True.. Life is
more than
paste and link..
as well as share
like and follow AFAiFeeL and
all my
thoughts for now..
(:.just some things i
do in ‘the background’
while publishing weekly
novel length poems and such..;)
A pose
A step
To Art
Driven bY
ImagiNation’s LiGHT
MoVinG ConNecTiNG MoRE..
Other than
that Hi..
is interesting..:)
more than
paste and link..
as well as share
like and follow AFAiFeeL and
all my
thoughts for now..
(:.just some things i
do in ‘the background’
while publishing weekly
novel length poems and such..;)
A pose
A step
To Art
Driven bY
ImagiNation’s LiGHT
MoVinG ConNecTiNG MoRE..
Other than
that Hi..
is interesting..:)
SMiLes.. my FriEnd Xenia For the
Kind Visit at what i name as a ‘Third
New Testament’ as Word Play too..
finally does come to a
conclusion at
13 MacroVerse
named ‘A SaVaNT oF LoVE’
aRiSinG to 255,823 words
in 84 days.. otherwise known
as 12 Weeks with the addition
of that 130th MacroVerse too
of ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’..
now reaching 2,076,239 words
in a little over 16 months as still
pArT of Larger MacroVerse Effort
Number 801 too as ‘SonG of mY
SoUL’ on Word Press at over 5 Million
Words continuing to spiral.. hehe.. out
of control of sorts.. haHa in a little over
50 Months that really started too on
3.10.13 in the online birth of
my Blogging effort too..
precisely 55 months
today with
of course
all online
Efforts of Writing
Words somewhere around
12 Million Words.. since Thanks
Giving Day of 2010 as that 84th
Months of Entire Writing Effort
online comes to fruition soon
as my online existence will grow
to 7 years… this Thanks Giving Day.. 2017..
stARTinG that effort at about 50 years and 6
months old otherwise known as 606 months too..
and yes.. this New Memorial Day Year since that day
of this year ’17.. marks a continuing ‘Facebook Profile Pic
Bible 2018’ as that effort now arises in a little over 4 months
now at 458,239 Words as of the Full Facebook Profile Pics Description
areas effort of that too.. anyway as you might see.. using this opportunity
to introduce the next MacroVerse to be named at a later now as soon as
the muse comes for that then as you always do bring an open minded
and hearted muse to me my friend that is wider than the UniVerse and
inFiNiTY to me for i feel no Inertia with the Love you Bring Free to
my Blog for me.. NoW.. sort of like when i leg press that 1020 LBs
my friend.. with arms raised to the air like a Ballerina.. hehe..
as after all Superman and Batman wear man panties
and tights.. hehe.. Secrets in Plain Site in Comic
Book way NoW as the Foundation of all
REAL MEN Will and Strength
is at the Root of
Love and
Grace my friEnd..
and thanks too so much
for the Time Wheater Song..
‘The Warriors Return’ for i will
add that to my Smart Phone in
Meditation Songs for use while reading
and doing my Tai-Chi/Aikido-like dance
at Barnes at Nobles for at least that’s what
a Couple of the Patrons suggested i was doing
when i told them i am not thinking about this at all
it’s just happening as i am ‘the’ River now as just
another Branch
of the
of Life
and these
are my leaves
friend.. thanks for
catching them and
sharing them in the
Unique way you view them now..
Best of Love to you and the Beautiful
Dashing Whippets and your Husband too my
friEnd.. that ‘Third New Testament’ was quite ‘A’
Cross to carry.. nice to get that off my chest. i am
breathing so
mY friEnd
DaNCinG To aS
StaRs iN A SonG
NeVeR EndinG NoW..:)
Kind Visit at what i name as a ‘Third
New Testament’ as Word Play too..
finally does come to a
conclusion at
13 MacroVerse
named ‘A SaVaNT oF LoVE’
aRiSinG to 255,823 words
in 84 days.. otherwise known
as 12 Weeks with the addition
of that 130th MacroVerse too
of ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’..
now reaching 2,076,239 words
in a little over 16 months as still
pArT of Larger MacroVerse Effort
Number 801 too as ‘SonG of mY
SoUL’ on Word Press at over 5 Million
Words continuing to spiral.. hehe.. out
of control of sorts.. haHa in a little over
50 Months that really started too on
3.10.13 in the online birth of
my Blogging effort too..
precisely 55 months
today with
of course
all online
Efforts of Writing
Words somewhere around
12 Million Words.. since Thanks
Giving Day of 2010 as that 84th
Months of Entire Writing Effort
online comes to fruition soon
as my online existence will grow
to 7 years… this Thanks Giving Day.. 2017..
stARTinG that effort at about 50 years and 6
months old otherwise known as 606 months too..
and yes.. this New Memorial Day Year since that day
of this year ’17.. marks a continuing ‘Facebook Profile Pic
Bible 2018’ as that effort now arises in a little over 4 months
now at 458,239 Words as of the Full Facebook Profile Pics Description
areas effort of that too.. anyway as you might see.. using this opportunity
to introduce the next MacroVerse to be named at a later now as soon as
the muse comes for that then as you always do bring an open minded
and hearted muse to me my friend that is wider than the UniVerse and
inFiNiTY to me for i feel no Inertia with the Love you Bring Free to
my Blog for me.. NoW.. sort of like when i leg press that 1020 LBs
my friend.. with arms raised to the air like a Ballerina.. hehe..
as after all Superman and Batman wear man panties
and tights.. hehe.. Secrets in Plain Site in Comic
Book way NoW as the Foundation of all
REAL MEN Will and Strength
is at the Root of
Love and
Grace my friEnd..
and thanks too so much
for the Time Wheater Song..
‘The Warriors Return’ for i will
add that to my Smart Phone in
Meditation Songs for use while reading
and doing my Tai-Chi/Aikido-like dance
at Barnes at Nobles for at least that’s what
a Couple of the Patrons suggested i was doing
when i told them i am not thinking about this at all
it’s just happening as i am ‘the’ River now as just
another Branch
of the
of Life
and these
are my leaves
friend.. thanks for
catching them and
sharing them in the
Unique way you view them now..
Best of Love to you and the Beautiful
Dashing Whippets and your Husband too my
friEnd.. that ‘Third New Testament’ was quite ‘A’
Cross to carry.. nice to get that off my chest. i am
breathing so
mY friEnd
DaNCinG To aS
StaRs iN A SonG
NeVeR EndinG NoW..:)
SMiLes.. mY friEnd.. TVC.. Live by Money NoW
And Inherit all of Money’s problems..
YouTube Is A Private Business
And actual Community Club
For the Masses and they (YT)
what and who
comes and goes
as that relates
to Commercial Advertisement now.. So..
if You wanna ReALLy Be Free.. eventuAlly eScape The Money..
‘Works for Me’ at lEast.. anyWay.. A copy and paste gift for you today..
below from over at Your Friend.. Call For An Uprising Dude’s Place on YouTube too..
anYway too
it’s True too
You can’t really
Fight City Hall too Much
As yes.. they are the ones
who ultimately Sign tHeir Rules..
Give Caesar what belongs to ‘him’
is truly a way to work at it that still
CaN WiLL sET You Free.. FoR what you can’t change and
can and will accept for different after you give Caesar NoW
what is his.. You turn the ChanneL and JusT DO bEcoMe FreeR NoW..
yeaH.. i Realize Ya Gotta Eat/Drink and Need Some Shelter.. Perhaps a Mate… eTc..
And Yes.. Selling iSREaL Hope and Love
Makes Fewer Google Adsense
PeNnies or Really any money
at all for it’s True Love is Love’s
Reward alone LiGHT allone.. no Washington
biLLs or Lincoln Sent Cents iN PurE ForcE oF LoVE NoW..:)
And Inherit all of Money’s problems..
YouTube Is A Private Business
And actual Community Club
For the Masses and they (YT)
what and who
comes and goes
as that relates
to Commercial Advertisement now.. So..
if You wanna ReALLy Be Free.. eventuAlly eScape The Money..
‘Works for Me’ at lEast.. anyWay.. A copy and paste gift for you today..
below from over at Your Friend.. Call For An Uprising Dude’s Place on YouTube too..
anYway too
it’s True too
You can’t really
Fight City Hall too Much
As yes.. they are the ones
who ultimately Sign tHeir Rules..
Give Caesar what belongs to ‘him’
is truly a way to work at it that still
CaN WiLL sET You Free.. FoR what you can’t change and
can and will accept for different after you give Caesar NoW
what is his.. You turn the ChanneL and JusT DO bEcoMe FreeR NoW..
yeaH.. i Realize Ya Gotta Eat/Drink and Need Some Shelter.. Perhaps a Mate… eTc..
And Yes.. Selling iSREaL Hope and Love
Makes Fewer Google Adsense
PeNnies or Really any money
at all for it’s True Love is Love’s
Reward alone LiGHT allone.. no Washington
biLLs or Lincoln Sent Cents iN PurE ForcE oF LoVE NoW..:)
So AnYWaY3.. heaR’s thaT Copy and Paste StorY..;)
“High-souled”, “Venerable” a Definition of the first name of a man who led a Revolution
and Revelation of Non-Violent Civil Dis-Obedience to change the Face of Violent Religious
Nationalism into a more peaceful way of overall life and true.. also.. eventually.. killed
for the
of his Peace
the story below
very much relates this
Archetypal Story of the Human
Hero who bears the iniquities and grief
of Humans then comes back and makes a change
where that man or woman/eTc.. is vaulted to the highest honor for a channel of peace in death
in life my
friend.. i’ll show you
who he is after you finish the story..
Who still believes this report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him.
He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised,
and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was
wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace
was upon Him, And by His stripes
we are healed. All we like sheep
have gone astray; We have turned,
every one, to his own way; And the
Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led
as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a
sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth.
He was taken from prison
and from judgment,
And who will declare
His generation?
For He was cut off from
the land of the living; For the
transgressions of My people He was stricken.
And they made His grave with the wicked— But
with the rich at His death, Because He had
done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His
mouth. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him;
He has put Him to grief. When You make
His soul an offering for sin, He shall see
His seed, He shall prolong His days,
And the pleasure of the Lord shall
prosper in His hand. He shall
see the labor of His soul,
and be satisfied. By His
knowledge My righteous
Servant shall justify many,
For He shall bear
their iniquities.
I will divide Him
a portion with the great,
And He shall divide the
spoil with the strong,
Because He poured
out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered
with the transgressors,
And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.
and Revelation of Non-Violent Civil Dis-Obedience to change the Face of Violent Religious
Nationalism into a more peaceful way of overall life and true.. also.. eventually.. killed
for the
of his Peace
the story below
very much relates this
Archetypal Story of the Human
Hero who bears the iniquities and grief
of Humans then comes back and makes a change
where that man or woman/eTc.. is vaulted to the highest honor for a channel of peace in death
in life my
friend.. i’ll show you
who he is after you finish the story..
Who still believes this report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him.
He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised,
and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was
wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace
was upon Him, And by His stripes
we are healed. All we like sheep
have gone astray; We have turned,
every one, to his own way; And the
Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led
as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a
sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth.
He was taken from prison
and from judgment,
And who will declare
His generation?
For He was cut off from
the land of the living; For the
transgressions of My people He was stricken.
And they made His grave with the wicked— But
with the rich at His death, Because He had
done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His
mouth. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him;
He has put Him to grief. When You make
His soul an offering for sin, He shall see
His seed, He shall prolong His days,
And the pleasure of the Lord shall
prosper in His hand. He shall
see the labor of His soul,
and be satisfied. By His
knowledge My righteous
Servant shall justify many,
For He shall bear
their iniquities.
I will divide Him
a portion with the great,
And He shall divide the
spoil with the strong,
Because He poured
out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered
with the transgressors,
And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.
Yes.. this is a prophecy or otherwise known as a
Human Archetype about a Hero and true there are
many flesh and blood men and women and others who
might not quite meet your definition of a man or woman who
live their lives to the details of this Human Prophecy repeated
similar in many stories of art my friend in many forms of art that
still come
no this story
is not soulY only about
Mahatma Gandhi for many
others have and still fulfill now
this Hero Archetype of Being Human
it’s true the story the Roman Catholics
and the Roman Empire put together in around
325 AD match this story similarly too except for the
parts about hating family members who disagree and
the parts about slaying folks who do not follow what you
say and other allegories if taken literally do actually say this
still in the New Testament now along with bringing a sword instead
of Peace too
my friend
to what this original
very poetic timeless story says..
but of course if one is expanding
an empire through means of sword
against others one must have and or
make Literal Justification in the Religion
when church and state are indeed one force
of sword against opposing tribes and the same
of course can and will be said and done about the
Koran as well.. as of course that story continues too
in spreading a religion by force of sword too my friend
against opposing
tribes even within
so named church
and state combined
original tribes.. for
those who live
by the
do indeed
still die by the
sword and will continue
to do so.. whether those swords
are Fists.. Guns or Nuclear Bombs my friend..
to be Meek does not mean to be weak per original
Greek Definitions to be meek is to be enough of a ‘man’
to make the Fist a Dove that makes peace a reality now..
to be meek truly means to be fearless for the fearless have
nothing to prove my friend but love when love is the dove with
no sword
of lies
the Cooperative
Spirit of Love that/wHo needs
no competition to survive as Grace and Love
Foundation of all True Will and Strength my friend..
It’s true ‘they’ will FeeL we are Christians by our Love..
for those who see the Term Christ as LiGht as Love…
on the other hands there are those who have
Created a Bad Cop Jesus bearing fisticuffs
of sword and really you can’t
blame ‘them’ now for that
Bad Cop Jesus
still literally
in the
New Testament
still but true there are
still others like Mahatma Gandhi
now true Sons of WoMeN and Daughters
of WoMeN and other observed Genders who
not only say the word Love but really just do Love now..
and Yes
LoVE NoW..
Human Archetype about a Hero and true there are
many flesh and blood men and women and others who
might not quite meet your definition of a man or woman who
live their lives to the details of this Human Prophecy repeated
similar in many stories of art my friend in many forms of art that
still come
no this story
is not soulY only about
Mahatma Gandhi for many
others have and still fulfill now
this Hero Archetype of Being Human
it’s true the story the Roman Catholics
and the Roman Empire put together in around
325 AD match this story similarly too except for the
parts about hating family members who disagree and
the parts about slaying folks who do not follow what you
say and other allegories if taken literally do actually say this
still in the New Testament now along with bringing a sword instead
of Peace too
my friend
to what this original
very poetic timeless story says..
but of course if one is expanding
an empire through means of sword
against others one must have and or
make Literal Justification in the Religion
when church and state are indeed one force
of sword against opposing tribes and the same
of course can and will be said and done about the
Koran as well.. as of course that story continues too
in spreading a religion by force of sword too my friend
against opposing
tribes even within
so named church
and state combined
original tribes.. for
those who live
by the
do indeed
still die by the
sword and will continue
to do so.. whether those swords
are Fists.. Guns or Nuclear Bombs my friend..
to be Meek does not mean to be weak per original
Greek Definitions to be meek is to be enough of a ‘man’
to make the Fist a Dove that makes peace a reality now..
to be meek truly means to be fearless for the fearless have
nothing to prove my friend but love when love is the dove with
no sword
of lies
the Cooperative
Spirit of Love that/wHo needs
no competition to survive as Grace and Love
Foundation of all True Will and Strength my friend..
It’s true ‘they’ will FeeL we are Christians by our Love..
for those who see the Term Christ as LiGht as Love…
on the other hands there are those who have
Created a Bad Cop Jesus bearing fisticuffs
of sword and really you can’t
blame ‘them’ now for that
Bad Cop Jesus
still literally
in the
New Testament
still but true there are
still others like Mahatma Gandhi
now true Sons of WoMeN and Daughters
of WoMeN and other observed Genders who
not only say the word Love but really just do Love now..
and Yes
LoVE NoW..
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
Anyway.. as a Gandhi Jesus might JusT DO..
i haven’t given up on your Peace yET.
i haven’t given up on your Peace yET.
So.. sure.. another Gift for you today.. mY Call for a fisticuff uprising Dude friEnd on YouTube
as your Introduction truly Shows who you FeeL the Roman Empire Created Soldier Sun God still is today.. Anyway.. i WiLL Hope you know the source of the longer story above as it is Isaiah 53 out
of the King James Version Old T ‘Bible’ still today.. so many contributors to that book so many
versions and revisions through thousands of years gone by but amazing
my friend
and still not
really surprising
at all for the same
living archetypes of
Human Heroes exist for the
Peace and Harmony of Love NoW
who have/do seen/see the dArk Side
of LiFE and Bury that dArk for thE LiGHT
of LoVE They Do Still DancE SinG the eARTh
Wind and Fire of Love today.. and sure.. some
of us make John 14:12 Fruition all the way more..
too as well
as Gandhi Surely
did then my friEnd.. too..
As NO Religion alone owns HUman
Archetypes.. those Virtues LiGHT
And dARK.. beLong to God Nature
Human iN us alone allone.. NoW
True Stars
iN aS God’s
oF LoVE We STiLL Are..
JoiN US WiLL You iF YoU CaN NoW WiLL
And as i alWays Love to Attribute the Muse
‘The World’ still BRingS now.. i must SinG too.. the
Westboro Baptist Church Members who ignorantly
judged and sentenced Gandhi from the Grave to
an Eternal Hell while Russell Brand so Eloquently
Played a Role of a Modern Jesus while dealing
with those ‘Good OLD boy” Baptist Men.. on
a shared FX Show on YouTube too..
Played a Major Dark Muse
NOW iN this Holy Sacred
Full of Meaning
and Purpose
Spirit Story
today now but as aLways
i know a place of darkness
on the Internet that is sadly
still a reliable source of dArkest
muse my friend.. seriously the
Westboro Baptist Church is not
something you want to become
too as true Anti-Christ Now Against the
Unconditional Love oF A Good Cop Jesus now
yes.. Russell Brand Heaven and Shoulders above ‘your world’..;)
as your Introduction truly Shows who you FeeL the Roman Empire Created Soldier Sun God still is today.. Anyway.. i WiLL Hope you know the source of the longer story above as it is Isaiah 53 out
of the King James Version Old T ‘Bible’ still today.. so many contributors to that book so many
versions and revisions through thousands of years gone by but amazing
my friend
and still not
really surprising
at all for the same
living archetypes of
Human Heroes exist for the
Peace and Harmony of Love NoW
who have/do seen/see the dArk Side
of LiFE and Bury that dArk for thE LiGHT
of LoVE They Do Still DancE SinG the eARTh
Wind and Fire of Love today.. and sure.. some
of us make John 14:12 Fruition all the way more..
too as well
as Gandhi Surely
did then my friEnd.. too..
As NO Religion alone owns HUman
Archetypes.. those Virtues LiGHT
And dARK.. beLong to God Nature
Human iN us alone allone.. NoW
True Stars
iN aS God’s
oF LoVE We STiLL Are..
JoiN US WiLL You iF YoU CaN NoW WiLL
And as i alWays Love to Attribute the Muse
‘The World’ still BRingS now.. i must SinG too.. the
Westboro Baptist Church Members who ignorantly
judged and sentenced Gandhi from the Grave to
an Eternal Hell while Russell Brand so Eloquently
Played a Role of a Modern Jesus while dealing
with those ‘Good OLD boy” Baptist Men.. on
a shared FX Show on YouTube too..
Played a Major Dark Muse
NOW iN this Holy Sacred
Full of Meaning
and Purpose
Spirit Story
today now but as aLways
i know a place of darkness
on the Internet that is sadly
still a reliable source of dArkest
muse my friend.. seriously the
Westboro Baptist Church is not
something you want to become
too as true Anti-Christ Now Against the
Unconditional Love oF A Good Cop Jesus now
yes.. Russell Brand Heaven and Shoulders above ‘your world’..;)
WeLL.. yeah.. i Realize it’s not quite Friday the Thirteenth nor Halloween yet
and yes it’s true although i’ve already worn the ‘you used to call me
on my Home Phone’ themed T-Shirt on Thursday through
after Midnight in the wee hours of Friday Mornings
at Old Seville Quarter for a Dance shirt
it was quite ‘the rave’ among
the College Age
Folks there
that night
and while surely
this Joker Shirt as ‘A’
‘Trump’ of Halloween Current
Characters if i may and will
use a rather non-fun pun
in word play too.. no..
hell no.. the
gender of
our human species
might give this a Thumbs
uP on Dance Night True but
as far as Female Dancers go..
Fred way way too scary with a shirt
like this.. so will go the route instead on Thursday
Night with A Noble Yellow Cat aTop a UniCorn
Cat in Dreamy Pastel Colored Background
as a Much Softer Version in Feminine
Love and Grace as yes as
far as approachable
factors that’s
what social
connection is
as far as Cooperation
and Love and Grace goes
under Brute Force under the
more Red Colors away from Love
as shall i say a not so nice Burnt Orange
Color of ReFrAMe iN Manipulating the Weaker
Darker Chords Of the Human HeArt Strings now
as surely Trump Versions of A Trump will do now
Whether Words or automated machine guns to do the
really evil tricks that harm the ones ones really do not serve
other than self-service now.. as not so heHe a way of life that
Real Men above and beYond will do with Grace and Love as an Optional
Real Golden Rule of Life In avoiding harming others.. the Transgressions
Against Humanity as Whole in Love and Grace is far and beyond and below
Guilty now that those crimes need really not be mentioned again.. i could go
the Eminem Route just for fear and hate too.. but it’s true Wit Wins over ‘Mindless’
Ad Hominem Attacks that come from Gut Anger and Fear and Hate too.. Too… it just
Fuels the Fire of Discord Discontent and Potential Nuclear Wars too.. where likely
over 100K purely innocent folks from South Korea would most likely immediately
the Face
of Earth that
is Life in Human Form..
sure.. i’ll use Wit over brute
Force oF ignorance now.. after
aLL iT’s true ‘you’ used to call me ‘on’
‘my’ Home Phone of Hope and Love yes
And Joy Loves Company other than that
external and internal place of Hell that is
Fear and Hate and Misery Loves Company
Even more now.. but it’s true we have bad
blood now and perhaps it’s now for
another Taylor Swift You
Tube Video now
for look
what you
made me do..
it’s True3 the Close up Karmic
eYe exposed Left eye of mY Face
was way too terrifying with this shirt
as even the Facebook Algorithm
balked at using that photo
for part of my
“Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018”.. and that’s
Okay as that is why i for one Expend
the Bucks to own my own website now for
Freedom of Expression all the way still under
Local State and Federal Laws for Freedom of Expression more
And yes.. if this T-shirt.. although purchased by the Goddess-like
Wife Isis Katrina in Egyptian way too… at Walmart.. is too scary with
my piercing light green to blue eyes on Facebook now that is Okay
as it’s true.. even my Sister could not bear to look at it with her
Brother in the Shirt last night walking around a Dark
Hood-Block for exercise in reverse now that i have
Convinced my Sister and Katrina and
now that they have Researched
the Real Health Benefits
in Well of Walking
in Reverse now..
in Google Way of Extended
Human Science and Art too..
AS Hey most of what i do is also
Backed up by Science too.. perhaps
not by Cultural Community Rules but never
the less backed up by the Nature of Being Human
NoW iN Science empirically measurable ways too.. and
yes.. tHeRe are the Super Normal pARts too wHeRe Science
has not yet developed a tool to successfully measure and confirm
in repeatable ways of a Scientific Method yet.. pretty much all you CaN/WiLL
do is give and share it all as you go.. just hoping to spark other folks a little
in opening more doors to Multi-Uni-Verse BeinG MoRE NoW HuMaN NoW MoRE TrUELiGHTLoVE
as LiFE.. but i must admit this is one of the more Hilarious Poses with Props i’ve donE
as i just enjoy play acting different roles as i go in life as a Zen Art of Changing Ego
‘I’ Actors that the Director ‘i’ of God that and who lives within me in exclamation point !
of Trinity Holy Spirit per God who lives in me the Son as Ego that God and i Direct NoW
within does come as emotional and sensory Holy Spirit Exclamation
Point ! True iN LiGhT too as three become one as Father
Son and Holy Spirit me and sure could be Daughter
and eTC and you might call the i Mother
and the I Daughter and the
Holy Spirit !
a Dove
or Jonathan
Livingstone Seagull TruE
KATiE MiA FredericKIi! too
too iN LiGHT For You but as
alWays it is the Essence in Threes
that count too for however your Trinity
iN Truth and LiGHT CoMES NoW TRuE too..
anyWays.. Threes are a Common Human Archetype Symbol
in Holy and Sacred Meanings Full of Purpose NoW too..
People.. individually and cultures together create them as
they go but when you worship the form of the individual and
culturally made symbols over the essence of the Emotions
and Senses toGeTheR wiTh GOD within.. inside.. outside
above so below and all around in MoVinG ConNecTinG
WaYs of PuRELoVE ForCE NoW.. LeT’s just DancE
SinG one misses A Boat and fAiLs to Float and
Wave as Drops of God Ocean
wHOle as you too
Naked and
Free now
with no
need to Joker
your way through life more
than Hope Love and Joy NoW
iN DanCinG SinGinG MoViNG
CoNNecTiNG CreaTinG LoVE NoW
sure.. fearless as such and so fearless NoW
you can even make fun of yourself in a ‘Trump
Trickster’ Shirt with Teeth and Piercing Fred eYes
too… true.. few people have out stared me in life.. the
Force and the Power of the Chi..Qi.. Ki… within Terrifying
even too Robots like the Facebook Algorithm when all the
Elements of the Act come together now with Trump Props
of Dark Trickster ProNoMiNaTeLy Displayed in Close up
eye to
Views NoW2.
anyway.. i’ve never had
problems SeeinG through
Trump Folks as that is what
the Karmic eYe does best and
sometimes perhaps i don’t pay
enough attention to the
faCT that not all
this level of Karmic eYe NoW too..
LamPs AllLiT uP iN DarK Horse way too..;)
and yes it’s true although i’ve already worn the ‘you used to call me
on my Home Phone’ themed T-Shirt on Thursday through
after Midnight in the wee hours of Friday Mornings
at Old Seville Quarter for a Dance shirt
it was quite ‘the rave’ among
the College Age
Folks there
that night
and while surely
this Joker Shirt as ‘A’
‘Trump’ of Halloween Current
Characters if i may and will
use a rather non-fun pun
in word play too.. no..
hell no.. the
gender of
our human species
might give this a Thumbs
uP on Dance Night True but
as far as Female Dancers go..
Fred way way too scary with a shirt
like this.. so will go the route instead on Thursday
Night with A Noble Yellow Cat aTop a UniCorn
Cat in Dreamy Pastel Colored Background
as a Much Softer Version in Feminine
Love and Grace as yes as
far as approachable
factors that’s
what social
connection is
as far as Cooperation
and Love and Grace goes
under Brute Force under the
more Red Colors away from Love
as shall i say a not so nice Burnt Orange
Color of ReFrAMe iN Manipulating the Weaker
Darker Chords Of the Human HeArt Strings now
as surely Trump Versions of A Trump will do now
Whether Words or automated machine guns to do the
really evil tricks that harm the ones ones really do not serve
other than self-service now.. as not so heHe a way of life that
Real Men above and beYond will do with Grace and Love as an Optional
Real Golden Rule of Life In avoiding harming others.. the Transgressions
Against Humanity as Whole in Love and Grace is far and beyond and below
Guilty now that those crimes need really not be mentioned again.. i could go
the Eminem Route just for fear and hate too.. but it’s true Wit Wins over ‘Mindless’
Ad Hominem Attacks that come from Gut Anger and Fear and Hate too.. Too… it just
Fuels the Fire of Discord Discontent and Potential Nuclear Wars too.. where likely
over 100K purely innocent folks from South Korea would most likely immediately
the Face
of Earth that
is Life in Human Form..
sure.. i’ll use Wit over brute
Force oF ignorance now.. after
aLL iT’s true ‘you’ used to call me ‘on’
‘my’ Home Phone of Hope and Love yes
And Joy Loves Company other than that
external and internal place of Hell that is
Fear and Hate and Misery Loves Company
Even more now.. but it’s true we have bad
blood now and perhaps it’s now for
another Taylor Swift You
Tube Video now
for look
what you
made me do..
it’s True3 the Close up Karmic
eYe exposed Left eye of mY Face
was way too terrifying with this shirt
as even the Facebook Algorithm
balked at using that photo
for part of my
“Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018”.. and that’s
Okay as that is why i for one Expend
the Bucks to own my own website now for
Freedom of Expression all the way still under
Local State and Federal Laws for Freedom of Expression more
And yes.. if this T-shirt.. although purchased by the Goddess-like
Wife Isis Katrina in Egyptian way too… at Walmart.. is too scary with
my piercing light green to blue eyes on Facebook now that is Okay
as it’s true.. even my Sister could not bear to look at it with her
Brother in the Shirt last night walking around a Dark
Hood-Block for exercise in reverse now that i have
Convinced my Sister and Katrina and
now that they have Researched
the Real Health Benefits
in Well of Walking
in Reverse now..
in Google Way of Extended
Human Science and Art too..
