PleasUre PrinCiple oF HeLL

So.. today.. we wArt hogs and raccooNs
go to Ryan’s all you can eat
feeding trough.. for
humans of course..
wHere humans are served
but not eaten.. thanks Lord..
and the lady who now serves
up freshly cooked medium
rare cow.. specifically..
Sirloin cut.. says..
after i twirl around
the grill.. CAN i have
some of that energy
please.. so i say.. sure..
i WiLL translucifer iT iN wordS..
noW and then i say.. who is the
best friend of EnergY noW..
and she doesn’t quite then..
have the answer.. and hehe..
neither do the other sales reps
around Cordova Mall Stores noW
when i continue a day long dance
exceeding half A Marathon
status as measured
by Nike GPS
Sports Watch..
anyway.. i tale her..
the Best Friend of
FriEnd of
of cOUrse..
as when we work
with gravity.. invisible
to predator and prey as
our ancestors did/do in balancE
noW to survive.. left foot.. right foot..
right arm.. left arm.. the noW wHolE
flesh iN hUman story.. oNe conserves
energy.. onE regulates emotions..
integratEs sensEs.. increasEs
focus and short term
working memory
for greater
of unwanted
thoughts and
next thing ya kNoW
ya Got hUwoManiFeSTinG
rEvolution Orange when/wHere
the NoW libido sacral and
yes.. seNsual/sexual
energy rises from
root of survival
to crown
of bliss..
and various other
cross cultural metaphors..
including the Pentecostal
Holy Spirit Aid.. as discussed
in old tiMeY way metaphor
in Catholic Church
today.. and
of note..
i matchED the
colorful decor of the
church with the bottom
line of the LioN King
and no worries for
LiFe.. in other
words.. heavEN
noW.. aS noW so
nicely illustrated
at the end of the SwaYinG
Wart Hog.. RAcoon.. and
new futUre LioN KinG..
as theY
in and as
WoRRy Free
FLoW iN zOnE
oF HeavEn noW..
yes.. as Catholic Religion
metaphor for the same dam
thing that the Tibetan Yogi’s
speak of in the Book
of the dead
and aLL of
that too.. noW
so sPeAking Now
oF Decor and my
match in colors
of Catholic
we arrive
almost late
but just on
Fred tiMe noW..
and instead of slowing
Flow of middle aisle
to back row
i hop over
the back of the
pews and arrive
oN tiMe NoW oF course..
and a lady i’ve kNoWn like
forever says.. oh.. don’t you
kNow that’s against decor
and i say..
i go by no
rule i AM
in matching
colors with the
JESUS.. in yes.. less
metaphors than that of course..
as this is obviously a literAlly
thinking person i am
dealing with..
yes.. i can
tale by
in about a split
second or so as nothing
about the body language
flows in all natural holy
spirit.. as this spirit
shines noW in
body language
and iT IS A lAMp
AND IS NEVER Dark as liGht..
but.. of course// i visit hell as i hAve
sympathy foR All the devils
and purgatory
noW too..
and this.. from
times past friend..
taling me all about
seating decor.. iS noT iN
heLL.. juSt purgatory..
as around
of Western Civilization
so-called first world countries
aRe those wHo arE somewhat last to get
to HeaveN now.. LiVinG iN mechanical
Cognition problem solving
worry.. beta wave
mind way..
instead of
Holy Spirit.. Alpha to
theta to even Lucid
waking dreaming
way of Theta
noW too..
in super moving
and connecting
waY ALLso..
after WeLL
over noW
a marathon
of dance in two
days.. i am gonna
hit the sack soon
and continue
Hakuna Matata
BEach LiFe NoW..:)
SMiLes.. myY friEnd.. Candice..
i didn’t beLieve iN MaGiC
’till i diD liFe free verse
in both steps and
of DancE
and Song..
The MaGiC
iSreal.. tHe seNse
of iT iS real.. thE FeeLinG
oF iT isreal.. but the ability
of iT as far as KSA’s..
Skills and
not so much
as ISA per
eYe oF instinct
kNows better
than leSSons
mY friEnd..
and i suppose that
is what self-actualization
trUly iS.. simply bEinG free
enough to no longer think.. just bE..
trUly.. tHe PleaSure iS aLL miNe
but alWays better GiVinG
and shArinG as thaT
mY friEnd..
iS tHe oNly
mUse of LiFe i AM noW..:)
Facebook Friend Rafiah from
Pakistan shares the DJ Bravo
Champion YouTube video from
above so below here..
and i say.. now too..
i’Ve heard this SonG here emoticon
And then i go on
to say again.. and
more now here.. now..
Human Tribal Instinct
as history shows rules.
and trUly it goes to show..
Sports makes nicer enemies
noW than religion and politics..
less blood.. children/others killed
and raped.. and all the noW other bad
stuff that goes on with the human way
iN hate of us vs them with tools of killing..
including books that give hints on how to do it..
Sports are the bible of peace.. sadly.. many books
of religion are the source of blood and mutilated raPED Flesh..
and Earth as the rest of Nature of course where sports beats bombs..
And now.. i must say that all of this reminds me of the Book of Eli..
a movie somewhere that came out in the dead zone of i.. for
those 66 months then.. a movie i saw when i came back
and saw a man with sight too.. gone from
effective use.. a book to protect.
a book from within..
eyes that no longer
can read a book
as braille..
a book given
at the end in oral
tradition for print..
trUly no different
that much than
the books
A Holy and Sacred
book.. one of many to
finally lay rest together
on library shelf..
after the
task assigned
by the God of Nature
is over and dust back
to dust Denzel
as this
actor goes..
music to lift the
spirit in iPod player
ways of the disciple..
the student As girl with
shades goes then.. but sure
as in books of old in both this
Bible and Kuran.. the sword continues
as word as equally powerful in death
as life of healing words.. And other
pARts of the movie.. are no
different than
the pARts
of both
books that
do not move far
enough Away from
raping.. pillaging and
murdering.. to express
that darker way sTiLL.. no
different than Isis and the
Christian Crusades..
burying Lesbians
to chest in
Iran and
stoning them
where they can not
shield tHeir eYes..
from Rocks of death..
We Live in a world of death
and life.. all the dArk and liGht
that both those books do sTiLL
tale.. but when those words become
God over God God dies a slow and
tortuous death to those of us who
are slaves to words instead of
Free in and as God’s eYes
Free aLive as US..
so.. sure this is
my book of Eli..
with just the art
of martial arts for swords
of fearless.. and the ballet
away from the dance of death
to the dance of life in liGht’s Truth
way LiFe.. and nah… it ain’t
just 800 thousand words then
verbatim of someone
else’s collaborative
effort from way back
when in full old and
new testament way..
or the 180 thousand
words of the new testament
alone way of collaborative
effort.. or the minuscule 80K
effort of the Kuran comprising
only 2000 words in total Vocabularly
way.. instinctually and copied both
from inner wisdom and the
same dam bible before
then.. no matter
who said what
to who.. then..
the violence..
rape.. and slavery
of women without a
choice of who they
marry still exists..
and in the US.. NoW
with freedom of Church
and state.. crusades.. and
burning at the stake are now
against the law for sword bearing
Christians here in onward Christian
Killing other pArts of Nature Loving
hUman way now.. just the snide
hating remarks
about those
whose God oF
Nature orientations
are different in sexual
ways and such as that..Now
or perhaps the crazy dude who
is shining his liGht in Super Walmart
ya tale might go to hell if ya don’t dim ya lAmp..
down.. to stiff walking robot head down KNEELING way..
And yes as the Wiki Link shows here..
the collaborative effort of many to make
the print edition of the 1.8 million
word Mahābhārata Long poem
real.. don’t touch the effort
i for one have made to
honor the God noW oF
aLL Nature stARting
on ThanksGiving day
of November 2010..
sometime around
the time that the
Movie version of
‘this’ Eli sort
of FuLL Book..
came out in
2010 too..
but sure.. the
first 8 of 11 million
or so words are just
practice for me.. the final
edition as ‘KATiE MiA FredericK!iI’..
all in free verse poetic long poem
‘WordPress’ form aka “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
is brevity of longest poem iN
free verse ever noW
sTiLL GroWinG
longer longer now
Ocean iN 669 macro verses
wIth thiS “PrinCiple oF HeLL’
macro verse here now with this verse..
lots of INnate iNstincts and Intuitive
abilities including martial arts and
ballet-like dance to increase My
creative state of mind.. noW iN
laser focus.. noW so mUch oF
an expreSsinG SpiRit heARt
of what all oF God tales
to me to say one and sAme
now.. and if this ain’t
proof God exists noW..
do you reAlly thInk for
one second i did any of this
Without the Real God of Nature’s
help in the Quantum mind and
body released unleashed aS noW
sAMe aS onE Now.. no iT did NOT
take an army or
swords to do this..
just words of
IS ALL that is..
