sMiLes.. Frank.. as the Clock Strikes
Midnight.. HeaR we are already
in November
DReAMs continue now
on in what the Catholic
Church names still as All
Saints Day.. And speaking
of Religion it’s really Cool how
Science is finally catching up
to old and ancient mystery
schools into the power
of two or more
coming together
and Sharing Positive
Force Energy as this Frequency Vibration
is often attached to words as emotions
and overall senses that some folks name
as Prayer and then of course the Nocebo
effect that as in the Science Video Shared
in Last MacroVerse really does show
a potentially deadly effect
in believing in bad
stuff happens
as one
Makes Nightmares
out of Belief and Faith
in Negative stuff related
to Fear and Hate too.. where
Voodoo is much more than woo
when it comes as an ally of dark
in fear and hate.. misery loves company
and all of that ‘stuff’ too.. And speaking of Eben
Alexander.. i continued his new book.. “Living in a Mindful
Universe”.. while trance dancing a spiraling art of movement
and listening to peaceful meditation music.. i must say i am enjoying
this book of his much more than the one this Neuroscientist wrote about
his own Near Death Experience..
Going into a Coma and finding
a way of awareness well
beyond what he
thought was
coming from
A More Material
Reductionist View.. before..
As Science usually does overall now..
of course.. with strict Scientific Methodology..
as in this Book he goes more into the Neuroscience
of how Mindful Awareness works and the benefits therein
while still keeping a healthy more poetic description of deeper ways
of Seeing the World Still.. And interestingly as far as back to curing ourselves..
Science notes from the past indicate that not all folks benefit from the power
of Love Connection and help that the Placebo Effect provides in actual
healing.. i remember a percentage of around one third of the
folks who are able to get healed this way.. and i’m
quite sure that this is not just a Genetic
issue but one of Environment
too as surely
this Human
Potential is enhanced
or reduced depending on positive
or negative epigenetic and neuroplastic
adaptation against struggles that help or struggles
that hurt.. key is following a path that works tailored
within with a ‘little’ help from Friends who have found
ways that and who work for them.. anyway.. long night
and afternoon of Celebrating Halloween as i wore my Cheap
Caped Walmart bought SuperMan Shirt.. as Katrina and i did invade
Two Walmarts. Barnes and Nobles and of Course the Mall and surrounding
Mall stores.. anyway.. i met two really nice folks.. one Customer Service Assistant
at the Earth Store and a Nice Young Woman at the Bookstore to share a Philosophy
of all Natural Balance in actual moving art that surely works for me in regulating
my emotions.. integrating my senses and providing me now an avenue to block
out all external unwanted stimulus for super laser fearless focus now.. and
again.. i wish i understood this Decades before but hey.. tHeRe is
only NoW.. so.. no worries NoW when one is Mindfully Bodily
Aware.. Truly thaT the UniVerse Lives WiTHiN
as some folks name this all that is
even more as God too..
within as a Pure
oF Energy
Worthy of the
Overall Term called Love.. too..
in Agape way of course at top of the
Fowler Pyramid of Faith as Love
And of course the
at the
of Maslow’s
Self Actualization
Pyramid as Capstone
of Human Potential too..
AnyWay.. it’s always nice to find
treasures of people who are open minded
and hearted at places like Earth Stores and
Barnes and Noble’s Books Stores too as those
People Truly are out tHeRE.. Even in Deep South
Red Trump State way.. Like a Cool And Refreshing Breeze
Even more
as what i told
my Friend in the
Earth Store..
if i could
give Trumps what i hold
in the Left Palm of my Hand NoW
as only metaphor of course as i hold
the Universe in all the Cells of My Body
from Head to toe in Quadrillion Points of
Light Force Energy Vibrations at Frequencies
of Love.. true.. if ‘they’ could Hold Beyond iNFiNiTy
in tHeiR LeFT Hand too.. tHeRE would likely no longer Be
any Billionaires for people would rip off their Material Goods
in excess finally realizing the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
is always
just waiting
to be held in the
left palm of our Hand(S)..
Namely.. a Love so Powerful as Force
that truly this Love cannot be fully Graced
by any name at all..
so Bright
so LiGHt
no longer
is Gravity foe
for Gravity is just
the Force we play with
oN Earth Vibration Frequencies BeYonD2..
anyWay.. thanks so much for stopping by
Frank and providing me a friendly muse to
StaRT this NexT MaCroVerse NoW.. one
day perHaps i’ll find a greater way
to put the essence of
in words
that more
folks will understand..
but true without the experience
quite a challenge that is my friend
For Words aS onLY empty shells seen if heard at aLL NoW..:)
Midnight.. HeaR we are already
in November
DReAMs continue now
on in what the Catholic
Church names still as All
Saints Day.. And speaking
of Religion it’s really Cool how
Science is finally catching up
to old and ancient mystery
schools into the power
of two or more
coming together
and Sharing Positive
Force Energy as this Frequency Vibration
is often attached to words as emotions
and overall senses that some folks name
as Prayer and then of course the Nocebo
effect that as in the Science Video Shared
in Last MacroVerse really does show
a potentially deadly effect
in believing in bad
stuff happens
as one
Makes Nightmares
out of Belief and Faith
in Negative stuff related
to Fear and Hate too.. where
Voodoo is much more than woo
when it comes as an ally of dark
in fear and hate.. misery loves company
and all of that ‘stuff’ too.. And speaking of Eben
Alexander.. i continued his new book.. “Living in a Mindful
Universe”.. while trance dancing a spiraling art of movement
and listening to peaceful meditation music.. i must say i am enjoying
this book of his much more than the one this Neuroscientist wrote about
his own Near Death Experience..
Going into a Coma and finding
a way of awareness well
beyond what he
thought was
coming from
A More Material
Reductionist View.. before..
As Science usually does overall now..
of course.. with strict Scientific Methodology..
as in this Book he goes more into the Neuroscience
of how Mindful Awareness works and the benefits therein
while still keeping a healthy more poetic description of deeper ways
of Seeing the World Still.. And interestingly as far as back to curing ourselves..
Science notes from the past indicate that not all folks benefit from the power
of Love Connection and help that the Placebo Effect provides in actual
healing.. i remember a percentage of around one third of the
folks who are able to get healed this way.. and i’m
quite sure that this is not just a Genetic
issue but one of Environment
too as surely
this Human
Potential is enhanced
or reduced depending on positive
or negative epigenetic and neuroplastic
adaptation against struggles that help or struggles
that hurt.. key is following a path that works tailored
within with a ‘little’ help from Friends who have found
ways that and who work for them.. anyway.. long night
and afternoon of Celebrating Halloween as i wore my Cheap
Caped Walmart bought SuperMan Shirt.. as Katrina and i did invade
Two Walmarts. Barnes and Nobles and of Course the Mall and surrounding
Mall stores.. anyway.. i met two really nice folks.. one Customer Service Assistant
at the Earth Store and a Nice Young Woman at the Bookstore to share a Philosophy
of all Natural Balance in actual moving art that surely works for me in regulating
my emotions.. integrating my senses and providing me now an avenue to block
out all external unwanted stimulus for super laser fearless focus now.. and
again.. i wish i understood this Decades before but hey.. tHeRe is
only NoW.. so.. no worries NoW when one is Mindfully Bodily
Aware.. Truly thaT the UniVerse Lives WiTHiN
as some folks name this all that is
even more as God too..
within as a Pure
oF Energy
Worthy of the
Overall Term called Love.. too..
in Agape way of course at top of the
Fowler Pyramid of Faith as Love
And of course the
at the
of Maslow’s
Self Actualization
Pyramid as Capstone
of Human Potential too..
AnyWay.. it’s always nice to find
treasures of people who are open minded
and hearted at places like Earth Stores and
Barnes and Noble’s Books Stores too as those
People Truly are out tHeRE.. Even in Deep South
Red Trump State way.. Like a Cool And Refreshing Breeze
Even more
as what i told
my Friend in the
Earth Store..
if i could
give Trumps what i hold
in the Left Palm of my Hand NoW
as only metaphor of course as i hold
the Universe in all the Cells of My Body
from Head to toe in Quadrillion Points of
Light Force Energy Vibrations at Frequencies
of Love.. true.. if ‘they’ could Hold Beyond iNFiNiTy
in tHeiR LeFT Hand too.. tHeRE would likely no longer Be
any Billionaires for people would rip off their Material Goods
in excess finally realizing the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
is always
just waiting
to be held in the
left palm of our Hand(S)..
Namely.. a Love so Powerful as Force
that truly this Love cannot be fully Graced
by any name at all..
so Bright
so LiGHt
no longer
is Gravity foe
for Gravity is just
the Force we play with
oN Earth Vibration Frequencies BeYonD2..
anyWay.. thanks so much for stopping by
Frank and providing me a friendly muse to
StaRT this NexT MaCroVerse NoW.. one
day perHaps i’ll find a greater way
to put the essence of
in words
that more
folks will understand..
but true without the experience
quite a challenge that is my friend
For Words aS onLY empty shells seen if heard at aLL NoW..:)
Wow.. just Wow.. i Love
this and by the way Helloove
Himali for as far as Decoding
Happiness.. the Voice of God is no
further than the Voice of Love within
that and who literally means Loving the
you that is me who is God in ALL Beyond Infinity
for Infinity References Distance Space and Time
wHeRe this Loving
Self now within you
eternAlly within the
So.. Sadly lies spoon fed
to many people from Birth
Suggest this God as Love
Living within is somehow
separate from us
be found
after Death or
in another Lover
or another Entity so
far away in a real illusion
of infinity lost now in distance
space and time so far away from
me you all now who are free forever
Loving God that is me and you now as
Children of Parents and God the sAMe..
this Loving Smile within as Beyond Infinity
Eternally Now is thE Light i see uPon Himali’s
Face as A Selfie of God becomes reality now hand
Beyond infinity as Love over and Beyond Infinity as
God heArt
Voice WithiN
No Words Required
alWays OverFloWinG NoW
With only Give and Share.. too..
PS.. i Feel and Sense this is the
GreaTest thing you ever wrote however
NoW i WiLL never say it is the best thing you
wrote forever now for that is only for you to decide within..
Your WiLL
am i
to tell
God what
God’s Will is
beyond my voice within..
for it would be rather boring/lonely if God only sees with one set of eyes
or one
of dArk
or liGht
A next big bang NoW
Comes as Beyond Rainbow Colors more of God eYes to See even More..:)
this and by the way Helloove
Himali for as far as Decoding
Happiness.. the Voice of God is no
further than the Voice of Love within
that and who literally means Loving the
you that is me who is God in ALL Beyond Infinity
for Infinity References Distance Space and Time
wHeRe this Loving
Self now within you
eternAlly within the
So.. Sadly lies spoon fed
to many people from Birth
Suggest this God as Love
Living within is somehow
separate from us
be found
after Death or
in another Lover
or another Entity so
far away in a real illusion
of infinity lost now in distance
space and time so far away from
me you all now who are free forever
Loving God that is me and you now as
Children of Parents and God the sAMe..
this Loving Smile within as Beyond Infinity
Eternally Now is thE Light i see uPon Himali’s
Face as A Selfie of God becomes reality now hand
Beyond infinity as Love over and Beyond Infinity as
God heArt
Voice WithiN
No Words Required
alWays OverFloWinG NoW
With only Give and Share.. too..
PS.. i Feel and Sense this is the
GreaTest thing you ever wrote however
NoW i WiLL never say it is the best thing you
wrote forever now for that is only for you to decide within..
Your WiLL
am i
to tell
God what
God’s Will is
beyond my voice within..
for it would be rather boring/lonely if God only sees with one set of eyes
or one
of dArk
or liGht
A next big bang NoW
Comes as Beyond Rainbow Colors more of God eYes to See even More..:)
Oh yeaH.. and
in case we you and me don’t
connect again this November
Month.. Happy Birthday Himali..
SeNseD aS LoVE..:)
in case we you and me don’t
connect again this November
Month.. Happy Birthday Himali..
SeNseD aS LoVE..:)
Oh yeah2 and if the
CPA and Accounting
Gig doesn’t work
out i really
do suggest
Indian Super Model
next for now it seems
you have the right stuff for
that too
and i’m
one cannot
even copyright
thE LiGHT WitHiN..:)
CPA and Accounting
Gig doesn’t work
out i really
do suggest
Indian Super Model
next for now it seems
you have the right stuff for
that too
and i’m
one cannot
even copyright
thE LiGHT WitHiN..:)
SMiLes my FriEnd
for Be Patient
me of the
of this shall
pass too for Change
can and will be our best
friEnd too for when i existed
in an Earthly Hell of Pain and
Numb and of course 19 Medical
Disorders of the such my Mother
told me this too
will pass
for she
was elder
24 years
and had been
through more than
me but true i could find
no one anywhere to share what
it was like to experience never
ending wake to sleep Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia for 66 months..
not even on the ‘Wrong Planet’ then
from the unwanted
toy humans of
life on
that online
website then..
sure.. some folks experienced
that pain sporadically in still what
science names as type one Trigeminal
Neuralgia for me like Dentist Drill Pain
in eye and ear without Novocaine but no
one i could find in the entire World to Give
Me Hope that it was possible to make it through all pain then
ways awake or find a way then to tolerate that pain as then no
science made drug other than Ativan to knock me out to sleep
could provide any escape from that pain at all.. but it’s true
Our God Nature Acts in mysterious ways of Healing Change
too.. for the insight
within me then
to stArt Writing
Words after
33 months
in that pain
Locked between
my ears.. somehow
a little transcendence to
survive did come while writing
then.. and i had no choice but to
give up complaining about it and
whining and the such of why me
for my Mother Bluntly put it
why not you.. what makes
you so special
that you
have to go to
an Earthly Hell like
other folks do too.. for
you were Love Before and
now you do exist in the other
place now… but still she said
this too will pass be patient
for this too will pass
as i screamed
to a God
above why
am i here
in Hell
smiles NoW my friend for i was
looking for God too far away for i was
yet to Find God within as Love to Heal
me away from all my pain and numb back
to a real Heaven of Love Within now.. and it’s
true i wrote about this Heaven in Words until empty
shells of letters became Words HouSinG an Essence of
Love as that Love was born again in me.. as surely a Phoenix
of Love Rose FLoWeReD out of the ashes of Hell in Darkest Abyss Soul
then of
66 months
wHeRe Night
is preferable to Day..
for then my friEnd any
light brought even more
pain and numb.. so it’s true
Soheir.. Change means Patience
And Never Ever Giving up for Change
is Real and Hell can becoMe HeaveN aGaiN
WithiN Reborn as LiGht as Saint Elmo’s Fire as
DancE and SinG
too mY FriEnd..
Oh yeaH and by the
Way Elmo is another
way to say Helen my Mother’s
Name Saint Helen in Heaven to me at least
on this “All Saint’s Day” as ‘the Catholics’ Sing too..:)
for Be Patient
me of the
of this shall
pass too for Change
can and will be our best
friEnd too for when i existed
in an Earthly Hell of Pain and
Numb and of course 19 Medical
Disorders of the such my Mother
told me this too
will pass
for she
was elder
24 years
and had been
through more than
me but true i could find
no one anywhere to share what
it was like to experience never
ending wake to sleep Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia for 66 months..
not even on the ‘Wrong Planet’ then
from the unwanted
toy humans of
life on
that online
website then..
sure.. some folks experienced
that pain sporadically in still what
science names as type one Trigeminal
Neuralgia for me like Dentist Drill Pain
in eye and ear without Novocaine but no
one i could find in the entire World to Give
Me Hope that it was possible to make it through all pain then
ways awake or find a way then to tolerate that pain as then no
science made drug other than Ativan to knock me out to sleep
could provide any escape from that pain at all.. but it’s true
Our God Nature Acts in mysterious ways of Healing Change
too.. for the insight
within me then
to stArt Writing
Words after
33 months
in that pain
Locked between
my ears.. somehow
a little transcendence to
survive did come while writing
then.. and i had no choice but to
give up complaining about it and
whining and the such of why me
for my Mother Bluntly put it
why not you.. what makes
you so special
that you
have to go to
an Earthly Hell like
other folks do too.. for
you were Love Before and
now you do exist in the other
place now… but still she said
this too will pass be patient
for this too will pass
as i screamed
to a God
above why
am i here
in Hell
smiles NoW my friend for i was
looking for God too far away for i was
yet to Find God within as Love to Heal
me away from all my pain and numb back
to a real Heaven of Love Within now.. and it’s
true i wrote about this Heaven in Words until empty
shells of letters became Words HouSinG an Essence of
Love as that Love was born again in me.. as surely a Phoenix
of Love Rose FLoWeReD out of the ashes of Hell in Darkest Abyss Soul
then of
66 months
wHeRe Night
is preferable to Day..
for then my friEnd any
light brought even more
pain and numb.. so it’s true
Soheir.. Change means Patience
And Never Ever Giving up for Change
is Real and Hell can becoMe HeaveN aGaiN
WithiN Reborn as LiGht as Saint Elmo’s Fire as
DancE and SinG
too mY FriEnd..
Oh yeaH and by the
Way Elmo is another
way to say Helen my Mother’s
Name Saint Helen in Heaven to me at least
on this “All Saint’s Day” as ‘the Catholics’ Sing too..:)
Day Seven NoW of Black And White
Photo Challenges.. thank you Prajakta
for getting involved in this Prompt for it
is how
Muse Soar
Bringing Inspiration
to others through simple
to more complex floats
upon Clouds of
Still Waters
of Seas and Mountains
through Distant Fog…
Boats just
to aRise NoW
More a Morn oF Light
SMiLes my FriEnd when
every point of liGht or DArk
becomes muse of a poetic
prompt to Dance and Sing
more what else is left
but to eNJoy
Heaven NoW MoRE..
nah.. noT JusT a Fantasy
and yes a Fantasy Dream
oF FruiTioN Real AS HeARt
Colored By Ocean Breeze
wHOLe as SpiRiT MiNd
and BoDy
SoUL eVen MoRe..
not a bad job at all my
friEnd iN FaCT LiFE iS Good
do too..:)
Photo Challenges.. thank you Prajakta
for getting involved in this Prompt for it
is how
Muse Soar
Bringing Inspiration
to others through simple
to more complex floats
upon Clouds of
Still Waters
of Seas and Mountains
through Distant Fog…
Boats just
to aRise NoW
More a Morn oF Light
SMiLes my FriEnd when
every point of liGht or DArk
becomes muse of a poetic
prompt to Dance and Sing
more what else is left
but to eNJoy
Heaven NoW MoRE..
nah.. noT JusT a Fantasy
and yes a Fantasy Dream
oF FruiTioN Real AS HeARt
Colored By Ocean Breeze
wHOLe as SpiRiT MiNd
and BoDy
SoUL eVen MoRe..
not a bad job at all my
friEnd iN FaCT LiFE iS Good
do too..:)
SMiLes.. my friEnd.. are you ready for it..
Do you understand that the Kingdom of Heaven
Lives within as Love alWays NoW iN this Generation
alWays now or are you stuck
in Dreams
of Hell
in a Book
Named Revelation
in a Book Spirited in
Poetry by one Human Being
who never even met the man Crucified
named Yeshua then as of course he was
an illiterate Aramaic Speaking Dude who
never wrote any words
in his life then
that existed
past his life..
the rest of everything
was passed around an Oral
Tradition of Dusty Roads in the
Middle Eastern Desert way until Four
Decades to Ten Decades or so after that
and more Before Greek Smarty Pants Greeks
Chose which passed down sects ranging from
Beliefs in one Christian God to Twelve Christian
Gods Depending on which Desert Wanderer a
Greek Scribe who could actually write
stuff down and keep it
in parchment
on what to write
next then.. of course
i’ve always provided these
details and more but Jesus
F in Christ Fun if you wanna name
Heaven now.. it’s obvious that Heaven
Still exists now being rarified in abstract construct
Words that even STiLL exist in places like Luke and
Matthew in the New Testament Still now and of course
who ever wrote the Words of John 14:12 even says if you
believe in what Jesus teaches according to that book you
will do even greater works than the historical Jesus did then..
but of course Constantine
and his Roman Catholic
Cohorts created the
Jesus Mythology
as Soldier
Sun God in accordance
with the other Regional
Mythologies and
Religions.. namely
the Mithra ways too
to bind all the folks
together to expand
the Roman Empire
even further to also
Worship a Monolithic
Sun God Statue of Constantine
as erected in the City Square too..
as idols of Statues ranging from Sun
God Statues to three letter words in
Vain to name i am anything other
than beyond Alpha
all that is too
of course including
you and me as everyone
lives in and with and as God too
ye are all Gods Sons and Daughters
Gentiles Jews Servant Free Woman
and or Man no more and all the rest of the
Jazz of all that is also named i am as God too
in as small as a three letter word in Vain too of course
Breaking the 10 Commandments as everyone does still
for that original instruction to never utter any name of God
beyond all names as
NoW including
DaRk as dARk is also
BeYOnd and PaRT of
Alpha through Omega more too..
now i reFuse to outRight say i am smARTer
than you but sure writing 6 Bibles in 50 months
still exceeding 5 Million Words and 3 New Testaments
of Sub Chapters of those Sub Chapters therein of “SonG
of mY SoUL” does give me somewhat of an advantage of A
John 14:12 greater work as such my friEnd but still i refuse
to say i am even
a Grain of
Sand for that
Grain of Sand is God
too as integral to God as
me and you and we are too..
anyway.. some more Good News
is “Nether Land Bible 2017” stARTed on Memorial
Day or so of 2016 then as that SubChapter as Bible
now Arises to 2,147,265 words as of the last 133rd
MacroVerse titled “HaLo TWeeN DReAMs” that of course
i will provide all free for i am rich in love and grace yes and
will and strength and need no Washington BLacK Dollar BiLLs
or Lincoln SeNt Cents more ever earned to live more now in the
Kingdom of Heaven with that is Pure Agape Love for all My friEnd
for those who are reBorn into a LiGht of Love so Great that all tHere is
left to do
is give
share all
Free for Love
overflowing Chalice
with never the pit of
Hell that is all things
related to Fear and Hate
and other separation tried
from the Unity of God all that is all..
And yeah that 133rd MacroVerse does
Double as MacroVerse Number 804 of A 5 Million plUs
Word Longest Long Form Poem and Bible too writing all
that in 50 months aLong with 8300 Miles of Public Praise
Dance in ecstatic ascendent Holy Spirit Gaining way of Creating
Even longer Bibles now for it’s true tHere is a third Bible too now at
529,265 Words since Memorial Day of 2017 Named “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018”.. that will verily and surely surpass around 1.2 Million Words by
Memorial Day of 2018 too as that Bible as “Nether Land Bible 2017” will also then
continue to Grow as subchapter and third Bible pass that date too.. and yes “HaLo
TWeeN Dreams” does also Triple as MacroVerse Number 29 of what i may shorten
as A Third Bible titled as “F Book Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. depends on what the Holy Creative
Spirit within says ‘tween now and then when i title a MacroVerse to MaRK the Milestone of
that Bible on or about Memorial
Day of 2018
and oh yeah..
WiLL also be celebrating
7 years of existence online
Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010
with a total online output of around
12 Million Words since that day too..
and as coincidence and synchronicity will
have it back then in the midst of Living in Hell
on Earth with type two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. a pain
assessed worse by Science than Crucifixion along with
19 total medical Disorders up to that point in Hell oN EarTH
for 33 Months then to go on more another 33 months for 66 total
Months with Worse than Crucifixion Pain and Numb.. it’s true when
i mustered the strength to put my Baby Photo avatar up for the Will
and Strength to Find Love and Grace of my child eYes of Love again..
just so happens i put that photo up on Christmas Day of 2010.. so
in a way
as so
many other
folks who have
A John 14:12 Great
Work of Love in Life..
i’ve come again to DanceSinG
more the Good News is Love is the
Kingdom of Heaven NoW as Hope and
Joy within to give and share to everyone
else.. the only other choice my friEnd is some
kind of Purgatory or Hell you and others make for
yOuRselves in misery loves company THE invitation iN
Light still oPeN NoW..
is and
are that dePends
on if You are Ready for
Heaven now for my friENd
this place takes work and is
no gift of Grace alone for Love
and Will and Strength in a Practice
oF Love Forever is verily and surely required now to Live HeaR mY FriEnd..
Call for an Uprising oF Fear and hate you sAdly and surely continue to bRinG as
my favorite
dArk muse
NoW out side of
all the other Trumps mY FriEnd..
true i owe you thanks for all the
words you Bring to me with all your
dARK MuSE HeAR and yes.. ready
or not
in Broad Daylight
in the Middle of the Night too..
HeAR iT iS Baby JusT Good News All For Free LoVE NoW..
