School.. Sports.. Talent Shows.. Work
and all stuff based on goals
and awards.. empty to me
now that the journey
itself and all the
paths spread
out are the
reward in itself
as art gains a life of
love in the artist hands
and feet and feat of all around
the boDy and miNd iN BaLanCinG soUL
aS an arT whOle oF Life.. and interestingLY..
as i heard someone recently refer to a special type
of poetry mixed with art as if poetry isn’t art itself
when done free verse without rules and regulations of
poetry science
no less than
dance this
way or
do martial
arts that way..
or any other mechanical
cognition sidewalks that can
easily take the art oF FloW iN ZoNe
away.. Jesus Christ Superstar.. with lyrics
by Tim Rice and Music by the famous Andrew
Lloyd Webber of Phantom of the Opera fame too..
A talent contest at age 13 when the movie from the folio
of the piano music i owned at age 13.. yes.. 43 years ago
going on 44.. when the students laughed as i was too excited
with spiRit after playing the Superstar Song out of the folio to
maintain any composure in balance of walk away from the
piano.. as that was hard enough for me to do.. if i ever
got relaxed then fully.. which in public.. i did not..
oh.. a cat in a thunder and lightning cAge
middle school was for me..
bullied this way and
that way..
but still
doing the talent
show.. writing a play
and winning a two homeroom
contest for a Christmas Story too..
having no idea wHeRE the words came
from then as a spArk of HoLY SpiRit flow
came at an early age then but of course the so-called
Christian patriarchs as bully boys who thought any thing
associated with arts.. even emotions or an F iN smile and not the
Fred word was ‘queer’ too.. so.. sure.. i did wander a desert mostly
of no creative flow other than on the tennis court when the ball
and racquet and i became one.. in somewhat of a strange
way of curving the ball like most no one else
did then2.. either.. hehe.. but the art of
hands in creating something
lasting.. left me for so
many years..
except for a spark
at college in a philosophy
class at age 18.. some singing
at church and playing the piano there
mostly by notes with some artistic improvision
then in the 80’s before marriage.. but after marriage
in the 90’s.. all the way to 2013.. i got basically fat and happy
and even only went to the gym.. once a week for over a decade.. also
a work-out room at home.. but a very tame way of working out overall
then compared to the exXtreme way i do strength and martial arts and
ballet like dance now.. all.. free verse too.. the best paRt of all is there is no
reward of money or other tangible prizes other than over a thousand selfies
with very pretty women.. smiles and accolades of applause here and there
for those who can appreciate truly free verse life in someone else..
anyway that piano with lessons at age 12 was certainly a lifeline
to/for/as emotions for many decades of my life.. and that
Jesus Christ SuperStar Folio and the movie
i never saw until recently in the last few
years that headlined my last
MacroVerse.. titled “iLIGhtX!”
that is symbolic of course as X
IS A Symbol for transformation and i
is the director and producer of actor I
with exclamation point! of SpiRit as HeARt
makes BaLanCing miNd and BoDy soUL liGht alToGeTher
wiTh God as fractal and pARt as me at the helm as i of course too..
sure.. it’s the so-called hidden message of Jesus too that so many folks
miss that Heaven is noW and the Kingdom of God lives within as trUe liGht too..
for those who seek and find it and practice the HiGher POtEnTiL Power as Force
of God within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below.. and all around.. and that’s the message
of the Jesus Christ Superstar movie too that by the way was a little in slow motion play where
if you adjusted the speed of YouTube to 1.25.. comes out as the original plays too..
hehe.. as sure.. whoever shared that didn’t wanna get too close to the
original for copyright concerns.. work arounds as they say
to share it free.. as the message it provides is ageless
and timeless too.. for the isREaL sTiLL TrUE and
LiGht teachings as attributed to a revised
name oF A NamE as Jesus too.. as
truTh and LiGht sTiLL.. thing is..
sAdly.. folks have lost the
Beatitudes now from the
Sermon on the mount and replaced
welcoming refugees with orders to go against
the least among us now with walls aS Such too..
in anti-christ dreams that some folks will stand up and
fight against as altruism sings as essence of God’s greATest
aGaPe Love as Gift of/as Nature whoLe+ in what makes hUman trUly
special when that Love comes back again and lives all FReED.. and no..
it doesn’t matter the label and form that comes for this essence of Love when
real it is real
oF Free
Love now.. unchained
by those who would rather
bring dArk oF Fear and hate in
the place of Hope and Fearless
smArt and Unconditional agApe Love
and make laws and walls to separate us
for those who share the same blood and flesh
and HoLy SpiRit too.. in creative free flow ways..
so.. here i come.. now agAiN.. with the next 745th Macro
Verse oF Ocean WhOle Poem now.. sTiLL exceeding 3.3M words
in what IS A 42nd month iN WordPress way and 48th month in all
Blog ways.. with the addition now of a “Nether Land Bible” in Macro
Verse way of number 74 now2.. where the 73rd verse of “iLIGhtX!” bRings
the word total of that bible up to.. precisELy.. 1,109,596 words noW at about
a bible and a half Now of King Jame’s Version size.. where in about three weeks
the bible will be 9 months old.. about the time it takes to birth a bible child in this case
at yeS.. oNe and a half times the size of the old King James Version and even the Book
of Eli Bible on big screen fiction way.. when all Denzel had to do was remember the
original word by word and get someone else to scribe it and publish it for him
in oral tradition blind man way.. smiles.. do it yourself these days.. no
centuries of help and hundreds of potential authors and
thousands of potential scribes to copy it all down
across centuries too and before that
where illiterate Aramaic folks
like Jesus did the
oral tradition
down around
dusty desert
round table discussions..
and the smARTy pants Greeks
picked and chose what they wanted
out of many Christian sects.. ranging from
beliefs in one to twelve Gods and stuff like
that long after the so-called Jesus as Yeshua
then.. did his required crucifixion task as
reported of course too.. as is clear
knowledge these days by
biblical scholars
who are
not afraid
of trUth and liGht..
to juSt tale the truth
and liGht about all of this too..
with no regrets.. like the budding pastors
in divinity schools of scaring the congregation
away by the scholarLY uncertainty of much consistency
and integrity of the entire bible then from old to new testament
too.. with only original of the Paul transformed from Saul with
testament from within too.. no different than i for one do now too..
God Speaks through me within no different than anyone else nowthennow
who attains this art balance with God now too.. ain’t the first.. far from the
last.. just got more words than all those original authors and stuff like that..
thing is.. size oF aLL words can be empirically measured.. underStanding poetry
is all over the place as well as what is or is not poetry too.. poEtry Flows like
Dance And SonG Free Verse too.. any thing with rules and regulations and
gold stars and money and likes and followers and shares to evaluate the
worth of any global wHOle art is just ‘tHeir’ smAll talk now.. hehe.. iF
anyone even could get to the bottom of just one of my MacroVerses
noW.. taKinG iT aLL iN too.. of course i do not expect
anyone to.. NoW as the price oF expanding hUman
poTenTial InteLLiGences more as
iMAgINAtion and CreATive
art as hiStory clearly
sHows IS A lONe one sTiLL
at the top of one’s particular
gAMe oF ArT now.. wiTh trUE fLoW
and liGht no one to please but me
and God.. done did.. the ridicule of being
too full of out of balance spiRit in the ‘Super
Star’ Talent SHoW in Middle school at age 13.. thenow
seaSoNed Veteran of Free all of this and that at age 56…
and the usual introductory paragraph oF Free Verse Flow
for what cOMes neXt as i usuAlly have no idea what even the
neXt word that comes neXt WiLL be more than a split second or less..
yeS.. and that is just what i relatively perceive as science already sHows thaT
EmoTiOns rule
the hUman
take ’em
away and one gets
so-called piss poor cognitive
executive functioning in way of
short term working memory and overall
focus.. laser or not.. and laser for now.. like
a trUly Focused Laser in art of now as do.. to do..
anyWay.. second little cold caught from the general
public crowds in two weeks.. a little under the weather
but not enough to stop me from working out or continuing
130 thousand words now a month and around 3 Novel size
efforts of odds same in a month’s time too.. continuing
around 166.66 miles a month.. overall too.. as the end
of February on the 27th also closes a 42 month effort
of public metro area dance for close to 7,000 miles too
as i will be celebrating the 147th Dance Week this week with
all the cool college age folks from Old Seville Quarter with photos
coming in the wee hours of 02102017.. after a publish of this MacroVerse
on 02092017 on Thursday.. if the usual milestone happens then too.. as continues
to be the general pattern as flow oF Art with milestones sTiLL as they continue to come
and i hiGhliGht them too.. to keep stuff a little nice and tidy in order too.. at LeASt in intro
ductory paragraphs of FloW iN ZoNe like this one now too.. so.. at least y’all kNow and FeeL
and sense NoW some what oF the FucK oF what’s going down for isReAL noW2.. for HeAR too Now1..;)
and all stuff based on goals
and awards.. empty to me
now that the journey
itself and all the
paths spread
out are the
reward in itself
as art gains a life of
love in the artist hands
and feet and feat of all around
the boDy and miNd iN BaLanCinG soUL
aS an arT whOle oF Life.. and interestingLY..
as i heard someone recently refer to a special type
of poetry mixed with art as if poetry isn’t art itself
when done free verse without rules and regulations of
poetry science
no less than
dance this
way or
do martial
arts that way..
or any other mechanical
cognition sidewalks that can
easily take the art oF FloW iN ZoNe
away.. Jesus Christ Superstar.. with lyrics
by Tim Rice and Music by the famous Andrew
Lloyd Webber of Phantom of the Opera fame too..
A talent contest at age 13 when the movie from the folio
of the piano music i owned at age 13.. yes.. 43 years ago
going on 44.. when the students laughed as i was too excited
with spiRit after playing the Superstar Song out of the folio to
maintain any composure in balance of walk away from the
piano.. as that was hard enough for me to do.. if i ever
got relaxed then fully.. which in public.. i did not..
oh.. a cat in a thunder and lightning cAge
middle school was for me..
bullied this way and
that way..
but still
doing the talent
show.. writing a play
and winning a two homeroom
contest for a Christmas Story too..
having no idea wHeRE the words came
from then as a spArk of HoLY SpiRit flow
came at an early age then but of course the so-called
Christian patriarchs as bully boys who thought any thing
associated with arts.. even emotions or an F iN smile and not the
Fred word was ‘queer’ too.. so.. sure.. i did wander a desert mostly
of no creative flow other than on the tennis court when the ball
and racquet and i became one.. in somewhat of a strange
way of curving the ball like most no one else
did then2.. either.. hehe.. but the art of
hands in creating something
lasting.. left me for so
many years..
except for a spark
at college in a philosophy
class at age 18.. some singing
at church and playing the piano there
mostly by notes with some artistic improvision
then in the 80’s before marriage.. but after marriage
in the 90’s.. all the way to 2013.. i got basically fat and happy
and even only went to the gym.. once a week for over a decade.. also
a work-out room at home.. but a very tame way of working out overall
then compared to the exXtreme way i do strength and martial arts and
ballet like dance now.. all.. free verse too.. the best paRt of all is there is no
reward of money or other tangible prizes other than over a thousand selfies
with very pretty women.. smiles and accolades of applause here and there
for those who can appreciate truly free verse life in someone else..
anyway that piano with lessons at age 12 was certainly a lifeline
to/for/as emotions for many decades of my life.. and that
Jesus Christ SuperStar Folio and the movie
i never saw until recently in the last few
years that headlined my last
MacroVerse.. titled “iLIGhtX!”
that is symbolic of course as X
IS A Symbol for transformation and i
is the director and producer of actor I
with exclamation point! of SpiRit as HeARt
makes BaLanCing miNd and BoDy soUL liGht alToGeTher
wiTh God as fractal and pARt as me at the helm as i of course too..
sure.. it’s the so-called hidden message of Jesus too that so many folks
miss that Heaven is noW and the Kingdom of God lives within as trUe liGht too..
for those who seek and find it and practice the HiGher POtEnTiL Power as Force
of God within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below.. and all around.. and that’s the message
of the Jesus Christ Superstar movie too that by the way was a little in slow motion play where
if you adjusted the speed of YouTube to 1.25.. comes out as the original plays too..
hehe.. as sure.. whoever shared that didn’t wanna get too close to the
original for copyright concerns.. work arounds as they say
to share it free.. as the message it provides is ageless
and timeless too.. for the isREaL sTiLL TrUE and
LiGht teachings as attributed to a revised
name oF A NamE as Jesus too.. as
truTh and LiGht sTiLL.. thing is..
sAdly.. folks have lost the
Beatitudes now from the
Sermon on the mount and replaced
welcoming refugees with orders to go against
the least among us now with walls aS Such too..
in anti-christ dreams that some folks will stand up and
fight against as altruism sings as essence of God’s greATest
aGaPe Love as Gift of/as Nature whoLe+ in what makes hUman trUly
special when that Love comes back again and lives all FReED.. and no..
it doesn’t matter the label and form that comes for this essence of Love when
real it is real
oF Free
Love now.. unchained
by those who would rather
bring dArk oF Fear and hate in
the place of Hope and Fearless
smArt and Unconditional agApe Love
and make laws and walls to separate us
for those who share the same blood and flesh
and HoLy SpiRit too.. in creative free flow ways..
so.. here i come.. now agAiN.. with the next 745th Macro
Verse oF Ocean WhOle Poem now.. sTiLL exceeding 3.3M words
in what IS A 42nd month iN WordPress way and 48th month in all
Blog ways.. with the addition now of a “Nether Land Bible” in Macro
Verse way of number 74 now2.. where the 73rd verse of “iLIGhtX!” bRings
the word total of that bible up to.. precisELy.. 1,109,596 words noW at about
a bible and a half Now of King Jame’s Version size.. where in about three weeks
the bible will be 9 months old.. about the time it takes to birth a bible child in this case
at yeS.. oNe and a half times the size of the old King James Version and even the Book
of Eli Bible on big screen fiction way.. when all Denzel had to do was remember the
original word by word and get someone else to scribe it and publish it for him
in oral tradition blind man way.. smiles.. do it yourself these days.. no
centuries of help and hundreds of potential authors and
thousands of potential scribes to copy it all down
across centuries too and before that
where illiterate Aramaic folks
like Jesus did the
oral tradition
down around
dusty desert
round table discussions..
and the smARTy pants Greeks
picked and chose what they wanted
out of many Christian sects.. ranging from
beliefs in one to twelve Gods and stuff like
that long after the so-called Jesus as Yeshua
then.. did his required crucifixion task as
reported of course too.. as is clear
knowledge these days by
biblical scholars
who are
not afraid
of trUth and liGht..
to juSt tale the truth
and liGht about all of this too..
with no regrets.. like the budding pastors
in divinity schools of scaring the congregation
away by the scholarLY uncertainty of much consistency
and integrity of the entire bible then from old to new testament
too.. with only original of the Paul transformed from Saul with
testament from within too.. no different than i for one do now too..
God Speaks through me within no different than anyone else nowthennow
who attains this art balance with God now too.. ain’t the first.. far from the
last.. just got more words than all those original authors and stuff like that..
thing is.. size oF aLL words can be empirically measured.. underStanding poetry
is all over the place as well as what is or is not poetry too.. poEtry Flows like
Dance And SonG Free Verse too.. any thing with rules and regulations and
gold stars and money and likes and followers and shares to evaluate the
worth of any global wHOle art is just ‘tHeir’ smAll talk now.. hehe.. iF
anyone even could get to the bottom of just one of my MacroVerses
noW.. taKinG iT aLL iN too.. of course i do not expect
anyone to.. NoW as the price oF expanding hUman
poTenTial InteLLiGences more as
iMAgINAtion and CreATive
art as hiStory clearly
sHows IS A lONe one sTiLL
at the top of one’s particular
gAMe oF ArT now.. wiTh trUE fLoW
and liGht no one to please but me
and God.. done did.. the ridicule of being
too full of out of balance spiRit in the ‘Super
Star’ Talent SHoW in Middle school at age 13.. thenow
seaSoNed Veteran of Free all of this and that at age 56…
and the usual introductory paragraph oF Free Verse Flow
for what cOMes neXt as i usuAlly have no idea what even the
neXt word that comes neXt WiLL be more than a split second or less..
yeS.. and that is just what i relatively perceive as science already sHows thaT
EmoTiOns rule
the hUman
take ’em
away and one gets
so-called piss poor cognitive
executive functioning in way of
short term working memory and overall
focus.. laser or not.. and laser for now.. like
a trUly Focused Laser in art of now as do.. to do..
anyWay.. second little cold caught from the general
public crowds in two weeks.. a little under the weather
but not enough to stop me from working out or continuing
130 thousand words now a month and around 3 Novel size
efforts of odds same in a month’s time too.. continuing
around 166.66 miles a month.. overall too.. as the end
of February on the 27th also closes a 42 month effort
of public metro area dance for close to 7,000 miles too
as i will be celebrating the 147th Dance Week this week with
all the cool college age folks from Old Seville Quarter with photos
coming in the wee hours of 02102017.. after a publish of this MacroVerse
on 02092017 on Thursday.. if the usual milestone happens then too.. as continues
to be the general pattern as flow oF Art with milestones sTiLL as they continue to come
and i hiGhliGht them too.. to keep stuff a little nice and tidy in order too.. at LeASt in intro
ductory paragraphs of FloW iN ZoNe like this one now too.. so.. at least y’all kNow and FeeL
and sense NoW some what oF the FucK oF what’s going down for isReAL noW2.. for HeAR too Now1..;)
WeLL.. it’s trUe the weight oF all
this free verse free FloW iN ZoNe
Creativity as recorded in real time nowthennow
is MoVinG to the point wHeRe a Nautilus no longer even
needs go out of the breadth oF iTs sHeLL now for creating
thee more stately mansions as Oliver Wendell Holmes relates
too to the hundreds of million of years of KA as SpiRit of Nautilus
that carries on in the fossil record as art to liVe groWs oN in shell
oF arT Free.. in other words.. i can go on relatively forever as long as i live
and riff off my own MacroVerSes now that including the Pre-Macro-Verses
that started in March of 2013.. WiLL make a foUr year SheLL of Multi-Chambered
Human Nautilus art wHere doors go like rabbit holes all around my soUL aLIVe of
Course to liVe on as long as servers serve a sOUL uP foR Free.. hehe.. yes.. the logo
and mascot of my University of West Florida wHere upon my home desktop above the
desktop iMac big screen box as phone and star track device to connect globally sits three
degrees from that UniVersity with the Nautilus as general shape of Phi Six as Golden Spiral
of God sAMe as pattern.. above.. so below.. inside.. outside all around through UnivErse
and subatomic Quantum floW of existence alwAys forevernow sTiLL as existence
beYOnd InFinity beYOnd space time and distance goes on forevermore now
in dimensions of flea as human upon the dog that is God cannot fully
appreciate as blood is enough
for life.. as giving
as is..
