“300 YEaRs FReED FLinSTOnEs GoNe”..
And yes.. the Word Press Linking
Function is on the BLinK
AGaiN.. WiLL See
if this MacroVerse
Shares Better NoW
witH tHe KATiE MiA/
Aghogday Archive
Version of this MacroVerse
in a few per this link heAR..
AnyWay.. this also WiLL be the
Introduction for the next 114th/785th
MacroVerse titled.. “SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS”
As the last MacroVerse linked heAR.. per Number
113/784.. “300 YeARs FReED FLinSTOnEs GoNe”
Brings the Word Count of “Nether Land Bible
2017”.. all the way up to 1,744,898 Words
in the last 13 Months of Writing as i
Move on into the 14th month where
soon this Second Chapter of a
Longest Long Form Poem..
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..
already approaching
5 Million words as past
the Previous Humankind
effort of 1.8 Million Words
in Free Verse Poetry style..
While “Nether Land Bible 2017”
WiLL Match that too in around
55K more words in about 2 weeks
too for about A 13.6 Month Effort.. give
or take a few days however come what may
does coMe nexT.. Meanwhile.. Sleep Calls..
Too FoR NoW..:)
Back aGaiN.. aLL
Fresh as a Spring
Daisy and Poser..
hmm.. i mean Posey
Never Wilting NoW..
So.. i’LL stARt aGaiN
WitH a Facebook Share
of Happy Moments with me and ours
in the modern Adam and Eve Garden of Eden
too.. yes
US.. me
and the
Katrina LiVinG
All Free as technically
two American Citizens
who are both legally NoW
and medically determined
and defined as permanently
And Totally Disabled.. Katrina
technically since age 33 with
Epilepsy and me technically
NoW on the upside sTiLL
for Four Years NoW
oF Bipolar
and the Autism
Spectrum with Asperger’s
as my Emotionally Disaffective
Law Enforcement Dad of 46 years
‘then’ who my Mother saw in the Courthouse
and said OMG that man with the Half Stubbled
Beard who is a Beverage Agent with Camouflage
on with the Clearest Greenest eyes she had ever
seen on a Devilishly Delicious Man in ‘Blue Jeans’
then.. yes.. she was working in the Courthouse then..
the woman who too was voted as Having the Best
Figure in High School in both 11th and 12th
Grade literally Drenched with Estrogen
Fair skin with yes a Family Full
History of Folks on
the Bi-Polar
sides of
up and
down too..
where my Father’s
Irish and Spanish and
French and German Ancestral
past away from the Sioux and
Cherokee and Old English of
My Mother’s Ancestral past
were polar opposites
who came together
hehe.. to make
a somewhat
‘perfect’ storm of me..
sort of hay wired uP too
for real.. so.. my Father.. the
Quiet Devil in Blue Jeans with
the clearest light Green Irish
Eyes with Jet Black Curly Hair
Proposed to the Woman with
the Best Figure on the First Date..
and eventually my Mother Gave in as back
in them days a Woman at age 24 working
single was considered close to an old maid then..
and Dear old Dad at age 27.. well.. back then that was
rather old for an Unmarried Dude too.. yes.. things have
changed now as people can even feel somewhat free enough
to never get married and have children and enjoy their Personalized
Right to Life.. Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness too.. and Women
even get to Vote and Black Folks no longer have a Separate Drinking
Fountain like they did when i was little in the 60’s and the KKK no longer
meets down town like they did as late as 1975 ‘right’ on the outskirts of
Town where the first Walmart Came to build a Big Store there.. hmm..
Yes.. not only did Walmart Develop Center Wide Aisle Dance Floors for
my Dance every city i go to in the South East Gulf Coast
Region of my territory now.. as i mark it.. hehe
with Dance.. yes.. Walmart helped rid
this place of the Scourge of
the KKK sadly led
mostly by
Onward Cross
Burning Christian Soldiers
in Santa Rosa County and Town
Milton then too.. as they are STiLL
Doing the SamE GoD Damned thing Now
in their efforts to take away Health Care
from the poor and old and disabled masses
in Medicaid ways and give that money
to the Rich as Reverse Robin
Hood StiLL Evil NoW.. not
unlike the so-called
Men of God
who name
the acts of Homosexuals
as Demon Possessed Evil
In Churches where as Science
Shows Homosexuality exists
in around 4 Percent of any
General Population that
gathers together for
cause that comes
and sure the torture for these
folks in another persecuted minority
of Americans is a slow burn of Cross too..
as getting outcast from the Social Group as
whole is as painfully emotionally as almost
any physical torture too.. it’s Empathy and Compassion
Folks for those who have that Human Attribute of Love NoW
and on the Cognitive Level of Affective Empathy too understand
fully that folks are different than them too and have different needs
and desires and wants than what makes your right NoW as an American
Citizen in the Declaration of Independence which we come to celebrate on
July 4th.. this Tuesday for the Right to Life.. Liberty.. and NoW the Pursuit
of Happiness too.. so.. if you are American.. truly American and yes truly
Christian in the sense and feel of the Good Cop Jesus who will never
throw the first stone.. will clearly say in the Kingdom of Heaven now..
Gentile.. or Jew.. Servant or Free.. Woman or Man no more which
like it or not if you are a REAL GOOD COP JESUS CHRISTIAN
if my nakedness and fearlessness offends you..
in expressing all of my First Amendment
Rights heAR.. turn me off as
online always
has an
off button
hehe.. trust
me.. much harder
to get away now from
my eyes when i pierce
‘your’ soul eye to eye..
hehe.. even with
shades on
as you
don’t wanna
meet the Karmic
eYe too uP close and
Personal hehe.. sure i’m
sort of kidding and NOT..
As i am Born “SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS”..
albeit my Father’s Flowers were a little Cigarette
Stale then.. and after my Mother did give in and
marry him.. he didn’t say a word.. the rest of
the marriage except before he left when
he wanted her to make money for
him instead of staying home
and giving touchy feely
hugs of love to her
children thank
God that i
received without
fail until age 3 explaining
much of the Love i STiLL
aM NoW And his twin brother
never said a word to
my Mother
when he
met her
either.. yes..
My Sister is Diagnosed
With Asperger’s Syndrome too
and her form is more profound
than mine as they say.. the little
Girls get the Daddy’s Brains more
and the little Boys get the Mama’s
‘Poetic’.. out there Happy Brain more..
too.. so i Dance in Public and my Sister still
Avoids all Social Situations like the plague still..
and yes.. in my life i’ve been to that place too..
of Super Social Anxiety and being so uncomfortable
in my own skin too.. if you think my life has been entirely
the Bed and DayliGht of Roses it is now.. you ain’t met
me when i was in Hell.. about two years in my early
twenties and 66 months from ages 47 to
53.. where i would have traded
places with a Nursing
Home Patient
to play
a game
of Bingo
with a Big
FucKinG Grin then.
Yes.. i longed for what
the Smiling Nursing Home
Patients and my 94 year old
Great Aunt Freely expressed as a FucKinG
HuMaN SMiLe and a LIGht oF eYes i Lost
that said i am human now and more than
just a FucKInG Lonely Ghost wandering
the eARTh having no idea as point
of reference to a smile that
he is dead now for
close to two
years in Youth
and 66 months in
Middle Age too.. yes.. i am
not too disabled to be where
i am now.. but much too disabled
to take any chance of going back to
hell now.. and Modern Medicine understands
the life and death implications of what it means
for someone like me to attain.. and maintain.. “SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS”
Status now for Four Years as i did it for close to two Decades with a Job
that didn’t have stress going through the ceiling of hell in so many
different directions of cognitive dissonance then… as the
Psychiatrists will tell ya.. the brain does whacky things
iN Catch 22 situations that you convince yourself
you cannot escape.. trust me.. better
to get away than
to live
NoW.. but truST me too..
if you’ve been where i have
you have tremendous empathy
and compassion in both affective
and cognitive empathy for the Invisible
Disabilities of Living Hell within.. yes.. Heaven
within exists and ‘you’ God DAMN BETTER BELIEVE
too next time ‘you’ onward Christian Soldiers
Bad Cop Jesus your way
in suggesting
that that Robust
Looking Specimen
of Homeless Dude on
the outside isn’t living
in real hell now on the inside now
you have no FucKinG idea even exists
that is worse than any horror show you
can visualize as this Horror show is well
beyond the Language of Seeing and Hearing
alone not unlike the Beauty and Wisdom
and LiGht and TrUth and
Fearless Nature
iN smART
WitHiN NoW
FReED as me.. hehe..
i have some ideas FOR how
not to go to Hell and some ideas
FOR how to go to Heaven and stay there
NoW too.. for i have lived and do live in both
sides now.. Heaven and the Hell that i can NoW
STiLL Logically remember but still WiLL never
replicate the FeeLinG and SenSinG and Lack
thereof of existing in HeLL Within Eternity
NoW.. a place where there is only
time whereas in Heaven
there is no Sense
or Feel of TiMe
at all.. only
of Bliss
and Nirvana now..
nah.. this place ain’t
Free.. takes an Olympic
Effort that ironically is ease
once one truly Masters wiTh LiGht
God Boss within HeaVeN NoW.. TrUE
so sure.. “SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS”..
and if you think and or feel and or sense
and or cringe at the thought of someone
airing out all their dirty laundry like i do with
only the hopes of inspiring anyone at all NoW who
lived and lives in the Hell i used to be.. it’s simple NoW..
you ain’t been to Hell or been to Hell enough to understand
the Value of 100 Percent Unconditional Love NoW iN Fearless
And smART and Beauty Wise way.. NoW iN LIGht and TrUth
thaT Fears
no shAMe
from GiVinG
LIFE and LIGht
and TrUth all NoW..
yes.. as they say it’s what
the Good Cop Jesus NoW Will
do if he exists aT aLL today.. too
and true you can make that ideal you too
but remember there is no Perfect as Perfect
means you can never change something to better
and no change is literally a Definition of Both Hell and Insanity
NoW.. yes.. believe it or not Ripley if you ever go To Hell it WiLL
be Perfect
even possible then..
be careful what you
wish for.. very
to never
Hope for Perfect HeLL..
And yes.. i am a FireWork FLoWeR NoW too iN
A Place Called Heaven away from the Garbage
Dump of Aghori Aghogday Gehenna.. per
Another Ground Hog Day Perfectly
the same
Grounds wHeRe
Burn is all you wish for.
Back to Heaven and that FB
share i was speaking of aGaiN..
worth a copy and paste again at
least for me.. hehe.. as sooner or
later in this life if you live long enough
you learn to play with everything including
you and become your own best friend.. Wife
And Husband.. Mother and Father and Lover too..
