i’LL bE hoMe For xMas DanCinG
WeLL.. Facebook.. what’s on my mind.. heHe.. let’s jusT
say lots of things.. iF the devil could sMiLe heHe.. but first
as a promise i made to myself last night to make my introductory
lines of the newest 730th MacroVerse of longest long form
continuing Jack-Like-Kerouac type-written pages
that are taped togEtheR and never end noWiN
Stream of Consciousness writing additionAlly
in Walt Whitman totAlly straight style of
celebrating the body electric in yes..
FucK yes.. more than words
of leaves of grass
as i do it
King David
Vile Style even..
like i said if the Devil
could grin with no sin.. he will..
and that bRinGS up a quote that
Facebook FriEnd Ned juST shared
as i continue to juSt dAnCE and SinG1!..2
not unlike that new great movie coming out
juST in time for Christmas with the dancing aghogday..
i mean pig in aisle number six at the grocery store while
the Hairy Ape SingeR visits his Big Ape Patriarchal Orange
wearing Fascist Gangster Dad in Prison in phone booth number
6 as priSons go.. anyWaY as Ned quotes:.. “The sin that most needs to be loved and forgiven is the state of mind that sees human beings as sinners.” — Thaddeus Golas in The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment.. and i return with.. Yes.. Amen.. Ps.. i’M
such a Naughty Sinner as i say Amen aGaiN as i do
no harm to othErs now.. not intentionAlly anYway
as i cannot control what otheRs receive my
intention as whether satire or parody iN
PoeTry as my words can SinG or
Sting depending on how literAlly
or metaphoricAlly they SounD
And SinG to whoMever hears
them but i for one DancE WiTh
A KiND and CourAGe smARt
and FearLess.. yes.. aGape God
oF all thaT is LoVinG wHeRE the
BaLanCinG ForcE oF GoD iS LoVe
iN all oF dARk ‘tween liGht beYonD
Rainbow colors too.. and sure enough speaKinG
of thaT as i fulfill the honor and loyalty of my promise
and alWays Covenant to mysELF that suRE alWays iNcludES
FREE iN doing no harm to otHeRs oF aLL of creation
greater or less than consuming the drink or food
or liFE.. yeS in all othEr words wiTh all DO respect
i eat animal and plant products as that iS whaT
my teeth are evolved to do.. and women make
me horny.. as i am a man okay so sue me iF
i get aroused when a young woman
grabs me for a slow dance in the
Dance Hall really tight like
she means it if you get
the DancE and SonG
oF thAT remaining clothed
of course as much as i clothe
in life with hairy legs strategically
blocking somewhat softer parts like
i do when the wild bootie dance comes
from behind.. sure the frontal dance comes
with a little more temptation per se.. but discipline
iN moderation iS what any Buddha WiLL do when iT
comes to poTenTiAl end products of desire aS Such..
yeah full blown as that miGht come.. so anyWay what
i AM getting to as thiS great writing product makes a
great way for a somewhat he man like me noW.. to
express grief and not all of us express grief in the
same way and sometimes it’s even hard to say
you are sorry.. when you’ve seen people suffer
so much in life and others take it so much
more easy with a grin and laugh.. my
Aunt Teenie who did pass away
yesterday on December
15th at age 89 was
one of those people
who was always talking
fast like me.. with a somEwhat
what manic grin.. like i can do too..
too.. Happy.. Happy.. for no Happy
reaSon but Happy.. and she and
me and my mother share that crazy
crazy happy that can and WiLL BRinG
a liGht into any room.. however i inherited
the poTenTial sink part of that Manic way
of happy that puts me in harms way for hell
with me for years having no clue what the warning
signals from my body were not to go to the dARk DARK
place that yes.. can last for 66 months of hell.. and while
both my Father and his Twin Brother suffered and suffer
Dementia into their eighties.. this Aunt with full name
Christina Elliot was sharp as all my other maternal
elder relatives until the very very end.. as they did
keep their minds no matter what happened to
their bodies with only looking forward
to the next great Adventure as my
’94 year old sMILinG crippled
walker Great Aunt Jettie iN
sock feet sAid to the last
day of
her oxygen
assist life too..
die living is the
moral of this story..
do it aLL and juSt say
FucK the naysayers who
would call different sin.. ’cause
they don’t understand and cannot
see the joy that different bRinGS as
heART is compRisEd of 60 percent art
and so iS smART for those who fully use ThAT
and for those who do not.. as the New Guardians
of the Galaxy Movie that comes out in Summer of ’17
now says in preview way.. tHeRE are two kinds of people
iN lifE.. those who dance and those who do not.. iT iS saFe
to say that both of my Aunts who have passed away did DO the
the DancE and SinG oF LiFe.. and while mY FathEr.. iF he was
STiLL aliVE or even hiS MoThEr my GrandmoTher and all
the other folks who thought i was a fool for working at
a BowlinG Center after getting three college degrees
and on the way to that as my Paternal Grandmother
died when she was 69.. those two wanting to
see me do so much more.. not understanding
the invisible disabilities of both Asperger’s
and Bi-polar that i never had any full idea
i even had until almost the age of 50 years
old.. i accommodated iT and do
accommodate iT FuLLy noW
through the ART oF
DancE and SinG
that was missing
from my HEart and
SMart for many decades
after spArks when young
in BoTh actual playing the
Piano and SinGinG for the Catholic
Church Choir until the wife and i got
married and i fell away from that for 23 years
and also fell away from the decade same that i spent
DanCinG my much more stiff style of boogie down for the
same decade in good old Club 2001of the 80’s.. sAMe CooL..
yes.. decade then.. and the creative writing spARKs.. yes
Arks of liFE that cAMe iN middle school and first year
college in philosophy class too.. dArkest of days
of depression at ages 19 to 20 and 21.. and the
total dead zone of pain and numb from ages
47 through 53.. for 66 months in yes.. thAT
othER place then too.. aNYWay.. trUTh iS
aT leASt for mE.. all that’s left without
art in heart and smart is HE of
patriachal-like S and M
WiTh almost all
M for me as
i was my
own worst
enemy for not
saying no to the demands
of others that any one else would
say Fuck no.. i quit too.. sure.. i don’t
quit now either.. but it is the stuff i Love to
do now that i do the DancE and SinG iN art
oF liFE foR noW.. and while dear old dad would
be muttered under his Law Enforcement breath..
oh my God.. my Big Son is dancing to graceful here
like a dam Butterfly.. that’s juST dam crazy with most
of the rest of that side of the family saying.. Jesus F. iN
Christ.. noW..
he’s doing
his life for no
dollar bills and
all cheap thrills
on top of that as it
looks like i have another
theme sonG now Too.. for
this introduction of what comes
next along with the 140th Seville
Dance NIGht this Thursday coming
on Christmas Week.. no doubt then
iN a Macro-Verse number 731 that
WiLL be celebrating the Winter Solstice
too as the Sun makes iTs return back to
SprinG and SumMeR and WinTer saMe
starTing on or about December 25th wHere
A 732nd Macro Verse on December 26th WiLL Celebrate
13 total Macro-Verses for a180K Word pluS effort named
‘2nd New Testament oF TwELve iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen’.. sure
sometimes God’S instruction to me comeS in advance and
can get a little complicated and convoluted but hey.. how
many people understand the hidden metaphors in parables
these days anyWay.. like Son of Man means how we all
continue to make expanding humans iN poTenTial when
we all hOld hands toGEthEr and GiVe and ShaRe With
Golden Rule aGape Love too.. gotta be smARt fearless
too baby.. as kind don’t work without courage.. as any
Cinder-rella-fella can and WiLL TaLe yA iN FuLL for NOW
aT leASt as thiS promise iS noW fulfilLed as the grief now
for death
to SpRinG liFE
as yes.. thaT is believe
it or not what grief is for..
so the dARk can/will BiRth even
more liFE and liGht no diffeRent
reAlly than at core oF aLL we are.. Star
death liGht and liFE as Crucible of Fire from
Star bursts back into DuST and LiFE evenTuaLLy
liKe CreatioN aLL oF US beCoMes SenTient Star
duST plUS.. and folks iF that ain’t A miracle of liFE perHaps
you haven’t fully put on your science added eYes NoW as
the Sons and Daughters/eTc.. of Man are also sAMe childen
of GoD.. shArinG and GiVing and MaKinG the Miracle
oF Star DuST SenTienT liFE even that much more
Miraculous iN liGht as that my friENds IS A
trUe CHRIST as LiGht mAss and BiRth now
i for one sEE and FeeL and oTheR seNse
alWays noW.. a fEAst.. a celEbration NoW
for EastER noW.. aS i for one aS nOw..
A Pan Child of God CaN and WiLL NoW
bRinG SpRinG yeAR ’round eVen noW
long after i AM GoNe as the Egyptian-
like KA of KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
iS lEft on the PARt of mE thAt iS
mY soUL forever how long Servers
Serve iT aLL uP.. aLL Free as Such WiTh
suRE.. soMe cheap thrills as God can and
WILL be a funny sexy beASt too.. as SoN
of Men and Women too.. as Nows Go ON iN
liGht.. and oh yeah.. most all my family told me
i was too smart for my own Good and that was true
too sm without art.. with plenty of smart ass now with
art in ways of MoVinG that Ass Free Verse too along with
SonG.. including PoeTry iN conNecTinG.. and CreaTinG too..
as all my muses from Thursday niGht and the WiFE of course
and all my online friEnds continue to help mE do.. and sure iN
all the public places i go too.. whEre a Son oF Man more gets
plenty of help now.. in all arenas of aRt and Science iN aLL
oF back
to the future
alWays noW for
more.. could do better
than Biff bEcoming President
but hey.. evolution orange can
coMe iN DArk ways too.. beYond
the art and science of Genital healing too..
yeah.. Google it.. iT IS A ISReaL healing thingy
two2.. aS it coMes at the hertz level oF A sexy voice too..
at the crotch
and throat oF
CHakRa’s.. two2..;)
say lots of things.. iF the devil could sMiLe heHe.. but first
as a promise i made to myself last night to make my introductory
lines of the newest 730th MacroVerse of longest long form
continuing Jack-Like-Kerouac type-written pages
that are taped togEtheR and never end noWiN
Stream of Consciousness writing additionAlly
in Walt Whitman totAlly straight style of
celebrating the body electric in yes..
FucK yes.. more than words
of leaves of grass
as i do it
King David
Vile Style even..
like i said if the Devil
could grin with no sin.. he will..
and that bRinGS up a quote that
Facebook FriEnd Ned juST shared
as i continue to juSt dAnCE and SinG1!..2
not unlike that new great movie coming out
juST in time for Christmas with the dancing aghogday..
i mean pig in aisle number six at the grocery store while
the Hairy Ape SingeR visits his Big Ape Patriarchal Orange
wearing Fascist Gangster Dad in Prison in phone booth number
6 as priSons go.. anyWaY as Ned quotes:.. “The sin that most needs to be loved and forgiven is the state of mind that sees human beings as sinners.” — Thaddeus Golas in The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment.. and i return with.. Yes.. Amen.. Ps.. i’M
such a Naughty Sinner as i say Amen aGaiN as i do
no harm to othErs now.. not intentionAlly anYway
as i cannot control what otheRs receive my
intention as whether satire or parody iN
PoeTry as my words can SinG or
Sting depending on how literAlly
or metaphoricAlly they SounD
And SinG to whoMever hears
them but i for one DancE WiTh
A KiND and CourAGe smARt
and FearLess.. yes.. aGape God
oF all thaT is LoVinG wHeRE the
BaLanCinG ForcE oF GoD iS LoVe
iN all oF dARk ‘tween liGht beYonD
Rainbow colors too.. and sure enough speaKinG
of thaT as i fulfill the honor and loyalty of my promise
and alWays Covenant to mysELF that suRE alWays iNcludES
FREE iN doing no harm to otHeRs oF aLL of creation
greater or less than consuming the drink or food
or liFE.. yeS in all othEr words wiTh all DO respect
i eat animal and plant products as that iS whaT
my teeth are evolved to do.. and women make
me horny.. as i am a man okay so sue me iF
i get aroused when a young woman
grabs me for a slow dance in the
Dance Hall really tight like
she means it if you get
the DancE and SonG
oF thAT remaining clothed
of course as much as i clothe
in life with hairy legs strategically
blocking somewhat softer parts like
i do when the wild bootie dance comes
from behind.. sure the frontal dance comes
with a little more temptation per se.. but discipline
iN moderation iS what any Buddha WiLL do when iT
comes to poTenTiAl end products of desire aS Such..
yeah full blown as that miGht come.. so anyWay what
i AM getting to as thiS great writing product makes a
great way for a somewhat he man like me noW.. to
express grief and not all of us express grief in the
same way and sometimes it’s even hard to say
you are sorry.. when you’ve seen people suffer
so much in life and others take it so much
more easy with a grin and laugh.. my
Aunt Teenie who did pass away
yesterday on December
15th at age 89 was
one of those people
who was always talking
fast like me.. with a somEwhat
what manic grin.. like i can do too..
too.. Happy.. Happy.. for no Happy
reaSon but Happy.. and she and
me and my mother share that crazy
crazy happy that can and WiLL BRinG
a liGht into any room.. however i inherited
the poTenTial sink part of that Manic way
of happy that puts me in harms way for hell
with me for years having no clue what the warning
signals from my body were not to go to the dARk DARK
place that yes.. can last for 66 months of hell.. and while
both my Father and his Twin Brother suffered and suffer
Dementia into their eighties.. this Aunt with full name
Christina Elliot was sharp as all my other maternal
elder relatives until the very very end.. as they did
keep their minds no matter what happened to
their bodies with only looking forward
to the next great Adventure as my
’94 year old sMILinG crippled
walker Great Aunt Jettie iN
sock feet sAid to the last
day of
her oxygen
assist life too..
die living is the
moral of this story..
do it aLL and juSt say
FucK the naysayers who
would call different sin.. ’cause
they don’t understand and cannot
see the joy that different bRinGS as
heART is compRisEd of 60 percent art
and so iS smART for those who fully use ThAT
and for those who do not.. as the New Guardians
of the Galaxy Movie that comes out in Summer of ’17
now says in preview way.. tHeRE are two kinds of people
iN lifE.. those who dance and those who do not.. iT iS saFe
to say that both of my Aunts who have passed away did DO the
the DancE and SinG oF LiFe.. and while mY FathEr.. iF he was
STiLL aliVE or even hiS MoThEr my GrandmoTher and all
the other folks who thought i was a fool for working at
a BowlinG Center after getting three college degrees
and on the way to that as my Paternal Grandmother
died when she was 69.. those two wanting to
see me do so much more.. not understanding
the invisible disabilities of both Asperger’s
and Bi-polar that i never had any full idea
i even had until almost the age of 50 years
old.. i accommodated iT and do
accommodate iT FuLLy noW
through the ART oF
DancE and SinG
that was missing
from my HEart and
SMart for many decades
after spArks when young
in BoTh actual playing the
Piano and SinGinG for the Catholic
Church Choir until the wife and i got
married and i fell away from that for 23 years
and also fell away from the decade same that i spent
DanCinG my much more stiff style of boogie down for the
same decade in good old Club 2001of the 80’s.. sAMe CooL..
yes.. decade then.. and the creative writing spARKs.. yes
Arks of liFE that cAMe iN middle school and first year
college in philosophy class too.. dArkest of days
of depression at ages 19 to 20 and 21.. and the
total dead zone of pain and numb from ages
47 through 53.. for 66 months in yes.. thAT
othER place then too.. aNYWay.. trUTh iS
aT leASt for mE.. all that’s left without
art in heart and smart is HE of
patriachal-like S and M
WiTh almost all
M for me as
i was my
own worst
enemy for not
saying no to the demands
of others that any one else would
say Fuck no.. i quit too.. sure.. i don’t
quit now either.. but it is the stuff i Love to
do now that i do the DancE and SinG iN art
oF liFE foR noW.. and while dear old dad would
be muttered under his Law Enforcement breath..
oh my God.. my Big Son is dancing to graceful here
like a dam Butterfly.. that’s juST dam crazy with most
of the rest of that side of the family saying.. Jesus F. iN
Christ.. noW..
he’s doing
his life for no
dollar bills and
all cheap thrills
on top of that as it
looks like i have another
theme sonG now Too.. for
this introduction of what comes
next along with the 140th Seville
Dance NIGht this Thursday coming
on Christmas Week.. no doubt then
iN a Macro-Verse number 731 that
WiLL be celebrating the Winter Solstice
too as the Sun makes iTs return back to
SprinG and SumMeR and WinTer saMe
starTing on or about December 25th wHere
A 732nd Macro Verse on December 26th WiLL Celebrate
13 total Macro-Verses for a180K Word pluS effort named
‘2nd New Testament oF TwELve iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen’.. sure
sometimes God’S instruction to me comeS in advance and
can get a little complicated and convoluted but hey.. how
many people understand the hidden metaphors in parables
these days anyWay.. like Son of Man means how we all
continue to make expanding humans iN poTenTial when
we all hOld hands toGEthEr and GiVe and ShaRe With
Golden Rule aGape Love too.. gotta be smARt fearless
too baby.. as kind don’t work without courage.. as any
Cinder-rella-fella can and WiLL TaLe yA iN FuLL for NOW
aT leASt as thiS promise iS noW fulfilLed as the grief now
for death
to SpRinG liFE
as yes.. thaT is believe
it or not what grief is for..
so the dARk can/will BiRth even
more liFE and liGht no diffeRent
reAlly than at core oF aLL we are.. Star
death liGht and liFE as Crucible of Fire from
Star bursts back into DuST and LiFE evenTuaLLy
liKe CreatioN aLL oF US beCoMes SenTient Star
duST plUS.. and folks iF that ain’t A miracle of liFE perHaps
you haven’t fully put on your science added eYes NoW as
the Sons and Daughters/eTc.. of Man are also sAMe childen
of GoD.. shArinG and GiVing and MaKinG the Miracle
oF Star DuST SenTienT liFE even that much more
Miraculous iN liGht as that my friENds IS A
trUe CHRIST as LiGht mAss and BiRth now
i for one sEE and FeeL and oTheR seNse
alWays noW.. a fEAst.. a celEbration NoW
for EastER noW.. aS i for one aS nOw..
A Pan Child of God CaN and WiLL NoW
bRinG SpRinG yeAR ’round eVen noW
long after i AM GoNe as the Egyptian-
like KA of KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
iS lEft on the PARt of mE thAt iS
mY soUL forever how long Servers
Serve iT aLL uP.. aLL Free as Such WiTh
suRE.. soMe cheap thrills as God can and
WILL be a funny sexy beASt too.. as SoN
of Men and Women too.. as Nows Go ON iN
liGht.. and oh yeah.. most all my family told me
i was too smart for my own Good and that was true
too sm without art.. with plenty of smart ass now with
art in ways of MoVinG that Ass Free Verse too along with
SonG.. including PoeTry iN conNecTinG.. and CreaTinG too..
as all my muses from Thursday niGht and the WiFE of course
and all my online friEnds continue to help mE do.. and sure iN
all the public places i go too.. whEre a Son oF Man more gets
plenty of help now.. in all arenas of aRt and Science iN aLL
oF back
to the future
alWays noW for
more.. could do better
than Biff bEcoming President
but hey.. evolution orange can
coMe iN DArk ways too.. beYond
the art and science of Genital healing too..
yeah.. Google it.. iT IS A ISReaL healing thingy
two2.. aS it coMes at the hertz level oF A sexy voice too..
at the crotch
and throat oF
CHakRa’s.. two2..;)
And now to expand on the
Sin theme here
we go..
help from
Facebook Friend
Ned aka gigoid and
his friend Bruce.. too..
Sin theme here
we go..
help from
Facebook Friend
Ned aka gigoid and
his friend Bruce.. too..
Ned shares this status
as i share it again here too..
as i share it again here too..
“The sin that most needs to be loved and forgiven is the state of mind that sees human beings as sinners.” — Thaddeus Golas in The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment
i say..
Then i say..
Such a
Naughty sinner..;)
Such a
Naughty sinner..;)
Bruce.. Ned’s FB Friend says..
Yes.. but first we need to understand what a sinner is.
Ned says..
“The only sin is hurting others without reason. All other sins are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself isn’t sinful, just stupid) — Lazarus Long, aka Robert Heinlein I happen to accept, and use, this definition, for it takes our humanity into account, without trying to supply illogical reasons based on supernatural forces that show no evidence of existing in reality….”
