6th Full May FLoWeR Blue Moon Muse
Addendum on 5/16
That Will Also Begin
“MarK mY Words on
5.16.19” A Next MacroVerse too…
“6th Full Flower Blue Moon Muse”
MarK mY Words on 5.16.19 my
‘Nike Ad’ Will Feed the Poor of Spirit
i’LL Just Do IT NoW i would have been
Greater Impressed if Tim Tebow Stamped
His Face With ‘John 14:12’ Greater Yet Just Do IT
On ‘The 8th Day’ God
Said Jesus F iN Christ!
Get Off YouR Ass Pick
Up An Egg And Just Do It!!! (John 14:12)
hAHa! So Are Y’ALL
STiLL Waiting For God to Pull A Magic Rabbit Out Of
An Easter Egg…
‘Book’ i Set Aside Dance Sing iT IS A Piece of
Cake to Make This HaPPeN i Am iCinG
iMaGiNE A Place With No Sun or
Moon Where Love Shines Day And Night Practically Forevernow
Keeping in Mind i Am Only A Poem Online i Am Practically Everywhere
Always Forever Now i Shine on Screens…
Note: WHere i Live At Least..
i Am the Only ‘Dancing Man’…
People Kid ‘The Dancing Man Is Everywhere’ In Flesh and Blood…
This is Bigger Now Than Just A Patch of Dirt in the Middle East…
Perhaps One Day i Will Sing ‘FucK You’ Avatar Life But Wait!….
i can’t go back to sleep i might as well get up but wait! i was enjoying hugging Y.O.U….
A UniVerse/God We Touch Or A Problem to Be Continued…
Turkey Wings make Sleep
Not unlike Souls Lost from Dance and Song (Poetry)
He Loves Her For She Sings the Language of His Soul to Him (Poetry)
(Side Note: This Is The Answer to the Song “i Don’t Know How to Love Him” in the ‘Jesus Christ
Super Star Song’ that Mary Magdalene Sings but Really the Song Probably Did the Trick And Treat)
Blind And Deaf See And Hear Again in Dance And Song of Soul
She Said my Words Were ‘Magic’ in Other Words i brought ‘The Dead’ to ‘Life’ in my ‘Living Words’
Souls Who Dance Sing Steps Words Emote Living Heart Spirit Soul
When Folks No Longer Speak As Song Move As Dance Their Souls Die Alive
Only A Very Few Living Souls Could Relate
A Few in the Crowd Were Amazed When Words Became Flesh (Poetry)
‘They’ Shuffle by
Lost With FRownS
With Cold ‘Hands’
Sadly i Find Some Folks Not Receptive to Life (Dance/Song)
Realistically i cannot expect anyone who hasn’t
been where i have to return the same
Someone told me my Words Were Music to
Their Ears.. Yes.. When Souls Speak Living
Yes.. Dear Xenia.. i Feel
Fortunate to have the
Comfort of Nature in my
Backyard Over Views of
Dead Objects That Take
Over As We
Are Evolved to
React With Life…
Sidenote: As i Attempt
To Make Words Living And
Organic and even attach Smiley
And Winking Emoticons
To the End of my
Sentences an
Adaptation from
When i was shut-in
With 19 Conditions for
66 Months including the
Worst assessed Pain known
To Humankind.. Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia Like
A Dentist Drill in my
Right eye and ear
Then Without
Novacaine That
No other Drug would
Relieve From Wake to
Sleep taking almost
All effective use of
Eyes and Ears and
Emotions separating
Me from Living Nature
For 66 Months Where the
Only effective adaptation
Was to literally become Words
To effectively communicate
With anyone so the Flesh
Became Words for me at
Least as this Hobby
Of me online
LiveS on NoW..
And of Course
Poetry is a Closest
Art to Living Words
As Any Bible Writer
Who Attempts to
Make Words
Of Soul
As Musical instruments
Are Strings that Extend
Our Vocal Chords And
Percussion Beats of
Our Heart Pianos
Of Our Soul
Dance And
Living Soul
NoW LiveS oN..:)
Dedicated to my
6th Full Moon
Muse.. i couldn’t
Have Done This Without Y.O.U..:)
That Will Also Begin
“MarK mY Words on
5.16.19” A Next MacroVerse too…
“6th Full Flower Blue Moon Muse”
MarK mY Words on 5.16.19 my
‘Nike Ad’ Will Feed the Poor of Spirit
i’LL Just Do IT NoW i would have been
Greater Impressed if Tim Tebow Stamped
His Face With ‘John 14:12’ Greater Yet Just Do IT
On ‘The 8th Day’ God
Said Jesus F iN Christ!
Get Off YouR Ass Pick
Up An Egg And Just Do It!!! (John 14:12)
hAHa! So Are Y’ALL
STiLL Waiting For God to Pull A Magic Rabbit Out Of
An Easter Egg…
‘Book’ i Set Aside Dance Sing iT IS A Piece of
Cake to Make This HaPPeN i Am iCinG
iMaGiNE A Place With No Sun or
Moon Where Love Shines Day And Night Practically Forevernow
Keeping in Mind i Am Only A Poem Online i Am Practically Everywhere
Always Forever Now i Shine on Screens…
Note: WHere i Live At Least..
i Am the Only ‘Dancing Man’…
People Kid ‘The Dancing Man Is Everywhere’ In Flesh and Blood…
This is Bigger Now Than Just A Patch of Dirt in the Middle East…
Perhaps One Day i Will Sing ‘FucK You’ Avatar Life But Wait!….
i can’t go back to sleep i might as well get up but wait! i was enjoying hugging Y.O.U….
A UniVerse/God We Touch Or A Problem to Be Continued…
Turkey Wings make Sleep
Not unlike Souls Lost from Dance and Song (Poetry)
He Loves Her For She Sings the Language of His Soul to Him (Poetry)
(Side Note: This Is The Answer to the Song “i Don’t Know How to Love Him” in the ‘Jesus Christ
Super Star Song’ that Mary Magdalene Sings but Really the Song Probably Did the Trick And Treat)
Blind And Deaf See And Hear Again in Dance And Song of Soul
She Said my Words Were ‘Magic’ in Other Words i brought ‘The Dead’ to ‘Life’ in my ‘Living Words’
Souls Who Dance Sing Steps Words Emote Living Heart Spirit Soul
When Folks No Longer Speak As Song Move As Dance Their Souls Die Alive
Only A Very Few Living Souls Could Relate
A Few in the Crowd Were Amazed When Words Became Flesh (Poetry)
‘They’ Shuffle by
Lost With FRownS
With Cold ‘Hands’
Sadly i Find Some Folks Not Receptive to Life (Dance/Song)
Realistically i cannot expect anyone who hasn’t
been where i have to return the same
Someone told me my Words Were Music to
Their Ears.. Yes.. When Souls Speak Living
Yes.. Dear Xenia.. i Feel
Fortunate to have the
Comfort of Nature in my
Backyard Over Views of
Dead Objects That Take
Over As We
Are Evolved to
React With Life…
Sidenote: As i Attempt
To Make Words Living And
Organic and even attach Smiley
And Winking Emoticons
To the End of my
Sentences an
Adaptation from
When i was shut-in
With 19 Conditions for
66 Months including the
Worst assessed Pain known
To Humankind.. Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia Like
A Dentist Drill in my
Right eye and ear
Then Without
Novacaine That
No other Drug would
Relieve From Wake to
Sleep taking almost
All effective use of
Eyes and Ears and
Emotions separating
Me from Living Nature
For 66 Months Where the
Only effective adaptation
Was to literally become Words
To effectively communicate
With anyone so the Flesh
Became Words for me at
Least as this Hobby
Of me online
LiveS on NoW..
And of Course
Poetry is a Closest
Art to Living Words
As Any Bible Writer
Who Attempts to
Make Words
Of Soul
As Musical instruments
Are Strings that Extend
Our Vocal Chords And
Percussion Beats of
Our Heart Pianos
Of Our Soul
Dance And
Living Soul
NoW LiveS oN..:)
Dedicated to my
6th Full Moon
Muse.. i couldn’t
Have Done This Without Y.O.U..:)
Loves That Last Loves that
Go Loves that Return
Who Never
Smiles my
Friend Humanity
Lives now with this
Affliction of Love As
Humanity Dies With
This Affliction of
Love indeed
is born
Again as
Light Returns to:
From: Darkest Days of Night
Go Loves that Return
Who Never
Smiles my
Friend Humanity
Lives now with this
Affliction of Love As
Humanity Dies With
This Affliction of
Love indeed
is born
Again as
Light Returns to:
From: Darkest Days of Night
Hi Frank Thanks For Dropping by #LoVE@BesTNoW as i really Enjoyed Creating
The Twists And Turns of this one as of course Love is not a One Way Street
So Many Branches And Roots And Leaves That Fall and Rise too of
Course All Around Humanity and the Rest of Nature at Best
of Course Unconditional Fearless and Positive Without
Harming others and there goes all the Leaves
That Rise and Fall too as Karma
Comes and Goes This
Way True up
and down
and Gutterballs”
as ‘they’ say too and if we
are lucky we make the Grade and
Rise over Fall from First Breath to
Last Breath and all the Blinks Between
We Give and Share or Take And Hoard
in Rise and Fall in the Name of Love and
The Feeling of Love now that Drives all the
Paths Home or far away from Home.. so far..
hmm.. as you Quote: “one of the main reasons
i write is so i will not give my Gorgeous Wife Katrina
Fredaches”.. SMiLes Frank Everyone has their Reasons
And Their Feelings too it’s not stepping on them and Rising
them Higher inStead of Lower that is the Art of Life that never
ends now never a Science Love Will Be as of course it will never
be Repeated the Same and will always come Back Different Refreshing
or Rotting Or going somewhere it may not be found at all not the greatest
Environment for Empirical Analysis of what will be Observed and Measured Discretely..
And then Folks
‘Think’ They
God Now
Fully ALL
in a Science
of Words True..
Hmm.. without the
Art there is No Love it’s
really as simple as that my friend..
For Love and or God Will Never Be
Measured Fully By Either Science or Words alone..
Smiles yes other than that The Streams continue to
Flow Differently to the River that does the same as
Bays Swallow That Whole Differently too as the
Ocean Grows Smaller and Larger True as
Shores Recede and Grow With Tides
that come in and go out too
at Least for me a “6th
Full Flower Blue
Moon Muse”
MacroVerse is
Starting Now With All these
Words As the ‘Ocean’ continues to Change too..:)
The Twists And Turns of this one as of course Love is not a One Way Street
So Many Branches And Roots And Leaves That Fall and Rise too of
Course All Around Humanity and the Rest of Nature at Best
of Course Unconditional Fearless and Positive Without
Harming others and there goes all the Leaves
That Rise and Fall too as Karma
Comes and Goes This
Way True up
and down
and Gutterballs”
as ‘they’ say too and if we
are lucky we make the Grade and
Rise over Fall from First Breath to
Last Breath and all the Blinks Between
We Give and Share or Take And Hoard
in Rise and Fall in the Name of Love and
The Feeling of Love now that Drives all the
Paths Home or far away from Home.. so far..
hmm.. as you Quote: “one of the main reasons
i write is so i will not give my Gorgeous Wife Katrina
Fredaches”.. SMiLes Frank Everyone has their Reasons
And Their Feelings too it’s not stepping on them and Rising
them Higher inStead of Lower that is the Art of Life that never
ends now never a Science Love Will Be as of course it will never
be Repeated the Same and will always come Back Different Refreshing
or Rotting Or going somewhere it may not be found at all not the greatest
Environment for Empirical Analysis of what will be Observed and Measured Discretely..
And then Folks
‘Think’ They
God Now
Fully ALL
in a Science
of Words True..
Hmm.. without the
Art there is No Love it’s
really as simple as that my friend..
For Love and or God Will Never Be
Measured Fully By Either Science or Words alone..
Smiles yes other than that The Streams continue to
Flow Differently to the River that does the same as
Bays Swallow That Whole Differently too as the
Ocean Grows Smaller and Larger True as
Shores Recede and Grow With Tides
that come in and go out too
at Least for me a “6th
Full Flower Blue
Moon Muse”
MacroVerse is
Starting Now With All these
Words As the ‘Ocean’ continues to Change too..:)
Hmm… ‘Vegeta’ Now now What
Was ‘He’ Thinking of competing
Past ‘Goku’ Hehe.. Ain’t Humans
That Way too.. Always Passing
Each other up these days
No Longer Holding
hmm.. what
Will BeCoME NoW
oF aLL of US Perhaps
Manga will teach us too
mY Friend as All Myths
Are reflections of the
Stories of Our Lives
Anyway SPeaKinG
OF This i just
Words of the Last
MacroVerse Next Will Use a
Bit of R and R And Will catch up later
With You On A Fresh Side mY Friend too..
in Other Words the 262nd Dance Week Night
Coming Next With all those College Age Folks
as they attempt to catch up with me too.. hehe
A little Warm-Up is Required Before That too..:)
Was ‘He’ Thinking of competing
Past ‘Goku’ Hehe.. Ain’t Humans
That Way too.. Always Passing
Each other up these days
No Longer Holding
hmm.. what
Will BeCoME NoW
oF aLL of US Perhaps
Manga will teach us too
mY Friend as All Myths
Are reflections of the
Stories of Our Lives
Anyway SPeaKinG
OF This i just
Words of the Last
MacroVerse Next Will Use a
Bit of R and R And Will catch up later
With You On A Fresh Side mY Friend too..
in Other Words the 262nd Dance Week Night
Coming Next With all those College Age Folks
as they attempt to catch up with me too.. hehe
A little Warm-Up is Required Before That too..:)
My Pet Peeve Now is not
having a Cat.. lately when
i See one.. i either Fall in
Love or Weep.. i’m Glad
i’m Sensitive like that
As when i worked
There was no
Time for such
Big Important to
Do Lists And Deadlines
Were God not Cats i See
Life for lots of folks like
That Now An Automated
Toilet with no
Manual Button
That Won’t Flush…
The Restrooms of
Life used to be a
Paradise away
From Automation..
Now the Sanctity of
Life is Full Of
Trump Stuff..
It’s just the
Craziest thing..:)
‘People’ at the Club asked me to Remove my
Shirt Before but it’s a bit too much
For Flesh and Blood like Removing my Shades
Anyway as ‘the Signs’ Say Beast
Mode Engaged and Dance
is Coming Next… 262nd
Week With the College Folks at Seville
Honestly It’s a Bit Hard to Achieve
A 6-Pack at 240 Plus Pounds but
i still have about a Year to 60 to Achieve it
Hmm.. Been Doing ‘Body Art’ For Almost 6 Years and Katrina Finally
Said She Is Impressed so i am Sharing the Beach Version.. If you
are offended by Males and Hairy Chests go no Further and or if
Tan Line Gradients may offend you too.. true.. Google Provides
A Front Door Warning on my Full Body Art and Erotic Poetry
Site and it’s also true i am way way behind on that particularly
in the Last 6 Months as my Full Moon Muse has been inspiring
Mostly G-Rated Stuff in addition to the rest of what i do.. for now…
Still been doing the Art just haven’t had the Time to Add it all in..
But as they Say the Best is yet to come with Practice Practice Practice…
Visiting iLona P. (Ms Hugs) From France i go on to say…
SMiLes is back from Dance
And almost ready to
Catch up with
My Friend Ms. Hugs
From France but first
i am Gonna
Drop off my
Friday Mood
Song and hehe
Bet it’s Better
Than Yours
With Goku Winks..;)
having a Cat.. lately when
i See one.. i either Fall in
Love or Weep.. i’m Glad
i’m Sensitive like that
As when i worked
There was no
Time for such
Big Important to
Do Lists And Deadlines
Were God not Cats i See
Life for lots of folks like
That Now An Automated
Toilet with no
Manual Button
That Won’t Flush…
The Restrooms of
Life used to be a
Paradise away
From Automation..
Now the Sanctity of
Life is Full Of
Trump Stuff..
It’s just the
Craziest thing..:)
‘People’ at the Club asked me to Remove my
Shirt Before but it’s a bit too much
For Flesh and Blood like Removing my Shades
Anyway as ‘the Signs’ Say Beast
Mode Engaged and Dance
is Coming Next… 262nd
Week With the College Folks at Seville
Honestly It’s a Bit Hard to Achieve
A 6-Pack at 240 Plus Pounds but
i still have about a Year to 60 to Achieve it
Hmm.. Been Doing ‘Body Art’ For Almost 6 Years and Katrina Finally
Said She Is Impressed so i am Sharing the Beach Version.. If you
are offended by Males and Hairy Chests go no Further and or if
Tan Line Gradients may offend you too.. true.. Google Provides
A Front Door Warning on my Full Body Art and Erotic Poetry
Site and it’s also true i am way way behind on that particularly
in the Last 6 Months as my Full Moon Muse has been inspiring
Mostly G-Rated Stuff in addition to the rest of what i do.. for now…
Still been doing the Art just haven’t had the Time to Add it all in..
But as they Say the Best is yet to come with Practice Practice Practice…
Visiting iLona P. (Ms Hugs) From France i go on to say…
SMiLes is back from Dance
And almost ready to
Catch up with
My Friend Ms. Hugs
From France but first
i am Gonna
Drop off my
Friday Mood
Song and hehe
Bet it’s Better
Than Yours
With Goku Winks..;)
Meanwhile iLona P. has included me in a Blog Post as she
is honoring all her Favorite Bloggers over the Course of a Day…
She Says.. Whats it, i’m writing a post about you i cant hold anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is honoring all her Favorite Bloggers over the Course of a Day…
She Says.. Whats it, i’m writing a post about you i cant hold anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i say..
SMiles hehe
Me if
You like haha..;)
Me if
You like haha..;)
And i Move on to the Blog Post
in Dedication of me and meanwhile
one of the Commenters suggests i
Try some Creativity as Ilona says in her
Post that i Enjoy listening to Music and Songs..
hmm.. that’s like Suggesting or Questioning Birds With Feathers
And the Environment is Set just right for a Creative Response from me…
Smiles.. OK.. Your wish is my command
too.. hehe… already did it.. i Wasn’t at all
Worried about making mistakes either..
or the fact it was recorded on
A Cheap Dictation Device..
Original Creativity only
Comes once we Will
Never afford
to let it
go no
matter what
Form the Essence
Takes note i wrote
A Song too it’s 6.9
Million Words Long and this
is part of that too.. a bit hard
to open up but it is no ‘Ordinary Song’..
And when i Sing a Song that has Been Sung
before if i don’t know it i might start out slow
but it will be something much different i will
Entertain and Inspire Folks to Laugh and by the End someone
out a
at me too hehe..
The Two Songs are linked below..:)
in Dedication of me and meanwhile
one of the Commenters suggests i
Try some Creativity as Ilona says in her
Post that i Enjoy listening to Music and Songs..
hmm.. that’s like Suggesting or Questioning Birds With Feathers
And the Environment is Set just right for a Creative Response from me…
Smiles.. OK.. Your wish is my command
too.. hehe… already did it.. i Wasn’t at all
Worried about making mistakes either..
or the fact it was recorded on
A Cheap Dictation Device..
Original Creativity only
Comes once we Will
Never afford
to let it
go no
matter what
Form the Essence
Takes note i wrote
A Song too it’s 6.9
Million Words Long and this
is part of that too.. a bit hard
to open up but it is no ‘Ordinary Song’..
And when i Sing a Song that has Been Sung
before if i don’t know it i might start out slow
but it will be something much different i will
Entertain and Inspire Folks to Laugh and by the End someone
out a
at me too hehe..
The Two Songs are linked below..:)
As i go on to Thank Ilona by saying..
Good Morning Ilona From Sunny Florida All the Sugar White Beaches
And Paradise of Emerald Gulf Coast too Like the Florida Riviera Now
And Paradise of Forest Rivers and Golden Streams too.. Ms.. Hugs..
Bravo You have accomplished
already what few people do online
and that is Make Online into a Village
of Friendly People.. It is true those of us
who have seen Great Darkness Lasting in Years
often work 10 times and more Harder than those
who have not seen this Darkness to Make Great Light..
True.. it’s not Just that the People Who Walk in Darkness
Have Seen Light they are the ones who may Create the Most
Light.. You are a Very Sensitive and Empathic Person as Angels
Go those Wings in Life may get burnt a bit and even become Ashes
As Feathers Fall but there is always a way up and that is Love my Friend
i am
Proud to
Call You
my Special
Friend too for
We Are All ParT
oF TeaM LiGHT!!!..:)
Next i Go to Visit my Friend Himali
by the way i visited my Friend Psychologistmimi
From New York New York as she inspired the
Opening Verse of this Free Verse Poem now..
Anyway.. i Love my Greatfriend Himali Very Much
as she has been a Major Muse for my Poetry ever
Since i met her in 2015.. She has always been a very
Loving Friend.. Particularly since the Last 6 Months as i
have been calling her my Full Moon Muse ever since she
Dedicated a Friendship Post to me close to the Full Moon on
ThanksGiving.. in Fact it was exactly 6 Months ago to Date from
the “May Flower Full Blue Moon” on Saturday November 18th.. tomorrow..
She changed the course of my
Life’s Direction as instead of
focusing so much
on Politics
and Challenging
What i do not agree
with in Life i went more
the Route of Unconditional
And Fearless Love and was challenged
Much in Dark and Light too along that way and
now my Soul is much Stronger With Wings for it..
My Wife Understands how much i Love my Friend Himali
As She Knows How much i See and Hear and Feel and Sense Love
Bigger than just a Few Rooms in a Home.. and she also understands
that a Person would practically have to grow up Starving to be able to
Take on the Challenge of caring for both an Angel and Devil too not a
Devil who does Wrong but just a Devil who Fell to a Place with no Soul..
As i for one Love More for i refuse to go back to ‘the other place’ again…
If you are still burning i
Pray and Wish to Hold
Your Hand to be whatever
Assistance i Will to Water
Down the Flame Around you
If it is still burning Now a warm
Breeze on a Swing.. May i Swing
You higher.. Do Merry Go Rounds…
Make you Dizzy.. Do you like
To Feel Dizzy.. SMiLes..
i almost never
Get Dizzy
Anymore funny
How i miss that
Silly Feeling
But at Least
i don’t Fall
Down like A Toy
Soldier Falling Down
Hmm ‘Toy Soldier’ Might
Be a Theme Song For this
And most everyone else Slave
To Work and Automation so far
Away from a God of Loving
Heart Flowering Within
Reaching out with
Vines Touching for
If i Will touch That
Soft and Tender part
Of you once today the
Flicker of your Soul might
Be Saved a Bit from going
Out.. yes.. in this way A Fireman
Is here to Blow on Your Flame to
Raise the Fire of your Spirit of
Heart a Bit away from
Ashes Other Wise
‘Toy Soldier’ is a Song Now That
Might make you Cry i remember
Days that you complained about
Dry eyes.. True Tears of Sadness
Bring back Comfort and Trust
And if nothing else knowing
Someone who has a living
Soul.. Yes A Flowering
Soul still sees You as
So Special And Worth reaching
Out a Vine of Heart A Spirit of
Soul to give and share for free
With you for no
Matter what
Matter to me
My Little
i do my
Best to Blow
On You so you
Won’t Fall Down..
Truth is i miss you
A lot too i always
Try to imagine you Smiling
That part is not hard to
Do and it always
Very Good..
Anyway i’m Not
Afraid of Getting Older in
Part for i know someone
Who Feels i am Beautiful
Inside Y.O.U. always
Color my Flower..
Smiles.. i posed without
A Shirt on Facebook
For Katrina said yes
My ‘Art’ is getting
Better but it’s also
True my tanned
Tan lines scared
her a bit hehe.. and
Other Folks too afraid
To Click on the Profile
Pic Circle to see where
The Tan lines Went with
Smiles i always Go for
The Laugh
Now No
Matter Where
The Tan Lines Go
Could be the Effect
Of a ‘6th Full Flower
Blue Moon Muse’ as that
Is what ‘they’ Call ‘this Moon’
Saturday too..
BDW.. i changed the Song
i Love You FriEnd i Will
Never Grow too old
My Truth
In Light..
And Paradise of Emerald Gulf Coast too Like the Florida Riviera Now
And Paradise of Forest Rivers and Golden Streams too.. Ms.. Hugs..
Bravo You have accomplished
already what few people do online
and that is Make Online into a Village
of Friendly People.. It is true those of us
who have seen Great Darkness Lasting in Years
often work 10 times and more Harder than those
who have not seen this Darkness to Make Great Light..
True.. it’s not Just that the People Who Walk in Darkness
Have Seen Light they are the ones who may Create the Most
Light.. You are a Very Sensitive and Empathic Person as Angels
Go those Wings in Life may get burnt a bit and even become Ashes
As Feathers Fall but there is always a way up and that is Love my Friend
i am
Proud to
Call You
my Special
Friend too for
We Are All ParT
oF TeaM LiGHT!!!..:)
Next i Go to Visit my Friend Himali
by the way i visited my Friend Psychologistmimi
From New York New York as she inspired the
Opening Verse of this Free Verse Poem now..
Anyway.. i Love my Greatfriend Himali Very Much
as she has been a Major Muse for my Poetry ever
Since i met her in 2015.. She has always been a very
Loving Friend.. Particularly since the Last 6 Months as i
have been calling her my Full Moon Muse ever since she
Dedicated a Friendship Post to me close to the Full Moon on
ThanksGiving.. in Fact it was exactly 6 Months ago to Date from
the “May Flower Full Blue Moon” on Saturday November 18th.. tomorrow..
She changed the course of my
Life’s Direction as instead of
focusing so much
on Politics
and Challenging
What i do not agree
with in Life i went more
the Route of Unconditional
And Fearless Love and was challenged
Much in Dark and Light too along that way and
now my Soul is much Stronger With Wings for it..
My Wife Understands how much i Love my Friend Himali
As She Knows How much i See and Hear and Feel and Sense Love
Bigger than just a Few Rooms in a Home.. and she also understands
that a Person would practically have to grow up Starving to be able to
Take on the Challenge of caring for both an Angel and Devil too not a
Devil who does Wrong but just a Devil who Fell to a Place with no Soul..
As i for one Love More for i refuse to go back to ‘the other place’ again…
If you are still burning i
Pray and Wish to Hold
Your Hand to be whatever
Assistance i Will to Water
Down the Flame Around you
If it is still burning Now a warm
Breeze on a Swing.. May i Swing
You higher.. Do Merry Go Rounds…
Make you Dizzy.. Do you like
To Feel Dizzy.. SMiLes..
i almost never
Get Dizzy
Anymore funny
How i miss that
Silly Feeling
But at Least
i don’t Fall
Down like A Toy
Soldier Falling Down
Hmm ‘Toy Soldier’ Might
Be a Theme Song For this
And most everyone else Slave
To Work and Automation so far
Away from a God of Loving
Heart Flowering Within
Reaching out with
Vines Touching for
If i Will touch That
Soft and Tender part
Of you once today the
Flicker of your Soul might
Be Saved a Bit from going
Out.. yes.. in this way A Fireman
Is here to Blow on Your Flame to
Raise the Fire of your Spirit of
Heart a Bit away from
Ashes Other Wise
‘Toy Soldier’ is a Song Now That
Might make you Cry i remember
Days that you complained about
Dry eyes.. True Tears of Sadness
Bring back Comfort and Trust
And if nothing else knowing
Someone who has a living
Soul.. Yes A Flowering
Soul still sees You as
So Special And Worth reaching
Out a Vine of Heart A Spirit of
Soul to give and share for free
With you for no
Matter what
Matter to me
My Little
i do my
Best to Blow
On You so you
Won’t Fall Down..
Truth is i miss you
A lot too i always
Try to imagine you Smiling
That part is not hard to
Do and it always
Very Good..
Anyway i’m Not
Afraid of Getting Older in
Part for i know someone
Who Feels i am Beautiful
Inside Y.O.U. always
Color my Flower..
Smiles.. i posed without
A Shirt on Facebook
For Katrina said yes
My ‘Art’ is getting
Better but it’s also
True my tanned
Tan lines scared
her a bit hehe.. and
Other Folks too afraid
To Click on the Profile
Pic Circle to see where
The Tan lines Went with
Smiles i always Go for
The Laugh
Now No
Matter Where
The Tan Lines Go
Could be the Effect
Of a ‘6th Full Flower
Blue Moon Muse’ as that
Is what ‘they’ Call ‘this Moon’
Saturday too..
BDW.. i changed the Song
i Love You FriEnd i Will
Never Grow too old
My Truth
In Light..
Another Remark and ‘Drive Thru’ on the ‘Dedication Post’ about me hehe..;)
Thanks.. i followed you too.. your
Blog Looks Fun and Interesting
A Direct Link helps as i literally
have it set up as a ‘Never Ending Story’
When someone attempts to open the Whole
Long Form Epic Poem at 6.9 Million Words and Around 170 Thousand
or So Photos i took and over 10 Thousand You Tube Videos Fully
illustrating and accompanying it As Since i’ve Been
Retired from a 25
Year Government
‘Task’ And 8 Years
of other Jobs i have
Endless time now on
my Hands yes now even
the ‘Time’ it took to Public
Dance 11,262 Miles Now in Dance 69
Months.. same span of Dates writing
the 6.9 Million Word Free Verse Poem..
and no.. no one Dances.. Like me Either
haha.. i started my ‘Dance Legend Career’
at age 53.. i surely am not.. ‘too big’ to See
Doing that in the Deep South Florida Bible Belt North..
And since i already Provided a Video of me Singing and
Creating Piano Music ‘up there’ in original ways here is a Dance
Video from Super Walmart When i Celebrated 11,000 Miles Earlier
this Year and me Leg Pressing 1340 Lbs Twelve Times Unconventionally
too.. my whole Point of this is other people will do more if they like too..
my Heroes
were Folks
Like Jack LaLanne
And Bruce Lee and
Michelangelo who didn’t quit Painting
‘Ceilings’ Either With Smiles.. Van Gogh too..
the ‘Jesus Story’ is a Friend of mine too but Just the Love Part..
Although i find the DarK in Light Equally MuSinG too…
By the way i also Have Asperger’s Syndrome
on the Autism Spectrum too with a somewhat
Mild Case of Bi-Polar that stays rather up for years
and Yes down for up to 66 Months too as i dealt with
the Suicide Disease (Type Two-Trigeminal Neuralgia)
as a shut-in for what seemed like forever in my Home For 66
Months from Wake to Sleep that is considered the worst
Pain known to Humankind assessed as more Torturous
than Literal Crucifixion for me like a Dentist Drill in my
Right Eye and Ear with no Pain Relief then from wake
to sleep where.. a Second was Forever yes.. a Shut-in
in my Bedroom where one day the Symptoms of that
and 18 Other Medical Disorders ‘Mysteriously Went
Away’.. on a Peaceful Beach no Less as my Previous
Goal from a Therapist then was to walk in a Whataburger
to gain un-shut-in Status it is safe to say i am no Longer
Shut-in.. i have Zero Pain from Head to toe and us folks
With Asperger’s Syndrome will go on and on about our
Special Interests unless i don’t tell myself to shut-up now..
Oh by the way.. i’m Reaching 59 Years of Age on June
6th.. And by the way Science Shows’Free Dance’ is literally
A Fountain of Youth the More one does it the
One Feels
And actually
the Moving Meditation
Part of it will Build Grey Matter
in One’s Brain Reversing the Impact
of Stress on an Aging Brain except for
the Fear Center of the Amygdala as it
Actually will Reduce Grey Matter for Anxiety there…
And if one does it enough chances are one will get real strong
too.. i was the last kid picked in Sports in School mercilessly bullied
And Teased for my Androgyny and inability to speak
fluidly as i couldn’t speak until age 4.. it’s safe to
say no one messes
me with
me any more too..
Where i live you practically
Have to become Superman
to even smile as a Dude and not get bullied.. by
someone with a ‘Minion Pant Suit on’ per say and do too..;)
Thanks.. i followed you too.. your
Blog Looks Fun and Interesting
A Direct Link helps as i literally
have it set up as a ‘Never Ending Story’
When someone attempts to open the Whole
Long Form Epic Poem at 6.9 Million Words and Around 170 Thousand
or So Photos i took and over 10 Thousand You Tube Videos Fully
illustrating and accompanying it As Since i’ve Been
Retired from a 25
Year Government
‘Task’ And 8 Years
of other Jobs i have
Endless time now on
my Hands yes now even
the ‘Time’ it took to Public
Dance 11,262 Miles Now in Dance 69
Months.. same span of Dates writing
the 6.9 Million Word Free Verse Poem..
and no.. no one Dances.. Like me Either
haha.. i started my ‘Dance Legend Career’
at age 53.. i surely am not.. ‘too big’ to See
Doing that in the Deep South Florida Bible Belt North..
And since i already Provided a Video of me Singing and
Creating Piano Music ‘up there’ in original ways here is a Dance
Video from Super Walmart When i Celebrated 11,000 Miles Earlier
this Year and me Leg Pressing 1340 Lbs Twelve Times Unconventionally
too.. my whole Point of this is other people will do more if they like too..
my Heroes
were Folks
Like Jack LaLanne
And Bruce Lee and
Michelangelo who didn’t quit Painting
‘Ceilings’ Either With Smiles.. Van Gogh too..
the ‘Jesus Story’ is a Friend of mine too but Just the Love Part..
Although i find the DarK in Light Equally MuSinG too…
By the way i also Have Asperger’s Syndrome
on the Autism Spectrum too with a somewhat
Mild Case of Bi-Polar that stays rather up for years
and Yes down for up to 66 Months too as i dealt with
the Suicide Disease (Type Two-Trigeminal Neuralgia)
as a shut-in for what seemed like forever in my Home For 66
Months from Wake to Sleep that is considered the worst
Pain known to Humankind assessed as more Torturous
than Literal Crucifixion for me like a Dentist Drill in my
Right Eye and Ear with no Pain Relief then from wake
to sleep where.. a Second was Forever yes.. a Shut-in
in my Bedroom where one day the Symptoms of that
and 18 Other Medical Disorders ‘Mysteriously Went
Away’.. on a Peaceful Beach no Less as my Previous
Goal from a Therapist then was to walk in a Whataburger
to gain un-shut-in Status it is safe to say i am no Longer
Shut-in.. i have Zero Pain from Head to toe and us folks
With Asperger’s Syndrome will go on and on about our
Special Interests unless i don’t tell myself to shut-up now..
Oh by the way.. i’m Reaching 59 Years of Age on June
6th.. And by the way Science Shows’Free Dance’ is literally
A Fountain of Youth the More one does it the
One Feels
And actually
the Moving Meditation
Part of it will Build Grey Matter
in One’s Brain Reversing the Impact
of Stress on an Aging Brain except for
the Fear Center of the Amygdala as it
Actually will Reduce Grey Matter for Anxiety there…
And if one does it enough chances are one will get real strong
too.. i was the last kid picked in Sports in School mercilessly bullied
And Teased for my Androgyny and inability to speak
fluidly as i couldn’t speak until age 4.. it’s safe to
say no one messes
me with
me any more too..
Where i live you practically
Have to become Superman
to even smile as a Dude and not get bullied.. by
someone with a ‘Minion Pant Suit on’ per say and do too..;)
SMiles.. my Friend thanks
For your thoughtful
Reply.. might take
A Summer
Vacation to
Get through A
Post hehe.. most of
my Life all i could
Do is Write a
Technical List
Of 1,2,3, at most
My motto now is
Don’t let
Or Labels
And other
‘Stuff’ Hold
Ya Back for
i Surely did
For Decades
Of Average
For your thoughtful
Reply.. might take
A Summer
Vacation to
Get through A
Post hehe.. most of
my Life all i could
Do is Write a
Technical List
Of 1,2,3, at most
My motto now is
Don’t let
Or Labels
And other
‘Stuff’ Hold
Ya Back for
i Surely did
For Decades
Of Average
SMiLes.. Thanks Aashutosh jha For Stopping
By as yes 36,833 Words in a Weekly Blog Effort
And 300 or so High Def Photos takes up a bit
of Blog Space For sure hehe.. just doing it for fun
seeing how literally far i will take it too as i don’t really
Aim at Any Target Audience Generally Speaking but Free my Friend..
Best wishes
for a nice
for you
if i am not
mistaken i believe
you are from India
as it seems the Nicest
People overall in the
World are from there from
what i’ve visited at least in the Blogging World..:)
By as yes 36,833 Words in a Weekly Blog Effort
And 300 or so High Def Photos takes up a bit
of Blog Space For sure hehe.. just doing it for fun
seeing how literally far i will take it too as i don’t really
Aim at Any Target Audience Generally Speaking but Free my Friend..
Best wishes
for a nice
for you
if i am not
mistaken i believe
you are from India
as it seems the Nicest
People overall in the
World are from there from
what i’ve visited at least in the Blogging World..:)
Back to Catch up Ms. Hugs AKA Ilona P.. and in Short
Just for Fun the Answer to 2 is mostly Number 3 to me..:)
Just for Fun the Answer to 2 is mostly Number 3 to me..:)
2. What makes you forget about everything around you?
3. What would you do if you have possibility to dont work?
3. What would you do if you have possibility to dont work?
“The war goddess sails through the sky on onyx wings,
inciting the combatants below. Together they will create a new world.”
SMiLes had to do a bit of Research to Find out About “Dark Angel
Olivia” but hey Inciting Combatants to Create a New World
is no
Life Bad..