Brother and Sister.. eTC.. allone with God with all to Give and Share Free..
true it’s a place hard for most people to imagine.. not easy to find and seek and
to practice and maintain this attainment.. possible.. yes.. NoW if you trim YouR
CamEL enough down uP to enter into the eye oF Heaven within you NoW and once you
get tHeRe.. reMeMber Perfect is Hell and Life is a Master Piece Painting of Practice
NoW as a
Perfect Practice
effortless so ironically
HeaVeN IS A Cloud
with no up
or down
Float NoW Bird with no cAGe
as SOldieRs oF LiGHT FLoWeRS
LiVE oN ETernALLy NoW iN aLL
FLoW iN ZonE NeVeR WilTiNG NoW..:)
So.. as i address the all Free Facebook
Gift that all Naturally in Virtual and
Vicarious Mirror Neuron and
Dopamine and Oxytocin
and Serotonin and other
hUman FeeL Good
and Neurohormone
WaYs BRinG LiGht to
HUmaN eYes iN MoVinG
CoNnecTinG CreAtinG
ways online too in a
HeaVeN PoTenTiaL NoW
for aLL no matter wHo
and wHat and wHeRe they
live now.. in A place with
No Moon or Sun now too..
But Never the less liGht
Generated More by
Screens in Rooms
of DArK NiGhts oF SoUls too..
true when one is shut in with the
worst pain known to humankind
yes.. Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
from wake to sleep like dentist drill
in eye and ear for 66 months with
no more emotions left and no drug
that will help.. and yes.. you are stuck
in 4 walls from wake to sleep.. two to
three inches close barely seeing a computer
lit screen then.. this online place can be
the only place NoW between you and a metal
chain on a tree far far away with the only
nourishment you will give is the Vultures
who eat you then.. with the happiest Full
of Holy Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
you find for what’s left of your existence then..
it’s true.. i am a DArk Horse coMe back to LiFE
now.. Reborn Phoenix RiSinG fRoM aSHeS MoRe
thE underdog of death as liFe who
found hiS CApe of LovE aGaiN..
and it’s trUe.. be carefuL
what yA WIsH foR NoW
’cause Karma’s real
morEEver lEarn
to PLay WitH
God within as this
God within does Love
to Be Cherished with
Love and this God within
Lives with the ever reaching
Arm of KArMa NoW that is
all one LiVinG WitHiN and while
this Love WiLL Make YA Float like MaGiC
NoW Love iT aLL or FAce the Wrath of God within..
these metaphors are FuLL oF LiGht and TrutH aS Nature too..
so.. i go on to talk to Facebook as PlaY wiThiN NoW aS
Haha.. thanks Facebook
for caring so much.. NoW
And it’s true.. too.. not only
Did i Love 10 nice things..
i Liked 2,744 things too
but i did not go to the
trouble to Edit what
the Faceboook
as for a change
i let someone else
jUSt do my work.. hehe..
And it’s true.. i Love everything ALL..
NoW but not too many people understand
what that means in PurE LiGht so i don’t
wanna scare ’em with too much Love too..
as some folks are not very comfortable
with Love like thaT FeeLinG and SeNsinG
no Bounds
oF Fear
for less than
aLL Love NoW…
Yes.. Good Cop
Jesus Branded too..
who WiLL never steal
from the poor and give
to the rich too as ‘DEviLs’ Do STiLL iN
tHeiR oWn FasHionED BRaND oF dARK SpELLeD HeLL.
Oh yeaH and on a lighter note..
A couple more playful responses
to WiTh God Within.. no separation
whole.. might as WeLL
PlaY iT
as Lovers
and FriEnds
and if no one wants
to join in.. quiet FredLY
that’s tHeir loss and never mind
as do what thou WiLt Harming no otHeR
too.. nah.. this ain’t everyone’s cup of tea as if it
were it would be perfect and also hell too.. again
Create your liFe don’t get sOld by some one else’s definition
of perfect.. tHat’s living tHeir life and Never yours free with God within..
it’s true you can’t be me and i can’t be you and it’s also true no matter
how Sufi you are and even if you don’t eat Watermelon you can’t
Be Muhammad or the original Jesus either.. all you can be
is you for if you were someone else or someone
else’s ideal God would Dam sure Get
Bored and that would Defeat
the wHOle FucKinG MeaNinG
and Purpose FuLL
HoLy and SaCREd
Way of the BiG
Bangs from the stART
it’s an orgasm that continuously
changes not the same GoD DaMn Missionary Position..;)
So back to FB i DancE and SinG to one Ego Feel
Good Booster that says i am 99 Percent German
and another one that suggests i am 24 with
Wise eyes.. a Big Smile and 1809 Percent
Beautiful hehe.. if you can imagine that..
haha.. so i go on in response to both with..
Yep.. Paternal Great Grandfather
Edmund was a Watchmaker
In the Black Forest of
Germany who immigrated
To Ireland and married
A Rainsford Girl whose
Family sold the Facility
To Make Beer to
Arthur Guinness
Where technically
That is where
My middle
And shared
By Grand
Dad Leo’s
Brother too..
In Limerick
Old Ireland
Too.. WeLL..
YeP.. sTiLL..
A few red
Hairs Left
iN mY Mustache
With what used
To be an
too.. i grew
In 11th Grade
when then some
Of the Students
Asked me if i was
A High School
Teacher then2
Hehe.. StiLL
All NaturALLy
HiGh NoW as
A Pint FuLL
oF Guinness
From the Black
Forest Ancestral Watch
Maker’s Germany too..
And true there is a Famous
Brand of Watches with my
Sir Name that are still sold tHeRe2..:)
Oh.. MaGiC FB
Tests you are aLL
Too KinD As Ego
Boosters to click
On all your Commercial
Links but as ‘they’ say..
It’s A thought that Counts
Most But that don’t change
The FacT i Am ‘Wise’
Enough to be your
Grand Pa.. WitH A
WidE SMiLE too
1800 Percent More
FeeLinG YouNGeR
Than Ever.. the onLY
Place “IT” Counts
In the HeaVeN
WitHiN.. NoW So
YeS iN thiS
Way.. My
Are totAllY
Correct WitH
A HuuuHGeeeE
Buddy Love Thank
You From Me NoW..;)
It’s true in America at least
you do have now MORE the right to
life.. liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..
you can even get married if you are Homosexual now
thanks to Mr. Obama and other Members of the Good Cop
Jesus LIGht Crew Ideal NoW too.. nah.. you don’t even
have to have a specific religion to practice FearLess
smART UnConDiTioNaL BeauTy WiSe LoVe NoW it’s
the One God Loves within iF yOu FeeL this More
thaN A FeeLing and SeNSing GoD within
ALiVE yes GoD aLiVE moRE FuLLy
HaPPy WiThiN and
never settling
for the
and insanity
of perfect with
no change now inside..
outside.. above.. so below
and all around as a big bang
Orgasm of life constantly ebbs
and flows as tantric shores of
Waves oF Ocean Floor that pulsate
with challenge and success and
sure a few fAiLed Godgasms
along the way too..
never the less
FuN BiG BanG
Orgasm for those
who understand all
the First Amendment
rights and more to
CoMe with goD
NakEd WiLd
and Free TogeTher
TeAM GoD WiThIn juST
oFFeRinG to HoLD HAnds
NoW toGeTHeR for aNoTheR
Multi-UniVerse GoD ConNecTioN
WiTh You too.. and next thing you
KNoW and FeeL and SenSe too you WiLL
BE StanDing TaLLeR as A Statue in YoUR
owN New York Bay of Life of Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness one with God or
Hell you can even cALL iT thAT all thAT iS
within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around a Blue Turtle as Long as
yOu FeeL anD SenSe the Essence oF
a Three letter word
more than
as abstract
construct form now..
LiVE GoD WiThiN DoN’T HuRt GoD WiThiN NoW
WiTh all NegaTive Stuff Associated with FeaR and HaTE..
yes By God YoU too can CapStoNe Rise Pyramid as SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS MoRE
than even
me if you believe
in the me that is
YoU WhO LIVes WiTh
and aS GoD WiThiN NoW..
And shed the Parachute of the
illusory fears and empty promises
of culture and religion that seeks
to rule yOur God Given LiVinG WiTHiN iN HeaVeN
NoW Rights to LiFE LiBerty and the PurSuiT of Happiness NoW..
thiS riGht is protected wHeRe i Live.. So.. God
Bless the U.S. of A.
for this and
hELp uS to LeNd
A Hand Up to the
ReaL DeViLs of EViL
wHo SeeK to take that
away from our Brothers
and Sisters LiVinG FReER NoW too..
Hmm.. Perhaps it’s alMost tiMe NoW FoR A
1.8 Million Western World New Old Ages Gettysburg Address
hehe.. NoW iF wE can only find somEone who has been to
Hell enough and Lives in Heaven enough to WRiTE iT OKaY
How ’bout you..;)
HA! and you thought
this was ‘jUSt’ A
BiG FaT woRd Bible
all PoeticAlly PuT
and FuLLy IllUsTratED
in over 100K Photos and
NoW CLoSinG iN on 5 MiLLioN
Words NoW in around 4 years too
with yes.. over 7600 MiLes of Public
Dance too.. hmm.. ye of little Faith..;)
AnywaY as
Hmm.. it’s 12:06 pm
on 6.29.17 and i’m
gonna take
a break
for Holy
and Sacred
R and R
iN A 167th Dance Week
At Old Seville Quarter
tonight hehe.. like
it’s not ALL Holy
and Sacred
of MeaninG
and Purpose for
me and God alREaDY wHo
FLiEs RiSEs Free wiThiN ME..;)
at 12:09 PM
Hmm.. Quick Reminder
to Go See mY PoeticAlly
iNclined FriEnds..
Xenia and
i’LL MaKe
pART wHOle
aS StayCaTioN
iN HeaVeN too..:)
Beginning in Pakistan..
FB Friend Rafiah
suggests all
i write
is poetic
so i go on to SinG..
heHe.. i
And So Are
You A pART
Of God PainTinG
NoW iN
And aS
As A PracTicE
HeAR NoW2..:)
And then
in response
to Himali too..
currently living
in the.. United
Arab Emirates..
from India..
writes a Nice
Poem about
Loving with
empathy and
one’s self..
so i go on
to say too..
Be Less or More
FLY with three
Red Heart with
two Yellow Stars
Each.. Emoticons..