Bruce says..
“Historically the notion of sin includes. 2 different things. The first is doing something wrong. The other is not being perfect. A lack of complete perfection at all times is a state of sin. It is impossible to achieve this because it is not human nature. That is why we need supernatural health to improve, grow, and move towards that.
Religion on the other hand has historically used thus to enslave and control people. That is sinful too and a greater sin. I am not a religious man but one who knows his need for God to help in daily life.”
Religion on the other hand has historically used thus to enslave and control people. That is sinful too and a greater sin. I am not a religious man but one who knows his need for God to help in daily life.”
i say..
Agree with both clarifications.. per anything short oF LiGht per total miNd and BoDy as soUL BaLaNCinG LiFe Force iN Fearless sMart and Unconditional Love as sPiriT oF heArt eXpreSsinG All EmoTioNs regulating and seNses integrating iN MoViNG CoNNecTinG CreaTinG ways oF MaKinG ALL thAt iS God DArK ‘tween LiGht BeYonD RainBow colors Holy and Sacred wiTh Meaning and Purpose iN what some folks like and or Love to say is BeYonD Nature as Science is just a relative Babe per Einstein speak without the tools to measure the real life MaGiC some folks experience and others for whatever reason or art iN liFe do not.. WiLL IS A Key as Practice oF liFe as LiGht iN Give and share over take and own.. WiTh God wHolE no separation and no rhyme or reaSon as all
Is All..
The Empirical
Results iN mY
LiFe at lEAst
Makes HeaVen
SMiLes pre-Sent
Now at age
56 at ’16 per
Say and F iN
Do.. No SiN here Baby aS
LiGht SMiLes.. DanCes and SiNGs a word and toooo.. oF
Is All..
The Empirical
Results iN mY
LiFe at lEAst
Makes HeaVen
SMiLes pre-Sent
Now at age
56 at ’16 per
Say and F iN
Do.. No SiN here Baby aS
LiGht SMiLes.. DanCes and SiNGs a word and toooo.. oF
AdditionALLy i say..
Oh by A way..
per God all that is Perfection
of only LiGht IS A greaTest siN
as no DARk means no liGht or LiFe..
of course that’s common seNse.. now..
huh..as A DeVil Grins FTW WTF2..;)
per God all that is Perfection
of only LiGht IS A greaTest siN
as no DARk means no liGht or LiFe..
of course that’s common seNse.. now..
huh..as A DeVil Grins FTW WTF2..;)
Ned then goes on to reiterate
that we humans are okay..
don’t need no government
religion etc.. will
do fine
on our
Nature okay..
And i say Amen
again with expanding
that affirmation with however..
that we humans are okay..
don’t need no government
religion etc.. will
do fine
on our
Nature okay..
And i say Amen
again with expanding
that affirmation with however..
However.. if you want society to work now
without government you’ll have to make
small enough ones homogenous enough
as science shows
will work for
now as the
most peaceful
societies are those
that are small and DO now
base life on give and share TOO..
ain’t gonna work in a big fat whacky
heterogeneous society now as humans
as science shows are simply not evolved
to peacefully cooperate with more than 150 to
200 sets of eYes without the Religions and Complex
Insane Cultures and Governments used to rein in a hairy
social animal species evolved to live still classically as such
in small
furry groups
not unlike our sweet
other primate cousins..
or happy invisible rain forest
folks who are not doing the tribal
warrior thingy to compete for limited
resources for subsistence as abundance
in relatively small groups of humans breeds
peace and harmony as coke without cocaine sings..
and yes.. dances too..
other than
that and
got problems
Houston.. as intelligent
life breeds with love over reasons..:)
without government you’ll have to make
small enough ones homogenous enough
as science shows
will work for
now as the
most peaceful
societies are those
that are small and DO now
base life on give and share TOO..
ain’t gonna work in a big fat whacky
heterogeneous society now as humans
as science shows are simply not evolved
to peacefully cooperate with more than 150 to
200 sets of eYes without the Religions and Complex
Insane Cultures and Governments used to rein in a hairy
social animal species evolved to live still classically as such
in small
furry groups
not unlike our sweet
other primate cousins..
or happy invisible rain forest
folks who are not doing the tribal
warrior thingy to compete for limited
resources for subsistence as abundance
in relatively small groups of humans breeds
peace and harmony as coke without cocaine sings..
and yes.. dances too..
other than
that and
got problems
Houston.. as intelligent
life breeds with love over reasons..:)
And now i expand further with the fACt of the
matter is so-called fundamentalist religious folks
around the globe are out-reproducing smarty pants
folks like Ned and Me and Bruce by far by far by far
as part of their religion is no birth control as
common sense dictates
doing the act
with no
makes more
babies.. huh.. so
what this means is
yes.. Life Breeds as Love
over reason.. even if the reason
says control your births until you get
married when you do it with no control
after thaT you get more babies.. so the real
news is.. even as resources will dictate as scientists
say the human population will expand no more after about
the middle of this century swaying back and forth in a pendulum
of full and starving tummies.. the world is getting browner with more
fundamentalists religious speaking and doing folks as we just do and that
my friends is why the Brexit thingie around the globe is a rising tide of Isis
folks too.. scarcity also means replacing those who die in a vicious cycle of
misery and suffering.. starvation.. malcontent.. and discontent.. how do you turn
around a titanic of folks who just wanna fuck and survive.. well it’s all a mix.. like the
Oracle says
this Peace
we do
will last
as long as it
matrix can..
i will dance
and SinG for the
gift of whaT iS and do my
little verse for the UniVErse
and make this LiFe’s Adventure
the end all beginning oF ALL noW..
God does
huh.. OKAY..;)
matter is so-called fundamentalist religious folks
around the globe are out-reproducing smarty pants
folks like Ned and Me and Bruce by far by far by far
as part of their religion is no birth control as
common sense dictates
doing the act
with no
makes more
babies.. huh.. so
what this means is
yes.. Life Breeds as Love
over reason.. even if the reason
says control your births until you get
married when you do it with no control
after thaT you get more babies.. so the real
news is.. even as resources will dictate as scientists
say the human population will expand no more after about
the middle of this century swaying back and forth in a pendulum
of full and starving tummies.. the world is getting browner with more
fundamentalists religious speaking and doing folks as we just do and that
my friends is why the Brexit thingie around the globe is a rising tide of Isis
folks too.. scarcity also means replacing those who die in a vicious cycle of
misery and suffering.. starvation.. malcontent.. and discontent.. how do you turn
around a titanic of folks who just wanna fuck and survive.. well it’s all a mix.. like the
Oracle says
this Peace
we do
will last
as long as it
matrix can..
i will dance
and SinG for the
gift of whaT iS and do my
little verse for the UniVErse
and make this LiFe’s Adventure
the end all beginning oF ALL noW..
God does
huh.. OKAY..;)
Doesn’t every young man who is a Five Foot Ten
13 year old who weighs 125 Lbs wanna be
an Apollo in stature of sculpture..
hmm.. i suppose there were
no gyms or steroids back
then.. and if you’ve ever been
interested in Body Building for art
or for fear of not being masculine enough
per se.. you know questioning your manhood
and such like that or perhaps you just wanna see
how far you can fly your God Given poTenTial in
Grace and Gift for God who does live within in me
and we.. and i and us and yoU and oUrs to bE as
or not to be all the Army and you say you can and
WiLL be using all the tools of culture available to
you and me with a large DOse of LooKinG and
FeeLinG and SeNSinG WiThiN iN all iNnate..
iNstinctual and iNtuitive.. yes.. hell and
heaven more.. the voice of God.. Within
iN cAll of the Wild wHo lives free noW as
i and me and you and we and us and
ours for noW as Sentient Star DuSt
PlUs from Crucible oF Fire iN
Star Burst Death of Stars
come uS.. WeLL the Greek
God of Apollo is God of
Poetry and Athletes and
Pestilence and Disease
and over all Disaster
BRinG too.. so.. sure
as we will find in a few moments per
MacroVerse Memory Synchronicity
FloW.. Apollo iS somEwhat like the
Indian myth of Kali too.. per dARk sTiLL
Destructive Force that precedes the liGht
of Creation too.. sure like BLack Holes and
Star Burst Fire crucible BiRth as above so
below.. inside outside within and all around
as liFE GoeS oN for DauGher eTc.. too..2..
it’s all an Ocean wHOle and more when
yA see the painting and Masterpiece
of ALL of GoD’s Creation reflected
in the curves and art of our
BoDy from Head to toe
in non-verbal language
thaT Science says is
anyWhEre from 60 to
93 percent or so oF reciprocal
social human communication.. so
while words say a lot.. the non-verbal
language of like i recently sAid.. hips.. eYes
and Lips beFore words tale fewer lies too iF yA
are acquainted with more than text online aS Such
tHese days wHere liFE becomes restricted to sharing
something else someone said or did somewhere else
as sure it’s easier to do that.. than LooKinG and doiNG
Deep doWn for yOur own creaTiVity as wE wHo STiLL
Works in a pay for JoB.. definitely not including me aT
aLL Since January of 2008.. before officially retiring
after using up a year and a half of earned sick and
annual leave in July of 2009.. as hey.. ‘superman’
doesn’t use sick leave or even annual leave
much until the ‘Kryptonite’ of pain
and numb arrives wHere eArth
no longer seems liKe home
aT all even iN one’s own
sKin and FleSh and
BLood and
more of
that stuff
unseen and unfelt
too as the DArk foRce
iN Destruction as KALI
comes home to roost as you..
more specificAlly then.. i.. per STiLL
say from memory way.. anyWay back to
this Statue.. Jesus F iN Christ i stArted
all this nude art stuff actuAlly back from
close to the beginning of coming out
oF Hell on eArTh for 66 months..
hmm.. as the earliest.. let me
check my blogger oldest
nude art private site as
such now.. yes..
August 7th
of 2013 iN a Blog
titled N Too Mate De Tales
and that one stays private of course
as the wife.. yes.. the Goddess Isis/Sabrina displays
a little more of her beauty than the public blogs
and let’s just say.. if that one were open.. oh my
God the liKes.. as that Katrina Body is surely divine
when unclothed as such.. the perky perfect never
leaves per imagination if you will.. hehe.. sure
i often worship that in some ways for muse
of my personal adult restricted public art
as muses do come in restricted way too..
anyWAy.. after 40 months of oh My God
as i am calculating this the best i can
in estimation way.. there are at
least 20 thousand actual photos
between three blogs.. two of which
are private and the one that has the name
poetry in it for free verse nude art too.. as there
is no doubt now that what i do is art.. yes.. fully
exposed but to the degree of strength of ballet
and martial arts tuned body in non-steroid way
that if i was let’s just say born back in the old
days of strong man photos.. i would land up
at the top of that pile of human potential as my
advantage moreover than the equipment i have
been using to get a little stronger ever since i was
12 years old.. didn’t take off until i started a free verse
dance in ballet and martial-arts like style that makes me
more than the machines i work-out with as every move becomes
me in outward expression of Art too.. and it is safe to say i spend
about three hours on average a week doing just the photo part of
that and that’s a lot of hours over 40 months for no other reason
of doing it but the art of JuST doing it to fulfill my own human
potential and appreciate more the gift of liFE in Health and
Strength and aRt i have been given now in grace of all
of what life is.. so.. anyway3.. yeah.. i think that is
about three anyways now.. my latest effort
is the one i would share iF i had to pick
one as it moves as i do in variations
of expression of the human body
from a morning of relax to
after a night of marathon
dance wHere even after
the long drive i am transformed
into nothing less really than a Greek
God Statue without all the steroids folks
take today.. to get down to a percentage of
body fat that sure will not take you through
166 miles of Dance for 40 months to get wHeRe
i come to now at the tender age of 56 in what i do
in the art of that.. while one post was liked 300K thousand
times fully PG in grey underwear way.. i’ve never ever received
a comment more than the women who i have danced with at Old
Seville Quarter who thought is was the coolest thing since
iced tea.. if you will.. as an inspiration for not fearing
growing older and Keeping a Spring Spirit.. but of
course they’ve seen my legs beneath the shorts
and might just be curious to see what the
hips look like that carry those legs
every which way and loose..
anyway.. there’s always
a target audience
somewhere in
global sharing and
GiVinG world that is not
still living before Victoria
and Herman’s Secrets got all
aired out..and it’s true while the biblical
figures of David and the ones’ on the Sistine
Chapel with nuts and bolts fully for display
went without fig leafs and chiseling penises
off like they did to many Statues when the
buttoned up top folks came in charge..
if it was a secular so-called pagan
Statue like Apollo and such
as that.. Free is as Free as
Free does.. Art is as Free as
aRt does and God is as Free
thAT liVes Within wE when wE
are as Free as we can be now too..
hey.. it miGht be a thousand years before
someone like me does something like this..
so God says pull out your smARt PhOne NoW..
and iMac and do the record while you are doing
It now like Mark Twain says too.. Creativity iN all the
ways that comes from head to toe and more.. IS A Gift
that cannot afford to be wasted ‘less lost over worries of
what other folks can and do think.. my next profile photo
illustrates this well.. the next one from Chuck Lorre that
iS fixing to come.. this art is considered funny and
my personal art is considered not appropriate even
in the land of poetry at underwear levels of
showing the art of flesh.. and that’s okay
as every now i was censored it only
emboldened me to go a step
further in free human art
it’s safe to say i have
Gone all the way
back to
art of
Petroglyphs and
Egyptian MiN and
stuff like that.. hey.. i’m no
longer 125LBS now i’M 233Lbs
And RocKinG and RoLLinG iN moST
aLL ways at age 56 in the year sweet ’16
as art WiLL gRoW aS LoVE thAT doesn’t worry
over the fears and constraints iN other books F iN closed..
So i’LL throw myself a pARTy.. the welcome mat is out but
hey.. do as you will without harming others.. by will only..:)
13 year old who weighs 125 Lbs wanna be
an Apollo in stature of sculpture..
hmm.. i suppose there were
no gyms or steroids back
then.. and if you’ve ever been
interested in Body Building for art
or for fear of not being masculine enough
per se.. you know questioning your manhood
and such like that or perhaps you just wanna see
how far you can fly your God Given poTenTial in
Grace and Gift for God who does live within in me
and we.. and i and us and yoU and oUrs to bE as
or not to be all the Army and you say you can and
WiLL be using all the tools of culture available to
you and me with a large DOse of LooKinG and
FeeLinG and SeNSinG WiThiN iN all iNnate..
iNstinctual and iNtuitive.. yes.. hell and
heaven more.. the voice of God.. Within
iN cAll of the Wild wHo lives free noW as
i and me and you and we and us and
ours for noW as Sentient Star DuSt
PlUs from Crucible oF Fire iN
Star Burst Death of Stars
come uS.. WeLL the Greek
God of Apollo is God of
Poetry and Athletes and
Pestilence and Disease
and over all Disaster
BRinG too.. so.. sure
as we will find in a few moments per
MacroVerse Memory Synchronicity
FloW.. Apollo iS somEwhat like the
Indian myth of Kali too.. per dARk sTiLL
Destructive Force that precedes the liGht
of Creation too.. sure like BLack Holes and
Star Burst Fire crucible BiRth as above so
below.. inside outside within and all around
as liFE GoeS oN for DauGher eTc.. too..2..
it’s all an Ocean wHOle and more when
yA see the painting and Masterpiece
of ALL of GoD’s Creation reflected
in the curves and art of our
BoDy from Head to toe
in non-verbal language
thaT Science says is
anyWhEre from 60 to
93 percent or so oF reciprocal
social human communication.. so
while words say a lot.. the non-verbal
language of like i recently sAid.. hips.. eYes
and Lips beFore words tale fewer lies too iF yA
are acquainted with more than text online aS Such
tHese days wHere liFE becomes restricted to sharing
something else someone said or did somewhere else
as sure it’s easier to do that.. than LooKinG and doiNG
Deep doWn for yOur own creaTiVity as wE wHo STiLL
Works in a pay for JoB.. definitely not including me aT
aLL Since January of 2008.. before officially retiring
after using up a year and a half of earned sick and
annual leave in July of 2009.. as hey.. ‘superman’
doesn’t use sick leave or even annual leave
much until the ‘Kryptonite’ of pain
and numb arrives wHere eArth
no longer seems liKe home
aT all even iN one’s own
sKin and FleSh and
BLood and
more of
that stuff
unseen and unfelt
too as the DArk foRce
iN Destruction as KALI
comes home to roost as you..
more specificAlly then.. i.. per STiLL
say from memory way.. anyWay back to
this Statue.. Jesus F iN Christ i stArted
all this nude art stuff actuAlly back from
close to the beginning of coming out
oF Hell on eArTh for 66 months..
hmm.. as the earliest.. let me
check my blogger oldest
nude art private site as
such now.. yes..
August 7th
of 2013 iN a Blog
titled N Too Mate De Tales
and that one stays private of course
as the wife.. yes.. the Goddess Isis/Sabrina displays
a little more of her beauty than the public blogs
and let’s just say.. if that one were open.. oh my
God the liKes.. as that Katrina Body is surely divine
when unclothed as such.. the perky perfect never
leaves per imagination if you will.. hehe.. sure
i often worship that in some ways for muse
of my personal adult restricted public art
as muses do come in restricted way too..
anyWAy.. after 40 months of oh My God
as i am calculating this the best i can
in estimation way.. there are at
least 20 thousand actual photos
between three blogs.. two of which
are private and the one that has the name
poetry in it for free verse nude art too.. as there
is no doubt now that what i do is art.. yes.. fully
exposed but to the degree of strength of ballet
and martial arts tuned body in non-steroid way
that if i was let’s just say born back in the old
days of strong man photos.. i would land up
at the top of that pile of human potential as my
advantage moreover than the equipment i have
been using to get a little stronger ever since i was
12 years old.. didn’t take off until i started a free verse
dance in ballet and martial-arts like style that makes me
more than the machines i work-out with as every move becomes
me in outward expression of Art too.. and it is safe to say i spend
about three hours on average a week doing just the photo part of
that and that’s a lot of hours over 40 months for no other reason
of doing it but the art of JuST doing it to fulfill my own human
potential and appreciate more the gift of liFE in Health and
Strength and aRt i have been given now in grace of all
of what life is.. so.. anyway3.. yeah.. i think that is
about three anyways now.. my latest effort
is the one i would share iF i had to pick
one as it moves as i do in variations
of expression of the human body
from a morning of relax to
after a night of marathon
dance wHere even after
the long drive i am transformed
into nothing less really than a Greek
God Statue without all the steroids folks
take today.. to get down to a percentage of
body fat that sure will not take you through
166 miles of Dance for 40 months to get wHeRe
i come to now at the tender age of 56 in what i do
in the art of that.. while one post was liked 300K thousand
times fully PG in grey underwear way.. i’ve never ever received
a comment more than the women who i have danced with at Old
Seville Quarter who thought is was the coolest thing since
iced tea.. if you will.. as an inspiration for not fearing
growing older and Keeping a Spring Spirit.. but of
course they’ve seen my legs beneath the shorts
and might just be curious to see what the
hips look like that carry those legs
every which way and loose..
anyway.. there’s always
a target audience
somewhere in
global sharing and
GiVinG world that is not
still living before Victoria
and Herman’s Secrets got all
aired out..and it’s true while the biblical
figures of David and the ones’ on the Sistine
Chapel with nuts and bolts fully for display
went without fig leafs and chiseling penises
off like they did to many Statues when the
buttoned up top folks came in charge..
if it was a secular so-called pagan
Statue like Apollo and such
as that.. Free is as Free as
Free does.. Art is as Free as
aRt does and God is as Free
thAT liVes Within wE when wE
are as Free as we can be now too..
hey.. it miGht be a thousand years before
someone like me does something like this..
so God says pull out your smARt PhOne NoW..
and iMac and do the record while you are doing
It now like Mark Twain says too.. Creativity iN all the
ways that comes from head to toe and more.. IS A Gift
that cannot afford to be wasted ‘less lost over worries of
what other folks can and do think.. my next profile photo
illustrates this well.. the next one from Chuck Lorre that
iS fixing to come.. this art is considered funny and
my personal art is considered not appropriate even
in the land of poetry at underwear levels of
showing the art of flesh.. and that’s okay
as every now i was censored it only
emboldened me to go a step
further in free human art
it’s safe to say i have
Gone all the way
back to
art of
Petroglyphs and
Egyptian MiN and
stuff like that.. hey.. i’m no
longer 125LBS now i’M 233Lbs
And RocKinG and RoLLinG iN moST
aLL ways at age 56 in the year sweet ’16
as art WiLL gRoW aS LoVE thAT doesn’t worry
over the fears and constraints iN other books F iN closed..