Hmm.. SpeaKinG oF LiFE is Fragile
in my latest Blog Post Katrina’s Great
Nieces and Nephews as yes we have some
Great Great ones too.. yes Katrina is a Great Great
Aunt and that makes me a Great Great Uncle by Marriage
too but not to digress too
much As Katrina’s Sister
is a Great Grand
Mother too
but i would
have had
a bit of
Burn to
Let my Children Climb
Up that Mini-Clay-Mountain
Cliff Where i Live as illustrated
Fully in my Latest Blog Post too..
i only went up about 6 Feet.. hehe..
Oh Lord Speaking of Mental Health
Don’t ya just abhor it when you Write
maybe 3 Thousand Words in the Comments
Section of Your Word Press Blog and accidentally
Close the Tab and it is Gone Forever now…
A Best
About Mental
Health is there
is Change and
Most Always the
Potential to Rise out
of Darkness again And
Make the Next Mental
Health Comment Even Better Now..:)
inciting the combatants below. Together they will create a new world.”
SMiLes had to do a bit of Research to Find out About “Dark Angel
Olivia” but hey Inciting Combatants to Create a New World
is no
Life Bad..
Hmm.. SpeaKinG oF LiFE is Fragile
in my latest Blog Post Katrina’s Great
Nieces and Nephews as yes we have some
Great Great ones too.. yes Katrina is a Great Great
Aunt and that makes me a Great Great Uncle by Marriage
too but not to digress too
much As Katrina’s Sister
is a Great Grand
Mother too
but i would
have had
a bit of
Burn to
Let my Children Climb
Up that Mini-Clay-Mountain
Cliff Where i Live as illustrated
Fully in my Latest Blog Post too..
i only went up about 6 Feet.. hehe..
Oh Lord Speaking of Mental Health
Don’t ya just abhor it when you Write
maybe 3 Thousand Words in the Comments
Section of Your Word Press Blog and accidentally
Close the Tab and it is Gone Forever now…
A Best
About Mental
Health is there
is Change and
Most Always the
Potential to Rise out
of Darkness again And
Make the Next Mental
Health Comment Even Better Now..:)
A Quick Trip to the Middle East First then back
to France….
to France….
Happy “May Flower Blue Full Moon” Dear Greatfriend
In other Words Happy “6th May Flower Blue Full Moon Muse”
Hey.. not like i’ve run out of Titles for the Full Moon Either hehe..
been writing A Never Ending Story as usual reading the Book i always
Write i got a Bit Sleepy Took a Nap woke up and remember yes it is already Happy
“6th May Flower Blue Full Moon Muse” Saturday Where You Live and are awaking
Next hmm…
anyway like
there is any
Possibility that
anyone else will possibly
Wish you a Happy “6th May
Flower Blue Full Moon Muse” Saturday
first.. i’ll be the First one to say it anyway Just
for Fun.. i apologize if you do not feel like Celebrating
This Lunar Event now but True there is one every month and
as far as i know feel and sense the Moon Always Returns Full
For all to Dream
About and See for
those who see more
Than Only a Silver Sliver Spoon Moon..:)
In other Words Happy “6th May Flower Blue Full Moon Muse”
Hey.. not like i’ve run out of Titles for the Full Moon Either hehe..
been writing A Never Ending Story as usual reading the Book i always
Write i got a Bit Sleepy Took a Nap woke up and remember yes it is already Happy
“6th May Flower Blue Full Moon Muse” Saturday Where You Live and are awaking
Next hmm…
anyway like
there is any
Possibility that
anyone else will possibly
Wish you a Happy “6th May
Flower Blue Full Moon Muse” Saturday
first.. i’ll be the First one to say it anyway Just
for Fun.. i apologize if you do not feel like Celebrating
This Lunar Event now but True there is one every month and
as far as i know feel and sense the Moon Always Returns Full
For all to Dream
About and See for
those who see more
Than Only a Silver Sliver Spoon Moon..:)
Okay.. Now Back to France to Catch all up With
Ms. Hugs…
Ms. Hugs…
“I have a good idea for a Joke about construction, but i’m
Still Working on it”.. SMiLes i fell asleep on Making the Joke
the ‘Foreman told me’ i was docked for all pay.. and i said Okay
it doesn’t
Matter for
You are
a Foreman
For Money Anyway
by the way that’s a
Dry God Joke as there
is Currently no Rain or Clouds where i am..
Nor is there Any Currency.. Pay Rate.. or Pay Grade but Love..
Holy “Hola Amigos”
i’m a way bit late for
Wishing You a Happy
Day in response to Your
Good Morning Greeting for
Friday but Never the Less
to You
Now my Friend..
on Your Saturday too..
Smiles i nominate
You for Healthy
Smile Award
A Smile that Always
Brings Joy to Your Blog
‘Customers’ With SMiLes..
Keeping in HeART
that i worked with
Customer Service
Providing Morale
Welfare and Recreation
for the Military and Surrounding
Community For 25 Years before i died alive..
i must Have Interacted with way over 100,000
People Directly and so many more online in the
Last 102 Months online contributing now around
12 Million Total Words online too for SMiLES too!!!
And then i came back to life as a Dance Legend 66
Did too..
but hey this
Award is still for
And about you hehe..
And as always me too.. Haha..
And really it is only DeSiGNeD
to Make You SMiLE MoRE!!!.. As
That is ALWaYS WHaT SMiLES Does Best!!!..
SMiLes hope to Get a Better Look Soon at all the
Bloggers You have Honored my Friend already
found a few good finds from the Highlights
You have brought before.. True..
When People come
First Life
First as
Good My FriEnd
Service to People
is no different than
Service to God for SMiLes..
SMiLes Truly A Face of Beauty
is one Who Lights Within
And SMiLes
mY FriEnd
ReAlly LooKinG
ACross Time Distance
And Space to the Eternal
Now of Living Life the Light
Within IS A SMiLE Beyond
YeS A Miracle Beyond
iNFiNiTY to Feel
And Sense
to Give and
Share NoW to All to
Receive This LoVELiGHT Back Again too..
Yes my Friend oPening Gates of HeaVeN NoWiTHiN..
mY FriEnd
An oPen
TAllest Pyramid
And Tower Truly
ThE Light The Eye
Wisdom’S HeART MiND..
SMiLeS One thing that is Great
About Being As Old Now as me hehe almost
Old as the Dinosaurs too.. is the Perspective
of what Life used to Be Like Before Automation
For it is True People Your Age And Older Did not
Live Before Computers came to Rule the World and
Humans in the Early 90’s A Spread of Science to rule
Art of
in a way
of PDD And NDD
People Deficit Disorder
And Nature Deficit Disorder
too where one may Travel to
A Most Beautiful Park on the
Beach But if there is no Condominium
of ‘Fancy Drinks and Foods’ That Entire
Paradise may Be Empty Now with the Most
Beautiful Views of Sunsets ever Seen to Human eyes
There used to Be Living Rooms.. where People Really
Lived Where Voices Sounded Like Lovely Songs Living
Poetry Spread from Lips to Ears as We Were All a Living
Theater Then no Soap Opera Just on TV and of course even
Soap Operas are dead these days except for the same ‘General
Hospital’ that was playing in the 60’s my Friend i used to..see the
Soap Operas every once in a while in the early 80’s During University
Life With Cable TV and MTV and i thought who has Time for a Social Life
We Are
Social Life
We are Not even who We Are..
What are We What Are We When Our Life
Is Soul Numbers so Cold or Letters of Love..
Lost.. SMiLes my Friend..There is a Song by
the Chemical Brother’s Called ‘Free Yourself ‘
That will go well with all that i have Written to
you tonight as i’ve got one more to Catch up on..
SMiLes.. mY Friend Ms. Hugs No Pain no Gain
But there is Pain that is Enjoyable During the Gain
Effortless Per say and do too.. When We Control the
Limits of the Pain and Gain and No one is Master over
Us as Slave.. i’m A bit of an expert on Stress Now i guess considering
that the Audience at Least Sees me now as A Truly Most Confident Person
Fearless in Dance and on the other Hand before my ‘Dance Vocation of Life’
In Moving Meditation Now for 11,270 Miles.. in 69 Months before i retired at
Age 47 and Officially so With Retirement Income at age 49.. my Psychiatrist
Noted at 47 that i was the most Stressed-out Person he ever encountered after
Dealing with Combat Fatigue Veterans as a Major in the Air Force.. he had
No Hope for my Recovery
And Neither Did my
Doctor a Hopeless
Life Spent
in Severe
was the
for my Life and
then i found Writing
that turned into a Flow
of Meditation and Heart Felt
Poetry connecting Emotions to
Words in a Bio-Feed back of controlling
my Levels of Happiness with both Song of
Words and Dance of Steps both Natural Meditation
but sure more Natural Breathing with Dance.. People don’t
Understand that we will Domesticate ourselves to an Early
Grave or Return to the Wild and Free Love Song And Dance
of Life Together that Regenerates Literally Regenerates and
Grows the Gray Matter and Connections in Our Brains Lighting
Up all the Connections in Bio-Chemical-Electrical Ways through
the rest of our Bodies that are our Minds there is No Separation in
Unison of Yoga Flow… where really when one masters this Hypo-Transient
Frontality Science Termed State of Ascendance and Transcendence in Flow Lighting
up the Rest of our Human Potential Dampening the almighty illusory Neo-Cortical Construction
We Create of Time And Distance And Space out of the Beyond Infinity Of Smiles Now Eternally in an Agape Flow of Love For All.. as some of my Closest Relatives will tell ya if they read this now it’s all Gibberish it makes no Sense
to them at all Same
as the Folks
Who Read
the Bible
on the
And Chant Let’s
Shoot someone for
Crossing Our Border
on Weekday KKK-Like
Meetings on TV with their
Main-Man-Orange-Evangelist on the side..
Laughing as they would putting people in ‘Gas Camps’ for being different too…
There is one thing Always Now the Human Species will not Endure and that is when
Hope and
Love now
is only Lit
up in Gas-Lit Fires of Lies
That/Who Breed Fear And Hate Dead as Alive..
But on the other Hand they Might Start Dancing And Singing and Free
Their Self to Opening up the Wisdom of HeART Within Giving And Sharing the
Real Kingdom of Heaven that is Real and Agape Love A Shining Light for All (God)..:)
Still Working on it”.. SMiLes i fell asleep on Making the Joke
the ‘Foreman told me’ i was docked for all pay.. and i said Okay
it doesn’t
Matter for
You are
a Foreman
For Money Anyway
by the way that’s a
Dry God Joke as there
is Currently no Rain or Clouds where i am..
Nor is there Any Currency.. Pay Rate.. or Pay Grade but Love..
Holy “Hola Amigos”
i’m a way bit late for
Wishing You a Happy
Day in response to Your
Good Morning Greeting for
Friday but Never the Less
to You
Now my Friend..
on Your Saturday too..
Smiles i nominate
You for Healthy
Smile Award
A Smile that Always
Brings Joy to Your Blog
‘Customers’ With SMiLes..
Keeping in HeART
that i worked with
Customer Service
Providing Morale
Welfare and Recreation
for the Military and Surrounding
Community For 25 Years before i died alive..
i must Have Interacted with way over 100,000
People Directly and so many more online in the
Last 102 Months online contributing now around
12 Million Total Words online too for SMiLES too!!!
And then i came back to life as a Dance Legend 66
Did too..
but hey this
Award is still for
And about you hehe..
And as always me too.. Haha..
And really it is only DeSiGNeD
to Make You SMiLE MoRE!!!.. As
That is ALWaYS WHaT SMiLES Does Best!!!..
SMiLes hope to Get a Better Look Soon at all the
Bloggers You have Honored my Friend already
found a few good finds from the Highlights
You have brought before.. True..
When People come
First Life
First as
Good My FriEnd
Service to People
is no different than
Service to God for SMiLes..
SMiLes Truly A Face of Beauty
is one Who Lights Within
And SMiLes
mY FriEnd
ReAlly LooKinG
ACross Time Distance
And Space to the Eternal
Now of Living Life the Light
Within IS A SMiLE Beyond
YeS A Miracle Beyond
iNFiNiTY to Feel
And Sense
to Give and
Share NoW to All to
Receive This LoVELiGHT Back Again too..
Yes my Friend oPening Gates of HeaVeN NoWiTHiN..
mY FriEnd
An oPen
TAllest Pyramid
And Tower Truly
ThE Light The Eye
Wisdom’S HeART MiND..
SMiLeS One thing that is Great
About Being As Old Now as me hehe almost
Old as the Dinosaurs too.. is the Perspective
of what Life used to Be Like Before Automation
For it is True People Your Age And Older Did not
Live Before Computers came to Rule the World and
Humans in the Early 90’s A Spread of Science to rule
Art of
in a way
of PDD And NDD
People Deficit Disorder
And Nature Deficit Disorder
too where one may Travel to
A Most Beautiful Park on the
Beach But if there is no Condominium
of ‘Fancy Drinks and Foods’ That Entire
Paradise may Be Empty Now with the Most
Beautiful Views of Sunsets ever Seen to Human eyes
There used to Be Living Rooms.. where People Really
Lived Where Voices Sounded Like Lovely Songs Living
Poetry Spread from Lips to Ears as We Were All a Living
Theater Then no Soap Opera Just on TV and of course even
Soap Operas are dead these days except for the same ‘General
Hospital’ that was playing in the 60’s my Friend i used to..see the
Soap Operas every once in a while in the early 80’s During University
Life With Cable TV and MTV and i thought who has Time for a Social Life
We Are
Social Life
We are Not even who We Are..
What are We What Are We When Our Life
Is Soul Numbers so Cold or Letters of Love..
Lost.. SMiLes my Friend..There is a Song by
the Chemical Brother’s Called ‘Free Yourself ‘
That will go well with all that i have Written to
you tonight as i’ve got one more to Catch up on..
SMiLes.. mY Friend Ms. Hugs No Pain no Gain
But there is Pain that is Enjoyable During the Gain
Effortless Per say and do too.. When We Control the
Limits of the Pain and Gain and No one is Master over
Us as Slave.. i’m A bit of an expert on Stress Now i guess considering
that the Audience at Least Sees me now as A Truly Most Confident Person
Fearless in Dance and on the other Hand before my ‘Dance Vocation of Life’
In Moving Meditation Now for 11,270 Miles.. in 69 Months before i retired at
Age 47 and Officially so With Retirement Income at age 49.. my Psychiatrist
Noted at 47 that i was the most Stressed-out Person he ever encountered after
Dealing with Combat Fatigue Veterans as a Major in the Air Force.. he had
No Hope for my Recovery
And Neither Did my
Doctor a Hopeless
Life Spent
in Severe
was the
for my Life and
then i found Writing
that turned into a Flow
of Meditation and Heart Felt
Poetry connecting Emotions to
Words in a Bio-Feed back of controlling
my Levels of Happiness with both Song of
Words and Dance of Steps both Natural Meditation
but sure more Natural Breathing with Dance.. People don’t
Understand that we will Domesticate ourselves to an Early
Grave or Return to the Wild and Free Love Song And Dance
of Life Together that Regenerates Literally Regenerates and
Grows the Gray Matter and Connections in Our Brains Lighting
Up all the Connections in Bio-Chemical-Electrical Ways through
the rest of our Bodies that are our Minds there is No Separation in
Unison of Yoga Flow… where really when one masters this Hypo-Transient
Frontality Science Termed State of Ascendance and Transcendence in Flow Lighting
up the Rest of our Human Potential Dampening the almighty illusory Neo-Cortical Construction
We Create of Time And Distance And Space out of the Beyond Infinity Of Smiles Now Eternally in an Agape Flow of Love For All.. as some of my Closest Relatives will tell ya if they read this now it’s all Gibberish it makes no Sense
to them at all Same
as the Folks
Who Read
the Bible
on the
And Chant Let’s
Shoot someone for
Crossing Our Border
on Weekday KKK-Like
Meetings on TV with their
Main-Man-Orange-Evangelist on the side..
Laughing as they would putting people in ‘Gas Camps’ for being different too…
There is one thing Always Now the Human Species will not Endure and that is when
Hope and
Love now
is only Lit
up in Gas-Lit Fires of Lies
That/Who Breed Fear And Hate Dead as Alive..
But on the other Hand they Might Start Dancing And Singing and Free
Their Self to Opening up the Wisdom of HeART Within Giving And Sharing the
Real Kingdom of Heaven that is Real and Agape Love A Shining Light for All (God)..:)
SMiLes to ya Sohair Speaking of Beautiful and Verily Powerful Moons
As We may come to view them as Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
And Purpose For Humans to Effect Results with all of what
Drives Us Within as the Bio-Electrical-Chemical
Reactions Like the Stars Do Within the Emotions
And Senses That Drive Us to Action And Consequence
of Change.. Anyway Today Saturday is the
May Flower Blue Full Moon Night the Last
Until Next Decade too as this Kind of Blue
Moon that is Seasonal Goes.. instead of
Two Full Moons in a Month With Four
Full Moons.. in a Season.. And 13 Full
Moons for the Entire Year too anyway
We Humans have the Incredible
Potential Really to Co-Create
Life where all becomes
Powerful Holy and
Sacred Meaning
And Purpose
Force With
Agape Feelings
of Pure Positive Love
For all to Give and Share
Within today has Many Holy
And Sacred Meanings and Purposes
Beyond this Full Moon Muse alone now
As Many as i will Create Hand and Hand
with God as.. All that is.. to be more in Holy
And Sacred Full Of Meaning and Purpose Life
Ways but Truly what the Muslims Folks do via Ramadan
Still is Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose that most all
Do Share as Tradition in these Countries Whole During these
Days Now.. That is more to be said than Countries that bind
with Little Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose Hardly at all
where one may Go To Church to Hear About Love and Answer
With Fear
And Hate
then for the
Rest of the
Week Long
Until Love is
only Lip Service
Without a Kiss that
is Real the Next Hour
of Sunday Services if anyone
even does that at all for when Humans
Lose their Holy and Sacred Meanings and Purposes
of Life.. they disintegrate as a Society if they are not
Sharing for Bonding And Biding Ways of Life Together
Voila.. so Trump is President and things fall apart when
Folks no longer hold Life now as Sacred and Holy Full of
Meaning and Purpose there are pockets to do this but i am
not going to wait for Society to Straighten up as Love in Holy
and Sacred Ways of Finding Meaning and Purpose in All the light
thru Dark.. so true ‘those’ are only Parts of what i see as Dark Muse
this way too.. for i refuse to fear and hate as that only takes me away
from God
as Love
but sure
i have
my Moments
True too for this
Humanity this Nature
From Dark thru Light is
Impossible to Escape for a
Galvanized Human In and
as Love from Dark thru Light
Where the Moon is as Bright as the Sun
Except For Rays still Escaping NoW as LoVE..:)
As We may come to view them as Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
And Purpose For Humans to Effect Results with all of what
Drives Us Within as the Bio-Electrical-Chemical
Reactions Like the Stars Do Within the Emotions
And Senses That Drive Us to Action And Consequence
of Change.. Anyway Today Saturday is the
May Flower Blue Full Moon Night the Last
Until Next Decade too as this Kind of Blue
Moon that is Seasonal Goes.. instead of
Two Full Moons in a Month With Four
Full Moons.. in a Season.. And 13 Full
Moons for the Entire Year too anyway
We Humans have the Incredible
Potential Really to Co-Create
Life where all becomes
Powerful Holy and
Sacred Meaning
And Purpose
Force With
Agape Feelings
of Pure Positive Love
For all to Give and Share
Within today has Many Holy
And Sacred Meanings and Purposes
Beyond this Full Moon Muse alone now
As Many as i will Create Hand and Hand
with God as.. All that is.. to be more in Holy
And Sacred Full Of Meaning and Purpose Life
Ways but Truly what the Muslims Folks do via Ramadan
Still is Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose that most all
Do Share as Tradition in these Countries Whole During these
Days Now.. That is more to be said than Countries that bind
with Little Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose Hardly at all
where one may Go To Church to Hear About Love and Answer
With Fear
And Hate
then for the
Rest of the
Week Long
Until Love is
only Lip Service
Without a Kiss that
is Real the Next Hour
of Sunday Services if anyone
even does that at all for when Humans
Lose their Holy and Sacred Meanings and Purposes
of Life.. they disintegrate as a Society if they are not
Sharing for Bonding And Biding Ways of Life Together
Voila.. so Trump is President and things fall apart when
Folks no longer hold Life now as Sacred and Holy Full of
Meaning and Purpose there are pockets to do this but i am
not going to wait for Society to Straighten up as Love in Holy
and Sacred Ways of Finding Meaning and Purpose in All the light
thru Dark.. so true ‘those’ are only Parts of what i see as Dark Muse
this way too.. for i refuse to fear and hate as that only takes me away
from God
as Love
but sure
i have
my Moments
True too for this
Humanity this Nature
From Dark thru Light is
Impossible to Escape for a
Galvanized Human In and
as Love from Dark thru Light
Where the Moon is as Bright as the Sun
Except For Rays still Escaping NoW as LoVE..:)
All My PLeaSuRE
SaMe to You NoW
Immediately after
i took ‘this Picture’
Seagulls Flew
Over my
Can’t remember
Seeing them here
Before Feels
SMiLES onLY if We
All WiLL See
Nature as
The only
Gift of Life
To Give and Share
More than Take
And Hoard
And Jane
An onLY Religion
Of Nature Wild
JusT to Be
ToGeTHeR aLL..
Height oF Freedom
TRuE Religion
NiceLY DonE
FoR All
Life IS A Gift We
BReatH and BLinK
At Best We SPReaD
LiFE So OTHeRS Will See
Living Loving
Life for Present
Now thanks for
My FRiEnD..
PusH A ButtoN
Understandable on An Other Side of A Door
Not Easy When Doors Are Locked You
Wish to Enter Most
May Sunshine
Be YouR iNNeR ForTune
When We
All Illusions
of Time.. Distance
And Space We Float
We Swim Forevernow
More Flow Live Pool Of
All of Us Dead Pool
Gone Aquarium
Floats Us Now..
Another Ground Hog Day
Every Day No Hope only
Snake Will Left
i Graduated With
A New Avatar
Katie Mia Frederick
Katie Means Pure And
Mia Means Close to
(God) For me
At Least just
A Free Dance
And Song
In Verb
Of Now and Yes
Frederick in German
Means Peaceful
And of
Only me…
Hopefully everyone
Will find some way
Out of
Coffins my
Friend i for one
Sing And Dance
My Way Galvanized
Above Out and With
Low Above..
As I continue
To ‘Press that
Button’ Now
Thank you
Continuing Wishes..
SMiLes Kind Wishes
Are no less or more
Than the Placebo
Effect yet Science
Shows Kind Wishes
May make Miracles
Real and all Natural
For incurable illness
Put into Remission
Filed away in the
Medical Drawers
Now For the other
Wise unexplained
Cure but only
For those
Believe that
Kind Wishes are
Real it’s Worth noting
In the last movie then of
The Matrix series Now
Of Movies the ending
Line by the Oracle
In Two Words is
‘i Believed’
The ParT
Placebo prayers
Work unexplained
Now Like Human
Consciousness True
Innate and yes Sleep
Is Paramount Without
It our Brain literally starts
To consume itself
Into Self Destruction
During the Beginning
Spring ‘Lent Period’
In 2008 of that Pain
For 40 days.. Yes
i Literally counted
Each Day only
An Alpha
Blocker put
Me to sleep
For One hour Of
‘Card Board’ Shallow
Sleep one hour
Each night for 35
Days with no hours
Of Sleep the last 5
Of 40 Days.. I finally
Agreed to let an
Ambulance then
Take me to the
Hospital where
A Shot of
4 MG of
Ativan put
Me Down when
i woke up with
The same pain
i couldn’t even
Play a Game of
Tic Tac Toe And
That Ativan was the
Only hope of Sleep
Then Until the Pain
Went away and so
Did the Ativan for
Good.. 11 Years of
Chronic Work Related
Stress last two years
Of it at fight or flight
Level led to all
Of it.. moral
Of the Story
Enough Stress
Will take us to
Places worse than
Death it is not
Worth it
Worth it For
A Homeless Soul
Is Worse than no
Home no
A World Without Pain
A Feeling longer than Red…
i don’t Fully understand�
Your Pain Empaths Will�
Feel Enough to Reach Out
Sympaths Will… Day i survived the Suicide�
Disease like a Dentist�Drill in my Eye and Ear�
From Wake to little Sleep�For 66 Months with no�Relief From Drugs
But�A Meditative Write�From Wake to�Sleep only to�Venture one more
Second of life…�Type Two Two�Trigeminal Neuralgia�Assessed as Worse than�
The Torture of literal�Crucifixion And Ha!�Folks think ‘Jesus’�Had it rough�As i�
Continue A Collaborative�Story that is All True And Painstakingly�Documented in�12 Million Words�Online since 33 Months�Into that illness that�Started in January�Of 2008 as the First�Word A Mountain�Of additional�Pain each Word�starting on Thanks�Giving Day 2010�Kept me alive for�Another 33 Months�Until the Pain went away�And 6.9 Million Words�Of Free Verse Flowed�Next as today the�May Flower Full�Blue Moon is the
�70th Month Anniversary�Of that as by God of Nature i finally learned How to pretend BLeSSinGS�Happened in Hell and�Finally remembered�Enough Echoes of�Tears of past�Years in Words where my Heart�Became moist�Again And all the Pain�Of That and 18�Medically assessed�Disorders all went�away now 70 Months�Pain Free 6.9 Million�words of Free Verse And�11,272 Miles of�Public Free Dance�Now if Any Pain�Starts to come�Like a Miracle everyday�i am able to melt it�Away with a Meditative�Dance and Song By�God the only religion�That Works for�Me ‘God’ as�A Song�And Dance when�All Hope and other�Feelings are�Gone There�Is the�Inner Will The first and�Last Snake of�Survival Within�
The only Hope �In that place of�No Hope�At�
All But Snake..�With that said Hope
You Feel Better my Friend..
ReMeMBeR (Multiples of 7 Come Back)
SaMe to You NoW
Immediately after
i took ‘this Picture’
Seagulls Flew
Over my
Can’t remember
Seeing them here
Before Feels
SMiLES onLY if We
All WiLL See
Nature as
The only
Gift of Life
To Give and Share
More than Take
And Hoard
And Jane
An onLY Religion
Of Nature Wild
JusT to Be
ToGeTHeR aLL..
Height oF Freedom
TRuE Religion
NiceLY DonE
FoR All
Life IS A Gift We
BReatH and BLinK
At Best We SPReaD
LiFE So OTHeRS Will See
Living Loving
Life for Present
Now thanks for
My FRiEnD..
PusH A ButtoN
Understandable on An Other Side of A Door
Not Easy When Doors Are Locked You
Wish to Enter Most
May Sunshine
Be YouR iNNeR ForTune
When We
All Illusions
of Time.. Distance
And Space We Float
We Swim Forevernow
More Flow Live Pool Of
All of Us Dead Pool
Gone Aquarium
Floats Us Now..
Another Ground Hog Day
Every Day No Hope only
Snake Will Left
i Graduated With
A New Avatar
Katie Mia Frederick
Katie Means Pure And
Mia Means Close to
(God) For me
At Least just
A Free Dance
And Song
In Verb
Of Now and Yes
Frederick in German
Means Peaceful
And of
Only me…
Hopefully everyone
Will find some way
Out of
Coffins my
Friend i for one
Sing And Dance
My Way Galvanized
Above Out and With
Low Above..
As I continue
To ‘Press that
Button’ Now
Thank you
Continuing Wishes..
SMiLes Kind Wishes
Are no less or more
Than the Placebo
Effect yet Science
Shows Kind Wishes
May make Miracles
Real and all Natural
For incurable illness
Put into Remission
Filed away in the
Medical Drawers
Now For the other
Wise unexplained
Cure but only
For those
Believe that
Kind Wishes are
Real it’s Worth noting
In the last movie then of
The Matrix series Now
Of Movies the ending
Line by the Oracle
In Two Words is
‘i Believed’
The ParT
Placebo prayers
Work unexplained
Now Like Human
Consciousness True
Innate and yes Sleep
Is Paramount Without
It our Brain literally starts
To consume itself
Into Self Destruction
During the Beginning
Spring ‘Lent Period’
In 2008 of that Pain
For 40 days.. Yes
i Literally counted
Each Day only
An Alpha
Blocker put
Me to sleep
For One hour Of
‘Card Board’ Shallow
Sleep one hour
Each night for 35
Days with no hours
Of Sleep the last 5
Of 40 Days.. I finally
Agreed to let an
Ambulance then
Take me to the
Hospital where
A Shot of
4 MG of
Ativan put
Me Down when
i woke up with
The same pain
i couldn’t even
Play a Game of
Tic Tac Toe And
That Ativan was the
Only hope of Sleep
Then Until the Pain
Went away and so
Did the Ativan for
Good.. 11 Years of
Chronic Work Related
Stress last two years
Of it at fight or flight
Level led to all
Of it.. moral
Of the Story
Enough Stress
Will take us to
Places worse than
Death it is not
Worth it
Worth it For
A Homeless Soul
Is Worse than no
Home no
A World Without Pain
A Feeling longer than Red…
i don’t Fully understand�
Your Pain Empaths Will�
Feel Enough to Reach Out
Sympaths Will… Day i survived the Suicide�
Disease like a Dentist�Drill in my Eye and Ear�
From Wake to little Sleep�For 66 Months with no�Relief From Drugs
But�A Meditative Write�From Wake to�Sleep only to�Venture one more
Second of life…�Type Two Two�Trigeminal Neuralgia�Assessed as Worse than�
The Torture of literal�Crucifixion And Ha!�Folks think ‘Jesus’�Had it rough�As i�
Continue A Collaborative�Story that is All True And Painstakingly�Documented in�12 Million Words�Online since 33 Months�Into that illness that�Started in January�Of 2008 as the First�Word A Mountain�Of additional�Pain each Word�starting on Thanks�Giving Day 2010�Kept me alive for�Another 33 Months�Until the Pain went away�And 6.9 Million Words�Of Free Verse Flowed�Next as today the�May Flower Full�Blue Moon is the
�70th Month Anniversary�Of that as by God of Nature i finally learned How to pretend BLeSSinGS�Happened in Hell and�Finally remembered�Enough Echoes of�Tears of past�Years in Words where my Heart�Became moist�Again And all the Pain�Of That and 18�Medically assessed�Disorders all went�away now 70 Months�Pain Free 6.9 Million�words of Free Verse And�11,272 Miles of�Public Free Dance�Now if Any Pain�Starts to come�Like a Miracle everyday�i am able to melt it�Away with a Meditative�Dance and Song By�God the only religion�That Works for�Me ‘God’ as�A Song�And Dance when�All Hope and other�Feelings are�Gone There�Is the�Inner Will The first and�Last Snake of�Survival Within�
The only Hope �In that place of�No Hope�At�
All But Snake..�With that said Hope
You Feel Better my Friend..
ReMeMBeR (Multiples of 7 Come Back)
‘Devil’ And the ‘Deep Blue’ Sky
Behind me You’ll Never Find ‘me’
Before i Go i’ll Leave A Dance And
SonG JusT Reflecting Every Breath
You Take…
God Free iN me FinAlly Out of PriSoN Lies
THorns Fine With FLoWeRS Make Rose Enough
(God) For me
Thanks Y’aLL it’s Been Fun but Not ReAlly
Real i’M Gonna HanG-OuT With ‘Bonobos’ NoW
Who ReAlly BReaTH AnD BLiNK LiViNG God Every Day NoW
Most Folks Don’t Understand iNnately iNstinctually iNtuitively They Are
All Finger Prints and Foot Prints sKeYes oF God ALL Pulling so many
Rabbits out of Easter Eggs in the Last 58 Years 11 Months and 12 Days
No one Noticed but Me Hehe…. STiLL NoWTHeN
i Named A ‘PHI Bible’ Months in Advance
Before finishing it in Precisely 365 Days on
Memorial Day in 2017 Just the Start then of
“Nether Land Bible 2017” too.. Now Close to
36 Months Writing that in 4,187,560 Words of Effort
But Then.. “PHI Bible” at Precisely 1.618 Million Words
What Are the Chances…. Neither Do i Pre-Plan the Shapes
of my Dance or Writing Shapes of Lamps Illuminate Light Best
Just A Way mY Writing Naturally Flows in Shapes Is It Any
Wonder Now That A SiGNaTuRE Pose i make Reflects the
Golden Phi Spiral Ratio From Left Elbow to Knee Hint: No…
Not Just Dancing in Every Day Circles i Dance the Golden Spiral PHI
Ratio of God’s Finger Print in 1.618 Foot Prints Naturally too
Worked Out With Nautilus Machines Since 21 After All they Replicate
Nature’s Golden Spiral PHI Movement of Our Bodies too..
3 College Degrees With A Nautilus Shell Shaped Like A 6 or 9
HAha Even A Car Tag Randomly Issued With A Nautilus Shell
With 696 And WE.. i SuPPoSE 40 Days Without Sleep and
66 Months of Hell and 6666 Miles of Dance
in 40 Months Born on 6660 is Just Synchronicity
Yes i Will Freely And Honestly Admit NoW
That Virtually No SleeP iN ’40 Days’ NoW
Will Teach You Both of YouR Masters Are ONE And
SaME PerHaps if You LiVE iN A Desert for ’40 Days’
Away From Culture You Will Understand
Who YouR True Master Really Is Always Now
Born Free Sadly
Most Folks No
Longer Inherit And Keep
Born Free Wild Loving Free
We Domesticate Lion
into Cat Now
Us as Cat If We Understand
The Domesticating Fall Of
God (Nature Wild Loving) in Us
Below Above
Within Inside
Outside All
SaMe We
Are Free to
Be IS NoW..:)
Behind me You’ll Never Find ‘me’
Before i Go i’ll Leave A Dance And
SonG JusT Reflecting Every Breath
You Take…
God Free iN me FinAlly Out of PriSoN Lies
THorns Fine With FLoWeRS Make Rose Enough
(God) For me
Thanks Y’aLL it’s Been Fun but Not ReAlly
Real i’M Gonna HanG-OuT With ‘Bonobos’ NoW
Who ReAlly BReaTH AnD BLiNK LiViNG God Every Day NoW
Most Folks Don’t Understand iNnately iNstinctually iNtuitively They Are
All Finger Prints and Foot Prints sKeYes oF God ALL Pulling so many
Rabbits out of Easter Eggs in the Last 58 Years 11 Months and 12 Days
No one Noticed but Me Hehe…. STiLL NoWTHeN
i Named A ‘PHI Bible’ Months in Advance
Before finishing it in Precisely 365 Days on
Memorial Day in 2017 Just the Start then of
“Nether Land Bible 2017” too.. Now Close to
36 Months Writing that in 4,187,560 Words of Effort
But Then.. “PHI Bible” at Precisely 1.618 Million Words
What Are the Chances…. Neither Do i Pre-Plan the Shapes
of my Dance or Writing Shapes of Lamps Illuminate Light Best
Just A Way mY Writing Naturally Flows in Shapes Is It Any
Wonder Now That A SiGNaTuRE Pose i make Reflects the
Golden Phi Spiral Ratio From Left Elbow to Knee Hint: No…
Not Just Dancing in Every Day Circles i Dance the Golden Spiral PHI
Ratio of God’s Finger Print in 1.618 Foot Prints Naturally too
Worked Out With Nautilus Machines Since 21 After All they Replicate
Nature’s Golden Spiral PHI Movement of Our Bodies too..