Himali returns in
and first
i SinG
And finally
i Dance..
i Do Need
A Third
heART WHoLE..:)
finally now
For now.. more…
SOHEIR Drops by
with a photo gift NoW
Free aLL Nice Flowers
on my latest Flintstone
Associated MacroVerse
And i go on to say too..
Hello.. FriEnd SOHEIR
as i Look at the Lovely
Pastel Flowers of Pink
with Cream touch and
Ivory Rose highlighted
by the Life of Green that
SpRinGS Forward in the
Heat of Summer too now
BlesSinGS and BliSsinGS
once agAiN to you and your
Children in Egypt my FriEnd
as there
is no
than the
PreSent to Love
ALL liVes thAT AnD
wHo FloWeRs NoW..:)
Now.. i DancE and SinG.. while sharing
some iPhotos from my Home iMac 27.1 inch Big
Screen all in one Computer NoW as such.. as
i too..then.. inadvertently Press the Share
Photo as FB Profile Pic on two photos
as we (Katrina/me) are Browsing
then through thousands of photos
to find the ones she wants.. so..
yes.. i’LL Make those photos
paRT of the Story heARt too..
And nah.. i haven’t addressed the
three before that as Holy and Sacred
FuLL of Meaning and Purpose Thursday
R and R Activities cAMe First.. as Leaving
for Dance is the neXT SteP for that in about
an hour and a half from now so that now leaves
me about an hour of free write before showering
to get ready for the 167th Dance Week Celebration
with all the Cool College Age Folks from Good Old
Seville Quarter tonight too.. anyWaY as ‘they’ say Love
is Literally Written in the Stone as we Humans have the
Ability to share the Oxytocin and Other NeuroHormone
ways of Happiness with NeuroChemical Generating
Activities with over a Quadrillion
Connections as Force of Synergy
Energy from head
to toe as many
Stars and
more than
exist in the
Entire UniVerse
Science aided eYes
sHow us above.. below..
so below.. inside.. outside..
and all around too.. sure with
as many Neurons as Stars that and
who exist in the Milky Way to.. of course
that Sentient Standing StAR duST plUS uS
thAT coMes from Gaseous Star DuST Clouds
from Crucible Star Burst Death and
sure.. too.. evenTuaLLy
Resurrection uS..
We have lots of ways
these days through all the
Human tools as aids available
including Abstract Constructs as
Words to Associate the SpiRiTuaL
EmoTioNaL and SenSoRy Essence as
Form associated with that
Synergy oF FoRcE
Energy can
and will
and do coMeS as
Poetry.. lyrics of SonGs And
Music that touches the Auditory
poTenTiAL to receive EmoTioNs
from SonG and DAncE too
And all oTheR aRT too..
as we MoVe MoRE..
ConNecT MoRE
and CreATe
MoRe toGeTHeR
NoW.. doesn’t happen
by sitting still.. or closing
oneself off from the rest of the
human race or only ‘TV’ input without
using one’S iMaGiNaTioN for CreaTiViTY
NoW too.. in MoVinG CoNNecTinG Ways too..
Anyway.. yes.. profile pics have already come
and Gone More on FB that includes Rocks written
and painted WiTh SiGns of CreaTivity that folks
find and hide for oTheRs to touch tHeiR SpiRiT..
as HeART ExpreSSinG thAT heART iN MiNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL MoVinG and
ConNecTing and creATinG ways
all too.. and this Creation
Activity Moves off of
Flat Screen ways
wHeRE one
can touch
more than
a two-dimensional
Screen of ART NoW too..
Families are getting toGeTHeR
as a team to find and hide Rocks
of Love too all around the Community Free..
it’s what Human Neurons as Stars do Best..
CoNNecT TogeTHeR WiTh the GLuE oF LIGht
and Positive EmoTiONs and SenSEs awAy
from dARk.. And yes.. this entire ‘SonG
oF mY SoUL’ online is also Written
heART and Photos and otheR
Stuff etched in the
Stone of Love
that can
WiLL be
a HeaVeN Kingdom
of Happiness Online too..
and perhaps we will overshadow
with love the bottom of the pyramid
of Maslow’s Ladder to Self Actualization
and lift that bottom up more than Twitter
insults of fear and lies and hate too..
for one who is Love and Only Love
to Give the skin is too thick
to respond personally
to fear and hate..
anyWaY.. in Written
iN SToNe ways i lift
as hard as i can in ways
of ART of heART and LovE..
DancE and SonG everyWHeRe Free
Verse uNhindered nOW by the lesser
expectations of oTheR Folks NoW too
in limiting ways now as not so well..
to me at all in this Free Country
STiLL NoW.. yep.. life.. liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness
Free NoW too.. anyWay.. i CaN
WiLL Give Dance NoW through
SonG Feat2 and Write mY
HeART oN Blogs as
MiNd and BoDy
Force and
Energy in
Synergy oF LiFE soUL
PoWeR NoW too.. SuRe2..
Selfies with friendly Folks2
it’s true.. sTiLL.. once again Love
is Written in/on the Stone wherever
we find that Stone NoW Of God thaT and wHo
is Love for now for now and for now some MorE..
@LeASt for ME..:)
Will have to make it over
to Xenia and Frank’s place tomorrow
as so many other FriEnds now have come to
visit already this week whEre.. yes.. sTiLL
Room for more back from the Dance of LifE
in Free Breeze outside these four walls of
Computer Bedroom Life NoW heAR less too
and Different
as ‘they’
‘say’ more
too FoR NoW isReaL2..:)
iT’s LiKe A ‘TeNNiS CourT’
Don’t Need Balls aS LordE
SinGs WiNdoWs CaN WaTcH
i cAMe HeaR
To CReatEsHarE
NoT REproducE
HuMaN PoTenTiaL
Hehe.. FB A PLace oNe
sELf AcTuaLizeS MorE
WHetHeR oR NoT AnYonE
Else iS LooKinG2
FacT BeYonD iN
Lived on a Wrong Planet as INTJ
Left a Wrong Planet as ENFP
‘Tween STiLL
Duty Fulfiller Mechanic Nurturer
Artist Protector Idealist Thinker
Doer Guardian Inspirer Visionary
Executive Never Specializing
Always Open Minded
IF one DeSires
to be
A Modern
New.. Age..
HumaN BeinG
StanDinG uPoN
As A Capstone
Pyramid NoW
to Acknowledge now too..
the Blood and Bones NoW aLL
of those that/who cAMe beForE..
Sure.. including Carl Jung then who
cAMe uP WitH the 8/16 Personality
Types that and who now fit the
General LabELs from Above
And sure tHeRe are soMe
of wHo/thaT seek and
find aLL
the Above NoW iN
A Continual Capstone
Pyramid Practice of Life
NoW iN Maslow Self Actualization Ways..
BeYonD FacT
So.. if you are a Scientist
and an Artist how do you Measure
True Fulfillment of Happiness.. a State
of BeinG Cloud that Floats iN Waves
of Euphoric Ecstasy never fearing
Pain or Death as one
totally understands
FeeLs and SenSeS
HoW BeinG Poor of
Spirit Can
and WiLL
evenTuALLy NoW
Lead to the Riches
of a Kingdom of.. yes..
Bliss.. Nirvana and Heaven
witHin NoW eTernAlly Now
wHEre one can even
embrace physical
and emotional
Pain NoW
that dARk Leads
to LIGht and when
LiGht gets too BriGht
dARk Disappears and
so does LiGht
NoW oNe
dARk and Light
‘tween ShaDes
of Grey nOw
BeYonD RAinBoW
Colors NoW as the Humble
and Meek continue to inherit the eARTh
and the ‘other’ folks continue to Twitter
the empty pArts to FiLL a SoUL that is empty
ever more now no matter how high the
NeXt ToWEr of Form as Edifice
aWay from Essence oF
BeYOnd RainBoW
CoLors of
HeaVeN WiThiN..
SerIOUsly.. if ‘Trumps’
NoW could and would and
can and WiLL sure just BE
one second of HeaVeN WHeRe
i LiVe NoW Cost Free for only Free
as far as Essence verses Form of Towers
of Concrete Stone HEarts ‘they’ would immediately
Stand uP as A FloWeR of and as God GiVinG and
ShARinG and onLY CaRinG about BrinGinG oThER
Folks uP to the Capstone of Pyramid Live
in sELF ACTuaLiZaTioN ‘they’ livE NoW
only if ‘they’ could and would
and can and will
and sure
i would
‘they’ for free
if ‘they’ could
would CaN WiLL see
NoW wHo and whaT
And anyWay as usual
in Tennis Court LiFE the
way we used to talk things
uP Back in my City pARK Tennis
Court Days in the 70’s.. a Decade
FuLL of Tennis PlaYiNG eXistence
alMost every hour away from School..
Nope.. No Color TV.. Video Games or Internet
then.. JuST Fred and Ball and Racquet
oNE FloW iN ZeN ZonE and sure
when the Court was human empty..
Back Board too in the Middle of
Hot July or
Days but on
Saturday Night
a Thriving place
of Activity where
all classes and colors
and genders and yes.. sexual
orientations and ages and
even some folks with
too came together
yes.. too.. on Saturday
NiGht for a common Religion
no different really than Bowling
except for no organized Leagues
more than Tournaments and
Team Doubles.. yes..
a common religion
of Ball.. Racquet
and Human MoVinG
and ConNecTing
and yes
Sports Activity
as of course sports
is an art unless you try to
do it precisely as instructed before
with fear of improvising new creative
techniques to curve/spiral the ball
a new way.. anyWay2.. plenty
of time for introspection
when the Court
was living
of people
and plenty of time
to get to know and feel
and sense all the similarities
and differences of the Human Race
aS WhoLe and Nice and Difficult too..
And sAdly as i reView FouR Facebook
Profile Pics.. while.. hmm..
folks from most
life except
for FundamentaLIST
Religious folks who don’t
mix NoW with those who drink..
which probably in pART explains
why i am most popular at Old Seville
Quarter as tHeRe truly are few closed
Minded/Bodied folks there outside of the
Military Participants.. perhaps..
which are not that many
on Thursday College
Age Nights.. Yes.. OMG
Folks tend to get along
no matter what the color or
age or nationality or gender
or sexual orientation or even
cross Dressing ways and disabilities
too.. yes.. true.. the common bond is mostly
Alcohol related Beverages too but for those who
Dance the most.. the bond is clear.. one of MoVinG
ConNecTinG CreaTinG.. yes.. this ‘Cheeers’ Like Environment
where i am the ‘Norm’ of Dance who everyone KNoWs mY nAMe NoW as
Dancing Guy by NoW iN 167 weeks completed of Dance on Thursday Night
is what rRplaces School and Work and Tennis Court and Bowling Center
Life that was also Work for almost two decades from the 80’s to
the turn of the Century too.. truly People who don’t get
toGeThER in Flesh and Blood Suffer much for
what HUman BeinGs even are evolved
to do/be STiLL NoW iNnaTEly
iNstinctuAlly and
iNtuitivELy from
Birth.. yes..