AS Hey most of what i do is also
Backed up by Science too.. perhaps
not by Cultural Community Rules but never
the less backed up by the Nature of Being Human
NoW iN Science empirically measurable ways too.. and
yes.. tHeRe are the Super Normal pARts too wHeRe Science
has not yet developed a tool to successfully measure and confirm
in repeatable ways of a Scientific Method yet.. pretty much all you CaN/WiLL
do is give and share it all as you go.. just hoping to spark other folks a little
in opening more doors to Multi-Uni-Verse BeinG MoRE NoW HuMaN NoW MoRE TrUELiGHTLoVE
as LiFE.. but i must admit this is one of the more Hilarious Poses with Props i’ve donE
as i just enjoy play acting different roles as i go in life as a Zen Art of Changing Ego
‘I’ Actors that the Director ‘i’ of God that and who lives within me in exclamation point !
of Trinity Holy Spirit per God who lives in me the Son as Ego that God and i Direct NoW
within does come as emotional and sensory Holy Spirit Exclamation
Point ! True iN LiGhT too as three become one as Father
Son and Holy Spirit me and sure could be Daughter
and eTC and you might call the i Mother
and the I Daughter and the
Holy Spirit !
a Dove
or Jonathan
Livingstone Seagull TruE
KATiE MiA FredericKIi! too
too iN LiGHT For You but as
alWays it is the Essence in Threes
that count too for however your Trinity
iN Truth and LiGHT CoMES NoW TRuE too..
anyWays.. Threes are a Common Human Archetype Symbol
in Holy and Sacred Meanings Full of Purpose NoW too..
People.. individually and cultures together create them as
they go but when you worship the form of the individual and
culturally made symbols over the essence of the Emotions
and Senses toGeTheR wiTh GOD within.. inside.. outside
above so below and all around in MoVinG ConNecTinG
WaYs of PuRELoVE ForCE NoW.. LeT’s just DancE
SinG one misses A Boat and fAiLs to Float and
Wave as Drops of God Ocean
wHOle as you too
Naked and
Free now
with no
need to Joker
your way through life more
than Hope Love and Joy NoW
iN DanCinG SinGinG MoViNG
CoNNecTiNG CreaTinG LoVE NoW
sure.. fearless as such and so fearless NoW
you can even make fun of yourself in a ‘Trump
Trickster’ Shirt with Teeth and Piercing Fred eYes
too… true.. few people have out stared me in life.. the
Force and the Power of the Chi..Qi.. Ki… within Terrifying
even too Robots like the Facebook Algorithm when all the
Elements of the Act come together now with Trump Props
of Dark Trickster ProNoMiNaTeLy Displayed in Close up
eye to
Views NoW2.
anyway.. i’ve never had
problems SeeinG through
Trump Folks as that is what
the Karmic eYe does best and
sometimes perhaps i don’t pay
enough attention to the
faCT that not all
this level of Karmic eYe NoW too..
LamPs AllLiT uP iN DarK Horse way too..;)
Facebook Friend Benny Determines a Greatest
Threat now is nuclear War regarding North Korea
and i go on to monologue of course like this heAr now too..
No doubt it’s true that Nuclear Conflict in North Korea..
is the greatest threat that Humans overall are threatening
to the Earth as Whole in an Action that causes
Immediate Impact now but don’t count Nature
out of responding first in events
like the potential for
a Super Volcano to Erupt in
Peaceful so far Yellow Stone Park..
in All Natural Wrath before anyone NoW
pushes “the red button of destruction neXt”
After aLL Nature already speaks since a Solar Eclipse
all Naturally aLready with a steady 8 week or so stream
of once in a Century Hurricanes.. EarthQuakes.. once in
A Thousand Year Flood with Hurricane and Destruction
of an Entire Island with a Hurricane with the
Destructive Force of much more than
the Average Human Made
Nuclear Bomb too..
Yep.. a Psychopathic
Leaning at Least Dude
on a Rampage Killing2..
and yes.. Record Drought
and the latest Doomsday Smells
of Deadly Fires in Sonoma County.. the
‘Home of the Birds’ by Alfred Hitchcock where
the Sister City out West in California.. Santa Rosa
City to Santa Rosa County here in Gulf Coast way
is mentioned several times in that Movie.. And true
when it’s ‘you’ who Experiences the Disaster and
or Destruction you tend to not wanna do it again so
perhaps the lesson will be learned first by Nature Bringing
Destruction First Before Humans Fuck it all uP and Blow it up
And totally disappear from the Earth along with even all their
Pyramids and another more intelligent species perhaps without
the virus of so-named tools of Destruction and Death just continuing
instead to Swim the Ocean Free like Smarter than we Humans as Dolphins
continue to do in complete Freedom except for what the Virus of Human
Cultural Byproducts Bring to those Dolphins.. Swim on Free God Dam it
those dirty
Hairless Human
Apes if they Blow it
all up there will not even
be a memory of them in 300 Million
Years when God of Nature including
Human Nature wipes the cultural virus off the Face of the Earth
Forever now but of course Love could change the Face of that if it is
as such among
the Human Masses
for each other same
as God Nature in all that is
beyond alpha to omega human arti-fACTS of DEATH..:)
Threat now is nuclear War regarding North Korea
and i go on to monologue of course like this heAr now too..
No doubt it’s true that Nuclear Conflict in North Korea..
is the greatest threat that Humans overall are threatening
to the Earth as Whole in an Action that causes
Immediate Impact now but don’t count Nature
out of responding first in events
like the potential for
a Super Volcano to Erupt in
Peaceful so far Yellow Stone Park..
in All Natural Wrath before anyone NoW
pushes “the red button of destruction neXt”
After aLL Nature already speaks since a Solar Eclipse
all Naturally aLready with a steady 8 week or so stream
of once in a Century Hurricanes.. EarthQuakes.. once in
A Thousand Year Flood with Hurricane and Destruction
of an Entire Island with a Hurricane with the
Destructive Force of much more than
the Average Human Made
Nuclear Bomb too..
Yep.. a Psychopathic
Leaning at Least Dude
on a Rampage Killing2..
and yes.. Record Drought
and the latest Doomsday Smells
of Deadly Fires in Sonoma County.. the
‘Home of the Birds’ by Alfred Hitchcock where
the Sister City out West in California.. Santa Rosa
City to Santa Rosa County here in Gulf Coast way
is mentioned several times in that Movie.. And true
when it’s ‘you’ who Experiences the Disaster and
or Destruction you tend to not wanna do it again so
perhaps the lesson will be learned first by Nature Bringing
Destruction First Before Humans Fuck it all uP and Blow it up
And totally disappear from the Earth along with even all their
Pyramids and another more intelligent species perhaps without
the virus of so-named tools of Destruction and Death just continuing
instead to Swim the Ocean Free like Smarter than we Humans as Dolphins
continue to do in complete Freedom except for what the Virus of Human
Cultural Byproducts Bring to those Dolphins.. Swim on Free God Dam it
those dirty
Hairless Human
Apes if they Blow it
all up there will not even
be a memory of them in 300 Million
Years when God of Nature including
Human Nature wipes the cultural virus off the Face of the Earth
Forever now but of course Love could change the Face of that if it is
as such among
the Human Masses
for each other same
as God Nature in all that is
beyond alpha to omega human arti-fACTS of DEATH..:)
SMiLes my FriEnd and i feel for your Family Members
Evacuated by Disastrous Fires in Sonoma County
California.. Hope they are all doing well
my Friend gigoid and i must admit
all the Potential Environmental
Disasters including those Hurricane
Force Record Drought Winds and Fire
along with Earth Quake Potential and closer
to North Korea Nuclear Bomb Reach.. if the
‘little man’ in charge here doesn’t do his best
to actually diplomatically deter such a potential
there.. the Wet Winds and Floods of Hurricanes
Surely do not seem as threatening here.. now..
On Top of a Hill in Santa Rosa County Florida
As the Wineries in Santa Rosa City in
California and Sonoma County in
General are Taking a Real
Toll from Nature’s
Disasters of
Impact on Human
Cultures and the People
who live in those Cultures
and of Course those Cultures that
Do Impact Nature overall in also Deleterious
Impact of Overall Human Cultural Cancer on the Earth as Easily
Seen as Astronauts get closer to all the Edifice in Death of Organic Life
Here.. We are pART of Nature tHeRe is no real separation except for the illusion
And the death oF Unity oF A Living eARTh wHere paRtS Have Lost A WhOle should
be THE
but sadly
it’s A WHoLe
as far as some Humans do go..
Anyway.. off to catch up on your
Three Live Present Blog Posts now..:)
Evacuated by Disastrous Fires in Sonoma County
California.. Hope they are all doing well
my Friend gigoid and i must admit
all the Potential Environmental
Disasters including those Hurricane
Force Record Drought Winds and Fire
along with Earth Quake Potential and closer
to North Korea Nuclear Bomb Reach.. if the
‘little man’ in charge here doesn’t do his best
to actually diplomatically deter such a potential
there.. the Wet Winds and Floods of Hurricanes
Surely do not seem as threatening here.. now..
On Top of a Hill in Santa Rosa County Florida
As the Wineries in Santa Rosa City in
California and Sonoma County in
General are Taking a Real
Toll from Nature’s
Disasters of
Impact on Human
Cultures and the People
who live in those Cultures
and of Course those Cultures that
Do Impact Nature overall in also Deleterious
Impact of Overall Human Cultural Cancer on the Earth as Easily
Seen as Astronauts get closer to all the Edifice in Death of Organic Life
Here.. We are pART of Nature tHeRe is no real separation except for the illusion
And the death oF Unity oF A Living eARTh wHere paRtS Have Lost A WhOle should
be THE
but sadly
it’s A WHoLe
as far as some Humans do go..
Anyway.. off to catch up on your
Three Live Present Blog Posts now..:)
“In every outthrust headland,
in every curving beach,
in every grain of sand
there is the story of the earth.”
in every curving beach,
in every grain of sand
there is the story of the earth.”
~~ Rachel Carson ~~
Surely for those who
See the Visual Poetry
of an only
and who
is Nature
Living within..
inside.. outside..
above.. so below
and all around now
of course easier to sense
and feel isrEaL When lost
from Cultural Clothes that
Hide Naked God
in all ‘those’
oTHeR Places
oF dARK thru LiGHt too..:)
See the Visual Poetry
of an only
and who
is Nature
Living within..
inside.. outside..
above.. so below
and all around now
of course easier to sense
and feel isrEaL When lost
from Cultural Clothes that
Hide Naked God
in all ‘those’
oTHeR Places
oF dARK thru LiGHt too..:)
“What does not destroy me, makes me strong.”
~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~
Yes.. after you ReCover..
Don’t Forget to Rest Fred
And yes this applies to this F..
but only in left Hand JusTiFiCaTioN..;)
Don’t Forget to Rest Fred
And yes this applies to this F..
but only in left Hand JusTiFiCaTioN..;)
“I have thought many times since that if poets
when they get discouraged would blow their
brains out, they could write very much better
when they got well.”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
It’s true don’t thiNk
about it Do the
River Flow
Wave NoW
Ocean wHOle..
And it’s ‘true’ my friEnd NoW as A side
note heAR when one becoMes Enough
Pearls one Hears an overall voice that
NoW and
wisdom sAMe
realiZing thaT aLL
iS For LiGht MorE aS Truth
Whether False oF TruENoW..:)
when they get discouraged would blow their
brains out, they could write very much better
when they got well.”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
It’s true don’t thiNk
about it Do the
River Flow
Wave NoW
Ocean wHOle..
And it’s ‘true’ my friEnd NoW as A side
note heAR when one becoMes Enough
Pearls one Hears an overall voice that
NoW and
wisdom sAMe
realiZing thaT aLL
iS For LiGht MorE aS Truth
Whether False oF TruENoW..:)
“Life, as we know it, does not exist.”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
True for me only what i feel
and sense overall now isreal..:)
and sense overall now isreal..:)
“A belief is not true because it is useful.”
~~ Henri Frederic Amiel ~~
WeLL iT’s True No Matter wHeRe ‘it’ coMes
From FeeLinG and SenSinG IS A ReaL DeaL NoW…:)
From FeeLinG and SenSinG IS A ReaL DeaL NoW…:)
“It’s getting hard to be someone, but it all works out.”
~~ The Beatles ~~
Don’t try just do ‘it’..;)
“If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.”
~~ Things We Can Learn From Dogs ~~
Don’T forGet PuReLL..;)
“Intellect annuls fate.
So far as a man thinks, he is free.”
So far as a man thinks, he is free.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~
My Dance Lives
My Think Stays..:)
My Think Stays..:)
“Ever notice that what the hell is always the right decision?”
~~ Marilyn Monroe ~~
Heaven Feels and Senses ‘right’ and that’s enough for Dance..:)
“But groundless hope, like unconditional love,
is the only kind worth having.”
is the only kind worth having.”
~~ John Perry Barlow, “Cynthia Horner’s Eulogy”, Apr. 1994 ~~
FucK BeCausE FeeL iT..;)
“I wanted a perfect ending …
Now I’ve learned, the hard way,
that some poems don’t rhyme,
and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Life is about not knowing, having to change,
taking the moment and making the best of it,
without knowing what’s going to happen next.
Delicious ambiguity.”
Now I’ve learned, the hard way,
that some poems don’t rhyme,
and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Life is about not knowing, having to change,
taking the moment and making the best of it,
without knowing what’s going to happen next.
Delicious ambiguity.”
~~ Gilda Radner ~~
“Carpe Diem, lads. Sieze the day.
Make your lives extraordinary.”
Make your lives extraordinary.”
~~ Robin Williams, “Dead Poet’s Society” ~~
“Let life happen to you.
Believe me: life is in the right, always.”
Believe me: life is in the right, always.”
~~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~~
It’s reAlly sad how so many
People Truly Refuse to Live..
Just For
Words mY friEnd..
Idol Worship iN
Letters Words
People Truly Refuse to Live..
Just For
Words mY friEnd..
Idol Worship iN
Letters Words
“Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves.
Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you’ve got an audience.”
Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you’ve got an audience.”
~~ Diogenes ~~
DancE and SinG And A
GreaTesT ‘SeCrET’ Do
iT DrunK SobeR..
NoW afTer thaT
Be NameD
‘A’ LegenT
iF YoU Do iT
iN Red
TrumP iT
BlowS A HorN WaY..
oR iS ‘iT’ PauLReVeRE..;)
GreaTesT ‘SeCrET’ Do
iT DrunK SobeR..
NoW afTer thaT
Be NameD
‘A’ LegenT
iF YoU Do iT
iN Red
TrumP iT
BlowS A HorN WaY..
oR iS ‘iT’ PauLReVeRE..;)
“I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you- Nobody- Too?
Then there’s a pair of us?
Don’t tell! they’d advertise-you know!
How dreary-to be- Somebody!
How public-like a Frog-
To tell one’s name-the livelong June-
To an admiring Bog!”
Are you- Nobody- Too?
Then there’s a pair of us?
Don’t tell! they’d advertise-you know!
How dreary-to be- Somebody!
How public-like a Frog-
To tell one’s name-the livelong June-
To an admiring Bog!”
~~ Emily Dickinson ~~
i Could oF SworN E SaiD BloG..;)
“It is pleasant to have been to a place the way a river went.”
~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~
Or Better yET ForGeT And Ocean WHolE..:)
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”
~~ Lucius Anneaus Seneca ~~
Basic Problem With a Devolving Human Species
iN Just One Lifetime of Weakness in Moving Connecting
And Creating More A price of never unpacking DNA NoW WitH
Neuroplasticity Remembering the SuperNorms We Are beForE..
LiFe For
A First
Time ever then NOW MoRE..:)
iN Just One Lifetime of Weakness in Moving Connecting
And Creating More A price of never unpacking DNA NoW WitH
Neuroplasticity Remembering the SuperNorms We Are beForE..
LiFe For
A First
Time ever then NOW MoRE..:)
“The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world
is to be in reality what we would appear to be;
all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves
by the practice and experience of them.”
is to be in reality what we would appear to be;
all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves
by the practice and experience of them.”
~~ Socrates ~~
Coming out of ‘The Cave’ Explore Adapt to Change
Even Struggle Do More Be More Do More Be NoW..:)
Even Struggle Do More Be More Do More Be NoW..:)
“Men become civilized,
not in proportion to their willingness to believe,
but in their readiness to doubt.”
not in proportion to their willingness to believe,
but in their readiness to doubt.”
~~ H. L. Mencken ~~
i Trust my Feet they Balance mY Head No Longer does iT seem so big.. heHe..;)
“A person never so beautifully shows his own strength,
as when he respects another’s weakness.”
as when he respects another’s weakness.”
~~Douglas Jerrold ~~ ~~
Love and Grace Foundation oF Real Man Will and Strength..
Once aGaiN it’s Good to kNoW Both Superman and Batman
WitH tights heHe..
oF Course WitH Do Respect..;)
Once aGaiN it’s Good to kNoW Both Superman and Batman
WitH tights heHe..
oF Course WitH Do Respect..;)
“Make no judgements where you have no compassion.”
~~ Anne Mc Caffrey ~~
Love Rule ALL
“Death is the doorway into a locked room with an open window.
Jump out the window, and take your own chances.”
Jump out the window, and take your own chances.”
~~ Tim Robinson ~~
Don’T ForGet LoVE YoU GivE.
“This mind intentionally left blank.”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
“After dark all cats are leopards.”
~~ Native American Proverb (Zuni) ~~
For sure they
are as Human is
And Free..
but True a little
cat is a big cat
too When Free and Wild..:)
are as Human is
And Free..
but True a little
cat is a big cat
too When Free and Wild..:)
“Life is a tragedy to those who feel,
and a comedy for those who think.”
and a comedy for those who think.”
~~ Jean de la Bruyere ~~
Most of ‘the time’ i Feel Funny
And it Tickles me SillY HappY
And it Tickles me SillY HappY
“Nowhere is now here.”
~~ Nakagawa Soen Roshi ~~
“It is past all controversy that what costs dearest is, and ought to be, most valued.”
~~ Miguel de Cervantes, “Don Quixote”, Part i, Book iv, Chap xi ~~
(Comment, sotto voce: Is this not an excellent definition of Life? — gigoid)
We Don’t Exist..
Holy and Sacred FucK
Full of Meaning and Purpose
A Key to Save A World mY FriEnd..:)
We Don’t Exist..
Holy and Sacred FucK
Full of Meaning and Purpose
A Key to Save A World mY FriEnd..:)
“Between the great things we cannot do
and the small things we will not do,
the danger is that we shall do nothing.”
and the small things we will not do,
the danger is that we shall do nothing.”
~~ Adolph Monod ~~
Fear Freezes
So LeT iT Go
For TooLs
YeS.. FucK Bras too..;)
So LeT iT Go
For TooLs
YeS.. FucK Bras too..;)
“When an idea is wanting a word can always be found to take its place.”
~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~
i find when i dance free word flow sings without cause..
Funny how ‘they’ outlawed Dance when iT iS A Key to Holy Spirit.
Funny how ‘they’ outlawed Dance when iT iS A Key to Holy Spirit.
“When Alexander asked Diogenes whether he wanted anything,
“Yes,” said he, “I would have you stand from between me and the sun.”
“Yes,” said he, “I would have you stand from between me and the sun.”
~~Plutarch, “Life of Alexander” ~~
Sun Within alWays Shines and
Gives LiGHT Free meaNwhile
Folks attempt
to buy
save light..:)
Gives LiGHT Free meaNwhile
Folks attempt
to buy
save light..:)
“At the bottom no one in life can help anyone else in life;
this one experiences over and over
in every conflict and every perplexity: that one is alone.
That isn’t as bad as it may first appear;
and again it is the best thing in life
that each should have everything in himself;
his fate, his future, his whole expanse and world.”
this one experiences over and over
in every conflict and every perplexity: that one is alone.
That isn’t as bad as it may first appear;
and again it is the best thing in life
that each should have everything in himself;
his fate, his future, his whole expanse and world.”
~~Rainer Maria Rilke ~~
You knoW iT’s funny mY friEnd.. those of us
iN thE feel and sense giggle a little bit
When Folks suggest God Needs
something from
God us all complete..
or Goddess depending
on they spell us..
And lUSt For LiFENoW
iN thE feel and sense giggle a little bit
When Folks suggest God Needs
something from
God us all complete..
or Goddess depending
on they spell us..
And lUSt For LiFENoW
“The world is no nursery.”
~~ Sigmund Freud ~~
Unless your wife IS A
Goddess Isis from
Egypt Incarnate
and does
And Mother all in one2
forevermorenow.. true
life’s not always fair to
those who do not live in Heaven now..
i’m not sure and that makes the whole
experience even more fun with zero
doubt and total faith now but one
might have to Write 6 Bibles and
3 New Testaments to get in heAr
NoW works for me at LeasT NOW..;)
Goddess Isis from
Egypt Incarnate
and does
And Mother all in one2
forevermorenow.. true
life’s not always fair to
those who do not live in Heaven now..
i’m not sure and that makes the whole
experience even more fun with zero
doubt and total faith now but one
might have to Write 6 Bibles and
3 New Testaments to get in heAr
NoW works for me at LeasT NOW..;)
“Be obscure clearly.”
~~ E.B. White ~~
Hehe.. ‘like’ i sAid..;)
“When you have only two pennies left in the world,
buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.”
buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.”
~~ Chinese Proverb ~~
TRuly Be A FloWeR DancE and SinG GoD FLoWeR..:)
“When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting
When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished.
I’ll put the chairs on the tables,
turn out the lights,
and lock the universe behind me when I leave.”
When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished.
I’ll put the chairs on the tables,
turn out the lights,
and lock the universe behind me when I leave.”
~~ Death ~~
DriVinG by A Last Breath First My friEnd..:)
“Knowledge by suffering entereth,
And life is perfected by death.”
And life is perfected by death.”
~~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning ~~
~~ A Vision of Poets, Conclusion ~~
It’s True.. i used to Pedestrian too..
Now that i Dance everywhere i go..
Pedestrians tend to shy away from me..
And Now the more
GraceFul i BeCoMe
the More Strength
i Gain to avoid
with my
Dance through Will of Love..
other than that thanks for
the muse of the words
you bring this morning
i used to wanna turn
Money Tables
now i Sing..
it works for me..
True.. i’m neither afraid of Pedestrians
or Those who Protest Pedestrians these days..;)
Now that i Dance everywhere i go..
Pedestrians tend to shy away from me..
And Now the more
GraceFul i BeCoMe
the More Strength
i Gain to avoid
with my
Dance through Will of Love..
other than that thanks for
the muse of the words
you bring this morning
i used to wanna turn
Money Tables
now i Sing..
it works for me..
True.. i’m neither afraid of Pedestrians
or Those who Protest Pedestrians these days..;)
Seriously.. though.. “what’s wrong with pedestrians”.. ‘these days’..
30 Pedestrians liked this and only one person says hi.. but it’s
also true in a busy
world of total
like things
who has the time
for silliness now like
How’s the Weather in Los Angeles.. it’s fine over heaR now
in LA Lower Alabama also known as the Florida Panhandle..
we’ve been having some Wet Weather and Floods this way
and i understand
it never rains
in California
and it’s rather
Fiery in some parts still today..
other than that Have a Nice Day..
US Re-tired folks can afford to lose our Pedestrian ways..;)
30 Pedestrians liked this and only one person says hi.. but it’s
also true in a busy
world of total
like things
who has the time
for silliness now like
How’s the Weather in Los Angeles.. it’s fine over heaR now
in LA Lower Alabama also known as the Florida Panhandle..
we’ve been having some Wet Weather and Floods this way
and i understand
it never rains
in California
and it’s rather
Fiery in some parts still today..
other than that Have a Nice Day..
US Re-tired folks can afford to lose our Pedestrian ways..;)
And while most people may not see it and i would never disrespect
our Flag by kneeling to it although i totally support the meaning of the
Flag for that is just another protest like turning tables over in a church..
i’ve Danced over 8000 Miles in Public in our Red State Area of Majority
Pedestrian Demographic in Protest of this Zombie Apocalypse i see
most every where i go both
off line and on line
‘these days’..
and while i’m
much too Graceful
and Strong with Will
(side benefit of dance)
and refuse to fall to the level
now of turning money tables over
‘these days’.. i will not remain silent
for i live and refuse to be a part of the Zombie
Apocalypse so Anti-Thetical to the Original Greek
Definition of Apocalypse that means lifting the Veils
of Ignorance which also means to me lifting the Veils of Ignorance
it’s true
we could
use a Psychology
of Love my FriEnd
that is real and refuses
to say silent in Dance and Song..
our Flag by kneeling to it although i totally support the meaning of the
Flag for that is just another protest like turning tables over in a church..
i’ve Danced over 8000 Miles in Public in our Red State Area of Majority
Pedestrian Demographic in Protest of this Zombie Apocalypse i see
most every where i go both
off line and on line
‘these days’..
and while i’m
much too Graceful
and Strong with Will
(side benefit of dance)
and refuse to fall to the level
now of turning money tables over
‘these days’.. i will not remain silent
for i live and refuse to be a part of the Zombie
Apocalypse so Anti-Thetical to the Original Greek
Definition of Apocalypse that means lifting the Veils
of Ignorance which also means to me lifting the Veils of Ignorance
it’s true
we could
use a Psychology
of Love my FriEnd
that is real and refuses
to say silent in Dance and Song..
i don’t have to know anyone to Love them for i am Human.
Ha.. and people say People with Asperger’s Syndrome can’t Love.
And quite Frankly.. it’s true.. Unconditional Love is considered inappropriate
Reciprocal Communication these days.. particularly if it exceeds the new max of 280 Characters.
Reciprocal Communication these days.. particularly if it exceeds the new max of 280 Characters.
i will not Dance in only 280 Steps
nor will i limit my Song to 280 Words.
nor will i limit my Song to 280 Words.
So inappropriate..
So Human i am.
So Human i am.
i Am ‘A’ Anti-Trump..;)
And seriously.. i’ve been in ‘the’ ‘other side’ and i
totally understand most people have no other choice
to survive
but to
ignore someone like me..;)
totally understand most people have no other choice
to survive
but to
ignore someone like me..;)
Have a Nice Day..