so yeah.. maybe
i’LL branch out further than
my infinitely groWing Nautilus
SHeLL of KA arT now.. as SpiRit
of HeARt of my mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL or maybe like the Nautilus i will relatively
stay home and juST groW as arT what alReady is more..
but hey.. i am a social animal.. so sooner or later i muST get
out and connect to oTheR Social animals for connection iN
MoVinG Co-Creating ways too.. so.. no matter what happens
in the world of words and Free Verse PoeTry arT.. the
166.66 miles/month average in public martial arts and
ballet-like free verse dance WiLL take care
of connecting to others fully whether
a single word is exchanged or not
as even science shows
that anywhere from
60 to 93 percent
of communication
is non-verbal still now and
as science also shows in my three
areas of degrees from Health Science core
to Anthropology to Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
as three sixes of Phi spiral line uP as Nautilus sHeLLs
atop my desk in Golden Spiral Flow of KnoWledge and arT
too.. anyway.. it’s clear that before written words came in the last
several thousand years.. after the agricultural age and folks started
sitting on their butts.. hoarding subsistence related items like grain in silos..
greed and jealousy and other con-social human emotions started to rule more.. then
as the team that forages together for survival everyday relies on each other as living
beings for survival everynoW and either works togEther in unity or surely dies before long
as use or lose applies to everyday.. togEtHeR no different reAlly than a pack of wild wolves
love in the cOldest snow trails of life struggle.. Love wins in social animal terms and way before
written words there first is a free verse dance of LIFE for Love.. and sure.. oral tradition as vocal
language was/IS A way of life way way before written words too.. but the dance of life in non
verbal way as any other social mammal will do to communicate with others was/is
the way then and in terms of classical evolution that is very slow is
sTill the innate way now.. take away the non-verbal language
and take away humanitY.. it’s aS Simple as that and
according to recent news.. a third of the
country with an actual substance
abuse problem of minds
way way out in between
stuck in the head away from total
miNd and BoDy BaLanCE as our ancestors
and wild wolves toGethEr for LoVe wiNs when
a forage IS A hoLy and sacRed DancE and SonG
oF LIFE toGethEr with never a written word long ago,.
wHeRE dreAM tiMe more ruled in synchronicity ways of life
then too.. seriouSly what you do not think is more enjoyable if you
are not too shy of course as use it or lose it in terms of social MoVinG
CONnecTing Co-creAtinG ways of liFE with Nature one as Great Spirit
Indigenous ways of people understanding clearly that all is whole and none
is separate wHEre tHeRe need not even be a need for a label for GOD AS JESUS
thing is.. when folks get clothed away from a mostly naked rave dance of
NiGht LiFE LiGht around campfires of Moonlit ecstasy ways of reward at
the end of the day of foraging success.. they simply lose tHeir
humanity and aS Such in Japan the young folks
as reported.. no longer have much drive
to even get it on togetHeR
at the basic
of what
it means to survive
with riSinG and FaLLing
levels of productivity and creativity
and overall libido of life with loss of a balance
of lust and love FOR LIFE.. it’s what people do when
other folks are climbing mountains and making rules.. the
only commandment of God really is lusT and LoVE as BaLanCinG
Force for human being togeTheR to survive and arrive alive iN BaLance
too as a lust and love for all oF Nature GoD sAMe now.. but you see.. if i never
went to hell on eARth from the imbalance of the insanity of general life the way
it goes on in even first world problems now.. i would have never shed those cultural
clothes and
freed myself
naked back with GOD..
nah.. King David was no fool
for dancing close to naked in the
streets and promising more so-called
‘vile’ ways of doing that all turned on then either..
turn on or turn off.. live or die.. lust and love in balance
or a third of the country hooked on drugs to replace a free
liVe naKed with God and each otheR NoW.. WeLL.. i cannot change
the world like this now.. and obviously too.. according to the same college
science of humans and art too.. humans are not even evolved StiLL to connect
to more than about 150 to 200 sets of friendly naked eYes and hiPs now..
bottom lines.. according to Lady Gaga and Shakira our sex don’t lie
in terms of lust and love and neither do naked hips
and eYes when not hidden
with cultural
and sure..
religion same too..
but fortunately for me..
i live in a country that at least
allows a free art like this in restrictED
art links too.. so i go back to God naked
and free and stick my tongue out and more
at the lies and illusions of culture and religions
away from free now.. i’m 56.. so sure that art might
be more popular at a younger age.. but if you think i feel
and sense older than 16 inside you would be incorrect about that..
i’ve never
younger iN SpiRit
of Youth than i do now..
the fountain of youth is really
a three letter word that is God same as FREE
when the trump
card number 11 of lust
for life with Love Dances and SinGS FReED..
believe or not riPley for now i have conquered
both age and death as life.. relativELy speaKing
in what the real dude Jesus was more than likely speaKing all on
about then.. a clue is heaven is now.. and there will be no marriages tHeRe..
it’s the way matriarchal societies worked wHeRe men were more then the sexual
play toys no different really than Bonobos for the social cooperating females too..
it’s pretty clear in the modern dance halls that free is coming back in bootie dances at least tHeRe..
and nah.. my wife is not threatened by my lusty ways of looKing at life either as she KNows now..
isREaL NoW..
and on top of that
she has enough confidence
in herself in that way not to
worry about a thing.. sure.. don’t you
worry about a thing when LOVE RULES..FREE..
Believe it or not Ripley God lives within Free with no written words
at all BeyOnd a naked Dance and SonG of hUman Being Free when nowthennow..
150 to 200 sets of naked hUman eYes and hips are pARt of the friendly survival
mix of LiFE FReED..
oh.. the small village way
of Life… the ecstasy that wasn’t
nearly as long and brutal as the way folks live life now..
but if you’ve ever done a three hour rave dance with beautiful
women clothed or not you could understand how long pleasure can last too..
from a
perspective of course..
but is that different for women.. no
not when FReED at Least as DancE and SonG..
aT lEast that is what the audience reaction of females
in even a ‘red neck’ town sings to something like a movie
XXL.. aS Such..2..
hidden lies are simple truths..
lust and love as balance is the winning human touch feel
way when free… believe it or not closed minds.. and bodies
too with substance abuse to accompany that closed way of being too..
in sure.. mostly prescription way of course to escape priSon of clothed beyond naked and FReED..
for me
at Least as
that/i inherits
the earth as meek..
in terms of material goods
like clothes of course.. as A
Temple oF God is overFloWinG
HeRE wiTh a BALancE oF LuSt For
all stuff life with Love under WiLL FULLly aLiVE now.. too!..
Yeah.. baby..
DancE it SinG
it and shag it too
as Austin Powers
DancES and SingS too..;)
this free verse free FloW iN ZoNe
Creativity as recorded in real time nowthennow
is MoVinG to the point wHeRe a Nautilus no longer even
needs go out of the breadth oF iTs sHeLL now for creating
thee more stately mansions as Oliver Wendell Holmes relates
too to the hundreds of million of years of KA as SpiRit of Nautilus
that carries on in the fossil record as art to liVe groWs oN in shell
oF arT Free.. in other words.. i can go on relatively forever as long as i live
and riff off my own MacroVerSes now that including the Pre-Macro-Verses
that started in March of 2013.. WiLL make a foUr year SheLL of Multi-Chambered
Human Nautilus art wHere doors go like rabbit holes all around my soUL aLIVe of
Course to liVe on as long as servers serve a sOUL uP foR Free.. hehe.. yes.. the logo
and mascot of my University of West Florida wHere upon my home desktop above the
desktop iMac big screen box as phone and star track device to connect globally sits three
degrees from that UniVersity with the Nautilus as general shape of Phi Six as Golden Spiral
of God sAMe as pattern.. above.. so below.. inside.. outside all around through UnivErse
and subatomic Quantum floW of existence alwAys forevernow sTiLL as existence
beYOnd InFinity beYOnd space time and distance goes on forevermore now
in dimensions of flea as human upon the dog that is God cannot fully
appreciate as blood is enough
for life.. as giving
as is..
so yeah.. maybe
i’LL branch out further than
my infinitely groWing Nautilus
SHeLL of KA arT now.. as SpiRit
of HeARt of my mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL or maybe like the Nautilus i will relatively
stay home and juST groW as arT what alReady is more..
but hey.. i am a social animal.. so sooner or later i muST get
out and connect to oTheR Social animals for connection iN
MoVinG Co-Creating ways too.. so.. no matter what happens
in the world of words and Free Verse PoeTry arT.. the
166.66 miles/month average in public martial arts and
ballet-like free verse dance WiLL take care
of connecting to others fully whether
a single word is exchanged or not
as even science shows
that anywhere from
60 to 93 percent
of communication
is non-verbal still now and
as science also shows in my three
areas of degrees from Health Science core
to Anthropology to Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
as three sixes of Phi spiral line uP as Nautilus sHeLLs
atop my desk in Golden Spiral Flow of KnoWledge and arT
too.. anyway.. it’s clear that before written words came in the last
several thousand years.. after the agricultural age and folks started
sitting on their butts.. hoarding subsistence related items like grain in silos..
greed and jealousy and other con-social human emotions started to rule more.. then
as the team that forages together for survival everyday relies on each other as living
beings for survival everynoW and either works togEther in unity or surely dies before long
as use or lose applies to everyday.. togEtHeR no different reAlly than a pack of wild wolves
love in the cOldest snow trails of life struggle.. Love wins in social animal terms and way before
written words there first is a free verse dance of LIFE for Love.. and sure.. oral tradition as vocal
language was/IS A way of life way way before written words too.. but the dance of life in non
verbal way as any other social mammal will do to communicate with others was/is
the way then and in terms of classical evolution that is very slow is
sTill the innate way now.. take away the non-verbal language
and take away humanitY.. it’s aS Simple as that and
according to recent news.. a third of the
country with an actual substance
abuse problem of minds
way way out in between
stuck in the head away from total
miNd and BoDy BaLanCE as our ancestors
and wild wolves toGethEr for LoVe wiNs when
a forage IS A hoLy and sacRed DancE and SonG
oF LIFE toGethEr with never a written word long ago,.
wHeRE dreAM tiMe more ruled in synchronicity ways of life
then too.. seriouSly what you do not think is more enjoyable if you
are not too shy of course as use it or lose it in terms of social MoVinG
CONnecTing Co-creAtinG ways of liFE with Nature one as Great Spirit
Indigenous ways of people understanding clearly that all is whole and none
is separate wHEre tHeRe need not even be a need for a label for GOD AS JESUS
thing is.. when folks get clothed away from a mostly naked rave dance of
NiGht LiFE LiGht around campfires of Moonlit ecstasy ways of reward at
the end of the day of foraging success.. they simply lose tHeir
humanity and aS Such in Japan the young folks
as reported.. no longer have much drive
to even get it on togetHeR
at the basic
of what
it means to survive
with riSinG and FaLLing
levels of productivity and creativity
and overall libido of life with loss of a balance
of lust and love FOR LIFE.. it’s what people do when
other folks are climbing mountains and making rules.. the
only commandment of God really is lusT and LoVE as BaLanCinG
Force for human being togeTheR to survive and arrive alive iN BaLance
too as a lust and love for all oF Nature GoD sAMe now.. but you see.. if i never
went to hell on eARth from the imbalance of the insanity of general life the way
it goes on in even first world problems now.. i would have never shed those cultural
clothes and
freed myself
naked back with GOD..
nah.. King David was no fool
for dancing close to naked in the
streets and promising more so-called
‘vile’ ways of doing that all turned on then either..
turn on or turn off.. live or die.. lust and love in balance
or a third of the country hooked on drugs to replace a free
liVe naKed with God and each otheR NoW.. WeLL.. i cannot change
the world like this now.. and obviously too.. according to the same college
science of humans and art too.. humans are not even evolved StiLL to connect
to more than about 150 to 200 sets of friendly naked eYes and hiPs now..
bottom lines.. according to Lady Gaga and Shakira our sex don’t lie
in terms of lust and love and neither do naked hips
and eYes when not hidden
with cultural
and sure..
religion same too..
but fortunately for me..
i live in a country that at least
allows a free art like this in restrictED
art links too.. so i go back to God naked
and free and stick my tongue out and more
at the lies and illusions of culture and religions
away from free now.. i’m 56.. so sure that art might
be more popular at a younger age.. but if you think i feel
and sense older than 16 inside you would be incorrect about that..
i’ve never
younger iN SpiRit
of Youth than i do now..
the fountain of youth is really
a three letter word that is God same as FREE
when the trump
card number 11 of lust
for life with Love Dances and SinGS FReED..
believe or not riPley for now i have conquered
both age and death as life.. relativELy speaKing
in what the real dude Jesus was more than likely speaKing all on
about then.. a clue is heaven is now.. and there will be no marriages tHeRe..
it’s the way matriarchal societies worked wHeRe men were more then the sexual
play toys no different really than Bonobos for the social cooperating females too..
it’s pretty clear in the modern dance halls that free is coming back in bootie dances at least tHeRe..
and nah.. my wife is not threatened by my lusty ways of looKing at life either as she KNows now..
isREaL NoW..
and on top of that
she has enough confidence
in herself in that way not to
worry about a thing.. sure.. don’t you
worry about a thing when LOVE RULES..FREE..
Believe it or not Ripley God lives within Free with no written words
at all BeyOnd a naked Dance and SonG of hUman Being Free when nowthennow..
150 to 200 sets of naked hUman eYes and hips are pARt of the friendly survival
mix of LiFE FReED..
oh.. the small village way
of Life… the ecstasy that wasn’t
nearly as long and brutal as the way folks live life now..
but if you’ve ever done a three hour rave dance with beautiful
women clothed or not you could understand how long pleasure can last too..
from a
perspective of course..
but is that different for women.. no
not when FReED at Least as DancE and SonG..
aT lEast that is what the audience reaction of females
in even a ‘red neck’ town sings to something like a movie
XXL.. aS Such..2..
hidden lies are simple truths..
lust and love as balance is the winning human touch feel
way when free… believe it or not closed minds.. and bodies
too with substance abuse to accompany that closed way of being too..
in sure.. mostly prescription way of course to escape priSon of clothed beyond naked and FReED..
for me
at Least as
that/i inherits
the earth as meek..
in terms of material goods
like clothes of course.. as A
Temple oF God is overFloWinG
HeRE wiTh a BALancE oF LuSt For
all stuff life with Love under WiLL FULLly aLiVE now.. too!..
Yeah.. baby..
DancE it SinG
it and shag it too
as Austin Powers
DancES and SingS too..;)
With a side of Hallelujah.. as suRe.. a barefoot
KinG never loses his lUst or is neutered
by homosexual Catholic priests
or those like the
now from
closets of Australian
Catholic Priests at a rate
of evil at 7 percent as when you
FucK WiTh Mother Nature as lUst
in you.. all kinds of truly harmful perversions
come next.. including homosexuality that is repressed
no different than so-called regular sexuality that becomes
harm to little children
life long harm..
as the priests continue
to complain about queer marriage in their closets
of what human nature would rather do as predator.. evil..
excluding women from the priesthood and healthy sexuality from life
in consensual ways IS A sure way to imbalance and evil come to life REAL EVIL..
in all the ways that comes of harming others as evil too..
the greatest human evil comes when God hands are tied as Nature trUe LiGht..
and lies
and the evil
doesn’t lie.. sTiLL NoW
in tears of lies that stream
across the children who fall to predator
of an Evil God.. created
W i Th IN T He M STiLL..
Hmm.. need to dust ‘that’
off and get a smile now..
from the Katrina as she fully expresses
all of her emotions in the following video free..
and that’s the thing.. i let her do her thing and she let’s
me do my thing… very different we are.. but we get along as
we let each
other be
free as
any two monogamous birds
on a power line of life WiLL do..
for the cause of love with a balance of lust for life too..
yes a Katrina Facebook Video from two hears ago as i
was celebrating 3000 miles of public dance then that is
now sTiLL moVing toward a Spring Equinox now of 7000 miles in 2017.:)
KinG never loses his lUst or is neutered
by homosexual Catholic priests
or those like the
now from
closets of Australian
Catholic Priests at a rate
of evil at 7 percent as when you
FucK WiTh Mother Nature as lUst
in you.. all kinds of truly harmful perversions
come next.. including homosexuality that is repressed
no different than so-called regular sexuality that becomes
harm to little children
life long harm..
as the priests continue
to complain about queer marriage in their closets
of what human nature would rather do as predator.. evil..
excluding women from the priesthood and healthy sexuality from life
in consensual ways IS A sure way to imbalance and evil come to life REAL EVIL..
in all the ways that comes of harming others as evil too..
the greatest human evil comes when God hands are tied as Nature trUe LiGht..
and lies
and the evil
doesn’t lie.. sTiLL NoW
in tears of lies that stream
across the children who fall to predator
of an Evil God.. created
W i Th IN T He M STiLL..
Hmm.. need to dust ‘that’
off and get a smile now..
from the Katrina as she fully expresses
all of her emotions in the following video free..
and that’s the thing.. i let her do her thing and she let’s
me do my thing… very different we are.. but we get along as
we let each
other be
free as
any two monogamous birds
on a power line of life WiLL do..
for the cause of love with a balance of lust for life too..
yes a Katrina Facebook Video from two hears ago as i
was celebrating 3000 miles of public dance then that is
now sTiLL moVing toward a Spring Equinox now of 7000 miles in 2017.:)
And a MacroVerse also from two years ago.. titLed
‘FREE VERSE Living’ thaT surELy amplifies the current
freE LiFe
heRe wiTh
thE ThREE letter
word free that is equivalent to GOD whOle..
as adding JusT anotHeR verse to tHe UniVerse
too.. co-creating iN MoVinG and CONnecTinG way FReED wiTh GoD NoW..:)
‘FREE VERSE Living’ thaT surELy amplifies the current
freE LiFe
heRe wiTh
thE ThREE letter
word free that is equivalent to GOD whOle..
as adding JusT anotHeR verse to tHe UniVerse
too.. co-creating iN MoVinG and CONnecTinG way FReED wiTh GoD NoW..:)
DOG IS GOD IS DOG.. MacroVerse from three years
ago.. surELy short enough to quote wiTh WiNks and sMiLes..
ago.. surELy short enough to quote wiTh WiNks and sMiLes..
are social animals..
not unlike dogs..
