And White Green Black Print Dollar Bill..
the Pyramid with the Wise Eye on Top true that
is that Teddy Bear with the Left eye Crossed out too
but what they may
fail to realize
is it is the
left that
sees right
more than
the right sees left..
When Soul Wide Open
in Ascending Transcending
Ecstatic Dance ToGeTHeR NoW too..
A Key to Freedom is Escaping Reasons
of Right Hand Thinking of course both eyes
see left and right so the X over the Left Eye of
the Teddy Bear works as a Left Hand Metaphor for Art..
All Seeing
Eye as Art
Always Sees
more by about 20 to 1 Ratio..
According to Modern Science at least..
in other Words the Intelligence as Synergy
of Subconscious Mind RiSinG NoW to
the Ocean
of our Human
Potentials Dark thru
Light Best as Fearless
Unconditional Love Harming no
Others consuming them with Least
Harm now.. once we understand their
Differences and Similarities of Life and LoVE Now True in LiGHT too..:)
From Nice Source of
All my Force is
NoW Valleys
NoW As
Rose WHoLE..
Hey.. Both my
Saint Rose.. Santa Rosa
SMiLes MEanT to Be..
Free Love
Comes From
Blood.. Sweat
And Tears…
Is just
An Obstacle..:)
ChangE THoRN
Hehe.. i did the Research
Net worth in 2018.. 8 Million
Dollars with inspirations to reach
15 Million Dollars in 2019 This Year
no less.. thing
is when this
‘Thing’ She
(Agape Love) Dances
And Sings as Coming
Real NoW Money is no
longer a Part of the Life
Equation as LonG as one
has enough to meet basic
Subsistence And Social Esteem
Standards with A Social Role that
is Full of Loving Meaning and Purpose best
NoW as Holy and Sacred for the more Gratitude
We have for every little thing in life is Big Boosting
in Serotonin all Natural as Moving Connecting and
Co-Creating takes care of all the Dopamaine and Oxytocin
and yes Endorphins with enough practice in exercise and
Overall Moving
And Still
too.. Dance is an
Oldest Way of Achieving
all of this as Human Beings
together without even a stitch
of Clothing as long as ya don’t get
Your Longer parts froze-off or Skin
Burnt to a Crisp.. by Excessive Sunshine too..
heHe.. Ice and Fire not always a Great Mix for Flesh and Blood
Humans As Such.. It’s like the New Testament Old Bible Says the
Rich person who is attached to External Stuff never finds the God Force Higher
NoW Within the Autotelic Bio-Feed Back in Transient Hypo-Frontality Flow
Satori.. Kundalini Rising.. Prana.. Chi.. the Kingdom of Heaven within
The Essence is similar and the Forms of Words attempting to House the
Essence as Vehicles and Vessels like Words are Different for the Similar
Essence True in Light Real.. Nirvana and Bliss.. Yes.. Heaven may only
be away a
where Legal
and consensual
and sure wear clothes
why not.. whatever makes
one comfortable in Heaven now..
one thing for sure is it doesn’t cost
A Red Lincoln Cent or a Washington
Black And White Green Black Print Dollar Bill..
the Pyramid with the Wise Eye on Top true that
is that Teddy Bear with the Left eye Crossed out too
but what they may
fail to realize
is it is the
left that
sees right
more than
the right sees left..
When Soul Wide Open
in Ascending Transcending
Ecstatic Dance ToGeTHeR NoW too..
A Key to Freedom is Escaping Reasons
of Right Hand Thinking of course both eyes
see left and right so the X over the Left Eye of
the Teddy Bear works as a Left Hand Metaphor for Art..
All Seeing
Eye as Art
Always Sees
more by about 20 to 1 Ratio..
According to Modern Science at least..
in other Words the Intelligence as Synergy
of Subconscious Mind RiSinG NoW to
the Ocean
of our Human
Potentials Dark thru
Light Best as Fearless
Unconditional Love Harming no
Others consuming them with Least
Harm now.. once we understand their
Differences and Similarities of Life and LoVE Now True in LiGHT too..:)
my Friend
You Welcome
me.. Sadly i Find
Most of The World
Disappointing Now
This Way Never the less i
Understand why and
Who has a Gift to
Free no
Arms Now of
Humanity Warm
Or Cold Alive Now..
It is always those
Who Give and
Share no
Who Truly
Live Life as Gift..
61119 Star Date:
Just ReMeMBeR
We Are All Literally
Stars You Are Literally
Sunshine Now as We All
Shine Light Below as Above
Yes.. once Again Back again
Resurrecting From Super Nova
Explosions as that Iron Flows through
Our Blood from that Crucible Star Burst
FLoweR aS Every Star May Seed LoVE LiFE NoW
Fire Death Explosion of Stars Iron at Core of Mother Earth
too.. Dance and
Sing After
or Before
me last
or First
it doesn’t
matter as even
Meekest in Strength
oF Fearless Light Will Dance
Plus you are already inHeRit it ALL
NoW DanceSing this little light of mine
i am A gonna let/make it shine this little
light of mine no one will ever ever take
God away from me
NoW Perhaps one
Day THere
Will be
Sun Day
School Human Dancing Singing Stars ALL ReaL
UnTil Then JusT shine just Shine Star Free Light On…
i AM BrutAlly Honest
(What else now will one
Expect From ‘Hulk’ hehe)
Forgive me but what i see
in both Photos IS A Beautiful Free
Bird Whose Soul Language has/is
Been Captured in the Cage of Another
Per Photography
Per Do.. as in all Your
Personal Photos You Look
So Care Freeing And Free Spiriting my
Friend.. Beauty comes best this way Free
Spiriting Happy Generating Light from Within
Camera Lights from outside are always
Dim compared to Our Sunshine within..
Smiles my Friend my Wife is always
complaining that Her Butt and
Legs are Ugly and other
Women are so lucky
to have better Butts
And Legs ugh i SWear
Now Her Recent Bikini
Photos Prove Her
Wrong from Head
to Toe and more but
We Will Be our own
Worst Enemies this way..
True.. Men do it too.. they seem to always
Worry more if they look Strong enough
To Other Men and Honestly these days
at least it seems Women compare themselves
to other Women more than they even worry how
they are perceived by other Men this must be the
Case as my Wife surely understands fully there is nothing
about her i do not worship from Head to toe.. and the days
she is nice too.. hehe.. Honestly this all comes from not being
Filled up within more Specifically Serotonin as Dopamine is the
Pleasure and Serotonin is the Self Esteem Generating Neurochemical
And Seriously What’s Better than Breast Feeding for the Oxytocin that
Women Feel when they are Nurturing Babies like this that even Men will
Feel with Tight Hugs too.. Serotonin comes from every little thing we are
Grateful For in Life Repeat after me Ms. Hugs is Beautiful From Head to toe
no matter what Ms. Hugs is Beautiful even if she picks her nose.. no you
don’t have to do it in a photo.. but trust me when i Dance Sing i posed
in Front of the World In Underwear (and yes less) Accepting me FULLY
From Head to Toe for all of who i AM hazing myself this way i am still
Grinning Beyond iNfinity
NoW For i AM theNow
finAlly Determining
that it is Only me/
G o D
Who/That Truly makes
EPic or Not NoW..
Grandiose as ‘they’
Feel and Sense too..
People get upset when
Folks don’t have to work
So Hard to be all in all Now We Are
All all in All NoW in other Words We are
All in ALL God Alpha to Omega in Metaphor
NoW Leaves No Member Out as Lesser or Greater..
Smiles my Friend Enjoy Your Birth Right Integral to and as God..
Either we are Temples of God or Not THeRe are/is no ifs ands or Butts DiffeRent…
SMiLes Your Selfies
Are Best for they
Reflect A Soul
You Project
Effect my Friend..
You are most Beautiful Within..
i See all Women as Beautiful so i
got my Wife to Judge You.. she says
You are Pretty.. when i compared Her
to ‘Goddess Isis’ she said don’t compare
me to that Ugly Woman.. hehe.. You make
‘A Greater Goddess Grade’.. she said my Indian
Friend is Pretty too that’s nice too…. of course…
i would much
rather be
by Pretty
Souls than Pretty Faces..
hmm.. some days Wiley Coyote is nice..
Road Runner is always Smiling Within
‘Cause Road Runner Will Just Do It Dancing in Nike Shox Shoes..
SMiLes i’ve Seen ‘this Angel of Death’ Down Close and
Personal too.. no one sees this Angel of Death for
This Death is Within A Lack of Feeling/Sensing
Complete This Death is attached to Symbols
Flesh and Blood now..
Smiles my Friend Now
i Dance all the Angels
of Death Away They
Were only iLLusions
As they become
only i own
my Spirit Now
my HeART my Soul
i choose to give and
share breathing no one will ever
take away what was is always now
mine from Birth to Give and Share Now
Free A Key is RiSinG Over SiNKinG A Dance
And Song of Soul Will Feel And Fill a Pyramid
Up to Wisdom Beauty and Truth of Love Capstone Again Light Within..
After That Those who Choose Communion With Us/me Will or Will not..
A True Spirit HeART Soul Will Never Be Owned By Idol Symbols Alone
Please Note: A Soul
Is Not Someone Else’s
Dance or Song True Soul
Souls Need No Copy Rights….
After A Last Person Dances Sings
A Song of Their Soul A Species Is
Literally Toast.. State And Work Teaches
Worships Money Church Teaches Worships Other Idol Souls…
It’s Almost Impossible Until One Finds One Who Finds A Way to Look For Soul
Life Is Best Living With Those Who Find Enough Space To SiNCeReLY
Touch Souls…. SMiLes my Friend.. at Best Now We Really Get to
know/feel/sense every Stranger We meet seeing God in�Them
Is Great At Worse�We Never Seek And�Find God Is�
Great in�us/ me Oth… Other Wise Now�i fell asleep at
the�Pen.. hehe.. Sleepless�Night for me�Doing my�
Best to�Feel/Sense…�Even Get to�Know People�
Who choose�To Remain Strangers…�As Long as
We become�True Friends With�God Within�
Tears�Become Joy..�my Friend Sohair..
SMiLes.. My Friend Sohair
It Seems that Life Is STiLL
Evolving For Constant
Struggle to Live Yet
Not Die Inside True
It Is Best Now For Well
Being to Be Understood
And Cherished As A
Precious Gift of Life
Is Treasure Truly
Now Sincerely
Treasure We
Feel and Sense
Out of other wise
Empty Symbols
On Pages… We Create
Positive Loving Giving
Sharing Receiving
A Cover
Of Our
STaRTinG From: NoTHinG
to: ReBorN BLacK AByss
In Hell tHere Are No FLaMES JusT NoTHinG @All
i Don’t Have to Wait
For ‘Jesus’.. Hell IS my Savior…
i Am A Canary Who Escaped A Coal Mine… Ignore me at A Peril of YouR LiVinG BReatH
‘Nerds’ Come To Earth to Serve ‘Nature/God’… Human’s Not So Much…
Speaking of forwarding Emails.. Revenge of the Nerds ‘Invented Online’ To Cull the Species…
Too many Distractions
For Actions.. Many
Young Folks in
Japan no longer
Have any interest…
Instant Gratification..
‘The Beautiful Ones’..
And James B. Calhoun’s Experiment Of Rat Utopia Extinction In the 60’s.. Hehe..
Every Email Saving the Rest of A
Planet/Nature From Humans Again
Revenge of the Nerds/Incels.. if not ‘Us’ Not ‘Them’.. hmmm.. hehe…
Nature gets all
And Lonely
Nights too without Hugs…
Profoundly Intelligent/Artistic ProFoundly
‘Lonely’ Allone Happy
(Heaven: Few Rooms)
Just a quick note.. now…
i’m on the Autism Spectrum
With Asperger’s Syndrome
And so is my Sister.. i suggest You
Google Autism Spectrum
Burn-out.. it seems
Fitting-in eventually
Brings it on.. Fortunate
Are We Who find Our
Own Peace NOT
Fitting in with
Group Think…
Doesn’t make
Many Friends but it
Will Be Both Survival
And Even Life is Good…
In Longitudinal Follow-
Up studies on Hans Asperger’s ‘Patients’…
Many found these ‘Niches’ And were thriving past
Their Peers.. it’s not
Easy but it
Does Happen
Some Days/NIGHTS iT’s
Hard BeinG
All Turned Up!
At 6 AM
Living Offline Online
Katrina Pees a lot hehe…
What are You
Doing! You’re
SuPPosed to
Be Hugging me!
When i get back…
To get BacK in Bed to Hug me…
What Do You Mean.. i don’t
Have aN Appt…
What TiME Is
YouR AppT…
SMiLes.. i used to Feel
‘Other Forces’ Ruled my
Life until Life Tested
Who i Am 66 Months
Never Ending
Now.. So i Live
It Better
Never Ending
Hell.. Now it’s
All Icing on
Hell.. the Cake
Melted of course…
So.. Really.. All that’s
Left is Icing.. A
True Beauty
Of Real
A Room With
A View to All that counts
Now.. Words of Song Are
Limited.. for me at least it
Takes unlimited Free
Moving Meditation
Dance to keep my
Stay out of
Stamped.. i’ve
Literally Public
Danced.. 11,418
Miles in the Deep
Red South Bible
Belt States for
70 Months
With 7 Million
Words as no one
Writes my Bible
But me.. Hehe…
It’s all
Icing on
The ‘Cake’ Now
No one sees the
‘Melted Cake’
That Drives
me But me
With SMiLes…
Whatever Now
Takes or gives i Live..
i Dance.. i Sing.. i Carry
‘The Cake’
Always Now..
i don’t have
To Wait
Hell Is my Savior..
MeeK wHo ETernAlly NoW
iNHeRiT thE Space BeYond
mY FriEnd thE LoVE US oF IS LoVE
HeaL aLL
Thanks Sohair…
See ya Later WiTH WiNDs…
UsE A TooL Don’T Be A TooL
Do JusT LoVE
Hmm.. PerHaps PeT SMaRT Next Kitty Kats Plenty…
Streaming Tears Pet Cemetary Too
Yellow Boy’s Gone too…
We are Going to See the ‘Secret Life of Pets 2’ Today
SoMe WHere OVeR A RainBoW FRiDGE
OK BacK To SLeeP i THinK Oh God
Marital Bliss at 2 AM
What Are You.. 2…
Get Over It
i’m in the Dam
Maybe i Miss You Maybe i Care
Where Do You Think
Why Do You Care…
Reaching Out A
Hand to Touch
Where Are You
Epilogue Too
Star Date: 61113
(Choose any Song)
my Friend
You Welcome
me.. Sadly i Find
Most of The World
Disappointing Now
This Way Never the less i
Understand why and
Who has a Gift to
Free no
Arms Now of
Humanity Warm
Or Cold Alive Now..
It is always those
Who Give and
Share no
Who Truly
Live Life as Gift..
61119 Star Date:
Just ReMeMBeR
We Are All Literally
Stars You Are Literally
Sunshine Now as We All
Shine Light Below as Above
Yes.. once Again Back again
Resurrecting From Super Nova
Explosions as that Iron Flows through
Our Blood from that Crucible Star Burst
FLoweR aS Every Star May Seed LoVE LiFE NoW
Fire Death Explosion of Stars Iron at Core of Mother Earth
too.. Dance and
Sing After
or Before
me last
or First
it doesn’t
matter as even
Meekest in Strength
oF Fearless Light Will Dance
Plus you are already inHeRit it ALL
NoW DanceSing this little light of mine
i am A gonna let/make it shine this little
light of mine no one will ever ever take
God away from me
NoW Perhaps one
Day THere
Will be
Sun Day
School Human Dancing Singing Stars ALL ReaL
UnTil Then JusT shine just Shine Star Free Light On…
i AM BrutAlly Honest
(What else now will one
Expect From ‘Hulk’ hehe)
Forgive me but what i see
in both Photos IS A Beautiful Free
Bird Whose Soul Language has/is
Been Captured in the Cage of Another
Per Photography
Per Do.. as in all Your
Personal Photos You Look
So Care Freeing And Free Spiriting my
Friend.. Beauty comes best this way Free
Spiriting Happy Generating Light from Within
Camera Lights from outside are always
Dim compared to Our Sunshine within..
Smiles my Friend my Wife is always
complaining that Her Butt and
Legs are Ugly and other
Women are so lucky
to have better Butts
And Legs ugh i SWear
Now Her Recent Bikini
Photos Prove Her
Wrong from Head
to Toe and more but
We Will Be our own
Worst Enemies this way..
True.. Men do it too.. they seem to always
Worry more if they look Strong enough
To Other Men and Honestly these days
at least it seems Women compare themselves
to other Women more than they even worry how
they are perceived by other Men this must be the
Case as my Wife surely understands fully there is nothing
about her i do not worship from Head to toe.. and the days
she is nice too.. hehe.. Honestly this all comes from not being
Filled up within more Specifically Serotonin as Dopamine is the
Pleasure and Serotonin is the Self Esteem Generating Neurochemical
And Seriously What’s Better than Breast Feeding for the Oxytocin that
Women Feel when they are Nurturing Babies like this that even Men will
Feel with Tight Hugs too.. Serotonin comes from every little thing we are
Grateful For in Life Repeat after me Ms. Hugs is Beautiful From Head to toe
no matter what Ms. Hugs is Beautiful even if she picks her nose.. no you
don’t have to do it in a photo.. but trust me when i Dance Sing i posed
in Front of the World In Underwear (and yes less) Accepting me FULLY
From Head to Toe for all of who i AM hazing myself this way i am still
Grinning Beyond iNfinity
NoW For i AM theNow
finAlly Determining
that it is Only me/
G o D
Who/That Truly makes
EPic or Not NoW..