NoW.. iT.. you
see and perhaps
feel wRite here..
here’s the thing.. i am
the first to do this.. but i will tale
you this.. the synergy and effect AND AFFECT
THEREOF iN oF miNds like Mine oF Mind.. all over
the dAm world.. CALL ‘EM STAR SEEDS.. NoW CALL
WHAT WiLL wHo comes after i do aLL
of what i do as one single
hUman.. WiLL insPire
at least one more
hUman to do
at lEast a little
moRe.. and that was/iS the
mesSage of Buddhism.. and noW oF
Jesus in Christianity true.. and
even F iN Aleister Crowley’s ‘Book
of the Law’ in his own unique style
of sacred book way.. all said and
say there wiLL be others who come
and do more.. and seriously the only
person in modern religions per words
of book as written now that is really
holding the folks in the middle
East back.. are the words noW
of a man named Muhammad then
when he let his Ego over God
get the best of him there as
in empirical measurement
he couldn’t dust the
shoes off of what
i have done
here alone
with the help
of God so far.. sure.. he
chopped a lot more heads off..
had more wives.. had some children
and ruled his part of the world with the
sword then.. but what has come of that..
misery and suffering for a people who
think that God has already had all
God’s say.. anyway.. it is the
rule of Nature.. where
subsistence and
territory are
for survival as
before the ‘White
MaN Christians’ raped
and pillaged and killed
the American Indian way..
tHeRe is Love.. Balance.. and
peace in sharing and never taking
more than giving God’s Fearless way.. but where
there are deserts and cold cold places
where humans cannot share the
flesh of Love in abundance..
the jealously.. greed..
and killing comes..
when humans
move out of
balance of
masculine and
feminine bliss in
Yin and Yang Love too..
so if you’ve seen the
movie if you ever do or
ever have.. just imagine
someone’s death and some
Muslim and Indian girls all around
the world.. who demand their freedoms
along with those Lesbian girls in Iran
and the homosexuals still to
get married in churches
over hEar too..
and hopefully
my prayer of this
whole prayer iN approaching
4 milLion wordS now is this
will bE motivation for someone
to seek and motivate
the God oF alL
in namaste
of ONE in onE
God all that iS
without swords
now and then..
ya see.. i ain’t finished
yet as long as God oF aLL
inspires the words and dance of
i..i WiLL DancE and SinG a SonG of SoUl
oF heArt aS SpiRit as God oF Y i.. and sure.. perhaps
before all i say and step is done here now and then..
it will be 100K miles.. 30 years from noW WiN i AM
85 or 6 then.. at sure.. 30 million more words
for over 33 Million Words
here.. too.. for ALL the
giFt oF liFE that God
gives me in Heaven
away from
the gifT
of HeLL
to do juST
aLL of that this
noW thAT iS.. noW..
if so.. i WiLL lay mY head in My bed
of death.. then.. at perhaps 120 or so..
when steps and words slow down a little
bit.. perhaps at half rate.. down to let’s
say 53 million words or so.. and maybe
just 20K miles more then dance.. over
those 35 years then.. anyway.. if so..
i WiLL have pAid God oF
aLL back to match
in milLions..
the years it
for me
at 53 to
sTArt this
SonG of mY SoUL then..
and ya might snicker and say
ha.. no way you’ll do that then..
not unlike the snooty upturned
nose of the Barnes and Nobles
book helper lady who said no way..
you couldn’t have possibly written
a 3 Million or so word poem in this
day and age until
i raised her
a Google
lInk in handy
dandy smARt phone
way.. yeah.. baby.. imagine
in the future what some outcast
dude like me will do who embarks
on a journey like this at age 30 like
they say the original Jesus did way
back then.. there are no limits
when God lives
more fuLLy
aLL natural
as uS noW..
God exists.. i would
be the greaTest fool
in the history of the
world to suggest that ain’t
the trUth and liGht for anyone
who suggests what i do now is
JUST FucKinG thAT..
so have a nice day.. off for
more Sand and Sun Dance for
me and whatever God in i suggests
i do neXt.. at the core oF my sOUl AS I LiVinG noW..:)
And now before i move on to dVerse for the
Quadrille link for precisely 44 words
that i will respond to all
free in poetic
to what is
offered there..
a reprise here of
the music of the Book
of Eli.. where instead
of reporting the King
James reprint translated
version of the Gospel news
of rules.. Alan Watts.. last
century’s renowned
scholar in providing
the way of EasterN
religion and
to western way..
provides the problem
of the Good news where
the humble real Yogi-like
teacher for human poTenTial
awakening and enlightening
in BrinGinG human uP is
transformed into
God alone as
only Begotten
Son rather
than being the
humble leaning
yogi-dude he was
then per scholarly
report of misinterpreting
the frigging greek version
that keeps Jesus humble
as his original
from all scholarly
sources trUly waS
in TrUth and liGht
then too.. Faith is
Trust in the God of Nature
not blind faith in the words
of others in cultural rule
of doing THAT ARE then
beComing heretic
and outcast..
ranging from
ostracism to
the ultimate penalty
for following the God within
then.. yes.. hanging to even
Burning at the stake for making
God into word over God within hUman.. REAL..
oh.. the idols come as small as three letter words
and verses
of 316 in
number too..
and the untold millions
who have died then @hand
sTiLL die for reaSonS aT
hand of exclusionary lies
like this.. TG.. for Church
and State separation as
even Jesus and God can
liVe here ToGeTheR and
not risk the price of free in
death of death or even worse..
death in life.. away from God to
Words of shallow labels of days before..:)
Now yes.. 4:45 pm at off to
the Green lInk at dVerse
Poet’s pub site
for some poetic
responses tHere
to keep this longest
poem GroWinG iN “SonG
oF SoUL” waY now.. on
05162016.. NoW..
Ah.. thE IrisH
Elf oF i iN eYes
GreeN luckY
chArmS waY..
juSt tWo geneRaTioNs
rEmoved froM tHe
CeltiC fAIRy waYs
oF PeteR
And More
oF MaGiC..
FREe nOW..;)
Oh no.. the other
side of elf.. the
devil elf of Deeper
Black Forest journey
i arise from too..
in Germany..
then.. three
on Great Grand
father way.. NoW..
wHere fair maidens
are easy prey to
thE PoeTry
of Irish
in words
of hidden Glory..
Fire of eYes.. Fire
of HeArt.. RiSinG SoUL..
Muse of
caress oF Love..
and trUly.. i hope
that does not
make ya
green wITh
envy as Green
iRish eYes can
do to competing
males of course..
heheNoW on writ
MorninG SUn
GreeN.. i stAy
iN lusH
Green Bee
in own
oF Love..
Free Love
SinGs in i
Love as
as the
iS nEar..:)
Perhaps.. the greaTEst
pArt of Free Verse
is i can
go back
and liVe
mY heArt
in visual
memories of
what lives sTiLL..:)
And short side note hEar..
Life is interesting.. some folks
more visuAlly interpretive thinking
and some folks more word and literal
thInking.. some folks.. can see poeTry
in pictures.. others in words..
but i for one see
both.. as visual
thinker first
becoming word
thInker by no choice
oF LoSinG effective siGht
and heaRing too in pain
of hell of right ear
and left..
i do both
and that is
strange to most..
however.. the BRaiN oF
HUman miNd and boDy Now
awareness iS onLY as larGe
iN noW as wE expand all oTheR
human intelligences.. in hUman
poTenTiAL to go wHere many
other hUmans never
care to
visiT aT aLL
iS yes to gRoW taLLer
iN God View(S) oF allthatisnow..:)
Fresh Green of cucumber
Spring.. cool deLight
as vegetable meets
hot day
Lemon TEa..:)
Yes.. Carry on way word
greeN aS brOwns
oF WiNter
Green dreAMs..:)
Ah.. yes.. the above
and below aS
Sky of HeaVen
meets gRound
of Earth.. flaT
gRow hiGh
iN SpiRaL FLow..:)
But oh! no!..
the poLLen
oF greeN.. never
notice it either..
anY morE noW..
as a couple
cats cuRed
aLL mY aLLergies..:)
Common preen
of green
oF Isis
noW need to
than twisted book
in raPing little girls…
somewhere God is BreWinG..
in opaque colors.. tRust mE
they do
to not
to FeeL..
And yes.. i’M
SmiLinG as i’Ve fELt
n0ne as God’s Vengeance..
Justice comes with nothing @ALL..:)
WInks.. i juSt lET
thE DandeLions
gRow anD
aT diSdain
oF neighbor
pain over the
beauty oF
5:45 pm..
now for
dinner and
Back at 11:53 pm..
