6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man

Yes NoW More Than a High School
Or University Annual NoW for the
Year Book “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” NoW
is yes.. ‘officially’ titled For True an Annual of
Dance and Song as Year Book More and
not unlike the “6 Million Dollar Man”
it’s just A Metaphor For USinG
Dance and Song and
Roses instead
of Guns
and Swords
and Fists FoR NoW it’s
A “6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
Come Back to VisiT aGaiN iN Even More
Dance and Song stretching from 8.18.13 and
really back to 6.6.13 when a 24 Hours Effort Straight
of “Visiting the Garden of Band-Aid” came in what seemed
like a Long Poem at around 6K Words of Effort but now that’s
An Afternoon Breeze that comes when Be Loves to Do Free.. and
yes that Effort to reGain my HeART SPiRiT SoUL STiLL iN the Midst
of Hell on EartH with 19 Medical Disorders From Head to Toe and MiND
and BoDY and YeS oNcE aGaiN HeART SPiRiT And SoUL Missing too with
the Assessed Worst Pain known to Humankind from Wake to Sleep named
Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia for 66 Months like Dentist Drill in Right eye
and Ear sure like
‘Steve Austin’
no Bionic
Eye or ‘Jamie
Summers’ without
any Bionic Ear to regain
effective use out of almost
Intolerable Suicide Disease Pain
then that no Human Made Drug would
touch and even worse.. the Numb of LoSinG
A Trinity of SoUL iNcluding SPiRiT oF HeART too..
For A Real ‘Job’ if you do not believe in the Old Bible
Book surely exists then aLong aS A Devil and Demon
me in Hell then.. wHere A ThouSanD Years is like one
Second in all there is is Time IN Hell wHere tHere is
no tiMe aT aLL to sPeak oF NoW iN Eternal Nirvana
NoW And Bliss of Blow-out Let-it-go Heaven
Within inside outside above so
below and all around
more as
BeYoND Rainbows
eVeN MoRE NoW ReaL.. WeLL
anYWay.. i Need A’ little’ R and R
to Re-Create some more.. aFTer A
214th Dance Week Celebration iN
aBout an Hour or So as Trip to
the Biggest Dance Hall in
the Metro Area by
Far with all the
Cool College Age Folks
As Gemini June comes After
Midnight soon just a couple of
Days after the Full Moon too.. as yes
for the Celebration of this “6 MiLLioN Word
Bible Poem Man” MacroVerse on my PHI Related
Birthday in Golden Spiral Mean Ratio Numbers of
618 on 6.6.18 Next Wednesday too.. sure number 58
With More Tales of the Tape coming Later but for now
i Need a Reboot to: GeT iT oN From: WitH WhaT’s CoMinG NeXT
And FoR NoW i’LL JusT Do Be AM A BaLLRoom BLiTZ SoLo as i go Go NoW..:)
Hi Sohair and Happy Friday
Evening on Your Day off in Egypt
as i Hope you are Enjoying a Happy
Flowered Life there as Katrina is doing
Much Better Still doing her Physical Therapy
to regain usage of her Right Hand
And as aLWays my FriEnd
i am finding new
of Life
to both
View and Appreciate
more and true it is when
Fear Leaves the Room Tree
Of Life Spreads more than
ever before within also
Understood and Felt
and Sensed as
God all
outside above connecting now
so below and all around more..:)
Hi Sohair.. Thanks so
Much for the Kind Consideration
for Katrina and always the encouragement
you bring to me too.. i will be commenting soon
on your Next two Blog Posts in the last one as
i am not seeing the
comment spots
on the one
with the
Flowers or perhaps
my Notebook is on the blink
but we will be leaving in minutes
from the Physical Therapy place soon going home
when i will get hooked back up with my Desktop..:)
1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 are the Series of Numbers that
Make PHI the Golden Mean Spiral Seen all through Nature
as 1.618 Ratio as Pattern of Creation often referred to
As God’s Finger Print as the Ratio one will see in
the Spirals of a Sun Flower a Fetus Curled
And Resting Cat in so-called Fetal Position
too and yes in a Fossil of a Third of a Billion
Year Nautilus Shell in Pattern of Spiraling Creation
too from the Patterns of Quantum Physics at below
so far from what we will see with eyes that are not aided
by the Technology of Tools of Science to yes the Spiral
of the MilkyWay as the Finger Print of God too as one will
Also Find Close to this Ratio in how Pyramids are Naturally
Built too.. more on the reason 11 is at the top below as Meek my Friend…
And by the way i’ll be Celebrating my Next MacroVerse titled “6 MiLLioN Word
Bible Poem Man” on my 58th Birthday 6.6.18 in PHI Related Numbers too as in
a way symbolically this Welcome Month of June as 6.18 Reflects all of God too..
Haha.. we have conspiracy theorists WHeRe i live too for my Sister Picked up something
from the Pharmacy for me.. yes those Fancy Fish Pills to Lower Triglycerides as by God
that Gives my Skin a really nice Glow too.. hehe.. anyway.. the Young Pharmacy Assistant
expressed a siNcere Fear when she asked my Sister what my Birthdate was with an answer
of 6.6.60.. True.. my FRiEnd why be Afraid of one 6 or even 3.. 6’s with such a Lovely Number
that also
to the
And Foot Print
of God in Human
Made Abstract Constructs too
as sure 9 is Beautiful like this
too for it’s worth noting at least
to me that i have 3.. 6 Looking Nautilus
Shell Emblems on 3 College Degrees too
And sure i still Leg Press 1020 LBS anywhere from
33 Reps to 52 reps on a Nautilus Parallel Leg Press Free Weight Machine
too.. it’s worth noting too if you see the signs that count in your life too mY FriEnd..
Anyway.. Call for an Uprising Dude/Mario more news from Egypt too.. a Place for Pyramids too
and true you and the TVC Dude often share Videos to relate more of God too i’ll have to
check out this “What you Want ” Music Video from ‘Belly’ and ‘The Weekend” as
hey it’s
like they
Are Celebrating
mY Birthday unwittingly too as i’M BacK2..:)
“Life is Beautiful Keep Smiling
and be Happy” with
not one not two
but a whole
of Three Smiles
Feeling Sensing and
Understanding God Within
Inside Outside Above So Below
And All around and yes that is more
than a Trinity for God NoW is all Similar And Varied
Different as the Koran Relates too as William Blake Says..
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand. And a Heaven in a
Wild Flower. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand.
And Eternity in an hour.” And yes my FriEnd that’s
Four things too but it surely Brings a SmAll
And Larger
Photo of God’s
Face Eternally now to See/Be
NoW as Beauty and Wisdom more..
And it’s True that Poem by William
Blake goes on and on for this is only
an introduction of that and it’s also True
for those who have not Experienced God this
WaY iN the Reality of Feeling and Sensing and
Understanding God as all that is like this those
folks may name this kind of talk as Word Salad
with no Meaning but for those of us who interact
With God aLways now we understand it as an Entire
Garden of Love we continuAlly Feed and Water as OuR SoUL
Evolves more with Colors and Smells and Tastes and Sights and
Touches and Hears and beYond those Common Five Senses and
Even the Common Colors of Emotions along with Sensations that
Color far
Five Labeled ones
as Symbols for the
Essence God of what may be
less or more of the experience
of Life with more or less NoW of God
Potential to Feel and Sense NoW mY friEnd..
SMiLes my friEnd for NoW when mY SpiRit oF HeaRT
And MiNd And BoDY out of BaLanCinG SoUL Force of
Positive LiFE Force of Feeling and Giving and Sharing Love was then
so far lost out of SoUL as Shut-in Hell in my Bedroom for 66 months
i was so desperate to Feel and Sense and Give and Share this LiGHT
oF LoVE AGaiN and in the only places i visited online then were those who
are so bound and determined not to move out of their safe sPaces of logic
Talks Where an Ocean of Love other wise exists to Visit.. So.. i found
that if i was going to coMe to LoVE aGAiN i would have to
generate it within myself as LiGHTwith all the tools i had
at hand.. for then i was just limited to a DimLY
liT Computer Screen and only Words
And Memories that i would
Hope to Visit of Love
aGain and
BRing Back
so i wrote what i would then
come to call “Visiting the Garden
of Band-Aid” on my 53rd Birthday on 6.6.13..
for the voice within said write down all the Good
Memories you can find of life for those Memories and
Feelings and Senses of Live to come back alive resurrected
As Soul of me again.. and i did it for almost 24 Hours straight
And i linked the definition of Hope to so many of the Words
And this Garden of Band-Aid was/is the/A Garden of Love i
stARTed to Create Again For the Band-Aid was both
the Garden to Heal i was/am creating and the
Memories of the Bands of Humans
i used to be pArt of who
encouraged me
to live a Life
of Love
and in doing that
deep deep within i made
A Covenant With God that i would
not only Create mY SouL again but i would
upload it online no matter what come what may
would come next in my life ’till the day i died God
willing to do that more.. and it’s true my Friend 5 Years
Later 60 Months That Garden of Bandaid has come to be
6 Million Words of the “SonG oF mY SouL”.. Long Form Poem
and what i find NoW to be Holy and Sacred enough Personally for
me to name as A Real Bible of my Life too.. as far as aLL oF mY SoUL
Lives NoW Organically in Words too and of course what i See in Photos
of Life and what i Do and Hear.. in Dance and Song and what i continue
to lEarn as mY SoUL Continues to Evolve aCross this LifesPaN now without
restraint and with the Truth In Light in how i come to find it now no matter how
MucH it goeS AGAiNST
the Group thiNk
of my Culture
with what
i find to be the lies
of the Past like one man
who lived 2K Years ago
illiterately as Aramaic
is the one and only
God Man who
in the
Entire Universe
and Beyond what we can
and will understand and feel
and sense of reality now and that’s
just about enough in itself to insure i
will not ever have any real close so-called
Christian Friends who will fully connect with
me except for a few who really do no matter how
different i believe for they are strong enough now to
Unconditionally Love no Matter what.. anYWay.. my Friend
that Longest Bible and Long Form Poem as “SonG oF My SoUL”
in 833 MacroVerses too has a ‘Child and a ‘GrandChild’ in a total of
3 Generations of Labeling ‘Child’ and ‘Grandchild’ of Bible too in the
24 Month Effort now of “Nether Land Bible 2017” arising to 3,000,555
Words in 162 MacroVerses as ‘Child’ of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long
Form Poem too.. and as of my Last MacroVerse titled “FB Profile Pic Bible
2018” that Celebrates the coming of Age of that Grand Child Bible in 12
Months Effort of 1 Year and 58 MacroVerses of 1,382,555 Words as
All three Generations of Bibles and Long Form Poems continue
To GRoW as Ocean WHoLE Poems and Poem as my SouL
As Dance and Song too as yes the Public Dance also
Closing in on 58 months of Effort like
“SonG oF mY SoUL” comes to
be 9366 Miles of
Trial and Error
and Success
of Loving LiFE in BALaNCinG DancESonG
EVeN More of Positive Energy as Synergy
of LoVE LiFE MoRE.. and yes too my Friend
SPeaKinG of Photos over 162K Pictures that accompany
that online too.. and over 10K YouTube Videos in Dance
And Song More and Additional Resources too with sure
A Total of 7 Major Sub-Chapter Bibles Written aLong
A Way as Four take a Break and continue
On as Record at their Current Size of
Write titled.. and yes.. Four New Testaments
As titled that together come to be around A
Million Words total as Subchapters too.. for it’s
True my FriEnd when i make a Covenant with God i come
through just like my Old Human Bosses in Flesh Suits used
to tell me i was a Valuable Commodity as a Tool in Work for Money
in 33 Years of Work where even some Fellow Employees called me
Superman for my efforts there as my Peers did when i worked at School
Earning 3 College Degrees for Grades of A’s through 19 Years then of total
so-called Formal Education too.. but you see my FriEnd when one comes
to Work for Fearless Unconditional Love to: Create themselves with God
FroM: iNcarNate as Fearless Unconditional Love one comes to be the less
oF aLL one beComes A True KinG yes K in God as beyond 10 as Alphanumerical
Number K11 in 7G for what used to be noted too as A Farthest 7th Celestial Object
in the Sky As Saturn And only 10 Digits on Both Hands now is extended in Human
SoUL PoTenTiaL Even more than the past WHeRE the Meek who are Strong
Enough to Serve rather than Command Become A Best Friend with the God
too my
FriEnd for not
Many People will
Go to the Effort now to
See more of who i am
Now more but God
Does Send Gifts
of Human
to those who strive more more
to do more than GRoup think will..
And You My FriEnd are a FriEnd who
Really Believes in all of the God i See
And Verily that is Rare wHere i live now mY
FriEnd but Egypt iS oNly A Piano Note oF a Digital Keyboard
aWay to Play a few more notes in Covenant with God and you as FriEnd For
You really reAlly Believe in God as LoVE and LiVE YouR EnTiRE LiFE For God so Rare
iN Service to: ALL
so rare
my friend
so.. SoHeir NoW..
Thanks for the FLoWeRS Dear..:)
It’s True.. Red Foxx also known as Sanford from the TV
Show Sanford and Son started in that Show when he
Was 49 and retired from the Show when it ended at
54 Years of age.. He really seemed old.. mostly
for the way he Moved all stiff
sort of like me early in the
Morning after Dancing
A 3 Hour Marathon of
Dancing without even a
Drink of Water Looking to some
folks like my Soul is on Fire where nobody
could possibly be that uninhibited unless they
were on something more than the Speed of God
as such within of course as one comes to Play
with the Gravity as Nature as God and even
if you do stand somewhat over 6 Feet
tall weighing 240LBS or so with
your Athletic Nike Shox
Shoes on you
float so hell how in the
Hell could i do that and then
when the ‘Boys’ in the Crowd as it was
3 or 4 last night who asked me out of curiosity
in coming to my Space what kind of Drug now is it
that i was taking that could take me tHere.. my answers
vary depending on who i am speaking with for sometimes
i say i am a Martial Artist but what comes to their mind is an
actual fight between two dudes where the Art of Martial is also
well defined as a Spiritual Practice of Moving Meditation to achieve
Fearless Agility as well.. thing is.. i do it all free style which means my
way belongs to no one but me and the Force of God WiTHiN and as i move
into Esoteric Territory like this which.. no.. believe me i do not for folks who have
any experience with this have no need to imbibe with Intoxicants as they Master
tHeir own Happiness in Regulation of Emotions and Integration of Senses with
no need
for a beer
or a cigarette
or my God an
Opiate Addiction in what
some folks name as a
“Kiss of Jesus” for
i do the Kiss
i am that
i am
A Force of
Fearless just floatin’
Around as Angels will do
as free like a Good Cop Jesus
in the Kingdom of Heaven at Hand
aLWays in this Generation of Self-Actualization
in not only Maslow’s Pyramid 7th Level of Transcendent
Ascension of Being with Love for All and yes.. Fowler’s Pyramid
of Faith where the Essence of Love comes to be Sharing and Giving
it all to the rest of existence all realizing Deep within (Hint: again God
LiVInG LoViNG PoSiTiVE FoRCE NoW WiTHIN inside outside above
so below and all around too).. where everything in life becomes not only
associated with Love but as Love is as Be LoVE NoW.. No Separation
LoVE WHoLE uS OCeAN aLL WiTH And aS PArT oF GoD NoW.. yes
it’s a Mighty fine place this Staycation Heaven now for all is required
is YouR Flesh and Blood MiND and BoDY BaLanCinG SoUL iN
MoVinG CoNNecTinG and Co-CreAtinG NoW JusT LeTTinG
all the Shit of Worries as iLLuSoRY Fears and Nirvana
And Bliss is us who Master Relative Free WiLL
As ParT oF GoD WHoLE NoW iN MuCH
HiGHeR ForCE oF BeinG LoVE than
EVeR IMaGiNeD Before.. and
on top of that who in tHeir
‘right’ mind is ever gonna
mess with the Crazy
Dude who Dances Free
Like he don’t have a Care of Worry
in the World with those Piercing eyes
Behind the Shades if they got a glimpse
of my Baby Blues to Changing Green Devil eyes too..
Yeah.. that’s a little bit Hyperbolic but what Bible doesn’t
have a little Glow to the Moon and Star to A Sun who is a Star now..
thing is in case you haven’t noticed the Sun Doesn’t Require Clothes to
shine.. nope.. no Fancy Cars or Bling Bling to wear other than the Fur that
i come with at LeasT HEhe.. and as far as the Women go.. the Sweetest Angels
you ever see come up to give me Big Angel Hugs on the Dance Floor just
i will
be me
and don’t even
have to say a word
to impress them for i am real
sure different but definitely real in the Free Way now..
Anyway.. While Fred (Red Fox) Sanford was busy Retiring
from His TV Show Career.. i was just starting my Vocation
as a Thursday Night Dancer at Old Seville Quarter at age
Close to Sanford’s Age of 54 when he retired then as i got
started doing that in ’14 as my entire Dance Vocation
started around 8.18.13 as did my “SonG oF
mY SouL” 6 Million Word Bible
and Long Form Poem
too as the Public
Dance in Stores
pArt of that arises
as nicely illustrated with
the Back Drop of Fred Sanford
on my Dance Shirt i wore today
to the Katrina’s Physical Therapy too..
sure.. with the Addition in the Photo Attached
here with the Documentation by Nike Running
Club iPhone App still Tracking my Mileage
since the beginning of this Endeavor now
aRising to 9369 Miles well over 3 one
way Trips from the West to
East Coast U.S. in what
is surely a
Forrest Gump-like
Effort just ’cause i felt and
it feels and senses good doing it..