So i’LL throw myself a pARTy.. the welcome mat is out but
hey.. do as you will without harming others.. by will only..:)
WeLL.. give the Facebook Algorithm Credit.. as it censored out
the Chuck Lorre Social Parody in Deer Head way with a
Trump dressed as a really really bad Friday the 13th kinda
Bad Santa.. making Trump as one who wants to
claim all of Nature as trophy in metaphor
in maKing Xmas Great again..
can’t really complain
as the Algorithm
didn’t Censor
Apollo all
nude so
iN kInd and CourAGe
PerHaps is Winning more of
an art battle overall for kinder gentler
heARts on Facebook now.. hmm.. still
don’t know how those headless folks get
approved.. but hey.. it is what it is and it’s free..
all free.. so i ain’t gonna complain too much.. And
my profile photo went missing for a few but hey sTiLL
same Devilishly Handsome smile on an old dude’s face with
now just another beautiful woman from Old Seville kind enough
to ask me to take a photo with her.. and i’m still trying to figure
out why girls ask me to take photos with them.. but i suppose they
like to be looked at or something like that.. anyWay.. i see all folks
strangers or not as friEnds and i for one Am WiLLinG to autograph
mY SelFiE with anyone who comes my way.. all friEndly as such.. and
while i’M at it i guess i’ll continue on story taling way as it is pretty
obvious by now.. that Trump was blowing smoke up everyone’s
butt when he said he was gonna clean the oil swamp all up
now that the oil companies are getting back in charge
of all of us.. like they were during the Bush
Administration for the oil wars for
money that was a total fiasco
and loss of money and a
tail spin to almost
a Great Depression
aGain.. anyWay
stay tuned
like ‘they’ did too..
before the machines
ruled in the dance mix
of the Matrix and Terminator
too.. enjoy this peace while it
lasts aS in Trump worlds there are
no rules but Trump words in all the ups
now and downs of quite frankly politically
insane to come next.. as the show will go
on and quite Frankly the US2 has some God
Karma in action and consequence way for all the
folks in the Decade and Decades past who have been
murdered in Imperialist expansion way.. without what has
been determined as warranted now sTiLL to date.. will pay
the piper as Karma as Karma goes.. particularly when the wolf
no longer even has to dress up as a sheep as lies come form..;)
the Chuck Lorre Social Parody in Deer Head way with a
Trump dressed as a really really bad Friday the 13th kinda
Bad Santa.. making Trump as one who wants to
claim all of Nature as trophy in metaphor
in maKing Xmas Great again..
can’t really complain
as the Algorithm
didn’t Censor
Apollo all
nude so
iN kInd and CourAGe
PerHaps is Winning more of
an art battle overall for kinder gentler
heARts on Facebook now.. hmm.. still
don’t know how those headless folks get
approved.. but hey.. it is what it is and it’s free..
all free.. so i ain’t gonna complain too much.. And
my profile photo went missing for a few but hey sTiLL
same Devilishly Handsome smile on an old dude’s face with
now just another beautiful woman from Old Seville kind enough
to ask me to take a photo with her.. and i’m still trying to figure
out why girls ask me to take photos with them.. but i suppose they
like to be looked at or something like that.. anyWay.. i see all folks
strangers or not as friEnds and i for one Am WiLLinG to autograph
mY SelFiE with anyone who comes my way.. all friEndly as such.. and
while i’M at it i guess i’ll continue on story taling way as it is pretty
obvious by now.. that Trump was blowing smoke up everyone’s
butt when he said he was gonna clean the oil swamp all up
now that the oil companies are getting back in charge
of all of us.. like they were during the Bush
Administration for the oil wars for
money that was a total fiasco
and loss of money and a
tail spin to almost
a Great Depression
aGain.. anyWay
stay tuned
like ‘they’ did too..
before the machines
ruled in the dance mix
of the Matrix and Terminator
too.. enjoy this peace while it
lasts aS in Trump worlds there are
no rules but Trump words in all the ups
now and downs of quite frankly politically
insane to come next.. as the show will go
on and quite Frankly the US2 has some God
Karma in action and consequence way for all the
folks in the Decade and Decades past who have been
murdered in Imperialist expansion way.. without what has
been determined as warranted now sTiLL to date.. will pay
the piper as Karma as Karma goes.. particularly when the wolf
no longer even has to dress up as a sheep as lies come form..;)
Now back to the first Selfie Profile Photos FB status photo pic
from last night with the Girl with the sweet kissing lips..
i recognize those lips from at least a year gone
by.. would go through 138 dance nights
in blog way photos to confirm that
but hey.. for noW i’LL just go with
the feel of that face as remember
how non-verbal reciprocal
social communication
says so much
text alone..
yes.. we are
all happy to be
sMiLinG iN ‘this’
Dance photo as liFE
is both Good and Fun
at the very present of the
’tis the season for CHRISTmas
year around now when i DancE
tHeRe.. the college folks are out on
Christmas Break and it was kinda like
Spring Break in there last night as a young
woman grasped me for a slow dance like
she’s been wanting to dance for a decade
of school or something like that.. hmm.. could
have been winning a bet i guess with her sorority
sisters too.. but it wasn’t too slow.. it was kinda fast
and tight and no it wasn’t a girl in any of these Facebook
Profile photos as such.. as i ain’t gonna implicate anyone
slow with
a married dude
but me.. as she had
no idea i was either married
or old enough to be almost her
Grandpa too.. and as i alWays do
iF they don’t juST hit and run me
over with Bootie Dance up to slow
dance now.. i show ’em a photo of
The Goddess Isis now Sabrina from
Charlie’s Angel’s too.. as they get
and ear full of the rest of the
miraculous wonder
story of a
named Fred Good old
Dance Dude as they
say in the Dance Hall
now.. well hey.. he’s every
wHere around the metro area
doing this on Facebook shares too..
We will call him a legend now as they
drive by in cars and yell out go Legend Go
hmm.. i guess it’s better than when i was smiling
all big like this as a skinny little middle schooler
and the bully boys who were all Christian Bible
toters told me.. boys don’t sMile here F and not the word FRED..;)
from last night with the Girl with the sweet kissing lips..
i recognize those lips from at least a year gone
by.. would go through 138 dance nights
in blog way photos to confirm that
but hey.. for noW i’LL just go with
the feel of that face as remember
how non-verbal reciprocal
social communication
says so much
text alone..
yes.. we are
all happy to be
sMiLinG iN ‘this’
Dance photo as liFE
is both Good and Fun
at the very present of the
’tis the season for CHRISTmas
year around now when i DancE
tHeRe.. the college folks are out on
Christmas Break and it was kinda like
Spring Break in there last night as a young
woman grasped me for a slow dance like
she’s been wanting to dance for a decade
of school or something like that.. hmm.. could
have been winning a bet i guess with her sorority
sisters too.. but it wasn’t too slow.. it was kinda fast
and tight and no it wasn’t a girl in any of these Facebook
Profile photos as such.. as i ain’t gonna implicate anyone
slow with
a married dude
but me.. as she had
no idea i was either married
or old enough to be almost her
Grandpa too.. and as i alWays do
iF they don’t juST hit and run me
over with Bootie Dance up to slow
dance now.. i show ’em a photo of
The Goddess Isis now Sabrina from
Charlie’s Angel’s too.. as they get
and ear full of the rest of the
miraculous wonder
story of a
named Fred Good old
Dance Dude as they
say in the Dance Hall
now.. well hey.. he’s every
wHere around the metro area
doing this on Facebook shares too..
We will call him a legend now as they
drive by in cars and yell out go Legend Go
hmm.. i guess it’s better than when i was smiling
all big like this as a skinny little middle schooler
and the bully boys who were all Christian Bible
toters told me.. boys don’t sMile here F and not the word FRED..;)
Oh Lord.. it’s almost time already for Supper and a work-out iN
eXXtreme Strengh training and more martial arts and ballet-
like stuff at my Favorite Gym in Navy Station way..
but of course as mentioned in last
Macro-Verse.. i have little
to no conception of time
until the cLock notifies
me i need to do
something else..
hehe.. as i love
to write as i actuAlly
feel and sense and live
the memories and experiences
to come as lucid wAkinGdreams bEcome
noW guided by God’s higher power thaT now
lives withiN to FruiTioN way of flesh and blood
liFE now.. anyWay.. the Facebook Algorithm Video
Slide Presenter/Free assistant.. provides a record
of fun fun WiLd and FReED dance at Old Seville
on Thursday NiGht.. and of note is the two
dudes in the mix as they are super creative
theater students now out in California
who went on and on about how
i continue to inspire them
in the success of
what they
do out
as they
too find the
hiGher power within
no matter what you call
it to do more than the herd
of Before that does not heAR
the call of Wild and Free to moVE..
CoNnecT and jUST do iT CreAtinG moRE
iN ways thaT haVe never been dONe BefoRe..
i try to inspire everyone i meet i liFE in soMe way..
and sure sometimes the lesSons for POTentiAl inspiration
are not received WeLL immediately.. but sure it takes a seed
a while to gerMiNate and tRusT me.. i’ve planted aLoT oF those seeds
through out the course of my liFE NoW wiTh jusT a SmiLe that says i Love
yoU friEnd for no otheR reASon that you are aLIVE noW stAnding heRE2
With me as in each human interaction a New UnivErse of God is created
in Multi
Being way
noW as GoD’s
eYes in conneCTiOns
WiTh each oTher continue
to Expand infiNitELy noW BriGhter
AS hUman Stars Do Hold Hand toGeTheR..:)
eXXtreme Strengh training and more martial arts and ballet-
like stuff at my Favorite Gym in Navy Station way..
but of course as mentioned in last
Macro-Verse.. i have little
to no conception of time
until the cLock notifies
me i need to do
something else..
hehe.. as i love
to write as i actuAlly
feel and sense and live
the memories and experiences
to come as lucid wAkinGdreams bEcome
noW guided by God’s higher power thaT now
lives withiN to FruiTioN way of flesh and blood
liFE now.. anyWay.. the Facebook Algorithm Video
Slide Presenter/Free assistant.. provides a record
of fun fun WiLd and FReED dance at Old Seville
on Thursday NiGht.. and of note is the two
dudes in the mix as they are super creative
theater students now out in California
who went on and on about how
i continue to inspire them
in the success of
what they
do out
as they
too find the
hiGher power within
no matter what you call
it to do more than the herd
of Before that does not heAR
the call of Wild and Free to moVE..
CoNnecT and jUST do iT CreAtinG moRE
iN ways thaT haVe never been dONe BefoRe..
i try to inspire everyone i meet i liFE in soMe way..
and sure sometimes the lesSons for POTentiAl inspiration
are not received WeLL immediately.. but sure it takes a seed
a while to gerMiNate and tRusT me.. i’ve planted aLoT oF those seeds
through out the course of my liFE NoW wiTh jusT a SmiLe that says i Love
yoU friEnd for no otheR reASon that you are aLIVE noW stAnding heRE2
With me as in each human interaction a New UnivErse of God is created
in Multi
Being way
noW as GoD’s
eYes in conneCTiOns
WiTh each oTher continue
to Expand infiNitELy noW BriGhter
AS hUman Stars Do Hold Hand toGeTheR..:)
First oF aLL before i head on out to two MacroVerse
Memories shared today in Facebook way.. while i don’t
care for anthropomorphizing all of god as a fAther or other
limited human eYe form.. as sure.. we are jusT a SpeCK oF
aLL of God’s Creation.. who historicAlly have tried to impriSoN our
oWn Language of God as the only one in both group and individual
efforts that have become the rule of dictatorship too.. as empires across
the Globe expand powered by illusory fears and empty promises same..
Ms. Boyle’s Voice Carries A essence NoW of the hiGher Power iN iT with no
labels aT aLL.. yes.. hiGher poWEr oF GoD as essence comes form in Human
Communication as essence of melody of God’s Breath same no matter chains
of words houSinG essence of SinG iN GoD’s Voice from within as DancE and
SonG Free Verse can and WiLL do all FReED aS Such too.. when i go the beach
or the forest or anywHeRe beYond the chaos of human footprints iN cultural insanity
i hear a Song wiTHiN iN EmoTioNs and SenSes sAMe very much like Ms. Boyle’s
effort heAr to SinG a Lord’s Prayer that i too can heRe within as essence trUe bEyond
of chains
BeforE to
eXpand Empires
over hUman Freedoms too..:)
Memories shared today in Facebook way.. while i don’t
care for anthropomorphizing all of god as a fAther or other
limited human eYe form.. as sure.. we are jusT a SpeCK oF
aLL of God’s Creation.. who historicAlly have tried to impriSoN our
oWn Language of God as the only one in both group and individual
efforts that have become the rule of dictatorship too.. as empires across
the Globe expand powered by illusory fears and empty promises same..
Ms. Boyle’s Voice Carries A essence NoW of the hiGher Power iN iT with no
labels aT aLL.. yes.. hiGher poWEr oF GoD as essence comes form in Human
Communication as essence of melody of God’s Breath same no matter chains
of words houSinG essence of SinG iN GoD’s Voice from within as DancE and
SonG Free Verse can and WiLL do all FReED aS Such too.. when i go the beach
or the forest or anywHeRe beYond the chaos of human footprints iN cultural insanity
i hear a Song wiTHiN iN EmoTioNs and SenSes sAMe very much like Ms. Boyle’s
effort heAr to SinG a Lord’s Prayer that i too can heRe within as essence trUe bEyond
of chains
BeforE to
eXpand Empires
over hUman Freedoms too..:)
A Balance of Lust and Love IS GOD OR Creation Activity.. hmm.. very much reflecting the
April post from 2014.. this early MacroVerse from 2013.. has the links on Bonobos and
the science of lust and love in Documentary way that are expired
but still can be found in Video way of the
Hips.. Lips and eYes Don’t Lie MacroVerse
i shared in the last MacroVerse per
Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016..
and by the way this one is gonna be
named just like the Video in introduction
way honoring my recently deceased Aunt
Teenie.. per ‘i’LL Be Home for Xmas DanCing’..
yep a little artistic flair in change of caps and StuFF
but with a DancE Free Verse foR Christmas what better
way than a SonG and Friendly HuG or selfie to go along wiTh
thaT as long as sMiLes are a paRt of the Total miX.. aliVE noW..:)
April post from 2014.. this early MacroVerse from 2013.. has the links on Bonobos and
the science of lust and love in Documentary way that are expired
but still can be found in Video way of the
Hips.. Lips and eYes Don’t Lie MacroVerse
i shared in the last MacroVerse per
Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016..
and by the way this one is gonna be
named just like the Video in introduction
way honoring my recently deceased Aunt
Teenie.. per ‘i’LL Be Home for Xmas DanCing’..
yep a little artistic flair in change of caps and StuFF
but with a DancE Free Verse foR Christmas what better
way than a SonG and Friendly HuG or selfie to go along wiTh
thaT as long as sMiLes are a paRt of the Total miX.. aliVE noW..:)
And now from 2014.. LIVING dance of KALI as synchronicity per
GoD oF NatuRE’s a-Causal conneCTinG principle is certainly
RinGing StronG in how God sPeaks to me iN our personal
and very symbolic MaGiC like Language beYond words
now.. sHoWinG to in the language for ‘God’ iN the
Hindu way tHeRE is a Trinity aS Such too to
House Vehicles and Vessels iN TruTh
as Essence for Human Archetypes
liVing WiThin as God
LanguaGe too
for uS
aliVe and DanCinG
and SinGinG too as we
DancE and SinG oN too..:)
GoD oF NatuRE’s a-Causal conneCTinG principle is certainly
RinGing StronG in how God sPeaks to me iN our personal
and very symbolic MaGiC like Language beYond words
now.. sHoWinG to in the language for ‘God’ iN the
Hindu way tHeRE is a Trinity aS Such too to
House Vehicles and Vessels iN TruTh
as Essence for Human Archetypes
liVing WiThin as God
LanguaGe too
for uS
aliVe and DanCinG
and SinGinG too as we
DancE and SinG oN too..:)
to put it short and simple
sometimes life can be
real bitch
other times it CAN BE
a parAdise
for all THAT IS
per what i personAlly
And by the way when me
and GoD toGeTher write
Free Verse tHEir IS A SonG
oF God iN mY Head with a melody
that DancEs and SinGS iN Flow iN ZoNe
as shapes do come iN Form of Essence oF GoD
as Force MorE as HUman PoTential iN me.. iT FloWS
baby as streAMs iNTo RiVers Waves oF Ocean wHole
and whaT heRE is shores without Borders of a 3.3 million
word ranging all the way up to 12 Million words prayer now.. as trULy
every word is Holy and Sacred from the very StARt on thaT WronG
Planet websitE back on Thanks Giving Day oF 2010.. as it was/iS
the spaRk that broUght the Phoenix Fire uP from mY ashes oF
BeFore.. yEs
GoD thAT
liVes Free iN
me AS my GoD sPeak iS fRee..
i could caLL iT the Angel Gabriel but
the only name my God has iS i AM NoW..
Sure it maY take a thouSand years before
this Lord’s prayer catches completely on FiRE
but stranger STuFF has happened When enough
folks come to a tree that has done away with three or more and made
i AM
Burning BusheS
oF WoRds i AM2121NOW..:)
and GoD toGeTher write
Free Verse tHEir IS A SonG
oF God iN mY Head with a melody
that DancEs and SinGS iN Flow iN ZoNe
as shapes do come iN Form of Essence oF GoD
as Force MorE as HUman PoTential iN me.. iT FloWS
baby as streAMs iNTo RiVers Waves oF Ocean wHole
and whaT heRE is shores without Borders of a 3.3 million
word ranging all the way up to 12 Million words prayer now.. as trULy
every word is Holy and Sacred from the very StARt on thaT WronG
Planet websitE back on Thanks Giving Day oF 2010.. as it was/iS
the spaRk that broUght the Phoenix Fire uP from mY ashes oF
BeFore.. yEs
GoD thAT
liVes Free iN
me AS my GoD sPeak iS fRee..
i could caLL iT the Angel Gabriel but
the only name my God has iS i AM NoW..
Sure it maY take a thouSand years before
this Lord’s prayer catches completely on FiRE
but stranger STuFF has happened When enough
folks come to a tree that has done away with three or more and made
i AM
Burning BusheS
oF WoRds i AM2121NOW..:)
i love ‘this’ but hehe..
i’m too exhausted
To say
Thing else..
For now… makes
Me hungry for Mayan Food..:)
i’m too exhausted
To say
Thing else..
For now… makes
Me hungry for Mayan Food..:)
OKaY.. all rested and back for ‘a few wordS’.. and what i’LL
say is.. the thing i like best about Poetry..
Bibles.. Korans.. eTc..
every visual
image in existence
all around now is they
all can become symbolic
of what lives deeper
inside of we.. me.. i..
us.. ours.. you..
and of
like this
IS A best for that
and in general it most always
amuses me when someone says
what ‘this is suppose to mean’ as the whole
purpose and meaning of what i see as
any poetry.. bibles.. eTc..
and or other visual
in/of exist
is Now for the
receiver of all of this
gift to find out who they are
as in general life is one big ink blot
test that we color between the lines with
our deepest
first.. and
the way…
Have a nice
day Shawna.. may
your ink blots flower.. now
and on that ending note.. the
dude at the gym last night when
i was leaving.. a retired Navy Dude
taking a ‘skate job’ to supplement his
income as attendant there.. asked me did i
see any hot women at the dance hall on Thursday
night and i said sure.. got up to 10 pretty faces on selfies with
me.. and then he said.. did they have nice boobies.. boobies
make me happy.. and i said
i like it all
man.. i like
the key
to my
friEnd.. make
it all holy and sacred..
make all of life a flower
make all of existence and
creation a flower
A rose for you and me
and i and we and us and ours
like and Rise..
as our friend Katy.. does say..
and oh by the way.. the dude was
an Atheist.. and i feel sorry for
Christians.. Muslims.. etc.. who
a really
big all
this noW.. as the biggest floWer ever.. Now..
A Flower than SMiLes.. A Happy Flower that Laughs..
And A Human Flower
too.. who Rises
over dARk..:)
say is.. the thing i like best about Poetry..