Human social animals..
are here to support and connect with each other..
‘they’ are here
‘they’ are here
to die..and that is all….
The world in someways is ignoring this..
the world of human beings that is..
Is apparent..
wHere no REAL effective human support and connections
IN THE true human animal misery..
of disconnection…
Dogs kNow only unconditional LOVE..
‘ilLUMiNAti Dance Walking’ from two years ago.. weighing
in with only
quoting again
too as juST anotHeR
chamber of mY NautiLuSt arT noW..;)
in with only
quoting again
too as juST anotHeR
chamber of mY NautiLuSt arT noW..;)
go into
a deep
HE! he!
It’s all about changing
Brain Waves
YES.. Humans are Quantum
Travelers of Distance and Space
6 A 9..
‘EYE ‘
And in someways.. sad that i decided
to close my first blog related nude art
restricting ‘Free LanceStripper’ Blog to
private as soon after this Google decided
to get more strict on Nude art and changed their
mind.. where i didn’t want any confusion on the Satire
of the title of that Nude art blog as restricted to adult
warnings and stuff like that.. with public consensual access of
course for those who are free enough to view art like that at will of course..
changing the name to ‘Free Verse Nude Poetry’ to make it clear it is art and
hehe.. just a title change like that dropped some views in random searches
as a new blog now and then..
as anything
with a Victorian
sound of traditional
science of poetry can
sound a little prudish
for the more hairy and wild
ones among us hehe.. for free..
that’s okay.. still registered over 300K likes
on G rated underwear art poeTry spArk named Sacred Selfie
and one all out naked as art with the title Yoda strips mixed
in that registered over 400K likes before i went to
the more prudish name with poetry word mixed in..
as already evidenced in screen shot way
along in the many MacroVerses
numbering this 74th one in
this year’s newest
Bible addition
to the
art of aLL i do..
that is named appropriately
in many ways as “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. too.. haha..;)
to close my first blog related nude art
restricting ‘Free LanceStripper’ Blog to
private as soon after this Google decided
to get more strict on Nude art and changed their
mind.. where i didn’t want any confusion on the Satire
of the title of that Nude art blog as restricted to adult
warnings and stuff like that.. with public consensual access of
course for those who are free enough to view art like that at will of course..
changing the name to ‘Free Verse Nude Poetry’ to make it clear it is art and
hehe.. just a title change like that dropped some views in random searches
as a new blog now and then..
as anything
with a Victorian
sound of traditional
science of poetry can
sound a little prudish
for the more hairy and wild
ones among us hehe.. for free..
that’s okay.. still registered over 300K likes
on G rated underwear art poeTry spArk named Sacred Selfie
and one all out naked as art with the title Yoda strips mixed
in that registered over 400K likes before i went to
the more prudish name with poetry word mixed in..
as already evidenced in screen shot way
along in the many MacroVerses
numbering this 74th one in
this year’s newest
Bible addition
to the
art of aLL i do..
that is named appropriately
in many ways as “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. too.. haha..;)
And it’s kind of hilarious in a lusty kinda way as the patriarchal
military folks.. namely a warrant officer at the Bowling Center i worked
at before i got married of course as i had friendly eyes and a hairy enough
chest and smile to finally get some attention from wilder women then too..
anyway.. he said.. Fred..
you leave the women
‘dripping wet’ when
they leave that
shoe counter
over there giving them
a little thrill more than shoes
per his say.. as i would have never
thought such a thing then.. and then he
said.. if you weren’t scared you could whip
‘it’ out right here for all to see.. so sure.. i could
give him a legal link now.. hehe.. if he sTiLL doubted i had
the machinery enough
to go along with
the smiling
eyes and
hairy chest
and the rest of the ‘package’ then.. hehe..;)
military folks.. namely a warrant officer at the Bowling Center i worked
at before i got married of course as i had friendly eyes and a hairy enough
chest and smile to finally get some attention from wilder women then too..
anyway.. he said.. Fred..
you leave the women
‘dripping wet’ when
they leave that
shoe counter
over there giving them
a little thrill more than shoes
per his say.. as i would have never
thought such a thing then.. and then he
said.. if you weren’t scared you could whip
‘it’ out right here for all to see.. so sure.. i could
give him a legal link now.. hehe.. if he sTiLL doubted i had
the machinery enough
to go along with
the smiling
eyes and
hairy chest
and the rest of the ‘package’ then.. hehe..;)
Here’s the thing.. live in the colder European
climates and long lobed ears and fingers will dam
sure freeze off.. so sure.. stuff gets a little more expandable
that warm feathered tale birds will do when the heat comes on per sense and feel..
oh yeah.. and be a natural born warrior and you better be able to go in stealth
mode if you
ever wanna
after a naked
warrior fight IS A done deal too..
i once remember folks laughing about
the size of deflated Lion genitalia during a fight..
Jesus F iN Christ.. use your common sense/feel.. what gets
bitten and clawed
off don’t reproduce..
unless it is appropriately
retracted during a fight for life..
and that’s why naked hairless chests and longer
soft equipment tend to go together in warmer climates
as another Anthropology human evolutionary environmental
way all
for free and
sure naked aS Such
too as Ninja Penises can
change a lot too.. heHe..
iN general
and bio-diversiTy
and neuro-diVerSity
win the game.. life envy
of Happiness beats penis
envy every day of now sTiLL.. hehe..
as tHe illumiNate of liGht liFe Dances oN sTiLL.. HeAR..;)
climates and long lobed ears and fingers will dam
sure freeze off.. so sure.. stuff gets a little more expandable
that warm feathered tale birds will do when the heat comes on per sense and feel..
oh yeah.. and be a natural born warrior and you better be able to go in stealth
mode if you
ever wanna
after a naked
warrior fight IS A done deal too..
i once remember folks laughing about
the size of deflated Lion genitalia during a fight..
Jesus F iN Christ.. use your common sense/feel.. what gets
bitten and clawed
off don’t reproduce..
unless it is appropriately
retracted during a fight for life..
and that’s why naked hairless chests and longer
soft equipment tend to go together in warmer climates
as another Anthropology human evolutionary environmental
way all
for free and
sure naked aS Such
too as Ninja Penises can
change a lot too.. heHe..
iN general
and bio-diversiTy
and neuro-diVerSity
win the game.. life envy
of Happiness beats penis
envy every day of now sTiLL.. hehe..
as tHe illumiNate of liGht liFe Dances oN sTiLL.. HeAR..;)
And yep.. my daddy said i was born as
a bundle of fuzzy fur…
that way
in thE LiGht per say..
all bEasty StiLL too wiTh
the beauty of the Wife Katrina too..
and sure.. even a movie comes out about
that on Saint Patrick’s day 3.17.17 as synchronicities
of the the Irish Fili PoeT sAgEs continues to groW too..
from the GrandFather who was an Irish Priest who decided
to get all natural and get all lUsty with a Cajun 17 year old woman
in his parish of Taylor county.. he at age 36 leaving the lies of the
Catholic Church behind and returning to Nature enough at least
so i could
two generations later
on 6660 as spirals continue to FloW
all free aS Such in hAiry and wiLd Free ways of Northern Europe too..
as his daddy from the Black Forest of Germany wHeRe the hAir
of the
free and
wild sTiLL
DancEs and SingS
Free iN Human Hallelujah way.. too..
all naked and hairy aS Such too.. haHEha..;)
a bundle of fuzzy fur…
that way
in thE LiGht per say..
all bEasty StiLL too wiTh
the beauty of the Wife Katrina too..
and sure.. even a movie comes out about
that on Saint Patrick’s day 3.17.17 as synchronicities
of the the Irish Fili PoeT sAgEs continues to groW too..
from the GrandFather who was an Irish Priest who decided
to get all natural and get all lUsty with a Cajun 17 year old woman
in his parish of Taylor county.. he at age 36 leaving the lies of the
Catholic Church behind and returning to Nature enough at least
so i could
two generations later
on 6660 as spirals continue to FloW
all free aS Such in hAiry and wiLd Free ways of Northern Europe too..
as his daddy from the Black Forest of Germany wHeRe the hAir
of the
free and
wild sTiLL
DancEs and SingS
Free iN Human Hallelujah way.. too..
all naked and hairy aS Such too.. haHEha..;)
And speaKing of Beauty.. the beauty
holds up the ‘I KnOW HOW TO DO
yes.. with smAller print
that sayS iN wHOle.. i KNOW How
To Meet The Ladies as acronym per
Dance and Sing as that’s how you do it..
Ya Dance and Sing Free and that works fine
totAlly clothed too.. as long as you sHow some hairy
legs and arms with my what big bright and shiny teeth you
have as a smile.. and surely.. green changing to light colored blue
eyes helps butt when you must wear shades you just shaKe yA tALe feathers now
a little
to get the
attention of the
innocent nymphs of the
foRest and fAir maidens oF LiGht more
to muse as muse yoUr DancE and Song and
even poEtry more as luST iN LoVe and LiGht.. Wins alWays
NoW StiLL unLess you clothe yourself in isreal sin away from God as Mother
trUe liGht
plus for noW as Free and WiLd
as Love and luSt BaLancE wins the
GaMe oF LiFE LiGht TrUe as any number 11 trump card will do when WiLd and Free
RiDinG the BacK oF A LioN who ain’t King David scaRed of being Naked With gOD NoW..
FReED WiLd.. And that’s how you do creativity
through free association you can
put any thing as ArT toGether as seParate
WiTh GODFReED and MaKinG somEthing
new and beautiful and bEasty Free as God’s creativity
iN MoVinG and ConNectinG way SinGs Beauty WiLd wHOle FREE..
and FReED as LoVe and LuSt Wins..NOW.. the gAMe oF LiFe as ART
aS masterpiece of GoD’s Beauty and the BeASt come to fruiTiOn
as Moon chiLd GroWiNg
LiGht TrUe
and FReED alWays NoW
in the eternity of Heaven noW as the
Kingdom of God DanceS and SingS Now
HigHer and HiGher as sHakE yOur TaLe featherS eVen HiGher now!..!2..;)
holds up the ‘I KnOW HOW TO DO
yes.. with smAller print
that sayS iN wHOle.. i KNOW How
To Meet The Ladies as acronym per
Dance and Sing as that’s how you do it..
Ya Dance and Sing Free and that works fine
totAlly clothed too.. as long as you sHow some hairy
legs and arms with my what big bright and shiny teeth you
have as a smile.. and surely.. green changing to light colored blue
eyes helps butt when you must wear shades you just shaKe yA tALe feathers now
a little
to get the
attention of the
innocent nymphs of the
foRest and fAir maidens oF LiGht more
to muse as muse yoUr DancE and Song and
even poEtry more as luST iN LoVe and LiGht.. Wins alWays
NoW StiLL unLess you clothe yourself in isreal sin away from God as Mother
trUe liGht
plus for noW as Free and WiLd
as Love and luSt BaLancE wins the
GaMe oF LiFE LiGht TrUe as any number 11 trump card will do when WiLd and Free
RiDinG the BacK oF A LioN who ain’t King David scaRed of being Naked With gOD NoW..
FReED WiLd.. And that’s how you do creativity
through free association you can
put any thing as ArT toGether as seParate
WiTh GODFReED and MaKinG somEthing
new and beautiful and bEasty Free as God’s creativity
iN MoVinG and ConNectinG way SinGs Beauty WiLd wHOle FREE..
and FReED as LoVe and LuSt Wins..NOW.. the gAMe oF LiFe as ART
aS masterpiece of GoD’s Beauty and the BeASt come to fruiTiOn
as Moon chiLd GroWiNg
LiGht TrUe
and FReED alWays NoW
in the eternity of Heaven noW as the
Kingdom of God DanceS and SingS Now
HigHer and HiGher as sHakE yOur TaLe featherS eVen HiGher now!..!2..;)
Facebook Friend Ashe
shares some news on
Facebook that says..
and i quote.. now..
shares some news on
Facebook that says..
and i quote.. now..
“My town is on Fox News
because we have murderers on the loose.”
because we have murderers on the loose.”
And i return with..
WeLL.. this place
Was technically
Named HeLL..
First.. per
On River
Was technically
Named HeLL..
First.. per
On River
And as of the 5 o’clock news
the triple murder killers have been
captured and the male member killed
himself as he had already admitted he had
a serious drug addiction issue and wasn’t
going to be caught alive.. so.. he followed through
with his plans
waving to
the law-enforcement
officers per swat team
out his new hotel room
that would soon be his
self-inflicted death bed too..
and it’s true.. not only did the sleepy..
little so-called hick town that once held
the world record for the most churches per
square mile and surely close to that record now
at least.. was not only on Fox news but hit the big
ABC News Show tonight too.. as the Dark side rises
up in Milton Florida too.. hmm.. yep.. and a very stormy
afternoon with big tornado damage in New Orleans and
some wind destruction in the PanHandle of Florida too.. as Lord
knows with all this climate change and Azaleas blooming all through
January and now February the atmosphere is surely volatile when the
cold Fronts come through in Winter Spring too.. the price ya pay for human
made change as usual.. and with also another reminder.. with a third of the US
population of adults having substance abuse problems and many more on pain
killers of many kinds and loads of other drugs too.. that too is a manmade problem
of human misery and suffering as well as human meteors for all the so-called good folks
to rally around in defense of like Trumps and Bannons wHere ultra conservative whack
right folks rule the roost as leader of the free world.. as what’s murder and Tornadoes
when ya Got Trump and Bannon Meteors for the World to gather around in liGht
in dEfense of Human catastrophes walking on two legs now.. or sure..
mostly sitting as it were and sTiLL is too.. and perhaps that’s the
Good News as the Good Folk Cop Jesus folks need to
wake up.. join hands and defend love
the way it should be defended
in shining your little light
as Bright as the
torch of
Statue of Liberty
too.. like Lady Gaga did
in that super bowl show
too.. so.. anyway you are
welcome to get under my
Umbrella as the shit storm continues
in American Politics same.. where proof is in
the pudding at the head office that reality is much
stranger than any fiction possible as fiction has to make
sense for a sell.. and this shit is just plain Saturday Night Live
Material for a reality show that could not be made up any better by clowns..
oh.. well.. turn on the TV and watch the apprentice continue to make a fool of himself
and resolve
all the
the US built up
during the Iraq killing
field years.. but hey.. harm
some more folks and see where
that takes ya next as the karmic eyes
of God iN aLL of US GlobALLy aS Such
continues to wake up and make a difference now
as do
as you
will and
sow the reaping
of the consequences next
dARk or LiGht as GoD and
Nature whOle continues to roll..;)
the triple murder killers have been
captured and the male member killed
himself as he had already admitted he had
a serious drug addiction issue and wasn’t
going to be caught alive.. so.. he followed through
with his plans
waving to
the law-enforcement
officers per swat team
out his new hotel room
that would soon be his
self-inflicted death bed too..
and it’s true.. not only did the sleepy..
little so-called hick town that once held
the world record for the most churches per
square mile and surely close to that record now
at least.. was not only on Fox news but hit the big
ABC News Show tonight too.. as the Dark side rises
up in Milton Florida too.. hmm.. yep.. and a very stormy
afternoon with big tornado damage in New Orleans and
some wind destruction in the PanHandle of Florida too.. as Lord
knows with all this climate change and Azaleas blooming all through
January and now February the atmosphere is surely volatile when the
cold Fronts come through in Winter Spring too.. the price ya pay for human
made change as usual.. and with also another reminder.. with a third of the US
population of adults having substance abuse problems and many more on pain
killers of many kinds and loads of other drugs too.. that too is a manmade problem
of human misery and suffering as well as human meteors for all the so-called good folks
to rally around in defense of like Trumps and Bannons wHere ultra conservative whack
right folks rule the roost as leader of the free world.. as what’s murder and Tornadoes
when ya Got Trump and Bannon Meteors for the World to gather around in liGht
in dEfense of Human catastrophes walking on two legs now.. or sure..
mostly sitting as it were and sTiLL is too.. and perhaps that’s the
Good News as the Good Folk Cop Jesus folks need to
wake up.. join hands and defend love
the way it should be defended
in shining your little light
as Bright as the
torch of
Statue of Liberty
too.. like Lady Gaga did
in that super bowl show
too.. so.. anyway you are
welcome to get under my
Umbrella as the shit storm continues
in American Politics same.. where proof is in
the pudding at the head office that reality is much
stranger than any fiction possible as fiction has to make
sense for a sell.. and this shit is just plain Saturday Night Live
Material for a reality show that could not be made up any better by clowns..
oh.. well.. turn on the TV and watch the apprentice continue to make a fool of himself
and resolve
all the
the US built up
during the Iraq killing
field years.. but hey.. harm
some more folks and see where
that takes ya next as the karmic eyes
of God iN aLL of US GlobALLy aS Such
continues to wake up and make a difference now
as do
as you
will and
sow the reaping
of the consequences next
dARk or LiGht as GoD and
Nature whOle continues to roll..;)
SurELy.. overAll.. a sublime day of
both destruction and death
and beauty
of skies
as eloquent
DancE SonG of God aS
NatUre wHole as rainbows
and cloud formations of heaven
appear with unusual full lipped
witches or whatever TF iN sKeYes
with somEthing to say.. i guess
in words of poetry
a miracle
a day.. noW at lEast
for me when trUe WiLL
Synch wiTh God as Nature
p l U S noW as Free rings..
coMes neXt.. and surely ‘this’
cloud formation as the sun sHoWn
though thE darkest cLouds bRings a Harbinger
yes.. of much more liGht to coMe as that’s how
liFE works.. dARk maKes LiGht even BrigHter
afTer sHades of grey dArkest
to beYond rainBow
colors of
liGht neXt
as that’s how the ColOr
GoeS noW oF GoD aS NatUre continUes
to pLay above so below as colors of emoTions
and seNses within as human BeinG shineS moRe gOld as aRt noW..:)
both destruction and death
and beauty
of skies
as eloquent
DancE SonG of God aS
NatUre wHole as rainbows
and cloud formations of heaven
appear with unusual full lipped
witches or whatever TF iN sKeYes
with somEthing to say.. i guess
in words of poetry
a miracle
a day.. noW at lEast
for me when trUe WiLL
Synch wiTh God as Nature
p l U S noW as Free rings..