SMiLes.. natUre’s wraTh
out Of balance..
fangs oF all
of death
rebirth calls
in stars of eYes
forlorn gone
by.. ONE
noW reborn..:)
Eagles flY in
rain forest
as i
oF uS
iN skYes so
blUe greeN
brOwnoW iN
oF MounTain
AiR.. so FReED…:)
Heavy Rain Air..
lungs hold depth
of grey cloud
of not
so WeLL..
blUe sKeYes..:)
Finger keys
noW iVory
aNd eBony..
bOnes gRow
GiVinG uP
noW iN
iN GreEn
SpiRiT BAl
A small disabled
boy by A river
bank.. cannot
speak.. Love
of trees only
talent then..
waters tree..
college students
amazed by beauty
of boy fed tree.. young
couple find tree’s beauty
inspiRinG Love of
shy young
man gRown
to fearless
military man
then political
leader of world after this..
makes decision that saves
the world.. so who IS A savior..
beautiful tree.. Loving parents
of child.. disabled little boy..
long since pasSinG aWay
wITh onLY
beauty left
of tree.. so is
tree A savior of the
world.. yes… Tree oF
LiFe.. aLL must be saviors
of the world for any hope
aT all.. not even one grain
of sand can be discounted
as savior oF mounTain aS God Love
iN Human trUth of Fearless liGht flAMe..:)
-InspiRed by God
noW iN diRect condUiT
And yes.. thE tree IS All Green..:)
SMiLes.. my friEnd
i’ve missed yoUr poeTry
hEar.. sTill finishing a 3
million plus free verse
one of mine..
one verse
of now 669 total..
titled ‘GodsUniVerseNovel3’..
comprising all my poetic responses
to all the dVerse prompts and links
for an entire year through close
to the end of March 2016..
totaling in at 338,630
words.. and haha..
takes close now
to a supercomputer
to open up my brain
with that one alone on
Word Press.. noW hehe..
anyWay.. back
to speed
and look
forward to
reading more
of your poeTry
my aLways nice Friend..
and yes.. i only shared
this news with ones
who are as
kind as
mY friEnd..:)
sMiLes.. desert
green humans..
some move.. some
stay.. some rot
some GRow..
alWaYs Ocean
moVe.. SpRinG..:)
As taLL
as sKy sMilEs
as wide as ground
smeLLs.. as touch
of mountain
Ocean taste..
siGht of Love..
hEar oF LiFe..
God Feels..:)
SMiLes.. Yellow
of Lawyer.. judge
and engineer..
blUe of Artist
sad and true..
Red of Law Enforcement
stop in the name of the Law..
Green social work in sell oF Life
Sim Soc Life.. Leadership class
19.. Santa Rosa County
colors society
all have
SMiLes.. Buddha
aLL.. ah..
IS A Green
poNd oF LiFe..:)
i for one..
saved money
and sold my
Green passport
iN VineS
oF LiFe
tastE moonLiT
dreAMs Of SilVer
oceAn spRay dEliGht..
AkA CRanBerrY JUice..;)
oF Y IrisH
eYes Of grEEn
blUes OF dreAms..:)
Child’s dance
of green
off oF tAble
blAck way back…:)
oH boy/girl/etc..
green scrAbble..
pick a color
Oh Lord.. green
grass lush
oN river
front home..
ugh.. weak
boy me.. arms
to thin.. to push
mower in grass..
says boy
when ya
be a man..
hehe.. she didn’t
stay around long
enough to see i be
the strongest one of
all.. at least at my
military station..
oh the
the struggles
that bringnoW
the strength
oF aLL..:)
Oh Lord..
this reminds
me of my first
Love.. if she stayed
i never
have gone
to Heaven Now..
oh.. the dreams
of nightmares
i missed
ya..S and
that’S all
i’m gonna
Say.. wiTh
kiNd words
oFf course..;)
the first clue
noW of trouble
is green leather..
never trust
a green
Oh.. the beauty
of the green..
a pLace
that not
aLL go.. oh..
the emptiness
oF heLL oN earth..:)
WeLL that completes
32 at 1:28 am
Back now at
12:02 pm..5172016
a few more linkS noW
to poeticAlly respond
to in Green hUmaniStiC
poem way.. and an extra
lonG onE i already diD
to save the
last for
So trUe.. mY FriEnd Hank..
thE greeN oF anCesTors
immerSinG as forAgErs
for survival..
as Ravens
do noW sTiLL iN
No illuSory WorRiEs
for iN
moVinG.. connectaRinG..
creaTinG.. LoVinG noW tHe
interdependent relaTioNship
oF aLL stufF creaTion.. in whAT
soMe folks
A three
letter word..
so much bigger
noW as allthatis grEEn..
bLacK.. creaTiONoWonoW
wHolE..fLoWeReD noWoN..:)
The earth has an ear
an eYe the UniVerse too..
blue green brown deep
eYe as beautiful
orb too2.. noWaYs
stars look down
wE look up
above so
SAVE uS..:)
SMiLes.. looKing morE
here at the soUl
of ‘hEr’ pictUre
tHere iS so
much more to
liFe than keys..
screens in HaBiT
and visuaLizinG.. yeS..
And eVen iMaGinaTion..
tHere IS A FruiTioN
oF tHe MaGiC oF
words and aLL
other abstract
hUman Concepts/
symbolS noW..oN
and other foRmS
too.. put into noW iN
acTioN.. yES onLinE
iS oKay.. aNd greAT
foR iMaGinAtiOn..
bUt oNe muSt
fiNd a Way
To daNce
liFe foR trUly
MoVinG.. ConnecTarinG
aNd creaTing liFe wHOle
aS UniVerse oF
SMiLes my FriEnd Carol..
i alWays Love to come here
almost most oF aLL of other
poeTry homes as there IS A
liGht here that WiLL not
be extinguished
AS words of
and i juSt want
yA to kNownoW
i’VE been aWay
for a little
whilE noW
a Novel project
of responding to
all dVerse lInks
and prompts for
a year in effort
of one huge
of mine
juSt for
fUn titLed iN FreeWay Blog..
‘GodsUniVerseNovel3″.. noW
yeS.. hard to open with ‘normal’
computers/online airwaves..
at 338, 630 words and also
300 gorgeous beach photos..
and i am only shaRinG these
words WitH a select few who
would likely care aT aLLnoW
about a perSon doing
as much as i..
but mY nOW
friEnd.. i AM
no luke warm
FRiEnD oF God..
i am red hot noW
devil oF Love oN Fire..;)
SMiLes.. yeS.. so trUe
thE poet IS A UniVersal
Tree.. and iN woRds
wiTh Whitman
tHe greaTest Lover
aS God oF Nature
IS A poEt
wHo LoVes
iT aLL SinGinG
A Tree of Love
for LiFe
NeVer enDs..
beGins.. staRts
oR finisheS noW..
aNd thAT mY
friEnd IS A
tRUe iN noW
prophecy bY WhiTman
come to FruiTioN reAL noW
foR A patHway iS noW mAde
for those who enter heaVen iN RefRain
It iS Built
foR hE iS uS
iN FiEldS of DreAMs..
aNd i/mE wHeN
wE See
Love iN
oF aN
RooT oF oUr LoVe
iN aLL SAnds anD
AgeS oF SoULs iN
GRains hOldinG
aS TRee oF LiFe..
And trUly thE tooLs
wE maKe haVe bEcoMe
morE oF uS tHan LiFE mY
FriEnd So leT’s Go bAck noW..
sHed thE clotHes Of culTure..
aNd noW
DancE SinG
Free iN SAnds
oF MounTain Love..:)
Human muses all are we..
some hot.. some luke
warm.. some froZen
cold.. God
make us
one of the
sexiest creatures
in both luSt and Love
for no reaSon aT aLL
God mAde uS for fUn
so juSt enJoy
and make
God’s eYes
as BriGht
as Sun above
so Below
in i’s
of genes..
jeans.. and
mini skirts too.. trUly
tHere is no hiGher purpose
than liFe and iT alWays
comes up and down
V and point oF
ALL in i NoW aLiVe..
MakE iT HoLy Sacred..
Naked from head to toe..
above.. so below.. inside
outside aLL A’round and liVe
in HeaVen.. God’s DesTinY aLiVe
for those of uS who do coMpLY.:)
Back beforE noW @11:22 AM..
and ugh oh noW then.. Shawna
responds.. so heRe coMes
her desire as enTaLed
then and fulFiLLed below2..
says.. and i quote
for the NoVeL PoeM reCord heRe..
“I have missed you too, Fred. I swear!
The thing is, more often than not, I’m on my phone
when I’m reading, and it’s impossible to load your blog.
I love it though, and you, and I promise to go back to being
a regular customer. Honestly, friend. I adore you, and I’m
so sorry for being negligent in my visits. Most sincerely,
you are, and have always been, a treasure to my heart.”
“And Fred, you are always welcome, and encouraged,
to say every little thing your heart desires here.
You, your words, and your eyes elate me. ALWAYS.
Please, get verbose. Write me some long,
skinny, insanely insightful comments
that only I will understand …
because you know I’m the
master code-breaker..:)”
And then i say.. yes..
in totAlly fulfilling
her liGht fELt deSire..