Bibles.. Korans.. eTc..
every visual
image in existence
all around now is they
all can become symbolic
of what lives deeper
inside of we.. me.. i..
us.. ours.. you..
and of
like this
IS A best for that
and in general it most always
amuses me when someone says
what ‘this is suppose to mean’ as the whole
purpose and meaning of what i see as
any poetry.. bibles.. eTc..
and or other visual
in/of exist
is Now for the
receiver of all of this
gift to find out who they are
as in general life is one big ink blot
test that we color between the lines with
our deepest
first.. and
the way…
Have a nice
day Shawna.. may
your ink blots flower.. now
and on that ending note.. the
dude at the gym last night when
i was leaving.. a retired Navy Dude
taking a ‘skate job’ to supplement his
income as attendant there.. asked me did i
see any hot women at the dance hall on Thursday
night and i said sure.. got up to 10 pretty faces on selfies with
me.. and then he said.. did they have nice boobies.. boobies
make me happy.. and i said
i like it all
man.. i like
the key
to my
friEnd.. make
it all holy and sacred..
make all of life a flower
make all of existence and
creation a flower
A rose for you and me
and i and we and us and ours
like and Rise..
as our friend Katy.. does say..
and oh by the way.. the dude was
an Atheist.. and i feel sorry for
Christians.. Muslims.. etc.. who
a really
big all
this noW.. as the biggest floWer ever.. Now..
A Flower than SMiLes.. A Happy Flower that Laughs..
And A Human Flower
too.. who Rises
over dARk..:)
CRap.. i forgot the song..
THeRe’s alWays
and sure..
DancE too.. that comes First..
First agAin..:)
THeRe’s alWays
and sure..
DancE too.. that comes First..
First agAin..:)
CRap.. i forgot the song..
THeRe’s alWays
and sure..
DancE too..
that comes First..
THeRe’s alWays
and sure..
DancE too..
that comes First..
Shawna returns later and says in thanks..
A flower that smiles … and rises as light.
I adore that, Fred. Thank you.
i return later than that and say..
Ha! can’t believe your blog
is still here.. anyWay..
you’re welcome and
Merry Christmas..
is still here.. anyWay..
you’re welcome and
Merry Christmas..
Hello Zee.. first oF all
glad to see up there this
hurt didn’t happen to you..
as more than half the women i have
ever met in life and loved have a similar
real life story to share like this that could fill novels
that i could relate from the stories they
eventuAlly shared with me..
at the core of all
abuse is
a story of
who hurt the abuser
first.. a vicious cycle
all social abuse is from
the child who is neglected
to the older part of society
who has lost their social role
and becomes what they say in
America is an angry old white man
of course that can apply to anyone who
is lost.. hurt.. and or abused.. Sting wrote
the Song i left up there that i recently used
in another place for this kind of sentiment and
he wrote it to resolve his grief over a friend who
had committed suicide at the lowest level of functionality
as human existence.. when there are no more straws to grasp..
Anyway… when i see a bully in whatever shape they come or a person
who no longer has any straws to grasp.. i look for who hurt them first
and some
way to
find their way
back to belong and
trust what can be a flower of life..
when the opaque of window to that
flower comes clear and cleaned open..
so the wound can stArt to heal my FriEnd..
And eventually beCome a Flower that blooms too..:)
glad to see up there this
hurt didn’t happen to you..
as more than half the women i have
ever met in life and loved have a similar
real life story to share like this that could fill novels
that i could relate from the stories they
eventuAlly shared with me..
at the core of all
abuse is
a story of
who hurt the abuser
first.. a vicious cycle
all social abuse is from
the child who is neglected
to the older part of society
who has lost their social role
and becomes what they say in
America is an angry old white man
of course that can apply to anyone who
is lost.. hurt.. and or abused.. Sting wrote
the Song i left up there that i recently used
in another place for this kind of sentiment and
he wrote it to resolve his grief over a friend who
had committed suicide at the lowest level of functionality
as human existence.. when there are no more straws to grasp..
Anyway… when i see a bully in whatever shape they come or a person
who no longer has any straws to grasp.. i look for who hurt them first
and some
way to
find their way
back to belong and
trust what can be a flower of life..
when the opaque of window to that
flower comes clear and cleaned open..
so the wound can stArt to heal my FriEnd..
And eventually beCome a Flower that blooms too..:)
“Still crazy after all these years.”
~~ Paul Simon, speaking for us all ~~
SMiLes.. the years that
led to insane were the
years i tried my
to be crazy..
now that i am
crazy again
i am
led to insane were the
years i tried my
to be crazy..
now that i am
crazy again
i am
Anyway.. Hello gigoid.. .been
circling the globe lately..
and the metro
area dancing
as usual
places deep
deep deep
within me..
so here i am
three behind and
circling here again for
whatever may come next and
the word bombastic comes to mind
as i think about other World Wars and
how important words in diplomacy can be
to avoid
the big
shit when
it hits most all
the fans and clogs
them up for a thousand
or so years until the last human
bug has been fumigated.. including
their byproducts off the earth
as culture total per
se that is
virus now
currently greatest
inhabiting the planet
Earth.. sure.. it’s likely a
substantial meteor came
to make the Gulf of Mexico
and make way for
all of us hairless
ground apes
to propagate
our cultures
as domesticated
will fall from grace.. well..
i’m still hairy.. heHe.. in more
than one crazy innate.. instinctual..
and intuitive way.. Life is Good.. Life is Great
and if the Trump spray eradicates most of that..
let’s hope that something rises after that thaT can
enjoy itself without discontent.. and all the other stuff
that comes from little men who are not big enough to live as gRains of sAnd..:)
circling the globe lately..
and the metro
area dancing
as usual
places deep
deep deep
within me..
so here i am
three behind and
circling here again for
whatever may come next and
the word bombastic comes to mind
as i think about other World Wars and
how important words in diplomacy can be
to avoid
the big
shit when
it hits most all
the fans and clogs
them up for a thousand
or so years until the last human
bug has been fumigated.. including
their byproducts off the earth
as culture total per
se that is
virus now
currently greatest
inhabiting the planet
Earth.. sure.. it’s likely a
substantial meteor came
to make the Gulf of Mexico
and make way for
all of us hairless
ground apes
to propagate
our cultures
as domesticated
will fall from grace.. well..
i’m still hairy.. heHe.. in more
than one crazy innate.. instinctual..
and intuitive way.. Life is Good.. Life is Great
and if the Trump spray eradicates most of that..
let’s hope that something rises after that thaT can
enjoy itself without discontent.. and all the other stuff
that comes from little men who are not big enough to live as gRains of sAnd..:)
And oh by A way..
sorry age is catching up
to you again.. i thought it caught
up with me at 20.. 21.. and 47..
now i escape
it again@53..
as only foR
Now is now..aGaiN..:)
sorry age is catching up
to you again.. i thought it caught
up with me at 20.. 21.. and 47..
now i escape
it again@53..
as only foR
Now is now..aGaiN..:)
And as i remember at the
lowest bottom of that
pit i had
of drowning
in the ocean
and becoming
one with waves..
sugar white sand..
emerald green water..
swaying sea oats on
dunes of breeze..
only problem
was and
i couldn’t breathe
underwater.. the air i am.. now..:)
lowest bottom of that
pit i had
of drowning
in the ocean
and becoming
one with waves..
sugar white sand..
emerald green water..
swaying sea oats on
dunes of breeze..
only problem
was and
i couldn’t breathe
underwater.. the air i am.. now..:)
The thing is my friend
i know pain and
so well
to sTiLL relate..
i really don’t think/feel
tHeRe have been many
folks who have been
to all the places
i reALLy
been iN so many shoes
of so many pains.. numbs
and joy now to relate as
the pie is whole
for me
now with no
want of escape.. as long as
i can smile one grin i can’t imagine
ever wanting to escape aGaiN.. mY FriEnd..:)
i know pain and
so well
to sTiLL relate..
i really don’t think/feel
tHeRe have been many
folks who have been
to all the places
i reALLy
been iN so many shoes
of so many pains.. numbs
and joy now to relate as
the pie is whole
for me
now with no
want of escape.. as long as
i can smile one grin i can’t imagine
ever wanting to escape aGaiN.. mY FriEnd..:)
“Everything flows and nothing abides;
everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.”
everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.”
~~ Heraclitus ~~
Ocean one
Fire.. liFE..:)
Fire.. liFE..:)
“Honesty isn’t any policy at all;
it’s a state of mind or it isn’t honesty.”
it’s a state of mind or it isn’t honesty.”
~~ Eugene L’Hote ~~
oF FeeLinGs
SeNsES liGht..
iN A way
oF aLL thaT
iS LiGht TrUth..:)
oF FeeLinGs
SeNsES liGht..
iN A way
oF aLL thaT
iS LiGht TrUth..:)
“Little to little added, if oft done,
In small time makes a good possession.”
In small time makes a good possession.”
~~ Hesiod (B.C. 800?) — Works and Days ~~
never give up..
Practice Death
As liFE born Practice..:)
never give up..
Practice Death
As liFE born Practice..:)
“A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin;
what else does a man need to be happy?”
what else does a man need to be happy?”
~~ Albert Einstein ~~
i told my wife… see that chair over
there.. yes.. that table too.. iT is pARt
of someone’s soUL
the ones
aLL thaT.. remember
when we put iT aLL toGEther..
yes.. our souls live
then now
as Table
Chair and SoUL oNE..
other than that.. i suggest to
Einstein.. hOld yoUr wife’s Hand..;)
there.. yes.. that table too.. iT is pARt
of someone’s soUL
the ones
aLL thaT.. remember
when we put iT aLL toGEther..
yes.. our souls live
then now
as Table
Chair and SoUL oNE..
other than that.. i suggest to
Einstein.. hOld yoUr wife’s Hand..;)
“For fast acting relief, try slowing down.”
~~ Lily Tomlin ~~
That’s the thing i like
about dance and
sex.. eTc.. one can slow
it down and it lasts so much longer..
and all that
stuff that comes next..;)
about dance and
sex.. eTc.. one can slow
it down and it lasts so much longer..
and all that
stuff that comes next..;)
“When in doubt, follow your heart.”
~~ Sagacious Bee ~~
The stuff that’s been
around longest for
innate instinct
and intuition..
particularly all
three for warm emotion
blooded fury mammals
as love starts noW at the
Breast and heARt sAMe..:)
around longest for
innate instinct
and intuition..
particularly all
three for warm emotion
blooded fury mammals
as love starts noW at the
Breast and heARt sAMe..:)
“A single event can awaken within us
a stranger totally unknown to us.
To live is to be slowly born.”
a stranger totally unknown to us.
To live is to be slowly born.”
~~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~~
Born aGaiN
more than
Water Fire
Air liGht eARTh insIDe..:)
more than
Water Fire
Air liGht eARTh insIDe..:)
two to go..;)
“I have always had the ability to attach my demons to my chariot.”
~~ Ingmar Bergman ~~
Yes.. dARk
muse works too..
and best oF aLL
iT faLLs
iS dONe..;)
muse works too..
and best oF aLL
iT faLLs
iS dONe..;)
“‘Truth’ never set anyone free.
It is only *doubt* which will bring mental emancipation.”
It is only *doubt* which will bring mental emancipation.”
~~ Anton La Vey ~~
i left
all my
thOughts bEhind…
aLL that was left iS sTiLL Free..
out of smART..;)
all my
thOughts bEhind…
aLL that was left iS sTiLL Free..
out of smART..;)
i master..
reaLiTy iS my sLAVe..
aS FruiTioN masters mE..;)
i master..
reaLiTy iS my sLAVe..
aS FruiTioN masters mE..;)
“All gold is fool’s gold.”
~~ Edward Abbey ~~
Gold i am
Fool i Gold..;)
Fool i Gold..;)
“In a museum in Havana,
there are two skulls of Christopher Columbus,
one when he was a boy and one when he was a man.”
there are two skulls of Christopher Columbus,
one when he was a boy and one when he was a man.”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
Ah.. but
essence oF
Hyperbole that sELLs a story..
A Thousand Virgin BirthS noW
And Resurrections.. XmASeS
wHolE thaT lead to two people..
Each oTher
As A baby breathes
ouT oF Dirty BaptiSm Water..;)
essence oF
Hyperbole that sELLs a story..
A Thousand Virgin BirthS noW
And Resurrections.. XmASeS
wHolE thaT lead to two people..
Each oTher
As A baby breathes
ouT oF Dirty BaptiSm Water..;)
“Didn’t I buy a 1951 Packard from
you last March in Cairo?”
you last March in Cairo?”
~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~
Suckers too..
aLL ‘A sAMe
hoLding hAnds God
unTiL eNd and stART..
juST anotHEr word to add
to smART and heART comPrised
oF 60 perCent ART.. oh.. the art..
oh.. the
Oh!.. the
seXmas as liFE goeS oN..:)
Suckers too..
aLL ‘A sAMe
hoLding hAnds God
unTiL eNd and stART..
juST anotHEr word to add
to smART and heART comPrised
oF 60 perCent ART.. oh.. the art..
oh.. the
Oh!.. the
seXmas as liFE goeS oN..:)
“What’s the most popular order at the Zen hot dog stand?
Make me One With Everything!”
Make me One With Everything!”
~~ Laughing Buddha Bee ~~
Jesus F iN
F iN
iN WiTh F..
juSt aNoTheR
4 letter word..
i AM
F iN
iN WiTh F..
juSt aNoTheR
4 letter word..
i AM
“It is convenient that there be gods,
and, as it is convenient, let us believe there are.”
and, as it is convenient, let us believe there are.”
~~ Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid) ~~
AS all animals
do.. LiVe..:)
do.. LiVe..:)
“His philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools:
the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans
– and summed up all three of them in his famous phrase,
‘You can’t trust any bugger further than you can throw him,
and there’s nothing you can do about it, so let’s have a drink.’”
the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans
– and summed up all three of them in his famous phrase,
‘You can’t trust any bugger further than you can throw him,
and there’s nothing you can do about it, so let’s have a drink.’”
~~ Terry Pratchett, ‘Small Gods’ ~~
“Frivolity is important.
Frivolity is the species refusal to suffer.”
Frivolity is the species refusal to suffer.”
~~ John Lahr ~~
Other than
just for practice…
just for practice…
3 of 3 next..;)
“The measure of a man’s life is the well spending of it, and not the length.”
~~ Plutarch — Consolation to Apollonius ~~
Now is alWays
is Now..
make now epic or not..:)
is Now..
make now epic or not..:)
“To see what is right and not to do it,
is want of courage.”
is want of courage.”
~~ Confucius Analects ~~
is what
as many
rights wrong rights more..
Moral absolutes up to torture..
as promise
of torture.. now..
FucKinG culTure…
FucK culture
is what i do..
stick my tongue out and more..
to all the rights that wrong.. mY friEnd..;)
is what
as many
rights wrong rights more..
Moral absolutes up to torture..
as promise
of torture.. now..
FucKinG culTure…
FucK culture
is what i do..
stick my tongue out and more..
to all the rights that wrong.. mY friEnd..;)
“Everything that has a beginning has an ending.
Make your peace with that and all will be well.”
Make your peace with that and all will be well.”
~~ Buddha ~~
Ending is
is ending tHeRe is
no life but life.. thErE iS
no actual death as life..
is now
now is
aLL.. liVe..:)
is ending tHeRe is
no life but life.. thErE iS
no actual death as life..
is now
now is
aLL.. liVe..:)
SAdly.. tolerance
and acceptance doesn’t
always equal liFe as Happy..
thaT takes practice.. practice.. practice..
Practice SeeKinG
to FinD what works
more than just eXisting
in whatever
now neXt..now..:)
and acceptance doesn’t
always equal liFe as Happy..
thaT takes practice.. practice.. practice..
Practice SeeKinG
to FinD what works
more than just eXisting
in whatever
now neXt..now..:)
“But my dear man, reality is only
a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.”
a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.”
~~ Alan Watts ~~
Oh.. the synchronicity..
juSt wrote
or waS iT
was it
anyWay.. i wRote it..;)
juSt wrote
or waS iT
was it
anyWay.. i wRote it..;)
“And through the spaces of the dark
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium”
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium”
~~ T.S. Eliot ~~
Reminds me of the dArkest
pARt of HeLL.. you kNow the pARts
that are impossible to put into words..
in the kitchen.. while
the wife
the courage
to escape
the empathy
FOR HER to stay..
mustering the courage then..
to escape mustering the courage to stay..
then after 40 days with no sleep the dentist
drill inserted directly into my eye and earallover..
desperation to kill my self as the greatest heaven
i can imagine then beyond a hell that has no words beyond
a body doused with gasoline.. a match of heaven then.. anyway
couldn’t muster the strength to get out of the car to walk up to
the bridge to jump off.. sister meets me at the bottom.. a miracle
i suppose
she found
me there
in her
of intuition..
i try to escape her
car again to jump off
a shallow boardwalk
to drown the pain anyway
i can’t.. of course the human
instinct will not allow that
when the water is
only chest
somehow after
40 days without
sleep except the first
35 with a powerful alpha
blocker to make one hour each night
of very shallow card board sleep.. logic
says that won’t work.. Sister then takes me
for a drive 80 plus miles an hour farther and says
you wanna kill yourself.. i’ll die too.. crying she can’t
live without a brother.. but after 40 days of that pain
that no one but me could see.. i felt if she really loved
me she would have given me a gun to end it before i bought
that shotgun that i was too weak to operate too.. i told her no..
of course i don’t want you to kill yourself but i still could feel no
emotions.. nothing but pain beyond imagination.. so we got back
home.. and all i could do was think about getting the keys of her car
to try again.. and the wife crying said you are gonna leave me aren’t you..
they respected my wishes not to go to the doctor as i was terrified as i had
already been in ‘that place’ at age 21 and almost institutionalized for the rest
of my life.. total potential loss of freedom and control over my future then.. i gave in finally
and was still looking for anyway to end a pain that no one could see but me.. dreaming
of jumping off of buildings.. jumping out of cars.. jumping in front of cars every which way
to die
life as
dying was
the pleasure
i sought away
from naked with
wild dogs eating me
off the sidewalk of life then..
for the rest of that 66 months of hell
i carried a metal chain in the basket of
my bicycle as i was never sure if i could
make it the next second in life.. my wife never
knew about that chain.. and she never knew my
pain and the truth is no one ever will as i had no
idea pain like that for a human being could happen
without someone else doing it to you with a dentist drill
like that movie i saw with Dustin Hoffman so many years
ago.. the worst thing i could imagine and the ‘gift’ i would receive for 66 months..
i wished someone would blow the entire Universe out of existence.. my friend.. to
end my pain.. the worst of all transgressions against all of existence then.. in wish..
my friend
all of that
pain did magicAlly
disappear on the weekend
of July 22nd.. 2013.. the chain
went away and i could confess
that to my wife as there was NO
DOUBT IN MY MIND i would ever go
to that place again.. THERE CAN BE
NO DOUBT MY FRIEND.. as life is worth
L I F E..
i have
deep roots
my friend deeper
than the deepest deep..