Do you understand that the Kingdom of Heaven
Lives within as Love alWays NoW iN this Generation
alWays now or are you stuck
in Dreams
of Hell
in a Book
Named Revelation
in a Book Spirited in
Poetry by one Human Being
who never even met the man Crucified
named Yeshua then as of course he was
an illiterate Aramaic Speaking Dude who
never wrote any words
in his life then
that existed
past his life..
the rest of everything
was passed around an Oral
Tradition of Dusty Roads in the
Middle Eastern Desert way until Four
Decades to Ten Decades or so after that
and more Before Greek Smarty Pants Greeks
Chose which passed down sects ranging from
Beliefs in one Christian God to Twelve Christian
Gods Depending on which Desert Wanderer a
Greek Scribe who could actually write
stuff down and keep it
in parchment
on what to write
next then.. of course
i’ve always provided these
details and more but Jesus
F in Christ Fun if you wanna name
Heaven now.. it’s obvious that Heaven
Still exists now being rarified in abstract construct
Words that even STiLL exist in places like Luke and
Matthew in the New Testament Still now and of course
who ever wrote the Words of John 14:12 even says if you
believe in what Jesus teaches according to that book you
will do even greater works than the historical Jesus did then..
but of course Constantine
and his Roman Catholic
Cohorts created the
Jesus Mythology
as Soldier
Sun God in accordance
with the other Regional
Mythologies and
Religions.. namely
the Mithra ways too
to bind all the folks
together to expand
the Roman Empire
even further to also
Worship a Monolithic
Sun God Statue of Constantine
as erected in the City Square too..
as idols of Statues ranging from Sun
God Statues to three letter words in
Vain to name i am anything other
than beyond Alpha
all that is too
of course including
you and me as everyone
lives in and with and as God too
ye are all Gods Sons and Daughters
Gentiles Jews Servant Free Woman
and or Man no more and all the rest of the
Jazz of all that is also named i am as God too
in as small as a three letter word in Vain too of course
Breaking the 10 Commandments as everyone does still
for that original instruction to never utter any name of God
beyond all names as
NoW including
DaRk as dARk is also
BeYOnd and PaRT of
Alpha through Omega more too..
now i reFuse to outRight say i am smARTer
than you but sure writing 6 Bibles in 50 months
still exceeding 5 Million Words and 3 New Testaments
of Sub Chapters of those Sub Chapters therein of “SonG
of mY SoUL” does give me somewhat of an advantage of A
John 14:12 greater work as such my friEnd but still i refuse
to say i am even
a Grain of
Sand for that
Grain of Sand is God
too as integral to God as
me and you and we are too..
anyway.. some more Good News
is “Nether Land Bible 2017” stARTed on Memorial
Day or so of 2016 then as that SubChapter as Bible
now Arises to 2,147,265 words as of the last 133rd
MacroVerse titled “HaLo TWeeN DReAMs” that of course
i will provide all free for i am rich in love and grace yes and
will and strength and need no Washington BLacK Dollar BiLLs
or Lincoln SeNt Cents more ever earned to live more now in the
Kingdom of Heaven with that is Pure Agape Love for all My friEnd
for those who are reBorn into a LiGht of Love so Great that all tHere is
left to do
is give
share all
Free for Love
overflowing Chalice
with never the pit of
Hell that is all things
related to Fear and Hate
and other separation tried
from the Unity of God all that is all..
And yeah that 133rd MacroVerse does
Double as MacroVerse Number 804 of A 5 Million plUs
Word Longest Long Form Poem and Bible too writing all
that in 50 months aLong with 8300 Miles of Public Praise
Dance in ecstatic ascendent Holy Spirit Gaining way of Creating
Even longer Bibles now for it’s true tHere is a third Bible too now at
529,265 Words since Memorial Day of 2017 Named “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018”.. that will verily and surely surpass around 1.2 Million Words by
Memorial Day of 2018 too as that Bible as “Nether Land Bible 2017” will also then
continue to Grow as subchapter and third Bible pass that date too.. and yes “HaLo
TWeeN Dreams” does also Triple as MacroVerse Number 29 of what i may shorten
as A Third Bible titled as “F Book Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. depends on what the Holy Creative
Spirit within says ‘tween now and then when i title a MacroVerse to MaRK the Milestone of
that Bible on or about Memorial
Day of 2018
and oh yeah..
WiLL also be celebrating
7 years of existence online
Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010
with a total online output of around
12 Million Words since that day too..
and as coincidence and synchronicity will
have it back then in the midst of Living in Hell
on Earth with type two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. a pain
assessed worse by Science than Crucifixion along with
19 total medical Disorders up to that point in Hell oN EarTH
for 33 Months then to go on more another 33 months for 66 total
Months with Worse than Crucifixion Pain and Numb.. it’s true when
i mustered the strength to put my Baby Photo avatar up for the Will
and Strength to Find Love and Grace of my child eYes of Love again..
just so happens i put that photo up on Christmas Day of 2010.. so
in a way
as so
many other
folks who have
A John 14:12 Great
Work of Love in Life..
i’ve come again to DanceSinG
more the Good News is Love is the
Kingdom of Heaven NoW as Hope and
Joy within to give and share to everyone
else.. the only other choice my friEnd is some
kind of Purgatory or Hell you and others make for
yOuRselves in misery loves company THE invitation iN
Light still oPeN NoW..
is and
are that dePends
on if You are Ready for
Heaven now for my friENd
this place takes work and is
no gift of Grace alone for Love
and Will and Strength in a Practice
oF Love Forever is verily and surely required now to Live HeaR mY FriEnd..
Call for an Uprising oF Fear and hate you sAdly and surely continue to bRinG as
my favorite
dArk muse
NoW out side of
all the other Trumps mY FriEnd..
true i owe you thanks for all the
words you Bring to me with all your
dARK MuSE HeAR and yes.. ready
or not
in Broad Daylight
in the Middle of the Night too..
HeAR iT iS Baby JusT Good News All For Free LoVE NoW..
Also too, Uprising Dude, considering I use to work for the Government
too for Twenty-Five Years; it’s worth noting that Google and or Youtube
the Same or any other Internet Provider can easily determine who you
are; doesn’t matter if you create a Million New YouTube Sites there is
truly no Privacy anymore..
so in other
words as long
as you live online
there is no wHeRe to hide
so you might as well let it all hang
out for i verily and surely have no secrets to hide….
showing your face.. even a Baby Avatar might
be a stART to grow ‘a pair’..
oF Real LoVE baLLs
my FriEnd..
Thanks for the Memories..
And the Real Fire of Love as LiGht continues to Rise in a neighborhood very close
to you.. in fAct BeYond iNFiNiTy for LiVinG iN thE LiGht of Love is eternAlly NOW
with no Distance
‘God’ LoVE NoW..
yeP.. every Evangelist for Money’s Nightmare coMe
True NoW.. soMe Naive Boy with Asperger’s Syndrome
FuLL oF LoVE.. takes John 14:12 LiterAlly and JusT Does iT nexT..
And the
faCT iS
mY FriEnd
God is ReAL LoVE
aT Least for me and Hopefully more
as Love for you too KinGDoM wiThSTanDinG NoW..
are you ready TO COME..NoW NoW NOW..
for Heaven or not now my FriEnd..NoW
as Taylor does in the video and as Jesus
says in the Gospel of Thomas Verse 37
as reported still now her shadow
strips off the clothes
oF Lies aS Idols
of Mechanical
and other words tReading all over those cultural clothes with no shAMe
and then becoMes free just naked and free with as God Free LiGHtLoVE..
yeaH.. i kNoW, TL;DR and all that Twitter Verse Jazz but serIOUsly what
DO you expect from “A” “John 14:12”.. i am ‘A’ Anti-Trump(s) and JusT ‘A’ Superman
and ‘A’ Batman too; no tHees aRound tHeSE ParTs only allone God mY FRiEnd NoW..;)
too for Twenty-Five Years; it’s worth noting that Google and or Youtube
the Same or any other Internet Provider can easily determine who you
are; doesn’t matter if you create a Million New YouTube Sites there is
truly no Privacy anymore..
so in other
words as long
as you live online
there is no wHeRe to hide
so you might as well let it all hang
out for i verily and surely have no secrets to hide….
showing your face.. even a Baby Avatar might
be a stART to grow ‘a pair’..
oF Real LoVE baLLs
my FriEnd..
Thanks for the Memories..
And the Real Fire of Love as LiGht continues to Rise in a neighborhood very close
to you.. in fAct BeYond iNFiNiTy for LiVinG iN thE LiGht of Love is eternAlly NOW
with no Distance
‘God’ LoVE NoW..
yeP.. every Evangelist for Money’s Nightmare coMe
True NoW.. soMe Naive Boy with Asperger’s Syndrome
FuLL oF LoVE.. takes John 14:12 LiterAlly and JusT Does iT nexT..
And the
faCT iS
mY FriEnd
God is ReAL LoVE
aT Least for me and Hopefully more
as Love for you too KinGDoM wiThSTanDinG NoW..
are you ready TO COME..NoW NoW NOW..
for Heaven or not now my FriEnd..NoW
as Taylor does in the video and as Jesus
says in the Gospel of Thomas Verse 37
as reported still now her shadow
strips off the clothes
oF Lies aS Idols
of Mechanical
and other words tReading all over those cultural clothes with no shAMe
and then becoMes free just naked and free with as God Free LiGHtLoVE..
yeaH.. i kNoW, TL;DR and all that Twitter Verse Jazz but serIOUsly what
DO you expect from “A” “John 14:12”.. i am ‘A’ Anti-Trump(s) and JusT ‘A’ Superman
and ‘A’ Batman too; no tHees aRound tHeSE ParTs only allone God mY FRiEnd NoW..;)
Hope you enJoy the MesSage to the Uprising Dude..
And i did take the time to listen to ‘this’ Entire
Video.. Good Message.. one that Flows
More aLong thE Real MesSage thaT
the Reported Teacher/Counselor
oF Good News
BRings and
thaT iS Love
my FriEnd.. Base
iT aLL on Love and you won’t
go wrong nor will you have
any problems with the
either.. sAdly
Love doesn’t
earn much money
but truthfully in Light
why should it.. Hopefully
one day you will be able to
do all of this as slave to money
no more for all tools Away from
Love as Will For Love BRinGinG
and hate my friEnd..
Have a nice day.. alWays
Good no matter wHeRe Love CoMes fRoM iS…
So.. TVC Dude on YouTube.. Good ForTune WitH
And i did take the time to listen to ‘this’ Entire
Video.. Good Message.. one that Flows
More aLong thE Real MesSage thaT
the Reported Teacher/Counselor
oF Good News
BRings and
thaT iS Love
my FriEnd.. Base
iT aLL on Love and you won’t
go wrong nor will you have
any problems with the
either.. sAdly
Love doesn’t
earn much money
but truthfully in Light
why should it.. Hopefully
one day you will be able to
do all of this as slave to money
no more for all tools Away from
Love as Will For Love BRinGinG
and hate my friEnd..
Have a nice day.. alWays
Good no matter wHeRe Love CoMes fRoM iS…
So.. TVC Dude on YouTube.. Good ForTune WitH
Thanks so much for the Kind
words in return my FriEnd Soheir
tHere is another Song in the U.S.
named ‘Believer’ by a man in
the Mormon Religion
that says
him a Believer
for it’s true Severe
Pain often leads to
Reduction to even
Loss of Emotions
too and that
Truly is at least
to me worse than the
Science assessed worst
Pain understood by Human
Kind at Large for those 66 Months
from wake to sleep.. and it’s true when
one loses Emotions tHeRE is no reference
point Back to those Feelings as Emotions
are Memories and Memories are
Emotions too often incased
in senses and associations
of words too for yes
Those Words
of Love
in the past
Became empty shells
with no memory of what
a smile or a laugh felt like during
those 66 Months wHere putting a Beloved
Cat Down about 63 Months into my illness
brought the First Tear in those 63 months
and that tear of grief was the best
feeling ever then for i finally
gained the feeling
of strength
to well being
of Will coming from
a Foundation of Love and Grace…
iN school and at play the folks who live
where i live.. particularly young males told those
of us who expressed emotions that we could never
be real men with emotions expressed of any kind.. not
even a smile my friEnd.. the killing of male emotions and
empathy and sympathy and compassion same is truly a source
of all conflict.. religion or not as part of that equation of cold souls
who and that feel and sense no love as empathy and sympathy and
compassion with their fellow brothers and sisters as we are all blood love..
until Love
is killed
off my
friend.. true too
this happens innately
too rarely in genetics in
what folks name as Psychopathic
Tendencies where these genetically
ill people feel pleasure over the pain of others
as truly their only real pleasure now.. leading to
all kinds of Harm to others as these folks most often
end up in prison for life. . for some of these people have
little to no control of their lust to see others in harm and pain..
and it’s true the same can come from illness and pain in this kind of
numb too..
for to my horror
for to my moral
code when i was sick
in the bottom pit of hell
when i could feel nothing
but pain and numb truly all
i looked forward too was the
pain that was me then.. for
it’s true i feared the numb
more than even the pain..
it’s truly hard to say too..
what causes what now
then or which is
what which is
but so sadly and horrifyingly
one day when my Mother was choking
on a piece of bread no matter the horror of
my moral code.. i too then had become the real devil
on earth too.. for watching her choke then that was always
one of my most terrifying experiences of life before actually
felt better than the pain and numb inside.. so it’s true my friend
i can sympathize with the difficulties real devils live in Human form
but you see i had a moral code that could at least remember logically
that this was part of my overall sickness then for my brain had been
damaged by constant fight or flight stress at work for two years before
most all the illnesses came on in disability then.. that’s the other thing
that pain taught me.. Fear is A killer A father of all that
is bad in life truly a devil at core too in how
we live our lives.. i don’t fear anymore
for i understand
how fear
away close up
and so personal my friend..
and i must say it makes me rather
Angry when i see someone telling
a Young Man he is weak for expressing
his emotions now.. for i understand that is
a pathway straight to hell.. a hole of emptiness
that can never be filled up as felt in the now of eternal hell..
True all in all Pain taught me how to Love Unconditionally my
FriEnd for it was the Numb that taught me what and where Heaven
is within
Love Giving
and Sharing
Love that is felt
and sensed as Real
Muse of Motivating Power force SpiRiT
more to share and give love even MoRE NoW
but further more i understand now that i will never
be in a position personally to judge any human being
or any other part of Creation and God the same for true
i am only human and i do break down too.. but true too
i will do anything and everything to prevent just one
person from going where i did my friend
for at the end
of life
in the
last blink
thereof it is
the love we give
and share that is all of
really what carries on of our
Spirit our heARt and our SoUL
HeAR oN EaRTh the Gift the Gift Real is Love…
Highest Gift God Gives Human as Nature Real Now..
a place when real within is surely worthy of a name
for a Kingdom of Heaven within for Hell is my Greatest
Gift from God of and as Nature within me to find a home
within as LoVE NoW..
i am for
this Love my
FriEnd but again
the reference point is
both devil and demon and hell real…
Before my Father and Mother and one
of My Step Mother’s Husbands and my Aunt
and a Cousin and a Sister-in-Law and more
passed away i came back to Love just
in the
counts to
say so long
for Love is all
that lasts to me my friEnd Soheir..:)
words in return my FriEnd Soheir
tHere is another Song in the U.S.
named ‘Believer’ by a man in
the Mormon Religion
that says
him a Believer
for it’s true Severe
Pain often leads to
Reduction to even
Loss of Emotions
too and that
Truly is at least
to me worse than the
Science assessed worst
Pain understood by Human
Kind at Large for those 66 Months
from wake to sleep.. and it’s true when
one loses Emotions tHeRE is no reference
point Back to those Feelings as Emotions
are Memories and Memories are
Emotions too often incased
in senses and associations
of words too for yes
Those Words
of Love
in the past
Became empty shells
with no memory of what
a smile or a laugh felt like during
those 66 Months wHere putting a Beloved
Cat Down about 63 Months into my illness
brought the First Tear in those 63 months
and that tear of grief was the best
feeling ever then for i finally
gained the feeling
of strength
to well being
of Will coming from
a Foundation of Love and Grace…
iN school and at play the folks who live
where i live.. particularly young males told those
of us who expressed emotions that we could never
be real men with emotions expressed of any kind.. not
even a smile my friEnd.. the killing of male emotions and
empathy and sympathy and compassion same is truly a source
of all conflict.. religion or not as part of that equation of cold souls
who and that feel and sense no love as empathy and sympathy and
compassion with their fellow brothers and sisters as we are all blood love..
until Love
is killed
off my
friend.. true too
this happens innately
too rarely in genetics in
what folks name as Psychopathic
Tendencies where these genetically
ill people feel pleasure over the pain of others
as truly their only real pleasure now.. leading to
all kinds of Harm to others as these folks most often
end up in prison for life. . for some of these people have
little to no control of their lust to see others in harm and pain..
and it’s true the same can come from illness and pain in this kind of
numb too..
for to my horror
for to my moral
code when i was sick
in the bottom pit of hell
when i could feel nothing
but pain and numb truly all
i looked forward too was the
pain that was me then.. for
it’s true i feared the numb
more than even the pain..
it’s truly hard to say too..
what causes what now
then or which is
what which is
but so sadly and horrifyingly
one day when my Mother was choking
on a piece of bread no matter the horror of
my moral code.. i too then had become the real devil
on earth too.. for watching her choke then that was always
one of my most terrifying experiences of life before actually
felt better than the pain and numb inside.. so it’s true my friend
i can sympathize with the difficulties real devils live in Human form
but you see i had a moral code that could at least remember logically
that this was part of my overall sickness then for my brain had been
damaged by constant fight or flight stress at work for two years before
most all the illnesses came on in disability then.. that’s the other thing
that pain taught me.. Fear is A killer A father of all that
is bad in life truly a devil at core too in how
we live our lives.. i don’t fear anymore
for i understand
how fear
away close up
and so personal my friend..
and i must say it makes me rather
Angry when i see someone telling
a Young Man he is weak for expressing
his emotions now.. for i understand that is
a pathway straight to hell.. a hole of emptiness
that can never be filled up as felt in the now of eternal hell..
True all in all Pain taught me how to Love Unconditionally my
FriEnd for it was the Numb that taught me what and where Heaven
is within
Love Giving
and Sharing
Love that is felt
and sensed as Real
Muse of Motivating Power force SpiRiT
more to share and give love even MoRE NoW
but further more i understand now that i will never
be in a position personally to judge any human being
or any other part of Creation and God the same for true
i am only human and i do break down too.. but true too
i will do anything and everything to prevent just one
person from going where i did my friend
for at the end
of life
in the
last blink
thereof it is
the love we give
and share that is all of
really what carries on of our
Spirit our heARt and our SoUL
HeAR oN EaRTh the Gift the Gift Real is Love…
Highest Gift God Gives Human as Nature Real Now..
a place when real within is surely worthy of a name
for a Kingdom of Heaven within for Hell is my Greatest
Gift from God of and as Nature within me to find a home
within as LoVE NoW..
i am for
this Love my
FriEnd but again
the reference point is
both devil and demon and hell real…
Before my Father and Mother and one
of My Step Mother’s Husbands and my Aunt
and a Cousin and a Sister-in-Law and more
passed away i came back to Love just
in the
counts to
say so long
for Love is all
that lasts to me my friEnd Soheir..:)
Hi gigoid and Happy November
1st Birthday at about
9 years and
7 Months
and some
Change of
Days Older
than me.. hehe..
and as i remember 10 years
ago for me that was surely
no cakewalk
with zero
anywhere to
find for me as colors
had become so painful
to look at about two months
before my descent to hell of
pain and numb that i attempted
to break out some words from the
Computer but even white screen
dull was too bright for that pain then..
color pain and bright screen pain such a strange
and sensitive pain then with zinging sensations
all through out in my head and a chill on my scalp top
too as my extremities grew Cold for that Summer Before
even in 100 Degree Temperatures a breeze of heat
a chill
within then..
so strange so strange
to be chilled in 100 Degree
Temperatures then still.. and the
whole environment became difficult to
breathe and eventually out doors would be
a hell i could no longer stand then.. blood not
getting to my head eventually diagnosed with Dysautonomia.. too..
then.. it’s true my friend i didn’t just feel like a 100.. i felt in another
age entirely as the Entire Environment of the Planet became an
inhospitable one to me.. but only me entering into Earth Hell
then for merrily
still on the
Beach then in
November Sun
while i froze in heat
and cold same what a strange
Bird i was then.. anyway.. the mystics
say the experience by symptoms i was
experiencing was Kundalini Syndrome then..
in other words my Emotions were not regulating
and my Senses were not integrating and Medical
Science had no reason at all for me why that was
happening then real.. sensitivity to colors starting it all
out in 2006.. any Doctor understanding Sensitivity to Colors
at all… might as well have been ET going to the Doctor Back then..
as ‘they’ say ‘that’ passed and now all is Good Change is real Change
is Strange and Strange is even Heaven too when your smell don’t work
right with
all that
considered now too..
anyway enough then about
me for just an age difference
between friends brought all the
muse of that memory back now..
i am very sorry to hear that
you are having trouble
sitting in longer
now and i hope
you are still enjoying
your walks into the Big
Blue Room of Nature Free..
i understand it’s still rather toasty
in Southern California ways hope you
are not too hot were you are at my friend
in more Northern Areas of California now than
Deeper Southern California Heat Waves.. the Weather
here is slowly returning to Indian Summer but Hot Chocolate
Dream Days finally returned after two years to the Interstate Fair
as the old saying goes it always gets Cold when the Fair comes
of course
for the
last two
years as
change comes
whether we bring it
or not.. fortunately i am
able to change my Internal
Weather now through Moving
Meditation.. Body Trained for Light
Gravity Finally Friend of mine where
233 LBs and so of Body weight stArts
out Heavy sitting up and standing
and becomes a never ending
Float once my arms
rise up.. we
are Energy we
Are Force we are Synergy
as Frequencies of Vibrations
Emotions and Senses NeuroHormones
and NeuroChemicals Bones and Blood and
Flesh and Electrons and Photons of MoRE LiGht
too.. swirling within inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. Now i dance with all of that as Director
i as actor I.. Spirit Exclamation Point! Derived and may
the Force be with you too greater as WeLL my Friend.. other
than that the play goes on and life is what life is best with and as Love my FriEnd..
AnyWay.. off to riff
off the Wisdom
of your
two Efforts
my FriEnd and of
course enjoyed reading
all the Historical ones too..
as re-blogs and re-dos too..:)
1st Birthday at about
9 years and
7 Months
and some
Change of
Days Older
than me.. hehe..
and as i remember 10 years
ago for me that was surely
no cakewalk
with zero
anywhere to
find for me as colors
had become so painful
to look at about two months
before my descent to hell of
pain and numb that i attempted
to break out some words from the
Computer but even white screen
dull was too bright for that pain then..
color pain and bright screen pain such a strange
and sensitive pain then with zinging sensations
all through out in my head and a chill on my scalp top
too as my extremities grew Cold for that Summer Before
even in 100 Degree Temperatures a breeze of heat
a chill
within then..
so strange so strange
to be chilled in 100 Degree
Temperatures then still.. and the
whole environment became difficult to
breathe and eventually out doors would be
a hell i could no longer stand then.. blood not
getting to my head eventually diagnosed with Dysautonomia.. too..
then.. it’s true my friend i didn’t just feel like a 100.. i felt in another
age entirely as the Entire Environment of the Planet became an
inhospitable one to me.. but only me entering into Earth Hell
then for merrily
still on the
Beach then in
November Sun
while i froze in heat
and cold same what a strange
Bird i was then.. anyway.. the mystics
say the experience by symptoms i was
experiencing was Kundalini Syndrome then..
in other words my Emotions were not regulating
and my Senses were not integrating and Medical
Science had no reason at all for me why that was
happening then real.. sensitivity to colors starting it all
out in 2006.. any Doctor understanding Sensitivity to Colors
at all… might as well have been ET going to the Doctor Back then..
as ‘they’ say ‘that’ passed and now all is Good Change is real Change
is Strange and Strange is even Heaven too when your smell don’t work
right with
all that
considered now too..
anyway enough then about
me for just an age difference
between friends brought all the
muse of that memory back now..
i am very sorry to hear that
you are having trouble
sitting in longer
now and i hope
you are still enjoying
your walks into the Big
Blue Room of Nature Free..
i understand it’s still rather toasty
in Southern California ways hope you
are not too hot were you are at my friend
in more Northern Areas of California now than
Deeper Southern California Heat Waves.. the Weather
here is slowly returning to Indian Summer but Hot Chocolate
Dream Days finally returned after two years to the Interstate Fair
as the old saying goes it always gets Cold when the Fair comes
of course
for the
last two
years as
change comes
whether we bring it
or not.. fortunately i am
able to change my Internal
Weather now through Moving
Meditation.. Body Trained for Light
Gravity Finally Friend of mine where
233 LBs and so of Body weight stArts
out Heavy sitting up and standing
and becomes a never ending
Float once my arms
rise up.. we
are Energy we
Are Force we are Synergy
as Frequencies of Vibrations
Emotions and Senses NeuroHormones
and NeuroChemicals Bones and Blood and
Flesh and Electrons and Photons of MoRE LiGht
too.. swirling within inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. Now i dance with all of that as Director
i as actor I.. Spirit Exclamation Point! Derived and may
the Force be with you too greater as WeLL my Friend.. other
than that the play goes on and life is what life is best with and as Love my FriEnd..