coMes neXt.. and surely ‘this’
cloud formation as the sun sHoWn
though thE darkest cLouds bRings a Harbinger
yes.. of much more liGht to coMe as that’s how
liFE works.. dARk maKes LiGht even BrigHter
afTer sHades of grey dArkest
to beYond rainBow
colors of
liGht neXt
as that’s how the ColOr
GoeS noW oF GoD aS NatUre continUes
to pLay above so below as colors of emoTions
and seNses within as human BeinG shineS moRe gOld as aRt noW..:)
#Beast.. as ‘the shirt’ says now sTiLL then..
definitely a meMe and theMe for the
small town life today and
the nation and world
in general
as the animal
spirits come out in
discontent of what was mostly
gridlock before and the really good news
is as Karma goes is the Obama is having
the time of his life with a real grin of life that
the Trumpster may never ever fiLL as Life as
juSt Happy for being here for now.. no matter what
as the Obama parasails his way to paradise now with
just another REAL Billionaire too.. that yes.. i caught on the ABC
news show.. directly after the show on the apprehended killers
did its Trump and Bannon FrOwns too.. hey.. some of US stayCATioN
iN HeaVeN eternAlly NoW.. and some of us live in hell.. #Beast or not..
i for one live in Heaven with
the Obama
too.. in
of sMiLes
and belly
laughs and giggles
that sing to the SNL iNfiNiTy now
of this shit is funny as heLL if you
don’t let it get to you in Trump/Bannon frOwn..
as long as the law of the land prevents anyone from
serious harm as the law takes care of ignorance.. oh..! so great..!
in ways
of checks
and balances
to extinguish
true insanity
now out of
iN LiFE as we’ve seen
so.. so.. much iN the last two weeks
aS A Three ring circus wiTh folks hair on orange fire..;)
definitely a meMe and theMe for the
small town life today and
the nation and world
in general
as the animal
spirits come out in
discontent of what was mostly
gridlock before and the really good news
is as Karma goes is the Obama is having
the time of his life with a real grin of life that
the Trumpster may never ever fiLL as Life as
juSt Happy for being here for now.. no matter what
as the Obama parasails his way to paradise now with
just another REAL Billionaire too.. that yes.. i caught on the ABC
news show.. directly after the show on the apprehended killers
did its Trump and Bannon FrOwns too.. hey.. some of US stayCATioN
iN HeaVeN eternAlly NoW.. and some of us live in hell.. #Beast or not..
i for one live in Heaven with
the Obama
too.. in
of sMiLes
and belly
laughs and giggles
that sing to the SNL iNfiNiTy now
of this shit is funny as heLL if you
don’t let it get to you in Trump/Bannon frOwn..
as long as the law of the land prevents anyone from
serious harm as the law takes care of ignorance.. oh..! so great..!
in ways
of checks
and balances
to extinguish
true insanity
now out of
iN LiFE as we’ve seen
so.. so.. much iN the last two weeks
aS A Three ring circus wiTh folks hair on orange fire..;)
Just for the hell of it; hehe.. sort of literally as such too..
as the Wrong Planet is a lot like hell where
there is a bunch
of reason
and little
i visit there after
months to see what they
are saying about the Trump
and stuff and as usual it’s a big ball
of confusion like the country and the
rest of the world all out of whack from
heARt in discontent and hate where
folks have a topic on fixing
the out of whack
politics.. philosophy
and religion forum
that i used to frequent
when living in hell in more
ways than one waY for the last 33 months
of 66 months then and about a year or two
in heaven too.. off and on.. while the moderators
temporary banned me here and tHEre as let’s just
say.. i went just a little bit over and under their heads.. haha..
so.. anyway.. kraftiekortie.. just happens to mention me by
style of writing in a very nice way and although i
refuse to write in the darkness of the
wrong planet
as i am on
staycation in all
ways away from hell
of reason only thinking..
i respond as i always do to someone
who is nice to me or even not nice as
the golden rule KINDa does that when isREaL..;)
as the Wrong Planet is a lot like hell where
there is a bunch
of reason
and little
i visit there after
months to see what they
are saying about the Trump
and stuff and as usual it’s a big ball
of confusion like the country and the
rest of the world all out of whack from
heARt in discontent and hate where
folks have a topic on fixing
the out of whack
politics.. philosophy
and religion forum
that i used to frequent
when living in hell in more
ways than one waY for the last 33 months
of 66 months then and about a year or two
in heaven too.. off and on.. while the moderators
temporary banned me here and tHEre as let’s just
say.. i went just a little bit over and under their heads.. haha..
so.. anyway.. kraftiekortie.. just happens to mention me by
style of writing in a very nice way and although i
refuse to write in the darkness of the
wrong planet
as i am on
staycation in all
ways away from hell
of reason only thinking..
i respond as i always do to someone
who is nice to me or even not nice as
the golden rule KINDa does that when isREaL..;)
kraftiekortie wrote:
“There used to be this guy whom some people didn’t like—–but he wrote like Walt Whitman. I forgot his name. He was funny.
I wish we had some characters like that again.
I believe in expressing one’s intellect, and also one’s eccentricity—-and doing so without insulting people.”
i return with..
Haha. I haven’t checked this place for months now. Hehe. it’s making me dizzy to write in a straight line too. Never the less, i’ve written a plus 3.3 million word longest long form free verse poem in the history of humankind, in 42 months with 745 MacroVerses now; and a Bible in the 74th MacroVerse now that totals 1,109,569 words as of the 73rd MacroVerse, since start of writing the first MacroVerse on Memorial Day of 2016; sure, about 9 months to birth a baby bible 1.5 times bigger than the old King James thingy; now named, “Nether Land Bible 2017”, with that title inspired by an X-Moderator from the Wrong Planet, named Sallamandrina (Leah), who lives in the Netherlands now; the only person I remain in contact from here now from way back, in 2010.
And an amusing part of that is; I write in real time on Facebook at 130 thousand words a month as verifiable in totals of 15K words per MacroVerse twice a week; hehe and by dividing 1,109,569 words by 73 too at precisely an average of 15,199.9452 words a MacroVerse and nah; not bragging; just love all symbols as Hyperlexic born and thriving now, still too..;)
I’m also up to almost 7,000 miles of dancing a martial arts and ballet free style mix of metro public dance, in 42 months; where just a few weeks ago a group of women in a car driving by at the Dance Hall I frequent once a week, coming into 147 weeks of dance with all the college age folks there; yes, the young women asked me for my autograph and asked me to take my shirt off; humorous as hell to me of course; almost old enough to be their Grand Dad at age 56, now. And no, I didn’t take my shirt off or give them an autograph; just a selfie with them when they stuck their head out of their car window. And sure, I have evidence of it clearly still as my Long Form Poem is illustrated with about 100K photos too; yes, literally that many in total.
Generally speaking, I am named by the general audience
of local folks as a Dance Legend/Folk Hero, after being a
shut-in for 66 months with a synergy of 19 life threatening medical disorders.
of local folks as a Dance Legend/Folk Hero, after being a
shut-in for 66 months with a synergy of 19 life threatening medical disorders.
Transformations and miracles are real for those who just do them without restraint.
Anyway, I don’t do the limits or expectations of a ‘so called intelligent society now’. In fact, now, i leg press 1020 Lbs at 33 repetitions on a very difficult parallel leg press machine, too, at my military station gym, with my arms raised in the air like a ballerina still too; getting stronger as i go, as my cat leaped to the table when he was close to 20 years old too; which is much much older than me in cat age now; haha.
Bringing it back to topic; it’s almost impossible to fix any large social group as humans in natural state of being range from closed minded to totally open minded like me and able to do anything they set their mind to in creating their life as legend or couch potato still.
i fixed myself.
I can’t imagine a better way
to live life than fixing yourself.
to live life than fixing yourself.
Whole; free; self-actualized
in wonder and amazement at
the beauty of life; basically
reborn as a phoenix
rising from ashes..
oops.. i broke the rules again..;)
in wonder and amazement at
the beauty of life; basically
reborn as a phoenix
rising from ashes..
oops.. i broke the rules again..;)
Thing is, my friend;
i am never silent
when/with someone who remembers me.
i am never silent
when/with someone who remembers me.
Thank you.
Best wishes and hopes for you, too.
Salute with winks; gotta get back to
art my friend as reason shrunk my brain out of heART..;)
art my friend as reason shrunk my brain out of heART..;)
Your friend Fred aka Aghogday; when Another Ground Hog Day
was every day to me in literal hell on earth and just visiting here.
was every day to me in literal hell on earth and just visiting here.
Best pArt of all; I did it all free and
didn’t make a single Lincoln Cent
off of any of it.
Free only
money not required;
for those who are smART
enough not to need money;
and just have fun; while beating
the hell out of the so-called system..
and totally ignoring the naysayers
who fear the dArk
and are
of thE LiGht..;)
didn’t make a single Lincoln Cent
off of any of it.
Free only
money not required;
for those who are smART
enough not to need money;
and just have fun; while beating
the hell out of the so-called system..
and totally ignoring the naysayers
who fear the dArk
and are
of thE LiGht..;)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
So.. i get a couple of notifications on the
response to what i said
and as expected
it’s mostly
by the naysayers
who get all bent out
of shape sTiLL when liGht
breezes in to tale a success
story that is real.. i would suggest
that they read the book by Richard Bach
named “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.. to see what
the buzz is that’s still flying through when i visit now
twice a year back on the Wrong Planet.. or so.. to update all
my new upward spiraling fLIghts but hey.. i understand the land
of never believe in anything other than what you read that someone else
wrote.. whether
it is a science
book as bible
older or text
nowthennow in
a classroom of
priSon too.. what i offer
is not what they teach in school
and mostly what was and is still missed
by most in the more mystical esoteric writings
of Jesus and so many other sAGes of the ages wHo
pursued higher human potential through raging waves
of Naysayers in a Ocean that is much fuller of liGht.. like me..
and many others of course..
when alive
oN course..
so.. anyWay.. then
two responses come
that say ‘this’.. in response
to what i said to try to bait
me with what trolls do in negative way
and to be clear.. i am an epic troll too..
but paRt of thE LiGht Force wHeRe i juSt coMe
to prove that miracles are real for the naysayers
who enjoy life most in a constant state of nocebo negative
stagnating in back and forth cynicism/fear/hate until they die at the end of this
life and most sadly of all never really live life at all beyond an argument
that never
of naysaying
as such.. anyway.. i
cannot make horses drink
the living water i live..
so.. i troll as any ‘fisher
man’ would and will
with the
his disposal
or 12 million or so
total words of effort and
close to 7 thousand miles of
public dance and even
nude art
to get
a rise of
something out
of someone.. anywhere..
aT all.. heheR.. however
that comes.. along with all
my dance muses too of course as
everyone gets high off a beautiful
smile.. wHo is at least.. just a little bit alive..;)
response to what i said
and as expected
it’s mostly
by the naysayers
who get all bent out
of shape sTiLL when liGht
breezes in to tale a success
story that is real.. i would suggest
that they read the book by Richard Bach
named “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.. to see what
the buzz is that’s still flying through when i visit now
twice a year back on the Wrong Planet.. or so.. to update all
my new upward spiraling fLIghts but hey.. i understand the land
of never believe in anything other than what you read that someone else
wrote.. whether
it is a science
book as bible
older or text
nowthennow in
a classroom of
priSon too.. what i offer
is not what they teach in school
and mostly what was and is still missed
by most in the more mystical esoteric writings
of Jesus and so many other sAGes of the ages wHo
pursued higher human potential through raging waves
of Naysayers in a Ocean that is much fuller of liGht.. like me..
and many others of course..
when alive
oN course..
so.. anyWay.. then
two responses come
that say ‘this’.. in response
to what i said to try to bait
me with what trolls do in negative way
and to be clear.. i am an epic troll too..
but paRt of thE LiGht Force wHeRe i juSt coMe
to prove that miracles are real for the naysayers
who enjoy life most in a constant state of nocebo negative
stagnating in back and forth cynicism/fear/hate until they die at the end of this
life and most sadly of all never really live life at all beyond an argument
that never
of naysaying
as such.. anyway.. i
cannot make horses drink
the living water i live..
so.. i troll as any ‘fisher
man’ would and will
with the
his disposal
or 12 million or so
total words of effort and
close to 7 thousand miles of
public dance and even
nude art
to get
a rise of
something out
of someone.. anywhere..
aT all.. heheR.. however
that comes.. along with all
my dance muses too of course as
everyone gets high off a beautiful
smile.. wHo is at least.. just a little bit alive..;)
So a Dude who goes
by the user name of
Dox leaves the
by the user name of
Dox leaves the
“Oh my.”
And a dude by the name of feralbotanist
quotes the initial topic post at the beginning
of the entire forum discussion and then
speaks to my entrance back..
quotes the initial topic post at the beginning
of the entire forum discussion and then
speaks to my entrance back..
Quote from the topic post author jrjones9933 with
the 9933 symbol of a person who
has studied the works
of Aleister Crowley
with his Thelema
Religion not missed by
me as i branch out in all
directions like any real Jonathan
Livingston Seagull WiLL and this guy
definitely goes by the Crowley rule of
basically the Golden rule re-written as
do as thou wilt with will over love that means
you don’t harm anyone and consider other folks feelings
with empathy and compassion too.. pursuing your true will for the
of all
SurELy eloquent..
coming from what the
religious right then named
as the most wicked man in the world
back in the early 20th Century.. and of course
he did have a dArk side too.. as he fell to the disease of addiction
and sadly went to many dark places too.. as people do with that REAL HUMAN DISEASE.
the 9933 symbol of a person who
has studied the works
of Aleister Crowley
with his Thelema
Religion not missed by
me as i branch out in all
directions like any real Jonathan
Livingston Seagull WiLL and this guy
definitely goes by the Crowley rule of
basically the Golden rule re-written as
do as thou wilt with will over love that means
you don’t harm anyone and consider other folks feelings
with empathy and compassion too.. pursuing your true will for the
of all
SurELy eloquent..
coming from what the
religious right then named
as the most wicked man in the world
back in the early 20th Century.. and of course
he did have a dArk side too.. as he fell to the disease of addiction
and sadly went to many dark places too.. as people do with that REAL HUMAN DISEASE.
So.. jrjones9933 says at the beginning
of the topic at hand.. as quoted
here tHeRE by feral botanist..
of the topic at hand.. as quoted
here tHeRE by feral botanist..
“Let’s find a way back to talking.
There will be stuff that’s difficult to ignore directed at anyone
who posts in this thread, I predict. I recommend ignoring it here as a test.
who posts in this thread, I predict. I recommend ignoring it here as a test.
What can we agree on?
I put it to you that the fun of name-calling, and even the fun of recalling old insults, is less than the fun of novel, creative, and perhaps biting characterizations of individual actions. Actions, and patterns of actions, but not people.”
feral botanist says in return as
inspired by my comment.. as well..
inspired by my comment.. as well..
“Holy cow!! !
That was some good troll
All you have to do is propose an attempt to stop the trolling and they swarm the thread telling you why it will not work, how boring it would be and how great the past trolling has been.
Since the election, they have been so energised, it has been like they have an expresso trump enema.
They are hillarious when they are the most sincere.”
And in response to
the Dox comment
of ‘Oh my’..
i go on
to say..
and fully illustrate..
with a link that will be
impossible not to click on.. hehe.. this..
the Dox comment
of ‘Oh my’..
i go on
to say..
and fully illustrate..
with a link that will be
impossible not to click on.. hehe.. this..
That’s what ‘they’ say..;)
And yes.. a photo of me last Thursday Dance week night
with two of Charlie’s Angels as beautiful as
women as Angels come
to Earth..
pArt is the
third Angel wasn’t
there.. per Cortney
as only Maggie and Chelsea came..
left to right (skipping me of course)..
and it would always be nice if the Angel
who lives with me would appear tHeRe but
she is
and shy and
of course beautiful
too.. in Katrina way four..;)
with two of Charlie’s Angels as beautiful as
women as Angels come
to Earth..
pArt is the
third Angel wasn’t
there.. per Cortney
as only Maggie and Chelsea came..
left to right (skipping me of course)..
and it would always be nice if the Angel
who lives with me would appear tHeRe but
she is
and shy and
of course beautiful
too.. in Katrina way four..;)
As ‘they’ say..2.. the best
very well..
hehe.. and sure
it’s better than frigging
friction fiction as this sHiT ParAde ISreaL..;)
very well..
hehe.. and sure
it’s better than frigging
friction fiction as this sHiT ParAde ISreaL..;)
Finally.. although i didn’t see the Troll
movie i went trolling for some inspiration
from it and added in the Youtube
video as edit along with
the photo of
back on
the Wrong
as it makes
this liGht
Force Troll
point fully
in less
2 minutes
of heARTfELt ‘silence’..
meeting the dArk troll
force again.. of course too..;)
movie i went trolling for some inspiration
from it and added in the Youtube
video as edit along with
the photo of
back on
the Wrong
as it makes
this liGht
Force Troll
point fully
in less
2 minutes
of heARTfELt ‘silence’..
meeting the dArk troll
force again.. of course too..;)
And now a nice woman named, the phoenix, comes into view..:)
“* enter phoenixspoken babel mode *
Verily ‘n’ fer shurr, dude, I like totally resemble that remark!
Hail and well met, emfi aghogday,
Twice upon a time or 18,000,652
in the backhence jaren, I were wont to saye,
“Up from the ashes … ta saye hello!”
in the backhence jaren, I were wont to saye,
“Up from the ashes … ta saye hello!”
Midbetween wolde come adventurin’ galore
with sparks, m00ses, and bad (good?) puns.
with sparks, m00ses, and bad (good?) puns.
Finalwise I wolde be off, flyin’
West inta the Middle Eastern
sunset like a beachball goin’ boing, boink, splat.
West inta the Middle Eastern
sunset like a beachball goin’ boing, boink, splat.
Ye aulde ende,
until a newe begin in.
until a newe begin in.
(Anywise wolden’t ye knowe, I be verily inta art alsoly these daze, suchlike yerself …)
~~ yer friendly neighborhood phoenix..8)”
i return with..
SMiLes my friEnd, the phoenix; how refreshing;
creative reciprocal social communication; Love it and thanks.
creative reciprocal social communication; Love it and thanks.