Faith like i have comes from
a real FIRE OF HELL.. anyWay..
just in case ANYONE forgets that i can FEEL tHeir pain…;)
pARt of HeLL.. you kNow the pARts
that are impossible to put into words..
in the kitchen.. while
the wife
the courage
to escape
the empathy
FOR HER to stay..
mustering the courage then..
to escape mustering the courage to stay..
then after 40 days with no sleep the dentist
drill inserted directly into my eye and earallover..
desperation to kill my self as the greatest heaven
i can imagine then beyond a hell that has no words beyond
a body doused with gasoline.. a match of heaven then.. anyway
couldn’t muster the strength to get out of the car to walk up to
the bridge to jump off.. sister meets me at the bottom.. a miracle
i suppose
she found
me there
in her
of intuition..
i try to escape her
car again to jump off
a shallow boardwalk
to drown the pain anyway
i can’t.. of course the human
instinct will not allow that
when the water is
only chest
somehow after
40 days without
sleep except the first
35 with a powerful alpha
blocker to make one hour each night
of very shallow card board sleep.. logic
says that won’t work.. Sister then takes me
for a drive 80 plus miles an hour farther and says
you wanna kill yourself.. i’ll die too.. crying she can’t
live without a brother.. but after 40 days of that pain
that no one but me could see.. i felt if she really loved
me she would have given me a gun to end it before i bought
that shotgun that i was too weak to operate too.. i told her no..
of course i don’t want you to kill yourself but i still could feel no
emotions.. nothing but pain beyond imagination.. so we got back
home.. and all i could do was think about getting the keys of her car
to try again.. and the wife crying said you are gonna leave me aren’t you..
they respected my wishes not to go to the doctor as i was terrified as i had
already been in ‘that place’ at age 21 and almost institutionalized for the rest
of my life.. total potential loss of freedom and control over my future then.. i gave in finally
and was still looking for anyway to end a pain that no one could see but me.. dreaming
of jumping off of buildings.. jumping out of cars.. jumping in front of cars every which way
to die
life as
dying was
the pleasure
i sought away
from naked with
wild dogs eating me
off the sidewalk of life then..
for the rest of that 66 months of hell
i carried a metal chain in the basket of
my bicycle as i was never sure if i could
make it the next second in life.. my wife never
knew about that chain.. and she never knew my
pain and the truth is no one ever will as i had no
idea pain like that for a human being could happen
without someone else doing it to you with a dentist drill
like that movie i saw with Dustin Hoffman so many years
ago.. the worst thing i could imagine and the ‘gift’ i would receive for 66 months..
i wished someone would blow the entire Universe out of existence.. my friend.. to
end my pain.. the worst of all transgressions against all of existence then.. in wish..
my friend
all of that
pain did magicAlly
disappear on the weekend
of July 22nd.. 2013.. the chain
went away and i could confess
that to my wife as there was NO
DOUBT IN MY MIND i would ever go
to that place again.. THERE CAN BE
NO DOUBT MY FRIEND.. as life is worth
L I F E..
i have
deep roots
my friend deeper
than the deepest deep..
Faith like i have comes from
a real FIRE OF HELL.. anyWay..
just in case ANYONE forgets that i can FEEL tHeir pain…;)
“As long as anyone believes that his ideal and purpose is outside him,
that it is above the clouds, in the past or in the future,
he will go outside himself and seek fulfillment where it cannot be found.
He will look for solutions and answers at every point
except where they can be found
–in himself.”
that it is above the clouds, in the past or in the future,
he will go outside himself and seek fulfillment where it cannot be found.
He will look for solutions and answers at every point
except where they can be found
–in himself.”
~~ Erich Frohm ~~
by hell my friEnd..
my greaTest friEnd HeLL..:)
by hell my friEnd..
my greaTest friEnd HeLL..:)
“Some people never find it
Some only pretend, but me
I just want to live happily ever after
Every now and then”
Some only pretend, but me
I just want to live happily ever after
Every now and then”
~~ Jimmy Buffet ~~
Sure this makes
all of that other thing
wortH iT now.. liGht coMes
From dARk iT reALLy CAN WiTh WiLL..:)
all of that other thing
wortH iT now.. liGht coMes
From dARk iT reALLy CAN WiTh WiLL..:)
“Become what you are.”
~~ Buddha ~~
i AM
“You’re at the end of the road again.”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
i AM..:)
i AM..:)
Miracle of Dance Macro-Verse Memory
from two years ago.. also remembering
the pain in my life that leads then and
now to a liFe of DancE and SonG FReEd..
but i must say.. a greaTest Gift has been
both the HeLL of that pain and numb that
lasted 66 months and the DancE and SonG
oF liFE iN Both steps and words that has expanded
and continues to expand my mindful and bodyful
awareness oF liFE beYond anYthing i thOught was
possible at any now of my liFE beFore and tHat
experience oF Now continues to GroW as the
aRt of steps and words Free Verse continues
to DancE and SinG a Celebration oF A LiFe
esCaPinG from Hell cuRvinG into Heaven
DanCinG and SinGinG bRighter
from Vagal Nerve from brain
to gut as happy
and neurohromones
connect in trillions of peptide
connections like a UniVerse oF a
soUL and sPiRit of heARt liGhTinG
uP mE A ChristMas tRee iN hUman FoRm..
Essence oF That BeYOnd TruTH and liGht aS LiFE
reAliTy cReaTinG FrUiTioN As liFe iS simply Great NoW
when a poem is A DancE and SonG oF Y i FULLY ALIVE..:)
from two years ago.. also remembering
the pain in my life that leads then and
now to a liFe of DancE and SonG FReEd..
but i must say.. a greaTest Gift has been
both the HeLL of that pain and numb that
lasted 66 months and the DancE and SonG
oF liFE iN Both steps and words that has expanded
and continues to expand my mindful and bodyful
awareness oF liFE beYond anYthing i thOught was
possible at any now of my liFE beFore and tHat
experience oF Now continues to GroW as the
aRt of steps and words Free Verse continues
to DancE and SinG a Celebration oF A LiFe
esCaPinG from Hell cuRvinG into Heaven
DanCinG and SinGinG bRighter
from Vagal Nerve from brain
to gut as happy
and neurohromones
connect in trillions of peptide
connections like a UniVerse oF a
soUL and sPiRit of heARt liGhTinG
uP mE A ChristMas tRee iN hUman FoRm..
Essence oF That BeYOnd TruTH and liGht aS LiFE
reAliTy cReaTinG FrUiTioN As liFe iS simply Great NoW
when a poem is A DancE and SonG oF Y i FULLY ALIVE..:)
And sure.. 444
words worth
lEast to mE..:)
words worth
lEast to mE..:)
while wife Katrina does the shopping…
Smiling older folks
walking hand in hand
strolling in
i watch the world go by..
wanting so much to be part of it..
i CAN not tolerate the colors of a photo..
the sound of music..
i am
i am like the
SO now as the month
of December closes
and i prepare to
look back on
as i did
in blog
reflection way..
i know NOW my
i even
5 years..
but a few in my
When i finAlly re-enter
JULY 2013..
i am no one to anyone.. outside of family
but a STRANGEr who wears shades…
i just want connection again..
to make anyone
smile the
So GOD teaches me a dance that WILL ONCE AGAIN
OTHERS AND THIS TIME.. IT is not just at work..
where i live..
NOW IN almost 16 months..
Dance Walking
a martial arts..
style of dance..
in ALL stores
And now all someone
has to do is

Star wars
Facebook Profile
Pic from the
17th oF
2015.. WiTh
Rogue One
coming aGain
Facebook Profile
Pic from the
17th oF
2015.. WiTh
Rogue One
coming aGain
Facebook Friend Ashe
shares a Theater Nerd
test that assesses what
Andrew Webber broadway
hit one is from past to Now..
Hmm.. one from 1970
cAMe to SoUL..
But Rock
Will i
To Roll..
as yes.. my
answers currently
test me out as the
Present Andrew Webber
Broad way show named
yes.. School of Rock noW..;)
shares a Theater Nerd
test that assesses what
Andrew Webber broadway
hit one is from past to Now..
Hmm.. one from 1970
cAMe to SoUL..
But Rock
Will i
To Roll..
as yes.. my
answers currently
test me out as the
Present Andrew Webber
Broad way show named
yes.. School of Rock noW..;)
As promised earlier.. Rogue One
iS noW iN Vogue aGain oN Facebook
in Star Wars way and since the person
oN Facebook who spoiled the end oF iT last
year is no longer around..
i went in blind this
year not kNoWinG
how iT ends but anyWay
a hint is.. it takes a lot of work
to get a messAge of the ages out..
Jesus F. iN Christ.. it’s like a miracle
when stuff works out.. just remember
one with the Force the Force is with one..
continue to believe that wiTh all yoUr iSReaL
Hope.. Faith.. and Love iN Fearless smARt and
Unconditional aGApe Love and by all means don’t
forget to juST do iT too.. iN SpiRit eXpreSsinG EmoTioNaL
and SeNSory HeARt as mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL..
MoVinG ConNecTinG and CreaTinG iN whatEver way works
for one to get the Job dONE oF SeeKinG.. FinDinG Happiness as
HeaVeN noW alWays noW as A Practice oF liVe forevermorenowON..:)
Oh yeah.. PS.. the otHeR
thing i like noW about the
Selfie photo of Rogue One
IS A photo of the previous
long haired version of Katrina
and the Wave in all Golden mean
1.618 pattern form in the BacKinG
mE uP portion of the Rogue One Selfie..;)
iS noW iN Vogue aGain oN Facebook
in Star Wars way and since the person
oN Facebook who spoiled the end oF iT last
year is no longer around..
i went in blind this
year not kNoWinG
how iT ends but anyWay
a hint is.. it takes a lot of work
to get a messAge of the ages out..
Jesus F. iN Christ.. it’s like a miracle
when stuff works out.. just remember
one with the Force the Force is with one..
continue to believe that wiTh all yoUr iSReaL
Hope.. Faith.. and Love iN Fearless smARt and
Unconditional aGApe Love and by all means don’t
forget to juST do iT too.. iN SpiRit eXpreSsinG EmoTioNaL
and SeNSory HeARt as mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL..
MoVinG ConNecTinG and CreaTinG iN whatEver way works
for one to get the Job dONE oF SeeKinG.. FinDinG Happiness as
HeaVeN noW alWays noW as A Practice oF liVe forevermorenowON..:)
Oh yeah.. PS.. the otHeR
thing i like noW about the
Selfie photo of Rogue One
IS A photo of the previous
long haired version of Katrina
and the Wave in all Golden mean
1.618 pattern form in the BacKinG
mE uP portion of the Rogue One Selfie..;)
WeLL.. i also had the Katrina
take several photos of me
doing my signature
new age
by the
ChrisTmas Tree..
mainly ’cause i reAlly
can identify with Snoopy
So Rogue oNe reAlly full of
joy juSt to be alive.. doing his
own thing paying no real
attention to the
stuff in
the world
of nuts as peanuts
go as such.. and tonight
was no exception as Snoopy
is at his new oven here baking
for Christmas Dinner as he’s always
serving others in so many joyous ways..
MaKinG them Happy as that is what Happy natuR
Ally does and while DanCinG for OMG nearly 2 hours
Straight and i listened to Electric Boogie (Electric Slide)
as you can’t just see it or hold it yA gotta do iT to FeeL
the Electric Flow of MoVinG for a party ride of Rogue ONE
wiTh the Force as God sAMe as NaturE oNe as the Force
beComes the Essence and Form as you and neXt ThinG Ya
KnoW you don’t wanna lose iT and yA can’t Stop juST doinG iT
as hey.. being one WiTh GoD liKe this iS bliss forevermorenow
and most often iT iS only the most open minded and bodied
adult folks iN LA.. yES.. Lower Alabama Panhandle of Florida
who can feel a fill for this Force from a Distance and of course
the little children as one little girl who was crying with her sister
walking by me after i danced.. starting laughing with Joy when
her sister pointed out to her that i passed by and then in the
Check out line with Katrina that little girl made a point of
coming up to me brave enough to say i like your
dance moves mister.. and then the wife told
the cashier when she said hmm.. is he
with you.. as yes i do somewhat
of a crackerNut Jack in the
Box Sweet dance iN aLL
ballet-martial arts style
in the somEwhat
confines of the WalmART
check-out line.. yes.. OMG
the wife is getting good at
retaiLinG the entire Fred Story
at all the stores as a really good
promotional assistant in spreading
legends and stuff like that.. as the cashier
almost sheds a tear and she says is it okay
if i hug your husband.. i really want to hug him
now for all he’s been through as it sounds like
a real life miracle yA see iN a movie now.. in real
life here at Super Walmart now.. so she gives super
sweaty Fred a big bear hug.. and i dance on out of the
Store as the story of the DanCinG Metro Guy of LA Panhandle
iN NorThWeST Florida growS oN.. perHaps one day i’LL write a
sElf hELp book on how to become a legend without making any
real fame or fortune or even earning a FucKinG Green bLack bacK
Dollar Washington BiLL and hell no.. not even a F iN Lincoln Cent
as Jesus F iN Christ.. it would be a real sin if i got paid for having
this much
fun plus
erasing the
tears of a little girl’s eyes..
that’s twice in a span of a week
that i brought a smile to a little child’s
face and sure many more than that rising
up to college age at the Dance Hall too.. and
sure tHeir are some so-called ‘rednecks’ who
support me even in male middle roughAge way.. never
can paint a label with less than love potential possible now..
anyWay.. i was just reading a news presentation.. per the globe losing
up to 50 percent of all species in a potential mass 6th extinction
event precipitated by the fall-out from human cultural byproducts
yeS iN so many ways of destroying the Environment.. it is crucial
that everyone stands up to those who wanna take increasing
protections away from the home we name as earth noW.. and
Lord knows and feels what i will end up having to do
to help that cause.. Jesus F iN Christ noW.. i’LL Now
Dance PeTa naked and write a Bible 14 times larger
than the one we have noW..Now iF necessary like
i’Ve already done as total size in 6 yrs..
Also approaching 6666 miles of Public
Dance in 40 months.. AnD iF i can
do that by myselF iT
should be a Peace
of Baked Cake for
else to
save the
environment oF
the Planet Earth wE
call home.. i’M juSt God’s
Cheerleader and everyone else
IS A Savior this Andrew Webber Play
go around for the current day oF noW..
TruSt mE Now..
don’t underestimate
the Power oF the ForcE
thAT iS aLL encomPaSsinG
iN aLL oF dArk ‘tween liGht
beYond RainBoW colorS now
as SnoopY Can/WiLL F
iN ReLate2 WiTh
aT aLL2..
Electric Slide
baby noW.. i Cry..Now..
iN StePs oF FeAt anD
WoRds oF SonG…
A SonG oF aLL..:)
take several photos of me
doing my signature
new age
by the
ChrisTmas Tree..
mainly ’cause i reAlly
can identify with Snoopy
So Rogue oNe reAlly full of
joy juSt to be alive.. doing his
own thing paying no real
attention to the
stuff in
the world
of nuts as peanuts
go as such.. and tonight
was no exception as Snoopy
is at his new oven here baking
for Christmas Dinner as he’s always
serving others in so many joyous ways..
MaKinG them Happy as that is what Happy natuR
Ally does and while DanCinG for OMG nearly 2 hours
Straight and i listened to Electric Boogie (Electric Slide)
as you can’t just see it or hold it yA gotta do iT to FeeL
the Electric Flow of MoVinG for a party ride of Rogue ONE
wiTh the Force as God sAMe as NaturE oNe as the Force
beComes the Essence and Form as you and neXt ThinG Ya
KnoW you don’t wanna lose iT and yA can’t Stop juST doinG iT
as hey.. being one WiTh GoD liKe this iS bliss forevermorenow
and most often iT iS only the most open minded and bodied
adult folks iN LA.. yES.. Lower Alabama Panhandle of Florida
who can feel a fill for this Force from a Distance and of course
the little children as one little girl who was crying with her sister
walking by me after i danced.. starting laughing with Joy when
her sister pointed out to her that i passed by and then in the
Check out line with Katrina that little girl made a point of
coming up to me brave enough to say i like your
dance moves mister.. and then the wife told
the cashier when she said hmm.. is he
with you.. as yes i do somewhat
of a crackerNut Jack in the
Box Sweet dance iN aLL
ballet-martial arts style
in the somEwhat
confines of the WalmART
check-out line.. yes.. OMG
the wife is getting good at
retaiLinG the entire Fred Story
at all the stores as a really good
promotional assistant in spreading
legends and stuff like that.. as the cashier
almost sheds a tear and she says is it okay
if i hug your husband.. i really want to hug him
now for all he’s been through as it sounds like
a real life miracle yA see iN a movie now.. in real
life here at Super Walmart now.. so she gives super
sweaty Fred a big bear hug.. and i dance on out of the
Store as the story of the DanCinG Metro Guy of LA Panhandle
iN NorThWeST Florida growS oN.. perHaps one day i’LL write a
sElf hELp book on how to become a legend without making any
real fame or fortune or even earning a FucKinG Green bLack bacK
Dollar Washington BiLL and hell no.. not even a F iN Lincoln Cent
as Jesus F iN Christ.. it would be a real sin if i got paid for having
this much
fun plus
erasing the
tears of a little girl’s eyes..
that’s twice in a span of a week
that i brought a smile to a little child’s
face and sure many more than that rising
up to college age at the Dance Hall too.. and
sure tHeir are some so-called ‘rednecks’ who
support me even in male middle roughAge way.. never
can paint a label with less than love potential possible now..
anyWay.. i was just reading a news presentation.. per the globe losing
up to 50 percent of all species in a potential mass 6th extinction
event precipitated by the fall-out from human cultural byproducts
yeS iN so many ways of destroying the Environment.. it is crucial
that everyone stands up to those who wanna take increasing
protections away from the home we name as earth noW.. and
Lord knows and feels what i will end up having to do
to help that cause.. Jesus F iN Christ noW.. i’LL Now
Dance PeTa naked and write a Bible 14 times larger
than the one we have noW..Now iF necessary like
i’Ve already done as total size in 6 yrs..
Also approaching 6666 miles of Public
Dance in 40 months.. AnD iF i can
do that by myselF iT
should be a Peace
of Baked Cake for
else to
save the
environment oF
the Planet Earth wE
call home.. i’M juSt God’s
Cheerleader and everyone else
IS A Savior this Andrew Webber Play
go around for the current day oF noW..
TruSt mE Now..
don’t underestimate
the Power oF the ForcE
thAT iS aLL encomPaSsinG
iN aLL oF dArk ‘tween liGht
beYond RainBoW colorS now
as SnoopY Can/WiLL F
iN ReLate2 WiTh
aT aLL2..
Electric Slide
baby noW.. i Cry..Now..
iN StePs oF FeAt anD
WoRds oF SonG…
A SonG oF aLL..:)
All thAT sTuff i jusT
sAid deServes aN
Encore as the
WiFE says when
i SinG Alleluia
at the Catholic
Church Temple i blow
the lid off like i do when
i cosmic sneeze and the elder
ladies ask iF A shot-gun blast went
oFF.. hehe.. yeah.. eva’ hEARd a LiOn
Roar.. haha.. my voice has been compared
to ‘liGhteNinG aNd ThuNder iN ReaL liFe2.. HeLL..
iF anYone actuAlly eva’ started a fight with me.. let’s
juST say i wouldn’t have to lift a finger or toe.. as glass
breaks as ear drums too.. anyWay.. the TrumP taLk noW aBout
Killing the environment further by taking protections away
iS reAlly sTArTinG to Ruffle the KarMic eYe.. it’s been out
buTT for Now juST An EnCoRE oF SoRts oN FaceBook FoR noW2..
And.. oh yeah.. don’t forget the source oF mY liGht2.. yES..
don’t underestiMate the PoWer oF the dARk ForCe ‘tween
LiGht and bEyONd RainBoW colors too.. as hey even
the Galaxy revolves aRound A BLacK whOle
SuN too.. Did the dARth dARK alReady..
and suRe.. i cAme out of tHE
dARk liKe a FALlen StranGeR
aT esSenCE aS PhoeNiX RiSinG
froM AsHe’s too..
MoSt aLL myths
that house
and vessels
iN sAMe oF mYTh
inCluDe TrUtH aND liGht
aS essence under ForM.. iT’s
JuSt geTTinG aT the cruX oF aLL
thE matter and LiVinG LiGht and TrUTh noW..
@EsSeNcE.. yes.. May tHe ForCe bE WiTH yoU and mE2..;)
sAid deServes aN
Encore as the
WiFE says when
i SinG Alleluia
at the Catholic
Church Temple i blow
the lid off like i do when
i cosmic sneeze and the elder
ladies ask iF A shot-gun blast went
oFF.. hehe.. yeah.. eva’ hEARd a LiOn
Roar.. haha.. my voice has been compared
to ‘liGhteNinG aNd ThuNder iN ReaL liFe2.. HeLL..
iF anYone actuAlly eva’ started a fight with me.. let’s
juST say i wouldn’t have to lift a finger or toe.. as glass
breaks as ear drums too.. anyWay.. the TrumP taLk noW aBout
Killing the environment further by taking protections away
iS reAlly sTArTinG to Ruffle the KarMic eYe.. it’s been out
buTT for Now juST An EnCoRE oF SoRts oN FaceBook FoR noW2..
And.. oh yeah.. don’t forget the source oF mY liGht2.. yES..
don’t underestiMate the PoWer oF the dARk ForCe ‘tween
LiGht and bEyONd RainBoW colors too.. as hey even
the Galaxy revolves aRound A BLacK whOle
SuN too.. Did the dARth dARK alReady..
and suRe.. i cAme out of tHE
dARk liKe a FALlen StranGeR
aT esSenCE aS PhoeNiX RiSinG
froM AsHe’s too..