DancE and SinG
Even Babies do that..
Sadly.. folks forget who
they even are.. often by
the time they finish Kindergarten
Stuck behind a Desk in Data Download
Mode now extending to Electronic Devices
all that and who continue to replace Tennis
Court and Bowling Alley and even Church Life now..
but oh.. LorD yes.. that Alcohol Solution to escape
the Locked iN State of Stress in MiNd and
BoDy imbalance is a big enough draw
sTiLL to Pack Seville
Quarter as much
or more
it has
ever been
packed before..
true.. it takes all kinds
NoW and i do enjoy theM all..
And true.. if you don’t understand
‘Trumps’ Live in Hell you ain’t
Heaven yet..
i lEarned
not to do the
Shit ‘they do when
i AM A Baby.. poor
‘they’ never lost ‘they’ diaper true.. buTT NoW
Still ‘they’ welcome for a free counseling session with
me.. but you see.. first ‘they’ gonna have to NoW be Brave
enough to stand before the World Naked with no possessions
at all
but oh
a SoUL
to have
any clue
what the
FucK i’M oN
For and as God NoW
MoTheR NaTure plUS wHo/tHaT never
ever NoW needs a Face Lift or Bloody
Long Red ties to make up for ‘manHood’
never fully developed in Divine Feminine
Love and Grace and TrUE LiGhT Masculine WiLL and
Strength thaT/wHo needs nothing but flesh and blood to be a
man or
the’tween BaLanCE
that coMes iS/oF THaT..
i have great Pity for the
Trumps of Life as they haven’t
stARTed LiVinG yeT iN this GiFt oF LiFE Free..
Seriously.. Trumps
if ‘you’ could
just lEarn
to Free DancE
NoW and FreeSinG
PoEtry tHeRE WiLL
Be a HeaVeN of Female
Smiles and Male high Fives..eTC..
everywHeRe you go.. haha.. never
FucKinG MaKinG one Trump Red Cent..
God Hates not Being Free God Hates not Being Free..
oh yeaH and if you are truly NoW Logical and a Scientist..
duH.. it’s jUSt FucKinG ComMoN SenSe little me and big ME
Above so Below and all around.. inside.. outside.. above
so below.. the Capstone is the sPiRiT of CreATiVitY
And the all ‘SeeiNG’ MiND/BoDY of Me and God
too.. not something
‘you’ even need a Word
to understand for those NoW
WiTh ‘aLL’ SeeInG eYes wHo
and thaT See GoD Face
to Face iN the
OTHeR than
tHat i had A
Great Great
and SonG
Last NiGht
and hehe.. some of
the Dudes thought i was
27 as you tend to age
with wHo and wHaT
you do now
or Saturday
NiGht Fever alWays NoW..
trUe.. if they saw me with
‘The Church Crowd’ i CaN
reflect the ’50’s aGaiN..;)
SaTuRdaY NiGhT
FucKinG FeVeR
ForEveR NoW
LoTs oF RHyMe
LiTTle ReaSoN
IT’s worth noting that about
85 percent of reality as we
don’t see it and can’t measure
it is Glue that Holds All the Celestial
Objects in orbit including us wHeRE we are NoW..
No.. not Dark ‘Matter’ that is a Misnomer as
Dear ‘FriEnD’ Neil deGrasse Tyson Better
Terms as Dark Gravity simply as what
is invisible to measurement
Accounts for keeping
‘stuff’ in orbit..
and sure as above
so below we can go
further with this as hUmaN
BeinG paRT and WhOle inside
outside and all around too.. for
it used to be that Glial Cells were
Considered not much Different than
empty space in relationship to the
Gravity Whole of Life Processes
NoW and come to find out
there are Astrocytes
within Glial
Cells that
are actually
large in parT the
Director and Conductor
and Wave Maker in Force
and Synergy of Energy that
makes life what it is NOW iN terms
of Conscious Awareness.. including
Body iN BaLanCE WiTh what we
nAMe as MiNd.. so those Glial
Cells are more everything
than nothing for the
hows and whys
and whats
of wHo
we are/do today
NoW.. and the similar
applies to so-called “Junk
DNA”.. once considered inert
Matter of our Genome and now
considered active in the continuing
Processes that consists of our ReaLiTy
as LiVinG Organisms Now more than even
Dreamed before.. so in other words NoW just
’cause you can’t empirically measure ‘REaLiTY
never the less and more that does not mean what
you cannot measure does not exist and the same
too is applicable to our DNA that is identified with
cause and effect wHeRE that sAMe Genetic
Propensity from Birth in DNA Can/WiLL
Radically change with
Environmental Challenge..
Adaptation for that Very Change
in switches of DNA that are suddenly
turned on and it’s like a Human BeinG
Reborn more so as wilder and freer NoW
out of a Cocoon with Newly Grown Buttefly
Wings.. However.. bEware as Negative
Change in unPacking Genetiics as
low as hate and fear can and
WiLL continue to Grow too
as opposed to thE LiGhT
ForcE EnerGy thaT Births
and is the Force that continues
to Drive us through Positive Change
in liFe with over A Quadrillion Number
oF LiGht and dARk Force ConNections
from head to toe.. too.. AnyWay.. i’ve got two Videos
oN This For Evidence of the Empirical kind for
what i say heAR in ComMoN Positive SeNse
FeeL Big Picture thInKinG with Visual iMages
iN dARk and LiGht too.. WeLL BeYonD
the once step two and more
Scientific Method that
kNows not what
it does
as it
rarELy to
Never repeats
the hUmaN InNeR
UniVerse NoW thaT coMes
MultiVerse HuMaNs NoW too
as we becOMe more HUmaN aGaiN..
HoLDinG HandS and YeS MorE ToGeTHeR
He Her eT
eTHeR To GeT
DoG’s HeAr MoReMoMEnT
HUmaN’s See BeYonD iNFiNiTy
tHeY Do
SMiLes.. mY friEnd.. Xenia..
reMinds me afTer a lingering
Cold of the Virus kind as wHat Can
Happen it DamAged the Sensing
of Smell and resulting Rich
of Taste..
what was once
in Taste is
to sweet and
sour and bitter and
salty and sure as ‘they’
Also nAMe for Delicious too..
Funny thing is.. i often forgot to
eat before i lost that Rich Taste at Home
as the Taste of Food is not all that Feeds..
Interestingly what might devastate some
folks is just a passing experience as sure
eventuAlly i WiLL be able to taste rich again..
MoRE When thE Sensory Nerves ReGeNeRaTE..
than ever
little to
no smell of what
is Beauty more with poor taste
wHeRe AsHeS Don’T SMeLL..:)
When liGht becomes
the Enemy and dARk
BecOMes the Savior..
nah.. just respite for
More intense pain.. 66 months
LiVinG as a Vampire.. mY FriEnd..
Street LiGhts briGhter than the Sun
at 3 am Walking Around the Block
Building Strength Back Slowly
to make it one time
around without
out.. now
true.. thick
skin is relative
my FriEnd.. i Love
the Sun for i can see it aGaiN..
And losing Smell/Taste IS A Peace of Cake
as it
hurt.. iT
No.. NoW
doesn’T hurt
like Dentist Drill
in right eye and ear
Without Novocaine..
True.. i couldn’t use my
ears without intolerable pain either..
thE LesSon of pain never complain..
And when it leaves A P P recite LiFe..:)
oF SuN
Dogs retrieve
Be Lost..:)
ExPanDinG NoW
Shores oF LiGht
Dog Waves
oF More..
Ocean Goes
DancE and SonG..
iN NoW..:)
SMiLes.. SenTiEnT StaR DuST plUS uS FLoaTs
WiTh MaGiC oFiMaGiNAtiONcReaTiViTy
iN the Wind
oF Words mY friENd..:)
War of Weeds
i See Flowers
Rules say
Order i Sing Free
Frustrated Wife Makes
Flower Beds WitH Border Bricks..
Before.. Ugh.. She pulls my Shrubs uP..
Then tosses My Border Bricks iN A Pile..
i Say.. oh.. No..
i mUSt have
aLL My
Order then..
Now i Dance
And Wife
My Gardener..:)
Perfection PlAtes
Room to Give..
Share and GRoW
SMiLes.. War Games
Explode.. Bedrooms
Grow Cold..
iN A World
Killing Games
More Fun Than Reproduction..
True.. Reproduction often
takes A place
Creativity too..:)
NoW oF
PLacE witHiN
Walls oF Love
FLoW iN oPeN Arms zONe
BoNFiREs No CeiLinGs SoULs..:)
SMiLes.. it’s Funny.. My FriEnd..
as we grow older ‘we’ reMeMber
our childhood more than
what the hustle
and bustle
of course
Severe and
Chronic Stress
of Work distances
us from in terms of
Happier AnD Nostalgic
Memories.. Oh Lord.. i was
so addicted to Sweet Sweet
Carbonated and Caffeinated
Soft Drinks and Potato Chips
when i am in Grade School..
yes then.. i even dreamed i
was then swimming in
Oceans of
Dr. Pepper
Mixed with endless
Emptied Bags of Potato
chips then too.. hmm..