Keep Your Love up..:)
Keep Your Love up..:)
Yes.. i’m also a Traveling
Blog and i will continue to do
the appropriate thing now ‘these days’ by
just liking each and every one of your posts
silent for a
Blog and i will continue to do
the appropriate thing now ‘these days’ by
just liking each and every one of your posts
silent for a
Thank You Very Much.. Once
Again For this Morning Poetic Muse.. at (9:19AM Central ST)
So Much Appreciated it Truly is my friEnd.. psychologistmimi..:)
Again For this Morning Poetic Muse.. at (9:19AM Central ST)
So Much Appreciated it Truly is my friEnd.. psychologistmimi..:)
And now as a side note now.. i say this brings back a memory of one of the
few late night random HBO Movies or whatever i excruciated in the type
two Pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia like a Dentist Drill in my right eye
and ear and endured a few scenes of that movie then.. yes
somewhere ‘tween the duration of 66 months from
shut-in in my Bedroom and at this point
with no ability to escape through
words.. just a few moments
of Dentist Drill pain
watching this
movie then..
thing is i had no choice
but to be a shut-in then
and the stress of work before
that chronic flight and fight adrenaline
stress then ended me up in 19 Medical
Disorders in a synergy of real life
threat that Doctors said i would
never recover from.. then.. the
only people and the only
place i had to go
and drive with
this pain
in the Walmart
Parking Lot with the Katrina
doing the shopping.. yes.. the only
people i really noticed with smiles going
into that store as i became a real observer
in pain of the human condition around me.. yes
the only people i really noticed with smiles were
the elder retired folks and little children the same..
ha.. big surprise.. huh.. most of us are slaves to work
for all of our adult lives these days.. it’s no fun
for most people.. pure drudgery year in
year out wash cycle on spin
and dry and do it again
and beyond
stressful too in
complexity these days..
so.. yeah.. it’s particularly hard
now for the Nomads among us who
travel from City to City in Search
of Jobs for Subsistence perhaps
with a small family if we are lucky
enough to have anyone with
us now in this age
of ‘these days’
so far
from the connectedness
of The Village who raises
the child and the extended
family who stays together and
supports each other with Love before
Prescription drugs and other substance
and behavioral addictions take the place of
that real flesh and blood interaction and it’s also
true some folks have never even seen this way of life
no reference point for those raised by Barney the Purple
Dinosaur and Mario’s and Donkey Kong’s and the such as that
where nameless strangers become Lovers in 15/5 minute stands in online
porn too.. and in that movie the loneliness was palpable for then i was
in so much pain
i lost all my
and only
felt pain then
increasing when i got
close to any being human..
a cat i could tolerate and that’s
about it.. still in a pain and numb then
that meant i don’t know if i can do this one
more second longer for the entire 66 Months..
then so yes in this Movie in a Cold City with only
Windows of Skyscraper eyes there was a white
man and a black woman seeing each other from
two Skyscrapers in Window View and to be clear
the Movie was making a metaphor for the extent
of just how incredibly painful without so-named
physical pain is now more the emotional pain
of lonely that is just as incredibly
real and physically
painful in
as even the
worst pain known
to human kind.. Trigeminal
Neuralgia as i can stand and
testify to that reality now still for sure..
so yeah.. can’t remember which one started
first but one of them with stone looks on their
faces started ‘pleasuring’ themselves with no
shame.. and the other one did too and
that was a little connection
in Humanity
had that night
day.. the Human
Condition is overall
broke for many people
and the results of the last
election prove those invisible
people are in this much pain.. too..
Trump is just a warning of what may yet
be to come for a Nation that may truly eventually
fall divided and be replaced by what will replace it then..
but meanwhile.. i will Dance and Sing and reach out every hand i have..
might seem like a Nuclear option to you.. but for me it is love with no bounds
ThuNderWitHliGhT.. 2
of course as expected
And hiStorically shown
Most people either
will not or
can not hear it..
but hey.. i’m in sort
oF iN ‘Good Company’ STiLL NoW..
And i 2 am fully aware of who i am2..
LiT uP LAmps wHo SpiraL anD aLL thaT HUwOmaN Jazz2..:)
few late night random HBO Movies or whatever i excruciated in the type
two Pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia like a Dentist Drill in my right eye
and ear and endured a few scenes of that movie then.. yes
somewhere ‘tween the duration of 66 months from
shut-in in my Bedroom and at this point
with no ability to escape through
words.. just a few moments
of Dentist Drill pain
watching this
movie then..
thing is i had no choice
but to be a shut-in then
and the stress of work before
that chronic flight and fight adrenaline
stress then ended me up in 19 Medical
Disorders in a synergy of real life
threat that Doctors said i would
never recover from.. then.. the
only people and the only
place i had to go
and drive with
this pain
in the Walmart
Parking Lot with the Katrina
doing the shopping.. yes.. the only
people i really noticed with smiles going
into that store as i became a real observer
in pain of the human condition around me.. yes
the only people i really noticed with smiles were
the elder retired folks and little children the same..
ha.. big surprise.. huh.. most of us are slaves to work
for all of our adult lives these days.. it’s no fun
for most people.. pure drudgery year in
year out wash cycle on spin
and dry and do it again
and beyond
stressful too in
complexity these days..
so.. yeah.. it’s particularly hard
now for the Nomads among us who
travel from City to City in Search
of Jobs for Subsistence perhaps
with a small family if we are lucky
enough to have anyone with
us now in this age
of ‘these days’
so far
from the connectedness
of The Village who raises
the child and the extended
family who stays together and
supports each other with Love before
Prescription drugs and other substance
and behavioral addictions take the place of
that real flesh and blood interaction and it’s also
true some folks have never even seen this way of life
no reference point for those raised by Barney the Purple
Dinosaur and Mario’s and Donkey Kong’s and the such as that
where nameless strangers become Lovers in 15/5 minute stands in online
porn too.. and in that movie the loneliness was palpable for then i was
in so much pain
i lost all my
and only
felt pain then
increasing when i got
close to any being human..
a cat i could tolerate and that’s
about it.. still in a pain and numb then
that meant i don’t know if i can do this one
more second longer for the entire 66 Months..
then so yes in this Movie in a Cold City with only
Windows of Skyscraper eyes there was a white
man and a black woman seeing each other from
two Skyscrapers in Window View and to be clear
the Movie was making a metaphor for the extent
of just how incredibly painful without so-named
physical pain is now more the emotional pain
of lonely that is just as incredibly
real and physically
painful in
as even the
worst pain known
to human kind.. Trigeminal
Neuralgia as i can stand and
testify to that reality now still for sure..
so yeah.. can’t remember which one started
first but one of them with stone looks on their
faces started ‘pleasuring’ themselves with no
shame.. and the other one did too and
that was a little connection
in Humanity
had that night
day.. the Human
Condition is overall
broke for many people
and the results of the last
election prove those invisible
people are in this much pain.. too..
Trump is just a warning of what may yet
be to come for a Nation that may truly eventually
fall divided and be replaced by what will replace it then..
but meanwhile.. i will Dance and Sing and reach out every hand i have..
might seem like a Nuclear option to you.. but for me it is love with no bounds
ThuNderWitHliGhT.. 2
of course as expected
And hiStorically shown
Most people either
will not or
can not hear it..
but hey.. i’m in sort
oF iN ‘Good Company’ STiLL NoW..
And i 2 am fully aware of who i am2..
LiT uP LAmps wHo SpiraL anD aLL thaT HUwOmaN Jazz2..:)
Facebook Friend stiLL and
also long term Poet Blogger
Friend Rafiah from Pakistan now
some 3 years going on another
half a year now too.. who
first noted my
existence on
Poet Blogger
Friend Lala Rukh’s
Website way back in
2013 to 2014 or so.. who
made the extroverted and
i’m sure brave effort as the
introvert she is to reach out
and FB Friend me for she could
see that i was a real human and
oh by the way she said when i first
met her on her page.. Sir.. you have
a Beautiful Heart then what x-zombies
Do love to hear when Butterflies Sing..
obviously she felt a need as we all do
to have ‘real humans’ who care and who
do need nothing from you but a kind word
and sure in my case some poetry that says
Common Natural Human Decency of Unconditional
Love STiLL kNoWing FeeLinG and SenSinG no Boundaries
of colors genders ages sexual orientations religions nationalities
NoW or any other differences of what it means to just pure love
in all the ways that comes too of course expecting nothing
from the other person and when love does come around it’s
just more light to share and give more light as love all free
so.. anyway.. the Rafiah provides a status that says..
also long term Poet Blogger
Friend Rafiah from Pakistan now
some 3 years going on another
half a year now too.. who
first noted my
existence on
Poet Blogger
Friend Lala Rukh’s
Website way back in
2013 to 2014 or so.. who
made the extroverted and
i’m sure brave effort as the
introvert she is to reach out
and FB Friend me for she could
see that i was a real human and
oh by the way she said when i first
met her on her page.. Sir.. you have
a Beautiful Heart then what x-zombies
Do love to hear when Butterflies Sing..
obviously she felt a need as we all do
to have ‘real humans’ who care and who
do need nothing from you but a kind word
and sure in my case some poetry that says
Common Natural Human Decency of Unconditional
Love STiLL kNoWing FeeLinG and SenSinG no Boundaries
of colors genders ages sexual orientations religions nationalities
NoW or any other differences of what it means to just pure love
in all the ways that comes too of course expecting nothing
from the other person and when love does come around it’s
just more light to share and give more light as love all free
so.. anyway.. the Rafiah provides a status that says..
Vintage Shades And Friends
i go on to say and ask..



i never see you with shades..
if you will.. please show me.. hehe..;)
i never see you with shades..
if you will.. please show me.. hehe..;)
And of course it’s silly banter that
keeps friendships warm so they don’t
grow cool to cold and go away forevernow..
keeps friendships warm so they don’t
grow cool to cold and go away forevernow..
i eLAboRate more with..
After all i’ve shown you mine..
And yeah.. sure.. most everyone else..;)
And yeah.. sure.. most everyone else..;)
And you might ask.. Fred.. why do you go too all this
effort to make your Friend Ship with Rafiah Public still in
all Six of your Bibles and Your Three New Testaments too..
well it’s also true that before i came to Facebook/Blogs i was an inhabitant
online of the ‘Wrong Planet’ then.. a place of folks on the Autism Spectrum
and many other Neuro-Atypical ways of being with difficulties with Social
Reciprocal Interaction and yeah my blogs are still linked up to some Hubs
for the Support of Autistic Folks.. one of my blogs has that title associated
with Autism Specifically in it also and with well over 200K Views it
generates a lot of views with folks on the Autism Spectrum
that and who as a rule will likely never reciprocally
socially communicate with me even if they
wanted to as quite frankly they
would probably have too
much social anxiety
to do that now..
so i show
of very
real human
now for free
and yes
i know
what it’s like
from a young age
to be the unwanted human
toy in the Puberty Aquarium
of Human Gold Fish Fighting
for their place on the social pecking
order of you belong or get the F out of
here you F as they used to tale me then
too all androgynous looking long thick
and yes sometimes oily and
dirty looking blonde
hair long eyelashes
and take
off let’s see those
eyelashes i’d love
to have if your name is
Vicki as she is taunting you
on the School Bus ride home
or perhaps it’s the other boys too
who say you smile like Wanda over there
too.. and you are wondering why the heaven
can’t people just smile like me and not worry
about what other folks look like or do love to do..
and of course they loved misery loves company
as they deep down were hurting as someone hurt
them too.. vicious cycle of misery loves company.. it’s
most every where one looks these days particularly in areas like
this Red State area now where Socio-Economic woes are hurting
the folks who go most to the Local Churches too.. in an us verses
them mentality of let’s get ours now and the hell with the other people
that have something for free without slaving for it now.. and oh yeah.. if
you don’t belong to our way of Language for God not only can you starve to
death without any health care and that will be fine to add insult to injury not
only that
let me give you
a pamphlet that says
if you don’t do what i
instruct you to do as far
as my Version of my Language
as that relates to what i name God
now you are going to Hell to suffer for
Eternity and by the way God is Love.,
okay.. i wasn’t born yesterday
i was raised with
and this
ain’t Love and my
Mama didn’t raise no
fool for love is love and has stuff
like hope and joy but includes nothing
associated with illusory fears or fake carrots
after a dirt nap for love is now and love is real
it’s that unconditional stuff my mama gave me from
birth that grew an Epic F iN Garden of Love that is me now2..
in fAct Love that is so strong that it will in 4 years in over 5 million
Words write 3 New Testaments and 6 Bibles now 6 times Longer than
the Size of the old 1500’s English Printed Edition of a Book that includes
numerous threats of violence then and torture From A Angry God who mostly
is all about Wrath and like Trump for this God says if you don’t bow down
and love me i am love and i will burn you in eternal hell fire after death..
hey.. the used car salesman routine never works on me.. you should
see the fun i have with those folks as you see i am Filled with
Love.. i don’t need a new car smell or a faux sprayed
smell one on old or quite Frankly any smell as my
smell went away and it returned
as a Doomsday Smell
on Solar Eclipse
Day and by coincidence
or synchronicity look around
and see what happened in the
last 8 weeks or so since that.. yes
Smell not nearly as difficult as the
real earth hell some of those folks who
have endured their own local and environmental
versions of doomsday now.. but you know what and might
you see it NoW iN my Latest New Testament.. A third one in plain site
NoW as the so-called photos come in tandem more with every Fresh
Hell Karma that A Trump Blows.. Nature/God so Synchronistically
seems to respond with a much greater blow than ‘little man’
orange tinted lips.. and as much as i don’t particularly
like all the wrath talk in the Old Testament and
perhaps it’s because there is so much
violence and fear and hate in it
that it seems that when
i take random and keep
in mind i don’t believe in random
photos of stuff like Katrina who religiously
still reads the Old Testament as she was brought
up in Fundamentalist Churches in this area too.. it’s true
a lot of it reminds me of Taylor Swift and her Bad Blood Video
and Look What you made me do now too.. it’s really uncanny but
that’s synchronicity and Karma works too there doesn’t have to be
an actual empirically provable science causal relationship repeatable
now true.. yes.. reality is stranger that any fiction for it doesn’t have to
reason to sell and if one watches real close one might see how it all rhymes together
heaR out of time.. anyway that’s why too.. i took over 100K photos and do it all multi-media
now true… you can see these mini-miracles of super normal as they happen in real time now..
of course
if you
and ears
to see them now..
Humans Create tHeiR
Realities by Imagination and
Creativity too.. Science even shows
now that all is connected above so below
inside outside and all around in unified way
and we even effect phoTons in how we observe
our unique and Multi-Verse-UniVerses now sAMe
too.. i don’t expect
Rafiah to show me her shades
and quite frankly i never expected
her to even show me her beautiful brown
eyes.. but you see.. i didn’t show my face
for it was stone cold and dead as face for
a few years online too.. then.. about 33
months or so.. it’s true these
days it’s a very brave
thing for some
to become
human all the way
and actually show their
face online.. and yes.. i’m probably
in the top one percentile of extroverted
online now.. but it’s also true i used to be
in the bottom one percentile of existence at all
piece of paper existence nothing.. nothing at all..
reach out and touch someone it’s all we really have when
you breathe in your last breathe trust me you’ll understand
as i for one have faced that reality three times in this life so far..
and i’m
as i didn’t strike
out.. i lit up and Rose..
anyway.. thanks for the
Muse Rafiah.. you don’t have to say a thing..
for while i wear shades i Dance and Sing Now FeeL as Love Free..
and sure.. every once in a while i take them off just for the Naked eYe fun oF iT..:)
effort to make your Friend Ship with Rafiah Public still in
all Six of your Bibles and Your Three New Testaments too..
well it’s also true that before i came to Facebook/Blogs i was an inhabitant
online of the ‘Wrong Planet’ then.. a place of folks on the Autism Spectrum
and many other Neuro-Atypical ways of being with difficulties with Social
Reciprocal Interaction and yeah my blogs are still linked up to some Hubs
for the Support of Autistic Folks.. one of my blogs has that title associated
with Autism Specifically in it also and with well over 200K Views it
generates a lot of views with folks on the Autism Spectrum
that and who as a rule will likely never reciprocally
socially communicate with me even if they
wanted to as quite frankly they
would probably have too
much social anxiety
to do that now..
so i show
of very
real human
now for free
and yes
i know
what it’s like
from a young age
to be the unwanted human
toy in the Puberty Aquarium
of Human Gold Fish Fighting
for their place on the social pecking
order of you belong or get the F out of
here you F as they used to tale me then
too all androgynous looking long thick
and yes sometimes oily and
dirty looking blonde
hair long eyelashes
and take
off let’s see those
eyelashes i’d love
to have if your name is
Vicki as she is taunting you
on the School Bus ride home
or perhaps it’s the other boys too
who say you smile like Wanda over there
too.. and you are wondering why the heaven
can’t people just smile like me and not worry
about what other folks look like or do love to do..
and of course they loved misery loves company
as they deep down were hurting as someone hurt
them too.. vicious cycle of misery loves company.. it’s
most every where one looks these days particularly in areas like
this Red State area now where Socio-Economic woes are hurting
the folks who go most to the Local Churches too.. in an us verses
them mentality of let’s get ours now and the hell with the other people
that have something for free without slaving for it now.. and oh yeah.. if
you don’t belong to our way of Language for God not only can you starve to
death without any health care and that will be fine to add insult to injury not
only that
let me give you
a pamphlet that says
if you don’t do what i
instruct you to do as far
as my Version of my Language
as that relates to what i name God
now you are going to Hell to suffer for
Eternity and by the way God is Love.,
okay.. i wasn’t born yesterday
i was raised with
and this
ain’t Love and my
Mama didn’t raise no
fool for love is love and has stuff
like hope and joy but includes nothing
associated with illusory fears or fake carrots
after a dirt nap for love is now and love is real
it’s that unconditional stuff my mama gave me from
birth that grew an Epic F iN Garden of Love that is me now2..
in fAct Love that is so strong that it will in 4 years in over 5 million
Words write 3 New Testaments and 6 Bibles now 6 times Longer than
the Size of the old 1500’s English Printed Edition of a Book that includes
numerous threats of violence then and torture From A Angry God who mostly
is all about Wrath and like Trump for this God says if you don’t bow down
and love me i am love and i will burn you in eternal hell fire after death..
hey.. the used car salesman routine never works on me.. you should
see the fun i have with those folks as you see i am Filled with
Love.. i don’t need a new car smell or a faux sprayed
smell one on old or quite Frankly any smell as my
smell went away and it returned
as a Doomsday Smell
on Solar Eclipse
Day and by coincidence
or synchronicity look around
and see what happened in the
last 8 weeks or so since that.. yes
Smell not nearly as difficult as the
real earth hell some of those folks who
have endured their own local and environmental
versions of doomsday now.. but you know what and might
you see it NoW iN my Latest New Testament.. A third one in plain site
NoW as the so-called photos come in tandem more with every Fresh
Hell Karma that A Trump Blows.. Nature/God so Synchronistically
seems to respond with a much greater blow than ‘little man’
orange tinted lips.. and as much as i don’t particularly
like all the wrath talk in the Old Testament and
perhaps it’s because there is so much
violence and fear and hate in it
that it seems that when
i take random and keep
in mind i don’t believe in random
photos of stuff like Katrina who religiously
still reads the Old Testament as she was brought
up in Fundamentalist Churches in this area too.. it’s true
a lot of it reminds me of Taylor Swift and her Bad Blood Video
and Look What you made me do now too.. it’s really uncanny but
that’s synchronicity and Karma works too there doesn’t have to be
an actual empirically provable science causal relationship repeatable
now true.. yes.. reality is stranger that any fiction for it doesn’t have to
reason to sell and if one watches real close one might see how it all rhymes together
heaR out of time.. anyway that’s why too.. i took over 100K photos and do it all multi-media
now true… you can see these mini-miracles of super normal as they happen in real time now..
of course
if you
and ears
to see them now..
Humans Create tHeiR
Realities by Imagination and
Creativity too.. Science even shows
now that all is connected above so below
inside outside and all around in unified way
and we even effect phoTons in how we observe
our unique and Multi-Verse-UniVerses now sAMe
too.. i don’t expect
Rafiah to show me her shades
and quite frankly i never expected
her to even show me her beautiful brown
eyes.. but you see.. i didn’t show my face
for it was stone cold and dead as face for
a few years online too.. then.. about 33
months or so.. it’s true these
days it’s a very brave
thing for some
to become
human all the way
and actually show their
face online.. and yes.. i’m probably
in the top one percentile of extroverted
online now.. but it’s also true i used to be
in the bottom one percentile of existence at all
piece of paper existence nothing.. nothing at all..
reach out and touch someone it’s all we really have when
you breathe in your last breathe trust me you’ll understand
as i for one have faced that reality three times in this life so far..
and i’m
as i didn’t strike
out.. i lit up and Rose..
anyway.. thanks for the
Muse Rafiah.. you don’t have to say a thing..
for while i wear shades i Dance and Sing Now FeeL as Love Free..
and sure.. every once in a while i take them off just for the Naked eYe fun oF iT..:)
And also it’s true in the other sense of the Modern Word Shade i shaded myself
a lot in fact i hazed myself on purpose enough to become fearless to do all of this
and i continue to do so.. true as the stories likely manufactured as Biblical Scholars
do relay about King David and Isaiah and other stories in the Old Bible about
Naked Prophets and Priests too..
disrobing to become
fearless and free
and even
God within
in the Gospel
of Thomas Verse 37
where a reported Jesus says
to See the God in me that is the
Same God in you when you strip
your clothes off tread on them without
any shame but you see it is fear that takes
God away and once you walk naked in front
of the World in all legal and restricted adult ways..
what is left to fear nothing nothing at all and i do mean
nothing nothing at all for when Buddhists suggest that
you wanna go to a place of nothing nothing at all trust
me they’ve
to hell
for i have
and that is a place
clothed with only ‘time’ now
where a second is a thousand
years totally separated from God and
Nature same in feel and sense and even
pain way too.. when people say you are not
your thoughts and you are not your feelings
tell me what you think when they all go away
and you all have is stone cold think.. don’t lose God
Dance Naked in Sand and Sun Free Be God Be Free..
i don’t need no stinking pamphlets words letters or even
Numbers to Feel and Sense God for God lives Naked as me
and you if you too can feel and sense all of God in you and me too..
it’s true my Nude Art is the most pure art i do with God who lives within
me.. God is so Happy about it that God doesn’t even have words in me to relate
that PuRELiGHT
NoW for what
some folks
is evil
is A
MosT Pure
but of course the Garden of Eden
Story clearly relates that nonverbal
language naked is the first and best
way to see God in Us.. Secrets NoW
iN plain site now.. true insanity
that people cannot
feel God
God Naked as Free is Be..
And with that SunG i will Dance
in Sand and Sun now a little break
And back with Xenia and Frank after a while is Free..:)
a lot in fact i hazed myself on purpose enough to become fearless to do all of this
and i continue to do so.. true as the stories likely manufactured as Biblical Scholars
do relay about King David and Isaiah and other stories in the Old Bible about
Naked Prophets and Priests too..
disrobing to become
fearless and free
and even
God within
in the Gospel
of Thomas Verse 37
where a reported Jesus says
to See the God in me that is the
Same God in you when you strip
your clothes off tread on them without
any shame but you see it is fear that takes
God away and once you walk naked in front
of the World in all legal and restricted adult ways..
what is left to fear nothing nothing at all and i do mean
nothing nothing at all for when Buddhists suggest that
you wanna go to a place of nothing nothing at all trust
me they’ve
to hell
for i have
and that is a place
clothed with only ‘time’ now
where a second is a thousand
years totally separated from God and
Nature same in feel and sense and even
pain way too.. when people say you are not
your thoughts and you are not your feelings
tell me what you think when they all go away
and you all have is stone cold think.. don’t lose God
Dance Naked in Sand and Sun Free Be God Be Free..
i don’t need no stinking pamphlets words letters or even
Numbers to Feel and Sense God for God lives Naked as me
and you if you too can feel and sense all of God in you and me too..
it’s true my Nude Art is the most pure art i do with God who lives within
me.. God is so Happy about it that God doesn’t even have words in me to relate
that PuRELiGHT
NoW for what
some folks
is evil
is A
MosT Pure
but of course the Garden of Eden
Story clearly relates that nonverbal
language naked is the first and best
way to see God in Us.. Secrets NoW
iN plain site now.. true insanity
that people cannot
feel God
God Naked as Free is Be..
And with that SunG i will Dance
in Sand and Sun now a little break
And back with Xenia and Frank after a while is Free..:)
Update: Rafiah returns by saying in Jest that Your
Wish is my Command and in deed does show me
A Picture of her Face with Shades on now..
Wish is my Command and in deed does show me
A Picture of her Face with Shades on now..
i return again with.. one of those Red
FB Emoticon Hearts that relates Love..
FB Emoticon Hearts that relates Love..
And do Sing.. aDDiitionAlly..
Okay Queen.. you make me smile..:)
Mission Accomplished as the Fred and Rafiah Friend ship
Continues to Sail on an Ocean of Love that is Pure and Free Waves..:)
Continues to Sail on an Ocean of Love that is Pure and Free Waves..:)
Story Now
True Love of
Wish Joy
in the eYes
of the Children
No Material gains
eYes now thaT sMiLE
A LasT oF LoVE FirsT
mY friEnd Truly
as God
as far as i for
one now can and
WiLL FeeL and Sense
Puppy DreAMs Means
As Beach oF Never Ends..
Diatom Stars in
Gulf Shore
Sand and
Ocean one..
Mountain Greens
Deep Blue Seas
Dog Mirage
Grown Soul
Old Young
A Grain
Two Grains
Healing Water
Holds Hands with Sand
as Silt comes next to
Soften Sun Burnt
Bleached Stretch
Beach Scorched
Before Life Rains
Come now more
Next.. in Beauty Ease…
Columbus Day Exploring
Hard Heeled Shoes Come
Shore Stamping Out Wild
in Human
eYes oF Free
Chains Love No
Longer Naked
Clouds Float
GonE skeYes
RaiNS TeaRS DARk..
Human Storms come
Human Storms go.. Dogs
Reign Kind Leaves Left Springs
Fall Winters Summer Dreams CoMe aGaiN
BacK aS eYeS Dog Love Fur Free Be Now More..
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Xenia.. Poetry As Is NoW Holy
And Sacred Words iN Meaning and Purpose
oF Life that two or more people share in
Understanding a Consensual
Reality of Existential
Intelligence more..
Oral Tradition
First in
that Sing
the Music
of Vocal Chords
Extending to Musical
Instruments BRinGinG
FeeLinGs and SeNses more..
Lyrics of SouL Notes in Words
in Every Color of Love and Reds
in Struggle and Passion more
Dancing too without words..
BeYonD iNfiNiTy Symbols
Changing Music
Time of Being
Human Now Ocean
Souls ToGeTHeR SaiLs
Never Ending Force oF LoVE HiGHeR LiGHT..
True Love of
Wish Joy
in the eYes
of the Children
No Material gains
eYes now thaT sMiLE
A LasT oF LoVE FirsT
mY friEnd Truly
as God
as far as i for
one now can and
WiLL FeeL and Sense
Puppy DreAMs Means
As Beach oF Never Ends..
Diatom Stars in
Gulf Shore
Sand and
Ocean one..
Mountain Greens
Deep Blue Seas
Dog Mirage
Grown Soul
Old Young
A Grain
Two Grains
Healing Water
Holds Hands with Sand
as Silt comes next to
Soften Sun Burnt
Bleached Stretch
Beach Scorched
Before Life Rains
Come now more
Next.. in Beauty Ease…
Columbus Day Exploring
Hard Heeled Shoes Come
Shore Stamping Out Wild
in Human
eYes oF Free
Chains Love No
Longer Naked
Clouds Float
GonE skeYes
RaiNS TeaRS DARk..
Human Storms come
Human Storms go.. Dogs
Reign Kind Leaves Left Springs
Fall Winters Summer Dreams CoMe aGaiN
BacK aS eYeS Dog Love Fur Free Be Now More..
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Xenia.. Poetry As Is NoW Holy
And Sacred Words iN Meaning and Purpose
oF Life that two or more people share in
Understanding a Consensual
Reality of Existential
Intelligence more..