MoSt aLL myths
that house
and vessels
iN sAMe oF mYTh
inCluDe TrUtH aND liGht
aS essence under ForM.. iT’s
JuSt geTTinG aT the cruX oF aLL
thE matter and LiVinG LiGht and TrUTh noW..
@EsSeNcE.. yes.. May tHe ForCe bE WiTH yoU and mE2..;)
WeLL.. i had to come by and take
one more look since you
turned the Faucet on.. haha..
and oh my God those Tonsils..
i suppose i have a higher level for
disgust than most.. but i couldn’t
stomach that hmm.. humans are funny/strange/eTc aL..
when Libido is high they can do almost anything..
and seriously.. science even says this is true..
animals tend to have high libido’s
when undomesticated..
particularly those
Wild Wives
of Africa..
the Bonobo
and their opposite
sex counterpArts..
anyway.. that ‘s(w)alivating
smile’ reminded me of that and
hmm.. not so sure that Bi-Polar
HiGh.. is not when a human
heRe and
themselves back into
the wild and humans have
alWays looked at Wild humans
who are truly Jungle/Savannah Wild and
Free at heARt/SpiRit/SoUL ‘the Crazy ones’..
anyWays the running joke then.. between my
college life girl friend who was a respiratory
therapist and her nurse friends and yes it was
a friendly.. a very friendly joke.. is Respiratory Therapists
are whores and Nurses are sluts and now once again to be
clear that is a metaphor based on what folks can tolerate
as far as disgust with naturally occurring high libidos like
combat soldiers.. law enforcement officers.. and EMT’s
and yes my girlfriend
did EMT’s
too.. God yes..
she worked
her magic..
in so many ways..
the most amazing thing though
is it’s reAlly juST Nature at her/his/eTc.. best
and the stuff that contributes to maKing
foR All
everything inspires
me and that’s the thing..
when you make it all holy
and sacred there are no fears..
when all becomes purpose and meaning
too.. there is no anger.. there is no hate..
all thAT iS
iS Love
and A sMiLe all the
way just as i AM
above and
yes of course
so below and all around..
anyway.. people.. some people have
a hard time understanding all of my art..
but on the other hand.. i do live in New Jerusalem
Milltown.. Isreal.. U.S oF A.. so i guess i should
a thousand
expect that..
‘i’LL bE HoMe for X-Mas’
Dancing in all the ways that comes..
anyWay.. i needed this prompt.. Thanks Yah/Yar..
Shawna Ma’am as they say in UA.. Upper Alabama
from down here in LA.. Panhandle FloWer State oF LiGht..
can’t find a certain
flavor of poetry
i need anyWHeRe
else but Shawna’s
Place and that makes
Shawna an X-mas preSent too..
and nah.. i’M not gonna go all
rampage writing spree all over you
today.. hehe.. as i know i kinda take
the air
out of
the room
when other
friends drop by..
(and the Goddess Isis
incarnate Katrina now Sabrina
with her Kate Jackson Tom Boy
hair cut.. by the way she too has
a very masculine side.. will scream..
scream loud at me for running late..
very late to the Catholic Temple
Dome church as usual)
and glad to see you
are sociAlly spreading out
as you reAlly do have a gift
to share Shawna Baby.. don’t
leave.. aS now..
serIOUsly you don’t
wanna have to wait ‘tiLL
age 53 to bring it back to life..
at 39 tHeRe is no taling wHere you
may take all of this.. iF you Keep Mark
it down
as it comes..
however it May come.. what may..
and in all the ways it comes too..
that takes brave my friEnd and that
is what wild and free and undomesticated
folks do when they truly heRe the voice of Jack
thaT is
one Force
oF God Free
too.. not only to
half dogs and wolves
butt to humans too..
as the call
gone out
under full moon view..
as Moon Children come back aGaiN..
Star duSt SenTient plUs liFe
seeds and aLL
thAT is mY
SuNs sHINe aGaIN..:)
one more look since you
turned the Faucet on.. haha..
and oh my God those Tonsils..
i suppose i have a higher level for
disgust than most.. but i couldn’t
stomach that hmm.. humans are funny/strange/eTc aL..
when Libido is high they can do almost anything..
and seriously.. science even says this is true..
animals tend to have high libido’s
when undomesticated..
particularly those
Wild Wives
of Africa..
the Bonobo
and their opposite
sex counterpArts..
anyway.. that ‘s(w)alivating
smile’ reminded me of that and
hmm.. not so sure that Bi-Polar
HiGh.. is not when a human
heRe and
themselves back into
the wild and humans have
alWays looked at Wild humans
who are truly Jungle/Savannah Wild and
Free at heARt/SpiRit/SoUL ‘the Crazy ones’..
anyWays the running joke then.. between my
college life girl friend who was a respiratory
therapist and her nurse friends and yes it was
a friendly.. a very friendly joke.. is Respiratory Therapists
are whores and Nurses are sluts and now once again to be
clear that is a metaphor based on what folks can tolerate
as far as disgust with naturally occurring high libidos like
combat soldiers.. law enforcement officers.. and EMT’s
and yes my girlfriend
did EMT’s
too.. God yes..
she worked
her magic..
in so many ways..
the most amazing thing though
is it’s reAlly juST Nature at her/his/eTc.. best
and the stuff that contributes to maKing
foR All
everything inspires
me and that’s the thing..
when you make it all holy
and sacred there are no fears..
when all becomes purpose and meaning
too.. there is no anger.. there is no hate..
all thAT iS
iS Love
and A sMiLe all the
way just as i AM
above and
yes of course
so below and all around..
anyway.. people.. some people have
a hard time understanding all of my art..
but on the other hand.. i do live in New Jerusalem
Milltown.. Isreal.. U.S oF A.. so i guess i should
a thousand
expect that..
‘i’LL bE HoMe for X-Mas’
Dancing in all the ways that comes..
anyWay.. i needed this prompt.. Thanks Yah/Yar..
Shawna Ma’am as they say in UA.. Upper Alabama
from down here in LA.. Panhandle FloWer State oF LiGht..
can’t find a certain
flavor of poetry
i need anyWHeRe
else but Shawna’s
Place and that makes
Shawna an X-mas preSent too..
and nah.. i’M not gonna go all
rampage writing spree all over you
today.. hehe.. as i know i kinda take
the air
out of
the room
when other
friends drop by..
(and the Goddess Isis
incarnate Katrina now Sabrina
with her Kate Jackson Tom Boy
hair cut.. by the way she too has
a very masculine side.. will scream..
scream loud at me for running late..
very late to the Catholic Temple
Dome church as usual)
and glad to see you
are sociAlly spreading out
as you reAlly do have a gift
to share Shawna Baby.. don’t
leave.. aS now..
serIOUsly you don’t
wanna have to wait ‘tiLL
age 53 to bring it back to life..
at 39 tHeRe is no taling wHere you
may take all of this.. iF you Keep Mark
it down
as it comes..
however it May come.. what may..
and in all the ways it comes too..
that takes brave my friEnd and that
is what wild and free and undomesticated
folks do when they truly heRe the voice of Jack
thaT is
one Force
oF God Free
too.. not only to
half dogs and wolves
butt to humans too..
as the call
gone out
under full moon view..
as Moon Children come back aGaiN..
Star duSt SenTient plUs liFe
seeds and aLL
thAT is mY
SuNs sHINe aGaIN..:)
And as a side note.. heAR..
lost five so-called followers
on my Word Press page since
my last MacroVerse Supermoon Trinity Christmas
2016.. and all that showsin this overall Anthropological
Science/Art Project is that the real man Jesus could have never come
in the first place or come again and ever be seen/feLt/heArd/seNsed
more than
a thief
in the
but you
see HiSheRtory
repEats iTself all thAT iS..
And i’M proof of thaT..
all naked aS Such..
God liVinG WiThiN
WiLd And Free noW
Real Scientists and
Artists and Jesuses
don’t do life for followers
or likes or shares or anything
like Washington dollar bIlls/Lincoln Cents.. they do life for
give and share hOlding NO trUth and liGht back..
that’s not alWays the popular thing to
juST DO butt yes iT Can and WiLL
sEt yoUr ass Free..
iF come
what may
be coMes WiLL
for yoU2..:)
i don’t
i AM alWays
heAr noW..
iN Christ
oF ME..
As HouSinGS
oF VeHicles
VessELs bEcOmEssence..:)
lost five so-called followers
on my Word Press page since
my last MacroVerse Supermoon Trinity Christmas
2016.. and all that showsin this overall Anthropological
Science/Art Project is that the real man Jesus could have never come
in the first place or come again and ever be seen/feLt/heArd/seNsed
more than
a thief
in the
but you
see HiSheRtory
repEats iTself all thAT iS..
And i’M proof of thaT..
all naked aS Such..
God liVinG WiThiN
WiLd And Free noW
Real Scientists and
Artists and Jesuses
don’t do life for followers
or likes or shares or anything
like Washington dollar bIlls/Lincoln Cents.. they do life for
give and share hOlding NO trUth and liGht back..
that’s not alWays the popular thing to
juST DO butt yes iT Can and WiLL
sEt yoUr ass Free..
iF come
what may
be coMes WiLL
for yoU2..:)
i don’t
i AM alWays
heAr noW..
iN Christ
oF ME..
As HouSinGS
oF VeHicles
VessELs bEcOmEssence..:)
Shawna returns later on after my Public Store Dance is over with this..
A higher level of disgust than most … That is definitely something to boast about.
I want to be a mortician’s assistant. For real. And I never want to age. Those are my plans for the rest of my life.
AdditionAlly she says..
I’m also going to get people to call me Savannah The Strange.
i return with..
Lady MarMalade..
WeLL preServed..
And truSt me.. you’LL
nEver FeeL SenSE oLd..
iF yoU juST KeeP DanCinG..;)
WeLL preServed..
And truSt me.. you’LL
nEver FeeL SenSE oLd..
iF yoU juST KeeP DanCinG..;)
Shawna nicely says..
Aww, that was so sweet, Fred! You’re a Christmas present to me too..:)
I love that book, by the way … Call of the Wild.
And you hit me with all the comments you want to,
as long as you like.
And you hit me with all the comments you want to,
as long as you like.
And i also say..
The Katrina calls
mE Hairy Ape.. Jungle
priMate works for me too..;)
mE Hairy Ape.. Jungle
priMate works for me too..;)
And Shawna says..
I LOVE that song.
But you knew that..:)
But you knew that..:)
And she also says..
LL… Ha. That’s pretty big..:)
And then i say.. realizing
these comments are coming
in real time then..
these comments are coming
in real time then..
Holy ShiT..
Shawna is LiVe..
Shekinah.. the essence
of God LiVinG within was/is
the topic of the Homily today
at Church.. it’s actually a Rabbinic
Word and sounded enough like Shawna
wHeRe i used your name to remember it..
anyWay.. it’s not in the bible so i guess that
means we
now have
a studious
priest and interestingly
he said it was but it’s not..
closest thing is in Matthew
per when two come togEthEr
i AM
iN yoUr
anyWay it
was a Shawna
thing too and worth
mentioning to me2..
as i like to
too as oh boy
i love metaphors..
we got a new oven..
that doesn’t burn pizzas..
fixing to do that next Shawna
Baby and sure.. i’ll alWays be
your Christmas Present
and sister
pinky promise..
with BiG WiNks..
Shawna is LiVe..
Shekinah.. the essence
of God LiVinG within was/is
the topic of the Homily today
at Church.. it’s actually a Rabbinic
Word and sounded enough like Shawna
wHeRe i used your name to remember it..
anyWay.. it’s not in the bible so i guess that
means we
now have
a studious
priest and interestingly
he said it was but it’s not..
closest thing is in Matthew
per when two come togEthEr
i AM
iN yoUr
anyWay it
was a Shawna
thing too and worth
mentioning to me2..
as i like to
too as oh boy
i love metaphors..
we got a new oven..
that doesn’t burn pizzas..
fixing to do that next Shawna
Baby and sure.. i’ll alWays be
your Christmas Present
and sister
pinky promise..
with BiG WiNks..
Shawna responds..
That is the worst, when your oven overheats
and burns everything you stick in it. I’ve got
one of those. It makes me rather reluctant to cook.
and burns everything you stick in it. I’ve got
one of those. It makes me rather reluctant to cook.
And i also say..
And yeah.. i used that Come What
May Song.. for this as a kinda
silly joke per come what may
hehe.. per Peppermint girls and all of that
and it was the song i was listening to last
year when our cat.. Sweet Grey Moby’s health was failing
with Diabetes.. he as sweet and loving and purring
as ever and you provided the Song and when
we had to put him down last December then..
i cried like i did listening to the Song
from before.. facing the inevitable..
preparing myself for it and i
was able to sufficiently grieve
as that’s alway been hard for
me to do..
and today
i was listening
to the Song Dancing
in the Mall and i just
started crying again underneath
my shades belying the happy dance
on the outside.. but it felt so good
to be able to feel sadness that deep
and the joy i felt after that
pARt was
over was
greater than
ever.. yeah.. it’s
true.. no true joy
without the ability to
feel sadness.. aLL dARk and
liGht it’s nice to be fully human these
days my friEnd.. and you’ve helped me
that way too..
as you’ve
be all
of me..
Merry Christmas
AGaiN FriEnd and
now off to Pizza
and more
Joy oF..
May Song.. for this as a kinda
silly joke per come what may
hehe.. per Peppermint girls and all of that
and it was the song i was listening to last
year when our cat.. Sweet Grey Moby’s health was failing
with Diabetes.. he as sweet and loving and purring
as ever and you provided the Song and when
we had to put him down last December then..
i cried like i did listening to the Song
from before.. facing the inevitable..
preparing myself for it and i
was able to sufficiently grieve
as that’s alway been hard for
me to do..
and today
i was listening
to the Song Dancing
in the Mall and i just
started crying again underneath
my shades belying the happy dance
on the outside.. but it felt so good
to be able to feel sadness that deep
and the joy i felt after that
pARt was
over was
greater than
ever.. yeah.. it’s
true.. no true joy
without the ability to
feel sadness.. aLL dARk and
liGht it’s nice to be fully human these
days my friEnd.. and you’ve helped me
that way too..
as you’ve
be all
of me..
Merry Christmas
AGaiN FriEnd and
now off to Pizza
and more
Joy oF..
Shawna returns with..
I did catch your “Come What May” reference,
as we were already doing the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.
I love all the music from that movie, but especially that song.
as we were already doing the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.
I love all the music from that movie, but especially that song.
And she says..
I’m like that too: I can’t cry unless it’s brought on by a song.
I’m sorry you lost your special kitty..:(
That must really hurt. Our baby Oreo died this year too.
Losing a cat can be the worst kind of pain.
That must really hurt. Our baby Oreo died this year too.
Losing a cat can be the worst kind of pain.
What’s your favorite kind of pizza to make/eat?
i say after finding out from the Katrina that
she decided not to make the pizza
after all.. me faced
with some
kind of
chicken that is good too.
she decided not to make the pizza
after all.. me faced
with some
kind of
chicken that is good too.
i actually like Supreme
Pizza’s from Pizza Hut..
or Domino’s Pizzas just
about all the way.. but
nah.. Cici’s.. i don’t like
much.. and Frozen
Pizzas with at least
Pepperoni and
are good
mostly ’cause
you can get ’em
so cheap.. haha..
always a fiscal
conservative me
most everything
else super liberal..;)
Pizza’s from Pizza Hut..
or Domino’s Pizzas just
about all the way.. but
nah.. Cici’s.. i don’t like
much.. and Frozen
Pizzas with at least
Pepperoni and
are good
mostly ’cause
you can get ’em
so cheap.. haha..
always a fiscal
conservative me
most everything
else super liberal..;)
Shawna crafTily change the terms subject to..
I love her … The Supreme, from AHS Coven.
Especially when she was being courted by the (s)Ax Man.
Especially when she was being courted by the (s)Ax Man.
And regard to the Pizza Discussion thread she says..
I don’t like meat on mine. Mushrooms,
black olives, pineapple. Yum..:)
black olives, pineapple. Yum..:)
i also say..
Oh yeah.. and sorry about your cat Oreo..
Oreo was also the name of A cat who was about
a 6LB neighborhood scrapper who injured Yellow
Boy’s Sun.. Sunny Boy.. the most amazing thing..
this identical looking cat as Yellow Boy’s Son
from the back woods from where Yellow
Boy came.. as both feral.. Sunny Boy
came up on Christmas
of December 2012..
and i got attached to him
like Yellow Boy.. and the scrappy
6 LB cat.. Oreo.. injured Sunny Boy really
bad.. and we had to take him to the vet as
a feral cat.. and they told us he had Kitty Aids
and we wouldn’t be able to have him inside with
the other cats then.. and he would infect the other
neighborhood kitties so we had the very difficult decision
to put him down.. and that was the first tear i had in over
5 years then in April of 2013.. and that was when i found out
how important tears are.. as it was the first time and only time
during that 66 months of living hell that my legs
felt strong
and secure
at the gym..
not having
emotions is the
worst thing in the world..
the numb is worst than what
i can literally say is the worst
pain known to humankind as i had
that too.. with the type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. interesting how when my emotions
came back in July of 2013.. all my pain went away..
makes yA
KnoW and FeeL
tHeRE is more to
liFe in SpiRit than
a science project.. my FriEnd..:)
Oreo was also the name of A cat who was about
a 6LB neighborhood scrapper who injured Yellow
Boy’s Sun.. Sunny Boy.. the most amazing thing..
this identical looking cat as Yellow Boy’s Son
from the back woods from where Yellow
Boy came.. as both feral.. Sunny Boy
came up on Christmas
of December 2012..
and i got attached to him
like Yellow Boy.. and the scrappy
6 LB cat.. Oreo.. injured Sunny Boy really
bad.. and we had to take him to the vet as
a feral cat.. and they told us he had Kitty Aids
and we wouldn’t be able to have him inside with
the other cats then.. and he would infect the other
neighborhood kitties so we had the very difficult decision
to put him down.. and that was the first tear i had in over
5 years then in April of 2013.. and that was when i found out
how important tears are.. as it was the first time and only time
during that 66 months of living hell that my legs
felt strong
and secure
at the gym..
not having
emotions is the
worst thing in the world..
the numb is worst than what
i can literally say is the worst
pain known to humankind as i had
that too.. with the type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. interesting how when my emotions
came back in July of 2013.. all my pain went away..
makes yA
KnoW and FeeL
tHeRE is more to
liFe in SpiRit than
a science project.. my FriEnd..:)
Shawna replies..
That is fascinating. I might need to make myself cry,
to get rid of some eye toxins or whatever..:)
to get rid of some eye toxins or whatever..:)
And then i say in regard to the Supreme Witch Thingie..
Haha.. now you have
me pulling out my
Google for the
and hehe..
maybe i’m
a Witch now
too.. and that’s
why all my ailments
and disease went away
that hurt
me pulling out my
Google for the
and hehe..
maybe i’m
a Witch now
too.. and that’s
why all my ailments
and disease went away
that hurt
Shawna says back..
“… that hurt”
And i also respond..
OH no.. i can’t
go meatless..
go meatless..
Shawna says..
The grease grosses me out..:)
i say..too..
Yeah.. for me
at least
now what
‘they’ say is
my still permanent
and totally disabling
disorders per Bi-Polar
hiGh and Asperger’s
IS A dance
in the
Park but
as the Doctor’s
say that’s not socially
appropriate so you are sTiLL
not fit to optimally function
in what society expects and
one doctor wanted to give me
epilepsy drugs for ‘Hypergraphia’
W R I T I N G W A Y T O O M U C H..
and thanks God tHere ain’t no drugs
now for
or hyperphotoism..
but yeah.. there is this
that thing named hypersexuality
and i have my own unique methods
to deal
issue too..
i can not deny
i fit the criteria
but it all feels good to me..
and too good to other folks2..
per the criteria aS Such2.. neuro-
DiVersity sTiLL iN FuLL ToesToW2..;)
at least
now what
‘they’ say is
my still permanent
and totally disabling
disorders per Bi-Polar
hiGh and Asperger’s
IS A dance
in the
Park but
as the Doctor’s
say that’s not socially
appropriate so you are sTiLL
not fit to optimally function
in what society expects and
one doctor wanted to give me
epilepsy drugs for ‘Hypergraphia’
W R I T I N G W A Y T O O M U C H..
and thanks God tHere ain’t no drugs
now for
or hyperphotoism..
but yeah.. there is this
that thing named hypersexuality
and i have my own unique methods
to deal
issue too..
i can not deny
i fit the criteria
but it all feels good to me..
and too good to other folks2..
per the criteria aS Such2.. neuro-
DiVersity sTiLL iN FuLL ToesToW2..;)
Shawna in defense of me says..