Grandiose as ‘they’
Feel and Sense too..
People get upset when
Folks don’t have to work
So Hard to be all in all Now We Are
All all in All NoW in other Words We are
All in ALL God Alpha to Omega in Metaphor
NoW Leaves No Member Out as Lesser or Greater..
Smiles my Friend Enjoy Your Birth Right Integral to and as God..
Either we are Temples of God or Not THeRe are/is no ifs ands or Butts DiffeRent…
SMiLes Your Selfies
Are Best for they
Reflect A Soul
You Project
Effect my Friend..
You are most Beautiful Within..
i See all Women as Beautiful so i
got my Wife to Judge You.. she says
You are Pretty.. when i compared Her
to ‘Goddess Isis’ she said don’t compare
me to that Ugly Woman.. hehe.. You make
‘A Greater Goddess Grade’.. she said my Indian
Friend is Pretty too that’s nice too…. of course…
i would much
rather be
by Pretty
Souls than Pretty Faces..
hmm.. some days Wiley Coyote is nice..
Road Runner is always Smiling Within
‘Cause Road Runner Will Just Do It Dancing in Nike Shox Shoes..
SMiLes i’ve Seen ‘this Angel of Death’ Down Close and
Personal too.. no one sees this Angel of Death for
This Death is Within A Lack of Feeling/Sensing
Complete This Death is attached to Symbols
Flesh and Blood now..
Smiles my Friend Now
i Dance all the Angels
of Death Away They
Were only iLLusions
As they become
only i own
my Spirit Now
my HeART my Soul
i choose to give and
share breathing no one will ever
take away what was is always now
mine from Birth to Give and Share Now
Free A Key is RiSinG Over SiNKinG A Dance
And Song of Soul Will Feel And Fill a Pyramid
Up to Wisdom Beauty and Truth of Love Capstone Again Light Within..
After That Those who Choose Communion With Us/me Will or Will not..
A True Spirit HeART Soul Will Never Be Owned By Idol Symbols Alone
Please Note: A Soul
Is Not Someone Else’s
Dance or Song True Soul
Souls Need No Copy Rights….
After A Last Person Dances Sings
A Song of Their Soul A Species Is
Literally Toast.. State And Work Teaches
Worships Money Church Teaches Worships Other Idol Souls…
It’s Almost Impossible Until One Finds One Who Finds A Way to Look For Soul
Life Is Best Living With Those Who Find Enough Space To SiNCeReLY
Touch Souls…. SMiLes my Friend.. at Best Now We Really Get to
know/feel/sense every Stranger We meet seeing God in�Them
Is Great At Worse�We Never Seek And�Find God Is�
Great in�us/ me Oth… Other Wise Now�i fell asleep at
the�Pen.. hehe.. Sleepless�Night for me�Doing my�
Best to�Feel/Sense…�Even Get to�Know People�
Who choose�To Remain Strangers…�As Long as
We become�True Friends With�God Within�
Tears�Become Joy..�my Friend Sohair..
SMiLes.. My Friend Sohair
It Seems that Life Is STiLL
Evolving For Constant
Struggle to Live Yet
Not Die Inside True
It Is Best Now For Well
Being to Be Understood
And Cherished As A
Precious Gift of Life
Is Treasure Truly
Now Sincerely
Treasure We
Feel and Sense
Out of other wise
Empty Symbols
On Pages… We Create
Positive Loving Giving
Sharing Receiving
A Cover
Of Our
STaRTinG From: NoTHinG
to: ReBorN BLacK AByss
In Hell tHere Are No FLaMES JusT NoTHinG @All
i Don’t Have to Wait
For ‘Jesus’.. Hell IS my Savior…
i Am A Canary Who Escaped A Coal Mine… Ignore me at A Peril of YouR LiVinG BReatH
‘Nerds’ Come To Earth to Serve ‘Nature/God’… Human’s Not So Much…
Speaking of forwarding Emails.. Revenge of the Nerds ‘Invented Online’ To Cull the Species…
Too many Distractions
For Actions.. Many
Young Folks in
Japan no longer
Have any interest…
Instant Gratification..
‘The Beautiful Ones’..
And James B. Calhoun’s Experiment Of Rat Utopia Extinction In the 60’s.. Hehe..
Every Email Saving the Rest of A
Planet/Nature From Humans Again
Revenge of the Nerds/Incels.. if not ‘Us’ Not ‘Them’.. hmmm.. hehe…
Nature gets all
And Lonely
Nights too without Hugs…
Profoundly Intelligent/Artistic ProFoundly
‘Lonely’ Allone Happy
(Heaven: Few Rooms)
Just a quick note.. now…
i’m on the Autism Spectrum
With Asperger’s Syndrome
And so is my Sister.. i suggest You
Google Autism Spectrum
Burn-out.. it seems
Fitting-in eventually
Brings it on.. Fortunate
Are We Who find Our
Own Peace NOT
Fitting in with
Group Think…
Doesn’t make
Many Friends but it
Will Be Both Survival
And Even Life is Good…
In Longitudinal Follow-
Up studies on Hans Asperger’s ‘Patients’…
Many found these ‘Niches’ And were thriving past
Their Peers.. it’s not
Easy but it
Does Happen
Some Days/NIGHTS iT’s
Hard BeinG
All Turned Up!
At 6 AM
Living Offline Online
Katrina Pees a lot hehe…
What are You
Doing! You’re
SuPPosed to
Be Hugging me!
When i get back…
To get BacK in Bed to Hug me…
What Do You Mean.. i don’t
Have aN Appt…
What TiME Is
YouR AppT…
SMiLes.. i used to Feel
‘Other Forces’ Ruled my
Life until Life Tested
Who i Am 66 Months
Never Ending
Now.. So i Live
It Better
Never Ending
Hell.. Now it’s
All Icing on
Hell.. the Cake
Melted of course…
So.. Really.. All that’s
Left is Icing.. A
True Beauty
Of Real
A Room With
A View to All that counts
Now.. Words of Song Are
Limited.. for me at least it
Takes unlimited Free
Moving Meditation
Dance to keep my
Stay out of
Stamped.. i’ve
Literally Public
Danced.. 11,418
Miles in the Deep
Red South Bible
Belt States for
70 Months
With 7 Million
Words as no one
Writes my Bible
But me.. Hehe…
It’s all
Icing on
The ‘Cake’ Now
No one sees the
‘Melted Cake’
That Drives
me But me
With SMiLes…
Whatever Now
Takes or gives i Live..
i Dance.. i Sing.. i Carry
‘The Cake’
Always Now..
i don’t have
To Wait
Hell Is my Savior..
MeeK wHo ETernAlly NoW
iNHeRiT thE Space BeYond
mY FriEnd thE LoVE US oF IS LoVE
HeaL aLL
Thanks Sohair…
See ya Later WiTH WiNDs…
UsE A TooL Don’T Be A TooL
Do JusT LoVE
Hmm.. PerHaps PeT SMaRT Next Kitty Kats Plenty…
Streaming Tears Pet Cemetary Too
Yellow Boy’s Gone too…
We are Going to See the ‘Secret Life of Pets 2’ Today
SoMe WHere OVeR A RainBoW FRiDGE
OK BacK To SLeeP i THinK Oh God
Marital Bliss at 2 AM
What Are You.. 2…
Get Over It
i’m in the Dam
Maybe i Miss You Maybe i Care
Where Do You Think
Why Do You Care…
Reaching Out A
Hand to Touch
Where Are You
Epilogue Too
Star Date: 61113
(Choose any Song)
One finds separation from ‘the world’ as close to connecting to reality as one sees.
One is hoping to find and connect to emotions somewhere online typing
five-million words, but instead, finds one’s soul again.
five-million words, but instead, finds one’s soul again.
One visits a fuller place of ‘Katie Mia’, on 9/6/81, for a few months in
successfully escaping a ‘world’ of ‘expectations’.
successfully escaping a ‘world’ of ‘expectations’.
One finds one again in the Bliss of that place
in the moment of the last few days.
in the moment of the last few days.
One understands the place better now than one did before.
One has the ability to tame the ‘beast’ of synchronicity,
One provided a ‘password’ to help one find it again.
One is not sure
one see value
in message.
one see value
in message.
It brings one pleasure
to share one’s soul.
to share one’s soul.
In the last few weeks, one loses track of time;
most of the words are coming from soul.
most of the words are coming from soul.
Along the way, one observes
new interesting things,
new interesting things,
One struggles with whether
technology is ‘good’ or ‘bad’,
technology is ‘good’ or ‘bad’,
but now one
more fully understands
that it is part of Nature too,
more fully understands
that it is part of Nature too,
if not by design
by Synchronicity.
by Synchronicity.
While one understands it is not
‘Magic’, writing in the last several weeks the
Synchronicities of ‘bugs’ in ‘Blogger’ software
‘forces’ one to keep mistakes
providing meaning
one does not see
in ‘mistakes’
at first.
‘Magic’, writing in the last several weeks the
Synchronicities of ‘bugs’ in ‘Blogger’ software
‘forces’ one to keep mistakes
providing meaning
one does not see
in ‘mistakes’
at first.
One corrects the ‘Too’ of one sentence ‘meeting’ the
paragraph of another ten times, in the Yellow Boy Bible poem,
until one finally realizes a deeper meaning is in the ‘mistake’.
paragraph of another ten times, in the Yellow Boy Bible poem,
until one finally realizes a deeper meaning is in the ‘mistake’.
It is time winking back at one, whatever, it is.
One cannot help but to think the ‘evil’ 666 of endless death in bible
provides deeper message delivered in ‘subconscious’ mind of
‘whoever’ wrote that from a pattern of life, instead of death.
provides deeper message delivered in ‘subconscious’ mind of
‘whoever’ wrote that from a pattern of life, instead of death.
It is an ‘ultimate divine’ comedy of One.
It is also an ‘ultimate’ divine comedy of life, as the coincidence of
‘meaningless’ symbol of birth, is a symbol of the pattern of life, unity,
and ‘onever’ one wants to call it that one attempts to deliver as a
metaphor for someone coming across it randomly in a Google search.
‘meaningless’ symbol of birth, is a symbol of the pattern of life, unity,
and ‘onever’ one wants to call it that one attempts to deliver as a
metaphor for someone coming across it randomly in a Google search.
Each moment is still a challenge, and there are ‘tiny keystrokes’ making
a whole in the message that one does not plan.
a whole in the message that one does not plan.
Stepping back one sees the beauty of Synchronicity
and smiles as wide as a Universe, in mind, to be able
to paint it in a way someone might find.
and smiles as wide as a Universe, in mind, to be able
to paint it in a way someone might find.
One’s cousin plays a role in bands across life.
The way Jeff Lynne moves in graceful body
language singing and playing guitar, is eerily
reminiscent of one’s cousin.
language singing and playing guitar, is eerily
reminiscent of one’s cousin.
There is graceful gentle spirit one finds in
his video autobiography linked earlier today,
in the second F of Jeff, right after the first J for
Jeffersonian Bible to give credit for stopping by in one’s life, providing ‘Band-Aid’.
his video autobiography linked earlier today,
in the second F of Jeff, right after the first J for
Jeffersonian Bible to give credit for stopping by in one’s life, providing ‘Band-Aid’.
The folks more often busy in the background focused on ‘Creation Activity’ instead of raising families.
Perhaps, a type of “Eusocial Primate” Maybe metaphor or maybe not Never the less hard to forget.
One identifies with how Jesus is portrayed androgynous, non-conforming to ‘ways’ of the world.
Whoever wrote the story and painted it is likely set a-part from others.
It is a recurring theme of expression of adversity in the human spirit, and other animals.
The ELO ‘Twilight’ song is one’s favorite song of all time. It touches a
place in the Universe of one’s soul, that only Jeff Lynne has been able to take one.
place in the Universe of one’s soul, that only Jeff Lynne has been able to take one.
The Album is
One ‘suspects’ the ‘moral’
behind the message
is people
who do
not reproduce
behind the message
is people
who do
not reproduce
or are seen as different
play a most valuable role,
play a most valuable role,
at times,
in Band-Aid for Tribe.
The expression is
unlimited in edifice of culture
providing comfort to so many people.
unlimited in edifice of culture
providing comfort to so many people.
Even the soft tethered structure of Bible
giving Yellow Boy comfort
under his paws of life.
giving Yellow Boy comfort
under his paws of life.
How wonderful it is
that one provides
the ‘deepest’
that one provides
the ‘deepest’
from one’s comfort of place
looking backing at one.
looking backing at one.
is One
and the
is One
and the
for being
a Friend in Spirit.
With All ‘that Said
“Visiting a Garden of Band-Aid” Truly
Is a search For Soul After Being Covered By So Many Cultural
Clothes of Both Lies and Deceit And Illusions away from what
We even Are as Human A Soul Will Evolve Eternally now with
A Seek and Find in Dance and Song Free that never Gives up with Fearless Love..
Other Wise
Mold and
A Human Cocoon
Never Becomes Butterfly at All….
We Live in a Material Society lost so
far away from what most of us even are as Human
Beings Light So Far Above than Below of Material Reductionism……
“Visiting a Garden of Band-Aid” Truly
Is a search For Soul After Being Covered By So Many Cultural
Clothes of Both Lies and Deceit And Illusions away from what
We even Are as Human A Soul Will Evolve Eternally now with
A Seek and Find in Dance and Song Free that never Gives up with Fearless Love..
Other Wise
Mold and
A Human Cocoon
Never Becomes Butterfly at All….
We Live in a Material Society lost so
far away from what most of us even are as Human
Beings Light So Far Above than Below of Material Reductionism……
On Lord when the Morning Star Venus Now
in Glorious Light Becomes A Devil (Lucifer) And
A Garbage Dump Gehenna Becomes Hell And
Adversaries will Always Be Contended with as
Enemies too; True, Forms that House Essence in Vehicles and Vessels of what
We ‘Think’ We See as Truth and Light are whatever Humans Create together now.
A ‘Great Think’ about Sharing Information Free GlobAlly Wide; is when one comes to find
this is Just Human Nature Creating Bonds for Binds, Dark thru Light to Keep the Hairless
Apes Working Stronger together than separate for something to eat. Meanwhile; for those
who have gone to ‘that place’ where all there is is time in Piece of Paper Existence where now
Feelings and Senses Melt Away to Real Nothingness now; true, one will hope for any feel or sense;
Real Flames of Hell Fire Taste Like a Promise of Heaven in a Dark Abyss of the Soul (what we feel and
sense and give and share of life) as compared to Nirvana and Bliss for anyway one finds a bit of escape
out of the Neo-Cortex that provides all the reasons to worry in deaDlines of Abstract Constructs of Time
And Distance and Space Now too. Yes; to understand Hell better it may be Greater to Understand what Hell
is not and that is Flow; Yes, the Transient Hypo-Frontality Blissful Expansion of Human Potential out of our
Time Making Machine awakening more of our Subconscious Mind; the other 95 Percent of our Mind of existence
now; Yes, Bringing the Bigger Ocean of Mind up to just a small Concrete Swimming Pool of Mind Life; namely, mostly
Existence in Reason Land the Neo-Cortex; where other wise; Oh Lord, Entire Disney Worlds of Artistic Mind of Imagination
in Greater Creativity as evidenced by Science when in Flow like this as measured 400 to 500 percent more in Human
Greater Productivity too. And then there is the Bio-Feedback of Meditation, either Moving or still Meditation that now
may Bring an Autotelic Very Healing and Regenerating State of Being where we gain access through the Bio-Feedback
of Meditation to actually Master the Feel Good Neurochemicals and Neurohormones for Good Times Tours of Life
Always Now; so much more Colorful in Feel and Sense and in Deed as Well All Becomes Frigging Love Fearless
Unconditional Consuming ALL others and the Rest of Nature (God) With the Least Harm Possible Now For Real.
in Glorious Light Becomes A Devil (Lucifer) And
A Garbage Dump Gehenna Becomes Hell And
Adversaries will Always Be Contended with as
Enemies too; True, Forms that House Essence in Vehicles and Vessels of what
We ‘Think’ We See as Truth and Light are whatever Humans Create together now.