Years of enjoying
all one can
eat /drink
then.. fats and
sugars and oh Lord
i was such a weak little
boy with no shape but
long board skeleton
like Body And
when the
neighbors hired me
at about 11 years old to
rake their yard before i started
lifting weights in a seemingly life
or death scenario to put meat on my
bones so bullies wouldn’t eventually
kill me anyway for the strange i
was away from tHeir particular
Land of Group think
then.. anyway2
i didn’t have the
strength or stamina to
finish raking the yard.. i literally
couldn’t do it and was very humiliated
by my lack of ‘normal’ male boy being..
per the Gender Models all around me.. anyway3..
somehow through the Real Force and Power of Epigenetics
and Neuroplasticity.. i unpacked and turned on some Gene Changing
Potential through self-imposed Environmental Struggle to increasing
weight lifting exercises and not unlike the Hell Boy Character in that
Comic show .. i never attained Fuller Maturity in Strength until Fresh
out of Hell for 66 months at 53.. and of course i would have never
been admitted into the Military then for weakness or
now for the Diagnoses of Asperger’s
Syndrome and somewhat
Moderated Bi-Polar
as i’ve been able
to do with that
through most but not
all of my life.. i did manage to
pull off what most Science Studied
Averages say is impossible to do in many
ways as i refused to believe that real HUMaN
MaGiC iN WiLL PoWeR as BaLanCinG Grace NoW
and Love with Strength and WiLL and Grace is
not possible
then.. now
so.. sure.. i went
CoMinG from the Weakest
Boy to be picked on then
to the Fish in the Aquarium
who finally found his Mojo trUe
iN LiGht too.. in the Bi-Polar Opposite
too now as the Strongest 57 year old lifting
Man in many Mechanical Nautilus Bearing Exercises
overall in the Gym now among early 20’s.. so-called
Elite Military Folks now.. thing is.. even though i never
joined the Military.. albeit worked as a Federal Employee
for the Department of the Defense for a Quarter of a Century..
i leArned A Key to hUman success is never to Leave Boot Camp NoW
even if one never officially goes.. and yes.. i walk right pass that
‘Plate Full of Cookies’ and never look back as i already have it
all within in terms of Love and Grace and Strength of Will..
Lord knows it took a whole Lot of practice
to get there at age 53.. worth every
drop of sweat tears and
blood dropped too
my FriEnd
as i’d
be a real Life
Apollo New Age
Renaissance Dude
than a myth alone my FriEnd..
anyWay.. you inspired all these words..
just by coming for a visit my fRiEnd Frank..
so as alWays.. Thanks as i continue to River FloW oN..;)
As.. ‘they’
DancE and
SinG GoD
Lost and
Found iN
As A GRaiN
‘ToP’ ProvesthAT
NoW@Very BotToM PiT
aS MEeK RiSeS uP 7.1.17
(Deep Blue Ocean Facebook
Status Color with Multi
Colored Human
RocK oN
WitH PeAce
GoD SPeaKs LoVe US.:)
Catholic Kindergarten School
Canal Street Primary School
2nd Grade Private Catholic School
Canal Street Primary School
Oakhurst Elementary School
Hobbs Middle School
Milton High School
(Graduated 11th tied with
My Best Friend Lynn out of 381)
Pensacola Junior College School
(AA Degree 3.81 Average President’s List)
University of West Florida School
(3 Month Baker Act Cray Cray Vacation)
University of West Florida School
(3 College Degrees earned in ’83
in Anthropology.. Social
Sciences Interdisciplinary..
and Health Science too)
University of Bowling Center School
(also known as Working For the Federal
Government for 25 years in Active Duty
Civilian Status Leading up to Bowling
Center Manager.. Support Assistant
for the Captain of NAS Pensacola..
to Community Activities Director
Back at NAS Whiting Field
and Finally Athletic
Director mostly
as valuable
with Computer
Skills recognized
mostly for my
to write
long lists
of technical facts)
66 Months of Dead Zone Hell School
(Inclusive of 40 Days of almost no sleep..
19 Medical Disorders.. including the worst
pain known to Humankind.. Type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia from wake to sleep.. Sjogren’s
Syndrome where eyes quit making
tears.. Dyautonomia where
Heart Rate and Blood
Pressure no
Anhedonia including
Severe Depression.. Severe
Anxiety.. Panic Attacks.. PTSD..
ADHD.. Alexithymia.. Asperger’s
Syndrome.. Mood Lability.. way
way way too Dead inside to
be Diagnosed with Bi-
Polar then.. what
else.. yes..
Severe Degenerative
Arthritis in Spine precipitated
early by Congenitally Fused
Vertebra in spine.. Coat Hanger
Pain associated with Dysautonomia..
yes just more pain around shoulders
and neck.. Congenitally Closed up
Sinuses from Severe Deviated
Septum as ENT asked how
do you breathe through
the mouth and
that’s the
least of the
way back then..
and total loss
of emotions
where i couldn’t
even remember
if i had ever
smiled was
the worst
of all as
that was all
numb numb numb
in God.. yes..the Dead
Zone HeLL from 2008 ‘until
July 22nd or so then of 2013..
Miraculously Recovered by
literal words of some of the
Team of Professionals working
to save a life for years with
no drugs that would work
for any of the pain and
other related misery
and suffering
in JOB
on Earth)
Wrong Planet School
(inclusive of years spent
in Dead Zone Hell starting
a Writing Hobby to escape
pain on that website on Thanks
Giving Day of 2010 arising to close
to 6 Million Words by Recovery Day
on or about July 22nd of 2013 and
continuing on then through July
of 2015.. adding about another
2 Million Words to the tally
on that website.. in
8011 posts there)
dVerse Poetry School
(just write a poem back
to every poem read then
and start writing the Longest
Long Form Poem ever in the
History of HumanKind starting
at the end of August 2013 on a
Word Press site as now that Long
Form Poem arises to approximately
5 Million Words Celebrated today
on 7.1.17.. inclusive of a ‘PHI Bible’
of precisely 1.618 Million Words completed
in the time frame of Memorial Day 2016 through
Memorial Day 2017 as just one chapter of ‘SonG
oF mY SoUL’.. Ocean WHole Long Form Poem.. yes
aRiSinG to Approximately 5 Million Words today that
is also inclusive of ‘Netherland Bible 2017’ arising with
the 113th MacroVerse out of a total of 784
MacroVerses to 1.744 Million
words in 13 months too
as just another chapter
included in 5 Million
Words as ‘SonG oF
mY SoUL’..
oh yes.. and not
to forget starting
an approach of 7700 Miles
of Public Dance in the Regional
Southeast Gulf Coast Region since
the end of August 2013 through the
47th month in July of Doing that now
and of course the feat of Leg Pressing
1020 Lbs 33 times on A Very Difficult
Parallel Free Weight Nautilus
Leg Press machine with
arms raised to the
Heavens in both
Martial Arts
and Ballerina
Balance as this
Free Verse style of Public
Dance incorporates both
Ballet and Martial Arts
Move in all Free
Style as
the Body
tales the mINd
what to do in all
innate.. instinctual
and intuitive ways all around
‘town’ as ‘they’ say and sure
100K FULLY and oh GOD yes
Humanly illustrated photos to go
along with “SonG oF mY soUL” including
over a thousand photos with Lovely Young
Women over the span of Dancing 167 Weeks
with all the Cool College Age Folks at Old Seville
Quarter in P’Cola town addressed commonly
as Legend at that place after a year or so
effort of Dance there in 2015 to
the ‘applause’ of the
online then
as shared by others
from all over the area
in Social Media from
Tallahassee to the
the Casino Gulf
Shores of
Bioloxi too
and the Best
FucKinG thing of
aLL is not MaKinG
A FucKinG Trump
Long Tied Red
Cent actually
so-called working..
since January of 2008
not a FucKinG Red Trump
Cent never ever now NOWtheN)
Heaven School
(Starting on or about
July 22nd 2013 the main
Driver of all the ‘Good’ dONE)
# Stillalistmakingdudeiamnow2
Second Round of
at Xenia’s Place..:)
Free CreativELy..:)
CareS iN LiGHt..:)
SMiLes.. Good
Old Yellow
NoW iN
sTiLL trYinG
MeanS To
HiM NoW..;)
DoG SMiLes
mY FriEnd.. Xenia..:)
Hmm.. it
i AM
uP oN Shore aGaiN..;)
Hello.. friEnd Xenia.. as alWays
So.. Happy to See you
over here at
my place
too.. aS Hehe..
i alWays have an
open door policy for
all the general public at
hand and i would Love
to offer you something
out of the Refrigerator
if i could hehex2
but sure..
i left
you with
some Karaoke
Fun just for fun too..
as it’s the moment captured
of friends that is so much more
important than whether or not the
Equipment was/is working correct
even including the Tool of Words..
or how off key my attempt at a
high voice was to do
you are the
of my
life too as
i have always
loved that song so much
so.. the sPiRiT was tHeRe
at lEast my FriEnd.. hehex3
And of course STiLL HeAR2
WitH you mY FriEnd as you do
BRinG an AiR of the Highlands
oF Scotland Sunshine when you
come to visit too.. And yes.. the
Wife Katrina is BeCoMinG quiet
and loud the Master Gardener these days
for Front and Backyard Beauty too mY friEnd..
Give a paW kiss to the Dogs please and say Hi from me
to your Husband too.. BLisSingS alWays wHeRE yoU Live NoW mY FriEnd..:)
Of DoG
WeLL iT was a close race until
i saw your Last Hate speech
all uP oN God’s Children
who are remarkably
the same
as you
from the
Sound of your
Voice.. those who
protest the most now yes
and all of that stereotype Stuff
too.. just Looking for a Social
Role where you cannot even
fit into what you innately are
and that is plain to see and
i’m okay with you just
really sad that
you are not
you as
it seems
heAr hating
all up on your
‘cousins’ and ‘stuff’
like that but anyway
back to the race i am currently
Fulfilling what ‘they’ nAMe
as a John 14:12 Mission
iN faCT.. i alReaDy
it long
ago already2
with both the Longest
Long Form Poem and
A ‘PHI Bible’ to yes
set the record
on all
the lies
in a one year
effort of 1.618
MiLioN Words..