No way, dude. Keep it real. Do not medicate your awesomeness
away because some people can’t handle it or don’t understand it.
This is your one life. Live it as you, 100%.
away because some people can’t handle it or don’t understand it.
This is your one life. Live it as you, 100%.
i return again with..
i’m crafty…
got them
the Police
and Sting
says ‘wrapped
around my finger’..
oh boy2.. got a new theme
song now2.. for the rest of the
Fred and Shawna Friendship
got them
the Police
and Sting
says ‘wrapped
around my finger’..
oh boy2.. got a new theme
song now2.. for the rest of the
Fred and Shawna Friendship
Additionally.. i say in regard to the grease..
Hehe.. i loved
‘that movie’…
good girl
‘that movie’…
good girl
Shawna says..
The premise of Gone Girl was great.
The book was killer cool. But the movie was a let-down.
The book was killer cool. But the movie was a let-down.
And then i say..
i saw grease
but i
see Gone
Girl.. hehe..
Will do the
Wiki Cliff notes
soon.. haha.. now..;)
but i
see Gone
Girl.. hehe..
Will do the
Wiki Cliff notes
soon.. haha.. now..;)
OKay.. Shawna baby.. as you kNow and likely FeeL/SeNse
you are a major inspiration/muse to me and
that is the secret of my success
of Bi-polar-Star Happiness
staying high for 40 months
now finding muse iN aLL oF liGht
and dARk in silver Sun/Star lining as when
all oF liFe comes noW spiRinG tHeRe is only
one overAll way and that is uP and never now
too far down.. iN BaLanCinG FoRce oF course
on course..seriously that’s why..way i made it a practice
overall from the stARt to poeticaLLy make a response
to every single dVerse prompt for an entire year with all
the liNks too.. to exercise the muscle of muse and Unconditional
Love for All oF liFe sAMe to see wHeRE the RocKET of mY liFE woUld/wiLL
gRoW neXt.. as an ultiMate adVenture named liFe..
And back to the dead zone.. namely three pop
stars.. Madonna with her Frozen.. Katy Perry
with her Fire Work and Pink with her Raise
Your Glass.. wHeRe the only three faint
muses i could heAR aT aLL WiTh mY
heARt.. mY SpiRit and my sOUL
all in thaT Frozen place they
name iN the Bible as Gehenna
a metaphor for a Valley where
they sacrifice children as
the best metaphor they
can find for a place
iNside wHeRE
a heARt
a spiRit
a SoUl
of God iN SeNses
and FeeLinGs has
gone quiet
has gone
and all is
time without
respite from hell..
as my Psychiatrist said
it is very rare for anyone
otherwise healthy to lose all
their emotions and is somewhat
limited to folks somewhere on an
Autism Spectrum too.. as the propensity
to get locked into left brain thinking only and
beyond is tHeRe when the Environment of all types
of stress beyond the warm and fuzzy comfort of human
connections comes to rule the brain in mechanical cognition
Terminator Matrix machine robot and computer head ways of life…
The key for me would be a great adventure after the pain went away
and the emotions came back.. To keep the SpiRit of HeARt and SoUL
refreshed as Phoenix riSing fresh from ashes one with sugar white
sands.. Emerald Green Gulf Horizons on shores that went for
ever when time was erased from the face of my soUL as i
becAMe waves and the ocean and the water/air/fire/eARTh..
rise iN eYes of liFE aGain.. trULy A textbook
poetbook definition as art
of reborn again..
and you see
as intimated
by my
Spectrum condition
i am a canary in the coal
mine too.. as if i can come
out of that other folks with less
propensities to go to hell can surely
do it easier than i can for now as a greatest
First world problem IS A liGht of HeARt oF
SpiRit oF miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
gOne dArk wHeRE spArk of SuN
as SentienT StAR duST plUS
leAVes the eYes of
liFE and liGht
the sAme
my FriEnd..
something i see
so clearly now as liGht
after being in various spectrums
of dARk and colorless liGht moVinG
BeYond RAinBoW SpeCtrum of colors now..
and that’s the thing.. these things of liFE are so
hARd to puT inTo metAphors that eXpress the dArkeST
HeaVen oN eARth or the liGhteST HeLL returned to LiGht
On eARTh.. beYond RainBoW colors as WeLL as ‘Tween
of purGatory sHades of Grey too.. my FriEnd..
And for me the metaphor in Matthew
that says when two or more togeTher
come to connect essence of God
comes to liGht iT iS as IF anotHeR
Multi-Verse of God is born
as UniVerse more.. as every
human connection anew is
a born connection of God too..
and thAT is how i look at each and
every sentient being as eYes of God
and new potential for a BiRth oF LiGht
in connection way anew as aRt oF LIFe..
so yes.. i continue to move a dance
to connect a song to create a
new multi-verse
in view
of current
connections to
humans and all other
beings sentient as stAR
duST plUs.. yes.. and even
the Sugar White Sand.. Emerald
Green Waves as Ocean wHOle oF
aLL becomes Holy and Sacred sAMe..
oh yeah.. and per ‘that criteria’.. it’s safe
to say i AM F iN Hyper-religious iN my
own ‘little’ way too in aLL of Holy and Sacred
too from words to steps to photos of the last
body too..
hehe.. and that’s
one thing about Madonna
that i could not understand when
young as that brainwashing from
the Catholic Church that worshipped
virginity and button up tops of females
from the very beginning of what was a covered
head church when i started too that yes.. Madonna
shared too.. nah.. i couldn’t get that dirty remnant
that speck that was a board out of my eye
to see her nude art as pure
art from the stARt
heh.. but
now it’s
to safe
to say
there is
no more dirt
from the church
placed in my eye for
i am as free as sHe too..
and understand TOTALLY WHY
now2.. as truly most all feelings of guilt that
wear us down from love are associated with fears
associated with sex and the human naked body no different
than that old story about the garden of eden too.. we are born
as Temples of God and the church takes that away with original
sin.. at least in the place i went.. when babies are water-boarded-lite
to suit a Baptism better fired by heARt than half drown in dARk as metaphor
of course.. anyway hehe.. back to my original point in the Song i share
here per Madonna’s Frozen.. she said ‘you hold the key’ and as alWays
in existence the key is God lives within.. us all no more special
in a grain of sand and less than more of us too.. as all is
special as all is God.. no different than what Yoda
said when he told Luke the Force is all around
us.. can’t you feel it.. can’t you sense it..
can’t you dance it.. can’t you sing it..
can’t you move it.. can’t you connect
it and can’t you create it as
and sure
with a few
added by
of me..
hehe.. and that’s
the thing.. God is Living
God.. not a dead God in a book
of any shape size or form.. and by
dead i mean stagNate and never groWinG
more as when folks restrict tHeir language of
God to scripts from a book i love to say tale me
something new about God as God ain’t dead at
least not in me GoD iS alWays lEarning a New
dance move a new Sensation.. a new FeeLinG
as we evolve as co-creators as family oNe ToGeTher
for more than yesternows.. as a New SonG yes
SonG of God coMes
to liGht
anYway the
key Madonna brought
to me.. is God lives in the
entire body not just between
the ears.. or books.. DANCE FRED DANCE
and yes.. no lesSons
required as that SpiRit
of God the Key inside
WiLL surely SHeKAna
sHow you the
as the
of God continues
to evolve iN aLL of
wE who Dance and Sing anew
Verse of Multi-Verse UniVerse sAMe
now.. thanks
Shawna babe
you alWays
give mE
i need
and sure
i means God too21 ALL..
the SpiRit of ChristMas and more iS heRe
iS noW
is more
you are a major inspiration/muse to me and
that is the secret of my success
of Bi-polar-Star Happiness
staying high for 40 months
now finding muse iN aLL oF liGht
and dARk in silver Sun/Star lining as when
all oF liFe comes noW spiRinG tHeRe is only
one overAll way and that is uP and never now
too far down.. iN BaLanCinG FoRce oF course
on course..seriously that’s why..way i made it a practice
overall from the stARt to poeticaLLy make a response
to every single dVerse prompt for an entire year with all
the liNks too.. to exercise the muscle of muse and Unconditional
Love for All oF liFe sAMe to see wHeRE the RocKET of mY liFE woUld/wiLL
gRoW neXt.. as an ultiMate adVenture named liFe..
And back to the dead zone.. namely three pop
stars.. Madonna with her Frozen.. Katy Perry
with her Fire Work and Pink with her Raise
Your Glass.. wHeRe the only three faint
muses i could heAR aT aLL WiTh mY
heARt.. mY SpiRit and my sOUL
all in thaT Frozen place they
name iN the Bible as Gehenna
a metaphor for a Valley where
they sacrifice children as
the best metaphor they
can find for a place
iNside wHeRE
a heARt
a spiRit
a SoUl
of God iN SeNses
and FeeLinGs has
gone quiet
has gone
and all is
time without
respite from hell..
as my Psychiatrist said
it is very rare for anyone
otherwise healthy to lose all
their emotions and is somewhat
limited to folks somewhere on an
Autism Spectrum too.. as the propensity
to get locked into left brain thinking only and
beyond is tHeRe when the Environment of all types
of stress beyond the warm and fuzzy comfort of human
connections comes to rule the brain in mechanical cognition
Terminator Matrix machine robot and computer head ways of life…
The key for me would be a great adventure after the pain went away
and the emotions came back.. To keep the SpiRit of HeARt and SoUL
refreshed as Phoenix riSing fresh from ashes one with sugar white
sands.. Emerald Green Gulf Horizons on shores that went for
ever when time was erased from the face of my soUL as i
becAMe waves and the ocean and the water/air/fire/eARTh..
rise iN eYes of liFE aGain.. trULy A textbook
poetbook definition as art
of reborn again..
and you see
as intimated
by my
Spectrum condition
i am a canary in the coal
mine too.. as if i can come
out of that other folks with less
propensities to go to hell can surely
do it easier than i can for now as a greatest
First world problem IS A liGht of HeARt oF
SpiRit oF miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
gOne dArk wHeRE spArk of SuN
as SentienT StAR duST plUS
leAVes the eYes of
liFE and liGht
the sAme
my FriEnd..
something i see
so clearly now as liGht
after being in various spectrums
of dARk and colorless liGht moVinG
BeYond RAinBoW SpeCtrum of colors now..
and that’s the thing.. these things of liFE are so
hARd to puT inTo metAphors that eXpress the dArkeST
HeaVen oN eARth or the liGhteST HeLL returned to LiGht
On eARTh.. beYond RainBoW colors as WeLL as ‘Tween
of purGatory sHades of Grey too.. my FriEnd..
And for me the metaphor in Matthew
that says when two or more togeTher
come to connect essence of God
comes to liGht iT iS as IF anotHeR
Multi-Verse of God is born
as UniVerse more.. as every
human connection anew is
a born connection of God too..
and thAT is how i look at each and
every sentient being as eYes of God
and new potential for a BiRth oF LiGht
in connection way anew as aRt oF LIFe..
so yes.. i continue to move a dance
to connect a song to create a
new multi-verse
in view
of current
connections to
humans and all other
beings sentient as stAR
duST plUs.. yes.. and even
the Sugar White Sand.. Emerald
Green Waves as Ocean wHOle oF
aLL becomes Holy and Sacred sAMe..
oh yeah.. and per ‘that criteria’.. it’s safe
to say i AM F iN Hyper-religious iN my
own ‘little’ way too in aLL of Holy and Sacred
too from words to steps to photos of the last
body too..
hehe.. and that’s
one thing about Madonna
that i could not understand when
young as that brainwashing from
the Catholic Church that worshipped
virginity and button up tops of females
from the very beginning of what was a covered
head church when i started too that yes.. Madonna
shared too.. nah.. i couldn’t get that dirty remnant
that speck that was a board out of my eye
to see her nude art as pure
art from the stARt
heh.. but
now it’s
to safe
to say
there is
no more dirt
from the church
placed in my eye for
i am as free as sHe too..
and understand TOTALLY WHY
now2.. as truly most all feelings of guilt that
wear us down from love are associated with fears
associated with sex and the human naked body no different
than that old story about the garden of eden too.. we are born
as Temples of God and the church takes that away with original
sin.. at least in the place i went.. when babies are water-boarded-lite
to suit a Baptism better fired by heARt than half drown in dARk as metaphor
of course.. anyway hehe.. back to my original point in the Song i share
here per Madonna’s Frozen.. she said ‘you hold the key’ and as alWays
in existence the key is God lives within.. us all no more special
in a grain of sand and less than more of us too.. as all is
special as all is God.. no different than what Yoda
said when he told Luke the Force is all around
us.. can’t you feel it.. can’t you sense it..
can’t you dance it.. can’t you sing it..
can’t you move it.. can’t you connect
it and can’t you create it as
and sure
with a few
added by
of me..
hehe.. and that’s
the thing.. God is Living
God.. not a dead God in a book
of any shape size or form.. and by
dead i mean stagNate and never groWinG
more as when folks restrict tHeir language of
God to scripts from a book i love to say tale me
something new about God as God ain’t dead at
least not in me GoD iS alWays lEarning a New
dance move a new Sensation.. a new FeeLinG
as we evolve as co-creators as family oNe ToGeTher
for more than yesternows.. as a New SonG yes
SonG of God coMes
to liGht
anYway the
key Madonna brought
to me.. is God lives in the
entire body not just between
the ears.. or books.. DANCE FRED DANCE
and yes.. no lesSons
required as that SpiRit
of God the Key inside
WiLL surely SHeKAna
sHow you the
as the
of God continues
to evolve iN aLL of
wE who Dance and Sing anew
Verse of Multi-Verse UniVerse sAMe
now.. thanks
Shawna babe
you alWays
give mE
i need
and sure
i means God too21 ALL..
the SpiRit of ChristMas and more iS heRe
iS noW
is more
Thank you Shawna
Baby and
iT aLL
and liGht
and DaY
and niGht
‘tween cLouds
of Grey and Sun/Star iNside as
DARkeST aiR coMes Ocean wAter FiRE wHOle liGht..
A DancE
and SonG
oF liFe
iS born.. alWays nowanew..:)
Baby and
iT aLL
and liGht
and DaY
and niGht
‘tween cLouds
of Grey and Sun/Star iNside as
DARkeST aiR coMes Ocean wAter FiRE wHOle liGht..
A DancE
and SonG
oF liFe
iS born.. alWays nowanew..:)
See/feel/sense.. all it took
waS oNe
welcome ‘me’..
as tEArs fLow..:)
waS oNe
welcome ‘me’..
as tEArs fLow..:)
In case anyone doesn’t think i have a science background
in the study of Love.. per human empathy.. perhaps it’s
worth noting as an all volunteer Wiki Editor too.. yes i get
around the block.. all around the block.. per say..
i helped to actuAlly define human empathy
but sure.. put your words where
your heART is huh..
as if you reAlly want
to study an issue of
human problems
go to the place
where humans
suffer the
most.. yes..
spend years
with Lepers of Love
and lEarn what makes the
human tick at daRkest places
oF life.. yes.. literAlly go to the
last place the unwanted toys of
humanity go.. when they are no
longer wanted anywhere in the
human cultural game of life..
yes.. go to the Wrong
Planet aka Hell
on Earth
and to be clear
i didn’t actually fully
volunteer as the god of
Nature same as the folks
who still live tHeir knocked my
ape ass down then to LeARn
some sAGe LesSons of the ages
tHeir to put into otheR words of PoEtry
later on in Freest Newest Verse ways to
fulfill John 14:12 too.. to juST do thAT too..
in the study of Love.. per human empathy.. perhaps it’s
worth noting as an all volunteer Wiki Editor too.. yes i get
around the block.. all around the block.. per say..
i helped to actuAlly define human empathy
but sure.. put your words where
your heART is huh..
as if you reAlly want
to study an issue of
human problems
go to the place
where humans
suffer the
most.. yes..
spend years
with Lepers of Love
and lEarn what makes the
human tick at daRkest places
oF life.. yes.. literAlly go to the
last place the unwanted toys of
humanity go.. when they are no
longer wanted anywhere in the
human cultural game of life..
yes.. go to the Wrong
Planet aka Hell
on Earth
and to be clear
i didn’t actually fully
volunteer as the god of
Nature same as the folks
who still live tHeir knocked my
ape ass down then to LeARn
some sAGe LesSons of the ages
tHeir to put into otheR words of PoEtry
later on in Freest Newest Verse ways to
fulfill John 14:12 too.. to juST do thAT too..
Yeah..sure.. i can talk cultural science talk too..
but the old phrases tend to bore both me and Godnow2..:)
but the old phrases tend to bore both me and Godnow2..:)
And for what iT’s all worth.. i quote now more about empathy
from my words back in hell four years ago in 2012.. when all was computer head Fred.. no idea that my exit from the cocoon of
all thAT is dARk iN liFe would groW to liGht by the end of July
2013 on or about the 22nd on Navarre Beach rebirth then..:)
from my words back in hell four years ago in 2012.. when all was computer head Fred.. no idea that my exit from the cocoon of
all thAT is dARk iN liFe would groW to liGht by the end of July
2013 on or about the 22nd on Navarre Beach rebirth then..:)
The first type of empathy most humans experience is emotional contagion, the earliest type of empathy that infants experience when they share laughter/giggling with other infants. It requires no cognitive understanding to share, and is understood as an innate trait in humans.
Then there is cognitive empathy that develops out of this emotional contagion when a child meets normal developmental milestones. One developmental marker of it is when a child exhibits the ability to tell a lie, to avoid a negative consequence such as the anticipation of punishment. That requires the child to take a basic perspective of another individual separate from self, usually a parent or caregiver, in expectation of what they will do next; per this example of the potential of a punishing action. The lie usually requires verbal communication, but taking on the perspective of others through cognitive empathy does not necessarily require verbal communication.
Complex emotions develop in most children and identification of those emotions in oneself leads to the cognitive understanding of the emotional states of others with a result of most individuals identifying and sharing those complex emotional feelings with others through what is described by some as emotional or affective empathy.
Then there is the potential in most that one will develop the ability for a sympathetic concern for the distress of others, when cognitively recognized and shared. Pity is not a requirement for this sympathetic concern. The two are often confused in conversation.
Compassion is a stronger emotional component that can motivate one to take action to alleviate another individual’s distress, when cognitively recognized. It usually results from the cognitive recognition and sharing of the perspective and/or emotions of others, but one can experience a positive emotional drive to take compassionate action for others in distress, without strongly sharing the negative emotions of another in distress. Cognitive recognition of the distress of others remains a requirement.
So, from a developmental standpoint there is emotional contagion, cognitive empathy, affective/emotional empathy, sympathy, and compassion. In all stages there are different potential levels of expression and action of each described aspect, ranging from a giggle of an infant to a heroic act of laying one’s life down for another.
But, to put things in perspective of those described more severely impacted by symptoms on the spectrum and described as emotionally indifferent to others from young childhood, some don’t experience that emotional contagion that results in a group of infants giggling together in unison.
There is a whole spectrum of what could be described as potential deficits or lacks of empathy. Most people use the words empathy, sympathy, and compassion to describe most of this phenomenon, sometimes interchangeably, except in the case of infants that are usually described as laughing or giggling instead of experiencing emotional contagion:).
Interestingly a lack of sympathetic concern or compassionate action is not considered a significant enough psychological impairment to be listed in a disorder. Which makes sense because the attributes are generated and controlled strongly by the expectation of culture and gender roles.
Some people on the spectrum can be impaired in cognitive and affective/emotional empathy and still express sympathetic concern for others as well as compassionate action as long as distress is cognitively recognized through some type of perception, and there is enough emotional motivation to take action.
And, there is the potential that some of these individuals with these described impairments of empathy experienced all aspects fully until the cultural environment took some of it away. That potential exists for almost anyone, even Mother Teresa, as described in her words, but the cognitive recognition of distress, sympathetic concern, and compassionate action remained for her as it does for some others. But, no one suggested she lacked empathy, even though she described she lost the ability to feel it, to the degree she had before.