AnyWay.. off to riff
off the Wisdom
of your
two Efforts
my FriEnd and of
course enjoyed reading
all the Historical ones too..
as re-blogs and re-dos too..:)
“Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~
And God is the Joker in Charge as long as we be fun
“If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon
in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.”
in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.”
~~ Lin Yutang ~~
It’s true no one uses me anymore.. hAha..
WeLL aT LeaSt noT For Pay..;)
WeLL aT LeaSt noT For Pay..;)
“Seeing death as the end of life
is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean”
is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean”
.~~ David Searls ~~
It’s true the Earth
is not flat
Zombies are too..;)
is not flat
Zombies are too..;)
As for courage and will
– we cannot measure how much of each lies within us,
we can only trust there will be sufficient
to carry through trials which may lie ahead.”
– we cannot measure how much of each lies within us,
we can only trust there will be sufficient
to carry through trials which may lie ahead.”
~~ Andre Norton ~~
Trust eliminates most fear
leading to Love and Grace
the Foundation of Courage and Will..
most often brought in Childhood first ages
0 through 3 with a Loving Touch that Spells Unconditional Most..:)
leading to Love and Grace
the Foundation of Courage and Will..
most often brought in Childhood first ages
0 through 3 with a Loving Touch that Spells Unconditional Most..:)
“If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon
in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.”
in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.”
~~ Lin Yutang ~~
It’s so much fun i am doing it again..;)
It is ridiculous to lay the blame of our wrong actions upon external causes,
rather than on the facility with which we ourselves are caught by such causes.”
rather than on the facility with which we ourselves are caught by such causes.”
~~ Aristotle ~~
Considering that as Science shows almost
entirely Emotion Drives and so
called Rationality
comes next
i wouldn’t
Be surprised if
someone like Donald John
Trump could be elected President
now but true i didn’t believe it before
for it’s also true that’s Proof enough that many
Humans at least are not rational enough to be led by FActs..;)
entirely Emotion Drives and so
called Rationality
comes next
i wouldn’t
Be surprised if
someone like Donald John
Trump could be elected President
now but true i didn’t believe it before
for it’s also true that’s Proof enough that many
Humans at least are not rational enough to be led by FActs..;)
“Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another.”
~~ Dr. Who ~~
i Find GreaTest Graces and Loves and Even Fearless
Will and Strength from getting inspired by the most of mundane stuff..
as ‘they’ say.. no pain no gain keep trying never give uP Be inspired always now..:)
Will and Strength from getting inspired by the most of mundane stuff..
as ‘they’ say.. no pain no gain keep trying never give uP Be inspired always now..:)
“The virtue of all achievement is the victory over oneself.
Those who know this can never know defeat.”
Those who know this can never know defeat.”
~~ A.J. Cronin ~~
Emotional Regulation and Sensory
Integration so much more than words alone..
in other words
as Dance that Sings..:)
Integration so much more than words alone..
in other words
as Dance that Sings..:)
“There are two sentences inscribed upon the Delphic oracle,
hugely accommodated to the usages of man’s life:
“Know thyself”,
and “Nothing too much”;
and upon these all other precepts depend.”
hugely accommodated to the usages of man’s life:
“Know thyself”,
and “Nothing too much”;
and upon these all other precepts depend.”
~~ Plutarch — Consolation to Apollonius ~~
Yes as ‘they’ say saw
see aBove as beLow OKay..;)
see aBove as beLow OKay..;)
“There is a great deal of human nature in people.”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
“For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.”
~~ Lewis Carroll ~~
SMiLes.. Wisdom that stArts out with anything
Associated with Alice iN Wonderland IS A greaTest
Test Beauty to me..:)
Associated with Alice iN Wonderland IS A greaTest
Test Beauty to me..:)
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, –that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
~~ John Keats, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
And true mileage varies depending on the Ink Blot Life Test..;)
“There are no accidents whatsoever in the universe.”
~~ Baba Ram Dass ~~
And there are also no words until
some creature invents them..
that should be common
sense of course
the fAct
that some
folks literally
turn God into words.. even
against tHeir own 10 Commandments..
but of course we are co-creators as Nature
Free.. in other
words.. just proof
that we go more Free than
rules when co-Creating Free..:)
some creature invents them..
that should be common
sense of course
the fAct
that some
folks literally
turn God into words.. even
against tHeir own 10 Commandments..
but of course we are co-creators as Nature
Free.. in other
words.. just proof
that we go more Free than
rules when co-Creating Free..:)
“Run, romp and play daily.”
~~ Things We Can Learn From Dogs ~~
Run is for flight and fight for Survive
Dance is for Thrive Play at least that’s what my
me in
the Language of Pain.. as truly Pain makes me a Believer NoW iN Dance..;)
Dance is for Thrive Play at least that’s what my
me in
the Language of Pain.. as truly Pain makes me a Believer NoW iN Dance..;)
“If you love the sacred and despise the ordinary,
you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion.”
you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion.”
~~ Lin-Chi ~~
Yes.. when all becomes a poetic prompt
for Dance and Sing all becomes Holy
and Sacred Full of Meaning
and Purpose
of Grain
aS ToWeRinG Mountains oF Human Made Love..:)
for Dance and Sing all becomes Holy
and Sacred Full of Meaning
and Purpose
of Grain
aS ToWeRinG Mountains oF Human Made Love..:)
“Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future.
What might have been and what is all point to the same end,
that which is always present.”
What might have been and what is all point to the same end,
that which is always present.”
~~ T.S. Eliot, “Burnt Norton” ~~
Could’a Would’a Should’a
BeeN NaH
JusT Do NoW iN Victory of Shoe Seller BriGht iN Do
BeeN NaH
JusT Do NoW iN Victory of Shoe Seller BriGht iN Do
“The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.
Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.”
Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.”
~~ Louis L’Amour, “Ride the Dark Trail” ~~
Butt Be Careful oF YouR Holy and Sacred
Dance Steps oF SonG iN thE Woods FuLL
oF iT
and Purpose
too for
it’s True
aS Bears Do ShiTetH iN thE FoResT too..;)
Dance Steps oF SonG iN thE Woods FuLL
oF iT
and Purpose
too for
it’s True
aS Bears Do ShiTetH iN thE FoResT too..;)
“And those who were seen dancing
were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music.”
were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music.”
~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~
More Specifically (Fred).. a Quadrillion
or so points of poTenTiaL Positive
Vibrations as Tonal Frequencies
in Cells from Head to Toe
from NeuroHormones
and NeuroChemicals
in those Bio-Electrical-
Chemical-Hormonal Reactions
aLonG WitH Sub Atomic Particles
aS Electrons and Photons we influence
by our very being observing and perceiving
now.. Resurrecting from Crucible Fire of Star
Death.. Gaseous duST retUrNing eVeNtuaLLy
aS Sentient StaR DuST PlUS uS.. NoW..
it’s True.. it is the best of times and
Even Heaven now for
those who
A Symphony oF LiGHT
from Head to Toe in a Never
Ending Dance and Song of Life
that Feels and Senses even more
my friEnd.. so many points of liGht
A Quadrillion or so Science Aided
eYes see above as Stars Now
in GaLaxies and
WhOle not only are
we Stars.. we are mini-me Multi-
UniVerses now obServing Creation
as Co-Creators now.. in just a little
sliver of Heaven in a slice of Blue
Atmosphere of Organic Life
We Breathe Heaven
in and exhale
out for those who
Breathe Love Greater NoW
in MoVinG ConNecTinG CreATinG
MoRe NoW thaN eVer BeFoRE.. iMaGiNaTioN
EmbRaced FruiTioN oF DreAMs and Truly aS even
Carl Sagan intiMates.. through.. the Movie ‘Contact’
LoVE iS thE ultiMate Capstone of the Pyramid oF aLL
that we feel and sense NoW as BeinG HUMaN Free too..
sMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. An Ocean oF Struggle worth one Drop oF
Love that Lasts EternAlly Forevernow.. and just to thiNk A Dance
of LiGht from DaRk and a Sound that Dance StaRts perHaps a Big
Bang then IS A SonG thaT continues LonG as uS NoW isReaL.. Better
yET to
all of this more
NoW iN LoVinG
Moving Connecting
Co-Creating ways more
than ever before NoW
for yes for those
who come
to thaT
PLAce oF Inner
Human Dimension
Heaven is Real NoW..
No one so far has said it is
easy my FriEnd but it is real
as real as the eYes oF A LoVE
Child’s Face as Adult too..
True.. A Age
oF A
Child NoW iS
CoMinG BacK iN LiGHT
to replace what was once
Matriarchy and Patriarchy
For tHeRE is MoRE thaN EnougH
HUmans to Hold Hands toGeTHeR
ARouNd thE Globe.. So.. thE Child
WitHiN Lives From Birth to LiVE LoVE.
NoT aLL toGeTHeR
ComMon YeT
coMe last as first NoW LoVE2..:)
or so points of poTenTiaL Positive
Vibrations as Tonal Frequencies
in Cells from Head to Toe
from NeuroHormones
and NeuroChemicals
in those Bio-Electrical-
Chemical-Hormonal Reactions
aLonG WitH Sub Atomic Particles
aS Electrons and Photons we influence
by our very being observing and perceiving
now.. Resurrecting from Crucible Fire of Star
Death.. Gaseous duST retUrNing eVeNtuaLLy
aS Sentient StaR DuST PlUS uS.. NoW..
it’s True.. it is the best of times and
Even Heaven now for
those who
A Symphony oF LiGHT
from Head to Toe in a Never
Ending Dance and Song of Life
that Feels and Senses even more
my friEnd.. so many points of liGht
A Quadrillion or so Science Aided
eYes see above as Stars Now
in GaLaxies and
WhOle not only are
we Stars.. we are mini-me Multi-
UniVerses now obServing Creation
as Co-Creators now.. in just a little
sliver of Heaven in a slice of Blue
Atmosphere of Organic Life
We Breathe Heaven
in and exhale
out for those who
Breathe Love Greater NoW
in MoVinG ConNecTinG CreATinG
MoRe NoW thaN eVer BeFoRE.. iMaGiNaTioN
EmbRaced FruiTioN oF DreAMs and Truly aS even
Carl Sagan intiMates.. through.. the Movie ‘Contact’
LoVE iS thE ultiMate Capstone of the Pyramid oF aLL
that we feel and sense NoW as BeinG HUMaN Free too..
sMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. An Ocean oF Struggle worth one Drop oF
Love that Lasts EternAlly Forevernow.. and just to thiNk A Dance
of LiGht from DaRk and a Sound that Dance StaRts perHaps a Big
Bang then IS A SonG thaT continues LonG as uS NoW isReaL.. Better
yET to
all of this more
NoW iN LoVinG
Moving Connecting
Co-Creating ways more
than ever before NoW
for yes for those
who come
to thaT
PLAce oF Inner
Human Dimension
Heaven is Real NoW..
No one so far has said it is
easy my FriEnd but it is real
as real as the eYes oF A LoVE
Child’s Face as Adult too..
True.. A Age
oF A
Child NoW iS
CoMinG BacK iN LiGHT
to replace what was once
Matriarchy and Patriarchy
For tHeRE is MoRE thaN EnougH
HUmans to Hold Hands toGeTHeR
ARouNd thE Globe.. So.. thE Child
WitHiN Lives From Birth to LiVE LoVE.
NoT aLL toGeTHeR
ComMon YeT
coMe last as first NoW LoVE2..:)
Where i live my FriEnd tHere are only a few between
very many people who seem to be interested
in the Deeper pARTs of
SoUL and so nice
it is to meet some
People in the World
like you even if i must
travel online to places like
Egypt.. India.. Pakistan and
the Highlands of Scotland
and the NetherLands
too.. but sure.. tHere
are a few too
in my
Local Area and Country
wHo do have a thirst now
For the Deeper pARts of Life..
those i do treasure as friends but
true i do learn so much from everyone
no matter who they are now my friEnd
for we are all in this soUL GroWinG
Endeavor toGeTher to liFt
Each oThER Up HiGher
ToGeTheR iN Unity aS
As the
Synthesis of Differences
Surely do evolve all our souLs
HiGheR and HiGheR with God no
matter what people Call the Force oF aLL…
Thanks so much for BeinG mY FriEnd it does mean
to me..
In the United States.. overall Halloween
is a very big Celebration for most Folks
but in the Deep South
here.. many
Christians see it as
an Evil Holiday and do not
Celebrate.. the Catholic Church
more Liberal in some ways has no
Problem Celebrating it and Children
even come dressed in Costumes
to Church but it is usually
Characters like
Super Heroes
ways and not so much
scary stuff.. During my Decades
of Work.. i really didn’t Celebrate many
Traditional Holidays much for i worked through
most of them to earn Double Pay to Pay our Bills..
and also in Hopes of Saving Money for a Rainy Day
and Retirement too as that surely did come in very
Handy for the Rainy Days of Disability that i never
planned then
would eventually
come next for me..
And now after getting
well enough to participate
in Humanity.. at least again..
i fully embrace all Cultural
Traditions.. some that
i had no desire
to participate
in the
Years of Before..
mostly for it’s nice to
be pART of People getting
together for common bonding
in an activity that is understood
and shared among people.. and
that too is why i haven’t missed
not even one Sunday at
Church since
September of 2013..
and rarely even miss the
Church Casino trips even though
i do not gamble and Katrina only plays
the Free play as making more money is surely
not something i am interested in and Katrina is
okay as long as she has enough each month to spend..
anyway ..we like the pART where people come together and
bond no matter what the bond is as long is it harms no one now..
And when i was Young i always loved the creative role play of Halloween
and i must admit i enjoy doing that in a way all year long most every day
as many of my Shirts have different memes and themes that i play and
change as i wear them day by day too.. Keeping my Imagination and
Creativity Young iN SpiRiT as well as my mind and body BaLanCinG
Force of overall Love SoUL too.. in all of MoVinG Connecting HeART
with all
Creating too..
shores expanding
my FriEnd all paRT
of Ocean wHole God to me at least..
but nah.. i don’t watch scary stuff for
i truly believe we become whatever it is
we feed our mind and body too.. would
rather fill it with Unconditional Love
with Hope and Joy and Laughter
to make
A Chalice
and a Rose of
liFE that Never Stops FloWeRinG Now..
Thanks again for stopping by to say hi..
yeah.. i’m kinda long winded but as ‘they’
say.. Soheir.. practice and more practice makes stronger
and more durable winds thaT and who DancE and SinG oN NoW..:)
very many people who seem to be interested
in the Deeper pARTs of
SoUL and so nice
it is to meet some
People in the World
like you even if i must
travel online to places like
Egypt.. India.. Pakistan and
the Highlands of Scotland
and the NetherLands
too.. but sure.. tHere
are a few too
in my
Local Area and Country
wHo do have a thirst now
For the Deeper pARts of Life..
those i do treasure as friends but
true i do learn so much from everyone
no matter who they are now my friEnd
for we are all in this soUL GroWinG
Endeavor toGeTher to liFt
Each oThER Up HiGher
ToGeTheR iN Unity aS
As the
Synthesis of Differences
Surely do evolve all our souLs
HiGheR and HiGheR with God no
matter what people Call the Force oF aLL…
Thanks so much for BeinG mY FriEnd it does mean
to me..
In the United States.. overall Halloween
is a very big Celebration for most Folks
but in the Deep South
here.. many
Christians see it as
an Evil Holiday and do not
Celebrate.. the Catholic Church
more Liberal in some ways has no
Problem Celebrating it and Children
even come dressed in Costumes
to Church but it is usually
Characters like
Super Heroes
ways and not so much
scary stuff.. During my Decades
of Work.. i really didn’t Celebrate many
Traditional Holidays much for i worked through
most of them to earn Double Pay to Pay our Bills..
and also in Hopes of Saving Money for a Rainy Day
and Retirement too as that surely did come in very
Handy for the Rainy Days of Disability that i never
planned then
would eventually
come next for me..
And now after getting
well enough to participate
in Humanity.. at least again..
i fully embrace all Cultural
Traditions.. some that
i had no desire
to participate
in the
Years of Before..
mostly for it’s nice to
be pART of People getting
together for common bonding
in an activity that is understood
and shared among people.. and
that too is why i haven’t missed
not even one Sunday at
Church since
September of 2013..
and rarely even miss the
Church Casino trips even though
i do not gamble and Katrina only plays
the Free play as making more money is surely
not something i am interested in and Katrina is
okay as long as she has enough each month to spend..
anyway ..we like the pART where people come together and
bond no matter what the bond is as long is it harms no one now..
And when i was Young i always loved the creative role play of Halloween
and i must admit i enjoy doing that in a way all year long most every day
as many of my Shirts have different memes and themes that i play and
change as i wear them day by day too.. Keeping my Imagination and
Creativity Young iN SpiRiT as well as my mind and body BaLanCinG
Force of overall Love SoUL too.. in all of MoVinG Connecting HeART
with all
Creating too..
shores expanding
my FriEnd all paRT
of Ocean wHole God to me at least..
but nah.. i don’t watch scary stuff for
i truly believe we become whatever it is
we feed our mind and body too.. would
rather fill it with Unconditional Love
with Hope and Joy and Laughter
to make
A Chalice
and a Rose of
liFE that Never Stops FloWeRinG Now..
Thanks again for stopping by to say hi..
yeah.. i’m kinda long winded but as ‘they’
say.. Soheir.. practice and more practice makes stronger
and more durable winds thaT and who DancE and SinG oN NoW..:)
$1,182 for a family of Four Making
$59K a year about enough
to pay for a New Oven as that
is about what we paid for ours
last year at about this time..
Sure.. as ‘they’ promise today by way of ‘he man’ Rep ‘Christian’ Ryan.. THIS
IS Suppose to be friendly to lower and middle income families
but let’s look at the reality of a family of Six where the
Husband and Wife work close to full time
at above a Minimum Wage Job somewhere
in the Service Industries
in the Walmart
World and
the such as that
making $39,900 a year
with no tax reform at all..
Currently as planned in Tax Year 2018
they receive a Standard Tax Deduction
for a Married couple at $13,000 and with
Six Exemptions for the Married Couple and
Four Children at $4,150 that equals another
24,900 Dollars with the addition of the
current Child Tax Credit at $1000
for Four Children Bringing
and Additional
$4000 Dollars
of Tax Credit so add up
$4000 and $24,900 and
$13,000 and voila the Grand
Total of non-Taxable current income
is yes.. all of their Earned income at $39,900..
so yes.. a family of Six earning $39,900 pays no
Federal Income Tax in 2018.. this is a much more realistic
Picture now of the Rural Areas where i live as far as what
any real middle class is as far as what the average family
of this size makes in income and particularly if the Mother
stays at home mostly and takes care of Four Children
which is rather hard to do.. particularly for
a Nice Catholic Family or other Religious
Traditions who don’t believe
In Birth Control
other than
and the such as that..
NOW let’s look at the New Tax Reform
Package for this Family of Six living in
the Suburbs of Milton Florida making $39,900
Dollars a year.. well.. the Good News is they get
a Standard Deduction increase for a Married Couple
all the way from $13,000 to $24,000 and if you were watching
the News Conference today with the supposedly Ryan Fed good news
that the Average family of Four per Married Couple and their Two Children
Making $59,000 get a savings of 1,182 to purchase that New Refrigerator
or the such as that.. the really bad news that supposedly an increase of $600
increase in the Child Tax Credit was supposed to offset is there are no more personal
exemptions.. including the personal exemptions of $4,150 for either the Two People
who are married or the Four Children in the Family of Six so what this means
is simple math.. the Family of Six Making $39,900 in Federally Taxable
Earned Income.. receives Four Newly increased Child Tax Credits
at $1600 Dollars a Piece that Equals $6400 for those
Four Children they are raising in the Suburbs
of Milton Florida perhaps
both working hard
at somewhere
like Walmart
making around
$19,950 each per husband
and wife that is considerably
over the Minimum Wage Rate now
as they move up the ladder of work
in the Current Walmart World of Jobs
that face the real middle class even if they
are educated in College in many cases too..
as of course Automation continues to replace
many flesh and blood jobs.. so.. anyway for that
Hard Working Family of Six Making $39,900 a year
with a newly minted Standard Deduction of $24,000
and no exemptions for any of the six family members now
with the newly increased total of $6,400 in Child tax credits
for the Four Children total.. this means instead of $39,000
of all their earned income being tax exempt.. only the first
30,400 Dollars of their income is tax exempt.. so now they
pay a 12% new Tax rate on $9500 of taxable income
so what was once no tax bill for the entire year
is now $1,140 more instead of the
$1,082 less that the family
of 4 making
the bigger amount
of income at $59,000
in a larger urban area makes..
on average and median as a larger amount overall
but the really Big Winner is the Walmart Corporation
that as a Mega Big Corporation in the United States
that according to latest figures made a gross profit
of around 124 Billion and some Change.. so..
what this means is with a drop
in the Corporate Tax
rate for them
from 35%
to 20%
they save
15% of 124
Billion Dollars
and some change
that at 124 Billion Dollars
increases the Share Holders
Revenue including Walmart
Family Member Revenue up
to 18.6 Billion Dollars a year..
a big windfall and just an example
of one Corporation.. now sure they could give
Joe and Jane Walmart Worker in Milton a Big Raise
but no that’s not what Capitalism is all about Capitalism
is about selling stuff for the most profit and this is simply
Welfare for Walmart Shareholders and the such as that.. more..
Will More Companies start up in the US.. maybe so but meanwhile
now it is the Family of Six in the Suburbs of Milton who loses the most
and the Companies like Walmart now who get the biggest Welfare Windfall
for their Shareholders of all and of course Trump and the Such are the
Biggest Winners of all too in this Scenario where forgoing a $400K or so
Presidential Salary is nothing compared to the potential of him
influencing this personal family windfall for himself
and his family too.. Tens of Millions of Dollars
Banked for his family per year and
also the elimination
of the Death
Tax for the
Rich in 6 years
or so by the time
he gets a little closer
to death for even a bigger
Windfall for his family to come..
meanwhile the Family of Six who are
really Scraping by making 39,900 dollars a year
working their ass off in the retail industry and
such as that get royally screwed in paying an
additional $1,140 a year in taxes that
they are among the
least likely
to be
able to scrape
up more and of course
if Trump has his way and the other
Republicans too eventually this family
will either lose Health Care Benefits and even
potential Birth Control Benefits for it’s true even
if this family wants to have more children more children
will mean the current children may not have enough to do
the basic things children do to have a happy life now.. so.. sure..
more potential for an abortion in the future too.. particularly if effective
Birth Control is not available to them in their area too.. for the cut backs to that..
but of course
those are
the folks
who keep
voting the most
for the folks who lie
straight to their face still now..
good things are numbers don’t lie..
Oh yeah.. me and the wife who don’t
have any children and are retired we also
win for our Standard Deduction raises up
to $24,000 where before our Exemptions
and Standard Deductions as they currently
will be without this new Welfare Package for
anyone but the working poor comes are currently
set for the tax year 2018 at $21,300 so that means
we will not have to pay the current 10 Percent Tax rate
on an additional $2700 that will save us 270 dollars while
the Family of 6 making $39,000 pays an additional 1,140 Dollars
and it’s really true if you look all around the United States
and do an average based on the average Trump
Voting Family you will find Huuuggggee numbers
of families just like this who are currently
set to get royally screwed by
the ignorance
of not
the Snake Oil Salesmen
they are up against meanwhile
smart pants ‘Elite’ folks like me we win although
we really don’t need the money for we never had
Children to raise and the Families who are working hardest
to raise their Children now lose.. we say we don’t want
your money and meanwhile you vote the Republicans in
for you
see we
much more special
true empathy and compassion
and sympathy for the folks left
out in the cold of ignorance still..
do the math.. don’t depend on me if you can and will…
Meanwhile.. the Biggest Welfare of all is gift wrapped for the Richest of all…
The Bush Tax Cuts of the early 2000’s were an even bigger Windfall for
me and the Katrina.. Tens of Thousands of Dollars we saved with that
Bush Welfare Package from folks then raising the Deficit of the
United States Trillions more dollars as this one will
surely do too.. that eventually your descendants
will pay the price for in the future for this
most current welfare give out to the
richer folks among you..
just more money for
share holders and
to invest
in cost
of Automation more..
meanwhile you.. yes.. you lose..
in the real world now in case you
think a rainbow of money is coming to
you next while you pay more.. in taxes..
the saddest thing of all is people will still watch Faux news
and believe everything they hear except for A Truth like this that will
told there..
but sure by tomorrow
some Good Samaritan
on CNN or MSNBC will
provide this truth you may never hear
other than places like this where real Good Honest Samaritans live..
i don’t want your money you can keep it.. i don’t want your money you can keep it..
but if you
me to take
it there is always
the folks who need
it most the Homeless Souls and such as that..
for the continuing pecking order that pecks
on those who stand below… saddest part of
aLL.. those running to the voting booths with Peck me more…. NoW
$59K a year about enough
to pay for a New Oven as that
is about what we paid for ours
last year at about this time..