3 College Degrees With A Nautilus Shell Shaped Like A 6 or 9
HAha Even A Car Tag Randomly Issued With A Nautilus Shell
With 696 And WE.. i SuPPoSE 40 Days Without Sleep and
66 Months of Hell and 6666 Miles of Dance
in 40 Months Born on 6660 is Just Synchronicity
Yes i Will Freely And Honestly Admit NoW
That Virtually No SleeP iN ’40 Days’ NoW
Will Teach You Both of YouR Masters Are ONE And
SaME PerHaps if You LiVE iN A Desert for ’40 Days’
Away From Culture You Will Understand
Who YouR True Master Really Is Always Now
Born Free Sadly
Most Folks No
Longer Inherit And Keep
Born Free Wild Loving Free
We Domesticate Lion
into Cat Now
Us as Cat If We Understand
The Domesticating Fall Of
God (Nature Wild Loving) in Us
Below Above
Within Inside
Outside All
SaMe We
Are Free to
Be IS NoW..:)
(Comment: i Wrote back to a Nameless Faceless Avatar from my Video Leg Pressing 930LBS)
Nice Critique of Your Preferred Method of Form for Leg pressing 930 Pounds on a Much More Difficult Parallel Leg Press than the Average Incline Press; i’ll refer you to ‘the Hodge Twins’ for more info as they do YouTube more for a Job than Just a Note pad for Video Taping Personal Achievements like me; Guess what/who my Faceless Avatar Friend, Mr. JONES534, as Mr. Smith might have been more original too; i’m not into Form; i’m not into Target Audiences (except for Smiles of Women) and i’m not into Likes or Follows or Shares; and i don’t even Do Money as i am Financially Independent; but yes Women are My Favorite at less than one Month Away from Age 59. i am more into Generating Very Pretty Smiles from the Opposite Sex; whereas, Impressing Dudes Means Zero Percent
of Less than Nothing, haha; Anyway, i was an Athletic Director of a Military Installation Before i Got Sick with 19 Medical Disorders; yep, did 25 Years for Uncle Sam too; a Great Way to get the Golden Handcuffs off For A Lifelong Free Ride after A Job. i invite you to budge 1020 LBS like this 52 Reps as i eventually Did, any distance at all for just one Rep; and after that you Might try what i do now at close to 59 Years of Age as i don’t let Arthritis in my Knees Hold me all the way back; and surely i am not Nuts enough to Bring the Weight to my Chest; but yes, after Dancing 11,272 Miles in Public in the Last 69 Months i Will easily lock out my knees; as i don’t recommend that to anyone
else but someone who has Spiral Danced Enough
Around town to get Ligaments and Muscles
And Tendons and All around Leg
Bones Strong as A Chimpanzee
who doesn’t spend
his or her Life
on their Butts;
True, Chimpanzees
Don’t Get Walmart Carts
when they Get Arthritis in their Knees
now as part of the Normal Aging process
Either; they Still Swing From Trees at best;
perhaps not with the Same Range of Motion;
But they Still Keep Swinging the Best they Can and
Will Just by the Very Nature of Essence over Form
to both Survive and Thrive the best they can and will;
Really though my friend as i was about to mention, i’ll link
Below where i leg Press 1340 Pounds, 12 Reps on the Easy Leg
Press Machine (18 Reps Now) in my own preferred Form of Doing it too
As Just the Essence i feel like for whatever the F for Fun i Choose to do
Oh yeah; and if you don’t believe my Story; the evidence of 6.9 Million
Written in the Longest Long Form Poem in the History of Humankind in 70
Months of Effort; i will also Link It Below for you to enjoy my Way of Leg Pressing
1340 LBS too; i don’t recommend anyone else to do it but me; chances are 99.999
Percent of Dudes can’t do it anyway, if they tried; and my Poetry is my Finger Print
the ‘SonG oF mY SoUL”, my Foot Print too; and my own Personal Bible too; John 14:12
Says You will Do Greater Works than Even Jesus; if you really really Believe in the Power of Positive
Thoughts and Just Sing and Dance Love Loving them Every Day of Your Life, With Zero Illusory
Fear; not many (none) folks understand ALL of
what i do now;
but me of
but trust
me or
A Really
Come back now;
He Will be the one
to say Wow; You were
Really Paying Attention in
Class, Good Job Fred same as
College when i Graduated with
Three Degrees, just about all the Way
Close to the Top of the Class; i didn’t Let
Being Diagnosed with Autism, not being able
to speak until Age 4, Set me that far back; i did/do
life differently; just like you Will now when you may Acquire
a few challenges too later in Life; consider this Your Lesson ‘Plan’ that is no
Plan at all of the Day; perhaps, Church services too in the Wild online from little old me too…
Note: i am not the First one to Dance in Public; but i have done it more miles than anyone else…
at least
on World
Record from
A Google Search; hehe…
i would have dropped by earlier
but i was busy like REAL ‘Superman’ Saving
the Human Species in my own little way of doing that too;
nope; i don’t use Guns; just Thorns and Flowers of God (Rose)
Hehe; anyway, much appreciate the Dark Muse; Plenty of it online
now From Nameless Faceless Avatars; but in real life Standing Over
6 Feet Tall and 240 Pounds now; not much, not much at all; particularly,
When i Float Like a Butterfly and do a ‘Jordan Peterson Lobster Pose’ Sting
(WHere THere IS A Distinct Possibility of Martial Arts Havoc Without Rules)
in my own SiGNaTuRE Pose Way Now reflecting the 1.618 Golden Ratio from my
Left Elbow to my Hip; hehe; You might find someone who will leg press more Weight
than me but
let’s see
if you
can find
someone who
will write a Bigger
Bible about Love for
what even means anything REAL NoW
about this Life As We live Meek as Strong
Humbly InHeRiTiNG A Whole World of Love
And Oh God Yes.. some.. of the most Beautiful
Female SMiLes you’ll ever View; Just like my Wife
at age 49; who still gets mistaken for some one ‘their age’ too…
but like i Dance and Sing; all the Evidence is no Further Away than
a 5 or 6 or 7
inch screen
Speaking of that
i do Nude Art and
Erotic Poetry at my
Age; it brings a few smiles
to females too at least as
i’ve been told; haha; Now
Recently no less than
Wife of course;
she’s not much into
the Words; butt Photos a bit..
Thanks again for Stopping by;
this has been a fun Muse too; hAha..
but it doesn’t even Breathe on Beautiful Women’s Smiles.
If you have any Sons, Raise ’em to Dance and Write Poetry
i promise you they will likely never be alone in their Life as they
won’t even
need a
most any Woman now..
but sure it’ll take a ‘few’ words of Practice
to get it done greater just like the dance steps too..
Oh by the way, God is No Welfare God, if you wanna
Go to Heaven now; you too will Endure many Thorns and Flowers of Rose now.
The ‘Joe Dude’ in the Dance Walking Video is about as Close A Dude to A ‘Real Jesus’;
i’ve Seen So Far;
Perhaps You’ll
Notice He
is in Heaven
now or perhaps
You do not Dance;
As the Guardians’ of
the Galaxy Movie Speaks to too;
Some Folks Dance and Sadly Some folks don’t go to Heaven now.
Have a Nice Day With Smiles;
And Sure; Don’t Forget the THorns with FLoWeRS if/when You Rise as Rose Now too;
And if You Like
Give and Share
What You too Will Come to Understand
of Both Heaven and Hell Within on this Place
our only HoMe Nature/God/EarTh NoW.
(in other Words i did this to
Get Your Attention too; Just to Give And Share with
YOU A few pointers toward/about Heaven Now; Hope you Enjoyed my Show)
And Even if i go away from this Earth Now or You Never Reply Some nameless
man’ Dude
is likely to drop by sooner and later too….
Nice Critique of Your Preferred Method of Form for Leg pressing 930 Pounds on a Much More Difficult Parallel Leg Press than the Average Incline Press; i’ll refer you to ‘the Hodge Twins’ for more info as they do YouTube more for a Job than Just a Note pad for Video Taping Personal Achievements like me; Guess what/who my Faceless Avatar Friend, Mr. JONES534, as Mr. Smith might have been more original too; i’m not into Form; i’m not into Target Audiences (except for Smiles of Women) and i’m not into Likes or Follows or Shares; and i don’t even Do Money as i am Financially Independent; but yes Women are My Favorite at less than one Month Away from Age 59. i am more into Generating Very Pretty Smiles from the Opposite Sex; whereas, Impressing Dudes Means Zero Percent
of Less than Nothing, haha; Anyway, i was an Athletic Director of a Military Installation Before i Got Sick with 19 Medical Disorders; yep, did 25 Years for Uncle Sam too; a Great Way to get the Golden Handcuffs off For A Lifelong Free Ride after A Job. i invite you to budge 1020 LBS like this 52 Reps as i eventually Did, any distance at all for just one Rep; and after that you Might try what i do now at close to 59 Years of Age as i don’t let Arthritis in my Knees Hold me all the way back; and surely i am not Nuts enough to Bring the Weight to my Chest; but yes, after Dancing 11,272 Miles in Public in the Last 69 Months i Will easily lock out my knees; as i don’t recommend that to anyone
else but someone who has Spiral Danced Enough
Around town to get Ligaments and Muscles
And Tendons and All around Leg
Bones Strong as A Chimpanzee
who doesn’t spend
his or her Life
on their Butts;
True, Chimpanzees
Don’t Get Walmart Carts
when they Get Arthritis in their Knees
now as part of the Normal Aging process
Either; they Still Swing From Trees at best;
perhaps not with the Same Range of Motion;
But they Still Keep Swinging the Best they Can and
Will Just by the Very Nature of Essence over Form
to both Survive and Thrive the best they can and will;
Really though my friend as i was about to mention, i’ll link
Below where i leg Press 1340 Pounds, 12 Reps on the Easy Leg
Press Machine (18 Reps Now) in my own preferred Form of Doing it too
As Just the Essence i feel like for whatever the F for Fun i Choose to do
Oh yeah; and if you don’t believe my Story; the evidence of 6.9 Million
Written in the Longest Long Form Poem in the History of Humankind in 70
Months of Effort; i will also Link It Below for you to enjoy my Way of Leg Pressing
1340 LBS too; i don’t recommend anyone else to do it but me; chances are 99.999
Percent of Dudes can’t do it anyway, if they tried; and my Poetry is my Finger Print
the ‘SonG oF mY SoUL”, my Foot Print too; and my own Personal Bible too; John 14:12
Says You will Do Greater Works than Even Jesus; if you really really Believe in the Power of Positive
Thoughts and Just Sing and Dance Love Loving them Every Day of Your Life, With Zero Illusory
Fear; not many (none) folks understand ALL of
what i do now;
but me of
but trust
me or
A Really
Come back now;
He Will be the one
to say Wow; You were
Really Paying Attention in
Class, Good Job Fred same as
College when i Graduated with
Three Degrees, just about all the Way
Close to the Top of the Class; i didn’t Let
Being Diagnosed with Autism, not being able
to speak until Age 4, Set me that far back; i did/do
life differently; just like you Will now when you may Acquire
a few challenges too later in Life; consider this Your Lesson ‘Plan’ that is no
Plan at all of the Day; perhaps, Church services too in the Wild online from little old me too…
Note: i am not the First one to Dance in Public; but i have done it more miles than anyone else…
at least
on World
Record from
A Google Search; hehe…
i would have dropped by earlier
but i was busy like REAL ‘Superman’ Saving
the Human Species in my own little way of doing that too;
nope; i don’t use Guns; just Thorns and Flowers of God (Rose)
Hehe; anyway, much appreciate the Dark Muse; Plenty of it online
now From Nameless Faceless Avatars; but in real life Standing Over
6 Feet Tall and 240 Pounds now; not much, not much at all; particularly,
When i Float Like a Butterfly and do a ‘Jordan Peterson Lobster Pose’ Sting
(WHere THere IS A Distinct Possibility of Martial Arts Havoc Without Rules)
in my own SiGNaTuRE Pose Way Now reflecting the 1.618 Golden Ratio from my
Left Elbow to my Hip; hehe; You might find someone who will leg press more Weight
than me but
let’s see
if you
can find
someone who
will write a Bigger
Bible about Love for
what even means anything REAL NoW
about this Life As We live Meek as Strong
Humbly InHeRiTiNG A Whole World of Love
And Oh God Yes.. some.. of the most Beautiful
Female SMiLes you’ll ever View; Just like my Wife
at age 49; who still gets mistaken for some one ‘their age’ too…
but like i Dance and Sing; all the Evidence is no Further Away than
a 5 or 6 or 7
inch screen
Speaking of that
i do Nude Art and
Erotic Poetry at my
Age; it brings a few smiles
to females too at least as
i’ve been told; haha; Now
Recently no less than
Wife of course;
she’s not much into
the Words; butt Photos a bit..
Thanks again for Stopping by;
this has been a fun Muse too; hAha..
but it doesn’t even Breathe on Beautiful Women’s Smiles.
If you have any Sons, Raise ’em to Dance and Write Poetry
i promise you they will likely never be alone in their Life as they
won’t even
need a
most any Woman now..
but sure it’ll take a ‘few’ words of Practice
to get it done greater just like the dance steps too..
Oh by the way, God is No Welfare God, if you wanna
Go to Heaven now; you too will Endure many Thorns and Flowers of Rose now.
The ‘Joe Dude’ in the Dance Walking Video is about as Close A Dude to A ‘Real Jesus’;
i’ve Seen So Far;
Perhaps You’ll
Notice He
is in Heaven
now or perhaps
You do not Dance;
As the Guardians’ of
the Galaxy Movie Speaks to too;
Some Folks Dance and Sadly Some folks don’t go to Heaven now.
Have a Nice Day With Smiles;
And Sure; Don’t Forget the THorns with FLoWeRS if/when You Rise as Rose Now too;
And if You Like
Give and Share
What You too Will Come to Understand
of Both Heaven and Hell Within on this Place
our only HoMe Nature/God/EarTh NoW.
(in other Words i did this to
Get Your Attention too; Just to Give And Share with
YOU A few pointers toward/about Heaven Now; Hope you Enjoyed my Show)
And Even if i go away from this Earth Now or You Never Reply Some nameless
man’ Dude
is likely to drop by sooner and later too….
At Best i Will See From This Difference Considering
You Were making Strides for other wise Happiness
in Your Life Before your Job Worries are what may be a Main Source
Now of Your Depression and yes it’s a Full Moon and that likely always
Reminds you now of your Search for a Significant other as yes there is
Always that Special Indian October Moon and then Your Birthday in November
and then the Holiday Season Celebrated in some way at least all around the World
then New Year’s Eve then Valentine’s Day Glad to be of some assistance to you in those
Parts of Great Friend Life.. as true it seemed you
Came More Enthused with More
Colors of Life as Summer
Approaches each
Year i’ve noticed
for the Years i’ve
Known You at least..
i honestly never thought
you ever really got that depressed
other than Lost Love as that is Just
Natural but a Catch 22 of a Job that really
Isn’t Working out may be so difficult when it is
a Career Ladder to What seems to be Your Ultimate
Dream Living the American Dream.. as it is Possible Here
where no one gets to Legally Judge the way You Live your Social
Life at least.. We Could take an Afternoon Walk on the Beach it is really
Sunny This AfterNoon With A Warm Breeze Moving all around the Naturescape
Here.. Naturescape isn’t a real word but now it is.. Nature Scape Nature Escape
the View the Freedom to be one with Nature Free.. Have You Ever Noticed that
when i write this way it’s just a Tidal wave coming to you Visit you now the Wave
Will Come Down and Go Back Up as All Waves Travel the Ocean Blue Whole..
Shores will change as Waves Wash in and out.. as my Mother told me
at my lower Point of Hell this too will pass.. my Depression was
very serious for i could not cry no matter how hard i tried
When that Happens People Tend to Yell at the Ceiling
Why God me.. Sadness would have Been Great
and Pain was better than the Piece of Paper
Existence of Nothing
Just Nothing
at all
total Loss
of Feelings even
Senses at one point
Where a Thousand Years
of Hell was Just one second
in the Abyss of Never Ending Time
that Poem You Wrote that Day.. was
quite familiar to me.. it seemed you were
getting close to never wanting to be here again..
i know that feeling it’s not that you wanna leave it’s
Just that you do not wanna stay but what my Mother Told
me is this too shall pass.. Catch 22 Situations are among the
Hardest Parts for our Brains to Deal with as my Psychiatrist
told me after He Heard my Work Life Story.. the Brain
Just Does Wacky things when you don’t know
in fact you don’t Feel you have any choice
at all.. i don’t wanna convince you
to quit i know not nearly
enough of what
is going on
in your
life to really
make any recommendations
at all but what i do know is that
Every Person who Sees a Photo of Your
Smiling Face Reacts like You are A Treasure of
The Gods And Not Even Old Enough to be out of College..
i guess High School as they look at me with a very worried look
are you Sure this Gorgeous Young Woman is even old enough to be out
of School and then i say my Friend is Famous She was at the Top of Her
Accounting School You can Google Her she is no mirage in the Desert She
Lives there and has a very very Responsible and Hard Job Still at the top of her
Class Plus she is a Woman of course in a Field of Numbers often Dominated by
Men and of course many Women In India have a long long life of House Keeping Ahead
And Children Making as Pre-Selected for a Wedding Night.. hmm.. that’s a bit of a Dilemma
if you are a Woman From India who gets to make her own Choice as of course by Socio-Economic
And Religious Sanctions the Women are Chosen by Parents as a Prize for a Wedding Night..
It’s true at least
you would
be taken
care of that
way.. but happiness
nah.. You can even Ask
our Friend Sohair it rarely
Happens where she lives in Egypt
as true there is no Real Love without
Friendship First too.. Body Parts Get the Same
to Look at Colors of the Heart are ever changing..
we both know that is true.. huh.. with Smiles.. You have
a Gift my Friend a very Special Gift for the Poetry you had
to Erase not to be judged was some of the Most Beautiful Poetry
You ever wrote.. the Kind of Poetry that Moves the Hearts of others
the Kind of Poetry that makes every man wish he was the subject of so
much Beauty meanwhile You are crunching Big Numbers for the Money Machine
of Life You’ve found a Niche so far where you’ve been at the top of the class for Years..
it’s true i could
have done a
Job like
that too..
People said You are
so smart you could make
so much Money in a real
Money Making Job..
but you see..
i had
been at the top of
my class forgoing the
Social Institution of connecting
to other Folks in Flesh and Blood So much
the Prized Gift of Life the part i failed at most
As i didn’t understand the small talks of life and
Honestly i still don’t for my Closest Family more distant
than My Sister of Course see all of what i do as Meaningless
Gibberish and even Katrina too.. for the most part as she simply
can’t understand much of anything i do but the fact that my Dance
for however retarded or crazy she as so introverted may come to see
it as someone is going to Judge her for doing what i am doing different
to please my Soul.. if i could i would set the Whole World Free to Dance Naked
on a Beach and Honestly i’m not sure that even i would actually be able to do that
as it’s not like Posing in Front of a Mirror For Art.. We come into this World Naked Without
A Fear but Falling and Loud Noises as Science Shows every fear after that is basically
A Matrix Culture Spoon-Fed to us in whatever Colors come next.. i am no longer
Uncomfortable in my own Skin in
Front of anyone now with
smiles at least
with Shorts
and T-Shirts
on in fact if i met
the President of the United
States it would be like any other
Joe the Plumber off the street just
the Minion Movie Leader Version of that..
i feel no higher or lower than anyone in the World
Yet i Fear no one as even before i found a way to Handle
my Body in a Fight there was no reason at all to do that as
there still is not for A Clever Mind over Rash Emotions out of Control..
And getting the Best of me in a Discussion or Debate well let’s just say
i’ve covered more than a few topics from head to toe and more in my life..
Experienced them
too the
of All by my
age now.. Smiles my
Friend i cannot imagine your
Parents not providing you a Home
or Your Brother if you ever go between
Jobs in Your Life other than the feelings inside
of Worth you Gain from Your Career that’s probably
the most you have to lose and that’s not easy particularly
when that’s pretty much all you’ve known of Your Life so
Far School and Work.. but you know not everyone is nearly
as Gorgeous as You With Magical Brown Eyes that everyone
says are Striking and Stunning and Even Mesmerizing too
not every Woman has a ‘Perfect’ Body From Head to Toe
and not every one can express every Piano Scale
And Guitar Chord of Emotions with all the
Different Muscles you use in the
Art of Your Selfie Face..
It’s true you will
never need
a Job to
Find Love
this way..
all you need is a bit
of time for folks to see the
Beauty of all Your Mind and
Heart and Soul and sure Physical
And Emotional And Spiritual Affect
as Pure And Angelic As You.. This is how God made
You God didn’t innately make all the Numbers for you to count
now you weren’t born that way someone created them before and
in Systemizing Ways injected them into Your Soul making a bit
less Space for Social Cognition Colors of course on the way..
it’s just how the Brain Works as Systemizing ways of think
Avert the Flow off the Brain Pipe of Social Cognition ways
of Connecting to other Flesh and Blood Beings.. that’s a
challenge.. particularly when you are working 8 to
8 the last thing you may be able to pull
out of Your Heart is a Social
Connection when
Your Soul
is so
Full of
Numbers for the Day..
It’s True it is almost impossible
to make a Money Living as an Artist
it’s even almost impossible to get someone
to look at Original Art as they look to see what
they have already seen and like mostly as they go
and gradually change their preferences along the way..
True Your Poetry is among the Best for a Heart that reaches
out and touches quickly enough for folks to get to the end of the
story but that is for Heart the Priceless part that no one will give or
truly take away but You and the Environment you happen to be living in now..
i surely cannot find any real answers for you but just to reinforce how Smart and
Lovely how Artistic You are to touch Hearts.. truly the touching Hearts is really all you
are going to remember
at the end of Your
Life done
done there
so close to Death
Realizing my Entire
Life was a Failure really
for all i really focused on
that counted so much for me
was School and Work all through
the Years i had a chance to eventually
Change all of that and i took it by the Horns
And Dulled the Sharp Edges unto the Colors
of my HeART Still GRoWinG A HuMan SoUL SPiRiT
Larger.. in ever Evolving ways.. true though Money was
Not an issue but true too.. before i got well for 66 Months.. that
Money that Money that Money meant nothing at all all that mattered
for me even if i worked in a Minimum Wage Job Serving Out Rental
Shoes to Friendly Bowlers and Spraying those Sweaty Shoes back
Disinfecting them when Returned to me as really A “Lowliest” Kind
of Janitor Who Takes Care of Stinky Feet.. but Still My Friend those were Living
Feet Not just a Dead Spread Sheets to Solve for a tiny Bit of Dopamine Pleasure for
the Day for there is the Warmth of the Heart no where to be found in a Solo Video
Game of Candy Crush Either just an addiction to up and down without the Flower
of Heart the Inner Oxytocin Kitty Cat Purr and Puppy Dog Tail Wag for the Rest of
the Human Species living yet we see what Society Teaches us about Roles and Status
And Money Making Projects that are supposedly the Top of the Tower of Human Success
but really
really they
are not
no one
ever gets Rich
in Soul off Money alone
as i realize i do not have
to Teach you About that..
as from some of the Photos
when you were younger it doesn’t
look like you were raised Nearly Socio-Economically
Well to do.. but of course if you were.. not likely you
would be the Person i Know and Love now as my Great
Friend that i would Love to help so far away.
it’s true i am so much more
effective in
at least
if you like
to Dance
And when i just
Shut my Mouth With
Smiles where the only
Talk is Joy my Friend not
so deep not so deep and never ending like this..
Anyway i realize when you get depressed.. you lose
all your Words as you’ve said before but i do remember
Your ‘About You’ section that says you are a Voracious Reader
and how you said you could read me for Hours and never get tired..
i listen to what folks want and i am not sure you will use any of this
to Feel Better but i Love to write and i love to write to you my Great Friend
i always have for You listen or at least you do not turn me away.. that’s enough
i just wish
there were
a way
to Feel/fill
Your Cup of HeART
for mine flows overboard
as for now at least i am a
TSuNaMi oF Love that moves on with no slowing
down.. God i’ve already Heard some Songs in the
Background on Katrina’s TV to use for this let them
Come back one by one as when Emotions Flow it is
Always easy to make the Next Choice as our HeART
does think too.. the connection of Being Human my Friend..
SMiLes every Full Moon is a Bit Soul Stirring with You yeah
i don’t forget i remember a long time ago when you said our
Conversation Was Soul Stirring and sure i still remember the
Motto for the Soul Stirring Conversations of Your Cafe how to
Hold Feelings in a Bottle We Write Poetry my Friend about Love
Either Imaginary.. or Real The feelings we feel now are all that is
Real no matter Imagined or Flesh.. Full Moons with You have been
Regularly Colored.. by Rainbows.. and Shades so Grey.. smiles that
is only a Challenge in one direction to Light for me now.. i’ve been so Low
So Low i could not touch the Bottom of a Pyramid of Wisdom in Light of Love
i don’t think that what you are Looking for is A White Knight on a Horse i believe
You Seek the Art of you Most as the Philosopher of Life you Love to be most.. i
also believe there are days i carry you on Your way when your tiny feet no longer
touch the sand of the beach.. Smiles my Friend for the Sun Always Lifts up the Moon
on Days
and Nights
Just like this…
For at the Very Bottom
of the Abyss those who Hold on to Life Do Rise
Change is the Greatest Gift my Friend Open
Hearts Spirits and Souls And Bodies Live Dreams on Wide Awake..:)
You Were making Strides for other wise Happiness
in Your Life Before your Job Worries are what may be a Main Source
Now of Your Depression and yes it’s a Full Moon and that likely always
Reminds you now of your Search for a Significant other as yes there is
Always that Special Indian October Moon and then Your Birthday in November
and then the Holiday Season Celebrated in some way at least all around the World
then New Year’s Eve then Valentine’s Day Glad to be of some assistance to you in those
Parts of Great Friend Life.. as true it seemed you
Came More Enthused with More
Colors of Life as Summer
Approaches each
Year i’ve noticed
for the Years i’ve
Known You at least..
i honestly never thought
you ever really got that depressed
other than Lost Love as that is Just
Natural but a Catch 22 of a Job that really
Isn’t Working out may be so difficult when it is
a Career Ladder to What seems to be Your Ultimate
Dream Living the American Dream.. as it is Possible Here
where no one gets to Legally Judge the way You Live your Social
Life at least.. We Could take an Afternoon Walk on the Beach it is really
Sunny This AfterNoon With A Warm Breeze Moving all around the Naturescape
Here.. Naturescape isn’t a real word but now it is.. Nature Scape Nature Escape
the View the Freedom to be one with Nature Free.. Have You Ever Noticed that
when i write this way it’s just a Tidal wave coming to you Visit you now the Wave
Will Come Down and Go Back Up as All Waves Travel the Ocean Blue Whole..
Shores will change as Waves Wash in and out.. as my Mother told me
at my lower Point of Hell this too will pass.. my Depression was
very serious for i could not cry no matter how hard i tried
When that Happens People Tend to Yell at the Ceiling
Why God me.. Sadness would have Been Great
and Pain was better than the Piece of Paper
Existence of Nothing
Just Nothing
at all
total Loss
of Feelings even
Senses at one point
Where a Thousand Years
of Hell was Just one second
in the Abyss of Never Ending Time
that Poem You Wrote that Day.. was
quite familiar to me.. it seemed you were
getting close to never wanting to be here again..
i know that feeling it’s not that you wanna leave it’s
Just that you do not wanna stay but what my Mother Told
me is this too shall pass.. Catch 22 Situations are among the
Hardest Parts for our Brains to Deal with as my Psychiatrist
told me after He Heard my Work Life Story.. the Brain
Just Does Wacky things when you don’t know
in fact you don’t Feel you have any choice
at all.. i don’t wanna convince you
to quit i know not nearly
enough of what
is going on
in your
life to really
make any recommendations
at all but what i do know is that
Every Person who Sees a Photo of Your
Smiling Face Reacts like You are A Treasure of
The Gods And Not Even Old Enough to be out of College..
i guess High School as they look at me with a very worried look
are you Sure this Gorgeous Young Woman is even old enough to be out
of School and then i say my Friend is Famous She was at the Top of Her
Accounting School You can Google Her she is no mirage in the Desert She
Lives there and has a very very Responsible and Hard Job Still at the top of her
Class Plus she is a Woman of course in a Field of Numbers often Dominated by
Men and of course many Women In India have a long long life of House Keeping Ahead
And Children Making as Pre-Selected for a Wedding Night.. hmm.. that’s a bit of a Dilemma
if you are a Woman From India who gets to make her own Choice as of course by Socio-Economic
And Religious Sanctions the Women are Chosen by Parents as a Prize for a Wedding Night..
It’s true at least
you would
be taken
care of that
way.. but happiness
nah.. You can even Ask
our Friend Sohair it rarely
Happens where she lives in Egypt
as true there is no Real Love without
Friendship First too.. Body Parts Get the Same
to Look at Colors of the Heart are ever changing..
we both know that is true.. huh.. with Smiles.. You have
a Gift my Friend a very Special Gift for the Poetry you had
to Erase not to be judged was some of the Most Beautiful Poetry
You ever wrote.. the Kind of Poetry that Moves the Hearts of others
the Kind of Poetry that makes every man wish he was the subject of so
much Beauty meanwhile You are crunching Big Numbers for the Money Machine
of Life You’ve found a Niche so far where you’ve been at the top of the class for Years..
it’s true i could
have done a
Job like
that too..
People said You are
so smart you could make
so much Money in a real
Money Making Job..
but you see..
i had
been at the top of
my class forgoing the
Social Institution of connecting
to other Folks in Flesh and Blood So much
the Prized Gift of Life the part i failed at most
As i didn’t understand the small talks of life and
Honestly i still don’t for my Closest Family more distant
than My Sister of Course see all of what i do as Meaningless
Gibberish and even Katrina too.. for the most part as she simply
can’t understand much of anything i do but the fact that my Dance
for however retarded or crazy she as so introverted may come to see
it as someone is going to Judge her for doing what i am doing different
to please my Soul.. if i could i would set the Whole World Free to Dance Naked
on a Beach and Honestly i’m not sure that even i would actually be able to do that
as it’s not like Posing in Front of a Mirror For Art.. We come into this World Naked Without
A Fear but Falling and Loud Noises as Science Shows every fear after that is basically
A Matrix Culture Spoon-Fed to us in whatever Colors come next.. i am no longer
Uncomfortable in my own Skin in
Front of anyone now with
smiles at least
with Shorts
and T-Shirts
on in fact if i met
the President of the United
States it would be like any other
Joe the Plumber off the street just
the Minion Movie Leader Version of that..
i feel no higher or lower than anyone in the World
Yet i Fear no one as even before i found a way to Handle
my Body in a Fight there was no reason at all to do that as
there still is not for A Clever Mind over Rash Emotions out of Control..
And getting the Best of me in a Discussion or Debate well let’s just say
i’ve covered more than a few topics from head to toe and more in my life..
Experienced them
too the
of All by my
age now.. Smiles my
Friend i cannot imagine your
Parents not providing you a Home
or Your Brother if you ever go between
Jobs in Your Life other than the feelings inside
of Worth you Gain from Your Career that’s probably
the most you have to lose and that’s not easy particularly
when that’s pretty much all you’ve known of Your Life so
Far School and Work.. but you know not everyone is nearly
as Gorgeous as You With Magical Brown Eyes that everyone
says are Striking and Stunning and Even Mesmerizing too
not every Woman has a ‘Perfect’ Body From Head to Toe
and not every one can express every Piano Scale
And Guitar Chord of Emotions with all the
Different Muscles you use in the
Art of Your Selfie Face..
It’s true you will
never need
a Job to
Find Love
this way..
all you need is a bit
of time for folks to see the
Beauty of all Your Mind and
Heart and Soul and sure Physical
And Emotional And Spiritual Affect
as Pure And Angelic As You.. This is how God made
You God didn’t innately make all the Numbers for you to count
now you weren’t born that way someone created them before and
in Systemizing Ways injected them into Your Soul making a bit
less Space for Social Cognition Colors of course on the way..
it’s just how the Brain Works as Systemizing ways of think
Avert the Flow off the Brain Pipe of Social Cognition ways
of Connecting to other Flesh and Blood Beings.. that’s a
challenge.. particularly when you are working 8 to
8 the last thing you may be able to pull
out of Your Heart is a Social
Connection when
Your Soul
is so
Full of
Numbers for the Day..
It’s True it is almost impossible
to make a Money Living as an Artist
it’s even almost impossible to get someone
to look at Original Art as they look to see what
they have already seen and like mostly as they go
and gradually change their preferences along the way..
True Your Poetry is among the Best for a Heart that reaches
out and touches quickly enough for folks to get to the end of the
story but that is for Heart the Priceless part that no one will give or
truly take away but You and the Environment you happen to be living in now..
i surely cannot find any real answers for you but just to reinforce how Smart and
Lovely how Artistic You are to touch Hearts.. truly the touching Hearts is really all you
are going to remember
at the end of Your
Life done
done there
so close to Death
Realizing my Entire
Life was a Failure really
for all i really focused on
that counted so much for me
was School and Work all through
the Years i had a chance to eventually
Change all of that and i took it by the Horns
And Dulled the Sharp Edges unto the Colors
of my HeART Still GRoWinG A HuMan SoUL SPiRiT
Larger.. in ever Evolving ways.. true though Money was
Not an issue but true too.. before i got well for 66 Months.. that
Money that Money that Money meant nothing at all all that mattered
for me even if i worked in a Minimum Wage Job Serving Out Rental
Shoes to Friendly Bowlers and Spraying those Sweaty Shoes back
Disinfecting them when Returned to me as really A “Lowliest” Kind
of Janitor Who Takes Care of Stinky Feet.. but Still My Friend those were Living
Feet Not just a Dead Spread Sheets to Solve for a tiny Bit of Dopamine Pleasure for
the Day for there is the Warmth of the Heart no where to be found in a Solo Video
Game of Candy Crush Either just an addiction to up and down without the Flower
of Heart the Inner Oxytocin Kitty Cat Purr and Puppy Dog Tail Wag for the Rest of
the Human Species living yet we see what Society Teaches us about Roles and Status
And Money Making Projects that are supposedly the Top of the Tower of Human Success
but really
really they
are not
no one
ever gets Rich
in Soul off Money alone
as i realize i do not have
to Teach you About that..
as from some of the Photos
when you were younger it doesn’t
look like you were raised Nearly Socio-Economically
Well to do.. but of course if you were.. not likely you
would be the Person i Know and Love now as my Great
Friend that i would Love to help so far away.
it’s true i am so much more
effective in
at least
if you like
to Dance
And when i just
Shut my Mouth With
Smiles where the only
Talk is Joy my Friend not
so deep not so deep and never ending like this..
Anyway i realize when you get depressed.. you lose
all your Words as you’ve said before but i do remember
Your ‘About You’ section that says you are a Voracious Reader
and how you said you could read me for Hours and never get tired..
i listen to what folks want and i am not sure you will use any of this
to Feel Better but i Love to write and i love to write to you my Great Friend
i always have for You listen or at least you do not turn me away.. that’s enough
i just wish
there were
a way
to Feel/fill
Your Cup of HeART
for mine flows overboard
as for now at least i am a
TSuNaMi oF Love that moves on with no slowing
down.. God i’ve already Heard some Songs in the
Background on Katrina’s TV to use for this let them
Come back one by one as when Emotions Flow it is
Always easy to make the Next Choice as our HeART
does think too.. the connection of Being Human my Friend..
SMiLes every Full Moon is a Bit Soul Stirring with You yeah
i don’t forget i remember a long time ago when you said our
Conversation Was Soul Stirring and sure i still remember the
Motto for the Soul Stirring Conversations of Your Cafe how to
Hold Feelings in a Bottle We Write Poetry my Friend about Love
Either Imaginary.. or Real The feelings we feel now are all that is
Real no matter Imagined or Flesh.. Full Moons with You have been
Regularly Colored.. by Rainbows.. and Shades so Grey.. smiles that
is only a Challenge in one direction to Light for me now.. i’ve been so Low
So Low i could not touch the Bottom of a Pyramid of Wisdom in Light of Love
i don’t think that what you are Looking for is A White Knight on a Horse i believe
You Seek the Art of you Most as the Philosopher of Life you Love to be most.. i
also believe there are days i carry you on Your way when your tiny feet no longer
touch the sand of the beach.. Smiles my Friend for the Sun Always Lifts up the Moon
on Days
and Nights
Just like this…
For at the Very Bottom
of the Abyss those who Hold on to Life Do Rise
Change is the Greatest Gift my Friend Open
Hearts Spirits and Souls And Bodies Live Dreams on Wide Awake..:)
Speak Poetry Dreams
i Do relate A most
Difficult Gift
And Curse of
Is one
Must Speak
THeir Truth
If it
All One Loves
How many
And Rise
Again now
From This
Both Richly
Giving And
Poorly Receiving…
Sprouts Higher…
As long as A Nap
Is shorter
Oh God if i
Still Worked
All Would
Still be
Poetry Breathes
Now with or without
Wide AwAke..
Humans Will Be
A Functioning
ParT of A Hand Holding Village to ActuAlly Live
Sensitive Humans are
Verily A Blessing but
Our Neural Highways
Traveled too much
Regulating Emotions
And Integrating
Senses are core
To Energy
Focus and
Utilize Best..
Considering Our
Emotions and
Senses flow
From Head to
Toe.. perhaps
A Greatest Failure
For Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy now and the Rest
Of Western Civilization
Describing Half Naked
Indians Dancing
Wildly Freely
Together around
A Campfire as
Savages is
The understood
Fact now
That they were
Their Emotional
Intelligence.. the
Core Always of
Most All so-Called
Rational Decisions..
So.. in ‘Affect’ and
Effect.. “Guardian’s
Of the Galaxy” are
Still Correct there
Are smART ‘Indians’
Who Dance now and
People who Do Not..
Where i live
End at 9th Grade..
How ignorant
Are who
Don’t even
What makes
Us Function
In Mind and Body
Balance Now
All Our
SMiLes in a World That
Is often stone
Cold you express
A totally
None of it
Hides how
What a Blessing
You are A Given
As Friend to
You Greet
Thank you
We Could
Use 7 Billion
And more of A You..
What If Life was Just a
Playground where You
Have all the Time in the
World to Play and Make
New Friends always Bringing
SMiLES to their Faces always
Keeping Long Term Playmates
Well Oiled with fearless
Love a Child’s
Real Life
If Summer
Vacation at the
Corniche Park
Always Now
Where All Children
Have Open Arms of
Love and Endless Games
To Play SMiLes my Friend
Parents and Grand Parents
And other Young Folks
Tell me every time
They Go to
They search for
The Dance of me cause
It makes them Smile with
Glee to see the only really
Happy ‘Working Age’
Adult who
Still Plays
Free like nothing
Has Changed since he was
5 Years-old even before
Kindergarten where
It is Always
In Flow of Art to
Play for it is True
In the USA the Average American
States they have not made a new
Friend in 5 Years so guess what
For just a Few minutes
Of watching me
Dance i Become
That missing
That everyone
Will count on
Coming back
From a Distance
Dancing With me
Vicariously and when
Watching the Videos
Of me Dancing Now so
Many Hundreds probably
Thousands of Dance Videos
Taken of me in doing this
For 11,282
Miles Now in 69
Months innumerable
People Dance
As their reliable
Playmate Who never
Goes away Katrina
Doesn’t like
To Dance
Does my Sister
Out of all the People
In the World if i could
Have a wish for just
One Dance it would
Be you for even though
You are so so Depressed
i would envelope
You with
All that
Would be left
Of You Now is
An Endless Smile
So.. i’ve Been up
Since 3:30 AM
And thinking
Of that
May i
Have this
Dance For Y.O.U?
