← eYe oF ThE TiGeR LioN HeART
KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE
Only When ‘Men’ LEarn
To FeeL themSelves Up
Will They Ever Be Free;
Women Lead Love Mostly;
Men Fall to Fear of Love
in General of
Love Is To Be.
When i ‘See’ Priests
Popes and CEO’s
i see tiny
men and
With little to
No Relative Free Will of Soul (Love).
True Love is Never Politics for it only Gives and Shares.
The Church The Politics The Religion ‘The Business’ is far
As it Always Has (Is) Been From The Essence of Love Freeing US NoW.
To FeeL themSelves Up
Will They Ever Be Free;
Women Lead Love Mostly;
Men Fall to Fear of Love
in General of
Love Is To Be.
When i ‘See’ Priests
Popes and CEO’s
i see tiny
men and
With little to
No Relative Free Will of Soul (Love).
True Love is Never Politics for it only Gives and Shares.
The Church The Politics The Religion ‘The Business’ is far
As it Always Has (Is) Been From The Essence of Love Freeing US NoW.
A Greatest Weakness Is Being
Afraid Of Other Expressions
Self-Fulfilling Now Obviously
Afraid Of Other Expressions
Self-Fulfilling Now Obviously
I enjoy listening to ‘these’ YouTube Events; particularly the Latest ones by Peterson and Harris as they both keep each other ”Honest”; and to be clear I sense and feel that both of them really Believe in their Philosophies and Politics and Spirituality; and are not in this strictly for a Money Making Project of whatever it takes as that is mostly what YouTube and just about everything else is all about beyond those who Truly Seek what they Name as Truth as Love.
On the other Hand, this entire ‘2 Hours Plus Ted Talk’ And Politics and Spirituality And in General Philosophy Talk
is in itself Bait for Intellectual Elites above and beyond the Assessed Science Average of Modernized Commercialized
Attention Spans of Less than the Average Gold Fish in Studies that are Real in Terms of Human Attention Span now.
is in itself Bait for Intellectual Elites above and beyond the Assessed Science Average of Modernized Commercialized
Attention Spans of Less than the Average Gold Fish in Studies that are Real in Terms of Human Attention Span now.
But see, there is still another Hand Still; while I will easily Breeze through one of these 2 Hour Intellectual Events
to Stimulate the Dopamine in my Mind as Hell no I don’t need any Serotonin or Oxytocin as a Literal so-called
Public Dance Legend will get even too much at a Place Like Super Walmart after doing that for Close to 10K
Miles in 5 Years now where if it gets like that I move on to Dance Solo in my Back Yard with Sand and Sun.
True; I don’t ‘need’ Dopamine either but the More the Merrier when one Does it in Balance as all things in Life.
to Stimulate the Dopamine in my Mind as Hell no I don’t need any Serotonin or Oxytocin as a Literal so-called
Public Dance Legend will get even too much at a Place Like Super Walmart after doing that for Close to 10K
Miles in 5 Years now where if it gets like that I move on to Dance Solo in my Back Yard with Sand and Sun.
True; I don’t ‘need’ Dopamine either but the More the Merrier when one Does it in Balance as all things in Life.
Some folks are just coming to these ‘Intellectual Giants’ as they Have become their Priests and
Pastors and these are the Weekly to Even Daily Sermons online for Free as they may if they
Care to Contribute to the Coffers of the Pod Cast Baskets as Folks Like Jordan
Smash the ‘other’ side Pejoratively so in Political Slang Like ‘those’ Leftists, those
Lefties and those ‘Marxists’ some more as of course while Jordan may not realize it
this gives him a little ‘Lobster Boost’ in his obvious deficit of ‘Little Man’ Disease of Low
in Serotonin whereas you won’t see Sam Harris or someone Like Jonathan Haidt doing this as they
Obviously are Confident Men in their own skin who are not so Pre-Disposed to the Lack of Serotonin
Inherent in Many Mental Associated Disorders in both Mind and Body Way. People with these issues of the
Need for a Tribal Boost Naturally Gravitate toward Jordan as that is an Inherent Part of what is Empty in his Human
Nature that he really doesn’t try to avoid in the the Fact that he’s had this Lifelong Problem as Probably an Outcast when
Young, who still Hasn’t truly Looked within; spent enough time alone to get his self all filled up as one Force of Human
Nature Balance. It’s Obvious Sam Harris and Jonathan Haidt have their ‘Stuff’ Together as they don’t get nearly as
Bent out of Shape with the Frustrations and Aggressions that naturally come when a Person Feels Empty inside
as that applies to Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones that come through Nature and the Nurture now of
Environment too; it’s easy to see from Non-Verbal Language for those who pick up less and more of Human
Nature and Nurture too. It’s True too, the Autism Extending Phenotype is Strong for most all of these Dudes
as of course they are Systemizing Scientists too; with the Rubin Dude not so much; or the Rogan
Dude too, as More Intellectual Light Weights obvious to see too although they are a little more
Loose about Life as Any Comedian Naturally Comes to be for the Sake of their Neuro-Chemistry too.
Pastors and these are the Weekly to Even Daily Sermons online for Free as they may if they
Care to Contribute to the Coffers of the Pod Cast Baskets as Folks Like Jordan
Smash the ‘other’ side Pejoratively so in Political Slang Like ‘those’ Leftists, those
Lefties and those ‘Marxists’ some more as of course while Jordan may not realize it
this gives him a little ‘Lobster Boost’ in his obvious deficit of ‘Little Man’ Disease of Low
in Serotonin whereas you won’t see Sam Harris or someone Like Jonathan Haidt doing this as they
Obviously are Confident Men in their own skin who are not so Pre-Disposed to the Lack of Serotonin
Inherent in Many Mental Associated Disorders in both Mind and Body Way. People with these issues of the
Need for a Tribal Boost Naturally Gravitate toward Jordan as that is an Inherent Part of what is Empty in his Human
Nature that he really doesn’t try to avoid in the the Fact that he’s had this Lifelong Problem as Probably an Outcast when
Young, who still Hasn’t truly Looked within; spent enough time alone to get his self all filled up as one Force of Human
Nature Balance. It’s Obvious Sam Harris and Jonathan Haidt have their ‘Stuff’ Together as they don’t get nearly as
Bent out of Shape with the Frustrations and Aggressions that naturally come when a Person Feels Empty inside
as that applies to Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones that come through Nature and the Nurture now of
Environment too; it’s easy to see from Non-Verbal Language for those who pick up less and more of Human
Nature and Nurture too. It’s True too, the Autism Extending Phenotype is Strong for most all of these Dudes
as of course they are Systemizing Scientists too; with the Rubin Dude not so much; or the Rogan
Dude too, as More Intellectual Light Weights obvious to see too although they are a little more
Loose about Life as Any Comedian Naturally Comes to be for the Sake of their Neuro-Chemistry too.
True, both Harris and Peterson could use as little more Comedy too but that’s not so much Part of ‘Left
Brain Thinking’ at least per Wet Wit Verses Dry Wit now; hehe. Smiles, in other words most People in the
Real Bell Curve World are living as the Gold Fish that the Environment of Quick Link Shares with Warnings
of TL; you won’t Ever Read ‘this’ for ‘we’ understand the Average Attention Span of Humans now for the
Deeper Stuff of Life past a McDonald’s Hamburger and Fries to go aLong with that in Less than 30
Seconds now of a Mind and Body without tHe Ability to eat more than that at one sitting now.
Brain Thinking’ at least per Wet Wit Verses Dry Wit now; hehe. Smiles, in other words most People in the
Real Bell Curve World are living as the Gold Fish that the Environment of Quick Link Shares with Warnings
of TL; you won’t Ever Read ‘this’ for ‘we’ understand the Average Attention Span of Humans now for the
Deeper Stuff of Life past a McDonald’s Hamburger and Fries to go aLong with that in Less than 30
Seconds now of a Mind and Body without tHe Ability to eat more than that at one sitting now.
You See my Friend; I’ve never Had a Problem understanding anyone on this Internet Site
as there are many Variations of Human Communication Here in Terms off Both Science and
Art that Amuse me, Entertain Me; and even Stimulate my Mind to Greater Depths but I always
Learn More as i ain’t scared of anyone’s Freedom of Expression now. But on the other hand, if I hadn’t
Developed the Real Life Ability to Master my own Emotions in Regulation and Senses in Integration, I
Might do a Butt Hurt Dance Empty Inside when the Nagging Threat of Empty Within comes to visit again.
But it won’t for I have so many ways to stay Filled up inside; I’m Like a Speeding Bullet that way in Slow
Motion Per ‘Matrix’ Movie Metaphor too; hehe. The Best News of all Probably is if a former Gold Fish Attention
Span Dude Like me can do it; other Canaries in the ‘Coal Mind’ likely can and will too as use it or lose it applies
to everything in Life; Whether or not ‘they’ Become A Dance Legend in Red States of Public Dance Gulf to Coast
Probably Depends on if they Develop any ‘Real Human Ball’s; Female and or Male as that comes to be too. It’s
Worth Noting for the Incel Variety of Dude too that the Size of a Wallet is down on the Lowest List of what Women
Love most for Fearless is above the 60th Percentile way of Turning Women on and Big Fat Wallets are at about the
Bottom in the Single Digits too. In other, Words too, if Trump went the option I took at his age ‘then’ His Bus Experience
of Life in Locker Room Talk would be much Different as He Wouldn’t have to approach Women at all as they Would
Naturally Gravitate to him like Planets Revolving around a Fearless Sun hehe; and that’s easy for me to Prove
with over 2000 photos too in much more than empty Locker Talks On Buses with even smaller men than him.
as there are many Variations of Human Communication Here in Terms off Both Science and
Art that Amuse me, Entertain Me; and even Stimulate my Mind to Greater Depths but I always
Learn More as i ain’t scared of anyone’s Freedom of Expression now. But on the other hand, if I hadn’t
Developed the Real Life Ability to Master my own Emotions in Regulation and Senses in Integration, I
Might do a Butt Hurt Dance Empty Inside when the Nagging Threat of Empty Within comes to visit again.
But it won’t for I have so many ways to stay Filled up inside; I’m Like a Speeding Bullet that way in Slow
Motion Per ‘Matrix’ Movie Metaphor too; hehe. The Best News of all Probably is if a former Gold Fish Attention
Span Dude Like me can do it; other Canaries in the ‘Coal Mind’ likely can and will too as use it or lose it applies
to everything in Life; Whether or not ‘they’ Become A Dance Legend in Red States of Public Dance Gulf to Coast
Probably Depends on if they Develop any ‘Real Human Ball’s; Female and or Male as that comes to be too. It’s
Worth Noting for the Incel Variety of Dude too that the Size of a Wallet is down on the Lowest List of what Women
Love most for Fearless is above the 60th Percentile way of Turning Women on and Big Fat Wallets are at about the
Bottom in the Single Digits too. In other, Words too, if Trump went the option I took at his age ‘then’ His Bus Experience
of Life in Locker Room Talk would be much Different as He Wouldn’t have to approach Women at all as they Would
Naturally Gravitate to him like Planets Revolving around a Fearless Sun hehe; and that’s easy for me to Prove
with over 2000 photos too in much more than empty Locker Talks On Buses with even smaller men than him.
In other Words; the ‘Real Incels’, who are spending all their spare time watching these Extended Play Podcasts
and or Video Games would as far as Human Nature and Statistics Go find a way to exude a Non-Verbal way
of Fearless every day now and the Women will be more like Honey Bees than ‘Wasps’ who sting now. And
no; Hell no; this doesn’t even necessarily have any thing to do with ‘Chad Looks’ too as if one opens up
My Latest Blog Post, I was a Hell of a Lot Better Looking as a ‘Chad’ at 30 than I am now but the thing is, I was
Obviously in Non-Verbal Speak about as Uncomfortable in my own skin as any male goes and comes now.
I was a Wall Flower in the Bar Dance Halls then no matter how Good Looking I was then as I didn’t literally
understand how to even move in a Stance of Fearless until a Few Months in the late 80’s Long enough
to Attract the Wife I still have the only Few Months I was truly confident through My late 20’s Back then.
and or Video Games would as far as Human Nature and Statistics Go find a way to exude a Non-Verbal way
of Fearless every day now and the Women will be more like Honey Bees than ‘Wasps’ who sting now. And
no; Hell no; this doesn’t even necessarily have any thing to do with ‘Chad Looks’ too as if one opens up
My Latest Blog Post, I was a Hell of a Lot Better Looking as a ‘Chad’ at 30 than I am now but the thing is, I was
Obviously in Non-Verbal Speak about as Uncomfortable in my own skin as any male goes and comes now.
I was a Wall Flower in the Bar Dance Halls then no matter how Good Looking I was then as I didn’t literally
understand how to even move in a Stance of Fearless until a Few Months in the late 80’s Long enough
to Attract the Wife I still have the only Few Months I was truly confident through My late 20’s Back then.
I’m not afraid of any opinion, now; and True in terms of Both Dance and Song I Win for this for Fearless
Confidence in Love is at the Core of what Humanity still is at the best of what we can and will be now.
The Evidence Proves it all across my Life Span now and the Science of it is also onboard now. And yes
after I got Married, I got the metaphor of ‘fat and lazy’ as I thought the Only Real Goal in Life was a Woman
to Love you now. Entropy Started to Set in, when I finally figured out so much Later at 53 that the Secret to
all Real Success is to never leave a Boot Camp of Mind and Body Balance from first to last Blink of Life now;
even if one never went in the First Place as we do have the potential for a Relative Free Will to Co-Create our
Boot-Camps that Successfully Work for us across the Lifespan now; takes effort Real Blood, Sweat and Tears
but the Results in Real Life Evidence Prove the Reward is not only intrinsic but outside of Inside too, now.
Confidence in Love is at the Core of what Humanity still is at the best of what we can and will be now.
The Evidence Proves it all across my Life Span now and the Science of it is also onboard now. And yes
after I got Married, I got the metaphor of ‘fat and lazy’ as I thought the Only Real Goal in Life was a Woman
to Love you now. Entropy Started to Set in, when I finally figured out so much Later at 53 that the Secret to
all Real Success is to never leave a Boot Camp of Mind and Body Balance from first to last Blink of Life now;
even if one never went in the First Place as we do have the potential for a Relative Free Will to Co-Create our
Boot-Camps that Successfully Work for us across the Lifespan now; takes effort Real Blood, Sweat and Tears
but the Results in Real Life Evidence Prove the Reward is not only intrinsic but outside of Inside too, now.
I see very Little Physical and or Emotional Intelligences Given in any of these Podcasts Formats of Hours Long
Except for words like Meditation and Martial Arts and Rough and Tumble Play. It’s easy enough to tell for the
ones who’ve found something that works for they aren’t obviously always in Lobster and or Tribal Mode of
filling up an empty space inside. Real James Bond’s Don’t go in to Attack Mode unless there is something
worthy to defend like their Flesh and Blood Life for it is only a waste of Human Energy that Proves nothing
more than who is truly weak or strong inside; For it’s also True, Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones do
not lie or the Behaviors Generated from the Essence of a Lack of all these Sparks of Life Free now. ‘Those’
who Master ‘them’ in Mind and Body Balance win the Turtle Races over the Nervous Rabbits still, in my life too.
Except for words like Meditation and Martial Arts and Rough and Tumble Play. It’s easy enough to tell for the
ones who’ve found something that works for they aren’t obviously always in Lobster and or Tribal Mode of
filling up an empty space inside. Real James Bond’s Don’t go in to Attack Mode unless there is something
worthy to defend like their Flesh and Blood Life for it is only a waste of Human Energy that Proves nothing
more than who is truly weak or strong inside; For it’s also True, Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones do
not lie or the Behaviors Generated from the Essence of a Lack of all these Sparks of Life Free now. ‘Those’
who Master ‘them’ in Mind and Body Balance win the Turtle Races over the Nervous Rabbits still, in my life too.
But Still, now, I listen for I learn something and Have Plenty of Multi-Tasking Hours to do it; the thing is I Learn
as Much about Human Nature from a Conspiracy YouTube Site as I do for all these Folks with all these Fancy
Credentials too for the ‘Crazy’ ones will dip into places these folks will never go for they just don’t have the time
or focus or Interest too. It’s nice not to have to Worry about Money or the Politics of Human Soul when you come
Loaded with
so much
‘Guns and Bullets’ and ‘Dollar Bills’ now
Without ‘Real Guns’ and ‘Bullets’ per actual do
of Fearless Love Money; Anyway, thanks for sharing, it was interesting and
Those Interviews with Sam Harris and Peterson are the best yet, i’ve seen.
Sam Harris has really Got most of his Stuff together but he still lacks the
Emotional/Physical Intelligences to understand that Organized Religion is never going
away for People Go to Hold Hands in what all Social Animals do as a Team Together no matter
what ‘it’ is; dark or light or so-called Religion and or Politics’ that binds and bonds them together in
Symbolic And in Edifice ways of Temples they want to last forever in Symbols They Feel as Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose just to feel the Oxytocin of the Flesh and Blood Touch now as Science shows
will never
come close to
Replacing the Human
Flesh and Blood Hug now;
not even in Nasal Sprays of
Oxytocin for Love is Colored More than the Reductionist Parts of Flesh and Blood.
Love is Colored by the Biggest Sexual and Love Organs of all the Entire Mind and Body
in Synergy as Force of Love. When I Hear Sam and Peterson talk about this, I will see
they’ve joined ‘The Party’; yes, ‘they’ Do have That Potential, too..:)
as Much about Human Nature from a Conspiracy YouTube Site as I do for all these Folks with all these Fancy
Credentials too for the ‘Crazy’ ones will dip into places these folks will never go for they just don’t have the time
or focus or Interest too. It’s nice not to have to Worry about Money or the Politics of Human Soul when you come
Loaded with
so much
‘Guns and Bullets’ and ‘Dollar Bills’ now
Without ‘Real Guns’ and ‘Bullets’ per actual do
of Fearless Love Money; Anyway, thanks for sharing, it was interesting and
Those Interviews with Sam Harris and Peterson are the best yet, i’ve seen.
Sam Harris has really Got most of his Stuff together but he still lacks the
Emotional/Physical Intelligences to understand that Organized Religion is never going
away for People Go to Hold Hands in what all Social Animals do as a Team Together no matter
what ‘it’ is; dark or light or so-called Religion and or Politics’ that binds and bonds them together in
Symbolic And in Edifice ways of Temples they want to last forever in Symbols They Feel as Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose just to feel the Oxytocin of the Flesh and Blood Touch now as Science shows
will never
come close to
Replacing the Human
Flesh and Blood Hug now;
not even in Nasal Sprays of
Oxytocin for Love is Colored More than the Reductionist Parts of Flesh and Blood.
Love is Colored by the Biggest Sexual and Love Organs of all the Entire Mind and Body
in Synergy as Force of Love. When I Hear Sam and Peterson talk about this, I will see
they’ve joined ‘The Party’; yes, ‘they’ Do have That Potential, too..:)
Hi.. Lala Rukh.. nice to see You Returning to the Creative Pages of Your
Life and nah.. they’ve Never been Boring to me for True i See all Human
Blooms as FLoWeRS Ranging From Rose to Grains
Quartz Sand
of Magic Beach..
Life is Longer Traveling now
And Covered with Veils of what
We come to Find.. Or Lose of So
Many Potential Intelligences of
Life in Both Arts And Sciences
True i’ve been Covered and
Naked in and From
Ignorance too
my Friend
in Original
Greek Definition
in Apocalypse now
of Lifting those Veils
of Ignorance into Greater
Lights and Human Potentials too
but oh the Magic.. Yes.. The Real MaGiC NoW
iN SpiRit of HeART and SoUL going now so much
further than Neo-Cortical Places of Time Distance
and Space that need not exist when Astrocyte Waves
Come in Synergy of Balance in Metaphor of Unleashing
And Releasing so much Greater Quantum Human Potential Blessed
to be in this Place Rising since 66 Months ago in March of 2013
Still Traveling IN Hell
Then Rising out
of What Truly
Felt and
Sensed Like
Hell In the March of
That Year until rising out
of Hell of Pain and Numb
in 66 Months of doing that from
January of 2008 through July of 2013
it’s True A Holy Spirit of Creativity will come deep
from within when one is still living in the Pain and Numb
of Hell my Friend and perhaps with 4 Months like it did with
me send some one straight from Hell into Heaven Real Within
inside outside above so below and all around and with 6 Million
Words and Lots of Help from Friends across the West to Ocean
Far of East i’ve just about got a Job Done of ArTicuLating a Reality
of Heaven for those with Deep Enough eyes and ears to see for you
see my
in no meaSure
of Science nor is
God in one Word but Kiss of all that is now..
Best of wishes but remember Science takes both Art and Soul away..
And use it or lose it applies to all that is life but there is always now to sTarT aGaiN
Even if all of the Science of Life takes the Art and Soul Away That’s Good News my Friend
Back Returning As Art For
ReaL And GRowS AGAiN NoW
Ocean Whole more than ever before..
but no one told me any of this when i was
your age at 26 now nor or even at 53 until then or
even at 58 A few moments ago before i meet God now
more fully within now as Love that is ReaL Art NoW
as that
now for those
who free themselves
of words and other symbols of limits and expectations of any less than now more..
As Most any 3 to 5 or Earlier Year Old Child Understands before trapped in a Desk of PriSon..:)
Life and nah.. they’ve Never been Boring to me for True i See all Human
Blooms as FLoWeRS Ranging From Rose to Grains
Quartz Sand
of Magic Beach..
Life is Longer Traveling now
And Covered with Veils of what
We come to Find.. Or Lose of So
Many Potential Intelligences of
Life in Both Arts And Sciences
True i’ve been Covered and
Naked in and From
Ignorance too
my Friend
in Original
Greek Definition
in Apocalypse now
of Lifting those Veils
of Ignorance into Greater
Lights and Human Potentials too
but oh the Magic.. Yes.. The Real MaGiC NoW
iN SpiRit of HeART and SoUL going now so much
further than Neo-Cortical Places of Time Distance
and Space that need not exist when Astrocyte Waves
Come in Synergy of Balance in Metaphor of Unleashing
And Releasing so much Greater Quantum Human Potential Blessed
to be in this Place Rising since 66 Months ago in March of 2013
Still Traveling IN Hell
Then Rising out
of What Truly
Felt and
Sensed Like
Hell In the March of
That Year until rising out
of Hell of Pain and Numb
in 66 Months of doing that from
January of 2008 through July of 2013
it’s True A Holy Spirit of Creativity will come deep
from within when one is still living in the Pain and Numb
of Hell my Friend and perhaps with 4 Months like it did with
me send some one straight from Hell into Heaven Real Within
inside outside above so below and all around and with 6 Million
Words and Lots of Help from Friends across the West to Ocean
Far of East i’ve just about got a Job Done of ArTicuLating a Reality
of Heaven for those with Deep Enough eyes and ears to see for you
see my
in no meaSure
of Science nor is
God in one Word but Kiss of all that is now..
Best of wishes but remember Science takes both Art and Soul away..
And use it or lose it applies to all that is life but there is always now to sTarT aGaiN
Even if all of the Science of Life takes the Art and Soul Away That’s Good News my Friend
Back Returning As Art For
ReaL And GRowS AGAiN NoW
Ocean Whole more than ever before..
but no one told me any of this when i was
your age at 26 now nor or even at 53 until then or
even at 58 A few moments ago before i meet God now
more fully within now as Love that is ReaL Art NoW
as that
now for those
who free themselves
of words and other symbols of limits and expectations of any less than now more..
As Most any 3 to 5 or Earlier Year Old Child Understands before trapped in a Desk of PriSon..:)
“1. PPR
This is a special forum. It is for debating and as such pretty much anything goes provided it stays within the site rules and the following guidelines. It is more or less freedom of speech. It doesn’t matter if some people have obnoxious or ill-informed opinions regarding politics, religion or virtually anything else. People can debate and criticize any religion, atheism, political party, public figures etc. Just because some members may belong to a particular religion (or atheism) or political party, does not exclude it from debate. If people want to criticize atheism that is fine. Criticise Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Paganism, Confucianism, Judaism, Satanism, Scientology etc all fine too.”
This is a special forum. It is for debating and as such pretty much anything goes provided it stays within the site rules and the following guidelines. It is more or less freedom of speech. It doesn’t matter if some people have obnoxious or ill-informed opinions regarding politics, religion or virtually anything else. People can debate and criticize any religion, atheism, political party, public figures etc. Just because some members may belong to a particular religion (or atheism) or political party, does not exclude it from debate. If people want to criticize atheism that is fine. Criticise Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Paganism, Confucianism, Judaism, Satanism, Scientology etc all fine too.”
This wasn’t set up to be a ‘warm and fuzzy’ place and it’s worth noting
that not all folks on the Autism Spectrum are alike. Not all of us have
Thin Skin; not all of us are STEM Majors; in Fact, Science Shows as far as “higher functioning” goes close to
two-thirds are not. And yes, some of us are both literally and metaphorically Jacks and Jills of most all Trades of Life,
Dark and Light. Highlight the Phrase “more or less Freedom of Speech” above as in this way the Forum has been
Increasingly Failing for Years as that is what brings some folks on the Spectrum here most to hear a Different
View and of course mileage and make varies on that among folks on the Spectrum too. For instance, it
wasn’t too long ago that a Moderator did a mock exorcism on me for “Breaking the Internet” whatever
the Hell that means in Terms of Freedom of Speech. I Used to use all Caps for emphasis that wasn’t
okay for me but okay for others now. I do my best to reach the Edge of the Page now but i am
and rather
to Linear think.
This doesn’t Look like
the Section for you as it’s
True Online there are Doors
And in Terms of folks more averse
or less averse to the ‘Wild of Communication”,
it’s easy enough to go to a different room one feels comfortable in.
That’s what I do but no room scares me as i’ve got a Few Stripes on my Back; more than a few with Scar Tissue Enough..;)
that not all folks on the Autism Spectrum are alike. Not all of us have
Thin Skin; not all of us are STEM Majors; in Fact, Science Shows as far as “higher functioning” goes close to
two-thirds are not. And yes, some of us are both literally and metaphorically Jacks and Jills of most all Trades of Life,
Dark and Light. Highlight the Phrase “more or less Freedom of Speech” above as in this way the Forum has been
Increasingly Failing for Years as that is what brings some folks on the Spectrum here most to hear a Different
View and of course mileage and make varies on that among folks on the Spectrum too. For instance, it
wasn’t too long ago that a Moderator did a mock exorcism on me for “Breaking the Internet” whatever
the Hell that means in Terms of Freedom of Speech. I Used to use all Caps for emphasis that wasn’t
okay for me but okay for others now. I do my best to reach the Edge of the Page now but i am
and rather
to Linear think.
This doesn’t Look like
the Section for you as it’s
True Online there are Doors
And in Terms of folks more averse
or less averse to the ‘Wild of Communication”,
it’s easy enough to go to a different room one feels comfortable in.
That’s what I do but no room scares me as i’ve got a Few Stripes on my Back; more than a few with Scar Tissue Enough..;)
And to be clear, I said it is worth noting; I have no idea what your understanding of these issues are; And I’m Always
Polite but if you are ‘different here’, ironically, in someways that’s the easiest way to Piss other folks off; nice or not;
it doesn’t make me Angry but it is overall amusing as I enjoy Irony. In Fact, I enjoy Every thing; In Fact, I Live in
Heaven Real Now within and on the outside too; In Fact, I have enough Empirical Evidence that it’s true
and other People can and will likely achieve it too. Smiles, You’d be amazed at all the People who
are both Metaphorically and Literally Averse to Achieve Real Heaven now; perhaps, if they Really
go to ‘Hell’ like I did for 66 months; they might have a Change of Will that Feels more like Love.
Polite but if you are ‘different here’, ironically, in someways that’s the easiest way to Piss other folks off; nice or not;
it doesn’t make me Angry but it is overall amusing as I enjoy Irony. In Fact, I enjoy Every thing; In Fact, I Live in
Heaven Real Now within and on the outside too; In Fact, I have enough Empirical Evidence that it’s true
and other People can and will likely achieve it too. Smiles, You’d be amazed at all the People who
are both Metaphorically and Literally Averse to Achieve Real Heaven now; perhaps, if they Really
go to ‘Hell’ like I did for 66 months; they might have a Change of Will that Feels more like Love.
That’s not for me to decide, with Smiles again..:)
And again unless you are really Interested in Occasional
Nuggets of Wisdom in a Tar Baby Thorn Patch, I can’t imagine why anyone would
come here at all; and they just don’t do it much anymore; Clear from Views of Participation.
Nuggets of Wisdom in a Tar Baby Thorn Patch, I can’t imagine why anyone would
come here at all; and they just don’t do it much anymore; Clear from Views of Participation.
And on top of that the Moderator Jobs here are Thankless as I was offered one back when
I Lived in ‘Hell’ and had no choice but to turn it down. And there is Still no way in ‘Hell’ I would
do it as I can’t imagine Herding Cats and actually believing I could do it. So, I Have no complaints
if anyone exorcises me as if that gives ’em a Smile more Power to ’em; And After all in Poem i’ve written
A Literal and Metaphorical 6 Million Word Bible Poem and do what most folks fear the most even more than
Public Speech; yes, Dancing In Public for close to 10K Miles too in 5 years in “Trump State Foot Loose Towns”
in the Deep Bible States of the Gulf Coast Southern US of Let’s Make ‘Murica Great Again. Hey, If I can get away
with what
I do here
at Home
without getting
Shot in Public it ain’t so bad
at all for those who are Brave enough to actually Do Free in all the ways that comes..;)
I Lived in ‘Hell’ and had no choice but to turn it down. And there is Still no way in ‘Hell’ I would
do it as I can’t imagine Herding Cats and actually believing I could do it. So, I Have no complaints
if anyone exorcises me as if that gives ’em a Smile more Power to ’em; And After all in Poem i’ve written
A Literal and Metaphorical 6 Million Word Bible Poem and do what most folks fear the most even more than
Public Speech; yes, Dancing In Public for close to 10K Miles too in 5 years in “Trump State Foot Loose Towns”
in the Deep Bible States of the Gulf Coast Southern US of Let’s Make ‘Murica Great Again. Hey, If I can get away
with what
I do here
at Home
without getting
Shot in Public it ain’t so bad
at all for those who are Brave enough to actually Do Free in all the ways that comes..;)
Any way; Welcome to the Wrong Planet.