OKay.. DEar Shawna..
three pArts coming..
first.. A
oF mY
iN short
form oF Be
SeCond pArt of two more pArts as wE kNow Blogger
Blogs havE reAlly smALL Fred liMits
iN comment sections iN HaNds soLo
oF writing Long Poem Epic
style free verse
no form
Oh Jesus.. WeLL you kNow i’m the devil too..
and the devil like Lucifer on that
new Fox show muSt alWays
bRinG out the desires
of otHeRs dArk and
liGht and
liGht wAYs
wishes.. hehe..
but hE is onLY
heRe when they wish
for him to grant a wish..
so let’s see wHere i can go
with this.. haha!.. i will add
that i don’t know if i told you S
for Shawna but i finished my Super
epic Free Verse Novel i’ve been
working on for an entire F iN
year named “GodsUniVerseNovel3”
as my mission in liFe as directed by
God is to prove God exists to those
with the dArkest liGhts oF aLL that i
too once shared as REAL DEVIL noW iN
real human heLL.. on earth of course..
then.. and heHE.. that
iS F iN 338,630 words lonG sPANning
last April 2015 through the 14th link of
the 169th open link prompt at the end
of dVerse March 2016.. per John 316..
and you’ll get the secret message
in that if you can find a super
computer and broad band
access strong enough
to open up
a poem
as my extreme Asperger’s
decoding numerical mind stARts to arise
as a serpent like head here.. heheX2..
in reptiLian bRain waYs..
and tHeRe are close
to 300 absolutely
gorgeous framAble
photos of Pensacola
and Navarre Sugar white Beach
Sands all for the taKing oF Free..
as God brought me aLL the ‘cash’
somehow back when i was making
close to minimum wage in just
7 years to last the rest
of my liFe.. i kid you
not.. i only had a
grand to my name
in 1999 back when
i bought my 30K
Green Honda Passport
and ended up close to
a half a millionaire.. then..
until the wife spent a lot
of that when i was sick
and noW.. thanks GoD noW
with a Honda Civic.. by the
time God plucked me out of
my job with 19 medical disorders then..
in 2008.. brought on by the stress of fiGht
AND fliGht two year aDrenaline ONnON streSs..
oh ye(s).. and you were of course one of my
main (s)tars in my Novel.. as you brought out
all the mischievous little devil in me too..
and the secret is out.. my enTire bLog
is the longest poem in history
now.. working noW on the
macro 669th verse
soon named..
yes.. noW.. secoNd pARt
of seCond pArt heRe..
“PleaSure PrinCiple oF
HeLL”.. wHere once again
Shawna you will arise
as a star player
in the total
of the
entire longest
poem in the entire
history of human kiNd
named “KATiE MiA FredericK!iI”..
AKA SonG oF mY SoUL” never ending
starting.. finishing or beginning.. noW..
(the runner up is yes.. 1.8 million words
per Mahābhārata in long poem form BACK THEN)
MINeD aT WeLL over literAlly 3 million words
now.. potentiAlly even L O N g E R as that
one Novel post was only a fracTioN
of what i wrote in one last year..
here’s the thing..
Neo bLends
in.. he reAlly do..
no one understands
what he is up to except
for him and a few like him..
truly a very few my friEnd..
and as all my other long term
friEnds will tale ya.. i am the
friEnd wHo
now… NoW..
see Ya.. Shawna
baby.. all aRound..
the never ending
looking through
the glass
I’S A wE..
i wasn’t totAlly
sure the water was/iS
sTiLL red hot here..
i find it Luke
i go.. and
Jesus.. Luke
is liKe noW mY
favorite Apostle..
both on Star wars
and the better pARt
of the good book too..
God.. i Love crazy people
like me who believe in God
and yes i Love you my never
as i IS
Fred iN
FRiEnD noW
and JesuS iT’s
trUe.. most folks
have no friGGinG
ClUe how deep mE+GoD
metaphorsE GoES.. bY noW
aLL thAT iS whAT SEcreT
Agents for God
dO thE
foR soMe
eYes onLy
mY FriEnd(S)
iN God WInks2..:)
WeLL.. sitting with my iMac Pro
Notebook at my Mother’s apArtment..
after aLL.. Shawna.. i aM wRiting
a current
macro verse
aS “PleasUre PrinCiPle oF HeLL”
and you are jUst the open
minded.. and spirited
muse i need to
iT wHole
R and R
dance day
and other
stuff niGht for i..
so yes.. more coming
in other places soon..;)
Facebook Friend Sherri.. dancing friend from
way back when in the mid 80’s at Disco
Club 2001.. shares the “Close
To You” Video i usED for
pArt oF poetic
muse uP
tHere and
heRe too..
Sherri says..
“40th Anniversary of this beautiful song…………………..
I loved them when I was a little girl…..She died WAY too soon!!”
And i say in return..
So true.. And haha! Katrina says
Karen wrote that song for me but gosh it seems like
i remember us singing it in ’73 in middle school choir..
Right around the time i played Jesus Christ Super Star
on the piano for the talent show and the other kids
erupted in laughter when i was so filled with
the Holy Spirit after the performance i
couldn’t walk straight but as
always i digress as
such and thanks much
for another memory song..
So inspiring they are..
And never ending
stories of Love..
smile emoticon!
Then Sherri says as i
continue to quote her
from Facebook..
all public
as such..
“She had such a unique voice……
Once in a while I’ll do “Superstar” at karaoke…..
She was an amazingly talented woman!”
And i then say..
Yes!… and upon further research i found
the song was actually released in 1970..
making it 46 years old this year… and
interestingly.. Burt Bacharach
who wrote the Song had a daughter
named Nikki.. with Asperger’s Syndrome..
who sadly committed Suicide.. and i have to wonder..
if perhaps Karen didn’t have a few traits of the female
form of Asperger’s too.. as so many do have Angelic..
perfect pitch voices.. and yes.. Karen.. if.. any human..
she is certainly one with human form and Angel essence
on this terrestrial plane.. okay.. if i’m not careful..
i’m gonna go back into Robot systemizing mode..
lose my ellipses.. and move back to semi-colons..
so with that also said.. and sad too.. have a
great day.. my long term.. 30 something
years.. dance friend..
smile emoticon
Sherri then finally says..
” LOL………..That is fine. One does have to
wonder what she would have accomplished had
she not died at such a young age! My hubby says
that she probably would have made and excellent
producer! I agree. Actually, she didn’t start out
sounding that way. She began her career
singing with a higher pitch voice,
but the producers told her
to try to take it down
a notch and thus,
the beautiful voice that
we all remember. She died
from anorexia (back before
anyone knew what the heck it was).
And then finally i say then.. noW..
Ah.. so interesting
my friend.. thanks for that
and hehE.. i didn’t start out ‘this way’
change iS
alWays neW
and poTenTiaLLy
even more eXciTinG!!..
smile emoticon
And now i say wRite here.. in longer
terms of the very brief poem above
illustrating a story of who
are the Saviors..
little boys..
etc.. and
Tree oF Life..
in the Song.. Jesus Christ
Superstar.. Judas just wants
to know what’s the buzz..
what’s beneath
all the deep
metaphors then now
then of New Testament
way.. well as the folks
who kNoW noW my real last
name kNow.. i like to put
stuff in Layman’s terms..
and it is true iF Jesus
were to reAlly
come back
and folks
him what
it means to
bRinG Salvation
to the world the alWays
second now around the
first and last with
no finish and
start as Now..
He would say
this.. and trUst
mE or not.. i FeeL
he would for Good
reAson now..
and solve
the problems of the
world easily iF everyone
would simply comply wITh
our God given hUman Nature
gifted aLL StiLL forever now
by the god oF Nature
and it is our
God Given
Nature when set
free from too many
dam clothes of culture
treading on the clothes
as such naked with no
shame as the Gnostic
Gospel of Jesus
does sTiLL
saY in
that yes.. our Nature
as hUman BeinGS when
Healthy iN miNd and BoDy
BalanCinG mOde as such
in heARt of expreSsinG
emoTioNs oF SpiRit
in FeeLinG.. shaRinG
GiVinG no more than
TaKinG way from
NaTuRe wHolE
and oTheRs
too.. in yes
Masculine feminine
balance of WiLL and
courageous fearless
in kInd of cinderFella
way to as uS aS oNe
BaLanCinG foRce oF
GoD iN noW as US sTiLL
BreaThinG LiVinG LoVinG
Fearless Force wE are the eYes
of God for LoVE iN fearless way..
so anyway.. Jesus would most
definitely come back noW in
human form again..
with the
of TrUth and
LiGht liKe this
in 03/16
of 2016
way as originally
quoted here from
mY “SandBox Heaven”..
WiTh Yes.. Evolution Orange too..:)
Stars are born to output and share liGht..
at least for as long
as they live..
and as dim as i once
was.. almost bLack
of liGht..
the saving
grace then was
to water a plant
to make
grow made
my life still
a star
matter how
dArk the candle
i felt iN bLack
then.. and
oh.. the saviors of the world..
and a story i love to tale a little
different as parables do.. when free
and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
paragraphs.. lines or words of print
of yesternows.. bound
by past authority
that no
longer should
exist.. for free..
so.. anyway.. sorry iF
you already heard it but
it will be different anyway..
hehe.. as free WiLL be
when unleashed
and released
as being
starliGht oF eYes
within.. a dusty road..
a little boy with no words..
disabled from birth without
the ability to speak.. but a lover
of growth.. in shape of trees..
a sapling brought home
by loving mother
then.. placed
on a counter
by a lamp that shines..
the boys sees green and
wants to see more.. so he
nurtures this PLANeT
the ability
to speak..
water he does..
fertilizing Love..
Sunshine hope
iN eYes of Loving
Kind.. fertile ground
outside.. dig a hole
to comfort roots..
spend time
and effort
caring Love
and the Tree rises
broad and sTrong..
and soon provides shade
for the front porch home..