EDiT as they say
of that last one too
for the iLLusory fears
and empty promises of
deceit that aims with that2
to Trump Control otHeRS WitH
Fear and Hate and yes of course
illusory promises so you hate the
blessings of the life you have now
to serve who ever is collecting
the Dollar Bills or whatever
is the currency at
hand.. and
no matter what
Book now of Holy
and Sacred Text NoW
he may read and i hear
these days that he thinks
the Buddha is pretty cool but in
terms of a Good Cop Jesus who says
clearly Love is the Law with consuming
no others with the intent of harm and sure
even turn the other cheek and love your enemy
too.. gentile or jew.. servant or free.. woman
or man no more.. and Heaven is at
Hand now within as
promised unless
it was a lie
that it
in this generation
at hand now too then and
no.. don’t use a sword as
you will surely die by what
you use to harm otHeRs2
and yes.. now too.. And in this
Heaven everyone will be as the
Spirit of Love where even Marriage
Will NOT be necessary for that.. so.. so
much for Hating all up on Gay Marriage and
Stuff like that.. remember class once again repeat
gentile or jew servant or free woman or man no more
everyone and particularly the meek and humble and those
previously who have overcome as poor in spirit are entitled
the Riches within of the Kingdom of Heaven NoW.. meanwhile
literally everything you are doing here today is antichrist against
that Good CoP Jesus and just like Politics and Trump you can
find the Bad Cop Republican Jesus in the Bible too.. in terms
of bringing a sword instead of peace.. hating all up on your
brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and
oh Lordy even your children too with words
about even going as far as slaying
those you disagree with
if you thought
a Trump
ban was even too much
and taking away the potential
for 22 Million Americans to
have Health Care for Life too..
so.. yes.. it’s understandable
that you follow the AntiChrist
Bad Cop Jesus as he is already
still living in your antiquated bible
thingie now.. but still NoW it’s a pretty
Good Book as the Good Cop Jesus.. yeP
the one i follow NoW and aim to be as
metaphor of human archetype Love
now.. too..
and could
be you too..
if you could just
let go of all this
hate and fear and
conspiracy theory crap stuff too
and spread the Hope and Love and
Joy that is the Metaphor of the Good
Cop Jesus verses the Fear and Hate
and Misery Loves company that
still exists of the Literal
Bad Cop Jesus one
can read into
if one
the dARk
instead of the LiGht
oF liFe in New Testament
ways STiLL NoW.. aS Sure
you can’t expand a Roman Empire
or an Ottoman one for that matter
without swords and blood and guts huh..
it’s a Land of Free Speech as long as you do
not incite harm to others with that speech NoW
and you are razor thin in a community now heAR
Named YouTube with a New Army of Specialists
just like Facebook who New Cop Jesus whether
or not they have heard of him/her yET are focused
on eliminating hating up speech on
God’s Children who are
unalienable rights
to life.. liberty
and by God
yes if it is what iT takes
them to be Happy NoW iN
the Kingdom oF Heaven within
now.. sure.. they can get married too..
to their best Sacred LoVinG saMe Sex Friend now..
for the F iN United States NoW Guaranteed Declaration
of Independence rights for all citizens to pursue happiness
now as long as it does not harm anyone within the perimeters
of the Law now as it stand for FREE.. so wHaT/wHo were you expecting
to encounter.. a reAlly Nice Effete Bearded Female Jesus or someone who looks
More like Magnum PI with a Mix of Chuck Norris in Martial arts skills like Bruce Lee too..
true.. my friend
you do look
a lot
of Jesus now.. thing
is God doesn’t have to
paint any Jesus the way
you think Jesus is now..
no one has ever heard
Jesus talk.. no one
has ever heard
Jesus walk..
No one
has ever
Seen Jesus either..
hehe.. unless you make
Jesus the archetype of Pure
Love in Good Cop Jesus style NoW..
otherwise my friend you are just another
Bad Cop anti-christ Cop Jesus as that
list continues to run on.. trust me folks
like ‘me’ and Zuckerberg dont’ come around
JuST consider NoW
this a home improvement
plan as i just recently celebrated
300 Years since the Premier Grand
Lodge of Free Masonry in Westminster
England was founded then with those same
Basic Ideals that are still a large part of our
Constitution and Declaration of Independence
to DaTE sTiLL mY FriEnd.. and truly it doesn’t matter
how effete your voice sounds NoW.. you are cool with
me as
no more
and eTc.. yes
even EXtra TeR
ResTrials Do yes
also get in too Now..
with or without words..
funny isn’t.. no matter how
hard you work out it doesn’t
change who are inside my friEnd..
Be who you are whatever you are but yes..
we live in a free country NoW and yes your great
Country of Canada is even freer in some ways too
with Universal Health Care that promotes even better
A Pursuit of Happiness too.. thing is baby this is YouTube..
a privately owned community who sets their rules and if you
don’t stop hating up on folks who are different than you in terms
of hate inciting speech your days are now numbered here NoW as
Lives agAIN
in Zuckerberg
and his friends
and all the YouTube
Freedom Fighters for
the Rights to Life and
Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness too.. that yeS includes
consuming no others with harm as
you attempt to do here
as the
sin that
you still promote heAR NoW2..
AnyWay2.. jUSt anotHeR GiFt for you..
And this new MacroVerse titled “SOldieR
oF LiGHT FLoWeRS” oF “NetherLand Bible
2017” now at 1.744 Million words in writing
13 months now fits with all this just fine NoW
aS i never give up on lost lambs my friend too..
and sure.. on top of that you are still now one
of my Favorite Dark Muses for PoEtrY NoW2..
And hehe.. you can find me on Facebook too
Created For a New World Order of Peace
and Hope and Love and Joy Loves
Company too..
by the kind of
Nerds i used
to be too..
A Lamb
becAMe a LioN NoW2..
just iMagine… i wRite the
Equivalent of almost A Bible
every 6 months now and include
all of that NoW iN what is now well
over 2K Profile Pic Descriptions in terms
NoW of 130K words on average a month..
sure.. i give great thanks to Zuckerberg and
all his other Nerd friends around the World
for preparing a way for me and so many oTHeR Good
CoP Jesus Folks NoW2
to THE New
Age Baby NoW
Paved with LoVe
for Different and even
sAMe too.. Hope and
Joy Loves company even in
a place with no sun or moon online
where a person like me can live a thousand
years or more as long as iRobot servers don’t get tired of me..
as Andrew Gold once said thank you for being a friend.. meet me in Heaven NoW2..
As it’s true dARk MaKeS liGht and too much liGht can even make dARk.. so what
tHaT/tHiS means
my dARk
is you
a way NoW for
me too2.. now2..
reAlly.. the New Testament
is mostly good sTuff Still and
mY FavoRiTE OT oF aLL is Isaiah 53
StiLL PrePaRinG a Way for
A Human Hero
mY fRiEnd
i.e. at age
53 for me
too then..
sELf fulFiLLinG
Prophecies is what
Art alWays does as
Art coMes first as the SiGNaTuRE oF
GoD and then coMes reaLiTy mY FriEnd
iF NoW yoU can see It and NoW heAR HeRE
iT NoW WitH moRe tHan jUSt eYes and eaRs..:)
SMiLes.. My friEnd SOHEIR.. i aM
so glad you offer yourself Flowers
for your accomplishments continuing
in School of the University kind in your
Arabic studies there.. A Beautiful Language
it is and
Be to
God i
Do Love
Arabic Numerals
so much that i see
each and everyone as
a reflection of God and
the Order that is also
pART Ocean WhOle
of GoD aLL
thAT is
this year of
2017 added
together for
10 and without
the Zero as a Number
1 Arabic Number Year..
To make all of LiFe Holy
and Sacred FuLL of Meaning
and Purpose is to Respect this
Gift as Miracle oF Life that we
DancE and SinG NoW WitH
Words of Poetry too..
or just
a word
and all powerful
as Love my FriENd.. you
See.. Love is not random.. Love
is full of holy and sacred meaning
and purpose that we create with each
otHeR Stronger and more Powerful a Force
all 7 BiLLioN PoTEnTiaL of uS when WE get to
DanceSinG A Chorus of Love Respecting the Biggest
FloWeR oF aLL mY FriEnd thAT is the whOle oF
GoD aLL thaT is and the beauty that we too
are paRt and ParcEL.. A Reflection oF the
FloWeR oF GoD oN eARTh Terrestrial
Plane NoW as we DancE
And SinG
sKeYes More..
i have 100 percent
Faith and Hope/LoVe that eventuAlly
everyone WiLL see the GoD oF LoVe
as FloWeR of both Beauty and Wise
My Kind and Industrious FriEnd
SOHEIR as you continue to
Single Parent your
Lovely Children
in Egypt
yes.. my Mother
went to University
later with US and we
all Graduated in 1983..
i have Great Respect for Single
Mothers who do it all now.. true
you will never be alone single as
LonG aS LovELives as yoU/God TrUE LiGht aS LOVEALLONE
Best of Fortune to you for you Break for School mY FriEnd…
God WiLLinG oF Nature i WiLL be heAR WaiTinG for you when
you come back aGaiN..
SMiLes.. My FriEnD
For i did not
This Love
Language ’till
Age 53 for
The Written
Word.. You are
Young.. so Much
More to Come..:)
The Language of Love
Doesn’t Age and even
gets better for it is more
than words it is SenSinG
and FeeLinG as Essence
oF MoVinG ConNecTinG
and CreaTinG ToGeTheR OnE
To Practice Love in all its Artful
Nature is to liGht the BeinG HUmAN
uP from Head to toe a Christmas Tree
that lives NoW and NeVer juST an empty
promise as someone else or Illusory fears
of what cannot be taken away once gained
and practiced as a life long Vocation oF LoVe NOW..
True.. a New Day AlWays comes now with the Force
of more than one who and they join in and as LoVe..
to practice this is to give and share never taking
more than giving to live this is to live
never needing or wanting..
to BrinG A Love oF liGht
as never BeFoRE.. yes
more to come
as BliSS
of MoRE LoVe
as LiGht so BriGht
Love.. A New Day Comes
NoW.. anyWay.. Love is anoTHeR
World of Hope and Joy aWay
from Doubt and Jealousy
and Greed all negative
attributes of human
emotions touched
with Fear over
AngEL oF LoVe
yes.. Demon oF
Fear that makes
all STuFF related to Hate..
A New day comes NOW for
those who join hands.. A new
day for breathing liGht.. A new
day comes now.. Breathe Breathe
Touch Hug Arms SMiLinG eYes
and words Now without
restraint trUe
Fear and Hate
A New Day Rises NoWLoVE..:)
When the Katrina was pregnant if not boy
for Ryan we decided on Elaine for girl..
What Love Can be What Love WiLL
Do when unconditional
and perhaps
that is
some folks
Never Learn
about Love
until there
Love to give than
take.. a child is often
key.. particularly for
men.. in the
but truly
more a cultural
disease that says
Men are not men
who express emotions
Tender that care and of course
Women must not be strong for
they are not men but true Strength
is Love and Hope comes from
A BaLanCinG ForcE of
Grace.. True too..
a Gift
but not
Free.. one that musT
be Practiced forevermore alWays
NoW.. a way in the middle.. ReaCHinG..
SpreadinG LiGht from Peace.. a Nurturing
Gift to Love all that is as ‘they’ say God too of
Nature all that is seen and unseen and felt and unfelt..
sensed and not sensed.. yeS.. eveN Faith iN the unknown
NoW Leaps of Logic as ‘they’ who have experienced this Love
WiLL jusT DancE and Sing Too Free WiTh a SMiLe NoW Never
Ending Breathing Love inhaling exhaling LiGht more discarding Negative
As Con-Social Emotions of dARk until there is no other way to travel on
Any Path of Life Journey but the PurE LiGht oF Love that flies HiGher as
Sun as Flower just waiting to die to BRinG Seeds of LiGht in Crucible Fire
to what
comes as
Seeds GroWinG
iN and as LoVe NoW..;)
Love Wins
Love Wins
Love Wins
Love Wins
Love Wins NoW..:)
And now for some MacroVerse Shares
year to date.. Holiday Obligations
BRinG Less time to write but
hehe.. more time
for Photography
and Dance..