Sure.. as ‘they’ promise today by way of ‘he man’ Rep ‘Christian’ Ryan.. THIS
IS Suppose to be friendly to lower and middle income families
but let’s look at the reality of a family of Six where the
Husband and Wife work close to full time
at above a Minimum Wage Job somewhere
in the Service Industries
in the Walmart
World and
the such as that
making $39,900 a year
with no tax reform at all..
Currently as planned in Tax Year 2018
they receive a Standard Tax Deduction
for a Married couple at $13,000 and with
Six Exemptions for the Married Couple and
Four Children at $4,150 that equals another
24,900 Dollars with the addition of the
current Child Tax Credit at $1000
for Four Children Bringing
and Additional
$4000 Dollars
of Tax Credit so add up
$4000 and $24,900 and
$13,000 and voila the Grand
Total of non-Taxable current income
is yes.. all of their Earned income at $39,900..
so yes.. a family of Six earning $39,900 pays no
Federal Income Tax in 2018.. this is a much more realistic
Picture now of the Rural Areas where i live as far as what
any real middle class is as far as what the average family
of this size makes in income and particularly if the Mother
stays at home mostly and takes care of Four Children
which is rather hard to do.. particularly for
a Nice Catholic Family or other Religious
Traditions who don’t believe
In Birth Control
other than
and the such as that..
NOW let’s look at the New Tax Reform
Package for this Family of Six living in
the Suburbs of Milton Florida making $39,900
Dollars a year.. well.. the Good News is they get
a Standard Deduction increase for a Married Couple
all the way from $13,000 to $24,000 and if you were watching
the News Conference today with the supposedly Ryan Fed good news
that the Average family of Four per Married Couple and their Two Children
Making $59,000 get a savings of 1,182 to purchase that New Refrigerator
or the such as that.. the really bad news that supposedly an increase of $600
increase in the Child Tax Credit was supposed to offset is there are no more personal
exemptions.. including the personal exemptions of $4,150 for either the Two People
who are married or the Four Children in the Family of Six so what this means
is simple math.. the Family of Six Making $39,900 in Federally Taxable
Earned Income.. receives Four Newly increased Child Tax Credits
at $1600 Dollars a Piece that Equals $6400 for those
Four Children they are raising in the Suburbs
of Milton Florida perhaps
both working hard
at somewhere
like Walmart
making around
$19,950 each per husband
and wife that is considerably
over the Minimum Wage Rate now
as they move up the ladder of work
in the Current Walmart World of Jobs
that face the real middle class even if they
are educated in College in many cases too..
as of course Automation continues to replace
many flesh and blood jobs.. so.. anyway for that
Hard Working Family of Six Making $39,900 a year
with a newly minted Standard Deduction of $24,000
and no exemptions for any of the six family members now
with the newly increased total of $6,400 in Child tax credits
for the Four Children total.. this means instead of $39,000
of all their earned income being tax exempt.. only the first
30,400 Dollars of their income is tax exempt.. so now they
pay a 12% new Tax rate on $9500 of taxable income
so what was once no tax bill for the entire year
is now $1,140 more instead of the
$1,082 less that the family
of 4 making
the bigger amount
of income at $59,000
in a larger urban area makes..
on average and median as a larger amount overall
but the really Big Winner is the Walmart Corporation
that as a Mega Big Corporation in the United States
that according to latest figures made a gross profit
of around 124 Billion and some Change.. so..
what this means is with a drop
in the Corporate Tax
rate for them
from 35%
to 20%
they save
15% of 124
Billion Dollars
and some change
that at 124 Billion Dollars
increases the Share Holders
Revenue including Walmart
Family Member Revenue up
to 18.6 Billion Dollars a year..
a big windfall and just an example
of one Corporation.. now sure they could give
Joe and Jane Walmart Worker in Milton a Big Raise
but no that’s not what Capitalism is all about Capitalism
is about selling stuff for the most profit and this is simply
Welfare for Walmart Shareholders and the such as that.. more..
Will More Companies start up in the US.. maybe so but meanwhile
now it is the Family of Six in the Suburbs of Milton who loses the most
and the Companies like Walmart now who get the biggest Welfare Windfall
for their Shareholders of all and of course Trump and the Such are the
Biggest Winners of all too in this Scenario where forgoing a $400K or so
Presidential Salary is nothing compared to the potential of him
influencing this personal family windfall for himself
and his family too.. Tens of Millions of Dollars
Banked for his family per year and
also the elimination
of the Death
Tax for the
Rich in 6 years
or so by the time
he gets a little closer
to death for even a bigger
Windfall for his family to come..
meanwhile the Family of Six who are
really Scraping by making 39,900 dollars a year
working their ass off in the retail industry and
such as that get royally screwed in paying an
additional $1,140 a year in taxes that
they are among the
least likely
to be
able to scrape
up more and of course
if Trump has his way and the other
Republicans too eventually this family
will either lose Health Care Benefits and even
potential Birth Control Benefits for it’s true even
if this family wants to have more children more children
will mean the current children may not have enough to do
the basic things children do to have a happy life now.. so.. sure..
more potential for an abortion in the future too.. particularly if effective
Birth Control is not available to them in their area too.. for the cut backs to that..
but of course
those are
the folks
who keep
voting the most
for the folks who lie
straight to their face still now..
good things are numbers don’t lie..
Oh yeah.. me and the wife who don’t
have any children and are retired we also
win for our Standard Deduction raises up
to $24,000 where before our Exemptions
and Standard Deductions as they currently
will be without this new Welfare Package for
anyone but the working poor comes are currently
set for the tax year 2018 at $21,300 so that means
we will not have to pay the current 10 Percent Tax rate
on an additional $2700 that will save us 270 dollars while
the Family of 6 making $39,000 pays an additional 1,140 Dollars
and it’s really true if you look all around the United States
and do an average based on the average Trump
Voting Family you will find Huuuggggee numbers
of families just like this who are currently
set to get royally screwed by
the ignorance
of not
the Snake Oil Salesmen
they are up against meanwhile
smart pants ‘Elite’ folks like me we win although
we really don’t need the money for we never had
Children to raise and the Families who are working hardest
to raise their Children now lose.. we say we don’t want
your money and meanwhile you vote the Republicans in
for you
see we
much more special
true empathy and compassion
and sympathy for the folks left
out in the cold of ignorance still..
do the math.. don’t depend on me if you can and will…
Meanwhile.. the Biggest Welfare of all is gift wrapped for the Richest of all…
The Bush Tax Cuts of the early 2000’s were an even bigger Windfall for
me and the Katrina.. Tens of Thousands of Dollars we saved with that
Bush Welfare Package from folks then raising the Deficit of the
United States Trillions more dollars as this one will
surely do too.. that eventually your descendants
will pay the price for in the future for this
most current welfare give out to the
richer folks among you..
just more money for
share holders and
to invest
in cost
of Automation more..
meanwhile you.. yes.. you lose..
in the real world now in case you
think a rainbow of money is coming to
you next while you pay more.. in taxes..
the saddest thing of all is people will still watch Faux news
and believe everything they hear except for A Truth like this that will
told there..
but sure by tomorrow
some Good Samaritan
on CNN or MSNBC will
provide this truth you may never hear
other than places like this where real Good Honest Samaritans live..
i don’t want your money you can keep it.. i don’t want your money you can keep it..
but if you
me to take
it there is always
the folks who need
it most the Homeless Souls and such as that..
for the continuing pecking order that pecks
on those who stand below… saddest part of
aLL.. those running to the voting booths with Peck me more…. NoW
Second Round of Poetic
Responses at Himali’s
Place with
SPriNkLeD too..;)
Responses at Himali’s
Place with
SPriNkLeD too..;)
SMiLes my FriEnd
Himali.. i will surely
say prayers for your
success in writing
your two exams for
your CPA.. hehe.. numbers
can and will be fun too like
letters and words i still love to play with too..
as all of
can be rather
like friends as
Housings and
vehicles and
Real SoUL
KA SpiRiT iN HeART too..
my friEnd
And as far
As A Numbers
GaME does GRoW
Many More Happy
In November
Sunshiny Ocean Whole
Ways for you to come too..
Ah yes.. Joyous
Life HiMalI..
WitH Dancing
too as Mystic
Clouds shade
And Provide even
More Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose to
both Moon
of Love
Sun oF LiGHt Sets..
And not that this reminds me of
it but those who are Really Good
at the Numbers Game have A
Huuuggggee Advantage in
A World
By Numbers
of Bills and Cents even more..
Life is practically Tax Free for us mY FriEnd..
Particularly for those who Account A LiFE oF LoVEFRee..
CPA oF LoVEDreAMs NoW..:)
Himali.. i will surely
say prayers for your
success in writing
your two exams for
your CPA.. hehe.. numbers
can and will be fun too like
letters and words i still love to play with too..
as all of
can be rather
like friends as
Housings and
vehicles and
Real SoUL
KA SpiRiT iN HeART too..
my friEnd
And as far
As A Numbers
GaME does GRoW
Many More Happy
In November
Sunshiny Ocean Whole
Ways for you to come too..
Ah yes.. Joyous
Life HiMalI..
WitH Dancing
too as Mystic
Clouds shade
And Provide even
More Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose to
both Moon
of Love
Sun oF LiGHt Sets..
And not that this reminds me of
it but those who are Really Good
at the Numbers Game have A
Huuuggggee Advantage in
A World
By Numbers
of Bills and Cents even more..
Life is practically Tax Free for us mY FriEnd..
Particularly for those who Account A LiFE oF LoVEFRee..
CPA oF LoVEDreAMs NoW..:)
Softer Paths
Leaves Fall
Fashion Roads…
Dogs Golden Joys..
Seaweed Green
Living Ocean Blues
HeaRt of Green then
SPiRiT of Blue now
Sunshine BRinGs
SinGs oN SoUL
WaVes MoVeoN..
oF Ocean More
Seawood Kelp Browns
Beaches.. Sands Breeze
Nature’s Clothes..
Door ‘tween DArk
As dARk
Comes More Month
11 November Drift
From Beta to Alpha
Close to Theta
coMes LiFE AgaiN..
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Xenia
For A Truly Holy Spirit
Lives in
LuCiD WaKinG
DreAM FruiTioN
NoW iN A TWiLiGht
Evermorenow FLoW iN
Zone as Words Float and Live As
LiGht From DaRk oF Fruition BRinG..
time out of time distance out of distance
space out of space Inner UniVerse LIVES AGAiNoW..:)
Leaves Fall
Fashion Roads…
Dogs Golden Joys..
Seaweed Green
Living Ocean Blues
HeaRt of Green then
SPiRiT of Blue now
Sunshine BRinGs
SinGs oN SoUL
WaVes MoVeoN..
oF Ocean More
Seawood Kelp Browns
Beaches.. Sands Breeze
Nature’s Clothes..
Door ‘tween DArk
As dARk
Comes More Month
11 November Drift
From Beta to Alpha
Close to Theta
coMes LiFE AgaiN..
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Xenia
For A Truly Holy Spirit
Lives in
LuCiD WaKinG
DreAM FruiTioN
NoW iN A TWiLiGht
Evermorenow FLoW iN
Zone as Words Float and Live As
LiGht From DaRk oF Fruition BRinG..
time out of time distance out of distance
space out of space Inner UniVerse LIVES AGAiNoW..:)
A Youthful Sonnet
By Shakespeare sTill iN
Way oF Number 18 surELy
BRings ReaLiTy ageless
within.. A Brain
thaT continues to reach
connect and learn anew
synthesizing avenues many
varied focused on one interest
one by one..
stiLL lEarning more anew..
oh.. but then tHeRe iS HeART
SpiRiT iNSpiRinG MuSinG
SoUL Deeper so beYonD
A DancE
A SinG
Streets Concrete
Golden Trees NoW
Sky-ScRaPinG Buildings
SKeYes thaT Never End…
Humans Shuffling
Kindness feels
Good no need
to repay
For those in Wishes
Hopes NoW Who FeeL
No Kindness iN Giving..
A truly
oTHeRWise Be..
Will Never
Springs Better
Find… iMPriSoned
Castle Walls so far
Away from Heaven..
Kiss the Ground
Our Home
the Grass
Alive Dance
The Sing our
Sound Moves on..
As Above So
Below a Half
A eye
Both eYes
Left and Right
and as what has
become somewhat
of a Routine Off to
Dance a 185th
at Old
Quarter after
Visiting Frank’s
Poetic Place.. very
relaxed i am ready
to Float in Greater Moves
again.. as Fingers Become
Legs and i write the Dance Floor more
With SMiLes Frank.. Have a Wonderful Weekend
mY friEnd..
the 10 PM
Central Time
Dance Alarm Clock
For getting ready goes off..;)
By Shakespeare sTill iN
Way oF Number 18 surELy
BRings ReaLiTy ageless
within.. A Brain
thaT continues to reach
connect and learn anew
synthesizing avenues many
varied focused on one interest
one by one..
stiLL lEarning more anew..
oh.. but then tHeRe iS HeART
SpiRiT iNSpiRinG MuSinG
SoUL Deeper so beYonD
A DancE
A SinG
Streets Concrete
Golden Trees NoW
Sky-ScRaPinG Buildings
SKeYes thaT Never End…
Humans Shuffling
Kindness feels
Good no need
to repay
For those in Wishes
Hopes NoW Who FeeL
No Kindness iN Giving..
A truly
oTHeRWise Be..
Will Never
Springs Better
Find… iMPriSoned
Castle Walls so far
Away from Heaven..
Kiss the Ground
Our Home
the Grass
Alive Dance
The Sing our
Sound Moves on..
As Above So
Below a Half
A eye
Both eYes
Left and Right
and as what has
become somewhat
of a Routine Off to
Dance a 185th
at Old
Quarter after
Visiting Frank’s
Poetic Place.. very
relaxed i am ready
to Float in Greater Moves
again.. as Fingers Become
Legs and i write the Dance Floor more
With SMiLes Frank.. Have a Wonderful Weekend
mY friEnd..
the 10 PM
Central Time
Dance Alarm Clock
For getting ready goes off..;)
And yes.. ‘this’ was old news on 11.03.2014 For NoW on 11.03.2017
i Leg Press 1020 LBs Just like this.. usually 33 Reps and up to
50 or so Reps if so focused and properly inspired.. of course
with the replacement of some of ‘these’ 45LB Plates with
100LB Plates and the last Plates Hanging
over the edge of the bar requiring
Perfect Balance
the Reps
to keep the
Plates from Falling
off for overall this is an
Exercise of Mind over Matter
as the viewing Audience can
and will likely see from close-up and afar..
at age 57
with none of
the surrounding
folks so far able to
budge this weight an
inch in the newer size of
Leg Pressing Poundage now..
anyway.. i invite anyone and i do
mean anyone to come out and try Just for Freer..
and no i don’t do
Squats for i was born
with Congenitally Fused
Vertebra in my Spine and no
i don’t bring the weight all the way
back to my chest for i am 57 Years old
and like most folks my age there is some
Severe Degenerative Arthritis to go along with
Spinal Stenosis in my Spine and some Arthritis
i continue to deal with for Decades in my Knees
and Hips for this is the Fee for being Human.. some
Struggle of dArk to go aLong and MiX WitH thE LiGHT
oF Heaven now too.. within as ‘they’ still Dance and Sing
too for those who Understand the Deeper Meanings of
Parables and the such as that too in Sacred and Holy
Texts aCross Cultures and Religions too.. as i find
it Quite Hilarious that the Folks who have never
Been to Heaven within now and can’t
Budge this weight an inch
scoff at
My Current Essence
Form of LiViNG Free..
anyWay just 810 LBs of
Free weight only in ‘this’ Photo
and 12 Reps practiced at this point
on 11.03.2014 of which i went to the trouble
of Having someone photograph stills of the Reps
all the way through when the folks on the ‘Wrong
Planet’ Demanded Relative Evidence that i am ‘Superman’ NoW Real2..;)
i Leg Press 1020 LBs Just like this.. usually 33 Reps and up to
50 or so Reps if so focused and properly inspired.. of course
with the replacement of some of ‘these’ 45LB Plates with
100LB Plates and the last Plates Hanging
over the edge of the bar requiring
Perfect Balance
the Reps
to keep the
Plates from Falling
off for overall this is an
Exercise of Mind over Matter
as the viewing Audience can
and will likely see from close-up and afar..
at age 57
with none of
the surrounding
folks so far able to
budge this weight an
inch in the newer size of
Leg Pressing Poundage now..
anyway.. i invite anyone and i do
mean anyone to come out and try Just for Freer..
and no i don’t do
Squats for i was born
with Congenitally Fused
Vertebra in my Spine and no
i don’t bring the weight all the way
back to my chest for i am 57 Years old
and like most folks my age there is some
Severe Degenerative Arthritis to go along with
Spinal Stenosis in my Spine and some Arthritis
i continue to deal with for Decades in my Knees
and Hips for this is the Fee for being Human.. some
Struggle of dArk to go aLong and MiX WitH thE LiGHT
oF Heaven now too.. within as ‘they’ still Dance and Sing
too for those who Understand the Deeper Meanings of
Parables and the such as that too in Sacred and Holy
Texts aCross Cultures and Religions too.. as i find
it Quite Hilarious that the Folks who have never
Been to Heaven within now and can’t
Budge this weight an inch
scoff at
My Current Essence
Form of LiViNG Free..
anyWay just 810 LBs of
Free weight only in ‘this’ Photo
and 12 Reps practiced at this point
on 11.03.2014 of which i went to the trouble
of Having someone photograph stills of the Reps
all the way through when the folks on the ‘Wrong
Planet’ Demanded Relative Evidence that i am ‘Superman’ NoW Real2..;)
Facebook Friend
Cris requests one
Word to describe
‘Our’ Government
i reply
F Word..
Cris requests one
Word to describe
‘Our’ Government
i reply
F Word..
And oF CourSE iN
Further Exercising
The WiLL aLL For
ThaT F Word i
Go oN
What the
Real Universal
Human and
Nature and
God sAMe
L Law in
Is As
Well for those
Who F L
iT aLL
As i
Continue On
To Say
Further Exercising
The WiLL aLL For
ThaT F Word i
Go oN
What the
Real Universal
Human and
Nature and
God sAMe
L Law in
Is As
Well for those
Who F L
iT aLL
As i
Continue On
To Say
For those
Who still
Do Free and
Enjoy the
Law that
That Freedom
Free as
Any Neo is..
The real
They are
Who still
Do Free and
Enjoy the
Law that
That Freedom
Free as
Any Neo is..
The real
They are
Tax Reform 2018 Update
Average Trump Family of
Six Earning $39,900 Pays $1,140 MORE
The Republican Solution is Simple..
Don’t You Dare Have More Than
2 Kids Or You PAY.
A World where People tell the Truth..
NoW wouldn’t it have been amazing
if Speaker of the House Ryan had
arrived on the Fox News yesterday
and totally come Clean and said
yes.. it’s true the Average Elite
College Educated Family
of Four from an Urban
area Predominately
Democrat earning
$59,000 Dollars a Year
Will Save $1,182 in the New
2018 Tax Reform Package and the Walmart
Corporation Will Save about 18.6 Billion Dollars
for their Share Holders and the Average Trump Voting
Family in Rural America for a Family of Six earning $39,900
Will Pay $1,140 Dollars More a Year for the Republicans
are counting on the Law of Averages too that says that
Demographic of the not so elite well educated Urban
Dwelling Middle Class folks who live in Rural Areas
with Just a High School Education who do not
Currently have the ability to do their own
Taxes will not do the Math on their
own to figure this out for them
selves and just say NO
or on the other Hand they can and
will do the Math themselves and figure
out who is really for and against them NoW..
The “Republican Ruling Class”
Taking Advantage of the
Ignorant Masses for 2K+ Yrs.
Yes.. For Practical Intents and
Purposes Constantine Trump was
‘Republican’ Too.
Hmm.. maybe my Psychotherapist
is correct.. heHe.. perHaps i should
Run for President if Honesty
is Electable which it is NOT..
The Truth IS A Green
Pill overall
that most People
are not even willing to look at..
and yes that applies to both sides
of the aisles as they come and go the
same and different until the Green Pill of Love
Lives now
as Love Free
With Will of Neos
who unplug from all the
Lies on all aisles of Dishonesty..
Here’s A Key.. if someone is doing it for
Money (Likes Follows Shares.. Votes.. Etc..)
are at least
some lies
are involved as that
applies to all and i do mean
all areas of life as making ‘money’
is just one of the oldest professions of
Prostitution to all the Clothes of Culture
and who
lie about their
Basic Human
and God Natures
sAMe and Different NOW..
Yes.. i could be wrong but i doubt
it as i Have 100 Percent Faith as Trust
Love Wills FReED..
at leASt
Average Trump Family of
Six Earning $39,900 Pays $1,140 MORE
The Republican Solution is Simple..
Don’t You Dare Have More Than
2 Kids Or You PAY.
A World where People tell the Truth..
NoW wouldn’t it have been amazing
if Speaker of the House Ryan had
arrived on the Fox News yesterday
and totally come Clean and said
yes.. it’s true the Average Elite
College Educated Family
of Four from an Urban
area Predominately
Democrat earning
$59,000 Dollars a Year
Will Save $1,182 in the New
2018 Tax Reform Package and the Walmart
Corporation Will Save about 18.6 Billion Dollars
for their Share Holders and the Average Trump Voting
Family in Rural America for a Family of Six earning $39,900
Will Pay $1,140 Dollars More a Year for the Republicans
are counting on the Law of Averages too that says that
Demographic of the not so elite well educated Urban
Dwelling Middle Class folks who live in Rural Areas
with Just a High School Education who do not
Currently have the ability to do their own
Taxes will not do the Math on their
own to figure this out for them
selves and just say NO
or on the other Hand they can and
will do the Math themselves and figure
out who is really for and against them NoW..
The “Republican Ruling Class”
Taking Advantage of the
Ignorant Masses for 2K+ Yrs.
Yes.. For Practical Intents and
Purposes Constantine Trump was
‘Republican’ Too.
Hmm.. maybe my Psychotherapist
is correct.. heHe.. perHaps i should
Run for President if Honesty
is Electable which it is NOT..
The Truth IS A Green
Pill overall
that most People
are not even willing to look at..
and yes that applies to both sides
of the aisles as they come and go the
same and different until the Green Pill of Love
Lives now
as Love Free
With Will of Neos
who unplug from all the
Lies on all aisles of Dishonesty..
Here’s A Key.. if someone is doing it for
Money (Likes Follows Shares.. Votes.. Etc..)
are at least
some lies
are involved as that
applies to all and i do mean
all areas of life as making ‘money’
is just one of the oldest professions of
Prostitution to all the Clothes of Culture
and who
lie about their
Basic Human
and God Natures
sAMe and Different NOW..
Yes.. i could be wrong but i doubt
it as i Have 100 Percent Faith as Trust
Love Wills FReED..
at leASt
And now i go on to say.. as it appears NoW
after a Long Night of Ascendent Transcendent
and Yes Ecstatic Holy Spirit of Creativity MuSinG
InSpiRinG RiSinG Ways of Synthesizing iN Leaps
of Logic New ways of perceiving and exPresSinG
the World i Live in now.. sure.. i’m in rather a sublime
and eclectic mood for Art now too.. and perHaps this
Entire streAM of Consciousness Free Verse Poetry
Fest this
Friday Morning
and After Noon Writing
Spree will require a Compilation
of an Enigma Song to continue an ever
Reaching hiGher Muse of LIFe NoW as Art
coMes even more.. in eclectic and sublime ways more..