No Rush for an
Answer it’s
That i
i never go
Away now
For those
Who see me
Now some Days
i wonder
Would Feel
Other than Katrina
And my Sister of course..
Thank you!!!!
Ms.. Hugs!!!
All the
Thank You’s!!!
Been up since
3:30 AM
Online yes
Love And
The Best
Of Best and
Blogging is Fun!!!
Haha.. i counted
Them all
Thank You’s!!! in
A Row.. A Baker’s
Dozen of
Thank You’s!!!
All the
Thank You’s!!!..

Roses without Sleep
Will be thornier
Yet More
Creative for
The Dopamine
Response for
The Brain
Consumes itself
To the Polar
Side of
For now Welcome
To a World of Poetry
Never Ending Stories
After less than 5 Hours
Of Sleep until
Again to Dreams..
With a Bit more
To say about
This with Good
Day or
Whenever You
See it along with
The bits of Beauty
And Creativity i shared
Also on Messenger once
You too are Free again in
Imagination and Creativity
Free my
Friend for
Of Miles Away
Imagination now
And Creativity
Has surely
Our Playground
Virtually Real for Fun..
With Few Limits my Friend..
Of course Imagination and Creativity
Land So Far Removed from Mechanical Cognition
Land for in the World of Auditing and in General
Accounting Land There is only Room For Rules
And there is little to actually no room For Error
Whereas Free Association of Creativity is
Where Errors most often lead to new
Colors of Art again there truly
is no limit.. Imagination and
Creativity is no limit
as long as
is not a Target
Audience you Dance and
Sing to that is a limit and i suppose
That is where greatest Thanks is in my
Store of Human Potential for You as You have
Allowed me the Freedom to Paint You as a Muse
however Errors may come to lead to many other Doors
of Free Association too.. realizing as we both do that this is
A Painting that feels the same as Reality but still Just a Painting
That one always Views from a Distance Yes in this Way you are Really
Great Friend with many Benefits open at least to what i bring still now with
Creativity and Imagination Whole… i tell you everything i hide nothing from
You.. you’ve never judged anything i’ve ever done in Creativity in any part of
our friendship from the Very Start.. and it’s true you are one of few who have been
interested in what i actually do bring through all the Colors of myself this way in Human
Potential and have kept up with my Paths of Life this way at your own speed of course indeed
a Great
You are
this way
and a Source
of Encouragement
and Support too as You in
Life’s Reality in Flesh and Blood
Does allow.. Not all Humans possess the
Same Size iMaGiNaRiumS as mine continues
to Evolve as i have few to limits for it to grow and
grow more.. i spend most of my life in Flow as the
Words come out Faster than i possibly can and will
Plan them my Friend And when there are Feelings of Beauty
i take lots of Risks in other Friendships of Folks who may not
Be Nearly at least as openminded as you are to Creativity but
Yet a Greatest Friend of mine are those friends who do allow
me to express all of who i am to allow me to continue to grow
this way.. i have made you part of my story as mostly
A Blank Canvas i Paint my Way of Seeing you
that is limited of course as i’ve never
Heard Your Voice never seen
the gait of Your Step
which does
allow me
to Paint You
best on Still Shots
and the Poems mostly
as those have mostly gone
away but my memory stays
for the Beauty of all that has
come as i have always realized
deep down that it is all the Human Potential
of My Imagination and Creativity Painted upon
The Work of Art You Naturally Are.. Smile my Friend
the Thanks you’ve given me telling me my words are magic
to you bringing smiles to every interaction are surely enough
my Thanks is your kindness of letting me Paint you as the masterpiece
Work of Art i paint you as another Full Moon Muse has passed now yes Number
It’s been quite an amazing ride for me of course as i haven’t had a zillion other responsibilities
along the way.. i haven’t had Acute Periods of Depression but i am an empath and i have shared those feelings with you.. there were decades where i didn’t understand how to separate myself from the Feelings of others but now there is.. for the days i’ve ached without you are the days i’ve felt your Pain my friend willing to do whatever it takes to help take that away and yes my Feelings are True that come with my Imagination and creativity Yet i realize they are virtual feelings as expressed as Art no different really if we really were part of a Story together in a Movie
come to the
of the
of our Arts
Together Free
on this Digital
Canvas of Life..
The Fire of my Creativity
Burns Brighter as the Days Grow
Longer as You Know i am diagnosed
with Bi-Polar and assessed has having it
well under control with mostly Just a free Dance
And the Creativity as i do to get all the Energy of
my Emotions Expressed.. but again i have the ‘Miami
Vacation’ Luxury of few to no Responsibilities to Sleep
whenever i like to go with 4 Hours of Sleep and Take a Two
Hour Nap whenever i like.. Sleep for 10 Hours in one night
whenever i like.. and A best part of all is You have allowed me to
have an open Canvas to Paint of You.. i feel you understand i am
only painting you and not trying to imprison the Free Spirit you are..
but it’s true unlike Movie Stars we were not strangers when we started this
Movie Caring Friends we have been for Years.. i care deeply for you still this
way and when you are down i am all about raising you up no matter what that takes
somedays it may be just being honest about my feelings my Friend.. they are
not hard
to Express
with someone
who accepts all
of who i am and even
still likes me a bit after
seeing all of who i am.. Now..
that’s Sweet you are not a Woman
of Many Words But What Artist Needs
a Canvas that is Already Painted my Friend..
You.. are my Favorite Poetry Prompt to Paint..
For You Sit Still and Let me Paint you for hours on end..
While i miss you like Crazy particularly when you are down
as i’ve been there done that too so i worry about you going where
i’ve been.. you still let me paint you.. and that connection of Soul Art stays..
A Painter only expects the subject of their Muse to be here to Paint.. Technology
has provided the Tools for that thousands of miles away.. Y.O.U. my favorite Master Piece..
Smiles every Accountant should be treasured this way.. but you are the only Accountant
me Paint
them this way..
And it’s true as the
Months have gone by
i’ve Watched you come to be
More of How i paint you to bring you up..
more to what Your Human Potential will be
in the Future too.. i don’t give up that’s who i am
Providing a Few Stairs for you to climb up too my Friend..
but of course i am Human and there are very few but some
days my Stairway goes a bit down too my Friend but after all
the Heavy Lifting back up i’ve done in my life it’s really an ease for me to move back up..
You Persevere and make it through the Dark You do what you have to do and i Love all of You..
Friend for Real..
it would really be
nice to meet you one day
just to shake your Hand
and let you take a bow while i thank
you in Person all Five Foot Three of You.. my ‘Perfect Angel’ too…
Smiles as i’ve painted you so much bigger than that with smiles…
Imagination Creativity the painting with no distance space or time..
as i’ve sort of Painted you a bit like a Bohemian Rhapsody too my Friend..
Just to feel all the Beautiful Emotions and Senses knowing i always have the way up and out
from Dark
that is truly
Beautiful in the
Grand Scale of our
Realities as there is
no Beauty of Sun without Shadows of Shade..
so we do not burn up in the Desert without Life Giving Water of Clouds..
that and
Light in Darkness too..:)
Speak Poetry Dreams
i Do relate A most
Difficult Gift
And Curse of
Is one
Must Speak
THeir Truth
If it
All One Loves
How many
And Rise
Again now
From This
Both Richly
Giving And
Poorly Receiving…
Sprouts Higher…
As long as A Nap
Is shorter
Oh God if i
Still Worked
All Would
Still be
Poetry Breathes
Now with or without
Wide AwAke..
Humans Will Be
A Functioning
ParT of A Hand Holding Village to ActuAlly Live
Sensitive Humans are
Verily A Blessing but
Our Neural Highways
Traveled too much
Regulating Emotions
And Integrating
Senses are core
To Energy
Focus and
Utilize Best..
Considering Our
Emotions and
Senses flow
From Head to
Toe.. perhaps
A Greatest Failure
For Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy now and the Rest
Of Western Civilization
Describing Half Naked
Indians Dancing
Wildly Freely
Together around
A Campfire as
Savages is
The understood
Fact now
That they were
Their Emotional
Intelligence.. the
Core Always of
Most All so-Called
Rational Decisions..
So.. in ‘Affect’ and
Effect.. “Guardian’s
Of the Galaxy” are
Still Correct there
Are smART ‘Indians’
Who Dance now and
People who Do Not..
Where i live
End at 9th Grade..
How ignorant
Are who
Don’t even
What makes
Us Function
In Mind and Body
Balance Now
All Our
SMiLes in a World That
Is often stone
Cold you express
A totally
None of it
Hides how
What a Blessing
You are A Given
As Friend to
You Greet
Thank you
We Could
Use 7 Billion
And more of A You..
What If Life was Just a
Playground where You
Have all the Time in the
World to Play and Make
New Friends always Bringing
SMiLES to their Faces always
Keeping Long Term Playmates
Well Oiled with fearless
Love a Child’s
Real Life
If Summer
Vacation at the
Corniche Park
Always Now
Where All Children
Have Open Arms of
Love and Endless Games
To Play SMiLes my Friend
Parents and Grand Parents
And other Young Folks
Tell me every time
They Go to
They search for
The Dance of me cause
It makes them Smile with
Glee to see the only really
Happy ‘Working Age’
Adult who
Still Plays
Free like nothing
Has Changed since he was
5 Years-old even before
Kindergarten where
It is Always
In Flow of Art to
Play for it is True
In the USA the Average American
States they have not made a new
Friend in 5 Years so guess what
For just a Few minutes
Of watching me
Dance i Become
That missing
That everyone
Will count on
Coming back
From a Distance
Dancing With me
Vicariously and when
Watching the Videos
Of me Dancing Now so
Many Hundreds probably
Thousands of Dance Videos
Taken of me in doing this
For 11,282
Miles Now in 69
Months innumerable
People Dance
As their reliable
Playmate Who never
Goes away Katrina
Doesn’t like
To Dance
Does my Sister
Out of all the People
In the World if i could
Have a wish for just
One Dance it would
Be you for even though
You are so so Depressed
i would envelope
You with
All that
Would be left
Of You Now is
An Endless Smile
So.. i’ve Been up
Since 3:30 AM
And thinking
Of that
May i
Have this
Dance For Y.O.U?
No Rush for an
Answer it’s
That i
i never go
Away now
For those
Who see me
Now some Days
i wonder
Would Feel
Other than Katrina
And my Sister of course..
Thank you!!!!
Ms.. Hugs!!!
All the
Thank You’s!!!
Been up since
3:30 AM
Online yes
Love And
The Best
Of Best and
Blogging is Fun!!!
Haha.. i counted
Them all
Thank You’s!!! in
A Row.. A Baker’s
Dozen of
Thank You’s!!!
All the
Thank You’s!!!..
Roses without Sleep
Will be thornier
Yet More
Creative for
The Dopamine
Response for
The Brain
Consumes itself
To the Polar
Side of
For now Welcome
To a World of Poetry
Never Ending Stories
After less than 5 Hours
Of Sleep until
Again to Dreams..
With a Bit more
To say about
This with Good
Day or
Whenever You
See it along with
The bits of Beauty
And Creativity i shared
Also on Messenger once
You too are Free again in
Imagination and Creativity
Free my
Friend for
Of Miles Away
Imagination now
And Creativity
Has surely
Our Playground
Virtually Real for Fun..
With Few Limits my Friend..
Of course Imagination and Creativity
Land So Far Removed from Mechanical Cognition
Land for in the World of Auditing and in General
Accounting Land There is only Room For Rules
And there is little to actually no room For Error
Whereas Free Association of Creativity is
Where Errors most often lead to new
Colors of Art again there truly
is no limit.. Imagination and
Creativity is no limit
as long as
is not a Target
Audience you Dance and
Sing to that is a limit and i suppose
That is where greatest Thanks is in my
Store of Human Potential for You as You have
Allowed me the Freedom to Paint You as a Muse
however Errors may come to lead to many other Doors
of Free Association too.. realizing as we both do that this is
A Painting that feels the same as Reality but still Just a Painting
That one always Views from a Distance Yes in this Way you are Really
Great Friend with many Benefits open at least to what i bring still now with
Creativity and Imagination Whole… i tell you everything i hide nothing from
You.. you’ve never judged anything i’ve ever done in Creativity in any part of
our friendship from the Very Start.. and it’s true you are one of few who have been
interested in what i actually do bring through all the Colors of myself this way in Human
Potential and have kept up with my Paths of Life this way at your own speed of course indeed
a Great
You are
this way
and a Source
of Encouragement
and Support too as You in
Life’s Reality in Flesh and Blood
Does allow.. Not all Humans possess the
Same Size iMaGiNaRiumS as mine continues
to Evolve as i have few to limits for it to grow and
grow more.. i spend most of my life in Flow as the
Words come out Faster than i possibly can and will
Plan them my Friend And when there are Feelings of Beauty
i take lots of Risks in other Friendships of Folks who may not
Be Nearly at least as openminded as you are to Creativity but
Yet a Greatest Friend of mine are those friends who do allow
me to express all of who i am to allow me to continue to grow
this way.. i have made you part of my story as mostly
A Blank Canvas i Paint my Way of Seeing you
that is limited of course as i’ve never
Heard Your Voice never seen
the gait of Your Step
which does
allow me
to Paint You
best on Still Shots
and the Poems mostly
as those have mostly gone
away but my memory stays
for the Beauty of all that has
come as i have always realized
deep down that it is all the Human Potential
of My Imagination and Creativity Painted upon
The Work of Art You Naturally Are.. Smile my Friend
the Thanks you’ve given me telling me my words are magic
to you bringing smiles to every interaction are surely enough
my Thanks is your kindness of letting me Paint you as the masterpiece
Work of Art i paint you as another Full Moon Muse has passed now yes Number
It’s been quite an amazing ride for me of course as i haven’t had a zillion other responsibilities
along the way.. i haven’t had Acute Periods of Depression but i am an empath and i have shared those feelings with you.. there were decades where i didn’t understand how to separate myself from the Feelings of others but now there is.. for the days i’ve ached without you are the days i’ve felt your Pain my friend willing to do whatever it takes to help take that away and yes my Feelings are True that come with my Imagination and creativity Yet i realize they are virtual feelings as expressed as Art no different really if we really were part of a Story together in a Movie
come to the
of the
of our Arts
Together Free
on this Digital
Canvas of Life..
The Fire of my Creativity
Burns Brighter as the Days Grow
Longer as You Know i am diagnosed
with Bi-Polar and assessed has having it
well under control with mostly Just a free Dance
And the Creativity as i do to get all the Energy of
my Emotions Expressed.. but again i have the ‘Miami
Vacation’ Luxury of few to no Responsibilities to Sleep
whenever i like to go with 4 Hours of Sleep and Take a Two
Hour Nap whenever i like.. Sleep for 10 Hours in one night
whenever i like.. and A best part of all is You have allowed me to
have an open Canvas to Paint of You.. i feel you understand i am
only painting you and not trying to imprison the Free Spirit you are..
but it’s true unlike Movie Stars we were not strangers when we started this
Movie Caring Friends we have been for Years.. i care deeply for you still this
way and when you are down i am all about raising you up no matter what that takes
somedays it may be just being honest about my feelings my Friend.. they are
not hard
to Express
with someone
who accepts all
of who i am and even
still likes me a bit after
seeing all of who i am.. Now..
that’s Sweet you are not a Woman
of Many Words But What Artist Needs
a Canvas that is Already Painted my Friend..
You.. are my Favorite Poetry Prompt to Paint..
For You Sit Still and Let me Paint you for hours on end..
While i miss you like Crazy particularly when you are down
as i’ve been there done that too so i worry about you going where
i’ve been.. you still let me paint you.. and that connection of Soul Art stays..
A Painter only expects the subject of their Muse to be here to Paint.. Technology
has provided the Tools for that thousands of miles away.. Y.O.U. my favorite Master Piece..
Smiles every Accountant should be treasured this way.. but you are the only Accountant
me Paint
them this way..
And it’s true as the
Months have gone by
i’ve Watched you come to be
More of How i paint you to bring you up..
more to what Your Human Potential will be
in the Future too.. i don’t give up that’s who i am
Providing a Few Stairs for you to climb up too my Friend..
but of course i am Human and there are very few but some
days my Stairway goes a bit down too my Friend but after all
the Heavy Lifting back up i’ve done in my life it’s really an ease for me to move back up..
You Persevere and make it through the Dark You do what you have to do and i Love all of You..
Friend for Real..
it would really be
nice to meet you one day
just to shake your Hand
and let you take a bow while i thank
you in Person all Five Foot Three of You.. my ‘Perfect Angel’ too…
Smiles as i’ve painted you so much bigger than that with smiles…
Imagination Creativity the painting with no distance space or time..
as i’ve sort of Painted you a bit like a Bohemian Rhapsody too my Friend..
Just to feel all the Beautiful Emotions and Senses knowing i always have the way up and out
from Dark
that is truly
Beautiful in the
Grand Scale of our
Realities as there is
no Beauty of Sun without Shadows of Shade..
so we do not burn up in the Desert without Life Giving Water of Clouds..
that and
Light in Darkness too..:)
It’s always a Festival A
Feast A Fair Ride
And Disney World
Just little
Old me
If i stopped to
Think about
It i wouldn’t
You are very
All Mothers
And Honors..
Of God yes if my
Wife was like me
We would
The Life out
Of the UniVerse
Like 2 Black
Hole Stars
And i’m
Not Saying Who
Is What..hehe..
Off to ‘After Church’
It won’t be long before my Drill Sgt.
who insures i arrive at Church in a timely
Manner Next Instructs me firmly to get my
Ass off this Computer now Before we are late
to Church but still a few minutes to tell a Story
Here as this Story is going to Require a Scape
Goat that most everyone will relate to.. to
be very repulsed by at least.. no need
to keep a Secret Charles Manson
Will Work for that so
anyway Katrina
Questions the Value
of me Telling Stories online
most all the time as far as Human
Clock Time Measured Grows so i said let
me ask You something.. do You Love and Worship
Jesus and of course i am from Milton rarely do you come
across anyone who will reply no to this Question but with
Details of the Jesus Story Given and Received the Answers
Grow a Bit more Hairy so to speak.. so i asked let me ask you
This if not for Story tellers considering that Jesus Never
Wrote a Word Down and no one Wrote a Word Down
About Him Many Years after his Death as many
Authors.. some with Ghost names like Luke
and Matthew and Mark as John might
have actually been named John
and more than likely there
was a Saul who
become Paul
And Related a Story
About a Man Named Jesus
from a Vision he had on a Road
to Damascus but anyway the fact
remains if Story tellers did not tell their
Stories Jesus would have never have existed at
all for you so sure as far as Jesus Goes Thanks God
of Nature for the Art of Story Tellers and finally
the Written Word and Xerox machines so the story
does not continue to Change over Centuries and
Centuries of Scribe Copying Mistakes and Intentional
Changes by Folks who Feel like their Holy Spirit Driven Thoughts
in Creativity are Greater than the ones that came before for
after all it clearly states in John 14:12 that Jesus Gives the
Authority to do Greater Works than Him if ‘they’ believe in
the things he says in other Words if they Believe in Him..
So Verily he is specifying then that He will not necessarily
Be A Greatest Love Worker Bringing Love to the World as
He Gives that Authority for You to do now
if only you follow what he Believes
in too.. so.. true i could ask
most any Christian
if they Love
Jesus and
And Worship Him
as the Greatest Human
Being ever and they will
verily say yes he is the most
Important Human who ever lived..
but of course again he never wrote down
a Word of His Story so many other Folks made
that Reality Real to Read now.. so then next i might
ask should we allow those Seeking Asylum from Poor
Countries to our South to come across our Border to
Seek Refuge and chances are they would say Hell no
that is illegal we have to help our own first our own
People of this Country those folks are less important
than us.. big fail of course as Jesus already says clearly
that if you do not help the poorest among you.. you
do not help Jesus nor do you Love Jesus if
You do not Love the
Lost Sheep
among us..
Yes if You Love
Jesus you take care of
the Lost Sheep that is
what the Story of Jesus expects
of you.. true it also says do unto others
as you would have them do unto to you the Golden
Rule as such so while most of the Trump Supporters
who are so-called Christians but they really aren’t as
it disgusts them to think they might have to pay tax money
to clothe and feed the poor from other countries.. who are
seeking refuge and asylum from injury and death where they
live.. in fact some of them have actually been recorded
cheering when someone suggests the answer is to
Shoot them dead as they cross the Border which
sounds a whole lot like Really killing a Baby after
they are born and not just Faux News as that
has been Reported on Faux News Stations too..
so as far as the Golden Rule Goes they must
ask Their Self what if Charlie Manson
was still alive and decided to visit
the Bedroom of their 12 Year old
Daughter who hit puberty a
bit Early and is surely
Fertile enough to
have a Child what if Charlie
decided to mix his Sperm with
Her Egg and Create a Charlie Manson
Child of His with Her Egg would you Support
the Growth of that Egg All through the Pregnancy
would you make your 12 Year-old Daughter relive
the Horror of the Rape as the Charlie Manson Boy
or Girl Was Growing slowly in her Womb for all 9
Months and what if that Baby looked just like
Charlie and even tried
to Start a Cult
Before he even
Turned 12 What
if your Grandchild Turned
into a Rapist all around the Neighborhood
Block would you vote for a President who bragged
you would vote for him even if he shot someone
in Public well it’s true You Might Have him as
too.. it would
be no different
Really as Charlie
Manson’s Breed and Grow..
Trust me or not i ‘know’
More of ‘You’.. you would drive
to Hell
to get
that abortion
for your Child at
least if you loved your
Child as Much as Jesus
You surely would not Crucify
Your Child for that or would You Crucify
Jesus again for the rule of law over Truth in Light..
And Let’s not forget about all the Abuse Growing up that
and who made Charlie Manson into the total Product of who
he became.. perhaps the 12 Year-Old Daughter Would consider
the Environment that Charlie Was Raised in and Feel She Could
Raise a Better Charlie Manson than that but really looking at all
the Middle Aged Men with their Arms Wrapped around their Precious
Daughters would they wanna support any of that.. should the Daughter
Be Adult enough to consider the differences in innate and environmentally
Produced Psychopathic Leaning Genetic or Environmentally Influenced real evil
in the World that only gains pleasure from harming others as yes they make great
Killers when it comes to Humanly Produced Wars to Kill each other for Tribal needs too..
sure they
stay in
the Gene
Pool this way
too.. effective
Tools when the Home soils
turn more a Color of Red..
Basically what i’m saying is
Life is no Black and White Rule
Carefully consider the Consequences
as if you do not what You may Receive is
Your Worst Nightmare actually come to Life
in even Your own home next.. we reap what we sow we really do..
You can do all the Faux News ya Want but you will never ever
Mother Nature
as you will not
dress her or rule her as you will….
Mother Nature is Free She will Fuck you up
if you Fuck her up too.. just Wait and See happens when you do….
Feast A Fair Ride
And Disney World
Just little
Old me
If i stopped to
Think about
It i wouldn’t
You are very
All Mothers
And Honors..
Of God yes if my
Wife was like me
We would
The Life out
Of the UniVerse
Like 2 Black
Hole Stars
And i’m
Not Saying Who
Is What..hehe..
Off to ‘After Church’
It won’t be long before my Drill Sgt.
who insures i arrive at Church in a timely
Manner Next Instructs me firmly to get my
Ass off this Computer now Before we are late
to Church but still a few minutes to tell a Story
Here as this Story is going to Require a Scape
Goat that most everyone will relate to.. to
be very repulsed by at least.. no need
to keep a Secret Charles Manson
Will Work for that so
anyway Katrina
Questions the Value
of me Telling Stories online
most all the time as far as Human
Clock Time Measured Grows so i said let
me ask You something.. do You Love and Worship
Jesus and of course i am from Milton rarely do you come
across anyone who will reply no to this Question but with
Details of the Jesus Story Given and Received the Answers
Grow a Bit more Hairy so to speak.. so i asked let me ask you
This if not for Story tellers considering that Jesus Never
Wrote a Word Down and no one Wrote a Word Down
About Him Many Years after his Death as many
Authors.. some with Ghost names like Luke
and Matthew and Mark as John might
have actually been named John
and more than likely there
was a Saul who
become Paul
And Related a Story
About a Man Named Jesus
from a Vision he had on a Road
to Damascus but anyway the fact
remains if Story tellers did not tell their
Stories Jesus would have never have existed at
all for you so sure as far as Jesus Goes Thanks God
of Nature for the Art of Story Tellers and finally
the Written Word and Xerox machines so the story
does not continue to Change over Centuries and
Centuries of Scribe Copying Mistakes and Intentional
Changes by Folks who Feel like their Holy Spirit Driven Thoughts
in Creativity are Greater than the ones that came before for
after all it clearly states in John 14:12 that Jesus Gives the
Authority to do Greater Works than Him if ‘they’ believe in
the things he says in other Words if they Believe in Him..
So Verily he is specifying then that He will not necessarily
Be A Greatest Love Worker Bringing Love to the World as
He Gives that Authority for You to do now
if only you follow what he Believes
in too.. so.. true i could ask
most any Christian
if they Love
Jesus and
And Worship Him
as the Greatest Human
Being ever and they will
verily say yes he is the most
Important Human who ever lived..
but of course again he never wrote down
a Word of His Story so many other Folks made
that Reality Real to Read now.. so then next i might
ask should we allow those Seeking Asylum from Poor
Countries to our South to come across our Border to
Seek Refuge and chances are they would say Hell no
that is illegal we have to help our own first our own
People of this Country those folks are less important
than us.. big fail of course as Jesus already says clearly
that if you do not help the poorest among you.. you
do not help Jesus nor do you Love Jesus if
You do not Love the
Lost Sheep
among us..
Yes if You Love
Jesus you take care of
the Lost Sheep that is
what the Story of Jesus expects
of you.. true it also says do unto others
as you would have them do unto to you the Golden
Rule as such so while most of the Trump Supporters
who are so-called Christians but they really aren’t as
it disgusts them to think they might have to pay tax money
to clothe and feed the poor from other countries.. who are
seeking refuge and asylum from injury and death where they
live.. in fact some of them have actually been recorded
cheering when someone suggests the answer is to
Shoot them dead as they cross the Border which
sounds a whole lot like Really killing a Baby after
they are born and not just Faux News as that
has been Reported on Faux News Stations too..
so as far as the Golden Rule Goes they must
ask Their Self what if Charlie Manson
was still alive and decided to visit
the Bedroom of their 12 Year old
Daughter who hit puberty a
bit Early and is surely
Fertile enough to
have a Child what if Charlie
decided to mix his Sperm with
Her Egg and Create a Charlie Manson
Child of His with Her Egg would you Support
the Growth of that Egg All through the Pregnancy
would you make your 12 Year-old Daughter relive
the Horror of the Rape as the Charlie Manson Boy
or Girl Was Growing slowly in her Womb for all 9
Months and what if that Baby looked just like
Charlie and even tried
to Start a Cult
Before he even
Turned 12 What
if your Grandchild Turned
into a Rapist all around the Neighborhood
Block would you vote for a President who bragged
you would vote for him even if he shot someone
in Public well it’s true You Might Have him as
too.. it would
be no different
Really as Charlie
Manson’s Breed and Grow..
Trust me or not i ‘know’
More of ‘You’.. you would drive
to Hell
to get
that abortion
for your Child at
least if you loved your
Child as Much as Jesus
You surely would not Crucify
Your Child for that or would You Crucify
Jesus again for the rule of law over Truth in Light..
And Let’s not forget about all the Abuse Growing up that
and who made Charlie Manson into the total Product of who
he became.. perhaps the 12 Year-Old Daughter Would consider
the Environment that Charlie Was Raised in and Feel She Could
Raise a Better Charlie Manson than that but really looking at all
the Middle Aged Men with their Arms Wrapped around their Precious
Daughters would they wanna support any of that.. should the Daughter
Be Adult enough to consider the differences in innate and environmentally
Produced Psychopathic Leaning Genetic or Environmentally Influenced real evil
in the World that only gains pleasure from harming others as yes they make great
Killers when it comes to Humanly Produced Wars to Kill each other for Tribal needs too..
sure they
stay in
the Gene
Pool this way
too.. effective
Tools when the Home soils
turn more a Color of Red..
Basically what i’m saying is
Life is no Black and White Rule
Carefully consider the Consequences
as if you do not what You may Receive is
Your Worst Nightmare actually come to Life
in even Your own home next.. we reap what we sow we really do..
You can do all the Faux News ya Want but you will never ever
Mother Nature
as you will not
dress her or rule her as you will….
Mother Nature is Free She will Fuck you up
if you Fuck her up too.. just Wait and See happens when you do….
Positive Thinking Without the Realities of
Our Shadows Our Aggressions and Our Lusts
in Life Integrated almost always ends up Failing
Losing as
the Shadow
Not Released
And Played with
and Mastered in a
Playground of Life
Creates a Slave out of us
instead of Worthy Servant
to Regulate our Emotions and
Senses as that is applicable to
Our Aggressions and Lusts in Life True..
Sadly when i go to Church and in some Churches
i visit it seems to be All Shadow News and Bad News
but then on the Other Hand other Churches Tend to
Sugar Coat the Shadow Side as the Devil rather than
the Snake Brain and Limbic System within us that
Truly is the core
of all
of our Rational
Decisions as some
folks may Say that to do
the Golden Rule all ya have
to do is choose to do it with
Free Will Problem being of course
is we only Have Relative Free Will as
Our Emotions and Senses are the Progenitor
of most all our so-Called Rational Thoughts
As Our So-Called Rational Thoughts are only
Really evolved in our Neo-Cortex Executively
Speaking as Servant to our Limbic System for Emotions
and Our Oldest Reptile Brain for Amygdala and Brain Stem
to Get the Fight or Flight done for Survival and of course the
Lust Driving Force for Reproduction too.. as Males Get more Creative
When a Fertile Looking Women comes around and Women who are Fertile
Become more Cooperative to Receive the Attention of the Fearless Man not
afraid to compete with his Greatest Creative Efforts to Win Her attention too..
It is not
Thinking that
is the core of all
we do it is Positive
Feeling and Sensing
Life that is the master
of who we all are otherwise
we would have never gotten
this far if the Pleasure Principle
of Life did not win over the Pains in the Asses of Life..
the after effect are the guideposts of the Abstract Constructs
We Co-Create Like Words that my be either the Stair Way to
Heaven or so much Closer to Hell.. Words Count Feelings and
Senses come First most always first for if you don’t have Emotions
and are Brain Damaged as such you won’t be able to Pick out what
Color of Socks You even wanna wear to Church if you ever think
about going
at all
Before getting
Past Different Color
Socks as Emotions and
Senses innate and Evolved
Longest still Requires a Dance
of life to Generate the Colors of Emotions Free Regulated
to be to inspire most all we do in life with our Senses all Integrated too..
SMiLes my Friend Ms. Hugs when we come
to See Darkness More as Muse to Move Toward
A Balance oF Light in how we feel and sense life
We Truly
Dark by
not Fearing
it and instead
Embracing Dark
to move Closer to
Light in Balance as of course
No Light without Dark no Sunshine
Without Clouds it is the up that is the down
the inside that is the outside as all around
Life comes in Balance this way when
We neither Fear the Dark or
are Cynical oF LiGht.
hmm.. some
folks are
afraid of
Pain and indeed
some folks are indeed
Afraid of Pleasure other wise
we would all be Dancing Naked
Around a Campfire telling each
other Romantic Stories and the
Such in Erotica too just for Fun.. hehe..
it’s a mix it’s not just Chocolate or Vanilla
but it may both ultimately be Sweet for overall ‘Life is Good’
when we
With Vanilla Life..
is no
of me
or Make
but how i
tune my Ferrari
Original Hehe..
do as
i’m behind
you all the way..
SMiLes as Far as Views go on my other 6 Blogs i administrate
Past Word Press When Google Plus was fully operational and
Measured them all i copy and pasted my Views just for the Record
Book for what i do with Google Plus at 1.5 Million Views or So and
that was back in 2016.. just one of those Blogs is getting Close to
300K Views just a Copy And Paste Blog that is actually one that
is possible to open
up unlike the
Spinning Wheel
of opening my Entire
Word Press Blog as i purposely
designed it for the actual feel of what it is
like to open up a Book that for all practical
intents and purposes is a never ending story
with no real end or beginning that might
weigh more than a Tree in Print Version
haha.. yes 6.9 Million Words and
170 Thousand Photos or So
and over 10 Thousand
YouTube Videos
Would cut
a Portion of
A Tree down to
Put in Print hehe..
i’ve never been in this for
the Views but it does amuse me
when so many folks view what i do
but are afraid to Leave any kind of record
of who they are at all hehe.. except for
Country or Origin as back when i
linked my Body Art it was
kinda easy to
tell who
was looking
at that restricted
Blog haha.. by Country
of Origin in the Stats then..
and yeah as i think i told ya once
as far as Breaking Standards go and
not giving a fuck what kinda art someone
else thinks i should appropriately do one
of my Blog Posts where i did a funny pose
in my Underwear generated over 300,000
Plus-Ups according to the Google Plus Stats
i still do not believe it though it must have been an
Underwear bug.. hehe.. anyway.. opening up a Never
Ending Story in the Word Press Reader of mine actually
Crashes Word Press so it’s not like i am gonna be worried about views
and enough come on my other Blogs to show i am surely being used..
It may be hard to believe for the folks who didn’t
know me before i escaped from the Cocoon of the
Toxic Patriarchy where i live but there
was once a day i never
Strayed off the
of Life
Did something
anything really that
i could even possibly
Fail at.. take money out
of the equation and all is Free
No one to Rule over me only following
Local and State and Federal Laws now
And if folks don’t like my other Freedoms
Just ignore me/turn me off but i’m not going
away at all.. SMiLes the wife and i were in
the ‘Best Buy’ Store as she was looking
at Blu Ray Movies to potentially buy more..
i still have a Whole Library we purchased
Years before that i never find time to watch
as most all my life now is spent producing
Original Creativity of my
own in Fact i never
even tried
using the
Word Press
Reader until
my iMac would no
Longer allow me to
Like the Posts of the
Very Few People i actually
did read and enjoy from my
Email Subscriptions but i make
sure i leave some kind of record that
i read what they do.. and i rarely comment
simply for i will take the Oxygen and the Thunder
out of a Room and i don’t do that unless i am sure
i am welcome to be all of who i am.. i’m not much
for one to turn the faucet off.. haha.. anyway there
are so many
works of
Art i would
Love to Watch
and Hear but ‘Game
of Thrones’ i Rather Now
Write and Direct and Produce
And Play in my own Original Version
that has not much to do with that show at
all.. hehe.. at least as far as i know as i’ve never
watched it or really read the Cliff notes much on
Wiki.. what’s really nice about a Popular Show like
That is it gives folks some kind of common Bind of
Bond yes like Religion to talk around the Water Cooler
at Work.. that is if people still talk over text but sure they
will text about ‘their Religion’ too in what ever common Bonds
for Bind they may find in life as all of us Humans if we are ‘normal’
At Least Practice some kind of Bonding Force whether it be Sports
or Politics or Religion or Whatever Brings two or more Folks Together
to chit
in common
they bond and
bind together as
‘Apes’ Naturally Stronger
together no matter if we
are sharing bonds of Dark or Light
as true some folks bond over Horror
Stories and other Folks Bond Better over
Romance Stories depends on if one loves
Good News or Magic Muse Most hehe.. i’ll take/do the Magic
and the
Most with SMiLes..
ain’t got no time for no
Blood Shed as we are what
we feed our soul next and that’s how our Brain Just Works
as evolved by Nature now.. feed dark grow dark feed light grow
light but no reason to be afraid of the Dark but no reason to really practice it
one is
changing it to LiGHT..
as always Ilona Thanks
i just knocked 1555 Words out
of Your ‘Park’.. All mY PleaSure Principle.. Sure…1560..;)
Our Shadows Our Aggressions and Our Lusts
in Life Integrated almost always ends up Failing
Losing as
the Shadow
Not Released
And Played with
and Mastered in a
Playground of Life
Creates a Slave out of us
instead of Worthy Servant
to Regulate our Emotions and
Senses as that is applicable to
Our Aggressions and Lusts in Life True..
Sadly when i go to Church and in some Churches
i visit it seems to be All Shadow News and Bad News
but then on the Other Hand other Churches Tend to
Sugar Coat the Shadow Side as the Devil rather than
the Snake Brain and Limbic System within us that
Truly is the core
of all
of our Rational
Decisions as some
folks may Say that to do
the Golden Rule all ya have
to do is choose to do it with
Free Will Problem being of course
is we only Have Relative Free Will as
Our Emotions and Senses are the Progenitor
of most all our so-Called Rational Thoughts
As Our So-Called Rational Thoughts are only
Really evolved in our Neo-Cortex Executively
Speaking as Servant to our Limbic System for Emotions
and Our Oldest Reptile Brain for Amygdala and Brain Stem
to Get the Fight or Flight done for Survival and of course the
Lust Driving Force for Reproduction too.. as Males Get more Creative
When a Fertile Looking Women comes around and Women who are Fertile
Become more Cooperative to Receive the Attention of the Fearless Man not
afraid to compete with his Greatest Creative Efforts to Win Her attention too..