Sidewalks come.. but tree
sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
come more beautiful than before..
Students from the local school who
study trees are amazed by the beauty
of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
and the boys eYes shine to see what his
Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
to grow strong now.. and the little
boy becomes ill and his life
goes dark..
Years later..
a shy young man iS
walking this sidewalk
of the boy’s home.. and
a most beautiful dark haired
girl approaches him.. with smiling
face.. the boys eyes liGht up but what
to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
and that begins a Love that
will last ’till death..
the shy boy becomes
confident with the Love of
his wife.. joins the Military..
and even rises to the ranks
of politics then.. Love grows
and fearless Lives..
the boy is
now a
Strong man..
and makes a decision
as a leader of the world
that prevents World War III…
Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
So who is the savior.. the boy..
the man.. the girl.. the Loving
wife.. the parents.. the schools
providing education.. the tree
or the little disabled boy
and all the
from around the
world.. well the truth
iS aLL they are.. as theRe
is no i.. me but us and we
oF Life..
Moral of the
story.. water a tree
Of Life and see wHere
iN ocean
eYes FreE NoW..:)
Man.. Shawna.. i mean
girl you always come wRite
in the nick of now.. for what
i need in mUse way of poeTry now..
and speaking of nickelodeon.. i wanted
to go to Disney World but then i decided
i would rather
bE Disney World..
so.. now i am a Disney
ride wHeRe Mickey takes
me next.. as furry mice WiLL do..
and now off to explore yoUr
maGic KinGdOm too
at YouR
noW so fREE..:)
Okay..S.. i’ll pArk it here..
as i already pArked on
my Mother’s Recliner..
and fell asleep for about
an hour while laptop lost
the hotspot connection
while it too went
to sleep..
and it’s quite
restricting as i have
no devil shirts.. and
must use Sith as substitute
and make my green to
blue to green eYes
come deVil
over Sith
to play
in the “PleasUre PrinCiple
of HeLL”.. and Jesus aGAin
that reminds me of 2nd
grade private Catholic
school.. upon
rules of
nuns with
habits and
rulers that spank
the hands of writers
then.. and no no no..
even though they voted
me wittiest kid in school
even though i didn’t know
what that metaphor meant..
no hot nuns as oh my God
nothing is more sexy than a
woman’s eYes highlighted and
yes.. i noted those beautiful photos
first perKey oF those women pretty in
top poses..
but put a habit
highlighting most any
type of female
eYes have
mY fUller
attention iN
beCominG laser
focused up noW in
stiffer attention as
that’s what happens when
you are young and all there
iS iS a Sears Roebucks Catalog
for young boy dreams.. aS in principle
humans are very sexy beings.. i am not
sure how to not eroticize nudity.. however
the Bill Clinton Def is not something i must
do.. but again.. no work of the night at puberty..
and that is so interesting.. as i might have mentioned
earlier at another Shawna mini many blogs
there is an existing primitive tribe
that has no words in their
language for either
or homosexuality
as the whole team practices
the work of night as soon as they
hit puberty as making babies is the
only way to survive in social
cooperation where every
social role counts
to make
real.. in terms
of cries of Love
and Village Nurture
ways to raise the Child’s Love..
and oh God yes.. Breast feeding
as long as possible as it is
so economical.. and
nurturing to increase
the investment
of future Love..
to take
the mystery
out of sexual activity..
to share it as the work of the
night makes it less dirty and the
work of liFe.. i cannot see anything
dirty about sex as long as it is consensual
among consenting mature folks..
and Lord knows if i had
known where to put
it in an appropriate
place at
age 13
instead of only
having wet dreams
in oh God.. a house full
of females.. wHere i didn’t
have any F in idea what was going
on.. kinda like that poor girl Carrie
when her mom told her that
the Blood was an evil
sign and all of that..
and yeah..
my Mom
told me
then.. don’t
be touching
yourself down there
okay.. well crap.. it would
have been better than frigging
dreamy underwear stains back then..
Hmm.. life is interesting and to make
it all holy and sacred from head to
toe.. is to see a male erection
in the Wild no more strange
than poodles
it noW
in the raw..
just to get the
work of Life done
as the greatest art
of life God makes
to get uS noW
here breathing
nowitH pleasure..
there’s too much pain
in life not to play with the
instruments of life in whatever
way works to get the job done..
And yes the naked female form
is my favorite thing
to peruse
eYes my Friend..
so deep iN hUman
soUl.. i make Love to
soUls.. and Jesus Christ..
the Brain is the biggest organ
ever for real sensuality.. so sure
there can be hot egg heads too..
those with the best imaginations
have the best braingasms.. so you
miGht imagine i’m always
my dear
as there is
too much muse
in the world
to enjoy
iT to the mAX..
And sure it doesn’t
matter what Katrina
does.. she is A trick and treat..
and ha.. lately.. she’s been calling
me a man HoR and slut.. in a
clean way with no bucks
of course..
just for
HuMan fUn..;)
WeLL.. yeS.. Sith is just another
metaphor for the Dark Side aS
Egyptian Mythology Set..
the Dark Force
Rival of
As Isis gets
him resurrected with
pieces of him put back
together and they then
have a child of Wisdom
named Horus through an
immaculate conception.. oh
and yes.. the Egyptians then
also celebrate the
virginal birth of
around the
Winter Solstice
on December
25th if all this
Ain’t ringing
any familiar
bells yet and
same basic mythology
goes with Greek and
Roman Heracles/
Hercules in
birth of
the human archetype
of Hero.. where the Hero
has a struggle with a father
figure.. goes to the dark night
of the soul and is reborn and
tries to teach the rest of culture
what the Hero learns in traversing
paths of much challenge… adaptation
and change.. in modern terms of science
in DNA epigenetic unpacking of human ancestral
potential.. additionAlly.. in neuroplasticity of rewiring
the bRain for a better life as such in adaptation to
Environmental challenge.. and change.. yes.. for
the best life possible.. and humans have
been developing metaphors to explain
human potential through recorded
history and before in oral
tradition.. mainly dance..
as non-verbal language
has always been
the mainstay
of human
social communication..
and see.. here’s the thing..
no mythology or religion same
in ways of communiCaTinG trUth..
and liGht through abstract concepts
including all visual images from a man
on a cross to a Hawk Headed Horus
as such.. and other Sun/Sky God
folks in terms of hUman
ascension aS ONe
AND LiGht as
yes.. as mentioned
many nows before..
The essence of the
HiGher potential of
liVes in aLL of uS
and iT iS up to Us..
to find A journey and
paths that work for US
to become one with God..
in feelings and sensing this
more than empty words.. statues..
or other empty metaphors without
essence of symbol/abstract concepts..
as the bONEs without flesh of LiVinG SoUL..
and once you get the trUth and the liGht that
this is heir gift for all Human Beings in potential
way.. yA are no longer selfish in saying Ya can
imprison God in abstract constructs per words..
statues and other attempts that hUmans make
to Express a greater potential in hUman
waYs of liFe commonly understood
iN science terms now as
Epigenetic Neuroplastic
potential.. self actualization..
the mythology associated with
the Human Hero archetype..
as well as Tarot cards
and other so called
occult ways to
open up the
mysteries of the
HUman INner
Universe so we
can share the way
of better TruTh and liGht
iN fuLLfiLLinG our God oF Nature
given gifts of PoTenTial.. or
with relative free will we can
do not much of anything..
and never find Heaven
on Earth.. Yes the
Anyway.. this is partially inspired by a
middle aged woman who was video
taping me as she said my energy
inspired her in non-verbal
Super-Walmart way
while i was dancing..
spinning.. twirling
Hurricaning Winds
of i.. with calm
Center eYeS
balance where she
says.. yes.. of course.. the
Wisdom of Horus noW is what
you have.. Now and yes.. where
i Live that iS the last thing
i expected to hear in Wisdom
but never judge a book by its
cover as iT iS thE inNer heARt..