The way I see A path to happiness is MCC, like A Fredenstein equation
(Frankenstein/Einstein/Fred) for An iNner UniVerse of human happiness
as MoVinG ConNecTinG and CreaTinG for eternal bliss now; once one gets
rid of the tick tock of cLocks iN life and simply FloWs iN ZoNe and has/does great fun!
(Frankenstein/Einstein/Fred) for An iNner UniVerse of human happiness
as MoVinG ConNecTinG and CreaTinG for eternal bliss now; once one gets
rid of the tick tock of cLocks iN life and simply FloWs iN ZoNe and has/does great fun!
Thing is; everyone remembers, ‘Alice in Wonderland’, these days still;
but who the hell remembers one hit wonders of pop star land
who follow simple one hit equations of creativity;
rhetorical question; they come and stay gone..:)
but who the hell remembers one hit wonders of pop star land
who follow simple one hit equations of creativity;
rhetorical question; they come and stay gone..:)
While some of us are doing the best we can to fit in;
others of us thrive, being different. Different requires
truly being brave; thing is too, the rewards are endless;
once mastered as an art of life, away from paint by numbers science.
others of us thrive, being different. Different requires
truly being brave; thing is too, the rewards are endless;
once mastered as an art of life, away from paint by numbers science.
This is philosophy; an art
where no man has gone before
and of course, woman, and or eTc..;)
where no man has gone before
and of course, woman, and or eTc..;)
Not everyone can move out
of cookie cutter boxes and that’s okay;
just another part of biodiversity and
more specifically neurodiversity.
of cookie cutter boxes and that’s okay;
just another part of biodiversity and
more specifically neurodiversity.
This is not a place for neurodiversity and that is why i only
Jonathan Livingston Seagull Fly by heaR
close to A snow moon eclipse; eTc..;)
Jonathan Livingston Seagull Fly by heaR
close to A snow moon eclipse; eTc..;)
Have a great day; I’ll go back where
flYiNg IS A common practice of life…;)
flYiNg IS A common practice of life…;)
Anyway, after reviewing your posts
as the scientist I am in case study evidence;
your display of human empathy and compassion is the most refreshing
part that impresses me about you; and that my friend is what is required for
civil discourse
in any
of life;
and that is an
empirical issue as evidenced
by Simon Baron Cohen as far
as cognitive empathy goes, for sure;
doesn’t make for good debate at all;
that is herding cats; i like cats but i do not heaRd them…;)
as the scientist I am in case study evidence;
your display of human empathy and compassion is the most refreshing
part that impresses me about you; and that my friend is what is required for
civil discourse
in any
of life;
and that is an
empirical issue as evidenced
by Simon Baron Cohen as far
as cognitive empathy goes, for sure;
doesn’t make for good debate at all;
that is herding cats; i like cats but i do not heaRd them…;)
See ya; Happy Snow Eclipse Full Moon; oh, and the other thing,
the path to happiness is also full of making all of life experience Holy
and Sacred and full of positive meaning and purpose; that takes imagination
and creativity; and a philosophy of happiness it surely is that requires a poetry
as art of
life far far away from
science as even Socrates
said he knew nothing; like the
real Troll movie says; it’s a power
of feeling and sensing; thinking has
little to do with Happiness and almost everything to do with anxiety and depression.
the path to happiness is also full of making all of life experience Holy
and Sacred and full of positive meaning and purpose; that takes imagination
and creativity; and a philosophy of happiness it surely is that requires a poetry
as art of
life far far away from
science as even Socrates
said he knew nothing; like the
real Troll movie says; it’s a power
of feeling and sensing; thinking has
little to do with Happiness and almost everything to do with anxiety and depression.
i dance and sing free verse; and rarely think about anything but imagination and creativity.
A science of happiness my friend that is truly art at core; and the empirical evidence measured
in smiles in my longest long form poem per photos says it works in flying feeling sensing colors, too.
in smiles in my longest long form poem per photos says it works in flying feeling sensing colors, too.
‘This video’
my happiness, quite well.
A dance and cake by the ocean;
wHeRe I eat the icing too as I do..too;
I create my life like this; as i simply Can and WiLL over Love of course,
with doing no one any real harm; Golden Rule and all of that too, my friEnd; yes, it works..:)
my happiness, quite well.
A dance and cake by the ocean;
wHeRe I eat the icing too as I do..too;
I create my life like this; as i simply Can and WiLL over Love of course,
with doing no one any real harm; Golden Rule and all of that too, my friEnd; yes, it works..:)
Facebook Friend Ned shares the
above video and i say after i share it too..
above video and i say after i share it too..
NO matter disability.. permanent
legally and medically
like mine too
that is invisible
that no one can see..
Adapt to challenge as struggle..
Survive and Thrive and leave the naysayers
in tHeir own duSt while you shake your sandals off..
jUst fly..
hell yes.. i work out
my mind and body like an
Olympic Athlete to stay ‘accountant’ sane
as anyone with Asperger’s and Bi-polar syndrome
muSt do if they maintain superhero status wHeRe folks
see them..;)
legally and medically
like mine too
that is invisible
that no one can see..
Adapt to challenge as struggle..
Survive and Thrive and leave the naysayers
in tHeir own duSt while you shake your sandals off..
jUst fly..
hell yes.. i work out
my mind and body like an
Olympic Athlete to stay ‘accountant’ sane
as anyone with Asperger’s and Bi-polar syndrome
muSt do if they maintain superhero status wHeRe folks
see them..;)
And.. Facebook Friend.. Greg..
shares another video about
not being
Bannon Sucker..
and sure.. i share it too..
if you don’t think it is possible that it is trying
its dam best in evil way now to happen here again..
no coincidence either.. just history.. learn from
it and don’t do it again or be a real fool and suffer the consequences isrEaL..
as they say
always another
one born and someone
with the appropriate and evil
bait to reel ’em in as any used
car sales person or real estate
dealer of land with no hook-ups for living water will do..;)
shares another video about
not being
Bannon Sucker..
and sure.. i share it too..
if you don’t think it is possible that it is trying
its dam best in evil way now to happen here again..
no coincidence either.. just history.. learn from
it and don’t do it again or be a real fool and suffer the consequences isrEaL..
as they say
always another
one born and someone
with the appropriate and evil
bait to reel ’em in as any used
car sales person or real estate
dealer of land with no hook-ups for living water will do..;)
WeLL.. gigoid.. happy what day is it..
hmm.. yes.. Wednesday morning now
the 8th.. as all hell has been
letting loose
in weather
and way
of fugitive
murders of five
folks including an unborn
child.. as snakes slither in
ways of no empathy and compassion
and severe drug addiction severing souls too
as heart and spirit goes away in the woods of evil…
oh yeah.. climate change storms as Winter Spring
turns in to Tornados and Straight line winds and other
than a lingering cold of two different ones in two weeks
straight.. Lord kNows.. feels.. and senses i am still
living as bliss with shit going down
all around me with
all that
Trump stink
stank stuff too
as any Grinch
watcher before
Grinch healing can and WiLL
StiLL watch from afar hoping
there is no really soon return to
a Nazi Germany over here for now at least..
so sure.. i’ll catch up as night night time is
coming soon too.. for full recovery from this cold too..
And Glad to see you are able to hop aboard more for a later post too..
in at least some ways of relating your pain and emotions to get them out too..:)
hmm.. yes.. Wednesday morning now
the 8th.. as all hell has been
letting loose
in weather
and way
of fugitive
murders of five
folks including an unborn
child.. as snakes slither in
ways of no empathy and compassion
and severe drug addiction severing souls too
as heart and spirit goes away in the woods of evil…
oh yeah.. climate change storms as Winter Spring
turns in to Tornados and Straight line winds and other
than a lingering cold of two different ones in two weeks
straight.. Lord kNows.. feels.. and senses i am still
living as bliss with shit going down
all around me with
all that
Trump stink
stank stuff too
as any Grinch
watcher before
Grinch healing can and WiLL
StiLL watch from afar hoping
there is no really soon return to
a Nazi Germany over here for now at least..
so sure.. i’ll catch up as night night time is
coming soon too.. for full recovery from this cold too..
And Glad to see you are able to hop aboard more for a later post too..
in at least some ways of relating your pain and emotions to get them out too..:)
“Paradoxically though it may seem,
it is none the less true that life imitates
art far more than art imitates life.”
it is none the less true that life imitates
art far more than art imitates life.”
— Oscar Wilde
Self fulfilling prophecy of
course as art is expresSinG
emotions/senses and emotions/
senses alWays rule first per
in what
comes next
in human expresSinG reaSoN
as terms of endearment and art sAMe..;)
course as art is expresSinG
emotions/senses and emotions/
senses alWays rule first per
in what
comes next
in human expresSinG reaSoN
as terms of endearment and art sAMe..;)
“.. I don’t understand the HUMOR of the THREE STOOGES!!”
— Zippy the Pinhead
Same as liberals and
conservativeS in general
metaphor of differences in
brain chemistry.. some folks
get it
folks don’t..
as silly doesn’t
always register
as a honey drop hoMe..;)
conservativeS in general
metaphor of differences in
brain chemistry.. some folks
get it
folks don’t..
as silly doesn’t
always register
as a honey drop hoMe..;)
“There are many intelligent species in the universe.
They are all owned by cats.”
They are all owned by cats.”
— Smart Bee
True.. cats are too
smart to own
each other.. they do free verse
all the way as stray cat strut
and lady
smart to own
each other.. they do free verse
all the way as stray cat strut
and lady
“There’s a kind of freedom that comes from
being completely screwed, because you
know things can’t get any worse.”
being completely screwed, because you
know things can’t get any worse.”
— The Freshman
Yes.. like when my mother
told me why not you
i was
what was
left of my being
off A concrete pad of life..
and now i say.. why not
i live in heaven
and don’t have to
wait until after a dirt nap..;)
told me why not you
i was
what was
left of my being
off A concrete pad of life..
and now i say.. why not
i live in heaven
and don’t have to
wait until after a dirt nap..;)
“I think I am an overnight sensation right now!!”
— Zippy the Pinhead
i miss wet dreAms
“It is annoying to be honest to no purpose.”
— Ovid [43B.C. – A.D.18]
Yes.. alWays
looks good
in that
(the wife)
great hair
day you’re having
today Miss and all of that2..;)
looks good
in that
(the wife)
great hair
day you’re having
today Miss and all of that2..;)
“I loathe people who keep dogs.
They are cowards who haven’t
got the guts to bite people themselves.”
They are cowards who haven’t
got the guts to bite people themselves.”
— August Strindberg
There is a certain stance
that requires
or bark..
some dogs
have thaT too..;)
that requires
or bark..
some dogs
have thaT too..;)
“Poetry isn’t obscene, it’s per verse.”
— Smart Bee
or never
per verse for more verse..;)
per verse for more verse..;)
“Americans like to talk about (or be told about) Democracy but, when put to the test, usually find it to be an ‘inconvenience.’ We have opted instead for an authoritarian system *disguised* as a Democracy. We pay through the nose for an enormous joke-of-a-government, let it push us around, and then wonder how all those assholes got in there.”
— Frank Zappa
no one
me around anymore..
as the government works for me now
and OMG..
so.. much more..;)
no one
me around anymore..
as the government works for me now
and OMG..
so.. much more..;)
“.. I’m IMAGINING a sensuous GIRAFFE,
— Zippy the Pinhead
If it works..
“Remember what the dormouse said…
— Grace Slick
Oh Lord..
not me..
i finally
escaped that thing..;)
not me..
i finally
escaped that thing..;)
off to number 2..
at 1:11 am my time as synchronicity
his number song
eTc.. as such 2..;)
at 1:11 am my time as synchronicity
his number song
eTc.. as such 2..;)
“Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.”
~~ Terry Pratchett. ~~
It’s opposite
with me..
can’t find
that older person anywHeRe..
at lEast
with me..
can’t find
that older person anywHeRe..
at lEast
And that reminds me of a 65 year
old Lead Life Guard named Arthur..
a retiree of over 30 years of work as a parole
officer and a Vietnam veteran who was always
smiling and out ran and out swam all of the younger
college age life guards he was supervising then..
a retired warrant
officer his
age thought
he should
act his age but
he refused and is still
smiling and performing ballet
in theatrical way as last note to
me in Walmart awhile back..
as happy
as can
be.. and it must
have been the mind
and body balance of
ballet that moved him into
heaven too.. don’t think Vietnam
or Parole Officer work normally has
that blissful affect and effect overall and
free style ballet and martial arts definitely
does gets all my emotions regulated and senses
integrated for constant beyond belief as living ecstasy
of life.. in fAct.. a lady today at the bank asked me if i was
feeling impatient by slowly and constantly and artfully moving
around gently at her counter.. and then i said.. haha.. this is moving
meditation and if i could put it in a pill i would make a trillion dollars
but you see you have to work for this as it ain’t a free gift of grace in
heaven any
more than
what the
Jesus dude
was a saying either..
it has to be the trUth and liGht
of course as the so-called Fundie
Christians in my area hate life so much
they want the world to end.. and even voted
for Trump in expediting their hopes for a fiery end of it all..
oh.. Lord.. i’d rather dance.. in fACT that’s all i do is dance and sing
and let
grace.. hehe..
in hopes of a
fiery end that is
alReady tHeir hell now..
it takes work.. wait.. until a
dirt nap and get a dirt nap..
reAlly.. it’s not funny it’s.. beyond
sad aS it’s
stupid too..
does in hoping
for you only live once
now to die wrong now.. as right..;)
old Lead Life Guard named Arthur..
a retiree of over 30 years of work as a parole
officer and a Vietnam veteran who was always
smiling and out ran and out swam all of the younger
college age life guards he was supervising then..
a retired warrant
officer his
age thought
he should
act his age but
he refused and is still
smiling and performing ballet
in theatrical way as last note to
me in Walmart awhile back..
as happy
as can
be.. and it must
have been the mind
and body balance of
ballet that moved him into
heaven too.. don’t think Vietnam
or Parole Officer work normally has
that blissful affect and effect overall and
free style ballet and martial arts definitely
does gets all my emotions regulated and senses
integrated for constant beyond belief as living ecstasy
of life.. in fAct.. a lady today at the bank asked me if i was
feeling impatient by slowly and constantly and artfully moving
around gently at her counter.. and then i said.. haha.. this is moving
meditation and if i could put it in a pill i would make a trillion dollars
but you see you have to work for this as it ain’t a free gift of grace in
heaven any
more than
what the
Jesus dude
was a saying either..
it has to be the trUth and liGht
of course as the so-called Fundie
Christians in my area hate life so much
they want the world to end.. and even voted
for Trump in expediting their hopes for a fiery end of it all..
oh.. Lord.. i’d rather dance.. in fACT that’s all i do is dance and sing
and let
grace.. hehe..
in hopes of a
fiery end that is
alReady tHeir hell now..
it takes work.. wait.. until a
dirt nap and get a dirt nap..
reAlly.. it’s not funny it’s.. beyond
sad aS it’s
stupid too..
does in hoping
for you only live once
now to die wrong now.. as right..;)
“Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other.”
~~ Euripides, Orestes (408 BC) ~~
Typical man..
that women
will run away.. with it..;)
that women
will run away.. with it..;)
“If you dig a deep enough hole, someone will want to jump in.”
— Smart Bee
half a nation
plus or minus
three to five million
as lies dig deeper..;)
half a nation
plus or minus
three to five million
as lies dig deeper..;)
“My indignation, like th’ imprisoned fire,
pent in the troubled breast of Aetna, burnt deep and silent.”
pent in the troubled breast of Aetna, burnt deep and silent.”
— Thomson
worst insurance
company.. i ever had..;)
worst insurance
company.. i ever had..;)
“The silence drew off, baring the pebbles and shells and all the tatty wreckage of my life.
Then, at the rim of vision, it gathered itself, and in one sweeping tide, rushed me to sleep.”
Then, at the rim of vision, it gathered itself, and in one sweeping tide, rushed me to sleep.”
— Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar
Be the wave..
polish the sand whole..;)
polish the sand whole..;)
“When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved,
as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right.”
as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right.”
— Eugene V. Debs
As far as delegates
go.. now at leASt..
go.. now at leASt..
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence
is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”
is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”
— C. G. Jung
Sure.. make iT all
holy and sacred
with meaning
and purpose
and suddenly
all oF iT is syncHronicity
As A greaTest masterpiece
aLways increaSing iN beauty
as one
brushes A
painting more
as masterpiece greater..
as any humble person
can and will
free as whole too..;)
holy and sacred
with meaning
and purpose
and suddenly
all oF iT is syncHronicity
As A greaTest masterpiece
aLways increaSing iN beauty
as one
brushes A
painting more
as masterpiece greater..
as any humble person
can and will
free as whole too..;)
“We would like to apologize for the way in which politicians are represented in this programme. It was never our intention to imply that politicians are weak-kneed, political time-servers who are more concerned with their personal vendettas and private power struggles than the problems of government, nor to suggest at any point that they sacrifice their credibility by denying free debate on vital matters in the mistaken impression that party unity comes before the well-being of the people they supposedly represent, nor to imply at any stage that they are squabbling little toadies without an ounce of concern for the vital social problems of today. Nor indeed do we intend that viewers should consider them as crabby ulcerous little self-seeking vermin with furry legs and an excessive addiction to alcohol and certain explicit sexual practices which some people might find offensive. We are sorry if this impression has come across.”
— Monty Python
SAdly.. over 150 to 200 sets
of eYes makes rules necessary
for the reality of survival
to get
to avoid subsistence
gaining stopping.. death..
so.. sure..
the alternative
to politicians
and politics
is like
death for those
who live without rules
in big cities.. prey to a predator
race of scaRcity with no innate difference
to speak
at least..:)
of eYes makes rules necessary
for the reality of survival
to get
to avoid subsistence
gaining stopping.. death..
so.. sure..
the alternative
to politicians
and politics
is like
death for those
who live without rules
in big cities.. prey to a predator
race of scaRcity with no innate difference
to speak
at least..:)
“And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.”
— Smart Bee
And the Lizard
bRain will
when all
else fAils
iN terms of heARt/SpiRit
And Super Tramp Logical SonGs..
A DancE..
bY A Way..;)
bRain will
when all
else fAils
iN terms of heARt/SpiRit
And Super Tramp Logical SonGs..
A DancE..
bY A Way..;)
“The great man is he who does not lose his child’s heart.”
~~ Mencius ~~
Still can’t
find my
older man heARt..;)
find my
older man heARt..;)
“You can easily judge the character of others
by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.”
by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.”