And i come to say now too i have a lot of empathy and sympathy
and compassion for what it must have been for the real simple
and honest and zealous Human as a Son of Man then Moreover
as according to the words that describe that Human Story
in second and thousandth and Tens of thousands
of Second Hand and eTc ways of Words
more through Centuries
Years of
this and
that word
and change
this one to suit
the Next Holy Spirit
of Creativity that comes
along and alone for the next
Scribe who attempts to copy and
paste what came before with even
more improvements in John 14:12
Ways of Verses to come even
more later with the
Leaps of Logic
into the
Art World of Love oF
Nature and Human and
God even more within overall
as our Human Potentials come alive even more.. now
and so sadly and ironically and almost hilarious in Face
Palms when i attempt to Bring the Good News that our potential
is to be Children of God.. yes.. sons and daughters and all the ‘tween
of the Diversity of those Human Made Cultural Labels of God Beings
i might as well be from another Planet i might as well not even be a Human
Being when i attempt to still Bring this Good News that is common in most
true free will religions of AGAPE LOVE AS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT
NOW BEFORE.. as John 14:12 Stories continue
on in Myriads of Multi-UniVerse eYes of God
More in Human Being NoW.. sure
the Original Yeshua if
he attempted
to relay the
Deeper meanings
of Life sought and found
within as Higher Will Love
Free Power of God NoW..
for those with
that bring veils
of ignorance away from
an Original Definition of Apocalypse
in Greek way that means lifting the Minion
Veils of ignorance as it’s true misery does tend
to love company and what Naturally Happens often
then and now is those Ignorant Masses in Loving Misery
Loves Company have Historically Supported the most Despicable
Leaders who and that reflect the condition of Misery Loves Company
in arenas and environments that spell scarCities for the Human Condition too..
true.. those days were even more rigid and patriarchal by the Book that was
passed around orally as rarely anyone was literate then.. even the
Historical Jesus as far as History accounts now in that
original Language of Aramaic then too.. and
when there is no tradition
written in stone
that can
be read
mileage varies
according to the orally
presented story depending
on if the story is motivated to
increase truth or light or just make
money and likes and shares and follows
and eTC of the same Political tribal condition
of the Human Being that exists now for those who
have not further self-actualized and set themselves
Neo Free from the Lies of Cultural and or Religious Binds
that still do come no matter how uncomfortable or dishonest
for those in charge to subjugate and control Human Nature in
those seen as the ignorant masses more for the ruling class then
and now in so-called ‘Republican’ ways to gain their own
selfish ways of building a House of Cards without
the Glue of Love in Truth and Light as
Relative Free Will that leads to
much greater overall
gains of holding
hands together in
Fearless Love in Unconditional
way that makes even more Human
Cooperation real for a common bonding
cause of Love in actually the Verb of Giving
and Sharing instead of the nouns of Likes and
Follows and Shares more received from someone
else less than the Spirit of Giving and Sharing all
to those in need now of a LiGHteR Greater LoVE
Path to Forge Free
anyWay.. Truth of the matter
is as far as Biblical Scholars do
honestly show a man named Yeshua
Probably did live but the story that belongs
to innumerable writers as scribes who put the
words they chose and copied and pasted in Written
Ways of Centuries after the Death of that man then..
as just another Humble Teacher Spreading Love
and attempting to show people that God
Lives alive within and everywhere
else now and True
Heaven is
can and
will Live within
as a Foundation of
Grace and Love for Greater
Will and Strength too where the Mythologies
as Hyperbole to provide a thicker Housing as
Vehicles and Vessels for the LiGht oF A STory
to Carry on are understandable too for it does take
years of Maturity and Self-Actualization and actual life
Experience to come and understand the much Deeper all
Natural Meanings of Mystical Holy and Sacred Teachings like
Parables too.. some folks do start with Santa Claus first and that’s
okay too for all magic of imagination and creativity is as real as real
for our Brains According to science act in the same way for those who do
experience of the imagination and creativity of all Natural Human Magic
HoLDing Hands togeTher GroWinG Ocean WhOle God within as
Free Love
even more
TrUtH aNd LiGht
More as reality just
does this Love for Free
in us for all that is now aka God Living Within..
seriously if a person attempts to buck a system for
survival no matter what the culture or religion of truth
and or lies that reality comes now too.. you don’t get away
with it as mobs do still rule but true i live in a Country
where a TrutH and LIGht may be told as real
now whether folks ever hear me or not..
things is and things are these
words are not
in Drawers
or die with Death as
Technology Relatively
Provides me the effort to
upload my SoUL Forevermorenow
too for the best of my ability to last
relatively forever too in Human
terms now too.. no
Poetry Drawers
heAr just
be Free iN and
as LoVe the GreaTest GoD
ForcE and PoWeR and NaTuRE WitHiN STiLL NoW ALiVE..;)
after a Long Night of Ascendent Transcendent
and Yes Ecstatic Holy Spirit of Creativity MuSinG
InSpiRinG RiSinG Ways of Synthesizing iN Leaps
of Logic New ways of perceiving and exPresSinG
the World i Live in now.. sure.. i’m in rather a sublime
and eclectic mood for Art now too.. and perHaps this
Entire streAM of Consciousness Free Verse Poetry
Fest this
Friday Morning
and After Noon Writing
Spree will require a Compilation
of an Enigma Song to continue an ever
Reaching hiGher Muse of LIFe NoW as Art
coMes even more.. in eclectic and sublime ways more..
And i come to say now too i have a lot of empathy and sympathy
and compassion for what it must have been for the real simple
and honest and zealous Human as a Son of Man then Moreover
as according to the words that describe that Human Story
in second and thousandth and Tens of thousands
of Second Hand and eTc ways of Words
more through Centuries
Years of
this and
that word
and change
this one to suit
the Next Holy Spirit
of Creativity that comes
along and alone for the next
Scribe who attempts to copy and
paste what came before with even
more improvements in John 14:12
Ways of Verses to come even
more later with the
Leaps of Logic
into the
Art World of Love oF
Nature and Human and
God even more within overall
as our Human Potentials come alive even more.. now
and so sadly and ironically and almost hilarious in Face
Palms when i attempt to Bring the Good News that our potential
is to be Children of God.. yes.. sons and daughters and all the ‘tween
of the Diversity of those Human Made Cultural Labels of God Beings
i might as well be from another Planet i might as well not even be a Human
Being when i attempt to still Bring this Good News that is common in most
true free will religions of AGAPE LOVE AS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT
NOW BEFORE.. as John 14:12 Stories continue
on in Myriads of Multi-UniVerse eYes of God
More in Human Being NoW.. sure
the Original Yeshua if
he attempted
to relay the
Deeper meanings
of Life sought and found
within as Higher Will Love
Free Power of God NoW..
for those with
that bring veils
of ignorance away from
an Original Definition of Apocalypse
in Greek way that means lifting the Minion
Veils of ignorance as it’s true misery does tend
to love company and what Naturally Happens often
then and now is those Ignorant Masses in Loving Misery
Loves Company have Historically Supported the most Despicable
Leaders who and that reflect the condition of Misery Loves Company
in arenas and environments that spell scarCities for the Human Condition too..
true.. those days were even more rigid and patriarchal by the Book that was
passed around orally as rarely anyone was literate then.. even the
Historical Jesus as far as History accounts now in that
original Language of Aramaic then too.. and
when there is no tradition
written in stone
that can
be read
mileage varies
according to the orally
presented story depending
on if the story is motivated to
increase truth or light or just make
money and likes and shares and follows
and eTC of the same Political tribal condition
of the Human Being that exists now for those who
have not further self-actualized and set themselves
Neo Free from the Lies of Cultural and or Religious Binds
that still do come no matter how uncomfortable or dishonest
for those in charge to subjugate and control Human Nature in
those seen as the ignorant masses more for the ruling class then
and now in so-called ‘Republican’ ways to gain their own
selfish ways of building a House of Cards without
the Glue of Love in Truth and Light as
Relative Free Will that leads to
much greater overall
gains of holding
hands together in
Fearless Love in Unconditional
way that makes even more Human
Cooperation real for a common bonding
cause of Love in actually the Verb of Giving
and Sharing instead of the nouns of Likes and
Follows and Shares more received from someone
else less than the Spirit of Giving and Sharing all
to those in need now of a LiGHteR Greater LoVE
Path to Forge Free
anyWay.. Truth of the matter
is as far as Biblical Scholars do
honestly show a man named Yeshua
Probably did live but the story that belongs
to innumerable writers as scribes who put the
words they chose and copied and pasted in Written
Ways of Centuries after the Death of that man then..
as just another Humble Teacher Spreading Love
and attempting to show people that God
Lives alive within and everywhere
else now and True
Heaven is
can and
will Live within
as a Foundation of
Grace and Love for Greater
Will and Strength too where the Mythologies
as Hyperbole to provide a thicker Housing as
Vehicles and Vessels for the LiGht oF A STory
to Carry on are understandable too for it does take
years of Maturity and Self-Actualization and actual life
Experience to come and understand the much Deeper all
Natural Meanings of Mystical Holy and Sacred Teachings like
Parables too.. some folks do start with Santa Claus first and that’s
okay too for all magic of imagination and creativity is as real as real
for our Brains According to science act in the same way for those who do
experience of the imagination and creativity of all Natural Human Magic
HoLDing Hands togeTher GroWinG Ocean WhOle God within as
Free Love
even more
TrUtH aNd LiGht
More as reality just
does this Love for Free
in us for all that is now aka God Living Within..
seriously if a person attempts to buck a system for
survival no matter what the culture or religion of truth
and or lies that reality comes now too.. you don’t get away
with it as mobs do still rule but true i live in a Country
where a TrutH and LIGht may be told as real
now whether folks ever hear me or not..
things is and things are these
words are not
in Drawers
or die with Death as
Technology Relatively
Provides me the effort to
upload my SoUL Forevermorenow
too for the best of my ability to last
relatively forever too in Human
terms now too.. no
Poetry Drawers
heAr just
be Free iN and
as LoVe the GreaTest GoD
ForcE and PoWeR and NaTuRE WitHiN STiLL NoW ALiVE..;)
SMiLes mY FriEnd and no worries if and when
you have time to respond to my mini-novels
hehe.. for surely i understand what it was
like to Work for Decades and
how hard it was to
really find
i loved
to do outside
of work then
for me half the struggle
was not really having an inner
voice and not really even being
comfortable in my own skin until
the last few years of my life.. my friEnd..
for true school and work taught me mostly
to solve problems even the social ones within
the realm of School and Work too but as far as
a Mind and Body BaLanCinG ForcE Within as
Free Love Feeling and Sensing and an
Inner Voice to Express all i come
to understand as TrUtH and
LiGht those were
and virtues too
that i did not possess
nearly fully then as i do now
with Thousands of Hours and Thousands
of Days of Practice now as a person now detached
from what most folks do experience as the regular schools
and problem solving areas of work too.. nah.. no emails
or words of discussion online then and no.. not
even the desire to own any cell phone then
for what is the real use of
any of that
if one
is not yet
in their own skin
with an inner voice
that frees and expresses
love better than ever before..
for it’s also True my friEnd in those
Decades with Family and Friends Different
and same when anyone asked me what i was doing
then all i had to say was working working for i was far from
Free in Love and Art then my friEnd as a iSReaL Dance and Song
of LiFE that Feels and Senses all as Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
and Purpose God within inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around..
my religion to bind with all was very small then.. now it is all my friEnd for it’s
true i am no
Catholic Church
Person who adheres
to this book rule or that
book rule as further established
then and now too by the still expanding
Roman Empire in those ways of Monarchy
at the hands of Popes and Cardinals and
Bishops and Monsignors too.. although
that hierarchal organization does
a lot of Good for the
Poor and
too.. i many not be that
Religion my friend but the General
Definition of Religion is that which binds
folks together for my Religion is one of God and
Free as a Dance and Song of Life that Binds all together
even beyond Human Words and that my FriEnd in an original
Definition of Catholic that means a Religion of all is most definitely
a Religion of
all in this
Sense and
Feel both sadly
and Fortunately i may
be the only True in LIGht
Catholic by Original Definition
and Meaning of that Universal Religion
of Love and Free who enters those doors now..
smiles my friend for i carry all human clothes and
religions i feel and sense and know and understand
and synthesize toGeTher even more for what works
Free as Love for me.. for this my friEnd IS A WaY the
SoUL Evolves and i am just an integral grain of sand
like everyone (aLL) elSe in this Play of GoD LIFE within
me now.. so fortunate i was to be plucked
out of the prisons of the culture and
religions in my local area that
repress/oppress greater Human
Freedoms and
Love through the
God of and as Nature
Gift of Pain and Numb
for those 66 months then
for it’s True my friEnd iN liGht
We Never die in what we see as LiFE
NoW eternaLLy NoW and the More we Feel
and Sense and See NoW with knowledge
and understanding in moving connecting
and creating more now as real i Do 100 Percent
Believe as Faith as Love that this way of Life for
me makes God Happiest now in and as and with Me now
within in my story oF TrutH and LiGht NoW.. but again we are
all toGeTher on this Journey in many paths now the least we can
do and the most we will do is lift each other uP with Hands Up mY
and who
Step down..
Humility is a fist
and a sword that changes
into a Dove and or beautiful
White Seagull of Fearless Love
NoW My FriEnd and i continue to attempt
to GroW a Greater Potential of God within me
now as tHeRE is no distance space or time in God’s
Love so this does mean that God’s Love LiViNG WitHiN
Human Nature ReaL NoW is BeYoNd even iNFiNiTy NoW
Happy Rest of
YouR Friday Weekend
Evening for You my Friend
and i am so Happy you got to
spend a day with the rest of
your Poetic Family too
and by the way
i didn’t
miss your
face that day
you provided it in your
Avatar my friEnd it is etched
Forever in my eYes now for their
is no copyrighting the Human Face of Love..
You are a very Strong Willing Woman my friEnd
As that TrutH and LiGHt sHows as your Face Shines
A Foundation
Love and Grace..
as We GroW togeTher
thaT Ocean WhOle LoVE
ToGeThEr NoW iN the
and Strength too mY FriEnd..
i’m Positive God LiVinG within
is so proud of Human FriEnds
Like WE who Hold Hands aCross God sKeyes..
SMILes mY FriEnd for my Grandfather was
a Catholic Priest who was excommunicated
for he decided he would eventually
bring the
seed of
to the Florida
Panhandle too..
and it’s true my friEnd
i am a Catholic Priest in Metaphor
way too but this Catholicism i Bring
is a Religion of
Love and
Free for
all the all
of you and me
and us and we an i now real..
and nah by far by far i am not the only
Free Lance Soldier of God like this with swords and
fists of Humility Change into Flying Doves as Seagull words now Love Free..:)
you have time to respond to my mini-novels
hehe.. for surely i understand what it was
like to Work for Decades and
how hard it was to
really find
i loved
to do outside
of work then
for me half the struggle
was not really having an inner
voice and not really even being
comfortable in my own skin until
the last few years of my life.. my friEnd..
for true school and work taught me mostly
to solve problems even the social ones within
the realm of School and Work too but as far as
a Mind and Body BaLanCinG ForcE Within as
Free Love Feeling and Sensing and an
Inner Voice to Express all i come
to understand as TrUtH and
LiGht those were
and virtues too
that i did not possess
nearly fully then as i do now
with Thousands of Hours and Thousands
of Days of Practice now as a person now detached
from what most folks do experience as the regular schools
and problem solving areas of work too.. nah.. no emails
or words of discussion online then and no.. not
even the desire to own any cell phone then
for what is the real use of
any of that
if one
is not yet
in their own skin
with an inner voice
that frees and expresses
love better than ever before..
for it’s also True my friEnd in those
Decades with Family and Friends Different
and same when anyone asked me what i was doing
then all i had to say was working working for i was far from
Free in Love and Art then my friEnd as a iSReaL Dance and Song
of LiFE that Feels and Senses all as Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
and Purpose God within inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around..
my religion to bind with all was very small then.. now it is all my friEnd for it’s
true i am no
Catholic Church
Person who adheres
to this book rule or that
book rule as further established
then and now too by the still expanding
Roman Empire in those ways of Monarchy
at the hands of Popes and Cardinals and
Bishops and Monsignors too.. although
that hierarchal organization does
a lot of Good for the
Poor and
too.. i many not be that
Religion my friend but the General
Definition of Religion is that which binds
folks together for my Religion is one of God and
Free as a Dance and Song of Life that Binds all together
even beyond Human Words and that my FriEnd in an original
Definition of Catholic that means a Religion of all is most definitely
a Religion of
all in this
Sense and
Feel both sadly
and Fortunately i may
be the only True in LIGht
Catholic by Original Definition
and Meaning of that Universal Religion
of Love and Free who enters those doors now..
smiles my friend for i carry all human clothes and
religions i feel and sense and know and understand
and synthesize toGeTher even more for what works
Free as Love for me.. for this my friEnd IS A WaY the
SoUL Evolves and i am just an integral grain of sand
like everyone (aLL) elSe in this Play of GoD LIFE within
me now.. so fortunate i was to be plucked
out of the prisons of the culture and
religions in my local area that
repress/oppress greater Human
Freedoms and
Love through the
God of and as Nature
Gift of Pain and Numb
for those 66 months then
for it’s True my friEnd iN liGht
We Never die in what we see as LiFE
NoW eternaLLy NoW and the More we Feel
and Sense and See NoW with knowledge
and understanding in moving connecting
and creating more now as real i Do 100 Percent
Believe as Faith as Love that this way of Life for
me makes God Happiest now in and as and with Me now
within in my story oF TrutH and LiGht NoW.. but again we are
all toGeTher on this Journey in many paths now the least we can
do and the most we will do is lift each other uP with Hands Up mY
and who
Step down..
Humility is a fist
and a sword that changes
into a Dove and or beautiful
White Seagull of Fearless Love
NoW My FriEnd and i continue to attempt
to GroW a Greater Potential of God within me
now as tHeRE is no distance space or time in God’s
Love so this does mean that God’s Love LiViNG WitHiN
Human Nature ReaL NoW is BeYoNd even iNFiNiTy NoW
Happy Rest of
YouR Friday Weekend
Evening for You my Friend
and i am so Happy you got to
spend a day with the rest of
your Poetic Family too
and by the way
i didn’t
miss your
face that day
you provided it in your
Avatar my friEnd it is etched
Forever in my eYes now for their
is no copyrighting the Human Face of Love..
You are a very Strong Willing Woman my friEnd
As that TrutH and LiGHt sHows as your Face Shines
A Foundation
Love and Grace..
as We GroW togeTher
thaT Ocean WhOle LoVE
ToGeThEr NoW iN the
and Strength too mY FriEnd..
i’m Positive God LiVinG within
is so proud of Human FriEnds
Like WE who Hold Hands aCross God sKeyes..
SMILes mY FriEnd for my Grandfather was
a Catholic Priest who was excommunicated
for he decided he would eventually
bring the
seed of
to the Florida
Panhandle too..
and it’s true my friEnd
i am a Catholic Priest in Metaphor
way too but this Catholicism i Bring
is a Religion of
Love and
Free for
all the all
of you and me
and us and we an i now real..
and nah by far by far i am not the only
Free Lance Soldier of God like this with swords and
fists of Humility Change into Flying Doves as Seagull words now Love Free..:)
Second Round of Poetic
Expression Responses at Xenia’s
mY FriEnD
For No
MelTs iN
Sands Fly
not LooKinG..
SMiLes mY FriEnd for the GreaTesT
One Word Poem i kNoW is LoVE NoW
For the GreaTeST LoVE i FeeL and SeNSE
oTheR than
thaT MoRE
Best wishes
And Hopes
oF Love For You
And The Amazing
Whippets and Your
Husband as to now..
AFAIK not yet Graced Your Pages..
A PleaSure
To Be HeAR Xenia..:)
Expression Responses at Xenia’s
mY FriEnD
For No
MelTs iN
Sands Fly
not LooKinG..
SMiLes mY FriEnd for the GreaTesT
One Word Poem i kNoW is LoVE NoW
For the GreaTeST LoVE i FeeL and SeNSE
oTheR than
thaT MoRE
Best wishes
And Hopes
oF Love For You
And The Amazing
Whippets and Your
Husband as to now..
AFAIK not yet Graced Your Pages..
A PleaSure
To Be HeAR Xenia..:)
A Few Quotes from William Shakespeare
For the Tragic Play.. Mac T.. too…
For the Tragic Play.. Mac T.. too…
“There ‘s daggers in men’s smiles”.
“Fair is foul, and foul is fair”.
“Out, damned spot! out, I say!”
“All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”
“Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it; he died as one that had been
studied in his death to throw away the dearest thing he owed, as ‘t were a careless trifle”.
“Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under ‘t.”
“I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only
vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself, and falls on the other.”
“Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?”
“Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
“Fair is foul, and foul is fair”.
“Out, damned spot! out, I say!”
“All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”
“Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it; he died as one that had been
studied in his death to throw away the dearest thing he owed, as ‘t were a careless trifle”.
“Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under ‘t.”
“I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only
vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself, and falls on the other.”
“Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?”
“Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
NoW A Quote my Father’s Identical Twin Ted attributed
to his Ambitions in his High School Senior Year Book by Shakespeare
too.. true.. i would have been more impressed if he wrote it like ‘me’..;)
to his Ambitions in his High School Senior Year Book by Shakespeare
too.. true.. i would have been more impressed if he wrote it like ‘me’..;)
“I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none”.
And finally.. mY Father First Fred’s Quote attributed to his Ambitions in his
High School Senior Year Book by obviously
High School Senior Year Book by obviously
“Don’t do today what you may do tomorrow.”
(Note: i paraphrased a little to make Anonymous sound a little wiser..
And yes lazier too as far as getting the job done JusT NoW To Do iT..;)
And yes lazier too as far as getting the job done JusT NoW To Do iT..;)
And what will my Quote be
i don’t
i JusT FeeL
And Sense And
LeT iT FloW iN ZonE..
Sure.. Socrates aLLuded to mY Quote too..;)
i don’t
i JusT FeeL
And Sense And
LeT iT FloW iN ZonE..
Sure.. Socrates aLLuded to mY Quote too..;)
Third Round of Poetry Drinks at Xenia’s place..
SMiLes mY FriEnd
For Your
Song of Poetry
Is an Integral
PArt oF
Picture for
A Dance
i would
Be just
Of A
Player.. No
Yes.. this proves
i’ve lost
And Space..
And these
An Egyptian..;)
(Fancy Word Press Emoticon Reference)
For Your
Song of Poetry
Is an Integral
PArt oF
Picture for
A Dance
i would
Be just
Of A
Player.. No
Yes.. this proves
i’ve lost
And Space..
And these
An Egyptian..;)
(Fancy Word Press Emoticon Reference)
Second Round at Frank’s So far..
Yes my friEnd
For those
With Love..
Before.. seRiouSly
By now WitH aLL
These Modern
We Should
All Be
For those
With Love..
Before.. seRiouSly
By now WitH aLL
These Modern
We Should
All Be
As Ellen Says..
AnyWay tHaT’s wHaT
i Do WiTH mY ‘Xtra ’17
One Nation Under Love
One Church Under Love
One World Under Love
Sound Good Yet?
MaY YouR Chalice OverFlow
A Saintly November
Fountain oF LoVE
Loving Now
Extra Hour
AnyWay tHaT’s wHaT
i Do WiTH mY ‘Xtra ’17
One Nation Under Love
One Church Under Love
One World Under Love
Sound Good Yet?
MaY YouR Chalice OverFlow
A Saintly November
Fountain oF LoVE
Loving Now
Extra Hour
Hmm.. i’M Pretty Sure tHeRE
IS A Song for this and this is inspired
by all the Saints/Angels you know
and feel and sense ‘the
Ellens’ of Life
come into
the Presence of these
Angels and Saints sAMe
as they ‘cross YouR Path
WiTH LiGHt in this LIFE NoW..
could be a Waitress by name of Keitha
who brings you three glasses of water at
Ryan’s ’cause she knows/feels/senses you get extra thirsty
Dancing 166.66 Miles in Public
Each Month or could
be that
Named Norbert
at the Palace
Casino who you only
see once every three months
or so with your wife who always
remembers what you drink as all
these people treat you as if God
exists in you and they are
an equal
oF A
GoD Named
LoVE NoW too
Namaste as ‘they’
say in India too as this is also
inspired by Saint Himali and Frank
and Xenia and Leah and Ashley who most
always respond to every person who comes their
way no matter who they are like they are at that
moment the most important person in the world
for that person at that moment is God eYes to them
too in Human Form as Essence oF LiGHT Free..
and you know what.. most of these people Do
Not Profess a Belief of Heaven
and or Hell
else now
Here HeaR
And Voila they
LIVe tHeiR NoW
for they simply Do LoVE
alWays NoW iT coMeS
through Loud and Clear for among all they and others
are the ones who Wear the Pure Wedding Garment
oF Love no Sorrows EVeR in ThAt PlaCe NoW and it’s
True i met a Cashier at the Forrest Gump Store at the
Golden Nugget Restaurant who has Multiple Disabilities..
has been Raped Four Times and Put in ICU by an Abusive
Boyfriend too and all that is still left on her Face is Angel eYes
now.. in Saintly Ways too.. Meanwhile.. in some Countries this Woman could have been
put to death/tortured more for the first rape if four People (men) Didn’t witness her innocence now..
for in those
ways of seeing
life the flesh
is more
than the Spirit oF LoVE..
it’s true some folks Love the
Flesh more that what Lives
as Essence within of Loving NaTURe/
God SpiRit HeART and SoUL within exPReSSiNG
More than anyone can and will Disrespect Flesh now..