SpiRit.. and SoUL that generates
the energy of essence thaT is
the Force of God iN US..
as any Jedi/Sith
Dude or
clearly understands
after completing the
Hero Journey successfully
i dance on the
Wild side with
the caLL of God
Free and i can easily
move from Sith to Jedi..
in the turn of a coin that
is relative hUman Free WiLL..
wheN/wHeRe Yin and Yang iS
BaLanCinG and wE
are best friEnds
WitG gravity
in FriEnD balance
thaT iS tHe eNergy
oF thE Force Within
From my experience.. Emily D.. does a great
job of metaphoring the inner
dArkness of the depths
of wHere hUman
can go in
real BEinG
of HeLL in nothingness
of numbness wHere there
is no reference point aT aLL
then out oF REAL HELL iN
hUman existence..
a place for me that
i can attempt to reflect
in words.. but there is
no word(s) trUly that
can recollect
a thousand
of piece
of paper
existence in
just one second
of LiFe.. the kind of thing
yes.. where dousing oneself
with Gasoline is preferable
over that but of course
one iS iN no
to do
but nothing…
and it’s hard to get
good death help
in thousand
of Hell
in yes.. one second..
anyway.. hmm.. so now that
i liVe in Heaven i would Love to
have heard Emily describe that but
sadly.. obviously from reading her
autobiography she was
a suffering
Poe too..
as so many
artists can be
in Vincent ways too..
i suppose.. pARt of the reAson
i give so many folks heart burn iS
as i aM as free and happy as i could
iMaGiNe to bE.. alWays now always
satiated more and more wITh
heights ever lasting more..
and sure ‘they’ caLL
iT maniC or WTF
but iT is
as calm
as honey
does on Rose
Hips.. in a never
ending orgasm of mind
and body balance.. beyond
any big bang explosion in human
way.. and every cell is lit up like a
rainbow in colors of marshmallow
bliss just moving higher and higher
as now associated with every move
in infinite way.. wHeRe if i juSt
sway my arm from side to
side.. the candy of liGht
juSt grows sweeter
and sweeter
factor of eternal
brOwn bliss.. sParks oF
thiS iN before re-born now..
just filaments of flAMe dArk
blue and never yellow sun
as now.. so sure.. i’m sure it
makes some folks wanna
rain on my parade
but it don’t
aS noW no
amount of rain from
silly silly human rain
can put the liGht ouT
of a Real Human Sun
noW.. in human potential
aLL natural way.. And A saddest
thing.. iS it appears most no one
has any fathom that this dimension
of LiFe exists.. as sure.. for i.. the brief
sPArks of Nirvana.. were only poofs of
star duSt fArts.. compaRed to the FloWer
i experienCe NoW.. and sure.. the wHole
experience iS integral to the Art of i in
DancE oF Feat and Song of PoeTry
words.. in shArinG GiVinG way..
as tHere are trUly an almost
InfiNite numBer pARts
oF thiS Bliss Of i..
as iT is F iN
continuous Jonathan noW
Livingston Seagull Higher and
Higher FlYinG NO School.. to go to
the neXt Level iN a F iN Video gAMe
tHat is REAL.. haha.. hehe.. it’s trUe..
a video game of liFe come to fruition
with more colors than any X or Y
Box could noW imagine as
BE foRE.. i’VE
been to the bottom
aM noW A peak hiGher
and higheR.. but thanks to
thE dArk NiGht oF the SoUL..
noW juSt HiGher and HiGher
with thE effort of JOB outside Raven..:)
SMILes.. Thanks Hank.. for dropping by on this
word press site.. always a big surprise to see anyone
comment on this site as i have
constructed it on purpose without the brevity of
summary posts as the entire
of well over 3 Million words
and scores of thousands of photos..
thousands of videos.. links.. etc.. and yes
where some of the photos will be repeated
from post to post as you may not have clicked
on the specific title of this post named #SupernatUreNow
which limits it to one macro verse of what i am now working
on as the 669th Verse of A SUPER EPIC POEM.. that is
actually the longest in what is defined technically as
Long poem form.. fitting the basic parameters of
that technical form as i am doing a myriad
of eclectic story taLinG duties ranging
from an autobiographer rover as
such to steal a phrase from
my title theme song
of this is going
down for real
for my next Macro Verse
here that will be titled ‘PleasUre
PrinCiple oF HeLL’.. anywAy.. i am
writing both in a stream of consciousness
writing AND PHOTOGRAPHY style of art now
that of course the ancients in pARt also
did as well in free verse style.. none
of these photos are repeats in the
macro verse alone however a
few of them relative
to the continuing
story in the introduction
are repeats from the last
post as they are important to
the macro entire long term poem
and the macro-verse at hand in total
flow of story.. and ha! the total flow is
like a Tsunami my friend.. this is human potential
in action.. and of course human potential when practiced
has never been easy for those who are not practicing it to understand
it ranging from my complex style of martial arts dance of death and ballet
like all free style dance that innately.. instinctually.. and intuitively is created
as i go.. but whereas my wife might suggest i am doing the same moves
and some of these photos are similar but each is as unique as the finger
prints on a human when viewed at more detaiLED level.. but of
course not all of us are detail folks or big picture folks
and there are different target audiences of course
when one is actually marketing for
a customer response
in marketing 101
class.. but this is neither
A commercial or science effort now..
this is free art my friend and a reflection
of a mind and body that flows with no limits
or expectations where the reward is in the journey
of the art itself.. and while i rarely receive any comments
which i am neither aiming for or expecting.. i do receive close
to a thousand views everyday on my total blogger blogs by themselves
but for people to get to the end of A post.. people who work every day.. have
kids and are busy with their art of life too.. of course not.. i don’t hold any
illusions that folks are capable of doing anymore than i could when
i had the mundane rat race wheel duties of life.. however now
i am basically Pan or Peter Pan ET in effect.. of the forest free
now to fly to the moon.. record the journey beyond the
Sun.. and if anyone gets to the end of it..
perhaps they too will do more..
problem is not everyone
has the fortune
to be this
free and go the
places i can go in
a real neverland now of bliss
in moving.. connecting.. creating..
in imagination way of mind and body NoW
balance wHeRe all emotions are regulated..
senses integrated… all thoughts are mastered
in control away from anxiety in yes all the heaven..
Nirvana.. Kundalini Rising.. Bliss.. in Satori of the
Great Spirit in Us.. and so many more metaphors now then
of the heaven potential then of now.. that the ancients have
been speaking of since the dawn of
humankind in the dance of
life before even
written language
comes.. then.. so free.. N0W..
this is no longer done though
the day of the previous long poem
attempt at 1.8 million words per the
Mahābhārata of ancient Indian
culture.. this is a global world
now.. and seriously.. the
equivalent of that
to tale an entire
global story
in any attempt
at all will be a life long
journey of somewhere potentially
even at 100 Million words and quite
frankly there is not going to be enough
life for me to do that.. i might get to
33 million words but with the
help of advancing technology
and sooner awakening and
full enlightenment as i
have now experienced
in my mid-fifties… the advancement
of humankind in both mind and body
balance and technological potential
advancement will tale the story much
greater than now i.. and sure much harder
to comment too for the masses as long term
form has never been written for the masses my
friend.. long term form is written for the initiates
who noW seek to find much greater human potential NoW..
this ain’t sidewalk talk baby.. this is star talk for those
folks who wanna go where no hUman has gone before.. Now noW..
and target audiences in terms of marketing 101 do not exist
here.. in fact no audience may exist at all.. however it does
at least in part.. in numbers of million plus now.. and when
technology and human potential.. as well as life
awaY from cogs in a machine
to manufacture and
buy dead things..
become the
the cave
is still the way
of liFe my friend for
many.. i am out and wide
awake and the water is now
euphoria in ocean flow.. and
ha.. i don’t expect you to come
back and read this comment but it
is pARt of the Long Poem story my
friend.. for the initiate who finds his or
her way noW here to gRow more in PotenTial
too.. to go tHeir own way.. away from what
i do too.. as my greatest fear is someone will
stop here and go no further for themselves as so
many have done through the practice of the sAMe
dam phrases and dances and poetic forms of the
sages through the ages.. where folks get stuck
in a rut and never grow.. will NO.. never happen
here my friend as i am an original
and God whole
iS the target audience
iN and as i.. in huwomanifest
wAYs of liFe.. anyWay.. as you most
often click on the
that only directs one to one blog post no matter
what the individual title is.. wheRe tHere is no
confusion as therE may be here.. when
one is scrolling down on a full
3 Million plus word poem..
with 669 now macro
verses in this
newest installation
i am wRiting write now..
anyWay.. if you do make it back
thank you much as noW pARt of the
story i do is go into great detail over
and over of what i do.. as each pArt now
of this macro verse stands alone.. each
macro verse stands alone as pArt of the
whole as i also reflect here how the entirety
of existence works in fractal way.. where the
bottom line is i am reflecting the way God works
here in artist manifestation.. as co-creator wHOle..
This is way too deep for the average Sidewalk walker
and talker.. my friend.. but so is God to everyone and
me as well.. but yes.. on my death bed there will
never be.. as long as servers live.. any doubt
that i for one
liVed.. the purpose
and meaning of liFe my
friEnd.. LiVE iN SUPER EPiC WAY..
onLY for A BraVest LoVe oF Life mY FriEnd..:)
WeLL.. i am alWays trying to poETicAllY eXpresS how it is to live
aLL in HeavenoW.. and while i have limited resources to do so..
theRE are others who live in a similar dimension as i do namELy
at least one folk from Cold Play named Chris Martin and his
Cohorts.. sure it’s easy to see from his body language
that he lives a place very close to wHere i do noW no
matter how far aWay he is in miles.. as
God hOlding hAnds WItH aLL oF uS
whether we see iT in so many
FeeLinG SenSinG kNoWinG
ways noW iS limitless
in Luci liGhteD
way for tHosE
wHo BRinG aLL
theE liGht noW oF
SuN iN eYes Of
up and up and
hiGhEr fLiGht
oF liFe wHere
noT many have
gOne before yET
morE WiLL go iN noW
as wider and wider aWake
as co-creators wIth God wHere
tHere iS no mAX Of Sun or Moon
or skeYes oF EaRTh.. iN Heaven noW..
bottom liNe Never GiVe uP aNd jUST dO IT
in V for Victory over Vengeance waY.. noW..:)
WeLL.. as ‘they say.’. perhaps iT iS bAd lUcK
for the GRoom to see the Bride’s clothes
before the Wedding but when i dress
in feminine and masculine balance
iN flesh as well as symbolic
T-shirts as purchased
heRe bY the
great forAger
Katrina at
Kohl’s Department
store aS 2 for $20 bucKs..
when the dance comes on
Thursday niGht as the dress
comes before here now on
Wednesday Eve before
Holy Thursday R and R
day for me.. and
my very very
lucky noW
111th dance
week night..