~~ Malcolm Forbes ~~
or not
to be..;)
or not
to be..;)
“They may forget what you said,
but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
~~ Carl W. Buechner ~~
rules as science clearly shows with words..;)
rules as science clearly shows with words..;)
“It costs so much to be a full human being
that there are very few who have
the enlightenment or the courage to pay the price…
One must abandon altogether the search for security
and reach out to the risk of living with both arms…
One has to embrace the world like a lover…
One has to accept pain as a condition of existence…
One has to court doubt and darkness
as the cost of knowing.
One needs a will stubborn in conflict,
but apt always to total acceptance
of every consequence of living and dying.”
that there are very few who have
the enlightenment or the courage to pay the price…
One must abandon altogether the search for security
and reach out to the risk of living with both arms…
One has to embrace the world like a lover…
One has to accept pain as a condition of existence…
One has to court doubt and darkness
as the cost of knowing.
One needs a will stubborn in conflict,
but apt always to total acceptance
of every consequence of living and dying.”
~ Morris L. West, “Shoes of the Fisherman” ~~
“The highest condition takes rise in the lowest.”
~~ Publius Syrus (42 BC) — Maxim 781 ~~
Life at its noblest leaves mere happiness far behind;
and indeed cannot endure it. .
Happiness is not the object of life:
life has no object:
it is an end in itself;
and courage consists in the readiness
to sacrifice happiness
for an intenser quality of life.”
and indeed cannot endure it. .
Happiness is not the object of life:
life has no object:
it is an end in itself;
and courage consists in the readiness
to sacrifice happiness
for an intenser quality of life.”
~~ George Bernard Shaw, Letter, Dec. 1900, ~~
no adrenaline
junkie.. hear..
all smooth BaLanCE..
and yes.. very Happy..;)
junkie.. hear..
all smooth BaLanCE..
and yes.. very Happy..;)
“I exist as I am, that is enough.”
~~ Walt Whitman ~~
“Soon you will have forgotten the world,
and the world will have forgotten you.”
and the world will have forgotten you.”
~~ Marcus Aurelius, “Meditations” ~~
i remember..;)
i remember..;)
Happily may I walk.
May it be beautiful before me.
May it be beautiful behind me.
May it be beautiful below me.
May it be beautiful above me.
May it be beautiful all around me.
In beauty it is finished.
May it be beautiful before me.
May it be beautiful behind me.
May it be beautiful below me.
May it be beautiful above me.
May it be beautiful all around me.
In beauty it is finished.
~~ Navajo Night Chant ~~
iS Beauty
wiTh wiLL oF HeART
spiRit aS heARt
as aRt
to gRoW as liFe
liGht aRt moRe..
Ocean wHole
exPaNdinG endless beauty more..:)
iS Beauty
wiTh wiLL oF HeART
spiRit aS heARt
as aRt
to gRoW as liFe
liGht aRt moRe..
Ocean wHole
exPaNdinG endless beauty more..:)
Now.. to three..:)
“A man is a very small thing, and the night is very large and full of wonders.”
~~ Lord Dunsany, The Laughter of the Gods ~~
SurELy more
in the
than trUth oF LiGht..:)
in the
than trUth oF LiGht..:)
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,
adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.”
adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays: First Series (1841) “Self-Reliance” ~~
Art new..
wash and
rinse cycle same..;)
wash and
rinse cycle same..;)
“A person needs a little madness,
or else they never dare cut the rope and be free.”
or else they never dare cut the rope and be free.”
~~ Nikos Kazantzakis ~~
And don’t forget to
walk on the
grass and ditch the sidewalk..
walk on the
grass and ditch the sidewalk..
“Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.”
~~ Voltaire ~~
More than a labEL
oF A nAMe
oN A
skyscRaper ever..
oF A nAMe
oN A
skyscRaper ever..
True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written;
in writing what deserves to be read;
and in so living as to make the world
happier and better for our living in it.
in writing what deserves to be read;
and in so living as to make the world
happier and better for our living in it.
~~ Pliny the Elder ~~
do iT as
DancE oF LiFe
wiTh no words
as hundreds
of thousands of
years of hUmans
doing a dance and song
of LiFE with no sHells away
from essence
do iT as
DancE oF LiFe
wiTh no words
as hundreds
of thousands of
years of hUmans
doing a dance and song
of LiFE with no sHells away
from essence
It is something to be able to paint a particular picture,
or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful;
but it is far more glorious to carve and paint
the very atmosphere and medium through which we look,
which morally we can do.
To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”
or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful;
but it is far more glorious to carve and paint
the very atmosphere and medium through which we look,
which morally we can do.
To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”
~~ Henry David Thoreau, “Where I Live” ~~
“The world is full of cactus, but we don’t have to sit on it.”
~~ Will Foley ~~
Sure.. i can find
Cactus butt..
i WiLL not…;)
Cactus butt..
i WiLL not…;)
“He knows not how to know who knows not also how to unknow.”
~~ Richard Burton ~~
“The only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing at all, for sure.”
~~ Socrates ~~
sure for, all at nothing know I that is sure for know I thing only The
textbooks required…;)
textbooks required…;)
Make life
past the test..;)
past the test..;)
That ends three..
wiTh.. see ya later.. friEnd.. gigoid.;)
wiTh.. see ya later.. friEnd.. gigoid.;)
WeLL.. what can i SinG..
DancE.. i take the long way
hoMe.. a riVer
that neVer
to an
ocean tHaT
noW alWays
expands for Now..
so.. As StreAms of words
continUe to FloW iN ZoNe
off to dVerse oNline Poet’s Pub
wHeRe NoW the meMe and TheMe
of the prompt tHeRe IS A muse mixology
uSinG a bunch of words now associated with
getting drunk wiTh somEthing totally else
or whatever you coMe uP witH neXt..
heHe.. butt drunk off one’s ass
or not.. the
real limit
is 33 words..
and no matter
wHaT.. i liKe that number 33..
so.. i will i sTreAM oVeR tHeir neXt..
and haha.. as synchronicities continue
to roll on in.. there are precisely 33
liNks at this point iN now.. and that’s
A point
DancE.. i take the long way
hoMe.. a riVer
that neVer
to an
ocean tHaT
noW alWays
expands for Now..
so.. As StreAms of words
continUe to FloW iN ZoNe
off to dVerse oNline Poet’s Pub
wHeRe NoW the meMe and TheMe
of the prompt tHeRe IS A muse mixology
uSinG a bunch of words now associated with
getting drunk wiTh somEthing totally else
or whatever you coMe uP witH neXt..
heHe.. butt drunk off one’s ass
or not.. the
real limit
is 33 words..
and no matter
wHaT.. i liKe that number 33..
so.. i will i sTreAM oVeR tHeir neXt..
and haha.. as synchronicities continue
to roll on in.. there are precisely 33
liNks at this point iN now.. and that’s
A point
Hmm.. 33 words
and 33 liNks
i’ll staRt
heAR wiTh
you as this
Shawna Baby..
and sure.. so many
little church girls.. particularly
in Saudia Arabia endure dirty daddies…
and 33 liNks
i’ll staRt
heAR wiTh
you as this
Shawna Baby..
and sure.. so many
little church girls.. particularly
in Saudia Arabia endure dirty daddies…
And now i say
it’s kinda sad
at all the gleeful
responses to Shawna’s
poem when she was literally
describing sexual abuse from her daddy..
even her
didn’t get
the literal nature
of what she was
as the
paRts of HUman Nature
when repressed and oppressed
as that happens in churches every
where from priests to daddies who cover
up their lust in their own children’s/
and other folks
children’s pain..
out of Nature
BaLancE alWays
to hUman
and SuffErinG
as well as the
rest of God oF/as Nature
creation too.. as all the
world senses and feels real now..
some way
of pain and misery
isreal out of BaLanCE…
it’s kinda sad
at all the gleeful
responses to Shawna’s
poem when she was literally
describing sexual abuse from her daddy..
even her
didn’t get
the literal nature
of what she was
as the
paRts of HUman Nature
when repressed and oppressed
as that happens in churches every
where from priests to daddies who cover
up their lust in their own children’s/
and other folks
children’s pain..
out of Nature
BaLancE alWays
to hUman
and SuffErinG
as well as the
rest of God oF/as Nature
creation too.. as all the
world senses and feels real now..
some way
of pain and misery
isreal out of BaLanCE…
Now back to the original order
of the scheduLed 33 liNks of poEtry muse…
so-calLed limited
33 words
he he..;)
of the scheduLed 33 liNks of poEtry muse…
so-calLed limited
33 words
he he..;)
You must reAlly
like ‘this song’
as you
it twice..
i can’t count
how many times
i’ve repeated it.. seems
of years isreal..
Nice to see you..
Shawna baby..
like ‘this song’
as you
it twice..
i can’t count
how many times
i’ve repeated it.. seems
of years isreal..
Nice to see you..
Shawna baby..
But first., i scan
100 or so of Shawna’s
posts as ordinarily i would
play with them all but i have
an urge to do 33 different folks now..
and sure.. i’ll do a Thousand years2.. neXt afTer
100 or so of Shawna’s
posts as ordinarily i would
play with them all but i have
an urge to do 33 different folks now..
and sure.. i’ll do a Thousand years2.. neXt afTer
Shawna says..
in return..
in return..
Oh, man. I LOVE this song.
I post it all the time..:)
I post it all the time..:)
i come back one
more time thennow wiTh..
more time thennow wiTh..
Yeah.. me too.. i serIouSly
have listened to it at lEast
hundred times..
thaT leaves about
900 more reps..
oh.. what
a work-out
for poEtry..;)
have listened to it at lEast
hundred times..
thaT leaves about
900 more reps..
oh.. what
a work-out
for poEtry..;)
Now.. back to the ‘program’..;)
Ah.. the wonderful
euphoric FeeLinG
of thaT
sip of
beer that
is always
my liFe
a drink of ‘sin’..
to escape the hell of before..
is the
dRiNk i sip..
chalice over floWing
with no cup to hOld back Heaven now..:)
euphoric FeeLinG
of thaT
sip of
beer that
is always
my liFe
a drink of ‘sin’..
to escape the hell of before..
is the
dRiNk i sip..
chalice over floWing
with no cup to hOld back Heaven now..:)
It was the most amazing
thing.. storms breaKing
out everywhere
in the life
of a day
and the sky
bore eggs oF LiGht
with a kiss of an ‘ugly’ witch..;)
thing.. storms breaKing
out everywhere
in the life
of a day
and the sky
bore eggs oF LiGht
with a kiss of an ‘ugly’ witch..;)
Hehe.. worth
a picture too..
if you
have a
to reLate..;)
a picture too..
if you
have a
to reLate..;)
Food.. culTure..
and Words..
as taste
continues to change..
and words of course as they go..
come aGain..
as main course..
c u L T u R E…;)
and Words..
as taste
continues to change..
and words of course as they go..
come aGain..
as main course..
c u L T u R E…;)
SMiles.. oh.. the con-social
emoTions of an
of Dark DrunK
iN thE LiGht
oF leARned
DancE and
SinG to shake iT aLL
oFF wHeRebody deFeats
a miNd wHeRe juST Araise oF
aN arm
a muscle
meMory oF LiGht
wiTh fiNgers thaT
DAncE and SinG
and sure.. wiTh
as miNd
and BoDy
heARt of SoUL
BaLanCinG.. woo or
not.. whoa.. it works..;)
emoTions of an
of Dark DrunK
iN thE LiGht
oF leARned
DancE and
SinG to shake iT aLL
oFF wHeRebody deFeats
a miNd wHeRe juST Araise oF
aN arm
a muscle
meMory oF LiGht
wiTh fiNgers thaT
DAncE and SinG
and sure.. wiTh
as miNd
and BoDy
heARt of SoUL
BaLanCinG.. woo or
not.. whoa.. it works..;)
sMiLes.. A HeaVen
nowHeRe tHeRe
iNfinite nuMber
oF poems eXpreSsinG
as Heaven
NoW as depth
oF EmoTioNs..
A cLocK
oF tiCk toCk tiMe..;)
nowHeRe tHeRe
iNfinite nuMber
oF poems eXpreSsinG
as Heaven
NoW as depth
oF EmoTioNs..
A cLocK
oF tiCk toCk tiMe..;)
oF empty
no spiRiT
oF miNd and
BoDy BALanCinG
overfloWinG liGht
no waTer now
but fear and hate..
to each hiS owN HeaVeN
or Trump/Pence/Bannon HeLL..
it’s Karma as tHe anti-christ ‘they’ falsely
caLL as Obama beCoMes the Karma of what ‘they’
Be.. neXt..
reaper now
is sower
now.. alive as death..:)
oF empty
no spiRiT
oF miNd and
BoDy BALanCinG
overfloWinG liGht
no waTer now
but fear and hate..
to each hiS owN HeaVeN
or Trump/Pence/Bannon HeLL..
it’s Karma as tHe anti-christ ‘they’ falsely
caLL as Obama beCoMes the Karma of what ‘they’
Be.. neXt..
reaper now
is sower
now.. alive as death..:)
Oh Lord.. other
than fake
bliss.. i’Ve
reAlly misSed
your poetry.. Sanaa..
thanks so much for it..
and.. so nice.. to see you.. again..:)
than fake
bliss.. i’Ve
reAlly misSed
your poetry.. Sanaa..
thanks so much for it..
and.. so nice.. to see you.. again..:)
That’s eight.. with take the long way
home.. now for a lunch break and
some clouds and sand dance
be back
a Thousand
years and
some more
muse mixology
poetry as dVerse
continues to DancE
and SinG for me too.. hehe..;)
home.. now for a lunch break and
some clouds and sand dance
be back
a Thousand
years and
some more
muse mixology
poetry as dVerse
continues to DancE
and SinG for me too.. hehe..;)
1:08 pm..:)
1:08 pm..:)
Back to dVerse at 3:50 pm
with a little song left
Long way home..;)
with a little song left
Long way home..;)
IntoXicating LiFe
rAw.. uNcooked
SensEs no
domesTication priSons
drunKeN love heiR NoWspRinG
sNoW mOOn EclipSinG hoWliNG NoW2
paSS FriDay morNing.. dip-free.. mOOnliGht..:)
rAw.. uNcooked
SensEs no
domesTication priSons
drunKeN love heiR NoWspRinG
sNoW mOOn EclipSinG hoWliNG NoW2
paSS FriDay morNing.. dip-free.. mOOnliGht..:)
sMiLes.. reminds me
of the ‘youngsters’ all
lined up playing a
game of
Quarters at
the metro bar
D A N C E haLL
bouncing coins
into beer
and wandering
out of the bar in oblivion..
ah.. rather a dance of moonlight
sKin than drink that steals away continuing bliss..;)
of the ‘youngsters’ all
lined up playing a
game of
Quarters at
the metro bar
D A N C E haLL
bouncing coins
into beer
and wandering
out of the bar in oblivion..
ah.. rather a dance of moonlight
sKin than drink that steals away continuing bliss..;)
Ship streams
Ship dreams
Ship sails
Ocean wHOle..:)
Ship dreams
Ship sails
Ocean wHOle..:)
SMiLes.. when
Granny.. after
washing has
rest of
the clan
a mudding..
Hi Lynn.. friEnd..
by a way.. not even at the end..;)
Granny.. after
washing has
rest of
the clan
a mudding..
Hi Lynn.. friEnd..
by a way.. not even at the end..;)
SMiLes.. lately.. i muSt
say.. the cliMate
around these
paRts of
Florida has/is
been on a drunken
sPin oF Tornadic heART..
as much as i love SpRing yeAR
’round.. A Wizard oF oZ and Kansas
iN the
is worth
A few goose bumps
aS liFE of wiNter.. hehe..;)
say.. the cliMate
around these
paRts of
Florida has/is
been on a drunken
sPin oF Tornadic heART..
as much as i love SpRing yeAR
’round.. A Wizard oF oZ and Kansas
iN the
is worth
A few goose bumps
aS liFE of wiNter.. hehe..;)
SMiLes.. friEnd.. Lillian..
birth here and birth not
tHeRE IS A requirement
foR A HiGhest office..
A test
could go
a long way
to prevent
A World
War III..
isn’t it amazing
how little our entire education
system teaches oF heART..
A iNner UniVerse
oF EmoTioNs
the world..
and sure.. US..
individuals.. too..
wHeRe A first Grader
could ace a test oF soUl
And spiRit more than
Old McDonald’s ClOwn
riSinG uP now wiTh A
Broken Cheney heART..:)
birth here and birth not
tHeRE IS A requirement
foR A HiGhest office..
A test
could go
a long way
to prevent
A World
War III..
isn’t it amazing
how little our entire education
system teaches oF heART..
A iNner UniVerse
oF EmoTioNs
the world..
and sure.. US..
individuals.. too..
wHeRe A first Grader
could ace a test oF soUl
And spiRit more than
Old McDonald’s ClOwn
riSinG uP now wiTh A
Broken Cheney heART..:)
OKay.. now..Thousand Years comes next after
taking the Long Way Home that is somEhow
whOle as a dance story and song
rolls on.. no limits
no expectations..
not even
a candle
or flame
DancES and SingS aS HeARt..;)
taking the Long Way Home that is somEhow
whOle as a dance story and song
rolls on.. no limits
no expectations..
not even
a candle
or flame
DancES and SingS aS HeARt..;)
Funny.. nah..
not.. so funny how
those World
War II LesSons
aRe coMing bacK iSREaL..
as greater of sons wiTh dark
over the
aS liGht
as suREly
dArk spArks
lesser as sonS even Brighter..:)
not.. so funny how
those World
War II LesSons
aRe coMing bacK iSREaL..
as greater of sons wiTh dark
over the
aS liGht
as suREly
dArk spArks
lesser as sonS even Brighter..:)
TruLy.. my friEnd..
it’s amazing how
much dArk can from
liGht.. juST a word
of encourAgement..
a sMiLe.. A Door
opening cracked
as a tear can
lead to
as i for
one spent
66 months with
no memory of a smile
as a smile IS A FeeLinG and
not a sHow of teeth.. alone.. a danger
of the Autism Spectrum and sPending
too much time with computers.. and
becoming other pARts of tool life.. as
mechanical cognition erases
A brain pipe of love.. thing
is.. if i can
back to me..
the world can smile too..
it’s true.. miracles do happen
and so does heaven as just one sMiLe..isREaL..
aS Canaries in coal mines oF FearHate fLY lonGer.. sMILes..:)
it’s amazing how
much dArk can from
liGht.. juST a word
of encourAgement..
a sMiLe.. A Door
opening cracked
as a tear can
lead to
as i for
one spent
66 months with
no memory of a smile
as a smile IS A FeeLinG and
not a sHow of teeth.. alone.. a danger
of the Autism Spectrum and sPending
too much time with computers.. and
becoming other pARts of tool life.. as
mechanical cognition erases
A brain pipe of love.. thing
is.. if i can
back to me..
the world can smile too..
it’s true.. miracles do happen
and so does heaven as just one sMiLe..isREaL..
aS Canaries in coal mines oF FearHate fLY lonGer.. sMILes..:)
sMiLes.. DriNk
oF NatUre noW
Love LeaF one..