A ‘Great Think’ about Sharing Information Free GlobAlly Wide; is when one comes to find
this is Just Human Nature Creating Bonds for Binds, Dark thru Light to Keep the Hairless
Apes Working Stronger together than separate for something to eat. Meanwhile; for those
who have gone to ‘that place’ where all there is is time in Piece of Paper Existence where now
Feelings and Senses Melt Away to Real Nothingness now; true, one will hope for any feel or sense;
Real Flames of Hell Fire Taste Like a Promise of Heaven in a Dark Abyss of the Soul (what we feel and
sense and give and share of life) as compared to Nirvana and Bliss for anyway one finds a bit of escape
out of the Neo-Cortex that provides all the reasons to worry in deaDlines of Abstract Constructs of Time
And Distance and Space Now too. Yes; to understand Hell better it may be Greater to Understand what Hell
is not and that is Flow; Yes, the Transient Hypo-Frontality Blissful Expansion of Human Potential out of our
Time Making Machine awakening more of our Subconscious Mind; the other 95 Percent of our Mind of existence
now; Yes, Bringing the Bigger Ocean of Mind up to just a small Concrete Swimming Pool of Mind Life; namely, mostly
Existence in Reason Land the Neo-Cortex; where other wise; Oh Lord, Entire Disney Worlds of Artistic Mind of Imagination
in Greater Creativity as evidenced by Science when in Flow like this as measured 400 to 500 percent more in Human
Greater Productivity too. And then there is the Bio-Feedback of Meditation, either Moving or still Meditation that now
may Bring an Autotelic Very Healing and Regenerating State of Being where we gain access through the Bio-Feedback
of Meditation to actually Master the Feel Good Neurochemicals and Neurohormones for Good Times Tours of Life
Always Now; so much more Colorful in Feel and Sense and in Deed as Well All Becomes Frigging Love Fearless
Unconditional Consuming ALL others and the Rest of Nature (God) With the Least Harm Possible Now For Real.
That’s Heaven. This Heaven Feels Whole Now With no Separation from the Rest of Nature WHeRE Life is ReAlly Good.
There is no Whole in Hell; Just Deep Ocean Pit of Black Soul Abyss. This Exists; Trust me or not; You Do
Not wanna Go to A place Within where one Second feels like an Eternity of Black Hole Soul; Nope; not even
Horned Creatures or Mythological Demons and Devils would wanna enter A Real Mind of Separation now so Cold.
There is no Whole in Hell; Just Deep Ocean Pit of Black Soul Abyss. This Exists; Trust me or not; You Do
Not wanna Go to A place Within where one Second feels like an Eternity of Black Hole Soul; Nope; not even
Horned Creatures or Mythological Demons and Devils would wanna enter A Real Mind of Separation now so Cold.
Anyway; i got tired of all those Old Bible Twisted Words Incomplete;
And NoW iN 70 Months, i am celebrating my own “SonG oF mY SoUL” Long Form Poem Free Verse Epic
Bible at 7 Million Words of Effort and 11,418 Miles of Public Dance Now, in the Same 70 Months of Bliss too.
And NoW iN 70 Months, i am celebrating my own “SonG oF mY SoUL” Long Form Poem Free Verse Epic
Bible at 7 Million Words of Effort and 11,418 Miles of Public Dance Now, in the Same 70 Months of Bliss too.
THere ain’t no Hell where i LiVE NoW; only Heaven of Dance and Song Free to move, connect, and co-create Freely Now.
True; if i don’t keep my Get out of Hell Card Stamped With A Continuous Dance And Song; As We all may Do; i
too might just go back; so, i dance and sing evermorenow so far Removed from Poe Ravens now that and who S..:)
too might just go back; so, i dance and sing evermorenow so far Removed from Poe Ravens now that and who S..:)
OBTW the Farther Away from Human Empathy and Sympathy With a Good Learning practice of Cognitive
Empathy Across the Life Span With Compassion too; the closer Humans Get to Hell on Earth now too;
i see some folks day to day who appear to be getting very very Close to a D-Day that is Self
Destruction of Soul and no Victory Day in any any way..:)
Empathy Across the Life Span With Compassion too; the closer Humans Get to Hell on Earth now too;
i see some folks day to day who appear to be getting very very Close to a D-Day that is Self
Destruction of Soul and no Victory Day in any any way..:)
One thing i’ve personally noticed, Since i’ve also gained the ability to regulate my Body Temperature
Along with my other Feelings Regulating my Emotions And Senses is that in Heaven as my 6 Year Anniversary
iN Really Living in the Kingdom of Heaven Now Within on Earth on July 19, 2013 is; that in Heaven now it is
Always Warm and Cool Enough to Wear Shorts and Really Always Hot Enough to Love it all Dark thru Light;
Who Cares
About Hell
when You
Live in
Hells Bells
Enjoy whatever
Lord of the Rings You HaPPeN to Find now too;
in or out of the illusion of time distance and space Eternal Now Heaven is most definitely best.
Along with my other Feelings Regulating my Emotions And Senses is that in Heaven as my 6 Year Anniversary
iN Really Living in the Kingdom of Heaven Now Within on Earth on July 19, 2013 is; that in Heaven now it is
Always Warm and Cool Enough to Wear Shorts and Really Always Hot Enough to Love it all Dark thru Light;
Who Cares
About Hell
when You
Live in
Hells Bells
Enjoy whatever
Lord of the Rings You HaPPeN to Find now too;
in or out of the illusion of time distance and space Eternal Now Heaven is most definitely best.
So Many Pretty Women in Heaven too; got all the Evidence for that too; hAha, in Heaven
My Wife Still Looks the Same in a Bikini at 49 as she did at 17; got all the evidence for that too Hehe..;)
My Wife Still Looks the Same in a Bikini at 49 as she did at 17; got all the evidence for that too Hehe..;)
Don’t tell
Lucifer isn’t
Really the Devil;
Please keep the Secret
as i just Celebrated my 6.6.60 Birthdate Birthday too;
See ya around. Have a Nice Day/Night Wherever You are now.
There is no
Our Nature;
So make the
Best of it you can and will;
Pan is my ReaL NaMe aLL is my GaMe;
You May CaLL me GRooT too; tHere is no DiFFeRencE..;)
Lucifer isn’t
Really the Devil;
Please keep the Secret
as i just Celebrated my 6.6.60 Birthdate Birthday too;
See ya around. Have a Nice Day/Night Wherever You are now.
There is no
Our Nature;
So make the
Best of it you can and will;
Pan is my ReaL NaMe aLL is my GaMe;
You May CaLL me GRooT too; tHere is no DiFFeRencE..;)
SMiLes as A Sun Shines on A Moon
i have a confession to make.. i Love to make
Moon Shine in anyway my Light Reaches you my
Lovely Friend.. There is no part of A Moon i do not see as
precious that i treasure yet truly there is nothing i need from
A Moon back except to know that my Light Reaches Your Soul to Create
A Smile of Joy for You.. Smiles.. there are days when A Sun reaches A Moon
more than others there are Eclipses that happen Yes.. Quarter.. Half.. and Super Full Moon’s
too.. but iT aLWays deLights A Sun Most to Shine on A Moon anyway A Sun May Light
upon A Moon’s
Face.. Smiles my Kind
Friend A Moon is an open
Canvas for A Sun to Shine and
Color too.. so many Dreams these
Colors Bring so much.. Dark Changes
into Light for Moon Flowers.. to Color more..
You are A Little Flame that lives inside A Moon..
i am just another Sun who comes along to raise your
Torch Higher.. THere are so many Miles of A Moon to Bonfire
Higher.. Forest Fires may come and Go.. But A Moon Will almost never
Fail to Feel Light from A Sun’s Fire for it takes so long for it to go out Sunshine rains…
i am
amazed by how Aesthetically Beautiful you will continuously transform your self
to be.. like any other Master Piece Painting at a Museum i feel that i must write
A Full Review.. and truly i savor all of you as i do no different than i would if you
were a Master Piece of Beauty Hanging on a Wall i’m just lucky as A Master Piece
is my Friend
for imagine
how wonderful
it would be if we
could actually make
Paintings feel all our appreciation
for the Beauty they are created to be..
You Create your Beauty Now i am one who
Artfully will appreciate that gift back to you..
If A Sun Lights up all your parts a bit doing this..
it will only make you even more beautiful to glow now
to attract A Lover out there in the Wild who will actually
Come to Pollinate Your Flower for more Beauty to come into the World..
Smiles my
i am
A Bee
And You
Are just a Queen..
Better yet my Friend A Soul that Loves to Light all of Your Soul up..
Smiles as far as work goes and the Help You Need focusing and paying
attention.. i have a really severe case of ADHD i think there are a lot of things
about you like me in fact i am almost sure you are as much or more on the Autism
Spectrum as me.. probably the only thing that keeps us together as there is something
special about you and me that not many people share perhaps it is something that has
no label at all that Only God Will ever know for sure.. anyway.. i can get so distracted
and i still can start to get so depressed as we watched the ‘Pet 2’ Movie Yesterday
and i really started plummeting as i thought about Yellow Boy and became so
worried that i did something to offend you and you would never want
to talk to me again.. it is always worth it to give someone else other
than a Pet and a Wife and Sister
And Our
Soul as
Well as A Spirit of
Our Love to Give..
Smiles my
it is nice to
love someone this
way no matter who they are..
and you are Special Enough Now
to Love this way purely.. always Now too..
haha.. i was interrupted for about 30 Minutes
as Katrina went into total Killer Mission to Kill
a Fly in the Bedroom.. it’s true i cannot kill a fly
And i felt sadness.. when she felt Victory actually
exclaiming Victory When She Killed the Fly Calling
Him a Dirty Disease Carrying Fly.. sure enough to her
Great Dismay i kid you not the fly Rose up and lit on the
Window and escaped her Swat then the Fly Disappeared
And We still haven’t seen the Fly and if this were a person perhaps
Another Jesus Fly Story would come to Establish a Newer Testament too..
as far
as i am
A Person
now not
a Fly
is A Real
Savior of a Fly
at least.. too many
People never see God
Big Enough as Well as Small..
The Real Jesus looked a lot like
You only Shorter and a Man about the
same weight now.. sure much shorter hair too
now perhaps loving eyes but we will never know
we all have the potential to save Love even if Flies die…
hehe.. back to ADHD on topic.. when i wanna focus i free
Dance for about 30 Minutes best to do it naked if possible
where private and legal.. after that i am solid laser focus
i suggest the same for you and it is okay to wear clothes
i have a confession to make.. i Love to make
Moon Shine in anyway my Light Reaches you my
Lovely Friend.. There is no part of A Moon i do not see as
precious that i treasure yet truly there is nothing i need from
A Moon back except to know that my Light Reaches Your Soul to Create
A Smile of Joy for You.. Smiles.. there are days when A Sun reaches A Moon
more than others there are Eclipses that happen Yes.. Quarter.. Half.. and Super Full Moon’s
too.. but iT aLWays deLights A Sun Most to Shine on A Moon anyway A Sun May Light
upon A Moon’s
Face.. Smiles my Kind
Friend A Moon is an open
Canvas for A Sun to Shine and
Color too.. so many Dreams these
Colors Bring so much.. Dark Changes
into Light for Moon Flowers.. to Color more..
You are A Little Flame that lives inside A Moon..
i am just another Sun who comes along to raise your
Torch Higher.. THere are so many Miles of A Moon to Bonfire
Higher.. Forest Fires may come and Go.. But A Moon Will almost never
Fail to Feel Light from A Sun’s Fire for it takes so long for it to go out Sunshine rains…
i am
amazed by how Aesthetically Beautiful you will continuously transform your self
to be.. like any other Master Piece Painting at a Museum i feel that i must write
A Full Review.. and truly i savor all of you as i do no different than i would if you
were a Master Piece of Beauty Hanging on a Wall i’m just lucky as A Master Piece
is my Friend
for imagine
how wonderful
it would be if we
could actually make
Paintings feel all our appreciation
for the Beauty they are created to be..
You Create your Beauty Now i am one who
Artfully will appreciate that gift back to you..
If A Sun Lights up all your parts a bit doing this..
it will only make you even more beautiful to glow now
to attract A Lover out there in the Wild who will actually
Come to Pollinate Your Flower for more Beauty to come into the World..
Smiles my
i am
A Bee
And You
Are just a Queen..
Better yet my Friend A Soul that Loves to Light all of Your Soul up..
Smiles as far as work goes and the Help You Need focusing and paying
attention.. i have a really severe case of ADHD i think there are a lot of things
about you like me in fact i am almost sure you are as much or more on the Autism
Spectrum as me.. probably the only thing that keeps us together as there is something
special about you and me that not many people share perhaps it is something that has
no label at all that Only God Will ever know for sure.. anyway.. i can get so distracted
and i still can start to get so depressed as we watched the ‘Pet 2’ Movie Yesterday
and i really started plummeting as i thought about Yellow Boy and became so
worried that i did something to offend you and you would never want
to talk to me again.. it is always worth it to give someone else other
than a Pet and a Wife and Sister
And Our
Soul as
Well as A Spirit of
Our Love to Give..
Smiles my
it is nice to
love someone this
way no matter who they are..
and you are Special Enough Now
to Love this way purely.. always Now too..
haha.. i was interrupted for about 30 Minutes
as Katrina went into total Killer Mission to Kill
a Fly in the Bedroom.. it’s true i cannot kill a fly
And i felt sadness.. when she felt Victory actually
exclaiming Victory When She Killed the Fly Calling
Him a Dirty Disease Carrying Fly.. sure enough to her
Great Dismay i kid you not the fly Rose up and lit on the
Window and escaped her Swat then the Fly Disappeared
And We still haven’t seen the Fly and if this were a person perhaps
Another Jesus Fly Story would come to Establish a Newer Testament too..
as far
as i am
A Person
now not
a Fly
is A Real
Savior of a Fly
at least.. too many
People never see God
Big Enough as Well as Small..
The Real Jesus looked a lot like
You only Shorter and a Man about the
same weight now.. sure much shorter hair too
now perhaps loving eyes but we will never know
we all have the potential to save Love even if Flies die…
hehe.. back to ADHD on topic.. when i wanna focus i free
Dance for about 30 Minutes best to do it naked if possible
where private and legal.. after that i am solid laser focus
i suggest the same for you and it is okay to wear clothes
have given to me.. so so much…
perhaps you have forgotten but never ever me..:)
Every Day i either see or hear from you no matter where
i am or where you are it is always a lovely day For me.. as
truly every day is lovely before i met you too.. now they are
Icing of you
up high like
True in Light too..
Frequencies of Vibrations
Synergies of Energies
Higher or Lower We
Feel And Sense
Give And Share
Holy And Sacred
Full of Meaning
And Purpose In
As Soul Light Yet
Soul Dark when
Loving Intention
Becomes Lower
Energies As Doubt
Replaces Trust Fear
Replaces Hope and oh
No Misery Loves Suffering
As Hate Becomes Dark
Force Synergy in Poison
Frequencies of Vibrations
Of Soul Dance And Song
Energy So so Low.. Dance
And Sing A Soul Higher
In Light Out of
DarK A
Direction A
Conductor of
An Orchestra
Of my Soul
Now Creates
Symphony oF Light
Within inside outside
Above So Below All
Around Now i Am
With SMiLes to See..
SMiLes.. my Friend
Sohair.. HeART Beats
Or Machines We
Dance And Sing
Ping Bits
And Bytes
Of Soul So Deep..

We went to see ‘Pets 2’ Yesterday
And OG it Happened it’s No
Secret Pets remind Us
We are Human oh the
Tears streaming i miss
My Yellow Boy And
There are so many
Humans who need
Forever Homes
Oh how oh how
We take
Them all in
Such a Large
Home of Love
That Will make Pets
Happy like Cats and Dogs..
Why not..
It couldn’t really hurt…
i am or where you are it is always a lovely day For me.. as
truly every day is lovely before i met you too.. now they are
Icing of you
up high like
True in Light too..
Frequencies of Vibrations
Synergies of Energies
Higher or Lower We
Feel And Sense
Give And Share
Holy And Sacred
Full of Meaning
And Purpose In
As Soul Light Yet
Soul Dark when
Loving Intention
Becomes Lower
Energies As Doubt
Replaces Trust Fear
Replaces Hope and oh
No Misery Loves Suffering
As Hate Becomes Dark
Force Synergy in Poison
Frequencies of Vibrations
Of Soul Dance And Song
Energy So so Low.. Dance
And Sing A Soul Higher
In Light Out of
DarK A
Direction A
Conductor of
An Orchestra
Of my Soul
Now Creates
Symphony oF Light
Within inside outside
Above So Below All
Around Now i Am
With SMiLes to See..
SMiLes.. my Friend
Sohair.. HeART Beats
Or Machines We
Dance And Sing
Ping Bits
And Bytes
Of Soul So Deep..
We went to see ‘Pets 2’ Yesterday
And OG it Happened it’s No
Secret Pets remind Us
We are Human oh the
Tears streaming i miss
My Yellow Boy And
There are so many
Humans who need
Forever Homes
Oh how oh how
We take
Them all in
Such a Large
Home of Love
That Will make Pets
Happy like Cats and Dogs..
Why not..
It couldn’t really hurt…
“Believe in Yourself,
even if no one else will”
even if no one else will”
Yes. Period.
Cup Filled Up..:)
Cup Filled Up..:)
You are Rich When You are
Content and Happy with what You
Have Sings a Small Statured South Asian Girl
And an Egyptian Woman who is very Nice too..
A French Woman Said it too but i haven’t seen her yet today…
Content and Happy with what You
Have Sings a Small Statured South Asian Girl
And an Egyptian Woman who is very Nice too..