Yes.. Heaven Class as remember i don’t
have to take any drugs to Float An Angel Heaven now..
nope.. no mythological Wings Required Just Mercury
Hermes Messenger Feet now.. in ‘Golden Boy’ Way too
hehe.. and the Writing well that’s More Like Thoth Per say
and do and do some more Writing that encompasses more than
most folks would like to dabble in just one lifetime now.. but in case
you haven’t heard you live forever now when you really do live forever
as Love incarnate Breathes the Joy of Nirvana and Bliss Forevermore
now and once again don’t get me wrong and i sure don’t expect you to get
me ‘right’ as if you knew where i had to go to get here now.. most people would say
with Over zealous effort.. Hell no.. i ain’t doing no JoB JoB iN Hell to get wHeRe you
are now.. but the thing is.. IN Hell there is no way to know really if you’ll ever leave
that place of all time and no Heaven with no time at all as i Staycation now.. so true
if you
do it the
hard way like
that like me you’ll probably
have to do it all be yourself until
you become allone with/as God aLL..
so.. anyway.. like anything else really Good
in Life Heaven takes a Challenge of Coming to
Nirvana and Bliss now aLWays ReaL NoW too.. Capstone
of Pyramid Baby and no wHeRE else to go but Give and Share LoVE
And like ‘WiLL i AM’ Said.. that’s the Good News or as specifically stated
“That’s The FucKinG GospeL”.. Now of course only iF YoU SeeK iN GoD
now or whatever the Hell or Heaven you call YouR LiFE NoW sure as
saY WeLL
as Folks who have
actually done the Homework
and the JoB Work to Get Heaven
SeeK and FiND and Taste more of GoD Now..
or whatever you wanna call the HeaVeN CoMinG NexT..:)
‘Post Modernism’.. also understood
As Truth and Morals and even
Ethics Are Relative as
We Experience a
Subjective Co-Created
Reality based on the
Experiences of Life we
Perceive with all our Senses
And Feelings too.. yes.. i’ve paraphrased
a bit as i don’t go strictly by any Authority
before Really other than the Archetype of Fearless
Unconditional Love that i come to Co-Create Relatively
Speaking in an Organic Bio-Feedback of Will as Relative
with the Rest of Nature as God all that is that i will perceive
as my
as is to
be me NoWMoRE
i am.. hmm.. lots
of Flowery Esoteric
And somEwhat Mystical
Words and what might
even Seem like to some
Secrets of OcculTNoW
For those who will/
cannot yet relate to
the Human Archetype as
reLated by Cultural Narratives
like the Jesus and the Buddha and
the Lao Tzu and yes the Neo Story from
the Matrix Movie too as probably A most recognizable
meMe and theMe for getting reborn out of the Sidewalks
Prescribed By Cultural Tools including Abstract Constructs
as Base Edifice of Culture and Religion too and Sure Sports now
too as all of this is pArt Rules of Politics and Common Binds iN
Bonds of Religion and Sports and overall Culture too.. Foot
Ball Field.. Dance Hall.. or Church.. choose YouR Religion’s
Home And Politics as you so relatively Will too based
on what Freedoms of Will you relatively
Co-Create out of YouR own life you
sow and reap or based
on the Authority
oF Whatever
Human Tools
From Words to Towers
Labeled with Edifice of Name
alone without much Substance
oF MiND And BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
Yin and Yang as ‘they’ say for So LonG
or at the End of the ‘Forrest Gump’ Movie
For is LiFE a Feather of Chaos Art or the Order
of Systemizing Science We Co-Create as Culture
WitH A Base of collected Intelligence we mutually
share and consensually understand or not as Words
and all other constructed Symbols we attempt to relate
as the Essence of What We Feel and Sense of LiFE dARk
Through LiGht and OTHeR more complicated metaphors like
DArk Abyss of the Nights of the SoUL NoW or BeYoND Rainbow
CoLoRS oF SMiLeS oF aN Older than Fred Sanford Dude with thousands
of Still Fresh Flowers who Dance Around me in Additional Bliss and Nirvana
of a Blow-out Breathe Exhale of just letting go as HeaVeN and Feeling Free NoW
From: Head to: toe.. within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around
more for true too
as Guardians
of the Galaxy
Volume Two does
concisely and succinctly
relate.. tHeRe are those who do
A Yin of Dance and those who do
Not Dance who Do Systemizing Yang Science More
as Introvert more than An Extrovert Artful Dance
but it’s True i added in the more Esoteric Mystical
And ‘Secret’ Occults PArts for those who keep the
Deeper Parts of Co-Creating A
Neo Life as True some of
us need a little
reBorn to ANoTHeR
Side oF A Neo-Plato
Cave ouT oF A Tunnel
to A LiGHT thaT is no lonGer
aN ONCoMinG TRain of Misery
Loves Company in a State of
Fear and Hate and General Disgust
For whatEver is Perceived DiffeRent from the Norms
of Sidewalk Walking Matrix life NoW that never really
Simply gets Naked and Uses an Inherent iNstinctual
And iNtuitive Dance and Song of Life to finAlly let go
oF aLL the Gaslit Shit in Life to get the HeLL out of the
and Sprout
Some Butterfly
WinGs and JusT
Flow as Streams to
Rivers to Bays to Gulfs
to Seas of Ocean WHoLE NoW
Waves we come to be as God too..
Hmm.. that’s my Narrative and My Story
And the Truth is aS even Neuroscience now
sHows our realities are relative and mostly
subjective still now.. and yeS even Art is
60 Percent of smART Literally as
such too.. so True i’m not
sticking to just this
Story my
always Change
as ReaLiTy will
and for
that most
Delicious Flavor of
Life that comes in a Heaven
of Be as Unconditional Fearless Love now..
And sure.. i’ll enjoy the Yang of Science aLong
NoW with an Art of Yin Mostly now too.. but these
Butterfly Wings and Bird Feathers will do even more
than Forrest Did Before.. as i’m sure he will not mind now
he’ll Even Applaud my Effort if he ever comes back real and nah
he doesn’t have to tell me that in advance for the Meek do iNHeRiT the EartH
STiLL NoW and what that means is you become just another Master of Unconditional
Fearless Giving And Sharing Love for you Become the Rose of Wisdom and Beauty
more even
a bit
still early
in the morning
before you AiR
youR Youth Spirit
oF HeART OuT as MiNd
And BoDY BaLanCinG NoW
SoUL in this Suit NoQ of Naked
Human Flesh and Blood that is
rather fabulous considering it comes
From Star Burst Death Crucible Fire of coming
reborn resurrected from Gaseous Star Dust NoW
to Sentient Star DusT Standing Tall US or Sure
move at all for
even Science Suggests
that about 20 Percent of the
Animals in the Animal Kingdom
are more Introverted Sitters
Versus the 80 Percent
of Rovers who
MoVE thing
is TRuE
iN LiGHT too Use It or Lose
iT In All stuff iN aN Organic
Bio-Feedback oF Life Does Apply STiLL
to all Stuff Animal Kingdom including
us too which means there are probably
many many more Potential Neo’s JusT
waiting to escape the Side Walk SHeLL
they are inhibited iN NoW.. Sure..
the Cocoon the Plato’s
Cave the seemingly
EndLess Tunnel of the
same Wash Rinse and Dry
Cycle of the 9 to 5 Grind too
yes.. the Matrix as Neo suggests
and ‘the World’ as the Jesus Story suggests
was/is the Politically and Religiously and So Called
Cultural Correct Stuff to do way back then/now.. yes the
Matrix which is still as hard to escape as a Big ‘Fat’ Camel
and or Elephant through an eYe oF A Needle of our Much Greater
Innate Instinctual And Intuitive Born-on Date Inheriting Gifts of
Human Potential.. as Subconscious MiNd/BoDY too yet to come out all
Naked to PLaYiN A Blow-out Free BReaTHE Bliss and
Nirvana of
all the
shit of
the Matrix
go now and just
visiting it as a Master
oF aLL you can and will
Relatively be Co-Creating
whatEver ReaLiTy you Do neXt NoW
Some folks have already chosen
somEwHere ‘tween BLack Abyss
to SHades of Purgatory Grey
simply for they fall
to the
of Before who
have laid the Sidewalks
down with the Rules and
Forgotten the Corner Stone of
Wild and Free So iNnately Gifted So LoVE iN LiGHT
Lost so many folks are in all the Clothes of Culture NoW
tHaT Strangle the Gift of Heaven to a Reality Reaching HeLL NoW..
AnYWay..like i sAid mY Story Changes aLWays now to the Better just
i Can
And WiLL
WitH a continuing
Practice of Heaven
NoW THaT relatively SpeaKinG
With Nature as God Works for
me iN Greater Efforts of Work to Live reAlly Live..
Fortunately for me.. My Mother didn’t set me up for
any limits now or expectations for the social average of
couch potato Sitting Humans or any Labels out of a Book
for me to believe that i would do less then than what i eventually
unpacked of my DNA in challenges of the Environment at Hand i created
for myself too.. to continue toRreach.. Higher Epigenetic and Neuroplastic
Positive Potentials Still aCross the LiFESPaN NoW.. sadly when i visited the
Wrong Planet back in my early 50’s the Youth There said there would be no use
in even Living once they reached 50 years old but of course that was when i was
50 Years old and Half as Strong as i am as i am twice as Strong now in Leg Strength
by Empirical Measure of Leg Pressing 1020 LBS now versus around 500LBS in my 20’s now
that i am reaching the age of 58 on 6.6.18.. And sure the Hurricane Winds of my Creativity
and the Doors of the Chambered Nautilus Mansion of Free Verse Poetry in Bible and Long Form
Poem way i Continue to Create go on and on in a Hotel California that would be impossible for
Most folks to visit completely across a Lifespan even if they wanted to now.. as yes there are
Many Hotel Doors and Rabbit Holes to visit here as Chambered Rooms and even Larger Bands of Category
6 or so Fredhurricane Bands of Winds to Visit WHoLE.. anYWay.. got a tHeMe Song for this pART NoW too..;)
SMiLes Sohair.. thanks
for calling me ‘Superpoet’
as i am now adding that kind Term
to my continuing “Garden of Band-Aid”
for the record of all the nice things People
have said about me as encouragement in my life
for it’s true it’s not
easy being
for the ‘Crowd’
would rather water
one down most often
to the size of the life
they care to do in
Gratitude for
Gift oF LiFE NoW
and yes my FriEnd
i have no secrets in LiFE
for it’s true i share and give it
all and surely don’t mind you asking
Any Questions you might have now for
me whether they are personal or not..
and no i don’t do Caffeine or Smoke
or Drink any Alcohol at all for my
Soul in Heaven for now is too
finely tuned to Feel and
Sense Heaven to
cover it up
any kind of
external substance
that folks take for escape
from emptiness and Pain
inside or perhaps to Feel Emotions
as they are so inhibited and blocked
that life is just a numb experience of
mostly nothing at all.. as i’ve often said if i could
put this all Natural Heaven in a Pill and give it to a Billionaire
they would Strip off their Money and give and share it away like
it was a bag over their head not allowing them to breathe.. but you
see my friend they don’t understand why they are already suffocating
with ‘stuff’ in all the ways folks try to replace what is empty or hurting
inside.. and that my friend
takes LooKinG WiTHIN
and not always
of Words but actually
A Great Work of getting in touch
from Head to toe of regulating emotions
and integrating senses now for Free Dance
Works for me both in Feat of Feet Free and
Verse of SonG Foot Loose in Fingers that Flow
as i am currently Playing this Keyboard in Bliss in the
same general state of Being in Heavenly Nirvana as i Floated
on the Beach in Dance for 6.6 Miles in Biloxi Mississippi while
everyone Else in the Catholic Tour Gambling Bus was feeding the
one Armed Bandits in the Casino in search of Heaven they will
never find as
the way of
the Teachings
as reported by just
A Human man achieving
the similar of what many Humans
have achieved on this Earth as the
Inheritance within as Heaven Kingdom Come
now as real as any experience of life.. for those
who arrive and eternally live this Heaven now..
for in this
place there are
no additives for Soul
to come As Heaven now Real.
but you see my FriENd i am born
with this Gift of Smiles from Birth
for some folks are Born and Raised
with a Smile and some folks are not
for this is often a vicious cycle of what
Folks are both Gardened and Born as
in general Attitude iN Glass over
Flowing as LoVInG Life or in
as a
shell of a life
that is missing the
Core Element of Loving this
Life now as the Greatest Gift of
all now imaginable as Heaven is real..
both genetically and environmentally
raised this way i am by a Happy Mother who
never needed money or ‘things’ to be Happy
and like i told a Man at a Book Store who was attempting
to Better Understand the Teachings of Jesus.. i said i have another
New Testament Challenge for those who ever plan to Arrive in Heaven
now.. go buy a New Car one you really Love take it home and scratch
the side of it all the way from one side to the other and don’t worry
about it for
one second
for you
The Ferrari of
Flesh and Blood
as the Temple of God
that needs nothing but
God Living within to be
filled and overflowing
with only Love
to Give
Share now..
and he said Fred..
sorry i couldn’t do that
for my Old Car now means
too much to me to do that now..
and i said well my wife would get very
angry if i did that to our Newer Car but there
was a Car Load of Kids who banged our New Car
and Scratched it and i did not care at all for before
i went to Heaven and that happened to our Old Newer
Car it bothered me for Months as a flaw that i didn’t
to do with
the Scratch on the
Car at all my FriEnd the
Flaw of a Soul that is Close
to empty the Flaw of Heart
without much SpiRiT to Give
and Share the Flaw of a Human
who has become the tools they make
instead of a Real Temple of Flesh and God
BeinG NoW as Giving and Sharing Love as this
is what Human Does Best when Holding Hands of Love..
Meanwhile.. my Friend the Catholic Church does allow Drinking
in Moderation as the Priest Fought the City Council for rights to
Have Drinking Parties for Weddings and the Such to support those
who wouldn’t Have a Wedding without Alcohol for it is a staple of
what they
a way
to be
and it’s also true
close to 30 Percent
of the Folks who call themselves
Christians who voted for Trump in the
General Population as such Hate Life so much
they are hoping for the end of the World and Hoping
that Jesus comes back to send all their enemies of Differences
to Hell so they can have the last word first.. meanwhile.. they are
lost and the fact that so-called Christians Voted For Trump already
that where
i live for them
at least Jesus and
God is Dead as far
as what anything
associated with
Love goes
true that disgusts
me enough to do the
whole dam thing again
7 times over for they have ruined
all that is good in the Name Jesus
For Now.. it’s true i’m doing my best
to Bring the Loving Part of that Memory
Back but i must say there are even days
that tempt me to turn some money tables
over but nah.. not unlike Isaiah Chapter 53
of the Prophecy of this man Jesus if it’s real it is
to be no violence at all as forecast for a real man of love..
yes.. my friend it takes constant focus and work but it’s possible
too really to do it the way Isaiah 53 said it should be done now.. it’s
true i
attention in class too..
there was nothing about
Bringing Swords instead of
Peace or Hating Family Members
or words of slaying folks too if they
didn’t believe in the Teachings but the
thing is that was before the Roman Empire
decided to Expand the Empire even more then
as justification for onward Killing Christian Soldiers
for it’s True for Women and Men who are taught to kill
as well
in Killing Fields
no matter what..
Love is no killer
my Friend never ever..
and those who regulate
their emotions and integrate
their senses stay fearless enough
and strong enough as Meek enough to
be Real Men and Women NoW of Harmony And LoVinG Peace
For this is the Best of Love as we Humans are born to be Naturally
too my
as the
sin also
came even
in the New Testament
for the Christian Religion
as Justification for Killing too..
With also Dreams/Hopes for the End of
The World.. as Post Mortem Dreams of
Heaven in Lies of Killing Fields upheld..
Humans have the ability for the Greatest
Dreams and Sickest Nightmares too and what
is really scary is they do it in Broad Daylight with Purpose/Meaning
When this Life becomes the Gehenna and Death becomes the Dream..
where death is holy and sacred over life Humans Prove they are
asleep and dead
as what
they morbidly
Describe as Hell
on this Earth now..
as lost as lost not
yet alive in the Real Inheritance of HeaVeN oN EartH
And the main reason they don’t get it is they don’t even believe in
it as really real as the Gift Comes to Fruition in the Best PArts of the
Good News oF aLL Attributed to the Man Jesus A Sober Heaven
that’s real now..
mY FRienD
it’s Profoundly
Sad that such a Beautiful
Reality and Teaching is Literally Lost but
for the most part among Christians it simply is Literally Lost now..
so it’s really no wonder they are still looking for some kind of pill
or drink
to replace
tHe Manna
within that has
nothing to do
with Food or
Drink or
other additive of Life
But Love of the Agape Reality NoW
Unconditional Fearless in Feeling and Sensing
Love as Heaven iNcarnate NoW iN Human Temples
of God Set Free..
to: CoMe back
From: ‘the’ LiVInG DeaD
it’s true my FriEnd i See
Dead People Everywhere i go and it hurts.. it really hurts
but it’s also True i do have a Sixth Love and Feel and Sense like this..
and that’s one of the main reasons i Dance to escape the Hell radiating
Them as Death as Life..