It is not
Thinking that
is the core of all
we do it is Positive
Feeling and Sensing
Life that is the master
of who we all are otherwise
we would have never gotten
this far if the Pleasure Principle
of Life did not win over the Pains in the Asses of Life..
the after effect are the guideposts of the Abstract Constructs
We Co-Create Like Words that my be either the Stair Way to
Heaven or so much Closer to Hell.. Words Count Feelings and
Senses come First most always first for if you don’t have Emotions
and are Brain Damaged as such you won’t be able to Pick out what
Color of Socks You even wanna wear to Church if you ever think
about going
at all
Before getting
Past Different Color
Socks as Emotions and
Senses innate and Evolved
Longest still Requires a Dance
of life to Generate the Colors of Emotions Free Regulated
to be to inspire most all we do in life with our Senses all Integrated too..
SMiLes my Friend Ms. Hugs when we come
to See Darkness More as Muse to Move Toward
A Balance oF Light in how we feel and sense life
We Truly
Dark by
not Fearing
it and instead
Embracing Dark
to move Closer to
Light in Balance as of course
No Light without Dark no Sunshine
Without Clouds it is the up that is the down
the inside that is the outside as all around
Life comes in Balance this way when
We neither Fear the Dark or
are Cynical oF LiGht.
hmm.. some
folks are
afraid of
Pain and indeed
some folks are indeed
Afraid of Pleasure other wise
we would all be Dancing Naked
Around a Campfire telling each
other Romantic Stories and the
Such in Erotica too just for Fun.. hehe..
it’s a mix it’s not just Chocolate or Vanilla
but it may both ultimately be Sweet for overall ‘Life is Good’
when we
With Vanilla Life..
is no
of me
or Make
but how i
tune my Ferrari
Original Hehe..
do as
i’m behind
you all the way..
SMiLes as Far as Views go on my other 6 Blogs i administrate
Past Word Press When Google Plus was fully operational and
Measured them all i copy and pasted my Views just for the Record
Book for what i do with Google Plus at 1.5 Million Views or So and
that was back in 2016.. just one of those Blogs is getting Close to
300K Views just a Copy And Paste Blog that is actually one that
is possible to open
up unlike the
Spinning Wheel
of opening my Entire
Word Press Blog as i purposely
designed it for the actual feel of what it is
like to open up a Book that for all practical
intents and purposes is a never ending story
with no real end or beginning that might
weigh more than a Tree in Print Version
haha.. yes 6.9 Million Words and
170 Thousand Photos or So
and over 10 Thousand
YouTube Videos
Would cut
a Portion of
A Tree down to
Put in Print hehe..
i’ve never been in this for
the Views but it does amuse me
when so many folks view what i do
but are afraid to Leave any kind of record
of who they are at all hehe.. except for
Country or Origin as back when i
linked my Body Art it was
kinda easy to
tell who
was looking
at that restricted
Blog haha.. by Country
of Origin in the Stats then..
and yeah as i think i told ya once
as far as Breaking Standards go and
not giving a fuck what kinda art someone
else thinks i should appropriately do one
of my Blog Posts where i did a funny pose
in my Underwear generated over 300,000
Plus-Ups according to the Google Plus Stats
i still do not believe it though it must have been an
Underwear bug.. hehe.. anyway.. opening up a Never
Ending Story in the Word Press Reader of mine actually
Crashes Word Press so it’s not like i am gonna be worried about views
and enough come on my other Blogs to show i am surely being used..
It may be hard to believe for the folks who didn’t
know me before i escaped from the Cocoon of the
Toxic Patriarchy where i live but there
was once a day i never
Strayed off the
of Life
Did something
anything really that
i could even possibly
Fail at.. take money out
of the equation and all is Free
No one to Rule over me only following
Local and State and Federal Laws now
And if folks don’t like my other Freedoms
Just ignore me/turn me off but i’m not going
away at all.. SMiLes the wife and i were in
the ‘Best Buy’ Store as she was looking
at Blu Ray Movies to potentially buy more..
i still have a Whole Library we purchased
Years before that i never find time to watch
as most all my life now is spent producing
Original Creativity of my
own in Fact i never
even tried
using the
Word Press
Reader until
my iMac would no
Longer allow me to
Like the Posts of the
Very Few People i actually
did read and enjoy from my
Email Subscriptions but i make
sure i leave some kind of record that
i read what they do.. and i rarely comment
simply for i will take the Oxygen and the Thunder
out of a Room and i don’t do that unless i am sure
i am welcome to be all of who i am.. i’m not much
for one to turn the faucet off.. haha.. anyway there
are so many
works of
Art i would
Love to Watch
and Hear but ‘Game
of Thrones’ i Rather Now
Write and Direct and Produce
And Play in my own Original Version
that has not much to do with that show at
all.. hehe.. at least as far as i know as i’ve never
watched it or really read the Cliff notes much on
Wiki.. what’s really nice about a Popular Show like
That is it gives folks some kind of common Bind of
Bond yes like Religion to talk around the Water Cooler
at Work.. that is if people still talk over text but sure they
will text about ‘their Religion’ too in what ever common Bonds
for Bind they may find in life as all of us Humans if we are ‘normal’
At Least Practice some kind of Bonding Force whether it be Sports
or Politics or Religion or Whatever Brings two or more Folks Together
to chit
in common
they bond and
bind together as
‘Apes’ Naturally Stronger
together no matter if we
are sharing bonds of Dark or Light
as true some folks bond over Horror
Stories and other Folks Bond Better over
Romance Stories depends on if one loves
Good News or Magic Muse Most hehe.. i’ll take/do the Magic
and the
Most with SMiLes..
ain’t got no time for no
Blood Shed as we are what
we feed our soul next and that’s how our Brain Just Works
as evolved by Nature now.. feed dark grow dark feed light grow
light but no reason to be afraid of the Dark but no reason to really practice it
one is
changing it to LiGHT..
as always Ilona Thanks
i just knocked 1555 Words out
of Your ‘Park’.. All mY PleaSure Principle.. Sure…1560..;)
A Real Man And Or Woman
Fights For Their Own Truth
In Light With No
Respect to
in Win or Lose
The Real CRowN
The Real ‘GaMe of
Thrones’ Is YouR Story
You Sing And Dance iN Light
Other Than That Good Afternoon
to You in France.. Ilona P. AKA Ms. Hugs..
The ‘Nice’
Gifted US
With Lady Liberty..
The Torch That Remains
Lit Is We Who Continue
To Sing And Dance Our
Own Stories BRAVE AND FREE..
A Story of Hope/Love or Fear/Hate or No Story Of YouR Own YouR WiLL Smaller
Or Greater NoW A Moral of A Jesus ‘Commoner’ Story is Create A Greater Story Than Jesus Loving All Harming no one (John 14:12) There Are Some Folks in This Country Who Want To Force You to Follow Their ‘Commoner Story’.. They Disrespect A Flag iMaGiNE A Place WHeRE You Tell YouR Own Story… Founding Fathers/Mothers of This Country Created It Hmm.. i’M Sort
oF A LiVinG DYinG BreeD Ain’t THaT Par FoR A CourSE iN ‘RoMe’ ‘Commoners’ Are
Folks Who only Follow other Stories Yet to Sing And Dance THeiR Own ‘GaME of THRoneS’
Yes i Dovetail off the Story of Jesus How Else Do You Reach Folks in Rome Among the ‘Commoners’ A Story of Jesus in John 14:12 iS onLY A STarTeR Kit to Sing And
Dance A Greater Story For YOU NoW Achieving HeaVeN oN EartH NoW
Physician Heal thYSelf Sing YouR Story/Truth Dance iT iN LiGHT
‘Bible Writers’ And ‘Story Tellers’ aRe iN Charge of HeARTS
SpiRiTS RuLinG HuMaN Souls Dark thru Light Dead Or
Alive Living i Wrote A Moral oF A STory Sunday
Morning Internet Cliff Notes Sing
‘Game of Thrones’ stories Amen to That
Average Human Assessed With Attention Spans
Less Than Gold Fish No Story Tellers Make Modern HuMaN DiSease
Story Tellers Heal And Prevent DiSease.. WHere Hope/Love Rules
Stories Heal they Connect Words With Emotions That Literally Now
Remedy DisEase Or They Create DiSease In Stories of Fear/Hate
Emotions Are Neuro-Chemicals/Hormones That Heal Or Prevent
Or Create Disease.. Words That Do Not Connect Living Emotions
Are Dead Stories.. A KinG/Queen Of Freedom Plays to No Audience…
HiS/HeR Story… Only Throne…
A Crowd Jeered Shoot
The Poor immigrant
Crossing the Border
Their Leader Laughed
Only in the Panhandle
Of Florida Will You
Get away With that
After he shamelessly
Crowed without regret
You will Support me
Even if i shoot some
One in Public these
People who support
A Best example
Of John 8:44
Jesus they
Set Barabbas
Free instead
Each and every
Day they Support
Their neWest Leader
John 8:44 and Fail
To do their
John 14:12..
Florida is as Far
Away From that
Jesus as their Leader
Tells his Christian
Followers This with
A Big Toothy
Being in Hell now..
Who is Christian
Enough to
Jesus over
Free and
In Deed
In terms
Of John 8:44..
i for one Travel a Globe
On a Ship Built for
Angel Wings
There is no
Chaka Can
Will i
Of those ‘Angels’
And ‘Demons’ too..
A Fast of Food And A Fill
of Love Will Surely Nourish
Them More Than Instant Gratification
WithouT A Depth of SoUL
NamELy NoW
THaT wHo iS OCeaN
Fights For Their Own Truth
In Light With No
Respect to
in Win or Lose
The Real CRowN
The Real ‘GaMe of
Thrones’ Is YouR Story
You Sing And Dance iN Light
Other Than That Good Afternoon
to You in France.. Ilona P. AKA Ms. Hugs..
The ‘Nice’
Gifted US
With Lady Liberty..
The Torch That Remains
Lit Is We Who Continue
To Sing And Dance Our
Own Stories BRAVE AND FREE..
A Story of Hope/Love or Fear/Hate or No Story Of YouR Own YouR WiLL Smaller
Or Greater NoW A Moral of A Jesus ‘Commoner’ Story is Create A Greater Story Than Jesus Loving All Harming no one (John 14:12) There Are Some Folks in This Country Who Want To Force You to Follow Their ‘Commoner Story’.. They Disrespect A Flag iMaGiNE A Place WHeRE You Tell YouR Own Story… Founding Fathers/Mothers of This Country Created It Hmm.. i’M Sort
oF A LiVinG DYinG BreeD Ain’t THaT Par FoR A CourSE iN ‘RoMe’ ‘Commoners’ Are
Folks Who only Follow other Stories Yet to Sing And Dance THeiR Own ‘GaME of THRoneS’
Yes i Dovetail off the Story of Jesus How Else Do You Reach Folks in Rome Among the ‘Commoners’ A Story of Jesus in John 14:12 iS onLY A STarTeR Kit to Sing And
Dance A Greater Story For YOU NoW Achieving HeaVeN oN EartH NoW
Physician Heal thYSelf Sing YouR Story/Truth Dance iT iN LiGHT
‘Bible Writers’ And ‘Story Tellers’ aRe iN Charge of HeARTS
SpiRiTS RuLinG HuMaN Souls Dark thru Light Dead Or
Alive Living i Wrote A Moral oF A STory Sunday
Morning Internet Cliff Notes Sing
‘Game of Thrones’ stories Amen to That
Average Human Assessed With Attention Spans
Less Than Gold Fish No Story Tellers Make Modern HuMaN DiSease
Story Tellers Heal And Prevent DiSease.. WHere Hope/Love Rules
Stories Heal they Connect Words With Emotions That Literally Now
Remedy DisEase Or They Create DiSease In Stories of Fear/Hate
Emotions Are Neuro-Chemicals/Hormones That Heal Or Prevent
Or Create Disease.. Words That Do Not Connect Living Emotions
Are Dead Stories.. A KinG/Queen Of Freedom Plays to No Audience…
HiS/HeR Story… Only Throne…
A Crowd Jeered Shoot
The Poor immigrant
Crossing the Border
Their Leader Laughed
Only in the Panhandle
Of Florida Will You
Get away With that
After he shamelessly
Crowed without regret
You will Support me
Even if i shoot some
One in Public these
People who support
A Best example
Of John 8:44
Jesus they
Set Barabbas
Free instead
Each and every
Day they Support
Their neWest Leader
John 8:44 and Fail
To do their
John 14:12..
Florida is as Far
Away From that
Jesus as their Leader
Tells his Christian
Followers This with
A Big Toothy
Being in Hell now..
Who is Christian
Enough to
Jesus over
Free and
In Deed
In terms
Of John 8:44..
i for one Travel a Globe
On a Ship Built for
Angel Wings
There is no
Chaka Can
Will i
Of those ‘Angels’
And ‘Demons’ too..
A Fast of Food And A Fill
of Love Will Surely Nourish
Them More Than Instant Gratification
WithouT A Depth of SoUL
NamELy NoW
THaT wHo iS OCeaN
A Longer Version but not too much Longer
In the End and the Beginning Now It will be
Your ‘Inner Gangster’ Who Saves You Lowest
SMiLes Yes.. Hope Your Day has gone greater
Well.. Hoping a Greeting From You Yesterday
Means you are Feeling a Bit Better but reAlly
i don’t know so it’s only a Pleasure
to Wish You
Well on
Day Now too my Friend..
Hellooove To You Himali..
Either We Spread Love
or We Don’t it’s sort
of as simple as
That Sadly
that is no
World at all
Takes that away
from us if we allow it
too.. if we feel or know
We have any choice at all..
And of course as Always i do
Remember What the Illusion
of no
Did to me…
The Birds Do
Care they go ahead
And Fly for they inherit
the Abundance of the Real
World as Flight of Wild Loving Life
Wings Will Naturally Do when Brave Wild and Free..
Never Now
From a World
From Nature
Loving Life Wild
And Free no Separation
From God (Nature) When
Whole Like this Living Free…
Emotions Save Soul Best When Expressed
Emotions Lose Soul Worst When Not Expressed
Lift us Up
on Angel Wings
Who Will EVeNTuALLy
Cry Tears of JoY iN Light
Extending An Eternal Now
of Hope and Love over
Stone Cold Hearts
that and who
Fear And Hate..
SMiLes.. ReMeMBeR
Humans Domesticated
‘Lions’ as ‘Cats’
Now ‘Humans’
are ‘Cats’
That ‘Lions’
As ‘AC/DC’
Sings and Dances
‘Who made Who’
We Make Lions
Master Us..
in other Words
We Fail as Wild And
Loving Free More often…
We are Often only Domesticated
Cats NoW No Longer Lions Brave
And Free With Lion Heart and Courage
Other than that from what i’ve Seen and
Felt and Sensed at Least Cats Master Humans
Loving Tricks Like Purrs…
Domesticated Dogs Teach us How to
Love.. Feral Cats that and who are only
Lions In Smaller Packages Teach us How to Be
Wild Brave and Free Again..
i am no Domesticated
iSinG iDance Free
For A Little Lion
A ‘Yellow Boy’ Feral Cat Savior
Brought me Back to Wild Brave
And Loving Free Again Now For Real..:)
In the End and the Beginning Now It will be
Your ‘Inner Gangster’ Who Saves You Lowest
SMiLes Yes.. Hope Your Day has gone greater
Well.. Hoping a Greeting From You Yesterday
Means you are Feeling a Bit Better but reAlly
i don’t know so it’s only a Pleasure
to Wish You
Well on
Day Now too my Friend..
Hellooove To You Himali..
Either We Spread Love
or We Don’t it’s sort
of as simple as
That Sadly
that is no
World at all
Takes that away
from us if we allow it
too.. if we feel or know
We have any choice at all..
And of course as Always i do
Remember What the Illusion
of no
Did to me…
The Birds Do
Care they go ahead
And Fly for they inherit
the Abundance of the Real
World as Flight of Wild Loving Life
Wings Will Naturally Do when Brave Wild and Free..
Never Now
From a World
From Nature
Loving Life Wild
And Free no Separation
From God (Nature) When
Whole Like this Living Free…
Emotions Save Soul Best When Expressed
Emotions Lose Soul Worst When Not Expressed
Lift us Up
on Angel Wings
Who Will EVeNTuALLy
Cry Tears of JoY iN Light
Extending An Eternal Now
of Hope and Love over
Stone Cold Hearts
that and who
Fear And Hate..
SMiLes.. ReMeMBeR
Humans Domesticated
‘Lions’ as ‘Cats’
Now ‘Humans’
are ‘Cats’
That ‘Lions’
As ‘AC/DC’
Sings and Dances
‘Who made Who’
We Make Lions
Master Us..
in other Words
We Fail as Wild And
Loving Free More often…
We are Often only Domesticated
Cats NoW No Longer Lions Brave
And Free With Lion Heart and Courage
Other than that from what i’ve Seen and
Felt and Sensed at Least Cats Master Humans
Loving Tricks Like Purrs…
Domesticated Dogs Teach us How to
Love.. Feral Cats that and who are only
Lions In Smaller Packages Teach us How to Be
Wild Brave and Free Again..
i am no Domesticated
iSinG iDance Free
For A Little Lion
A ‘Yellow Boy’ Feral Cat Savior
Brought me Back to Wild Brave
And Loving Free Again Now For Real..:)
SMiles my Friend
it is only a Pleasure
to Be Able to Be Able
to Write anything Beautiful
At All for NoW in this Way it is
A Giver
Receives the
Most Empirically
Speaking as When
We Create Art Beauty
We Naturally Experience
Beautiful Neuro-Chemicals
And Neuro-Hormones That
All Naturally Heal and Protect
Us From Disease Within Us
is the Blessing
Within the Giving
And Sharing is the
Natural Icing on
The Cake
That Naturally
Comes From Within..
And Ha! Some Folks Call
Our Innate Emotions and
Senses Expressed Meaningless
Mush when acTuAlly Emotions/Senses Free
in Art We Create Will acTuAlly Put so-called ‘Incurable
DisEase’ into ReMission As HeART Free Naturally Heals..
i Find it Every
Where i Go where
Freedom Lives Most..:)
it is only a Pleasure
to Be Able to Be Able
to Write anything Beautiful
At All for NoW in this Way it is
A Giver
Receives the
Most Empirically
Speaking as When
We Create Art Beauty
We Naturally Experience
Beautiful Neuro-Chemicals
And Neuro-Hormones That
All Naturally Heal and Protect
Us From Disease Within Us
is the Blessing
Within the Giving
And Sharing is the
Natural Icing on
The Cake
That Naturally
Comes From Within..
And Ha! Some Folks Call
Our Innate Emotions and
Senses Expressed Meaningless
Mush when acTuAlly Emotions/Senses Free
in Art We Create Will acTuAlly Put so-called ‘Incurable
DisEase’ into ReMission As HeART Free Naturally Heals..
i Find it Every
Where i Go where
Freedom Lives Most..:)
We all have our Stories; Symbols, Whether Words or other Symbols
That Bind us And Bond us More to Order Than what we may otherwise
Experience as an Anxiety and a Chaos We Co-Create With the Rest of Nature Negatively.
i grew up with the Christian Religion, amongst folks who practiced the Polar Opposite Actions
From the Teachings; so, obviously it was a Message that wasn’t getting through to Most of the Folks who
Played Lip and Ear Service to it; but the ‘Bloody Hell’ with Actions of Love no Different than the New
‘Religious Order Leader’, Their Dear Trump
who expresses most everything Opposite
to Any Real Love Story Narrated of
Jesus at Least for Folks who Actually
Read and Pay Attention to the Parables as Metaphors
that are Spoken a bit Deeper than Twitter Talks these days.
We Humans have Lost our Story Telling Abilities that we used to do in every day life on Living Room Couches then
that spoke; and not just screens that light us up. i used to think there was something wrong with me for why my Elder
Relatives could Orate Paragraphs of Deeply Moving Emotional Words that Obviously Lit them Up Like A Christmas Tree
Living now; as i couldn’t do much more than say two words of working working when folks asked me what i had been up
to. It’s true, i was part of someone else’s Story in the Work-A-Day World. My Creativity that was alive and Writing Plays
and Award Winning Poetry in Middle School Was Snuffed out by Multiple Choice Acing Test Life and Short Fill in the
Blank Answers. Our Emotions and Senses are the Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones that Naturally Heal Us
Within, Inside, Outside, Above, So Below, and All Around. Ha! i’ve Heard Folks who complain about Cognitive
Executive Functioning, in Terms of Working Short Term Memory and Focus, suggest Emotions are Old School
And for folks somehow Inferiorly evolved. Emotions as Science Shows are the Fuel that originates first
most all our rational decisions; take them away and you will not even have the Cognitive
Executive Functioning to Choose What Color Socks First Before You can even move
yourself to get Out of your home. Emotional And Physical Intelligences in Terms of Moving
And Connecting and Co-Creating are the Oldest and Still Most Important Intelligences; and as i’ve most definitely
Found in my Life at Least, a Religion of Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses in a Song And Dance of My Life
Where i Co-Create my own Story of Life bowing down to no one else’s Story of Life Keeps Me Free and Feeling Younger
than ever as i reach 59 Years of age on June 6th; and Empirically Much Stronger and More Productive as Empirically Measurable too more than any other point in my Life as i continue to Evolve my Personal Human Potential, No longer
Stagnating in a World of almost Robotic Mechanical Cognition Tasks alone; as it’s true we become what we Feed ourselves; the Bones of Science alone; or a mix of Bones and Flesh and Blood of Art that are Simply a Bio-Feedback
in Form of Essence Now, from the Healing Neuro-Hormones and Neuro-Chemicals, as we Enhance our Emotional
And Physical Intelligences Beyond a Life that is more Machine than even Human Now in ‘Terminator’ ways of living dead.
That Bind us And Bond us More to Order Than what we may otherwise
Experience as an Anxiety and a Chaos We Co-Create With the Rest of Nature Negatively.
i grew up with the Christian Religion, amongst folks who practiced the Polar Opposite Actions
From the Teachings; so, obviously it was a Message that wasn’t getting through to Most of the Folks who
Played Lip and Ear Service to it; but the ‘Bloody Hell’ with Actions of Love no Different than the New
‘Religious Order Leader’, Their Dear Trump
who expresses most everything Opposite
to Any Real Love Story Narrated of
Jesus at Least for Folks who Actually
Read and Pay Attention to the Parables as Metaphors
that are Spoken a bit Deeper than Twitter Talks these days.
We Humans have Lost our Story Telling Abilities that we used to do in every day life on Living Room Couches then
that spoke; and not just screens that light us up. i used to think there was something wrong with me for why my Elder
Relatives could Orate Paragraphs of Deeply Moving Emotional Words that Obviously Lit them Up Like A Christmas Tree
Living now; as i couldn’t do much more than say two words of working working when folks asked me what i had been up
to. It’s true, i was part of someone else’s Story in the Work-A-Day World. My Creativity that was alive and Writing Plays
and Award Winning Poetry in Middle School Was Snuffed out by Multiple Choice Acing Test Life and Short Fill in the
Blank Answers. Our Emotions and Senses are the Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones that Naturally Heal Us
Within, Inside, Outside, Above, So Below, and All Around. Ha! i’ve Heard Folks who complain about Cognitive
Executive Functioning, in Terms of Working Short Term Memory and Focus, suggest Emotions are Old School
And for folks somehow Inferiorly evolved. Emotions as Science Shows are the Fuel that originates first
most all our rational decisions; take them away and you will not even have the Cognitive
Executive Functioning to Choose What Color Socks First Before You can even move
yourself to get Out of your home. Emotional And Physical Intelligences in Terms of Moving
And Connecting and Co-Creating are the Oldest and Still Most Important Intelligences; and as i’ve most definitely
Found in my Life at Least, a Religion of Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses in a Song And Dance of My Life
Where i Co-Create my own Story of Life bowing down to no one else’s Story of Life Keeps Me Free and Feeling Younger
than ever as i reach 59 Years of age on June 6th; and Empirically Much Stronger and More Productive as Empirically Measurable too more than any other point in my Life as i continue to Evolve my Personal Human Potential, No longer
Stagnating in a World of almost Robotic Mechanical Cognition Tasks alone; as it’s true we become what we Feed ourselves; the Bones of Science alone; or a mix of Bones and Flesh and Blood of Art that are Simply a Bio-Feedback
in Form of Essence Now, from the Healing Neuro-Hormones and Neuro-Chemicals, as we Enhance our Emotional
And Physical Intelligences Beyond a Life that is more Machine than even Human Now in ‘Terminator’ ways of living dead.
Christianity, Provides the Metaphors for this for those Who See and Hear with more than Two Senses of Eyes and
Ears; in other Words for those Who Are Artists who Create Living Forms of Art Expressing Healing Emotions and
Senses of Essence Within. Rarely, do i find a Christian Who Understand this unless they are rather lost
in a Transcendent Moment out of the Restricted Area of their New Cortex lighting up the Rest of their
Brain in Neo-Cortical Dampening Transient Hypo-Frontality Escape; and actually swaying A Bit in a
Dance; Actually Raising their Hands Above their Head; but of course then comes all the Fear Producing
Negative Stress making Devil and Hell Fire Talks after a Gospel of Singing that is more like a Happy Drug for Free.
It might help a bit if they actually Read ‘John 14:12’; and Write a New story that is Greater than the Story Jesus ‘Spoke’
before after all that Versus for those who are stuck in the Stories of Old Clearly indicates You Can and Will Create
Stories Greater than Jesus.
Ears; in other Words for those Who Are Artists who Create Living Forms of Art Expressing Healing Emotions and
Senses of Essence Within. Rarely, do i find a Christian Who Understand this unless they are rather lost
in a Transcendent Moment out of the Restricted Area of their New Cortex lighting up the Rest of their
Brain in Neo-Cortical Dampening Transient Hypo-Frontality Escape; and actually swaying A Bit in a
Dance; Actually Raising their Hands Above their Head; but of course then comes all the Fear Producing
Negative Stress making Devil and Hell Fire Talks after a Gospel of Singing that is more like a Happy Drug for Free.
It might help a bit if they actually Read ‘John 14:12’; and Write a New story that is Greater than the Story Jesus ‘Spoke’
before after all that Versus for those who are stuck in the Stories of Old Clearly indicates You Can and Will Create
Stories Greater than Jesus.
Considering that whoever the Historical Yeshua was, who was illiterate, and never Wrote a Word as A Record of HiS own;
The Bar is surely Low; and if That Message was actually ever said by him; it’s not really surprising for
who is actually Confident and Loving in themselves now, will not be worried about someone else
Achieving something more when they already have it all; the Essence of the Emotions
and Senses of Being one with it all as really when you Do that in Ascending
Transcending Way there are only more Colorful and Healing Waves of
Emotions and Senses to Surf More whether anyone joins you are not.
This is an Autotelic All Innate and Bio-Feed back Intelligence that
Science Shows is a Real Kingdom of Heaven Within that some
of us do Practice as Real and Master Generating our
Happiness Within; And yes, it existed long before as so much
other so-called ‘woo’ stuff did and does too before someone invents a Word
as Form for the Essence of what has always been realest within simply A Whole
Human Being in Balance Where the Art of Yin is no longer Drowned with the Yang of Cold Dead Reasons
Without all the Colors
Evolving Within of Emotions
And Sense that Move us Farther
in our Human Potentials than ever
Before the Story is not new and Real
At least for those Who
Surf and Stay in Balance
of Nirvana and Bliss Whole Flow
In just Greater Stellar Star Human Potentials Now.
i came by here before and remembering the Author of an OP suggesting a Naked Campfire
Dance Sharing Romantic Stories might be the Religion that’s best; Truth is from a
Science Perspective it is both Still An Oldest and Most Effective Song And Dance
to Survive
Us together
in Every Way Like
A Six Pointed Star
As V And A BeCoMe one.
The Bar is surely Low; and if That Message was actually ever said by him; it’s not really surprising for
who is actually Confident and Loving in themselves now, will not be worried about someone else
Achieving something more when they already have it all; the Essence of the Emotions
and Senses of Being one with it all as really when you Do that in Ascending
Transcending Way there are only more Colorful and Healing Waves of
Emotions and Senses to Surf More whether anyone joins you are not.
This is an Autotelic All Innate and Bio-Feed back Intelligence that
Science Shows is a Real Kingdom of Heaven Within that some
of us do Practice as Real and Master Generating our
Happiness Within; And yes, it existed long before as so much
other so-called ‘woo’ stuff did and does too before someone invents a Word
as Form for the Essence of what has always been realest within simply A Whole
Human Being in Balance Where the Art of Yin is no longer Drowned with the Yang of Cold Dead Reasons
Without all the Colors
Evolving Within of Emotions
And Sense that Move us Farther
in our Human Potentials than ever
Before the Story is not new and Real
At least for those Who
Surf and Stay in Balance
of Nirvana and Bliss Whole Flow
In just Greater Stellar Star Human Potentials Now.
i came by here before and remembering the Author of an OP suggesting a Naked Campfire
Dance Sharing Romantic Stories might be the Religion that’s best; Truth is from a
Science Perspective it is both Still An Oldest and Most Effective Song And Dance
to Survive
Us together
in Every Way Like
A Six Pointed Star
As V And A BeCoMe one.
SMiLes.. i Love Most to Dance
And Sing when i am not paying
Attention to Anyone Looking
at me doing it though i Feel
Their energy Around me
or Positive..
i Abhor any kind
of Competition as i never
could figure out why anyone
then wanted to keep Score in
Tennis when one was already
one with the Ball and Racquet
and the Rest of the Universe in Flow
really what
was left
then to
but play
and have fun..
at 12 Years-old…
Humans and their
Silly Competitions in
oneupmanship when
We Already have the Potential
Within to be one with all (god) no
Lower or Higher NoW JusT
in Balancing Mind and
Body Whole Now
Force Positive
Loving Feelings
Giving Sharing
With the Rest
of Nature
NoW instead of
Inertia against..
Anyway.. i do ‘Glamour’ shots
too but they are more like my
own style of coming in Glory
of SiGNaTuRE poses one with
Nature and God the Same
in Golden Spiral Ratio
Flow from Left Elbow
to Hip at 1.618 too..
if folks don’t like it
they don’t
have to
they have
other cheeks to turn hAha..
And i try not to judge the Living
And Dead too much but Oh Lord
the Number of Face Palms in Discernment Against
Love All Over This Place Now wHere i Live at Least..
Oh Lord in Middle
School they threatened
(Christian Bully Boys like
Onward Marching Soldiers)
to Abuse me then if i dared to
Smile either in the Middle School
Halls or the Zen of Playing Tennis at
the City
if anyone
tells me that
now i will be
Perfectly still
and quiet until
they run away
afraid of what
Just come Next
yes like when a Cat
Does that just before
he captures His Last Supper too..
SMiLes It’s Worth Noting
That Modeling is
About Capturing
The Clothes
of Your Living
Soul someone
else wants you to
put on like Theater
too.. i rather Choose
for myself with SMiLes..
Zen Ego is more fun when
You Write It Direct It Produce
It and Act it All too as You do on
Your Blog that is why Blogging is
so much Better than a Modeling Career
my Friend because You are truly Your own
Star to
as you
Love to
Just Be You..
but yes there
is that ugly competion
to make a Dollar Bill to
Survive Let’s get rid of that
All together and make Bloggers
out of everyone As Metaphor at least..
No one will ever Make You Better than
You Really Are now as Just You A Free Spirit SMiLinG SoUL..
With Abundance of HeART.. But it’s true i haven’t talked my
Accounting Friend into
Freeing Herself
to Leave
her Day
come down
to the Tennis
Court Just to
Play and talk
things out too.. with SMiLes
That Dollar Bill IS A Real Devil We KNow Already..:)
And Sing when i am not paying
Attention to Anyone Looking
at me doing it though i Feel
Their energy Around me
or Positive..
i Abhor any kind
of Competition as i never
could figure out why anyone
then wanted to keep Score in
Tennis when one was already
one with the Ball and Racquet
and the Rest of the Universe in Flow
really what
was left
then to
but play
and have fun..
at 12 Years-old…
Humans and their
Silly Competitions in
oneupmanship when
We Already have the Potential
Within to be one with all (god) no
Lower or Higher NoW JusT
in Balancing Mind and
Body Whole Now
Force Positive
Loving Feelings
Giving Sharing
With the Rest
of Nature
NoW instead of
Inertia against..
Anyway.. i do ‘Glamour’ shots
too but they are more like my
own style of coming in Glory
of SiGNaTuRE poses one with
Nature and God the Same
in Golden Spiral Ratio
Flow from Left Elbow
to Hip at 1.618 too..
if folks don’t like it
they don’t
have to
they have
other cheeks to turn hAha..
And i try not to judge the Living
And Dead too much but Oh Lord
the Number of Face Palms in Discernment Against
Love All Over This Place Now wHere i Live at Least..
Oh Lord in Middle
School they threatened
(Christian Bully Boys like
Onward Marching Soldiers)
to Abuse me then if i dared to
Smile either in the Middle School
Halls or the Zen of Playing Tennis at
the City
if anyone
tells me that
now i will be
Perfectly still
and quiet until
they run away
afraid of what
Just come Next
yes like when a Cat
Does that just before
he captures His Last Supper too..
SMiLes It’s Worth Noting
That Modeling is
About Capturing
The Clothes
of Your Living
Soul someone
else wants you to
put on like Theater
too.. i rather Choose
for myself with SMiLes..
Zen Ego is more fun when
You Write It Direct It Produce
It and Act it All too as You do on
Your Blog that is why Blogging is
so much Better than a Modeling Career
my Friend because You are truly Your own
Star to
as you
Love to
Just Be You..
but yes there
is that ugly competion
to make a Dollar Bill to
Survive Let’s get rid of that
All together and make Bloggers
out of everyone As Metaphor at least..
No one will ever Make You Better than
You Really Are now as Just You A Free Spirit SMiLinG SoUL..
With Abundance of HeART.. But it’s true i haven’t talked my
Accounting Friend into
Freeing Herself
to Leave
her Day
come down
to the Tennis
Court Just to
Play and talk
things out too.. with SMiLes
That Dollar Bill IS A Real Devil We KNow Already..:)
NDD and
PDD Nature
Deficit Disorder
And People Deficit
Disorder the Increasing
Disease oF A Terminator
Machine World where We
are the
We are the
Avatars and
Nature calls
Us back simply
As God As the
Call of the Wild
To Be Free Again enveloped
in the Green of Life and Yellow
of Always Giving Sunshine for Free
Ya can have the House Burning the
House i Paid off if ya Like as metaphor
only of Course but Ya are not going to
take the Back Yard of my Forest Away
all i
is Cold
Typing with no
View to Paradise
Outside this Window
to Heaven Real living in Colors of Green Versus Deserts
And Freezing Snow NoW Will make one literally Angry
about Life.. Seen it Happen out of the Green of Paradise Real..
For Paradise
of Blue and Green
And all the Colors of Spring
They Stay and Create New Colors
of Art for All to Share and Give in
Heaven now
For Free..
just in
of course..;)
PDD Nature
Deficit Disorder
And People Deficit
Disorder the Increasing
Disease oF A Terminator
Machine World where We
are the
We are the
Avatars and
Nature calls
Us back simply
As God As the
Call of the Wild
To Be Free Again enveloped
in the Green of Life and Yellow
of Always Giving Sunshine for Free
Ya can have the House Burning the
House i Paid off if ya Like as metaphor
only of Course but Ya are not going to
take the Back Yard of my Forest Away
all i
is Cold
Typing with no
View to Paradise
Outside this Window
to Heaven Real living in Colors of Green Versus Deserts
And Freezing Snow NoW Will make one literally Angry
about Life.. Seen it Happen out of the Green of Paradise Real..
For Paradise
of Blue and Green
And all the Colors of Spring
They Stay and Create New Colors
of Art for All to Share and Give in
Heaven now
For Free..
just in
of course..;)
Good Morning Your Eminency or Your Excellency Whichever Label You Care
to answer to, they are all Just Human to me; Mr. Barron; Mr. Bishop; i ask myself
this morning after Watching Your Video on Protecting what you say is the Legal and
Constitutional Right to Protect Pedophiles in the Confessional Booth as You Say Your
Catholic Seal (Rule) Prevents you from spilling the Beans on this as if you do you will automatically
Get Excommunicated from the Church so what this Brings to mind to me is not so much if Jesus
Knows You but are you really familiar with the Gist of the Jesus Story for all the Authors, some Perhaps
with identifiable Names; but most who gained Ghost Writer names like Luke, Mark, and Matthew as those
are really great Pen Names as they have great ‘Brand Value’ for the Target Audience At Hand but never the
Less the Jesus Story is a Great one and a very Popular one that has stood the time of Myths and other
Stories that come close to sounding Potentially True that House Truth and Light in Vehicles and Vessels
that do stand the time; perhaps because of Ruling Force to Follow the Religion or in some cases
Emotional Hyperbole that eases Existential Fears like Death or Promises of a Welfare Ticket
to Heaven by perhaps doing something as easy as reciting Roman’s 10:9 for the rest of
your Life and sinning one week getting forgiven on Sunday and doing the
Wash and Rinse And Dry Cycle of Sinning again for of course you may
Forget all about John 14:12; not realizing that you may come
to a Point where you get one with God too that makes
Anything else but loving it all next to impossible
where you might better be in a place
of Giving Popes Advice as you
Inherit Love as God
and there is
no where
else to go but up
in the Force of Agape Love.