A French Woman Said it too but i haven’t seen her yet today…
Overall at least…
Overall at least…
-Decoding Happiness
Circa (2013)2015-2019
Continues to come to Fruition
WHere An Only Pay Grade and
Rate and Currency is Love Sweet
Love Where Every Day is Lovely
THorns MaKinG
FLoWerS And Bees
CreaTinG Queens more
Beautiful iN Love’s Wisdom
Rose Glow True Now For Real
i kid you not as soon as i finished
A Last Word ‘the’ Fly came back to Life
Again and disappeared again A Story Never Ends…..
OopS.. he’s Back Again in ‘the’ Kitchen Window may
Be approaching ‘A’ Last Supper again it seems Nether
Land Bible(S)
Live on too….
Holy Fly!
She actually
Captured ‘the’
Fly and released
‘HiM’ into Nature A
Never Ending Story With A Great Friend STaRT too….
Circa (2013)2015-2019
Continues to come to Fruition
WHere An Only Pay Grade and
Rate and Currency is Love Sweet
Love Where Every Day is Lovely
THorns MaKinG
FLoWerS And Bees
CreaTinG Queens more
Beautiful iN Love’s Wisdom
Rose Glow True Now For Real
i kid you not as soon as i finished
A Last Word ‘the’ Fly came back to Life
Again and disappeared again A Story Never Ends…..
OopS.. he’s Back Again in ‘the’ Kitchen Window may
Be approaching ‘A’ Last Supper again it seems Nether
Land Bible(S)
Live on too….
Holy Fly!
She actually
Captured ‘the’
Fly and released
‘HiM’ into Nature A
Never Ending Story With A Great Friend STaRT too….
Smiles my Friend here is A Finished version now all Freshened
up as to not direct any attention on Your Personal Identity in inspiring
what you have inspired in my Life of Art of Wisdom in Truth and Light
Beauty of my Version of Life at least to spread in Novel Sized Messages now
more in Bottles around the Globe that folks may randomly come across for years
to come that may help them a bit find their way out of dark.. surely not tailored
for ‘the common human’ but truly it may be A complex human’ now who suffers
most in Existential Soul Pain in Life as they may see farther in Darkness as Well as light
than ‘the common human’ where ignorance is bliss is more their way to happiness always now..
Anyway.. i’ve been doing this through Friendship Letters close to 6 Years now and yes 7 Million
Words approaching 880 Huge Poems i write each week as they have about peaked out in size
as a Nautilus Shell in Chambers will Expand out from Narrow to Wide Chambers too settling in
From a Start of Several Thousand Words to around 30K Words Per Average each effort whole now..
i honestly am not afraid to die this moment or any moment.. i’ve come out of a place so dark now that
any pain i will imagine now will be better than where i’ve been as long as i have the ability to Love as Losing
my Soul
was/IS A
hardest part
of all for those who
truly go to hell like that
they will never stop trying their
best to help other folks not go now..
i’ve taken a lot of ‘Existential’ Risks to do
this but again.. there is no fear in this part of what
i do.. i am careful not to harm others on my way but
that is also a risk i face each day too.. in Existential ways too..
Smiles my Friend what i do is really a 24 Hour Effort even through
my Dreams each night.. i honestly have no idea how it is possible but it is
so i do it
as long
as the
Gift Lasts
and continues to
Evolve now true..
there are some days
that i am so tired that it wouldn’t
bother me if God really gives me rest
yet there are a few people who will miss
me so i dismiss that thought immediately as it comes..
in other words my Friend i have already lived a Thousand
Lives in one lifetime.. my gift is realized my gift of Life fully to be now self Actualizing Evolving..
more i am still human but just mostly A part truly that you bring out.. the rest is mostly just doing…..
and giving too….
it was/is easier
not being
much of
a Human until i met
You.. i suppose God has Mercy for me too…..
Easy is not A best way to live either my Friend…..
Human is always hard but worth parts We Thorn And Flower And Rise as Rose Again..:)
A Story of 3 Living Differently Cats Dear Friend as i Quote You here Sohair:
“A real muslim is not fat..a real Muslim is fit.
“Even if you are a woman and gave birth to some not let obesity destroy your life and your appearance.”
“Practise walking for an hour everyday.Stop eating sweets and eat fruits instead.Drink a lot of water.”
Sadly Reality is no part of many People’s Lives..
For one thing other than the Resurrection of a Body
Many Christians believe this reality is not the reality of
Heaven that will possibly be on Earth when the Teachings
of Jesus said specifically the opposite of that that the Kingdom
of Heaven is Within in this Generation at hand.. but of course only
Kingdom Coming for those who escape the Lies and Deceit of the World
of Culture and get back to a Mind and Body Balancing Soul Real Now True
i am taking the Liberty in paraphrasing here but according to the Christian
Bible Doing John 14:12 and improving on what Jesus did is the Authority he
Gives to all who believe in Him for the Teachings he brought forth.. These are
Truly Tough Words many people have become too soft to hear tough words ‘these
days’.. true when i was young
and weak when i was a Book
Worm who did not get out
with others and exercise
as much as i should
then the other Children
notified me that i was/am too
Weak and really did not deserve
to exist that i was not Strong Enough
inside to ever become a Man.. true i was
a loving Child for Sure but as Father’s Day in
the United States approaches this Sunday let us
not Forget the Necessity to withstand the Struggles in
Life and Persevere when folks Kick Dirt in our eyes and
are strong enough to stand up tall for ourselves with a Clear
two letter word that speaks with no Trepidation N O.. true our
Cat Arthur even at 20 Years Old frail and only 7 LBS in Weight
was well respected by Yellow Boy for Yellow Boy remembered that
Arthur would stand down to no neighborhood cat then to protect his
Territory for Basic Subsistence and life.. We are part of Nature too
we have become very domesticated and Soft as there is a story of
3 Cats too that illustrate this very well too.. Arthur had the Best
of Both Worlds he enjoyed the Technology from Humans that
Brought Predictable enough subsistence and Health Care that
inoculated him From Terminal Diseases in the Wild same as
We Humans benefit from too.. yet he remained strong and
Vital standing tall against all reproach of His Cat
Dignity through out his Life as he lived an active
Life and not a passive one directed by others
for only predictable Subsistence.. Yellow
Boy on the other hand suffered from
the Wild and Terminal Disease
of Feline Leukemia
he lived 10 Years
with a Terminal
Illness the Love
that Katrina gave
in her lap was medicine
to him same as the Love that
extends our lives too as long as we
do not grow too soft and domesticated
too.. Moby the Big Big Gray Cat was a different
story too.. i could have easily become Moby too unless
the Bullies in School Toughened me up a bit and motivated
me to get stronger and stronger a never ending hobby in my life
as even at age 59 My Legs are empirically 3 times Stronger at age
59 now than 53 when i started my 70 Months of Public Dance now
rising up to 11,428 Miles.. yes moving in Leg pressing from 500 LBS
to 1340 LBS now doing that up to 18 reps with a Maximum effort of
1520 LBS at 8 Reps as well in close to 6 Years of a continuous Journey
of Dance that mixes Free Style Martial Arts with Ballet For Grace under
Pressure in Mind and Body Balance Flow yes a different state of consciousness
too that Science labels as Transient Hypo-Frontality.. that really is just a fancy
Phrase for Flow where we escape our Time And Distance and Space maker Neo-
Cortex enough to light the rest of the Mind up and Body too from Head to toe
more making our Entire ‘Christmas Tree’ Light up real no myth the real deal
for what many folks describe as Nirvana and Bliss and So many Metaphors for
a Kingdom of Heaven within A State of Being where even Science Shows that
we are able to do Maximum Efforts in Laser Focus where Creativity and
Productivity may be measured from 400 to 500 Percent more than
Control Groups even just doing Still Meditation several times a
Week where Moving Meditation has even more benefits where
even a still meditation will provide Regenerative Brain
Benefits in Gray Matter everywhere but the Amygdala
Fear Center Where Gray Matter is Naturally Reduced
as a Body Moving in Balance and Grace is not nearly
as anxious developing Gray Matter in that Area of
the Brain.. the one place where Less is more as
far as Gray Matter goes.. true a 50 Year-Old
Brain Specimen Studied from someone
who meditates 3 times a week is
studied with the same
Physical Health
of a 25 Year-Old
Brain so yes an activity
that brings Mind and Body Balancing
Soul Whole From Head to toe like this is
realistically and empirically assessed as a Real
Fountain of Youth as Meditation is measured 26 Percent
more effective now than addictive Opiate Pain Killer Drugs
Meditation in Moving ways will stave off Dementia Diseases
as Exercise in General is the only proven way to prevent Dementia
Diseases as what often happens to folks when they retire and become
so Passive both in mind and body watching TV or just sharing links on
the Internet never actually Moving Connecting and Co-Creating as we
Are actually evolved to do.. across the entire lifespan still.. The Body is
the Temple of the Soul the Temple of God all as same as the Body houses
the Spirit of Love Unconditionally that we give and share more full of holy
and sacred purpose and meaning in life full of Gratitude for all of how we
feel and sense life now.. the Flesh and Blood is in deed the soul too as we
will either be ‘Christmas Trees’ all lit up or just Christmas Trees Stagnant and
Old.. well before our older age years.. anyway.. Moby was declawed and forced
to go outside after being a totally well fed domesticated cat.. he was unable to
Defend himself and developed Massive anxiety by the time we adopted him
from His Owners.. he medicated himself with Food as the only drug he knew
and just laid around the rest of His Life indoors.. we watched him doing our
best to help him.. but he was raised this way the way of domestication
was ingrained and without claws he could not go outside to earn
His way of life through challenge and struggle too.. soon
he could not Jump onto the Table as Arthritis Plagued
him before 10 Years old too.. then he was diagnosed
with Diabetes and in his ending days he could
not even lift himself up enough to go
to the Litter Box.. smiles my Friend
it was hard to see him suffer this
way but it was easier to see
Arthur Live a Full Life with both
ways of advantage both inside and out..
true it was inspirational to see how Yellow
Boy Survived both Feral And Wild and Loved so
Long with a Terminal Disease of Feline Leukemia as
infected by other Wild Cats.. these lessons apply to humans
too.. as i dance through my Community i prove to Younger Folks
as i let them all know how old i am.. that as long as you stay active
you Act Younger and even Look Younger too.. of course Katrina at 49
is another great example too.. she was raised very poor and had to walk
every where she went even to school in the cold and rain too.. but sure
look at her legs now still the legs of a Teenager Girl.. smiles my Friend
Silver Spoons of Domestication for Humans will be poison too.. on my
Birthday Night when i told my Long term Young Dancing Friend at
26 Years Old who i have been dancing with as Friends since 5 Years
now that i was turning 59 and Katrina was 49 she couldn’t believe
it as she had been through by my side dancing all those Years and
i still have not slowed down yet.. true while most folks
take breaks dancing in a Marathon of Dance i never
even have to catch my breath as i own my Breath
as a Breath of Health Real.. smiles my
Friend to inspire the Saving of a
Soul one must First Save
the Seat of our Souls
that are our Temples
of the Spirit of God too..
Weak Bodies Means Weak Spirits
too.. Fear that Weak Health Produces
is A destroyer of all that is good in Life Now
And Love giving and sharing Holy and Sacred
full of Meaning and Purpose too.. true we need a
Bit more tough love too.. true.. i was once soft and
weak and fearful too.. but true too i understand that i am
only Human and not machine too.. we have needs from head
to toes.. that include healthy sexuality too.. smiles my friend it
is not appropriate to address that part here but i surely do in avenues
That are appropriate for that kind of Human Soul Intelligence as the
Sufi’s did in their Poetry too.. Heaven on Earth is not only attainable
but the Norm instead of the extreme amongst the rest of the Animal
Kingdom Now.. we are below now in reality not above the rest of the Animals
on Earth our Culture and our Technology Hide just how much we have actually
devolved in our Mind and Body Spirit Balancing Whole Heart and Soul.. once
Again.. many People
Look forward to a perfect
body after a Dirt Nap never
fully appreciating the Gift of Heaven
in Mind and Body Balancing Soul a Healthy
Body and Mind and Soul Will be NoW oN EartH
in a Kingdom of Heaven NoW that is real.. moving..
connecting and creating now.. being more like Nature
Yes God.. than just the Tools we do make together that
make us soft and weak and so domesticated away from Free..
True.. Moderation too.. really that 11,428 Miles of Dance in 70
Months may Seem like a lot but really it is not for it only Averages
around 6 Miles a Day and actually a bit less than our Ancestors moved
just A Century Ago where all life from Break of Dawn to Sunset was moving
connecting and co-creating then.. yes a Hard Life my Friend but verily not
a Moby Life Dying prematurely and struggling with Poor Health for Decades
before.. sadly this belief that this Life and this Body We are gifted with now
even in the Christian Religion specifically is a great cause of this Nature
Deficit Disorder and Human Deficit Disorder Disease and truly as far
as Mind and Body Balancing Soul God Yes GDD God Deficit
Disorder Too.. smiles my Friend a Monkey will keep
pressing a Lever for Cocaine until that Monkey Dies
Give a Human all the fats and sugars they can
and will eat and sadly the same thing will
happen to them too.. it depends on how
we are raised either with a Silver
Spoon or a Walk in the Rain to
School as Katrina endured
every day.. true my
Friend Real
may be
far away
from Silver Slippers
that are real.. true some
days the Greatest Princesses
are poor with dirty feet and wear
Sandals too same as any humble Prophet
who is strong of Mind and Body Balancing Soul True..
These are the Meek and the Poor of Spirit Now who grow
the Greatest Souls the down trodden by bullies who do Hope
Victory of Love and Human Potential over Vengeance of Fear
Giving up and Hate my Friend.. Life is not easy but Life is Real
we have much to Dance and Sing for whether or not we Save
Our Temples of God and they do not sink early with our Souls living dead too…
Smiles my Friend on our Cat Arthur’s Grave that doesn’t exist still as he
went into Nature Feeding the smaller Creatures when his day to return
to Nature came.. there is always a Message on his living tombstone
that Dances and Sings i lived i am born from dust i return to dust
From God my Friend..:)
For one thing other than the Resurrection of a Body
Many Christians believe this reality is not the reality of
Heaven that will possibly be on Earth when the Teachings
of Jesus said specifically the opposite of that that the Kingdom
of Heaven is Within in this Generation at hand.. but of course only
Kingdom Coming for those who escape the Lies and Deceit of the World
of Culture and get back to a Mind and Body Balancing Soul Real Now True
i am taking the Liberty in paraphrasing here but according to the Christian
Bible Doing John 14:12 and improving on what Jesus did is the Authority he
Gives to all who believe in Him for the Teachings he brought forth.. These are
Truly Tough Words many people have become too soft to hear tough words ‘these
days’.. true when i was young
and weak when i was a Book
Worm who did not get out
with others and exercise
as much as i should
then the other Children
notified me that i was/am too
Weak and really did not deserve
to exist that i was not Strong Enough
inside to ever become a Man.. true i was
a loving Child for Sure but as Father’s Day in
the United States approaches this Sunday let us
not Forget the Necessity to withstand the Struggles in
Life and Persevere when folks Kick Dirt in our eyes and
are strong enough to stand up tall for ourselves with a Clear
two letter word that speaks with no Trepidation N O.. true our
Cat Arthur even at 20 Years Old frail and only 7 LBS in Weight
was well respected by Yellow Boy for Yellow Boy remembered that
Arthur would stand down to no neighborhood cat then to protect his
Territory for Basic Subsistence and life.. We are part of Nature too
we have become very domesticated and Soft as there is a story of
3 Cats too that illustrate this very well too.. Arthur had the Best
of Both Worlds he enjoyed the Technology from Humans that
Brought Predictable enough subsistence and Health Care that
inoculated him From Terminal Diseases in the Wild same as
We Humans benefit from too.. yet he remained strong and
Vital standing tall against all reproach of His Cat
Dignity through out his Life as he lived an active
Life and not a passive one directed by others
for only predictable Subsistence.. Yellow
Boy on the other hand suffered from
the Wild and Terminal Disease
of Feline Leukemia
he lived 10 Years
with a Terminal
Illness the Love
that Katrina gave
in her lap was medicine
to him same as the Love that
extends our lives too as long as we
do not grow too soft and domesticated
too.. Moby the Big Big Gray Cat was a different
story too.. i could have easily become Moby too unless
the Bullies in School Toughened me up a bit and motivated
me to get stronger and stronger a never ending hobby in my life
as even at age 59 My Legs are empirically 3 times Stronger at age
59 now than 53 when i started my 70 Months of Public Dance now
rising up to 11,428 Miles.. yes moving in Leg pressing from 500 LBS
to 1340 LBS now doing that up to 18 reps with a Maximum effort of
1520 LBS at 8 Reps as well in close to 6 Years of a continuous Journey
of Dance that mixes Free Style Martial Arts with Ballet For Grace under
Pressure in Mind and Body Balance Flow yes a different state of consciousness
too that Science labels as Transient Hypo-Frontality.. that really is just a fancy
Phrase for Flow where we escape our Time And Distance and Space maker Neo-
Cortex enough to light the rest of the Mind up and Body too from Head to toe
more making our Entire ‘Christmas Tree’ Light up real no myth the real deal
for what many folks describe as Nirvana and Bliss and So many Metaphors for
a Kingdom of Heaven within A State of Being where even Science Shows that
we are able to do Maximum Efforts in Laser Focus where Creativity and
Productivity may be measured from 400 to 500 Percent more than
Control Groups even just doing Still Meditation several times a
Week where Moving Meditation has even more benefits where
even a still meditation will provide Regenerative Brain
Benefits in Gray Matter everywhere but the Amygdala
Fear Center Where Gray Matter is Naturally Reduced
as a Body Moving in Balance and Grace is not nearly
as anxious developing Gray Matter in that Area of
the Brain.. the one place where Less is more as
far as Gray Matter goes.. true a 50 Year-Old
Brain Specimen Studied from someone
who meditates 3 times a week is
studied with the same
Physical Health
of a 25 Year-Old
Brain so yes an activity
that brings Mind and Body Balancing
Soul Whole From Head to toe like this is
realistically and empirically assessed as a Real
Fountain of Youth as Meditation is measured 26 Percent
more effective now than addictive Opiate Pain Killer Drugs
Meditation in Moving ways will stave off Dementia Diseases
as Exercise in General is the only proven way to prevent Dementia
Diseases as what often happens to folks when they retire and become
so Passive both in mind and body watching TV or just sharing links on
the Internet never actually Moving Connecting and Co-Creating as we
Are actually evolved to do.. across the entire lifespan still.. The Body is
the Temple of the Soul the Temple of God all as same as the Body houses
the Spirit of Love Unconditionally that we give and share more full of holy
and sacred purpose and meaning in life full of Gratitude for all of how we
feel and sense life now.. the Flesh and Blood is in deed the soul too as we
will either be ‘Christmas Trees’ all lit up or just Christmas Trees Stagnant and
Old.. well before our older age years.. anyway.. Moby was declawed and forced
to go outside after being a totally well fed domesticated cat.. he was unable to
Defend himself and developed Massive anxiety by the time we adopted him
from His Owners.. he medicated himself with Food as the only drug he knew
and just laid around the rest of His Life indoors.. we watched him doing our
best to help him.. but he was raised this way the way of domestication
was ingrained and without claws he could not go outside to earn
His way of life through challenge and struggle too.. soon
he could not Jump onto the Table as Arthritis Plagued
him before 10 Years old too.. then he was diagnosed
with Diabetes and in his ending days he could
not even lift himself up enough to go
to the Litter Box.. smiles my Friend
it was hard to see him suffer this
way but it was easier to see
Arthur Live a Full Life with both
ways of advantage both inside and out..