Not likely anyone else will but i ain’t afraid of Reciprocal Social Communication for yes
too I can go Super Introvert or Extrovert Both ways with ease and here where Informal Polls
that were Huge and Very Well Participated in showed that 95 Percent of Folks are Introverted here;
Most folks on the Autism Spectrum are but some folks are most definitely not in all the ways that comes too..:)
too I can go Super Introvert or Extrovert Both ways with ease and here where Informal Polls
that were Huge and Very Well Participated in showed that 95 Percent of Folks are Introverted here;
Most folks on the Autism Spectrum are but some folks are most definitely not in all the ways that comes too..:)
As far as Special Interests and Laser Focus And Doing it; no one else does it in Longer ways of doing two things like
Song of Poetry and Dance of Feet like me; no one and I do mean no one on record at least has me beat anywhere now.
Song of Poetry and Dance of Feet like me; no one and I do mean no one on record at least has me beat anywhere now.
I am one of those ‘Super Autistic Folks’ as a Savant of Spirit of HeART Soul also strange enough to be Bi-Polar too; others
come before.
i am too F in SmArt NoW to get Hung or whatever; hAha..;)
come before.
i am too F in SmArt NoW to get Hung or whatever; hAha..;)
Have a Nice Day; I Write it Down in Song of Words And Dance it in Feat of Feet And ‘it’ HapPens Now Without Fail
And that is just one of Many Ways to Heaven NoW That is Real my Friend; Oh yeah, I see everyone as Friends and that
Pisses people
off too; i would
lose but i WiLL aLWays Love to Win this way too; And it F in Works at Least for Me; Meeker Stronger with Will On a Foundation of Grace as Balance and Love And All That Jazz of Fearless too. I don’t just Study Philosophy or Religion or Politics and just Repeat it back like a Canary in a Coal Mine. I actually Dance it and Sing it anew reneWed every now and it shouldn’t really be any Wonder why i visit ‘this place’ too as all of Life is Religion and God and Love to me no matter what.
And that is just one of Many Ways to Heaven NoW That is Real my Friend; Oh yeah, I see everyone as Friends and that
Pisses people
off too; i would
lose but i WiLL aLWays Love to Win this way too; And it F in Works at Least for Me; Meeker Stronger with Will On a Foundation of Grace as Balance and Love And All That Jazz of Fearless too. I don’t just Study Philosophy or Religion or Politics and just Repeat it back like a Canary in a Coal Mine. I actually Dance it and Sing it anew reneWed every now and it shouldn’t really be any Wonder why i visit ‘this place’ too as all of Life is Religion and God and Love to me no matter what.
It’s also worth noting in Real Flesh and Blood Life where Folks Inhabit ‘Life’ now with ‘Normal’ Emotional
Intelligences, People Treat each other More Like Humans with Respect than Science Projects to be Solved;
Nature of the Beast as ‘they’ say; it is what it is, too. I don’t have any Problems now with People
Mocking me to my Face in Flesh and Blood Life, even when I Public Dance Free Style Ballet Mixed
with Martial Arts; along with Leg Pressing Half a Ton 52 reps in Strength Standing 6 feet plus and
240LBS, now too; sure, size matters too; and overall Martial Arts Skills as it’s worth Noting that’s
Part of How Muhammad Ali came to Float before he Stung and Bruce Lee
Became ‘the Water’, not having to Prove his so-called Manhood anymore;
Yes, they did Ballet and Discovered Real Strength is in being the
Original Greek Definition of Meek that Means Fearless Will in
Grace of Strength in Balance where An Ocean of Calm
Means A Real Potential
of Raging of Waves
in Real Life
has not encountered before, too.
Anyway, such is life in the Real Big City.
Anyway, online is a place of Faceless Avatars where
there is no real worry of ‘Real’ Retribution with Ad Hominem attacks except Automatically
Losing the Debate from the Get Go at the Lowest Level of Critical Think; there are more Intelligent Words to choose.
And ‘Real Men’ Like Obama acted always with Respect as ‘Real’ Political Leaders Do where other ‘Men’ are tiny no matter how
much they
weigh now
in Secret or Real
as it simply shows with their overall
Attitude about Life at Peace or the other place(s).
Realistically and Statistically Speaking from a Quick Overview of the Folks Still Posting here; if that standard were really held up, there might not be enough people to keep the forum even going; no doubt, I’m not the only who sees This Reality.
And to be even More Clear, many City Councils and Churches are the Same way as they just don’t have enough Humans
who have evolved in one Life as Truly respecting of other Human Natures; Nature of the Beast, Again, as People who are
all filled up with Love don’t usually go seeking so-called Positions of ‘Power and Status’ for a Space almost impossible
to Feel and Fill Within Without Love that gives and shares free out of just the Joy to Live LoVE iNcarnate at Highest Levels
Of ‘Real Human’ Potential now. And additionally, some People Just don’t get the warm and fuzzies from Human
contact and that’s a Sad and Numb Fact of Life too; People who do, copiously, look at mocking other folks like
mocking their own selves as that is what people in effect do when they do this clear to us with ‘Real’ Love now.
Intelligences, People Treat each other More Like Humans with Respect than Science Projects to be Solved;
Nature of the Beast as ‘they’ say; it is what it is, too. I don’t have any Problems now with People
Mocking me to my Face in Flesh and Blood Life, even when I Public Dance Free Style Ballet Mixed
with Martial Arts; along with Leg Pressing Half a Ton 52 reps in Strength Standing 6 feet plus and
240LBS, now too; sure, size matters too; and overall Martial Arts Skills as it’s worth Noting that’s
Part of How Muhammad Ali came to Float before he Stung and Bruce Lee
Became ‘the Water’, not having to Prove his so-called Manhood anymore;
Yes, they did Ballet and Discovered Real Strength is in being the
Original Greek Definition of Meek that Means Fearless Will in
Grace of Strength in Balance where An Ocean of Calm
Means A Real Potential
of Raging of Waves
in Real Life
has not encountered before, too.
Anyway, such is life in the Real Big City.
Anyway, online is a place of Faceless Avatars where
there is no real worry of ‘Real’ Retribution with Ad Hominem attacks except Automatically
Losing the Debate from the Get Go at the Lowest Level of Critical Think; there are more Intelligent Words to choose.
And ‘Real Men’ Like Obama acted always with Respect as ‘Real’ Political Leaders Do where other ‘Men’ are tiny no matter how
much they
weigh now
in Secret or Real
as it simply shows with their overall
Attitude about Life at Peace or the other place(s).
Realistically and Statistically Speaking from a Quick Overview of the Folks Still Posting here; if that standard were really held up, there might not be enough people to keep the forum even going; no doubt, I’m not the only who sees This Reality.
And to be even More Clear, many City Councils and Churches are the Same way as they just don’t have enough Humans
who have evolved in one Life as Truly respecting of other Human Natures; Nature of the Beast, Again, as People who are
all filled up with Love don’t usually go seeking so-called Positions of ‘Power and Status’ for a Space almost impossible
to Feel and Fill Within Without Love that gives and shares free out of just the Joy to Live LoVE iNcarnate at Highest Levels
Of ‘Real Human’ Potential now. And additionally, some People Just don’t get the warm and fuzzies from Human
contact and that’s a Sad and Numb Fact of Life too; People who do, copiously, look at mocking other folks like
mocking their own selves as that is what people in effect do when they do this clear to us with ‘Real’ Love now.
SMiLes Frank and thanks as usual for dropping by as i continue
to Celebrate 5 years away from ‘Comfortably Numb’.. well not really
Comfortable either then but it goes with the Song as the Video Better
Relates yes.. Science is rather stale and apathetic too as that goes and
applies to the reaches of the Human Soul Alive as Life thru Death OG yes
Alive too.. and this Week is also 66 Months total of Blogging since i received
Still 62 Months into Hell out of 66 a First Creative Spark in March of 2013.. for
the Hell that Started in January of 2008.. as i continue the Flow here and will
continue the Song and Dance of Fingers over at Sohair’s Place a little later
here as her topic of the Week is currently one of Apathy too on the other
Side of the Wheel of Fortune of Flow.. yes.. Transient-Hypo Frontality
And Autotelic way of Being were all Five Pleasure Neuro-
Chemicals Synergy together with Neurohormones
as Astrocyte Waves of mind reach down
and around the Neuronal Sparks
and other Peptides in each
Cell Lighting up in
over a Quadrillion Points
of Light from Dark thru Rainbow
Colors and Flavors now more of Bliss
As Many Stars.. in UniVerse Whole too
In Nirvana of Artism with even ReaSon
of Science to Spice the Yin with Yang
too when all comes now in Balance
Doing my Best hehe to make
this somewhat sublime too
As True Each Mind and
Body is a Multi-UniVerse
NoW too that Co-creates
Reality now with the Rest of
Reality that stretches as far
as Imagination and Creativity Wills
to Bring Life’s Dreams to Fruition of Heaven
now or the Hell of Nightmares that Dark contriving
Dream time will bring too in Misery Loves Company now
wHere the Delusions of Reality.. As Neuro-Science shows
we all Hallucinate to some degree less and more are Subject
to A Force of Relative Free Will As We develop that within inside
outside.. above so below and all around too.. to Co-Create Life
is As MasterPeace of Painting Less or more where we are the
Paint the Brush and Master Peace Painting Whole in Ocean
now free
less or more
as i move on to Sohair’s Place
in less that Comfortably Numb
Memories from 2008 and 1981
too as First an Initiation of a Vision
Quest from Apathy to Flow comes and
the Responsibilities of 21 year old life takes
that away for another 32 years and 37 Years
to date this week too.. as Death as Life and Miracle
of Life and those who see the Depths and Heights of
Both do take back some of the Experience in Art to Share
with others who have neither Yet been to Heaven or Hell Real within…
And too the Psychedelic Generation of Music used Flow Enhancing Mind
Additives to Bring Back some more of the Art of Mind and Body than most
Folks Experience now and still others of us Enter Dreamtime MoRE as almost A
Born on Date way of Being that ‘normal’ Society has little Clue to be ‘more’ this way.
Hi Sohair.. for in Deed it is the Apathy of Indifference and Losing
Emotions that turns a Soul Silent without a Breath of LIfe
to Give and Share with others and in deed it is often
the Apathetic of Youth Lost from Society that
may go the most Killing Root of Cold
Away from any Emotions or
Connections with other
Humans and
Kill them
as one Projects
their State of Cold to
others who live in a Reality
so much Closer to a Flow of Heaven
now as some folks only get small sparks
in Glimpses of this Place of God River Flow
in oneness within some none where others
Live this way for Stretches of Decades.. As
More a Heaven People now who seem to
Never Run-out of Passion in Love to Give
and Share it all this Agape Love to all
others and the Rest of nature now
as home as Home to be as Love
now incarnate for those
who arrive and
in this
Heaven now for Lord
Knows this Dark Night and Years
of the Soul where there is no warmth
within even with a Pet of Furry Cat or Dog
as the most Basic of Loving Human Feelings disappears
and Loved ones Close are no Longer Felt for this may also be an
Organic Condition that comes with actual Neurological Disease too
where the Human Dies Slow a Torturous Death of this Spirit of Heart
as Soul of Apathy as such in Conditions Like Dementia too where all
that’s Left of the Soul Before is a Stone Cast of a Living Being now..
true my friend the Crosses some folks carry as Life are beyond
the comprehension of most people who truly live even a
little bit as Soul now.. And True Chronic Social Stress
And Abuse and Neglect in all ages may create
An Apathetic Child/Adult of Dead Soul or
A Loving Adult where Stress
Destroys the parts
of us that and
who Love
Feel Alive for me
For around 7 Months or
So in 1981 and then an All Natural
Flow fo Breakthrough of Soul that i never
Felt Before for 3 Months then Back to Hell
of Cold Apathy a Poor Man few to no Friends in those
Years really of University where the Study Element Supersedes
all that Was Soul of Social Life all the way through High School then
as true my friend Culture is truly Insaner as it takes us away increasingly
Over Here in the United States for all of what it means as the Human
Social Animal in Hugs of Life That Are Real to Be As Human now..
Working Together in Flesh and Blood Toward Subsistence..
Shelter.. and Reproductive Mates.. all Mutually agreed
upon in Consensual ways of Life too.. so many
Folks Live in Apathy Falling to Opiate Addict
Drugs so many Social Roles
Gone no more Self Esteem
with Roles that Naturally come
in the past so far away where Machines
moreover now Rule the Roost as Human Stones of Soul now…
anyway.. i came out of that Apathy in ’82 that would Stay Secure
for Almost Two Decades after that where at least i could feel the
Pet of A Cat as Warm and Fuzzy Soul but then of course worse than
Ever in Hell of Apathy for 66 Months.. from January of 2008 through
July of 2013.. with a Blessing of a Spark of Creativity motivating
me to Blog in March of 2013.. 66 months ago from this Week
now for it true my Friend Apathy Kills all that is life for now
And it’s also true those ‘Quiet ones’ may end up killing
others now if they come to Feel Small enough
Now and Blame the Rest of Society for
True not all Apathy
People are to be
Trusted either
for this
a Very Dangerous
State of Being and mostly
of course for the Ends of Being
for the Apathetic Soul Cold now
And it’s True there are Dante’s
Metaphors of Progressively
Darker Rings of Apathy
Cold and Numb
in Empty
Pain of now too..
True now the Rings of Hell
are as real as that made-up
Story where some folks exist in
the Apathy of Hell and others Thrive
in the Flow of Love.. if only We WiLL
Find Ways.. to Bring Humans Back
Now From both Comfortably Numb
And Hell of Numb as Pain now too..
Anyway.. Hells as Apathy Will Be dArk to Greater LiGHTS oF LoVE
Too For Those Who Do Not Give uP oN Much Longer Eclipses oF SoUL..:)
to Celebrate 5 years away from ‘Comfortably Numb’.. well not really
Comfortable either then but it goes with the Song as the Video Better
Relates yes.. Science is rather stale and apathetic too as that goes and
applies to the reaches of the Human Soul Alive as Life thru Death OG yes
Alive too.. and this Week is also 66 Months total of Blogging since i received
Still 62 Months into Hell out of 66 a First Creative Spark in March of 2013.. for
the Hell that Started in January of 2008.. as i continue the Flow here and will
continue the Song and Dance of Fingers over at Sohair’s Place a little later
here as her topic of the Week is currently one of Apathy too on the other
Side of the Wheel of Fortune of Flow.. yes.. Transient-Hypo Frontality
And Autotelic way of Being were all Five Pleasure Neuro-
Chemicals Synergy together with Neurohormones
as Astrocyte Waves of mind reach down
and around the Neuronal Sparks
and other Peptides in each
Cell Lighting up in
over a Quadrillion Points
of Light from Dark thru Rainbow
Colors and Flavors now more of Bliss
As Many Stars.. in UniVerse Whole too
In Nirvana of Artism with even ReaSon
of Science to Spice the Yin with Yang
too when all comes now in Balance
Doing my Best hehe to make
this somewhat sublime too
As True Each Mind and
Body is a Multi-UniVerse
NoW too that Co-creates
Reality now with the Rest of
Reality that stretches as far
as Imagination and Creativity Wills
to Bring Life’s Dreams to Fruition of Heaven
now or the Hell of Nightmares that Dark contriving
Dream time will bring too in Misery Loves Company now
wHere the Delusions of Reality.. As Neuro-Science shows
we all Hallucinate to some degree less and more are Subject
to A Force of Relative Free Will As We develop that within inside
outside.. above so below and all around too.. to Co-Create Life
is As MasterPeace of Painting Less or more where we are the
Paint the Brush and Master Peace Painting Whole in Ocean
now free
less or more
as i move on to Sohair’s Place
in less that Comfortably Numb
Memories from 2008 and 1981
too as First an Initiation of a Vision
Quest from Apathy to Flow comes and
the Responsibilities of 21 year old life takes
that away for another 32 years and 37 Years
to date this week too.. as Death as Life and Miracle
of Life and those who see the Depths and Heights of
Both do take back some of the Experience in Art to Share
with others who have neither Yet been to Heaven or Hell Real within…
And too the Psychedelic Generation of Music used Flow Enhancing Mind
Additives to Bring Back some more of the Art of Mind and Body than most
Folks Experience now and still others of us Enter Dreamtime MoRE as almost A
Born on Date way of Being that ‘normal’ Society has little Clue to be ‘more’ this way.
Hi Sohair.. for in Deed it is the Apathy of Indifference and Losing
Emotions that turns a Soul Silent without a Breath of LIfe
to Give and Share with others and in deed it is often
the Apathetic of Youth Lost from Society that
may go the most Killing Root of Cold
Away from any Emotions or
Connections with other
Humans and
Kill them
as one Projects
their State of Cold to
others who live in a Reality
so much Closer to a Flow of Heaven
now as some folks only get small sparks
in Glimpses of this Place of God River Flow
in oneness within some none where others
Live this way for Stretches of Decades.. As
More a Heaven People now who seem to
Never Run-out of Passion in Love to Give
and Share it all this Agape Love to all
others and the Rest of nature now
as home as Home to be as Love
now incarnate for those
who arrive and
in this
Heaven now for Lord
Knows this Dark Night and Years
of the Soul where there is no warmth
within even with a Pet of Furry Cat or Dog
as the most Basic of Loving Human Feelings disappears
and Loved ones Close are no Longer Felt for this may also be an
Organic Condition that comes with actual Neurological Disease too
where the Human Dies Slow a Torturous Death of this Spirit of Heart
as Soul of Apathy as such in Conditions Like Dementia too where all
that’s Left of the Soul Before is a Stone Cast of a Living Being now..
true my friend the Crosses some folks carry as Life are beyond
the comprehension of most people who truly live even a
little bit as Soul now.. And True Chronic Social Stress
And Abuse and Neglect in all ages may create
An Apathetic Child/Adult of Dead Soul or
A Loving Adult where Stress
Destroys the parts
of us that and
who Love
Feel Alive for me
For around 7 Months or
So in 1981 and then an All Natural
Flow fo Breakthrough of Soul that i never
Felt Before for 3 Months then Back to Hell
of Cold Apathy a Poor Man few to no Friends in those
Years really of University where the Study Element Supersedes
all that Was Soul of Social Life all the way through High School then
as true my friend Culture is truly Insaner as it takes us away increasingly
Over Here in the United States for all of what it means as the Human
Social Animal in Hugs of Life That Are Real to Be As Human now..
Working Together in Flesh and Blood Toward Subsistence..
Shelter.. and Reproductive Mates.. all Mutually agreed
upon in Consensual ways of Life too.. so many
Folks Live in Apathy Falling to Opiate Addict
Drugs so many Social Roles
Gone no more Self Esteem
with Roles that Naturally come
in the past so far away where Machines
moreover now Rule the Roost as Human Stones of Soul now…
anyway.. i came out of that Apathy in ’82 that would Stay Secure
for Almost Two Decades after that where at least i could feel the
Pet of A Cat as Warm and Fuzzy Soul but then of course worse than
Ever in Hell of Apathy for 66 Months.. from January of 2008 through
July of 2013.. with a Blessing of a Spark of Creativity motivating
me to Blog in March of 2013.. 66 months ago from this Week
now for it true my Friend Apathy Kills all that is life for now
And it’s also true those ‘Quiet ones’ may end up killing
others now if they come to Feel Small enough
Now and Blame the Rest of Society for
True not all Apathy
People are to be
Trusted either
for this
a Very Dangerous
State of Being and mostly
of course for the Ends of Being
for the Apathetic Soul Cold now
And it’s True there are Dante’s
Metaphors of Progressively
Darker Rings of Apathy
Cold and Numb
in Empty
Pain of now too..
True now the Rings of Hell
are as real as that made-up
Story where some folks exist in
the Apathy of Hell and others Thrive
in the Flow of Love.. if only We WiLL
Find Ways.. to Bring Humans Back
Now From both Comfortably Numb
And Hell of Numb as Pain now too..
Anyway.. Hells as Apathy Will Be dArk to Greater LiGHTS oF LoVE
Too For Those Who Do Not Give uP oN Much Longer Eclipses oF SoUL..:)
Yep.. Life is Change and
Shades of Grey and
Never Ever Binary
Black and White
Which Makes
Autism Spectrums
Gender Spectrums
Identification Spectrums
Are as
In your Hands…
Got a long way to Go Baby..
Enjoy the Ride And Don’t
Empty the Boat if You Can
And Will Now Help it Float
There is no Absolute, Most Likely, or Maybe in Yes; now, too,
Only Yes for we Humans Co-Create Yes and Not the Absolute
Mostly Likely Or Maybe for We Do First and Sing The Dance
After We Feel and Sense the Dance First Deep Within, Yes;
So, in other Words Life is More Art Than
Science Literally as such True in SmART;
And Metaphorically, True as SMart too; yes,
Both at 60 Percent if one Happens to Seek and
Find and Co-Create Numbers too as Holy and
Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose too. And
as Sam Harris says to make a dropping of one
Name of So-called SMart; yes, he says we still
Create smART Superstitions Like Checking the
Empty Barrel of a Gun when we Pass it to a Friend
and in Turn then Check it again when Passing it back
to you and even though you Double Check it as a Gun
with an Empty Barrel now you still don’t Play Cops and Robbers
and Point it at your ‘Game Friends’ at Home or even one’s Children in
how those Games go too in Rough and Tumble Play with Toy Weapons now too.
Anyway as Science Shows we are literally Star Stuff as PArt of the Whole Universe now
So what This Means is that at least in Us For Those Who Can And Will We Care We Share We Give
God is Love as Us at Best now too as Social Cooperation Comes Best from yes, Social Cooperation;
and what ever so called ‘Crazy’ Beliefs full of Meaning and Purpose we co-Create as Holy and Sacred even if it is
Idol Worship of a T-Shirt worn by a Movie Star one Values as it is the Healing Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones
that come at the end or the beginning of Now; yes, always now for if Life is one we Co-Create as Bliss or a Dog Pile
of Apathy so far away from the FloW iN ZoNE that comes as ‘Transient Hypo-Frontality’ in an ‘Autotelic Nation’ of
Being Within for whatever Do or Value in Do one Places on the Tools and Flesh and Blood of Life when we just
Do Joy
in FLoW
now in lieu
of Apathy in
Dog Pooh too.
And to Paraphrase Carl Sagan
in the ‘Contact Movie’ for the
Meaning and Purpose and Holy
Sacred Way of Life Most we Humans
Do; We Are Still Capable of Beautiful
Dreams we imagine we move we connect
and Co-Create in a Fruition of Together or sure
not much of anything in a state of Apathy or a Misery
Loves Company so far away from Joy that Loves Company
that we sit Around Dreaming up Horrible Nightmares and yes
Imagine a Nocebo Way of Life away from Healing Placebo in Moving
Literal and Metaphorical Voodoo Connecting in that Misery Loves Company
and Bringing Nightmares to Dark Reality in a Fruition of Together in ‘that other
way’ of Life too; Meanwhile, Life is Sweet while other Folks Do Salty and Worry about
We Make
as Tools
Ranging From
Words to Nuclear Bombs
more than the Warm and Fuzzies
like the Carl Sagan inspired ‘Contact’ Movie clearly
related in Wisdom at the End the only thing that really
makes life Bearable at the Beginning Now is the Love of Holding Hands in Flow the
Most in all the Artful Ways of doing that when we lose the Tool Mind of Time Distance
and Space so far away from Together Beyond any Measure; even Infinity as Love is Eternal
Beyond Infinity as we Hold Hands now. Like it or not we are God as Nature Whole paRt oF it
all Make
the best
of it or
don’t do it
that’s up to you;
Meanwhile Color Life
Drab in Apathy or make
it beyond the Rainbow of Oz More iN FLoW iN ZoNE as ‘Oz’;
Meanwhile, Bliss Exists for some in Flow eternally now and
Misery Loves Suffering in endless time in distance and space now
as the Essence of Holding Hands with all (God) the Most we Can and Will now as reAlly real.
In other words, it doesn’t matter if one wears a ‘Suit’ to Church or not as Long as one Marries God Within and
Shows God as all that Nature in us can and will become now an Epic Life of Love Always now; if one wills; if one can; if
one just does it now; with whatever Tools Help out in Preparing a way like this even if it is a Fantasy of Boogie Wonderland
now. In Shorter, The Essence Greatly Exceeds All Form For the Essence is what is Real no Matter Form and True as Science
Shows it is impossible to Reliably Measure How Much Greater my Pleasure is than yours for it is Essence as Reality Most that obviously no one sees but the Holder of Real Heavens now. So, true, too, you can Call God a Blue Turtle and that doesn’t change
my Heaven now.
Freedom of Speech Doesn’t Scare Heaven;
Like Sticks and Stones but this is really real as Essence now.
And as Far As God Goes God is Magic and ‘Schizotypal’ if ya wanna Call God Names like that too;
Dam sure More Than A Feeling Better than Apathy of Empty Words with little to no Essence of God (Love) within.
Shades of Grey and
Never Ever Binary
Black and White
Which Makes
Autism Spectrums
Gender Spectrums
Identification Spectrums
Are as
In your Hands…
Got a long way to Go Baby..
Enjoy the Ride And Don’t
Empty the Boat if You Can
And Will Now Help it Float
There is no Absolute, Most Likely, or Maybe in Yes; now, too,
Only Yes for we Humans Co-Create Yes and Not the Absolute
Mostly Likely Or Maybe for We Do First and Sing The Dance
After We Feel and Sense the Dance First Deep Within, Yes;
So, in other Words Life is More Art Than
Science Literally as such True in SmART;
And Metaphorically, True as SMart too; yes,
Both at 60 Percent if one Happens to Seek and
Find and Co-Create Numbers too as Holy and
Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose too. And
as Sam Harris says to make a dropping of one
Name of So-called SMart; yes, he says we still
Create smART Superstitions Like Checking the
Empty Barrel of a Gun when we Pass it to a Friend
and in Turn then Check it again when Passing it back
to you and even though you Double Check it as a Gun
with an Empty Barrel now you still don’t Play Cops and Robbers
and Point it at your ‘Game Friends’ at Home or even one’s Children in
how those Games go too in Rough and Tumble Play with Toy Weapons now too.
Anyway as Science Shows we are literally Star Stuff as PArt of the Whole Universe now
So what This Means is that at least in Us For Those Who Can And Will We Care We Share We Give
God is Love as Us at Best now too as Social Cooperation Comes Best from yes, Social Cooperation;
and what ever so called ‘Crazy’ Beliefs full of Meaning and Purpose we co-Create as Holy and Sacred even if it is
Idol Worship of a T-Shirt worn by a Movie Star one Values as it is the Healing Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones
that come at the end or the beginning of Now; yes, always now for if Life is one we Co-Create as Bliss or a Dog Pile
of Apathy so far away from the FloW iN ZoNE that comes as ‘Transient Hypo-Frontality’ in an ‘Autotelic Nation’ of
Being Within for whatever Do or Value in Do one Places on the Tools and Flesh and Blood of Life when we just
Do Joy
in FLoW
now in lieu
of Apathy in
Dog Pooh too.
And to Paraphrase Carl Sagan
in the ‘Contact Movie’ for the
Meaning and Purpose and Holy
Sacred Way of Life Most we Humans
Do; We Are Still Capable of Beautiful
Dreams we imagine we move we connect
and Co-Create in a Fruition of Together or sure
not much of anything in a state of Apathy or a Misery
Loves Company so far away from Joy that Loves Company
that we sit Around Dreaming up Horrible Nightmares and yes
Imagine a Nocebo Way of Life away from Healing Placebo in Moving
Literal and Metaphorical Voodoo Connecting in that Misery Loves Company
and Bringing Nightmares to Dark Reality in a Fruition of Together in ‘that other
way’ of Life too; Meanwhile, Life is Sweet while other Folks Do Salty and Worry about
We Make
as Tools
Ranging From
Words to Nuclear Bombs
more than the Warm and Fuzzies
like the Carl Sagan inspired ‘Contact’ Movie clearly
related in Wisdom at the End the only thing that really
makes life Bearable at the Beginning Now is the Love of Holding Hands in Flow the
Most in all the Artful Ways of doing that when we lose the Tool Mind of Time Distance
and Space so far away from Together Beyond any Measure; even Infinity as Love is Eternal
Beyond Infinity as we Hold Hands now. Like it or not we are God as Nature Whole paRt oF it
all Make
the best
of it or
don’t do it
that’s up to you;
Meanwhile Color Life
Drab in Apathy or make
it beyond the Rainbow of Oz More iN FLoW iN ZoNE as ‘Oz’;
Meanwhile, Bliss Exists for some in Flow eternally now and
Misery Loves Suffering in endless time in distance and space now
as the Essence of Holding Hands with all (God) the Most we Can and Will now as reAlly real.
In other words, it doesn’t matter if one wears a ‘Suit’ to Church or not as Long as one Marries God Within and
Shows God as all that Nature in us can and will become now an Epic Life of Love Always now; if one wills; if one can; if
one just does it now; with whatever Tools Help out in Preparing a way like this even if it is a Fantasy of Boogie Wonderland
now. In Shorter, The Essence Greatly Exceeds All Form For the Essence is what is Real no Matter Form and True as Science
Shows it is impossible to Reliably Measure How Much Greater my Pleasure is than yours for it is Essence as Reality Most that obviously no one sees but the Holder of Real Heavens now. So, true, too, you can Call God a Blue Turtle and that doesn’t change
my Heaven now.
Freedom of Speech Doesn’t Scare Heaven;
Like Sticks and Stones but this is really real as Essence now.
And as Far As God Goes God is Magic and ‘Schizotypal’ if ya wanna Call God Names like that too;
Dam sure More Than A Feeling Better than Apathy of Empty Words with little to no Essence of God (Love) within.
Thanks ‘Guys’; Wink Wink; You
Are STarTinG to Make ‘my’
‘Existence’ Plausible; heHe, HeRe;
Considering that Modern NeuroScience Indicates at least that We all Basically
Hallucinate our Realities based on the Metaphysical Experiences of our Subconscious Minds
that Science has no way still now to Fully Discretely Measure; Our Grasp of Reality is Tenuous at
Least and Best
Full of Meaning
And Purpose we Co-Create
in ‘the’ Holy and Sacred Metaphorical
Stories We Make Together Holding Hands;
Creating Abstract Constructs to Hold the Essence
of what we agree or disagree is Consensually Mutually Real
as We stArt Co-Creating those Abstract Constructs in Stone of Written
Pictographs to Alphabets to Words to Bibles Exalting Holding ‘the Religion’
and Politics of Order over what other wise may be felt and sensed as only an
to Be Feared ‘unbound’/
‘Free’ in the Innate Instinctual
Intuition of our Naked Nature Within (God).