It’s Hard to be in Heaven
And not be able to Help Folks in
Hell for they don’t even understand
Words of tHeir so-called Savior as they are good enough..
Still as Real.. So i Dance on and say a little 6 Million Word ‘Autistic’
Prayer for them whether they know me or not i go on and never give up NoW..:)
Entering the Library of the University of West Florida for
the first time i was much surprised coming from the
Smaller Pensacola Junior College Building
and the High School fully inhabited
by the Locality with the Record
for the most Christian
Churches per
that when i mentioned
the Name of Jesus then the Students
there Giggled like i was a Real Fool and said
well we don’t know if he really existed or not..
And then when i went on to Anthropology Classes
A Biggest Topic of Concern were the Horrible things that
Christians were doing to people who were different from their
norm.. sure.. like sentencing Folks to Hell Forever if they didn’t
with their
plan from
a small desert
Patch of Land in the
Middle East as Paleontology
And the Biblical Records of the
Bible itself shows this man was
no Aryan Bearded 6 Foot or so
Sandy Long Hair Headed Specimen of a Man
On a Cross that Folks would come to Worship
As God alone.. just another 5 foot 1 or so.. 106 LB
or so Hairy Brown Mexican and or Syrian Looking Dude
With Shortly Cropped Hair as Long was not allowed in those
Days even by the Record of what exists in a Bible still and since then
i’ve come close to Divinity Studies Level of the Issue of who Jesus really
was at hand for it’s true my Grandfather the X-Catholic Priest Held a Divinity
Degree in Doctorate way along with a Masters in Philosophy too.. as i ran out
of money after 3 Degrees in Anthropology.. Social Sciences Interdisciplinary and
Health Science at the Graduate Level of Studying Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
And the University Back in ’84 ran out of Interest in Having that Masters Program at all
a Year in for me.. so i moved on to the University of Bowling Center Working for the
Federal Government where the crowd at hand used to say Run Forrest Run as i
ran so fast down the Middle Aisle To Slide the Deadwood Leg a Rocket with
my Feet back where the Pins belong in the Machine to scoop them up.. so..
YeaH it’s true without a Doubt most of the Jesus Story is a Fictional
And Mythical Story Account not unlike what most other Religions
Bring to the Table for the Truth is Hidden Figures of the Books
that Bring Real Truth and Light to the Table are mostly
Anonymous Authors and Anonymous Scribes
for copying pages without Xerox
Machines for Centuries
of Copy Mistakes
and Intentional ‘open source’
changes for those who were intent
on making improvements to what was
already written by authors.. yes.. anonymous authors
And scribes for the Story in all the additional revisions
in Language Changes as it’s true in the original Greek Language
Son means of the Nature of God which of course Science Shows we
are as Sentient Star Dust Standing Resurrected Tall from Crucible Fire
of Star Death ‘fore and of course the Iron that Flows through our blood
also exists
at the
of what
has become
a living Organism
whole of the planet eARTh
as our only Current Home that
we are suited as born and grown from
to be alive now in this Paradise that some
folks really find as Sliver of Heaven in a UniVerse
that is often so cold and hot now for any living life at all..
but the bottom line is the Miracle of us exists NoW iN A PoTenTiaL
Heaven now for more folks to find within with an Honest and Loving
Seek inside outside above so below and all around too to come to really
Find iN Perceiving
a Paradise
we co-create more..
it’s true i haven’t been
just sitting in life with my finger up
my butt thenow saying that’s enough..
And Neither did Forrest either for those
of us born STiLL as Weak Fish in the Aquarium
hit in the head with rocks and spit on as i was too..
And called skank and some F Words that were not
Fred too.. but the thing is tHeRe is A Victory of Love
oR A Vengeance of Hate as two paths of Life that some folks
take and obviously Forrest was more of a Turn the other Cheek
Loving Child who never Gave up and the main message of the entire
Movie sHow STiLL
is most anyone
A Jesus now
if they never give
up and be All they can
And WiLL be as PaRt oF GoD NoW
WHoLe and it’s True tHat’s pArt
of why i do this to Prove that Jesus
can and will really come back as you..
for it’s not the Myth itself or the Story
itself that counts most to Worship and
Praise as iDol NoW… it IS A
Transformation of you
to be all You
CaN and WiLL
LoVinG NoW
iN all of YouR poTenTials
oF LiFE to give and share to
others now.. too.. for when i sit
down on the ‘Bench’ as i often do out
in the General Public now.. as i continue
on with 7 Bibles Written and 4 New Testaments
Written as not only a Modern Forrest but a “6 Million
Word Bible Poem Man” who didn’t Run ACross the Distance
of the US in 3 Years and so of Months and Days too but yeah
Approaching that Distance in this Metro Area and spanning from
Biloxi to Tallahassee in 9376 Miles now approaching 58 Months
As of my Biloxi Beach.. And Casinos Dance all Yester-Saturday
with my Led Zeppelin Falling Rising Angel depending on which
pArt of the Glass of Love one Sees as Half Empty or Full Now
of LoViNG LiFE or sure.. overflowing Chalice NoW where the
is not
as Cultural and
or Religious or and
Political Clothes too..
for it’s True on all the
Forrest Gump BencheS LiGHT
oF LiFE NoW aS it’s alSo TRuE
this is A Third Year in a RoW NoW
that i randomly wear this Led Zeppelin
Shirt now on this June 3rd Day too as the
Record of Facebook Memories and Current Day
Now presenTly Do relate And as the University
of West Florida Students were Dancing with me and
in the Other Photo i am with one occupational Stripper who
Was hoping then to save enough money to go to Nursing School.. And an Uber Driver
too but nah they didn’t call me Forrest and they really didn’t call me anything
but the Truth is while there is A Myth about Forrest.. Forrest lives NoW Real
as me For All
And ALso
You too for in God
NaTuRE reaLiTy is a Democracy
of Merit and not just a praise and worship
NoW of just one man as for any ReAllY LoVinG
Parent or Sister or Brother or Friend it’s all
about how far they Can and Will inspire you to
Do more now than they ever did.. and this is how
i sTiLL kNoW NoW and FeeL and SenSE NoW that Jesus
reAlly exists and i dAM sure ain’t the only Forrest now who lives.. too..
anYWay.. if you ever fully viSit mY Bench i’LL unload my ‘Brief’ Case For YoU LoNGeR too..:)
Gospel of Thomas.. Verse 37.. as recovered in Egypt without a Taint of Roman Empire
Constantine’s Catholic Cohorts in 325 AD and after that.. to make Jesus
into a Trinity of God or to Establish Lies that the Gospel of Thomas
Was inherently Gnostic in that Nature is Bad and Real
God is outside of Nature for it’s true the
Saying Below states Directly
God is our
Nature.. the Sacred
Text is what it is and what folks
came to do with it after that has nothing
necessarily to do with the text itself as people can make
reality just about whatever they do just do now as Cultural Clothes
that Dress up as Lies or Tale the Truth as originally closer to the Truth now real..
as commonly what was done yesterday in Catholic Church in supporting the Mythology of
the Church like the Wafer and Wine are actually Literally a Magic of the Blood
And Flesh of a Two Thousand Year old Dead Man in three parts only
God and meanwhile suggesting that a Gnostic Intention of
Nature is Bad has anything inherently to do with the
text below at all that has been labeled Gnostic in
the intent of taking away the Power
of God within and replacing
that with a Dead
Man Hanging
on a Cross
same as they
did to taint the
Celtic Lore of areas
like Ireland where my
Indigenous Ancestors lived
there and in the Black Forest of Germany
And the Sioux and the Cherokee in America too..
as it’s all Just a tribal ritual forcing folks to worship their Favorite
Quarterback of their Football Team over the other one over ‘there’
if you wanna continue to be part of the Worship team now.. here..
Yeah.. it’s true the History of the Catholic Church most often swept
under the rug at Church and still of course with Pedophile Priests
is full of Bloody Hell as it’s always been still.. but sure there are Pockets
of Love still sprinkled with ignorance now blind to the FActs that are clearly
Presented away from the Lies for those who Seek and Find out of the PriSon WHole
Walls of Religious Institutions now.. yes.. i’ll take notes and enjoy the intimations
of Love but no.. i won’t eat/drink the ignorance or the lies of the past for even one second now.
37) “His disciples said, “When will You become revealed to us and
when shall we see You?”
Jesus said, “When you disrobe without being ashamed and take
up your garments and place them under your feet like little
children and tread on them, then [will you see] the Son of the
Living One, and you will not be afraid”
Funny (not really) how some folks don’t believe
in some kind of Welfare for folks who are
down in their life and really
need it even if they
aren’t bleeding
A Flood of
yet when it comes
to the Struggles of 14.5 Billion
or so years to earn the potential
for Heaven now that is something
all Creation has been working toward
as Force/Energy/Synergy of so-named Mind And
Body BaLaNCinG SoUL NoW they believe We shouldn’t
have to Work for any of that in fAct they don’t believe in
Heaven on EartH at all yet they believe We Magically
appeared somewhere in History Just like this with
out having to really work at this potential in
Moving From Gaseous Star Dust
Born From Crucible Fire of
Star Death as Resurrected
as us in our Form now but not through
A Whole Lot of Trials And Tribulations as
Struggles Rising up out of the Oceans from
That Gaseous Star Dust eventually through a Common
Rodent Ancestor around 75 Million Years ago.. and now with
the Male ability at least to write Erotic Poetry Suitable for Female
taste.. and if you think Lust is not the Source of Most Productivity and yes..
Creativity and even Social Cooperation now perHaps you missed the intentions
of the 60 Year old or So Bleached Blonde.. With the Push uP Bra in the First Row
of the First Baptist Church as yes ClasS iT Feels Good to Be Attractive as just another
Word that means perhaps there is someone left who still has a little lust left for you now..
oh.. the sad sad days
when Women Covered
up their Sexy Hair
iN Church.. such a
must have
been to most of the Men/
Women in the Congregation then..
Anyway.. as far as the Protestant Work
Ethic Goes ‘they’ expect a Free Reward of
Heaven after Death without any Great Works aT aLL
And mean while they miss out on WoRKinG for Heaven
Now and actually receiving it as an All Natural Evolutionary
Reward as an all Natural God that yes.. Class also Works iN Mysterious
ways that’s just another Word tHat Means Science is NOT A Tool For Real
Currently MeASuRinG
We eXperience NoW
WeLL acTuAlly techNically
coNsideRing that Science
cannot adequately explain
Human Consciousness aS it eXists
As yes.. Class.. For all practical intents
And purposes through all of our WaKinG ReaLiTies..
it’s True.. Science is rather ‘retarded’ in this way and
if you Think Science is the only way to understand reaLiTY
You are MiSSinG
most of
the Boat
of YouR Existence
now in a Real Delusion
of a bLack and white reality
of literal that is a delusion that
you help create now as your reality self-group-fulfilling
NoW too.. yes.. class.. it’s a little Hard for some folks to come
to understand tHat Rigid Cultural Rules and Worries are limiting
their reaLiTy to a little bitty poTenTial of the Full Heaven that is verily
Possible NoW for Folks who step out of Cultural Clothes and Light their Naked
Human Potential that includes 14.5 Billion Years of Progress and Trials And
Errors as such to get wHere we are now but you see some folks are still stuck
in a ‘Welfare State’ of mind (hint: stuck in old Dusty Bible Books and the such
as Science as that) while other Folks are flying so much higher with Wings of God as Nature
Free that have nothing to Do at all with Words except for Metaphors like Butterflies Float
Free now in
And Nirvana Free..
no class that is not occult
talk and it really shouldn’t be
that esoteric or even poetic if
you can appreciate the Wings
oF A Butterfly and Bird and
A Swirl Spiral of BeinG
A Wave of
Life in Mind and Body
BaLanCinG Free that is an iNtelliGence
tHaT HaS AGAiN class no need for books or
pages or words at all.. but of course some folks
continue to Worship And Be A Tool More of Words
Than JusT A Free FLoWinG Dance and SonG oF LiFE that is no words
at all but LiVinG HeAVeN NoW moving connecting and co-creating ToGeTHeR
Holding Hands of God alone as allone NoW too.. but again we are talking about
A Tradition of onward Killing Christian Soldiers as just one example oF iGnorance
who called the Native Americans Close to Naked Indians DanCinG Wild and Free
iN Nirvana
for Being
one with God
as of course they
raised their swords/guns
to Force tHeir ‘White’ Evil ways
then away from Wild and Free as
Domesticated Pawns of Books also
come to be.. imprisoned in clothes without God
but you see this Free God is Built in within and tHeRE
is No ESCaPinG as LiVinG NoW unless you make yourself
CuLTuRally Clothed and Dead As A Tool of Culture now
instead oF A Breathing Wing of God Set Free.. and sAdly
it’s hard to understand this as the priSon becomes a way
of HOldinG Hands More in Anxiety and Fears that are iLLuSorY
iNSTeaD of Bending Back to the Will of Free and Wild LoVinG WiTHIN..
(God) and that
IS A GreaTesT
Problem of NaMinG
God anYThing aT aLL For
Then God most often BeCoMeS
A T ool to use most often subjugating
others through iLLusory FEaRS and False
Prophets of Promises that is actually the
Punishment of Never Finding Naked Heaven NoW
WiTHiN oN EartH heAR NoW as Paradise Gift iNHeRenT as such..
And mean while BeinG tOLD who you must reproduce with NoW
And how you must reproduce too.. so far away from the
Law of
that is
looks reproducing or not..
WiTH A Wonderful MasterPeace
tHat EvenTually coMes as BaLanCinG
ForCE NoW iN Harmony oF A DancE and SonG
oF LiFE tHaT is realized through work constant
work of MaKinG that Balance Real now.. for True
we are so far
in general
from our real
Potentials of Being
Human now as the American
Indians and those who live close
to Nature come to realize innately
instinctually and intuitively aLWays through
Great Works of Life.. as True for the most pArt
folks have
the tools
that other folks create
for creature comforts as priSons of the
Present that is not much of A Gift aT all..
no.. i don’t believe in a Welfare God but i do believe
in Welfare for those who can use a step up no matter NoW
wHat tHeir issues are NoW.. as that is what God in us does best
as We BeCoME God LoVE Strong Enough to LiFT OTHeR Folks uP For iF
We Are NoT
Strong LoVE
And lonely
Without God LoVENoW..
And i note both paths
And Many More iN LiFE
As i continue my Forrest Trip of Life..
As sure i enjoy Cultural Clothes NoW too BuTT
i eNJoy TaKinG them off even more as Nirvana Heaven now.. As NoW
A Greatest Problem with any Science of Humanity as far as studying Humans
now is all of Human Potential is greatly influenced/bound by the Environment
And Cultural Ways at hand now.. for instance while it might
Be Hard to Imagine a Soon to Be 58 Year old man
On 6.6.18 Standing over 6 Feet tall with
his Nike Athletic Shoes on at 240LBS
as at the Dance Hall on Thursday
Night a Young African American Navy
Marine Dude came up to me when i was floating
all aRound the Dance Hall and said hey man do you
still Leg Press a Thousand LBS as sure around the
Military Gym Rats in some circles at least hehe.. i’ve
also gained somewhat of a Forrest Gump Reputation
Among the Young Dudes considering that i am
in many cases closing in on 4 Decades
older than the Folks Leg Pressing
400 Or so LBS while i do
1020 LBS.. anywhere
from 33 reps to 52 reps
sTill in this ADvanCinG Age of
Mine so Far Doubling my Strength
Still Since the Spring of approaching age 54
when i first embarked in Martial Arts Kicks and
Dance at Old Seville Quarter as it’s true the 18 to 21 Year
Old Spirit tHere helped(s) muse a lot of my Martial Arts and Leg
Pressing and in General Overall Dance AgiLiTy/Endurance to Marathons
of up to 8 Hours of Dance or so too as it’s worth noting too i did a Three
Hour Marathon in the over Hundred Degree Heat in index way on Biloxi
Beaches on Saturday in the Sand with my Athletic Shoes on and on
the Sidewalks of Beach Board Walks too.. sure.. while my
Apple GPS Watch might have only measured 6.6 Miles it
doesn’t give me Credit for Spiraling around
in Distance of a Spinning top Human
in my sPace of Dancing then.. hehe..
And yes when i don’t use my hands
it pauses and doesn’t give me
Any Mileage Credit at all as
sure i go hands free dance too..