Jesus Believed in Love and yes he
did give Caesar His Privilege to Rule
the Government for the Order of Society To Work
Through Coins and Taxes and Stuff like that but just ask
yourself one question as far as the ‘little ones’ go; Would Jesus Protect
the Little Ones or the Pedophiles with a Disease that as Science shows is
very Difficult to cure and is a bit more difficult to rid the World of than Just
A Confession to You and Your Associates at least or at most in terms of Eminency
And Excellency a Notch Above Your Peers on the Ladder to God as such on Earth which
is rather ridiculous but sure in terms of Establishing Order in a Big Organization ya gotta
be able to Recognize who the Leaders are in Charge to make stuff work. Jesus is not portrayed
as an Individual Like that; Jesus is a Free Agent of Love in other words one who serves Love to
others for Free in Giving and Sharing Loving Ways that brings the least Harm to others so who
do you believe in; the Rule of Church
or the Rule provided by the Story
of Jesus that says Love
without Harm
Above all
other Human
Virtues to help
Raise other Folks up
to a Kingdom of Heaven
that is Love for all now in this
Generation now for all to give and share;
it shouldn’t take a Rocket Scientist but only
a Loving Human to determine that when you find
out an Adult is Molesting A Child no matter what you
Report it so the Child will not suffer a lifetime of Mental
and Soulful Anguish; what is the Price of that little Child’s
Soul; Your Fancy Robe and Church Rules, or the Rule of Love
As Jesus was a Dude portrayed As Meek and Humble moreover
with Frigging Empathy And Sympathy And Compassion that is our
Greatest Common Sense Love for each other that Harms no one else at
Best; Well, you seem to be a Scholarly Gentleman; so, Perhaps You’ve Heard
of the Book My Grandfather X-Catholic Priest Wrote who was Ex-Communicated as
he Broke the Rules and Got Married Thank God of course so i will exist now too as that
Book Was Titled “Behind The Dictators” as My Grandfather Decided to Expose the more
negative Aspects of the Catholic Church; surely not well liked by the Catholic Church after
that; but never the less i exist and voila in the Last 3 years i’ve written a Book of my own online;
Yes, in just 3 Years a “Nether Land Bible 2017″ as that was the First Year after the Book/Bible
Was started online on Memorial Day Weekend of 2016; and if you will Note the Word Nether
means Low as i am no one in particularly important; yes, considered a Dance Legend of course
in my Metro Area for doing that now 11,293 Miles now in 69 Months of Effort; as hey still where
i live Trump is a close to Jesus as folks have been making him out to be since i can remember
here when the Bully Boy Christians Called me the F Word and not Fred for Smiling was not allowed
if boys would ever be raised without empathy to go kill ‘Brown Folks like Jesus over there’ as that
threat continues now so to speak at the Top of the Reptile Leaning Brains without Empathy and
Love in Charge Lauded By so-called Christians in all the ‘Red States’ in scaRCity out of Abundance
of Love of course and Basic Subsistence needs of course too; Anyway the Story of Jesus is a Love
Story not a Legal Story that only follows every Structured and Detailed rule; he Broke it all down to
Loving others without Harming them which is a major lifelong Art that always changes to accomplish
with both Relative Free will and the Motivating Feelings of Agape Love too that are not afraid to say
NO NO NO when Love is falling falling falling off the Cliff of Empathy and Sympathy and Compassion
True; perhaps most importantly the Cognitive Empathy that understands that we Break Rules when
it comes to saving the Souls of Love of Little Children who are Being Molested in any way that
comes or goes; You are of Rules but You in this Video are far far away from the Jesus Story
Rule of
You Do Love
without Harm
or You Fail the story
of Jesus; he wasn’t like
me; he wasn’t able to put
it in a Bible of 4.2 Million Words
in Just 3 Years of Effort; you might
say i’ve spent my Time from Age 55 to
58 Like Jesus did from 30 to 33; the World
is much Bigger now; Complex it is and Diverse
with Humanity too; did you really think a New Testament
that would work at all for a small dirt patch in the Middle
East will work in an Entire World of over 7 Billion Humans for
A Thousand or So Years to come; True, we have Google now
and online; A Place with no Sun or Moon where folks no
matter where they live can and do Share Love regardless
of Religion or any other Labeled Human Difference but
Love that connects us all; i will all most bet my
Gift of Life that if Jesus Were to come
today that he would Write his Bible
on a Blog just like me
and humbly
with People
around the World
diverse in all the ways
they come to inspire the
Whole Bible now; true i had
66 Months in Hell to think about
what Jesus would do today and
God Provided the rest of the good and
bad news as the Journey becomes the Path
that i am on today free Just to Be the Force of God/Love
in me; it is true my Words are too Big for most folks to see;
however, one day Technology is bound to Catch up to the Love of me;
Might take a Thousand Years but you know what they say what you write
on the Internet just never goes away and it may be accessed by anyone who
wants to see as long as they have a Computer and Broad Band Access Powerful
enough to do it; thing is my Friend The Catholic Church no Longer rules by Force
and no longer has the Moral Authority to really say a dam thing after being caught
with their Hands in the pants and up the skirts of so many little Children who came
to Church innocent leaving with the Dirt of Souls of Priests who never Followed or
Rule of
Love Harming
no other Human
Beings by Selfish Will
of Fear and too small to Love
the way that adults do not taking
Advantage of those most Vulnerable to Lose their
Loving Soul at the Hands of the Evil you protect with
the Laws of Man instead of the Rule of God Free Best that is Love now for all
no others
the best
we can;
All 4.2 Million Words
are counted by technology
now; Over a Hundred Thousand
Photos and Ten Thousand You Tube Videos
for all 6.9 Million Words accomplished Now
in 70 Months for the Entire ‘SonG of My SoUL” Bible
too; but i didn’t start the Actual Bible Labeling Process
’till Three Years ago to date on Memorial Day Weekend, 2016;
It’s better to do John 14:12 than to fall to the evil of the Past my Friend
in Hell away
from Love now..
Please Just say YES
to Love and NO to ‘that other stuff’.
to answer to, they are all Just Human to me; Mr. Barron; Mr. Bishop; i ask myself
this morning after Watching Your Video on Protecting what you say is the Legal and
Constitutional Right to Protect Pedophiles in the Confessional Booth as You Say Your
Catholic Seal (Rule) Prevents you from spilling the Beans on this as if you do you will automatically
Get Excommunicated from the Church so what this Brings to mind to me is not so much if Jesus
Knows You but are you really familiar with the Gist of the Jesus Story for all the Authors, some Perhaps
with identifiable Names; but most who gained Ghost Writer names like Luke, Mark, and Matthew as those
are really great Pen Names as they have great ‘Brand Value’ for the Target Audience At Hand but never the
Less the Jesus Story is a Great one and a very Popular one that has stood the time of Myths and other
Stories that come close to sounding Potentially True that House Truth and Light in Vehicles and Vessels
that do stand the time; perhaps because of Ruling Force to Follow the Religion or in some cases
Emotional Hyperbole that eases Existential Fears like Death or Promises of a Welfare Ticket
to Heaven by perhaps doing something as easy as reciting Roman’s 10:9 for the rest of
your Life and sinning one week getting forgiven on Sunday and doing the
Wash and Rinse And Dry Cycle of Sinning again for of course you may
Forget all about John 14:12; not realizing that you may come
to a Point where you get one with God too that makes
Anything else but loving it all next to impossible
where you might better be in a place
of Giving Popes Advice as you
Inherit Love as God
and there is
no where
else to go but up
in the Force of Agape Love.
Jesus Believed in Love and yes he
did give Caesar His Privilege to Rule
the Government for the Order of Society To Work
Through Coins and Taxes and Stuff like that but just ask
yourself one question as far as the ‘little ones’ go; Would Jesus Protect
the Little Ones or the Pedophiles with a Disease that as Science shows is
very Difficult to cure and is a bit more difficult to rid the World of than Just
A Confession to You and Your Associates at least or at most in terms of Eminency
And Excellency a Notch Above Your Peers on the Ladder to God as such on Earth which
is rather ridiculous but sure in terms of Establishing Order in a Big Organization ya gotta
be able to Recognize who the Leaders are in Charge to make stuff work. Jesus is not portrayed
as an Individual Like that; Jesus is a Free Agent of Love in other words one who serves Love to
others for Free in Giving and Sharing Loving Ways that brings the least Harm to others so who
do you believe in; the Rule of Church
or the Rule provided by the Story
of Jesus that says Love
without Harm
Above all
other Human
Virtues to help
Raise other Folks up
to a Kingdom of Heaven
that is Love for all now in this
Generation now for all to give and share;
it shouldn’t take a Rocket Scientist but only
a Loving Human to determine that when you find
out an Adult is Molesting A Child no matter what you
Report it so the Child will not suffer a lifetime of Mental
and Soulful Anguish; what is the Price of that little Child’s
Soul; Your Fancy Robe and Church Rules, or the Rule of Love
As Jesus was a Dude portrayed As Meek and Humble moreover
with Frigging Empathy And Sympathy And Compassion that is our
Greatest Common Sense Love for each other that Harms no one else at
Best; Well, you seem to be a Scholarly Gentleman; so, Perhaps You’ve Heard
of the Book My Grandfather X-Catholic Priest Wrote who was Ex-Communicated as
he Broke the Rules and Got Married Thank God of course so i will exist now too as that
Book Was Titled “Behind The Dictators” as My Grandfather Decided to Expose the more
negative Aspects of the Catholic Church; surely not well liked by the Catholic Church after
that; but never the less i exist and voila in the Last 3 years i’ve written a Book of my own online;
Yes, in just 3 Years a “Nether Land Bible 2017″ as that was the First Year after the Book/Bible
Was started online on Memorial Day Weekend of 2016; and if you will Note the Word Nether
means Low as i am no one in particularly important; yes, considered a Dance Legend of course
in my Metro Area for doing that now 11,293 Miles now in 69 Months of Effort; as hey still where
i live Trump is a close to Jesus as folks have been making him out to be since i can remember
here when the Bully Boy Christians Called me the F Word and not Fred for Smiling was not allowed
if boys would ever be raised without empathy to go kill ‘Brown Folks like Jesus over there’ as that
threat continues now so to speak at the Top of the Reptile Leaning Brains without Empathy and
Love in Charge Lauded By so-called Christians in all the ‘Red States’ in scaRCity out of Abundance
of Love of course and Basic Subsistence needs of course too; Anyway the Story of Jesus is a Love
Story not a Legal Story that only follows every Structured and Detailed rule; he Broke it all down to
Loving others without Harming them which is a major lifelong Art that always changes to accomplish
with both Relative Free will and the Motivating Feelings of Agape Love too that are not afraid to say
NO NO NO when Love is falling falling falling off the Cliff of Empathy and Sympathy and Compassion
True; perhaps most importantly the Cognitive Empathy that understands that we Break Rules when
it comes to saving the Souls of Love of Little Children who are Being Molested in any way that
comes or goes; You are of Rules but You in this Video are far far away from the Jesus Story
Rule of
You Do Love
without Harm
or You Fail the story
of Jesus; he wasn’t like
me; he wasn’t able to put
it in a Bible of 4.2 Million Words
in Just 3 Years of Effort; you might
say i’ve spent my Time from Age 55 to
58 Like Jesus did from 30 to 33; the World
is much Bigger now; Complex it is and Diverse
with Humanity too; did you really think a New Testament
that would work at all for a small dirt patch in the Middle
East will work in an Entire World of over 7 Billion Humans for
A Thousand or So Years to come; True, we have Google now
and online; A Place with no Sun or Moon where folks no
matter where they live can and do Share Love regardless
of Religion or any other Labeled Human Difference but
Love that connects us all; i will all most bet my
Gift of Life that if Jesus Were to come
today that he would Write his Bible
on a Blog just like me
and humbly
with People
around the World
diverse in all the ways
they come to inspire the
Whole Bible now; true i had
66 Months in Hell to think about
what Jesus would do today and
God Provided the rest of the good and
bad news as the Journey becomes the Path
that i am on today free Just to Be the Force of God/Love
in me; it is true my Words are too Big for most folks to see;
however, one day Technology is bound to Catch up to the Love of me;
Might take a Thousand Years but you know what they say what you write
on the Internet just never goes away and it may be accessed by anyone who
wants to see as long as they have a Computer and Broad Band Access Powerful
enough to do it; thing is my Friend The Catholic Church no Longer rules by Force
and no longer has the Moral Authority to really say a dam thing after being caught
with their Hands in the pants and up the skirts of so many little Children who came
to Church innocent leaving with the Dirt of Souls of Priests who never Followed or
Rule of
Love Harming
no other Human
Beings by Selfish Will
of Fear and too small to Love
the way that adults do not taking
Advantage of those most Vulnerable to Lose their
Loving Soul at the Hands of the Evil you protect with
the Laws of Man instead of the Rule of God Free Best that is Love now for all
no others
the best
we can;
All 4.2 Million Words
are counted by technology
now; Over a Hundred Thousand
Photos and Ten Thousand You Tube Videos
for all 6.9 Million Words accomplished Now
in 70 Months for the Entire ‘SonG of My SoUL” Bible
too; but i didn’t start the Actual Bible Labeling Process
’till Three Years ago to date on Memorial Day Weekend, 2016;
It’s better to do John 14:12 than to fall to the evil of the Past my Friend
in Hell away
from Love now..
Please Just say YES
to Love and NO to ‘that other stuff’.
Greatest Story Your Story Is God’s Love Story…
The Old Testament has just as much Violence, Rape, And Purchasing multiple Women under 16. You suggest that Good Muslims are far and few between; i suggest you get to know some Muslims first before you judge them for if we judge Christians by the Old Testament Alone, they are no less Prone to all of what I listed. Jesus IS A Teacher inviting Everyone into The Home of Love. Smaller Men And Women Give Up on Love. Sharia Laws and Hadiths rule outside of The Koran in those other Countries. Muslims who Come Here must be Willing to Give that Up not unlike
Old Testament
Christians who
Are not allowed
By Law to crush the
Skulls of the Children
Of their Enemies with
Stones. Let’s Face it my
Friend, You will
Find the Bad in
Everyone or
The Good
Mostly Depending
On Who You are if you
Actually go and meet
Some Muslim folks
You will find that
Same love in you
But only if You seek it. i Give you
Great Credit for not Deleting my comment.
Listening to
Other Opinions
Is always the First
Step to Jesus and God
And Love there is
No Difference when
You Come To Understand the Same.
There is zero evidence That Muslim
Folks Who Live here
Are any less Good
Citizens than
Anyone else;
That is the Requirement
To Be A Citizen Here.
No one is above the
Law, except for the
Reflection of
John 8:44 at
The Top now.
If you want to
Make a fair
In who does or does
Not break the Laws
And Cheats And Lies;
The Path is
The so-called top;
i disagree with
Muslims who
Are my
No Different
As they bring
Psychological harm
To People who have
Different Sexual
No Different
Than so Called
Christians quoting
From all the Fear
And Hatred
That Still exists
In the Old Testament And
Revelation too for if one
Actually sends any one to Hell
Eternally who turns
The other Cheek
And Loves
All their
They too are
A Father of
All Lies according
To who and how
They Judge and
If they are
Love incarnate
Or Not. There are
innumerable ghost
Writing authors Of the Bible; it is worth
Noting that the Organization that
Protected Pedophiles is
the Same Organization
That determined the
Final Version of
That Bible.
The Truth In
Light of Living this Spirit
Of Heart will
Only be Found
In Each Human
Loving or Not as
Soul reflecting
God’s Love by
Both Feeling
And Acting Love.
The only way we will
Ever know We are
Christians is with the
Real Faith And
Courage we Give
And Share Love; all
The Rest is Empty
Book Covers, Pages
And Empty Shells
Of Words. Other than
Indians, Muslims Folks
i have met Meet the Grade of Jesus the Most;
The only Currency, Pay Rate, And Pay Grade of
Love; some of
the Tenants
Of their Religion i
Totally disagree with;
But as long as they
Are Loving without
Harming they
Fill the
Sandals of Jesus in
Enough Comfort to
Walk with him
At least
For Real..:)
The Old Testament has just as much Violence, Rape, And Purchasing multiple Women under 16. You suggest that Good Muslims are far and few between; i suggest you get to know some Muslims first before you judge them for if we judge Christians by the Old Testament Alone, they are no less Prone to all of what I listed. Jesus IS A Teacher inviting Everyone into The Home of Love. Smaller Men And Women Give Up on Love. Sharia Laws and Hadiths rule outside of The Koran in those other Countries. Muslims who Come Here must be Willing to Give that Up not unlike
Old Testament
Christians who
Are not allowed
By Law to crush the
Skulls of the Children
Of their Enemies with
Stones. Let’s Face it my
Friend, You will
Find the Bad in
Everyone or
The Good
Mostly Depending
On Who You are if you
Actually go and meet
Some Muslim folks
You will find that
Same love in you
But only if You seek it. i Give you
Great Credit for not Deleting my comment.
Listening to
Other Opinions
Is always the First
Step to Jesus and God
And Love there is
No Difference when
You Come To Understand the Same.
There is zero evidence That Muslim
Folks Who Live here
Are any less Good
Citizens than
Anyone else;
That is the Requirement
To Be A Citizen Here.
No one is above the
Law, except for the
Reflection of
John 8:44 at
The Top now.
If you want to
Make a fair
In who does or does
Not break the Laws
And Cheats And Lies;
The Path is
The so-called top;
i disagree with
Muslims who
Are my
No Different
As they bring
Psychological harm
To People who have
Different Sexual
No Different
Than so Called
Christians quoting
From all the Fear
And Hatred
That Still exists
In the Old Testament And
Revelation too for if one
Actually sends any one to Hell
Eternally who turns
The other Cheek
And Loves
All their
They too are
A Father of
All Lies according
To who and how
They Judge and
If they are
Love incarnate
Or Not. There are
innumerable ghost
Writing authors Of the Bible; it is worth
Noting that the Organization that
Protected Pedophiles is
the Same Organization
That determined the
Final Version of
That Bible.
The Truth In
Light of Living this Spirit
Of Heart will
Only be Found
In Each Human
Loving or Not as
Soul reflecting
God’s Love by
Both Feeling
And Acting Love.
The only way we will
Ever know We are
Christians is with the
Real Faith And
Courage we Give
And Share Love; all
The Rest is Empty
Book Covers, Pages
And Empty Shells
Of Words. Other than
Indians, Muslims Folks
i have met Meet the Grade of Jesus the Most;
The only Currency, Pay Rate, And Pay Grade of
Love; some of
the Tenants
Of their Religion i
Totally disagree with;
But as long as they
Are Loving without
Harming they
Fill the
Sandals of Jesus in
Enough Comfort to
Walk with him
At least
For Real..:)
Hehe.. i just took
Some Spider Man
Poses.. only
Heavy hehe..
Hello Ms. Hugs
From the Nice
In France..
No Place for Young People
Oldest Folks Ruling the World
as they Please.. quite a turn around
it is now as Youth Used to be all the
benefit to Be.. by the way hehe hope
this doesn’t look too ‘pretentious’ but
i for one Believe in making the most out
of each and every word and step of Life for
whatever shape i come out to
be at least i am me
and free.. and i do
believe one great
thing about the so-called
Millennial Generation is they
are righty disillusioned with the so-
called American Dream(Lie) as it were for
A Car And and a House and two Children
And A Wife who is Closest with the Housework
and best friends with a Soap Opera too while the Man
Gets a Career For a Lifetime with some Meaning And
Purpose that he shares with others in Work as a Valued
Human and not just a Cog in a Machine expendable as an
Old Pair of Socks that wear out.. welcome to the New World
That Old World is just not possible for most Folks now so Young Folks
have no choice now but to find alternate ways of moving and connecting
And creating their Lives.. some are successful who find creativity on their
own.. others follow the newer older traditions the best they can and will and
still others
fall on
the Way
Side of Drug
Addiction as
they Never Feel
or Fill the Empty Place
of Soul Within.. anyway.. now those
who create their own Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose in life will survive
and thrive.. some will just survive with whatever
the Left Overs of Culture for them are and others
will die to the disease of addiction slowly never finding their way
Home and others will burn-out with Jobs with no Holy And Sacred
Meaning and Purpose mostly empty and numb the walking dead alive
of course where
The Words and Numbers
of Life neither Dance or Sing
A Tune that is both Feeling and Meaning
Smiles my Shape Evolves as my own way..
And those who are at best now are Shaping
THeir Lives as their own way too Free to Be.
i Believe the Art Now of Expressing ourselves
Facially is a Greatest/Oldest Work of Art to do
hehe.. Pictured in Sunshiny Yellow First is my
Yes photo
and the
one is my
No photo
in the Spirit
of the Star
Wars Darker
Force ‘Sith’ Side too.. hehe..
Yes.. the First Photo is the ‘Jedi’ Side..
Smiles A Beautiful
Model Smile
but without
A bit
of Sunshine
that Radiates
in A Flow of
True Happiness..
i suppose there must be a bit of
lost meaning and purpose in
Life among the Youngest
Folks as Truth increasingly
Now is no Longer A Holy and
Sacred Valuable Commodity
in even a mostly Free World
like the United States.. if the
Folks in Charge cannot be trusted
With even telling the Truth who will
they Trust
in the Future
obviously it will
have to be mostly
Yourself at least if ya
Wanna hear the Truth from
any Person Higher up than You..
where really they are the loWest oF aLL..
It’s a Challenge
to Keep up
with it
and i
that are free of course..
as my IcE RinK only CHeaP SKates
And no Siri did not tell me that Joke
it just
Flow and
Shapes that
continue to
Grow like
A Forest
On Your Never
Ending Story Blog too.. hehe..;)
Some Spider Man
Poses.. only
Heavy hehe..
Hello Ms. Hugs
From the Nice
In France..
No Place for Young People
Oldest Folks Ruling the World
as they Please.. quite a turn around
it is now as Youth Used to be all the
benefit to Be.. by the way hehe hope
this doesn’t look too ‘pretentious’ but
i for one Believe in making the most out
of each and every word and step of Life for
whatever shape i come out to
be at least i am me
and free.. and i do
believe one great
thing about the so-called
Millennial Generation is they
are righty disillusioned with the so-
called American Dream(Lie) as it were for
A Car And and a House and two Children
And A Wife who is Closest with the Housework
and best friends with a Soap Opera too while the Man
Gets a Career For a Lifetime with some Meaning And
Purpose that he shares with others in Work as a Valued
Human and not just a Cog in a Machine expendable as an
Old Pair of Socks that wear out.. welcome to the New World
That Old World is just not possible for most Folks now so Young Folks
have no choice now but to find alternate ways of moving and connecting
And creating their Lives.. some are successful who find creativity on their
own.. others follow the newer older traditions the best they can and will and
still others
fall on
the Way
Side of Drug
Addiction as
they Never Feel
or Fill the Empty Place
of Soul Within.. anyway.. now those
who create their own Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose in life will survive
and thrive.. some will just survive with whatever
the Left Overs of Culture for them are and others
will die to the disease of addiction slowly never finding their way
Home and others will burn-out with Jobs with no Holy And Sacred
Meaning and Purpose mostly empty and numb the walking dead alive
of course where
The Words and Numbers
of Life neither Dance or Sing
A Tune that is both Feeling and Meaning
Smiles my Shape Evolves as my own way..
And those who are at best now are Shaping
THeir Lives as their own way too Free to Be.
i Believe the Art Now of Expressing ourselves
Facially is a Greatest/Oldest Work of Art to do
hehe.. Pictured in Sunshiny Yellow First is my
Yes photo
and the
one is my
No photo
in the Spirit
of the Star
Wars Darker
Force ‘Sith’ Side too.. hehe..
Yes.. the First Photo is the ‘Jedi’ Side..
Smiles A Beautiful
Model Smile
but without
A bit
of Sunshine
that Radiates
in A Flow of
True Happiness..
i suppose there must be a bit of
lost meaning and purpose in
Life among the Youngest
Folks as Truth increasingly
Now is no Longer A Holy and
Sacred Valuable Commodity
in even a mostly Free World
like the United States.. if the
Folks in Charge cannot be trusted
With even telling the Truth who will
they Trust
in the Future
obviously it will
have to be mostly
Yourself at least if ya
Wanna hear the Truth from
any Person Higher up than You..
where really they are the loWest oF aLL..
It’s a Challenge
to Keep up
with it
and i
that are free of course..
as my IcE RinK only CHeaP SKates
And no Siri did not tell me that Joke
it just
Flow and
Shapes that
continue to
Grow like
A Forest
On Your Never
Ending Story Blog too.. hehe..;)
Smiles.. i meet folks like you Now at
Catholic Church often only difference
is they show their face with
as much Love as they
will muster.
Have a Nice Day..
SMiles; it appears i may have
Misread Your comment; i thought you were
a Catholic Apologist; but now you seem
to be a critic like me. One of my
Degrees i enjoy as a Hobby
now is Anthropology; i don’t leave
anyone out of my Study of Humans
and to Be Clear, i see the entire Jesus
Saga as nothing more than a Multi-Author Story;
but Love is Good when Practiced and Given for Free
in positive ways at least; Nature is my REAL God and i am in charge of my own life with Relative
Free Will; i don’t lend anyone else that responsibility; And i try to play nicely with others; and Yes..
SMiLes, nothing i do is really hard; it’s just for fun to see what shapes the Words Do come to relate..
SMiLes my Friend, Mary Pinakat; i suggest you take your own advice now if you will/like; i did not come here to visit you; i came here specifically to Visit Bishop Barron; for i disagree with His Opinion; i write Free Verse Poetry around the World and benefit from both Dark Muse and
Light Muse; lately the Catholic Church has been a mix between support of Trump and
his Lies and one of the Greatest Evils that most People will agree does exist
and that is the Sexual Molestation of Little Children as that most often
ruins their Chances for a Real Love Felt Life. i’ve seen Lives ruined
and have even known Women who eventually committed Suicide
in their Father’s Bed with a Revolver for their last
Protest against being used like Cattle
for Butchering taking away in the
Case of a Human Being the very
Essence for their Ability to Love;
in some ways; a death as life worse than Death.
i take what i am doing here seriously; it’s also effortless
and Fun when i Leg Press 1340 pounds, 18 Reps now more than
any Marine at the Military Gym i Frequent now close to age 59 on June 6th.
i Love to Write and the only person who has the right to tell me to go away here
are the Administrators of this YouTube Site. True Christians Never Turn People
away and that much it seems that Bishop Barron is doing correct as far as the Love
Your Neighbors part of the Story. I have great respect for the Authors who Wrote the
Beautiful Loving Story of Jesus; the fact that only at most Scholarly Reports indicate
that one Person, Mostly Saul the Paul wrote at most 18 Percent of the New Testament
doesn’t bother me a bit. I see all that is as God; the Nature of all that is that is Nature
as ALL. And no; i am no material reductionist; i have the Benefit of Experiencing Real
Miracles in life that no Doctor can explain; and even admits was a miracle in
recovering for me; i suffered from Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia from
wake to sleep for 66 months as a Shut-in in my Bedroom; A Pain
that no drug offered relief that is assessed in Medical Literature
as worse than the literal Torture of Crucifixion; best analogy
is a Dentist Drill in my Right eye and ear that no drug
would touch for 66 Months of Living Hell on Earth
from yes; wake to sleep; that wasn’t all there
was; also a Synergy of Life Threatening
Disorders then numbering 18 more
including Dysautonomia where
my Blood Pressure and
Heart rate no
was properly
regulated by my Nervous
System; along with Sjogren’s
Syndrome Where my Eyes Quit
Making Tears; Fibromyalgia as
a Walk in the Park compared to
the First Suicide Disease Mentioned
above; Spinal Stenosis; Severe Degenerative
Arthritis in my spine as well; Coat Hanger Pain
Associated with Dysautonomia; Anhedonia; Severe
Depression; Severe Anxiety; Alexithymia; Asperger’s
Syndrome; Bi-Polar Disorder; Mood Lability; Panic Attacks;
ADHD; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; With Yes Suicidal Tendencies
for the First Couple of Years with the Suicide Disease as that is
the Common Term for Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia from Wake
to Sleep as the Insomnia was particularly extreme during the ‘Lent Period’
of the Spring of 2008; the First 35 of 40 Days an Alpha Blocker Slowed my
Heart enough for one very Card Board Shallow Hour of Sleep only each of
those nights; no sleep at all for the last 5 of 40 Days; i guess it was a coincidence
that my Lent Period hit 40 days too; not sure if was bad as being in a Desert too but
the Worst Part of the whole Ordeal was Losing almost any semblance of my Emotions
in Piece of Paper existence where all that existed for me was time where a Thousand
Years was like a Second of Human Clock Time to me then. True; the Worst Pain Known
to Humankind was preferable to that or dousing oneself with gasoline and burning forever
if that was what it took to escape real hell on Earth. In the Fox TV Show that was a spoof on Lucifer as a real Devil from Hell; instead of just another Light Bringer created as a Devil by ‘John MIlton’; Lucifer Showed His Devil Face all made up in Make-up from where he had been; sure, i Will still make that face too; not angry; but just from my Existence in Hell for not doing anything Wrong at all but my Very Best
in both Work
and Love;
the Autism and
Not being able to speak ’till
4, did not stop me from gaining
3 College degrees close to the top
of my class; Nor Retiring after 25 Years
of Federal Service as an Athletic Director
of a Military Installation as the Kid once so
Weak and picked last in Sports teams that
really where i lived, Androgynous/ugly too in
‘Trump Town USA’, my Peers made
it Clear to me i didn’t deserve
to exist; my Mother was
all Love she planted
a smile in me
that Never
Died for Good.
Thank Goodness my
Father Left or i could probably
be a whole like Trump and Company
in Red State ways. The Story of Jesus is
Just another Archetypal Garden Variety
Human Hero Story; they are as Numerous
as any Super Hero Movie come to
the Big Screen Still. Bottom line;
there is no dignity in protecting
People who molest
little Children;
i do
not care
who anyone thinks
they are above Love;
Love says no. i am not ashamed
of either my Angel Face or the Devil
Face From Before; i would give you a whole
lot more Credit if you were not afraid to show both
Your Shadow Face and Your Angel Face too.
i write Free Verse Poetry my Friend the Epic
Style of Old as New Again. i find muse every
where; if you like, continue to be my muse for
this in a dark or light ways; you are surely
welcome as everyone else who
enters into my Life is too;
i welcome everyone
and that is how
my Soul
Evolves most;
i exclude no one and
that colors my Soul the Most.
Do as you will my Free i will with Love.
When i see true Evil i am willing to caLL it Out
too; i have no idea who you are as you do not show your
face; i tend to see Souls My Friend; People have said i have piercing
eyes that Penetrate the Windows of their Soul in both Dark and Light
Ways of Life; i’ll let you be the judge of my eyes; i usually wear shades as
they tend to make some folks uncomfortable; plus it is still a necessity for
the Condition and all the other conditions that were miraculously remedied
in Symptoms on a Beach in July of 2013. Anyway; i Love People, Everyone;
but i do not care to see the Vulnerable among us Lose their Souls
to ignorance
and Particularly
ignorance that
Masquerades as Love.
When You’ve Seen Enough
Suffering, You come to Understand
that Light comes From Dark; After that
there is no Fear all that is Left is Agape Unconditional Love;
That my Friend is the true Experience of God as Verb; the Real God;
not the
God or any
other smaller
God than all that is..
i started off my 4.2 Million Word ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’ with the Polar
Opposite Sides of my Soul that are integrated as Shadow
And Love the Same; in other Words, don’t judge a Book
by Any Cover; i am as calm as Love inside in Both
Photos; i just have the ability to form the Essence
of Hell
in Heaven
now; that my
Friend is a Dream
of Heaven complete
on Earth in Flow now;
nothing new; just different
Labels For it ACross every
Human Culture who lives as Human Now in Full Potential
of Fearless And Unconditional Positive Love in the Transient
Hypo-Frontality of Flow; Where the State of Being is Autotelic
Where one Generates their Own Feel Good Neurohormones
and Neurochemicals from Whatever Meditation in Bio-FeedBack
Works to Achieve this Nirvana And Bliss. For me, 11,300 Miles
of Public Dance in 69 Months; now along with 6.9 Million Total Words
Of Epic Free Write Long Form Poem Writing NoW in Flow too has done
the Trick as Treat in 70 Months now too of Moving Meditation And Of course
that is all documented in the Poem too as sure i’ll link it again just for fun too..
My Wife’s Super Power at 49 is that seemingly she hardly ages at all; do not
Bet against Angels and Devils coming for real in Flesh and Blood; and yes in the
Same Body too; common Hero Archetype; all Heroes Visit Hell before they earn their Wings.
Catholic Church often only difference
is they show their face with
as much Love as they
will muster.
Have a Nice Day..
SMiles; it appears i may have
Misread Your comment; i thought you were
a Catholic Apologist; but now you seem
to be a critic like me. One of my
Degrees i enjoy as a Hobby
now is Anthropology; i don’t leave
anyone out of my Study of Humans
and to Be Clear, i see the entire Jesus
Saga as nothing more than a Multi-Author Story;
but Love is Good when Practiced and Given for Free
in positive ways at least; Nature is my REAL God and i am in charge of my own life with Relative
Free Will; i don’t lend anyone else that responsibility; And i try to play nicely with others; and Yes..
SMiLes, nothing i do is really hard; it’s just for fun to see what shapes the Words Do come to relate..
SMiLes my Friend, Mary Pinakat; i suggest you take your own advice now if you will/like; i did not come here to visit you; i came here specifically to Visit Bishop Barron; for i disagree with His Opinion; i write Free Verse Poetry around the World and benefit from both Dark Muse and
Light Muse; lately the Catholic Church has been a mix between support of Trump and
his Lies and one of the Greatest Evils that most People will agree does exist
and that is the Sexual Molestation of Little Children as that most often
ruins their Chances for a Real Love Felt Life. i’ve seen Lives ruined
and have even known Women who eventually committed Suicide
in their Father’s Bed with a Revolver for their last
Protest against being used like Cattle
for Butchering taking away in the
Case of a Human Being the very
Essence for their Ability to Love;
in some ways; a death as life worse than Death.
i take what i am doing here seriously; it’s also effortless
and Fun when i Leg Press 1340 pounds, 18 Reps now more than
any Marine at the Military Gym i Frequent now close to age 59 on June 6th.
i Love to Write and the only person who has the right to tell me to go away here
are the Administrators of this YouTube Site. True Christians Never Turn People
away and that much it seems that Bishop Barron is doing correct as far as the Love
Your Neighbors part of the Story. I have great respect for the Authors who Wrote the
Beautiful Loving Story of Jesus; the fact that only at most Scholarly Reports indicate
that one Person, Mostly Saul the Paul wrote at most 18 Percent of the New Testament
doesn’t bother me a bit. I see all that is as God; the Nature of all that is that is Nature
as ALL. And no; i am no material reductionist; i have the Benefit of Experiencing Real
Miracles in life that no Doctor can explain; and even admits was a miracle in
recovering for me; i suffered from Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia from
wake to sleep for 66 months as a Shut-in in my Bedroom; A Pain
that no drug offered relief that is assessed in Medical Literature
as worse than the literal Torture of Crucifixion; best analogy
is a Dentist Drill in my Right eye and ear that no drug
would touch for 66 Months of Living Hell on Earth
from yes; wake to sleep; that wasn’t all there
was; also a Synergy of Life Threatening
Disorders then numbering 18 more
including Dysautonomia where
my Blood Pressure and
Heart rate no
was properly
regulated by my Nervous
System; along with Sjogren’s
Syndrome Where my Eyes Quit
Making Tears; Fibromyalgia as
a Walk in the Park compared to
the First Suicide Disease Mentioned
above; Spinal Stenosis; Severe Degenerative
Arthritis in my spine as well; Coat Hanger Pain
Associated with Dysautonomia; Anhedonia; Severe
Depression; Severe Anxiety; Alexithymia; Asperger’s
Syndrome; Bi-Polar Disorder; Mood Lability; Panic Attacks;
ADHD; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; With Yes Suicidal Tendencies
for the First Couple of Years with the Suicide Disease as that is
the Common Term for Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia from Wake
to Sleep as the Insomnia was particularly extreme during the ‘Lent Period’
of the Spring of 2008; the First 35 of 40 Days an Alpha Blocker Slowed my
Heart enough for one very Card Board Shallow Hour of Sleep only each of
those nights; no sleep at all for the last 5 of 40 Days; i guess it was a coincidence
that my Lent Period hit 40 days too; not sure if was bad as being in a Desert too but
the Worst Part of the whole Ordeal was Losing almost any semblance of my Emotions
in Piece of Paper existence where all that existed for me was time where a Thousand
Years was like a Second of Human Clock Time to me then. True; the Worst Pain Known
to Humankind was preferable to that or dousing oneself with gasoline and burning forever
if that was what it took to escape real hell on Earth. In the Fox TV Show that was a spoof on Lucifer as a real Devil from Hell; instead of just another Light Bringer created as a Devil by ‘John MIlton’; Lucifer Showed His Devil Face all made up in Make-up from where he had been; sure, i Will still make that face too; not angry; but just from my Existence in Hell for not doing anything Wrong at all but my Very Best
in both Work
and Love;
the Autism and
Not being able to speak ’till
4, did not stop me from gaining
3 College degrees close to the top
of my class; Nor Retiring after 25 Years
of Federal Service as an Athletic Director
of a Military Installation as the Kid once so
Weak and picked last in Sports teams that
really where i lived, Androgynous/ugly too in
‘Trump Town USA’, my Peers made
it Clear to me i didn’t deserve
to exist; my Mother was
all Love she planted
a smile in me
that Never
Died for Good.