THere is no Test in Love (God), Life, Jesus, Buddha,
Lao Tzu, Buddha; and other Symbols in ‘Force’ for our Existence
now as is; only Teach for Tests Make Concrete for what we can
and will do/be in Flow without Measure now for doing more in
all the ways ‘that’ comes. So, ‘you’ Believe in ‘Jesus’ as a Literal Man
even though the Mountain of Biblical Evidence Suggests at Best Jesus
is a Story Created by Innumerable Ghost Writers with Famous Pen Names
Like Luke and Mark and Matthew and John; i find ‘your’ lack of Faith in the Story
and Teachings rather weak and tenuous too in Terms of the Test of a Physical Being
Dying on a Cross and Doing the Voodoo of Coming Back from the Physical Dead but that
Matters not for the Teach is all that truly counts in Life and Love and God and Jesus and Buddha
and Lao Tzu and Superman and Batman and whatever Story of the Archetype of ‘the Hero’ ‘who’ escapes
the DArk Still now comes Back and Teaches what comes from DArk as LiGht that is as real as any thing
else we
Our realities mutually
And consensually now as
real as real gets in a Story
that moves our SPiRiT oF HeART;
yes, our Emotions and Senses Regulating Integrating
our Realities as is wHere Mind and Body Balances as Soul
Nature in Arts and Sciences as Best we can and will as Teach
more now
Less as nothing
in life is Black and
White other than a ‘Rational Delusion’ as such;
Like Batman’s Mentor said; become something more; become Legend;
for no one will ever kill a legend as long as that Legend is a Story in ‘Print’.
There is no Measure of Human but Do; there is no Measure of God but Do; THere is no Measure of Love but Do Teach
NoW; Oh, by A way in ‘Star Wars’, ‘the Force’ was/is a Metaphor for the Eastern Metaphorical Concept of Chi and Ki and Qi.
Chi, Ki and Qi ‘equals’ the 140 or so years of study of ‘the Flow’ as Neuro-Science now Measures this Higher Force of
Human Potential as the State of Mind/Body that(who) can and will be seen on Brain Scans as Transient Hypo-Frontality;
yes, the State of Mind and Body In Balance that all Naturally Comes from Still and Moving Meditation too.
True, too, in Nature when one successfully escapes Prey and Captures Predator one Loves to move
in ‘Rice Paper Dancing’ Balance through the Dead Leaves of the Forest as ‘Invisible’ Peoples
in South America Still do now as well as other Apes like Bonobos do too with tHeir Great
Ape all innateLY instinctualLY and intuitiveLY ‘Loving Touch’ that/who diffuses Aggression
And Violence and Their Realities of ‘World War III’ too. They have No Metaphors Now
Except the reality of the Essence of their Emotions Regulating and their
Senses Integrating in an Animal Homeostasis in Balancing
Soul of Ape that/who rules tHeir World All Natural
as God Nature Within all Innately, Instinctually.
And Intuitively; So, what have Humans
LEarned with all
tHeir Words of Love
Written in the Stone; it
depends on Flesh and Blood
Still my FriEnd of Holding Hands or getting Lost as the Tools we Co-Create.
I didn’t have to Write A F iN Word to become a Legend; all I had to do Was/is Be A ‘Bonobo’ Clothed Free For Naked Nature And Dance and the Rest is mostly Herstory on the Breath of those who see the Dance of all of me Flesh and Blood Free. As Far as Making Money goes in this Clothed and Modern World; Money goes where the Target Audience comes now
and that explains why those ‘these days’ that/who Science Suggests have Less than the Attention Span of a Gold Fish Live in a ‘Twitter World’ now without even the Breath For A Story. That’s why i keep my back UP Plan with ‘the Dance’
‘these days at least’ as truly that is An Oldest Story of Humanity And Existence oF aLL; the Dance;
‘the Shiva’ oF All ConCern. ‘Who’ Knew, Felt, Sensed the Secret to all of Life is Boogie Wonderland;
Perhaps Earth Wind and
Fire and
A Penguin
Story of Real in
Human “Happy Feet”.
Smiles my friEnd; tHere is
enTirELy aNoTheR place of Flow
in Mind and Body wHere Science
SHows Creativity is Boosted 400 to 500
Percent in an ‘Autotelic’ Real Experience Measurable
too as Heaven within. It’s only a Matter of ‘Time’ that
doesn’t exist now until the Yin and Yang Come Back together
Again as a Happy Dance and Song for Human Apes now for True
iN LiGhT it doesn’t
A Rocket
Scientist or an
Engineer to Dance;
‘Only God’ in Human as Love Without a Word aT all;
And LiGHT (Love) (God) Does coMe From dARk now too
explaining ‘my’ existence here, now too; evenTuAlly as ‘You’.
i Am A Non-Verbal Child; Until Four; Now tHere is No Forget
oF LoVE (God) Dance for me.
For me it was a Polar Bear
And as Married Couples
Grow older in empty
Nests.. Bedrooms
Become Storage
Rooms where
As Synchronicity
Rolls with your Blog
Post as Nothing is Random
In Life when we Make it all
A Dance and Sing i literally
Found a Newer identical
Childhood Polar
Bear An
Loving Furry White
Best Friend as those
Feelings Washed over
Me as it’s True no ‘matter’
What We Co-Create as the
We Become in
All the Colors
Of Polar Bear
Love We Keep
From Letting
Our Child oF
LoVE From going extinct..
i took a picture of that Polar
Bear and relatively speaKing
Now with A Google Search
Live a Thousand
Years in A Most
Northern Pole oF LoVE…
Thanks for Helping
Newer Story…
As i DepEnd
iN mY ExTending
BRain ReLative
(Google) Now And
Yes Credits for this ‘MicroVerse’ now
Go out in a Shout uP to Jordan Peterson
And Sam Harris And ‘Fnord’ And others From
the ‘Wrong Planet’ Tailored to Folks on the Autism
Spectrum And Blogger ‘Psychologistmimi’ And yes to
my Four Year Old Internet Muslim Friend Rafiah From Pakistan
who is soon to Have her 25th Birthday on September 14th.. Close to the Center
of ‘Virgo’ too as i continue to Hope in Love to Help Her and Many OTHeRS MoRE NoW
Conceive tHeir Own Stories And Dances of Life That And Who Is/Are Truly Free As LoVE (GoD)
Oh yes.. and Considering this is Teacher’s Day over in India i will Celebrate that too by visiting
Jainist Friend Himali now too as some more Words Will Fit in a YouTube Comment now too..
Oh and no.. not to forget Seville Quarter’s “Charlies’s Angels”.. Chelsea.. Cortney.. and Maggie
that and who in Dance without
A Word Make
me Feel Sense
i Exist As LoVE NoW too…
As ‘they’ say.. Hellooove Himali And Saving Among the Best for Last as
First for those who Teach a Philosophy of Unconditional Loving Fearless
For all as You do still Do heAR.. And that reminds me too of a Woman Named
Tina.. “Intellectually” in ‘Development’ Challenged who worked with her Mother Dolores
who at times was quite severe in Demands for her.. but never the Less Tina still Loved her
Mother and Never Complained.. Tina Always told the Truth for she was not ‘Smart’ enough to lie..
Tina Loved the Small Joys of Life for she was
Not Smart Enough to Hate Less..
Tina Worked as Hard
as any CEO
for she
Life takes Work….
Tina Loved the Atlanta Braves
And the Chicago Cubs as she never
Gave up and they eventually won the World Series too..
Tina Loved Bingo.. Just for All the Joy Lit up in Her eyes for going with
her Friends And True i was Tina’s Boss always so Busy and the so-called
Boss of her Mother Too.. but i watched Tina Closely as Tina became my Hero True
for see my friEnd
when I lost my Feelings..
when i lost my Memory of what
a Laugh Felt Like or even what
a Smile Felt Lost in Hell for 66 Months so long after i Lost my Love
For anything at all but the Reality of Work just work and work so hard
in a do or die proposition fed to me by the Culture of the God of Money
after i lost
it all then
i understood
who Tina was is
then Like my Favorite
Stuffed Animal as a Child..
yes.. a Small White Polar Bear
but Tina wasn’t just Stuffed together
Like A Story.. Tina was is Love iNcarNate
And ever since then i do my Best in Honor of that Teacher of Just Loving Life as is.
And Yes Thanks to Every One Else All That is NamELy God now too as Real as Real is LoVENoW 1,666 Words.
Are STarTinG to Make ‘my’
‘Existence’ Plausible; heHe, HeRe;
Considering that Modern NeuroScience Indicates at least that We all Basically
Hallucinate our Realities based on the Metaphysical Experiences of our Subconscious Minds
that Science has no way still now to Fully Discretely Measure; Our Grasp of Reality is Tenuous at
Least and Best
Full of Meaning
And Purpose we Co-Create
in ‘the’ Holy and Sacred Metaphorical
Stories We Make Together Holding Hands;
Creating Abstract Constructs to Hold the Essence
of what we agree or disagree is Consensually Mutually Real
as We stArt Co-Creating those Abstract Constructs in Stone of Written
Pictographs to Alphabets to Words to Bibles Exalting Holding ‘the Religion’
and Politics of Order over what other wise may be felt and sensed as only an
to Be Feared ‘unbound’/
‘Free’ in the Innate Instinctual
Intuition of our Naked Nature Within (God).
THere is no Test in Love (God), Life, Jesus, Buddha,
Lao Tzu, Buddha; and other Symbols in ‘Force’ for our Existence
now as is; only Teach for Tests Make Concrete for what we can
and will do/be in Flow without Measure now for doing more in
all the ways ‘that’ comes. So, ‘you’ Believe in ‘Jesus’ as a Literal Man
even though the Mountain of Biblical Evidence Suggests at Best Jesus
is a Story Created by Innumerable Ghost Writers with Famous Pen Names
Like Luke and Mark and Matthew and John; i find ‘your’ lack of Faith in the Story
and Teachings rather weak and tenuous too in Terms of the Test of a Physical Being
Dying on a Cross and Doing the Voodoo of Coming Back from the Physical Dead but that
Matters not for the Teach is all that truly counts in Life and Love and God and Jesus and Buddha
and Lao Tzu and Superman and Batman and whatever Story of the Archetype of ‘the Hero’ ‘who’ escapes
the DArk Still now comes Back and Teaches what comes from DArk as LiGht that is as real as any thing
else we
Our realities mutually
And consensually now as
real as real gets in a Story
that moves our SPiRiT oF HeART;
yes, our Emotions and Senses Regulating Integrating
our Realities as is wHere Mind and Body Balances as Soul
Nature in Arts and Sciences as Best we can and will as Teach
more now
Less as nothing
in life is Black and
White other than a ‘Rational Delusion’ as such;
Like Batman’s Mentor said; become something more; become Legend;
for no one will ever kill a legend as long as that Legend is a Story in ‘Print’.
There is no Measure of Human but Do; there is no Measure of God but Do; THere is no Measure of Love but Do Teach
NoW; Oh, by A way in ‘Star Wars’, ‘the Force’ was/is a Metaphor for the Eastern Metaphorical Concept of Chi and Ki and Qi.
Chi, Ki and Qi ‘equals’ the 140 or so years of study of ‘the Flow’ as Neuro-Science now Measures this Higher Force of
Human Potential as the State of Mind/Body that(who) can and will be seen on Brain Scans as Transient Hypo-Frontality;
yes, the State of Mind and Body In Balance that all Naturally Comes from Still and Moving Meditation too.
True, too, in Nature when one successfully escapes Prey and Captures Predator one Loves to move
in ‘Rice Paper Dancing’ Balance through the Dead Leaves of the Forest as ‘Invisible’ Peoples
in South America Still do now as well as other Apes like Bonobos do too with tHeir Great
Ape all innateLY instinctualLY and intuitiveLY ‘Loving Touch’ that/who diffuses Aggression
And Violence and Their Realities of ‘World War III’ too. They have No Metaphors Now
Except the reality of the Essence of their Emotions Regulating and their
Senses Integrating in an Animal Homeostasis in Balancing
Soul of Ape that/who rules tHeir World All Natural
as God Nature Within all Innately, Instinctually.
And Intuitively; So, what have Humans
LEarned with all
tHeir Words of Love
Written in the Stone; it
depends on Flesh and Blood
Still my FriEnd of Holding Hands or getting Lost as the Tools we Co-Create.
I didn’t have to Write A F iN Word to become a Legend; all I had to do Was/is Be A ‘Bonobo’ Clothed Free For Naked Nature And Dance and the Rest is mostly Herstory on the Breath of those who see the Dance of all of me Flesh and Blood Free. As Far as Making Money goes in this Clothed and Modern World; Money goes where the Target Audience comes now
and that explains why those ‘these days’ that/who Science Suggests have Less than the Attention Span of a Gold Fish Live in a ‘Twitter World’ now without even the Breath For A Story. That’s why i keep my back UP Plan with ‘the Dance’
‘these days at least’ as truly that is An Oldest Story of Humanity And Existence oF aLL; the Dance;
‘the Shiva’ oF All ConCern. ‘Who’ Knew, Felt, Sensed the Secret to all of Life is Boogie Wonderland;
Perhaps Earth Wind and
Fire and
A Penguin
Story of Real in
Human “Happy Feet”.
Smiles my friEnd; tHere is
enTirELy aNoTheR place of Flow
in Mind and Body wHere Science
SHows Creativity is Boosted 400 to 500
Percent in an ‘Autotelic’ Real Experience Measurable
too as Heaven within. It’s only a Matter of ‘Time’ that
doesn’t exist now until the Yin and Yang Come Back together
Again as a Happy Dance and Song for Human Apes now for True
iN LiGhT it doesn’t
A Rocket
Scientist or an
Engineer to Dance;
‘Only God’ in Human as Love Without a Word aT all;
And LiGHT (Love) (God) Does coMe From dARk now too
explaining ‘my’ existence here, now too; evenTuAlly as ‘You’.
i Am A Non-Verbal Child; Until Four; Now tHere is No Forget
oF LoVE (God) Dance for me.
For me it was a Polar Bear
And as Married Couples
Grow older in empty
Nests.. Bedrooms
Become Storage
Rooms where
As Synchronicity
Rolls with your Blog
Post as Nothing is Random
In Life when we Make it all
A Dance and Sing i literally
Found a Newer identical
Childhood Polar
Bear An
Loving Furry White
Best Friend as those
Feelings Washed over
Me as it’s True no ‘matter’
What We Co-Create as the
We Become in
All the Colors
Of Polar Bear
Love We Keep
From Letting
Our Child oF
LoVE From going extinct..
i took a picture of that Polar
Bear and relatively speaKing
Now with A Google Search
Live a Thousand
Years in A Most
Northern Pole oF LoVE…
Thanks for Helping
Newer Story…
As i DepEnd
iN mY ExTending
BRain ReLative
(Google) Now And
Yes Credits for this ‘MicroVerse’ now
Go out in a Shout uP to Jordan Peterson
And Sam Harris And ‘Fnord’ And others From
the ‘Wrong Planet’ Tailored to Folks on the Autism
Spectrum And Blogger ‘Psychologistmimi’ And yes to
my Four Year Old Internet Muslim Friend Rafiah From Pakistan
who is soon to Have her 25th Birthday on September 14th.. Close to the Center
of ‘Virgo’ too as i continue to Hope in Love to Help Her and Many OTHeRS MoRE NoW
Conceive tHeir Own Stories And Dances of Life That And Who Is/Are Truly Free As LoVE (GoD)
Oh yes.. and Considering this is Teacher’s Day over in India i will Celebrate that too by visiting
Jainist Friend Himali now too as some more Words Will Fit in a YouTube Comment now too..
Oh and no.. not to forget Seville Quarter’s “Charlies’s Angels”.. Chelsea.. Cortney.. and Maggie
that and who in Dance without
A Word Make
me Feel Sense
i Exist As LoVE NoW too…
As ‘they’ say.. Hellooove Himali And Saving Among the Best for Last as
First for those who Teach a Philosophy of Unconditional Loving Fearless
For all as You do still Do heAR.. And that reminds me too of a Woman Named
Tina.. “Intellectually” in ‘Development’ Challenged who worked with her Mother Dolores
who at times was quite severe in Demands for her.. but never the Less Tina still Loved her
Mother and Never Complained.. Tina Always told the Truth for she was not ‘Smart’ enough to lie..
Tina Loved the Small Joys of Life for she was
Not Smart Enough to Hate Less..
Tina Worked as Hard
as any CEO
for she
Life takes Work….
Tina Loved the Atlanta Braves
And the Chicago Cubs as she never
Gave up and they eventually won the World Series too..
Tina Loved Bingo.. Just for All the Joy Lit up in Her eyes for going with
her Friends And True i was Tina’s Boss always so Busy and the so-called
Boss of her Mother Too.. but i watched Tina Closely as Tina became my Hero True
for see my friEnd
when I lost my Feelings..
when i lost my Memory of what
a Laugh Felt Like or even what
a Smile Felt Lost in Hell for 66 Months so long after i Lost my Love
For anything at all but the Reality of Work just work and work so hard
in a do or die proposition fed to me by the Culture of the God of Money
after i lost
it all then
i understood
who Tina was is
then Like my Favorite
Stuffed Animal as a Child..
yes.. a Small White Polar Bear
but Tina wasn’t just Stuffed together
Like A Story.. Tina was is Love iNcarNate
And ever since then i do my Best in Honor of that Teacher of Just Loving Life as is.
And Yes Thanks to Every One Else All That is NamELy God now too as Real as Real is LoVENoW 1,666 Words.
Yes; it’s worth noting that the Chicago Cubs Won the World Series in 2016 And Biff is Still President;
which goes to show that Humans are not entirely a Rational Species As Whole in fact Science shows
that Human Emotions and Human Senses Drive Humans First and then Human Rationality comes next
in a somewhat feeble attempt to explain what Humans do While as Modern Neuroscience Shows now
Humans Basically Hallucinate their Realities in ways of Subconscious Mind Assessing Experiences now
of Past and Present now as Humans continue to Naturally Roll the way Humans come to be now in some
Subjective Feel and Sense of Passing Time that is always now. Anyway, the really Good News is if Humans now
Can and Will Learn to Regulate their Emotions and Integrate their Senses through some method of Bio-Feedback
that really works like Still or Moving Meditation; Particularly in Flow; Humans Will Come to more Civilly Interact now
with others in more Tolerating and even more Accepting of ways of the Unique Ways Humans who Possess Different
Natures and who are Nurtured Differently too across the Lifespan come to View Reality now Based on their Unique
Experiences of Nature and Nurture too. I will say that Parody Like this Works much Better than Just Shutting Down
Communication or getting Rather ‘Butthurt’ in Emotional And Sensory Ways when out of Controlling Rational Regulation
of Emotions and Rational Integration of Senses as Let’s Face it now Humans Think More Rationally Overall now when their
Winds of Potential come From a Calm Center Eye of their Hurricane Being rather than somewhat of a Disorganized Storm
Within; Meanwhile, I find
With Advancing Age and
Advancing Cognitive Empathy
that Humans who do not Regulate
Emotions and Integrate Senses well are
Rather Easy to Predict as ‘Spock’ says True too;
this is good enough reason to keep the Popcorn Stocked;
Lean Back Relax and Enjoy the Entire Show now as nah we
don’t need no StInking Fiction now that Back to the Future is Real.
which goes to show that Humans are not entirely a Rational Species As Whole in fact Science shows
that Human Emotions and Human Senses Drive Humans First and then Human Rationality comes next
in a somewhat feeble attempt to explain what Humans do While as Modern Neuroscience Shows now
Humans Basically Hallucinate their Realities in ways of Subconscious Mind Assessing Experiences now
of Past and Present now as Humans continue to Naturally Roll the way Humans come to be now in some
Subjective Feel and Sense of Passing Time that is always now. Anyway, the really Good News is if Humans now
Can and Will Learn to Regulate their Emotions and Integrate their Senses through some method of Bio-Feedback
that really works like Still or Moving Meditation; Particularly in Flow; Humans Will Come to more Civilly Interact now
with others in more Tolerating and even more Accepting of ways of the Unique Ways Humans who Possess Different
Natures and who are Nurtured Differently too across the Lifespan come to View Reality now Based on their Unique
Experiences of Nature and Nurture too. I will say that Parody Like this Works much Better than Just Shutting Down
Communication or getting Rather ‘Butthurt’ in Emotional And Sensory Ways when out of Controlling Rational Regulation
of Emotions and Rational Integration of Senses as Let’s Face it now Humans Think More Rationally Overall now when their
Winds of Potential come From a Calm Center Eye of their Hurricane Being rather than somewhat of a Disorganized Storm
Within; Meanwhile, I find
With Advancing Age and
Advancing Cognitive Empathy
that Humans who do not Regulate
Emotions and Integrate Senses well are
Rather Easy to Predict as ‘Spock’ says True too;
this is good enough reason to keep the Popcorn Stocked;
Lean Back Relax and Enjoy the Entire Show now as nah we
don’t need no StInking Fiction now that Back to the Future is Real.
Hmm. .. well yeah who i’m i to talk as truly still not much of anyone now
remembers my Whole Name.. Sure.. Insurance Companies and Retirement
Funds do of course and yes the Social Security Administration too as i must
use my entire Sir Name there with Number and Birthday that i don’t mind admitting
again is 6660 for it’s always Fun to say when the Folks at Old Seville Observe me
Floating around as i will be doing that soon as it’s 9:11 PM now on the last few
Hours of 9.6.81 as i switch the last two numbers around as it is actually Back
to the Future now of ’18.. Yes for the 227th Night in Dance Weeks of doing
that as yes when those Folks Old Enough From 18 and up to be my
Grand Children now don’t Believe that the Dancing Guy is 58.. i whip
out my Drivers License and say yes don’t forget we live at the
Bottom Red State of the Bible Belt Beware for my Birthday
is 6660 as how else can and will i still move all around
for 3 Hours without a Drink of Water although it’s
True they don’t see me chugging the Bottle
of Gatorade before i come in and doing
the Same when i leave around 2 AM..
hmm.. yes it is still back to the Future
of now very Fun Being me but dam it’s Hard
at times to have to do ‘someone’ else’s Job for them
for even with all those 19 Medical Disorders i had to look up
the Federal Regulations for my Case to receive Disability Benefits
then for as an Appropriated Fund Employee who transferred back to
Non-Appropriated Funds then to Keep a Job with Portability Rights to
Retirement Benefits they didn’t know the Law so i had to Look it up for
them all Fucked up as i was then and Lord knows getting approved on
the First Try with Social Security all the lone of me Filling out literally
Close to 100 Pages of Medical Documentation for yes i was just about
Dead in Pain and Numb with what felt like a Dentist Drill without Novocaine
in my Right Eye and Ear for i just wanted Fucking someone to put me out of
my Misery for ‘they’ wouldn’t put a Pet through what i was going through then with
a Medical Literature Pain assessed worse than the slow torture of Fucking Crucifixion
for Real as my Job of Job wouldn’t be just a few hours or few days in Hell i got sentenced
By Nature and God if ya wanna call the All that is just that from wake to sleep for 66 FucKinG
Months from January of 2008 all the way through July 22nd of 2013 as Magic CamE ReaL
for me all Naturally and all the Emotions came back and the pain all went away as true
God is Good when God is Good too.. but nah.. you don’t wanna Fuck with God as God
is all and there just isn’t any escape and trust me or not the best way to live is without
Illusory Fears in Agape Love For all as that will make God the Best Happy more than
Likely as all Real Nature in you now too if you find a Practice of Life that can and will
Work for your for the rest of the BLinks of your Life and Breaths now too.. true it was
rather disappointing when the Social Security Office or Mail Man or whoever didn’t
Get the Paper Work to me Last May to keep my Social Security Rolling in for Free
but that wasn’t the first time as they Fucked up Twice.. either the Mail Folks or the
Social Security Folks as back in Hell they told me they didn’t receive two packages
of Information required from them so I had to fill them out again from Copies Twice
Again as that’s all i needed was extra work in Hell then where all i wanted to do was
Close my Eyes and Never Wake up in Pain again.. and yes numb as well in Piece of
Paper existence too.. so sure it is quite Fitting that today after receiving a Warning from
them that they still hadn’t received what i hadn’t received from them that i would finish that
Paper Work yesterday in about an Hour in Ease.. Drive over there and Hand Deliver it 37 years
to Date when i Entered the ‘Crazy Place’ Back then.. trust me Horatio and Ripley Believe it or not
as i had to go back there after not having Sleep for almost 40 Days.. in the Lent Period of Spring
2008 in my Personal Wandering Desert in the Rings of Dante’s Hell in 1 Hour of Cardboard Sleep
only possible in Very Shallow way with an Alpha Blocker for the first 35 of 40 with none at all the
Last 5 as i did my Very Best to Find a Bridge to Jump off of as there is some Pain and Numb in
Life that exceeds any dream of dousing oneself with gasoline and setting oneself on Fire if that
is what it takes just to Fucking Die.. but it didn’t work and it wouldn’t have worked as there were
Fisher folks that would have likely risked their Lives to save me as i was too weak to get out of
the Car and somehow my Sister met me there and did her best to save me as i got in her car
only wanting to Jump off the Shallow end of the River Board Walk and somehow drown my
self there when then she drove me 80 Miles an Hour or so on a Country Road toward then
Spring Hill close to where the Farm we Visit is now that brought my Heart full back online..
and she said she didn’t wanna live without a Brother in Tears and said she would end it for
the both of us and i said no and finally agreed to go to the Hospital in an Ambulance as i was
terrified to go still for 27 years after what happened back in 1981.. for i didn’t have a clue what
was all about the Hell of me then.. it’s true Horatio and Ripley Believe it or not i am Strange i
Am FucKinG Strange and so blessed i am to go to Hell and go to Heaven in one life just so i won’t
have to hate anyone or fear anything in life for who ya gonna fear when you’ve already been A
Real Devil and Demon Incarnate who continued to wish the whole World away and all i loved of
it although i didn’t get mad at God but really Did for God is all that is as i wanted all that is to go
away as i was too weak to commit Suicide by then.. it doesn’t get much worse overall in life than
that.. and you know and you feel and you sense when i write something like this i do have the
Empathy and Sympathy and yes Cognitive Empathy and Compassion of around 14.5 Billion
Years or so as more as i realize no part of this reality is any more integral than any part of the
Whole as is God now real as Nature True of now what we see and more of what we don’t see
now as Reality More.. so in other words who is the X-Devil gonna impress anyway but the rest
of God for it’s true there could be Darker Devils out there in the Listening Audience in Hell right
now as far as right goes in Hell at Least now for there was no one i could find anywhere even
online who was even near for all i could see in Hell for 66 Months then.. every Second was
a Mountain Climbing to a Peak to Breathe i had no Hope and Belief of Faith i would ever find
then but i do remember at least a few folks who told me Emotions Come back as eventually
The Body all Naturally Heals itself over Years and even may become Stronger through Struggle
than ever before as yes we need those words for just the will to go on one more second when
we live in Hell now as i’m sure many many folks still do.. there is no one to really impress but
Folks just like
that Devils
in Hell
Need Help the most..
everyone else is relatively
Speaking already iN Heaven but
sadly some folks don’t think and feel
and sense this gift is good enough for while
i wished for the Gift of Nothingness as Death they
Wish for Life that is better in a Dirty Nap than reality
they truly can and will Make Heaven now if they do come
to truly Believe that God is all Faith is all Hope is all and most importantly
find some way to FucKinG LoVE iT aLL for it’s True if you do not try hard enough
to Love you can and will Lose even what makes Life worth Living for now namely Love
and when you come to seek and find Love Like this in Do it’s not Hard to See God at all
when you
in the
Mirror of
Reality inCarnaTE LoVE For Real as You
to give and share more for all the BLiNKS and Breaths LeFT oF LiFe
for when you exhale last all that will be left is the Love you give and share
that actually touches heARTS SPiRiTS SoULS as the Ocean of LoVE continues to GRoWGoDLoVENoW..:)
remembers my Whole Name.. Sure.. Insurance Companies and Retirement
Funds do of course and yes the Social Security Administration too as i must
use my entire Sir Name there with Number and Birthday that i don’t mind admitting
again is 6660 for it’s always Fun to say when the Folks at Old Seville Observe me
Floating around as i will be doing that soon as it’s 9:11 PM now on the last few
Hours of 9.6.81 as i switch the last two numbers around as it is actually Back
to the Future now of ’18.. Yes for the 227th Night in Dance Weeks of doing
that as yes when those Folks Old Enough From 18 and up to be my
Grand Children now don’t Believe that the Dancing Guy is 58.. i whip
out my Drivers License and say yes don’t forget we live at the
Bottom Red State of the Bible Belt Beware for my Birthday
is 6660 as how else can and will i still move all around
for 3 Hours without a Drink of Water although it’s
True they don’t see me chugging the Bottle
of Gatorade before i come in and doing
the Same when i leave around 2 AM..
hmm.. yes it is still back to the Future
of now very Fun Being me but dam it’s Hard
at times to have to do ‘someone’ else’s Job for them
for even with all those 19 Medical Disorders i had to look up
the Federal Regulations for my Case to receive Disability Benefits
then for as an Appropriated Fund Employee who transferred back to
Non-Appropriated Funds then to Keep a Job with Portability Rights to
Retirement Benefits they didn’t know the Law so i had to Look it up for
them all Fucked up as i was then and Lord knows getting approved on
the First Try with Social Security all the lone of me Filling out literally
Close to 100 Pages of Medical Documentation for yes i was just about
Dead in Pain and Numb with what felt like a Dentist Drill without Novocaine
in my Right Eye and Ear for i just wanted Fucking someone to put me out of
my Misery for ‘they’ wouldn’t put a Pet through what i was going through then with
a Medical Literature Pain assessed worse than the slow torture of Fucking Crucifixion
for Real as my Job of Job wouldn’t be just a few hours or few days in Hell i got sentenced
By Nature and God if ya wanna call the All that is just that from wake to sleep for 66 FucKinG
Months from January of 2008 all the way through July 22nd of 2013 as Magic CamE ReaL
for me all Naturally and all the Emotions came back and the pain all went away as true
God is Good when God is Good too.. but nah.. you don’t wanna Fuck with God as God
is all and there just isn’t any escape and trust me or not the best way to live is without
Illusory Fears in Agape Love For all as that will make God the Best Happy more than
Likely as all Real Nature in you now too if you find a Practice of Life that can and will
Work for your for the rest of the BLinks of your Life and Breaths now too.. true it was
rather disappointing when the Social Security Office or Mail Man or whoever didn’t
Get the Paper Work to me Last May to keep my Social Security Rolling in for Free
but that wasn’t the first time as they Fucked up Twice.. either the Mail Folks or the
Social Security Folks as back in Hell they told me they didn’t receive two packages
of Information required from them so I had to fill them out again from Copies Twice
Again as that’s all i needed was extra work in Hell then where all i wanted to do was
Close my Eyes and Never Wake up in Pain again.. and yes numb as well in Piece of
Paper existence too.. so sure it is quite Fitting that today after receiving a Warning from
them that they still hadn’t received what i hadn’t received from them that i would finish that
Paper Work yesterday in about an Hour in Ease.. Drive over there and Hand Deliver it 37 years
to Date when i Entered the ‘Crazy Place’ Back then.. trust me Horatio and Ripley Believe it or not
as i had to go back there after not having Sleep for almost 40 Days.. in the Lent Period of Spring
2008 in my Personal Wandering Desert in the Rings of Dante’s Hell in 1 Hour of Cardboard Sleep
only possible in Very Shallow way with an Alpha Blocker for the first 35 of 40 with none at all the
Last 5 as i did my Very Best to Find a Bridge to Jump off of as there is some Pain and Numb in
Life that exceeds any dream of dousing oneself with gasoline and setting oneself on Fire if that
is what it takes just to Fucking Die.. but it didn’t work and it wouldn’t have worked as there were
Fisher folks that would have likely risked their Lives to save me as i was too weak to get out of
the Car and somehow my Sister met me there and did her best to save me as i got in her car
only wanting to Jump off the Shallow end of the River Board Walk and somehow drown my
self there when then she drove me 80 Miles an Hour or so on a Country Road toward then
Spring Hill close to where the Farm we Visit is now that brought my Heart full back online..
and she said she didn’t wanna live without a Brother in Tears and said she would end it for
the both of us and i said no and finally agreed to go to the Hospital in an Ambulance as i was
terrified to go still for 27 years after what happened back in 1981.. for i didn’t have a clue what
was all about the Hell of me then.. it’s true Horatio and Ripley Believe it or not i am Strange i
Am FucKinG Strange and so blessed i am to go to Hell and go to Heaven in one life just so i won’t
have to hate anyone or fear anything in life for who ya gonna fear when you’ve already been A
Real Devil and Demon Incarnate who continued to wish the whole World away and all i loved of
it although i didn’t get mad at God but really Did for God is all that is as i wanted all that is to go
away as i was too weak to commit Suicide by then.. it doesn’t get much worse overall in life than
that.. and you know and you feel and you sense when i write something like this i do have the
Empathy and Sympathy and yes Cognitive Empathy and Compassion of around 14.5 Billion
Years or so as more as i realize no part of this reality is any more integral than any part of the
Whole as is God now real as Nature True of now what we see and more of what we don’t see
now as Reality More.. so in other words who is the X-Devil gonna impress anyway but the rest
of God for it’s true there could be Darker Devils out there in the Listening Audience in Hell right
now as far as right goes in Hell at Least now for there was no one i could find anywhere even
online who was even near for all i could see in Hell for 66 Months then.. every Second was
a Mountain Climbing to a Peak to Breathe i had no Hope and Belief of Faith i would ever find
then but i do remember at least a few folks who told me Emotions Come back as eventually
The Body all Naturally Heals itself over Years and even may become Stronger through Struggle
than ever before as yes we need those words for just the will to go on one more second when
we live in Hell now as i’m sure many many folks still do.. there is no one to really impress but
Folks just like
that Devils
in Hell
Need Help the most..
everyone else is relatively
Speaking already iN Heaven but
sadly some folks don’t think and feel
and sense this gift is good enough for while
i wished for the Gift of Nothingness as Death they
Wish for Life that is better in a Dirty Nap than reality
they truly can and will Make Heaven now if they do come
to truly Believe that God is all Faith is all Hope is all and most importantly
find some way to FucKinG LoVE iT aLL for it’s True if you do not try hard enough
to Love you can and will Lose even what makes Life worth Living for now namely Love
and when you come to seek and find Love Like this in Do it’s not Hard to See God at all
when you
in the
Mirror of
Reality inCarnaTE LoVE For Real as You
to give and share more for all the BLiNKS and Breaths LeFT oF LiFe
for when you exhale last all that will be left is the Love you give and share
that actually touches heARTS SPiRiTS SoULS as the Ocean of LoVE continues to GRoWGoDLoVENoW..:)
TruE.. There Are BLack WHole
Sun Folks Closing in and
Sunshine Folks Radiating
Free Light out coming
Together to
Gravity as is
That all is to Be NoW
RiSinG and FaLLinG LiGHT..:)
Sun Folks Closing in and
Sunshine Folks Radiating
Free Light out coming
Together to
Gravity as is
That all is to Be NoW
RiSinG and FaLLinG LiGHT..:)
Major Factors underlying the Increase in Rampage Killings Among Young Males Studied Deeper in the Link Below.