Okay.. none of this might be
very impressive if i was a Star
Athlete all through
School then and
Perhaps a College
Football Player and other
type of Professional Athlete too..
for it takes a Whole Lot of AGiLiTY and
Confidence and downright upright Fearless
Forrest Gump to Dance in Public all 9384 Miles
now arriving soon too at the 58 Month Milestone of that
aLong with Writing 6 Million Words of Bible and Long Form Poem
LonGesT including 7 King Sized James Subchapter Bibles and
4 New Testaments Measuring close to A Million Total
Words as Subchapters too of 6 Million Word
“SonG oF mY SoUL” written since
8.18.13 with yes “Visiting
the Garden of Band-Aid”
as a Copy and Paste to
“SonG oF mY SoUL” from my
Birthdate of 6.6.13 close to 60 Months
ago as that ‘miniscule’ 6 thousand or So
Word Effort took me a waking 24 Hours straight
to complete then.. with all the links of Hope and
other stuff in efforts that finally worked on or about
7.22.13 then to Bring my Soul Back Fuller Reborn on Navarre
Beach as Phoenix Rising from the Ashes once again for/as me..
as yes it was a Major Art Effort iN counting aLL oF mY BLeSSinGS
sTill A Science to MaiNTaiN HeaVeN NoW eTeRNaLLy as Forevermorenow
oN eARTh WiTHIN As Promised by A Real Jesus NoW WitH Work Work Work
And More Work eTerNaLLy NoW aS A Practice oF HeaVeN NoW oN EarTH N oW
As Yes Class all this Dance and Song is Heaven Therapy Staycation NoW aS JusT
ANoTHeR HuMaN Great Work oF LiFELoVEGoD Fully EMPLoYinG WiTHIN.. You
See as all other Human Witnesses and New Testaments of Human Potential overall
WitH Nature more fully EmploYinG as Gift WiTHiN God Nature.. once again class it’s
just proof that Horatio and Ripley Believe it or not.. you may have more potential
to fulfill as gifted by God Nature and all the Struggles of Your Ancestors
Still encoded in your DNA just waiting for an Environmental
Challenge that is great enough iN LiGHT and or the
Struggle of dARk.. Class.. to BRinG ouT
MoRE oF YouR Super Man and or
Woman out in ‘overman’
ways versus
the current
Couch Potato
And Video Gaming Crowd now..
Sure.. Video Gaming Expertise is a Human
Potential Gained through Cultural Clothes of Tools
too.. but seriously there are much higher Places to Go
NoW iN JusT Naked Flesh and Blood Dance and Song than
any Screen Addiction that is only mostly limited to Dopamine Pleasure more now..
And yes although i do Love all the Erotic Arts of Life that is only a stepping stone of
Dopamine Pleasure too and the such at GroiN Level through Imagination and Creativity
too if you happen to do it as Art to Give and Share iT with others through Visual and
Erotic Poetry too.. yes.. specifically in words and flesh and blood fully exposed
too.. but still tHeRE are Plateaus of Heaven that move way out of the
Scope of GroiN views Be.. NoW and yes Screen Shots of Video Games
And the such as that All Earned by our Ancestors
too and encoded as Epigenetic
Potential and Neuroplastic
Potential Changes
out of our
as Gifted from
all our ancestors
Furry and Balding too.. hehe..
Sure.. Fish Scales.. Crustaceans and
all that Serotonin Jazz and OTHeR Neuro-Bio-Electro-Chemical
Potential More now too.. come to be realized in a Synergy of Energy
Force Love of Positive Human Potential to reAlly feel and sense LiFE
More As Heaven NoW ReaL.. but again class it takes work work work and
practice of what you find always changing/challenging that works work works now for Heaven
now real.. note to self.. find an Enigma Song Long Enough to last for this from YouTube too..
so yeah there are two sides of the tale of the tapes here in both Autism and Bi-Polar life
too as inherited from Birth in Propensity for aloof and dark and star burning out ways
of life in quiet child without a speak until age 4 and too weak to rake the Neighbor’s
Yard at even age 13 at 5 Foot 10.. 120Lbs.. as pictured Below in a Photo with a
Class Holding back their Giggles for my Awkwardness attempting to string
some words together that made much coherent sense back then..
with no hidden intent by other Class members.. i did not
deserve to even exist but you see of all the Billion
And Beyond of all my existence in ancestral
ways past in so much more in struggles than
this the Gift the Will to Live that
Even my Son whose Birthday
from 21 Years old is today
the 4th of June.. ’97.. for he was born
with multiple anomalies and only a Strive as WiLL
For LiFE through what would only be Pain through a
Hospital Existence of Suffering and Misery extended by
what can and will be a Cruelty of Modern Medicine to hold
Back the Mercy Gift of Death as God of Nature that can and
will be much more Merciful than Human Made Tools of Misery
And Suffering more even to the instant gratifications of fats
And sugars that make us numb and jelly-like all over
As Couch potatoes more when we other wise
can and will conduct As A Heaven and
Nirvana on a Wing of
a Bird that and
who is God
as US Away from
the self-fulfilling PriSoNs
of Instant Gratification of the
Lazy Protestant Work non-Effort that
delays heaven to never existing at all after
Death for it takes real work to make and keep
Heaven forevermore now eternally now.. thing is it’s not
up to God to change that it’s all up to you and the rest of the
folks who are keeping you down in your Church or Science Congregations now..
so sure.. as my other ancestors did then when my Peers of School Became my
Environmental Adversity i didn’t look down i looked up for what would work next
as i talked my Mother into buying me some concrete and plastic weights from
K-Mart that just went out of business by the way where i live now falling
to the Bigger Walmarts of Low priced all one can eat sugars and fats
and other clothing items of culture too for instant gratification
on the Cheaper now too.. and now if you think physicality of
Nature within you is not part of Great God Nature perhaps
now you believe that your flesh and blood is evil
like the so-called Gnostics far away from
the actual Sacred Text of the
Gospel of Thomas
did not relay
in that text then..
seeing all of Nature in matter
as evil and God as only invisible as spirit now..
as a true kind of insanity away from the Gifts of
Flesh and Blood Senses and Feelings now as Nature
is real just not fully measured now.. Or perhaps like many
Evangelistic Christians you just wanna FucKinG Give up THE
ReaLiTY oF God Nature NoW and Imagine a Reality that will NeVeR
CoME NoW iN YouR LiFE NoW as continues to happen for some folks From
Birth to Death Still over the CourSE of Centuries still as tHeir is no cure for
iGnorance of Delusions but for those who come to tHeir senses and feels
oF HeaVeN NoW.. as you Do what you feel and sense now is ultimately what
is real
out of
any word
of Science and or
Church Bibles pAges sTill..
in other words all 6 Million Words
Written of Mind as Mine and Body too
are worthless For Heaven as far As Heaven goes for
those who cannot still feel and sense Heaven Real NoW..
anyway.. when the adversity of my Peers and Church and Science
too might have other wise suggested that my Looks and Labels like
Asperger’s and Bi-polar that i didn’t get until Mid-Forties for Asperger’s
And Mid-Fifties for Bi-Polar as it took the Professionals that Long to
come up with any label at all for the Different of me.. anyway.. i have A
Secret that is not so Secret any more.. for all those who limited me
in their mind/body or science or religion were dead wrong alive..
for i am Forrest and i am back and
just the
way i am
now.. as it’s true
i don’t give up i eventually
WiN the Love of the Dance NoW
And the Song and the Girl(s) too..
And that’s
For God
And Heaven me.. As
i Promised my son when i held
him in my arms in his short life Dying
away from misery and suffering of 51 days
that i would make his life mean more in my
eyes than i would ever imagine then and
i did and i do so happy Birthday Ryan..
SinGinG NoW FucKinG ALiVENoW
And iN God Heaven Real NoW JusT NoW..
So if you.. Yes YoU.. don’t believe you can and will you
won’t it’s as simple as that.. i only Bow to the
GoD wHo LiVeS
i CaN
i WiLL

Life is rather interesting dePending on Gifts
And Curses as it’s true Asperger’s
Syndrome and Bi-polar has
surely been both
From First
Blink of
Life to
Now these Blinks
of Life Now that i Have
the Gifts and Curses Mastered
As dArk and LiGHT As HeaVeN Continuing
Staycation NoW ALWaYS And iF you THiNK/FeeL/SensE
the World would be Half of what it iS iN Creature Comforts
From Science or Heavenly Emotions and Senses experienced
From Art without OTHeR Folks like me chances are you might still be
LiVinG iN a Cave/Cave Art and that surely is not to relate that i am any
more important
than you as you
may have already
experienced more
Curses and Gifts
than me
Evolved to Ways
MorE LiGHT and
oR DaRK than me
As HeaVen and oR HeLL NoW
DARk Through LiGHT but those who
Succeed Do Most definitely Develop A
Back Bone of Love as Grace iN BaLanCE
WiTH WiLL and Strength to Carry oN loVE Further NoW
Than Ever BeFoRE.. and True as far as Forrest Gump Tales
And Jesus Tales and Buddha Tales and Lao Tzu and Krishna
And Neo and other Mixed ReaLiTY and Myth Tales Do Grow
And coMe Back Again as Human Archetypes less and more
As We do Go on and share our Collected Sciences and Arts
those are the Ways and Avenues Ye Prepares New Ways For
And Sure Me Too for whoEver coMes next
to JusT Do MoRE NoW
neXt iN
And Art too and
Freedom with Will and Love
iN Grace and Strength As God Backbone
WiTHiN Does Find a Way in Seek and Find USinG
All the Potentials of Greater Avenues.. Prepared iN
Arts and Sciences to Branch out more Eventually when God
Breaks Through NoW Free WiTHiN WiLD and LoVinG MoRENoW
With Systemizing Science MinD SprinkLeD oN the Art oF LiFE too…
anYWays Back to Forrest i did play me some Ping Pong but Tennis was
my thing all the way During the Decade of ages 12 through 22 and yes i stArted
Running all around the Neighborhood Block about the time stArting from ages 12 through
13 when i started lifting those concrete and plastic weights to eventually then gain all the
Strength to not only Rake the Leaves but Mow the Grass in my Grandmother’s Yard on the River
of Thicker Green Grass in the Dark Fertile Grounds from Muck of Multi-Flood Life there
As the Black Water continues to Flow.. to the Bay and Gulf of Mexico Still where yes
Hilton the Great White Shark was spotted not too long ago on Navarre Beach
Settled by my Great Grandfather Robbins and his Son Charles and
My Grandmother Louise and her Sister Jettie and Mary too..
anYWay.. yes i was one of the first to run all around
town through my Late Teens in the late 70’s and the
Early to Mid-80’s too as i ran all the way
to Pensacola to visit my Sister
at the UWF Dormitory
but i was
sweaty to go in
to visit her then.. hehe..
the running remedy came from my first
Year Long Severe Depression after the
Break up with my First Girl Friend for it’s
true my Bi-Polar not other wise specified is
much more like Bi-Polar 2 than 1 as
i get much more low in periods
of my life and stays close
to Hypomanic for
Decades when
there isn’t
too much stress
to deal with and i am
the one in control of my life more..
and not other wise specified for there have
been some brief stays in extremely uncomfortable
Mania but oh Lord the Depression that has always been
almost impossible for folks to believe as i’ve lived there for
about 7 Years of a life that is mostly other wise in 51 years
for what most folks see close to Naturally High as a Kite
as far as please let me have what ever it is you
are own no matter how strange you
act with that Asperger’s
Syndrome too
out of sorts as
such in the Small Talk
required for Social Interaction
and looking like a Dizzy Fly when
i moved as motor-coordination was
hard for me to do as surprisingly i could
Run at all for a Decade and even play Tennis but i
found ways with enough effort iN BackBone to work for
me as the fact that i’ve danced now 9384 Miles in Close to 58
Months everywhere i go in Public with an audience provided
Title of Legend now for several years in at least some places i go..
Considering that for Decades i was so uncomfortable in my own
Skin even walking in Walmart at the Side of my Wife who was much
more comfortable than me in her flesh and blood then.. yes it’s a real Forrest
Gump Miracle i can do any of this.. particularly considering how hard it was
for me to do anything Creative from age 13 to 53 wandering around a Toxic
Patriarchy Red Trump Place where anyone perceived as Different was bullied
like hell on earth then too.. but yeah.. i broke out before the mean kids came out
more at Puberty age at 13 writing a Christmas Story that won out of two Home Rooms
of 80 Students And i had no frigging idea then where the Beauty of those Emotional
Filled Words came more (Hint Now: Holy and Creative Spirit just like ‘they’ speak
to in Bibles and such as that too.. and yes.. a short spurt at 18 in a Philosophy Class
Writing about the God oF aLL then as it was almost like i was eventually meant to write a Bible
at Least one And more New Testaments and Witness efforts as soon as i escaped a Moses Wandering
Desert of Toxic Patriarchy here so far in the Cold of Systemizing Science Mind/Body out of Free Art Wild as God..
So Free to
Dance and Sing
finally uNdomesticated ALiVE aGaiN Wild and Free
As Human Can and Will Do Fearless Agape LoVE too..
Yeah it’s True more than once i heard that boy is one
Running and Tennis and Now Dancing Man Fool..
And sure for close to two decades i was known
as the Bowling Alley Guy and it’s true once
i wore my contacts and showed my Baby
Blued to Devil Changing Green eyes
and sprouted all that Chest
Hair back in them
Magnum PI
the Old Military
Men so jealously said
Fred you leave the Women
‘Dripping’ after they Leave the
Bowling Center Shoe Counter with With
You And it’s true too as far as other Forrest
Physical Feats i challenged every Military Man
In the Men’s Bowling League one Wednesday
Night to an Arm Wresting Contest as they
All lined up at the Counter more and to their
Wonder and Dismay then too as i always seemed
A little too soft and loving to them as i defeated
them all yes all with ease as they said dam Fred
you really Hurt my Feelings (manhood) so easily
defeating me like you just did.. hAha.. yeah.. somehow
i even did that at age 13 even though i couldn’t finish raking
the Neighbor’s Yard iN sKin and boneS AGAinsT one of the Top
Football Players.. then.. but what i didn’t understand in Eastern
Philosophy Terms like any Jedi Budding Knight.. the Force.. Yes
Class the Chi the Ki the Qi and the Spirit Ka no Matter Physical
size matters not was very strong with/iN me as far as the access i had
already all innately instinctually and intuitively Found in Direct Conduit
WitH God WithiN As A Back Bone of God More Fully comes out of the closet
more of Human Flesh and Blood then.. no.. it wasn’t just Adrenaline in Fact it was
More Than a Feeling then compared to anything as thing i had ever experienced
before then and True now at way past Fred Sanford age i easily conjure up that
sAMe God Force within Chi Ki Qi and Ka a little stiff to StArt out before my Kundalini
Rises more to do Amazing Marathon Floating Dance Events well over a Thousand NoW iN
Just 58 Months Full Bore GoinG God Backbone Strong in a Foundation of Love With
and Strength
now more than
ever before and yes
by God i documented the
whole dam thing to the extent
of 162 thousand plus photos and
6 Million Words and Dance Videos
of me for proof just to boot for a God Witness
And Newer Testament for me too for what Human Potential
in my Essence and Form at least is proven without any doubts to be now real..
And yeah it’s also true in the 23 Year Drought of not going to Church the Church
Leaders who brought their groups in exclaimed and other Peers aLong the way
too that my God Fred you are the greatest Living Example of a Role Model
of a Christian i have ever met yet.. and all i really did was sincerely
Love everyone
in ’cause
yes Love
Feel always
like an Excellent Adventure
now but the thing is like most
Bi-Polar Folks my Latent Inhibition
in Growing Used to Feel Good Stuff to
bore is rather low as it most always feels
like the First time unless i’m living in the
Hell of Aghogday as Another Ground Hog (sAMe)
Day where all is bore and Time Never Ends
Cold as Numb Opposed to Heaven always now
with little to no perception of time until
Katrina says get my ass off of what
ever i continue to Hot Laser
Focus to do or
now as
Watch every
Hour buzzes me
to get up and move
Around a bit more too..
And yeah when i lived as a shut-in
in Hell for 66 Months in the way down
part of Bi-Polar and 19 total Medical
Disorders of Numb and Pain all the
Way from January of 2008 thru July
Risen back to Heaven on the 22nd or
so of 2013 then.. for that 66 Months still some
rather unusual compliments came as even in Hell
(from the “Wrong Planet” of unwanted Human Toys)
with the Back Bone of my Character and Integrity
and Honesty then.. some ‘WP’ folks called me Buddha
then and Yoda and so uncomfortably to me at least one
Dude Named me a Perfect Definition of God too.. hmm..
for the way i viewed Life then.. as that was when i came out
of Hell too.. and yes back in University Life as earlier related
to Sohair too earning 3 College Degrees at the same time aLong
With 3 Part time Jobs as Archeological Associate and University
Book Store Clerk and Janitor Cleaning Banks and Southern Bell
Buildings in my Home Town along with all of that too a Woman Several
Years my Senior told me.. seriously.. My God you must be Superman too..
Obviously.. from my Younger Age Photos.. i wasn’t necessarily fully gifted this
Way as some other Folks seem to be but it’s True We Do All Share Very Similar
DNA STiLL and what it reAlly boils down and cools up to is whatever BackBone you
get out of the Environment you are coming up or down in all the way from First NoW
BLink LiFE to Last BLiNK LiFE NoW and this is An Advantage that Bullies do do.. A
Potential to give to folks like me who never give up for Human Potential More.. for it’s
True with all that Challenge i ActuAlly Do FeeL And Sense Younger and Stronger and more
iN Well-Being all around now than ever before in what will be a 58 Year Life on Wednesday
6.6.18 NoW iN two days more when this “6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man” comes up More for all
Free Electronic Publish then for the truth is yes this is about me but it’s true it’s about the
Rest of God that includes me and you and us and them and overall we now too for all MoRE oF
Now.. i’m just
A reflection of God
and of course you are too
some of us put out more LiGHT
from the dArkness of Life and some
of us just put out mostly dark or light
but the best pArt of REaLiTY aLL is Change
oh the Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
in Back Bone God of LiViNG Change as Force God WiTHiN
You NoW or just drop that Three Letter Word for the Six Letter
Word Nature if you care to call all that is Nature like no duh ain’t that already
for sAdly
not for
some folks
Despise Nature
And want to destroy
it for just a dream of Hell more now..