Oral Tradition
First in
that Sing
the Music
of Vocal Chords
Extending to Musical
Instruments BRinGinG
FeeLinGs and SeNses more..
Lyrics of SouL Notes in Words
in Every Color of Love and Reds
in Struggle and Passion more
Dancing too without words..
BeYonD iNfiNiTy Symbols
Changing Music
Time of Being
Human Now Ocean
Souls ToGeTHeR SaiLs
Never Ending Force oF LoVE HiGHeR LiGHT..
“Sun within
into the sea
happy shifting sands”
into the sea
happy shifting sands”
-Xenia Tran
Spotted Leopard
No Longer
Black Panther
Comes neXt
oF Spotted Bricks..
iN A Wall ForGonE..
Point of Stumps
Spirit Trees Left
of Green
come new
Fires refresh
Nature’s Need Rebirth..
Falls of Passion Flowers
Glow Red In Pure Nature Flow
Climate Change at Hand
Summers Never
Never Coming
it seems.. this year
only one Passion Flower
at Ground Reach and one
in Top of Tree Vine almost
too far to see.. Culture
Cancer Taketh
Beauty Away A (the)
Lion of Nature Roars
Back Paul Revere i Am STiLL HeAR..
LoVE mY friEnd..
Underneath most every
Living Tree is a Subconscious
Root System that Brings A Life
to LiVinG Leaves Spreading wHere
They Please No Planning Needed
For it is Nature’s Intuition of
a Vine Higher
iN Trees Above
Leaving Fall
of Leaves
More Now A
Rebirth of Life..
It’s interesting Frank
for i have no idea how i write
poetry i have no idea how i dance
but ‘they’ understand it all for those
Roots have been around much longer
i know
for what i feel
for what i sense
is beyond all i know for now..
Anyway.. what i feel and sense in
a feel and sense is i find a Yin and Yang
of Poetry in Xenia and Frank now at dVerse Poet’s Pub..
Quite a Seek and Find always for what comes next Freer..
See ya later
off to
Dance i go
to rest my hands
back to write to rest my feat..:)
No Longer
Black Panther
Comes neXt
oF Spotted Bricks..
iN A Wall ForGonE..
Point of Stumps
Spirit Trees Left
of Green
come new
Fires refresh
Nature’s Need Rebirth..
Falls of Passion Flowers
Glow Red In Pure Nature Flow
Climate Change at Hand
Summers Never
Never Coming
it seems.. this year
only one Passion Flower
at Ground Reach and one
in Top of Tree Vine almost
too far to see.. Culture
Cancer Taketh
Beauty Away A (the)
Lion of Nature Roars
Back Paul Revere i Am STiLL HeAR..
LoVE mY friEnd..
Underneath most every
Living Tree is a Subconscious
Root System that Brings A Life
to LiVinG Leaves Spreading wHere
They Please No Planning Needed
For it is Nature’s Intuition of
a Vine Higher
iN Trees Above
Leaving Fall
of Leaves
More Now A
Rebirth of Life..
It’s interesting Frank
for i have no idea how i write
poetry i have no idea how i dance
but ‘they’ understand it all for those
Roots have been around much longer
i know
for what i feel
for what i sense
is beyond all i know for now..
Anyway.. what i feel and sense in
a feel and sense is i find a Yin and Yang
of Poetry in Xenia and Frank now at dVerse Poet’s Pub..
Quite a Seek and Find always for what comes next Freer..
See ya later
off to
Dance i go
to rest my hands
back to write to rest my feat..:)
– me
“i change not harvest moon by day
inside the refrigerator another day
inside the refrigerator another day
-Frank Hubeny
SMiLes.. my FriEnd Frank and first of all thanks
for dropping by as my feat now
rest as Write
Sings on..
‘attitude within
is more important
than the circumstances
without’ and yes.. George
Burns is as correct as the
Old Chinese Sages who
sing “Life Begins every
morning when you
wake up” and
i now
this to say
Life always begins
Now River with change and
sadly some folks are averse
to this now and that change that is
now.. but it’s understandable as
fear is only ignorance of the
benefits of change and
more of course too..
for those
change stagnate
and rarely live to age 95 as
Good Old George did.. my friend…
Jack LaLanne.. Muscles ’till 96.. Swimming Towing Boats
into his 60’s and other feats of all those who never give
up and do more for they just do my friend in Victory now..
works for me at least and many others too for if i had believed
in the ones who surrounded me when young and censored
from the Feats of Greater Men of Human Potential in other
Lands but ignorance here.. i too might have believed that life
does not start until after death. Humans are not rational my friend..
there is so much evidence of that that it’s amazing anyone has ever suggested they are.
Still though.. i’d rather live
around irrational
ignorance than risk
the reality
of being
a ‘perfect rational
robot’ and never even living at all..
i tried that and it was truly slow and
ever lasting torture as death as life..
Yes.. humans are ‘stupid’ for a reason that makes
total feel and sense for we not only create nightmares..
We Create Dreams of Heaven now come Real in Fruition too..
Yellow Cats Riding Unicorn Gray Cats with beyond colors of rainbow ice
at hand
still now my friend..;)
(winks: Reference Seven
Dollar and a Half Walmart
Purchased multi-colored
Beyond Rainbow Shirt
with Green eyed Yellow
Cat swirling beyond rainbow
ice cream cones as i floated across
the Dance Hall with the greatest of
ease for a 3 HR Marathon of Cloud Dance
on Terrestrial Earth and really i guess i should
be pissed off that no one told me this was possible
before but truly they did i just didn’t catch it as real then as now
do of life
my friend..
so much to learn
so much to do in
Heaven now..
no limits
when i Surf the Earth Free..
and yes.. i finally understand
What that Hawk and Seagull Spiraling
the Sun were telling me then you too CaN WiLL Fly..
Possibilities.. Fruition NoW..
i FeeL SensE
Nike (Victory)
DanceS SinGS that too..
except for me.. i don’t compete
i truly just do it now for the FeeL
and SensE of Now isReaL..
i win
all i need
is now the
Now that’s God my friEnd..
other than that BasketBall Bores me..
too many restricted moves too many rules..
Same with Structured Boxing and Martial
Science Arts.. i Rather Fight Free as Love..
sure.. now other regulated sports too and
even running.. now.. running is for Afraid..
Dance iS LiFE SonG iS Free..
to me..
for dropping by as my feat now
rest as Write
Sings on..
‘attitude within
is more important
than the circumstances
without’ and yes.. George
Burns is as correct as the
Old Chinese Sages who
sing “Life Begins every
morning when you
wake up” and
i now
this to say
Life always begins
Now River with change and
sadly some folks are averse
to this now and that change that is
now.. but it’s understandable as
fear is only ignorance of the
benefits of change and
more of course too..
for those
change stagnate
and rarely live to age 95 as
Good Old George did.. my friend…
Jack LaLanne.. Muscles ’till 96.. Swimming Towing Boats
into his 60’s and other feats of all those who never give
up and do more for they just do my friend in Victory now..
works for me at least and many others too for if i had believed
in the ones who surrounded me when young and censored
from the Feats of Greater Men of Human Potential in other
Lands but ignorance here.. i too might have believed that life
does not start until after death. Humans are not rational my friend..
there is so much evidence of that that it’s amazing anyone has ever suggested they are.
Still though.. i’d rather live
around irrational
ignorance than risk
the reality
of being
a ‘perfect rational
robot’ and never even living at all..
i tried that and it was truly slow and
ever lasting torture as death as life..
Yes.. humans are ‘stupid’ for a reason that makes
total feel and sense for we not only create nightmares..
We Create Dreams of Heaven now come Real in Fruition too..
Yellow Cats Riding Unicorn Gray Cats with beyond colors of rainbow ice
at hand
still now my friend..;)
(winks: Reference Seven
Dollar and a Half Walmart
Purchased multi-colored
Beyond Rainbow Shirt
with Green eyed Yellow
Cat swirling beyond rainbow
ice cream cones as i floated across
the Dance Hall with the greatest of
ease for a 3 HR Marathon of Cloud Dance
on Terrestrial Earth and really i guess i should
be pissed off that no one told me this was possible
before but truly they did i just didn’t catch it as real then as now
do of life
my friend..
so much to learn
so much to do in
Heaven now..
no limits
when i Surf the Earth Free..
and yes.. i finally understand
What that Hawk and Seagull Spiraling
the Sun were telling me then you too CaN WiLL Fly..
Possibilities.. Fruition NoW..
i FeeL SensE
Nike (Victory)
DanceS SinGS that too..
except for me.. i don’t compete
i truly just do it now for the FeeL
and SensE of Now isReaL..
i win
all i need
is now the
Now that’s God my friEnd..
other than that BasketBall Bores me..
too many restricted moves too many rules..
Same with Structured Boxing and Martial
Science Arts.. i Rather Fight Free as Love..
sure.. now other regulated sports too and
even running.. now.. running is for Afraid..
Dance iS LiFE SonG iS Free..
to me..
According to scholarly study now
Of the New Testament, in accredited
Divinity Schools At Doctorate
Level that some Pastors still
Graduate from it is clear
That the Nicene
Council in 325 AD
OF Roman
Catholic and State
Officials of the Spreading
Holy Roman Empire established
Both the Trinity and Divinity of
Jesus through a Political
Vote to further assist
The Empire by
Creating a Soldier
Sun God in accordance also
With the Mithra Religion
And myths of the area
To bind the subjects of
The Spreading Empire
Greater in Holy and
Sacred, Common
Purpose and Meaning
As Humans naturally
Do Cross Cultures,
Historically Speaking;
After the Death of the
Historical Living Jesus,
Who Spoke the Aramaic
Language as did the rest
Of his Culture, mostly
Illiterate as he; Some of
Those peoples spread
Varying Sects of
Christianity with
Beliefs ranging from
1 to 12 Gods. The Literate
Greeks Cherry picked
The Sects they agreed
With and Developed
A Written record in
Greek that
Jesus as ‘A’ Son
Of God in alignment
With the Old Testament
Psalm that In the New
Testament still
Jesus relates
As truth as we
Are all still Children
Of God. The only existing
So named Writer then of the
NT Bible who may have actually
Existed is Saul who changed
His name to Paul and said
His Account of the story of
Jesus came from a Holy
Creative Spirit within
As a potential still
For all those who
Actually Experience
This in Self Actual
Maturity as Real
In or out of
Brick and
Mortar Church. The Bottom
Lines are my friend; God is an
Equal opportunity employer now
And those Teachings attributed
To a Humble man Jesus work
And while those Teachings
Alone without the additional
Roman Empire Created
Myths may not
Alone be enough
To spread an Empire
By the sword they
Most definitely
Are to attain
Oneness with
God and Spread
Peace through the HarmonioUs
Force of Unconditional
Love that is also a
Golden Rule teaching
Among as many eyes
As there are the God
Of Love who lives
Within those eyes
With a Faith of
Love That
And Who is
Fearless and Kind
As Love and Grace as
The Foundation NoW
Of Will and Strength
In Divine Feminine
And Masculine
Love Force in
Each Set of
God Eyes
In Human.
In John 14:12
It says still, if You
Really Believe and
Have Faith in the
Teachings attributed to
Jesus you will do
Greater works
In this Life now
Than he. Use Common
Sense my Friend; a Humble
Parent or Teacher who says
You will do greater works
In this Life than me Is
No God above any
Other Child of
God as even Science shows
Now all is connected from
What ever origin there is
Now of all that is and of
Course Indigenous
People’s before any
Books could Feel
And Sense this
Truth and Light
Of Moving
Creation now
Then time
Of time. Onward, So
Self named Christian
Soldiers named those
Children of God as
Nature Free Savages
For they Found God
Within, inside, outside,
Above, so below and
All around as Science
Proves now God
Exists as all that
Is all of us now
Eternally now, so
True my Friend
In these ways we are
Children and God
And Yes, Holy
Creative Spirit
And By God
Nature some of
Us actually do
Enter into the
Kingdom of
Heaven within
Now in this Generation
Now and Do Do Greater
Works of Faith as Love
Than actually attributed
To Jesus in his
Lifespan then.
And true, if
You Really have
100 Percent Luke
Hot Faith as Love,
So will you. No,
i refuse to vault
Jesus over other
Humans as an
Only Man God for
If i do, John 14:12
Is A Snakeoil
Salesman lie;
i for one irrefutably
Prove it is not; that
My Friend is a Longer
Story that is Real.
Have a nice day.
Do more if
Of the New Testament, in accredited
Divinity Schools At Doctorate
Level that some Pastors still
Graduate from it is clear
That the Nicene
Council in 325 AD
OF Roman
Catholic and State
Officials of the Spreading
Holy Roman Empire established
Both the Trinity and Divinity of
Jesus through a Political
Vote to further assist
The Empire by
Creating a Soldier
Sun God in accordance also
With the Mithra Religion
And myths of the area
To bind the subjects of
The Spreading Empire
Greater in Holy and
Sacred, Common
Purpose and Meaning
As Humans naturally
Do Cross Cultures,
Historically Speaking;
After the Death of the
Historical Living Jesus,
Who Spoke the Aramaic
Language as did the rest
Of his Culture, mostly
Illiterate as he; Some of
Those peoples spread
Varying Sects of
Christianity with
Beliefs ranging from
1 to 12 Gods. The Literate
Greeks Cherry picked
The Sects they agreed
With and Developed
A Written record in
Greek that
Jesus as ‘A’ Son
Of God in alignment
With the Old Testament
Psalm that In the New
Testament still
Jesus relates
As truth as we
Are all still Children
Of God. The only existing
So named Writer then of the
NT Bible who may have actually
Existed is Saul who changed
His name to Paul and said
His Account of the story of
Jesus came from a Holy
Creative Spirit within
As a potential still
For all those who
Actually Experience
This in Self Actual
Maturity as Real
In or out of
Brick and
Mortar Church. The Bottom
Lines are my friend; God is an
Equal opportunity employer now
And those Teachings attributed
To a Humble man Jesus work
And while those Teachings
Alone without the additional
Roman Empire Created
Myths may not
Alone be enough
To spread an Empire
By the sword they
Most definitely
Are to attain
Oneness with
God and Spread
Peace through the HarmonioUs
Force of Unconditional
Love that is also a
Golden Rule teaching
Among as many eyes
As there are the God
Of Love who lives
Within those eyes
With a Faith of
Love That
And Who is
Fearless and Kind
As Love and Grace as
The Foundation NoW
Of Will and Strength
In Divine Feminine
And Masculine
Love Force in
Each Set of
God Eyes
In Human.
In John 14:12
It says still, if You
Really Believe and
Have Faith in the
Teachings attributed to
Jesus you will do
Greater works
In this Life now
Than he. Use Common
Sense my Friend; a Humble
Parent or Teacher who says
You will do greater works
In this Life than me Is
No God above any
Other Child of
God as even Science shows
Now all is connected from
What ever origin there is
Now of all that is and of
Course Indigenous
People’s before any
Books could Feel
And Sense this
Truth and Light
Of Moving
Creation now
Then time
Of time. Onward, So
Self named Christian
Soldiers named those
Children of God as
Nature Free Savages
For they Found God
Within, inside, outside,
Above, so below and
All around as Science
Proves now God
Exists as all that
Is all of us now
Eternally now, so
True my Friend
In these ways we are
Children and God
And Yes, Holy
Creative Spirit
And By God
Nature some of
Us actually do
Enter into the
Kingdom of
Heaven within
Now in this Generation
Now and Do Do Greater
Works of Faith as Love
Than actually attributed
To Jesus in his
Lifespan then.
And true, if
You Really have
100 Percent Luke
Hot Faith as Love,
So will you. No,
i refuse to vault
Jesus over other
Humans as an
Only Man God for
If i do, John 14:12
Is A Snakeoil
Salesman lie;
i for one irrefutably
Prove it is not; that
My Friend is a Longer
Story that is Real.
Have a nice day.
Do more if
The person i am speaking
To here that could be almost
Any so-called modern
Christian says this is
All Conspiracy theories
Invented to Dis-Credit
To here that could be almost
Any so-called modern
Christian says this is
All Conspiracy theories
Invented to Dis-Credit
So i return to
Him with.. now..
Sadly my friend,
A Majority of Christians
Who voted
For a man to
Lead them who
Ran against each
And every verse of
Matthew 5, verses
1 through
11 have
Killed Jesus
In effect now
Life if it
Is not
Love it
Is not
A God of
Love meanwhile
I’ll work
On ‘that’
A little more.
Best Wishes..
Him with.. now..
Sadly my friend,
A Majority of Christians
Who voted
For a man to
Lead them who
Ran against each
And every verse of
Matthew 5, verses
1 through
11 have
Killed Jesus
In effect now
Life if it
Is not
Love it
Is not
A God of
Love meanwhile
I’ll work
On ‘that’
A little more.
Best Wishes..
Oh Lord as Love the
‘Christian’ comes
Back and says..
He is not sure
Now what I
Am talking
About and
Gives me
His best
Wishes too..
‘Christian’ comes
Back and says..
He is not sure
Now what I
Am talking
About and
Gives me
His best
Wishes too..
i return.. yet
Again with..
Again with..
Love.. it’s
Hard for
Actually Do..:)
Hard for
Actually Do..:)
And yeah.. sure.. this is also sort of a Columbus
Day Protest for the overall slaughter of my Sioux
and Cherokee Ancestors by the ignorance of Books
Who could see God as Living Nature beyond all books of words..
the fact that i write this on October 13th that is also Friday the Thirteenth
is rather ironic as the Roman Empire continues to rise along with other
Nationalistic Imperial Desires by Psychopathic Leaning men who wish
to twist a religion around and use it to
screw the folks including the loving
ones who still follow that religion
while no different really as
the original Constantine before
Trump and many others erected a
Sun God Monolithic Statue of himself
for worship by his subjects then with
Jesus as just another Soldier Sun God created
to support the vault of Constantine then to God Trump
status above all others as ‘little men’ who lack soul often
try to do with power and status and material gains that will
Never FeeL a Black hole SouL of God dead as alive even more now..
it’s pretty simple if you do not follow the teachings of Matthew 5
for at least verses 1 thru 11 through the T and not Trump you are
not a Christian as some folks would suggest all you have to do
is Recite Romans 10:9 and after that you can rob from the poor
and give to the rich and your slate will be forever clean as
long as you recite Romans 10:9 after that never fully
realizing that God is more than an empty word of
Love.. i do not need any books or words to find God
now within.. neither does any other animal who breathes
free in God Balance as Nature Feel and
Sense on this eARTh now.. my
ancestors needed no written
printed books for God exists always
now eternally now then and now time out of time
as Nature Pure.. and now we have the Cancer of Culture
Idols of God continue to Grow and kill the Living God of Love
who lives
heAR free
in all us when
Wild and Loving Free..
Anyway.. as they did on the Matrix
Movie Series one dances and sings
as long as the Peace lasts within inside
outside above so below and all around
it’s just as hard to fight Ignorance as any City
Hall for Ignorance and City Hall has a life of its own
far far
the Real
Powerful Force
oF The God of Love
who lives within.. FREE..
of all
And Lies oF PriSonHeLLd.
Day Protest for the overall slaughter of my Sioux
and Cherokee Ancestors by the ignorance of Books
Who could see God as Living Nature beyond all books of words..
the fact that i write this on October 13th that is also Friday the Thirteenth
is rather ironic as the Roman Empire continues to rise along with other
Nationalistic Imperial Desires by Psychopathic Leaning men who wish
to twist a religion around and use it to
screw the folks including the loving
ones who still follow that religion
while no different really as
the original Constantine before
Trump and many others erected a
Sun God Monolithic Statue of himself
for worship by his subjects then with
Jesus as just another Soldier Sun God created
to support the vault of Constantine then to God Trump
status above all others as ‘little men’ who lack soul often
try to do with power and status and material gains that will
Never FeeL a Black hole SouL of God dead as alive even more now..
it’s pretty simple if you do not follow the teachings of Matthew 5
for at least verses 1 thru 11 through the T and not Trump you are
not a Christian as some folks would suggest all you have to do
is Recite Romans 10:9 and after that you can rob from the poor
and give to the rich and your slate will be forever clean as
long as you recite Romans 10:9 after that never fully
realizing that God is more than an empty word of
Love.. i do not need any books or words to find God
now within.. neither does any other animal who breathes
free in God Balance as Nature Feel and
Sense on this eARTh now.. my
ancestors needed no written
printed books for God exists always
now eternally now then and now time out of time
as Nature Pure.. and now we have the Cancer of Culture
Idols of God continue to Grow and kill the Living God of Love
who lives
heAR free
in all us when
Wild and Loving Free..
Anyway.. as they did on the Matrix
Movie Series one dances and sings
as long as the Peace lasts within inside
outside above so below and all around
it’s just as hard to fight Ignorance as any City
Hall for Ignorance and City Hall has a life of its own
far far
the Real
Powerful Force
oF The God of Love
who lives within.. FREE..
of all
And Lies oF PriSonHeLLd.
Second Round
of Response
at Xenia’s Place
of Poetry Free in
Highland Scotland Air..
Thanks mY friEnd
To You aS WeLL
oF Dog DreAMs
iN KinD alWays
FinD wHeRe Xenia Lives..
Again thank you
Xenia with as alWays
Much Love to Whippets
And your Husband too..
And those
in Sea Dogs
way reminds me
soon to enter
in Sand
and Sun
to Play Catch
With God Air Free..
i Will be the Water
but Bruce Lee already
captured ‘that’ last Century..
HecK i’ll Do iT anYway aGaiN Water Be2..
sMiLes with more deTales
View i See ‘the’ Windmills
Harvesting Wind For Free
Force oF Air on Top oF
Mountains now to
Air at Sea
Water Air Be
YeS.. AGAiN.. Do i WiLL..
WeLL one more Sing and this Dance
Ends a second way of
poetic responses
Flowing sea now
as communication
comes in symbols
more and off to the
Ocean of Human Made
Emoticons for Humans will
Naturally Create Symbols out
of the Environment whether created
or used from before to communicate socially
and reciprocally even more.. Sad it is though now
When new symbols are locked away from BeinG Creating
iN Moving Connecting MorEliGHT to share win symbols now..
SMiLes mY FriEnd NoW
the (A) More i become
Love as Far as Positive
Only Energy Flows
A (The) More
aLL Fits
as Rhyme that
never ends in Holy
and Sacred Purpose
and Meaning More
as Evolving
oF LiVinG FreE.. NoW..
sAdly.. so much stress
in modern cultures takes
that ability away to see such
A Masterpiece in Paint of God
we are as brush and paint and
Master Peace same with
so many
Strokes from
Abyss DArK
Through SHaDes
oF Grey BeYonD RainBoW
CoLoRs MorE aS TRuLY A WiZarD oF oZ iS ReaL..
A Place NoWwHeRE Curtains No Longer Cover MaGiC NoW..
PoT oF GOld iS LoVE..:)
of Response
at Xenia’s Place
of Poetry Free in
Highland Scotland Air..
Thanks mY friEnd
To You aS WeLL
oF Dog DreAMs
iN KinD alWays
FinD wHeRe Xenia Lives..
Again thank you
Xenia with as alWays
Much Love to Whippets
And your Husband too..
And those
in Sea Dogs
way reminds me
soon to enter
in Sand
and Sun
to Play Catch
With God Air Free..
i Will be the Water
but Bruce Lee already
captured ‘that’ last Century..
HecK i’ll Do iT anYway aGaiN Water Be2..
sMiLes with more deTales
View i See ‘the’ Windmills
Harvesting Wind For Free
Force oF Air on Top oF
Mountains now to
Air at Sea
Water Air Be
YeS.. AGAiN.. Do i WiLL..
WeLL one more Sing and this Dance
Ends a second way of
poetic responses
Flowing sea now
as communication
comes in symbols
more and off to the
Ocean of Human Made
Emoticons for Humans will
Naturally Create Symbols out
of the Environment whether created
or used from before to communicate socially
and reciprocally even more.. Sad it is though now
When new symbols are locked away from BeinG Creating
iN Moving Connecting MorEliGHT to share win symbols now..
SMiLes mY FriEnd NoW
the (A) More i become
Love as Far as Positive
Only Energy Flows
A (The) More
aLL Fits
as Rhyme that
never ends in Holy
and Sacred Purpose
and Meaning More
as Evolving
oF LiVinG FreE.. NoW..
sAdly.. so much stress
in modern cultures takes
that ability away to see such
A Masterpiece in Paint of God
we are as brush and paint and
Master Peace same with
so many
Strokes from
Abyss DArK
Through SHaDes
oF Grey BeYonD RainBoW
CoLoRs MorE aS TRuLY A WiZarD oF oZ iS ReaL..
A Place NoWwHeRE Curtains No Longer Cover MaGiC NoW..