Of Course More Males are doing the Dirty Deed as Males overall are responsible for Close to 90 Percent of all Violent
Crime but Rampage Killings are a Specific and Still Overall Statistically Rare Crime; although Definitely Increasing.
Crime but Rampage Killings are a Specific and Still Overall Statistically Rare Crime; although Definitely Increasing.
Before ‘the days’ of the End of Last Century with the Columbine Killings ending that Century, Young Males
Committing these Mass Shootings were in the small, overall, minority of Mass Shootings then.
Committing these Mass Shootings were in the small, overall, minority of Mass Shootings then.
And in the 50’s, Mass Shootings were almost non-existent when Social Roles were Clearly Defined in Terms of
Communal Meaning and Purpose in Life that was even felt and sensed as Holy and Sacred in the Work Place too.
Communal Meaning and Purpose in Life that was even felt and sensed as Holy and Sacred in the Work Place too.
Things have changed and THIS IS A First World Problem too.
Oh yeah; and by Statistics as far as those ‘Trump Feared Latinos’ they are the Ethnic Demographic Least Likely to commit a Mass Shooting.
It’s also worth noting Latinos more often as a Minority Stick together with a Feel and Sense of Communal Meaning and
Purpose with yes High Percentages of Latinos Sticking Together with a Religion with a Moral Code of something at least.
Purpose with yes High Percentages of Latinos Sticking Together with a Religion with a Moral Code of something at least.
Sure, if you don’t want anymore Violence Kill all the Males and see what Happens next at my best attempt her for
Sarcasm as it isn’t like no one has Studied this Topic in much Greater Detail than simply Black and White for
you can/will Hate the Devil all you like but until you remove the Hell there is no use in reforming the Devil now.
Sarcasm as it isn’t like no one has Studied this Topic in much Greater Detail than simply Black and White for
you can/will Hate the Devil all you like but until you remove the Hell there is no use in reforming the Devil now.
True, it’s easier to have Sympathy for the Devil too once you’ve done Devil and Lived in Hell too.
This though is all about Rational Thinking Divorced as much as possible from Personal Feelings which
is literally impossible to do unless one is a Frigging Robot; done tHere; done tHat too.
is literally impossible to do unless one is a Frigging Robot; done tHere; done tHat too.
And yes; still got ‘the Devil’ and ‘the Robot’ in my Back Pocket as ‘Shadows’ and Reason’ plays a role in life too
as long as both Are tamed with Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion; and Yes, enough Cognitive Empathy to understand
that we walk in Vastly Different Shoes depending on Nature and Nature; and in this Case the Evidence at Hand points
to Nurture in this Very Specific Case of Young Men Historically committing many more Mass shootings now that Kill Folks Dead.
as long as both Are tamed with Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion; and Yes, enough Cognitive Empathy to understand
that we walk in Vastly Different Shoes depending on Nature and Nature; and in this Case the Evidence at Hand points
to Nurture in this Very Specific Case of Young Men Historically committing many more Mass shootings now that Kill Folks Dead.
And it’s true I have Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion, and Cognitive Empathy for Literal and Black and White Thinking as
there were Decades where I had practically no ability to use my unused and withering away Human Potential to both See
Do Art Life More with Color than the Black and White Literal think of Systemizing Mind.
there were Decades where I had practically no ability to use my unused and withering away Human Potential to both See
Do Art Life More with Color than the Black and White Literal think of Systemizing Mind.
My Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist Literally Agree that i remedied all the Less Potential used of my Autism Spectrum Condition with a Dedicated effort toward Art in Both Song and Dance Free Style without a Book at all. And yes, I was diagnosed by Four Professionals and My Sister was too; in case anyone still thinks just ‘because’ i’ve expressed Philosophy Here both Artistically and Deeper than Colors of Black and White, I am Frigging Insane as I put up with that Bullstuff here when i was curing myself of the Deficits in Human Potential I lived with in this Autism Spectrum Condition most of my Life.
Some now one has to Self-Advocate and just get the job done no matter how much Ignorance in the Room Refuses to
Move out of the Box and Make a Change that works personally and uniquely tailored for and by them.
Move out of the Box and Make a Change that works personally and uniquely tailored for and by them.
It’s a matter of moving out of the Box and Science Shows Moving Meditation really works for the Autism Spectrum now
and who knows and feel and senses what comes next; perhaps Poetry and a Real Love Life for so-called Incels too.
and who knows and feel and senses what comes next; perhaps Poetry and a Real Love Life for so-called Incels too.
And I really Mean, Feel and Sense a Love Life; not just sticking a Body part into a Hole; but yes that too as that
is Part of Human Shadow Nature too; it is what it; is we are Furry and ‘Fury’ Animals Just like my Cat too with a
‘Soul’ too like my Cat too if we use it first and continue to use it instead of losing it in all the ways that Metaphorically and Literally comes and goes. True; if a Feral Cat Cat Tamed with Love from 2 Years of the Backwoods of my Home can and will enjoy a Lap of Oxytocin Comfort; Specifically my Wife most of the Day after being a Ruthless Killer of Smaller Prey and a Ruthless Predator of Mating too; Humans should be able to change too. But not until they Seek and Find the Root
Causes of ‘the disorder’ (a lack of Meaning and Purpose with nothing Holy and Sacred Felt in Life and Comfy Love) and Remedy A ‘Soul’ Back to Life.
is Part of Human Shadow Nature too; it is what it; is we are Furry and ‘Fury’ Animals Just like my Cat too with a
‘Soul’ too like my Cat too if we use it first and continue to use it instead of losing it in all the ways that Metaphorically and Literally comes and goes. True; if a Feral Cat Cat Tamed with Love from 2 Years of the Backwoods of my Home can and will enjoy a Lap of Oxytocin Comfort; Specifically my Wife most of the Day after being a Ruthless Killer of Smaller Prey and a Ruthless Predator of Mating too; Humans should be able to change too. But not until they Seek and Find the Root
Causes of ‘the disorder’ (a lack of Meaning and Purpose with nothing Holy and Sacred Felt in Life and Comfy Love) and Remedy A ‘Soul’ Back to Life.
And to Be Clear, these Similar Factors relate to other Countries of Terrorism too; Sure, there will always be Incels when
Men lose their way without Meaning and Purpose in Life that is felt and sensed as Holy and Sacred in Clearly Defined
Social Roles they can and will Depend on through the Life Span now.
Men lose their way without Meaning and Purpose in Life that is felt and sensed as Holy and Sacred in Clearly Defined
Social Roles they can and will Depend on through the Life Span now.
‘Houston’, we have a Real Problem as increasingly we are becoming more the Tools we Co-Create than the Humans who
Co-create and Hug and Hold Hands for F in Real. And the Overall Stakes for the Human Race are enormous in the Coming
Decades and Centuries if we make it that far too. For these young Men are Truly the Canaries in the First World Coal
Mine now; To ignore the Message they are sending is to our Peril not to truly Figure out and Take action as while
these crimes are still relatively rare; all it takes is a Dirty Bomb to truly make the Stuff hit the Fan in all the
Ways ‘Dirty Bombs’ come and go and all the places they come from that are anywhere with a Lack of Love
in all the ways that truly comes for Life Now.
Co-create and Hug and Hold Hands for F in Real. And the Overall Stakes for the Human Race are enormous in the Coming
Decades and Centuries if we make it that far too. For these young Men are Truly the Canaries in the First World Coal
Mine now; To ignore the Message they are sending is to our Peril not to truly Figure out and Take action as while
these crimes are still relatively rare; all it takes is a Dirty Bomb to truly make the Stuff hit the Fan in all the
Ways ‘Dirty Bombs’ come and go and all the places they come from that are anywhere with a Lack of Love
in all the ways that truly comes for Life Now.
Oh yeah; Hint; the ‘Dirty Bomb’ is Orange; yes, already come to be REAL NOW
as ‘The Folks’ ignored ‘the Messengers’
to our obvious Peril now for those who have any Robot at all LEFT of Reason too.
as ‘The Folks’ ignored ‘the Messengers’
to our obvious Peril now for those who have any Robot at all LEFT of Reason too.
SMiLes mY FriEnd Sohair.. aLWays A Pleasure it is to See your
SPiRiT of HeART YouR SoUL in Your Writings too.. As i am Doing
Dance and Song as usual and am Very Happy And Thanks For Asking
too as i surely and verily hope God will continue to Bless Your Steps
And as Well as i Wish You A Very Nice Friday Afternoon in Egypt too..
As we just Weathered the Rather Damaging Side of a Gordon Tropical
Storm which ‘normally’ means Solid Fort Structure in Terms of Definition
of Name with no loss to us but sadly one loss
of Child life over in the Next County
And Flo otherwise known as
Florence a Derivative
of FLoWeR Blooming
as in Name of
Florida too
is potentially
coming much Stronger
to the East Coast Next but
still away from us as the ‘Nile Rivers’
Start to overflow here as they do in September
Storms too as Nile River Floods end in Egypt September too..
THere’s Probably a Much Deeper Meaning to all of that than
Currently Meets my Eye for True it Flows and then God Within
allows me to Discern what it more Fully Means at least for me..
All Poetry
Free Verse
Flows coming
Naturally With Meaning(S) Next..
That/Who May Vary Widely DePending On WHose looKinG NoW..:)
SPiRiT of HeART YouR SoUL in Your Writings too.. As i am Doing
Dance and Song as usual and am Very Happy And Thanks For Asking
too as i surely and verily hope God will continue to Bless Your Steps
And as Well as i Wish You A Very Nice Friday Afternoon in Egypt too..
As we just Weathered the Rather Damaging Side of a Gordon Tropical
Storm which ‘normally’ means Solid Fort Structure in Terms of Definition
of Name with no loss to us but sadly one loss
of Child life over in the Next County
And Flo otherwise known as
Florence a Derivative
of FLoWeR Blooming
as in Name of
Florida too
is potentially
coming much Stronger
to the East Coast Next but
still away from us as the ‘Nile Rivers’
Start to overflow here as they do in September
Storms too as Nile River Floods end in Egypt September too..
THere’s Probably a Much Deeper Meaning to all of that than
Currently Meets my Eye for True it Flows and then God Within
allows me to Discern what it more Fully Means at least for me..
All Poetry
Free Verse
Flows coming
Naturally With Meaning(S) Next..
That/Who May Vary Widely DePending On WHose looKinG NoW..:)
Well.. Dance Went Great Last Night as always as the African American
Dudes in the Back of me in the MemberShip Line for Seville Quarter said
hey hey hey it’s the Dancing Guy and almost as a Rule These Days iN Line
And in the Club A Very Nice Young Woman said you are my Favorite i Love you
as True in some ways and in many ways i am even Greeted Nicer as ‘the Norm’ of
Dance in A ‘Cheers’ way than i used to be Greeted as the Norm of Bowling Alley Guy
for almost two Decades then but i must admit still all decked out with Contact Lens
And Open Shirt with Dark and Thick Chest Hair in those Days when James Garner
was more in Vogue and oh God Yes Still Burt Reynolds and Magnum PI too as
Now Snake
Skin Chests
and even down
Below are more the
Rage as Humans Continue
to Lose the Zest of tHeir Fur in many
‘Incel’ ways too for both males and females
too but nah.. not so much at the TWerKinG Club
Far Far from Less than Wild and Free in Smoky and the
Bandit Ways of at least Breaking the Social Norms of Closed
Minds and Bodies leading to Stuff like Burning Nike Shoes over
Social Justice and yes reporting all over the Country Disgust over
the Hairy Centerfold of Burt Reynolds Straight out of Cosmos Shared
on the BBC News Network online for everyone to see as really for many
People some Hints of Pubes are anything but a turn on now including Fully
Furry Dudes from Head to toe too.. but back in those 70’s and early 80’s Days
Chest Hair was all the Rage and By God yes i was more more well endowed than
Burt in that way at least and Proved it in a Parody of me in a Bare Bed Rug Spread
Back in December of 2016 with no more of me visible than one might see
laying on a Beach in other words Privates were all covered up but it ain’t
my Fault that Nature aka God covered me still with Fur from almost
Head to toe although Crown and Tips of toes have worn down
in fur over wear and tear of years now too.. so yes in that
Parody of course i included the Old Bear Rug Spread
Photo of Burt all the way from 1972 as in doing
the Math he was still a rather Youthful looking
Dude then at 36 as my Bear Bed Spread Pose
came in Fall of 2013 at age 53 then
but still i won i win the Fur Filled
Chest at age 53 then and
i did the Parody
on Facebook
Just for Fun just
like my Male Underwear
Photos in case anyone thinks
they will ever embarrass me about anything
for i have nothing to hide at all and so much less than
that still in all of what i do.. so no.. not everyone thought it
was Funny as some of my Extended Relative Friends who are actually
iNto actual other illegal things de-friended me almost immediately like a
few did before too as oh no be very afraid White Furry Dude in Underwear
too as it’s true not all folks are as open minded and bodied as me but as they
throw the first stone.. hehe and all of that too.. have a F in Sense of Humor and
loosen up your clothes a bit too before your Libido gets Strangled and the Loss of
Warm and Comfy Love comes next right before you lose your Entire Soul to a Frown
of Life that was easy to see on Burt Reynolds Face Later as folks tend to become more
Naturally Conservative With Age as their Libido Goes and the Thrill of Life goes sadly too..
hmm.. we are human and we are human naked from head to toe forget that to the Peril of
Your Entire Soul too.. for it’s true Back when i lost my Soul For 66 Months with Libido too
it used to bother me to see all the T and A.. Advertisements online for i was no longer in the
Game of Life Fully and for all practical intents and purpose had no Lust and Love in Balance
For Life at all and that is about as sad as sad will be for any Furry Animal or Bald one too
As far as Humans come and go from head to toe too but true some folks are innately
more conservative than others with very Low Libidos and with Easy Disgust for most
anything that is different from their Nike Shoes Burning Norms but anyway speaking
of Norm as i moved From Nerd and Skank named by the Popular First Baptist
High Society Girls in School after working out for over a Decade since age
12 and acquiring Contact Lens i was referred to as.. Ken the Barbie Doll
with a Mix of Gi Joe too as the Old Military Dudes said well Fred when
those Women come up to that Bowling Alley Counter you leave them
in what they termed was a ‘Dripping’ State of Feeling Seeing all
Your Open Shirted Chest Hair Broad Shoulders Green to
Blue eyes and Smiling Teeth of all Natural Love for
Life too.. but if you are really ‘it’ you would ‘whip it’
out for all to see now.. as i suppose they
were a bit Incel and a little Jealous
too for the Attention i was
Still Getting in my
20’s way back
then.. hmm..
Yes when i first Worked the Ladies League
iN the Morning with all the Retired Wives and a Few
Younger Ones too.. they actually Ganged up on me cornering
me up on a Column Holding Up the Bowling Center Ceiling and
Groped me thankfully avoiding my Privates then but sure in some
Bars Women Literally Groped me in that way too as yes even at age
58 the Bootie Dances which are the Height of Female Below Groping
come at me and Buttocks Grabs and the Chest Grabs and Heavy Patting
too to see how firm my Chest and Stomach are along with Buttocks too.. so
so true i give back in this way too in Terms of Arts too.. and i continue to increase
my Human Potential by doing more Exotic Erotic Art Fully Illustrated and in words too
more than Old or Young Burt would have dreamed of doing then even on the ‘Boogie Nights’
Show back in ’97 when Burt was about three year older than me now at least in actual Writing
of Erotic ‘Stuff’ then.. and true he hated doing that show thinking it was somehow low beneath
him then for here’s the Deal the More you open yourself in ways from Head to toe of Freedom
it’s just simple Math the More You Will Bring of Your Human Potential now especially if you
keep a Balance of Libido in Lust for Life and Warm and Comfy Empathic Sympathetic yes
Compassionate Love with Continuing a Development of Social Empathic Cognitive Empathy
to do your best to Walk and Breathe and Eat and do the rest of what you can and will
Do to actually Feel and Sense Closer to what other folks Feel and Sense of Life in
all of what they Do in Life too.. and that takes ‘Smoky and The Bandit’ for Real
except to stay Free you adhere to all Federal State and Local and yes even
Silly Facebook Censorship as the Algorithm Robot ain’t got no Soul of
Original Human Art.. it’s just a Hall Monitor that takes notes and
if inspired enough in Robot Think Will Remove a Hairy
Dude with no Genitalia Exposed from Two Years
ago if enough ‘Nike Burners’ Complain in this
way too.. and that’s Okay just like the
Naked Holocaust History and
the other Artful Human
Naked Stuff Real Humans will
probably finally get involved and Face
Book will correct just another Slow Algorithm
Mistake as Note i didn’t call it the ‘R’ word as i didn’t
Wanna offend anyone in Social Justice way too.. hehe..
but it’s really kinda Laughable when Robot Dude mostly Elon Musk
of Technology and Science says Humans will get to upload their selves
into Computers when NeuroScience still ain’t got much of a Clue of how
Human Consciousness even Works and yes By Robot yes not unlike Paint
But Numbers Poetry in Lyrics too and Music that goes by Music Science too
Computers will be Programmed to do Science Art in Systemizing Art Rules too
but as far as Jimi Hendrix and Syd Barrett and even the Free Style Dance and
Martial Arts and Poetry i do ain’t no way any Scientist Will Upload my Soul now
butt me into a Machine or Program me as a Computer Programs either for the Dance
And Song of me Comes from a Real Soul Within and not a Paint By Numbers
Human as Jesus F in Christ Science doesn’t understand still how
to Bring Back Human Emotions for even i had to tell my
Doctors you Dance Free and Then You Sing Free
As Your Soul Comes back again in Quantum
Metaphor God Nature unleashed and released
Within as Robot Goes back to Sleep yes there
is much more Naked Human Art FULL
Potential than
‘Wrong Planet’
Ways of Doing Life now and
if most folks don’t get that the Real
Functionally Disabling Impacts of the so-called
Higher Functioning Autism Spectrum are almost
Entirely a result of our Modern Tool ways of Life we become
perhaps they are not yet fully back Human Again too.. for it’s True
i don’t need any Drugs to do Human more fully now and it’s true too it takes
A Lot of Mushrooms for Some Folks to even get Close.. so.. Hallelujah for Mushrooms
too but i don’t need anything but the Expanding Nautilus Chambers of my Creative Soul
And the Calm Eye of my Kat 6 Hurricane eye MaKinG all the Meaning and Purpose Holy
And Sacred Feelings and Senses of Life that Drive the Creative Winds of me even Higher now..
LiFE Is Good God
For Those
Make ‘It’ LoVE NOW
Dudes in the Back of me in the MemberShip Line for Seville Quarter said
hey hey hey it’s the Dancing Guy and almost as a Rule These Days iN Line
And in the Club A Very Nice Young Woman said you are my Favorite i Love you
as True in some ways and in many ways i am even Greeted Nicer as ‘the Norm’ of
Dance in A ‘Cheers’ way than i used to be Greeted as the Norm of Bowling Alley Guy
for almost two Decades then but i must admit still all decked out with Contact Lens
And Open Shirt with Dark and Thick Chest Hair in those Days when James Garner
was more in Vogue and oh God Yes Still Burt Reynolds and Magnum PI too as
Now Snake
Skin Chests
and even down
Below are more the
Rage as Humans Continue
to Lose the Zest of tHeir Fur in many
‘Incel’ ways too for both males and females
too but nah.. not so much at the TWerKinG Club
Far Far from Less than Wild and Free in Smoky and the
Bandit Ways of at least Breaking the Social Norms of Closed
Minds and Bodies leading to Stuff like Burning Nike Shoes over
Social Justice and yes reporting all over the Country Disgust over
the Hairy Centerfold of Burt Reynolds Straight out of Cosmos Shared
on the BBC News Network online for everyone to see as really for many
People some Hints of Pubes are anything but a turn on now including Fully
Furry Dudes from Head to toe too.. but back in those 70’s and early 80’s Days
Chest Hair was all the Rage and By God yes i was more more well endowed than
Burt in that way at least and Proved it in a Parody of me in a Bare Bed Rug Spread
Back in December of 2016 with no more of me visible than one might see
laying on a Beach in other words Privates were all covered up but it ain’t
my Fault that Nature aka God covered me still with Fur from almost
Head to toe although Crown and Tips of toes have worn down
in fur over wear and tear of years now too.. so yes in that
Parody of course i included the Old Bear Rug Spread
Photo of Burt all the way from 1972 as in doing
the Math he was still a rather Youthful looking
Dude then at 36 as my Bear Bed Spread Pose
came in Fall of 2013 at age 53 then
but still i won i win the Fur Filled
Chest at age 53 then and
i did the Parody
on Facebook
Just for Fun just
like my Male Underwear
Photos in case anyone thinks
they will ever embarrass me about anything
for i have nothing to hide at all and so much less than
that still in all of what i do.. so no.. not everyone thought it
was Funny as some of my Extended Relative Friends who are actually
iNto actual other illegal things de-friended me almost immediately like a
few did before too as oh no be very afraid White Furry Dude in Underwear
too as it’s true not all folks are as open minded and bodied as me but as they
throw the first stone.. hehe and all of that too.. have a F in Sense of Humor and
loosen up your clothes a bit too before your Libido gets Strangled and the Loss of
Warm and Comfy Love comes next right before you lose your Entire Soul to a Frown
of Life that was easy to see on Burt Reynolds Face Later as folks tend to become more
Naturally Conservative With Age as their Libido Goes and the Thrill of Life goes sadly too..
hmm.. we are human and we are human naked from head to toe forget that to the Peril of
Your Entire Soul too.. for it’s true Back when i lost my Soul For 66 Months with Libido too
it used to bother me to see all the T and A.. Advertisements online for i was no longer in the
Game of Life Fully and for all practical intents and purpose had no Lust and Love in Balance
For Life at all and that is about as sad as sad will be for any Furry Animal or Bald one too
As far as Humans come and go from head to toe too but true some folks are innately
more conservative than others with very Low Libidos and with Easy Disgust for most
anything that is different from their Nike Shoes Burning Norms but anyway speaking
of Norm as i moved From Nerd and Skank named by the Popular First Baptist
High Society Girls in School after working out for over a Decade since age
12 and acquiring Contact Lens i was referred to as.. Ken the Barbie Doll
with a Mix of Gi Joe too as the Old Military Dudes said well Fred when
those Women come up to that Bowling Alley Counter you leave them
in what they termed was a ‘Dripping’ State of Feeling Seeing all
Your Open Shirted Chest Hair Broad Shoulders Green to
Blue eyes and Smiling Teeth of all Natural Love for
Life too.. but if you are really ‘it’ you would ‘whip it’
out for all to see now.. as i suppose they
were a bit Incel and a little Jealous
too for the Attention i was
Still Getting in my
20’s way back
then.. hmm..
Yes when i first Worked the Ladies League
iN the Morning with all the Retired Wives and a Few
Younger Ones too.. they actually Ganged up on me cornering
me up on a Column Holding Up the Bowling Center Ceiling and
Groped me thankfully avoiding my Privates then but sure in some
Bars Women Literally Groped me in that way too as yes even at age
58 the Bootie Dances which are the Height of Female Below Groping
come at me and Buttocks Grabs and the Chest Grabs and Heavy Patting
too to see how firm my Chest and Stomach are along with Buttocks too.. so
so true i give back in this way too in Terms of Arts too.. and i continue to increase
my Human Potential by doing more Exotic Erotic Art Fully Illustrated and in words too
more than Old or Young Burt would have dreamed of doing then even on the ‘Boogie Nights’
Show back in ’97 when Burt was about three year older than me now at least in actual Writing
of Erotic ‘Stuff’ then.. and true he hated doing that show thinking it was somehow low beneath
him then for here’s the Deal the More you open yourself in ways from Head to toe of Freedom
it’s just simple Math the More You Will Bring of Your Human Potential now especially if you
keep a Balance of Libido in Lust for Life and Warm and Comfy Empathic Sympathetic yes
Compassionate Love with Continuing a Development of Social Empathic Cognitive Empathy
to do your best to Walk and Breathe and Eat and do the rest of what you can and will
Do to actually Feel and Sense Closer to what other folks Feel and Sense of Life in
all of what they Do in Life too.. and that takes ‘Smoky and The Bandit’ for Real
except to stay Free you adhere to all Federal State and Local and yes even
Silly Facebook Censorship as the Algorithm Robot ain’t got no Soul of
Original Human Art.. it’s just a Hall Monitor that takes notes and
if inspired enough in Robot Think Will Remove a Hairy
Dude with no Genitalia Exposed from Two Years
ago if enough ‘Nike Burners’ Complain in this
way too.. and that’s Okay just like the
Naked Holocaust History and
the other Artful Human
Naked Stuff Real Humans will
probably finally get involved and Face
Book will correct just another Slow Algorithm
Mistake as Note i didn’t call it the ‘R’ word as i didn’t
Wanna offend anyone in Social Justice way too.. hehe..
but it’s really kinda Laughable when Robot Dude mostly Elon Musk
of Technology and Science says Humans will get to upload their selves
into Computers when NeuroScience still ain’t got much of a Clue of how
Human Consciousness even Works and yes By Robot yes not unlike Paint
But Numbers Poetry in Lyrics too and Music that goes by Music Science too
Computers will be Programmed to do Science Art in Systemizing Art Rules too
but as far as Jimi Hendrix and Syd Barrett and even the Free Style Dance and
Martial Arts and Poetry i do ain’t no way any Scientist Will Upload my Soul now
butt me into a Machine or Program me as a Computer Programs either for the Dance
And Song of me Comes from a Real Soul Within and not a Paint By Numbers
Human as Jesus F in Christ Science doesn’t understand still how
to Bring Back Human Emotions for even i had to tell my
Doctors you Dance Free and Then You Sing Free
As Your Soul Comes back again in Quantum
Metaphor God Nature unleashed and released
Within as Robot Goes back to Sleep yes there
is much more Naked Human Art FULL
Potential than
‘Wrong Planet’
Ways of Doing Life now and
if most folks don’t get that the Real
Functionally Disabling Impacts of the so-called
Higher Functioning Autism Spectrum are almost
Entirely a result of our Modern Tool ways of Life we become
perhaps they are not yet fully back Human Again too.. for it’s True
i don’t need any Drugs to do Human more fully now and it’s true too it takes
A Lot of Mushrooms for Some Folks to even get Close.. so.. Hallelujah for Mushrooms
too but i don’t need anything but the Expanding Nautilus Chambers of my Creative Soul
And the Calm Eye of my Kat 6 Hurricane eye MaKinG all the Meaning and Purpose Holy
And Sacred Feelings and Senses of Life that Drive the Creative Winds of me even Higher now..