And as far as the Tax Free Dreams part of this where those
other “Rapists of Ignorance” want to Reverse Robin Hood
Steal from the Poorer and Give to the Richer in terms of
specifically a Family of 6 making $39,900 paying
$1140 more a year in Taxes while a Family
of Four making $59,000 saves
$1182 Dollars a Year and
the Walmart
Share Holders
and the such receive
somewhere around
18.6 Billion Dollars
in a Windfall Reverse
Robin Hood Trick as generated
by Psychopathic Leaning Politicians
who are not just born disabled that way
in Love but Practice Deceit as a way of
Life for Power and Status and More Material
Gains for their ‘First Baptist’ Friends as such
as this is a way of Life for them overall
Still as the fleshly suits they
wear to Church
are more
than Naked Love NoW..
as a Spirit that never dies
as Flesh REAL NoW.. nah there still
aren’t any Headlines that bring up this simple
Monetary FAct/who that Sinks the Teeth of Deceit
Exposed most now if Common Sense of Love Rules now..
for you see it doesn’t really matter which aisle politics lives
unless you have truly walked in the Shoes of those who have
Experienced Poor in Spirit from Life’s Storms and Struggles the
Empathy and Sympathy and Compassion that Comes Natural
dies a
Vine of a Wedding
Garment so loose it falls
off now with blind eyes for
what it means to truly be Zealous
and Luke Hot in Love NoW ReAL…
some of us are bullied in life
laughed at scoffed
at told
don’t deserve to exist
but those of us who find
a Wedding Garment of LoVE
that fits oh so Good we never
Give up for we understand wHeRe
HeaVeN NoW LiVes and nah we will never
be a Catholic Saint for we refuse to judge you if
you get divorced or if you use birth control or even if
you were really desperate and had an abortion too.. nor
will we complain if you Pleasure yourself for God in you Loves
to Feel Good Now too.. and if you have sex outside of marriage
we will understand you are Human too.. and Lord Knows if you are
in any
way of
jew servant
as free woman
or man no more…
we will accept you for
the Namaste of God eYes
that and who Live Free as you
KNoW FeeL and SeNSe LoVE
Real on every SunDAy MorNing NoW Extra Hour of Love
And it’s true even in those Countries that chop folks
hands off for stealing materialistic Goods there
are folks like my friend Soheir and
Rafiah who are Angels
and Saints
it’s not their
Fault where they
are born either for it is
all our responsibility now
ALL to make Love a Chalice
and a Fountain that overflows
alWays Now no matter wHat to LifT Folks
UP and the best thing i Love about the United
States no matter the lies and deceit and otherwise
Trump Stuff that Live HeaR NoW.. i do have The Right
and the Freedom to Love as much as i Love too now.. thing
is when someone
loves beyond
and will
be hard to see heAR..
almost like a thief in broad daylight..
eVen on SunDay MoRNiNG LoUD and CleAR..
it’s not enough to Save Daylight or Give it away Love
THE only Reward NoW
if you Feel and Sense iT ReaL..
SpiRiT oF HeARt SoUL NoWLoVE..:)
IS A Song for this and this is inspired
by all the Saints/Angels you know
and feel and sense ‘the
Ellens’ of Life
come into
the Presence of these
Angels and Saints sAMe
as they ‘cross YouR Path
WiTH LiGHt in this LIFE NoW..
could be a Waitress by name of Keitha
who brings you three glasses of water at
Ryan’s ’cause she knows/feels/senses you get extra thirsty
Dancing 166.66 Miles in Public
Each Month or could
be that
Named Norbert
at the Palace
Casino who you only
see once every three months
or so with your wife who always
remembers what you drink as all
these people treat you as if God
exists in you and they are
an equal
oF A
GoD Named
LoVE NoW too
Namaste as ‘they’
say in India too as this is also
inspired by Saint Himali and Frank
and Xenia and Leah and Ashley who most
always respond to every person who comes their
way no matter who they are like they are at that
moment the most important person in the world
for that person at that moment is God eYes to them
too in Human Form as Essence oF LiGHT Free..
and you know what.. most of these people Do
Not Profess a Belief of Heaven
and or Hell
else now
Here HeaR
And Voila they
LIVe tHeiR NoW
for they simply Do LoVE
alWays NoW iT coMeS
through Loud and Clear for among all they and others
are the ones who Wear the Pure Wedding Garment
oF Love no Sorrows EVeR in ThAt PlaCe NoW and it’s
True i met a Cashier at the Forrest Gump Store at the
Golden Nugget Restaurant who has Multiple Disabilities..
has been Raped Four Times and Put in ICU by an Abusive
Boyfriend too and all that is still left on her Face is Angel eYes
now.. in Saintly Ways too.. Meanwhile.. in some Countries this Woman could have been
put to death/tortured more for the first rape if four People (men) Didn’t witness her innocence now..
for in those
ways of seeing
life the flesh
is more
than the Spirit oF LoVE..
it’s true some folks Love the
Flesh more that what Lives
as Essence within of Loving NaTURe/
God SpiRit HeART and SoUL within exPReSSiNG
More than anyone can and will Disrespect Flesh now..
And as far as the Tax Free Dreams part of this where those
other “Rapists of Ignorance” want to Reverse Robin Hood
Steal from the Poorer and Give to the Richer in terms of
specifically a Family of 6 making $39,900 paying
$1140 more a year in Taxes while a Family
of Four making $59,000 saves
$1182 Dollars a Year and
the Walmart
Share Holders
and the such receive
somewhere around
18.6 Billion Dollars
in a Windfall Reverse
Robin Hood Trick as generated
by Psychopathic Leaning Politicians
who are not just born disabled that way
in Love but Practice Deceit as a way of
Life for Power and Status and More Material
Gains for their ‘First Baptist’ Friends as such
as this is a way of Life for them overall
Still as the fleshly suits they
wear to Church
are more
than Naked Love NoW..
as a Spirit that never dies
as Flesh REAL NoW.. nah there still
aren’t any Headlines that bring up this simple
Monetary FAct/who that Sinks the Teeth of Deceit
Exposed most now if Common Sense of Love Rules now..
for you see it doesn’t really matter which aisle politics lives
unless you have truly walked in the Shoes of those who have
Experienced Poor in Spirit from Life’s Storms and Struggles the
Empathy and Sympathy and Compassion that Comes Natural
dies a
Vine of a Wedding
Garment so loose it falls
off now with blind eyes for
what it means to truly be Zealous
and Luke Hot in Love NoW ReAL…
some of us are bullied in life
laughed at scoffed
at told
don’t deserve to exist
but those of us who find
a Wedding Garment of LoVE
that fits oh so Good we never
Give up for we understand wHeRe
HeaVeN NoW LiVes and nah we will never
be a Catholic Saint for we refuse to judge you if
you get divorced or if you use birth control or even if
you were really desperate and had an abortion too.. nor
will we complain if you Pleasure yourself for God in you Loves
to Feel Good Now too.. and if you have sex outside of marriage
we will understand you are Human too.. and Lord Knows if you are
in any
way of
jew servant
as free woman
or man no more…
we will accept you for
the Namaste of God eYes
that and who Live Free as you
KNoW FeeL and SeNSe LoVE
Real on every SunDAy MorNing NoW Extra Hour of Love
And it’s true even in those Countries that chop folks
hands off for stealing materialistic Goods there
are folks like my friend Soheir and
Rafiah who are Angels
and Saints
it’s not their
Fault where they
are born either for it is
all our responsibility now
ALL to make Love a Chalice
and a Fountain that overflows
alWays Now no matter wHat to LifT Folks
UP and the best thing i Love about the United
States no matter the lies and deceit and otherwise
Trump Stuff that Live HeaR NoW.. i do have The Right
and the Freedom to Love as much as i Love too now.. thing
is when someone
loves beyond
and will
be hard to see heAR..
almost like a thief in broad daylight..
eVen on SunDay MoRNiNG LoUD and CleAR..
it’s not enough to Save Daylight or Give it away Love
THE only Reward NoW
if you Feel and Sense iT ReaL..
SpiRiT oF HeARt SoUL NoWLoVE..:)
So anYWay.. Himali offers Kind
words of response this morning
before all this writing hapPens
as i return then
words of response this morning
before all this writing hapPens
as i return then
Yes.. will
Be waiting
To Hear
Writing HeaR
With SMiLes
And Hellooove
Hiiiiiii.. DreAms
And HiMaLi
Are Best too..
Be waiting
To Hear
Writing HeaR
With SMiLes
And Hellooove
Hiiiiiii.. DreAms
And HiMaLi
Are Best too..
i Don’t Break Promises of Love
For i put them first and last always now..
And oh by A way tHeRE are SeVeN HeARTs oN FB NoW..
For i put them first and last always now..
And oh by A way tHeRE are SeVeN HeARTs oN FB NoW..
SMiLes.. mY friEnd Xenia.. thanks
so much for coming
by to
“HaLo TWeeN
DReAMs” as Indian
Summer now arrives
Friendly Back in the Florida
Panhandle reNeWeD Warm
as today we visit the
Farm of a Southern
Baptist Pastor and
in Law’s
of 77 or so Degrees
F.. and after a Full Satur
Day of Dancing 10.47 Miles
at Biloxi Casino Beaches
while Katrina utilizes my
Simple Mathematical
Equation to
Win money
back while she
Gambles with the
Casino’s Free Play token
money awarded to the Entire
Church group.. hehe.. as i personally
Reward my Free Play so Katrina can play
twice as long for we do not donate our funds
to the livelihood of the Casino Owners.. so sad it is
for me too..
to see all the
Folks from this
Deep South Area
as well as elderly
and disabled
try a
for the Commercial
reality of Math where
the House is always the
ultimate winner and thief
of Ignorance and Disadvantage
as the current Majority Political Leader
Ship Hope of the US is stealing from the poorer
now and awarding to the richer and calling that
A gift to those same Casino Players who voted in
a destiny that promised they would follow blindly
even if their Dear Leader
to shoot
someone on the
Street but it’s true my Friend
for in this “NovEmBeR SAiNTS
TaX FReE DreAMs” Newest 805th
MacroVerse of “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
134th MacroVerse of “Nether
Land Bible 2017” and
tripling too
as well as 30th
MacroVerse oF
“F Book Profile Pic
Bible 2018”.. the Message
that the Spirited Squirrel and
Brightly Lit Red Cardinal Bring
to my 24 Inch Wide Bedroom Window
View into the Wild and Free Heaven of Nature
is rather simple.. Money and Power and Status
as far as cultural clothes does not count out tHeRe..
just Food and Water and Shelter away from the harsher
elements and a little help from Friends when needed with
all innate instinctual and intuitive respect of the Sun and Rest
of Nature that provides Nourishment for Life in Living BaLance
At A
of Life that
is one with
Nature now
for i
am they are.. too..
Having it all is simply now
A Dance and Song of Life more
that and who Lives to the Best
of how life feels and senses now
And A Best pART oF aLL NoW for We
Mammalian Animals is the Nurture More of
Love that and who connects now as Giant Bear
Hugs within.. the Gift too.. A Potential of Imagining and
Creating a Play of Love that Flowers beyond all Love of Before too..
What a World it is of Love when the only real milestones is and are Love..
of Thanks
and praise
and sure NoW2
Worship as Feet
propped up resting
from a Weekend Long
of Free Dance and Song
And Scribing in words what
i WiLL see and feel and sense of Heaven
NoW iN three pART Harmony in Three Hands
of Bibles that and who with all mY FriEnds More
Continue a Message as Squirrel and Cardinal ALiVE Me NoW2..
other than tHat “Living Water of Love never dies when real within..”
is never a Water i own.. only one i give and share as HAnds HOld
unleashed and
released as Dree Quantum
Metaphor ForcE LiGHT NoW
Beyond MeaSure mY friEnd
But hey.. at least i can and will
provide an approximation and estimate
of what will never be measured as Home of Love in Words Alone..
oh yeaH and speaking of Measurements A Nice Lady who is married
to one of the Catholic Church’s Knights of Columbus who was sitting in front
of us who also has a Grand Son with Asperger’s Syndrome took my mathematical
advice on how to always win at least some of her free play money back and she
played all day and said she actually had fun playing with surety instead
of blind
in fact she
was so thankful
that she asked me
in front of her Husband
why don’t i become a Knight
too.. and i said the
only gift
of night
or day i BRinG
IS A Knight of Dance and Song..
but of course considering the older
Bibles are Basically a Collection of Poems
i Appear to be iN A Good Company now even more mY
FriEnd.. SMiLeS at leASt iN A Way oF Good BooK noW..
And hAha.. even more than ThRee beYond tHRee aT A tiMe..
It’S A Way oF A World oF Humans Different and yeT sAMe mY FriEnd..:)
so much for coming
by to
“HaLo TWeeN
DReAMs” as Indian
Summer now arrives
Friendly Back in the Florida
Panhandle reNeWeD Warm
as today we visit the
Farm of a Southern
Baptist Pastor and
in Law’s
of 77 or so Degrees
F.. and after a Full Satur
Day of Dancing 10.47 Miles
at Biloxi Casino Beaches
while Katrina utilizes my
Simple Mathematical
Equation to
Win money
back while she
Gambles with the
Casino’s Free Play token
money awarded to the Entire
Church group.. hehe.. as i personally
Reward my Free Play so Katrina can play
twice as long for we do not donate our funds
to the livelihood of the Casino Owners.. so sad it is
for me too..
to see all the
Folks from this
Deep South Area
as well as elderly
and disabled
try a
for the Commercial
reality of Math where
the House is always the
ultimate winner and thief
of Ignorance and Disadvantage
as the current Majority Political Leader
Ship Hope of the US is stealing from the poorer
now and awarding to the richer and calling that
A gift to those same Casino Players who voted in
a destiny that promised they would follow blindly
even if their Dear Leader
to shoot
someone on the
Street but it’s true my Friend
for in this “NovEmBeR SAiNTS
TaX FReE DreAMs” Newest 805th
MacroVerse of “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
134th MacroVerse of “Nether
Land Bible 2017” and
tripling too
as well as 30th
MacroVerse oF
“F Book Profile Pic
Bible 2018”.. the Message
that the Spirited Squirrel and
Brightly Lit Red Cardinal Bring
to my 24 Inch Wide Bedroom Window
View into the Wild and Free Heaven of Nature
is rather simple.. Money and Power and Status
as far as cultural clothes does not count out tHeRe..
just Food and Water and Shelter away from the harsher
elements and a little help from Friends when needed with
all innate instinctual and intuitive respect of the Sun and Rest
of Nature that provides Nourishment for Life in Living BaLance
At A
of Life that
is one with
Nature now
for i
am they are.. too..
Having it all is simply now
A Dance and Song of Life more
that and who Lives to the Best
of how life feels and senses now
And A Best pART oF aLL NoW for We
Mammalian Animals is the Nurture More of
Love that and who connects now as Giant Bear
Hugs within.. the Gift too.. A Potential of Imagining and
Creating a Play of Love that Flowers beyond all Love of Before too..
What a World it is of Love when the only real milestones is and are Love..
of Thanks
and praise
and sure NoW2
Worship as Feet
propped up resting
from a Weekend Long
of Free Dance and Song
And Scribing in words what
i WiLL see and feel and sense of Heaven
NoW iN three pART Harmony in Three Hands
of Bibles that and who with all mY FriEnds More
Continue a Message as Squirrel and Cardinal ALiVE Me NoW2..
other than tHat “Living Water of Love never dies when real within..”
is never a Water i own.. only one i give and share as HAnds HOld
unleashed and
released as Dree Quantum
Metaphor ForcE LiGHT NoW
Beyond MeaSure mY friEnd
But hey.. at least i can and will
provide an approximation and estimate
of what will never be measured as Home of Love in Words Alone..
oh yeaH and speaking of Measurements A Nice Lady who is married
to one of the Catholic Church’s Knights of Columbus who was sitting in front
of us who also has a Grand Son with Asperger’s Syndrome took my mathematical
advice on how to always win at least some of her free play money back and she
played all day and said she actually had fun playing with surety instead
of blind
in fact she
was so thankful
that she asked me
in front of her Husband
why don’t i become a Knight
too.. and i said the
only gift
of night
or day i BRinG
IS A Knight of Dance and Song..
but of course considering the older
Bibles are Basically a Collection of Poems
i Appear to be iN A Good Company now even more mY
FriEnd.. SMiLeS at leASt iN A Way oF Good BooK noW..
And hAha.. even more than ThRee beYond tHRee aT A tiMe..
It’S A Way oF A World oF Humans Different and yeT sAMe mY FriEnd..:)
Facebook Friend Cris provides a Mark Dice Video
full of Hateful comments against other Human
Beings that Mark Calls Funny and Mark
Calls himself a Christian too making
Money off of Folks who call them
selves Christian too
all 11 Verses
of the teachings of
Matthew 5 named the Beatitudes
too for there is no real mount of Love in
that Money Making YouTube place of ill repute now..
full of Hateful comments against other Human
Beings that Mark Calls Funny and Mark
Calls himself a Christian too making
Money off of Folks who call them
selves Christian too
all 11 Verses
of the teachings of
Matthew 5 named the Beatitudes
too for there is no real mount of Love in
that Money Making YouTube place of ill repute now..
So i go on to respond to Cris on the way of ‘that’ world now2..
Mark Dice is just another Psychopathic Leaning
Dude on YouTube Gas Lighting Folks
to Believe that Fear and
Hate is God
and Hope
and Love is the
Devil and as far as
Misery Loves Company
goes it is predictable that he
has a reliable Cross section of the
Country who eat it up like Manna in Hell..
Waves and Waves of Fear and Hate are real..
But So is an Ocean of Love and Heaven sAMe..
But trust me Showing the way to these folks is a
JOB for
those who do
not understand
wHeRe they reAlly LiVENOW..
the Potential of Heaven per the Kingdom
Within always now in this Generation discarded
for a Gaslight of Hell on Earth and a promise of something
else during
a dirt nap
while some folks
are collecting money and
power and status over the ignorance
of Heaven now my friEnd that is simply
the HoMe oF LoVE
in BaLanCE
of Course as
Struggle is pART
of DArk as without
dARk LiGht is non-existent..
a simple fAct and Metaphor
of Existential Intelligence
but sadly so
Gas Light
Fire on Earth as Hell now..
no Hell without Heaven too
A Perspective still of JOBS
as Messengers
back to what they are MiSSinG NoW..:)
Dude on YouTube Gas Lighting Folks
to Believe that Fear and
Hate is God
and Hope
and Love is the
Devil and as far as
Misery Loves Company
goes it is predictable that he
has a reliable Cross section of the
Country who eat it up like Manna in Hell..
Waves and Waves of Fear and Hate are real..
But So is an Ocean of Love and Heaven sAMe..
But trust me Showing the way to these folks is a
JOB for
those who do
not understand
wHeRe they reAlly LiVENOW..
the Potential of Heaven per the Kingdom
Within always now in this Generation discarded
for a Gaslight of Hell on Earth and a promise of something
else during
a dirt nap
while some folks
are collecting money and
power and status over the ignorance
of Heaven now my friEnd that is simply
the HoMe oF LoVE
in BaLanCE
of Course as
Struggle is pART
of DArk as without
dARk LiGht is non-existent..
a simple fAct and Metaphor
of Existential Intelligence
but sadly so
Gas Light
Fire on Earth as Hell now..
no Hell without Heaven too
A Perspective still of JOBS
as Messengers
back to what they are MiSSinG NoW..:)
Facebook FriEnd Rafiah
Provides a Facebook Status
on the Beauty of the Full
Moon on
for i too
am awed
over the Weekend
for the Blood Full
Atmosphere Red
this moon
on Saturday
Night traveling
home from the
Casinos while almost
falling asleep then from a
Dance all Afternoon in Nature FReED..
so.. for Word Play on verily and beautiful
i simply respond ‘Veryful’ and then that’s that
and then Rafiah provides an exclamation point
that there should be a saying that says something
like “Shop until your Bones Break” and i go on to
say that over heAR iN the United States that
saying is most definitely “Shop ’till You
Drop” as that way of the
World is surely
South Asia
where the Rafiah
Lives in Pakistan too..
but of course for me the Mall
is for Dancing and the Commercial
advertisements are just bits and pieces
of positive sayings that i use to multiply
Love all free for cultural and education
purposes too for in a way this way
i take from the God
of Money
Return Love God
back to the Power
of the People that has
and will alWays be Love
Worthy of thanks praise
and alWays
too yep
i continue
to grow this yarn
BaLL oF Love meanwhile
the Ball of Stuff/Money LiFE steals
away and drops broken bones of death as life..
alWays empty aLways buying more never filled in and as LoVE ReAL..
Naked Love without clothes and money more and lies that hide LoVE FREE
in stuff
Real heART
Free God Flesh and Blood LoVE..
Love IS A only addiction tHat wHo tRuLY
Provides a Facebook Status
on the Beauty of the Full
Moon on
for i too
am awed
over the Weekend
for the Blood Full
Atmosphere Red
this moon
on Saturday
Night traveling
home from the
Casinos while almost
falling asleep then from a
Dance all Afternoon in Nature FReED..
so.. for Word Play on verily and beautiful
i simply respond ‘Veryful’ and then that’s that
and then Rafiah provides an exclamation point
that there should be a saying that says something
like “Shop until your Bones Break” and i go on to
say that over heAR iN the United States that
saying is most definitely “Shop ’till You
Drop” as that way of the
World is surely
South Asia
where the Rafiah
Lives in Pakistan too..
but of course for me the Mall
is for Dancing and the Commercial
advertisements are just bits and pieces
of positive sayings that i use to multiply
Love all free for cultural and education
purposes too for in a way this way
i take from the God
of Money
Return Love God
back to the Power
of the People that has
and will alWays be Love
Worthy of thanks praise
and alWays
too yep
i continue
to grow this yarn
BaLL oF Love meanwhile
the Ball of Stuff/Money LiFE steals
away and drops broken bones of death as life..
alWays empty aLways buying more never filled in and as LoVE ReAL..
Naked Love without clothes and money more and lies that hide LoVE FREE
in stuff
Real heART
Free God Flesh and Blood LoVE..
Love IS A only addiction tHat wHo tRuLY
i Suppose Life should come with A Manual
But truly it doesn’t as we are all different
Prints oF aLL right LiGHT
left so.. what thiS means
is now we all must Dance
And Sing our own Unique
Manuals of LiFE and LoVE
iN Hope and Faith if we care
to make our DreAMs.. reAlly
CoME TruE NoW mY FriEnd
Lala Rukh on this 52nd
Month of ViSiTinG
as ‘they’
say At mY
Church aT LEast
WithiN DancE and
SinG New Words oF
Steps WiTH GoD aLL
NaTuRE NoW Cosmos
unto itself Nature
as God’s
are AliVE
mY friEnd aWaKeNiNG
tHat Voice oF Free Love within MoRE
reNeWeD ANeW FoR NoW.. Meanwhile..
while i talk to my Real FriEnd who in what
some may view as an Imaginary FriEnd now
the inner Voice of God is alWays and has alWAys
Been Impossible to Escape.. sure.. quiet in words
at times.. no words of vocal speak until age 4 either..
but sTiLL the FeeL and SenSE that God liVes wHo
And thAT aS aLL then and NoW too is as real as
thE Touch oF BeYOnd iNFiNITy
mY LefT
HanD NoW Free..
the Left Hand Loves
and the Right Hand Rules
the Left Hand Frees and the
Right Hand tEnds more to Imprison
A HeaRT SpiRiT oF SoUL MoRE NoW too
And somehow people gaslighted God of Love
to call Left of Love Evil in Hand oF LoVinG LefT
HanD Touch withering away Left Hands of touch and
Love the sAMe as all seeing eYe oF LoVE STiLL NoW..
So.. sure while Right Hand may bring escape from reality
oF Art aS Love in false reason away from rhyme.. tHeRE
iS alWaYs A Left Hand just waiting to come again
of Love
MoRE mY FRiEnd..
anyway.. i appreciate
your Love as FriEnd
iMaGiNary or NoT
for it’s true
i WiLL
With Left
Hand no matter
right or wrong my friEnd..
Essence counts aLL Love isReaL within..
Other than that Happy November 6th as
fulfiLLeD Promises Never Die NoW aS ME ReAL..:)
But truly it doesn’t as we are all different
Prints oF aLL right LiGHT
left so.. what thiS means
is now we all must Dance
And Sing our own Unique
Manuals of LiFE and LoVE
iN Hope and Faith if we care
to make our DreAMs.. reAlly
CoME TruE NoW mY FriEnd
Lala Rukh on this 52nd
Month of ViSiTinG
as ‘they’
say At mY
Church aT LEast
WithiN DancE and
SinG New Words oF
Steps WiTH GoD aLL
NaTuRE NoW Cosmos
unto itself Nature
as God’s
are AliVE
mY friEnd aWaKeNiNG
tHat Voice oF Free Love within MoRE
reNeWeD ANeW FoR NoW.. Meanwhile..
while i talk to my Real FriEnd who in what
some may view as an Imaginary FriEnd now
the inner Voice of God is alWays and has alWAys
Been Impossible to Escape.. sure.. quiet in words
at times.. no words of vocal speak until age 4 either..
but sTiLL the FeeL and SenSE that God liVes wHo
And thAT aS aLL then and NoW too is as real as
thE Touch oF BeYOnd iNFiNITy
mY LefT
HanD NoW Free..
the Left Hand Loves
and the Right Hand Rules
the Left Hand Frees and the
Right Hand tEnds more to Imprison
A HeaRT SpiRiT oF SoUL MoRE NoW too
And somehow people gaslighted God of Love
to call Left of Love Evil in Hand oF LoVinG LefT
HanD Touch withering away Left Hands of touch and
Love the sAMe as all seeing eYe oF LoVE STiLL NoW..