And the really saddest part of all is this
Nature Deficit Disorder is the same Reflection
As God Deficit Disorder
Or DaRk oF LiFEisReaL..
As reported in the Gospel
of Thomas in that Verse 37.. Strip
the Clothes of Culture off and say
Hello to the Nature Naked WiTHiN Free
And Wild again without Shame as You NoW
Dance all over the Clothes of Culture that yes Bring
so Many Creature Comforts but Fresh Hell away from God Now ReaL as Nature
Potential More As A Force of Love FearlesS UNconditionAlly as Grace and Strength
NoW LiViNG LiFEisREaLMoRE NoW too..
Anyway that surELy More Than Takes Care of
A BackBone Dance and Song for at LEast NoW aS WiLL
iN Meek as ForcE LoVE Strong We Inherit the LoViN’ EartHNoW..
as that should also just about Fill and Feel/Sense out this Forrest Gump Three
PArt FB Profile Pics Photo Story too all finished NoW For Real As YeS AGAiN A
Return of Forrest Fred again.. too. heHE..
hAha.. SeRioUSLY NoW
Class So Much
Art Does Help US
Find OuT NoW PRePaRinG Ye Ways
And Sure.. Bones of Science Help US too..
A FlesH and Blood Art oF U2 We NoW ReaL CoME BacK AGaiN2..:)
MaKinG the ‘Normally’ Mundane Into
A Grand Old OperY oF LiFE Epic as
‘they’ Say and Do on A Magazine
Cover wHeRE you
Are iN Charge
of the Whole
Play in Directing
Producing and Acting
And Even Writing Photographing an
Entire 6 Million Word Fully iLLusTraTeD
Bible with 7 King James Sized Subchapter
Bibles and 4 New Testaments to Boot At A
Total oF a Million Words NoW as another
Subchapter Effort of a “SonG oF mY SoUL”
uploading online wHeRe the First Amendment
of the U S oF A Rules no matter if anyone checks
out YouR Work of Soul as Dance and Song of Soul or
Not Bottom Line Kilroy was and is FinAlly HeaR as You
me too..
HeHe.. hAha
as i can wear my
multi-colored Spiraling
Cat Uni-Verse Shirt through
all the Mall Stores and do my
own Free Style of Martial Arts
And Ballet Dance and really
seriously what is anyone
gonna do to stop me
Epigenetic Change
Gives me the White Privilege
of an NFL Quarter Back like Joe
Namath in Tights as it’s true when you
get to WeaR i AM tHere is so much White
Middle Age Law Enforcement and or Military
or and First Baptist Softball Player Looking Privilege
as i probably could wear tights these days and no would
mess with me at all still.. but turn the other Cheek as once
i gained enough Skill and Bruising Looking weight that’s what
all the other ‘Red Neck’ Looking Dudes mostly do when i come
anywhere close to tHeir ways these days at least.. For it’s true back
in my Tennis Court Playing Days i got fresh hell from the Southern Baptist
‘Red Neck’ Boy Soft Ball Players as they said what the hell do you think you
are doing smiling boy as boys don’t get to smile in this Red Trump Town same
as what happened in the Middle School Aisles so it gives me great pleasure these
days as i Dance through the Malls and even the Gun Stores and Such as that that
Sell Sporting Goods too.. that yes Lesbian Young Women can and will be found
Smooching along the way as they are free to express the Pride of how God
Makes them Finally these days.. and yes they too do the Bootie Dancing
in the
Dance Hall
Full Blown with
Pride Smooches too
mixing in with all the
Hetero Folks as one big
Family of Multi-Colored Cats
that get along at least on the Dance
Floor there.. and yes i FucKinG WiLL
Blend in with the Red Trump voters
as well as anyone else can for
once again class all it
takes is 240 LBS
of Muscle
to do that no
Matter what kinda
Multi-Colored UniVerse
Cat Shirt You Wear and Dance
in Ballet and Martial Arts these days
as yes.. i still have that YouTube Video
of me Leg Pressing Half a Ton too just in case
they don’t believe Ballet will make you as Strong
as a Real Life much Older than Sanford and Son Super
Dancer in Ballet and Martial Arts pictured in wall to wall
smiles with over 2000 real flesh and blood Women as hey
Most every Woman Loves a Fearless man no matter how old they
are or how fruity colored they dress these days in Tye Dye way heHe..
yes.. i have a Ball with those old Tennis Court Little Boys who think they
Are men these days as yes.. got all the Evidence of what i Give ’em a Load
of me as close as A SMarT Phone Screen away to go aLong with all the Dance
of me too.. it’s True this is a Wonderful Day and time for any Jesus Christ Superstar
in the Flesh to be born.. for no longer is it Woman or Man or Gentile or Jew it is one
Big Family
of Human
as Hear comes the Sun
And Fun to Boot wherever
i Co-Create my LiFE Epic NoW FoR ReaL
God lives in me and that’s enough NoW
For you too as soon as you seek and find
God in you and make God YouR Best Friend
For All Dreams to Come True in LiGHT oF LoVE NaTuRE aLL
NoW as You Co-Create WitH God A Fun in the Sun Play MoRE NoW..
anyway works for me at least inheriting the EartH as Truly Meek and
Servant of all whether or not anyone notices i’m here or not.. hAha..
And sure
they do
now at least
the Beautiful
Young Women do
And that’s Okay as this
‘King David’ has got his ‘Stuff’
DanCinGSinGinG ToGeTHeR enough not to
Stray too far from A Love that is really real either NoW TruE
as not everyone is Married to a Goddess like Isis too.. hAha..
it’s True one day folks will really understand somEwHat who i am
more.. but the way i’ve got it set-up tHere won’t be any kinda fresh
Hell for the ‘fAMe’ of that as it’ll take many years after i’m gone to JusT DO
A Similar meSSage on ANoTHeR ‘Planet’ Now before they figure out who i am
just i am..
all jacked up
in the Sunshine as such..
too big to see For all of what i Do NoW
that’s how i love it during this lifetime now at least
aS it’s true tHeRE Will Likely be Around Thousand
Years to sift and sort through the SonG oF My SoUL LefT Behind.. Yes..
it’s True too.. for online can and will be sort of a Heaven without any Moon or Sun
For Folks
iN Art of SoUL Left Behind
As LonG as Servers Work Free.. to serve it all up..
anYWay See it’s Like i Do Say and Saw Yes Class Kilroy
NoW iS HeaR.. to plEase.. God
For Me too.. Hehe..;)
SMiLes ThankS AGAiN Frank for coming
by to visit a yes continuing Saga of a Poem
Long Form Style at most.. hAha.. and yes i too
Do Like the Arab Proverb that states “Dwell not
upon they weariness, they strength shall be according
to the measure of thy desire” as that reminds me of when
i used to work out at the Military Navy Station Gym when
i was a Young College Student at about 20 years
old as my Mother Worked on the Station
so i got her Dependent Privilege
of Going to the Gym and
The Station Pool
that was surely
A Dating Pool too back then.. hehe..
as yes i met two of the Lovely Young Women
i will Picture in my Next MacroVerse at that
Station Pool too.. in Memories of Younger
Love ways of Being then too.. anyway
yes.. i remember a Marine Captain
getting under some Bench
Pressing Weight
all about
30 Years old
then and getting
Weaker aging by the year..
and now i think and i do feel and
sense that a person should never ‘dare’
tell themselves anything negative like that
to reduce the real Placebo Impact of Real Prayer
too to exceed any potential of disbelief before.. And Oh
Lord so that with a practice of ridding oneself oF aLL illUsorY
Fears and i bet a 58 Year Old Dude WiLL still be Leg Pressing
Half a Ton 33 reps to 52 reps still coming up on a Birthday this Wednesday
Completing a 6 Million Word Bible Poem by a 58th Birthday in the 58th Month of
Doing that additionally with 9384 Miles of Public Dance all around a Metro Area
After spending 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders as a Shut-in in his Bedroom for
All practical intents and purposes in Hell on Earth while additionally being picked
as the Last Kid on Sports Teams in School not able to Speak until 4 Years old with
Autism of the Asperger’s Variety of that and Bi-polar ups and downs as Challenge
overall in Life too.. but it’s true it’s all about attitude in life and how we frame our
ups and downs too with all the Light we can and will Muster up in a Desire
for Better or
Head to
what we come
to believe is darkness
Over a Force oF LiGHT
NoW that says yes we will
be all we will be now no doubt..
it’s really not a ‘Secret’ as i watched in
somewhat disbelief as this always worked out
for my Mother across her lifespan no matter what she
did as she believed everything is alright now.. sure she
believed in God and without that Belief no matter what she
Called God there is no way likely that everything would have
Been All right then for as Styx the Band Sings in ‘the Message’
and the Lords of the Ring it is the Essence of the Hope and Belief
And not necessarily who/what is the Lord of the Rings as long as it is us
iN True
oF BeLieF
As Hope and Love Faith
for all that is in the GreaTesT
Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning Faith LoVE BeLieF
And Purpose We CaN and WiLL Muster iN LiFE NoW..
True.. one doesn’t have to be part of the Army Air Force
And Navy and or Marines to never leave Boot Camp of Belief
in Positive Ways and Actions for Great things to Happen next..
in Will of Grace as Love as Strength more for all we come to do now
As Being
in the
Moment at
Hand the Present
at Feat no matter Form
of Religion and Politics or
even Sports now too.. and yes
of course Culture in General too for
the Essence of Belief and Hope is the
Strength of Will as Grace of LoVE too..
Yes.. Lords of the Ring we will be too
for the Message is one of Light
And Strength and Will of
Grace MoRE NoW
too.. hehe..
at least
for me as tHere
are a Zillion other Long Form
Poem Bible ways and other
Oral Traditions and Dancing
Adventures that Bring the Same Essence of Belief
As Loving Hope Generates more LiGHT that’s Real iN LiFE FaiTH
Kingdom of Heaven as ‘they’ say now2 as gift of present and yes all that
Jazz too.. looking forward also to visiting your place of Poetry Frank as i will
be by with a Rested Poetic Mind as hey the Re-boot of Re-creation iN Rest is
something i
do try
to achieve
too.. hehe.. now
and then with at least a little bit of Sleep..
Oh yes and speaking of Indoor Cats it says
A whole Lot about Human Changing Love Potential
aCross an EnTire LifesPan now if Cats who are Territorial
Predators will learn to Hug Each other across their Lifespan
and us now too.. particularly a Cat too Like Yellow Boy whose
Jaws and Claws were stained by much Blood of Hunting ‘fore
for the Biscuits Given to Mama Cat come back to Love away
from Feral Wilderness Big Cat Small yes.. Back now to
Katrina’s Lap
still as
is as far away
as the Window
Perch as he leaps
to a sudden stop of
Glass just a paw away
forever from killing another
Bird through a Glass Window now
but still he loves but still he loves and this
Gives me STill Hope for even Human Trumps now.. hAha..;)
JusT WHat i Do When it’s RaiNinG
ReAlly Hard WRiTinG 18 FB STaTuSEs
iN A WinD me NoW
It’s Long Over Due
For Uncle Sam (And Nature)
to: Try HeR From: A Change
My Uncle Said i’M Left Too
SmART For My Own Good
On A Right Hand He Voted For ‘Him’
As PT Barnum SayS iT MusT
ReallY SucK HaVinG to Lie to: GeT BuY
From: OTHeR
FolkS NoW
CReAte the (a) CiRCuS
JoiN a (the) CirCuS
Go to CirCuS
All the (a) Face PaLMs in (the) a
WorlD Ain’t Gonna Change
TRuth’s ReLaTiVE Lie
NaH WiLLiAM S. iT’S No LonGeR A Play
It’S A FucKinG CiRCuS oF CHanGe NoW
‘The’ ‘A’ Joke iS OwN
We aRe aLLonE TeaMNoW
So Who is the ‘A’ Clown
or ‘the’ A Joker YouR
Guest Best NoW
YeP “6 MiLLioN Word Bible
Poem Man” iS Gonna
RiSe on 6.6.18
Trump or High Waters
Already Have A Title for the Next
MacroVerse After this one..
“Dear John 14:12”
PT Barnum is Post Modernist
in many more ways than one
Why Almost Half A World Believes By A Book
one Little Brown Man is Gonna
Send ALL Truly ‘Happy’ God Folks to Hell
Jesus F iN Christ These FB
Pride Colors Are Super God Cool
MALA MALA MaKinG America
True Trump is as Post Modernist
As He Comes Lone Creating
HiS OwN LieTruth YouRS
Jokers to the Left of you Clowns
as the Right of you Stuck in
the Middle of TRumPS
Oh Lord.. Trump Proves in Effect that
Post Modernism Truth is Relative to Group Think
“Devil” ALWayS Waiting to: Fill From:
An iNcomplete Soul Now
“Angel” aLWaYs FeeLinG
Both WiTHiN
one Doesn’t
Rely From:
On Trumps to: Get FeeLeD uP
Nah.. i really don’t Blame the Republicans
for Defeating Hillary Clinton ’cause with her
“Deplorable Comment” she Proved she
was in some ways very much
Like Trump letting
Her Ego
in the Way
of Winning Frustrated
at those she saw as so much
lower than her and not only that
but committing the Mortal Sin of Politics
on Expressing that in Biting Potential Hands
that with enough Miracle Might have at least not
voted for Trump.. but True if a Politician Falls to
the underhanded methods of others they just become
the Overall
Deplorable of
Human Character and
Integrity and overall Honor now
Even if Honestly the Face Palms
were not enough to make.. but what
i do Blame is the Religious Right Evangelistic
Trope of the Republican Core for coming up with as Close
NoW to a Metaphor for an Anti-Christ in their Revelation Book
of Bible that America has seen as a Real Tsunami against every
Teaching in Matthew Chapter Five Verses 3 through 11 complete..
No.. Trump is surely nothing that comes from above or any further below
than other Snake Oil Used Car Sales Folks as it’s true this is where many
of his most
go to buy their
Cars so this is just
another Free Loading Sell made for Cheap..
as just another Lemon to come in the Used Very Used Car Lot too..
but it’s true things are a whole lot more depraved amongst these folks
than i ever really imagined possible as it really is a Circus of Lies now
and Trump and the New Adage of an Anti-Christ is followed blindly
what even jokes
about shooting folks
in Public Squares and or
Jokes about Dying Heroes make no
Difference Now to A Common Denominator of Anti-Christ Rule now..
anyway again that Revelation Story is a Dark Human Archetype same
as Hitler Related Fresh Hell on Earth too.. as Long as there are Selfish
Power Hungry Top of the Ego Heavy Folks there will be those who
are bought
for money
not in the
Know of
what’s Truth
or Lie Still.. thing is this
Government is one that
the Majority of Votes Rule
and it’s True they got just what ‘they’ want now
which says a whole lot about the illness of the Soul of our Country
Now as this Problem is truly one of Truth or Lies as Lies become Truth
and when that Post Modernist Reality comes Truth as Lies all bets are off
Close to
Order out of Chaos now..
so yeah continue to enjoy
YouR Post Modernist Ride..
i for one have another Showman
iN aS LiGHT Visit to Frank and Xenia
and gigoid’s Places of Poetry and Wisdom of the
Sages of the Ages and more to come later on that..
True as Trump too proves to be one of the Greatest
Darkest Show Men of all US Days at the bottom of the top
But like any dARk Pebble making ripples in a Pond
of Peace
moves away
Replaced by Still
Waters of Love as LiGHT MoRE
As it’s JusT A Matter oF Fresh Hell BeinG
Washed DArK Waves Away From: LiGHT oF LoVE TSuNaMi to: NoW..:)
Dear John 14:12: WiLL You HeaR me YeT..
i’M JusT A CHoMPinG aT YouR BiT
WoN’T Be MucH LoNGeR…WiLL iT
HA! no one WiLL Notice A Jesus
iN the U.S. As it Don’t Trump
Pay to Be Jesus STiLL
It’s True the
Neo Story
as it’s
Still True
no one is gonna
disconnect from the
Matrix of Lies unless
they reAlly WiLL iT.. the
Trump Farce Proves this
Truer than ever before Neo Is Correct
It’s Not uP From: Neo It’s FucKinG uP to: YoU aLL..
Okay that makes 24 Facebook Statuses for Alpha Numerical X
For Transformation
for those
who WiLL Disconnect
From: the Veils of
CoMe to A Tried
Truer Effort of Agape
Love For All A Lifelong Practice
HelpinG OTHeRS ReacH tHeir Style
oF HeaVeN Harming no OTHeRS NoW
An Art oF LiFE That Never ends STaRTiNG NoW 25 Y..:)
Quick Side Note forevermorenow.. .
(What most folks don’t fully realize is that in ReaLaGapELovE tHere is
no time distance or space NoW as This Love HeaR is Beyond iNFiNiTY
NOW and what this that and yes that other thing basicAlly means is this
IS A MaGiC LiKE Spell thaT
i really
don’t have
to have your
Help at all to be Neo NoW Hehe..