PoT oF GOld iS LoVE..:)
True No Place
Like HoMe..:)
Like HoMe..:)
Philosopher stones that change
to Fool’s Gold to Bring a Fountain
of Youth.. Holy Grails that
do the Similar iN
A Kingdom
of Heaven now..
and sure the power of
Belief is very real in Placebo
Effect that is much more than
a Sugar Pill for the Power of Belief
is the essence within the emotional
sensory power that brings light to some
of those Quadrillion or so Bio-Electrical-
Neuro-Chemical Connections from Head to
toe.. with Neuro-Chemicals like Dopamine
Serotonin..DMT and beyond what is even
labeled by Science now as well as Neuro-
Hormones associated with Adrenalin
and yes there is Oxytocin the Love
Bonding Social Neuro-hormone
as yes Love does NoW
literally heal
us too
in Neuro-Hormone
way along with Healthy
levels of Endorphins
as powerful as
and the
Power of the Mind
too through Willful Meditation
including Active Moving Meditation
to actually bypass the pain associated
ways of the Thalamus actually more effective
than Morphine now as Measured by Science and
yes as Science shows now it’s true a spiraling dance
or even a spiral doodle on a piece of paper increases
the Creativity Connections of the Brain ‘Tween right
and left Hemispheres.. with Cerebellum excitement
too to even change now in enhancing the structure
of the brain in Cognitive Executive Functioning
for laser focus more and greater short term
working memory as moving meditation
regulates emotions and integrates
senses too now for new growth in
Neurons to occur increasing
Astrocyte Waves
that direct
Wave Flow Ocean
thru too as we are like
a Universe within now.. too
as yes overall even at material
reductionist view we are made of
star stuff and the cosmos also known
as God more than Science can currently
Measure with Scientific Method tools as
God God and God some more.. yes we
are the Cosmos also Known as God
unto God self that is and are
us now too as i Dance
and Sing
Down above
so below and
all around this
Digits of Art Page
with Keyboard Fingers inside and
outside all Ten of mine in full flow now
that most Certainly do take advantage
of Technology that turns words into a work
of Painting as Well as Dance and Song too..
as my 10 Fingers God Go as the River Flows
within now more.. yes.. Holy.. Creative Spirit
Flows Vibration and Rhythm and Frequencies
of A ‘SoNG oF My SoU’L CoMinG to Fruition on
a Digital Page of Art.. as VirgiNia Slims says we’ve
come aLong long way Baby and in some ways we are
still the same for on October 13th of 1307 a French King
not unlike Trump and Russia and other associates used a
Faux news to Burn a Bunch of Knight’s of Templar associated
with protecting the Religion Rule of Christianity to the stake as then as
he did not like that side of his Political Rule then.. same as Constantine
and the Nicene Council.. same as changing oral tradition in dusty Roads
where the original Human Jesus was likely crucified there 40 years after his
Death where stories changed from 1 to 12 Gods and as always Discernment now
of those who came after are the ones who wrote the next Truth or Falsehood next
for it is still up to us to determine what we as individuals Discern as Truth and Light..
it’s true in many ways folks do still wear those Red Crosses and the perpetuators against
the disabled and poor and elderly those of different sexual orientations and ethnic groups
who may be true stars of truth and light continue to be burned at the stake slowly by those
with power and status whether that fiery stormy weather comes from the Politicians or those
who support those politicians in ways of Churches that would love to still control politics and
who use
to their
Advantage mixed
with Faux News like the
King of France Did for his
direct massacre upon the
Knights Templar on October
13th of 1307 and that’s where
the origin of the fear of Friday
the Thirteenth at least now in
part more as myth too also
before originated as Faux
news too now for it’s
true too you better
watch the
devil you don’t
know a little better
than the one you think
has got your back now for
it is the devil you don’t know
who will be behind some falls next greater
unless you are very very careful now to discern
truth and light in your life now.. The Internet greater
serves as avenues for both Falsehood and Truth-hoods
in smaller online neighborhood blocks of mutual friends
on Facebook too.. And while most people don’t wanna lose
Friends by calling them out in ‘Snoping’ their Faux news.. now
it’s true it’s not gonna help them in the long run to continue now
to eat up the Spoon Fed Internet Conspiracy Lies that are not unlike
the French King Lies of 1307 or those of the Roman Catholic Church
in 325 AD to expand the Roman Empire either as those who went against
that establishment of Church and State more commonly named as pagans now
then suffered horrible tortuous deaths too by standing up against the propaganda
then to increase empires by law and decrease Human Freedoms for Religious Beliefs
in combining Church and State to control the masses for continuing expansion of empires
feeding the elite then the one percent or so as they still speak today and Five Percent too
for those who feed off the blood and bones of those who are weaker elderly sick child
poor different sexual orientations born with disabilities and different ways of thinking
and feeling and sensing too.. with Nationalism at the core same then as now
in building a Castle
with a mote
Trumps to
control more the
masses from entering
into the Good life that
they buy still more now..
the Poor have a Secret though
in Spirit and the Meek and $Poor too..
who have grown up as Strong Weeds of
Will Root the Grace and Love from a Greater
Naked Childhood of Struggle more for Love away
from the pitfalls of Instant Gratification greater now..
true they are Dandelion Jesus folks at core.. original
Love Human Style that holds hands naked together for
all the village with a soul still exists in pockets here and
there for those who understand that Love is no Fool’s
Gold and Love is the power to heal and strengthen
togetherness more in joy that is naked away
from instant gratifications of money
rich.. yes.. Love is the
Philosopher’s Stone the
Holy Grail and the Ark of the
Covenant that dresses the soul
that lives a Life of Truth and Light
the Soul who feels and senses empathy
sympathy and compassion more the Fountain
of Youth of Love that strengthens the stars of all
Neuro-Electro-Bio-Chemical Connections from head to toe
in Will and Strength the Chi that comes from a real Foundation
of BaLanCinG Grace Harmonious in Love the Being that can and will be us
and to be clear as i stated above.. Friday the 13th came from a Novel a
Century or so ago.. not the actual Burning at the Stake of some single
men who provided Business Loans from a rather Boring Catholic
Church still then.. and it’s also true the story about Gabriel
Blowing a horn came from an old Negro Spiritual Folk
Song more and is not in any Bible now nor
is the Trinity idea originally as
Book established new by the
Nicene Council
in 325 AD along with
Jesus as a Soldier Sun God
then in three parts too above all other
men.. then.. except for Constantine of course
and his Megalithic Trump Tower like Statue then
for glory and praise of that ‘Dear Leader’s Name too..
and yes it’s true Lucifer is not a Devil in an official bible
that came too from another Novel by John Milton.. ‘Paradise
Lost’.. Google is your friend.. now look for the truth and light from
Reputable News Sources that you can trust unless someone too
has provided you Faux news that says the Real News is in Faux
News and it’s just impossible for you to discern the truth as it’s
True Snake Oil Salesmen.. as even the New England Journal
of Medicine proves out is true in scientific research there is
a core group of human beings through their genetic
make-up that make them more susceptible
to Faux news of conspiracy theories more
now still and like gay folks you’ll
find them in most every Country
and General Demographic
(the 15% or so as ‘they
say too core ‘that’
too).. it’s how
‘their’ brain
works both in
innate and environmental
ways.. sadly not everyone will
set themselves free and that is part
of the Cosmos of Dark and Ignorance
in Human Form too.. all we can do who do know
and feel and sense a greater way of life can really do
is accept they know not what they do as some of ‘them’ who
are us too are simply born that way and raised that way too.. more..
all we can cry is we try to help them out but you can’t win all the battles
only the War of Love is worth winning with Words of Understanding the
Differences among human beings for those who are willing to swallow
a Green Pill Lit up Lamp of a Tree of Life that spells both knowledge
and understanding
with and as
a Force
of now that’s
real and a Fountain
of Youth of inner heART
and SpiRit and SoUL for the
grail and philosopher stone and
Ark that Holds the Covenant of Love who is we..
Anyway.. i did Six Bibles in title labels and Three New
Testaments too.. the last one went to number Thirteen
as generally ‘A SaVaNT oF LoVE’ MacroVerse Number
130 of “Nether Land Bible 2017” and MacroVerse 801
of “SonG oF mY SoUL’ still exceeding 5 Million words
as i continue past 8100 Miles of Public Dance in close
to the same 50 Months it took me to write “SonG
oF mY SoUL” too.. as just another Chapter
Whole of another Titled Bible too
Bigger than any Bible or
Long Form Poem
ever before in
Recorded Human
History at least on a Google
Search now too.. in real news now
that needs no records to House as my
Soul is not for sale for either status power
or material gains.. for i understand the Holy
Grail does not come from money nor the real
Philosopher Stone or Covenant of Love with Nature
God as Ark i am in Flesh and Blood and Hands of Love
in Art of SoUL.. and sure feet of feat that do the Same SonG
oF LoVE NoW as Free as Free as Naked Be born Child of God..
as last night was the 181st Dance Week with all the Cool College
Age Folks with smiling selfie faces too for the joy of life now and nothing more..
and this Third New Testament of 13 MacroVerses generally named ‘SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN’ Requires an update of Table of Contents now to keep aT
least some organization and structure of what i free flow do at least for heAR now2..
And after that perhaps some MacroVerse Memories year to date and it’s true i
still don’t have a title for this 131st MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017′
and 802nd MacroVerse still of “SonG oF My SoUL continuing to grow as
“Nether Land Bible 2017” is moving in now past Sweet 16 months into
a 17th Month of 2,076,239 Words as of the 130th MacroVerse to date
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE” too.. as “Facebook Profile Pic 2018” starting
Memorial Day of 2017 now arises to 458,239 words as another
Sub Chapter Bible of.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. Ocean Whole
Long Form Poem.. and Bible too.. anyway.. now that Third
New Testament.. ‘SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN’
Measures out Below in 13 MacroVerses completed in
84 days also known as 12 weeks at 255,823 words
perhaps i’ll add up the Numbers below to make
sure i didn’t screw up aLong the way for yes
i am a proud human too.. proud to make
mistakes and fail too no F in Robot
heAR thank God i am Flesh and
Blood no Different really than
a Jesus too.. and trust me
ruling the UniVerse
is a promotion
you do not want
as just in the Visible Universe
there are a Quadrillion Number of Stars
in Light view now.. oh Lord all the Planets capable
of supporting so-called ‘Intelligent life’ like we have here
on the Planet Earth trust me a little patch of Dirt in the Middle
East or a Metro Area of around 300K Folks is surely enough to
handle for just one man or woman or eTc now as that goes too
oh.. so true.. i didn’t even wanna be Athletic Director of a Military
Station but they gave me no choice but to just do it if i wanted
to stay then.. somehow i know i have to do this now too to just
stay heaR NoW too.. that Covenant thingy of life it’s real baby
but ‘we’ are human we need help even Superman and Batman
put together flying with the greatest of ease naked on a Terrestrial
Earth of
that Spells Love True now.. anyway
even Batman and Superman now have to
go workout at a Gym to build their muscles
even stronger as the real Supermen and
WonDeR WoMeN and BAtmen too.. and
human cLock time says it’s almost
time for that now.. and i’ll add it
up what’s coming aLong down
here next to make sure
i didn’t F up as
Superdancedude cannot afford
for anyone to step on his cApe..
as they say the bigger they are the
harder they fall Lucifers can attest to that
too yes.. a Few BRinGeRs oF Light too.. Tom
Campbell Soup Heroes and Stuff LiGHT thAT too..;)
to Fool’s Gold to Bring a Fountain
of Youth.. Holy Grails that
do the Similar iN
A Kingdom
of Heaven now..
and sure the power of
Belief is very real in Placebo
Effect that is much more than
a Sugar Pill for the Power of Belief
is the essence within the emotional
sensory power that brings light to some
of those Quadrillion or so Bio-Electrical-
Neuro-Chemical Connections from Head to
toe.. with Neuro-Chemicals like Dopamine
Serotonin..DMT and beyond what is even
labeled by Science now as well as Neuro-
Hormones associated with Adrenalin
and yes there is Oxytocin the Love
Bonding Social Neuro-hormone
as yes Love does NoW
literally heal
us too
in Neuro-Hormone
way along with Healthy
levels of Endorphins
as powerful as
and the
Power of the Mind
too through Willful Meditation
including Active Moving Meditation
to actually bypass the pain associated
ways of the Thalamus actually more effective
than Morphine now as Measured by Science and
yes as Science shows now it’s true a spiraling dance
or even a spiral doodle on a piece of paper increases
the Creativity Connections of the Brain ‘Tween right
and left Hemispheres.. with Cerebellum excitement
too to even change now in enhancing the structure
of the brain in Cognitive Executive Functioning
for laser focus more and greater short term
working memory as moving meditation
regulates emotions and integrates
senses too now for new growth in
Neurons to occur increasing
Astrocyte Waves
that direct
Wave Flow Ocean
thru too as we are like
a Universe within now.. too
as yes overall even at material
reductionist view we are made of
star stuff and the cosmos also known
as God more than Science can currently
Measure with Scientific Method tools as
God God and God some more.. yes we
are the Cosmos also Known as God
unto God self that is and are
us now too as i Dance
and Sing
Down above
so below and
all around this
Digits of Art Page
with Keyboard Fingers inside and
outside all Ten of mine in full flow now
that most Certainly do take advantage
of Technology that turns words into a work
of Painting as Well as Dance and Song too..
as my 10 Fingers God Go as the River Flows
within now more.. yes.. Holy.. Creative Spirit
Flows Vibration and Rhythm and Frequencies
of A ‘SoNG oF My SoU’L CoMinG to Fruition on
a Digital Page of Art.. as VirgiNia Slims says we’ve
come aLong long way Baby and in some ways we are
still the same for on October 13th of 1307 a French King
not unlike Trump and Russia and other associates used a
Faux news to Burn a Bunch of Knight’s of Templar associated
with protecting the Religion Rule of Christianity to the stake as then as
he did not like that side of his Political Rule then.. same as Constantine
and the Nicene Council.. same as changing oral tradition in dusty Roads
where the original Human Jesus was likely crucified there 40 years after his
Death where stories changed from 1 to 12 Gods and as always Discernment now
of those who came after are the ones who wrote the next Truth or Falsehood next
for it is still up to us to determine what we as individuals Discern as Truth and Light..
it’s true in many ways folks do still wear those Red Crosses and the perpetuators against
the disabled and poor and elderly those of different sexual orientations and ethnic groups
who may be true stars of truth and light continue to be burned at the stake slowly by those
with power and status whether that fiery stormy weather comes from the Politicians or those
who support those politicians in ways of Churches that would love to still control politics and
who use
to their
Advantage mixed
with Faux News like the
King of France Did for his
direct massacre upon the
Knights Templar on October
13th of 1307 and that’s where
the origin of the fear of Friday
the Thirteenth at least now in
part more as myth too also
before originated as Faux
news too now for it’s
true too you better
watch the
devil you don’t
know a little better
than the one you think
has got your back now for
it is the devil you don’t know
who will be behind some falls next greater
unless you are very very careful now to discern
truth and light in your life now.. The Internet greater
serves as avenues for both Falsehood and Truth-hoods
in smaller online neighborhood blocks of mutual friends
on Facebook too.. And while most people don’t wanna lose
Friends by calling them out in ‘Snoping’ their Faux news.. now
it’s true it’s not gonna help them in the long run to continue now
to eat up the Spoon Fed Internet Conspiracy Lies that are not unlike
the French King Lies of 1307 or those of the Roman Catholic Church
in 325 AD to expand the Roman Empire either as those who went against
that establishment of Church and State more commonly named as pagans now
then suffered horrible tortuous deaths too by standing up against the propaganda
then to increase empires by law and decrease Human Freedoms for Religious Beliefs
in combining Church and State to control the masses for continuing expansion of empires
feeding the elite then the one percent or so as they still speak today and Five Percent too
for those who feed off the blood and bones of those who are weaker elderly sick child
poor different sexual orientations born with disabilities and different ways of thinking
and feeling and sensing too.. with Nationalism at the core same then as now
in building a Castle
with a mote
Trumps to
control more the
masses from entering
into the Good life that
they buy still more now..
the Poor have a Secret though
in Spirit and the Meek and $Poor too..
who have grown up as Strong Weeds of
Will Root the Grace and Love from a Greater
Naked Childhood of Struggle more for Love away
from the pitfalls of Instant Gratification greater now..
true they are Dandelion Jesus folks at core.. original
Love Human Style that holds hands naked together for
all the village with a soul still exists in pockets here and
there for those who understand that Love is no Fool’s
Gold and Love is the power to heal and strengthen
togetherness more in joy that is naked away
from instant gratifications of money
rich.. yes.. Love is the
Philosopher’s Stone the
Holy Grail and the Ark of the
Covenant that dresses the soul
that lives a Life of Truth and Light
the Soul who feels and senses empathy
sympathy and compassion more the Fountain
of Youth of Love that strengthens the stars of all
Neuro-Electro-Bio-Chemical Connections from head to toe
in Will and Strength the Chi that comes from a real Foundation
of BaLanCinG Grace Harmonious in Love the Being that can and will be us
and to be clear as i stated above.. Friday the 13th came from a Novel a
Century or so ago.. not the actual Burning at the Stake of some single
men who provided Business Loans from a rather Boring Catholic
Church still then.. and it’s also true the story about Gabriel
Blowing a horn came from an old Negro Spiritual Folk
Song more and is not in any Bible now nor
is the Trinity idea originally as
Book established new by the
Nicene Council
in 325 AD along with
Jesus as a Soldier Sun God
then in three parts too above all other
men.. then.. except for Constantine of course
and his Megalithic Trump Tower like Statue then
for glory and praise of that ‘Dear Leader’s Name too..
and yes it’s true Lucifer is not a Devil in an official bible
that came too from another Novel by John Milton.. ‘Paradise
Lost’.. Google is your friend.. now look for the truth and light from
Reputable News Sources that you can trust unless someone too
has provided you Faux news that says the Real News is in Faux
News and it’s just impossible for you to discern the truth as it’s
True Snake Oil Salesmen.. as even the New England Journal
of Medicine proves out is true in scientific research there is
a core group of human beings through their genetic
make-up that make them more susceptible
to Faux news of conspiracy theories more
now still and like gay folks you’ll
find them in most every Country
and General Demographic
(the 15% or so as ‘they
say too core ‘that’
too).. it’s how
‘their’ brain
works both in
innate and environmental
ways.. sadly not everyone will
set themselves free and that is part
of the Cosmos of Dark and Ignorance
in Human Form too.. all we can do who do know
and feel and sense a greater way of life can really do
is accept they know not what they do as some of ‘them’ who
are us too are simply born that way and raised that way too.. more..
all we can cry is we try to help them out but you can’t win all the battles
only the War of Love is worth winning with Words of Understanding the
Differences among human beings for those who are willing to swallow
a Green Pill Lit up Lamp of a Tree of Life that spells both knowledge
and understanding
with and as
a Force
of now that’s
real and a Fountain
of Youth of inner heART
and SpiRit and SoUL for the
grail and philosopher stone and
Ark that Holds the Covenant of Love who is we..
Anyway.. i did Six Bibles in title labels and Three New
Testaments too.. the last one went to number Thirteen
as generally ‘A SaVaNT oF LoVE’ MacroVerse Number
130 of “Nether Land Bible 2017” and MacroVerse 801
of “SonG oF mY SoUL’ still exceeding 5 Million words
as i continue past 8100 Miles of Public Dance in close
to the same 50 Months it took me to write “SonG
oF mY SoUL” too.. as just another Chapter
Whole of another Titled Bible too
Bigger than any Bible or
Long Form Poem
ever before in
Recorded Human
History at least on a Google
Search now too.. in real news now
that needs no records to House as my
Soul is not for sale for either status power
or material gains.. for i understand the Holy
Grail does not come from money nor the real
Philosopher Stone or Covenant of Love with Nature
God as Ark i am in Flesh and Blood and Hands of Love
in Art of SoUL.. and sure feet of feat that do the Same SonG
oF LoVE NoW as Free as Free as Naked Be born Child of God..
as last night was the 181st Dance Week with all the Cool College
Age Folks with smiling selfie faces too for the joy of life now and nothing more..
and this Third New Testament of 13 MacroVerses generally named ‘SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN’ Requires an update of Table of Contents now to keep aT
least some organization and structure of what i free flow do at least for heAR now2..
And after that perhaps some MacroVerse Memories year to date and it’s true i
still don’t have a title for this 131st MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017′
and 802nd MacroVerse still of “SonG oF My SoUL continuing to grow as
“Nether Land Bible 2017” is moving in now past Sweet 16 months into
a 17th Month of 2,076,239 Words as of the 130th MacroVerse to date
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE” too.. as “Facebook Profile Pic 2018” starting
Memorial Day of 2017 now arises to 458,239 words as another
Sub Chapter Bible of.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. Ocean Whole
Long Form Poem.. and Bible too.. anyway.. now that Third
New Testament.. ‘SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN’
Measures out Below in 13 MacroVerses completed in
84 days also known as 12 weeks at 255,823 words
perhaps i’ll add up the Numbers below to make
sure i didn’t screw up aLong the way for yes
i am a proud human too.. proud to make
mistakes and fail too no F in Robot
heAR thank God i am Flesh and
Blood no Different really than
a Jesus too.. and trust me
ruling the UniVerse
is a promotion
you do not want
as just in the Visible Universe
there are a Quadrillion Number of Stars
in Light view now.. oh Lord all the Planets capable
of supporting so-called ‘Intelligent life’ like we have here
on the Planet Earth trust me a little patch of Dirt in the Middle
East or a Metro Area of around 300K Folks is surely enough to
handle for just one man or woman or eTc now as that goes too
oh.. so true.. i didn’t even wanna be Athletic Director of a Military
Station but they gave me no choice but to just do it if i wanted
to stay then.. somehow i know i have to do this now too to just
stay heaR NoW too.. that Covenant thingy of life it’s real baby
but ‘we’ are human we need help even Superman and Batman
put together flying with the greatest of ease naked on a Terrestrial
Earth of
that Spells Love True now.. anyway
even Batman and Superman now have to
go workout at a Gym to build their muscles
even stronger as the real Supermen and
WonDeR WoMeN and BAtmen too.. and
human cLock time says it’s almost
time for that now.. and i’ll add it
up what’s coming aLong down
here next to make sure
i didn’t F up as
Superdancedude cannot afford
for anyone to step on his cApe..
as they say the bigger they are the
harder they fall Lucifers can attest to that
too yes.. a Few BRinGeRs oF Light too.. Tom
Campbell Soup Heroes and Stuff LiGHT thAT too..;)
6th Bible Memorial 19,777 Words
WiLL i WAiT 11,906 Words
1HuRRiCaNESoUL96 9,108 Words
SeCrETS NoW iN BRoaD BAnDSiGHT 10,188 Words
EVeRY PRoPHeCY TaLeS A THoUSAnD PiCtUrES 19,750 Words
SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old 20,369 Words
SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017 20,631 Words
BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017 22,553 Words
LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017 19,626 Words
8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 19,966 Words
SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN 30,766 Words
THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN 26,460 Words
A SaVanT oF LoVE 24,093 Words
Grand Total Words Corrected at 255,193 Words for Third New
Testament Generally now named as “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”..
And Yes All Other Accounting Numbers Hash-Out Fine Like A Potato Pie STiLL GroWinG2..;)
Testament Generally now named as “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”..
And Yes All Other Accounting Numbers Hash-Out Fine Like A Potato Pie STiLL GroWinG2..;)
“PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE”.. yes that’s what i’m ‘trying’ to Dance
And Sing iN faCT moreover ArT for smART what i am DanCinG
and SinGinG is LiVinG in Act
of Zero iLLuSoRy Fears
in the Pure Positive
Energy Force
That really means
letting go and burying
all iLLuSoRY FeaRS and
yes it is much more work than
just words for our Emotions
and Senses move all
around our Body
from head
to toe.. yes
class.. A Quadrillion
or So Connections all
lit up or darked out with
Positive or Negative
Reactions as such
and you know when they
suggest you must have the
‘stones’ to get the job done
in other words balls of courage
as they say as a metaphor of course
as Some WoMeN have the biggest stones
of Fearless oF aLL plenty of examples of that
with Grizzly Bear Mama’s and such as that..
no you don’t tangle with Bear Cubs
unless you wanna meet the
claws and jaws and
teeth of fury of
the mama
bear testicles
or now the longer generator
of Chi Juice the Qi the Ki and
so forth and so on in every Animal
Potential without iLLusory Fears now..
Yes.. there is much more to a Philosophy
than Words alone there is innate instinct and
intuition where Yellow Boy NoW a once Feral Boy
Cat in the Back Woods place Behind our house Forest Cat
led every moment of life in either rest or acute awareness
in the now of his Environment where Play of Hunt Means Death
or Life and now at close to age 10 still accommodating Feline Leukemia
since a very young age when Sun rises he still plays with all the potential
prey toys in his environment here in our sunshiny living room still agile and
quick still out for a hunt and foRage of life.. meanwhile our other domesticated
Cat Moby at this age was close to his Death in the demise of Diabetes for we had
inherited this Domesticated Cat from an all you can eat paradise of his owners then
who just said Moby without his claws is a big boy.. so he can handle the wild outside
after all our New Baby is allergic to him you can now have our Fuzzy Baby as adopted
Parents for there was that day i walked around the block and saw his grey face peering
at me behind his household blinds and in his sweater on a leash in his front yard before
he got kicked out for the human bundle of joy who came next.. cat on his own then defenseless
without claws full of anxiety a little bit crazy yes from his struggle with the wild cats outside
in our
home but
no motivation
to hunt or play
just lay around and
wait for the next meal
sleep repeat until you cannot
jump up on the counter top or the
table or even lift yourself up to
defecate in the litter box either
and yes this happens to humans
too.. for those humans who do not
understand they are animals of Nature
too.. the Karma is rather simple still move or die
move or die.. the Lesson of Billions of years really
before even organic life came on the Cosmic record
heaR on Earth for the planets too that orbit the Suns
and the Suns as Stars that orbit the Dark wHoLe Center
of Balance for their Fiery Life in Gaseous Chemical Energy
that eventually one day becomes us as Star Death Resurrection
from Fiery Crucible Core End and Rebirth as us thing is sit still and
stagnate move and feel more all the more potential emotions and senses
of life bloom as a floWer pLay as LiFE.. nah.. this power ain’t no Rabbit’s
Foot of Grail or Chalice or Philosopher Stone or Arc of the Covenant now
as Housed Vessel and Vehicle alone of Truth and Light NoW for the TRutH
And LiGHT is Force Energy and Synergy of Bio-Neuro-Electrical-Chemical
Connection Reactions from Head to Toe Moving Connecting Creating Art even more
of Life.. Do i need to spell it out.. yes.. art play play art art play play art live
life don’t stagnate don’t clothe Free Be Naked one with Nature God sAMe
DiffeRent innate instinct intuition comes aLiVe even more adapting
to Challenge and Struggle so much Greater LiGht PoTenTiaL
in Truth of Epigenetic unpacking of Genetic Material
including DNA.. change from head to toe more in
Positive Neuroplasticity Potential as
real naked Supermen and
SuperWoMeN come now
to FruiTioN.. and
sAdly meanwhile
folks are chasing
Trump Towers externally
and missing the whole of God
Nature within inside outside above
so below and all around now.. So in
Shorts NoW DancESinG Move Connect
Create Art Play Be ALiVe MoRE NoW..;)
And Sing iN faCT moreover ArT for smART what i am DanCinG
and SinGinG is LiVinG in Act
of Zero iLLuSoRy Fears
in the Pure Positive
Energy Force
That really means
letting go and burying
all iLLuSoRY FeaRS and
yes it is much more work than
just words for our Emotions
and Senses move all
around our Body
from head
to toe.. yes
class.. A Quadrillion
or So Connections all
lit up or darked out with
Positive or Negative
Reactions as such
and you know when they
suggest you must have the
‘stones’ to get the job done
in other words balls of courage
as they say as a metaphor of course
as Some WoMeN have the biggest stones
of Fearless oF aLL plenty of examples of that
with Grizzly Bear Mama’s and such as that..
no you don’t tangle with Bear Cubs
unless you wanna meet the
claws and jaws and
teeth of fury of
the mama
bear testicles
or now the longer generator
of Chi Juice the Qi the Ki and
so forth and so on in every Animal
Potential without iLLusory Fears now..
Yes.. there is much more to a Philosophy
than Words alone there is innate instinct and
intuition where Yellow Boy NoW a once Feral Boy
Cat in the Back Woods place Behind our house Forest Cat
led every moment of life in either rest or acute awareness
in the now of his Environment where Play of Hunt Means Death
or Life and now at close to age 10 still accommodating Feline Leukemia
since a very young age when Sun rises he still plays with all the potential
prey toys in his environment here in our sunshiny living room still agile and
quick still out for a hunt and foRage of life.. meanwhile our other domesticated
Cat Moby at this age was close to his Death in the demise of Diabetes for we had
inherited this Domesticated Cat from an all you can eat paradise of his owners then
who just said Moby without his claws is a big boy.. so he can handle the wild outside
after all our New Baby is allergic to him you can now have our Fuzzy Baby as adopted
Parents for there was that day i walked around the block and saw his grey face peering
at me behind his household blinds and in his sweater on a leash in his front yard before
he got kicked out for the human bundle of joy who came next.. cat on his own then defenseless
without claws full of anxiety a little bit crazy yes from his struggle with the wild cats outside
in our
home but
no motivation
to hunt or play
just lay around and
wait for the next meal
sleep repeat until you cannot
jump up on the counter top or the
table or even lift yourself up to
defecate in the litter box either
and yes this happens to humans
too.. for those humans who do not
understand they are animals of Nature
too.. the Karma is rather simple still move or die
move or die.. the Lesson of Billions of years really
before even organic life came on the Cosmic record
heaR on Earth for the planets too that orbit the Suns
and the Suns as Stars that orbit the Dark wHoLe Center
of Balance for their Fiery Life in Gaseous Chemical Energy
that eventually one day becomes us as Star Death Resurrection
from Fiery Crucible Core End and Rebirth as us thing is sit still and
stagnate move and feel more all the more potential emotions and senses
of life bloom as a floWer pLay as LiFE.. nah.. this power ain’t no Rabbit’s
Foot of Grail or Chalice or Philosopher Stone or Arc of the Covenant now
as Housed Vessel and Vehicle alone of Truth and Light NoW for the TRutH
And LiGHT is Force Energy and Synergy of Bio-Neuro-Electrical-Chemical
Connection Reactions from Head to Toe Moving Connecting Creating Art even more
of Life.. Do i need to spell it out.. yes.. art play play art art play play art live
life don’t stagnate don’t clothe Free Be Naked one with Nature God sAMe
DiffeRent innate instinct intuition comes aLiVe even more adapting
to Challenge and Struggle so much Greater LiGht PoTenTiaL
in Truth of Epigenetic unpacking of Genetic Material
including DNA.. change from head to toe more in
Positive Neuroplasticity Potential as
real naked Supermen and
SuperWoMeN come now
to FruiTioN.. and
sAdly meanwhile
folks are chasing
Trump Towers externally
and missing the whole of God
Nature within inside outside above
so below and all around now.. So in
Shorts NoW DancESinG Move Connect
Create Art Play Be ALiVe MoRE NoW..;)
Works for me and Yellow Boy at lEast..