So.. sure while Right Hand may bring escape from reality
oF Art aS Love in false reason away from rhyme.. tHeRE
iS alWaYs A Left Hand just waiting to come again
of Love
MoRE mY FRiEnd..
anyway.. i appreciate
your Love as FriEnd
iMaGiNary or NoT
for it’s true
i WiLL
With Left
Hand no matter
right or wrong my friEnd..
Essence counts aLL Love isReaL within..
Other than that Happy November 6th as
fulfiLLeD Promises Never Die NoW aS ME ReAL..:)
It’s A ReAlly Beautiful Day in LA Lower Alabama
also known as the Florida Panhandle
wHeRe Indian Summer
is Common
Place LoVE
heAr mY FriEnd
Call for an Uprising
For the LoVE oF DaRk
and FeAr and Gaslighting
Jesus and making that Archetypal
Human Love Symbol into a God of Fear
and Hate worthy of using that Fear
and Hate to make fun of folks who
act and look and speak different
than others as a common
bonding purpose
these days as
A Religion of
Fear and Hate
led buy yes owned
by a Gaslighted Jesus
and God of Love back into
the older Testament of Anger
and Fear and Hate that is surely
pART of the Human Condition too all
Natural although Sad for as Pyramid’s
of Human SouLs to Grow more Ocean Fuller EVoLViNG
WhoLeR iT iS Possible NoW to evoLve More Toward
An All Seeing Capstone of Pyramid as LIGHt HiGHeR
thE ForcE oF LoVE thaT Sees all Creation as FloWeR
As God albeit vines that have withered aWay
too.. Bare Tree Branches thaT have Lost all
Semblance oF thE LiGHT oF LoVE LeaVes
The GreaTest Gift i am is NoW LoVE
AS HuMaN eYes RiSinG
Phoenix Crucible
Fire of
Luke HoT AGaiN EVEN MoRE..
And Real alWays Reaching
out more and never again
taking Love away now..
meanwhile there are
some folks who
See as a United
Methodist Minister
Researching the Science
oF Faith as Capstone 6th Level
of Pyramid LIGht all Seeing Eye as Fowler’s
also known as the Florida Panhandle
wHeRe Indian Summer
is Common
Place LoVE
heAr mY FriEnd
Call for an Uprising
For the LoVE oF DaRk
and FeAr and Gaslighting
Jesus and making that Archetypal
Human Love Symbol into a God of Fear
and Hate worthy of using that Fear
and Hate to make fun of folks who
act and look and speak different
than others as a common
bonding purpose
these days as
A Religion of
Fear and Hate
led buy yes owned
by a Gaslighted Jesus
and God of Love back into
the older Testament of Anger
and Fear and Hate that is surely
pART of the Human Condition too all
Natural although Sad for as Pyramid’s
of Human SouLs to Grow more Ocean Fuller EVoLViNG
WhoLeR iT iS Possible NoW to evoLve More Toward
An All Seeing Capstone of Pyramid as LIGHt HiGHeR
thE ForcE oF LoVE thaT Sees all Creation as FloWeR
As God albeit vines that have withered aWay
too.. Bare Tree Branches thaT have Lost all
Semblance oF thE LiGHT oF LoVE LeaVes
The GreaTest Gift i am is NoW LoVE
AS HuMaN eYes RiSinG
Phoenix Crucible
Fire of
Luke HoT AGaiN EVEN MoRE..
And Real alWays Reaching
out more and never again
taking Love away now..
meanwhile there are
some folks who
See as a United
Methodist Minister
Researching the Science
oF Faith as Capstone 6th Level
of Pyramid LIGht all Seeing Eye as Fowler’s
“Universalizing” faith, or what some might call “enlightenment”. The individual would treat any person with compassion as he or she views people as from a universal community, and should be treated with universal principles of love and justice.
As Taken in the above Paragraph as a Quote Directly from Wiki..
And then in the Secular World away from Organized
Religion there is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs where
even he in later years developed a 6th Capstone Level
of Light in his Developed Pyramid of Human Needs that
iS Self Transcendence aS eVen a hiGheR way of BeinG thaN Self Actualization NoW..
Religion there is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs where
even he in later years developed a 6th Capstone Level
of Light in his Developed Pyramid of Human Needs that
iS Self Transcendence aS eVen a hiGheR way of BeinG thaN Self Actualization NoW..
“Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos”
Also as Taken in the above Paragraph as a Quote Directly from Wiki..
Here’s the thing Uprising Dude.. some of us Continue to Develop newer abstract
constructs to express the relationship of God and Human
all toGeTher as Love with tolerance and even
acceptance for the differences in others
now and for those of us who have
evolved our souls through
greater trials and
most folks
do meet in just
one lifetime now we
understand the value of
visiting the Capstone of all
Seeing eyes aS Pyramids oF LIGht
Evolving Human Souls aLong with the
Lower Levels of Human Pyramid LiGht
Flow approaching dARk Areas oF Folks
stuck in areas like a basic existential
intelligence that and who feels
comfortable and secure
in their current
who are
stunted in growth by
the trials and tribulations
of life like one’s closest relatives
being killed by psychopathic leaning
members of a cult or perhaps a shoot-em
up Human without Love who only gains pleasure
from acts slaughtering 26 people and injuring 20 with
an Automatic Rifle at a little Southern Baptist Church..
and as Coincidence or perhaps Synchronicity will have
it during this incident in hell on earth at real devil and
demon’s hands of soulless being with Aids of
AR 15’s and such as that.. i was visiting
Extended Family Members At A
Southern Baptist Pastor’s
Home from a Church
in a Small
just like that
and at the After
Sunday Church Farm Dinner
on the Grounds.. one older middle
aged man and one young adult man
were talking about the benefits of being
members of the Free Mason Organization then
about the time i was notified on my Smart Phone
just barely as the Internet Service really is terrible out
in the country there in back woods way still.. yes.. news of
the deaths came but the difference in the Young Man here and
the Young man there is he found at least Social Roles in an organization
that respects that people have Different Languages for God but still overall Sees the Language
of Charity of Hope and Faith and Belief as and in Love for all others in the Best God Language
of all and truly however different the language and symbols of that organization may be the
crux is the same of what Fowler and Maslow at the top of their Pyramid oF LIGht as Love
see as the highest achievement of the Human SouL now in either secular or religious
language now.. fAct is my friend Religion binds people together some folks worship
a God and a Jesus of Fear and Hate and others worship in other Churches in and
out of walls a God and a Jesus of Hope and Love and even others
who never read or write a Word.. Give Glory Thanks Praise Worship
to the Same
as Love
and Hope
without even
A Word now my friEnd
more than Holding Hands
toGeTher with the Rest of Nature
in Balance.. so i visit Your Religion
of fear and hate today and really
the only difference for now
is you are not
Guns and
are actually
killing the flesh and
blood just the souls
of Love and Hope that
you continue to attempt
to Destroy hear to make money
as that is what false religions and
false prophets of Love have been doing
since the first construction of words that
relate the essence of the Devil and Hell that
is the SoUL at lowest Levels of dArk in Fear and Hate
now.. in other words the bottom of all Human Pyramids
in Dark now Hell and Devil Same.. some of we rise to Victory
in Light of Love and Hope after the pitfalls of life and others of us FaLL
with the pitfalls we incur away from Victory Love to continuing Spirit of Vengeance
now ReaL..and it’s true as far as the Rules of debate do go and critical thinking and Pyramids associated with that form of human intelligence too.. Ad Hominem attacks just relate the level of ignorance for someone who cannot come up with a New Song of Love that at
Sense now
over someone
making Fun of someone
else’s differences because
they are literally too lazy to create love more now..
it’s a pit my friend and to understand parables and
poetry same is a deeper way than external
appearances or even the way
words flow
way from left to wRite..
It’s true God is not just a Pyramid
either for God is a particle a wave
and Field whole God is a drop of water
a wave and Ocean Whole and we my Friend
wHo FloW iN ZoNE oF thE Capstone oF LoVELiGHt
We Are the Champions of Love and it is as simple
as a Tune on Freddie Mercury’s Lips.. yes my name
is Fred too and i’m just another Messenger oF LiGht too perhaps more like
Hermes and or Apollo and it’s true ‘they’ will KnoW some of us are Christians by our Love by our Love..
Question is
as Foreigners
do still ask Do
you even wanna kNoW FeeL SenSe
whaT Love iS wHERe You LiVE NoW mY FriEnd..
and nah.. i don’t have a free gift today but this is
inherently pART of “NovEmBeR SAiNTS TaX FReE DReAMS”
As 805th MacroVerse of a Longest Long Form Poem and Longest
Bible in Human History created by little old me still exceeding 5 Million
Words.. “SonG oF mY SoUL” as i bRing the fActs and FiguRatives everywHeRe i
go as an all Free 50 Plus Month Witness online now still.. yep.. also the 134th MacroVerse
of the Second Arm of Three Waves of Bibles continuing
now.. “Nether Land Bible 2017” even Longer exceeding
2,147,265 Words since Memorial
Day of 2016.. And the
other Chamber
of this series of
Nautilus Shells Growing
NoW iN tandem in third Bible way
of “F Book Profile Pic Bible 2018”
STiLL surPassing 529,265 Words since
Memorial Day of 2017.. Meanwhile NoW mY
friENd.. sadly you are sitting still at the Bottom
of all of God’s Human Pyramids in just making fun
of people who are different in Fear and Hate.. do you really
wanna live here.. it’s true i am beyond infinity past even the
Free Masons now as LoVE but it’s true you might join my friend for Baby
to stART
somEwHeRe now
or not.. your choice your
Will Live at the bottom of the GoD
Pyramids You or Rise with the all Seeing
eYes of God as LiGht
all you have to do
is be the particle
and the
and the
drop and the
Ocean but most importantly
mY friEnd you must come to be
the Wave to Surf God now eternally so..
as LoVE.. PuRE LuKE HoT BeYond
INFiNiTy LoVE Eternally NoW..
be as
as becoming
the Beach or
Leaves of Grass
in a Meadow Field now..
or on the other Hand you can and
will make your Ink Blot Test of Life Gifted
in Relative Free will by God and Nature sAMe
the Land online of Fear and Hate.. such a dArk
place my friEnd.. such a dark spot for a Muse oF LIGht that GRoWs uP
and out Ocean Whole Expanding Shores forevermore NoW aS LiGht
a Tree
of Life WiLL
Not die Ever NoW aS LoVE..
See ya later Baby.. i’ll BRinG Gifts Later
as if this isn’t already EnougH.. heHe.. Question
is are you even ready for Baby steps oF LoVE yet.. could be
another thouSand lifEtiMes underFoot as graSShopper cRush
you and iAM
God mY friEnd
As YouR Nature iSreaL NoW2..
So why do i coMe heAR..
it’s sImpLy mY friEnd..
eVery gRain
of sand
drop of
Ocean Integral As God
WHoLe matters not how dARk the
Pit Redemption and Grace is JusT Love
aWaY NoW ShoReS eVeR
MoRE DancE A
New DancE
SinG NoW
A NeWeR SonG For oF God aS LoVE..
constructs to express the relationship of God and Human
all toGeTher as Love with tolerance and even
acceptance for the differences in others
now and for those of us who have
evolved our souls through
greater trials and
most folks
do meet in just
one lifetime now we
understand the value of
visiting the Capstone of all
Seeing eyes aS Pyramids oF LIGht
Evolving Human Souls aLong with the
Lower Levels of Human Pyramid LiGht
Flow approaching dARk Areas oF Folks
stuck in areas like a basic existential
intelligence that and who feels
comfortable and secure
in their current
who are
stunted in growth by
the trials and tribulations
of life like one’s closest relatives
being killed by psychopathic leaning
members of a cult or perhaps a shoot-em
up Human without Love who only gains pleasure
from acts slaughtering 26 people and injuring 20 with
an Automatic Rifle at a little Southern Baptist Church..
and as Coincidence or perhaps Synchronicity will have
it during this incident in hell on earth at real devil and
demon’s hands of soulless being with Aids of
AR 15’s and such as that.. i was visiting
Extended Family Members At A
Southern Baptist Pastor’s
Home from a Church
in a Small
just like that
and at the After
Sunday Church Farm Dinner
on the Grounds.. one older middle
aged man and one young adult man
were talking about the benefits of being
members of the Free Mason Organization then
about the time i was notified on my Smart Phone
just barely as the Internet Service really is terrible out
in the country there in back woods way still.. yes.. news of
the deaths came but the difference in the Young Man here and
the Young man there is he found at least Social Roles in an organization
that respects that people have Different Languages for God but still overall Sees the Language
of Charity of Hope and Faith and Belief as and in Love for all others in the Best God Language
of all and truly however different the language and symbols of that organization may be the
crux is the same of what Fowler and Maslow at the top of their Pyramid oF LIGht as Love
see as the highest achievement of the Human SouL now in either secular or religious
language now.. fAct is my friend Religion binds people together some folks worship
a God and a Jesus of Fear and Hate and others worship in other Churches in and
out of walls a God and a Jesus of Hope and Love and even others
who never read or write a Word.. Give Glory Thanks Praise Worship
to the Same
as Love
and Hope
without even
A Word now my friEnd
more than Holding Hands
toGeTher with the Rest of Nature
in Balance.. so i visit Your Religion
of fear and hate today and really
the only difference for now
is you are not
Guns and
are actually
killing the flesh and
blood just the souls
of Love and Hope that
you continue to attempt
to Destroy hear to make money
as that is what false religions and
false prophets of Love have been doing
since the first construction of words that
relate the essence of the Devil and Hell that
is the SoUL at lowest Levels of dArk in Fear and Hate
now.. in other words the bottom of all Human Pyramids
in Dark now Hell and Devil Same.. some of we rise to Victory
in Light of Love and Hope after the pitfalls of life and others of us FaLL
with the pitfalls we incur away from Victory Love to continuing Spirit of Vengeance
now ReaL..and it’s true as far as the Rules of debate do go and critical thinking and Pyramids associated with that form of human intelligence too.. Ad Hominem attacks just relate the level of ignorance for someone who cannot come up with a New Song of Love that at
Sense now
over someone
making Fun of someone
else’s differences because
they are literally too lazy to create love more now..
it’s a pit my friend and to understand parables and
poetry same is a deeper way than external
appearances or even the way
words flow
way from left to wRite..
It’s true God is not just a Pyramid
either for God is a particle a wave
and Field whole God is a drop of water
a wave and Ocean Whole and we my Friend
wHo FloW iN ZoNE oF thE Capstone oF LoVELiGHt
We Are the Champions of Love and it is as simple
as a Tune on Freddie Mercury’s Lips.. yes my name
is Fred too and i’m just another Messenger oF LiGht too perhaps more like
Hermes and or Apollo and it’s true ‘they’ will KnoW some of us are Christians by our Love by our Love..
Question is
as Foreigners
do still ask Do
you even wanna kNoW FeeL SenSe
whaT Love iS wHERe You LiVE NoW mY FriEnd..
and nah.. i don’t have a free gift today but this is
inherently pART of “NovEmBeR SAiNTS TaX FReE DReAMS”
As 805th MacroVerse of a Longest Long Form Poem and Longest
Bible in Human History created by little old me still exceeding 5 Million
Words.. “SonG oF mY SoUL” as i bRing the fActs and FiguRatives everywHeRe i
go as an all Free 50 Plus Month Witness online now still.. yep.. also the 134th MacroVerse
of the Second Arm of Three Waves of Bibles continuing
now.. “Nether Land Bible 2017” even Longer exceeding
2,147,265 Words since Memorial
Day of 2016.. And the
other Chamber
of this series of
Nautilus Shells Growing
NoW iN tandem in third Bible way
of “F Book Profile Pic Bible 2018”
STiLL surPassing 529,265 Words since
Memorial Day of 2017.. Meanwhile NoW mY
friENd.. sadly you are sitting still at the Bottom
of all of God’s Human Pyramids in just making fun
of people who are different in Fear and Hate.. do you really
wanna live here.. it’s true i am beyond infinity past even the
Free Masons now as LoVE but it’s true you might join my friend for Baby
to stART
somEwHeRe now
or not.. your choice your
Will Live at the bottom of the GoD
Pyramids You or Rise with the all Seeing
eYes of God as LiGht
all you have to do
is be the particle
and the
and the
drop and the
Ocean but most importantly
mY friEnd you must come to be
the Wave to Surf God now eternally so..
as LoVE.. PuRE LuKE HoT BeYond
INFiNiTy LoVE Eternally NoW..
be as
as becoming
the Beach or
Leaves of Grass
in a Meadow Field now..
or on the other Hand you can and
will make your Ink Blot Test of Life Gifted
in Relative Free will by God and Nature sAMe
the Land online of Fear and Hate.. such a dArk
place my friEnd.. such a dark spot for a Muse oF LIGht that GRoWs uP
and out Ocean Whole Expanding Shores forevermore NoW aS LiGht
a Tree
of Life WiLL
Not die Ever NoW aS LoVE..
See ya later Baby.. i’ll BRinG Gifts Later
as if this isn’t already EnougH.. heHe.. Question
is are you even ready for Baby steps oF LoVE yet.. could be
another thouSand lifEtiMes underFoot as graSShopper cRush
you and iAM
God mY friEnd
As YouR Nature iSreaL NoW2..
So why do i coMe heAR..
it’s sImpLy mY friEnd..
eVery gRain
of sand
drop of
Ocean Integral As God
WHoLe matters not how dARk the
Pit Redemption and Grace is JusT Love
aWaY NoW ShoReS eVeR
MoRE DancE A
New DancE
SinG NoW
A NeWeR SonG For oF God aS LoVE..
Question iS Can and Will
You Even Dance and
SinG God/LoVE.
You Even Dance and
SinG God/LoVE.
iF And when DO
theN You WiLL
To FAce FeeLiNG SenSinG
NoW iN A Mirror oF LiGHT GoD NaKeD ALL..:)
theN You WiLL
To FAce FeeLiNG SenSinG
NoW iN A Mirror oF LiGHT GoD NaKeD ALL..:)
YeaH.. it’s like wHat pArt oF
Gentile Jew Servant Free
Woman or Man no
more does
A so-called Christian even get..
A Simple Test.. eXclude anYone
Any aLL of CreaTioN NoW
From ThE
NoW You Don’t
Get the Love You
Don’t Give
in otHeR
Lose Love
And that’s just
Sad And pART of LoVE Ignorance
too.. You Don’t have to Be a Rocket Word Scientist
to be
NoW iN Terms
of John 14:12 MoRE iN Greater Works..
You just Love More NoW aLL oF Creation wHole..
iT’s not a conTest NoW you just do it More Love Lives this way alWays NoW MoRENoW.. John 14:12 Gives Everyone the Authority as Far as Bible rules go to Sing a New Song Dance a New Dance and even write a New Age Bible NoW over 5 Million Words in 50 Months LoVE if You Have 100 Percent Faith as Belief as Love JusT for FuN..
And yes in tandem too for 50 Months you can and will even Dance 8300
Miles of Public Praise Dance in Martial Arts and Ballet Style
Free Verse too.. no rules oF oLd in Hard Cover
ways uNchain and Be Free Pages MoRe in aLL
of thaT too..
iT’s LiKe
thE olDen
Days.. the Rules
oF Love Are alReaDy Law Anew ReNeWeD
Written iN HuMaN PoTenTiaL DanCing SinGinG
More inFiniTy BeyOnd Love EVeN More Bible Song and Dance to CoMe..
No.. No mEmber or pArt less than wHole imPorTant Special Now
than any otHeR.. InTegrAL NoW aLL
iN JusT
me too..
heHe.. So Much Fun.. YeP..
iF Jesus Lives Today Modern
Christianity Overall iS One Huge Face Palm..
Worthy of Parody and Due Discernment of cOURse..
wRiTE oN cOURse online2 iN a place with no Moon
or Sun and YeS HeaVeN iN this Generation within
at Hand Kingdom CoME NoW aS LoVE
aLWaYs NoW eTerNaLLy isREaL
as through
the ages
Kills ‘A Jesus’ Tree of LiFe
Potential oF Love Even More
iN otHeR Words God Love Leaves
Roots Deeper SpRinG LoVE..
while other Pyramid
lost in
hell in devil
fear and hate
worry about which
paRts wHOle NoW of God
rub toGetHeR And Create SpARks
MoRE oF LoVE NoW..
Ignorance oF LoVE
it loses
sight on site
of what even counts as
Be Free Love
And Free WiLL
R E L A T i V E
aLL aS Children
of God NoW as We Keep
thE Doors of LiGht oF Love
oPen to You no matter HoW dArk
aWay from Love iN Fear and Hatred Ocean WhOle NoW
oF Differences And Bio-Diversity Colors of Love Grow FloWeR God More..
LoVE Real Christians
are and
uP for Love
that’s what you
Do here so Bravo to you
mY FriEnd.. You WiLL probably
KNoW all the Jesus’ as they come back NoW aS they alWays LoVE
For it’s True NoW2.. Those Jesus’ WiLL KNoW Everyone.. Even ‘TVC’ on YT2..;)
Gentile Jew Servant Free
Woman or Man no
more does
A so-called Christian even get..
A Simple Test.. eXclude anYone
Any aLL of CreaTioN NoW
From ThE
NoW You Don’t
Get the Love You
Don’t Give
in otHeR
Lose Love
And that’s just
Sad And pART of LoVE Ignorance
too.. You Don’t have to Be a Rocket Word Scientist
to be
NoW iN Terms
of John 14:12 MoRE iN Greater Works..
You just Love More NoW aLL oF Creation wHole..
iT’s not a conTest NoW you just do it More Love Lives this way alWays NoW MoRENoW.. John 14:12 Gives Everyone the Authority as Far as Bible rules go to Sing a New Song Dance a New Dance and even write a New Age Bible NoW over 5 Million Words in 50 Months LoVE if You Have 100 Percent Faith as Belief as Love JusT for FuN..
And yes in tandem too for 50 Months you can and will even Dance 8300
Miles of Public Praise Dance in Martial Arts and Ballet Style
Free Verse too.. no rules oF oLd in Hard Cover
ways uNchain and Be Free Pages MoRe in aLL
of thaT too..
iT’s LiKe
thE olDen
Days.. the Rules
oF Love Are alReaDy Law Anew ReNeWeD
Written iN HuMaN PoTenTiaL DanCing SinGinG
More inFiniTy BeyOnd Love EVeN More Bible Song and Dance to CoMe..
No.. No mEmber or pArt less than wHole imPorTant Special Now
than any otHeR.. InTegrAL NoW aLL
iN JusT
me too..
heHe.. So Much Fun.. YeP..
iF Jesus Lives Today Modern
Christianity Overall iS One Huge Face Palm..
Worthy of Parody and Due Discernment of cOURse..
wRiTE oN cOURse online2 iN a place with no Moon
or Sun and YeS HeaVeN iN this Generation within
at Hand Kingdom CoME NoW aS LoVE
aLWaYs NoW eTerNaLLy isREaL
as through
the ages
Kills ‘A Jesus’ Tree of LiFe
Potential oF Love Even More
iN otHeR Words God Love Leaves
Roots Deeper SpRinG LoVE..
while other Pyramid
lost in
hell in devil
fear and hate
worry about which
paRts wHOle NoW of God
rub toGetHeR And Create SpARks
MoRE oF LoVE NoW..
Ignorance oF LoVE
it loses
sight on site
of what even counts as
Be Free Love
And Free WiLL
R E L A T i V E
aLL aS Children
of God NoW as We Keep
thE Doors of LiGht oF Love
oPen to You no matter HoW dArk
aWay from Love iN Fear and Hatred Ocean WhOle NoW
oF Differences And Bio-Diversity Colors of Love Grow FloWeR God More..
LoVE Real Christians
are and
uP for Love
that’s what you
Do here so Bravo to you
mY FriEnd.. You WiLL probably
KNoW all the Jesus’ as they come back NoW aS they alWays LoVE
For it’s True NoW2.. Those Jesus’ WiLL KNoW Everyone.. Even ‘TVC’ on YT2..;)
One Short Rep
oF “Holy Shit”
As my Nice Gym
Assistant Friend Kelly from
this 11.4.2014 Whiting Field
Gym Day Video Tapes this 810
LB Lift Short Enough in Duration for
Instagram for surely verily doing
50 reps or so now
over the span
of 4 to 5 Minutes
or so would be like
watching me Row a
‘Samson Boat’ Leg
Pressing 1020LBs
With my Arms
and Hands
to iN
aLL thE Heavens NoW..