true it was inspirational to see how Yellow
Boy Survived both Feral And Wild and Loved so
Long with a Terminal Disease of Feline Leukemia as
infected by other Wild Cats.. these lessons apply to humans
too.. as i dance through my Community i prove to Younger Folks
as i let them all know how old i am.. that as long as you stay active
you Act Younger and even Look Younger too.. of course Katrina at 49
is another great example too.. she was raised very poor and had to walk
every where she went even to school in the cold and rain too.. but sure
look at her legs now still the legs of a Teenager Girl.. smiles my Friend
Silver Spoons of Domestication for Humans will be poison too.. on my
Birthday Night when i told my Long term Young Dancing Friend at
26 Years Old who i have been dancing with as Friends since 5 Years
now that i was turning 59 and Katrina was 49 she couldn’t believe
it as she had been through by my side dancing all those Years and
i still have not slowed down yet.. true while most folks
take breaks dancing in a Marathon of Dance i never
even have to catch my breath as i own my Breath
as a Breath of Health Real.. smiles my
Friend to inspire the Saving of a
Soul one must First Save
the Seat of our Souls
that are our Temples
of the Spirit of God too..
Weak Bodies Means Weak Spirits
too.. Fear that Weak Health Produces
is A destroyer of all that is good in Life Now
And Love giving and sharing Holy and Sacred
full of Meaning and Purpose too.. true we need a
Bit more tough love too.. true.. i was once soft and
weak and fearful too.. but true too i understand that i am
only Human and not machine too.. we have needs from head
to toes.. that include healthy sexuality too.. smiles my friend it
is not appropriate to address that part here but i surely do in avenues
That are appropriate for that kind of Human Soul Intelligence as the
Sufi’s did in their Poetry too.. Heaven on Earth is not only attainable
but the Norm instead of the extreme amongst the rest of the Animal
Kingdom Now.. we are below now in reality not above the rest of the Animals
on Earth our Culture and our Technology Hide just how much we have actually
devolved in our Mind and Body Spirit Balancing Whole Heart and Soul.. once
Again.. many People
Look forward to a perfect
body after a Dirt Nap never
fully appreciating the Gift of Heaven
in Mind and Body Balancing Soul a Healthy
Body and Mind and Soul Will be NoW oN EartH
in a Kingdom of Heaven NoW that is real.. moving..
connecting and creating now.. being more like Nature
Yes God.. than just the Tools we do make together that
make us soft and weak and so domesticated away from Free..
True.. Moderation too.. really that 11,428 Miles of Dance in 70
Months may Seem like a lot but really it is not for it only Averages
around 6 Miles a Day and actually a bit less than our Ancestors moved
just A Century Ago where all life from Break of Dawn to Sunset was moving
connecting and co-creating then.. yes a Hard Life my Friend but verily not
a Moby Life Dying prematurely and struggling with Poor Health for Decades
before.. sadly this belief that this Life and this Body We are gifted with now
even in the Christian Religion specifically is a great cause of this Nature
Deficit Disorder and Human Deficit Disorder Disease and truly as far
as Mind and Body Balancing Soul God Yes GDD God Deficit
Disorder Too.. smiles my Friend a Monkey will keep
pressing a Lever for Cocaine until that Monkey Dies
Give a Human all the fats and sugars they can
and will eat and sadly the same thing will
happen to them too.. it depends on how
we are raised either with a Silver
Spoon or a Walk in the Rain to
School as Katrina endured
every day.. true my
Friend Real
may be
far away
from Silver Slippers
that are real.. true some
days the Greatest Princesses
are poor with dirty feet and wear
Sandals too same as any humble Prophet
who is strong of Mind and Body Balancing Soul True..
These are the Meek and the Poor of Spirit Now who grow
the Greatest Souls the down trodden by bullies who do Hope
Victory of Love and Human Potential over Vengeance of Fear
Giving up and Hate my Friend.. Life is not easy but Life is Real
we have much to Dance and Sing for whether or not we Save
Our Temples of God and they do not sink early with our Souls living dead too…
Smiles my Friend on our Cat Arthur’s Grave that doesn’t exist still as he
went into Nature Feeding the smaller Creatures when his day to return
to Nature came.. there is always a Message on his living tombstone
that Dances and Sings i lived i am born from dust i return to dust
From God my Friend..:)
Hmm.. all work and no play
makes ‘Johnny a Dull Boy’
hehe true not much Sunshine
in ‘the Shining’ Movie or even
‘Child’s Play’.. True.. Life is all about
Perspective some folks Live and Breathe
Nightmares others Die their last Breath in
Real Sunshine Within hmm.. yet ‘Johnny’
‘His’ Way
my Friend hope
you are shining a
Different way hehe..
like Sunshine today WiTh SMiLes..
Haha.. i only buy Under 10 Dollar Shirts better
Put my Wife Picks ’em out for me.. as every shirt
is Full of Holy And Sacred Purpose in Meaning
as i become
A Zen Ego
Just for Fun
For what the
Shirt Represents..
hmm.. Brand Names
how about Messages instead
of Just Labels Hehe.. at the Military
Gym an Instructor was teaching someone
how to use the Machines and i went up to Her to
Say What do you think Life would be better now with
Lessons or No Lessons hehe.. they misunderstood
me to mean Wisdom Lessons through Experience
as Language will be confusing too.. as all Words
are Metaphors for Essence anyway point being
When We Learn to Use Machines to Move
We Become Machines when we rely
on Brand Labels to define the
Meaning of our Life in
Social Status
For Self
we become
the Form of Brand
Labels instead of the
Essence of Expressing
Ourselves in our own Written
Directed Produced and Acted Play
of Life.. ugh.. no Uniforms for me
the same old dam thing bores me
past tears to Numb just Numb
hAha if the Washing Machine
Ever Breaks i have enough
Graphic T-Shirts to Last
Almost 3 Years with Smiles..
all different too.. all with Potential
To exercise another Zen Art of Ego Each Day..
no UniForm for me in Fact in/as the Art of Essence
i will go Deeper than any Form at all as We become
Water of Soul rather than only a Metal Chalice of
hmm.. it’s
what we feel
and sense within
that is all at essence
that really counts some folks
let other folks own their emotions
and senses and other folks generate
all their own sunshine within.. with yes
sure a bit of help from a few friends too..
particularly the Spirit Free Within to JusT Be..
Smiles my Friend some folks look up to the sky to find
Spirit never looking within wearing Cultural Clothes now
where God (the rest of Human Nature) remains hidden..
i am almost Positive if Jesus were to come back he would
see the same Problem Forecast where Buddha never wanted
His Image according to the story to be seen in fear that folks would
Kneel at His Image like a Statue and Pray to it and totally lose the essence
of the teachings yes i am almost sure if Jesus were to really come back he would
even see that folks Worship a Name that wasn’t even the original Yeshua Facebook
tagged to him when he lived.. seriously literally the Name Jesus has become an Idol
for a Man who did not even have that name in real life.. in the Name of Jesus how about
instead of
making him
a Voodoo doll
or a Placebo Doll
to get what you want
true the Placebo (Prayer)
Effect is as real as the Voodoo (Nocebo)
Effect where belief brings on illness or remedy
Of illness now as the Power of Belief is truly that
Powerful as Science shows through dark and light too..
So yes.. go ahead and use the Symbol of the Word Jesus
as a Placebo Sugar Pill Device that is form that really works
as essence too.. but true if you wait until after a dirt nap to find
a Spirit in the Sky oh Lord God will remain Hidden inside never seeking
and finding a Real Higher force Within to give and share freely with all others
with Holy And Sacred Meaning and Purpose that is just Housings of Vehicles
and Vessels of Positive Feelings and Senses Materially reduced to Neurohormones
and Neurochemicals yes Peptide connections from Head to toe.. plus Astrocyte Wave
Action In Brain to carry on Greater Light of affect for effect in actions and consequences
more Positive Starting with Feelings and Senses constructing Abstract Constructs like
Words to House those Feelings and Senses as Vehicle and Vessels that return with
Memories of Good Feelings and senses too that just High Lights and Lives Great
A cocktail of Bio-Chemical-Neurohormonal-Electrical Reactions of LIfe
Feels even Better as Life is Good from Head to toe just remember
the spirit
is within
the sky
is Blue
And Cloudy
and Rainy And all
Beautiful too like Moon
at Night or New Moon Nights Dark true..
Marry the Night Honeymoon the Day skip
the Nocebo Voodoo Crap Just Live Life is Good
And yes.. don’t forget Bootcamp for Struggle and
Continual Adaptation to ever increase your Human
Potential that you help to move connect and co-create
Across a Full Life time of Life is Good from Dark thru Light too..:)
makes ‘Johnny a Dull Boy’
hehe true not much Sunshine
in ‘the Shining’ Movie or even
‘Child’s Play’.. True.. Life is all about
Perspective some folks Live and Breathe
Nightmares others Die their last Breath in
Real Sunshine Within hmm.. yet ‘Johnny’
‘His’ Way
my Friend hope
you are shining a
Different way hehe..
like Sunshine today WiTh SMiLes..
Haha.. i only buy Under 10 Dollar Shirts better
Put my Wife Picks ’em out for me.. as every shirt
is Full of Holy And Sacred Purpose in Meaning
as i become
A Zen Ego
Just for Fun
For what the
Shirt Represents..
hmm.. Brand Names
how about Messages instead
of Just Labels Hehe.. at the Military
Gym an Instructor was teaching someone
how to use the Machines and i went up to Her to
Say What do you think Life would be better now with
Lessons or No Lessons hehe.. they misunderstood
me to mean Wisdom Lessons through Experience
as Language will be confusing too.. as all Words
are Metaphors for Essence anyway point being
When We Learn to Use Machines to Move
We Become Machines when we rely
on Brand Labels to define the
Meaning of our Life in
Social Status
For Self
we become
the Form of Brand
Labels instead of the
Essence of Expressing
Ourselves in our own Written
Directed Produced and Acted Play
of Life.. ugh.. no Uniforms for me
the same old dam thing bores me
past tears to Numb just Numb
hAha if the Washing Machine
Ever Breaks i have enough
Graphic T-Shirts to Last
Almost 3 Years with Smiles..
all different too.. all with Potential
To exercise another Zen Art of Ego Each Day..
no UniForm for me in Fact in/as the Art of Essence
i will go Deeper than any Form at all as We become
Water of Soul rather than only a Metal Chalice of
hmm.. it’s
what we feel
and sense within
that is all at essence
that really counts some folks
let other folks own their emotions
and senses and other folks generate
all their own sunshine within.. with yes
sure a bit of help from a few friends too..
particularly the Spirit Free Within to JusT Be..
Smiles my Friend some folks look up to the sky to find
Spirit never looking within wearing Cultural Clothes now
where God (the rest of Human Nature) remains hidden..
i am almost Positive if Jesus were to come back he would
see the same Problem Forecast where Buddha never wanted
His Image according to the story to be seen in fear that folks would
Kneel at His Image like a Statue and Pray to it and totally lose the essence
of the teachings yes i am almost sure if Jesus were to really come back he would
even see that folks Worship a Name that wasn’t even the original Yeshua Facebook
tagged to him when he lived.. seriously literally the Name Jesus has become an Idol
for a Man who did not even have that name in real life.. in the Name of Jesus how about
instead of
making him
a Voodoo doll
or a Placebo Doll
to get what you want
true the Placebo (Prayer)
Effect is as real as the Voodoo (Nocebo)
Effect where belief brings on illness or remedy
Of illness now as the Power of Belief is truly that
Powerful as Science shows through dark and light too..
So yes.. go ahead and use the Symbol of the Word Jesus
as a Placebo Sugar Pill Device that is form that really works
as essence too.. but true if you wait until after a dirt nap to find
a Spirit in the Sky oh Lord God will remain Hidden inside never seeking
and finding a Real Higher force Within to give and share freely with all others
with Holy And Sacred Meaning and Purpose that is just Housings of Vehicles
and Vessels of Positive Feelings and Senses Materially reduced to Neurohormones
and Neurochemicals yes Peptide connections from Head to toe.. plus Astrocyte Wave
Action In Brain to carry on Greater Light of affect for effect in actions and consequences
more Positive Starting with Feelings and Senses constructing Abstract Constructs like
Words to House those Feelings and Senses as Vehicle and Vessels that return with
Memories of Good Feelings and senses too that just High Lights and Lives Great
A cocktail of Bio-Chemical-Neurohormonal-Electrical Reactions of LIfe
Feels even Better as Life is Good from Head to toe just remember
the spirit
is within
the sky
is Blue
And Cloudy
and Rainy And all
Beautiful too like Moon
at Night or New Moon Nights Dark true..
Marry the Night Honeymoon the Day skip
the Nocebo Voodoo Crap Just Live Life is Good
And yes.. don’t forget Bootcamp for Struggle and
Continual Adaptation to ever increase your Human
Potential that you help to move connect and co-create
Across a Full Life time of Life is Good from Dark thru Light too..:)
Never met a Stranger
Not even in a Grain of Sand
Smiles i’ll try to refrain in going
into ‘Verse of William Blake’.. ‘You’ Feel Sense
the spin now Spiraling Seeing Beyond iNFiNiTY in just
one.. GRaiN
of Sand now
Smiles.. my
Mother Said
i had open arms
for every stranger
Yet i couldn’t speak
until age 4 Yet found her
Keys under a bed in the other
Room at 2 while she was looking
for them not a word from her or me..
funny how life turns there is Autism of the
aloof and Autism of the too connected even without
Words.. yes.. the Empath Version the version that feels and
senses too much in a World So Complex and stimulating to all
feelings and senses more than ever before to the point where all is headache
and one
and hides
from everyone…
and every thing.. now
Smiles my Friend hehe
don’t feel ‘special’ everyone
IS Special i name everyone that
Now.. i teach my Psychotherapist
and Psychiatrist a whole bunch too
about Human Nature for i don’t learn
it i feel/sense it through fluid intelligence above
yes.. ‘Crystalized
Intelligence Stones’
so many more different
Intelligences now so many
Potentials Lost to books of
Life behind desks.. so many colors
of the UniVerse never yet to be felt and sensed now…
Smiles.. beyond any drug if i could take someone into my
World chances
are they
at all
for the
UniVerse is
so much more than
all the books in the World
in just a GRain of Sand and set free
from all time.. distance.. and space..