LiFE Is Good God
For Those
Make ‘It’ LoVE NOW
Smiles; at least the ‘Formatting’ of ‘my Message’ Held together in what’s Left that Works on this Internet Site.
Apparently, the Research Currently Suggests that a Reduction in Social Roles Folks Find Meaning and Purpose
in is actually not just An ‘Incel Problem’; but an overall Problem of A Newer Global Initiative all About Cost Cutting
Human out of Meaningful and Purposeful Life for Subsistence, Shelter, Mates, and Family Village Ways of Raising the
Child as the Real Prize of Life now For the Future; And For the Real Love of Life that Bonds Humans together, too.
in is actually not just An ‘Incel Problem’; but an overall Problem of A Newer Global Initiative all About Cost Cutting
Human out of Meaningful and Purposeful Life for Subsistence, Shelter, Mates, and Family Village Ways of Raising the
Child as the Real Prize of Life now For the Future; And For the Real Love of Life that Bonds Humans together, too.
This is far from an Incel Issue alone as far as ‘getting some’ goes as I’ve Got extended Family Members who
get Plenty of ‘that’ and still end up Lost in Jail for they have little to no Meaning and Purpose in Life without
Much Feeling and Sense of Enjoying Life without the Bible Belt Drug Addict theme and meme as Scientifically
assessed in Real Research too; to make Life Feel and Sense like something anything ‘Real’ to them at all.
get Plenty of ‘that’ and still end up Lost in Jail for they have little to no Meaning and Purpose in Life without
Much Feeling and Sense of Enjoying Life without the Bible Belt Drug Addict theme and meme as Scientifically
assessed in Real Research too; to make Life Feel and Sense like something anything ‘Real’ to them at all.
Anyway, as far as ‘Sympathy for the Devils’ go, I find it Ironic that the So-Called ‘Love Your Enemy’ Bible Thumpers
where I live have little to no Love for those who are even different from them who mean and do no Harm to them.
where I live have little to no Love for those who are even different from them who mean and do no Harm to them.
But Yes, Science explains that well too along with the fact that Humans are becoming Obsolete and one reason so
many folks have difficulty understanding me is I Don’t Pick and Choose which ‘Resource’ is ‘Higher and Mightier’
of what Brings me to Actual Empirical Results of a Good Life now. Some Folks Refuse to Believe they are just
Another Part of Nature; And Some Folks Realize they are and do nothing about that Human Nature looking
at the Rest of it deeper to remedy their issues at hand and that is part of the ‘Real Beast’ of relying on
Book Learning only and never truly looking to Nature Outside of oneself And Within to find
the answers for the Individual that Really Work that makes Life Good From Head to Toe and
all around too. When a Person is filled up inside there is nothing to take away from anyone
else; or anything that need be Worshipped but Love of Life itself; And A Quickest Way to
Spot a Lie of Love is in all the ways of those who take away
for they are
Trying to ‘Feel’
‘it’ up someway, somehow
by also Causing Misery and
Suffering now more for the
Innocent and ‘the Guilty’ among us too.
Anyway, here are the resources too; as Science does come in Handy too.
In all Stuff Life a Balance makes it ‘right’; Real Chaos is any System out of Balance
for the Greatest Works of Art Look Like Chaos for those who cannot and will not see
the Value of the Darker Fibers; and or the More Colorful Fibers For All of Life’s Painting now.
many folks have difficulty understanding me is I Don’t Pick and Choose which ‘Resource’ is ‘Higher and Mightier’
of what Brings me to Actual Empirical Results of a Good Life now. Some Folks Refuse to Believe they are just
Another Part of Nature; And Some Folks Realize they are and do nothing about that Human Nature looking
at the Rest of it deeper to remedy their issues at hand and that is part of the ‘Real Beast’ of relying on
Book Learning only and never truly looking to Nature Outside of oneself And Within to find
the answers for the Individual that Really Work that makes Life Good From Head to Toe and
all around too. When a Person is filled up inside there is nothing to take away from anyone
else; or anything that need be Worshipped but Love of Life itself; And A Quickest Way to
Spot a Lie of Love is in all the ways of those who take away
for they are
Trying to ‘Feel’
‘it’ up someway, somehow
by also Causing Misery and
Suffering now more for the
Innocent and ‘the Guilty’ among us too.
Anyway, here are the resources too; as Science does come in Handy too.
In all Stuff Life a Balance makes it ‘right’; Real Chaos is any System out of Balance
for the Greatest Works of Art Look Like Chaos for those who cannot and will not see
the Value of the Darker Fibers; and or the More Colorful Fibers For All of Life’s Painting now.
Perhaps one of the Greatest Challenges of Life is Finding out who you are and
Just Being the Person you come to be.. without fear of Reprisal from others who
May Feel You Don’t Meet their Standards of Group or Individual Think and True some
folks have so much more Cultural Built in and Made Privilege to be more of who they
Truly in Relative Free Will Come to be but then for example there are Very Hard
Working Folks Raising a New Family.. Yes.. A Wife Going to University to
Achieve the First College Degree of a Family coming in more than one
Color too.. Yes.. Black and White While Her Hard Working
Husband so tired from Work is stopped in
His Car with ID Checked just to
be sure he is not
a Pre-Conceived
Thug in View
of the
Cop who Profiles
Him from the Looks of His
Car and the Color of His Skin
and the Neighborhood and the Time
of the Night he exhaustingly comes home
keeping up with 80 Hours of Work to Support
His Family of Wife and Two Children now.. it’s true
Some Folks Make Potential Life Sacrifices just for coming
Home in a Nice Model of Vehicle with ‘the Wrong Color skin’
and this really Sunk in too in the Worried Look of Mother of Wife
and Wife at a Public Park where he with a Fishing Pole Walking Down
the Creek Side Road Facing Potential Danger for Just Being African American
with a Local Cop Coming his way for Potential Additional Questioning for nothing
less or more than the Color of His Skin and no it doesn’t stop there for at another Park
the Soon To Be Graduating Student goes to with Husband and Two Children where Friendly
Daughter Greets Four White Families with Children with a Hello and they Turn away pack there
stuff up and go for Another Melanin of Child coming their way with the Simple Virtue Hello welcome
to just another part of the Human Entire Race but that’s not all for other Relative in same Family
who suggests that ‘God’ doesn’t like ‘Mud Mix Couples’.. and God doesn’t Like Her Brother-in-Law’s
Homosexual Behavior Either nor her Husband the Brother too.. hmm.. the World is a Different
Place depending on what you Look Like For how you Act For who you Love and for what
You Come to Be and who you Were before with all these factors and so many More
in what makes the Entire Soup of the Human Race.. My Goodness for i understand
Functional Disability from age 3 not able to Vocal Speak until Age 4 and with
Difficulty Organizing and Making Vocal Speech to others in School even
Still by Making Good Grades as that was surely a plus but without
enough Motor Coordination to surely Dance at a Young Age then
Last Kid Picked on Sports Teams Spit on For what is also
a Gift of Smiling Love and Threatened Verbally as Boys
in Southern Baptist Marching Christian Soldier way
who additionally said Boys cannot Smile in the
Halls of Middle School or at the City
Park While Playing Tennis too..
Oh Lord Called the
F Word and not
Fred for just being Happy
too and then mistaken for a Female
as McDonald’s by the Cashier With Long Blonde
Hair.. Light Green to Blue eyes with Long Eye Lashes
too as even Vicki in the Back of the School Bus Taunted me
Saying look look look he has Long Eye Lashes just like a Girl
too and sure it’s worth noting that mine were so much longer than
Hers.. then.. hehe.. too.. as usually it is Jealousy of some Kind that
Makes a Bully what they are for what they Lack and Project on others
for what They Have in some way they wish they could take away for that
Empty place inside crying out save me save me while they Bully other Folks
in a best Grasp way to fill the Emptiness inside.. True.. there are some Cops with
‘Little Man Disease’ Like this perhaps a Deficit of Love Felt within or Perhaps they
Were Bullied when Young and the Young African American Man becomes a Bully
Mark and Profile for them.. as yes the Human Condition is surely a complex one where
some folks are not even aware for the Root Causes of their incivility still.. but it’s true stuff
Changed for me as i continued to adapt to Challenge and Fail and Win again over and over
again.. keeping on keeping on getting up for Change that Wins that Wins again for those who
never give up and find new ways of getting Life’s Job Done.. and it’s amazing how much different
People Treat you when you Look More like a Middle Age Cop or Southern Baptist Softball Player
on the outside at least no matter how tied dyed your Shirt is Colored now.. Yes.. 6 Feet or so and
240 LBS of mostly Muscle with a Little Reserve for Energy at Belt Level With a Confident Graceful
Lion Savannah Stroll wherever i go.. allows me to also Do Ballet Free Style Mixed with Martial
Arts Free Style Dance without anyone giving me problems face to face now although of course
from a Distance anything that doesn’t
Look Super Macho
is disgusting
to some Males
who have no Clue
that the GreaTest Will
And Strength comes from the
Balance of Loving Grace in Calm
Center Hurricane eye of Love in Peace
And Harmony More.. For True some Dudes
don’t think Poetry or Dance in General is Manly
but the only Folks they impress with that Philosophy
is other Dudes in Homophobic Ways of Ignorance as
who is left with all the Smiling Beautiful Women and
what Woman is impressed by my 52 Reps of Leg
Pressing Strength with a Half-A-Ton of Free
Weights.. well.. to be honest.. no Woman
that i have come across but
sure Many Males
who understand
to achieve a Feat
of Raw Strength like
that particularly still at 58 years
of aGe and now with 9860 Miles of Public
Dance from Deep South Red State Gulf Coast
Bible Belt all the way from Biloxi To Tallahassee now
as once again we Journey on the Church Tour Bus to Biloxi
Casinos as i Public Dance the Beach Road Sidewalks where
Folks actually recognize me from Before Cheering me from the
Windows of their Cars even rolling them down to say Hi in the
Heat of Summer Sun.. we usually go once a Month but have
missed the last two Months as it’s nice to get away from
this area i live in too for another place of view.. on
Saturday as Tourists are Different but the ‘Locals’
mostly the Same all across Deep Red States
of Bible Belt Gulf Coast South.. but
True the Younger Folks now raised
on all the Views of Online Life mixed with
so many Colors and other Cultures at Schools these
days are so much more accepting of different than they
Were down South where i grew up from way back when
in the 60’s and 70’s then.. and true while Lesbian Lovers
get all their Freedom Dancing and even Kissing together on
Seville Quarter Dance Floors.. A first Last Night in my Recollection
of two Gay Dudes freely Dancing together in Love.. i wanted to catch
this First of Events i’ve seen there with my Smart Phone but i didn’t want
to make them a Spectacle like that hehe.. even though Folks do it with me
everywhere i Dance in Public as no Surprise tHere as i am literally the only
Person down in these Deep South Red State Gulf Coast Areas who dares to
Do it at all as far as i’ve seen and heard for sure.. in the Last Five
Years and Close to 10K Miles of Dancing Dude Lore so far
as reality this is for sure.. anyway.. as ‘they’ say Imitation
is a Greatest Show of Flattery as a Pretty Young
And Very Nice Blonde Haired Woman asked
to Wear my Sun Glasses for some
Additional Social Media
Attention and
Just for
Fun and Creativity
too as her Imagination
is still Growing for New ways
of becoming all of her now too more as well..
And to my Surprise and Satisfaction in Capturing
Her in the Act of Imitating me the two Gay Dudes were
All Smiling in Her Freedom to be all of she came to be on
Thursday Night.. Just Free to be so Happy as more of Her Free..
The World is Growing Bigger and Smaller too and with this comes Growing
Pains to be expected too but as long as the First Amendment in Free of Expression
Rings iN True iN Light Growth for the Better of Free for all in the Rights to Life and
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for Everyone will verily and surely Come to Be
more as yes the Younger Generation is more interested in Free and Inclusion than Prison
of Excluding others from the Land of Happy Now.. Keep Talking World and do your own thing
now.. share and give it and do your best to allows others to do their own things of Happiness too..
And it’s True too the World of Help when you really Need it.. mostly definitely favors Lawyer Minds
like mine who can and will type well filling out Government Forms as Lord knows when you do
Need Help and You were a Government Worker Like that it gives you a Huge Advantage to
Document the Legal
Speak Required with
Crystalized Knowledge
to get all the Paper Work
done for how Government Works in
Paper Work of Rules and Regulation
With Little to no Humanity Expressed too..
The Further away we move From Human the
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy is easier to see in Homeless of Soul
As Always A Balance iN Art of HeART And SmART Makes iT All Work A Best It Can and Will..:)
Just Being the Person you come to be.. without fear of Reprisal from others who
May Feel You Don’t Meet their Standards of Group or Individual Think and True some
folks have so much more Cultural Built in and Made Privilege to be more of who they
Truly in Relative Free Will Come to be but then for example there are Very Hard
Working Folks Raising a New Family.. Yes.. A Wife Going to University to
Achieve the First College Degree of a Family coming in more than one
Color too.. Yes.. Black and White While Her Hard Working
Husband so tired from Work is stopped in
His Car with ID Checked just to
be sure he is not
a Pre-Conceived
Thug in View
of the
Cop who Profiles
Him from the Looks of His
Car and the Color of His Skin
and the Neighborhood and the Time
of the Night he exhaustingly comes home
keeping up with 80 Hours of Work to Support
His Family of Wife and Two Children now.. it’s true
Some Folks Make Potential Life Sacrifices just for coming
Home in a Nice Model of Vehicle with ‘the Wrong Color skin’
and this really Sunk in too in the Worried Look of Mother of Wife
and Wife at a Public Park where he with a Fishing Pole Walking Down
the Creek Side Road Facing Potential Danger for Just Being African American
with a Local Cop Coming his way for Potential Additional Questioning for nothing
less or more than the Color of His Skin and no it doesn’t stop there for at another Park
the Soon To Be Graduating Student goes to with Husband and Two Children where Friendly
Daughter Greets Four White Families with Children with a Hello and they Turn away pack there
stuff up and go for Another Melanin of Child coming their way with the Simple Virtue Hello welcome
to just another part of the Human Entire Race but that’s not all for other Relative in same Family
who suggests that ‘God’ doesn’t like ‘Mud Mix Couples’.. and God doesn’t Like Her Brother-in-Law’s
Homosexual Behavior Either nor her Husband the Brother too.. hmm.. the World is a Different
Place depending on what you Look Like For how you Act For who you Love and for what
You Come to Be and who you Were before with all these factors and so many More
in what makes the Entire Soup of the Human Race.. My Goodness for i understand
Functional Disability from age 3 not able to Vocal Speak until Age 4 and with
Difficulty Organizing and Making Vocal Speech to others in School even
Still by Making Good Grades as that was surely a plus but without
enough Motor Coordination to surely Dance at a Young Age then
Last Kid Picked on Sports Teams Spit on For what is also
a Gift of Smiling Love and Threatened Verbally as Boys
in Southern Baptist Marching Christian Soldier way
who additionally said Boys cannot Smile in the
Halls of Middle School or at the City
Park While Playing Tennis too..
Oh Lord Called the
F Word and not
Fred for just being Happy
too and then mistaken for a Female
as McDonald’s by the Cashier With Long Blonde
Hair.. Light Green to Blue eyes with Long Eye Lashes
too as even Vicki in the Back of the School Bus Taunted me
Saying look look look he has Long Eye Lashes just like a Girl
too and sure it’s worth noting that mine were so much longer than
Hers.. then.. hehe.. too.. as usually it is Jealousy of some Kind that
Makes a Bully what they are for what they Lack and Project on others
for what They Have in some way they wish they could take away for that
Empty place inside crying out save me save me while they Bully other Folks
in a best Grasp way to fill the Emptiness inside.. True.. there are some Cops with
‘Little Man Disease’ Like this perhaps a Deficit of Love Felt within or Perhaps they
Were Bullied when Young and the Young African American Man becomes a Bully
Mark and Profile for them.. as yes the Human Condition is surely a complex one where
some folks are not even aware for the Root Causes of their incivility still.. but it’s true stuff
Changed for me as i continued to adapt to Challenge and Fail and Win again over and over
again.. keeping on keeping on getting up for Change that Wins that Wins again for those who
never give up and find new ways of getting Life’s Job Done.. and it’s amazing how much different
People Treat you when you Look More like a Middle Age Cop or Southern Baptist Softball Player
on the outside at least no matter how tied dyed your Shirt is Colored now.. Yes.. 6 Feet or so and
240 LBS of mostly Muscle with a Little Reserve for Energy at Belt Level With a Confident Graceful
Lion Savannah Stroll wherever i go.. allows me to also Do Ballet Free Style Mixed with Martial
Arts Free Style Dance without anyone giving me problems face to face now although of course
from a Distance anything that doesn’t
Look Super Macho
is disgusting
to some Males
who have no Clue
that the GreaTest Will
And Strength comes from the
Balance of Loving Grace in Calm
Center Hurricane eye of Love in Peace
And Harmony More.. For True some Dudes
don’t think Poetry or Dance in General is Manly
but the only Folks they impress with that Philosophy
is other Dudes in Homophobic Ways of Ignorance as
who is left with all the Smiling Beautiful Women and
what Woman is impressed by my 52 Reps of Leg
Pressing Strength with a Half-A-Ton of Free
Weights.. well.. to be honest.. no Woman
that i have come across but
sure Many Males
who understand
to achieve a Feat
of Raw Strength like
that particularly still at 58 years
of aGe and now with 9860 Miles of Public
Dance from Deep South Red State Gulf Coast
Bible Belt all the way from Biloxi To Tallahassee now
as once again we Journey on the Church Tour Bus to Biloxi
Casinos as i Public Dance the Beach Road Sidewalks where
Folks actually recognize me from Before Cheering me from the
Windows of their Cars even rolling them down to say Hi in the
Heat of Summer Sun.. we usually go once a Month but have
missed the last two Months as it’s nice to get away from
this area i live in too for another place of view.. on
Saturday as Tourists are Different but the ‘Locals’
mostly the Same all across Deep Red States
of Bible Belt Gulf Coast South.. but
True the Younger Folks now raised
on all the Views of Online Life mixed with
so many Colors and other Cultures at Schools these
days are so much more accepting of different than they
Were down South where i grew up from way back when
in the 60’s and 70’s then.. and true while Lesbian Lovers
get all their Freedom Dancing and even Kissing together on
Seville Quarter Dance Floors.. A first Last Night in my Recollection
of two Gay Dudes freely Dancing together in Love.. i wanted to catch
this First of Events i’ve seen there with my Smart Phone but i didn’t want
to make them a Spectacle like that hehe.. even though Folks do it with me
everywhere i Dance in Public as no Surprise tHere as i am literally the only
Person down in these Deep South Red State Gulf Coast Areas who dares to
Do it at all as far as i’ve seen and heard for sure.. in the Last Five
Years and Close to 10K Miles of Dancing Dude Lore so far
as reality this is for sure.. anyway.. as ‘they’ say Imitation
is a Greatest Show of Flattery as a Pretty Young
And Very Nice Blonde Haired Woman asked
to Wear my Sun Glasses for some
Additional Social Media
Attention and
Just for
Fun and Creativity
too as her Imagination
is still Growing for New ways
of becoming all of her now too more as well..
And to my Surprise and Satisfaction in Capturing
Her in the Act of Imitating me the two Gay Dudes were
All Smiling in Her Freedom to be all of she came to be on
Thursday Night.. Just Free to be so Happy as more of Her Free..
The World is Growing Bigger and Smaller too and with this comes Growing
Pains to be expected too but as long as the First Amendment in Free of Expression
Rings iN True iN Light Growth for the Better of Free for all in the Rights to Life and
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for Everyone will verily and surely Come to Be
more as yes the Younger Generation is more interested in Free and Inclusion than Prison
of Excluding others from the Land of Happy Now.. Keep Talking World and do your own thing
now.. share and give it and do your best to allows others to do their own things of Happiness too..
And it’s True too the World of Help when you really Need it.. mostly definitely favors Lawyer Minds
like mine who can and will type well filling out Government Forms as Lord knows when you do
Need Help and You were a Government Worker Like that it gives you a Huge Advantage to
Document the Legal
Speak Required with
Crystalized Knowledge
to get all the Paper Work
done for how Government Works in
Paper Work of Rules and Regulation
With Little to no Humanity Expressed too..
The Further away we move From Human the
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy is easier to see in Homeless of Soul
As Always A Balance iN Art of HeART And SmART Makes iT All Work A Best It Can and Will..:)
SMiLes Sohair For Every SMiLe of Joy Angels Are Born
And Continue to Live ‘Birth Place Earth
Race Human Politics Freedom Religion
Love’.. Yes.. mY FriEnd iN The eYes
oF LoVE This is wHere the
Kingdom of LoVE iS
NoW Angelic Child
Born Now And
Continues to LiVENoW A
SPiRiT oF HeArT The SoUL
of Joy And With Technology We Can
And Will actuAlly Go Fishing for Joy
Capturing Joy with a Camera and or Words
Releasing a Give and Share of Joy to the Rest
of the World for Free And True too my FriEnd
to Hold all Sorrow as DArK iN Meaning and Purpose
All Holy and Sacred as A Place too for Joy’s Potential Highest
Rise From DArk is to understand without Sorrow there is no Full
NoW as
Breath of We
For Sorrow Keeps
Joy RiSinG ACross the
Spectrum of God is Love
as the Religion For All for All to:
That is Life Experience From: DArk Breeds LiGHT
SMiLes my FriEnd for tHere is A T-Shirt that says
YOLO for ‘You Only Live Once’ as Now is Forever
NoW And in the Mirror the Shirt Says OJOY as
it’s True
that too
is why
God Nature
in Mirror ways
Creates us now as
Creatures of Joy to
Live now Forevermore
A NexT DaRk BRinGS Even Greater Heavens..:)
A Zombie Apocalypse oF Fears Arise in a Nation..
Aisles of Super Walmart Feet Waddle Shuffle Buys..
i Dance By Pass Free Style Martial Arts Ballet Sadly
They Look Past Ignoring Neo.. in Colors of Human Life..
Neo Explores Joy
Walmart Shuffles
Buy or Life Moves Living Joy’s Life
Paradise of deserts green in eyes
of brown.. smiles so bright covering
sensate delight.. the deep of brown
speaks in eyes and teeth of love..
Cover Love never so
Cover below so
Rise Below So Above..:)
And Continue to Live ‘Birth Place Earth
Race Human Politics Freedom Religion
Love’.. Yes.. mY FriEnd iN The eYes
oF LoVE This is wHere the
Kingdom of LoVE iS
NoW Angelic Child
Born Now And
Continues to LiVENoW A
SPiRiT oF HeArT The SoUL
of Joy And With Technology We Can
And Will actuAlly Go Fishing for Joy
Capturing Joy with a Camera and or Words
Releasing a Give and Share of Joy to the Rest
of the World for Free And True too my FriEnd
to Hold all Sorrow as DArK iN Meaning and Purpose
All Holy and Sacred as A Place too for Joy’s Potential Highest
Rise From DArk is to understand without Sorrow there is no Full
NoW as
Breath of We
For Sorrow Keeps
Joy RiSinG ACross the
Spectrum of God is Love
as the Religion For All for All to:
That is Life Experience From: DArk Breeds LiGHT
SMiLes my FriEnd for tHere is A T-Shirt that says
YOLO for ‘You Only Live Once’ as Now is Forever
NoW And in the Mirror the Shirt Says OJOY as
it’s True
that too
is why
God Nature
in Mirror ways
Creates us now as
Creatures of Joy to
Live now Forevermore
A NexT DaRk BRinGS Even Greater Heavens..:)
A Zombie Apocalypse oF Fears Arise in a Nation..
Aisles of Super Walmart Feet Waddle Shuffle Buys..
i Dance By Pass Free Style Martial Arts Ballet Sadly
They Look Past Ignoring Neo.. in Colors of Human Life..
Neo Explores Joy
Walmart Shuffles
Buy or Life Moves Living Joy’s Life
Paradise of deserts green in eyes
of brown.. smiles so bright covering
sensate delight.. the deep of brown
speaks in eyes and teeth of love..
Cover Love never so
Cover below so
Rise Below So Above..:)
So Joyous in Deed listening to the Joy of Pentatonix Singing Joy to the Love For Life
Love Ruling the World with Peace and Harmony of Grace Balancing Love Foundation
of all Real Will and Strength that Loves even more and now i won’t say who
but when i unplugged my Head Phones from my Big iMac and Broad
Cast the Song the Dance of Joy Further than my ears yes that
someone said what in the Hell are you doing it’s not
Christmas yet it’s not ‘time’ for Joy to the World
Yet.. What! Time Zone and Hemisphere
of Earth are you in for Light
only Comes Back in
Sun From Winter
To Summer again
on December 25th
as This Song is Designed
for Midnight Mass at Catholic
Church on the 24th of December
Christmas Eve through Midnight
of Sunshine Light Returning to Summer
from Winter on Christmas Day and True You
Can read Poetry that way to literally Mean Sun
or Man or Son too and sure even God too or you
will Feel and Sense the Deeper Meaning and Purpose
that Love is Best Joy when enJoying this Love for NoW as Real..
in Companies of Love With Others in a Dance and Song for all that
is Nature as Metaphor for God too And it’s true even Elon Musk admits our Neo Cortical Mind
is not the Leader but the Servant of our Limbic System as the Seat of our heART oF LoVE the
Throne the Crown the King of what Drives us all Highest Together in Joy Loving all of Life as
Agape Love for all other wise felt and sensed as God NoW ReaL iN FLoW iN LoVinG ZonE
the Hands
the Feet
Dance and
Sing God as Love
Forevermore now
in SPiRiT oF HeaRT
MiNd and BoDY BaLanCinG
SouL as Peace and Harmony for
all we come to be now as inCaRNaTE LoVE FoR ReaL
Yes the King and the Queen within the Will and Strength
of Grace and Will for Love the Throne the Heaven within to
Give and Share as Love to all forevermore now with Holy
And Sacred Dark Full of Meaning and Purpose to Dance
And Sing Love even Higher as Sorrow Brings more Joy
of Love to Give and Share more for it is true in the
Months of 66 that were Hell for me in the Dead
Zone of Life SPiRiT oF HeaRT FLiCKeR oF
SoUL FLamE Dead as LiFE then i screamed
at the Ceiling from a Dark Room of Beyond Crucifixion
Pain of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia in Right Eye and Ear
with Soul Fallen Cold wHere are You Love wheRe can and will i find
You Again so i remembered the Best i could that Day on the Bus Riding
Back from Middle School Spit on there with Words of you don’t Deserve to
Exist only Friend Feeling Like Love then outside of Family as Friend mix of
Striped Dachsund Named Charlie Behind a Fence Getting out to Greet me early
as my only Friend outside of School Then Wandering to the Old Elementary School
Around The Corner Roads where Middle School Bus stopped to let me Walk Home
where yes the other Children Taunted me for my Fragile and Androgynous Form of
Love i was then.. as on the Side of the Road as the Bus came Home Charlie was resting
on the side of that Road never to Rise again anywhere but my Heart at age 12 or so then
as on that most Sorrowful Day of my Life up until then my Mother and Sister all Cried with
me for the Loss of Canine Love we Lost that day to the Human Made Roads to buy stuff more
than Love.. so yes.. in the Search for Love i went to that most SorrowFul Day far back in my
Memory Vague Shell of Grief Bringing Tears of Love in those earlier Struggles of Childhood
Days and i Screamed even Louder at the Ceiling of God as Love Low for still there was nothing
Left of the Numb of my Soul except for a distant memory of the Sorrow of Grief but Amen by God
that was better than Nothing back then and it’s true as i wrote to my HeART in those 4 First months
of Blogging starting in March of 2013.. in seek and find of Bringing my Soul Back to Life i wrote a
Blog Post Named ‘Autistic Love Letters’ that would be a Letter to my Soul that brought back many
of the Griefs of Lost Loves through my Life then.. and that was the First Spark along with YouTube
Songs in Memory of SpiRit oF HeART and LiVInG SoUL that yes would soon Bring Back the
Feeling Songs of Love For me to Give and Share in Smiles of Love to others Freely Again..
For It’s True mY Soul Came Back Stronger as Force of Love From Dark than ever before For
All Ways NoW every now is
now for i understand
the Meaning of the Cross
of yes just a Story Written by
Innumerable Anonymous Roman
Empire Greek Speaking Authors
over Centuries coming together
as a story in so many Churches
then and while there is Darkness
and Lies in Trumpian Ways of Selfish
God and Pathological Psychopathic Killing
God to Bring Suffering and Misery to folks who
do not Worship God in Trumpian Ways of Selfish
Narcissism More as that is how Many Folks with that
Nature See the Revelation Story still as Folks View Life
in how the Spirit of their Heart of Soul Sees less or more of
Agape Love For all now Unconditional the Good Cop Jesus Story
Where Fearless Love For all even one’s enemies that one may see
Guilty of Crimes Against Love now.. for it’s true if that Story of the Good
Cop Jesus as Agape Love Really Lives Joy to the World will be the Dance
and Song For Love Always now from Darkest Hours and Months and Years as
Life too for the Greatest Prayers in Action to Do whatever it takes to Bring others to the Heaven
of Now yes
the Joy
of Love
Now Year ‘Round
Giving and Sharing
For the Freedom of Love Holding
Hands of all Colors of Nature Free to Just Be LoVinG NoW(GoD)..:)
Love Ruling the World with Peace and Harmony of Grace Balancing Love Foundation
of all Real Will and Strength that Loves even more and now i won’t say who
but when i unplugged my Head Phones from my Big iMac and Broad
Cast the Song the Dance of Joy Further than my ears yes that
someone said what in the Hell are you doing it’s not
Christmas yet it’s not ‘time’ for Joy to the World
Yet.. What! Time Zone and Hemisphere
of Earth are you in for Light
only Comes Back in
Sun From Winter
To Summer again
on December 25th
as This Song is Designed
for Midnight Mass at Catholic
Church on the 24th of December
Christmas Eve through Midnight
of Sunshine Light Returning to Summer
from Winter on Christmas Day and True You
Can read Poetry that way to literally Mean Sun
or Man or Son too and sure even God too or you
will Feel and Sense the Deeper Meaning and Purpose
that Love is Best Joy when enJoying this Love for NoW as Real..
in Companies of Love With Others in a Dance and Song for all that
is Nature as Metaphor for God too And it’s true even Elon Musk admits our Neo Cortical Mind
is not the Leader but the Servant of our Limbic System as the Seat of our heART oF LoVE the
Throne the Crown the King of what Drives us all Highest Together in Joy Loving all of Life as
Agape Love for all other wise felt and sensed as God NoW ReaL iN FLoW iN LoVinG ZonE
the Hands
the Feet
Dance and
Sing God as Love
Forevermore now
in SPiRiT oF HeaRT
MiNd and BoDY BaLanCinG
SouL as Peace and Harmony for
all we come to be now as inCaRNaTE LoVE FoR ReaL
Yes the King and the Queen within the Will and Strength
of Grace and Will for Love the Throne the Heaven within to
Give and Share as Love to all forevermore now with Holy
And Sacred Dark Full of Meaning and Purpose to Dance
And Sing Love even Higher as Sorrow Brings more Joy
of Love to Give and Share more for it is true in the
Months of 66 that were Hell for me in the Dead
Zone of Life SPiRiT oF HeaRT FLiCKeR oF
SoUL FLamE Dead as LiFE then i screamed
at the Ceiling from a Dark Room of Beyond Crucifixion
Pain of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia in Right Eye and Ear
with Soul Fallen Cold wHere are You Love wheRe can and will i find
You Again so i remembered the Best i could that Day on the Bus Riding
Back from Middle School Spit on there with Words of you don’t Deserve to
Exist only Friend Feeling Like Love then outside of Family as Friend mix of
Striped Dachsund Named Charlie Behind a Fence Getting out to Greet me early
as my only Friend outside of School Then Wandering to the Old Elementary School
Around The Corner Roads where Middle School Bus stopped to let me Walk Home
where yes the other Children Taunted me for my Fragile and Androgynous Form of
Love i was then.. as on the Side of the Road as the Bus came Home Charlie was resting
on the side of that Road never to Rise again anywhere but my Heart at age 12 or so then
as on that most Sorrowful Day of my Life up until then my Mother and Sister all Cried with
me for the Loss of Canine Love we Lost that day to the Human Made Roads to buy stuff more
than Love.. so yes.. in the Search for Love i went to that most SorrowFul Day far back in my
Memory Vague Shell of Grief Bringing Tears of Love in those earlier Struggles of Childhood
Days and i Screamed even Louder at the Ceiling of God as Love Low for still there was nothing
Left of the Numb of my Soul except for a distant memory of the Sorrow of Grief but Amen by God
that was better than Nothing back then and it’s true as i wrote to my HeART in those 4 First months
of Blogging starting in March of 2013.. in seek and find of Bringing my Soul Back to Life i wrote a
Blog Post Named ‘Autistic Love Letters’ that would be a Letter to my Soul that brought back many
of the Griefs of Lost Loves through my Life then.. and that was the First Spark along with YouTube
Songs in Memory of SpiRit oF HeART and LiVInG SoUL that yes would soon Bring Back the
Feeling Songs of Love For me to Give and Share in Smiles of Love to others Freely Again..