Thank Goodness my
Father Left or i could probably
be a whole like Trump and Company
in Red State ways. The Story of Jesus is
Just another Archetypal Garden Variety
Human Hero Story; they are as Numerous
as any Super Hero Movie come to
the Big Screen Still. Bottom line;
there is no dignity in protecting
People who molest
little Children;
i do
not care
who anyone thinks
they are above Love;
Love says no. i am not ashamed
of either my Angel Face or the Devil
Face From Before; i would give you a whole
lot more Credit if you were not afraid to show both
Your Shadow Face and Your Angel Face too.
i write Free Verse Poetry my Friend the Epic
Style of Old as New Again. i find muse every
where; if you like, continue to be my muse for
this in a dark or light ways; you are surely
welcome as everyone else who
enters into my Life is too;
i welcome everyone
and that is how
my Soul
Evolves most;
i exclude no one and
that colors my Soul the Most.
Do as you will my Free i will with Love.
When i see true Evil i am willing to caLL it Out
too; i have no idea who you are as you do not show your
face; i tend to see Souls My Friend; People have said i have piercing
eyes that Penetrate the Windows of their Soul in both Dark and Light
Ways of Life; i’ll let you be the judge of my eyes; i usually wear shades as
they tend to make some folks uncomfortable; plus it is still a necessity for
the Condition and all the other conditions that were miraculously remedied
in Symptoms on a Beach in July of 2013. Anyway; i Love People, Everyone;
but i do not care to see the Vulnerable among us Lose their Souls
to ignorance
and Particularly
ignorance that
Masquerades as Love.
When You’ve Seen Enough
Suffering, You come to Understand
that Light comes From Dark; After that
there is no Fear all that is Left is Agape Unconditional Love;
That my Friend is the true Experience of God as Verb; the Real God;
not the
God or any
other smaller
God than all that is..
i started off my 4.2 Million Word ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’ with the Polar
Opposite Sides of my Soul that are integrated as Shadow
And Love the Same; in other Words, don’t judge a Book
by Any Cover; i am as calm as Love inside in Both
Photos; i just have the ability to form the Essence
of Hell
in Heaven
now; that my
Friend is a Dream
of Heaven complete
on Earth in Flow now;
nothing new; just different
Labels For it ACross every
Human Culture who lives as Human Now in Full Potential
of Fearless And Unconditional Positive Love in the Transient
Hypo-Frontality of Flow; Where the State of Being is Autotelic
Where one Generates their Own Feel Good Neurohormones
and Neurochemicals from Whatever Meditation in Bio-FeedBack
Works to Achieve this Nirvana And Bliss. For me, 11,300 Miles
of Public Dance in 69 Months; now along with 6.9 Million Total Words
Of Epic Free Write Long Form Poem Writing NoW in Flow too has done
the Trick as Treat in 70 Months now too of Moving Meditation And Of course
that is all documented in the Poem too as sure i’ll link it again just for fun too..
My Wife’s Super Power at 49 is that seemingly she hardly ages at all; do not
Bet against Angels and Devils coming for real in Flesh and Blood; and yes in the
Same Body too; common Hero Archetype; all Heroes Visit Hell before they earn their Wings.

“i Have Loved You With An Ever Lasting Love”
i tried to record myself
Singing at Church
To Cheer you up
On Sunday but Katrina
Said i botched it up
Too much and sounded
More like a Robot
Than Angelic
In Flow so i
Didn’t send it
To You; on the
Other Hand, tonight,
Walking around the
Block my Sister said
It was okay as she isn’t
Quite the Perfectionist
Like Katrina; yes, when i
Am not thinking about
Recording myself
i Sing in Flow and
Rarely make
Any Mistakes;
Just like Dance;
But i don’t like
Any kind of competition
Feeling as it just
Takes away from
The Art It is
The Feeling
That Counts
Most i am
Expressing Agape
Love in this Song
Same Emotion
I have for you
For now
Is my
Good Morning
Song for you; perhaps,
i will Sing the ‘Perfect’
Version to
You Face to
Face one
Day; yes,
It will
better then..
Singing at Church
To Cheer you up
On Sunday but Katrina
Said i botched it up
Too much and sounded
More like a Robot
Than Angelic
In Flow so i
Didn’t send it
To You; on the
Other Hand, tonight,
Walking around the
Block my Sister said
It was okay as she isn’t
Quite the Perfectionist
Like Katrina; yes, when i
Am not thinking about
Recording myself
i Sing in Flow and
Rarely make
Any Mistakes;
Just like Dance;
But i don’t like
Any kind of competition
Feeling as it just
Takes away from
The Art It is
The Feeling
That Counts
Most i am
Expressing Agape
Love in this Song
Same Emotion
I have for you
For now
Is my
Good Morning
Song for you; perhaps,
i will Sing the ‘Perfect’
Version to
You Face to
Face one
Day; yes,
It will
better then..
RubblE RiserS…NoW
Stones of Humans
Without Empathy
Falling Down
On Humanity
Now Just
Rules Us
Always Now..
The only God
Worth Saving
Alive And Well..
Capt. Salt sees what
Happens to Sgt. Pepper
Unreliable Crews make
Comic Book Writer Movies
Come True
Always Stays
Up with His/Her Ship
Longing Bitter
Aching early
iN A Morning
Late at Night
When Days
Are done
LoVing DanCinG
BReaTHeS AGAin..:)
It’s a Challenge
to Keep up
with it
and i
that are free of course..
as my IcE RinK only CHeaP SKates
And no Siri did not tell me that Joke
it just
Flow and
Shapes that
continue to
Grow like
A Forest
On Your Never
Ending Story Blog too.. hehe..;)
Hehe as you
Know i Enjoy
No one
Has Done
Before ALL Free..
Hehe i am
A Master
of my
it does
not Exist
for me plus
i don’t Work
i have Zero Responsibilities
my Wife even Takes the Trash
Out for she does not believe i do
a good enough Job of it so in other
Words i Write up to 10 Thousand Words
in one Day and Dance up to 23 Miles in one
Day Writing/Singing/Dancing in many many
different places as no
other responsibilities
Leaves me only never
ever ending Nether Land
Story Time to Peter Pan
Fly as i please just to be..
it really rubs some folks
the wrong way to see
someone as Free
as me now
when someone as
free as you let’s
me be as
as me
in Your Home
but hey.. we sort
of looked like brother
and sister when i was
Younger so maybe we
are just related someway.. hAha..
other than that i’m JusT A ‘DuM Older Blonde’..
i used to be Pretty but now my Wife is more the Fairest of them all..
She still calls me Princess though as she does nothing to get ready..
as a Daisy
no matter
what she does..
somedays i’m not
sure she is even Human
Without Great Assistants
Peter Pans Never get to iFly..
oh yeah and don’t forget my
Super Powers.. Bi Polar and
Asperger’s Syndrome on the Gift Side too..;)
Greatest Story Your Story Is God’s Love Story…
The Old Testament has just as much Violence, Rape, And Purchasing multiple Women under 16. You suggest that Good Muslims are far and few between; i suggest you get to know some Muslims first before you judge them for if we judge Christians by the Old Testament Alone, they are no less Prone to all of what I listed. Jesus IS A Teacher inviting Everyone into The Home of Love. Smaller Men And Women Give Up on Love. Sharia Laws and Hadiths rule outside of The Koran in those other Countries. Muslims who Come Here must be Willing to Give that Up not unlike
Old Testament
Christians who
Are not allowed
By Law to crush the
Skulls of the Children
Of their Enemies with
Stones. Let’s Face it my
Friend, You will
Find the Bad in
Everyone or
The Good
Mostly Depending
On Who You are if you
Actually go and meet
Some Muslim folks
You will find that
Same love in you
But only if You seek it. i Give you
Great Credit for not Deleting my comment.
Listening to
Other Opinions
Is always the First
Step to Jesus and God
And Love there is
No Difference when
You Come To Understand the Same.
There is zero evidence That Muslim
Folks Who Live here
Are any less Good
Citizens than
Anyone else;
That is the Requirement
To Be A Citizen Here.
No one is above the
Law, except for the
Reflection of
John 8:44 at
The Top now.
If you want to
Make a fair
In who does or does
Not break the Laws
And Cheats And Lies;
The Path is
The so-called top;
i disagree with
Muslims who
Are my
No Different
As they bring
Psychological harm
To People who have
Different Sexual
No Different
Than so Called
Christians quoting
From all the Fear
And Hatred
That Still exists
In the Old Testament And
Revelation too for if one
Actually sends any one to Hell
Eternally who turns
The other Cheek
And Loves
All their
They too are
A Father of
All Lies according
To who and how
They Judge and
If they are
Love incarnate
Or Not. There are
innumerable ghost
Writing authors Of the Bible; it is worth
Noting that the Organization that
Protected Pedophiles is
the Same Organization
That determined the
Final Version of
That Bible.
The Truth In
Light of Living this Spirit
Of Heart will
Only be Found
In Each Human
Loving or Not as
Soul reflecting
God’s Love by
Both Feeling
And Acting Love.
The only way we will
Ever know We are
Christians is with the
Real Faith And
Courage we Give
And Share Love; all
The Rest is Empty
Book Covers, Pages
And Empty Shells
Of Words. Other than
Indians, Muslims Folks
i have met Meet the Grade of Jesus the Most;
The only Currency, Pay Rate, And Pay Grade of
Love; some of
the Tenants
Of their Religion i
Totally disagree with;
But as long as they
Are Loving without
Harming they
Fill the
Sandals of Jesus in
Enough Comfort to
Walk with him
At least
For Real..:)
Hehe.. i just took
Some Spider Man
Poses.. only
Heavy hehe..
Hello Ms. Hugs
From the Nice
In France..
No Place for Young People
Oldest Folks Ruling the World
as they Please.. quite a turn around
it is now as Youth Used to be all the
benefit to Be.. by the way hehe hope
this doesn’t look too ‘pretentious’ but
i for one Believe in making the most out
of each and every word and step of Life for
whatever shape i come out to
be at least i am me
and free.. and i do
believe one great
thing about the so-called
Millennial Generation is they
are righty disillusioned with the so-
called American Dream(Lie) as it were for
A Car And and a House and two Children
And A Wife who is Closest with the Housework
and best friends with a Soap Opera too while the Man
Gets a Career For a Lifetime with some Meaning And
Purpose that he shares with others in Work as a Valued
Human and not just a Cog in a Machine expendable as an
Old Pair of Socks that wear out.. welcome to the New World
That Old World is just not possible for most Folks now so Young Folks
have no choice now but to find alternate ways of moving and connecting
And creating their Lives.. some are successful who find creativity on their
own.. others follow the newer older traditions the best they can and will and
still others
fall on
the Way
Side of Drug
Addiction as
they Never Feel
or Fill the Empty Place
of Soul Within.. anyway.. now those
who create their own Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose in life will survive
and thrive.. some will just survive with whatever
the Left Overs of Culture for them are and others
will die to the disease of addiction slowly never finding their way
Home and others will burn-out with Jobs with no Holy And Sacred
Meaning and Purpose mostly empty and numb the walking dead alive
of course where
The Words and Numbers
of Life neither Dance or Sing
A Tune that is both Feeling and Meaning
Smiles my Shape Evolves as my own way..
And those who are at best now are Shaping
THeir Lives as their own way too Free to Be.
i Believe the Art Now of Expressing ourselves
Facially is a Greatest/Oldest Work of Art to do
hehe.. Pictured in Sunshiny Yellow First is my
Yes photo
and the
one is my
No photo
in the Spirit
of the Star
Wars Darker
Force ‘Sith’ Side too.. hehe..
Yes.. the First Photo is the ‘Jedi’ Side..
Smiles A Beautiful
Model Smile
but without
A bit
of Sunshine
that Radiates
in A Flow of
True Happiness..
i suppose there must be a bit of
lost meaning and purpose in
Life among the Youngest
Folks as Truth increasingly
Now is no Longer A Holy and
Sacred Valuable Commodity
in even a mostly Free World
like the United States.. if the
Folks in Charge cannot be trusted
With even telling the Truth who will
they Trust
in the Future
obviously it will
have to be mostly
Yourself at least if ya
Wanna hear the Truth from
any Person Higher up than You..
where really they are the loWest oF aLL..
It’s a Challenge
to Keep up
with it
and i
that are free of course..
as my IcE RinK only CHeaP SKates
And no Siri did not tell me that Joke
it just
Flow and
Shapes that
continue to
Grow like
A Forest
On Your Never
Ending Story Blog too.. hehe..;)
SMiLes (me) Says it’s Best to Accept Folks Just the
Way they are.. nope.. no need to Change
the Color of the Hair for they will
Always have my unspoken
Passion but ha!
with me there
is nothing
much unspoken
But True i Love Just
to Have someone to talk
to Just the way they are.. hmm..
you know it’s good when the same
old someone is someone you knew
but hey if they Change you just Roll
with Changing Tides coming in going
out and maybe going away but ha! don’t
matter to me for there is always an everlasting
Love with me and i Just couldn’t Love them any
Better either Just the way they are now is good enough
for me.. i really don’t have to have clever conversation
for it is enough for me to Give really i don’t expect for
anyone to Work as hard as i do.. for really it is no sweat
at all for me just to Love and Love and Love and Love
and Keep
i practically
Love someone
to Nuts and if you
don’t believe me
Just ask
Wife Haha..
and Perhaps at
Least one Great Friend..
With Brown Eyes too.. my
Energy is not for everyone
With Ease hehe.. when they become my Muse…;)
Stones of Humans
Without Empathy
Falling Down
On Humanity
Now Just
Rules Us
Always Now..
The only God
Worth Saving
Alive And Well..
Capt. Salt sees what
Happens to Sgt. Pepper
Unreliable Crews make
Comic Book Writer Movies
Come True
Always Stays
Up with His/Her Ship
Longing Bitter
Aching early
iN A Morning
Late at Night
When Days
Are done
LoVing DanCinG
BReaTHeS AGAin..:)
It’s a Challenge
to Keep up
with it
and i
that are free of course..
as my IcE RinK only CHeaP SKates
And no Siri did not tell me that Joke
it just
Flow and
Shapes that
continue to
Grow like
A Forest
On Your Never
Ending Story Blog too.. hehe..;)
Hehe as you
Know i Enjoy
No one
Has Done
Before ALL Free..
Hehe i am
A Master
of my
it does
not Exist
for me plus
i don’t Work
i have Zero Responsibilities
my Wife even Takes the Trash
Out for she does not believe i do
a good enough Job of it so in other
Words i Write up to 10 Thousand Words
in one Day and Dance up to 23 Miles in one
Day Writing/Singing/Dancing in many many
different places as no
other responsibilities
Leaves me only never
ever ending Nether Land
Story Time to Peter Pan
Fly as i please just to be..
it really rubs some folks
the wrong way to see
someone as Free
as me now
when someone as
free as you let’s
me be as
as me
in Your Home
but hey.. we sort
of looked like brother
and sister when i was
Younger so maybe we
are just related someway.. hAha..
other than that i’m JusT A ‘DuM Older Blonde’..
i used to be Pretty but now my Wife is more the Fairest of them all..
She still calls me Princess though as she does nothing to get ready..
as a Daisy
no matter
what she does..
somedays i’m not
sure she is even Human
Without Great Assistants
Peter Pans Never get to iFly..
oh yeah and don’t forget my
Super Powers.. Bi Polar and
Asperger’s Syndrome on the Gift Side too..;)
Greatest Story Your Story Is God’s Love Story…
The Old Testament has just as much Violence, Rape, And Purchasing multiple Women under 16. You suggest that Good Muslims are far and few between; i suggest you get to know some Muslims first before you judge them for if we judge Christians by the Old Testament Alone, they are no less Prone to all of what I listed. Jesus IS A Teacher inviting Everyone into The Home of Love. Smaller Men And Women Give Up on Love. Sharia Laws and Hadiths rule outside of The Koran in those other Countries. Muslims who Come Here must be Willing to Give that Up not unlike
Old Testament
Christians who
Are not allowed
By Law to crush the
Skulls of the Children
Of their Enemies with
Stones. Let’s Face it my
Friend, You will
Find the Bad in
Everyone or
The Good
Mostly Depending
On Who You are if you
Actually go and meet
Some Muslim folks
You will find that
Same love in you
But only if You seek it. i Give you
Great Credit for not Deleting my comment.
Listening to
Other Opinions
Is always the First
Step to Jesus and God
And Love there is
No Difference when
You Come To Understand the Same.
There is zero evidence That Muslim
Folks Who Live here
Are any less Good
Citizens than
Anyone else;
That is the Requirement
To Be A Citizen Here.
No one is above the
Law, except for the
Reflection of
John 8:44 at
The Top now.
If you want to
Make a fair
In who does or does
Not break the Laws
And Cheats And Lies;
The Path is
The so-called top;
i disagree with
Muslims who
Are my
No Different
As they bring
Psychological harm
To People who have
Different Sexual
No Different
Than so Called
Christians quoting
From all the Fear
And Hatred
That Still exists
In the Old Testament And
Revelation too for if one
Actually sends any one to Hell
Eternally who turns
The other Cheek
And Loves
All their
They too are
A Father of
All Lies according
To who and how
They Judge and
If they are
Love incarnate
Or Not. There are
innumerable ghost
Writing authors Of the Bible; it is worth
Noting that the Organization that
Protected Pedophiles is
the Same Organization
That determined the
Final Version of
That Bible.
The Truth In
Light of Living this Spirit
Of Heart will
Only be Found
In Each Human
Loving or Not as
Soul reflecting
God’s Love by
Both Feeling
And Acting Love.
The only way we will
Ever know We are
Christians is with the
Real Faith And
Courage we Give
And Share Love; all
The Rest is Empty
Book Covers, Pages
And Empty Shells
Of Words. Other than
Indians, Muslims Folks
i have met Meet the Grade of Jesus the Most;
The only Currency, Pay Rate, And Pay Grade of
Love; some of
the Tenants
Of their Religion i
Totally disagree with;
But as long as they
Are Loving without
Harming they
Fill the
Sandals of Jesus in
Enough Comfort to
Walk with him
At least
For Real..:)
Hehe.. i just took
Some Spider Man
Poses.. only
Heavy hehe..
Hello Ms. Hugs
From the Nice
In France..
No Place for Young People
Oldest Folks Ruling the World
as they Please.. quite a turn around
it is now as Youth Used to be all the
benefit to Be.. by the way hehe hope
this doesn’t look too ‘pretentious’ but
i for one Believe in making the most out
of each and every word and step of Life for
whatever shape i come out to
be at least i am me
and free.. and i do
believe one great
thing about the so-called
Millennial Generation is they
are righty disillusioned with the so-
called American Dream(Lie) as it were for
A Car And and a House and two Children
And A Wife who is Closest with the Housework
and best friends with a Soap Opera too while the Man
Gets a Career For a Lifetime with some Meaning And
Purpose that he shares with others in Work as a Valued
Human and not just a Cog in a Machine expendable as an
Old Pair of Socks that wear out.. welcome to the New World
That Old World is just not possible for most Folks now so Young Folks
have no choice now but to find alternate ways of moving and connecting
And creating their Lives.. some are successful who find creativity on their
own.. others follow the newer older traditions the best they can and will and
still others
fall on
the Way
Side of Drug
Addiction as
they Never Feel
or Fill the Empty Place
of Soul Within.. anyway.. now those
who create their own Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose in life will survive
and thrive.. some will just survive with whatever
the Left Overs of Culture for them are and others
will die to the disease of addiction slowly never finding their way
Home and others will burn-out with Jobs with no Holy And Sacred
Meaning and Purpose mostly empty and numb the walking dead alive
of course where
The Words and Numbers
of Life neither Dance or Sing
A Tune that is both Feeling and Meaning
Smiles my Shape Evolves as my own way..
And those who are at best now are Shaping
THeir Lives as their own way too Free to Be.
i Believe the Art Now of Expressing ourselves
Facially is a Greatest/Oldest Work of Art to do
hehe.. Pictured in Sunshiny Yellow First is my
Yes photo
and the
one is my
No photo
in the Spirit
of the Star
Wars Darker
Force ‘Sith’ Side too.. hehe..
Yes.. the First Photo is the ‘Jedi’ Side..
Smiles A Beautiful
Model Smile
but without
A bit
of Sunshine
that Radiates
in A Flow of
True Happiness..
i suppose there must be a bit of
lost meaning and purpose in
Life among the Youngest
Folks as Truth increasingly
Now is no Longer A Holy and
Sacred Valuable Commodity
in even a mostly Free World
like the United States.. if the
Folks in Charge cannot be trusted
With even telling the Truth who will
they Trust
in the Future
obviously it will
have to be mostly
Yourself at least if ya
Wanna hear the Truth from
any Person Higher up than You..
where really they are the loWest oF aLL..
It’s a Challenge
to Keep up
with it
and i
that are free of course..
as my IcE RinK only CHeaP SKates
And no Siri did not tell me that Joke
it just
Flow and
Shapes that
continue to
Grow like
A Forest
On Your Never
Ending Story Blog too.. hehe..;)
SMiLes (me) Says it’s Best to Accept Folks Just the
Way they are.. nope.. no need to Change
the Color of the Hair for they will
Always have my unspoken
Passion but ha!
with me there
is nothing
much unspoken
But True i Love Just
to Have someone to talk
to Just the way they are.. hmm..
you know it’s good when the same
old someone is someone you knew
but hey if they Change you just Roll
with Changing Tides coming in going
out and maybe going away but ha! don’t
matter to me for there is always an everlasting
Love with me and i Just couldn’t Love them any
Better either Just the way they are now is good enough
for me.. i really don’t have to have clever conversation
for it is enough for me to Give really i don’t expect for
anyone to Work as hard as i do.. for really it is no sweat
at all for me just to Love and Love and Love and Love
and Keep
i practically
Love someone
to Nuts and if you
don’t believe me
Just ask
Wife Haha..
and Perhaps at
Least one Great Friend..
With Brown Eyes too.. my
Energy is not for everyone
With Ease hehe.. when they become my Muse…;)
SMiLes Sohair as Always Much Appreciated..
Love Spreading Everywhere is So Beautiful Sohair..
i am sad when Rules become more important than Love..
True.. Rules are important too.. been visiting Christians attempting
to Explain to them that Love is both most Important and the only Rule
of their Religion
but i just
seem to
get through
rarely welcome
in their Lives now
as it has also been
overall in my Life for my
Mother Taught Love not always
Unconditional but the Unconditional
ParT Was Born as my Soul and From Before
that my friend the Fire of Eternal Love Now Just
Another Phrase For God Willing BreaKinG AParT
to BRinG Love and the Opportunity to Love Beyond
Infinity More Together Once again and the Dance and
Song goes on into Eternity now and Beyond at least
that is
i feel
and sense
my Friend
there is a store
in the Mall Complex
in my Metro Area called
‘World Market Place’.. Moving
out the Doors there are Pictures
of People in Different Cultures Around
the World it is true in this Life if it was not
for the Internet and a Handful of Friends mostly
Outside of where i live so far away across the Ocean
Blue and other Seas and Deserts and Even Snowy Mountains
too.. i would have met so few people in life who took any time
at all to really get to know me and allow me to know and feel and
sense more about them.. true though this was after i retired before that
i did have Community at least at Work and Mostly through School too.. The
Internet is a Blessing to people now who longer fit the Mold of their Community
At Hand
And People
Are always
A Blessing
Worth Understanding
Differences and the Connections
of Love that are very similar and same
to all of us when connecting this way
the Bond that Lasts forever now JusT Love is all that is..
“Souls ParT one”…
SMiLes Sohair for me
when i see This Metaphor
i see our ULTiMaTE RelationShip
With God.. Yes.. “Souls ParT one”
As God is the Master Soul and we
are the Tones of God Yes the Music
ToGeTHeR We Play Best as LoVENoW..
Contemplating God after Rising out of the Abyss
in College Days of 1981 at age 21.. For that Previous
Year Entering into a New Larger College away from all
my Peers that were lifelong Friends then it seemed since
High School Years at a Small Junior College in my Home
Town actually homely housed in the Same Two Story Building
Up from my River Front Home Down Town just a Stone’s Through
From the Railroad Trestle across our Black Water River and additionally
the Same Two Story Building that Housed Elementary School just a walk
up a Hill from my River Front Home then and my Mother’s High School too..
that Larger
Left me
from all those
Human Connections
so Poor i was barely
able to afford to Go To College
eating just Peanut Butter Sandwiches
everyday and Working my Way through with
A Night Job as a Janitor Cleaning Several Different
Businesses at Night including a Bank and Two Telephone
Buildings then totally isolated from anyone then the Soul
Illness of being a Human Separated From a Village Set in..
the Same Disease that Americans have today that often leads
to the Disease of Addiction too… to escape from A Species of
Life that no longer holds hands in Flesh and Blood and true
When Humans Do not Hold Hands of Love it seems that the
Connection of God is Less Present the Colder one may feel removed
now from the Fire of God’s Love that is Kindled Higher as Flame and
Torch and Bonfire of Love NoW as more Humans Bond together over same
Sacred and Holy Meaning and Purpose in Life.. in School then it was making
Good Grades.. At Work when i did get another Job after School it was about
Serving the Military and Bringing Morale.. Welfare.. and Recreation to them
a Happiest Job of all of course Bringing Happiness to other folks each and
every day.. and then Computers came along and increasingly i learned new
ways of potentially ‘advancing’ and making more money but the further and
further away from Social Empathic Cognition i Traveled as i actually changed
more into an actual Mechanical Cognition Brain separated from Mind and
Body Balance more too just mostly bits and bytes of me Left then on a
Computer Screen.. true.. they did warn us in Computer Class in College
to remember you are Human and get out and connect and escape the
Computer Lab as they had that Warning posted in Engineering Schools
too but now most everyone is somewhat of a servant and even slave
to a Lit-up Screen so the Warning is now a Moot and Lost Point as
most everyone
more in
a Mechanical
Cognition Boat
Separated from all the
Colors and Flavors of Love
That Do Color a Real Tree of Life
that is Us as the Pagan Celebration of
A Lit Christmas Tree does relate in the Christmas
Season in the United States and other places around
the World too.. but anyway back to 1981 as i was in that
Abyss of Numb outside of the Human Connection of Love
one day a spark arrived in my Heart a Compulsion to Leave
School that Day a Feeling Spirit Awakening in My Soul so Powerful
a Force Within that i went to the Beach away from all the Buildings on
the National Seashore and finally self reflecting into the Deeper part of
me the Eternal Soul Within forever now.. so far removed from Work and
School too so far away from the Money and Grade Rewards of doing that
away from Love too.. i walked for hours on end until Eve Poured down on
My Soul Looking up at the Stars i could see it all then God when without us
and other Life that Loves and Feels and Senses Life is God is lonely without
us in other words it’s not so much that we need God it is God in us now that
Needs each other Most.. unless we forget we fall asleep we get distracted
in Machine Cognition and our Work-A-Day and School-A-Day Demands
Create more
of a Human
A Loving
Spirit of Heart
in Mind and Body
Balancing Force fo Love
that reaches out as SouL WHere
God is no longer LoneLY NoW in Us…
There are folks in our Lives that stand
beside us and make our ‘Christmas Tree Souls’
So much Taller and Flavored With Colors of Love
Beyond what Rainbows we may have imagined before
These are the Givers of Life.. yes.. the Love the God in and
as our Soul that Bring Flames to the Flavors and the Colors
of Love even more.. Smiles my Friend i Do love to feel now
that we are all Twin Flames of God yes ‘Souls ParT one”
The Tone the Music of God Soul within that reaches
out to others and Touches so much more.. in fact
i feel we all are Twin
Flames of
some folks
now just have
not awakened
to the Reality
That God Holds Hands
And Hugs with Love For All
THere are people in the World
i would Love to Hug so Much but
i do my Best in Words my Friend my Very Very
Best as it’s true God’s Hands And Eyes will become Words
of Love True
in Light
if we
try hard
to make
that touch..
another Heart
another Hand
another Eye in
Wisdom’s Light
of Beauty that is Love..
Joy is evolved as God
To Hold Hands Together
Giving Always Sharing Free mY FRiEnD..
SMiLes my Friend Sohair inspired this but
well before that You Standing Next to a Very
Tall and Colored Christmas Tree have truly
been the “6th Full May Flower Blue Moon Muse”
who has inspired me most simply for the Fact that
no matter how far away how distant it feels you believe
in all of my
Soul now
it’s true
it’s how
make us
Feel that allows
US to Remember God the Most..
or sadly in some cases perhaps the least…
when i ever i Feel of You i remember God
surely my Friend that always is enough for me now..
i saved that Picture for today 5 Years ago the Death
of my Father the Anniversary today.. i find what he
if not
for him
in me too..
i would have
never become
fearless enough alive
on my own to find it now (God)
And Verily You and some others True..
God Still Lives Here We Are All
God When WE ‘see’ and ‘hear’..:)
SMiLes HiMali.. i feel so sad for you..
All i can really do for you is be here
each day for you to reach out to you
to Hug You in any way i can.. and yes
i do remember all the Years i kept a Brave
and Strong Face while i was dying ever so slow
inside.. Your Predicament is not rare it is the way
of the World now that has grown sick in machines
away from
Yet my
Friend i spent
Years before
that with
‘cup of
life never
Rushed salted
and peppered with
the Joy of People together
Working together.. for the
Human touch that always
reaches out and feels so good
so real and So Beautifully the
FLoWeR of Love.. i do my best
to make that Flower Real again
for whomever i meet in this Life..
i work so hard some days i come
close a bit to lose it myself again..
but yet still there are the Flowers in
my Backyard that Color my Soul Back
to Love all the Smiles of God that Flower
Every Day with Sweet Songs of Birds that
only sing one way living the Best we can and will now..
i hold
i wish
all the
Smiles i have..:)
Love Spreading Everywhere is So Beautiful Sohair..
i am sad when Rules become more important than Love..
True.. Rules are important too.. been visiting Christians attempting
to Explain to them that Love is both most Important and the only Rule
of their Religion
but i just
seem to
get through
rarely welcome
in their Lives now
as it has also been
overall in my Life for my
Mother Taught Love not always
Unconditional but the Unconditional
ParT Was Born as my Soul and From Before
that my friend the Fire of Eternal Love Now Just
Another Phrase For God Willing BreaKinG AParT
to BRinG Love and the Opportunity to Love Beyond
Infinity More Together Once again and the Dance and
Song goes on into Eternity now and Beyond at least
that is
i feel
and sense
my Friend
there is a store
in the Mall Complex
in my Metro Area called
‘World Market Place’.. Moving
out the Doors there are Pictures
of People in Different Cultures Around
the World it is true in this Life if it was not
for the Internet and a Handful of Friends mostly
Outside of where i live so far away across the Ocean
Blue and other Seas and Deserts and Even Snowy Mountains
too.. i would have met so few people in life who took any time
at all to really get to know me and allow me to know and feel and
sense more about them.. true though this was after i retired before that
i did have Community at least at Work and Mostly through School too.. The
Internet is a Blessing to people now who longer fit the Mold of their Community
At Hand
And People
Are always
A Blessing
Worth Understanding
Differences and the Connections
of Love that are very similar and same
to all of us when connecting this way
the Bond that Lasts forever now JusT Love is all that is..
“Souls ParT one”…
SMiLes Sohair for me
when i see This Metaphor
i see our ULTiMaTE RelationShip
With God.. Yes.. “Souls ParT one”
As God is the Master Soul and we
are the Tones of God Yes the Music
ToGeTHeR We Play Best as LoVENoW..
Contemplating God after Rising out of the Abyss
in College Days of 1981 at age 21.. For that Previous
Year Entering into a New Larger College away from all
my Peers that were lifelong Friends then it seemed since
High School Years at a Small Junior College in my Home
Town actually homely housed in the Same Two Story Building
Up from my River Front Home Down Town just a Stone’s Through
From the Railroad Trestle across our Black Water River and additionally
the Same Two Story Building that Housed Elementary School just a walk
up a Hill from my River Front Home then and my Mother’s High School too..
that Larger
Left me
from all those
Human Connections
so Poor i was barely
able to afford to Go To College
eating just Peanut Butter Sandwiches
everyday and Working my Way through with
A Night Job as a Janitor Cleaning Several Different
Businesses at Night including a Bank and Two Telephone
Buildings then totally isolated from anyone then the Soul
Illness of being a Human Separated From a Village Set in..
the Same Disease that Americans have today that often leads
to the Disease of Addiction too… to escape from A Species of
Life that no longer holds hands in Flesh and Blood and true
When Humans Do not Hold Hands of Love it seems that the
Connection of God is Less Present the Colder one may feel removed
now from the Fire of God’s Love that is Kindled Higher as Flame and
Torch and Bonfire of Love NoW as more Humans Bond together over same
Sacred and Holy Meaning and Purpose in Life.. in School then it was making
Good Grades.. At Work when i did get another Job after School it was about
Serving the Military and Bringing Morale.. Welfare.. and Recreation to them
a Happiest Job of all of course Bringing Happiness to other folks each and
every day.. and then Computers came along and increasingly i learned new
ways of potentially ‘advancing’ and making more money but the further and
further away from Social Empathic Cognition i Traveled as i actually changed
more into an actual Mechanical Cognition Brain separated from Mind and
Body Balance more too just mostly bits and bytes of me Left then on a
Computer Screen.. true.. they did warn us in Computer Class in College
to remember you are Human and get out and connect and escape the
Computer Lab as they had that Warning posted in Engineering Schools
too but now most everyone is somewhat of a servant and even slave
to a Lit-up Screen so the Warning is now a Moot and Lost Point as
most everyone
more in
a Mechanical
Cognition Boat
Separated from all the
Colors and Flavors of Love
That Do Color a Real Tree of Life
that is Us as the Pagan Celebration of
A Lit Christmas Tree does relate in the Christmas
Season in the United States and other places around
the World too.. but anyway back to 1981 as i was in that
Abyss of Numb outside of the Human Connection of Love
one day a spark arrived in my Heart a Compulsion to Leave
School that Day a Feeling Spirit Awakening in My Soul so Powerful
a Force Within that i went to the Beach away from all the Buildings on
the National Seashore and finally self reflecting into the Deeper part of
me the Eternal Soul Within forever now.. so far removed from Work and
School too so far away from the Money and Grade Rewards of doing that
away from Love too.. i walked for hours on end until Eve Poured down on
My Soul Looking up at the Stars i could see it all then God when without us
and other Life that Loves and Feels and Senses Life is God is lonely without
us in other words it’s not so much that we need God it is God in us now that
Needs each other Most.. unless we forget we fall asleep we get distracted
in Machine Cognition and our Work-A-Day and School-A-Day Demands
Create more
of a Human
A Loving
Spirit of Heart
in Mind and Body
Balancing Force fo Love
that reaches out as SouL WHere
God is no longer LoneLY NoW in Us…
There are folks in our Lives that stand
beside us and make our ‘Christmas Tree Souls’
So much Taller and Flavored With Colors of Love
Beyond what Rainbows we may have imagined before
These are the Givers of Life.. yes.. the Love the God in and
as our Soul that Bring Flames to the Flavors and the Colors
of Love even more.. Smiles my Friend i Do love to feel now
that we are all Twin Flames of God yes ‘Souls ParT one”
The Tone the Music of God Soul within that reaches
out to others and Touches so much more.. in fact
i feel we all are Twin
Flames of
some folks
now just have
not awakened
to the Reality
That God Holds Hands
And Hugs with Love For All
THere are people in the World
i would Love to Hug so Much but
i do my Best in Words my Friend my Very Very
Best as it’s true God’s Hands And Eyes will become Words
of Love True
in Light
if we
try hard
to make
that touch..
another Heart
another Hand
another Eye in
Wisdom’s Light
of Beauty that is Love..
Joy is evolved as God
To Hold Hands Together
Giving Always Sharing Free mY FRiEnD..
SMiLes my Friend Sohair inspired this but
well before that You Standing Next to a Very
Tall and Colored Christmas Tree have truly
been the “6th Full May Flower Blue Moon Muse”
who has inspired me most simply for the Fact that
no matter how far away how distant it feels you believe
in all of my
Soul now
it’s true
it’s how
make us
Feel that allows
US to Remember God the Most..
or sadly in some cases perhaps the least…
when i ever i Feel of You i remember God
surely my Friend that always is enough for me now..
i saved that Picture for today 5 Years ago the Death
of my Father the Anniversary today.. i find what he
if not
for him
in me too..
i would have
never become
fearless enough alive
on my own to find it now (God)
And Verily You and some others True..
God Still Lives Here We Are All
God When WE ‘see’ and ‘hear’..:)
SMiLes HiMali.. i feel so sad for you..
All i can really do for you is be here
each day for you to reach out to you
to Hug You in any way i can.. and yes
i do remember all the Years i kept a Brave
and Strong Face while i was dying ever so slow
inside.. Your Predicament is not rare it is the way
of the World now that has grown sick in machines
away from
Yet my
Friend i spent
Years before
that with
‘cup of
life never
Rushed salted
and peppered with
the Joy of People together
Working together.. for the
Human touch that always
reaches out and feels so good
so real and So Beautifully the
FLoWeR of Love.. i do my best
to make that Flower Real again
for whomever i meet in this Life..
i work so hard some days i come
close a bit to lose it myself again..
but yet still there are the Flowers in
my Backyard that Color my Soul Back
to Love all the Smiles of God that Flower
Every Day with Sweet Songs of Birds that
only sing one way living the Best we can and will now..
i hold
i wish
all the
Smiles i have..:)
My Favorite
is Friends
i am
On Vacation now..
You are part of a Few
Vacations for me that last Thanks
for the Vacation here my Friend..