The UniVerse Beyond.. is my Friend
People are just icing on the Cake of Love
i love to treat and maybe even trick a bit now
when they get on my naughty list.. too.. hAha..
but on a serious note a Study that shows out of 2000
folks studied that no Human out of the Group met a new
Friend in a Five Year span is definitely a Diagnosis and not
a good Prognosis for any Social Animal that evolutionary speaking
depends on making friends for Basic survival what lives within us still
Feels no different.. the Existential Angst of that is enough for deadly addiction alone…..
And that
is far beyond
Drugs.. Yes Behavioral
addictions that aTTempt
to soothe a Dead Social
Animal’s Living Soul smiles
oh to be ‘Norm’ where everyone
knows your Human Being… with ‘Friends’…
‘Cheers’.. i dance i am no longer part of ‘Cold
Play’ ‘Life’ so many folks who need to be ‘fixed’…..
to the
of Bowling Alley Life..
Bowling Alone is just
Another phrase for Extinction of Souls…..
Life is more.. than a Like.. Follow.. and Share
Oh.. Now the Dollar BiLL Stones of Soul fall more….
THere was/is a Day.. where living rooms really existed
Where there are no electronic devices.. at all and people
talked with each other even strangers no different than friends
for hours on end as the only entertainment that existed then.. people
traveled far and wide to help the loner in a home without a family.. the only
place this has existed where i live is after Hurricane Ivan.. with no electricity
with Front Porches that suddenly were inhabited with Souls Cook-outs and Friendly
Conversations with Neighbors never met before.. that was in 2004.. 15 years has passed
most everyone
back into
their Shell
and never came back
out again.. how advanced
we have come away from living souls……
who actually breathe together really needing each other…
Not even in a Grain of Sand
Smiles i’ll try to refrain in going
into ‘Verse of William Blake’.. ‘You’ Feel Sense
the spin now Spiraling Seeing Beyond iNFiNiTY in just
one.. GRaiN
of Sand now
Smiles.. my
Mother Said
i had open arms
for every stranger
Yet i couldn’t speak
until age 4 Yet found her
Keys under a bed in the other
Room at 2 while she was looking
for them not a word from her or me..
funny how life turns there is Autism of the
aloof and Autism of the too connected even without
Words.. yes.. the Empath Version the version that feels and
senses too much in a World So Complex and stimulating to all
feelings and senses more than ever before to the point where all is headache
and one
and hides
from everyone…
and every thing.. now
Smiles my Friend hehe
don’t feel ‘special’ everyone
IS Special i name everyone that
Now.. i teach my Psychotherapist
and Psychiatrist a whole bunch too
about Human Nature for i don’t learn
it i feel/sense it through fluid intelligence above
yes.. ‘Crystalized
Intelligence Stones’
so many more different
Intelligences now so many
Potentials Lost to books of
Life behind desks.. so many colors
of the UniVerse never yet to be felt and sensed now…
Smiles.. beyond any drug if i could take someone into my
World chances
are they
at all
for the
UniVerse is
so much more than
all the books in the World
in just a GRain of Sand and set free
from all time.. distance.. and space..
The UniVerse Beyond.. is my Friend
People are just icing on the Cake of Love
i love to treat and maybe even trick a bit now
when they get on my naughty list.. too.. hAha..
but on a serious note a Study that shows out of 2000
folks studied that no Human out of the Group met a new
Friend in a Five Year span is definitely a Diagnosis and not
a good Prognosis for any Social Animal that evolutionary speaking
depends on making friends for Basic survival what lives within us still
Feels no different.. the Existential Angst of that is enough for deadly addiction alone…..
And that
is far beyond
Drugs.. Yes Behavioral
addictions that aTTempt
to soothe a Dead Social
Animal’s Living Soul smiles
oh to be ‘Norm’ where everyone
knows your Human Being… with ‘Friends’…
‘Cheers’.. i dance i am no longer part of ‘Cold
Play’ ‘Life’ so many folks who need to be ‘fixed’…..
to the
of Bowling Alley Life..
Bowling Alone is just
Another phrase for Extinction of Souls…..
Life is more.. than a Like.. Follow.. and Share
Oh.. Now the Dollar BiLL Stones of Soul fall more….
THere was/is a Day.. where living rooms really existed
Where there are no electronic devices.. at all and people
talked with each other even strangers no different than friends
for hours on end as the only entertainment that existed then.. people
traveled far and wide to help the loner in a home without a family.. the only
place this has existed where i live is after Hurricane Ivan.. with no electricity
with Front Porches that suddenly were inhabited with Souls Cook-outs and Friendly
Conversations with Neighbors never met before.. that was in 2004.. 15 years has passed
most everyone
back into
their Shell
and never came back
out again.. how advanced
we have come away from living souls……
who actually breathe together really needing each other…
live a Soul alive…
that much has changed……
Yet tHeRe is Still always eternally now to
Dance and Sing that much has not changed now…
Dance and Sing that much has not changed now…
for those
Move.. Connect and Co-Create
A Dance And Song EternAlly Now…:)
A Dance And Song EternAlly Now…:)
Great Job!!!!
Keep helping Other People (Community) THere
is no sacrifice too small or too large to do that my Friend..:)
is no sacrifice too small or too large to do that my Friend..:)
i Woke Again Feeling
Reality A Gift A
Dream now that
i’ve slept on
A Dream
i’ll Dance
And Sing it
Back to be
A Face i Dream..
SMiLes maybe Short
Poems appreciating
The Gift of you here
Will be nice… more now
The Gift of the Beauty
Of your Face Brings
Dreams to Color
My Soul Beyond
Rainbow Colors more…
Stay in the Moonlight
Don’t say a thing
Open Canvas
My Dream i Paint
You now to Sing…
What is Poem but
Muse come to
Life that Breathes…
When i fall deep in your eyes there are no limits of colors i Dance…
It’s not about sex is Love without Sex Friends or Love i
Wonder what a
Love Poem is
Does it mean
My Man Parts
Must be Flooded
By Blood Or is
It Heart now that
Is touched most…
Smiles Dear Friend you
Make me Feel Loved
You make me Feel
Cherished you
Make me Feel
Precious is there
Any Greater Love Poem
Than how one SMiLe
From you makes me
Feel would Naked
Photos of you bring
My Heart closer to
You if we needed a
Shower now after i
Hugged you would
That make me any closer
Than my Friendship
Love for you for me
At Least no.. do
i miss any Woman
At the Dance Hall
Who Forces her
Hips against
My Man Parts
To get a Rise out
Of me.. nope..
It is my Friends
Who color my life
Year ‘round even
Before CoLoRinG
My Soul and FiLLinG
My Man ParTs With
Soul so far away
From any lust
At all
What is Love
Now Higher or
Lower than A
Heart warmed Face
If A Smile now is not
A Love Poem innocent
And True I know
No Love at all only
That i miss
You my
Heart does when you
Are gone now what is
Love my Friend would
i Love You more or
Less if i was your age
We were in Class together and after
Class in a Moonlit
Parking lot a Hug turned into a kiss
And perhaps then a
Popsicle came next
Would i love you more
Or less than i love
My Friend far away
Now so far removed
From that nope
Unconditional love
Is the Greatest Love
It doesn’t matter how
Many popsicles you’ve
Tasted Or how many
More you do or Dream
This Love depends on
None of that this Love
Only desires to
Color your heart
Red yes Read Love
That colors your life
Happy with nothing
Needed from you
At all…. What is A Greatest
Love A Love That lives continues
No matter what
Smiles my Friend
That’s how you make
Me Feel if that is
No Love Poem
Neither Poems
Or Love exists
Do i need a Love
Letter from you to
Prove how much you
Love me.. nope..
You are still
Here in
My Life
That will
Always always
Be enough
Love for me
SMiLes how fortunate
Any of us Are to be
Truly loved
At all……
My Mother is
Gone Yellow
Boy is gone
Yet my entire life
i have always been
Truly loved by
My Mother And
Sister at Least
And Most Now
Some People
Feel no love at
All i wish more
Than anything i
Could give that gift
To them the love
i Give you is
The Love
i Give them too
The Love You Give
Me when you are
Not Around i Give
to all others True
Now Love only
Feels Friend True
Love is always here to
Give True Love
Never Gives
Up just
To Give Share
As Friend thanks
For the photo of Love
For even a Photo JusT A SMiLE
Will be a GreaTesT LoVE PoeM NoW JusT A SMiLE
TRuE.. Silent with no conditions attached at all….but Love..
THere is no More Powerful Force in the UniVerse than the
LiGHT oF UNcOnDiTioNaL LoVE YoU iGNiTE That Force in
me Now What
None Just None my FriEnd ONE…
Bones With Flesh and Blood oF LOVE..
Reality A Gift A
Dream now that
i’ve slept on
A Dream
i’ll Dance
And Sing it
Back to be
A Face i Dream..
SMiLes maybe Short
Poems appreciating
The Gift of you here
Will be nice… more now
The Gift of the Beauty
Of your Face Brings
Dreams to Color
My Soul Beyond
Rainbow Colors more…
Stay in the Moonlight
Don’t say a thing
Open Canvas
My Dream i Paint
You now to Sing…
What is Poem but
Muse come to
Life that Breathes…
When i fall deep in your eyes there are no limits of colors i Dance…
It’s not about sex is Love without Sex Friends or Love i
Wonder what a
Love Poem is
Does it mean
My Man Parts
Must be Flooded
By Blood Or is
It Heart now that
Is touched most…
Smiles Dear Friend you
Make me Feel Loved
You make me Feel
Cherished you
Make me Feel
Precious is there
Any Greater Love Poem
Than how one SMiLe
From you makes me
Feel would Naked
Photos of you bring
My Heart closer to
You if we needed a
Shower now after i
Hugged you would
That make me any closer
Than my Friendship
Love for you for me
At Least no.. do
i miss any Woman
At the Dance Hall
Who Forces her
Hips against
My Man Parts
To get a Rise out
Of me.. nope..
It is my Friends
Who color my life
Year ‘round even
Before CoLoRinG
My Soul and FiLLinG
My Man ParTs With
Soul so far away
From any lust
At all
What is Love
Now Higher or
Lower than A
Heart warmed Face
If A Smile now is not
A Love Poem innocent
And True I know
No Love at all only
That i miss
You my
Heart does when you
Are gone now what is
Love my Friend would
i Love You more or
Less if i was your age
We were in Class together and after
Class in a Moonlit
Parking lot a Hug turned into a kiss
And perhaps then a
Popsicle came next
Would i love you more
Or less than i love
My Friend far away
Now so far removed
From that nope
Unconditional love
Is the Greatest Love
It doesn’t matter how
Many popsicles you’ve
Tasted Or how many
More you do or Dream
This Love depends on
None of that this Love
Only desires to
Color your heart
Red yes Read Love
That colors your life
Happy with nothing
Needed from you
At all…. What is A Greatest
Love A Love That lives continues
No matter what
Smiles my Friend
That’s how you make
Me Feel if that is
No Love Poem
Neither Poems
Or Love exists
Do i need a Love
Letter from you to
Prove how much you
Love me.. nope..
You are still
Here in
My Life
That will
Always always
Be enough
Love for me
SMiLes how fortunate
Any of us Are to be
Truly loved
At all……
My Mother is
Gone Yellow
Boy is gone
Yet my entire life
i have always been
Truly loved by
My Mother And
Sister at Least
And Most Now
Some People
Feel no love at
All i wish more
Than anything i
Could give that gift
To them the love
i Give you is
The Love
i Give them too
The Love You Give
Me when you are
Not Around i Give
to all others True
Now Love only
Feels Friend True
Love is always here to
Give True Love
Never Gives
Up just
To Give Share
As Friend thanks
For the photo of Love
For even a Photo JusT A SMiLE
Will be a GreaTesT LoVE PoeM NoW JusT A SMiLE
TRuE.. Silent with no conditions attached at all….but Love..
THere is no More Powerful Force in the UniVerse than the
LiGHT oF UNcOnDiTioNaL LoVE YoU iGNiTE That Force in
me Now What
None Just None my FriEnd ONE…
Bones With Flesh and Blood oF LOVE..
What Color Are
Bad Boys Right
or 50 SHades Now
of Nights to Write…
SMiLes Are
Never Fear
Love Where
Strangers are
No longer Bad
But only
Older SMiles
Like me now HAha..:)
Haha.. i had to look close to
see if it was Your Screen
With ‘Human Marks’
or mine.. hehe..
A World Market
Place of Views
Wow Blogging Connects
the World this Way and on some
Days and or Nights you never know feel or sense
what will come next as so many Cultures
Mix Homogeneously Heterogeneously
Attempting to do their (P.E.O.P.L.E.)
Best to get
as one
World Tribe..
Truly it works most days/nights
Now the Muslim will get along with
the Christian will get along with the
Hindu and if you are really Lucky one
will hit the Jackpot of all inclusiveness
and meet the Occasional Jainist too
who Loves Everyone equal and
who will even hardly ever even
kill a fly.. True though Unconditional
Friendly Love knows feels and senses
No Borders Walls come down Nation
Building turns into smiles and hugs.. hehe.. yes US..
only if we will make a Blogging World like this Flesh
And Blood too perhaps how much we gain when Spirit
Rises in Words and Differences in Flesh and Blood in Country
And Other Religious differences melt away into words that simply
really care…
in this
Way Technology
is kinda nice i feel
as i leave a local area
behind that is so much
more exclusive in seeing the Human
Condition as separating instead of Unifying Whole..
Holy CRap
THere is no
Sun or Moon
Here No Stars
at Night or Clouds
and Rain in Day or night
Holy CRap
this reAlly
looks and
sounds like
wait! it can’t
be can it are those
Bible Book Revelation
Notes Real could this really
Be Heaven where most everyone
gets along in the Spirit thE Light oF LoVE
could this last a Thousand Years will we still
Be inspiring People then long long Gone Dead
but Living Soul Spirit Alive Online as HeART BeaTS
beats then..
hmm.. only
‘the shadow’
KNoWS.. hmm..
only the shadow
of Humankind Now
Love Generating more or less
in this place of Living Love less or more now..
hmm.. i’d really like to wrap this up now and enjoy
a Day of R and R Away from Text but since this is all
about ‘MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW’ Well the Truth
is i gotta talk about the 800 LB Hairy Gorilla in the Room
who is always turned on yes Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex i ain’t no
Dr. Ruth but i’ve ThOughtFELT a whole Lot about the toPic
of Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex too in all my years from loving
with Love Loving Women’s eyes to finding my first
Pornographic Image on a clipping of a Porn
Magazine Discarded on the Road oh
my God i wanted more i had
no idea what it was all
about but my
was awakening
so Powerful within
in Middle School oh God
when Puberty hits you hear about
what other folks are doing even if you
don’t know what the hell they are doing..
hmm.. you wanna get involved but if you get
left out you are left to your own devices and all
those powerful urges too.. gotta go somewhere
Wet Dreams are surely one place to go.. oh no..
what do you do with Your Underwear after that..
hmm.. anyway.. Yes i’ve seen more Naked Women
in one lifetime now.. than all my Male Ancestors
Put together (my father didn’t do computers)
even only finding my first Pornographic
Movie when i was in my middle to
late Twenties..
Sears And Roebuck
Magazines the Bra Section
and Panty Section moved me so much
in Middle School but i really didn’t have any
idea what was underneath all of that there is
no sheltered life away from sex for anyone these
days for sure.. as looking at graphic images of just that
is a common staple of life for anyone to look at now as they
please.. oh no.. my grades would have been so much lower i might have
never have learned to Love a Women for Her smiling eyes if all i looked then
at Day and Night on 6 Inch or so screens with T and A With ‘Bombs’ Exploding
on them as such night and day too.. Oh God my Libido was already high enough
how low would my Philosophy and Wisdom have gone how Beautiful Would the ‘Leaves
Of Grass’ in Whitman Ways ever come to be.. would i really care about Truth and Light
that much with all the Naked Women oh God so much more than 72 Virgins in Heaven
Day and Night on lights of Screen.. honestly i probably would have eventually had not much
desire to fall in Love with any Woman to get to that point.. why bother when you don’t even
have to meet the Cow
To receive
all one
can drink
of the Milk
of T and A forever
now more real as
the Variety never ends..
hmm.. the World has changed
Lots.. but trust me when i say
now.. Older Dudes touch the
feminine Heart best for those
who have never learned to touch
the Soul of Sex for Women ever at all…
anyway Sex is Great Pleasure it is wonderful
one will even use it as an Holy and Sacred Art (making babies too) to gain
Ascending Transcending Hypo-Frontality NoW in Flow if edged slowly
and effectively as a Dance Below above so below more.. as we escape
the Neo-Cortex and really Reboot ourselves for Laser Focus for Greater
Creativity and Productivity and Yes Drive for Social Cooperation and Communication
more an Art of Sexual Activity practiced in Moderation and intensely focused like this
Will Bring that all about too.. but if you are guilty and shameful about the Process in anyway
forget about
the Benefit
As Shame
and Guilt is
simply Fear of
being Separated
from the Tribe in Oxytocin
ways of Social Comfort don’t
be shamed to believe that any member
or function of the Body is any lesser than any other member more..
yes practice it this way and Older Fears may Disappear and oh Lord
who ever Your Significant other is may surely reap the benefits of your
Art unless they just happen to be the Female Version of ‘Mr. Roper’ on
‘Three’s Company’ too..
and vice
of that
too depending
on who is what
and what does who..
now all i need is a song
a quick trip to Frank and Xenia’s
places of Poetry and gigoid’s Place
of Aphorisms from the Sages of the
Ages for me to riff off and a tale of the tape
and perhaps a Few MacroVerses to share
from Years to date and then today.. yes..
“MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” Will
Be all Wrapped Up Signed Sealed and
Delivering Opening to Publish Electronically
maybe on Friday.. Flag Day 6.14.2019 as
the 880th MacroVerse of “SonG
oF mY SoUL” Epic Longest
Long Form Poem Bible
at 7 Million Words
of doing that
in 70
months now
along with
what is now
11,428 Miles
of Public Dance now too.. in
70 Months okay let’s knock the tale
of the tape out now first before i finish
any further ahead of the game at hand..
As “SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”
completes the 879th MacroVerse of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Longest Long Form Poem.. Epic Free Verse Shaped Bible
at 7 MiLLioN Words in that 70 Months Effort and Doubles
as the 206th MacroVerse Effort as “Nether Land Bible 2017”
in that 36 Month Endeavor Now at 4,283,050 Words and yes
“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” also Triples
As the 104th MacroVerse.. of.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. As
‘Volume 2019’ is now inclusive of that 24 Month 2,693,906 Word
Effort that is also included in the Description Areas of all my Facebook
Profile Pics for the last 24 Months at an average of around 7 Thousand
Words Per Hundreds and Hundreds of Facebook Pics too.. lots of words to
Spew like a Volcano or a tSuNaMi Flood just about too big to see and surely
hard to Read in a Twitter World of 280 Characters where Sistine Chapel Painters
And Beethoven and Mozart Players might not be too welcome amongst the Herd
these Years
now for sure..
but if you are going
to do what has never been done
before now of course you are gonna
have to do it alone as there is never
going to be a target audience until folks
find a Common Ground in what you do.. hehe
that might take almost an entirely different kinda human
like me for all practical intents and purposes perhaps i am truly
for just
ET’s me
Now and
Me allone
together again
as i continue to
phone home for
anyone to pick
up the other
end of
for real to Be..
Anyway tonight is
also the 266th Dance
Week Night ‘Seville’ Adventure
Now with all the Cool College Age
Folks.. as truly in a World Grown
So Cold in so many ways still in the
Coast of the Bible Belt USA South..
all you have to do is Dance Free for
even Less than a Year and Young Folks
will come up to you in ‘Target’ and tell you
are famous as you are named Legend just
about a Year and 3 Months into the Endeavor
now.. true even as a living legend now 70 months
into that effort of no words at all.. People surely notice
me wherever i go now.. haha.. perhaps the most recognizable
and least recognizable person where i live in a span of Living Hell
for 66 Months as a shut-in in my home to what folks describe as an
icon of the Local area who is just about everywhere where if you haven’t
seen him as the ‘Norm’ of the only Public Dancing Guy or Man perhaps you are not even
like are
you kidding
me you’ve never
seen the Dancing
Man of the Pensacola
Milton Pace Square Miles
Metro Area that dude he is
no square he spirals like the
Milky Way wherever he goes
and yes he is practically everywhere
most of them having no idea that while
doing that i wrote a 7 MiLLioN Word Bible
Poem and i wrote about all of them too.. hehe and
Yes.. even took Selfies with thousands of the nice
People who were not afraid to stand with someone
as wild and free as i come back to be.. in Heaven Straight
out of
no one
will ever
be able
to tale this
story but me..
no one will ever
be able to lie about
me and make me into
some lonely God i never
was for i am allone there is no
Separation to the Dance And Song of i AM ALL..
Anyway that just about covers that ReMeMBeR i
AM onLY “Pan” and you may cAll me “GRooT” too..
NoW THeRe is no Difference i am all that is too NoW..
And thanks ‘Mini Skirt Woman’ you remind me of my Wife so i like you too..
Yes South Asian Women and Pacific Islanders Fountain of Youthers for sure too..
i am not
i am just Reviewing
Whatever Art i note to
See and Be with now hehe..
just something i will not forget ever at all..
Yes.. i do like the Yellow Cat in the Video
too.. A o A Hey!!!..:)))ViVaVeVo A o A Love Ya too..
i wake up like this every morning on the other side of
the Bed Never ever any make-up needed i Love my
Pacific Islander
mix oF A o A..
for the
last almost
30 years i have
woken up next
to a real Living
Master Piece of Art
is it any wonder i was
the one God Selected to
Write a NeWeR aGE Bible
Hell Yes Heaven Yes too.. ‘my Gift’
though Drove me through to the other side always now..
hehe.. if you don’t believe in God You are definitely not me or ‘her’..
‘This’ is ‘Our World’ ‘You’ might think ‘you’ own it but ‘we’ inherit all in all God NoW
no ending
Never Finishing EternALLy NoW LoVE ReaL
Yes We “MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW”..:)
Bad Boys Right
or 50 SHades Now
of Nights to Write…
SMiLes Are
Never Fear
Love Where
Strangers are
No longer Bad
But only
Older SMiles
Like me now HAha..:)
Haha.. i had to look close to
see if it was Your Screen
With ‘Human Marks’
or mine.. hehe..
A World Market
Place of Views
Wow Blogging Connects
the World this Way and on some
Days and or Nights you never know feel or sense
what will come next as so many Cultures
Mix Homogeneously Heterogeneously
Attempting to do their (P.E.O.P.L.E.)
Best to get
as one
World Tribe..
Truly it works most days/nights
Now the Muslim will get along with
the Christian will get along with the
Hindu and if you are really Lucky one
will hit the Jackpot of all inclusiveness
and meet the Occasional Jainist too
who Loves Everyone equal and
who will even hardly ever even
kill a fly.. True though Unconditional
Friendly Love knows feels and senses
No Borders Walls come down Nation
Building turns into smiles and hugs.. hehe.. yes US..
only if we will make a Blogging World like this Flesh
And Blood too perhaps how much we gain when Spirit
Rises in Words and Differences in Flesh and Blood in Country
And Other Religious differences melt away into words that simply
really care…
in this
Way Technology
is kinda nice i feel
as i leave a local area
behind that is so much
more exclusive in seeing the Human
Condition as separating instead of Unifying Whole..
Holy CRap
THere is no
Sun or Moon
Here No Stars
at Night or Clouds
and Rain in Day or night
Holy CRap
this reAlly
looks and
sounds like
wait! it can’t
be can it are those
Bible Book Revelation
Notes Real could this really
Be Heaven where most everyone
gets along in the Spirit thE Light oF LoVE
could this last a Thousand Years will we still
Be inspiring People then long long Gone Dead
but Living Soul Spirit Alive Online as HeART BeaTS
beats then..
hmm.. only
‘the shadow’
KNoWS.. hmm..
only the shadow
of Humankind Now
Love Generating more or less
in this place of Living Love less or more now..
hmm.. i’d really like to wrap this up now and enjoy
a Day of R and R Away from Text but since this is all
about ‘MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW’ Well the Truth
is i gotta talk about the 800 LB Hairy Gorilla in the Room
who is always turned on yes Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex i ain’t no
Dr. Ruth but i’ve ThOughtFELT a whole Lot about the toPic
of Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex too in all my years from loving
with Love Loving Women’s eyes to finding my first
Pornographic Image on a clipping of a Porn
Magazine Discarded on the Road oh
my God i wanted more i had
no idea what it was all
about but my
was awakening
so Powerful within
in Middle School oh God
when Puberty hits you hear about
what other folks are doing even if you
don’t know what the hell they are doing..
hmm.. you wanna get involved but if you get
left out you are left to your own devices and all
those powerful urges too.. gotta go somewhere
Wet Dreams are surely one place to go.. oh no..
what do you do with Your Underwear after that..
hmm.. anyway.. Yes i’ve seen more Naked Women
in one lifetime now.. than all my Male Ancestors
Put together (my father didn’t do computers)
even only finding my first Pornographic
Movie when i was in my middle to
late Twenties..
Sears And Roebuck
Magazines the Bra Section
and Panty Section moved me so much
in Middle School but i really didn’t have any
idea what was underneath all of that there is
no sheltered life away from sex for anyone these
days for sure.. as looking at graphic images of just that
is a common staple of life for anyone to look at now as they
please.. oh no.. my grades would have been so much lower i might have
never have learned to Love a Women for Her smiling eyes if all i looked then
at Day and Night on 6 Inch or so screens with T and A With ‘Bombs’ Exploding
on them as such night and day too.. Oh God my Libido was already high enough
how low would my Philosophy and Wisdom have gone how Beautiful Would the ‘Leaves
Of Grass’ in Whitman Ways ever come to be.. would i really care about Truth and Light
that much with all the Naked Women oh God so much more than 72 Virgins in Heaven
Day and Night on lights of Screen.. honestly i probably would have eventually had not much
desire to fall in Love with any Woman to get to that point.. why bother when you don’t even
have to meet the Cow
To receive
all one
can drink
of the Milk
of T and A forever
now more real as
the Variety never ends..
hmm.. the World has changed
Lots.. but trust me when i say
now.. Older Dudes touch the
feminine Heart best for those
who have never learned to touch
the Soul of Sex for Women ever at all…
anyway Sex is Great Pleasure it is wonderful
one will even use it as an Holy and Sacred Art (making babies too) to gain
Ascending Transcending Hypo-Frontality NoW in Flow if edged slowly
and effectively as a Dance Below above so below more.. as we escape
the Neo-Cortex and really Reboot ourselves for Laser Focus for Greater
Creativity and Productivity and Yes Drive for Social Cooperation and Communication
more an Art of Sexual Activity practiced in Moderation and intensely focused like this
Will Bring that all about too.. but if you are guilty and shameful about the Process in anyway
forget about
the Benefit
As Shame
and Guilt is
simply Fear of
being Separated
from the Tribe in Oxytocin
ways of Social Comfort don’t
be shamed to believe that any member
or function of the Body is any lesser than any other member more..
yes practice it this way and Older Fears may Disappear and oh Lord
who ever Your Significant other is may surely reap the benefits of your
Art unless they just happen to be the Female Version of ‘Mr. Roper’ on
‘Three’s Company’ too..
and vice
of that
too depending
on who is what
and what does who..
now all i need is a song
a quick trip to Frank and Xenia’s
places of Poetry and gigoid’s Place
of Aphorisms from the Sages of the
Ages for me to riff off and a tale of the tape
and perhaps a Few MacroVerses to share
from Years to date and then today.. yes..
“MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” Will
Be all Wrapped Up Signed Sealed and
Delivering Opening to Publish Electronically
maybe on Friday.. Flag Day 6.14.2019 as
the 880th MacroVerse of “SonG
oF mY SoUL” Epic Longest
Long Form Poem Bible
at 7 Million Words
of doing that
in 70
months now
along with
what is now
11,428 Miles
of Public Dance now too.. in
70 Months okay let’s knock the tale
of the tape out now first before i finish
any further ahead of the game at hand..
As “SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”
completes the 879th MacroVerse of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Longest Long Form Poem.. Epic Free Verse Shaped Bible
at 7 MiLLioN Words in that 70 Months Effort and Doubles
as the 206th MacroVerse Effort as “Nether Land Bible 2017”
in that 36 Month Endeavor Now at 4,283,050 Words and yes
“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” also Triples
As the 104th MacroVerse.. of.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. As
‘Volume 2019’ is now inclusive of that 24 Month 2,693,906 Word
Effort that is also included in the Description Areas of all my Facebook
Profile Pics for the last 24 Months at an average of around 7 Thousand
Words Per Hundreds and Hundreds of Facebook Pics too.. lots of words to
Spew like a Volcano or a tSuNaMi Flood just about too big to see and surely
hard to Read in a Twitter World of 280 Characters where Sistine Chapel Painters
And Beethoven and Mozart Players might not be too welcome amongst the Herd
these Years
now for sure..
but if you are going
to do what has never been done
before now of course you are gonna
have to do it alone as there is never
going to be a target audience until folks
find a Common Ground in what you do.. hehe
that might take almost an entirely different kinda human
like me for all practical intents and purposes perhaps i am truly
for just
ET’s me
Now and
Me allone
together again
as i continue to
phone home for
anyone to pick
up the other
end of
for real to Be..
Anyway tonight is
also the 266th Dance
Week Night ‘Seville’ Adventure
Now with all the Cool College Age
Folks.. as truly in a World Grown
So Cold in so many ways still in the
Coast of the Bible Belt USA South..
all you have to do is Dance Free for
even Less than a Year and Young Folks
will come up to you in ‘Target’ and tell you
are famous as you are named Legend just
about a Year and 3 Months into the Endeavor
now.. true even as a living legend now 70 months
into that effort of no words at all.. People surely notice
me wherever i go now.. haha.. perhaps the most recognizable
and least recognizable person where i live in a span of Living Hell
for 66 Months as a shut-in in my home to what folks describe as an
icon of the Local area who is just about everywhere where if you haven’t
seen him as the ‘Norm’ of the only Public Dancing Guy or Man perhaps you are not even
like are
you kidding
me you’ve never
seen the Dancing
Man of the Pensacola
Milton Pace Square Miles
Metro Area that dude he is
no square he spirals like the
Milky Way wherever he goes
and yes he is practically everywhere
most of them having no idea that while
doing that i wrote a 7 MiLLioN Word Bible
Poem and i wrote about all of them too.. hehe and
Yes.. even took Selfies with thousands of the nice
People who were not afraid to stand with someone
as wild and free as i come back to be.. in Heaven Straight
out of
no one
will ever
be able
to tale this
story but me..
no one will ever
be able to lie about
me and make me into
some lonely God i never
was for i am allone there is no
Separation to the Dance And Song of i AM ALL..
Anyway that just about covers that ReMeMBeR i
AM onLY “Pan” and you may cAll me “GRooT” too..
NoW THeRe is no Difference i am all that is too NoW..
And thanks ‘Mini Skirt Woman’ you remind me of my Wife so i like you too..
Yes South Asian Women and Pacific Islanders Fountain of Youthers for sure too..
i am not
i am just Reviewing
Whatever Art i note to
See and Be with now hehe..
just something i will not forget ever at all..
Yes.. i do like the Yellow Cat in the Video
too.. A o A Hey!!!..:)))ViVaVeVo A o A Love Ya too..
i wake up like this every morning on the other side of
the Bed Never ever any make-up needed i Love my
Pacific Islander
mix oF A o A..
for the
last almost
30 years i have
woken up next
to a real Living
Master Piece of Art
is it any wonder i was
the one God Selected to
Write a NeWeR aGE Bible
Hell Yes Heaven Yes too.. ‘my Gift’
though Drove me through to the other side always now..
hehe.. if you don’t believe in God You are definitely not me or ‘her’..
‘This’ is ‘Our World’ ‘You’ might think ‘you’ own it but ‘we’ inherit all in all God NoW
no ending
Never Finishing EternALLy NoW LoVE ReaL
Yes We “MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW”..:)
Give me a Pond
A Ripple of Water
Geese Will Swim
Merry And Wild
Beaks filled with
Food What else is there
to do but be one with the
Water Beaks of the Pond Smile All
Hi Frank
Upon the Waters
of Harmony and Peace..:)
Save all Dogs From Slavery
Truly Free From Drudgery
Smiles my Friend so nice
Xenia for all the Efforts you Volunteer
to Create Loving Spaces For Beasts of Burdens set Free..
SiGNiFiCanCE of Ocean
Waves Whole
We Humans
come to
Ocean Whole More
Waves We are to Be
Shores We Make as more…
Surfacing Ocean
Another World
Below So Above
Skies of Blue
Deep Below
Newer Life Never
Seen Before so
Above Still Below..
Our Minds Oceans
BeLoW aS Well ABoVE..
Every Wave
Last and First
A Dog’s Joy
Eternal Now..
Memory Ocean
Breathe of Dog
Eyes Wave Whole..
SMiLes Xenia Best
Wishes for A Wonderful
Weekend for You Husband
And All Your Rescue Dog Friends..:)
A Ripple of Water
Geese Will Swim
Merry And Wild
Beaks filled with
Food What else is there
to do but be one with the
Water Beaks of the Pond Smile All
Hi Frank
Upon the Waters
of Harmony and Peace..:)
Save all Dogs From Slavery
Truly Free From Drudgery
Smiles my Friend so nice
Xenia for all the Efforts you Volunteer
to Create Loving Spaces For Beasts of Burdens set Free..
SiGNiFiCanCE of Ocean
Waves Whole
We Humans
come to
Ocean Whole More
Waves We are to Be
Shores We Make as more…
Surfacing Ocean
Another World
Below So Above
Skies of Blue
Deep Below
Newer Life Never
Seen Before so
Above Still Below..
Our Minds Oceans
BeLoW aS Well ABoVE..
Every Wave
Last and First
A Dog’s Joy
Eternal Now..
Memory Ocean
Breathe of Dog
Eyes Wave Whole..