For It’s True mY Soul Came Back Stronger as Force of Love From Dark than ever before For
All Ways NoW every now is
now for i understand
the Meaning of the Cross
of yes just a Story Written by
Innumerable Anonymous Roman
Empire Greek Speaking Authors
over Centuries coming together
as a story in so many Churches
then and while there is Darkness
and Lies in Trumpian Ways of Selfish
God and Pathological Psychopathic Killing
God to Bring Suffering and Misery to folks who
do not Worship God in Trumpian Ways of Selfish
Narcissism More as that is how Many Folks with that
Nature See the Revelation Story still as Folks View Life
in how the Spirit of their Heart of Soul Sees less or more of
Agape Love For all now Unconditional the Good Cop Jesus Story
Where Fearless Love For all even one’s enemies that one may see
Guilty of Crimes Against Love now.. for it’s true if that Story of the Good
Cop Jesus as Agape Love Really Lives Joy to the World will be the Dance
and Song For Love Always now from Darkest Hours and Months and Years as
Life too for the Greatest Prayers in Action to Do whatever it takes to Bring others to the Heaven
of Now yes
the Joy
of Love
Now Year ‘Round
Giving and Sharing
For the Freedom of Love Holding
Hands of all Colors of Nature Free to Just Be LoVinG NoW(GoD)..:)
So What’S Up or DOwN
O’Rang Doc’ ReaPS
PoliTiCianS iN ‘CoLoRs oF
As Science Shows now
Rationality is a Servant
To our Feeling Sensing
Limbic System (HeART)
And Politicians
In all the
Stars and
They come
SomEwhaT Separated
From heART continue
To Rule Hearts oF
More than
Ever now as
Close and Short
And Tweet And
Sour as Twitter Talks..
Not enough to imagine
Not enough to name
Be it
Hmm.. with all that said now to stART oFF 9.9.18
SuNDaY WHere soon to come 9.10.18 is the 66th Month
Anniversary of my Total Blogging AdvenTure Starting then
on 3.10.13 With “KATiE MiA/Aghogday: My Perspective on Life”
as that Archive Blog Before i STaRTeD uploading mY Soul of A 6
Million Word Longest Long Form Poem Bible on Word Press.. 8.18.13
is also reaching a Milestone and Featnote of 250K Views today on just
one of many Archive and Continuing Blogs i Write on today Publicly and
some of which still exist but i no longer Write on too.. and others that went
Totally Private that existed before in the Public Domain too.. Numbering a Total
of 10 Blogs altogether including the Word Press “SonG oF mY SoUL” Blog too the only
one i actually have to Pay for as a Website at 299 Dollars a Year to House altogether
Around 167K Photos now in High Definition Resolution too now approaching a Terabyte
of Data Storage hehe.. sure.. be very afraid or excited too.. depending on how one views all
that i do too.. as actually it’s more like .666 of a Terabyte so far as the Synchronicity of 6’s
continue to ring on in my life and it’s worth noting that 7 might not be such a Great Number
After all as Trump Was inaugurated on the 70th Year.. 7th Month.. and 7th Day of his Life
up to that Date as some folks so-called Christian Oriented noted that was evidence
of he as a Gift From God to eradicate Gay Marriage and other Loving Acts of
Humans more than Child Rape by Priests as they continued in the
Priest Hood by Direction of Bishops and Cardinals and Pope’s
who Felt that re-assigning Devils and Demons in Cloth
to Rape more Kids somewhere else was ‘good’ enough
then.. so yes what’s up or down what’s good
or bad what’s Evil or Love how far
do you have to Go to see
Love is the Real
Law the
Real Pay
Grade the Real Currency
of Life as Love as even Science
Shows Love Rules the Human World
Best now even over Rationality the ultimate
Force for Peace and Harmony for All and Healing
Force too Love is over any Medicine produced by
Science to even put some incurable Diseases in Remission
for those who Love enough in Faith and Belief in Love of Holding
Hands with others to Lift themselves up out of Hell into Heaven still
to Move to Connect to co-Create in and as Love as Heaven the Throne
of Love the Kingdom Within to give and Share More as God Nature Truly Becomes
Love in and as us.. anyway.. all things considered up to this point now of Synchronicities
of 6’s and 66’s and 6660’s as Birthdate of My Life and oh God yes twice a year when i went
to Visit my Father in Tallahassee no matter What my Subconscious Mind pointed out to
mY Mindful Awareness to Look Look Look every time i went and came back to the Mile
Marker 66 Before i got to Tallahassee and Came back at Mile Marker 33 for my Home
Town with Size of County Tag Signifier of 33 as minus our county there is only 66 Counties
in the State of Florida hehe.. the Number of Counties in this State that Trump Won in 2016
too.. sure Santa Rosa County for Saint Rose and the Catholic Church i attend Saint Rose
of Lima as there is Plenty of 33’s and 66’s and Roses where i am from now too.. but it’s just
A Pattern Unrelated Physically A-Causal Connecting Events of Stuff only really Psychologically
Meaningful to me as that is how ‘normal’ Humans Work in a Flow of greater Mindful Awareness
As We Naturally Put Patterns in Life of Symbols Together Fuller of Meaning and Purpose to us
individually raising up Neurochemicals and Neurohormones as a Healing Force to Push Life
Forward in Greater Human Potentials in Social Cooperation too.. like i said before the Essence
of the Meaning and Purpose of Life in Literal and Metaphorical ways of actually Naming and Feeling
the Divine Feelings and Senses of Holy and Sacred in Life is the Fact that our so-Called Rational
Mind is Servant to our heART as the ‘Tin Man’ Thrives with a Heart that is well oiled by Mind
and Body Balancing SoUL in a SpiRit that Radiates out in Social Cooperation more to get
Both Survive and Joy of
Thrive did done
either that
or God has a
Hilarious Sense and
Feel of Human too in us
in all the ways that comes and
goes from Dark to Light too and that
is a very Happy Joyous and Comfortable
Thought of what is the Essence in Feeling and
Sensing Life within so who is the Real Fool the
Human who attempts to Live a Rational Life by doing
their best to separate Life from all Natural Feelings and Senses
Like Covering up Vagina and Penis too Never Seeing the Sun of Day
or the Moonlit Night of just an extreme example of how Ignorant Humans
can be in Rational Delusions Created to Separate us from the Simple Joys
of Life that Feel and Sense so Good to Be as God Living as Nature Free within
inside outside above so below and all around of us.. WeLL iT’s True Feelings and Senses
Mutually and Consensually Felt and Sensed that harm no one as an Art of Life is the Pure
Love of Nature Manna the Bread of Life From Head to toe too.. and those who imprison our
Feeling and Sensing Soul with Illusory Sticks of Fear and Empty Carrots of Promise of a Better
Life in a Dirty Nap when Heaven is built into the Joy of our Nature unclothed and Free in all the
ways that comes and goes from Dark of Sorrow to Rise oF LiGHT in Joy is just being ruled still by
Another Politician whether that is a Child Raping Demon Priest and those in Power who support
the True Metaphor of Demons as they Raped Children through the Centuries and Burned Folks
Like my Wife with Partial Complex Seizures suggesting that the Suffering they were Experiencing
in the Grimaces of their Faces was Proof that they were the Demons then instead of just
Experiencing a Physical Disorder.. and oh yeah killing off the close to Naked Dancing so
Called American Indians Truly Close to Nature all the Great Spirit of God within inside
outside above so below and all around as onward Christian Marching Soldiers
rather restricted God as Whole to Just one Myth of a Man without even
His original Name as that story continues to morph in change now
too.. using the Bad Cop Jesus Version to justify putting Children
in Cages in Torture and Abuse of Separating them from
Parental Love Seeking Asylum From Murderous
other Countries taking Life away too.. and
yes the Real Demons of Politicians
that will Love to take Health
Care away from Millions Killing over a 100K
Eventually Slowly through the Torture of Illness and giving
A 1.5 Million Dollar Welfare Tax Break per over 80 Percent
of that to the Richest among us in Dollar Bills as the Poorest of
Soul that are Politicians aTTempTeD to do that as paid for by the
Slow Deaths of over 100K Folks when Millions including my Sister would
Have Lost Health Care if not for the Last really Good Man in the so-called
Conservative Party a Real War hero who was willing to truly Sacrifice his
Life for His Human Team.. so what’s up or down Child Rape or Homosexuals
Getting Married in Full of Meaning and Purpose Holy and Sacred Feeling and
Sensing Matrimony.. what’s up or down giving Welfare to the Rich or Killing Slowly
over 100K Folks among Millions losing their Health Care as a Gift to the Rich.. so what’s
up or down just another Humble Dude Last as First Fearless Meek inheriting the Art of
eARTh as SoUL as Heaven (AGaPELoVE) within to give and share now born on 6.6.60
with those 3 Dreaded 6’s that Scared the Red State Cashiers back in the Day when i Drank
A Beer a Day getting Carded at age 40 for they were afraid too i might be under 21 then hehe..
or yes that Orange Looking Dude who Campaigned against all Verses 3 through 11 of Matthew
Chapter 5 of what’s Left in the New Testament of the Good Cop Jesus too.. as that Dude was
inaugurated on his 70th Year.. 7th Month.. and 7th Day of his Existence then.. anyway it makes
me sMiLE
to Feel
and Sense
God as Hilarious
as this but it’s worth noting
that God also is two Faces of
a Joker in Both Dark and Light
in other words Heed Hope in Love in Joy’s Company or Face
the Consequences in Fear and Hate of Misery Loves Suffering
so what to Do You Love Who Do You Love Who Are You Are You Love Or The Other pArt
of God and the New Testament Old too.. i understand for i was the Devil in Hell before too
all 66 months as Failing to Heed the Law.. the PayGrade.. the Currency of Love and Make that
my God then over the God of Money in Misery Loves Suffering still now for so many folks
Poor of Soul and even Rich of Money in Golden Towers of Living Death in Flow too..
True there is Flow in some Versions of Hell too.. The Flow that Harms
others in
and Empty
Carrots from
the Flow of Hell
away from Love even more..
don’t pay any attention to me i’m
just a Dude with a Diagnosis of Asperger’s
Syndrome and Bi-Polar what could i possibly
know that any Politician doesn’t know now..
it’s true i know nothing i am Love i AM Free to Be NoW
JusT ANoTHeR Voice Crying out in the Wilderness as Love is Free to Be..
anYWay This MacroVerse isn’t Nearly over yet still got a Trip to Frank and Xenia’s
Place to go.. and the Physical gigoid is actually back with so far 4 Blog Posts.. With
Aphorisms from the Sages of the Ages to Riff off of too.. but not unlike the Mumford
and Sons Song ‘Whispers from the Dark’ Released 66 Months ago on 3.10.13 as usual
there are Four And More Windows oPeNing NoW iN the ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ FReED
And on Top of that Katrina is already saying get your Ass of that Computer Fred for Church
no Longer Starts at 11 AM for Today it will come on 10:30 AM such is LiFE
i Flow
oF Love
Ocean Whole God
As Nature Pure Holy
And Sacred from dARk to LiGHT iSReaLoVE..
heHe.. Trump’s Daddy was Named Frederick Christ Trump
i don’t know about you but it really does seem like God has A Huuuggeee
Sense and Feel of Humor too as Jesus F in Christ how Dull do you have to
be to
see which
in the Story
of Revelation Trump is Playing these days.
i’M JusT PLaYinG me That’s HoW i AM ALWaYS WiN LoVE.
O’Rang Doc’ ReaPS
PoliTiCianS iN ‘CoLoRs oF
As Science Shows now
Rationality is a Servant
To our Feeling Sensing
Limbic System (HeART)
And Politicians
In all the
Stars and
They come
SomEwhaT Separated
From heART continue
To Rule Hearts oF
More than
Ever now as
Close and Short
And Tweet And
Sour as Twitter Talks..
Not enough to imagine
Not enough to name
Be it
Hmm.. with all that said now to stART oFF 9.9.18
SuNDaY WHere soon to come 9.10.18 is the 66th Month
Anniversary of my Total Blogging AdvenTure Starting then
on 3.10.13 With “KATiE MiA/Aghogday: My Perspective on Life”
as that Archive Blog Before i STaRTeD uploading mY Soul of A 6
Million Word Longest Long Form Poem Bible on Word Press.. 8.18.13
is also reaching a Milestone and Featnote of 250K Views today on just
one of many Archive and Continuing Blogs i Write on today Publicly and
some of which still exist but i no longer Write on too.. and others that went
Totally Private that existed before in the Public Domain too.. Numbering a Total
of 10 Blogs altogether including the Word Press “SonG oF mY SoUL” Blog too the only
one i actually have to Pay for as a Website at 299 Dollars a Year to House altogether
Around 167K Photos now in High Definition Resolution too now approaching a Terabyte
of Data Storage hehe.. sure.. be very afraid or excited too.. depending on how one views all
that i do too.. as actually it’s more like .666 of a Terabyte so far as the Synchronicity of 6’s
continue to ring on in my life and it’s worth noting that 7 might not be such a Great Number
After all as Trump Was inaugurated on the 70th Year.. 7th Month.. and 7th Day of his Life
up to that Date as some folks so-called Christian Oriented noted that was evidence
of he as a Gift From God to eradicate Gay Marriage and other Loving Acts of
Humans more than Child Rape by Priests as they continued in the
Priest Hood by Direction of Bishops and Cardinals and Pope’s
who Felt that re-assigning Devils and Demons in Cloth
to Rape more Kids somewhere else was ‘good’ enough
then.. so yes what’s up or down what’s good
or bad what’s Evil or Love how far
do you have to Go to see
Love is the Real
Law the
Real Pay
Grade the Real Currency
of Life as Love as even Science
Shows Love Rules the Human World
Best now even over Rationality the ultimate
Force for Peace and Harmony for All and Healing
Force too Love is over any Medicine produced by
Science to even put some incurable Diseases in Remission
for those who Love enough in Faith and Belief in Love of Holding
Hands with others to Lift themselves up out of Hell into Heaven still
to Move to Connect to co-Create in and as Love as Heaven the Throne
of Love the Kingdom Within to give and Share More as God Nature Truly Becomes
Love in and as us.. anyway.. all things considered up to this point now of Synchronicities
of 6’s and 66’s and 6660’s as Birthdate of My Life and oh God yes twice a year when i went
to Visit my Father in Tallahassee no matter What my Subconscious Mind pointed out to
mY Mindful Awareness to Look Look Look every time i went and came back to the Mile
Marker 66 Before i got to Tallahassee and Came back at Mile Marker 33 for my Home
Town with Size of County Tag Signifier of 33 as minus our county there is only 66 Counties
in the State of Florida hehe.. the Number of Counties in this State that Trump Won in 2016
too.. sure Santa Rosa County for Saint Rose and the Catholic Church i attend Saint Rose
of Lima as there is Plenty of 33’s and 66’s and Roses where i am from now too.. but it’s just
A Pattern Unrelated Physically A-Causal Connecting Events of Stuff only really Psychologically
Meaningful to me as that is how ‘normal’ Humans Work in a Flow of greater Mindful Awareness
As We Naturally Put Patterns in Life of Symbols Together Fuller of Meaning and Purpose to us
individually raising up Neurochemicals and Neurohormones as a Healing Force to Push Life
Forward in Greater Human Potentials in Social Cooperation too.. like i said before the Essence
of the Meaning and Purpose of Life in Literal and Metaphorical ways of actually Naming and Feeling
the Divine Feelings and Senses of Holy and Sacred in Life is the Fact that our so-Called Rational
Mind is Servant to our heART as the ‘Tin Man’ Thrives with a Heart that is well oiled by Mind
and Body Balancing SoUL in a SpiRit that Radiates out in Social Cooperation more to get
Both Survive and Joy of
Thrive did done
either that
or God has a
Hilarious Sense and
Feel of Human too in us
in all the ways that comes and
goes from Dark to Light too and that
is a very Happy Joyous and Comfortable
Thought of what is the Essence in Feeling and
Sensing Life within so who is the Real Fool the
Human who attempts to Live a Rational Life by doing
their best to separate Life from all Natural Feelings and Senses
Like Covering up Vagina and Penis too Never Seeing the Sun of Day
or the Moonlit Night of just an extreme example of how Ignorant Humans
can be in Rational Delusions Created to Separate us from the Simple Joys
of Life that Feel and Sense so Good to Be as God Living as Nature Free within
inside outside above so below and all around of us.. WeLL iT’s True Feelings and Senses
Mutually and Consensually Felt and Sensed that harm no one as an Art of Life is the Pure
Love of Nature Manna the Bread of Life From Head to toe too.. and those who imprison our
Feeling and Sensing Soul with Illusory Sticks of Fear and Empty Carrots of Promise of a Better
Life in a Dirty Nap when Heaven is built into the Joy of our Nature unclothed and Free in all the
ways that comes and goes from Dark of Sorrow to Rise oF LiGHT in Joy is just being ruled still by
Another Politician whether that is a Child Raping Demon Priest and those in Power who support
the True Metaphor of Demons as they Raped Children through the Centuries and Burned Folks
Like my Wife with Partial Complex Seizures suggesting that the Suffering they were Experiencing
in the Grimaces of their Faces was Proof that they were the Demons then instead of just
Experiencing a Physical Disorder.. and oh yeah killing off the close to Naked Dancing so
Called American Indians Truly Close to Nature all the Great Spirit of God within inside
outside above so below and all around as onward Christian Marching Soldiers
rather restricted God as Whole to Just one Myth of a Man without even
His original Name as that story continues to morph in change now
too.. using the Bad Cop Jesus Version to justify putting Children
in Cages in Torture and Abuse of Separating them from
Parental Love Seeking Asylum From Murderous
other Countries taking Life away too.. and
yes the Real Demons of Politicians
that will Love to take Health
Care away from Millions Killing over a 100K
Eventually Slowly through the Torture of Illness and giving
A 1.5 Million Dollar Welfare Tax Break per over 80 Percent
of that to the Richest among us in Dollar Bills as the Poorest of
Soul that are Politicians aTTempTeD to do that as paid for by the
Slow Deaths of over 100K Folks when Millions including my Sister would
Have Lost Health Care if not for the Last really Good Man in the so-called
Conservative Party a Real War hero who was willing to truly Sacrifice his
Life for His Human Team.. so what’s up or down Child Rape or Homosexuals
Getting Married in Full of Meaning and Purpose Holy and Sacred Feeling and
Sensing Matrimony.. what’s up or down giving Welfare to the Rich or Killing Slowly
over 100K Folks among Millions losing their Health Care as a Gift to the Rich.. so what’s
up or down just another Humble Dude Last as First Fearless Meek inheriting the Art of
eARTh as SoUL as Heaven (AGaPELoVE) within to give and share now born on 6.6.60
with those 3 Dreaded 6’s that Scared the Red State Cashiers back in the Day when i Drank
A Beer a Day getting Carded at age 40 for they were afraid too i might be under 21 then hehe..
or yes that Orange Looking Dude who Campaigned against all Verses 3 through 11 of Matthew
Chapter 5 of what’s Left in the New Testament of the Good Cop Jesus too.. as that Dude was
inaugurated on his 70th Year.. 7th Month.. and 7th Day of his Existence then.. anyway it makes
me sMiLE
to Feel
and Sense
God as Hilarious
as this but it’s worth noting
that God also is two Faces of
a Joker in Both Dark and Light
in other words Heed Hope in Love in Joy’s Company or Face
the Consequences in Fear and Hate of Misery Loves Suffering
so what to Do You Love Who Do You Love Who Are You Are You Love Or The Other pArt
of God and the New Testament Old too.. i understand for i was the Devil in Hell before too
all 66 months as Failing to Heed the Law.. the PayGrade.. the Currency of Love and Make that
my God then over the God of Money in Misery Loves Suffering still now for so many folks
Poor of Soul and even Rich of Money in Golden Towers of Living Death in Flow too..
True there is Flow in some Versions of Hell too.. The Flow that Harms
others in
and Empty
Carrots from
the Flow of Hell
away from Love even more..
don’t pay any attention to me i’m
just a Dude with a Diagnosis of Asperger’s
Syndrome and Bi-Polar what could i possibly
know that any Politician doesn’t know now..
it’s true i know nothing i am Love i AM Free to Be NoW
JusT ANoTHeR Voice Crying out in the Wilderness as Love is Free to Be..
anYWay This MacroVerse isn’t Nearly over yet still got a Trip to Frank and Xenia’s
Place to go.. and the Physical gigoid is actually back with so far 4 Blog Posts.. With
Aphorisms from the Sages of the Ages to Riff off of too.. but not unlike the Mumford
and Sons Song ‘Whispers from the Dark’ Released 66 Months ago on 3.10.13 as usual
there are Four And More Windows oPeNing NoW iN the ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ FReED
And on Top of that Katrina is already saying get your Ass of that Computer Fred for Church
no Longer Starts at 11 AM for Today it will come on 10:30 AM such is LiFE
i Flow
oF Love
Ocean Whole God
As Nature Pure Holy
And Sacred from dARk to LiGHT iSReaLoVE..
heHe.. Trump’s Daddy was Named Frederick Christ Trump
i don’t know about you but it really does seem like God has A Huuuggeee
Sense and Feel of Humor too as Jesus F in Christ how Dull do you have to
be to
see which
in the Story
of Revelation Trump is Playing these days.
i’M JusT PLaYinG me That’s HoW i AM ALWaYS WiN LoVE.
Sohair THaT iS
Then Now is
oF Happy..:)
Excellence iN A Will
To: Win Yes Survive and From:
Thrive to Paraphrase Vince Lombardi
A Bit yes it’s True the SpiRiT We Give and
Share and oh By God Now With Technology the
SPiRiT iS uPloadinG aS HeART iN MiND And
BoDY BaLaNCinG SoUL oF Peace and Harmony
of Center Eye Calm Hurricanes of Humans while the
Waves and Winds Rage in Flow Floating on Terrestrial
Land out of think into the ‘KNoW’ of Soul so much Deeper
than what
MeaSures will
Ever Do for yes just for
An Example Even Super Standard
Engineer IQ Dude Elon Musk admits
what counts is who we move the King
the Queen of Soul our Limbic System
HeARTS in connecting and co-creating
with others as Love is the Answer that Truly Counts
at then end and the Beginning of Now as Science is continuing
to Prove and Improve that tHere is no real time distance or space
particularly in Love that Flows Love that Gives and Shares as Arts
that continue to come to touch others and Help them GRow as Hurricane
Waves and Winds Will Do from Calm Center Flow as eYe of Human Hurricanes
Will All
Do iN Flow
When all Environmental
Elements Hell and Heaven yes CoMe
ToGeTHeR including Extensions of Nature
in the Technological By-Products Humans
Make too.. WeLL anyway.. although some Superstitious
Folks out of the Fuller Understanding that Flow is Driven
by both HeART and SHaDoW SoUL as well as directed somewhat
After A Flow in Rationality too TruE Trinity of Threes as they say too.. Dance
And Sing in Flow too.. yes.. some folks might Suggest that a Few Weeks over
66 Months ago that Beyonce was possessed by some Kind of Devil as she even
admitted this was a side of her Beyond as such of what her Human Potential was
Before for this also was/is A Tipping Point in Synergy of Human Potentials coMe
to Be Live in Art to Share with others that Brought evenTuAlly ‘back then now’
A Moon Walk too in Real MaGiC oF Michael Jackson too as it’s also True
tHere are These Folks wHo Rise up NoW As Human Hurricanes too..
Given JusT the Brew of Nature and Nurture to Bring a Bill Gates..
A Steve Jobs.. a Michael Jackson.. yes.. an Obama and Elon
Musk.. Sure.. a Beyonce too for it’s not really not hard to
Spot Them for they Rise in Excellence
Above others in a Flow of
Or Shadow Or
And Rationality too
And yes tHere is DArk
Flow and Trumps now too..
And to Be Clear NoW Shadow
is the Fuel and Muse Still of our
More Ancestral PrimaLiTY iN Sexual
And Aggressive Energies that Provide
Energy Below so Above yes from Head to
Toe more.. for we are a Synergy of many Variables
of Nurture and Nature too.. as far as Human Energy to
Move Connect and Co-Create goes too.. so.. who has more actual
Impact on the Energy of the Human Race in Spiritual Flow Beyonce
or Elon Musk as it’s True Elon Musk would also be the last one to suggest
THAT IT is Him in his Standard IQ Engineering Creativity for it is the SPiRiT oF
HuMaN in Social Cooperation that is A True Halo of the Angels CoMinG to Be who Move Connect
us most Co-Creatively
Skin and Flesh and
Blood of Love with sure
Bones of Science too but if you
Leave out the Spirit of Love you lose you JusT lose..
As it’s True TrumpS in Dark Flow Win as they Lose like this too.. Anyway
it’s TRuE NoW While most Half Time Shows come BeFoRE And NoW ‘tween
An Event and only once this is diffeRent tHere are no rules here but Love as Will
DO And anYWay i needed a longer Theme song for today’s Activities oF Free Verse
HeART of SPiRiT iN mY Version of Mind and Body BaLanCinG SoUL as coNsideRing NoW
tHere is No Real Distance Space or Time in Love… Beyonce’s Effort Three Weeks or so
beForE mY Soul woke up again Close to Midnight of 3.1.13 might have been just the
SpArk Far away and Close enough that helped my Soul Come Back to Life too for
that Woman’s Soul was/is surely heard around the World in that/this 47th Super
Bowl Half Time Show as yes today is my 66th Month Anniversary of
Total Blogging Adventure since 3.10.13 in actually Publishing the
StArt of my First Blog then.. and it’s true for all 12 Million
Words i’ve Written online since Thanks Giving Day
2010 coming out just a little more in Shut-
in Bedroom Hell at the 33 Month Point
Milestone of Stuck in Between
My Ears of Hell then
at the 606 Month
Point of my
Life Beginning a
New Actual Written Very Long
New Chapter of my Life on the
‘Wrong Planet’ Website then that
would Last another 33 Months in Hell
on the ‘Wrong Planet’ and Hell in my Bedroom
too until July 22nd 2013 for Fuller Recovery then..
And True as far as 33’s go more too.. 33 Years Active Pay
Work in Life.. A Total of 19 Years of School since 5 Years old..
And aLong with Three College Degrees Embossed with the Nautilus
Shape as Logo of School in Fashion of 6 in Golden Spiral Ways too
As 9 too as true my SiGNaTuRe Pose Brings this too on the Curve of
my Left Leg and Left Upper Torso too.. JusT All Natural and a Pattern
tHat evenTually cAMe to be observed by me in ways of Synchronicity
Particularly Psychologically Meaningful to me in A-Causal Connecting
Principles that are likely as Real as any other Part of ReaLiTy just beyond
the Linear Measures of Science and Reality now more toward a Metaphor
oF A Quantum ReaLiTy wHere the Essence is Meaning and Purpose of Mind
More than the Bones of what Science Measures NoW.. as a Rather Aging and
Antiquated tool to measure more reaLiTy tHat Science is just not equipped to
Do with the Scientific Method of older days too.. but True We are the Universe
Living Within.. We are the Cosmos unto itself.. And we are Star Stuff too born
of Super Nova Explosions too from Star Burst Crucible Fire of Death wHere
the Iron From Super Nova Explosions arrives in our Blood Stream and
at Core of Earth too for we are Sentient STar DusT PLuS STanding Tall
And Reflecting Back all of Nature is as a metaphor that might come
to be as small as a three letter Word or as Large as all
that is as truly how much common sense and
feel do you have to have to understand
God is all that is no separation
Whole Meanwhile
some folks
Borders to keep God out
As we resurrect from Star Death..
oh.. you Humans some with smaller
and bigger eyes for God still but true
those of us who see and feel and sense
More of God Lend those eyes and ears
and other senses and feelings to You through
the Arts and Sciences we continue to Bring more
out of the Caves and Traps of Books Before GRoWinG
An Ocean of God as Co-Creators uS Even More And A
Best News is We probably Share Enough DNA for You to coMe More Alive as God too.. So..
i supPose i’ll Go with a Song of ‘Saturn’ First and then move onto Beyonce Next with
So much more coming from Frank and Xenia and gigoid’s Places of Current Blogging
And just an interesting Photo Capture here from my 6 Month Anniversary of total
Blogging back in September of 2013.. Having Fun with A Burger King Crown And
Some visual Artifacts of Perhaps a Lion or Some other Pattern of
Creature in the Burger King Lights above and yes just a little
Homunculus in Digital Visual Artifact Over A BK Window too
Yes.. Lion Cat with Mane and Bushy Tail too arriving to help
me on the continuing Long Form Poem Bible
JusT stArting A 6 Million Word Flow then..