In other Words i can and will
Feed and Water and Garden
the Plant
of this
whether anyone notices now
or not who is feeding who heHe..
And no that doesn’t even require
Any Words aT aLL For A Force Synergy
Energy of Non-Verbal DancE NoW WiLL Do
Even More than this iN ForcE LoVE Now)
Subnote2.. too..
‘they’ just
‘thOught’ i was am
Twirling in Walmart
Selfishly just for me.. hehe
trust me Horatio and Ripley you
ain’t got a Clue Yet but if you listen
careful much more will be revealed
soon enough.. hAha..
True i leave no
Stones of
Unturned and
no one so-called
dARk or LiGHt as
no matter what We are sTiLL
All iN This GamE of Life iN God ToGeTHeR NoW.. iN
A Case the Earlier Jesus MeMo Did Not coMe Through Fully
And iF You ReAlly Believe iT You WiLL Be “A Lebowski Achiever” too.. hAha..
Now off to Frank and Xenia’s and gigoid’s Place for if i am gonna get the Table
of Contents of a Two Year “Nether Land Bible 2017” 3 Million Plus Word Poem
Yes.. Completed in 2 Years also complete with 4 New Testaments
included with a Rehash of 7 Bibles Written
So far too i Better Book
it now
a little
more too..
and yes the other
3 MiLLioN Words of
“SonG oF mY SoUL”
completed since 8.18.13
is just a Prelude of Bible
Longest Form Long Form Poem
with all of this now too.. of course
Plus the 6 Million Words of 12 Million
Words In Preparation for all of this from the
“Wrong Planet” of Unwanted Human Toys and
other places of Lost Human Beings in a World
they don’t feel like they belong in too.. since Thanks
Giving Day of 2010.. and yes there was/is the 33 Months
Before that too as also shut-in in my Bedroom For a Total
of 66 Months where i literally couldn’t use my eyes and ears
for anything of effective use then.. and yes including those
Days 606 total Months of Effort before Thanks Giving Day
Of 2010.. Comprising 19 Years of School and 3 College
Degrees and 33 years of Government/Work servicing over
100K Folks to get to know/feel/sense from both the Military and General
Public too.. for True it Takes A WHoLE lot to Write A ReaL NeweR aGE Bible
iN A World now so much bigger than what it was is back in 4 BC or so in a
little dirt
of the
Middle East
then.. true these days
one gets to do a JoB of JoB
of 66 Months from wake to sleep
with Medical Literature Pain assessed
As worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
from Wake to Sleep and of course in a World
this Big this Bible Written by one Human must
be Larger than 7 of the Bibles of ‘fore.. and oh
Lord so much more to fully illustrate a Bible comprising
World Wide Cultures now.. getting around to most everyone
too from shore to shore to sea to shining seas all around the
World more.. So.. Dear John who the FucK 14:12 Do YaH thiNk i am now..
sTill Answering
no differently than ‘fore
ever now forevermore now more..
WeLL mY Goodness A Katy Perry Song
For ET And i’LL Be Back Later As aLWaYS Now for even more..
As A ‘SGT Pepper Mr. Kite Challenge’ Goes All Out Second to aLL2..;)
BeLoW off to
FRank and
Xenia and on2
gigoid’s place2..
CoLoRs oF Life
MysTerieS uNtold
WeedS iN CracKs
Paint Free..
Kind Words of Oxytocin
Coffee Scents of Dopamine
Warm and
Coffee Gets us Going..
SMiLEs.. So True
Even us
Do only
One True Flag Free..
Fear Buds in Many
Colors Over
Letting Go
Without Strangling
SideWalks Back to Civilization new..
A Best Imaginary
Friend is a
WitHiN.. For True
Words Talk Back per Say..
Hi Frank i enjoyed this Visit..
As Far
And White
Life A
Puddles Connects
WaTeR AliVE iN uS..
DogS HuG Hi..
Precious PinE
Dollars More
Flys no Distress..
SMiLes Xenia
A Glen
Filled Soul
Waters Shore on..:)
“Be not afraid of going slowly;
be only afraid of standing still.”
~~ Chinese Proverb ~~
is faster
and slower
and slower
and slower and so on in Tai Chi’s..:)
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it’s best, night and day
to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any
human can fight and never stop fighting.”
— e.e. cummings (1894-1963), “A Miscellany”
Me too..;)
“There comes a time in the life of us all when we must lay aside
our books or put down our tools and leave our place of work and
walk forth on the road to meet the enemy face-to-face. Once and for all and at last.”
— Edward Abbey
i quit that shit 10 years ago..
Don’t Care..
as i was truly my
only enemy after that..:)
“O liberty! O liberty! What crimes are committed in your name!”
~~ Mme. Jeanne (Manon) Roland (1754-1793) ~~
A Cost of Free Without Free..:)
I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America,
the sale of a book can become a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry too.”
— Thomas Jefferson
Wait! Did Trump write a Book then..;)
“When any government, or any church for that matter,
undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read,
this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,”
the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how holy the motives.”
— Robert A Heinlein, “If this goes on –”
No! ‘he’ only Twitters Shit now..:)
“A monied aristocracy in our country … has already set the government at defiance.”
— Thomas Jefferson
Are You Sure Thomas isn’t Talking now..;)
“Freedom is meaningless unless you can give to those with whom you disagree.”
— Thomas Jefferson
There is No Shortage of Shit these days.. Thom..;)
“Corruptissima republica plurimae leges.
[The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.]”
— Cornelius Tacitus, 56-120 A.D., Annals III 27
Hmm.. And perhaps only Cures For TRumps..:)
“A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
will lose both, and deserve neither.”
— Thomas Jefferson
Supply and Demands..:)
“To disarm the people – that was the best and most
effective way to enslave them ….”
— George Mason
( Framer of the Declaration of Rights, Virginia, 1776,
— which became the basis for the U.S. Bill of Rights )
— 3 Elliot, Debate at 380.
Unless A President Brags About
Shooting someone
And Pardons himself..;)
“There is no They, Only Us.”
~~ Graffiti ~~
Well True tHeRE
is always an option to move to Them..:)
When we go in Flow
in Love
as Well
iN Synchronicities
and as that Fortune
Will Have it on this Day
Before my PHI Related Birthday
on 6.6.18 Now also Celebrating a
6 Million Word 58 Month Effort of
“SonG oF mY SoUL” Both Bible now
and Long Form Effort Second to none
as far as Word Count Goes if you will imagine
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man” even more
Writing 7 King James Sized Bible Subchapters
as Part of that and 4 New Testaments as Sub-Chapters
also totaling Around 1 Million Words as ParT of the Entire
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SouL” Additionally With a Milestone
Already Made since.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” ARose to 1.382 Million
Words oF Effort in 12 Months of Writing ending Memorial Day Weekend
2018.. joining in with “PHI Bible” also Risen on Memorial Day of 2017
to appropriately then the Golden Mean Ratio as by Metaphor of 1.618
Million Words Written in precisely 365 Days then.. since Memorial Day
Weekend of 2016.. as both those Efforts are now Sub-Chapter Efforts of
“Nether Land Bible 2017” as that 24 Month ongoing Effort aLong with
A Complete Trinity now of ongoing Sub-Chapter Bibles of “SonG
oF mY SouL” that does also include “Facebook Profile Pic Bible
2018” as ongoing Effort of over 3 Million Words along with
the Entire 6 Million Word Effort of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
to round out an Entire Trinity of
onGoinG Bibles NoW iN
3 pArT Long
Form Poem
Ways too.. in a
Free Verse Style of Stream
of Consciousness Writing Renewed
by Walt Whitman with his “Leaves of Grass”
And “Song of Myself” for his Long Form Epic
Poetry Written then too.. and it’s true this is the
original way of what Oral Tradition Came to be
in Free Verse way before the Science of
Poetry in Structured Systemizing
Ways came to over shadow
Free Verse during
the Victorian
Darker Ages
of Buttoned up
Women from top to bottom
as Freedom Lost his and or her way
from bottom to top too including a Free
Verse of Poetry that was more Art than what
often comes to be Strict and Restricting Rules
of who wrote what when whenever who wrote
the rules of how to do what where.. hehe.. that’s
not me.. i go more with Whitman and Ginsberg
And Kerouac Too the Wild ones per say
and do too.. not afraid to pursue NoW
All the Lusts/Loves/God of Life too
of/on cOURse in Acceptable
More Appropriate
now to
Restricted Blogs too
aLong WitH Fully iLLusTraTeD
Stuff like that too as this is surely
A Brand New Frontier Come to Fruition
to Fruit all of Human Potential Greater aCross
the Life Span now.. even more much more than
Was alloWed iN Whitman and Ginsberg and
Kerouac Beats of those Poets too.. speaking
Free as Free Wills to be NoW MoRE in Art
oF Freest Poetry Free Verse too.. anyway
as far as this Synchronicity goes the dVerse
Online Poet’s Pub that i attempt to Randomly Visit
at least once to Poetically Respond tHere in Stream
of Consciousness MicroMicroVerse ways in how i label
what i do in much shorter Long Form Poem as Whole Efforts
there.. yes.. it just so happens as i Celebrate in Honor of Whitman
too my 6 Million Word 58 Month Effort on my 6.16.18.. 58th Year Birthday..
dVerse Honors Whitman’s “Song of Myself” too.. and provides a prompt of
Doing a Poem as if one is talking to their Soulmate now.. hmm.. true.. i Let
tHat go everywHere i go as me too of course now too.. on CourSE.. but before
i go tHere and Do a Few it’s Worth Quoting Whitman Here too to relate that his
Prophecy About the Priests of the Kosmos Writing their own Bibles of Life is Truly
finAlly coMe to FruiTioN with me at least for sure.. as Ginsberg and Kerouac surely
gave it a shot too.. big difference here is i am Financially Independent and no slave
to any Target Audience but the Free of my SoUL as Spirit of heART Fully in my own
Golden Age.. me too.. NoW as Mind and Body BaLanCinG SoUL Slave to no Washington
Sent Dollar Bills or Lincoln Sent Cents either in other words Class Yes.. me too.. i’m Free..
Slave to no Alarm Clocks or Even Human Constructs of CLocK TiME NoW unless Katrina
Says it’s time to go or move now Fred.. hehe.. in Words of Passion like Get Your Ass of
that Computer
we are
else where she
Demands now THiS Minute.. hAha..
or she could be reminding me to eat
and that is helpful too.. to go to bed and stuff like that too..
from “Leaves of Grass”
As Quoted Below now..
“The known universe has one complete lover and that is the greatest poet. He consumes an eternal passion and is indifferent which chance happens and which possible contingency of fortune or misfortune and persuades daily and hourly his delicious pay. What baulks or breaks others is fuel for his burning progress to contact and amorous joy. Other proportions of the reception of pleasure dwindle to nothing to his proportions. All expected from heaven or from the highest he is rapport with in the sight of the daybreak or a scene of the winter woods or the presence of children playing or with his arm round the neck of a man or woman. His love above all love has leisure and expanse … he leaves room ahead of himself. He is no irresolute or suspicious lover … he is sure … he scorns intervals. His experience and the showers and thrills are not for nothing. Nothing can jar him … suffering and darkness cannot—death and fear cannot. to him complaint and jealousy and envy are corpses buried and rotten in the earth … he saw them buried. The sea is not surer of the shore or the shore of the sea than he is of the fruition of his love and of all perfection and beauty.”
“There will soon be no more priests. Their work is done. They may wait awhile . . . perhaps a generation or two . . . dropping off by degrees. A superior breed shall take their place . . . the gangs of kosmos and prophets en masse shall take their place. A new order shall arise and they shall be the priests of man, and every man shall be his own priest. The churches built under their umbrage shall be the churches of men and women. Through the divinity of themselves shall the kosmos and the new breed of poets be interpreters of men and women and of all events and things. They shall find their inspiration in real objects today, symptoms of the past and future. . . . They shall not deign to defend immortality or God or the perfection of things or liberty or the exquisite beauty and reality of the soul. They shall arise in America and be responded to from the remainder of the earth.”
Well it’s true all these Free Verse Poets had problems
with the Established Art and Poetry Societies of tHeir
Day and the Politics of Country and Religion too
but the Avenues are Clear now for Total
Freedom to Reign even when
the most Ignorant
of Souls
of Love are doing
their Best to Chain
a Free World in Smaller
Borders like Poetry Science too..
it’s True i was kicked off the Wrong Planet
and the dVerse online Poet’s Pub for doing it
All Free Verse with few to no limits then.. and it’s
true too i am in this Best of Company for History already
shows the Fruition.. of what Eventually comes next and it’s
also true although i am mostly way too Big for most folks to View
online as i have practically exceeded Moore’s Law for Human Input
Exceeding what Technology has to Offer in Social Media Avenues for Art
of Words and Photography too.. i’ve tasted so-called Fame in the Wild with
Titles from Awesome to Legend just for a Free Dance of me in Public now moving
to 9393 Miles after the Dance of tonight in Local Metro Stores where a Group of Young
Women applauded me for just the free of me there too and even did their best to copy
my dance and while it’s also true that in Whitman’s Case Women Wrote to him offering
their Wombs up to Bear his Children.. nah.. not that for me.. but in the 21 Year old
Range or so quite a Few have brought their Rears to an Active Dance to my
Front Parts in frenzied ways of getting high low.. yes.. i’m flattered but
the 2000 or so Smiles of Joy with these Young Women is more than
enough for me that i have collected like Jewelry Soul Photos oF
Youth Spirit Soul heARTs NoW aLong the Way of these
58 Months of Public Dance now too.. and yes wow
a little over 90 Months now of Writing
A Total of 12 Million Words online
since Thanks Giving Day of
2010.. do your best
and do more
just do it now
one Dance Step
And one Song Word
As NoW goeS oN iN Bliss
And Nirvana Free no Goals
No DeadDLineS JusT Be Free Fly
NoW Baby as mY Holy Creative and
Yes Sacred Full of Meaning and
Purpose Spirit for every step
and every word now
continues to Spiral
Dance a “SonG oF mY SouL”
Well before i ever read more than
A Few lines of Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass”
A Poet from the Wrong Planet and one of very
few allies of mine there suggested i was Whitman
Reincarnated.. nah.. not likely that any more than Buddha
or Lao Tzu or Jesus too.. but hey we all share the Similar DNA
as Hardly anything has changed in Classic Evolution in the last
10 to 12K years since Forager Days Before Silos’s Became God
As Grains to Own and Hoard.. increasingly Raping the rest of the
Living Organism of Earth for Buy and Sell.. so it’s it’s True i could
Have Done Trump but i chose the Love of Art and Naked SouL aLiVe
instead for i am no Fake Jesus either a True God Indian of Love i AM ALWaYS Be NoW..
And sure if you Like you are surELy welcome to nAMe me LuciFred too for iT’s True i Do
BRinG LiGHT iN Truth
And Nah.. i fully
Understand STiLL that
Most People Still Don’t Believe
or See as They More Often Are Blinded by thE LiGHT..:)
Be Paint
Be Brush
Be Painting Whole..:)
June 6th 4:18 AM far
Away from wHere i live
at 11:18 PM on June 5th
but Yes STiLL CoMinG
soon enough at 58 too..
And yes these European
Poets are Fabulous too..:)
Side Note ends..
Back to the regularly
Scheduled MicroMicroVerses..
by me too.. hehe..
Gravestones now
Leave Love AHead..:)
i Discard
All Human
Foot Prints
Finding God iN
me BEacH WHole..
NoThing leFt beHind
but aHead riGht NoW
oF oN
Not every
one is Born iN
Paradise NoW
(Navarre Beach)
The Movie ‘Contact’
Used Pensacola inStead to reLate thiS
UniVersal EXperience iN TheAter now too..
of CourSE iNspired by Carl Sagan eYes too..
Anyway thanks for this prompt as Synchronicity
will have it NoW i just finished a 58 Month 6 Million
Word 833 MacroVerse Effort of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
takes a
to oPen iT uP though hAha..;)
As i clarify further to the
Author of this Prompt now..
In other words it fit
wRite in too.. but way too big to liNk..;)
It was just too hard for the folks at dVerse
to overlook how big i got so they kicked me out
of me
Par for the
Course oN CourSE..
and that was back in 2015
three years ago so much smaller than now hAha..;)
No Hard Feelings now as they were deFinitely Walling in
Restricting A Growth of my Sycamore Tree oh A Free of me NoW.. FReED..;)
i suPPose A Whole
MeMe of
And all
That Phoenix
RiSing From SoMe
Ashes Jazz is alWays
Meeting someone new
as me you me you me
NoW for
as Science
SHows that’s
the REaLiTY
of LiFE Change
And those who
Embrace now
As FruiTioN of Change
Directing Producing and
Acting Yes Writing A Play with a Deeper
Voice WithiN as i over I is Key of CourSE With
An Exclamation of SpiRiT! in what Moves us as
EMoTioNs oF HeaRT NoW iN A Complete Package
As Flesh
And Blood
Mind and Body SoUL..
But Jesus F iN Christ i’M
More like Whitman too.. heHe..