Chalice Tree
Now Of
TrUth as
liGht SinGS..:)
oF NatUre noW
Love LeaF one..
Chalice Tree
Now Of
TrUth as
liGht SinGS..:)
UFO noW..
INner eARTh
miNd sKeYes
wiTh BoDy LiGht
Quantum unLeaShinG
relEaSinG.. esSence coMes
Now as sTar seeds breathe
cruCible fiRe staR deAth buRst..
seNtient sTar duST pLuS eYes oFLoVE
oFLiGht stAR
briGht HUman
UFO Stars
oN FiRE..
aS Love
iS wriTten
Seed sTAr
BUrst cRuciBle
DeatH Fire aS
Resurrection NoW
oFLiGht iN HuMan
INner eARTh
miNd sKeYes
wiTh BoDy LiGht
Quantum unLeaShinG
relEaSinG.. esSence coMes
Now as sTar seeds breathe
cruCible fiRe staR deAth buRst..
seNtient sTar duST pLuS eYes oFLoVE
oFLiGht stAR
briGht HUman
UFO Stars
oN FiRE..
aS Love
iS wriTten
Seed sTAr
BUrst cRuciBle
DeatH Fire aS
Resurrection NoW
oFLiGht iN HuMan
iS fiRe noW
An ‘liGhtEninG
chArge oF FeeLinG
SenSinG LiFE liGht
wiDe aWake sKeYes
coMe aLiVe
neVer puT ouT..
Tree oF LiFE..:)
iS fiRe noW
An ‘liGhtEninG
chArge oF FeeLinG
SenSinG LiFE liGht
wiDe aWake sKeYes
coMe aLiVe
neVer puT ouT..
Tree oF LiFE..:)
VulCan VulGar
LoVe.. hAlf
pAint bY
numBer art
oF HEarts..;)
LoVe.. hAlf
pAint bY
numBer art
oF HEarts..;)
WeLL that takes care
of a thousand years and
12 more poetic expressions
per dVerse noW as of 5:42 PM..
now.. for some dinner and eXtreme
workout and what ever comes neXt..;)
of a thousand years and
12 more poetic expressions
per dVerse noW as of 5:42 PM..
now.. for some dinner and eXtreme
workout and what ever comes neXt..;)
Back at 12:58 AM..
02092017.. and after
this comes bed..;)
02092017.. and after
this comes bed..;)
Frankly.. or shall i.. yes.. i WiLL
say Fredly.. SB.. i can/WiLL sEx all bY
mysELF for three hours and so.. and so..
more.. And i love the painting by your way..
and sure..
the poetry
is stimulating
as alWays
as bi
off in so many directions.. Too.. for me2..
oh.. yeah.. Happy Valentine’s day.. too.. SB.. with
plenty of sticky sweet heArts for you and yours2..
say Fredly.. SB.. i can/WiLL sEx all bY
mysELF for three hours and so.. and so..
more.. And i love the painting by your way..
and sure..
the poetry
is stimulating
as alWays
as bi
off in so many directions.. Too.. for me2..
oh.. yeah.. Happy Valentine’s day.. too.. SB.. with
plenty of sticky sweet heArts for you and yours2..
WeLL.. back to free verse epic poetic writing as
the clouds have given aWay to a crisp
LA Lower Alabama Florida Panhandle
Azure Day.. just about perfect
for a Holy and
full of meaning
and purpose with emotional
and sensual deLiGht as i more and less
confessed to my friend SB last night that
i regularly engage in 3 hour tantric stuff solo
aS Such as hey.. not everyone in my household is
as open about stuff like that as me.. heHE.. once again
human sensuaLiTy and of course emoTions too are at the source
of all human creativity and productivity.. leave either part out and lose
the satisfying aspect of the other pARt.. yes.. this includes both luSt and loVe
And sAdly as folks have gotten rather shy about human these days in crowds of
overwhelming strange hips and eyes where there is no human connection true
as friendships of aunties and uncles and cousins as everyone
is related through spirit in
smaller villages and
tribes of almost
naked human
beings who require
all the members of the tribe
for survive and thrive in the day
to day forage of life and the ending
dance of moonlight snow moon eclipse
and a pentagram of planetary alignment to
also come on the 10th of February tomorrow
as my rave dance ends with all the cool college
age folks from Old Seville Quarter in the 147th week
of doing that togETheR WiTh them with sure.. some very
scantily dressed women at least who free verse bootie dance
with each other maintaining cooperative efforts to block out the
more psychopathic leaning emotionless males raised in a patriarchal
society that seeks to subjugate.. dominate and own over share and give FREE
as two beautiful women will surely
do in a free verse bootie grind
on the cooperative dance
floors of moonlit
planet alignment
night that breaks to morn
and overall soft clothed porn aS Such
hehe.. well the Bonobo does it fully naked
with voyeur apes all around shedding all shame
for freedom in emotional and sensual deLiGht.. females
in charge as they get along the best in cooperative emotional
and sensual delight the most.. and what is the result of all of this
for the entire small Bonobo tribe.. little to no aggression.. no violence
and no wars unless an invading tribe of monkeys come to take their
subsistence away.. yes.. unless an invading tribe of monkeys come to
take their subsistence away unless you wonder what the source of
terrorism in Muslim countries are both within and externally
as such as humans require resources to survive.. including
common held bonds of cultural belief that folks
hold holy and sacred no matter
how insane or inane those
beliefs may seem
to other folks
but hey
like amputating
the foreskin of little
baby boys makes any real
natural sense over heaR or water
boarding babies lite under streams of
water and oiling up their hair in baptism
of fear to make the elders happy in their
shared beliefs of getting to heaven after a
dirt nap too.. sure.. why not just share
some flowers with the child
all naturally as such
and name
God the
FloWer of
all that is all
of Nature.. unseen..
unfelt.. seen.. felt.. kNown
and unKNOwn or the Force
in Star Wars.. the Great Spirit
in American Indian heaRt.. SpiRit
and soUL talk beyond the ted talk
of science alone.. allone all that is
with the esoteric mysteries as
the so-called occult
as what little
that are
humans do not
see of all of the dog
that is God that they
enjoy a blood
of life
groWing flesh
sTiLL BeinG of liFe..
stagnant systemizing
repeating equations of
science mind or an art that
paints with all the colors of the
ever Growing Sycamore Tree
taller and taller into liGht beYond
rainBow colors of pure LiGht bliss..
So.. can you imagine how sorry i feel for the
Trumps and the Trumptalkers who scramble and
worship a dollar bill of life.. thing is thaT is key iS it takes
imagination for A first step to get anywhere close to heaven now..
Creativity IS A next step too.. as well as moving and connecting as
an art of human being as a naked social animal in a dance and song
of life will naturally do in a dream time of life.. mostly in non-verbal naked
communication with touch and feel.. so what have we lost.. overall.. in first
world problems… well that is simple.. our humanity… clothed and lost.. bring
it back naked from culture if you can without those clothes of lies or the Karma of
doing whatever or nothing at all will be the consequence next in either naked bliss
as positive energy or clothed and dark in closets of discontent.. fear.. malcontent..
aggression.. violence and killing the living God that lives everywhere and every
place and everynow in existence isREaL now.. sAddest part of all is when
folks never
and sense
the whole of God
as Mother Nature trUe plUs..
i am a child of vision and so are
you.. but firsT one muSt shed the clothes
of culture to seek and find God within..
as when God comes awake
in you.. there are
no limits
but free and and overwhelming
desire to free others to this bliss using
every tool one can in imagination and
creativity too.. as that is what love does..
it gives and shares iT all.. without love
all theRe is is empty
sHells of
that beccoMe
dust and ArE duST now..:)
the clouds have given aWay to a crisp
LA Lower Alabama Florida Panhandle
Azure Day.. just about perfect
for a Holy and
full of meaning
and purpose with emotional
and sensual deLiGht as i more and less
confessed to my friend SB last night that
i regularly engage in 3 hour tantric stuff solo
aS Such as hey.. not everyone in my household is
as open about stuff like that as me.. heHE.. once again
human sensuaLiTy and of course emoTions too are at the source
of all human creativity and productivity.. leave either part out and lose
the satisfying aspect of the other pARt.. yes.. this includes both luSt and loVe
And sAdly as folks have gotten rather shy about human these days in crowds of
overwhelming strange hips and eyes where there is no human connection true
as friendships of aunties and uncles and cousins as everyone
is related through spirit in
smaller villages and
tribes of almost
naked human
beings who require
all the members of the tribe
for survive and thrive in the day
to day forage of life and the ending
dance of moonlight snow moon eclipse
and a pentagram of planetary alignment to
also come on the 10th of February tomorrow
as my rave dance ends with all the cool college
age folks from Old Seville Quarter in the 147th week
of doing that togETheR WiTh them with sure.. some very
scantily dressed women at least who free verse bootie dance
with each other maintaining cooperative efforts to block out the
more psychopathic leaning emotionless males raised in a patriarchal
society that seeks to subjugate.. dominate and own over share and give FREE
as two beautiful women will surely
do in a free verse bootie grind
on the cooperative dance
floors of moonlit
planet alignment
night that breaks to morn
and overall soft clothed porn aS Such
hehe.. well the Bonobo does it fully naked
with voyeur apes all around shedding all shame
for freedom in emotional and sensual deLiGht.. females
in charge as they get along the best in cooperative emotional
and sensual delight the most.. and what is the result of all of this
for the entire small Bonobo tribe.. little to no aggression.. no violence
and no wars unless an invading tribe of monkeys come to take their
subsistence away.. yes.. unless an invading tribe of monkeys come to
take their subsistence away unless you wonder what the source of
terrorism in Muslim countries are both within and externally
as such as humans require resources to survive.. including
common held bonds of cultural belief that folks
hold holy and sacred no matter
how insane or inane those
beliefs may seem
to other folks
but hey
like amputating
the foreskin of little
baby boys makes any real
natural sense over heaR or water
boarding babies lite under streams of
water and oiling up their hair in baptism
of fear to make the elders happy in their
shared beliefs of getting to heaven after a
dirt nap too.. sure.. why not just share
some flowers with the child
all naturally as such
and name
God the
FloWer of
all that is all
of Nature.. unseen..
unfelt.. seen.. felt.. kNown
and unKNOwn or the Force
in Star Wars.. the Great Spirit
in American Indian heaRt.. SpiRit
and soUL talk beyond the ted talk
of science alone.. allone all that is
with the esoteric mysteries as
the so-called occult
as what little
that are
humans do not
see of all of the dog
that is God that they
enjoy a blood
of life
groWing flesh
sTiLL BeinG of liFe..
stagnant systemizing
repeating equations of
science mind or an art that
paints with all the colors of the
ever Growing Sycamore Tree
taller and taller into liGht beYond
rainBow colors of pure LiGht bliss..
So.. can you imagine how sorry i feel for the
Trumps and the Trumptalkers who scramble and
worship a dollar bill of life.. thing is thaT is key iS it takes
imagination for A first step to get anywhere close to heaven now..
Creativity IS A next step too.. as well as moving and connecting as
an art of human being as a naked social animal in a dance and song
of life will naturally do in a dream time of life.. mostly in non-verbal naked
communication with touch and feel.. so what have we lost.. overall.. in first
world problems… well that is simple.. our humanity… clothed and lost.. bring
it back naked from culture if you can without those clothes of lies or the Karma of
doing whatever or nothing at all will be the consequence next in either naked bliss
as positive energy or clothed and dark in closets of discontent.. fear.. malcontent..
aggression.. violence and killing the living God that lives everywhere and every
place and everynow in existence isREaL now.. sAddest part of all is when
folks never
and sense
the whole of God
as Mother Nature trUe plUs..
i am a child of vision and so are
you.. but firsT one muSt shed the clothes
of culture to seek and find God within..
as when God comes awake
in you.. there are
no limits
but free and and overwhelming
desire to free others to this bliss using
every tool one can in imagination and
creativity too.. as that is what love does..
it gives and shares iT all.. without love
all theRe is is empty
sHells of
that beccoMe
dust and ArE duST now..:)
What next.. sure.. “GOD IS inappropriate”..
MacroVerse Facebook share.. 3 years ago..
and that is what culture creates.. a duplicity
of what is dARk and liGht.. With a God that
often has a split personality with some other
entity of fear to hate.. well.. tHeRE is esCaping
dARk or LiGht as all of that that is is GoD all
one or one can see less and divide
up into infinite pARts never
adding it back
uP to
a bliss
and Nirvana
of one blanket
that we are inseparable
from as existence wHere the
same atoms and subatomic flow
live in a stone.. you.. Adolph
Trump and even
smiling ear
to ear
as sunlight
Obama with
his tanned skin
and parasailing soul
these days.. to use examples
of well known giving and sharing one Egalitarian
dude and the taking and hoarding one in Trump
and Adolph patriarch way and truly the liGht of one Obama
is greater than the dARk of a Trump and Adolf put together
as the audacity of LIVinG hOPe and Love Trumps hate
and Fear of Nazi ways of LIVinG LIFE separate away
from wHole
of HoPing LoVinG LIFe..
but see/feel/sense tHeRe are those who
noW fear tHeiR subsistence will be taken
away Now who live on the lowest floor of
Maslow’s Pyramid for the potential of self-
actualization and Fowler’s Pyramid for the
levels of faith riSing from selfish illusions to
agape love for all that exists as God wHole..
where chopping the foreskin off a baby and water
boarding lite as Baptism becomes a rather disgusting way
of separating one from a God that has become both devil and not
natural too as fur and blood and flesh and the loving touch and feel of
Free from
cultural lies
that separate us from
each other and Nature/God too..
although.. insanely large populations
of humans is insane as what comes next
in what people do who live out of balance
of what they are simply evolved to be as
altruistic ape beings like a bonobo
of love over
and violence
and World War III..
so.. sure.. i can give you an
overall view like this as huWOmanifesto
day and night but do i expect folks who wear the
clothes of cultural lies to believe anything i say..
hell no.. i’ve been in those clothes that choke the
human HeARt.. SpiRit and soUL to bLack sPecK
Separate Sun SoUL.. i see and
feel and sense how difficult
it is to camel fit through
the needle
of free
WiLL over
Love that Dances
and Sings a SonG oF Light
aGaIn.. i kNow and SenSE
And FeeL the dArkeST soUL
coal mine niGht as the
of fear
and despair
grown ice cold..sure.. i know
what the FucK iT means to kNow
not what you do now.. butt hey.. in heaven
you give and share.. if you don’t.. a path to hell
IS A distinct possibility now back to dARk2.. Give and
share without a Lincoln Cent.. a like.. a follow or a share
required back from dArker areas of clothed hell.. so.. before and
after at 13 and age 53.. from robot to art i grow in the linked post heaR..
that i will quote now and fully illustrate too as i am not afraid to do what it takes
to stand uPon a Dead Poet Society desk to wake you up to the light of Naked God wHOle now..;)
MacroVerse Facebook share.. 3 years ago..
and that is what culture creates.. a duplicity
of what is dARk and liGht.. With a God that
often has a split personality with some other
entity of fear to hate.. well.. tHeRE is esCaping
dARk or LiGht as all of that that is is GoD all
one or one can see less and divide
up into infinite pARts never
adding it back
uP to
a bliss
and Nirvana
of one blanket
that we are inseparable
from as existence wHere the
same atoms and subatomic flow
live in a stone.. you.. Adolph
Trump and even
smiling ear
to ear
as sunlight
Obama with
his tanned skin
and parasailing soul
these days.. to use examples
of well known giving and sharing one Egalitarian
dude and the taking and hoarding one in Trump
and Adolph patriarch way and truly the liGht of one Obama
is greater than the dARk of a Trump and Adolf put together
as the audacity of LIVinG hOPe and Love Trumps hate
and Fear of Nazi ways of LIVinG LIFE separate away
from wHole
of HoPing LoVinG LIFe..
but see/feel/sense tHeRe are those who
noW fear tHeiR subsistence will be taken
away Now who live on the lowest floor of
Maslow’s Pyramid for the potential of self-
actualization and Fowler’s Pyramid for the
levels of faith riSing from selfish illusions to
agape love for all that exists as God wHole..
where chopping the foreskin off a baby and water
boarding lite as Baptism becomes a rather disgusting way
of separating one from a God that has become both devil and not
natural too as fur and blood and flesh and the loving touch and feel of
Free from
cultural lies
that separate us from
each other and Nature/God too..
although.. insanely large populations
of humans is insane as what comes next
in what people do who live out of balance
of what they are simply evolved to be as
altruistic ape beings like a bonobo
of love over
and violence
and World War III..
so.. sure.. i can give you an
overall view like this as huWOmanifesto
day and night but do i expect folks who wear the
clothes of cultural lies to believe anything i say..
hell no.. i’ve been in those clothes that choke the
human HeARt.. SpiRit and soUL to bLack sPecK
Separate Sun SoUL.. i see and
feel and sense how difficult
it is to camel fit through
the needle
of free
WiLL over
Love that Dances
and Sings a SonG oF Light
aGaIn.. i kNow and SenSE
And FeeL the dArkeST soUL
coal mine niGht as the
of fear
and despair
grown ice cold..sure.. i know
what the FucK iT means to kNow
not what you do now.. butt hey.. in heaven
you give and share.. if you don’t.. a path to hell
IS A distinct possibility now back to dARk2.. Give and
share without a Lincoln Cent.. a like.. a follow or a share
required back from dArker areas of clothed hell.. so.. before and
after at 13 and age 53.. from robot to art i grow in the linked post heaR..
that i will quote now and fully illustrate too as i am not afraid to do what it takes
to stand uPon a Dead Poet Society desk to wake you up to the light of Naked God wHOle now..;) my opinion..
after some deep portraying
and displaying..this as
non-verbal language.. in the photo above..