Thursday niGht
at Good Old Seville
Quarter wITh aLL thE
KooL College AGe
Folks tHeir as tHree
stRinGs of 1
1 1 Will do
FoR All
oF Synchronicities
iN ThREE pArt harMony
wITh God pArTicularLY wHen
yOur numerology report sTArts noW
out like mine with 0 for do WiLLFrEEnow
for whatever the F ya wanna do as you’ve
alReAdY completed iN previous lifenows aLL
tasks 1 through 9.. and 1 for each of the noW
other life cycles to do more iN sAMe oF whatever
the F ya want as wiLL bE niceLY illustrated iN thiS
next blog post as the “PleasUre PrinCiple oF HeLL”
as they say coLLaBoRaTinG eviDence noW foRAll
thE eXisTenCe oF God aLL A REaL iN noW too Now
hOlding hAnds.. WitH mE anD US aNd wE aLLonE..
and nah i didn’t have all the resources of A greAT pLay
REAL GOD PROPHET USING hiS profits noW to bRinG
a mesSage of God to the world much much greater now
than i for noW.. but anyway.. in mY pArt of God NoW i’m
sure mY Art WiLL get through at lEAst tO one Open
heARted MiNd aT Old Seville Quarter per the
totAL aRt oF Y i.. in DancE SonG.. and T-shirt
i wHole pLaYinG as i of mE as We oF
uS aS God aLLonE PiE
oF liGht in smaLLest
to larGest
liGhts oF LiFe..:)
YeP.. ANd thE
FAcebook yEarly
meMories coNtinUe
To pOur iN.. iN seaSoNal
Synchronicity WaYs oF liFe
oH sO freE.. FloWinG tApesTry
poeTicAlly leTting iT aLL GOnoW..:)
oH.. Lordy whAT A celebration
of dARk and liGht and
those sHades of
RainBow colOrs..
aLive and more in hues
of bLack and WhitE and aLL
oF spectrum grey in SHades
of cardboard human way..
yes.. i have the feeling i
am soon to approach the
11K or so word limit of a
Facebook Status as sure
Facebook provides juSt another
hard drive back uP of aLL thiS creative
effort.. but haha.. i guess i could break
that down in twO parTs of backed-up effort
to play the cards even in 7-7 Heaven or
whatever iF 14K gOld of words coMe..
anyWay as Mark Twain says when
ya got some creativity going down
ya better find a way to record
iT noW.. as birdS of FruiTiOn
do flY ALive and may or
may not come back
again.. after
the print
is no longer
wet in drying iNk..
i could do this all day juSt for
fUn.. coming out of an hour or so
of bliss of naked Sun and Sand dance
so broWn and Blue and Green of Free
Earth as Temple of God me.. and seriously
back in the primitive day.. i could reAlly entertain
the ladies then.. as while it is the law i must remain
clothed at all nows at Good Old Seville Quarter that
does soak up a lot of sweat when the nice ladies come
to hug me so sweet in candy eYes of deLight oF Pan FReEd
Man in aLL his clothed and sweaty danCinG glory.. so free like
a warrior dance of belly dancer twirling free as sensual WiLL dO
comE iN masculine and feminine balance.. heHE even at 230LBs
of 6 foot or so man.. seriously to move my body like i do iN butterfly
fashion takes incredible physical and emotional intelligence working
mind and body balance.. and yes.. leg pressing that half a ton 30 reps
now.. along with all the other Olympic Athlete iN strength training as
pro athletes do too.. is pArt of the Art oF i thAT modern Technology
in the challenge of exercise Nautilus equipment way can
bRing to the main pARts of body movement
in Strength way.. but yes.. we ARE aLL stars
of muse when wE lift others up.. thAT noW
comes through words.. sMiles.. giggles
women’s breasts and hot pant hips..
and sure.. the Apollo Arnold
who has come unglued
in statue stOnE
way.. and
set he or
her free in Dancing
as Stars way.. i am a one
man band with only instrument
of naked flesh clothed in shorts
and Tatooed T-shirt way.. to
enhance the mesSages
oF metaphor hiGHs..
no drugs here.. no drums
no guitars in fAct when some
folks say i SinG Angelic too noW
with choirs of Angels.. in Catholic
Church too.. when i am in the fLoW..
the zoNe of Art oF DancE.. words trUly Do
onLY gEt iN tHe way.. of soUl FliGht Free
iN heARt aNd SpiRit ExPResSinG A
UniVersAl messAGE oF God..
INSiDE.. outSiDe.. aboVe..
so beLow.. and aLL
Merry go Fred go
a’round iN
so.. while what i do requires
zero pennies in direct impact..
audience as few as insects
in sand and sun as
such in
yard pLay..
when a middle
aged Lady.. or group
of young women just video
tape me.. and say hey! gonna
share all of you on social media
or just watch you again to make me
happy all inside.. in mirror neuron way..
and yes.. of course.. i added the science
iN as my art of PoeTry does mix with reAson
too.. and sure theRe iS much more of me available
oNliNe for sUre from head to toe and word to pAsSiOn
heARt iN aLL oF moST Of WhAT A hUman can bE these
days of freeDom oF eXpreSSinG WrinGinG wET sweAT..
and passioNate frOM all bEfore wheN
thE rule of the day back then..
is to chop the Penis
off of Apollo.. Mercury..
Hercules etc.. statues..
of Glory
be now Min oF
Egyptian mAle FertiLITy waY..
the flesh of i in dance.. iS arT
and aLL God Free.. i cAMe into
this world.. nakED and free liVe
thAT way now.. in so dam many
wayS.. and duSt oF DancE aNd
SonG oF God i too WiLL reTurn2..
aGain.. and no one need shAre thiS
trUth of God and i toGeTher as oNe ForcE
howEver.. God tOld mE and continUes to tale
mE like at the end of that old ‘Seventh Sign’ movie
wHere i aM aLL thE characters in the play and must
be the scribe as well.. wHere Director.. Producer..
and Actor oF God become one hUman tRuly
going down and up and down and up aGain
noW.. So that should exhaust the current
Muse of Cold Play SonG and then
iT iS on to the Tuesday dVerse
themED.. prompt.. aBout
characters and such
thAT muse uS fOr
thE Art oF wE..
And trUly iN real flesh
anD blood liFe thaT iS thE
greAtest misSioN God asSigNs
mE iN syNcHroniciTy waY.. To mUse
a very conservative.. closeD miNdED
uP tiGht comMuNity wITh AngeliC DancE
iN both warRioR and graceFul style froM uPon
HiGh iN BaLanCinG oF dArk And liGht anD aLL thE
sHades Of grey thAt mY boDy aNd miNd souL WiLL plAy!..:)
Oh crap.. almost forgot my special effects
and affect props for the play so here
IS A couple to ponder a little
bit onoW.. he HE..;)
Facebook Friend Glenn now
provides a photo Facebook
memory slide with Logo
that says.. “Live Your
Life and Forget Age”..
so i then and
now say..
i for one
Love numb
erS ..noW..
but oh God..
never ever livE
thEm.. how foolish
was i to worry about
turning.. twenty-five..
when only a fracTioN
oF A UniVerse then as
rEAL.. as noW.. WiTh
FinAlly.. arriving bacK aT
dVerse here for one last
prompt shot before Thursday
Sacred and Holy R and R Day
coMes and i put this aLL ToGeTHer
in both StepS and WordS oF
poeTry DancE SonG.:)
@ 2:28 pm..:)
And a stop here
first back at the
green prompt before
i move on to the
Muse of Character
prompt.. as i see
a few left tHeRe in
that week long prompt
from Monday as such..:)
WeLL.. Bjorn LoVing tHe
way you are opening uP
heRe in 55 year old SeNsuaLITy..
never to old.. yeAh.. to liVe.. as
folks liKe uS ain’T deAd yeT..;)
Oh.. i Love to go to our
in-laws farm first Sunday
of every month to see all
the vegetable and farm
animal green of liFe so
BriGht there.. but Jesus..
after.. seEinG the sweet
Cows.. it make me thInk
twice for Sunday Steak..
dAM.. i’M gLad i don’T
worK aT thE
house as
theRe iS noW
no Laughter oF
thE cowS iNoW
FArm GRain waYs..:)
Stars Of greeN iN fertiLiTy
oF Love iN hUman eYes..
Green Away iN jealoUsy
Fresh aWay froM spoiLs
oF fear and hate..