SMiLes Xenia Best
Wishes for A Wonderful
Weekend for You Husband
And All Your Rescue Dog Friends..:)
Good AfterNoon to ya gigoid from Partly Cloudy Pre-Summer
Coming Closer and Closer to Father’s Day by the way a Happy
one of those for you too.. plus the Summer Solstice Signifying
A Real STaRT of Summer too.. anyway now to find a way to Celebrate..:)
Coming Closer and Closer to Father’s Day by the way a Happy
one of those for you too.. plus the Summer Solstice Signifying
A Real STaRT of Summer too.. anyway now to find a way to Celebrate..:)
“Man has made use of his intelligence, he invented stupidity.”
~~ Remy De Gourmant ~~
Clothes of Culture Separating us From Organic
Nature Yes Just that in longest Runs of Fun
Fun at All..:)
Nature Yes Just that in longest Runs of Fun
Fun at All..:)
“There is no sun without shadow and it is essential to know the night.”
— Albert Camus
Conscience A Fading Feature of Empathy as Well..:)
1. No matter what they’re telling you, it’s not the truth.
2. No matter what they’re talking about, they’re talking about money.
2. No matter what they’re talking about, they’re talking about money.
~~ Todd’s Political Principles ~~
of Life
Dollar DeNoMiNaToR..:)
of Life
Dollar DeNoMiNaToR..:)
“There is not enough love and kindness in the
world to permit us to give any of it to imaginary beings.”
world to permit us to give any of it to imaginary beings.”
— Nietzsche
SMiLes at least ‘they’ no longer
Lead us into Temptation
unless one
A Shadow
of God (Nature) Within…:)
Lead us into Temptation
unless one
A Shadow
of God (Nature) Within…:)
“Any system of religion which has anything
in it which offends the mind of a child cannot be a true system.”
in it which offends the mind of a child cannot be a true system.”
— Thomas Paine
Oh Lord tell that to ParentS.. hehe..;)
“By definition, a government has no conscience.
Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.”
Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.”
— Albert Camus
A Place where nothing much gets
Done when Rules Trump Feelings
And Feelings Trump
Rules Catch
22 on
Ends of the
Rules of DarK..:)
Done when Rules Trump Feelings
And Feelings Trump
Rules Catch
22 on
Ends of the
Rules of DarK..:)
“Make money and the whole nation
will conspire to call you a gentleman.”
will conspire to call you a gentleman.”
— George Bernard Shaw
True Lie about how Much and Bragging
Will get ya elected to Leader of a ‘Free World’
Will get ya elected to Leader of a ‘Free World’
“It’s hard to decide if T.V. makes morons out of everyone or
if it mirrors Americans who really are morons to begin with.”
if it mirrors Americans who really are morons to begin with.”
— Martin Mull
Passive Mind versus Active Mind
Active Body versus Passive Body
22 Trumps
Both of that together separate..;)
Active Body versus Passive Body
22 Trumps
Both of that together separate..;)
“Mankind… infests the whole habitable Earth and Canada.”
— Ambrose Bierce
CulturE As Edifice For Sure..;)
“You can best serve civilization by being against what usually passes for it.”
— Wendell Berry
Power And Status Feeds Power And Status With Money..:)
“All things come round to him who will but wait.”
— Henry W. Longfellow (1807-1882) — Tales of a Wayside Inn, The Student’s Tale
For What… it’s already now..;)
“Against those skilled in the attack, the enemy does not know where to defend. Against the experts in defense, the enemy does not know where to attack.”
— Sun Tzu
Yet.. Monkeys Rule Single Humans At least….
“What matters today is not the difference between those who believe and those who do not believe, but the difference between those who care and those who don’t.”
— Abbe’ Pierre
Without Empathy
With Apathy
Hope What
Faith What
Charity for Love (God)..:)
With Apathy
Hope What
Faith What
Charity for Love (God)..:)
“If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you;
but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.”
but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.”
— Don Marquis
Steam Rolling….
“I don’t necessarily agree with everything I say.” — Marshall McLuhan
Leaves Room For Change Trees…
“The universe is full of magical things, patiently
waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”
waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”
— Eden Phillpotts
Dance Just
Think Just
Dance Let
ARiSE From Deep..:)
Think Just
Dance Let
ARiSE From Deep..:)
Now For MacroVerse Memories Years to Date Starting in June of 2016.. When 36
Month Year Old 4,283,050 Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” Started too..
Actually it started on May 30th.. 2016 With..
Month Year Old 4,283,050 Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” Started too..
Actually it started on May 30th.. 2016 With..
“tSuNaMi 7th Wave oF LoVE”.. as i continue on with the next 3 Years to date too…
“HoLy SpiRit oF PoEtry”.. Lots of Nature Boardwalk Poetry inscribed by College Students….
“Grand Cross 56”.. Celebrating my 56 Birthday on 6.6.16… as always it was and is fun…
“SolDieR oF GoD2 FReED’.. Yes.. Getting Revved up in Bible Writing Futures now here…
“wE ComE DowN FroM thE BeacH2”.. This Covers Years to Date 2016…
“Heinz 57 DanCinG SinGinG”.. Celebrating my 57th Birthday as Bible Writing moves on in 2017
“HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy”.. Hehe A Birthday Party Never ends now.. either…
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”.. Hehe what More is there to do.. Sure.. 7 Million Words Now..
as That covers 2018 And “SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” as linked above
Covering A Table of Contents for all 4,283,040 Words of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
Through my Birthday on 6.6.19 this Year too.. all 36 Months of Epic Bible Writing too..
As this Completes the writing of “MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” at 3:03 PM
on 6.13.19 and once again perhaps a publish on 6.14.19 Flag Day
while i put the rest of this all together and do some R and R for me too.. hehe..:)
as That covers 2018 And “SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” as linked above
Covering A Table of Contents for all 4,283,040 Words of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
Through my Birthday on 6.6.19 this Year too.. all 36 Months of Epic Bible Writing too..
As this Completes the writing of “MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” at 3:03 PM
on 6.13.19 and once again perhaps a publish on 6.14.19 Flag Day
while i put the rest of this all together and do some R and R for me too.. hehe..:)
Forever is Truly Real When It Is
Love as Light
Unafraid to
A Beautiful
Hot Day iT is

In Paradise Fire…
Hi Frank Thanks for Stopping By “SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”
as i begin the put Together of the Current MacroVerse i have written named
“MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” Hopefully An ‘A’ Will come in HeAR
SoME WaY.. hAha.. Meanwhile this Begins the Next MacroVerSE
after that now as 3’s are a bit lucky to do all at once too..
SPeaKinG oF Alligators Creatures that in short
Bursts will break out into 30 MPH about
a bit faster than a Horse.. but
true don’t Zig Zag
to get away
Stand Tall
and Big and
if that doesn’t work
Run like Hell other than
being in that position with
a 14FT Grand Daddy Father’s
Day Specimen of Gator.. by the way
Happy Father’s Day Frank.. anyway
only 5 Floridians have been Killed
by Gators since 2010.. a bigger
Worry Really is Mosquitos
Carrying contagious
and potentially
Disease in the Summer
when we were raised on Black
Water River Down Town in a small
100 Year-old or so Shot Gun Home
my GrandMother Collected Mosquito
Specimens for the State on the River
Trapping ’em as such.. anyway she used to tell
me and my Sister if we put one finger in the River
an Alligator will Bite it off.. i was already careful not to
get my delicate child hands close to Jaws of Dogs as
for some reason a little spirit inside said you are gonna
really need those fingers one day.. anyway what she said
really sunk in we never got close enough to the river to Fall
in and Drown which of course was her intention with the Gator
Eating Finger Scare.. she helped raise us as we first lived in a
Trailer with my Beverage Agent Father in Law Enforcement ways
Father and Mother in a Trailer in Pensacola then Bagdad of course
not the other spelling in Iraq.. in a Trailer there too.. my Father Left
for he wanted a Wife with a Good Paying Job as his life long mission
was to get rich like his brother.. eventually.. but it never worked out as
Five Hundred Dollars in Lottery Tickets each week in 100 Percent Retirement
Funds from a 46 Year Law Enforcement career still will not get one rich only in
Astronomical Statistical Circumstances of course.. but anyway my Grand
Mother Had really big hands.. she was the First Woman to Wear Slacks in
Town and even sold Auto-Parts as the First Woman to do that at the Car
Dealership during World War II.. she picked cotton to raise her Sisters
after her Mother Died with Breast Cancer Leaving school early helping
her Father carving a Path for her Sisters to go to College while she was
left out of the upper Career Paths as she Became a Waitress and
through Decade of her 50’s she worked 12 Hour Days 7 Days a
Week walking to work and back.. so many more miles
than i average Dancing 11,433 Miles of Dance
now in 70 Months as that is a bit under
6 Miles on Average A Day Albeit
some days i cram in close
to 20 Miles at the Malls
and Stores particularly
on Sunday at the Barnes
And Nobles Book Store too as that
really drives laser focus Dancing Reading
a Book and Listening to Meditative Music
Three in one activities to stimulate Mind thru
Body in Flow Super Flow as such.. ascending
and transcending beyond infinity now then.. but
anyway really with Crab Apple Switches off the Tree
by the River in my Grand Mother’s Back yard.. who we
called Mama Wese yes as George Michael Sings actually
she became the Father Figure of the Home.. and she was always
afraid that since i was so thin and weak and smiled so much and played
the Piano that i was gonna turn out to be another Liberace haha.. although
i must admit i am a bit ‘Fabulous’ after all is sung and danced.. in a strange extreme
Graceful Masculine way now too.. Where the Young Men Call me Legend now around
Town with much love now and mostly the Young Women just smile at me like their
Hero walked in most every where i go too.. Folk Legend as such shared around
the Lockers at school in the past almost 6 Years of doing that too.. at least i was
told that by a Young Woman in the Area.. hmm.. you never know what folks are
doing behind your back when you are simply in Nirvana with a Bliss of Heaven
Flow now.. it doesn’t really matter if you are famous or legend or ever make
another Lincoln Sent Cent or Washington Green Black Print Dollar Bill you
are the all in all the i am there is no Separation between Nature God
and You.. what more will a person ever dream of than being one
With God what more will a person ever need.. sure a few
Friends something to eat a Wife is nice a Shelter
over the Head and yes.. Broad Band
Internet Access to Circle the Globe
With Good News that Heaven
never ever left
it is always
now just waiting
in Autotelic Flow
Within of course it takes
a practice in a lifetime of Meditation
Flow to arrive and stay here and Moving
Meditation and Dancing Fingers in Flow in
Stream of Conscious Writing Works While Fingers
Rest and Toes Rest alternately in each Dancing Singing
Activity Free Verse Streaming Now by hand Print of Golden
Spiral and Foot Print same some where close to the 1.618 Golden
Ratio of Flowing Dance True.. Where in Light We Become Waves
of the Ocean of God Within Shores Expanding and Receding in Balance
Whole Never ending never beginning never really finishing only Starting
again now..
hmm.. Life is Good
In Heaven the Good News
is it costs no more money than
a Potential Meditative Flow in Dance and Song..
to give and share that Flow with others is effortless
as Light
am to be now
L. O. V. E. The Vibrations
the Frequencies Higher than
Lower So Above So Below US/We i am Free..
hmm.. “i am i Be L.O.V.E. N.O.W.” maybe a Third Title my friend 3 in 1 Now..
oh and thanks For quoting my line: “Forever is Truly Real When It Is
Love as Light
Unafraid to
my Friend
that about Sums it up..:)
Love as Light
Unafraid to
A Beautiful
Hot Day iT is
In Paradise Fire…
Hi Frank Thanks for Stopping By “SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”
as i begin the put Together of the Current MacroVerse i have written named
“MaKinG A GRaDE oF LoVE NoW” Hopefully An ‘A’ Will come in HeAR
SoME WaY.. hAha.. Meanwhile this Begins the Next MacroVerSE
after that now as 3’s are a bit lucky to do all at once too..
SPeaKinG oF Alligators Creatures that in short
Bursts will break out into 30 MPH about
a bit faster than a Horse.. but
true don’t Zig Zag
to get away
Stand Tall
and Big and
if that doesn’t work
Run like Hell other than
being in that position with
a 14FT Grand Daddy Father’s
Day Specimen of Gator.. by the way
Happy Father’s Day Frank.. anyway
only 5 Floridians have been Killed
by Gators since 2010.. a bigger
Worry Really is Mosquitos
Carrying contagious
and potentially
Disease in the Summer
when we were raised on Black
Water River Down Town in a small
100 Year-old or so Shot Gun Home
my GrandMother Collected Mosquito
Specimens for the State on the River
Trapping ’em as such.. anyway she used to tell
me and my Sister if we put one finger in the River
an Alligator will Bite it off.. i was already careful not to
get my delicate child hands close to Jaws of Dogs as
for some reason a little spirit inside said you are gonna
really need those fingers one day.. anyway what she said
really sunk in we never got close enough to the river to Fall
in and Drown which of course was her intention with the Gator
Eating Finger Scare.. she helped raise us as we first lived in a
Trailer with my Beverage Agent Father in Law Enforcement ways
Father and Mother in a Trailer in Pensacola then Bagdad of course
not the other spelling in Iraq.. in a Trailer there too.. my Father Left
for he wanted a Wife with a Good Paying Job as his life long mission
was to get rich like his brother.. eventually.. but it never worked out as
Five Hundred Dollars in Lottery Tickets each week in 100 Percent Retirement
Funds from a 46 Year Law Enforcement career still will not get one rich only in
Astronomical Statistical Circumstances of course.. but anyway my Grand
Mother Had really big hands.. she was the First Woman to Wear Slacks in
Town and even sold Auto-Parts as the First Woman to do that at the Car
Dealership during World War II.. she picked cotton to raise her Sisters
after her Mother Died with Breast Cancer Leaving school early helping
her Father carving a Path for her Sisters to go to College while she was
left out of the upper Career Paths as she Became a Waitress and
through Decade of her 50’s she worked 12 Hour Days 7 Days a
Week walking to work and back.. so many more miles
than i average Dancing 11,433 Miles of Dance
now in 70 Months as that is a bit under
6 Miles on Average A Day Albeit
some days i cram in close
to 20 Miles at the Malls
and Stores particularly
on Sunday at the Barnes
And Nobles Book Store too as that
really drives laser focus Dancing Reading
a Book and Listening to Meditative Music
Three in one activities to stimulate Mind thru
Body in Flow Super Flow as such.. ascending
and transcending beyond infinity now then.. but
anyway really with Crab Apple Switches off the Tree
by the River in my Grand Mother’s Back yard.. who we
called Mama Wese yes as George Michael Sings actually
she became the Father Figure of the Home.. and she was always
afraid that since i was so thin and weak and smiled so much and played
the Piano that i was gonna turn out to be another Liberace haha.. although
i must admit i am a bit ‘Fabulous’ after all is sung and danced.. in a strange extreme
Graceful Masculine way now too.. Where the Young Men Call me Legend now around
Town with much love now and mostly the Young Women just smile at me like their
Hero walked in most every where i go too.. Folk Legend as such shared around
the Lockers at school in the past almost 6 Years of doing that too.. at least i was
told that by a Young Woman in the Area.. hmm.. you never know what folks are
doing behind your back when you are simply in Nirvana with a Bliss of Heaven
Flow now.. it doesn’t really matter if you are famous or legend or ever make
another Lincoln Sent Cent or Washington Green Black Print Dollar Bill you
are the all in all the i am there is no Separation between Nature God
and You.. what more will a person ever dream of than being one
With God what more will a person ever need.. sure a few
Friends something to eat a Wife is nice a Shelter
over the Head and yes.. Broad Band
Internet Access to Circle the Globe
With Good News that Heaven
never ever left
it is always
now just waiting
in Autotelic Flow
Within of course it takes
a practice in a lifetime of Meditation
Flow to arrive and stay here and Moving
Meditation and Dancing Fingers in Flow in
Stream of Conscious Writing Works While Fingers
Rest and Toes Rest alternately in each Dancing Singing
Activity Free Verse Streaming Now by hand Print of Golden
Spiral and Foot Print same some where close to the 1.618 Golden
Ratio of Flowing Dance True.. Where in Light We Become Waves
of the Ocean of God Within Shores Expanding and Receding in Balance
Whole Never ending never beginning never really finishing only Starting
again now..
hmm.. Life is Good
In Heaven the Good News
is it costs no more money than
a Potential Meditative Flow in Dance and Song..
to give and share that Flow with others is effortless
as Light
am to be now
L. O. V. E. The Vibrations
the Frequencies Higher than
Lower So Above So Below US/We i am Free..
hmm.. “i am i Be L.O.V.E. N.O.W.” maybe a Third Title my friend 3 in 1 Now..
oh and thanks For quoting my line: “Forever is Truly Real When It Is
Love as Light
Unafraid to
my Friend
that about Sums it up..:)
Addendum at 9:33 PM on 6.13.19
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
7 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)
“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…
“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”
Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)
“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”
Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)
“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”
Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)
Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)
Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)
Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)
Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their Legs…
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their Legs…
Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)
“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”
Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”
“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019
“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW
“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000 Miles in
Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of YouTuBE
Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million Plus
Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’ Poem
by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)
Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of YouTuBE
Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million Plus
Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’ Poem
by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)
Grand Total Words for “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” is 1,364,498 Words
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”.. Celebrating 7 MiLLioN Words of the
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)
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