For it’s no problem for me to Soul
Mate anyone now.. but only the now
and of
Most folks
find that
alMost OTHeR WorldLY..;)
That Breaks
through 12 AM
for my 58th Birthday
and the Fruition of all of this..
so i’ll move on to Lala Rukh’s Place
for if it wasn’t for her Chances are none of this would have happened at all..
yep my First Real Poet Friend who really set the Winds Behind my ongoing Sail..
back in July of 2013 as she talked me into getting on Word Press in the First
Place as that is the only Blogging Platform for pay that will hold all of this..
True it
i Blinded
by her by
some light
too as i most often do..
but those are Wages of Heaven now most often STiLL..
it’s hard for folks to understand unless they fully arrive in tHeir style..
which still
of course
is no promise
they will for tHeRe
are many lone folks
allone STiLL iN HeaVeN NoW..:)
WeLL mY FriEnd Lala Rukh
the Month has Come the
Day is here 6.6.18
and the
MInute where
i live is 12:33
AM but it’s true
i wasn’t born on
6.6.60 until 11 A.M.
so technically there is
Still so-called Human Made
Time to finish Writing this by
then for a “6 MiLLioN Word Bible
Poem Man” for i’m sure you remember
when i told you when we first met that you
would help me
a message
never told before
to the Entire World then..
as sure that’s what we all each
do anyway as Unique Flower Petals
of God Whole as Diversity is God’s Breath ALiVE
LiVE LiFE iN A Way
wHo no one WiLL EVeR
PlaY YoU iN SHoW Or Bible
Yeah.. it’s True my Friend no one will
copy me now as copy rights are not necessary
for a 6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem completed Since
Shortly after i met you and you encouraged me so much
here for you once said people go and never come back as
i continue to be an exception for that for everyone i’ve known in life
so far
at least
my FriEnd
God’s Speed
And WiLLinG WiTHiN
But it’s True this is a very
lonely allone place with God too
for when you go wHere no one else
has gone the Room is of CourSE Empty
mY FriEnd as we Humans do need friEnds
ALonG the Way and i have met a few including
You for i hold no judgements against any Human
Condition Personally for i’ve ‘enjoyed’ Hell too for
66 Months
beyond what
most folks will
even imagine
exists as Pain
and Numb Now but
True my FriEnd tHeRE
is the other Sides of the
Coins that equally most folks
Cannot/Will Not iMagine as Heaven WiTHiN
Kingdom Come in a Flesh and Blood Human NoW
That is as Real as a Baby’s First Breath and Baby’s last
Blink or an Old Person too.. as BLiNK and BReaTHE ALWaYS NoW..
Sadly.. Most of the World Doesn’t Believe Heaven is Possible now for they
Don’t understand the Deeper Metaphors of Sacred and Holy Texts as this Rings
True still in many of the World’s Sacred and Holy Arts not necessarily in all Bibles
as such fully but yes most certainly in so many Avenues of Art As Heaven will never
Be Science
any more
than the
Flesh and
Blood SPiRiT
And BoDY BaLanCing
SoUL as Paint and Brush
And Painting Whole of Master Peace Painting God Now Whole..
anYWay.. my FriEnd as you kNoW and may feel and sense still i
behind so see you later
Lala Rukh WitH LoVinG eYes..:)
Back again to my response
to Jane’s Poetry on
touching one’s
soul.. more..
i suPPose A Whole
MeMe of
And all
That Phoenix
RiSing From SoMe
Ashes Jazz is alWays
Meeting someone new
as me you me you me
NoW for
as Science
SHows that’s
the REaLiTY
of LiFE Change
And those who
Embrace now
As FruiTioN of Change
Directing Producing and
Acting Yes Writing A Play with a Deeper
Voice WithiN as i over I is Key of CourSE With
An Exclamation of SpiRiT! in what Moves us as
EMoTioNs oF HeaRT NoW iN A Complete Package
As Flesh
And Blood
Mind and Body SoUL..
But Jesus F iN Christ i’M
More like Whitman too.. heHe..
For it’s no problem for me to Soul
Mate anyone now.. but only the now
and of
Most folks
find that
alMost OTHeR WorldLY..;)
Jane says
“Is what we do
what we are
or what we want to do
what we would do
if we could?
And does it matter?”
i reply..
Reality A Feeling
Sensing Place
Other Flesh
And Blood
Souls.. ha!
Not Feel and
Sense me view
Me now as
Of Empath
in one of my
It all DePends
And You
With SMiLes
As a Joy
Is True Angel
Dreams are made
Of other Folks
Now my
And now i go on to say as Jane didn’t
have a problem which is good admitting
she didn’t care much for Walt Whitman and
Several other of the Ladies came forth and said
the same and interestingly their Criticisms of
Whitman were actually identical to some
of the ones i received as some folks did
find my existence on the dVerse
Trail very uncomfortable for
the Free Flowing size
of all i do that then
was actually
what i bring in totality.. now.. particularly
now in Photo Streaming Visual Poetry too..
in much deeper BRinGinG of connections
in Cultures of the past and present that
many folks will not find any context at all
for to see as i’ve spent most of my life
watching and listening rather
than speaking and writing..
of course a Grand exception
NoW iN Singing Poetry and Dancing
Poetry Free Verse in both steps and
words verily and surely in the last 58 Months whole..
but you see every Flutter of a Butterfly Wing has the potential to
change all that exists now in recorded human history for it’s true
one Flight of Butterfly may inspire a Poem and a Loving Couple’s
Inspiration to Change the World More then ever before.. for every
Butterfly Wing of thank you’s and Gratitude for Life as is counts more
than most
ever attempt
to imagine more now..
for it’s true every thank you
as Word or other Human Symbol
Expressed or Non-Verbally as such
Brings me here and now for what i do HeaR..
as no encouragement is too small even the Flutter
of a Butterfly Wing or a Worm that makes a WHole
in something
Dead making
Life possible for Life to go on now
for the truth is all of Nature consumes
Nature for we all Consume each other Whole
whether we See God Like this or not now as Family
with No separation NoW through LiGHT and DaRk too..
So Sure.. now i’ll go on to repeat the Two Part Harmony
of 162 MacroVerses Total of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
as the Two Year Total Subchapter Effort now of 6 Million
Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Poem
Bible” does also arise to over 3 Million Words now
completing the Milestones below that will soon
be etched in ‘Stone’ of Signature Lines
of Each and Every MacroVerse
to come as Milestones
and Featnotes more..
As yes the two Subchapter Bible Long
Form Poems of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
are “PHI Bible” from Memorial Day Weekend
of 2017 finishing that effort in 365 Days of
1.618 Million Words as Milestone and
Featnote Bible and Long Form Poem
then.. and this Current Last Year
Effort in one Year ending on
Memorial Day Weekend
2018.. as “Facebook
Profile Pic Bible 2018”
as that Effort continues to Grow More
NoW aLong with “Nether Land Bible 2017”
and overall 6 Million Word so Far “SonG oF
mY SoUL” Parent and Grand Parent of all of this
while true the 6 Million Words of Preparation before
that mostly on the Wrong Planet Website of interacting
with the lost Toys of Humanity there is also in a way
Great Grand Parent.. Grand Parent.. and Parent of
all of this too that also continues on past 12
Million Words too but in Long Form
Poem and Bible ways i enclose as
just the 6 Million Words
So far since 8.18.13
when the Word
Press Version
of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Begins..
sure this is rather complex but imagine
not only explaining it… hehe but actually
doing it too.. for it just goes one Step of Song
and or one Step of Dance in either Foot or Key Stroke ways..
So sure as a copy and paste modified from the last two
years to get this job done and move on to shares
of MacroVerse From Years to date as i might
just finish this by born on date and time
as far as write goes by 11 AM.. 6.6.18
Or close enough for Government Work @least..;)
But First a more concise View of 7 Titled ‘Official’
King James Sized subchapter Bibles and 4
titled “New Testaments” too approaching
A Total of 1 Million Words as Subchapters
of “SonG oF mY SoUL” 6 Million Word
Bible and Long Form Ocean Whole Poem too..
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..
Longest Long Form
Free Verse Poem/
Bible at 6 Million Words..
so far in a 58 Month Effort of Doing that now Growing on and on more..
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. 3,000,555 Words that continue to Grow
on as of 24 Months of Effort so Far NoW iN Long Form and Bible Ways..
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”..
1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
Spanning 13.6 Months arriving
in at 3rd Place as Milestone
Form Poem too..
All Words Accounted
for by the Automated
Word Press Word Counter thingie too..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 Word iN 104 MacroVerses
Finished in 365 Days from Memorial Day Weekend
2016 through Memorial Day of 2017 in that year then..
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of 2017..:)
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
as this effort will continue to Grow on both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of Photos more with in some cases
more than one photo attached to the Same Words Description as Days go on..
And here are the 4 Titled New Testaments completed During
the Two Year Span in Writing “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. So far.. at least…:)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”.. 181,221 Words
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”.. 181,291 Words
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”.. 255,193 Words
“LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018”
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW
ABoVE .. Yes.. FReEDGoDoLoVENoW.. 317,354 Total Words
And now on to the Full Table of Contents of “Nether Land Bible 2017” so far..
comprising 104 MacroVerses of Sub Chapter Bible and Long Form Poem
“PHI Bible” and 58 MacroVerses of Sub Chapter Bible and Long Form
Poem “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” so far with yes 162 MacroVerses
of Effort so far too in 3,000,555 Words of Effort not counting
what will come Close to 30K Words of the Current
Writing Effort of “6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem
Man” to be Electronically Published
today on 6.6.18 after i
finish writing this
as that surely
will take some hours to do that too..:)
With Sure a few words more of past intro too..;)
So.. Do you reAlly thiNk LiFe iS juSt
A pre-determined Science
Project.. well
sure it is
tHeRe is
no one way ART
but alWayS.. and
as far aS StonE StatUes
wHo/that rise out of bands thaT
coMe and cAme beFore NoW
heAr coMe mY MacroVerses
to finish out ending table
of contents beForE as
“PHI Bible”
Lucy in the
Sky with
as ‘they’ DancE
and SinG buTT juSt God
All Naturale wHo and thAT
DanceS and SinGs wiThiN and as mE2.:)
“PHI Bible”
tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE 19,004 words
HoLy SpiRit oF PoEtry 12,976 words
Grand Cross 56 11,796 words
SolDieR oF GoD2 FReED 12,028 words
wE ComE DowN FroM thE BeacH2 15,001 words
iNto liGht dArKnesS 11,604 words
i cAMe for eNliGhTeNinG NoW 13,798 words
UmBReLLa God People Rain 12,136 words
Pan at the Apollo Theater2 18,313 words
RoSe BeYonD SuBliMe 11,963 words
INterDependence Day Heaven noW 14,812 words
HopE LoVE ISraEL 13,857 words
God’s Love HandLe #ISREAL 13,510 words
iMaGiCk iSrEaL 14,310 words
iRise iSreal 12,793 words
mY LamP iSreaL 22,765 words
HeRcULeS’ oF soUL 18,885 words
wERisEToGeThEr aLLONewiThGOd 16,052 words
i AM A JesuS2 HoW ‘bOuT yoU2 16,166 words
000 SeCrET AGenT oF GoD 13,496 words
SuPeR WoMeN oF GoDoH 17,532 words
i’M F*KinG A 0KAy 17,030 words
Take the Wrong Planet Home 16,771 words
Jar oF liGht AnD DArk heARts 20,719 words
Number 696 MacroVerse 16,243 words
SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes 12,975 words
CocksComB deLiGht oF SciEnce And arT 15,801 words
Cyberian Tiger River Leaves 18,106 words
Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor 15,519 words
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG 18,212 words
After Book oF Fred 15,893 words
sigNature sUn arE onE 15,339 words
Super Fly oF liGht 13,529 words
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 13,799 words
After Dance oF Fred 16,336 words
WaY uP HiGheR2 12,642 words
5302016 thru 9292016 551,711 words
Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend! 15,155 words
Golden Age reKneWeD 12,895 words
710th MacroVerse oF Faith 17,340 words
711 MaCroVerse BeYonD 17,179 words
‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712 11,190 words
World War 111 DreAMs 13,480 words
SoN oF Man MoRe NoW 19,147 words
ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL 17,298 words
Book oF Ten Sixteen 17,560 words
BRidge to noW SinG 11,552 words
DeStiNaTioN 718 12,429 words
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen 15,996 words
10032016 thru 11112016 181,221 words
Moon Child Closes iN 13,256 words
RocK oN noW iN LovE 16,690 words
Fried Forgiving Turkeys 11,595 words
12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016 14,047 words
OVengate 2016 10,580 words
New Moon Reign 13,355 words
STar RAin LiGht 14,432 words
Torn ViNes oF Love 16,147 words
NOT THE invisible man 12,013 words
Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016 14,595 words
i’LL bE hoMe For xMas DanCinG 18,081 words
WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016 14,056 words
Grand Cross Bible 2016/2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen 12,444 words
KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A year in Review 17,283 Words
FLoW iN ZoNe 2017 13,901 Words
FuLL HouSe FLows 11,387 Words
GOld FiSH HeaVeN PartY 16,496 Words
CoLoRs oF HeAVeN Bible 2017 16,872 Words
VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017 19,306 Words
CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn 14,069 Words
Nether Land Bible 2017 25,869 Words
DiViSioN bELLs oF uNiTy 10,042 Words
SonG oF mY SoUL LonGeR 19,072 Words
rEVoLuTiOn orAngE LoVE 2017 11,515 Words
iLIGhtsX! 16,570 Words
SuPerTRamP2 16,975 Words
USLOVE NoW 18,461 Words
Mother’s Gift Now 8784 Words
Sun oF Love 15,572 Words
Dogwood Winter Blooms 7497 Words
Heaven is aLike aLL Over sTiLL noW 12,205 Words
MoMenTos From Mother Helen 14,235 Words
Serenity Garden Within 12,050 Words
LuX A BeacH 14,677 Words
7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 14,584 Words
Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017 11,313 Words
EQuinoX SpRings VernaLLy noW 15,588 Words
Dance Sings Rivers Rise Green 9923 Words
Road to Green sKeYes 20,937 Words
MesSage iN A Bible Bottle 14,913 Words
BeYonD April Fred’s Day 14,770 Words
CHilD’S PLaY@HanD 13,088 Words
Age oF Katrina NoW 17,944 Words
sPArK oF NaTuRE 16,383 Words
MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ 22,801 Words
CLowN KinG NoW isREaL 19,347 Words
eARTh DaY hUMaN PoTeNTiaL oVE 16,477 Words
HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR 16,674 Words
PaGaN MoNDaY NoW2 22,060 Words
MaY MiNioNs BLooM 18,166 Words
GarDeN oF LoVe NoW2 26,232 Words
LuCiFreD’s MoM’s DaY 28,623 Words
BigGer BRitCHeS WORlD SiZe PlEAse 30,003 Words
WiNDoW SEaT BiBLE 8602 Words
DaRtHFReEDNoW 18,429 Words
PHI Bible 11,091 Words
1,618,000 Words total for all 104
MacroVerses of “PHI Bible” from stART
of Writing Date oN May 27th 2016
at around 11 AM
to end of Writing
Date oN May 27th 2017 at
around 1 AM with
Publish Date oN
May 30th 2016.. last year..
to end of Writing Date.. May 27th
2017 Publish of “PHI Bible” at 1 AM
last year and NoW the Table of Contents
Full From “Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”..
MacroVerse Number 105.. Doubling as
776th MacroVerse Effort iN “SonG
oF mY SoUL” Ocean Whole
Longest Long Form
Poem Effort
4 MilLioN Words then
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”
also continues heAR NoW wiTh
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17..
MacroVerse Number 105/776 and
the Gym Closed early then and yes i
added many more MacroVerse and Micro
Verse Memories to this current MacroVerse
from years to date as that is also a continuing
paRt of the Effort to keep a Nautilus Poem uP to date
With Memories of wHere the SheLL comes from as essence and form too..
what coMes
what may WiLL
iT’s thE way iT goeS oN..;)
Once AGaiN NoW Finally Celebrating these Milestones on 6.6.18..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.382 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 1 year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..
Anyway.. i’ll think i’ll go ahead and Knock out the Table of Contents
of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as the Beatles have a Song that is actually
Long Enough for all of that plus Sharing MacroVerses Years to date after
all of that too.. as i really Would Love to Get the Write of this Finished now
by 11 AM on 6.16.18 now as that was when i was officially born here then..
and on top of that too yes in this MacroVerse titled “6 MiLLioN Word Bible
Poem Man”.. i am Providing.. an entire 162 MacroVerse Table of Contents
for the Entirety of the Two Year Effort of Two Bibles that yes now comprises
what now is the 3 Million Word Bible “Nether Land Bible 2017” wow just
wow isn’t it amazing that i can Write and Photo and Fully Illustrate in
Dance and Song something this Big and go practically unnoticed
in a Twitter
where folks
are Busy Chasing
Money and Cutting
each other Down with
Short Twitter rants
now true i have
a three
for that
too.. and that’s NOT..
trust me i’m the.. ahem.. i mean
A Man A DancE and SonG of Woman with a Plan Namely
a no name God that’s actuAlly Real as nothing to most people now i AM..
hmm.. My Computer Crashed with the Weight of all of this and thanks to
the New Apple Latest upgrade for iMaC then i saved it back again too.. So
Great.. so.. yeah as i was saying.. as far as a Table of contents do go one two one..