And from there in the link provided now.. you can
hear other folks on the actual Autism Spectrum
experiencing some of the worst problems
any human experiences with
empathy and love
give their
point of views..
it’s a mix.. as all
of humanity as in
all the spectrums
in bio-diversity
and neuro
sAMe.. it’s humbling
to see all the dARk and
liGht and PurGAtory Grey
Colors of HuManiTy and it’s
also a joy to see beYond the Rain
Bow Colors too.. sure and thaT can
blind some folks too.. different languages
for God iN inFinITe wAys of simplicity and
complexity sAMe as LiFE GoeS oNoW as a Practice oF iS..:)
hear other folks on the actual Autism Spectrum
experiencing some of the worst problems
any human experiences with
empathy and love
give their
point of views..
it’s a mix.. as all
of humanity as in
all the spectrums
in bio-diversity
and neuro
sAMe.. it’s humbling
to see all the dARk and
liGht and PurGAtory Grey
Colors of HuManiTy and it’s
also a joy to see beYond the Rain
Bow Colors too.. sure and thaT can
blind some folks too.. different languages
for God iN inFinITe wAys of simplicity and
complexity sAMe as LiFE GoeS oNoW as a Practice oF iS..:)
And now to share a couple/three more MacroVerse
and MicroVerse memories from yesteryears.. here i go
first with “Last and First Verses of GOD” from one year ago..
celebrating the old Grinch story from the stArt tHeRE a little bit too..
and so many more verses of/FOR God than have been told from old
of the past.. there are those who don’t feel and sense
God aT aLL.. i kNow ’cause i was once one
of those folks off and on with
no knowing fault of mine
off and on in life
on this
place too.. where
an actual deficit of finding
meaning and purpose in life
is part of that overall condition.. thing
is is.. there IS A Fire Work inside potenTiAlly
just waiting to liGht up.. and surELy iT doesn’t
matter what you call that spirit from within..iN
science books
to religious
that spiRiT
and for some folks that spiRit iS
an invisible sun they cannot feel and sense and
for some folks that Sun is as real as the ISReaL Air they breathe..
A Firework that liGhts existence like a ChristMas Tree never ending now..
as DancE
and SonG
alWays coMiNg noW..:)
and MicroVerse memories from yesteryears.. here i go
first with “Last and First Verses of GOD” from one year ago..
celebrating the old Grinch story from the stArt tHeRE a little bit too..
and so many more verses of/FOR God than have been told from old
of the past.. there are those who don’t feel and sense
God aT aLL.. i kNow ’cause i was once one
of those folks off and on with
no knowing fault of mine
off and on in life
on this
place too.. where
an actual deficit of finding
meaning and purpose in life
is part of that overall condition.. thing
is is.. there IS A Fire Work inside potenTiAlly
just waiting to liGht up.. and surELy iT doesn’t
matter what you call that spirit from within..iN
science books
to religious
that spiRiT
and for some folks that spiRit iS
an invisible sun they cannot feel and sense and
for some folks that Sun is as real as the ISReaL Air they breathe..
A Firework that liGhts existence like a ChristMas Tree never ending now..
as DancE
and SonG
alWays coMiNg noW..:)
Birth of Dance from two years ago.. at only 69 words
of course quotable here by me as streams become ocean whole..
And surely i can
write poetry free
verse iN fewer
but sure
why limit
what can
be and
as liGht oF Love
too.. hey.. 6666 miles
or so of dance in 40 months
is coming at the end of December
of 2016.. i could have done far fewer
steps but when mountains come they come..:)
of course quotable here by me as streams become ocean whole..
And surely i can
write poetry free
verse iN fewer
but sure
why limit
what can
be and
as liGht oF Love
too.. hey.. 6666 miles
or so of dance in 40 months
is coming at the end of December
of 2016.. i could have done far fewer
steps but when mountains come they come..:)
A grain of sand..
than to not exist at all
IS what ‘GOD says’ shortly
before the BIG BANG
as metaphor only
as GOD IS both
a verbal
then moving as DANCE..
And then sound cOMES as SonG..
to keep A DANCE of creation going…..
And then the BIRTH of DANCE goeS on……
And here IS A Micro-Verse i wrote
to my FriEnd Zee another woman
from Pakistan who is Muslim and
it’s really been interesting consideRinG
how liberal i am in the art of self-expression
that i have any friends at all who are members
of what most folks name as fundamentalist and
very restrictive religions in terms of what is allowed
in all of human freedom of expression from head to toe…
surely we lead that art in the United States of America all
arts taken into consideration.. anyWay it seems a male now
with a heARt fully open is a rare thing in these circles of
life and a rare thing perHapS.. even a treasure to find2..:)
to my FriEnd Zee another woman
from Pakistan who is Muslim and
it’s really been interesting consideRinG
how liberal i am in the art of self-expression
that i have any friends at all who are members
of what most folks name as fundamentalist and
very restrictive religions in terms of what is allowed
in all of human freedom of expression from head to toe…
surely we lead that art in the United States of America all
arts taken into consideration.. anyWay it seems a male now
with a heARt fully open is a rare thing in these circles of
life and a rare thing perHapS.. even a treasure to find2..:)
SMiLes.. my friend Zee.. the greaTest
Lovers are those who keep
giving no matter
if the land
or water
they land
or water
on is
well of
Love or
There is an Invisible Sun
my friend.. that lives inside
and this Sun Loves the
God that
is inside..
so above..
so below and
all around.. and when
one Loves this Sun inside..
outside.. above and so below
all around is Love my friend and
sure there are brighter and darker
Suns around us.. but what we give
in Terms of Love of Light and Truth
of Wisdom
the Sun of
We holding hands
with the God of all
and all God’s children
either fully awake in Truth and Light
or still asleep in darker ways of
no fear..
and feels
no hate.. now..
So i Love you
friend.. and may fearless
Love bring you greater Light
as Lantern of Peace and Love..
making a way
in the
places of
way.. BriGht!
my friend..:)!
Lovers are those who keep
giving no matter
if the land
or water
they land
or water
on is
well of
Love or
There is an Invisible Sun
my friend.. that lives inside
and this Sun Loves the
God that
is inside..
so above..
so below and
all around.. and when
one Loves this Sun inside..
outside.. above and so below
all around is Love my friend and
sure there are brighter and darker
Suns around us.. but what we give
in Terms of Love of Light and Truth
of Wisdom
the Sun of
We holding hands
with the God of all
and all God’s children
either fully awake in Truth and Light
or still asleep in darker ways of
no fear..
and feels
no hate.. now..
So i Love you
friend.. and may fearless
Love bring you greater Light
as Lantern of Peace and Love..
making a way
in the
places of
way.. BriGht!
my friend..:)!
i’M going to end this “i’LL bE hoMe For xMas DanCinG” 730th
MacroVerse as “i Raise my Chalice to God” to god once more
and to be clear the chalice i raise is the Temple of God thAT iS
aLL of ME no part less holy and sacred than any oThEr pARt
thAT includes all of creation to Galaxies UniVerse BeYond
to far below the science aided eye of less than gRains
of sANd.. in sub-atomic FloW iN ZonE oF
what can be unLeashed and
reLeased as
as we
and us
and ours
and i bEcoMe mE
more of God as Nows
Go oN noW.. foR AlLove..:)
MacroVerse as “i Raise my Chalice to God” to god once more
and to be clear the chalice i raise is the Temple of God thAT iS
aLL of ME no part less holy and sacred than any oThEr pARt
thAT includes all of creation to Galaxies UniVerse BeYond
to far below the science aided eye of less than gRains
of sANd.. in sub-atomic FloW iN ZonE oF
what can be unLeashed and
reLeased as
as we
and us
and ours
and i bEcoMe mE
more of God as Nows
Go oN noW.. foR AlLove..:)
And to be crystal clear as far and as long as this
Longest Long Free verse Ocean wHole poem iN
the hiStory or herstory or etcstory of liFE
Swims iT WiLL never be a last
word of God
or DancE
or SonG
and F iN
anyone can
add anything
and all things
to it as
Go oN Further than now..:)
Longest Long Free verse Ocean wHole poem iN
the hiStory or herstory or etcstory of liFE
Swims iT WiLL never be a last
word of God
or DancE
or SonG
and F iN
anyone can
add anything
and all things
to it as
Go oN Further than now..:)

And sure as i continue to defy all cultural limits and expectations
beyond what the local.. state.. and federal laws require
me to do to stay free like we all must do
who live in insanely large
human populations
where to do no
harm requires
limitations and expectations
as we are all multi-iNnately-environmentAlly-
culturally different iN iNdividual ways wheRE
different strokes for different folks rule
in what is or is not good
for happiness for
one if
one is to
be allowed
to pursue tHeir
definition of Happiness now..
and that means avenues to do that
Happiness that do not infringe on the
rights of others to do their version
of happiness now.. and
there IS A GREAT
and Batman are
basically portrayed
in underwear and tights
as divine feminine love/grace.. the
anima as Carl Jung termed among others
that lives in male and the divine masculine
will/strength of animus same that lives in female
must be cultivated for a human being to maintain
baLancE iN all of hUman iNtelligences/Love poTenTial now..
and while my nude art may look rather prow and masculine
now.. i stARted soft and gentle with graceful DiviNe Love to
maKe the Hurricane Winds in CreaTioN flow come from
a source of peaceful calm joy that iS DiVine
eYe of storm of Hurricane Breeze
that lives within and the thing
is while it may take
courage to
be a hero
norms per war
heroes and others
who do the jobs of life
that must be done for overall
survival.. To swim against rising
tides of different can even be harder
but must be done if Human Freedoms
continue to rise as well.. so yes.. this
last photo like Rosie the Riveter that
Pink portrays in her Video
enclosed in this link
that has now
in the United States
IS A symbol i portray here 2 years
ago too on the opposite side of that..
it takes a really strong male to do this..
And that is what i am.. and as Muhammad
Ali said in a book i read last night.. it ain’t
bragging when
you can
back it
aLL uP
as liGht
to return as
Mountains of Love
as Grains of sand hOld..
and hehe.. i sent this photo
to be included in the last alumni
edition of my College year book 2 tears
ago too.. per se of life achievements as the
pinnacle of success is in three
words now
same one
and sure
one ME..:)
beyond what the local.. state.. and federal laws require
me to do to stay free like we all must do
who live in insanely large
human populations
where to do no
harm requires
limitations and expectations
as we are all multi-iNnately-environmentAlly-
culturally different iN iNdividual ways wheRE
different strokes for different folks rule
in what is or is not good
for happiness for
one if
one is to
be allowed
to pursue tHeir
definition of Happiness now..
and that means avenues to do that
Happiness that do not infringe on the
rights of others to do their version
of happiness now.. and
there IS A GREAT
and Batman are
basically portrayed
in underwear and tights
as divine feminine love/grace.. the
anima as Carl Jung termed among others
that lives in male and the divine masculine
will/strength of animus same that lives in female
must be cultivated for a human being to maintain
baLancE iN all of hUman iNtelligences/Love poTenTial now..
and while my nude art may look rather prow and masculine
now.. i stARted soft and gentle with graceful DiviNe Love to
maKe the Hurricane Winds in CreaTioN flow come from
a source of peaceful calm joy that iS DiVine
eYe of storm of Hurricane Breeze
that lives within and the thing
is while it may take
courage to
be a hero
norms per war
heroes and others
who do the jobs of life
that must be done for overall
survival.. To swim against rising
tides of different can even be harder
but must be done if Human Freedoms
continue to rise as well.. so yes.. this
last photo like Rosie the Riveter that
Pink portrays in her Video
enclosed in this link
that has now
in the United States
IS A symbol i portray here 2 years
ago too on the opposite side of that..
it takes a really strong male to do this..
And that is what i am.. and as Muhammad
Ali said in a book i read last night.. it ain’t
bragging when
you can
back it
aLL uP
as liGht
to return as
Mountains of Love
as Grains of sand hOld..
and hehe.. i sent this photo
to be included in the last alumni
edition of my College year book 2 tears
ago too.. per se of life achievements as the
pinnacle of success is in three
words now
same one
and sure
one ME..:)
And of memory notes
as darker memories
of December come too..
this Raise my Chalice to
God also chronicles our
first visit to see my Wife’s
Sister Michelle who was in
the Hospital for Cancer and a path
that led me to my first dance at Old Seville
Quarter that same month too.. that probably never
would have happened if not for my wife’s willingness
to allow me that freedom while she stayed longer hours
with her sister.. and the December before that my Step
Mother Carolyn’s third husband Jerry.. a Foreign Diplomat
who was like a father to me too.. passed away then..
and the December after that Michelle in 2014..
then our Beloved cat Moby in December of
2015.. and my Aunt Christina in December
of this year too.. now in 2016.. thing
is life IS A Gift.. use iT ALL
to the last
of liFe
liFe as noW raise
my Chalice alWays
Now for tHis Gift oF liFe
noW in ALL the ways i can Now
and Will For respect oF the god oF ALL
that bRinGS this rise of LIfE to me NoW..
call iT hyper-religous or the Force of Star wars
iT is great iN me and i for one refuse to hide the Lamp liT oF i..
oF iT
as aLL
iS hOly
And Sacred GOD121..:)
as darker memories
of December come too..
this Raise my Chalice to
God also chronicles our
first visit to see my Wife’s
Sister Michelle who was in
the Hospital for Cancer and a path
that led me to my first dance at Old Seville
Quarter that same month too.. that probably never
would have happened if not for my wife’s willingness
to allow me that freedom while she stayed longer hours
with her sister.. and the December before that my Step
Mother Carolyn’s third husband Jerry.. a Foreign Diplomat
who was like a father to me too.. passed away then..
and the December after that Michelle in 2014..
then our Beloved cat Moby in December of
2015.. and my Aunt Christina in December
of this year too.. now in 2016.. thing
is life IS A Gift.. use iT ALL
to the last
of liFe
liFe as noW raise
my Chalice alWays
Now for tHis Gift oF liFe
noW in ALL the ways i can Now
and Will For respect oF the god oF ALL
that bRinGS this rise of LIfE to me NoW..
call iT hyper-religous or the Force of Star wars
iT is great iN me and i for one refuse to hide the Lamp liT oF i..
oF iT
as aLL
iS hOly
And Sacred GOD121..:)
As i walk the pristine beaches..
in my gulf coast sugar sand coated..
emerald green..shining waves..
of bliss..
with dunes and sea
oats floating
in the
i fIND the connectedness..
of ALL THAT IS tHere
so easily
shared with me
IT IS ALL tHere to please..
and freedom of expression..of human sensuality..
with beachwear..
that only enhances..
rather than detracts..from total
human being freedom..!
The power and
are ours
mine.. tHERe is NO Separation..but the illusion
of vehicles and vessels of words and symbols..that
The curves of creativity..
are in all arts..
from the sound of a bird singing..
to the curve..
of the LIVING..of physical
bodies created..uniting to create..as
Either for newborn life..
or inspiring..
simply being
I walk those beaches of life naked for all to see..
i am
for simply being
with one as all
as NOW
Color Coordinated all in white and black and flesh and
blood and fur of course as true Irishmen
like me from the old wet cold lands
second generation removed
don’t fret over temperature
changes from a couple of
days ago with high of 78
and hehe.. 38 as of 1 pm
today on the
19th of
anyway.. nah..
i’m barefoot today..
this photo is from the
warmer wet of yesternow..
anYway.. overaLL it’s sTilLL worth
noting that Climate Change is as real
as a warmest 2016 year ever recorded iN
History and as Half oF all species as liFe oN
Earth are endangered for the 6th extinction of liFe oN
EARth and more of course.. some folks who thiNk reaLIty
is somEwHeRe else miGht not give a FucK but on the othEr
ain’t no
hoMe so either
work for change or yes..
beCoMe wild and free enough
to handle what’s coming neXt..
consider that ‘a prophecy’.. oK..
blood and fur of course as true Irishmen
like me from the old wet cold lands
second generation removed
don’t fret over temperature
changes from a couple of
days ago with high of 78
and hehe.. 38 as of 1 pm
today on the
19th of
anyway.. nah..
i’m barefoot today..
this photo is from the
warmer wet of yesternow..
anYway.. overaLL it’s sTilLL worth
noting that Climate Change is as real
as a warmest 2016 year ever recorded iN
History and as Half oF all species as liFe oN
Earth are endangered for the 6th extinction of liFe oN
EARth and more of course.. some folks who thiNk reaLIty
is somEwHeRe else miGht not give a FucK but on the othEr
ain’t no
hoMe so either
work for change or yes..
beCoMe wild and free enough
to handle what’s coming neXt..
consider that ‘a prophecy’.. oK..
233Lb 6 foot or so Elf or Troll or Pan.. i’LL give
iT a whirl.. ain’t no temperature change
gonna freeze
my Feet..
as i have
fur to keep me wARm..
and as Foreigner says.. i’M
Hot Blooded.. got a fever of 106..
or was it 3 or 2 or less or more.. than 1..;)
iT a whirl.. ain’t no temperature change
gonna freeze
my Feet..
as i have
fur to keep me wARm..
and as Foreigner says.. i’M
Hot Blooded.. got a fever of 106..
or was it 3 or 2 or less or more.. than 1..;)
So i’M in the mALL.. BeLks to
be precise.. and as the shirt says
to Katrina too.. i Triple Dog
Dare ya too.. thing is.
Katrina gets a
call too and
hehe don’t
be surprised one
day on Facebook iF
the Algorithm doesn’t attempt
to put handcuffs on me.. if i don’t do
a DanCinG SinGinG dare tale.. on every photo i
take in a three day writing ramPage spree and photo
gale too.. yeS imaGinE ThAT..Free verse poetic expressions
on up to 200 plUs photos to basicAlly expand my Facebook here2.. heHemore..;)
be precise.. and as the shirt says
to Katrina too.. i Triple Dog
Dare ya too.. thing is.
Katrina gets a
call too and
hehe don’t
be surprised one
day on Facebook iF
the Algorithm doesn’t attempt
to put handcuffs on me.. if i don’t do
a DanCinG SinGinG dare tale.. on every photo i
take in a three day writing ramPage spree and photo
gale too.. yeS imaGinE ThAT..Free verse poetic expressions
on up to 200 plUs photos to basicAlly expand my Facebook here2.. heHemore..;)
So i rise up.. pop up..
or whAtEver noW
iN Dick’s
Goods store
iN the Mall and
the real salient/sentient
feAture of this photo illustration
iN BLog tale Macro-Verse continuing
story tail here.. is the mirrored siGn in
the far background that says when mind..
body.. and equipment come toGeTheR yoU
are unstoppable now too.. so is thiS
TrUe noW
iN transhumanisM
waY..weLL..leT’s juSt
say as any scientist or
and artist can and wiLL
i WiLL and Can preSenT
the empirical evidence for
thAT like an F iN Painting
on the Sistine Chapel
in online wear ware..
can you sEE it..
FeeL iT.. seNsE
IT yeT.. iF
noT thAt
iS to
bE expected
as an ark oF
A conVenant
WiLL STiLL Be tOld noW..;)
or whAtEver noW
iN Dick’s
Goods store
iN the Mall and
the real salient/sentient
feAture of this photo illustration
iN BLog tale Macro-Verse continuing
story tail here.. is the mirrored siGn in
the far background that says when mind..
body.. and equipment come toGeTheR yoU
are unstoppable now too.. so is thiS
TrUe noW
iN transhumanisM
waY..weLL..leT’s juSt
say as any scientist or
and artist can and wiLL
i WiLL and Can preSenT
the empirical evidence for
thAT like an F iN Painting
on the Sistine Chapel
in online wear ware..
can you sEE it..
FeeL iT.. seNsE
IT yeT.. iF
noT thAt
iS to
bE expected
as an ark oF
A conVenant
WiLL STiLL Be tOld noW..;)
So like i sAid.. Katrina
does gET the
Last cAll
on this
foR NoW..
and she says..
neXt sTop Honey
Raiders of the
lost Ark
i say
oops.. we
are already did thaT now..
Sugar as sweet as now coMes2..;)
does gET the
Last cAll
on this
foR NoW..
and she says..
neXt sTop Honey
Raiders of the
lost Ark
i say
oops.. we
are already did thaT now..
Sugar as sweet as now coMes2..;)
“Ain’t noThing Luke Warm
heRe.. ‘DARTh’..
dOwn To
heRe.. ‘DARTh’..
dOwn To
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
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