We are Having a Very Difficult tiMe BrinGinG
tHis mesSage NoW to the Rest of the World but
Even if i Die NoW Yellow Boy WiLL not GiVE uP.
We are Having a Very Difficult tiMe BrinGinG
tHis mesSage NoW to the Rest of the World but
Even if i Die NoW Yellow Boy WiLL not GiVE uP.
It’s True Yellow Boy Singularly has taught me more
About Living Free and Wild with Love Being Happy.
About Living Free and Wild with Love Being Happy.
So fortunate i am to entice him out of the woods with
some tender vittles for my Savior then is a 7 LB Wild Cat.
some tender vittles for my Savior then is a 7 LB Wild Cat.
The World has been waiting for a Wild Jesus for a long time
to save them from the lies of domestication now. Some folks
Call this Jesus a Lion. i call this Jesus a Yellow Boy for the
Greatest Lessons come from the Original God of all of LoVE
Nature Wild and Free Moving Connecting Creating aLLNoW.;)
to save them from the lies of domestication now. Some folks
Call this Jesus a Lion. i call this Jesus a Yellow Boy for the
Greatest Lessons come from the Original God of all of LoVE
Nature Wild and Free Moving Connecting Creating aLLNoW.;)
It’s like this.. remember that Show Bewitched where there was
Darren then who had a wife who seemed to never age.. MaGiC they
called that then MaGiC that is now.. as Darren Worked from home
and outside of the home working up advertising ideas for his Big T Boss
then.. yes he did it for money.. he was not yet re-Tired and Free Lance
as i am now.. Being an Advertising Agent and a Cheer Leader a Lawyer
and a Judge and a Jury for God Nature doesn’t make any Green
BLack Dollar Print BiLLs or any Lincoln Cents Sent but THE
REWARD oh my God it’s Heaven now it’s the Essence Now
over Form it’s the “PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE”
Come aLiVE as BleSSinGs BLiSS all within
inside outside above so below
and all around.. Dance
and Sing Heaven
Now Move
Connecte Create
Art Play Be ALiVEMoRE NoW..
i live in a World where things and
Money are Verses God me and Yellow boy Live
in a World where Fur and Flesh and Body
and HeaRT and SPiRiT and SoUL rule
over all as Love.. i am cursed with
reason.. a neocortical millstone
so hard to let go of.. i still
exercise that reason
but to be honest
that reason
is the
real illusion
for it is the fur and
blood and bones and
HeART and SpRiT and
SoUL within that is the God
We FeeL and SeNSE BeSt NoW
for WiLd and Free DanCE SinG God..
And yes.. if the rest of this isn’t MaGiC
how else can you explain the rest of this NoW..
Mr. Hawkins.. Mr. Deceased Hitchens.. Mr. Sam Harris
and the rest.. i am Harry Potter too and Darren too how about you..
what God are
are you
MaGiC or are
you just the parts
of the Ocean WhOle alone.
Darren then who had a wife who seemed to never age.. MaGiC they
called that then MaGiC that is now.. as Darren Worked from home
and outside of the home working up advertising ideas for his Big T Boss
then.. yes he did it for money.. he was not yet re-Tired and Free Lance
as i am now.. Being an Advertising Agent and a Cheer Leader a Lawyer
and a Judge and a Jury for God Nature doesn’t make any Green
BLack Dollar Print BiLLs or any Lincoln Cents Sent but THE
REWARD oh my God it’s Heaven now it’s the Essence Now
over Form it’s the “PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE”
Come aLiVE as BleSSinGs BLiSS all within
inside outside above so below
and all around.. Dance
and Sing Heaven
Now Move
Connecte Create
Art Play Be ALiVEMoRE NoW..
i live in a World where things and
Money are Verses God me and Yellow boy Live
in a World where Fur and Flesh and Body
and HeaRT and SPiRiT and SoUL rule
over all as Love.. i am cursed with
reason.. a neocortical millstone
so hard to let go of.. i still
exercise that reason
but to be honest
that reason
is the
real illusion
for it is the fur and
blood and bones and
HeART and SpRiT and
SoUL within that is the God
We FeeL and SeNSE BeSt NoW
for WiLd and Free DanCE SinG God..
And yes.. if the rest of this isn’t MaGiC
how else can you explain the rest of this NoW..
Mr. Hawkins.. Mr. Deceased Hitchens.. Mr. Sam Harris
and the rest.. i am Harry Potter too and Darren too how about you..
what God are
are you
MaGiC or are
you just the parts
of the Ocean WhOle alone.
SMiLes.. my friEnd.. sTiLL yes now
A friEnd Candice for a rather extended
ride as online goes.. thefeatheredsleep..
for those of us who go to Hell on Earth we
find a common ill and treasure the fact
that at our lowest point for whatever
ill it is we are just
alone allone
in DaRk
or LiGht
as other
meanings and purposes
come and do go in life.. still
‘they’ say that ‘God’ does not
put more on your plate at one
time of now but perHaps they
forget the Story of ‘Job’ for
it is true the totally
innocent go to and
Stay too in Hell
on Earth now too..
for anyone who sees
further than their polished
Up Shoes and Towers and
stuff like that.. best thing of all now
all as i lost my smell since around
Spring now and the Solar Eclipse as
what i was hoping was is a Happy Eclipse
And Fortune Cookie for World Love as my Desire
then brought not only Hurricanes but Earth Quakes
Once a Thousand Year Floods of Deluge more too..
and a Doomsday Sweet Sick Smell lingering on.. now
and Wild Fires and even A Psychopathic leaning dude
too with automated gun fixes to kill more and nah
not just one of this or that more than one
Earth Quake.. 10 Hurricanes in a row
as Record too latest one even in
Ophelia Route with 80 Mph
Winds to Ireland too..
yes.. as reliably
predicted by
as ‘they
say too
Ophelia is
was the Lover
of Hamlet who
went insane as
a result then of his
irrational behavior
and in Greek the
Name means ‘Help’..
yes.. additionally now
wild fires that continue
to burn/kill.. O’yes.. Ms.
Swift now is correct and
add in the ingredients of
Climate Change and not only
do we have bad blood we have
look what you made Nature do true..
as more of the Climate Change Predictions
continue to come true in the dark spice now that
adds ingredients to more death and destruction now..
but of course what matters when one is sick to death is
mostly surviving if they can and will and nothing else.. what
is in Hell is nothing nothing at all where even pain is welcome
and nothing nothing at all can be found in feel or sense.. and even
if you have a friend.. a wife who loves you there is an opaque window
that feels and senses nothing at all if you are lucky too enough to feel
pain at all.. no.. i cannot imagine your pain but as they say my friend still
in the Beatle’s Song ‘will you still love me at 64’.. i will love you at 64 even if you
are as sick(er) as you are now.. thing is for i must be strong enough as i do kNoW FeeL SenSE
that it is just as important to Love those who have nothing left to give back at all.. at all.. nothing….@ALL
Love iS EvenTuAlly thaT iS THE Savior that says we are Human after all.. other than that hope you feel better..:)
A friEnd Candice for a rather extended
ride as online goes.. thefeatheredsleep..
for those of us who go to Hell on Earth we
find a common ill and treasure the fact
that at our lowest point for whatever
ill it is we are just
alone allone
in DaRk
or LiGht
as other
meanings and purposes
come and do go in life.. still
‘they’ say that ‘God’ does not
put more on your plate at one
time of now but perHaps they
forget the Story of ‘Job’ for
it is true the totally
innocent go to and
Stay too in Hell
on Earth now too..
for anyone who sees
further than their polished
Up Shoes and Towers and
stuff like that.. best thing of all now
all as i lost my smell since around
Spring now and the Solar Eclipse as
what i was hoping was is a Happy Eclipse
And Fortune Cookie for World Love as my Desire
then brought not only Hurricanes but Earth Quakes
Once a Thousand Year Floods of Deluge more too..
and a Doomsday Sweet Sick Smell lingering on.. now
and Wild Fires and even A Psychopathic leaning dude
too with automated gun fixes to kill more and nah
not just one of this or that more than one
Earth Quake.. 10 Hurricanes in a row
as Record too latest one even in
Ophelia Route with 80 Mph
Winds to Ireland too..
yes.. as reliably
predicted by
as ‘they
say too
Ophelia is
was the Lover
of Hamlet who
went insane as
a result then of his
irrational behavior
and in Greek the
Name means ‘Help’..
yes.. additionally now
wild fires that continue
to burn/kill.. O’yes.. Ms.
Swift now is correct and
add in the ingredients of
Climate Change and not only
do we have bad blood we have
look what you made Nature do true..
as more of the Climate Change Predictions
continue to come true in the dark spice now that
adds ingredients to more death and destruction now..
but of course what matters when one is sick to death is
mostly surviving if they can and will and nothing else.. what
is in Hell is nothing nothing at all where even pain is welcome
and nothing nothing at all can be found in feel or sense.. and even
if you have a friend.. a wife who loves you there is an opaque window
that feels and senses nothing at all if you are lucky too enough to feel
pain at all.. no.. i cannot imagine your pain but as they say my friend still
in the Beatle’s Song ‘will you still love me at 64’.. i will love you at 64 even if you
are as sick(er) as you are now.. thing is for i must be strong enough as i do kNoW FeeL SenSE
that it is just as important to Love those who have nothing left to give back at all.. at all.. nothing….@ALL
Love iS EvenTuAlly thaT iS THE Savior that says we are Human after all.. other than that hope you feel better..:)
Hi.. Leah.. as always Friendship is giving to me with
no requirements or expectations other than to give
when Friendship comes around again.. for me every
Human Connection adds to the Colors of my Soul
so.. i welcome them all and particularly
you my friend when you do come
back to see me.. through all
your trials and tribulations
of your life and this
new Challenge
i’m sure
is close
to the top of
Challenges in life..
You are a Good person
born that way and easy to
see from my first interaction
with you on the Wrong Planet i guess
about early 2011 or so over six years now
and my oldest connection as a friend online too
as after spending years on the Wrong Planet Website
i found no lasting connections there with anyone then
but on the other hand it was so hard for me to connect
to anything all other than escape the pain and numb.. i have
a few connections now online that are comfortable and kind..
in the real world of dance a few that come back now and then..
and perhaps even fewer who i can comfortably be all of who i am
without concern of offending anyone with parts of me that are so far
out of the norm of society niceties.. i always find a calm comfort with your
Friendship.. Leah.. and will always welcome you in my life no matter how much
time you need to yourself or other places.. i am very fortunate these days to be filled
up inside and totally comfortable in my own skin and Lord Knows Katrina surely helps
me to sort of be
a kind of modern
Peter Pan
now and
a Vincent
VanGogh Batman
too as that was the
shirt i wore to Dance
around the Public this
Afternoon.. i live in a place
within that i had no idea was
even possible in my earlier life
and that my friend continues to
get better as i have figured this shit
out.. for myself at least with hopes
of helping someone else to come
to this place of no illusory fears
and comfortable bliss whose
only cost is Free Play
of Dance and
Song more
true i
would love
to take everyone
on my Dance and Song
if i could but meanwhile i
do my best to show folks now
my feel and sense and know of life
to the best of my abiLiTY as that ability
too continues to grow.. Souls Evolving toils
and troubles dark nights of the soul abyss beyond
Darkest SpiRiT and HeART lone gone come back again..
Anyway.. as ‘they’ say.. ain’t no Mountain High enough
and i’ll be here..
Thing about Batman
is although he can’t fly
up high in the air he’s real
at least in Vincent Van Gogh
way with art my only weapon
and the Dance and Song that is liGHT..
With Love to you as i did you have you on
my mind yesterday and almost sent you
the Email first not the first time that’s
happened like this for in Love and
Friends there is no distance space
or time and that my friend Leah.
IS A Real
to be
real no comic
books.. yes now..
the MaGiC of LoVE..
that comes with Friends..
A Tree oF LiFE UniVerse Ocean wHOLe Root..:)
no requirements or expectations other than to give
when Friendship comes around again.. for me every
Human Connection adds to the Colors of my Soul
so.. i welcome them all and particularly
you my friend when you do come
back to see me.. through all
your trials and tribulations
of your life and this
new Challenge
i’m sure
is close
to the top of
Challenges in life..
You are a Good person
born that way and easy to
see from my first interaction
with you on the Wrong Planet i guess
about early 2011 or so over six years now
and my oldest connection as a friend online too
as after spending years on the Wrong Planet Website
i found no lasting connections there with anyone then
but on the other hand it was so hard for me to connect
to anything all other than escape the pain and numb.. i have
a few connections now online that are comfortable and kind..
in the real world of dance a few that come back now and then..
and perhaps even fewer who i can comfortably be all of who i am
without concern of offending anyone with parts of me that are so far
out of the norm of society niceties.. i always find a calm comfort with your
Friendship.. Leah.. and will always welcome you in my life no matter how much
time you need to yourself or other places.. i am very fortunate these days to be filled
up inside and totally comfortable in my own skin and Lord Knows Katrina surely helps
me to sort of be
a kind of modern
Peter Pan
now and
a Vincent
VanGogh Batman
too as that was the
shirt i wore to Dance
around the Public this
Afternoon.. i live in a place
within that i had no idea was
even possible in my earlier life
and that my friend continues to
get better as i have figured this shit
out.. for myself at least with hopes
of helping someone else to come
to this place of no illusory fears
and comfortable bliss whose
only cost is Free Play
of Dance and
Song more
true i
would love
to take everyone
on my Dance and Song
if i could but meanwhile i
do my best to show folks now
my feel and sense and know of life
to the best of my abiLiTY as that ability
too continues to grow.. Souls Evolving toils
and troubles dark nights of the soul abyss beyond
Darkest SpiRiT and HeART lone gone come back again..
Anyway.. as ‘they’ say.. ain’t no Mountain High enough
and i’ll be here..
Thing about Batman
is although he can’t fly
up high in the air he’s real
at least in Vincent Van Gogh
way with art my only weapon
and the Dance and Song that is liGHT..
With Love to you as i did you have you on
my mind yesterday and almost sent you
the Email first not the first time that’s
happened like this for in Love and
Friends there is no distance space
or time and that my friend Leah.
IS A Real
to be
real no comic
books.. yes now..
the MaGiC of LoVE..
that comes with Friends..
A Tree oF LiFE UniVerse Ocean wHOLe Root..:)
Dancing and Singing To/From A Choir
iN A Galaxy of Free Love Far Far Away…
So What’s the use in all of this..
Some of us Appear to be more
Attracted to Truth.
AS HiStory Shows Most Effective
Reasons For War Last Prophets
And Only God Men
Hehe.. Fastest Way to Lose Facebook
Friends iN ‘Deep’ South is Proving
Human Jesus
Happy God Within BaLaNCinG
ForcE oF LoVEPeaCE
Happy Nature
Sadly Now Still..
Politics and Religious
Politics Is Used to Deny God..
Making Tools.
A Best Way to Deny the Nature
Of God is to Deny NaturE..DuH.
iN A Galaxy of Free Love Far Far Away…
So What’s the use in all of this..
Some of us Appear to be more
Attracted to Truth.
AS HiStory Shows Most Effective
Reasons For War Last Prophets
And Only God Men
Hehe.. Fastest Way to Lose Facebook
Friends iN ‘Deep’ South is Proving
Human Jesus
Happy God Within BaLaNCinG
ForcE oF LoVEPeaCE
Happy Nature
Sadly Now Still..
Politics and Religious
Politics Is Used to Deny God..
Making Tools.
A Best Way to Deny the Nature
Of God is to Deny NaturE..DuH.
Well.. Actually there is no escape from Nature.. nah.. nah.. nah.. no..
as Nature is all of this too.. Yes.. Classically Evolved Genetics and DNA..
Epigenetics Expression of Different Traits Changing across the Lifespan
of each and every Organism Still now too as yes Evolving Differently
According to Environmental Challenges too in Both Positive and
Negative ways with both Positive and Negative Consequences
too and NeuroPlasticity as we change the Wiring of our Body
from Head to toe as with our Will in Relative Free Will we
Have the Potential to Regulate and Enhance our Good
Feeling Emotions and do the same in Integrating
our Senses through a Dance and Sing of Life
in Moving Connecting and Creating that
works individually tailored for us as
we seek and find the answers
that work in individual
ways just for us and as we can easily observe Fibonacci
Spirals in 1.618 Golden Mean Ratio Number Sequence as
the Patterns and Finger Prints of God Nature Same seen
all throughout Nature NoW from Galaxies to Sub Atomic
Quantum Flow so why is it that we make Sidewalks
and make Treadmills and Make Bicycles that
Generally Move us and Connect us and
Create us in linear ways outside Spiral
Fashion of Life Still now
too in Roads of Life
that seem to
carry us
in one
restricted life..
weLL.. it’s simple and
rather generalized to say
that we are more afraid of death
and even more afraid of living life
Free as the rest of God does as we
are the ones who defy God as Nature
most on this Planet now as Nature Roars
back much stronger against our pitiful ignorance
now as reasons of tradition that do bind us together
become the double edge sword of misery loves company
even more now too.. but like i said.. Singing to a Galaxy of
Free Love Far Far Away.. Guardians of the Galaxy.. Justice
League.. Batman Real and Wonder WoMaN and Supermen
and other Super Folks who are just Super Normal in Love
ways that have nothing to do with anything Super Natural
other than the Power and Force of Love that does
almost seem Super Natural as this Country
Continues to rot away from empathy
and sympathy and compassion
that are truly what make
any social animal
So.. How Great is a Country
now without Love.. yes.. just ignorant
of the Truth and LiGht that is the most
Important Winner of Survive and Particularly
thrive but of course whoever has the greatest
Will with Love is still the Ultimate Winner now
take away the Love.. bottom lines you get Trump(S)
Choose your Supermen and Superwomen and other
Super Folks Wisely with Love otherwise you get Trump(S)..
and to be clear as far as Nature is concerned and God too in
this way Trump(s) may be just the Medicine Nature is GroWinG
NoW to rid the Earth once and for all of this out of control Cancer
that is the Tools Humans have made in all ways that take Nature
and God same and different out of balance now.. 300 Million
years after a Global Nuclear War is nothing much in the
overall eYes of God to erase every remnant off this
Earth that the Human Race Ever existed at
all and yes there will still be hugs
of furry warm and fuzzy
comfort.. just
that hide
the evil
Truth of all
Human Cultural
Clothes that Deface
the God of Nature now as
Deadly Cancer upon the Earth..
anyway.. there is still time to turn the
Titanic around for Love is still the ForcE NoW
that Works when real but it’s gonna take a whole
lot of education and eyes and ears willing to listen..
anyway… a start is to understand the importance of
BioDiversity including the Diverse eyes that exist
around us that some folks would take away for
the eyes of ignorance that and who
refuse to see and hear the
Truth and Light of
God’s Nature
where the
Highest Force
oF God Nature
iN Human is all about Love..:)
as Nature is all of this too.. Yes.. Classically Evolved Genetics and DNA..
Epigenetics Expression of Different Traits Changing across the Lifespan
of each and every Organism Still now too as yes Evolving Differently
According to Environmental Challenges too in Both Positive and
Negative ways with both Positive and Negative Consequences
too and NeuroPlasticity as we change the Wiring of our Body
from Head to toe as with our Will in Relative Free Will we
Have the Potential to Regulate and Enhance our Good
Feeling Emotions and do the same in Integrating
our Senses through a Dance and Sing of Life
in Moving Connecting and Creating that
works individually tailored for us as
we seek and find the answers
that work in individual
ways just for us and as we can easily observe Fibonacci
Spirals in 1.618 Golden Mean Ratio Number Sequence as
the Patterns and Finger Prints of God Nature Same seen
all throughout Nature NoW from Galaxies to Sub Atomic
Quantum Flow so why is it that we make Sidewalks
and make Treadmills and Make Bicycles that
Generally Move us and Connect us and
Create us in linear ways outside Spiral
Fashion of Life Still now
too in Roads of Life
that seem to
carry us
in one
restricted life..
weLL.. it’s simple and
rather generalized to say
that we are more afraid of death
and even more afraid of living life
Free as the rest of God does as we
are the ones who defy God as Nature
most on this Planet now as Nature Roars
back much stronger against our pitiful ignorance
now as reasons of tradition that do bind us together
become the double edge sword of misery loves company
even more now too.. but like i said.. Singing to a Galaxy of
Free Love Far Far Away.. Guardians of the Galaxy.. Justice
League.. Batman Real and Wonder WoMaN and Supermen
and other Super Folks who are just Super Normal in Love
ways that have nothing to do with anything Super Natural
other than the Power and Force of Love that does
almost seem Super Natural as this Country
Continues to rot away from empathy
and sympathy and compassion
that are truly what make
any social animal
So.. How Great is a Country
now without Love.. yes.. just ignorant
of the Truth and LiGht that is the most
Important Winner of Survive and Particularly
thrive but of course whoever has the greatest
Will with Love is still the Ultimate Winner now
take away the Love.. bottom lines you get Trump(S)
Choose your Supermen and Superwomen and other
Super Folks Wisely with Love otherwise you get Trump(S)..
and to be clear as far as Nature is concerned and God too in
this way Trump(s) may be just the Medicine Nature is GroWinG
NoW to rid the Earth once and for all of this out of control Cancer
that is the Tools Humans have made in all ways that take Nature
and God same and different out of balance now.. 300 Million
years after a Global Nuclear War is nothing much in the
overall eYes of God to erase every remnant off this
Earth that the Human Race Ever existed at
all and yes there will still be hugs
of furry warm and fuzzy
comfort.. just
that hide
the evil
Truth of all
Human Cultural
Clothes that Deface
the God of Nature now as
Deadly Cancer upon the Earth..
anyway.. there is still time to turn the
Titanic around for Love is still the ForcE NoW
that Works when real but it’s gonna take a whole
lot of education and eyes and ears willing to listen..
anyway… a start is to understand the importance of
BioDiversity including the Diverse eyes that exist
around us that some folks would take away for
the eyes of ignorance that and who
refuse to see and hear the
Truth and Light of
God’s Nature
where the
Highest Force
oF God Nature
iN Human is all about Love..:)
SMiLes.. my FriEnd Xenia.. i’m surprised we are Sharing at
least two Hurricane Stories in your Highland Homeland
of Scotland too.. best wishes weathering the winds
and rains of Ophelia in this coming day..
i’m Sure the Whippets will also
Love the After Storm
of Beach
Life too.. and
thanks for coming by
to wade down through “A SaVaNT
oF LoVE”.. with this nice comment
HeaR currently working on finishing
“PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE”.. as
it Seems the Bands of my Hurricane MacroVerses
and Chambers of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ Ocean WhoLe
Poem are broadening out in width of once per week
Flow.. as we all do seem to reflect Nature within inside
outside.. above so below and all around in a Golden
Spiral oF LIFE when set free from restrictions per
Dance And SinG a Spiral Flow oF LiFe moRE
NoW So Free waves rivers ocean all one
even more now as we continue to
evolve our soul to destiny
always now oF LiGHT
with a few visits to
DARK too..
just to keep
a little Yang in the
Yin and Yin in Yang too..
for a water and sand silt mix
overall for life now too.. smoothe
BaLanCinG FoRCE oF LIFE MoRe NoW Free..:)
least two Hurricane Stories in your Highland Homeland
of Scotland too.. best wishes weathering the winds
and rains of Ophelia in this coming day..
i’m Sure the Whippets will also
Love the After Storm
of Beach
Life too.. and
thanks for coming by
to wade down through “A SaVaNT
oF LoVE”.. with this nice comment
HeaR currently working on finishing
“PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE”.. as
it Seems the Bands of my Hurricane MacroVerses
and Chambers of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ Ocean WhoLe
Poem are broadening out in width of once per week
Flow.. as we all do seem to reflect Nature within inside
outside.. above so below and all around in a Golden
Spiral oF LIFE when set free from restrictions per
Dance And SinG a Spiral Flow oF LiFe moRE
NoW So Free waves rivers ocean all one
even more now as we continue to
evolve our soul to destiny
always now oF LiGHT
with a few visits to
DARK too..
just to keep
a little Yang in the
Yin and Yin in Yang too..
for a water and sand silt mix
overall for life now too.. smoothe
BaLanCinG FoRCE oF LIFE MoRe NoW Free..:)
Storms of Life.. My Lovely FriEnd Xenia.. are
what brings the most light to us when
Courage as Love of Life is
Free as the rains
and winds
of Ophelia
a Hurricane
with a Name
that Means ‘Help’
Blows through your Scotland
Highland air as a visitor from afar..
And your note here about the Whippets
with plenty for them to sniff on beaches
of tomorrow reminds me of a Cat named Elwood
like ‘Nate’ a Gift from God as far as meanings of names
go.. and yes.. Elwood had a very close to identical twin
Tuxedo Grey cat with a mustache named Jake too..
anyway.. i was cursed from youth with severe
allergies to Cats that closed my
airways up.. i Loved them
so much and my
lifelong dream
to have
at least one
inside with me
for furry and cuddly
love.. Katrina was always
a bit OCD about germs and
she was afraid to touch neighborhood
cats with her hands in fact she insisted i not
touch Elwood either but we then could rub his
back with our shoes and feed him one sardine each
day for that was within the parameters of our Monetary
Budget.. anyway.. i really Loved that Cat in fact i didn’t understand
the neurochemistry and neurohormones of the mind and body for that
Cat in just our presence without even touching him with my hand brought
a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that spelled all natural love.. i suppose
Chronic Stress by then at work had taken most of that potential
already away from me then.. too.. but this Cat Elwood
is then a reflection of God Nature Wild and
Free with Love with no baggage
of all the stress that comes
with human beings
and all their
i remembered for days
Elwood would not visit us
and i worried about him and quite
Frankly i worried i would not feel that
Feeling of all Natural Love again..
i was retarded then when
it came to both
the art of
and physical intelligence
and existential intelligence2
lost in solving problems and
playing Video games stimulating
but without any comfort of warm..
and fuzzy at all.. the Love was dying
the clothes of culture taking it away more and
more the Cat Elwood a Gift of Nature God trying
to tell me his gift was free free for me for the rest of
my life if i would just pursue love over problems solving
and the glitz of what i understand now to be a quick hit
of dopamine without a foundation of Love.. as that comes
all naturally in the Neuro-hormone oxytocin all naturally2
in warm and fuzzy mammalian love.. yes.. Breast love
as ‘they’ name it.. nurturing from birth
something all mammals share
at core is warm
and fuzzy
love for
and even
territorial animal cooperation
as Mama Cat for Yellow Boy
now is the overall Katrina lap for naps
throughout the day.. anyway.. Hurricane
Ivan came in 2004.. and it was not just any
Hurricane.. it was the really big one then.. and by
then we had finally helped Katrina to get over her
fear of Cat Germs so petting was part of Love again..
but the Allergies and the Hurricane and the Cat i loved
so much.. yes he stayed in our Garage During the Hurricane
then.. and when it brought down the Great Oak in our Backyard
Another part of Nature i felt Love from so strong and secure and
never leaving me until then.. After the Storm.. Elwood at about 15
years old then.. another couple of years left in his life came to life like
a Newly Born Kitten in a Brand New Backyard full of smells as far away
as the Eastern Atlantic for what in Desert Dust Ivan brought as new gift
of life to him then.. eventually as you know i lost effective use of my eyes
and ears through the pain of type two Trigeminal Neuralgia by 2008..
Elwood had passed a few years before and Arthur a Brown Tabby Cat
with Golden Noble eyes who belonged to no one and would never be
mastered by anyone but the Free Spirit
of God within as Nature was left
but he doled out his
warm and fuzzy
love in
limited proportions
for he was much more
the Alpha Cat than any
loving ball of fur to touch..