And it’s true if i had many more
Vacations like
You i would
have time
for any more
Vacations hAha..
Hehe.. You are A
Vacation that lasts long..
iS Heaven
So i do it more
Same with Song my Friend.. she just never ends i Love Her so
much i’ve Visited Sad Days And i’ve Visited Beyond Sad Days
The Return of Heart is always the Most Important part
Can We Believe in Fairy tales Will Love Ever Return
When Our Spirit Goes Numb for it is True our
HeART only Belongs to us no matter
how hard those who love us
may Try to Bring it back
for it’s true my
Friend i
have been
there too where the
Feelings the Colors all the
Flavors of Life Disappear
Where others try so hard
to Paint my Soul again
With Spirit that rises
Higher than Lower
of now.. when
the feelings
Go where do we
go to come back home
Returning Colors more
But then that is only Within
What if there are Factors beyond
our Control of just the Sad to Numb
Feelings within is there any escape
where and when there is no Choice..
It’s true some days there is only imagination
left Prisoners of war use it to survive so will we
when there is nothing left in life that feels alive in
the Environment We currently Stress or Stagnate in
More Dead than alive.. i for one believe in Magic i do believe
that what we image may and will come True next if we keep trying
and never give up but what if there is no schedule for even dreams at
night where does imagination go where there are no Rooms to grow..
Smiles for what may not be left
i will try to bring to you..
for the travel plans
you always
Views so far
away from all Your
Stress all your loneliness
all the Environment that brings you down..
the Happiest Days one of which i saved and
shared to remember you Happiest today was
when you were Hugging Your two Friends Jaya
i already shared with you in a Hug the other one
as i remember with a name starting with another
J.. Two Young Women With smiles the Glow
of Unconditional Love that Two Young
Women may only truly know
and feel.. there are no
of Trouble
that may
rise and
fall with
the opposite
Gender.. other than
Friends moving away and
Losing that closer contact of
Before but what if there is no schedule
to even make friends all that’s left is work
work work all consuming work work work..
may i hold your Hand and take you away for
at least a moment if there is no fuel in Your Mind
Left to create an amazing vacation as yes i’ve seen
You Happy Before Happy Days Will come again for you..
seen you smiling with friends seen you in the Clouds on
Mountain Tops seen you sitting on top of a Moon Roof on
a Very Expensive Car seen you Jump up in the Air and say
Life is Perfect and photos are too when someone shares that
Joy with You.. seen you Use Your Creativity to make little loving
notes on napkins.. painting adages You create on Internet Cards to Share
so much more.. remember an endless amount of art in store to create more..
The Colors
of Your
in the Colors
You Create the
spark of Your Soul
the Creativity that sings
i am a Lamp i demand to be seen..
i demand to give and share i will never
ever give up the Colors of my Soul.. once
Shy perhaps once Bitten a Lover of Twilight
too.. hehe did you know i’m really a Vampire who
Never Ages perhaps i will share a photo that proves
that too.. i believe if i remember correctly you were the
only one to like it there too.. sure you aren’t afraid of Vampires
and you are not afraid of me.. Vampires don’t have many Friends
You don’t mind a Friend who Lives forevermore.. true you might think
one day i might grow old and no longer well wish You Dreams in store..
haha.. nah..
i out last
i have
to eternal
Life now it is
rather Simple my
Friend Just lose
time the only thief
of Now Just fly with
me tHere now
is no Distance
SPace or TiMe
Where i LiVE NoW
Now is Eternal and
Love is the Fuel of All i do..
take a trip with me Lose all your
Worries Fall into the Arms of Peace
And Harmony not mine silly Yours for
only You Will Pick You Up now sure i’ll be
Your Travel Guide you already know of the
places i am more than Capable of taking you
Now if you had every wish fulfilled sure and
Happiness within complete Where would the heart
of You Love to Go Greatest and complete in Spirit of Soul now..
it’s true
two major
worries.. age
of getting best
Grades and Work
Reviews for the best
Job Possible and yes
Marriage Marriage MarriAge
to either what will be pre-arranged
or oh Lord what you may arrange yourself
in a World that will be so Vanilla where every
one sounds and tastes and feels the same..
hmm.. Your Hero Future Husband is there
You just have not met him yet he
is coming around the corner
any day now to sweep
you away from
all your
to color you
most the way you
Love to be.. or true
it could be the future
Husband in You the Strong
Will that drives you to do all that
you do.. the Perfectionist part who
always wants the Best Reviews and
Grades too.. getting ahead and going for the
American Dream Being A Gangster Making it Happen
Next.. yes you do look rather Meek but those eyes are
deeper that just Loving meek they are also strong and piercing
too.. nah.. i don’t wanna ever be on the dark side of you hehe..
but true maybe i would secretly like it too.. after all i am going to
Share with you both sides of me now.. as this is surely part of
my ‘6th Full May Flower Blue Moon Muse’.. i told Katrina really
She should kiss my Soft Hands more for Men Do Love that
Much.. as surely Your Future Husband will too.. true that
Soft Part inside of You does wanna come out and
Play with the Harder Parts too.. and then i
told Katrina she only wrote that in a
Poem she would never really
admit it was about me
she has the highest
of moral
life too but
sure she too
is a Human with
a Living Shadow true..
The Eyes light Volumes my Friend
of what Lives deep within our souls
some days i get eyes wrong but most
days i feel what they say most as well my friend..
There is a deep Well inside of you that and who now
Wishes to be filled with Love Cherishing and Treasuring
Your gift You as born on Date to Be.. it’s harder it gets much
harder when work gets harder and you have not come close
to what most every Woman for sure your age where you live
wants most.. Broad Shoulders to Spread Your Arms around
someone to lift you up sure an actual Angel in Person in actual
Flesh and Blood Perfect enough every square inch of flesh and
blood and Spirit of Soul.. i’m sure they make Men like that where
you Live somewhere at least don’t sell yourself short and hehe there
is no pun intended in that for Men Do Love a Soft and Delicate touch
True even
who live
now true..
there is no chance
i will leave your side
that for sure you can and
will count on now.. if i can’t
color you one way to bring a
smile to Your Face my Art Store
is always available with another Brush
And Palette of Paint too.. it’s true.. i do
believe there are days you wish just to be
carried away Just a story perhaps from someone
who truly cares about your Soul the Invisible part
that doesn’t even have any wings.. the part just waiting
to be colored a bit more for what you own Best the Potential
You have to Color Your Heart with Hope for the future next now..
there is someone somewhere
now who is counting on you
one day to Provide all
Your Love to them
A Husband Future
Children Future Grand
Children where they will be
Sitting upon your knee of love
and it will be like this Never even
Happened at all.. sure if you like.. this now
is one Poem that will be suitable to read to them..
for you will be able to say hey did you ever hear about
that man who wrote the Longest Poem ever well i was the
Star of His Show back in 2019 before most anyone else ever
Heard about him.. for it’s true he never gave up he helped people
and they remembered him and so do i.. it was my Friend Fred from
Florida the one person who would never ever give up on me no matter what..
i really don’t
know why
he loved
me so much
His Wife was
Stunning she never
even aged.. what was so
special about me i wondered
he wasn’t like the rest.. it was like
he really only wanted to touch my soul
and do anything possible he could to lift
even a slight curl up on my lips truly he wrote me
Novels of Poems it was like i was his favorite Hobby
then that never ended for me.. i will never forget him
how can
still writes
a Poem or Two
about me.. it’s true
i lost contact but i do
still have all the Poems he wrote to me..
Those Poems they never die it’s true he
wasn’t lying when he said he would always be
here for me.. i’m not sure where he is now but
he still lives in all those Poems he wrote to me..
he was my Friend he was my real friend for he
my Soul
then still with
Love my Life was
so Black and White
A Storm of colors he
Blew in on me.. he just
never gave up and neither did/do i..
he said this day one day would come
for me.. it’s true i met my Future Husband
he loved me like my Friend said he would in
fact he made me feel just as special and even
more than my Friend Fred did.. and that’s what
Fred wanted most for me.. Just to be happy and smile again..
yeah.. Fred Got Famous but only the way he wanted it long after
away and
lived in Poems again..
He taught me my Heart
Belongs to me he taught
me i am the most special person to me to be (GodFree)..
there were other poems but they are mine only my HeART allone..:)
is Friends
i am
On Vacation now..
You are part of a Few
Vacations for me that last Thanks
for the Vacation here my Friend..
And it’s true if i had many more
Vacations like
You i would
have time
for any more
Vacations hAha..
Hehe.. You are A
Vacation that lasts long..
iS Heaven
So i do it more
Same with Song my Friend.. she just never ends i Love Her so
much i’ve Visited Sad Days And i’ve Visited Beyond Sad Days
The Return of Heart is always the Most Important part
Can We Believe in Fairy tales Will Love Ever Return
When Our Spirit Goes Numb for it is True our
HeART only Belongs to us no matter
how hard those who love us
may Try to Bring it back
for it’s true my
Friend i
have been
there too where the
Feelings the Colors all the
Flavors of Life Disappear
Where others try so hard
to Paint my Soul again
With Spirit that rises
Higher than Lower
of now.. when
the feelings
Go where do we
go to come back home
Returning Colors more
But then that is only Within
What if there are Factors beyond
our Control of just the Sad to Numb
Feelings within is there any escape
where and when there is no Choice..
It’s true some days there is only imagination
left Prisoners of war use it to survive so will we
when there is nothing left in life that feels alive in
the Environment We currently Stress or Stagnate in
More Dead than alive.. i for one believe in Magic i do believe
that what we image may and will come True next if we keep trying
and never give up but what if there is no schedule for even dreams at
night where does imagination go where there are no Rooms to grow..
Smiles for what may not be left
i will try to bring to you..
for the travel plans
you always
Views so far
away from all Your
Stress all your loneliness
all the Environment that brings you down..
the Happiest Days one of which i saved and
shared to remember you Happiest today was
when you were Hugging Your two Friends Jaya
i already shared with you in a Hug the other one
as i remember with a name starting with another
J.. Two Young Women With smiles the Glow
of Unconditional Love that Two Young
Women may only truly know
and feel.. there are no
of Trouble
that may
rise and
fall with
the opposite
Gender.. other than
Friends moving away and
Losing that closer contact of
Before but what if there is no schedule
to even make friends all that’s left is work
work work all consuming work work work..
may i hold your Hand and take you away for
at least a moment if there is no fuel in Your Mind
Left to create an amazing vacation as yes i’ve seen
You Happy Before Happy Days Will come again for you..
seen you smiling with friends seen you in the Clouds on
Mountain Tops seen you sitting on top of a Moon Roof on
a Very Expensive Car seen you Jump up in the Air and say
Life is Perfect and photos are too when someone shares that
Joy with You.. seen you Use Your Creativity to make little loving
notes on napkins.. painting adages You create on Internet Cards to Share
so much more.. remember an endless amount of art in store to create more..
The Colors
of Your
in the Colors
You Create the
spark of Your Soul
the Creativity that sings
i am a Lamp i demand to be seen..
i demand to give and share i will never
ever give up the Colors of my Soul.. once
Shy perhaps once Bitten a Lover of Twilight
too.. hehe did you know i’m really a Vampire who
Never Ages perhaps i will share a photo that proves
that too.. i believe if i remember correctly you were the
only one to like it there too.. sure you aren’t afraid of Vampires
and you are not afraid of me.. Vampires don’t have many Friends
You don’t mind a Friend who Lives forevermore.. true you might think
one day i might grow old and no longer well wish You Dreams in store..
haha.. nah..
i out last
i have
to eternal
Life now it is
rather Simple my
Friend Just lose
time the only thief
of Now Just fly with
me tHere now
is no Distance
SPace or TiMe
Where i LiVE NoW
Now is Eternal and
Love is the Fuel of All i do..
take a trip with me Lose all your
Worries Fall into the Arms of Peace
And Harmony not mine silly Yours for
only You Will Pick You Up now sure i’ll be
Your Travel Guide you already know of the
places i am more than Capable of taking you
Now if you had every wish fulfilled sure and
Happiness within complete Where would the heart
of You Love to Go Greatest and complete in Spirit of Soul now..
it’s true
two major
worries.. age
of getting best
Grades and Work
Reviews for the best
Job Possible and yes
Marriage Marriage MarriAge
to either what will be pre-arranged
or oh Lord what you may arrange yourself
in a World that will be so Vanilla where every
one sounds and tastes and feels the same..
hmm.. Your Hero Future Husband is there
You just have not met him yet he
is coming around the corner
any day now to sweep
you away from
all your
to color you
most the way you
Love to be.. or true
it could be the future
Husband in You the Strong
Will that drives you to do all that
you do.. the Perfectionist part who
always wants the Best Reviews and
Grades too.. getting ahead and going for the
American Dream Being A Gangster Making it Happen
Next.. yes you do look rather Meek but those eyes are
deeper that just Loving meek they are also strong and piercing
too.. nah.. i don’t wanna ever be on the dark side of you hehe..
but true maybe i would secretly like it too.. after all i am going to
Share with you both sides of me now.. as this is surely part of
my ‘6th Full May Flower Blue Moon Muse’.. i told Katrina really
She should kiss my Soft Hands more for Men Do Love that
Much.. as surely Your Future Husband will too.. true that
Soft Part inside of You does wanna come out and
Play with the Harder Parts too.. and then i
told Katrina she only wrote that in a
Poem she would never really
admit it was about me
she has the highest
of moral
life too but
sure she too
is a Human with
a Living Shadow true..
The Eyes light Volumes my Friend
of what Lives deep within our souls
some days i get eyes wrong but most
days i feel what they say most as well my friend..
There is a deep Well inside of you that and who now
Wishes to be filled with Love Cherishing and Treasuring
Your gift You as born on Date to Be.. it’s harder it gets much
harder when work gets harder and you have not come close
to what most every Woman for sure your age where you live
wants most.. Broad Shoulders to Spread Your Arms around
someone to lift you up sure an actual Angel in Person in actual
Flesh and Blood Perfect enough every square inch of flesh and
blood and Spirit of Soul.. i’m sure they make Men like that where
you Live somewhere at least don’t sell yourself short and hehe there
is no pun intended in that for Men Do Love a Soft and Delicate touch
True even
who live
now true..
there is no chance
i will leave your side
that for sure you can and
will count on now.. if i can’t
color you one way to bring a
smile to Your Face my Art Store
is always available with another Brush
And Palette of Paint too.. it’s true.. i do
believe there are days you wish just to be
carried away Just a story perhaps from someone
who truly cares about your Soul the Invisible part
that doesn’t even have any wings.. the part just waiting
to be colored a bit more for what you own Best the Potential
You have to Color Your Heart with Hope for the future next now..
there is someone somewhere
now who is counting on you
one day to Provide all
Your Love to them
A Husband Future
Children Future Grand
Children where they will be
Sitting upon your knee of love
and it will be like this Never even
Happened at all.. sure if you like.. this now
is one Poem that will be suitable to read to them..
for you will be able to say hey did you ever hear about
that man who wrote the Longest Poem ever well i was the
Star of His Show back in 2019 before most anyone else ever
Heard about him.. for it’s true he never gave up he helped people
and they remembered him and so do i.. it was my Friend Fred from
Florida the one person who would never ever give up on me no matter what..
i really don’t
know why
he loved
me so much
His Wife was
Stunning she never
even aged.. what was so
special about me i wondered
he wasn’t like the rest.. it was like
he really only wanted to touch my soul
and do anything possible he could to lift
even a slight curl up on my lips truly he wrote me
Novels of Poems it was like i was his favorite Hobby
then that never ended for me.. i will never forget him
how can
still writes
a Poem or Two
about me.. it’s true
i lost contact but i do
still have all the Poems he wrote to me..
Those Poems they never die it’s true he
wasn’t lying when he said he would always be
here for me.. i’m not sure where he is now but
he still lives in all those Poems he wrote to me..
he was my Friend he was my real friend for he
my Soul
then still with
Love my Life was
so Black and White
A Storm of colors he
Blew in on me.. he just
never gave up and neither did/do i..
he said this day one day would come
for me.. it’s true i met my Future Husband
he loved me like my Friend said he would in
fact he made me feel just as special and even
more than my Friend Fred did.. and that’s what
Fred wanted most for me.. Just to be happy and smile again..
yeah.. Fred Got Famous but only the way he wanted it long after
away and
lived in Poems again..
He taught me my Heart
Belongs to me he taught
me i am the most special person to me to be (GodFree)..
there were other poems but they are mine only my HeART allone..:)
And on another Blogger
Drama Note: A Blogger
doesn’t like the way i write
instead of scrolling past me
is devoting Entire Blog Posts
to my style of writing hehe..
as if the Blogging World
is not so small that
the words won’t get
back to me hAha just
another Dark Muse
to Peruse for fun..
so i catch him where
he actually has the complaint..
With Just a note too since
it seems you are not
Nearly ‘Man’ enough
to either show your
real face at your age
or face me man to
man in Internet time
now i received ‘a note’
that you don’t like lines
that flow shorter than all the way back
and forth i suggest you grow some ‘nicer’
older bigger biceps and scroll past me
in a bigger
hurry my
you know
what some
‘nice’ folks
and yes
Friends too
like all the
ways i write..
and i surely am
not visiting here
to impress you..
i am amazed that
a so-called Fortune
500 Executive is paying
little old me 4 Blog posts it seems of
Big Attention.. dude you are hilarious
as if you don’t already live in the
Biggest Glass Home of all other
than that you make me laugh..
i would have replied on
Your Site but
no doubt
just deleted my
comment as anyway
this is where your ‘conflict’ is..
i only visit where my style of writing
is welcome it is entirely none of your business
how i write here unless you wanna spend your time on it..
trust me i have faced larger challenges in my life than Faceless ‘Older’ men..;)
Drama Note: A Blogger
doesn’t like the way i write
instead of scrolling past me
is devoting Entire Blog Posts
to my style of writing hehe..
as if the Blogging World
is not so small that
the words won’t get
back to me hAha just
another Dark Muse
to Peruse for fun..
so i catch him where
he actually has the complaint..
With Just a note too since
it seems you are not
Nearly ‘Man’ enough
to either show your
real face at your age
or face me man to
man in Internet time
now i received ‘a note’
that you don’t like lines
that flow shorter than all the way back
and forth i suggest you grow some ‘nicer’
older bigger biceps and scroll past me
in a bigger
hurry my
you know
what some
‘nice’ folks
and yes
Friends too
like all the
ways i write..
and i surely am
not visiting here
to impress you..
i am amazed that
a so-called Fortune
500 Executive is paying
little old me 4 Blog posts it seems of
Big Attention.. dude you are hilarious
as if you don’t already live in the
Biggest Glass Home of all other
than that you make me laugh..
i would have replied on
Your Site but
no doubt
just deleted my
comment as anyway
this is where your ‘conflict’ is..
i only visit where my style of writing
is welcome it is entirely none of your business
how i write here unless you wanna spend your time on it..
trust me i have faced larger challenges in my life than Faceless ‘Older’ men..;)
On a Lighter note.. of Beauty
now to Visit Frank and Xenia’s
Poetry Sites and gigoid’s site
For Aphorisms from the sages
of the ages as provided
cost free to
for me
to riff
off of too
in flow where ever
the shape of words
May Travel to relate
whatever may come next..
i am A River NoT A River Bed..;)
“Cosmic Curvature Architectural Marvels” SMiLes Frank
How Synchronicity PLaYs iT AGain.. i Just got off the ‘Phone’
With A Disgruntled Blogger who doesn’t
Like A Cosmic Curvature
as my
Words they
Come to Flow
All Way ACross A Page he expects me to Sidewalk Write my Words oh Lord How Boring would be that.. We are taught
From a Young
Age now more
Seeing Beauty
of Chaos Magic
Art in Lines
of Rulers
And Flat..
Some folks
have yet to
E-scApe A
Sidewalk Matrix
Dance and Song..
Starling Sun Flowers
We All Are within now
inside outside above
so below born Above
From Super Nova
FireS Now
All Around
Sentient Star
Dust Standing
Tall Our Sun
Just another
to Explode Seeding
Potential Sentient Star Dust
Again As All Is Garden All
Is Flower All Is
From: to:
We Are All Star
Flowers And Seeds too..
SMiLes Frank Now May
YouR Star FLoWeR Continue to Rise..:)
now to Visit Frank and Xenia’s
Poetry Sites and gigoid’s site
For Aphorisms from the sages
of the ages as provided
cost free to
for me
to riff
off of too
in flow where ever
the shape of words
May Travel to relate
whatever may come next..
i am A River NoT A River Bed..;)
“Cosmic Curvature Architectural Marvels” SMiLes Frank
How Synchronicity PLaYs iT AGain.. i Just got off the ‘Phone’
With A Disgruntled Blogger who doesn’t
Like A Cosmic Curvature
as my
Words they
Come to Flow
All Way ACross A Page he expects me to Sidewalk Write my Words oh Lord How Boring would be that.. We are taught
From a Young
Age now more
Seeing Beauty
of Chaos Magic
Art in Lines
of Rulers
And Flat..
Some folks
have yet to
E-scApe A
Sidewalk Matrix
Dance and Song..
Starling Sun Flowers
We All Are within now
inside outside above
so below born Above
From Super Nova
FireS Now
All Around
Sentient Star
Dust Standing
Tall Our Sun
Just another
to Explode Seeding
Potential Sentient Star Dust
Again As All Is Garden All
Is Flower All Is
From: to:
We Are All Star
Flowers And Seeds too..
SMiLes Frank Now May
YouR Star FLoWeR Continue to Rise..:)
A Quick Commercial Advertisement
From ‘Ilona’s Work Place’ of the Above mentioned Internet Drama..;)
From ‘Ilona’s Work Place’ of the Above mentioned Internet Drama..;)
“4. What’s the most important thing I should know about you? I’m a weirdo.”
“4. What’s the most important thing I should know about you? I’m a weirdo.”
4 Plus 4 Says
We Have
iN CoMMoN 8 STanding
Tall BeYoND iNFiNiTY
Sista.. hAha.. Ms. Hugs
i Keep telling my Wife
it’s oKay to be Eccentric
iN FAcT iT iS All A NeWeR Age
RAge.. but true she stays grounded
And i swirl All Around mY UniVerse
Within inside outside above so below
And all around more.. WHere this
River Flows
i never
in fact
i know
i only Feel
And Sense mY All
Ways Around Forever
Now EternAlly With no
Need for even eyes and ears..
True i am also a ‘Rainman’ True..
Only Currency Pay Grade And Pay
Rate Loving Life As Any Eccentric
Weirdo Will Be HAppy For No ReaSoN
butt the Magic of Chaos Art Now for
of US
in ‘the’ A
‘KNoW’ at ‘LEast’..;)
We Have
iN CoMMoN 8 STanding
Tall BeYoND iNFiNiTY
Sista.. hAha.. Ms. Hugs
i Keep telling my Wife
it’s oKay to be Eccentric
iN FAcT iT iS All A NeWeR Age
RAge.. but true she stays grounded
And i swirl All Around mY UniVerse
Within inside outside above so below
And all around more.. WHere this
River Flows
i never
in fact
i know
i only Feel
And Sense mY All
Ways Around Forever
Now EternAlly With no
Need for even eyes and ears..
True i am also a ‘Rainman’ True..
Only Currency Pay Grade And Pay
Rate Loving Life As Any Eccentric
Weirdo Will Be HAppy For No ReaSoN
butt the Magic of Chaos Art Now for
of US
in ‘the’ A
‘KNoW’ at ‘LEast’..;)
Now Back to Xenia’s Place of Poetry…
So Much Common Sense Below
WordS iGNorance So Much Above
Foot Prints
Yestermore now
Paw Prints Come Back Whole
SMiLes mY FriEnd Xenia
i Dance A Beach Now more
iN ReVerse FLow Watching
Seagulls Above Leaving
Human Foot
Prints Milky Way..
A BreaTH
A BReath
oF LoVE..:)
WordS iGNorance So Much Above
Foot Prints
Yestermore now
Paw Prints Come Back Whole
SMiLes mY FriEnd Xenia
i Dance A Beach Now more
iN ReVerse FLow Watching
Seagulls Above Leaving
Human Foot
Prints Milky Way..
A BreaTH
A BReath
oF LoVE..:)
“Flying off the panhandle….”
oh Lord i Will Write a Dancing Spree
With Some StarS iN A Story out of this
but first…
With Some StarS iN A Story out of this
but first…
“Experience is a good school, but the fees are high.”
~~ Heinrich Heine ~~
~~ Heinrich Heine ~~
i Dance
And Sing Free Hehe..
i Dance
And Sing Free Hehe..
“When a person can no longer laugh at himself,
it is time for others to laugh at him.”
it is time for others to laugh at him.”
— Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin, 1973
Look me up on the Internet It’s
True Thousands and
Thousands of
in Images
but always
me first
Posing in
my Underwear
Mission accomplished First..
SPeaKinG oF Last i figured out
A ReAlly Weird Way to Perhaps
Give the Human Species a bit
more ‘Time’ From Trump Days
Yes.. CoNsidering how Close the
1999 Election Was in Florida
Chad Punching
ways i figured
after the fact of
course as every thing
i do these days is sort
of reverse and backwards
Leaning a bit at least.. that yes
Beginning 69 Months.. Close to 70
Now When i stARted in September 2013 An
Exercise of Public ‘Happy-Feet-Like-Penquin-Foot-Loose
Dance’ WHere ‘they’ used to Burn Rock and Roll Records
too in Fear of Records in Reverse Yes at Big Churches too..
only if 11,300 Miles and what is coming next of my Public
Dance Will GeT iNto thE HeARTS of the Youth to OPeN
Them up Just Liberal Enough to Sway an Election
in the State Shaped Like A Gun that is ironically
And appropriately named the Flower State
too with Plentiful Evidence i Provide
of that too.. what if sure a big
what if as what if’s GRow
And Go and PotentiAlly
Becoming even
some Hyperbolic
Salt And Pepper
Added in to yes what
IF i got into the HeARTS
of Enough Video Voyeuring
Youth Numbering in the Likely
Over Thousand Videos of me
Doing my thing all around the
Metro Area for the last
69 months Spreading
them all over
too as
i have
been engaged
iN A total Rampage
Dancing Spree Everywhere
i Go in Public to the Point WHere
Folks are stating to Question whether
or not i may actually be everywhere where
i live yes of course less and more true depending
on Katrina’s Shopping Habits that are a bit more
Limited and Lengthy more to the Super Walmart
Environment that is overall the Best Environment
for the Huge Middle Aisle Dancing Floor donated
Freely of course by Sam Walton.. Visible just about
to everyone who enters and leaves the store just me
Loaded With Dance Rampaging all about in Spiraling
Loose Knit Joy.. Yes right in the Barrel of the Panhandle
i’ve been Firing Liberal Bullets of Dance Joy Spraying the
Joy of a Free And Fountain of Youth As Science Shows for
Meditative Moving Free Verse Dance Every Where i go.. true it
will even regrow Grey Matter in the Brain A side Benefit of potentially
Changing the HeARTS iNto more oPen Voters for more Progressive
Change for Love to Rule the Land of Dance now Once again in Song too..
the results
of the Election
when they come
perhaps they will
Be 2020 in Clear
Review of Dance Freer OPeN HeARTS this
go around as the Voting Will Be counting next..;)
True Thousands and
Thousands of
in Images
but always
me first
Posing in
my Underwear
Mission accomplished First..
SPeaKinG oF Last i figured out
A ReAlly Weird Way to Perhaps
Give the Human Species a bit
more ‘Time’ From Trump Days
Yes.. CoNsidering how Close the
1999 Election Was in Florida
Chad Punching
ways i figured
after the fact of
course as every thing
i do these days is sort
of reverse and backwards
Leaning a bit at least.. that yes
Beginning 69 Months.. Close to 70
Now When i stARted in September 2013 An
Exercise of Public ‘Happy-Feet-Like-Penquin-Foot-Loose
Dance’ WHere ‘they’ used to Burn Rock and Roll Records
too in Fear of Records in Reverse Yes at Big Churches too..
only if 11,300 Miles and what is coming next of my Public
Dance Will GeT iNto thE HeARTS of the Youth to OPeN
Them up Just Liberal Enough to Sway an Election
in the State Shaped Like A Gun that is ironically
And appropriately named the Flower State
too with Plentiful Evidence i Provide
of that too.. what if sure a big
what if as what if’s GRow
And Go and PotentiAlly
Becoming even
some Hyperbolic
Salt And Pepper
Added in to yes what
IF i got into the HeARTS
of Enough Video Voyeuring
Youth Numbering in the Likely
Over Thousand Videos of me
Doing my thing all around the
Metro Area for the last
69 months Spreading
them all over
too as
i have
been engaged
iN A total Rampage
Dancing Spree Everywhere
i Go in Public to the Point WHere
Folks are stating to Question whether
or not i may actually be everywhere where
i live yes of course less and more true depending
on Katrina’s Shopping Habits that are a bit more
Limited and Lengthy more to the Super Walmart
Environment that is overall the Best Environment
for the Huge Middle Aisle Dancing Floor donated
Freely of course by Sam Walton.. Visible just about
to everyone who enters and leaves the store just me
Loaded With Dance Rampaging all about in Spiraling
Loose Knit Joy.. Yes right in the Barrel of the Panhandle
i’ve been Firing Liberal Bullets of Dance Joy Spraying the
Joy of a Free And Fountain of Youth As Science Shows for
Meditative Moving Free Verse Dance Every Where i go.. true it
will even regrow Grey Matter in the Brain A side Benefit of potentially
Changing the HeARTS iNto more oPen Voters for more Progressive
Change for Love to Rule the Land of Dance now Once again in Song too..
the results
of the Election
when they come
perhaps they will
Be 2020 in Clear
Review of Dance Freer OPeN HeARTS this
go around as the Voting Will Be counting next..;)
Yep really need to Wrap this
“6th Full May FLoWeR Blue Moon Muse”
MacroVerse up so with no Further Adieu
‘Stuff’.. off now to the tale of the tape
for just that before i finish with a
Few MacroVerse Memories
From Years to Date
true too.. now
SonG oF mY SouL
Arrives at 70 Months
Coming Very Close to
7 Million Words of Effort
but hey.. saving that Milestone
and Foot Note For my Birthday Week
Around June 6th as What is going to
be an Annual Event of “Facebook Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019″
Will be the Next MacroVerse before the Celebration of ‘7 Million
Words of SonG oF mY SoUL” Coming Next on my Birthday Week then
meanwhile “SonG oF mY SouL” is now come to the 876th MacroVerse
of Effort with the Last completed MacroVerse of #LoVE@BesTNoW
Where that effort also Doubles as the Close to 36th Month Effort
of “Nether Land Bible 2017” in the 203rd MacroVerse of that
now at 4,187,560 Words Where this Current MacroVerse
i am Writing now named once again “6th Full May
FLoWeR Blue Moon Muse” will Reach Past
the 4.2 Million Word Threshold
too hehe for the
’42’ Holy and
Sacred Meaning
and Purpose of Life
for me at least overall too.. hAha…
Nice for a 36 Month Effort as i started
almost at age 56 and end just a hair
shy of age 59 too.. sure a 3 year
Tour of “Nether Land
Bible 2017” of
course StarTing
on Memorial
Day Weekend
of 2016 something
for me to Remember on
my ‘Grand Cross 56 Birthday’
then with Titled Blog Post Appropriate
to the Occassion of some Planetary Alignments
too really no Different that the ‘Star of David Planetary
Noted Alignment’ 3 Days after i recovered miraculously
mostly from the Worst Symptoms of a life Threatening
Synergy of 19 Medical Disorders on Navarre Beach
on July 19th.. 2013 Straight out of Hell on
Earth then to a spiraling Flow
of Dance in September and
then until now
too.. yes a Golden
Child was born on
July 22nd a special
event for sure but
yes in England
as i was
and Simply
Born again
As the Dying
Living in Heaven Coming Back Again
then Straight out of Concrete Hell then..
Yes.. 3 days earlier on July 19th where
i understand a “Lion King Movie” Will
come out on the 6th Anniversary of
me Living in Heaven on Earth
then.. true if this sounds
like the Paragon
of Pretense
it’s already
Happened i already
saved some hearts and
souls and maybe even helped
get the Newer Age Father of all Lies
Per John 8:44 out of office by Liberal
yes more Liberal Dancing Leaning more
Open Hearted Votes where i live in Trump Town USA
hehe but who else but me will even try to leave a record
of what
Went Down
And Up Haha..
hmm.. i’ve digressed
a bit back to the current
tale of the tape if this isn’t
already convoluted enough
With things to do hey the
Good News for you is
i am the only
one in
Ways of Speak
in Covenant with
God of Nature
to Complete
this Whole F iN Task
Yes Whole Fun iN Task..
so anyWays.. #LoVE@BesTNoW
Triples as the 101st MacroVerse
of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
ARiSinG NoW to 2,598,416
Words of Effort in Close
to 24 Months Total
Free Verse
Long Form
And yes there
is now 11,300 Miles
of Public Dance in
Close to 70 Months
of Completing that
Much Dance too Just for
Fun and Influencing Dancing
And SInGinG HeARTS to come a Bit more Free too
With SMiLes of Course.. Just Opening up a bit more..
And now Finally to the MacroVerse Memories Year to Date
for the Last Two Years as starting Next MacroVerse i will
be remembering 3 years Since “Nether Land Bible 2017” started..:)
“6th Full May FLoWeR Blue Moon Muse”
MacroVerse up so with no Further Adieu
‘Stuff’.. off now to the tale of the tape
for just that before i finish with a
Few MacroVerse Memories
From Years to Date
true too.. now
SonG oF mY SouL
Arrives at 70 Months
Coming Very Close to
7 Million Words of Effort
but hey.. saving that Milestone
and Foot Note For my Birthday Week
Around June 6th as What is going to
be an Annual Event of “Facebook Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019″
Will be the Next MacroVerse before the Celebration of ‘7 Million
Words of SonG oF mY SoUL” Coming Next on my Birthday Week then
meanwhile “SonG oF mY SouL” is now come to the 876th MacroVerse
of Effort with the Last completed MacroVerse of #LoVE@BesTNoW
Where that effort also Doubles as the Close to 36th Month Effort
of “Nether Land Bible 2017” in the 203rd MacroVerse of that
now at 4,187,560 Words Where this Current MacroVerse
i am Writing now named once again “6th Full May
FLoWeR Blue Moon Muse” will Reach Past
the 4.2 Million Word Threshold
too hehe for the
’42’ Holy and
Sacred Meaning
and Purpose of Life
for me at least overall too.. hAha…
Nice for a 36 Month Effort as i started
almost at age 56 and end just a hair
shy of age 59 too.. sure a 3 year
Tour of “Nether Land
Bible 2017” of
course StarTing
on Memorial
Day Weekend
of 2016 something
for me to Remember on
my ‘Grand Cross 56 Birthday’
then with Titled Blog Post Appropriate
to the Occassion of some Planetary Alignments
too really no Different that the ‘Star of David Planetary
Noted Alignment’ 3 Days after i recovered miraculously
mostly from the Worst Symptoms of a life Threatening
Synergy of 19 Medical Disorders on Navarre Beach
on July 19th.. 2013 Straight out of Hell on
Earth then to a spiraling Flow
of Dance in September and
then until now
too.. yes a Golden
Child was born on
July 22nd a special
event for sure but
yes in England
as i was
and Simply
Born again
As the Dying
Living in Heaven Coming Back Again
then Straight out of Concrete Hell then..
Yes.. 3 days earlier on July 19th where
i understand a “Lion King Movie” Will
come out on the 6th Anniversary of
me Living in Heaven on Earth
then.. true if this sounds
like the Paragon
of Pretense
it’s already
Happened i already
saved some hearts and
souls and maybe even helped
get the Newer Age Father of all Lies
Per John 8:44 out of office by Liberal
yes more Liberal Dancing Leaning more
Open Hearted Votes where i live in Trump Town USA
hehe but who else but me will even try to leave a record
of what
Went Down
And Up Haha..
hmm.. i’ve digressed
a bit back to the current
tale of the tape if this isn’t
already convoluted enough
With things to do hey the
Good News for you is
i am the only
one in
Ways of Speak
in Covenant with
God of Nature
to Complete
this Whole F iN Task
Yes Whole Fun iN Task..
so anyWays.. #LoVE@BesTNoW
Triples as the 101st MacroVerse
of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
ARiSinG NoW to 2,598,416
Words of Effort in Close
to 24 Months Total
Free Verse
Long Form
And yes there
is now 11,300 Miles
of Public Dance in
Close to 70 Months
of Completing that
Much Dance too Just for
Fun and Influencing Dancing
And SInGinG HeARTS to come a Bit more Free too
With SMiLes of Course.. Just Opening up a bit more..
And now Finally to the MacroVerse Memories Year to Date
for the Last Two Years as starting Next MacroVerse i will
be remembering 3 years Since “Nether Land Bible 2017” started..:)
BigGer BRitCHeS WORlD SiZe PlEAse
Writing of 6th Full May Flower Blue Moon Muse Finished on 5.22.19
the 5th Anniversary of my First Fred Father’s Death OBTW at 6:46 PM
the 5th Anniversary of my First Fred Father’s Death OBTW at 6:46 PM
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
6.6 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)
“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…
“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”
Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)
“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”
Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)
“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”
Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)
Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)
Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)
Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)
Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their Legs…
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their Legs…
Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)
“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”
Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”
“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019
“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW
“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000 Miles in
Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of YouTuBE
Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million Plus
Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’ Poem
by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)
Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of YouTuBE
Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million Plus
Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’ Poem
by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)
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