Lights Shining in his eYes as he is
waiting for a ‘Semi’ to
Pass before
home too..
as obviously a Cat’s
Home is Big as God too..
God all that is not the one that
and who is only Human and only
Fits in Churches and Bible Words and
other Books of Arts and Sciences too
for True all that is is all that is how hard is that to see
Truly not Hard for a Cat to Sense and Feel never Lost in Words of Smaller
Smaller God’s than
all that is to be as Cat/God Life too..
i don’t expect anyone to come around to my way of
ThiNk but if a Cat can and will do the Feel and Sense
of God ALL chances are most any Human Can and will too
whenever they let the Words Go Away from God NaTuRe aLL coMe to be God Within
Nature to Seek within inside outside above so below and all around now even more
And FinD
More As Simply
Living Free as Will Will Love to: Be NoW.
Sohair THaT iS
Then Now is
oF Happy..:)
Excellence iN A Will
To: Win Yes Survive and From:
Thrive to Paraphrase Vince Lombardi
A Bit yes it’s True the SpiRiT We Give and
Share and oh By God Now With Technology the
SPiRiT iS uPloadinG aS HeART iN MiND And
BoDY BaLaNCinG SoUL oF Peace and Harmony
of Center Eye Calm Hurricanes of Humans while the
Waves and Winds Rage in Flow Floating on Terrestrial
Land out of think into the ‘KNoW’ of Soul so much Deeper
than what
MeaSures will
Ever Do for yes just for
An Example Even Super Standard
Engineer IQ Dude Elon Musk admits
what counts is who we move the King
the Queen of Soul our Limbic System
HeARTS in connecting and co-creating
with others as Love is the Answer that Truly Counts
at then end and the Beginning of Now as Science is continuing
to Prove and Improve that tHere is no real time distance or space
particularly in Love that Flows Love that Gives and Shares as Arts
that continue to come to touch others and Help them GRow as Hurricane
Waves and Winds Will Do from Calm Center Flow as eYe of Human Hurricanes
Will All
Do iN Flow
When all Environmental
Elements Hell and Heaven yes CoMe
ToGeTHeR including Extensions of Nature
in the Technological By-Products Humans
Make too.. WeLL anyway.. although some Superstitious
Folks out of the Fuller Understanding that Flow is Driven
by both HeART and SHaDoW SoUL as well as directed somewhat
After A Flow in Rationality too TruE Trinity of Threes as they say too.. Dance
And Sing in Flow too.. yes.. some folks might Suggest that a Few Weeks over
66 Months ago that Beyonce was possessed by some Kind of Devil as she even
admitted this was a side of her Beyond as such of what her Human Potential was
Before for this also was/is A Tipping Point in Synergy of Human Potentials coMe
to Be Live in Art to Share with others that Brought evenTuAlly ‘back then now’
A Moon Walk too in Real MaGiC oF Michael Jackson too as it’s also True
tHere are These Folks wHo Rise up NoW As Human Hurricanes too..
Given JusT the Brew of Nature and Nurture to Bring a Bill Gates..
A Steve Jobs.. a Michael Jackson.. yes.. an Obama and Elon
Musk.. Sure.. a Beyonce too for it’s not really not hard to
Spot Them for they Rise in Excellence
Above others in a Flow of
Or Shadow Or
And Rationality too
And yes tHere is DArk
Flow and Trumps now too..
And to Be Clear NoW Shadow
is the Fuel and Muse Still of our
More Ancestral PrimaLiTY iN Sexual
And Aggressive Energies that Provide
Energy Below so Above yes from Head to
Toe more.. for we are a Synergy of many Variables
of Nurture and Nature too.. as far as Human Energy to
Move Connect and Co-Create goes too.. so.. who has more actual
Impact on the Energy of the Human Race in Spiritual Flow Beyonce
or Elon Musk as it’s True Elon Musk would also be the last one to suggest
THAT IT is Him in his Standard IQ Engineering Creativity for it is the SPiRiT oF
HuMaN in Social Cooperation that is A True Halo of the Angels CoMinG to Be who Move Connect
us most Co-Creatively
Skin and Flesh and
Blood of Love with sure
Bones of Science too but if you
Leave out the Spirit of Love you lose you JusT lose..
As it’s True TrumpS in Dark Flow Win as they Lose like this too.. Anyway
it’s TRuE NoW While most Half Time Shows come BeFoRE And NoW ‘tween
An Event and only once this is diffeRent tHere are no rules here but Love as Will
DO And anYWay i needed a longer Theme song for today’s Activities oF Free Verse
HeART of SPiRiT iN mY Version of Mind and Body BaLanCinG SoUL as coNsideRing NoW
tHere is No Real Distance Space or Time in Love… Beyonce’s Effort Three Weeks or so
beForE mY Soul woke up again Close to Midnight of 3.1.13 might have been just the
SpArk Far away and Close enough that helped my Soul Come Back to Life too for
that Woman’s Soul was/is surely heard around the World in that/this 47th Super
Bowl Half Time Show as yes today is my 66th Month Anniversary of
Total Blogging Adventure since 3.10.13 in actually Publishing the
StArt of my First Blog then.. and it’s true for all 12 Million
Words i’ve Written online since Thanks Giving Day
2010 coming out just a little more in Shut-
in Bedroom Hell at the 33 Month Point
Milestone of Stuck in Between
My Ears of Hell then
at the 606 Month
Point of my
Life Beginning a
New Actual Written Very Long
New Chapter of my Life on the
‘Wrong Planet’ Website then that
would Last another 33 Months in Hell
on the ‘Wrong Planet’ and Hell in my Bedroom
too until July 22nd 2013 for Fuller Recovery then..
And True as far as 33’s go more too.. 33 Years Active Pay
Work in Life.. A Total of 19 Years of School since 5 Years old..
And aLong with Three College Degrees Embossed with the Nautilus
Shape as Logo of School in Fashion of 6 in Golden Spiral Ways too
As 9 too as true my SiGNaTuRe Pose Brings this too on the Curve of
my Left Leg and Left Upper Torso too.. JusT All Natural and a Pattern
tHat evenTually cAMe to be observed by me in ways of Synchronicity
Particularly Psychologically Meaningful to me in A-Causal Connecting
Principles that are likely as Real as any other Part of ReaLiTy just beyond
the Linear Measures of Science and Reality now more toward a Metaphor
oF A Quantum ReaLiTy wHere the Essence is Meaning and Purpose of Mind
More than the Bones of what Science Measures NoW.. as a Rather Aging and
Antiquated tool to measure more reaLiTy tHat Science is just not equipped to
Do with the Scientific Method of older days too.. but True We are the Universe
Living Within.. We are the Cosmos unto itself.. And we are Star Stuff too born
of Super Nova Explosions too from Star Burst Crucible Fire of Death wHere
the Iron From Super Nova Explosions arrives in our Blood Stream and
at Core of Earth too for we are Sentient STar DusT PLuS STanding Tall
And Reflecting Back all of Nature is as a metaphor that might come
to be as small as a three letter Word or as Large as all
that is as truly how much common sense and
feel do you have to have to understand
God is all that is no separation
Whole Meanwhile
some folks
Borders to keep God out
As we resurrect from Star Death..
oh.. you Humans some with smaller
and bigger eyes for God still but true
those of us who see and feel and sense
More of God Lend those eyes and ears
and other senses and feelings to You through
the Arts and Sciences we continue to Bring more
out of the Caves and Traps of Books Before GRoWinG
An Ocean of God as Co-Creators uS Even More And A
Best News is We probably Share Enough DNA for You to coMe More Alive as God too.. So..
i supPose i’ll Go with a Song of ‘Saturn’ First and then move onto Beyonce Next with
So much more coming from Frank and Xenia and gigoid’s Places of Current Blogging
And just an interesting Photo Capture here from my 6 Month Anniversary of total
Blogging back in September of 2013.. Having Fun with A Burger King Crown And
Some visual Artifacts of Perhaps a Lion or Some other Pattern of
Creature in the Burger King Lights above and yes just a little
Homunculus in Digital Visual Artifact Over A BK Window too
Yes.. Lion Cat with Mane and Bushy Tail too arriving to help
me on the continuing Long Form Poem Bible
JusT stArting A 6 Million Word Flow then..
Lights Shining in his eYes as he is
waiting for a ‘Semi’ to
Pass before
home too..
as obviously a Cat’s
Home is Big as God too..
God all that is not the one that
and who is only Human and only
Fits in Churches and Bible Words and
other Books of Arts and Sciences too
for True all that is is all that is how hard is that to see
Truly not Hard for a Cat to Sense and Feel never Lost in Words of Smaller
Smaller God’s than
all that is to be as Cat/God Life too..
i don’t expect anyone to come around to my way of
ThiNk but if a Cat can and will do the Feel and Sense
of God ALL chances are most any Human Can and will too
whenever they let the Words Go Away from God NaTuRe aLL coMe to be God Within
Nature to Seek within inside outside above so below and all around now even more
And FinD
More As Simply
Living Free as Will Will Love to: Be NoW.
Oh Boy/Girl.. Looks Like this Anniversary Present
to my Blogging Experience for 66 Months too
ALong With aLWaYS A LaRGeR Experience
in Writing A Long Form Poem 6 MiLLioN Word
Bible may not get Published until 911 NoW Hehe
but hey
hey hey
No Emergency
EMeRGiNG LoVE eVeN Greater
As Any Major Hurricane Human will
continue to come be in Endless Lifetimes
oF LiGHT NoW MoRE it is what is is i AM Love
And now off to Xenia And Frank’s Places of Poetry
wHeRE more than Likely i WiLL STarT ANoTHeR Comment
FLoW at the gigoid Place of Aphorism quotes from the Sages
of the Ages as He has still four current Efforts for me to enjoy after
that with of course a Tale of the Current Milestone and FeatNote Tale
of the Tape and MacroVerse Memories After that Years to dAte as more than likely
i’LL Need a KISS SonG ABouT Heaven Down HeaR ABoVE NoW oN EaRTH for this
Total “KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE” Effort in MacroVerse Continuing FLoW oF ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’..
So True Frank An Ecosystem Without Borders
Each Human Being is too.. Bugs
And Bacteria Red Blood
Cells with Iron
From Super
Nova Explosions
too MeaNwhile Sadly
‘Rational Think’ WiLL SepaRate From:
WHaT iS WHole WHat Is Free What Loves Lives to: JusT Be..
SMiLeS.. NoW For Truly We Cannot
And Will Not Say for Sure Just How
Big oF A Hurricane And How
Much Rain
WiLL BRing
in all Forms and
Essences is as all to Be.. From: Harmony
As LonG aS A Center eYe is Grace And Calm in Peace
in Balance Full oF LoVE FoR LiVE EVeR ExPaNDinG LiFE
iN LiGHT MoRE iN WiNDs even Greater to: Be NoW MoRE..
Clothes Pins From:
Tight And Restricting
Clothes on LiNe OPeN
Pens Loose Lines Free
TRutHS For ALL to: LiVE..
FoLLoWinG TRails
FoRGinG NeW PathS
NoW From:
Trees to: CLearLY See..
SMiLes WHaT’s BesT ABoVE
CoMes TRuE WheN
Hi Xenia.. HoMe
As Far As Love Sees..
i am Breeze i am
Song and Dance of Crickets
oF GReens
uP MouNTaiN DoG LoVE..
Waters Love
Shallow Deep
Lines Flow
Dog Paws
Cat Pads
Out in Peace and Harmony
GRace of Love’s Landing..:)
to my Blogging Experience for 66 Months too
ALong With aLWaYS A LaRGeR Experience
in Writing A Long Form Poem 6 MiLLioN Word
Bible may not get Published until 911 NoW Hehe
but hey
hey hey
No Emergency
EMeRGiNG LoVE eVeN Greater
As Any Major Hurricane Human will
continue to come be in Endless Lifetimes
oF LiGHT NoW MoRE it is what is is i AM Love
And now off to Xenia And Frank’s Places of Poetry
wHeRE more than Likely i WiLL STarT ANoTHeR Comment
FLoW at the gigoid Place of Aphorism quotes from the Sages
of the Ages as He has still four current Efforts for me to enjoy after
that with of course a Tale of the Current Milestone and FeatNote Tale
of the Tape and MacroVerse Memories After that Years to dAte as more than likely
i’LL Need a KISS SonG ABouT Heaven Down HeaR ABoVE NoW oN EaRTH for this
Total “KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE” Effort in MacroVerse Continuing FLoW oF ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’..
So True Frank An Ecosystem Without Borders
Each Human Being is too.. Bugs
And Bacteria Red Blood
Cells with Iron
From Super
Nova Explosions
too MeaNwhile Sadly
‘Rational Think’ WiLL SepaRate From:
WHaT iS WHole WHat Is Free What Loves Lives to: JusT Be..
SMiLeS.. NoW For Truly We Cannot
And Will Not Say for Sure Just How
Big oF A Hurricane And How
Much Rain
WiLL BRing
in all Forms and
Essences is as all to Be.. From: Harmony
As LonG aS A Center eYe is Grace And Calm in Peace
in Balance Full oF LoVE FoR LiVE EVeR ExPaNDinG LiFE
iN LiGHT MoRE iN WiNDs even Greater to: Be NoW MoRE..
Clothes Pins From:
Tight And Restricting
Clothes on LiNe OPeN
Pens Loose Lines Free
TRutHS For ALL to: LiVE..
FoLLoWinG TRails
FoRGinG NeW PathS
NoW From:
Trees to: CLearLY See..
SMiLes WHaT’s BesT ABoVE
CoMes TRuE WheN
Hi Xenia.. HoMe
As Far As Love Sees..
i am Breeze i am
Song and Dance of Crickets
oF GReens
uP MouNTaiN DoG LoVE..
Waters Love
Shallow Deep
Lines Flow
Dog Paws
Cat Pads
Out in Peace and Harmony
GRace of Love’s Landing..:)
Hello gigoid.. Glad to see you Back Currently Writing
Again as i see i’m actually 7 Behind where somehow
i missed 3 of your Posts over the Week but with
Records to be always now to Catch up.. hehe..
i’m on my Laptop at Katrina’s Hand therapy
Place and for some reason at this
Location i can’t like
anyone’s posts
on my Laptop
so i used my
Smart Phone first
and liked them first too
as that’s Just another Work
Around too as time comes and goes as is now too..:)
Again as i see i’m actually 7 Behind where somehow
i missed 3 of your Posts over the Week but with
Records to be always now to Catch up.. hehe..
i’m on my Laptop at Katrina’s Hand therapy
Place and for some reason at this
Location i can’t like
anyone’s posts
on my Laptop
so i used my
Smart Phone first
and liked them first too
as that’s Just another Work
Around too as time comes and goes as is now too..:)
“For the human mind is seldom at stay:
If you do not grow better,
you will most undoubtedly grow worse.”
If you do not grow better,
you will most undoubtedly grow worse.”
~~ Samuel Richardson ~~
True.. use or lose it makes life what it is as i continue to actuAlly use my LifE Too..:)
“If I had a brain I could think of things I never thought before.”
~~ The Scarecrow ~~
Hmm.. Listening to Elon Musk describe his ‘Brain’ he’s not sure it’s a Gift..
And i must Agree to Lose a Mind out of Word Think into Free Dance is Truly Bliss..
as long as no
one counts
it numbers
it Instructs
it and guides
it as such away from Dance and Song FReED..:)
And i must Agree to Lose a Mind out of Word Think into Free Dance is Truly Bliss..
as long as no
one counts
it numbers
it Instructs
it and guides
it as such away from Dance and Song FReED..:)
“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable,
but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”
but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”
~~ George Bernard Shaw ~~
And True When tHere is no Teacher theRe arE No MiStakes only Free to Do More And Be.
“The message of history is clear:
the past lies before us.”
the past lies before us.”
Now is thE Truth i Find..:)
~~ Smart Bee ~~
“I err, therefore I exist.”
~~ St. Augustine ~~
True and Typical Catholic Priest
But Better Yet at least only
Engaged to a 12 Year Old
Girl as he
got his
with others
And Broke it off with her
and then decided the Rest
of the Priests should be Celibate
And everyone else Monogamous too..
even sticking to one Wife too.. only..
‘Funny’ how
‘that Works’
As Folks
Grow more
Conservative From:
as their Libido Dies as Well.. to: Dead as Life….
But Better Yet at least only
Engaged to a 12 Year Old
Girl as he
got his
with others
And Broke it off with her
and then decided the Rest
of the Priests should be Celibate
And everyone else Monogamous too..
even sticking to one Wife too.. only..
‘Funny’ how
‘that Works’
As Folks
Grow more
Conservative From:
as their Libido Dies as Well.. to: Dead as Life….
“The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.”
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.”
~~ The Buddha ~~
Hmm.. According to Science ‘these Days’ at Least
‘the Thought’ is Slave to Limbic System heART that
Mostly alWaYS Feels and Senses
First as we
After the acts of FAcT WTF HaPPens too.. heHE.;)
‘the Thought’ is Slave to Limbic System heART that
Mostly alWaYS Feels and Senses
First as we
After the acts of FAcT WTF HaPPens too.. heHE.;)
“This is no time for moderation.”
~~ Sardonic Bee ~~
Yes Dance and Sing away from Walks and Talks..:)
“Don’t blame me–I was raised by humans”
~~ Smart Bee, speaking for gigoid ~~
True Most folks Are Raised by Words too..
‘Think’ they are..:)
‘Think’ they are..:)
“Stupidity is always a capital crime.”
~~ Larry Niven “N-Space” ~~
And Free Dance iS an Intelligence Without Words*
*See Below Above too…
*See Below Above too…
“Adversity is sometimes hard upon a man;
but for one man who can stand prosperity
there are a hundred that will stand adversity.”
but for one man who can stand prosperity
there are a hundred that will stand adversity.”
~~ Thomas Carlyle ~~
This is True and the Danger That May
Come to Be is Misery Loves Sufferings
in Joy Loves
Companies More
Darn (Damned) Humans
And The Habits they make..:)
Come to Be is Misery Loves Sufferings
in Joy Loves
Companies More
Darn (Damned) Humans
And The Habits they make..:)
“Anywhere, anytime, I’d sacrifice the finest nuance for a laugh,
the most elegant trope for a smile.”
the most elegant trope for a smile.”
~~ Edward Abbey ~~
Reminds me again of Elon Musk just taking a Friendly
Toke in Grace of Hospitality as a Guest on the Joe Rogan
Show even admitting Weed does nothing for him Personally
in the Great State of California where it is Legal there
never the less
as usual
as his Stocks
Dropped in Form over Essence of what Truth Still is..:)
Toke in Grace of Hospitality as a Guest on the Joe Rogan
Show even admitting Weed does nothing for him Personally
in the Great State of California where it is Legal there
never the less
as usual
as his Stocks
Dropped in Form over Essence of what Truth Still is..:)
“Shower the people you love with love.”
~~ James Taylor ~~
Hurricanes Can and Will Be Scary for Some but never the less i do it why not..;)
“In the midst of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”
— Albert Camus
heART Summer ART Winter Spring Fall as Summer Rise ComeS AGAiNoW..:)
“A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought.”
~~ Lord Peter Wimsey (Dorothy L. Sayers, Gaudy Night) ~~
Riff Riff WHeRE ever he or sHe goes no-one kNoWs not even shE or he.. HeHeR..;)
“…you are too modest, Lord Peter. The apt quotation is a form of wisdom.”
~~ Dr. Baring, Shrewsbury Warden, in response ~~
Funny.. A so-called Story oF A Lord Jesus Says A LiVinG Lamp Never Hides its LiGHT..
Short SkirtS in Church Do Work.. with or without Quotation MArks or any Words at All Life
Best @least..:)
Short SkirtS in Church Do Work.. with or without Quotation MArks or any Words at All Life
Best @least..:)
“Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.”
~~ William E. Davidsen ~~
And Ignorance of Words in Free Dance is Bliss..:)
“Within the oyster’s shell uncouth
The purest pearl may hide,
Trust me you’ll find a heart of truth
Within that rough inside.”
The purest pearl may hide,
Trust me you’ll find a heart of truth
Within that rough inside.”
~~ Mrs. Osgood ~~
As BeLow
So ABove
Off AbovE Will Never Fully CoME oN..:)
So ABove
Off AbovE Will Never Fully CoME oN..:)
“What is character but the determination of incident?
What is incident but the illustration of character?”
What is incident but the illustration of character?”
Hmm.. Poets really get ‘this stuff’..;)
~~ Henry James ~~
“A short saying oft contains much wisdom.”
~~ Sophocles – Aletes, Frag. 99 ~~
Except for ‘the ones’ who may have never experienced A Higher Intelligence of Dance..;)
“May your hands always be busy, may your feet always be swift
may you have a strong foundation, when the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful, may your song always be sung
and may you stay forever young.
May you stay forever young.”
may you have a strong foundation, when the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful, may your song always be sung
and may you stay forever young.
May you stay forever young.”
~~ Bob Dylan ~~
Bob Really gets it (All oF iT)..:)
“The only people for me are the mad ones.”
~~ Jack Kerouac ~~
Sane People Amuse me.. i’ll keep them too..;)
“Before I speak, I am master of the words;
After, the word is master of me.”
After, the word is master of me.”
~~ Ibn Gabriol ~~
True Original Creativity Before We Speak Deep Down We Truly Speak
iN Silence First
As Words
Ocean WHoLE MiND and BoDY BaLanCinG FoRCE
to: GRoWiNG ever MoRE NoW Shores inCReaSinG EveN MoRE..:)
iN Silence First
As Words
Ocean WHoLE MiND and BoDY BaLanCinG FoRCE
to: GRoWiNG ever MoRE NoW Shores inCReaSinG EveN MoRE..:)
“We are the miracle of force and matter
making itself over into imagination and will.
The Life Force experimenting with forms.
You for one.
Me for another.
The Universe has shouted itself alive.
We are one of the shouts.”
making itself over into imagination and will.
The Life Force experimenting with forms.
You for one.
Me for another.
The Universe has shouted itself alive.
We are one of the shouts.”
~~ Ray Bradbury, “G.B.S. – Mark V” ~~
I really cannot and will not add anything to this but more..;)
“The easiest person to deceive is one’s own self.”
~~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ~~
Direct Conduit Yes if Yes..:)
“”In matters of belief,
he who is absolutely sure he is right
is almost certainly dead wrong.”
he who is absolutely sure he is right
is almost certainly dead wrong.”
~~ Kelvin Throop ~~
Living Wrong Beats Dead Right..:)
Three Down Four More to Move up to as Therapy
Is finished.. Now A Trip Home to Finish Four More as this is Fun..
in other
Words ThankS AGAiN too.. gigoid..:)
Is finished.. Now A Trip Home to Finish Four More as this is Fun..
in other
Words ThankS AGAiN too.. gigoid..:)
“Absolute stillness
would be more than just welcome
if only for now.”
would be more than just welcome
if only for now.”
~~ gigoid ~~
Being Still Within no
Matter Winds
that and who Rises Higher
Calm eye Capstone of Pyramid Higher..:)
Matter Winds
that and who Rises Higher
Calm eye Capstone of Pyramid Higher..:)
“A test of what is real is that it is hard and rough.
Joys are found in it, not pleasure.
What is pleasant belongs to dreams.”
Joys are found in it, not pleasure.
What is pleasant belongs to dreams.”
~~ Simone Weil ~~
Joy is Blood Sweat And Tears Yes..
Boot Camp Real For LiFE NeVeR ends NoW When FuLLY LiViNG NoW..:)
Boot Camp Real For LiFE NeVeR ends NoW When FuLLY LiViNG NoW..:)
“Nobody knows the age of the human race,
but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know better.”
but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know better.”
~~ Uncommonly Sagacious Bee ~~
TRuE A Human Race Feels and Senses Better iN Dance oF No KNoW..
aT lEast tHat’s How i Find ‘it NoW..:)
aT lEast tHat’s How i Find ‘it NoW..:)
“A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues.”
~~ Cicero (B.C. 106-43) ~~
True Gratitude is Shown to Tremendously Raise Serotonin
Levels as then who wins the Lobster Fight is not so imPorTanT.. WitH SMiLES..:)
Levels as then who wins the Lobster Fight is not so imPorTanT.. WitH SMiLES..:)
“It is far more impressive
when others discover your good qualities without your help.”
when others discover your good qualities without your help.”
~~ Miss Manners (Judith Martin) ~~
Butt don’t Forget to Turn on the ‘Lamps’
And Short Shorts Or And Short Skirts to Fly
A World is Bootyful When Free to Be BootyFuLL..:)
And Short Shorts Or And Short Skirts to Fly
A World is Bootyful When Free to Be BootyFuLL..:)
“Nobody ever complains that
you are treating them like a child
when you listen to their stories,
encourage their dreams,
and tell them how special they are.”
you are treating them like a child
when you listen to their stories,
encourage their dreams,
and tell them how special they are.”
~~ Callan Williams ~~
No More Quiet Hands and Feet iMpriSoned in Desks..
Like an
F iN
Office Worker Child..:)
Like an
F iN
Office Worker Child..:)
“A wise man first determines what is within his control;
all else is then irrelevant.”
all else is then irrelevant.”
~~ Epictetus ~~
Dance Freeing Emotional
Regulation and Sensory
of Feelings
And Senses come
to Be GiVinG Neo-Cortical
Space to whatEver coMes Free to Mind NexT..
other wise Monkey Chatter is aLWays aTTempting
to find out
why We
out of
Control NoW From:
Our Feelings And Senses to: WHoLeNoW..:)
Regulation and Sensory
of Feelings
And Senses come
to Be GiVinG Neo-Cortical
Space to whatEver coMes Free to Mind NexT..
other wise Monkey Chatter is aLWays aTTempting
to find out
why We
out of
Control NoW From:
Our Feelings And Senses to: WHoLeNoW..:)
“I am free, no matter what rules surround me.
If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them;
if I find them too obnoxious, I break them.
I am free because I know that I alone
am morally responsible for everything I do.”
If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them;
if I find them too obnoxious, I break them.
I am free because I know that I alone
am morally responsible for everything I do.”
~~ Professor Bernardo de la Paz ~~
Free Health Care Helps..:)
“And now we come to the magic of words. A word, also, just like an idea, a
thought, has the effect of reality upon undifferentiated minds.”
thought, has the effect of reality upon undifferentiated minds.”
~~ Emma Jung ~~
Closer to Affect for “Normal” Humans now at least..:)
“A wise man,
recognizing the the world is but an illusion,
does not act as if it is real,
so he escapes the suffering.”
recognizing the the world is but an illusion,
does not act as if it is real,
so he escapes the suffering.”
~~ Buddha ~~
i sTill SuGGest FReeDance..:)
“Careful, Mister. Old Zeek is liable to fire that sucker up!”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
Calm Fires GreaTesT Storms..:)
“People wish to be settled:
only as far as they are unsettled
is there any hope for them.”
only as far as they are unsettled
is there any hope for them.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Circles” ~~
For Five Years now i can’t imagine a Better
time but now yes Heaven is Possible for those who really do seek and
find ‘it’ what works
As Practice
Free to be iN LiGHT oF LoVENoW..:)
time but now yes Heaven is Possible for those who really do seek and
find ‘it’ what works
As Practice
Free to be iN LiGHT oF LoVENoW..:)
“I know but one freedom, and that is the freedom of the mind.”
~~ Antoine de Saint Exupery ~~
As Science Shows NoW Freedom of Body Brings Mind at least
iN Peace of
Center BaLanCinG ForCE oF NoW..:)
iN Peace of
Center BaLanCinG ForCE oF NoW..:)
“Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius.”
~~ Josh Billings ~~
True Common Sense Feel Loves Life And everything else
anything else is Less than LoVinG Genius..:)
anything else is Less than LoVinG Genius..:)
“Do thou restrain the haughty spirit in thy breast,
for better by far is gentle courtesy.”
for better by far is gentle courtesy.”
~~ Homer ~~
True What comes up goes down
LovE That/who Serves All aLWaYS GRoWS HiGHER LoWeR..:)
LovE That/who Serves All aLWaYS GRoWS HiGHER LoWeR..:)
“Every man is a divinity in disguise,
a god playing the fool.”
a god playing the fool.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~
Once Again Lower Higher No wHeRE to: FaLL Rise From: All..:)
“If one does not know to which port one is sailing,
no wind is favorable.”
no wind is favorable.”
~~ Seneca (the Younger) ~~
Unless one Dances in Endless Spirals Free For NoW..:)
“You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.”
~~ Oliver Goldsmith ~~
Or Dance.
“I’m sitting on my SPEED QUEEN..
To me, it’s ENJOYABLE..
I’m WARM..
To me, it’s ENJOYABLE..
I’m WARM..
~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~
So Below So Above
Those Who turn
Machines Off More Likely Lose Life As Life..:)
Those Who turn
Machines Off More Likely Lose Life As Life..:)
“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
and the winds long to play with your hair.”
and the winds long to play with your hair.”
True we Have Oxytocin Receptors on our Feet that will for all
Practical Intents and Purposes Attach to most anything even a Fetish for Sands of Earth
in Warm and Cozy
Comfort oF LoVE..:)
Practical Intents and Purposes Attach to most anything even a Fetish for Sands of Earth
in Warm and Cozy
Comfort oF LoVE..:)
~~ Kahlil Gibran, “The Prophet” ~~
“Humans are very peculiar.”
~~ Perceptive Bee ~~
Or As ‘the Doors’ Dance Sing People Are Strange..:)
“Know then thyself, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of mankind is man.”
The proper study of mankind is man.”
~~ Alexander Pope, “Essay on Man”, Epistle ii, Line 1 ~~
Humans From: Cosmos Unto ‘it’ Self Miracle Enough For me to: DancE And SinG NoW..:)
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.”
~~ Confucius ~~
WitH Ease PLeasE..:)
“Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another.”
~~ Dr. Who ~~
UnDiluted Sugar Full..:)
“It is a luxury to be understood.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~
And surPriSinGly ‘these days’ with
Technology to: Aid it’s Freer to Be From: Outcast.. too.:)
Technology to: Aid it’s Freer to Be From: Outcast.. too.:)
“Any human anywhere will blossom
in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities
simply by being given the opportunity to do so.”
in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities
simply by being given the opportunity to do so.”
~~ Doris Lessing ~~
Environment Counts NoW Bigger TiMeS in Both Directions too..:)
“The hours of a wise man are lengthened by his ideas.”