So.. STiLL it’s aLL
A Wash for Happiness
And Giving and Sharing
Happiness no matter what…
Anyway.. Word Count is down..
Dance Steps are up.. thumbs aren’t
sore from clicks and points in Mouse
ways but sure.. the Big Toes that spin
me are a little ready for rest as
write goeS oN.. and hey
hey hey.. i’ve
completed the
Intro to the next MacroVerse
and even come up with a title
for that MacroVerse which WiLL
also be pART of the Ending
And the Beginning of
this MacroVerse
Share HeaR..
Years to Date as i SinG
Again as the Facebook
Algorithm iRobot coMes
in to play.. so that pART
First beFore the MacroVerse
ShareS.. HeaR noW with the
same accompanying Dude in Front
oF A Transformer WitH A Sword coming first..
and sure just wordS HeaR and Naked ones too..:)
Hmm.. CoMinG to a TheaTeR
aGaiN SooN eNough iN
TransforMinG Ways
Without A Steel
Sword and
onLY Words
oF SonG and
Steps of DancE
howEver.. foR NoW
STiLL a 114th/785th Macro
Verse to E-LiNe PublisH as thAT
GoeS oN aS “SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS”
For both “NetherLand Bible 2017”.. NoW
SurpaSsinG 1.744 MiLLioN Words
WitH Grand Total CoMinG
SooN Enough and only
For Hear.. yes.. also
DouBlinG aS
Effort oF noW
Around 5 MiLLioN
Words ToTaL NoW aS
SonG oF My SoUL..:)
Bless A Right to Life Liberty
And A Pursuit of Happiness
More than Paper Words OK
One Hundred Trillion
Dollar Current BalLoon
StatUS oF US Happiness
FinD U HobbY
Naked Happiness
Within No Lincoln
Dollar BiLL
No Guarantees
PoP ComeS BalLooN
“DeCLaRaTioN oF iNDePenDencE
DReAMs oN” HeAR NoW2
Now to Year to Date MacroVerse Shares..
JuST foR FuN And ALL For Free Y NoT..
i Dance
and SinG..:)
“F**Universe”.. Yes Fun Universe from three years
ago.. hehe.. Need i Dance and Sing
More iN my own Personal
Staycation oF
Ferris Bueller’s
Day off and hmm..
anoTheR SonG NoW
CoMinG to iLLustRate
the CurRenT issues
where Dollar
are changing
into emoticons
likes shares and
Follows more now
no different really
for currency of Social
Acceptance.. hmm.. Dance
and Song has been around
so much longer in the Face
to Face and Hips to Hips
and other Naked
Flesh and
ways of Love you ReaL
iN human connection
old school way while i try to
uPload the FeeL and SenSE
oF thAT too.. heHe iN more than
a few words too.. as SonG GoeS oN
More than a take down of Freedom of
Expression by Trump ways of Aggression
Leading to more Violence and Wars aS Such
iN A Twitter Style of Platinum Blonde Lies more..
Fear and Hate Mongering limited to 140 Characters
too on
course ugh
repeat fear
and hate sucks..:)
“ONE Arch of Colors’.. Yep Real Life Love You in Real
LiFe so is this real.. hmm.. as real as substance
one finds in symbols whether that be a letter
or a grain of sand that one sees
as God or a Like or Sure..
a Follow Share and
even a heart
of Love
but still
not hips
and eyes
next to each
other FeeLinG
and SeNsinG A ReaL
DancE and SonG oF LifE
YeP.. Flesh and Blood as evolved
for around a Hundred Thousand Years
or so but if one had no body at all sure
a Great Tool to accommodate or make
Functional Disability as in all stuff
Life and Existence use it
or lose it applies.. in
other than
Move Connect
and Create and sure
words work too for those
even without eyes and ears
to say as Helen Keller and Folks
like me who once had no effective
use of eyes and ears WiLL surELy Love
to do and even continue on as a Hobby
to Give and Share for Free if ‘they’
get effective use of their eYes
and eaRs Back aGaiN
to GiVe
ShARe Free
what they learned
when blind and deaf
so much deeper within
as sure.. “ONE Arch of Colors”
too.. as that’s the wayS iT GoeS oN
in SiT or DancE more than Stagnate STiLL
MacroVerse from two years ago HeaR and
“FREErUlesS”.. from three years ago that DanceS
and SingS the sAMe MoRe than Less in Flesh and Blood..:)
“DELIVERANCE From Ignorance Into LOVE”.. just waiting for the day when
so-called churches practice what ‘he’ preaches.. particularly the so-called
Catholic one that means a religion of God for all.. Universal
as ‘they’ say but will never Be Fully unTil the TruELIGht
Meaning of Gentile or Jew.. Servant or Free.. Woman
or Man No More is Fully Practiced
wHeRe even so-called
Folks can and will
Get married in the Church
And sure.. Divorced Folks too..
Do ‘you’ even now kNow the Good
Cop Jesus wHo SeeS and FeeLs
And kNows God Naked Within
As Kingdom of Heaven
now.. sure the
oPen as Deliverance
from Ignorance into Love
from two years ago sTiLL too..:)
“Autism and the Nautilus”
Back Again.. Gym Closed early as
Declaration of two days for
Federal Holidays
of Independence
Day.. July 3rd and
4th days this year..
so.. sure.. fitting that one
MacroVerse Follows aNoTheR
WiTh a usual theMe and MeMe
of the Right to Life and Liberty
with the Right to a Pursuit
of Happiness too..
whether that
means following
one’s own particular
rituals and routines
of Holy and Sacred
FuLL of Meaning and
Purpose iN Life Binding
togEthEr uNder ComMon Hopefully
Positive Shared Symbols for Hope and Love
WitH yOUr Family Members and Friends
and sure.. even Pets and the Rest
of Creation for those who
nAMe thaT God Seen
and Unseen..
fELt and
UnfELt.. kNoWn
NoW and unkNoWn
EitHeR God or a Blue
Turtle and even Nature
too or nothing at all NoW for
whatever allows one to pursue
tHeiR StaTE of Happiness within..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below and
all a’Round NoW.. too.. Different Languages
for the Experiences of liFE many similarities
in Essence once the Form of Languages for
Religion are shed.. and this takes an original
Founding Forefathers way of open-MiNded
BeinG.. not all folks Biologically
and Environmentally iN
Both Nature
and Nurture
are liberal
for progressive
Change in Differences
among others.. yeS.. Hehe..
believe it or not some folks are
very conservative and averse to
any change outside their already
Environmentally and Genetically
Learned Paradigms of LifE
LiGht for Survival
And even
NoW too…
Anyway as the SonG
and MacroVerse from
Four Years Ago STiLL
DanceS.. yes.. sKeYes
of GoD Closer to the heART
as thaT iS wHeRE hUmaN Happiness
comes from or some lower level way
of BeinG aWay from this LIGht in the
dARk oF Fear and all stuff related to Hate now..:)
And nah.. Not everyone’s cup of Tea to.. “i celebrate! my Body ECLECTICElectricAlly!’..
hehe.. nah.. that surely is not what the new T-pARTy expected now for sure from
a 57 year old Dude in the flesh and blood FULL Nude Art in New aGe
Selfie Michelangelo Flesh and Blood Selfie Photography ART
or at age 54.. three years ago.. for this MacroVerse Share..
but in this country we live in for now at least that
Form oF Freedom of Expression is protected
by the First Amendment
Rights of the Constitution..
as yes.. Speech is more than
words.. in fACT as Science sHows..
NoW Non-Verbal Communication is
anywhere sTiLL from 60 to 93 Percent
of so-called ‘Normal’ Human Reciprocal
Social Communication and ‘the Nude’
iN Days gone by and sTiLL Days
to coMe Free have and is
been a best way
to ART
Experience FReED
particularly for me NoW as
tHis Art juST so HapPens to
Be Closer to mY heART Free
not much DiffeRenT ReALLY
iN Synchronicity ways now
of the Rush Album
Cover for
thaT Art too..
yes.. and Private
Online Communities
like Google Blogs pave
the way for this art through
Restricted Adult Blogs that house
an appropriate Avenue for this Art
where folks who are much less
open minded for this kind
of hUmaN ArT WiLL
be forewarned
not to enter
tHeRE as
for some folks
A Live Status NoW
of David in Michelangelo
and Egyptian Min Selfie too
New Age Renaissance ART
is ART and for others anything
but the perception of what they
see as ART closer to the heART
And that’s okay.. not any Different
than belonging to another
religion as these
are the
of BeinG an
American Citizen
and if you’re feeling so
down that it is legal there
are now other countries that
are much more conservative
that enforce the wearing of clothes
all the way from head to toe.. in other
words.. be careful what you wish for.. for those
of who go raw in ART protect your rights from not
being totally covered up now.. too.. so
An option is clear.. don’t
go to places
you don’t
go.. now
you Don’t have
to see the fur of
Miley Cyrus at Younger
Ages or the Beast of me FuLL at 57.. as
Heinz 57 Variety.. stick or sit with your version
as you wilt to do.. doing no harm to anyone else
as the Laws of the United States Currently AlloW iN
4th of July Independence Day Way.. all togeTHeR this
Art i do and share in several avenues gains over 100K views..
not everyone’s cup of ART Tea in the full nude way butt yes it is for some..
anyway.. it surely meets the Standards set forth by a man called Jesus in
A Gospel of Thomas Verse 37 that says to find God within and
the Kingdom of Heaven now in words to that affect and
effect.. strip your cultural clothes off and
tread on them with zero
JoB DoNe..
AnotHeR MiSSioN
And Great iDea accomplished too.. NoW..
Celebrate YouR Temple oF God ECLECTiCally
if yoU WiLL to Do.. for Freedoms DancE and SinG NoW..
yes.. this is pARt of My Religion Also Protected by the
Constitution of the United States too.. oh., yes..
i can even provide a link to the
religious text for this
as already
for thousands
of years as i ain’t
the only one who’s read
it fully believes it and is doing
it even partiAlly as we speak
on Instagram now too..
not everyone
has read
it/does it
but some
folks are fully
aware and understand
the ecstatic and transcendent
oneness WiTh God thAT Total
Naked Freedom iN CelebRating
Naked God Given Form and Function
BeinG in Tantric ways of solo ART too..