God.. the TRUE nature of GOD would more than likely be described as
inappropriate by the cultural artifacts of humans including language…
So no doubt truth ain’t fair either…:)
IN ONLY my opinion…;)
But the human mind has incredible potential
to make lemonade out of
or crap out of..
I choose only lemonade..
with WILL..
with WILL..
And no that is a choice 2..
some folks have little will….
some folks have little will….
and end up with mostly…
even if they live in sugar.
even if they live in sugar.
But again.. truth and all of that…
Humans are evolved for
well as all other social animals..
well as all other social animals..
Which more specifically includes intermittent
Not the instant gratification…that can lead to the human hell..
of what is NOW for so many people’s..reality in NOW
I choose adversity as a friend…
and leave most of the sugar…
to other folks..
and leave most of the sugar…
to other folks..
Who MAY choose the human
i choose to be….
i choose to be….
And in an attempt .. not to confuse here..
part of my path of adversity..
includes a rather complicated..
free verse poetic style of communication..
part of my path of adversity..
includes a rather complicated..
free verse poetic style of communication..
which makes life a little more challenging..
for me and anyone who chooses through will..
to read me….and figure it out….
for me and anyone who chooses through will..
to read me….and figure it out….
But again..that is my path to bliss..
And it works..
That’s all that matters..
what works….
And it works..
That’s all that matters..
what works….
AND IT IS truly simple
my life is compared to
how IT IS usually viewed in real life..
IT simply flows now..while most everyone..
else is waiting for me to trip
and fall down…
my life is compared to
how IT IS usually viewed in real life..
IT simply flows now..while most everyone..
else is waiting for me to trip
and fall down…
And yes.. i am literAlly speaking of movement..
My life is a tight wire act of ballet..belly dance..
TAI CHI..Walk reverse..spinning.. everywhere i go..every microsecond..
of art in movement..that makes every part of every move..
and complex..
and simple flow
at the same time..
without any ‘KNOW’..
My life is a tight wire act of ballet..belly dance..
TAI CHI..Walk reverse..spinning.. everywhere i go..every microsecond..
of art in movement..that makes every part of every move..
and complex..
and simple flow
at the same time..
without any ‘KNOW’..
losing the hell of ego..
in that complex looking simple flow….
in that complex looking simple flow….
Yup..GOD IS inappropriate..
and so
and so
i guess if i remain on the sidewalk
of life
my body
like 13
instead of this at 53..
So who is walking off the sidewalk..
or me..
walking on the
sidewalks of
choose the
and for those who choose the sidewalks..
in only my opinion2
It is the dance of life that counts..
neither destinations..
AND by a way..
i’m ‘fairly’ sure..
Now ..”Super BOwL oF Love”.. MacroVerse to give
and share from a year ago.. full of the usual clips
of culture at hand as i learn to appreciate all the small
things through photography and make Love whole in words..
yes.. Love is my Sport and always now IS A Super Bowl
of Love for me at lEast to give and share and
perHaps some folks cannot understand
the LENGTH i go to give and share
it all buTT perHaps they
haven’t been to
heLL for
66 months
to get a perspective
noW as fresh as heaven can Be..NoW
and share from a year ago.. full of the usual clips
of culture at hand as i learn to appreciate all the small
things through photography and make Love whole in words..
yes.. Love is my Sport and always now IS A Super Bowl
of Love for me at lEast to give and share and
perHaps some folks cannot understand
the LENGTH i go to give and share
it all buTT perHaps they
haven’t been to
heLL for
66 months
to get a perspective
noW as fresh as heaven can Be..NoW
wHat else.. why.. of course..
how.. yes noW in fuller terms..
A 5 MacroVerse combo as
5 chapters of GodsUniVerseNovel2..
alWays linked at the bottom of my new
MacroVerses along with GodsUniVerseNovel
at 41K words along with this 51K word effort and
then came GodsUniVerseNovel3 in spRinG of 2016..
as Free Verse Poetic expression of 338,630 words as entire
year trail through dVerse Poet’s Pub online from April of 2015
through March 31st of 2016.. where there is about a ZiLLioN.. heHe..
Micro-Poetic expressions as what i name Micro-MicroVerses held
in MicroVerses separated by accumulating word count as part
of MacroVerse whOle that is about the ‘normal’ size total
of 8 humanly written Novels.. small fry of course
compared to Ocean Whole Poem sTiLL
exceeding 3.3 Million words
close to 4 million words or
so as of 9.11.2016 from a start
of writing in the rise of a phoenix as fire
from the ashes on a beach on 7.22.2013 or
about that date preceding as three days on the
19th of that month as such to be precise.. three days
as mEMe and all of that theMe.. and sure pre-MacroVerses
written from the end of February 2013.. until the Ocean whole
poem started on Word Press along with the Free Verse public
dance now approaching 7,000 miles at the end of this month
for 42 months too.. as sacred and holy numbers and events
roll in as waves that never end as Ocean shore events
and numbers too.. hehe.. as i am reaching 48 months
total at the end of February for my first poetic
spark that is the first pre-MacroVerse
on my Blogger Blog KATiEMIAAghogday
all STiLL existing with a few more blogs aS Such..
some public and a few private to keep it appropriate
enough for my personal rules of life that fit within all local..
state and federal laws of course to give Caesar all that’s due too..
works for me at least.. too complicated for most folks and overwhelming
overall to understand but hey.. here are the details just in case ya give a shit..
as some
folks deeper
thinkers and
some folks more
shallow but hey.. a cat
lives in heaven with no
written words at all.. so.. none
of this so-called human knowledge
is required at all to hug the midday sands
of sun and the dew lit leaves of grass aT whole
on any snow moon eclipse full moon night with
pentagram planetary alignment on the 10th which
is my 47th month anniversary of blogging overall too
in public way as my first poetic spARk was in a PM to
my first and only Facebook Friend then all casual in free verse too..
and as you poet inclined scientists miGht know in classroom way.. a common
method of delivery as poetry were the poet’s muse who were friends back ‘then’..
in letter way too.. as tHeir is nothing more intimate than the human connection
love for those who
think that the heart
belongs to only this
human or that human
less than the whole of God
that IS A tribe of one.. as even Einstein
was/is smART enough iN heART to understand
what Fowler’s higher point as pyramid of faith as agape love means
and feels
TruE as LiFE LIGht..
i’m sorry.. if all of this is not in oUr
bible.. yOur Koran.. yoUr Tao book.. iChing
thingie.. or whatever youR religious sacred text
may bRinG but when you limit the word of God that
coMes within.. you hOld liGht and LoVE Stagnant in words
that chain God less than free and as you have relative free will..
your choice can be purgatory grey sHades of LiFE to dARkeST soUL
niGht of LiFE death as liFE or beyond rainBoW colors of pure liGht iF i can
possibly relate what that feels and senses aS iN words of God’s Grace as gift
willed within
wiTh GoD FReED
as mE.. yes.. blah blah blah..
yada yada yada.. i am very meek and
last and first always now and humble as a grain
of sand as i FiT wRiTE iN tHeiR As FlesH and Blood
noW as JuST anoTheR SoN oF GoD isreaL NoW2..
self-actualized.. if ya like secular terminology..
butt the thing is.. esSence is real
and my frigging
pricK is
aS wHOly
and saCred
iF U seeK iN GoD
now As FucKinG A to Z
and beyond Alpha to Omega
and irrational numbers too.. haha..
as no member of God is less or greater
than the othEr aS essence oF thE LiGht
as Art that we DancE and SinG can coMe
out Stronger and BriGhter but we all return
to sTaR duST for the neXt resurrection oF the
GifT and PotEnTiaL1 of HeaVen on an eARTh likE
thiS aGaIN.. the gift is now.. the present is open.. i am
heAR and rather Queer after all is said and done.. and as
strong as a horned steer in fearless way.. and sure.. the esSence
of my balls need no huge form to explode in liGht as any Big Bang BaLL
room BliTZ WiLL as i needed a Theme SonG to finish the rest of these words.. hehe..;)
how.. yes noW in fuller terms..
A 5 MacroVerse combo as
5 chapters of GodsUniVerseNovel2..
alWays linked at the bottom of my new
MacroVerses along with GodsUniVerseNovel
at 41K words along with this 51K word effort and
then came GodsUniVerseNovel3 in spRinG of 2016..
as Free Verse Poetic expression of 338,630 words as entire
year trail through dVerse Poet’s Pub online from April of 2015
through March 31st of 2016.. where there is about a ZiLLioN.. heHe..
Micro-Poetic expressions as what i name Micro-MicroVerses held
in MicroVerses separated by accumulating word count as part
of MacroVerse whOle that is about the ‘normal’ size total
of 8 humanly written Novels.. small fry of course
compared to Ocean Whole Poem sTiLL
exceeding 3.3 Million words
close to 4 million words or
so as of 9.11.2016 from a start
of writing in the rise of a phoenix as fire
from the ashes on a beach on 7.22.2013 or
about that date preceding as three days on the
19th of that month as such to be precise.. three days
as mEMe and all of that theMe.. and sure pre-MacroVerses
written from the end of February 2013.. until the Ocean whole
poem started on Word Press along with the Free Verse public
dance now approaching 7,000 miles at the end of this month
for 42 months too.. as sacred and holy numbers and events
roll in as waves that never end as Ocean shore events
and numbers too.. hehe.. as i am reaching 48 months
total at the end of February for my first poetic
spark that is the first pre-MacroVerse
on my Blogger Blog KATiEMIAAghogday
all STiLL existing with a few more blogs aS Such..
some public and a few private to keep it appropriate
enough for my personal rules of life that fit within all local..
state and federal laws of course to give Caesar all that’s due too..
works for me at least.. too complicated for most folks and overwhelming
overall to understand but hey.. here are the details just in case ya give a shit..
as some
folks deeper
thinkers and
some folks more
shallow but hey.. a cat
lives in heaven with no
written words at all.. so.. none
of this so-called human knowledge
is required at all to hug the midday sands
of sun and the dew lit leaves of grass aT whole
on any snow moon eclipse full moon night with
pentagram planetary alignment on the 10th which
is my 47th month anniversary of blogging overall too
in public way as my first poetic spARk was in a PM to
my first and only Facebook Friend then all casual in free verse too..
and as you poet inclined scientists miGht know in classroom way.. a common
method of delivery as poetry were the poet’s muse who were friends back ‘then’..
in letter way too.. as tHeir is nothing more intimate than the human connection
love for those who
think that the heart
belongs to only this
human or that human
less than the whole of God
that IS A tribe of one.. as even Einstein
was/is smART enough iN heART to understand
what Fowler’s higher point as pyramid of faith as agape love means
and feels
TruE as LiFE LIGht..
i’m sorry.. if all of this is not in oUr
bible.. yOur Koran.. yoUr Tao book.. iChing
thingie.. or whatever youR religious sacred text
may bRinG but when you limit the word of God that
coMes within.. you hOld liGht and LoVE Stagnant in words
that chain God less than free and as you have relative free will..
your choice can be purgatory grey sHades of LiFE to dARkeST soUL
niGht of LiFE death as liFE or beyond rainBoW colors of pure liGht iF i can
possibly relate what that feels and senses aS iN words of God’s Grace as gift
willed within
wiTh GoD FReED
as mE.. yes.. blah blah blah..
yada yada yada.. i am very meek and
last and first always now and humble as a grain
of sand as i FiT wRiTE iN tHeiR As FlesH and Blood
noW as JuST anoTheR SoN oF GoD isreaL NoW2..
self-actualized.. if ya like secular terminology..
butt the thing is.. esSence is real
and my frigging
pricK is
aS wHOly
and saCred
iF U seeK iN GoD
now As FucKinG A to Z
and beyond Alpha to Omega
and irrational numbers too.. haha..
as no member of God is less or greater
than the othEr aS essence oF thE LiGht
as Art that we DancE and SinG can coMe
out Stronger and BriGhter but we all return
to sTaR duST for the neXt resurrection oF the
GifT and PotEnTiaL1 of HeaVen on an eARTh likE
thiS aGaIN.. the gift is now.. the present is open.. i am
heAR and rather Queer after all is said and done.. and as
strong as a horned steer in fearless way.. and sure.. the esSence
of my balls need no huge form to explode in liGht as any Big Bang BaLL
room BliTZ WiLL as i needed a Theme SonG to finish the rest of these words.. hehe..;)
With sure.. one more share of.. a MacroVerse from two years ago named QUANTUM
MIND UNLEASHED.. like i just did.. hehe.. and it also holds a short clip of me
leg pressing 810 Lbs just one time of 12 reps then as although you
aren’t ‘suppose’ to get even stronger as you approach 60 years of
age noW it’s up to 1020 LBS and 33 reps.. heHe.. whEre heRE the
nice Gym Attendant jet pilot wife now.. Kelly.. exclaims ‘holy shit’ as yes
the Quantum body can and will be released as well heAR
in Holy and Sacred Thursday Dance and other
tantric activities too.. full of meaning
and purpose in seNsual
three hour tours
of FeeLinG deLiGht
and sure as defeating entropy
i share thaT liGht as it IS A source of
dopamine energy to inspire productivity and
creativity that i have used as moderation of gift
of the porn art of Bonobo liGht that others have given
and shared to me across decades of life.. numbering in
likELy thousands of kind and giving and sharing individuals
who are not afraid of giving it and sharing it all as the
truth and light is thaT satisfied conSeNsuaL luSt and
fantasies associated and stuFF..
reduces frustration..
and could
even prevent world
war three and surely a few
suicide bombings as tHeRe
are no limits of even 72 of that sTuFF
over heRe in the Freedom of eXpreSsinG
USA as PeaCe of T and A and P and stuFF
sweet reLeaSe.. as sure that also unleashes
and releases the social bonding oxytocin
altruism hormone too.. for those
who combine
love with
lust as
the nuclear
option oF LiGht
as social cooperation..
isreaL noW.. to subjugate
and control and dominate the masses
of minions.. patriarchs have taken this freedom
away for centuries to oppress.. suppress.. and make
life a stagnant sHades of grey place of purgatory noW to
LIVinG church heLL.. i wasn’t born yesterday.. i am born Now
forever free wiTh God.. so.. iF iT feels good and it harms no one..
including you.. you’d seriouSly NoW be a real sucKer if you didn’t JoY
ALL thE God giFted Heaven of Pleasure now of modeRaTion liGht TrUe..
the reaSon none of this much iS iN any sacred text now is all the sacred text
that exists to this point in so-called really popular stuff is dominated by patriachs
who live to subjugate and oppress and repress the freedom of minions from almost
day one of the death of a giving sharing foraging of life to storing grains in silos of
greed.. jealousy.. fear and
overall hate..
and anything that
doesn’t smell and taste..FeeL
and see and hear and yes tOuch
and so much more in mirror neuron
way and subatomic Quantum miNd
and BoDy unLeashed and ReLeased FloW
iN ZoNe as subatomic streAMs RiVer to OceAn
waVe wHole particLes of we as and iN FiELd oF dreAms wHole..
oops.. i just did it again..i created a timeless piece oF aRt like it or not.. haha..
as silly
is as
silly laughs
and if you miss God
as a laugh in some little
way you die as liFe liGht to dARk..
the water is nice in Heaven.. you do not have
to dRiNk it butt sure at least dip yoUr butt iN.. heHe..
as that likELy needs a bAll room blitz with plenty of room
in loose fitting briefs that are always naked for Now.. haha..;)
MIND UNLEASHED.. like i just did.. hehe.. and it also holds a short clip of me
leg pressing 810 Lbs just one time of 12 reps then as although you
aren’t ‘suppose’ to get even stronger as you approach 60 years of
age noW it’s up to 1020 LBS and 33 reps.. heHe.. whEre heRE the
nice Gym Attendant jet pilot wife now.. Kelly.. exclaims ‘holy shit’ as yes
the Quantum body can and will be released as well heAR
in Holy and Sacred Thursday Dance and other
tantric activities too.. full of meaning
and purpose in seNsual
three hour tours
of FeeLinG deLiGht
and sure as defeating entropy
i share thaT liGht as it IS A source of
dopamine energy to inspire productivity and
creativity that i have used as moderation of gift
of the porn art of Bonobo liGht that others have given
and shared to me across decades of life.. numbering in
likELy thousands of kind and giving and sharing individuals
who are not afraid of giving it and sharing it all as the
truth and light is thaT satisfied conSeNsuaL luSt and
fantasies associated and stuFF..
reduces frustration..
and could
even prevent world
war three and surely a few
suicide bombings as tHeRe
are no limits of even 72 of that sTuFF
over heRe in the Freedom of eXpreSsinG
USA as PeaCe of T and A and P and stuFF
sweet reLeaSe.. as sure that also unleashes
and releases the social bonding oxytocin
altruism hormone too.. for those
who combine
love with
lust as
the nuclear
option oF LiGht
as social cooperation..
isreaL noW.. to subjugate
and control and dominate the masses
of minions.. patriarchs have taken this freedom
away for centuries to oppress.. suppress.. and make
life a stagnant sHades of grey place of purgatory noW to
LIVinG church heLL.. i wasn’t born yesterday.. i am born Now
forever free wiTh God.. so.. iF iT feels good and it harms no one..
including you.. you’d seriouSly NoW be a real sucKer if you didn’t JoY
ALL thE God giFted Heaven of Pleasure now of modeRaTion liGht TrUe..
the reaSon none of this much iS iN any sacred text now is all the sacred text
that exists to this point in so-called really popular stuff is dominated by patriachs
who live to subjugate and oppress and repress the freedom of minions from almost
day one of the death of a giving sharing foraging of life to storing grains in silos of
greed.. jealousy.. fear and
overall hate..
and anything that
doesn’t smell and taste..FeeL
and see and hear and yes tOuch
and so much more in mirror neuron
way and subatomic Quantum miNd
and BoDy unLeashed and ReLeased FloW
iN ZoNe as subatomic streAMs RiVer to OceAn
waVe wHole particLes of we as and iN FiELd oF dreAms wHole..
oops.. i just did it again..i created a timeless piece oF aRt like it or not.. haha..
as silly
is as
silly laughs
and if you miss God
as a laugh in some little
way you die as liFe liGht to dARk..
the water is nice in Heaven.. you do not have
to dRiNk it butt sure at least dip yoUr butt iN.. heHe..
as that likELy needs a bAll room blitz with plenty of room
in loose fitting briefs that are always naked for Now.. haha..;)

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Nether Land Bible 2017
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
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