Yes.. Better Short and
Sweet with “Holy Shit”
oF “Holy Shit”
As my Nice Gym
Assistant Friend Kelly from
this 11.4.2014 Whiting Field
Gym Day Video Tapes this 810
LB Lift Short Enough in Duration for
Instagram for surely verily doing
50 reps or so now
over the span
of 4 to 5 Minutes
or so would be like
watching me Row a
‘Samson Boat’ Leg
Pressing 1020LBs
With my Arms
and Hands
to iN
aLL thE Heavens NoW..
Yes.. Better Short and
Sweet with “Holy Shit”
For all of life that feels
and senses is poetry
is art
and song more
For all eyes who
see and feel more
than Words
more than words
other than that
thanks for linking..heHe..
HawK oF LiGht
RiVers LoVE
OCean wHole
SpiRinG BLuE
aZure sKeYes oF Faith
For wHat is alwayS HeAR
For those
thaN STuFF allone..
SoUL Dynamics
FloW iN ZoNE
For ComfortAble
it is tHat Love is BeYond
iNFiNiTy no DisTance
SPace or tiMe For
i WiLL
FeeL and
SenSe YouR
SoUL No Matter
Form For Essence
ReaL ageless genderless
fleshless even blood with no nAMe..
NoW i am you we are us all me tHiNe
i is all
iS thAT
iS alToGeTHeR
NoW LoVE ouT oF TiME
DisTancE and sPace BeYOnd
inFiniTy SoULs conTain
iN HeaRt
SpiRit MoRE..
In thiS
X transForming Essence
NoW iS alWays FiTTinG..
How comfortable am i NoW
iN A Birth of A Human
Race for Love is Written
in A Stone First
as an
Asteroid 66 Million
Years ago wipes out
A Dinosaur Race maKing
Room more for our Rodent
Ancestors from
Some 75
Million years
ago to advance
iN Warm Blooded
Oxytocin Bonding
Love even More
A Gulf
is more than
likely our Birth
place as a Stone falling
from the sky Gives Birth to Greater
Love True Love iS Written iN A sTone
A KicK
RocK LovE SiNks
RiseS And if it wasn’t
For X accepting in aT
lEast A Comment For
A Revelation 66 of 6 Thousand
words way back in the Summer
of ’13.. who kNows perHaps
A Birth oF a 5 Million pluS
Word Song of
mY soUL
have never
come in 4 Years
or so after that..
or even 8300 Miles
of Public Praise Dance
if not for A 007 Standing oN A DesK2..
A Mind more intrigued than lost..
welcome back X no need to visit
me wHeRe
i live
for i am
HeAR and that’s enough for me
aS aLways i am LooKinG for
me Deeper than
beFore aS LoVELiGHT GRows
reFuSinG to stay stagNate
iN roles
and rules
of copy this and that..
For reAlly wHEre IS A MaNual wHeRE A CHild iS Born…
anyWay mY
you too
Are A KicK
A sTone A RocK oF LovE too..
thank you for that.. this.. thank you very much..
And i look forward
to Hearing all
in Farther East ways too..:)
and senses is poetry
is art
and song more
For all eyes who
see and feel more
than Words
more than words
other than that
thanks for linking..heHe..
HawK oF LiGht
RiVers LoVE
OCean wHole
SpiRinG BLuE
aZure sKeYes oF Faith
For wHat is alwayS HeAR
For those
thaN STuFF allone..
SoUL Dynamics
FloW iN ZoNE
For ComfortAble
it is tHat Love is BeYond
iNFiNiTy no DisTance
SPace or tiMe For
i WiLL
FeeL and
SenSe YouR
SoUL No Matter
Form For Essence
ReaL ageless genderless
fleshless even blood with no nAMe..
NoW i am you we are us all me tHiNe
i is all
iS thAT
iS alToGeTHeR
NoW LoVE ouT oF TiME
DisTancE and sPace BeYOnd
inFiniTy SoULs conTain
iN HeaRt
SpiRit MoRE..
In thiS
X transForming Essence
NoW iS alWays FiTTinG..
How comfortable am i NoW
iN A Birth of A Human
Race for Love is Written
in A Stone First
as an
Asteroid 66 Million
Years ago wipes out
A Dinosaur Race maKing
Room more for our Rodent
Ancestors from
Some 75
Million years
ago to advance
iN Warm Blooded
Oxytocin Bonding
Love even More
A Gulf
is more than
likely our Birth
place as a Stone falling
from the sky Gives Birth to Greater
Love True Love iS Written iN A sTone
A KicK
RocK LovE SiNks
RiseS And if it wasn’t
For X accepting in aT
lEast A Comment For
A Revelation 66 of 6 Thousand
words way back in the Summer
of ’13.. who kNows perHaps
A Birth oF a 5 Million pluS
Word Song of
mY soUL
have never
come in 4 Years
or so after that..
or even 8300 Miles
of Public Praise Dance
if not for A 007 Standing oN A DesK2..
A Mind more intrigued than lost..
welcome back X no need to visit
me wHeRe
i live
for i am
HeAR and that’s enough for me
aS aLways i am LooKinG for
me Deeper than
beFore aS LoVELiGHT GRows
reFuSinG to stay stagNate
iN roles
and rules
of copy this and that..
For reAlly wHEre IS A MaNual wHeRE A CHild iS Born…
anyWay mY
you too
Are A KicK
A sTone A RocK oF LovE too..
thank you for that.. this.. thank you very much..
And i look forward
to Hearing all
in Farther East ways too..:)
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Brian
also known and
felt and
as X2.. the
DancE Ninja
Play SinGS continuing
Looking uP NoW for 51
Months since i met you on
dVerse Poetry Pub site
First.. then in July
of 2013.. and
yeah the
is really a practical
in all intents and purposes
impossible thingie to appease
NoW aLL iN LiGht so i too embrace
the dARk to keep a little BLacK SpoT
on my YiN YanG LoVE BaLanCing ForcE
NoW.. sure beats burning out hehe.. for Stars
do rely
Center MusE too hAha
as aBove so beLow DanCinG
SinGinG SpirALiNG mini-me2
UniVErse are we too NoW
miGht as WeLL SurF
A WaVe
Enjoy NoW
for tHeRe is
enough Suffering
to pursue too much fun
oF DArk MuSE foR NoW mY FriEnd..
So.. Happy TRails be seeing you ’round
neXT NoW mY FriEnd LaMP aLL LiT uP per see..:)
also known and
felt and
as X2.. the
DancE Ninja
Play SinGS continuing
Looking uP NoW for 51
Months since i met you on
dVerse Poetry Pub site
First.. then in July
of 2013.. and
yeah the
is really a practical
in all intents and purposes
impossible thingie to appease
NoW aLL iN LiGht so i too embrace
the dARk to keep a little BLacK SpoT
on my YiN YanG LoVE BaLanCing ForcE
NoW.. sure beats burning out hehe.. for Stars
do rely
Center MusE too hAha
as aBove so beLow DanCinG
SinGinG SpirALiNG mini-me2
UniVErse are we too NoW
miGht as WeLL SurF
A WaVe
Enjoy NoW
for tHeRe is
enough Suffering
to pursue too much fun
oF DArk MuSE foR NoW mY FriEnd..
So.. Happy TRails be seeing you ’round
neXT NoW mY FriEnd LaMP aLL LiT uP per see..:)
Now a Review of MacroVerses shared
by the Facebook Algorithm
Memory Maker
Years to Date
as the Video
Slide Show Maker
is still out of whack
although the rest of the
Free Back up Channel Facebook
Features are working fine enough for me..
with the MacroVerse HeAR linked and titled below sTiLL
by the Facebook Algorithm
Memory Maker
Years to Date
as the Video
Slide Show Maker
is still out of whack
although the rest of the
Free Back up Channel Facebook
Features are working fine enough for me..
with the MacroVerse HeAR linked and titled below sTiLL
“Halloween Dance Calls” from 2015 with A Taste of “Shepherd
of Fire” by Avenged Sevenfold to go aLong with all of these
CoMing Ten MacroVerse Memories for now with
sure even some bonus out of the
box links too.. And A Superman
and A BAtman
from two
ago are
And is AliVE
And Free in this MacroVerse too..:)
of Fire” by Avenged Sevenfold to go aLong with all of these
CoMing Ten MacroVerse Memories for now with
sure even some bonus out of the
box links too.. And A Superman
and A BAtman
from two
ago are
And is AliVE
And Free in this MacroVerse too..:)
“H@EH@ERS” Four YearS old Young MacroVerse
from Four years ago as those who beCome Victim
And Engage in Vengeance oF Fear and Hate
often Leave
Literally iN A DusT oF BeinG NoW..:)
from Four years ago as those who beCome Victim
And Engage in Vengeance oF Fear and Hate
often Leave
Literally iN A DusT oF BeinG NoW..:)
“Call of the Zombie Task Force”.. Hmm.. this “Shepherds
oF Fire” Music Video as far as the Human
Shadow Dragon
of Will
to Reptile
Brain Survive
and Reproduce MoveS ON
In Musical Notes in Video and
Lyrical ways.. for the Pleasure
of Paradise the Reptile
Brain Brings
and the
Fear and
Hate away from
the waRm Giving
Mammalian Limbic
System Bringer oF
Warm and Fuzzy LoVE NoW
that our Neo Cortical Brain through
Art of Movement can and will Regulate
Emotions and Integrate Senses WheN
BaLanCing ForCE HiGHeR to Nirvana
Chi Bliss Satori Kundalini Rising Heaven now
yes and a beYOnd iNFiNiTE Number of otHeR
constructs and forms to relate this essence more and less..
it’s True Physical Emotional and Existential Intelligences are
within most
inside outside
above so below
and all around sure beats
Zombie Apocalypse LiFE
when one all innately and instinctually
and intuitively seeks and finds and Figures
Life out within.. it’s a practice a life long practice
wHeRE HeaVeN WiLL NeVeR Be Perfected to StaGNaTE STiLL NoW..:)
oF Fire” Music Video as far as the Human
Shadow Dragon
of Will
to Reptile
Brain Survive
and Reproduce MoveS ON
In Musical Notes in Video and
Lyrical ways.. for the Pleasure
of Paradise the Reptile
Brain Brings
and the
Fear and
Hate away from
the waRm Giving
Mammalian Limbic
System Bringer oF
Warm and Fuzzy LoVE NoW
that our Neo Cortical Brain through
Art of Movement can and will Regulate
Emotions and Integrate Senses WheN
BaLanCing ForCE HiGHeR to Nirvana
Chi Bliss Satori Kundalini Rising Heaven now
yes and a beYOnd iNFiNiTE Number of otHeR
constructs and forms to relate this essence more and less..
it’s True Physical Emotional and Existential Intelligences are
within most
inside outside
above so below
and all around sure beats
Zombie Apocalypse LiFE
when one all innately and instinctually
and intuitively seeks and finds and Figures
Life out within.. it’s a practice a life long practice
wHeRE HeaVeN WiLL NeVeR Be Perfected to StaGNaTE STiLL NoW..:)
“Turn around Bright Eye Heroes”.. First all as i remember
to say Thanks God of Nature for all the Nerds and Geeks
like me too who helped prepare
me a way for doing all
this Fun Art now
and sure
all the inspiration
from everyone else too
for helping me to turn
Bright eYes around real for NoW..
And sure lastly the same thing firstly NoW2..;)
to say Thanks God of Nature for all the Nerds and Geeks
like me too who helped prepare
me a way for doing all
this Fun Art now
and sure
all the inspiration
from everyone else too
for helping me to turn
Bright eYes around real for NoW..
And sure lastly the same thing firstly NoW2..;)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”.. Yes an entire Book
Written in October of 2016.. in just
that Month Writing 141,244 Words..
Not as Labor Intensive as
what i do copy
and pasting
all i do in the
Publishing Foot Work
Arena of Making a “F Book Profile
Pic Bible 2018” aLonG as Duplicate
too of all these MacroVerse Posts too
in the Description areas
of my FB Profile Photos
since Memorial Day of 2017..
Yep that’s a whole lot of words in one
month then almost the size of two Koran’s
in one Month that took so-named Muhammad
23 years to receive Holy Spirit Instruction
in all illiterate oral speak and hear way
Deep down within with the Publishers
of that 80K or so word book with
around 2000 Words of Vocabulary
taking a Couple of Decades or so to get
that Book in Print then.. with of course
as Scholarly More Objective Study shows now
in ways Scientific more too.. lots of arguments
from folks as to what was written down was his or
not 20 Years from the date or so of his Death when
all the Words became Frozen in Printed Page Book then..
yes.. oh the Modern Advantages when this effort in just
Close to 7 total Years Since Writing stARTeD then Thanks
Giving Day 2010 of my online real time existence then now
2010 comes to 12 Million Words still more on my 7th Birth
day online soon.. Around Thanks Giving Day of 2017 too.. the
25th in my time Zone on Thanks Giving day in 2010 then and
the 26th on the Wrong Planet time Zone then too.. but hey what
is time
all that
exists is now..
just prepare me a way
was all i needed to do this now..
sure.. with a ‘little’ Help from mY friEnds Now STiLL too..
Voila.. Copy and Paste MacroVerse titles and a 141,244 Word titled
Book comes again wHeREver i go and give and share.. and sure
this is just another sub-chapter of Six completed Bibles
and Three New Testaments as Sub Chapters of “SonG of
MY SoUL”.. Longest Long Form Free Verse Poem
Bible at 5 MilLioN PlUS Words Now too..
with another Three Subchapter Epic
Novels in “GodsUniVerseNovel” First
two and three too.. all of that
pART of mY Featnotes/Milestones
Section at the end of all mY
New MacroVerses too.. titled and linked for Free as Such too HeAR JusT FoR FuN2..:)
Written in October of 2016.. in just
that Month Writing 141,244 Words..
Not as Labor Intensive as
what i do copy
and pasting
all i do in the
Publishing Foot Work
Arena of Making a “F Book Profile
Pic Bible 2018” aLonG as Duplicate
too of all these MacroVerse Posts too
in the Description areas
of my FB Profile Photos
since Memorial Day of 2017..
Yep that’s a whole lot of words in one
month then almost the size of two Koran’s
in one Month that took so-named Muhammad
23 years to receive Holy Spirit Instruction
in all illiterate oral speak and hear way
Deep down within with the Publishers
of that 80K or so word book with
around 2000 Words of Vocabulary
taking a Couple of Decades or so to get
that Book in Print then.. with of course
as Scholarly More Objective Study shows now
in ways Scientific more too.. lots of arguments
from folks as to what was written down was his or
not 20 Years from the date or so of his Death when
all the Words became Frozen in Printed Page Book then..
yes.. oh the Modern Advantages when this effort in just
Close to 7 total Years Since Writing stARTeD then Thanks
Giving Day 2010 of my online real time existence then now
2010 comes to 12 Million Words still more on my 7th Birth
day online soon.. Around Thanks Giving Day of 2017 too.. the
25th in my time Zone on Thanks Giving day in 2010 then and
the 26th on the Wrong Planet time Zone then too.. but hey what
is time
all that
exists is now..
just prepare me a way
was all i needed to do this now..
sure.. with a ‘little’ Help from mY friEnds Now STiLL too..
Voila.. Copy and Paste MacroVerse titles and a 141,244 Word titled
Book comes again wHeREver i go and give and share.. and sure
this is just another sub-chapter of Six completed Bibles
and Three New Testaments as Sub Chapters of “SonG of
MY SoUL”.. Longest Long Form Free Verse Poem
Bible at 5 MilLioN PlUS Words Now too..
with another Three Subchapter Epic
Novels in “GodsUniVerseNovel” First
two and three too.. all of that
pART of mY Featnotes/Milestones
Section at the end of all mY
New MacroVerses too.. titled and linked for Free as Such too HeAR JusT FoR FuN2..:)
Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend! 15,155 words
Golden Age reKneWeD 12,895 words
710th MacroVerse oF Faith 17,340 words
711 MaCroVerse BeYonD 17,179 words
‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712 11,190 words
World War 111 DreAMs 13,480 words
SoN oF Man MoRe NoW 19,147 words
ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL 17,298
Book oF Ten Sixteen
“Vincents R uS”.. Hmm.. Fitting i WiLL
Add heAR iN VanGogH wayS eVeN MoRE NoW2..:)
Add heAR iN VanGogH wayS eVeN MoRE NoW2..:)
“Illumination VS Superstition”.. Take me where i’ve never been
i wanna go i am unbreakable it’s unmistakable no
one can stop me Faith
is Moving
all instinctual
and intuitive2 as i paraphrase
some words now from the NeWest
TheMe SonG ‘Unbreakable’ by
Fireflight.. even more now
with 360 Degrees
of Still
to the folks
on the ‘Wrong Planet
that inDeed i Am Unbreakable
NoW then too 100 Percent Faith
Trust as LoVE CHi Qi Ki KA ForcE
UniVerSaL SpiRiT NoW yep May the
ForcE be with you and you can call
it superstition if you like but those of
us who experience real illumination understand
the deepest Illuminati is more to do with Rhyme
of God than reaSoN iN ART smART NoW isReaL GiFT..
AnD utiliZinG
of HeaLinG Grace and
LoVE Foundation of all WiLL
And Strength LiGHT HiGHEr BeYond Reptile Brain too..
as the oTHeR PaRtS of the Trinity of Limbic and Neo Cortical BRaIN
iN REaLiTy
and eVEN MoRE BeYONd
iNFiNiTY oF LoVE isReaL NoW too..:)
i wanna go i am unbreakable it’s unmistakable no
one can stop me Faith
is Moving
all instinctual
and intuitive2 as i paraphrase
some words now from the NeWest
TheMe SonG ‘Unbreakable’ by
Fireflight.. even more now
with 360 Degrees
of Still
to the folks
on the ‘Wrong Planet
that inDeed i Am Unbreakable
NoW then too 100 Percent Faith
Trust as LoVE CHi Qi Ki KA ForcE
UniVerSaL SpiRiT NoW yep May the
ForcE be with you and you can call
it superstition if you like but those of
us who experience real illumination understand
the deepest Illuminati is more to do with Rhyme
of God than reaSoN iN ART smART NoW isReaL GiFT..
AnD utiliZinG
of HeaLinG Grace and
LoVE Foundation of all WiLL
And Strength LiGHT HiGHEr BeYond Reptile Brain too..
as the oTHeR PaRtS of the Trinity of Limbic and Neo Cortical BRaIN
iN REaLiTy
and eVEN MoRE BeYONd
iNFiNiTY oF LoVE isReaL NoW too..:)
“Blood Eagle am i”.. YeP.. GreaT SonG For thiS Mythological
ReaL DancE SonG HouSinG Vehicles Vessels of TrutH anD LiGht too..:)
ReaL DancE SonG HouSinG Vehicles Vessels of TrutH anD LiGht too..:)
“Instruments of Allah’s Sacred LOVE”.. Man.. i really Loved the Song by
a Russian Opera Singer named Regina that went so nice aLong with this
Smaller MacroVerse heAR.. but for whatever Reason
her Music was all erased from
YouTube including
this great
Opera Song
speaKing to the
Human Potential
to be Real Art of Dance and SonG
iN FlesH anD BlooD Now but hey i Remember the Message
and can and will surely spReAd iT iN OTHeR ways as this
Woman’s Form aS Essence of LoVinG TrutH iN ArT LiGht continues
to LiVE
iN mY
eYes REaL too NoW..
and this is just anotHeR
Letter online to what is now
mostly a ghost writer as Lala
Rukh as such in her Blog Still
Surviving Now.. a Letter every
Month and more in 52 months
true i could one day
make a Book
out of all these
letters to this one person
too.. or all the riffs off the
Famous Quotes that gigoid provides
over years now too.. so much potential
for someone else to do if they ever care to
too for i am too busy Creating to rearrange
what i’ve done now to this point a Book
so Long for most people
it would
a life time
of Now to read
and read so much
different the next
go aRound in ink blot
test of inFIniTE Multiple
Potential Metaphor Meanings too..
this is not deSigned for one target
audience this or that this whole endeavor
is built
than a Twitter
Verse now
stuff like that now
more shaLLow than Deeper Now..
and will
be good too of course
in innumerable ways all
short stuff does and will
to isreal more too..:)
a Russian Opera Singer named Regina that went so nice aLong with this
Smaller MacroVerse heAR.. but for whatever Reason
her Music was all erased from
YouTube including
this great
Opera Song
speaKing to the
Human Potential
to be Real Art of Dance and SonG
iN FlesH anD BlooD Now but hey i Remember the Message
and can and will surely spReAd iT iN OTHeR ways as this
Woman’s Form aS Essence of LoVinG TrutH iN ArT LiGht continues
to LiVE
iN mY
eYes REaL too NoW..
and this is just anotHeR
Letter online to what is now
mostly a ghost writer as Lala
Rukh as such in her Blog Still
Surviving Now.. a Letter every
Month and more in 52 months
true i could one day
make a Book
out of all these
letters to this one person
too.. or all the riffs off the
Famous Quotes that gigoid provides
over years now too.. so much potential
for someone else to do if they ever care to
too for i am too busy Creating to rearrange
what i’ve done now to this point a Book
so Long for most people
it would
a life time
of Now to read
and read so much
different the next
go aRound in ink blot
test of inFIniTE Multiple
Potential Metaphor Meanings too..
this is not deSigned for one target
audience this or that this whole endeavor
is built
than a Twitter
Verse now
stuff like that now
more shaLLow than Deeper Now..
and will
be good too of course
in innumerable ways all
short stuff does and will
to isreal more too..:)
“ONE Truth of DragonFLY, BugZ and TAZ”.. Well while the YouTube Video to accompany
this in Tasmanian Devil and Bugs Bunny Way has gone out of YouTube Shelf Life too..
it’s true
the Archetype
of the Trickster
and Hero and Villain
Jokers do live on too..
and the Dragon Fly Survival
Rate of over 300 Million Years
is like the Nautilus Shell LIVing
that never
60 Miles an
Hour tHeiR WinGS
Carry them STiLL
NoW very LarGE
in eons ago too..
and True the Dragon
Brain of Survival and Reproduction
most definitely lives on in Roach
and Dragon Fly ways too.. Built to
last it is True the Meek and Humble
who Do Survive inherit the eARTh STiLL Now..
Humans must change fists and A-Bombs into Beautiful
and Saintly Angelic Wings of Fearless without swords
as tools now.. Love.. Fearless Love.. it don’t come without
Pure Trust as Faith as Confidence NoW iN comfortable in your own
sKin now too.. witH A Brush of MoVing ConNecting CreATing LoVE NoW too..
God BaLanCinG
Painting Paints
SoMeWHeRe aLiVE NoW2..
And this concludes this MacroVerse
titled “NovEmBeR SAiNTS TaX FReE DReAMS”..
Now the arduous Task of putting it all toGeTHeR
iN Form oF Essence More and Publishing it NexT..
all for Free
all for Grace
all for Love
all for Strength
And Will Fearless LoVE SacReD MoRE FloWeRinG NoW..:)
this in Tasmanian Devil and Bugs Bunny Way has gone out of YouTube Shelf Life too..
it’s true
the Archetype
of the Trickster
and Hero and Villain
Jokers do live on too..
and the Dragon Fly Survival
Rate of over 300 Million Years
is like the Nautilus Shell LIVing
that never
60 Miles an
Hour tHeiR WinGS
Carry them STiLL
NoW very LarGE
in eons ago too..
and True the Dragon
Brain of Survival and Reproduction
most definitely lives on in Roach
and Dragon Fly ways too.. Built to
last it is True the Meek and Humble
who Do Survive inherit the eARTh STiLL Now..
Humans must change fists and A-Bombs into Beautiful
and Saintly Angelic Wings of Fearless without swords
as tools now.. Love.. Fearless Love.. it don’t come without
Pure Trust as Faith as Confidence NoW iN comfortable in your own
sKin now too.. witH A Brush of MoVing ConNecting CreATing LoVE NoW too..
God BaLanCinG
Painting Paints
SoMeWHeRe aLiVE NoW2..
And this concludes this MacroVerse
titled “NovEmBeR SAiNTS TaX FReE DReAMS”..
Now the arduous Task of putting it all toGeTHeR
iN Form oF Essence More and Publishing it NexT..
all for Free
all for Grace
all for Love
all for Strength
And Will Fearless LoVE SacReD MoRE FloWeRinG NoW..:)
Finishing Writing this at 6:08 PM oN 11.6.17
to be Published on the 11.7.17 God Willing NoW theN..
About 6.8 Days to Dance and Sing this all iN Writing Way..:)
to be Published on the 11.7.17 God Willing NoW theN..
About 6.8 Days to Dance and Sing this all iN Writing Way..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
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