Yes.. CoMinG Closer to the HeaRT NoW..
And yes.. my Nude Fully Displayed ART Poses
are some of the most vitAllY FuLL oF Holy
And Sacred Meaning and Purpose
Art Activities i do in ART
fuLL ways to give
and share too
for those
who appreciate
this kind of art.. NoW
once.. again.. not everyone’s
cup of tea but this IS A much bigger
World than a Tea pARTy in the Sahara FoR NoW..:)
“WrecKING Ball rule of HATE”.. MacroVerse from two years
ago that goeS on to Dance And Sing on the
Merits of Freedom away
from closed
and MiNds
WaYs of BeinG..
We create our life iN
Many ways of silent
and loud LuCiDiTY
in guiding our
of LifE sAMe and
DiFfeReNT too.. iNk
Blot Test as ‘they’
Dance and
when i see patterns
of shapes in Linoleum
Floors at Friends homes
while sitting in the Bathroom
i see loving images.. nothing
scary at all.. as that is how
i’Ve tRained my
in consume
no eviL eYes and
hEars and sPeaKs way
in do no hArMiNG otHeRs NOW SaNe..
Hmm.. and that reminds me too of pain..
all the pain and misery and suffering i’ve
seen and yeS enduRed in this liFe of existence
in this form of essence on this plane of life now..
so much Mental Illness and Drug Addiction and
Problems with the Laws of the Land on
My Mother’s Side and mostly
rule followers on
my Father’s
but not
all of course..
some Bi-Polar
and ADHD and
of course many
Asperger’s Trends
as that is where i got
that paRT of the Expression
of My Genetics in Environmental
ways too.. so.. yeah.. one of my second
cousins called for a ride on Sunday morning
to somewhere in Pensacola.. come to find a
17 year old addiction to Prescription Opiate Drugs..
too poor for Medicaid and with enough Money provided
by Boy Friend for a trip every two days to get around 16 dollars
‘worth’ of Opiates.. Car Broken on this Day.. so sure.. me and the
Katrina stepped up for a three hour Clinic trip to help her
out and we bought her some breakfast and
all was well as she thanked us and
we were happy to help her
until the next
morning where
we couldn’t do it again..
and she said she would understand
if we couldn’t but never the more she
posted that her family should go to hell
for saying no to her the next morning and
Defriended me on Facebook.. but you see.. i understand
her Mental Illness of Bi-Polar and her Anger Issues and yes..
i totally expected this to happen.. so i have no hard feelings
at all.. for just ’cause i live in balance and am financially
independent doesn’t mean other folks with similar
issues can and even have the will to accomplish
that now.. it’s true.. if Governor Rick Scott and
Republicans hadn’t been so cold hearted to
push away Medicaid
Benefits for
the very
she could got
the help she needed
to get off the opiate addiction
that only exacerbates the other
Mental Health issues she has that
runs all through that Maternal side
of the family through Criminal Activity
to Overdose Death too.. common element
is Drug Abuse whether prescription or illegal..
and in crime it is most often the element of Drug
Addiction that is the Driving Force of Criminal and
particularly Anger issues too all out of balance but
again.. no help for neediest of us all when it comes
to Medical Care and even harder for them
to get Disability Benefits as they don’t
often have the Sober Analytical
Skills/Patience it takes
to Navigate
the Legal
to get in..
either.. and the
True Evil now aS iN the
Republican Law makers
and Administration wHo wants
to take the Misery and Suffering
even further for up to 22 Million
more folks.. just a reMiNder..
Karma is real
sooner or later
Laws of Attraction
LiGht and dARk to
Tween aS sHades
of Purgatory
RainBow Colors
iN Heaven NoW2.. sure
poison or rainbows WiLL
of Choice and Wheel oF Fortune too
Fortune of Love away from Dollar iLL..:)
“Pan at the Apollo Theater2”.. From a year ago as “Nether Land
Bible 2017” and “PHI Bible” Chapters of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
come into Full Swings at the End of June 2016..
All MacroVerses togeThER oN Average
15K or so words a piece running
up towards 2 to 3 Hundred
photos too with
restricted Nude
Art Links and other
You Tube Music Videos
And intellectual enlightening
ways of eclectic information..
liNk2.. trUe i create this Holy and
Sacred FuLL of Meaning
and Purpose life
with the
Force of God
wHo and thaT LiVes
within me.. not everyone
on this terrestrial plane of
LiFE is LiVinG in the
‘Good Place’
i feeL and
SeNse that dArK aLL2..
if i don’t Create ArT
NoW iN LiGht to Counteract
thaT DarKness iN HuMaNs on the PlanET
eARTh NoW.. “SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS”
is more than a Job it IS A Covenant With the
Verb of God wHo and thaT LIVes within as
Force and trUe.. i’ve been heAr forevernow
moRe juST liKe you whether you
Love it or not
it is to
be i am
is you too NoW..:)
“TWELVE”.. Pre-MacroVerse from four years ago
as i cereMoNiously in MaGiC ways
oF iNner Search SeeK anD
coMe closer
to Recovery
from Pain
and Misery
to FinD/Be Sacred
Love within oneness
Ocean wHole wiTh God
oN Navarre Beach as waves
sands sea oats and emerald
green gulf are i as allone
WiTh GoD too..
spiraling as
Sea Gull
you see
i carry NoW oN
God as Beach iN
as me wherever i go
NoW iN Peace and
Harmony.. come Rain
or HiGh Low Hell NoW2..:)
“No way of encouragement! too small”.. Gratitude for all the encouragement
that comes my waY iN all the ways of three years ago in this
MacroVerse and all the ways it still comes in all of liFe
now too.. Friends Himali and Soheir
offline again to pursue
their real life
for bettering
tHeir life in work
and school.. a second
cousin with problems gone
away who was very supportive
too in her stay with me on Facebook
before she got mad that i could not take
her to an appt. for a second
morning day.. but sure..
still Folks like
Frank and
long term longest
online friend Rafiah
of three years with a Word
of Happiness to Give and Share
heAR and tHeRE for what is mostly
a Monk and Hermit like writing endeavor
as Covenant ‘tween aS oNe of me within
WiTh Force of God Verb LiVinG NoW
as Love.. WithIN BRiGht LiGht
Shines through DriVinG
Words of Free
too.. NoW
in the flesh
and blood life of
closing in on 7700 Hundred
Miles of Public Dance in this 47th
Month too of Writing 5 MiLLioN
“SonG of mY SoUL” Free
Verse Longest Long Form
Poem NoW iN aS Poetry
Words in this 7th
month of the
of 2K.. so..
NoW.. i have
Zero complaints
as my biggest wish
oF aLL was and is then STiLL
to FeeL A SMiLe aGaiN And NOW wherever
i go in Public Dance i Generate iN OtHeRs
NoW2 thAT SMiLe that caMe back to me lost
for 66 months back on or about
July 22nd of 2013.. since
January 2008.. NoW..
lasting STiLL
NoW in
48th Month
of Recovery NoW..
to be Clearer.. the Dance
And Word Press “SonG
oF mY SoUL” stARted
A Month Later
of August 2013..:)
“True Friends never pass away”…. VeriLY i DancE
SinG NeVeR Changes through Ages
NoW oNe SeekS and
Finds God
LiVinG WitHiN
WitH HeLLo
Good Bye
NoW and yes..
SeeinG thAT TrutH
And liGht forevermore
NoW iS FinDinG A Peace
iN Harmony oF GoD SkeYes
ThAt aNd wHo DancE anD
SinG iN aLL of CreaTioN
i am FoR NoW
CreAtinG LiGHT NoW
AnyWay.. this MacroVerse shared from 3 years
ago to date is Celebrating our Cat Arthur
the Noble Brown 20 Year Old Tabby
who lived his life his way
from beginning
to end..
almost not
making it toward
the beginning with
a life saving urinary
associated operation
that left him with a
didn’t slow him
down.. Alpha King
Cat of the Neighborhood
for all of those 20 years
never receiving a visible
injury from scratch
or bite.. with
that posture
at the very end
even at 7 Lbs of
Bones and Fur that
and who said in non-verbal
Language you don’t mess
around or tug on Super Cat’s
Cape.. yes he was in a way a Father tHaT CAT..:)
‘ONE World is Enough for ALL of US’.. Perhaps if everyone CaN and WiLL
sEE and FeeL and SenSe God aS Flower oF ALL Holy Sacred
Meaning and Purpose aLL oF Creation
LiVinG WitHiN as pART oF
Ocean WhOle
Love aLL
aGaiN as Globe
oF HoLdinG Hands
oNline aS onE LiGHT
oF LiFe LiVinG i AM
iN uS aS Love
for now
sure as CoMinG
MacRoVerSe DanCinG
anD SinGiNG GoeS oN
DeCLaRaTioN oF iNDePenDencE DreAMs oN..:)
“Staycation Breeze” at Navarre Beach and as Beach
lives within me too as Free never the less
Photos of Paradise Beach
and Word
to SinG
a DancE
oF aLL tHaT iS FReED.:)
“NO one Definition of FREE or GOD just RIDE!ONe!..”
trUe but “FloWeR” too kinda says
iT aLL
MoRE aLiVe..
and with too
now with this
MacroVerse too
from 3 years ago
following one from
2 years ago and
the one before
that as
Memory from 4 years ago2..:)
“MagicK Beast XXL”.. Sort of a take off meMe
And theMe oN tHe MaGiC Mike
thingie as sure.. furry two
years later now too..
And with
all these
4th of
Eat Digs
Close to
236 Lbs over
The Weekend.. so lots
of exercise coming soon..
butt wait.. already did at least
26 Miles of Public Dance WalKinG
over the weekend.. including the
167th Dance Night Marathon
at Old Seville on Thursday
NiGht at close to
where one
dude asked
me.. when is the
‘Acid’ gonna wear off..
heHe.. i could have told HiM
then all about the Higher Power
oF GoD within but instead i told him
i am a free style martial arts
ballet Dancing Dude and
gave him a FeeL
of whaT
does when
under the Force
of GoD Chi Kundalini
Rising.. Satori.. Ki.. Qi..
And the Heaven within now too..
somEtiMes Non-Verbal Language says
iT aLL GoD ACiD aLL NatUral as BLissNoW oN CLouD 10…:)
“RoSe BeYonD SuBliMe”.. WeLL thE MuSiC Video
by Rihanna sorT oF sHoWs iT aLL FoR NoW
those WitH
to HeAR
GoD sKeYes..:)

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
4 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Nether Land Bible 2017
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.