~~ Joseph Addison ~~
Stimulate the Mind the Body Do LiVE LonGeR NoW/THeN..:)
“I haven’t a clue as to how my story will end. But that’s all right.
When you set out on a journey and night covers the road,
you don’t conclude that the road has vanished.
And how else could we discover the stars?”
When you set out on a journey and night covers the road,
you don’t conclude that the road has vanished.
And how else could we discover the stars?”
~~ Nancy Willard ~~
And don’t ForgeT aN ORiginal Greek Definition
oF APocalypse For Lifting the Veils of Ignorance
Less the
in Post Construction oF a FLaT eARTh..:)
oF APocalypse For Lifting the Veils of Ignorance
Less the
in Post Construction oF a FLaT eARTh..:)
“Throw strikes. Home plate don’t move.”
~~ Satchel Paige ~~
Some Stuff Still Predictable Except For Human Stuff..:)
“For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.
But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula,
the big answers don’t remain stone-written.
We adjust to new conditions and discoveries.
We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum.
I am my own God.
We are here to unlearn the teachings
of the church, state, and our educational system.
We are here to drink beer.
We are here to kill war.
We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well
that Death will tremble to take us.”
But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula,
the big answers don’t remain stone-written.
We adjust to new conditions and discoveries.
We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum.
I am my own God.
We are here to unlearn the teachings
of the church, state, and our educational system.
We are here to drink beer.
We are here to kill war.
We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well
that Death will tremble to take us.”
~~ Charles Bukowski ~~
God Lives WithiN sTill So Few People aTTempt to Do God iNSiDe OuTSiDE MoRE..;)
“Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.”
~~ Emily Dickinson ~~
Yes Let thE LiGHT iN OuT..:)
“I think computer viruses should count as life.
I think it says something about human nature that
the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive.
We’ve created life in our own image.”
I think it says something about human nature that
the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive.
We’ve created life in our own image.”
~~ Stephen Hawking ~~
Don’t Leave Love From:
Forever Out oF A Human Equation FoR NoW..
LiGHT too..:)
Forever Out oF A Human Equation FoR NoW..
LiGHT too..:)
“In real life, unlike in Shakespeare,
the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears.
Things are not only what they are.
They are, in very important respects, what they seem to be.”
the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears.
Things are not only what they are.
They are, in very important respects, what they seem to be.”
~~ Hubert H. Humphrey (1911-78) ~~
As LonG aS oNe WorShips THorns
oF RosE iN WiLted DArK
As Red ALiVE More..:)
oF RosE iN WiLted DArK
As Red ALiVE More..:)
“Time carves all.
Let yourself be carved to attain your true nature.”
~~ Master Po ~~
Co-CreatinG NoW..:)
“A right is not what someone gives you; it’s what no one can take from you.”
~~ Ramsey Clark ~~
CRown oF THorns THRone Of Rose ReGuLaTinG EMoTioNS InTeGRaTinG SeNses LiVE iT aLL..
Free Dance MakeS iT aLL HaPPeN Then SinG WHaT JusT HaPPeNS..:)
Free Dance MakeS iT aLL HaPPeN Then SinG WHaT JusT HaPPeNS..:)
“I think the dragon’s asleep.”
~~ Famous Last Words ~~
Peace in Greener Meadows Harmony of Dragon
SnoozeS in Peace As LonG aS Dragon is Tired of PLaYiNG..;)
SnoozeS in Peace As LonG aS Dragon is Tired of PLaYiNG..;)
“A word is dead
When it is said
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.”
When it is said
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.”
~~ Emily Dickinson ~~
DePendS oN WiTHIN aLL THaT iS You
And me And We And i
oF LiFE MoVeS oN
CoNNeCTS Co-CReaTeS oN aS LiVENoW..:)
And me And We And i
oF LiFE MoVeS oN
CoNNeCTS Co-CReaTeS oN aS LiVENoW..:)
As ALWayS SMiLes mY FriEnd Sohair for it is truly those who Love
Freely who are Blessed the Most for ‘Weather or Not’ They
Receive the Similar Joy Back they are Free to Give
Love in all the Colors Love Comes and Goes
And once again Blessed to Be Able to
Feel Love and Give iT aS oNe
Force iN JoY oF LiFE
for those who
Still Give Love
with Loss
of what is Feeling
Love they are Stronger Still
For Those in Pain and Suffering and
Numb as Well who Still Give Love they are
Even Stronger still than that for who understands
the Value of Love Most Will see How Important it is
to Give Love no Matter what for those who have Never
Lost the
of Love
they will become
Apathetic too and Forget
Love’s Gift as GreaTesT Gift to
Give and Share For all SMiLeS mY FriEnd to Give
for i thanked someone freely for their Service tonight
as a Customer and Giver to them whether they thank
me for the Customer i am or not… for i Feel Love and Kindness
toward everyone so why not give and share that more.. when People
Make slights
Behind what they
may not see against
Love with all Hearing Ears
it is noted and they are Loved even
more for those who understand what Life
is with or without the Force of Love just to Give
for when one is Love a Smile Goes Beyond iNFINity both ways my FriEnd..
For Men and or
Women who
See Love
Weak they
have yet to Weather
Hell mY FriEnd NoW aS
Real WithiN oN EarTH NoW..
For iT iS True tHere Are soMe Sacrifices Worse Than Death..
Life/Love Teaches whether we Love it Like it Hate it or not..
For if one Will Ever Love Everyone they Will See Life
from the
of Fear in Pain
of Numb in Hate
for all of Life for the
Bottom Pit of Hell Away
from all that Was and Could
Ever NoW Be Love so Far away From LoVE NoW
at all.. Having Love Having it all never taught
How Love is Lost through Chronic
Stress and Fear over Life
as Life Without Love
in Feeling Sensing
Ways becoMes
of Guilt and
Shame if one is Human
enough to Regret the Darkness
come and to Forgive oneself enough
After Failing Love to Love Again As Whole
Away from Empty Soul.. Understanding one
is Loved and Being Able to Feel that comfort
iN Giving Back as Love is Real and Palpable to Touch
is a Hardest Road to take in Numb and Pain of Suicidal
Life… True some people don’t really See Love Actually goes away
within but it can and will if it is not Watered Fed everyday given
SPan oF Sanctity to Give Love its Due to Be How Crazy the World
is to
that away
and replace
it With Robot Mind..
It’s Hard Enough to Forgive ourselves
Loving our selves First enough as is as God
is Whole as Nature more where Love Grows Back
As Appendage of Soul to Give and Share even more..
SMiLes mY FriEnd i Forgive myself for all mistakes as
Life is not fair other wise it would come with a Manual
that just says Quit and Love More Than Die Alive but it doesn’t
is no Halo
or Angel Wings for Free
as Love For Greater Gift to Give and Share For Free..:)
Lots of stuff has happened in my Life in the Last 66 Months
and particularly the Five Years since i Started Writing “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest Long Form Poem and Bible too at yes as far as 6’s will
go 6 MiLLioN Words too and True i wrote a Blog Post before Titled “Revelation
66” on July 13th 2013.. 6 Days before the Pain would Go away on Navarre Beach
on July 19th as Forecast before as MaGiC Recovery For me as documented too
by July 22nd of 2013 too for True With Enough Intent in Words of Practice the
Placebo Effect will as Science Shows come to put incurable disease in at least
remission too.. with no explanation Given but the Disease went away so-called
Unexplained in the Rivers Deep of Human Belief as Faith as Love Grows Within
to Set
Free back
to BaLaNCinG
WeLL BeiNG iN aS LoVE As LiFe is
NoW Freer and Loving than Ever Before..
yep that was the 66th Blog Post too at that
Point in that Archive “KATiE MiA Aghogday”
Views from the Autism Spectrum and Beyond Blog
not realizing at that point that my Personal Hell would
end in that 66th Month of Hell then too.. but true in the Years
to come Loss of Father and Mother and Aunt and Step Mother’s
Husband and Second Cousin and Moby and Arthur and yes when
i watched the Movie Guardian’s of the Galaxy Before my Mother Died
it scared me as the Hero’s Mother died of Brain Cancer and she Wrote him
a Love Letter from the Grave as such for him to read Later after Her Death when
he was 33.. Yeah it was rather Tragic when my Mother Fell and went to Her Death
Bed on Valentine’s Day in ’17 Finding out that Evening that Breast Cancer Undiagnosed had
Spread to Bone Cancer and Bleeding Cancer in Her Brain 8 Days Breath Left without any
Life Support including Food and Drink.. but it’s true she left an undelivered Letter for me
at age 33 Never Delivered 24 Years Before my 57th Year soon to come when she passed
away.. Letters from the Grave no Matter Distance Space or Time are surely comforting
for Truly When She came ill to die all those Memories of Southern Baptist Bully onward
Christian Soldier Boys Taunting me For Weak of Smiling HeART i Gave Threatening
Me for Even Smiling and Wondering if the Love mY Mother Gave
me then was worth Keeping at all at 12 Years old then.. i
suppose i had a lot of Repressed Anger at those Bullies
i was keeping inside all those years as truly it all came
out on the Dance Floor as she was dying then
for it’s true i could be very Dangerous
and Lethal too if it was not
for the Love
and Gardened
by a Mother in me..
for i surely will not Judge
another for i was the Lucky
one Blessed from a Loving Mother
to Garden and Water me as Love then
for it’s true Love that is real will stand up now
for the Lesser of us who are bullied who are treated
less than equal of those with privilege that those less
See bullied in all the ways that comes.. and true they will
Protest too without Fear for they Understand what a Blessing
it truly is for the Right to Life and Liberty and a Pursuit of Happiness
for all in all the ways that comes in an Art of not Harming others to go now
to Happy Land in the flavor and color that works for each and every individual
Color and Flavor of God eyes Alive now in Breath of Life that’s real.. Either Love
Lives for all or it doesn’t there is no in between for that Right to Life and Liberty And
the Pursuit of Happiness now if not you have no clue what the American Flag even means
for a
Union Worth
Fighting for whether
one is in a so-called Military
for Pay or not for some Soldiers
known and felt and sensed only to God WiTHiN
A Law of Love A Pay Grade of Love and A Currency
of Love that is still worth Fighting for now for All not just us versus them.
Freely who are Blessed the Most for ‘Weather or Not’ They
Receive the Similar Joy Back they are Free to Give
Love in all the Colors Love Comes and Goes
And once again Blessed to Be Able to
Feel Love and Give iT aS oNe
Force iN JoY oF LiFE
for those who
Still Give Love
with Loss
of what is Feeling
Love they are Stronger Still
For Those in Pain and Suffering and
Numb as Well who Still Give Love they are
Even Stronger still than that for who understands
the Value of Love Most Will see How Important it is
to Give Love no Matter what for those who have Never
Lost the
of Love
they will become
Apathetic too and Forget
Love’s Gift as GreaTesT Gift to
Give and Share For all SMiLeS mY FriEnd to Give
for i thanked someone freely for their Service tonight
as a Customer and Giver to them whether they thank
me for the Customer i am or not… for i Feel Love and Kindness
toward everyone so why not give and share that more.. when People
Make slights
Behind what they
may not see against
Love with all Hearing Ears
it is noted and they are Loved even
more for those who understand what Life
is with or without the Force of Love just to Give
for when one is Love a Smile Goes Beyond iNFINity both ways my FriEnd..
For Men and or
Women who
See Love
Weak they
have yet to Weather
Hell mY FriEnd NoW aS
Real WithiN oN EarTH NoW..
For iT iS True tHere Are soMe Sacrifices Worse Than Death..
Life/Love Teaches whether we Love it Like it Hate it or not..
For if one Will Ever Love Everyone they Will See Life
from the
of Fear in Pain
of Numb in Hate
for all of Life for the
Bottom Pit of Hell Away
from all that Was and Could
Ever NoW Be Love so Far away From LoVE NoW
at all.. Having Love Having it all never taught
How Love is Lost through Chronic
Stress and Fear over Life
as Life Without Love
in Feeling Sensing
Ways becoMes
of Guilt and
Shame if one is Human
enough to Regret the Darkness
come and to Forgive oneself enough
After Failing Love to Love Again As Whole
Away from Empty Soul.. Understanding one
is Loved and Being Able to Feel that comfort
iN Giving Back as Love is Real and Palpable to Touch
is a Hardest Road to take in Numb and Pain of Suicidal
Life… True some people don’t really See Love Actually goes away
within but it can and will if it is not Watered Fed everyday given
SPan oF Sanctity to Give Love its Due to Be How Crazy the World
is to
that away
and replace
it With Robot Mind..
It’s Hard Enough to Forgive ourselves
Loving our selves First enough as is as God
is Whole as Nature more where Love Grows Back
As Appendage of Soul to Give and Share even more..
SMiLes mY FriEnd i Forgive myself for all mistakes as
Life is not fair other wise it would come with a Manual
that just says Quit and Love More Than Die Alive but it doesn’t
is no Halo
or Angel Wings for Free
as Love For Greater Gift to Give and Share For Free..:)
Lots of stuff has happened in my Life in the Last 66 Months
and particularly the Five Years since i Started Writing “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest Long Form Poem and Bible too at yes as far as 6’s will
go 6 MiLLioN Words too and True i wrote a Blog Post before Titled “Revelation
66” on July 13th 2013.. 6 Days before the Pain would Go away on Navarre Beach
on July 19th as Forecast before as MaGiC Recovery For me as documented too
by July 22nd of 2013 too for True With Enough Intent in Words of Practice the
Placebo Effect will as Science Shows come to put incurable disease in at least
remission too.. with no explanation Given but the Disease went away so-called
Unexplained in the Rivers Deep of Human Belief as Faith as Love Grows Within
to Set
Free back
to BaLaNCinG
WeLL BeiNG iN aS LoVE As LiFe is
NoW Freer and Loving than Ever Before..
yep that was the 66th Blog Post too at that
Point in that Archive “KATiE MiA Aghogday”
Views from the Autism Spectrum and Beyond Blog
not realizing at that point that my Personal Hell would
end in that 66th Month of Hell then too.. but true in the Years
to come Loss of Father and Mother and Aunt and Step Mother’s
Husband and Second Cousin and Moby and Arthur and yes when
i watched the Movie Guardian’s of the Galaxy Before my Mother Died
it scared me as the Hero’s Mother died of Brain Cancer and she Wrote him
a Love Letter from the Grave as such for him to read Later after Her Death when
he was 33.. Yeah it was rather Tragic when my Mother Fell and went to Her Death
Bed on Valentine’s Day in ’17 Finding out that Evening that Breast Cancer Undiagnosed had
Spread to Bone Cancer and Bleeding Cancer in Her Brain 8 Days Breath Left without any
Life Support including Food and Drink.. but it’s true she left an undelivered Letter for me
at age 33 Never Delivered 24 Years Before my 57th Year soon to come when she passed
away.. Letters from the Grave no Matter Distance Space or Time are surely comforting
for Truly When She came ill to die all those Memories of Southern Baptist Bully onward
Christian Soldier Boys Taunting me For Weak of Smiling HeART i Gave Threatening
Me for Even Smiling and Wondering if the Love mY Mother Gave
me then was worth Keeping at all at 12 Years old then.. i
suppose i had a lot of Repressed Anger at those Bullies
i was keeping inside all those years as truly it all came
out on the Dance Floor as she was dying then
for it’s true i could be very Dangerous
and Lethal too if it was not
for the Love
and Gardened
by a Mother in me..
for i surely will not Judge
another for i was the Lucky
one Blessed from a Loving Mother
to Garden and Water me as Love then
for it’s true Love that is real will stand up now
for the Lesser of us who are bullied who are treated
less than equal of those with privilege that those less
See bullied in all the ways that comes.. and true they will
Protest too without Fear for they Understand what a Blessing
it truly is for the Right to Life and Liberty and a Pursuit of Happiness
for all in all the ways that comes in an Art of not Harming others to go now
to Happy Land in the flavor and color that works for each and every individual
Color and Flavor of God eyes Alive now in Breath of Life that’s real.. Either Love
Lives for all or it doesn’t there is no in between for that Right to Life and Liberty And
the Pursuit of Happiness now if not you have no clue what the American Flag even means
for a
Union Worth
Fighting for whether
one is in a so-called Military
for Pay or not for some Soldiers
known and felt and sensed only to God WiTHiN
A Law of Love A Pay Grade of Love and A Currency
of Love that is still worth Fighting for now for All not just us versus them.
MeMories oF LoVE
Are Best Made
When Is ReaL NoW
Are Best Made
When Is ReaL NoW
Hmm.. it’s true my Mother Wouldn’t Approve of every thing
i do but not all are as oPen as i.. particularly approaching Sixty
Yes Sixty in 21 Months from Now but what will i say i ever last for
now.. for tHere is More to Life than Money and Things for theRe is
Love in all the Ways Love comes and goes for i Ain’t Scared of Love
in all the
Ways Love
goes and
comes for
one a Connoisseur
of Heaven more in all the
Ways Heaven Comes and Stays
even more edging all around now as
‘they’ say and do too.. heHe.. anyway
we’ve moved to 9.11.18 now and off
to MacroVerse Memories Years to
Date as i wrap up this NeWesT
MacroVerse titled now “KiSS
oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”.. on
yes also on the 10th of
September now
Celebrating 3 Years
of Face Book Friendship
with Himali too for true it
Will take a Jainist Person too
to understand more of me tolerate
more of me and accept all of me as is too..
And perhaps Surprisingly to some a Muslim Widowed
Mother too from Egypt and A Southern Baptist Preacher’s Wife
uP Around Northern Alabama Bible Belts too.. where more than
Likely those Home Folk Burn Nike’s even more than Here.. hehe..
There is some Ignorance that runs so deep that it is Hard now not to
Laugh if it wasn’t so Dasturdly Sad but it is what it is now and Humans
Are what they are and not unlike Sane People those Folks Amuse me NoW too
for one might as well Laugh when Back to Future and Biff Comes True with a World
War III of Hate Cubs too.. in Form of Biff at the top of the Heap Pile As Heaven is here
beLow so ABove butt only when Real as Love For Naked All Works for Bonobos Works for ‘me too’
on Fire
and So
are my Hands
And Fingers all
Lit up with Saint Elmo’s Fire
And it’s worth noting that Elmo is just
Another Word For Light Bringer And the Name of Helen and my Mother too.
Anyway First a Quick Run Down on the Tale of the Tapes.. in Record Ways too..
Literally as Such and By God Metaphorically all the way up and down and up too..
as yes as is tonight in Public Dance NoW in the 60th Month of Doing that i’ve Reached
9888 Miles now Approaching a Fall Equinox or a bit thereafter of 10K Miles in 5 Years
of Bible Belt Gulf Coast Biloxi to Tallahassee Public Dance where Lord Knows some
Locals Recognized me from Here almost Immediately when i walked into the Buffet
at the Imperial Palace Casino where i kidded Dam i can’t go anywhere these days
without being Recognized for my Dancing Body at least and the Nice Cougar
Aged Woman said well what do you expect but ‘we’ Love what you do now
anyway.. and it’s true her Husband actually went to School Younger
Looking Much Much Older than Katrina with Wife at around 48
Years at the Age of Katrina as she said she thought i was
42 Giving me Sweet Sixteen Years of Youth to Boot
too as i told her all the Benefits of Dance
and Try it you might do what
i overall do too but not
everything is
of what
i do
butt Perhaps
it is too if you wanna
go all the Psychonaut places i arrive now
or call it Psychonut as the Essence of me is Freer Love now
anyway you slice or crack open all the Nuts of me.. hAha heHe..
“What Come What May Erotic Poetry Novel” in Three Volumes now
of one Growing Erotic Poetry Novel still at 61,316 Words as i’ve been
DeSiRinG to sTarT Volume 4 With Plenty of Muse now to do that more
butt for now i am rather Stuck in PG Land Finishing this.. hehe..
As Appropriate Ratings go for Longest Long Form Poem Bibles
too as Longest Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Still GRoWing Past 6 MiLLioN Words has two Children
in Sub Chapters as of Last MacroVerse Fully
Finished now named ‘eYe oF the TiGeR LioN
HeART” makes the 846th MacroVerse
of “SonG oF mY SoUL” and Doubles at
Number 174 in the 27 Month Effort of
“Nether Land Bible 2017″ at a rise up
to 3,357,301 Words of that
Sub-Chapter Bible too..
And then Triples too as
MacroVerse Number 71
in the 15 Month Endeavor of
‘FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Extending
up to 1,744,701 Words not too.. as yes
this Thursday Night is the coming 228th Dance
Week Night at Old Seville Quarter with all the Cool
College Age Folks there too.. most always with even
More Photos to Come of Smiling Joyous Faces in Bring
of Dance Even Freer For All NoW too Young Enough to F in Live Free2..
And Here Comes All the MacroVerse Memories Years to Date if i am gonna get
this Finished Tonight and put iT all together for Publish on the rest of 9.11.18 too..:)
i do but not all are as oPen as i.. particularly approaching Sixty
Yes Sixty in 21 Months from Now but what will i say i ever last for
now.. for tHere is More to Life than Money and Things for theRe is
Love in all the Ways Love comes and goes for i Ain’t Scared of Love
in all the
Ways Love
goes and
comes for
one a Connoisseur
of Heaven more in all the
Ways Heaven Comes and Stays
even more edging all around now as
‘they’ say and do too.. heHe.. anyway
we’ve moved to 9.11.18 now and off
to MacroVerse Memories Years to
Date as i wrap up this NeWesT
MacroVerse titled now “KiSS
oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”.. on
yes also on the 10th of
September now
Celebrating 3 Years
of Face Book Friendship
with Himali too for true it
Will take a Jainist Person too
to understand more of me tolerate
more of me and accept all of me as is too..
And perhaps Surprisingly to some a Muslim Widowed
Mother too from Egypt and A Southern Baptist Preacher’s Wife
uP Around Northern Alabama Bible Belts too.. where more than
Likely those Home Folk Burn Nike’s even more than Here.. hehe..
There is some Ignorance that runs so deep that it is Hard now not to
Laugh if it wasn’t so Dasturdly Sad but it is what it is now and Humans
Are what they are and not unlike Sane People those Folks Amuse me NoW too
for one might as well Laugh when Back to Future and Biff Comes True with a World
War III of Hate Cubs too.. in Form of Biff at the top of the Heap Pile As Heaven is here
beLow so ABove butt only when Real as Love For Naked All Works for Bonobos Works for ‘me too’
on Fire
and So
are my Hands
And Fingers all
Lit up with Saint Elmo’s Fire
And it’s worth noting that Elmo is just
Another Word For Light Bringer And the Name of Helen and my Mother too.
Anyway First a Quick Run Down on the Tale of the Tapes.. in Record Ways too..
Literally as Such and By God Metaphorically all the way up and down and up too..
as yes as is tonight in Public Dance NoW in the 60th Month of Doing that i’ve Reached
9888 Miles now Approaching a Fall Equinox or a bit thereafter of 10K Miles in 5 Years
of Bible Belt Gulf Coast Biloxi to Tallahassee Public Dance where Lord Knows some
Locals Recognized me from Here almost Immediately when i walked into the Buffet
at the Imperial Palace Casino where i kidded Dam i can’t go anywhere these days
without being Recognized for my Dancing Body at least and the Nice Cougar
Aged Woman said well what do you expect but ‘we’ Love what you do now
anyway.. and it’s true her Husband actually went to School Younger
Looking Much Much Older than Katrina with Wife at around 48
Years at the Age of Katrina as she said she thought i was
42 Giving me Sweet Sixteen Years of Youth to Boot
too as i told her all the Benefits of Dance
and Try it you might do what
i overall do too but not
everything is
of what
i do
butt Perhaps
it is too if you wanna
go all the Psychonaut places i arrive now
or call it Psychonut as the Essence of me is Freer Love now
anyway you slice or crack open all the Nuts of me.. hAha heHe..
“What Come What May Erotic Poetry Novel” in Three Volumes now
of one Growing Erotic Poetry Novel still at 61,316 Words as i’ve been
DeSiRinG to sTarT Volume 4 With Plenty of Muse now to do that more
butt for now i am rather Stuck in PG Land Finishing this.. hehe..
As Appropriate Ratings go for Longest Long Form Poem Bibles
too as Longest Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Still GRoWing Past 6 MiLLioN Words has two Children
in Sub Chapters as of Last MacroVerse Fully
Finished now named ‘eYe oF the TiGeR LioN
HeART” makes the 846th MacroVerse
of “SonG oF mY SoUL” and Doubles at
Number 174 in the 27 Month Effort of
“Nether Land Bible 2017″ at a rise up
to 3,357,301 Words of that
Sub-Chapter Bible too..
And then Triples too as
MacroVerse Number 71
in the 15 Month Endeavor of
‘FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Extending
up to 1,744,701 Words not too.. as yes
this Thursday Night is the coming 228th Dance
Week Night at Old Seville Quarter with all the Cool
College Age Folks there too.. most always with even
More Photos to Come of Smiling Joyous Faces in Bring
of Dance Even Freer For All NoW too Young Enough to F in Live Free2..
And Here Comes All the MacroVerse Memories Years to Date if i am gonna get
this Finished Tonight and put iT all together for Publish on the rest of 9.11.18 too..:)
Long and Very Cryptic but it still makes Feel/Sense to me from 3 Years ago if i study
enough again
from then.. Hehe..;)
enough again
from then.. Hehe..;)
“Perfect Storm of LOVE”
Capstone of Pyramid Human inCaRNaTE LiGHT
LoVE Hey iF Elon Musk Admits Love is the Answer
wHo YA Gonna
Ghost Busters
to Prove him Wrong too.. hAha..;)
Capstone of Pyramid Human inCaRNaTE LiGHT
LoVE Hey iF Elon Musk Admits Love is the Answer
wHo YA Gonna
Ghost Busters
to Prove him Wrong too.. hAha..;)
“look at you and remember me”.. Those Who Truly Win Are ReMeMBeReD As LoVE
For True Do FeeL and Sense Sorry for those who Never Come to Be Love FoR NoW
For True Do FeeL and Sense Sorry for those who Never Come to Be Love FoR NoW
“Casino Wolf Royale”.. Do Play All
Dice Rolls off Roles AS Royale..
Fred Fred Bond You too.. hAha..;)
Dice Rolls off Roles AS Royale..
Fred Fred Bond You too.. hAha..;)
“24 Hours on the Wrong Planet”.. Otherwise A Place for more of the
Unwanted Human Toys too.. OTHeR WisE Sensed and Felt Empty of
Human Feeling Sensing Love Other Wise kNoWn as Hell Boy
Places 2.. for LuciFred too
And Oh Lord Star Lords too
Hell as
Just another
Missionary Position of Love
in all the ways that comes and goes too..:)
Unwanted Human Toys too.. OTHeR WisE Sensed and Felt Empty of
Human Feeling Sensing Love Other Wise kNoWn as Hell Boy
Places 2.. for LuciFred too
And Oh Lord Star Lords too
Hell as
Just another
Missionary Position of Love
in all the ways that comes and goes too..:)
“all know is love in the darkness of life”.. It’s True Even in the Days Months
and Years i had No Way to Feel Love to Give Love is an Act of ReaSon to be NoW too..:)
and Years i had No Way to Feel Love to Give Love is an Act of ReaSon to be NoW too..:)
“Jesus..John Lennon..Bruce Lee and BE the WATER not the chalice”
No Need to Clean the Inside of Love or the Outside oF LoVE TRuE..:)
“Renaissance Selfie Disrobing”.. Surprisingly i did not strip down to my
Underwear Just for Loving Fun and Hilarity oF JusT Ain’t Scared NoW too..;)
Underwear Just for Loving Fun and Hilarity oF JusT Ain’t Scared NoW too..;)
“Matchbox Catches Fire”.. Sort of like the Theme Song from
Kiss here but Just Naked Words of Free at least in the Cover
Dance And Song FoR Free..:)
Kiss here but Just Naked Words of Free at least in the Cover
Dance And Song FoR Free..:)
“LOVE sMiLES” And or Dances and Sings Naked Free..:)
“HIgH way to Dance”.. Even More Dancing Memories with
Seville Quarter Charlie’s Angels Dancing Friends Cortney..
Chelsea and Maggie all Free for all THeRE too.. Still
too as Cortney
and Maggie moved
away and Chelsea
is still all around here too..:)
Seville Quarter Charlie’s Angels Dancing Friends Cortney..
Chelsea and Maggie all Free for all THeRE too.. Still
too as Cortney
and Maggie moved
away and Chelsea
is still all around here too..:)
“Screen Screams Again”.. Oh Lord TecH A LoVinG Tool And Potential Millstone too..:)
“Bowling Alley Doughnut Life”.. It’s Like ‘Cheers’ and ‘Ted Danson”
but it’s Bowling With Doughnuts Instead in Warm and Fuzzy ‘Friends’ LiFe too..:)
but it’s Bowling With Doughnuts Instead in Warm and Fuzzy ‘Friends’ LiFe too..:)
“Dance Dreams MORE”.. Hmm.. Did i Mention i Like to Dance..;)
“Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor”.. Oh Star Lords StArting to
Feel Like i am Birthing Another Word Child this September ’18 too..;)
Feel Like i am Birthing Another Word Child this September ’18 too..;)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”..
YeP i Celebrated 42 Months All About Witnessing For Meaning oF LiFE LoVE iN BLogs
BacK in September of 2016.. 24 Months ago too.. 66 is just 24 Months MoRE.. Hehe..:)
BacK in September of 2016.. 24 Months ago too.. 66 is just 24 Months MoRE.. Hehe..:)
WeLL FoR NoW THaT AnD THiS TaKeS CaRe oF NoW to Conclude “KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”.
1:37 AM 9.11.18 Oh Yeah it’s true too as Far as Golden Spiral Sixes go Since
Age 21 for 37 Years i’ve Been Working out With Nautilus Machines too along
with those 3 Degrees from College not only Embossed with Nautilus
6 LooKinG Logos but Motto too of Oliver Wendell Holmes of
Build thee More Stately Mansions in this Case
Endless Chambers in Doors of Nautilus
Words and GroWinG MoRE Winds
of Hurricane Spiraling 6 and 9
Bands even more with
Calm Center
6 Hurricane
HumaN More now too.. as Sixes do RulE HeaR @Least 1:42 AM.
Age 21 for 37 Years i’ve Been Working out With Nautilus Machines too along
with those 3 Degrees from College not only Embossed with Nautilus
6 LooKinG Logos but Motto too of Oliver Wendell Holmes of
Build thee More Stately Mansions in this Case
Endless Chambers in Doors of Nautilus
Words and GroWinG MoRE Winds
of Hurricane Spiraling 6 and 9
Bands even more with
Calm Center
6 Hurricane
HumaN More now too.. as Sixes do RulE HeaR @Least 1:42 AM.
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
6 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)
“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE.. NoW..
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE.. NoW..
“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”
SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS OldIn "SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old"
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