During losing sleep for close to
40 days of crucifixion worse pain
dentist drill with no novocaine in
eye and ear.. the rest of the mostly
stressed induced total of 19
Disorders.. i had lost much
weight.. my ankles
had become
so thin.. then..
Arthur in the cold
at the front door pushed
his way inside thru me to warmth
and at that point he had become the
Alpha Male of our home.. then a strangest
thing with all that pain.. no more cat allergies
for me.. not only was that cat trying to get out of
the cold he was me informing me of a side effect
of pain that would surely change my life eventually
back to warm and fuzzy love too.. after that Arthur had
a home inside.. and Moby kicked out of his home without
any claws for a New Baby had come into his home.. allergic
to Cats.. wandered down to us came in and the closest thing
to love that i could vaguely feel then became an adopted love
by us given as gift by a young family with a beautiful baby
who was allergic to cats.. i still couldn’t feel all the
warm and fuzzies.. hardly any at all and
then a cry from underneath
the shed in the Winter
of 2010.. Yellow Boy..
a young feral cat
crying for help..
a drought without
much water and starving
to death.. as i offered Yellow
Boy one morsel of food.. kibbles
and bits by bit.. we slowly domesticated
him again and he slowly showed me again
what it is like to be Free in Nature Wild again..
but then he would go missing for weeks at a time
when Reproduction season then would come to be..
and missing him so.. and worrying about him would
be a caTalyst to eventually help me bring back my emotions
then.. and by April of 2013.. he would get injured terribly in a fight
with a neighborhood Cat.. we were sure it was another Wild and
Free Yellow Cat that we named SunnyBoy for we were almost
sure this identical looking cat to YellowBoy was his son back
then.. and i started a human-cat relationship with Sunny
Boy too.. and shortly after Yellow Boy healed
from his injury.. SunnyBoy was injured
in even a worse Cat Fight
from who we learned
was the real
Oreo.. a Scrappy
6 or so LB Black and
White Tabby Wild Cat stray
mix who was not even afraid
of Humans.. he would hiss at them
and insist he was boss.. At the Vet
we found out SunnyBoy had Kitty Aids
and sadly we had to put him down and the
strangest thing to me after 5 years then.. was
coming out i was glad to be alive for the first time
in 5 years then.. and not only that at the same time
i actually shed a tear for Sunny Boy and my legs felt
strong at the Gym for the first time in 5 years too..
and then i knew it was all a lie when the
self-named ‘Christian Boys’ told
me in school that boys don’t
get to cry or smile.. for
it was IS emotions
that are the
of all of human
strength.. male or female
it doesn’t matter which one..
like i said i was emotionally retarded
’till then.. a sin of a patriarchal culture that
said if you believe in a God who dies on a cross
that’s all you have to do that’s it everything else
goes just say it again.. yes.. i was a little angry at
the state of world affairs in my red state town..
then.. but i was so much happier to feel
a tear and actual strength in
my legs then for it didn’t
matter if i retained the muscular
strength still leg pressing close to
500Lbs all those years i was a shut-in
then rushing to the gym to try to feel
something from a work-out then with
ear plugs and shades and a jacket in
the summer for i was always cold inside..
30 minutes i came three times a week to
try to feel something anything at all from a workout
then.. within.. and then sparks of poetic song continued
to come stronger from my soul.. my heart was still cold
my spirit was still weak but i continued to come alive again..
and although Yellow Boy refused to stay inside.. he too was diagnosed
with Feline Leukemia.. so we had no choice but to keep him inside and yes..
take his reproducing potential away too.. for that was so hard my friend.. for
i lost the Masculine Strength and Will with the Love and Grace of the Feminine
Divine then too.. but we did what we had to do to save his life then.. for the longer
run of warm and fuzzy Cat Love.. so.. yeah.. we see Oreo now and then what some
folks might call a Devil Cat for he injured two loves of ours.. one night i was walking
around the Block and Oreo Grabbed my ankle telling me human don’t you understand
the storm i brought you eventually saved your soul.. i am the reason you are
reborn now as love.. it’s true my friend i am no longer afraid of Hurricanes
and no.. i’m not even afraid of ‘Trumps’ for i understand what dark brings
and the overall value of dark that is hard to see at the moment
it comes and goes.. we are all family.. yes.. Hurricanes
and Cats and Kitty Aids and Fights and all the
rest.. sometimes it’s just
hard to see as the
light can blind us as
can bring sight..:)
what brings the most light to us when
Courage as Love of Life is
Free as the rains
and winds
of Ophelia
a Hurricane
with a Name
that Means ‘Help’
Blows through your Scotland
Highland air as a visitor from afar..
And your note here about the Whippets
with plenty for them to sniff on beaches
of tomorrow reminds me of a Cat named Elwood
like ‘Nate’ a Gift from God as far as meanings of names
go.. and yes.. Elwood had a very close to identical twin
Tuxedo Grey cat with a mustache named Jake too..
anyway.. i was cursed from youth with severe
allergies to Cats that closed my
airways up.. i Loved them
so much and my
lifelong dream
to have
at least one
inside with me
for furry and cuddly
love.. Katrina was always
a bit OCD about germs and
she was afraid to touch neighborhood
cats with her hands in fact she insisted i not
touch Elwood either but we then could rub his
back with our shoes and feed him one sardine each
day for that was within the parameters of our Monetary
Budget.. anyway.. i really Loved that Cat in fact i didn’t understand
the neurochemistry and neurohormones of the mind and body for that
Cat in just our presence without even touching him with my hand brought
a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that spelled all natural love.. i suppose
Chronic Stress by then at work had taken most of that potential
already away from me then.. too.. but this Cat Elwood
is then a reflection of God Nature Wild and
Free with Love with no baggage
of all the stress that comes
with human beings
and all their
i remembered for days
Elwood would not visit us
and i worried about him and quite
Frankly i worried i would not feel that
Feeling of all Natural Love again..
i was retarded then when
it came to both
the art of
and physical intelligence
and existential intelligence2
lost in solving problems and
playing Video games stimulating
but without any comfort of warm..
and fuzzy at all.. the Love was dying
the clothes of culture taking it away more and
more the Cat Elwood a Gift of Nature God trying
to tell me his gift was free free for me for the rest of
my life if i would just pursue love over problems solving
and the glitz of what i understand now to be a quick hit
of dopamine without a foundation of Love.. as that comes
all naturally in the Neuro-hormone oxytocin all naturally2
in warm and fuzzy mammalian love.. yes.. Breast love
as ‘they’ name it.. nurturing from birth
something all mammals share
at core is warm
and fuzzy
love for
and even
territorial animal cooperation
as Mama Cat for Yellow Boy
now is the overall Katrina lap for naps
throughout the day.. anyway.. Hurricane
Ivan came in 2004.. and it was not just any
Hurricane.. it was the really big one then.. and by
then we had finally helped Katrina to get over her
fear of Cat Germs so petting was part of Love again..
but the Allergies and the Hurricane and the Cat i loved
so much.. yes he stayed in our Garage During the Hurricane
then.. and when it brought down the Great Oak in our Backyard
Another part of Nature i felt Love from so strong and secure and
never leaving me until then.. After the Storm.. Elwood at about 15
years old then.. another couple of years left in his life came to life like
a Newly Born Kitten in a Brand New Backyard full of smells as far away
as the Eastern Atlantic for what in Desert Dust Ivan brought as new gift
of life to him then.. eventually as you know i lost effective use of my eyes
and ears through the pain of type two Trigeminal Neuralgia by 2008..
Elwood had passed a few years before and Arthur a Brown Tabby Cat
with Golden Noble eyes who belonged to no one and would never be
mastered by anyone but the Free Spirit
of God within as Nature was left
but he doled out his
warm and fuzzy
love in
limited proportions
for he was much more
the Alpha Cat than any
loving ball of fur to touch..
During losing sleep for close to
40 days of crucifixion worse pain
dentist drill with no novocaine in
eye and ear.. the rest of the mostly
stressed induced total of 19
Disorders.. i had lost much
weight.. my ankles
had become
so thin.. then..
Arthur in the cold
at the front door pushed
his way inside thru me to warmth
and at that point he had become the
Alpha Male of our home.. then a strangest
thing with all that pain.. no more cat allergies
for me.. not only was that cat trying to get out of
the cold he was me informing me of a side effect
of pain that would surely change my life eventually
back to warm and fuzzy love too.. after that Arthur had
a home inside.. and Moby kicked out of his home without
any claws for a New Baby had come into his home.. allergic
to Cats.. wandered down to us came in and the closest thing
to love that i could vaguely feel then became an adopted love
by us given as gift by a young family with a beautiful baby
who was allergic to cats.. i still couldn’t feel all the
warm and fuzzies.. hardly any at all and
then a cry from underneath
the shed in the Winter
of 2010.. Yellow Boy..
a young feral cat
crying for help..
a drought without
much water and starving
to death.. as i offered Yellow
Boy one morsel of food.. kibbles
and bits by bit.. we slowly domesticated
him again and he slowly showed me again
what it is like to be Free in Nature Wild again..
but then he would go missing for weeks at a time
when Reproduction season then would come to be..
and missing him so.. and worrying about him would
be a caTalyst to eventually help me bring back my emotions
then.. and by April of 2013.. he would get injured terribly in a fight
with a neighborhood Cat.. we were sure it was another Wild and
Free Yellow Cat that we named SunnyBoy for we were almost
sure this identical looking cat to YellowBoy was his son back
then.. and i started a human-cat relationship with Sunny
Boy too.. and shortly after Yellow Boy healed
from his injury.. SunnyBoy was injured
in even a worse Cat Fight
from who we learned
was the real
Oreo.. a Scrappy
6 or so LB Black and
White Tabby Wild Cat stray
mix who was not even afraid
of Humans.. he would hiss at them
and insist he was boss.. At the Vet
we found out SunnyBoy had Kitty Aids
and sadly we had to put him down and the
strangest thing to me after 5 years then.. was
coming out i was glad to be alive for the first time
in 5 years then.. and not only that at the same time
i actually shed a tear for Sunny Boy and my legs felt
strong at the Gym for the first time in 5 years too..
and then i knew it was all a lie when the
self-named ‘Christian Boys’ told
me in school that boys don’t
get to cry or smile.. for
it was IS emotions
that are the
of all of human
strength.. male or female
it doesn’t matter which one..
like i said i was emotionally retarded
’till then.. a sin of a patriarchal culture that
said if you believe in a God who dies on a cross
that’s all you have to do that’s it everything else
goes just say it again.. yes.. i was a little angry at
the state of world affairs in my red state town..
then.. but i was so much happier to feel
a tear and actual strength in
my legs then for it didn’t
matter if i retained the muscular
strength still leg pressing close to
500Lbs all those years i was a shut-in
then rushing to the gym to try to feel
something from a work-out then with
ear plugs and shades and a jacket in
the summer for i was always cold inside..
30 minutes i came three times a week to
try to feel something anything at all from a workout
then.. within.. and then sparks of poetic song continued
to come stronger from my soul.. my heart was still cold
my spirit was still weak but i continued to come alive again..
and although Yellow Boy refused to stay inside.. he too was diagnosed
with Feline Leukemia.. so we had no choice but to keep him inside and yes..
take his reproducing potential away too.. for that was so hard my friend.. for
i lost the Masculine Strength and Will with the Love and Grace of the Feminine
Divine then too.. but we did what we had to do to save his life then.. for the longer
run of warm and fuzzy Cat Love.. so.. yeah.. we see Oreo now and then what some
folks might call a Devil Cat for he injured two loves of ours.. one night i was walking
around the Block and Oreo Grabbed my ankle telling me human don’t you understand
the storm i brought you eventually saved your soul.. i am the reason you are
reborn now as love.. it’s true my friend i am no longer afraid of Hurricanes
and no.. i’m not even afraid of ‘Trumps’ for i understand what dark brings
and the overall value of dark that is hard to see at the moment
it comes and goes.. we are all family.. yes.. Hurricanes
and Cats and Kitty Aids and Fights and all the
rest.. sometimes it’s just
hard to see as the
light can blind us as
can bring sight..:)
Rafiah Shares a before and after Make-up Status for Asian Beauty..
i Go On to Philosophize with more ‘Stones’ of Love..
Hehe.. Rafiah.. Katrina never wears make-up.. so this
means she is not make believe.. nor am i.. hAha..
anyWay.. i’M aLL for
Art or whatever it is
that prevents someone
from being unhappy.. committing suicide.. eTc..
anYWay 2.. i continue to earn Every First/Last
Grey Hair and i am not afraid
of Aging even more or death
For i Live Free WiTH GOD/LoVE NoW..
interesting.. as the other Animals who
are wild and free in life tend to do this
and live life to the fullest every now..
words they
now are not make
believe and Are Real Now..
seriously.. have you ever seen
a Depressed Seagull.. chances now
are you’ve seen the ones who Fly Free..
And have you ever noticed that Grandmothers
With many Children and GrandChildren are loved the
Most when they are all grey and weatherly wrinkled now and
the such as that.. iT’s True Love is what continues to live within..
Of course this is only
a rhetorical question for
you as you did not force
your Grandmother to wear
Lipstick and eyeliner for
You to Love her Most…
Love IS The
Most Beautiful
Force in the Entire
UniVerse for it has not
shell oF Form it is real as
Essence within.. never
to make believe
isReaL..Roots that live
on in the Grandaughter’s Eyes..
And this my FriEnd is why YOU are so Beautiful to me..:)
means she is not make believe.. nor am i.. hAha..
anyWay.. i’M aLL for
Art or whatever it is
that prevents someone
from being unhappy.. committing suicide.. eTc..
anYWay 2.. i continue to earn Every First/Last
Grey Hair and i am not afraid
of Aging even more or death
For i Live Free WiTH GOD/LoVE NoW..
interesting.. as the other Animals who
are wild and free in life tend to do this
and live life to the fullest every now..
words they
now are not make
believe and Are Real Now..
seriously.. have you ever seen
a Depressed Seagull.. chances now
are you’ve seen the ones who Fly Free..
And have you ever noticed that Grandmothers
With many Children and GrandChildren are loved the
Most when they are all grey and weatherly wrinkled now and
the such as that.. iT’s True Love is what continues to live within..
Of course this is only
a rhetorical question for
you as you did not force
your Grandmother to wear
Lipstick and eyeliner for
You to Love her Most…
Love IS The
Most Beautiful
Force in the Entire
UniVerse for it has not
shell oF Form it is real as
Essence within.. never
to make believe
isReaL..Roots that live
on in the Grandaughter’s Eyes..
And this my FriEnd is why YOU are so Beautiful to me..:)
Making Fun of people who are different.. it’s some of
what some.. so self-named Christians seem to do best
at least in my experience my friend in a locality assessed
as a world record breaker at one time for the most number
of Churches per square mile.. but it’s true too the DArk of
these ‘Christians’ teaches me much
about human nature..
in case you wonder why again and again..
i come by to visit every once in a while stories
everlasting in Human Archetypes continue to
be real as some of us live as the devil of fear and
hate and some of live more like A God of Love as Grace.
what some.. so self-named Christians seem to do best
at least in my experience my friend in a locality assessed
as a world record breaker at one time for the most number
of Churches per square mile.. but it’s true too the DArk of
these ‘Christians’ teaches me much
about human nature..
in case you wonder why again and again..
i come by to visit every once in a while stories
everlasting in Human Archetypes continue to
be real as some of us live as the devil of fear and
hate and some of live more like A God of Love as Grace.
HeART mightier than Fear and hate aLways now..:)
AnyWay.. CoMinG heAR aGAiN with a short story parable with
lots more deeper meaning than meet most eyes and ears..
for it’s true my friend.. none of this and i do mean none
of this
fiction.. Loves is all that counts now and then always now.
lots more deeper meaning than meet most eyes and ears..
for it’s true my friend.. none of this and i do mean none
of this
fiction.. Loves is all that counts now and then always now.
Ah.. Oh.. the moral roots of liberals and conservatives
and how that first relates to a Statue of David by
Michelangelo and one art patron
who sees an overall work..
yes.. a big picture of
and the
other one
who is not nearly
as open minded in terms
of seeing more than details
and focuses on that part in
the middle.. sees something
very dirty and ugly and yes chances
are very good that person is one of the
Conservative Persuasion too.. but don’t
take my word for it considering 57 years
of life working with the General and Military
Public for Decades and so many online in what
is coming close to 7 years noW iN LiFE both reason
and poetry land for it is true there are very structured
science poets and free verse poets as well.. oh.. so open minded
and not too fond of structured rules for Poetry too and yes some far
fetched more magic thinking on the ‘Wrong Planet’ online too.. for it’s
also true people are alike and different all over too.. as ‘they’ say even
on the Twilight
Zone too for
one of my favorite
features that showed
the more closed minded
person locked up in a Earth
Home with Walls Ceilings Air Conditioning
Carpet and lots of Fixed Furniture while Robed
Visionaries exist viewing the modern cave from
an outside home of Freer Nature Wild and Free Still..
And when it comes to much larger societies than small
villages naked and furry in hip to hip and eye to eye dance
and other group stuff.. it takes rules to make society work for
we are only evolved really to live in groups together of less than
150 to 200 sets of naked eyes and hips together in one Dance and Song
of Life Free Working together hand in hand in a survive and thrive for life free..
anyway.. NoW2 even in Nature one can see all other animals born as sitters and the
majority at about 80 Percent more Roving to make a living altogether in Survival now..
Liberal and Conservatives both are not going away.. to Love others like how one would
Love to be Loved does not work without understanding other folks love other ways for
what their innate biology and environmentally raised place brings to them now in
continuing way.. yes.. there is a Red and Blue Pill According to the Matrix
Series too.. but for those who get really wise with beauty true with
Grace and Love as the Foundation of Will and Strength they
come to understand the differences whether through
experience of life or Ted Talks like the ones
i will provide below and come to love
the Green Pill that once again
says we are a Bio-Diverse
Group who have
evolved together
differently and samely
to make Life work in both
Survive and maybe even thrive
too if we can live in Peace and Harmony
more.. yes.. some folks do life naked and clothed
some folks dance now and some folks do not but it’s
also even more true AS History does sHow yes.. divided
we fall same and unified we rise different much more alive..
and how that first relates to a Statue of David by
Michelangelo and one art patron
who sees an overall work..
yes.. a big picture of
and the
other one
who is not nearly
as open minded in terms
of seeing more than details
and focuses on that part in
the middle.. sees something
very dirty and ugly and yes chances
are very good that person is one of the
Conservative Persuasion too.. but don’t
take my word for it considering 57 years
of life working with the General and Military
Public for Decades and so many online in what
is coming close to 7 years noW iN LiFE both reason
and poetry land for it is true there are very structured
science poets and free verse poets as well.. oh.. so open minded
and not too fond of structured rules for Poetry too and yes some far
fetched more magic thinking on the ‘Wrong Planet’ online too.. for it’s
also true people are alike and different all over too.. as ‘they’ say even
on the Twilight
Zone too for
one of my favorite
features that showed
the more closed minded
person locked up in a Earth
Home with Walls Ceilings Air Conditioning
Carpet and lots of Fixed Furniture while Robed
Visionaries exist viewing the modern cave from
an outside home of Freer Nature Wild and Free Still..
And when it comes to much larger societies than small
villages naked and furry in hip to hip and eye to eye dance
and other group stuff.. it takes rules to make society work for
we are only evolved really to live in groups together of less than
150 to 200 sets of naked eyes and hips together in one Dance and Song
of Life Free Working together hand in hand in a survive and thrive for life free..
anyway.. NoW2 even in Nature one can see all other animals born as sitters and the
majority at about 80 Percent more Roving to make a living altogether in Survival now..
Liberal and Conservatives both are not going away.. to Love others like how one would
Love to be Loved does not work without understanding other folks love other ways for
what their innate biology and environmentally raised place brings to them now in
continuing way.. yes.. there is a Red and Blue Pill According to the Matrix
Series too.. but for those who get really wise with beauty true with
Grace and Love as the Foundation of Will and Strength they
come to understand the differences whether through
experience of life or Ted Talks like the ones
i will provide below and come to love
the Green Pill that once again
says we are a Bio-Diverse
Group who have
evolved together
differently and samely
to make Life work in both
Survive and maybe even thrive
too if we can live in Peace and Harmony
more.. yes.. some folks do life naked and clothed
some folks dance now and some folks do not but it’s
also even more true AS History does sHow yes.. divided
we fall same and unified we rise different much more alive..
It’s true to do/be A “PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE”.. NoW
it’s not enough for and to be the Beauty of Love as Wisdom of
differences and similarities in all of Nature is just as important
too as some folks once again can and do live life naked and clothed
And some folks do dance and do not dance alone and together too..
it’s not enough for and to be the Beauty of Love as Wisdom of
differences and similarities in all of Nature is just as important
too as some folks once again can and do live life naked and clothed
And some folks do dance and do not dance alone and together too..
And as always with another Handy Dandy smART Video as Ted
Talk from Jonathan Haidt too.. the ecstasy of self-transcendence
that can actually come from meditation either still or moving too..
And some folks use mushrooms and stuff like that and still others actually
find a self-transcendence on the Battle Field too.. it’s true our existence is
a Home with many potential rooms.. some of us find more and less keys aCross
the lifespan to open new rooms of ascendent transcendent experience now and
yes it’s even more true if one is more closed minded and conservative obviously
they are gonna have a much more difficult time as far as the human cLOck Measurement
of that aCross the lifespan to find a Kingdom of Heaven within but then tHeRe is Epigenetics
for unpacking the genetic material of DNA in change for adaptation to Environmental struggle
including DisEase.. and we all share the similar DNA and born as an introvert is not necessarily
a priSon to never extrovert too as change does happen like this even in identical twin ants where some become drones and some are warriors too.. where the Queen assigns Bio-Chemical tags
no less than the fetus in the womb experiencing stress hormones who is born with
a greater propensity to not reproduce in the ‘regular’ way and goes more
childless in cooperation with others too in gay as love as kindness
goes too.. anyway.. even me straight as an arrow and confused
for a female by the McDonald’s Cashier as a Girl in Middle
School then.. named the weak and ugly fish in the
Aquarium then.. so introverted too eventually
Became the Strongest Leg Pressing
Dude now in a Military Gym empirically
Measurable too more at 33 reps and 1020
Lbs too.. and yes introverted ha! that dude
does nude art and public dances all around
his metro area for over 8200 miles in around
50 months now.. even like Batman named a Legend
by the Audience as such for doing that all free not making
a penny off it still.. but yes i guess A Thousand or so selfies with
Beautiful Dancing Women counts some and yes at this point the
Autistic Child from a lifelong challenge of Asperger’s too.. yes2.. who
cannot speak until age 4 made fun of in his communication skills most
of his life now writes the Longest Long Form Poem in 50 months at over 5
Million Words too.. for it’s also true i listened to the conservative more closed
minded so-named Christian Bully Boys and a few Bully girls then and i must
admit the Girls were much nicer as Lynn.. a top of the notch Southern Baptist
Girl was my best Friend in High School and we even tied at number 11 together
at the top of our class of 381 Students back then.. so true.. in some ways2 we were
more matched in intellect and overall kindness and yes introvert then too than religion
alone in Catholic me no longer going to church then or she a devout Southern Baptist Girl
who ended up marrying a Preacher to be too.. it’s true2.. if my wish came true and i could
have married Lynn then although i had no idea what sex was then really in full condition
then.. would i have ever done any of this.. well hell no.. not likely at all for i was Bi-Polar
too went a little too manic with the struggle of stress and did that later in life and landed
in the Mental Crisis way station at 21 and 47 too.. THat she did not have in common with
me and that with the Asperger’s Syndrome put me really in a class all by my self.. you
get enough stuff in rarer way this 1 in a Hundred and ‘that’ 1 in a Hundred and lots
of lifetimes you get to do it all mostly all alone now still.. but you see.. i’ve had A
Privilege of being both Dr. Jekyll and Good Cop Hyde.. i have experienced now
the light and the dark and most all the tween of sHades of Grey of Purgatory
before too.. i am scientist and artist together.. Batman and Superman
and in some ways even Wonder WoMaN true.. not so strange
that i can gain a friend from Foley Alabama at a
Dance Club and by her very location of
Environment i can predict how
many Facebook Friends
i will have by the
end of the
week less
no matter
how much i warn
her i am farther ‘out’ there
than anyone she will likely meet
in life.. but anyWay.. as far as i can see
now what a gift it is for God of Nature to allow
one such human as me the opportunity to live so
much Heaven and Hell considered ugly and weak.. eTc..
and good looking and even the strongest too.. scientist yes
and artist2 and what some folks see as super creative writer too..
named creative genius by some and named retarded writer go kill
yourself by others still.. but you see i have a secret more than likely
at least once in my lifetime i have thought and felt and sensed a whole
like like you too.. for i am no man and a every man too.. i am A No body
and i am an every body too.. and of course i am not the last or first to do this
now but one thing that is different is i have free avenues in life to express
all of this.. i live in a Country that truly allows freedom of speech and i live
in a world where folks don’t have a legal right to crucify people for being more
like all
now in
human way
heAR.. true i am
only one now at a time
but i have memories of
what it was like to be very
much like you too.. and this my
friends is how the empathy and
sympathy and compassion of 14.5
Billion years comes to be NoW iN human
form for all the DNA Different and same
comes to a more diverse expression in
one human being now.. there have
never now been opportunities
for the every
man and
every woman
and the no body
and every body to
express all that they
Sense and Feel in life
And trust me you can learn a lot
from us for we truly do see more of you
too for again at some point in our life we
are much more one like you2.. things is as science
continues to show the more closed minded you are
the more invisible we still are to you.. as far as the
open minded and spiRiTed and heARTed and souLed
ways it takes for us to be all of what we are now to you..
Not every one can take in NoW a tSuNaMi of BeiNG HuMaN
and for those not truly understanding all of love and the rest
of the journey and many more paths too.. now we truly still forgive
you for we still understand you know not or perhaps feel not what we do..
thing is we do know you.. we’ve been to hell and we surely will not sentence
anyone else there.. thing is2.. we’ve been to Heaven too.. and like Green Acres
is the Sun FlowEr Rose to Be..
anyWay with all that sAid got
some MacroVerse Years to
Date Memories to share next..
Talk from Jonathan Haidt too.. the ecstasy of self-transcendence
that can actually come from meditation either still or moving too..