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
Memorial Days Bible 2016-2017 9402 Words
SoN oF Google NoW2 12,875 Words
Heinz 57 DanCinG SinGinG 17,560 Words
HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy 15,627 Words
SuPeRMaN VeRSeS BaTMaN NoW2 14,281 Words
RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS 14,807 Words
SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCRoVeRsE 111 13,698 Words
TeNNeSSee SAnDs FREeDOMs DReAMs 13,429 Words
300 YEaRs FReED FLiNtSTOnEs GoNe 15,219 Words
SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS 15,883 Words
DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE Dreams oN 13,033 Words
LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE 20,369 Words
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN” 25,205 Words
6th Bible Memorial 19,777 Words
WiLL i WAiT 11,906 Words
1HuRRiCaNESoUL96 9,108 Words
SeCrETS NoW iN BRoaD BAnDSiGHT 10,188 Words
EVeRY PRoPHeCY TaLeS A THoUSAnD PiCtUrES 19,750 Words
SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old 20,369 Words
SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017 20,631 Words
BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017 22,553 Words
LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017 19,626 Words
8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 19,966 Words
SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN 30,766 Words
THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN 26,460 Words
A SaVaNT oF LoVE 24,093 Words
PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE 25,911 Words
PoLLiNaTiNG SuNFLoWeRS NoW MoRE 19,359 Words
HaLo TWeeN DReAMs 23,524 Words
NovEmBeR SAiNTS TaX FReE DReAMS 22,463 Words
Veterans of Ground Hog Days 30,311 Words
Call of the Wild Returns For Love 27,316 Words
7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM 30,964 Words
CaT oF GooD CHeeR ReTurNs AGAiN 30,930 Words
7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS 27,110 Words
WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1 34,439 Words
Grand Cross Bible 2017 32,649 Words.. Total 766,047 Words
KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A year in Review 24,650 Words
SMiLES LiFE BE iN iT 2018 32,330 Words
KaTZiLLA ReTuRnS AGAiN 2018 25,328 Words
OLaF LiVeS BEinG LoVE 32,743 Words
THiS iS Me NoW3 30,025 Words
TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL 30,393
“LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018”
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 Words 26,196 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF..
FReEDGoDoLoVENoW 22,547 Words 317,354 Total Words
FLoWeRS CoLoRiNG HeaVeN MoReNoW 25,800 Words
Changing Wildfire Colors Of May Days LiGHT 23,116 Words
PaRaDiSE THeaTRE LiGHTS ReNeWeD 20,862 Words
ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW 24,004 Words
FB Profile Pic Bible 2018 24,903 Words Grand Total Words 1,382,555
Well then 6:18 PM as more PHI Numbers do Naturally
coMe on 5.30.18 too and i better save this again before
i go on to MacroVerse Memories Years to Date to Share More Give
as it’s True this is about enough to make a Super Computer Hiccup
and for me at least a Lunch Break and a Date With A Sand and
Sun Free Dance iN Nature per my Back Yard ‘Forrest’ Free
Before i ‘Gump’ i go on
and on some more..
and i’m pretty sure
there is a Song for that NoW too..
Hey and at least i finished this pArt by
11 AM on
on Date
and Time
of Year 58
since 6.6.60
Make and Model Date too.. hAha..;)
Role Model iS WHaT OnE CoMeS To Be
Or NoT To Be
Role Model Worshipping Is Golden Calf
Prayer Request Best
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
unLess NoT ACCePTinG HeaR
HaRd PiLL FoR SoME FoLKS to: Do
THaT JeSuS Ain’T CoMinG From:
One of things that So-Called
Fundamentalist Evangelistic
Christians State with no
Rooms for
is that if the
Myths all about
Jesus like an actual
Physical Virgin Birth
And an Actual Physical
Resurrection from an Actual
Crucifixion Leading to Death Are
Not Actually Physically True then Christianity
is Dead WeLL it’s True if that’s how you Believe you
never even got the Teachings in the First Place Now
For Every Story About A Potential Real Role Model
is you becoming more like them and exceeding
what they have done before so you too may
be a Positive Role Model for someone
else to Find a Real Kingdom of
Heaven As Happiness to
Give and Share
aS UNconditional
Agape Love to the
Rest of Existence now
Other Wise understood by
Many as God Now all that is so
in other Words the Circle of Life in
the Lion King Story coMes Full Spiraling
ARound As YoU Fulfill A Destiny oF K iN
BeinG Human NoW ToGetHeR aLL MoViNG NoW
CoNNecTiNG Co-Creating GiVinG SHaRinG MoRE
THaN EVeR ‘FoRE Meanwhile some Folks Reduce
All thaT Good News to a Suffering Man on a Cross
to Worship alone as Rising from the Physical
Impossibility From Both Death as Well
as Being Born without any Help
From Physical Sperm too
buT True there is
A Growing
Number of Women
who will surely Love to
Do without Men all ToGeTHeR
On Wonder Women Planet of Venus now
For Love in Social Cooperation and a few
Female Bootie Dances and Smooches to go
aLonG WitH LoVinG aLL of THaT.. Love Planet as ShE Rows
NoW MoRE..
And iF You Do
Not Learn NoW
HoW to Dance and Sing
You other current males
may get totally shut out for
NoW iN A Dance and Song of Female LoVE MoRE
Nice to Touch and All That Jazz with LoVInG eYeS too.. heHer..
The Good News is Heaven is the Potential now and even better
For You Get to move it connect it and co-create it with the Rest of all
that is
Nature too..
Duh.. ever since
i was 3 before i could
speak at age 4 it really
Face Palmed me
how hard
simple message
of Being Love and
Giving and Sharing and
Moving and Connecting it
And Co-Creating LoVE with the
Rest of Nature in Positive Force
Energy Synergy is so hard for so
many folks to Comprehend but of course
i was blessed as i had no Words for nothing first
as i become Love by Feeling and Sensing it more
first before i became lost in Words of Golden Calf Idols
Lost More From
An Essence
iN Child’s EYes sTill oF
UNconditional LoVE foR aLL
perHaps eXcept for the Cultural
iNduced Prison still for a Shitty Diaper of
Human Cultural Clothes Spoon Fed From Birth..
So Yes A reAlly Big Prayer Request has been going
out For Jesus to return all my 58 Years of Life in a Locality
that once held the Record Book Title of having the most Christian
Churches per square mile too.. and every Sunday in Catholic Church
‘they’ invite you to actually become the flesh and blood of a Dude Named Jesus
too but of
about you
you you as
the Rest of it is A Story
Created by Innumerable Authors
And Copying Scribes making mistakes
in Writing it Along with Intentional Changes
Over Centuries too this is fact this isn’t fiction
innumerable Folks Created the Story of Jesus no
Different really than Buddha and Lao Tzu and even
the Fictional Myth of Krisha and Shiva too.. but
never the less all these Stories /Myths are
yes of course the Old Standard of
Marketing 101 in getting
Folk’s attention
and keeping
it with
Emotional Hyperbole
101 too and since they couldn’t
Advertise it with T and A in the Dark
Ages before Victoria’s Secrets were all
set flesh and blood naked more free.. they
Used Super Hero Myths beyond God Nature
to Make A Story Sell then that through mostly
Cognitive Dissonance folks overlook the
Physical Impossibilities Associated
with the Marketing Emotional
Tools of Hyperbole
and True
Any Priest Politician
or other CEO or Quarter
Back must Bind you in with
Bonds to keep you as a Captive
Audience too whether it is the Benefits
of a Job A Winning Team or A Prettiest
Dude you can/will Paint as a FeMale WitH A Beard
Hanging on a Cross motivating you to Die for making
the Roman Empire Greater HeaR sTill NoW iN Oil Wars too..
Yes Class there is still a Whole lot of Trump Created Bullshit
to keep one locked still in old Bible Sheets without escaping
the Covers of that Prickly Comforter still.. but hey as the Stories Go
too the Truth CaN and WiLL ReAlly SeT You Free iN HeaVeN NoW
But iF You Insist
you will only
Die iNstead.. one
Day Never finding
Heaven now alive
And that’s An irony
NoW as that is as Anti-Christ
NoW as Trump Bullshit Real too..
A Total Fail MiSSinG the Good News
of the Kingdom of Heaven WiTHiN at Hand
ALWaYS in this Generation NoW for either that
is True or Jesus was a total Liar then.. like Trump
at least more specifically On Promises given and never
realized now.. the Best News oF aLL is the Real Story is totally
For iF
You Go
to Heaven
you will not believe
any of the Lies.. miXed
WitH Nuggets oF Real Gold
Naked HeAVeN LiVinG iNcarNate
As You and those who JoiN You On
A Path of Heaven that works for them too..
if you insist NoW oN BeinG A Role Model of Jesus
NoW and Even Doing More if You Really Believe in those
Teachings that are Good News per John 14:12 i guess
if you
at least
i for one
Answered YouR Prayer
Request but what you May
Understand is that neither Real
God Or Real Jesus is under the thumb
of Your Guidelines or Rules or Books and
Pages and Other Words to be a Prisoner and
Slave to Do Whatever iT iS YoU Tell God and or Jesus what
he and or her and that all must do now under your rules you’ve
come to believe from others now.. for one thing for sure is God is
Free and you’ll Not Rule God aS even Science Admits Nature as God is
way too
any of
us to totally
Perceive and Understand
Now.. Hell most folks can’t
even understand little old me..
So You thiNk YouR smARTeR than
God and or Jesus and anyone who Can
And WiLL Write something down 2 Thousand
Years ago to put God and or Jesus as a Slave
in Your Book PriSon NoW.. ha! ‘they’ even Neutered
Jesus as what the FucK.. don’t ‘they’ think God wants
to Know
in a
Biblical way.. too..
Common Sense Folks
Common Feelings if God
ReAlly Comes Back iNcarnate
As all that is God is No Psychopath
Trump alone who would never exclude anyone
Or FucKinG Send God to Hell as God is All to Begin
with never ending never finishing always stARTinG Now ANeW
in pAges
oF old and Dusty Books NoW MoRE
AnYWay.. SPeaKinG of Old and Dusty
Books i have some MacroVerses also
Years to Date to Share now and if i am
Gonna get this Published today i better
Get Moving Connecting and Co-Creating
A Little Faster and More CoNCisELy NoW2.. hAha..;)
21 MacroVerses to Share including 2 Pre-Macro
Verses from my First Google Blog Spot Blog
that i actively worked on from March 2013
through Half of August 2013..
and now as an Archive
Blog has
A Quarter of
Million Views
just sitting there
as a Copy and Paste
as three other Blog Spot
Archives Blogs Mostly do now too..
as hey.. even my longest Effort in 7
Days “LoVEFReEDNoW” at 43,151 Words
as Long as A Novel Sized Single MacroVerse
and Blog Post Effort arises as my Second most
Viewed MacroVerse Poetry Novel Book closing in
on 4 Thousand Views as hey.. if it was in Barnes
And Nobles in the Poetry Section not likely 400
Folks would even pick it up since 2.22.18 of
Publish this year and besides my Soul
none of it is for sale as Money is no
pARt of my HeART to give
and share now for Free..
sadly some folks
are so worried
Copy Rights
they never even share
what they come to write or much
sadder than that as far as give and share
Free goes back in the Dark Ages Before Free
Avenues of Art to skip the Systemizing Science
types in an oxymoron as Such in Art Cultures and
Art Societies of Grey Poopon Mustard.. or however
that is properly spelled in Queen Victorian Button
up and Down English these days hehe.. and
put of course all the way ACross PAges
of life as to skip out of line is to
lose a Target Audience
of who and what
came before
in Caves
Before Neo-Plato
got out and the such
as those Freer Jesus ways
of emptying pockets and just
sharing and giving Heaven Free now..
these are yes the Days of a Singularity
of Uploading Souls for years to come.. for it’s true those
who don’t Believe in and or Do Love for those folks none of this
means anything at all of Feeling and Sensing Love Forevermorenow
to Give
and Share
out of Labels
of Trump Towers Less..
Oh yeah and there is also “GodsUniVerseNovel3” for
Another Dear John Letter not lost in Dickinson Drawers
Gold Cold During One Life to Live and After that for Years too..
except for the Fact that this one MacroVerse of Poetry weighs in
at 338,630 Words Spanning from April of 2015 through March
of 2016 for a Year Full of MicroMicroVerse Poetry small
as Poetic Responses to every Prompt and Link
From the dVerse Trail for 12 Months then
with yes around 300 or so Gorgeous
Sunset Photos with Seagulls
too from the Gorgeous
Paradises of
And Navarre beach then and now too..
so sure if you like Just add that in with the 6 Million Words
of “SonG oF mY SoUL” and 3 Million Words of Child too of that
Bible “Nether Land Bible 2017” or even Child of Both of those
Bibles per “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” at what will come to be well
over 1.4 Million Words with this MacroVerse Effort of “6 MiLLioN
Word Bible Poem Man” Completed for Publish later today too..
sure for another Third of a Million Words as now i am
SpeaKinG to 23 extra MacroVerses here to give
And Share of Additional Calm Eye Wind
Bands of Category Birthday 6 Work
of Art and Sure practically
Unlimited Doors and
Alice in Wonder Land
Rabbit WHoLes of
of Holmes Build
thee more Stately Poem
Mansions in Whitman Free Verse ways too..
but no no one does this like me free and you
can and will too..
do more
if you will of course.. too..
with Love as it’s impossible
to do close to anything like this
Without Agape Love For all that is God as Nature MoRENoW..;)
“All about the ‘AndrogYnous Anti-Christ’”.. the Next Three
MacroVerses Shared pays homage to what has come to
be mostly the last outcasts of the United States now
per Transgender Folks as they are treated
so bad among many so-called Christians
same as they did with
me for looking
when i was
a much younger person
in School back in Middle School days too..
It’s true there will never be any Real Christians until they come to Love all..:)
“All About the Androgynous Anti-Christ”
God does not PLAY favoRites
“tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE”.. this one kicked off “Nether Land
Bible 2017” as yes just as it is titled Still hehe as the Words and
Music don’t stop
now.. as one
person said on the
‘Wrong Planet’ as they
attempted to exorcise me
as a Demon out of that place
as i Play A Lucifred Light Bringer
anyway there off and on through current
ages that yes i was Breaking the Internet
with the size of me and yes she was breaking
my Funny Bone with the ignorance of not understanding
i am
still am i NoW..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. And This Effort Kicks off
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as well as then it wasn’t planned..
as in my case usuAlly A ‘the’ “SigNature coMes beFore the ‘A’ Sun”.. too..:)
“God Signs Synchronicity”.. Like wHat i JusT sAid a-Causal
Connecting Principle Psychologically Meaningful to me @lEaST..:)
“FreDevolution”.. Yes this
Empirically Measurable Stuff
LiGHT oN..:)
“Baphomet and Dragons get a bad RAP”
If you don’t get to kNow and FeeL and SeNsE
And Play with all YouR SHaDoWS
you likely
A Master of
Your SoUL
Free WiTH aLL NoW
oF GoD dARk thru LiGHT
WiTHIN you and us NoW MoRE Wild
And Free
EternAlly NoW AKA GoD NoW MoRE..:)
“Redeeming POWER OF MUSICK!”.. Turn it uP JusT DancE And SinG iT..:)
“Daily Mass of Energy and Light”.. BesT FriEnds
WiTH Gravity Forevermorenow…
“HoLy SpiRit oF PoEtry”.. My Alumni University Nature Walk
And Board Walk iNscribed WitH Much Graffiti of Free Verse Poetry
On those
Boards of NATuRE LiFE FReED..:)
“Last Refuge of the Canaries”.. iN oTHeR Words All ‘Wrong Planets’..;)
“i of imaGiNATiON”.. SeeK iT FiND iT Practice this HeaVeN
in FRuiTioN of DReAMS CoME TRuE iN Flesh and Blood NoW..:)
“Psalmets of Nature”.. A Couple of Nice Young Women
at Old Seville Quarter called me their Spirit Animal after reading this..;)
“I’M ALIVE! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY2” And A Story Continues…
“55 to Dance”.. And A Story Continues…
“Grand Cross 56”.. And ‘the’ A Story Continues…
“Heinz 57 DanCinG SinGinG”.. on and on..
“Visiting the Garden of ‘Band Aid”.. And FiLLiNG FeeLinG iT uP MoRENoW..:)
“REVELATION 66”.. This is Rather Strange but Never the Less coMes
NoW iSREaL..:)
“Challenging Alexithymia With Music”.. Not a problem any more..
i decided to do what i’m doing now as Beethoven isn’t very popular these
days nor Whitman Still but oh God Yes with Women Dance is always
A Rave
of LoVE NoW..
but sTill i Garden
aLL oF My SoUL iN
Abstract Constructs
to give
and share
whether or not
Folks can and will or
even care to Pick this ‘stuff’ up..;)
It is DoNE at 3:37 PM.. 6.16.18.. Thank God Thanks a whole LoT..
WeLL YeaH aT Least iT iS Written iN 5 and 3/4 Days aS iT’s Gonna
Take a Full
6th Day to get
it all Put together
And Published NoW FuLL
On 6.16.18 As PHI WinS AGAiN.. NoW aT 3:42 PM..:)

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW
22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.