And some folks use mushrooms and stuff like that and still others actually
find a self-transcendence on the Battle Field too.. it’s true our existence is
a Home with many potential rooms.. some of us find more and less keys aCross
the lifespan to open new rooms of ascendent transcendent experience now and
yes it’s even more true if one is more closed minded and conservative obviously
they are gonna have a much more difficult time as far as the human cLOck Measurement
of that aCross the lifespan to find a Kingdom of Heaven within but then tHeRe is Epigenetics
for unpacking the genetic material of DNA in change for adaptation to Environmental struggle
including DisEase.. and we all share the similar DNA and born as an introvert is not necessarily
a priSon to never extrovert too as change does happen like this even in identical twin ants where some become drones and some are warriors too.. where the Queen assigns Bio-Chemical tags
no less than the fetus in the womb experiencing stress hormones who is born with
a greater propensity to not reproduce in the ‘regular’ way and goes more
childless in cooperation with others too in gay as love as kindness
goes too.. anyway.. even me straight as an arrow and confused
for a female by the McDonald’s Cashier as a Girl in Middle
School then.. named the weak and ugly fish in the
Aquarium then.. so introverted too eventually
Became the Strongest Leg Pressing
Dude now in a Military Gym empirically
Measurable too more at 33 reps and 1020
Lbs too.. and yes introverted ha! that dude
does nude art and public dances all around
his metro area for over 8200 miles in around
50 months now.. even like Batman named a Legend
by the Audience as such for doing that all free not making
a penny off it still.. but yes i guess A Thousand or so selfies with
Beautiful Dancing Women counts some and yes at this point the
Autistic Child from a lifelong challenge of Asperger’s too.. yes2.. who
cannot speak until age 4 made fun of in his communication skills most
of his life now writes the Longest Long Form Poem in 50 months at over 5
Million Words too.. for it’s also true i listened to the conservative more closed
minded so-named Christian Bully Boys and a few Bully girls then and i must
admit the Girls were much nicer as Lynn.. a top of the notch Southern Baptist
Girl was my best Friend in High School and we even tied at number 11 together
at the top of our class of 381 Students back then.. so true.. in some ways2 we were
more matched in intellect and overall kindness and yes introvert then too than religion
alone in Catholic me no longer going to church then or she a devout Southern Baptist Girl
who ended up marrying a Preacher to be too.. it’s true2.. if my wish came true and i could
have married Lynn then although i had no idea what sex was then really in full condition
then.. would i have ever done any of this.. well hell no.. not likely at all for i was Bi-Polar
too went a little too manic with the struggle of stress and did that later in life and landed
in the Mental Crisis way station at 21 and 47 too.. THat she did not have in common with
me and that with the Asperger’s Syndrome put me really in a class all by my self.. you
get enough stuff in rarer way this 1 in a Hundred and ‘that’ 1 in a Hundred and lots
of lifetimes you get to do it all mostly all alone now still.. but you see.. i’ve had A
Privilege of being both Dr. Jekyll and Good Cop Hyde.. i have experienced now
the light and the dark and most all the tween of sHades of Grey of Purgatory
before too.. i am scientist and artist together.. Batman and Superman
and in some ways even Wonder WoMaN true.. not so strange
that i can gain a friend from Foley Alabama at a
Dance Club and by her very location of
Environment i can predict how
many Facebook Friends
i will have by the
end of the
week less
no matter
how much i warn
her i am farther ‘out’ there
than anyone she will likely meet
in life.. but anyWay.. as far as i can see
now what a gift it is for God of Nature to allow
one such human as me the opportunity to live so
much Heaven and Hell considered ugly and weak.. eTc..
and good looking and even the strongest too.. scientist yes
and artist2 and what some folks see as super creative writer too..
named creative genius by some and named retarded writer go kill
yourself by others still.. but you see i have a secret more than likely
at least once in my lifetime i have thought and felt and sensed a whole
like like you too.. for i am no man and a every man too.. i am A No body
and i am an every body too.. and of course i am not the last or first to do this
now but one thing that is different is i have free avenues in life to express
all of this.. i live in a Country that truly allows freedom of speech and i live
in a world where folks don’t have a legal right to crucify people for being more
like all
now in
human way
heAR.. true i am
only one now at a time
but i have memories of
what it was like to be very
much like you too.. and this my
friends is how the empathy and
sympathy and compassion of 14.5
Billion years comes to be NoW iN human
form for all the DNA Different and same
comes to a more diverse expression in
one human being now.. there have
never now been opportunities
for the every
man and
every woman
and the no body
and every body to
express all that they
Sense and Feel in life
And trust me you can learn a lot
from us for we truly do see more of you
too for again at some point in our life we
are much more one like you2.. things is as science
continues to show the more closed minded you are
the more invisible we still are to you.. as far as the
open minded and spiRiTed and heARTed and souLed
ways it takes for us to be all of what we are now to you..
Not every one can take in NoW a tSuNaMi of BeiNG HuMaN
and for those not truly understanding all of love and the rest
of the journey and many more paths too.. now we truly still forgive
you for we still understand you know not or perhaps feel not what we do..
thing is we do know you.. we’ve been to hell and we surely will not sentence
anyone else there.. thing is2.. we’ve been to Heaven too.. and like Green Acres
is the Sun FlowEr Rose to Be..
anyWay with all that sAid got
some MacroVerse Years to
Date Memories to share next..
People are alike all over it’s true..
yes.. they are alike in different true too..
meanwhile.. there are a few us out in the
White Robed Audience who still feel for where you are now2..
and we’d love to ‘help’ you thru adaptation to struggle and change as
Now has
come to
Scotland Shores too..:)
yes.. they are alike in different true too..
meanwhile.. there are a few us out in the
White Robed Audience who still feel for where you are now2..
and we’d love to ‘help’ you thru adaptation to struggle and change as
Now has
come to
Scotland Shores too..:)
And oh before i go to the MacroVerse Memory shares from years
to date now.. considering the current MacroVerse Topic
after finishing a Third New Testament after
doing 6 Bibles in sub chapters of
a longest long form poem
‘SonG oF mY SoUL’
at that total
Bible size
6 times longer
than the Old King
James Version by
far at over 5 million
Words problem with much
of religion and culture is a split
mind of lust and love no different really
than a split of.. mind and body.. too as far
as regulating emotions and integrating senses
from head to toe in Moving Connecting and Creating
ways too.. anyWay in writing this separate MacroVerse
and in ways pArT of aLL oF ThAT of Course hehe as the
Draft Comments Section of .. “A SaVaNT of LoVE” as Number
MacroVerse 13 of that last 3rd New Testament too will inherently too
include all these photos and videos and words true too.. in the comments
section yes.. where most every MacroVerse now is longer than a standard
Novel from head of title to last comments section Draft of the Next MacroVerse
coming now too.. so yeah. i would be amiss not to include the Science of Lust
and Love.. for yes not only is there just physical and emotional and existential
intelligence there is sexual and sensual intelligence that is of course the Human
and other Animal Libido that is pART of aLL thAT true and some how we are
mostly too afraid to discuss that more fully in bibles and the such as that
and of course most wisdom by history is written by writers and
they are most often generally introverts and a little
more closed legged if you get the drift and
draft of colder and in some ways
more frigid and softer too..
yes.. it’s also true
higher levels of disgust
are generally correlated with
smaller ways of Libido too.. so it’s
also true you generally speaking will
have a hard time being a nurse if your
libido is low and you are easily disgusted too..
anyway.. our closest front to front Kissing NoW and
other oral sex with lots of homosexual leaning behavior
yes.. closest cousin Bonobos who do live usually in groups
of less than 150 to 200 sets of naked ape hips and eyes too..
they use the Force of Lust and Love to defeat most all potential
Violence and no now they never have World War III unless invaded
by another tribe so yes.. overall it’s hard to expect Humans to revert back
to Bonobo ways as our tools have brought us together and more divided
and lonely than ever before overall as far as life long flesh and blood touch
does go.. anYWay with that and the Video on the Science of Lust and Love it
really helps to gain some Lust intelligence to go along with your Love intelligence
too.. they are related they are related now to potential violence and aggression too..
yes.. they are closely related and to get a Balance of Lust and Love that moves
and connects and creates in Peace and Harmony is sure the New Coke with Zero
World War III..
best news of all
is i am not A only one
disSeminating all of this
valuable information to set
yourself free from the dogmas
biting from past.. it’s all out tHeRe
on Google and YouTube Still just
ready to be sought and found and
there is a whole Coming Army and
Navy and Marines and Air Force
and other Free Lance Soldiers
of God Nature Free Coming
to some place near to
you soon.. you
can bet
do come sooner
or later as long as the
Human Race continues to
Spread a Freedom of Information
that is as real as IT IS NOW.. GOOD FORTUNE
the truth and the light does live now good searching and
finding too for the Force of Love is more Powerful in some
Pockets of the World than ever before if only in all and no bodies and
yes2.. iN every men and women and no men and women currently in dark
for now
the soul
WiLL anD
CaN WitH LoVE..:)
to date now.. considering the current MacroVerse Topic
after finishing a Third New Testament after
doing 6 Bibles in sub chapters of
a longest long form poem
‘SonG oF mY SoUL’
at that total
Bible size
6 times longer
than the Old King
James Version by
far at over 5 million
Words problem with much
of religion and culture is a split
mind of lust and love no different really
than a split of.. mind and body.. too as far
as regulating emotions and integrating senses
from head to toe in Moving Connecting and Creating
ways too.. anyWay in writing this separate MacroVerse
and in ways pArT of aLL oF ThAT of Course hehe as the
Draft Comments Section of .. “A SaVaNT of LoVE” as Number
MacroVerse 13 of that last 3rd New Testament too will inherently too
include all these photos and videos and words true too.. in the comments
section yes.. where most every MacroVerse now is longer than a standard
Novel from head of title to last comments section Draft of the Next MacroVerse
coming now too.. so yeah. i would be amiss not to include the Science of Lust
and Love.. for yes not only is there just physical and emotional and existential
intelligence there is sexual and sensual intelligence that is of course the Human
and other Animal Libido that is pART of aLL thAT true and some how we are
mostly too afraid to discuss that more fully in bibles and the such as that
and of course most wisdom by history is written by writers and
they are most often generally introverts and a little
more closed legged if you get the drift and
draft of colder and in some ways
more frigid and softer too..
yes.. it’s also true
higher levels of disgust
are generally correlated with
smaller ways of Libido too.. so it’s
also true you generally speaking will
have a hard time being a nurse if your
libido is low and you are easily disgusted too..
anyway.. our closest front to front Kissing NoW and
other oral sex with lots of homosexual leaning behavior
yes.. closest cousin Bonobos who do live usually in groups
of less than 150 to 200 sets of naked ape hips and eyes too..
they use the Force of Lust and Love to defeat most all potential
Violence and no now they never have World War III unless invaded
by another tribe so yes.. overall it’s hard to expect Humans to revert back
to Bonobo ways as our tools have brought us together and more divided
and lonely than ever before overall as far as life long flesh and blood touch
does go.. anYWay with that and the Video on the Science of Lust and Love it
really helps to gain some Lust intelligence to go along with your Love intelligence
too.. they are related they are related now to potential violence and aggression too..
yes.. they are closely related and to get a Balance of Lust and Love that moves
and connects and creates in Peace and Harmony is sure the New Coke with Zero
World War III..
best news of all
is i am not A only one
disSeminating all of this
valuable information to set
yourself free from the dogmas
biting from past.. it’s all out tHeRe
on Google and YouTube Still just
ready to be sought and found and
there is a whole Coming Army and
Navy and Marines and Air Force
and other Free Lance Soldiers
of God Nature Free Coming
to some place near to
you soon.. you
can bet
do come sooner
or later as long as the
Human Race continues to
Spread a Freedom of Information
that is as real as IT IS NOW.. GOOD FORTUNE
the truth and the light does live now good searching and
finding too for the Force of Love is more Powerful in some
Pockets of the World than ever before if only in all and no bodies and
yes2.. iN every men and women and no men and women currently in dark
for now
the soul
WiLL anD
CaN WitH LoVE..:)
And now off to the
Years to Date..
First now with..
Years to Date..
First now with..
As A MiX.. Yes
A Play on Words
Combining Gratitude
with @Attitude to make
one Word Great as it goes
on to be Great now.. yes.. Love
and Fearless.. Will and Strength now
and Grace too.. but remembering too the
struggles and joys of past writing.. them down
in a record remember to one day go back to aGaiN..
Particularly iF somEhow.. heART.. SpiRiT.. SoUL Get Lost
again in a MiNd and BoDy.. more out of River Wave Ocean
wHole BLanCinG FLoW SoUL less now as then.. i make it sort
oF A Religion to use pART of this more Modern MacroVerse that
verses much more Narrow Bands of Hurricane Winds and Nautilus
Shell Chambers of MacroVerses that did come back.. four years ago
in 2013 like this one heAR.. aS i Continue to Explore Both Attitude and
Gratitude for what has been and for what now continues to be Great..:)
As A MiX.. Yes
A Play on Words
Combining Gratitude
with @Attitude to make
one Word Great as it goes
on to be Great now.. yes.. Love
and Fearless.. Will and Strength now
and Grace too.. but remembering too the
struggles and joys of past writing.. them down
in a record remember to one day go back to aGaiN..
Particularly iF somEhow.. heART.. SpiRiT.. SoUL Get Lost
again in a MiNd and BoDy.. more out of River Wave Ocean
wHole BLanCinG FLoW SoUL less now as then.. i make it sort
oF A Religion to use pART of this more Modern MacroVerse that
verses much more Narrow Bands of Hurricane Winds and Nautilus
Shell Chambers of MacroVerses that did come back.. four years ago
in 2013 like this one heAR.. aS i Continue to Explore Both Attitude and
Gratitude for what has been and for what now continues to be Great..:)
“Confidence Stripped”.. Well this metaphor can surely be brought to
art and science in many ways for at core our animal Nature does
best when naked and fearless same from all the clothes of
culture that bring so many illusory fears.. still distancing
myself here two years ago from all the difficulties of
attempting to write on both the Wrong Planet
and Poetry Land for dVerse online where
in neither place by this point was
i much welcome in either
so-called reason or poetry
land as true there were some places
in both that refused to move out of Science then
or Move into Art a nut mix of being human we are
where ever we go.. some nuts spicy and some nuts
not salted very much at all.. anyway what i mean to say
was a mutt mix but you get the drift i guess biodiversity
is all of where it’s always been as living organisms whole..
still loading in the Poetry from dVerse sticking to the rhythm
and rhyme in poetically responding to every prompt and every
link of poetry there that will continue through March of 2016 too..
and yes.. some of my art from sitting so much as sort of a slave in
covenant to that love of poetry training left more of a middle tire that
i can still visit and appreciate better how my health has improved now that
i am part of no group rule target audience in either reason or poetry land true…:)
art and science in many ways for at core our animal Nature does
best when naked and fearless same from all the clothes of
culture that bring so many illusory fears.. still distancing
myself here two years ago from all the difficulties of
attempting to write on both the Wrong Planet
and Poetry Land for dVerse online where
in neither place by this point was
i much welcome in either
so-called reason or poetry
land as true there were some places
in both that refused to move out of Science then
or Move into Art a nut mix of being human we are
where ever we go.. some nuts spicy and some nuts
not salted very much at all.. anyway what i mean to say
was a mutt mix but you get the drift i guess biodiversity
is all of where it’s always been as living organisms whole..
still loading in the Poetry from dVerse sticking to the rhythm
and rhyme in poetically responding to every prompt and every
link of poetry there that will continue through March of 2016 too..
and yes.. some of my art from sitting so much as sort of a slave in
covenant to that love of poetry training left more of a middle tire that
i can still visit and appreciate better how my health has improved now that
i am part of no group rule target audience in either reason or poetry land true…:)
“WaY uP HiGheR2”.. Well yeah.. it’s true i did a Blogway Musical
Write in riffing off of Mary Poppins too.. at the Roman Catholic Church
i attend in my town they also presented such a broad way production then
and when i told the Priest i was interested in that with the wife standing
by my side.. he kinda looked at me like i might be making fun of it but
i do love some Magic Movies in deeper exploration of Human Archetypal
Heroes more.. yes yes and yes.. Chim chim CHimEree Chimney swept uP too..:)
Write in riffing off of Mary Poppins too.. at the Roman Catholic Church
i attend in my town they also presented such a broad way production then
and when i told the Priest i was interested in that with the wife standing
by my side.. he kinda looked at me like i might be making fun of it but
i do love some Magic Movies in deeper exploration of Human Archetypal
Heroes more.. yes yes and yes.. Chim chim CHimEree Chimney swept uP too..:)
“Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!”.. Would be the start of a New Book
in Ten Sixteen.. and as “Book of Ten Sixteen”.. literally in Month and Day
way too as we are now in Ten Seventeen.. and looks like i’m gonna
publish this “PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE” MacroVerse NoW on
10.17.17 and perhaps even finish it as far as writing goes
on 10.16.17 but it is true Work out time is groWinG very
close and now we knock out a couple of miles around
the block after work out too with the Katrina and my
Sister Marilou that’s Southern by the way for
Marie Louise in case you don’t know that..
And yes we had a Hurricane Katrina B4
And a Hurricane Maria this year too..
anyway.. i usually watch the Fox Lucifer
Show on Monday Night too.. so whether this
gets a finish of write tonight is largely still up up
away in the air too.. and yes it’s also true there was
big talk on Internet Conspiracy Internet sites about an Apocalypse
and the end of days around this time last year in 2016 too around
the Date of September 23rd too and Lord knows we are still heAR
as another conspiracy theory about the end of the world did not come
true of course on 10.15.2017 as generally speaking people have been
making bucket loads of Google Ad Sense Pennies spreading Fear and
Hate on Youtube and sure on Facebook too but with the Russians and all
of that Faux News and the Newest Election of our newest ‘Dear Leader” who
just so happens to have a mini-me-like shorter version over in North Korea too..
Culture at Large and Google and YouTube and Facebook at smaller and larger more less
too.. is finding out that yes the truth counts and facts matter and why now in the hell
would commercial advertisers make money off of fear and hate now as there is more than
enough of that already in politics and corporations overall too.. things are a changing
and yes.. one can already hear the gnashing and the wailing of teeth and mouths on YouTube
now and other places for sure for now when one does not wear a wedding garment of Truth
and Light no longer is fear and hate being subsidized by Social Media Commercial Making
Bucks but i must say i found some of it rather dArk musing entertaining for writing poetry
so far too.. but it’s true some folks just don’t have the used car sales man radar as i surely do..;)
in Ten Sixteen.. and as “Book of Ten Sixteen”.. literally in Month and Day
way too as we are now in Ten Seventeen.. and looks like i’m gonna
publish this “PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE” MacroVerse NoW on
10.17.17 and perhaps even finish it as far as writing goes
on 10.16.17 but it is true Work out time is groWinG very
close and now we knock out a couple of miles around
the block after work out too with the Katrina and my
Sister Marilou that’s Southern by the way for
Marie Louise in case you don’t know that..
And yes we had a Hurricane Katrina B4
And a Hurricane Maria this year too..
anyway.. i usually watch the Fox Lucifer
Show on Monday Night too.. so whether this
gets a finish of write tonight is largely still up up
away in the air too.. and yes it’s also true there was
big talk on Internet Conspiracy Internet sites about an Apocalypse
and the end of days around this time last year in 2016 too around
the Date of September 23rd too and Lord knows we are still heAR
as another conspiracy theory about the end of the world did not come
true of course on 10.15.2017 as generally speaking people have been
making bucket loads of Google Ad Sense Pennies spreading Fear and
Hate on Youtube and sure on Facebook too but with the Russians and all
of that Faux News and the Newest Election of our newest ‘Dear Leader” who
just so happens to have a mini-me-like shorter version over in North Korea too..
Culture at Large and Google and YouTube and Facebook at smaller and larger more less
too.. is finding out that yes the truth counts and facts matter and why now in the hell
would commercial advertisers make money off of fear and hate now as there is more than
enough of that already in politics and corporations overall too.. things are a changing
and yes.. one can already hear the gnashing and the wailing of teeth and mouths on YouTube
now and other places for sure for now when one does not wear a wedding garment of Truth
and Light no longer is fear and hate being subsidized by Social Media Commercial Making
Bucks but i must say i found some of it rather dArk musing entertaining for writing poetry
so far too.. but it’s true some folks just don’t have the used car sales man radar as i surely do..;)
“Chinese Tiger’s End of Days”.. yeah.. speaking of treating much greater
furry and warm Species on Earth by the true ignorance of Human Cultural
Viruses of Weapons in killing arms now.. live by the sword die by the sword STiLL applies
to the entire Human Race and its Relationship to all of the Rest of aLL oF Nature TruE..iN LiGHT..:)
furry and warm Species on Earth by the true ignorance of Human Cultural
Viruses of Weapons in killing arms now.. live by the sword die by the sword STiLL applies
to the entire Human Race and its Relationship to all of the Rest of aLL oF Nature TruE..iN LiGHT..:)
“710th MacroVerse oF Faith”.. WeLL i’m really glad a link to this MacroVerse
from a year ago makes it at least into the 13th MacroVerse Comments Section
and this New MacroVerse after my Third New Testament completion with
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”.. True.. it’s really a comprehensive version now
of all of what i for one can and will see the Term Faith to be and
on top of that as usual and in every MacroVerse Starting on Memorial
Day of 2016.. the Beautiful Women from Old Seville Quarter do come
in each and every one for a Beautiful and Loving Smiling Muse too..:)
from a year ago makes it at least into the 13th MacroVerse Comments Section
and this New MacroVerse after my Third New Testament completion with
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”.. True.. it’s really a comprehensive version now
of all of what i for one can and will see the Term Faith to be and
on top of that as usual and in every MacroVerse Starting on Memorial
Day of 2016.. the Beautiful Women from Old Seville Quarter do come
in each and every one for a Beautiful and Loving Smiling Muse too..:)
“Dancing Bears don’t break down” this is true.. you can even ask the Beautiful
Women from Old Seville Quarter as ‘They’ Do dance Marathon Dance for 3 Hours
long and don’t even stop for a drink of water and some times a
mix drink is brought down to the Dancing Bear but he says
no thanks Ma’am for This Dancing Bear does not drink
do caffeine smoke or do illicit drugs this Bear is clean
and yes in some ways much more free than clean too hehe..
And also October is Festival Month around here in the Panhandle
of Florida Free some photos here of a Catholic Church Fall Festival too..:)
Women from Old Seville Quarter as ‘They’ Do dance Marathon Dance for 3 Hours
long and don’t even stop for a drink of water and some times a
mix drink is brought down to the Dancing Bear but he says
no thanks Ma’am for This Dancing Bear does not drink
do caffeine smoke or do illicit drugs this Bear is clean
and yes in some ways much more free than clean too hehe..
And also October is Festival Month around here in the Panhandle
of Florida Free some photos here of a Catholic Church Fall Festival too..:)
“iT is IS IS is iT”.. WeLL in terms of what Bill Clinton might Define
is as heaR.. this one is particularly still interesting to me as it does
include a photo copy still of my Numerology Report and synchronistically
enough the Life Challenges Start at Zero for the free will to do anything
you would like to do from nothing to perhaps saving an entire world too in
help way of Ophelia too.. and then there is Life Challenges 2.. 3.. and 4 across
the lifespan too coming in at 1.. 1.. and 1 that simply says after 0 at Birth now just
affirm what you are doing more and be who you are.. hmm.. Complete Free Will now too as
the read out does suggest and perhaps i’ve just about got a relative handle on that too..
anyEay it goes on to say.. Life Path Number 1 and Destiny Number 7 and OG yes Soul Number
11 and then after that.. 5 for Personality and 8 for Maturity and it is rather uncanny how
it fits me almost to a cross of a T now.. overall as this shit really does seem to be CoMinG
as Truth
but sure You
can be the Judge
of that too as details
more are included in this
MacroVerse from Two Years ago too..
as they say Horatios.. Truth is Much Stranger
than Fiction and so is Life and Light and Love True too..:)
is as heaR.. this one is particularly still interesting to me as it does
include a photo copy still of my Numerology Report and synchronistically
enough the Life Challenges Start at Zero for the free will to do anything
you would like to do from nothing to perhaps saving an entire world too in
help way of Ophelia too.. and then there is Life Challenges 2.. 3.. and 4 across
the lifespan too coming in at 1.. 1.. and 1 that simply says after 0 at Birth now just
affirm what you are doing more and be who you are.. hmm.. Complete Free Will now too as
the read out does suggest and perhaps i’ve just about got a relative handle on that too..
anyEay it goes on to say.. Life Path Number 1 and Destiny Number 7 and OG yes Soul Number
11 and then after that.. 5 for Personality and 8 for Maturity and it is rather uncanny how
it fits me almost to a cross of a T now.. overall as this shit really does seem to be CoMinG
as Truth
but sure You
can be the Judge
of that too as details
more are included in this
MacroVerse from Two Years ago too..
as they say Horatios.. Truth is Much Stranger
than Fiction and so is Life and Light and Love True too..:)
“Truth of Veil”.. Yes NoW.. Truth in LiGht also Apocalypse by original
Greek Definition means lifting the veils of ignorance too in systemizing
ways that can and will still now be considered as Science Wisdom in Truth
oF LiGHT too but nah nah no no.. too.. it also means in my terms of
Lifting the Veils away from Love too that also means opening up a Real PaNDorA
BoX oF LIGHt thaT is Real Super Normal MaGiC NoW too.. no limits NoW iN HuMaN
MoVinG CoNNecTinG CreATinG ForcE oF LiGHT WitH the Power of iMaGiNaTiON MoRE
And LuCiD GUidED DreAMs CoME to Fruition NoW.. tHeRE is a Deeper WaY of LoVELiGHT
tHat/wHo Spells aLL Natural Super Normal MaGiC truE.. no limits no stiff expectations just the
iN oTheR Words
the SeNse and FeeL
And KNoW of all that is
iS far far far BeYOnd JuST
A Description of Human constructed
Abstract Symbols for the much Greater
Essence of all that is all about Love as MaGiC TrUE..
Yes.. Wisdom so much deeper than words.. letters or numbers lone..
For You FeeL this Wisdom you SenSE this Wisdom after you seek it
and find it aLL as a FREE Gift of iNheritance of FeeL and SenSE more the Essence oF PuRELoVENoW..:)
Greek Definition means lifting the veils of ignorance too in systemizing
ways that can and will still now be considered as Science Wisdom in Truth
oF LiGHT too but nah nah no no.. too.. it also means in my terms of
Lifting the Veils away from Love too that also means opening up a Real PaNDorA
BoX oF LIGHt thaT is Real Super Normal MaGiC NoW too.. no limits NoW iN HuMaN
MoVinG CoNNecTinG CreATinG ForcE oF LiGHT WitH the Power of iMaGiNaTiON MoRE
And LuCiD GUidED DreAMs CoME to Fruition NoW.. tHeRE is a Deeper WaY of LoVELiGHT
tHat/wHo Spells aLL Natural Super Normal MaGiC truE.. no limits no stiff expectations just the
iN oTheR Words
the SeNse and FeeL
And KNoW of all that is
iS far far far BeYOnd JuST
A Description of Human constructed
Abstract Symbols for the much Greater
Essence of all that is all about Love as MaGiC TrUE..
Yes.. Wisdom so much deeper than words.. letters or numbers lone..
For You FeeL this Wisdom you SenSE this Wisdom after you seek it
and find it aLL as a FREE Gift of iNheritance of FeeL and SenSE more the Essence oF PuRELoVENoW..:)
“In the Beginning tHeRe IS MUSICK”.. Yes DaRK BRinGS LiGHT aS DancE
of MoVinG SoUnd alSo KNoWN as SonG as MuSiC inSpiReS thE LiGHT
oF DancE eVeN MoRE BeYoNd
Wheel of
Amen MoRe..:)
of MoVinG SoUnd alSo KNoWN as SonG as MuSiC inSpiReS thE LiGHT
oF DancE eVeN MoRE BeYoNd
Wheel of
Amen MoRe..:)
“KAT of all Trades”.. Truly not an easy task but when gifted
TrUE iN LiGhT Relative Free WiLL and ways are prepared
You Do NoT Drop tHe BaLL YoU Carry Love as any Atlas
iN Victory WiTH a GRaCE
of WiLL and Strength Apollo
no longer myth
TrUE iN LiGhT Relative Free WiLL and ways are prepared
You Do NoT Drop tHe BaLL YoU Carry Love as any Atlas
iN Victory WiTH a GRaCE
of WiLL and Strength Apollo
no longer myth
“Dualing Banjo’s of dVerse Poet’s Pub”.. YeP.. i’Ve meNtioned iT beForE aLL KiNds oF SaVaNT.
“711 MaCroVerse BeYonD”.. Hmm.. shALL i add anything else.. perHaps
this is enough for now as i do finish writing this at least on 9.16.17 at 6:44 PM..
the cLock says eat fast and work out some more after then put it iN PerMaNeNT iNk fASHioN..;)
this is enough for now as i do finish writing this at least on 9.16.17 at 6:44 PM..
the cLock says eat fast and work out some more after then put it iN PerMaNeNT iNk fASHioN..;)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Nether Land Bible 2017
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
6th Bible Memorial..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
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