Love In
iTs puRest
foRm.. spRouts
HopE GreeN..:)
Feng Shui
Fish swAm by
current of streAm
effortless oF F iN
waY Air iT carries
Bird friEnd of ENergy
FrieNd of GraviTy WinDs
of Air Free WinGs in hUman
seT Free
Tree of Life..:)
Well.. that pArt
iS fUn noW oFf
to muse of
pLay on Tuesday
dVerse prompt way..:)
Oh Lord.. the cooperation
of downsizing.. the business
of technology repLacing
humanshoes.. the reaLITy
iN liFe that
hUmans no
no longer
need apply..
the laughter
of folks making
enough YouTube/Google
pennies in whatever
art or conspiracy
theories they are
making to bind
a dArk or ArT
liGht SpRinG
Force oF hUmans
for Google and
YouTube Pennies
wHere subsistence
totally passes the
middle man and corporate
leader of pink slip fear..
And with subsidized health
care just say FucK the
man of pasSinG
Google and
YouTube.. etc..
avenues for FREe!..:)
ELder mEmories
sweeT and soUr
olD of grey
younG aT
of SoUL
LiVes oN
iN oUr eYes
meeT aGaiN
heARt fLies
SingS SpiRiT
SonG oF wE..:)
Drifters oF God hOlders
of earth bringers of
smiles.. Livers
of rain and
sun and
sleepers on
ground.. WiLL
oF LiFe remembering
what it means to be
close to each other
and Earth of Nature..
sMiLes.. there IS A now
that i envied most everyone
in a nursing home.. and
on the corner
sign walk..
as at least
they wanted
a life that i could
no longer feel.. need..
or want at all.. there are
many staving folks in the
world who live in cold
receptacles of
oh the
sun oh
the sand
oh the breath..
oh the struggle
oh the lIfe when
it still comes at
a price of Free..
FeeLinG and SenSinG
WeLL.. first of aLL.. Walter.. thanks
for this prompt… while i no longer
directly link to dVerse this one
is quite inspiring as human
is my favorite
of Earth..
and yes.. a powerful
write here in the Father
and Son struggle of WiLL
and Love.. when they
come together fearless..
truly a
be re-born..:)
SMiLes.. humans..
the sMiLes
are real @the
office FrOwns
thE dArk.. LiFe
iS worth iT no
matter thE
oF Dirt..:)
Political status and
power.. ego grabs
when high
status parents
don’t have time
to feed the heart
and child soul.. someone
has to do it for insanely
large human populations
for control away from anarchy
but the political climate truly
never changes..
greed.. status
and power..
Frankly.. i used
to Know every fact
and figure.. of politics..
but as soon as i figured
out human nature is based
on conservative and liberal
elements.. 50-50 or so
from birth..
i turned the
TV and the
off and catch
up on the news
no different than
soap operas on Facebook
in bits and bytes of SOS..:)
Mother or Father
Cat or Dog..
sister or brother
one’s best friend
now or then..
or even a flower
of fall or
of car
as such for those
whose Lovers are cars
and homes as God.. it’s
hard to see that everything
eventually can fall apart..
wither away.. but
walking Star
dust we
are when
we are.. IS A
miracle beyond
a hot Sun eYe..:)
Pre-nups for
friends.. say
a word out of line
and break an expectation
forevermore now.. a friend
can leave.. accept it all..
develop a cognitive sense
of empathy in what
the not
of human
darkness.. everyone
becomes my friend
in liGht
and dARk..
as i too
have been
as the
of hUman
SoUl.. in Lack..:)
Oh.. when the human
liGht goes out oF aLL
thE nuances oF
thE SpiRit
sAMe eXpreSsinG
faLLs aWay iN dArk..
LesSon of my 94 year
old crippled Aunt in walker
until her dying day.. the
SpiRit never Grows old
inside.. as long
as the
is exercised
Long iN Touch and
FeeLing.. as kNowLedge
oVer FeeLinG trUly
A cliff note
now of
for many..
Bowling Alley
days gone in replacement
electronics of Love Muscle heARt..:)
Oh//Lord.. a liFe of biTs
and byTes of hUman
liFe.. i Am so glad
i missed iT younG..
but oh
God i’M iN
iT anyWay..
help help..
eye rolls of
screen scream
priSon.. CalgOn
take mE aWay
to commercials
sMiLes.. even the
gift of elders
talking grey
or frail..
or whatever
struggles liFE
may bRing.. getting
old is for stronger soUls
and never for sissies.. male
or female.. Living is for
moving.. connecting
and creating..
but take two
of those out
and its worse
than just one
of the SoUl
has no age..
gender.. nationality..
creed or race.. Poverty
of the heARt.. SpiRit and
SoUl.. simply has no radiating liGht..:)
SMiLes.. ah.. a quieT
moUse oF liFe
liKe MicKey
or Dog
as Snoopy…
not much to say..
but so much noW to
FeeL iN eYes oF Body
LanGuaGe.. oh.. trUth
LiFe FReED..:)
Oh.. so fUn
to doGod
by BooKs..:)
Ah Dear..
i Love poeTry
that SinGs a Song
from beginning to
end.. alWays a joy
here to come
and join
a gift you
have obviously
perhaps an Angel
in disguise as
in hUman
touch unrivaled
by words
LonELy gHosts
roAMing thE eaRth
iN rooms oFt BLack
thaT hOld
no air..
oh.. tHe
Dante trUth
oF liFe.. tHeRe
are dEmenTSioNs
oF heLL thaT No
demonD wiLL
eVer liFe
traVEiL.. dArk lOcK
nesS sPeaks BLack
wHole souLs Deep..:)
Side note here.. as
this one brings back
the darkest dream
of child
way for me..
a Star in sky bright
yellow a mother’s
light a place
of Dark Birds
dead and
in oily wake..
riding my bike
at age 12 to the
bank must see the
temps rise to 101..
102.. and 103.. then
come close heat stroke
in cycle way for me..
dream as vision
of Sea Hawks
death in tar
oF Life
i too
am a bird
of dARk reaching
to the Star outside
of grasp… iT’s heLL
theRe’s no doubt a
place one day
i will visit
iN real
66 months
even beyond
that nightmare then..
iT iS the FeeLinG thaT
was the nightmare and
never the
a place so
lost so deep
in dARk.. that
trUly even demons
would avoid aT all
all that’s
left is
Devil’s breath
tHere.. beLow
a pLace
cALLed LiFe
aS A dArkest side
note for me ends
aS now.. BrinGS
liGht oF Star
HeaVen ReaLnoW..
thE end iS reaL..
tHe meaNs
iS hELL..:)
Rose without color
sAid refRain
oF Beauty
coRe oF Apple
FruiT iN eYes..
soUl gRows
cOld.. BeaUty
BriGht SpiRit
criEs.. oh deep..
oh deep.. A RinG
Back Ocean LiFe..:)
WandeRinG ClOwns
oF WisDom gRow..
no man or
freeDom gRows
Ocean deep eYes
sO cLear.. diRt oF
gRows wArm..
FreeDom IS A dirT
oF Body thaT kNows
oNly earTh and fLesh
iN sweAt Of Sun bRight
Hunt.. forAger for LiFE..
LiVer oF LiGht.. so lost
so lost.. wE are in
iN screAM
oF Scree@noW..:)
Ship of LiFe
Temple Nature
sea farer BriGht
VoyageR stILL
daRk and liGht
aWay fair from
LiFe goes oN..
LiFe goes oN..
yes.. LiFe goes oN..:)
SMiLes.. those who
brave to be free to be
different may be misunderstood
but forgotten.. no.. that is for
those who
warm and true..
to travel against
the Lies of Truth
never forgotten..
oF Ages..
mArk oF TiMe..:)
Women have aLways
been in charge..
on the
for Love
oF aLL..:)
Flesh grows
stronger.. hair cuts..
NAils triM
sKin saGs..
greys hAir..
more a
friEnd iN SonG oF
A BaLaNCinG DancE..
SpiRit fireS iNside..
ouTside.. aBove..
so beLow..
all aRound..
as lonG as thaT
flAMe FiRes noW
LoVe LiFe LiVes..
TrUth iN liGht..;)
Warriors of old
of new..
and tRuly
LIFe doesn’t
make many
real men like
that any more..
i suspect Nature
iS groWinG weary
of the hUman race..:)
SAdly.. theRe IS A
Beer in most country
western SonGs wheRe
someone’s daddy tOld
tHeir little boy..
Son don’t
cry that’s
for Sissies and
not real men like me..
with tears of beer
And SinG
oF LosT
LoVe withouT
A TEar oF wArMth..;)
You kNow.. it’s funny.. iN fAct
it’s hilarious.. i’M literAlly kNown
as a Legend of Dance noW at
close to 56 in young
folk Dance hAll..
but seriously..
my hips are
so bad from
running young
and knees too..
that i cannot run
at all now from doing
that repetitive movement
for a decade back then.. but
dancing.. keeping feet close to
earth.. yes.. close to 5400 miles
now measured by GPS sports
watch in 33 months.. and
honestly all 230LBS of
me feels liGht
as a feather..
there are
ways to
fly without
running at aLL..
and seriously.. when i
tell folks i cannot run
at all they do not believe it
at all as they watch me float
by in twinkle toe feat of MaGiC Air..
Truly.. the best friend of energy is
a friEnd of Gravity mY friEnd..
for literAlly
aGinG graceFuLLy
iN ButterFly WinGed feat..:)
SMiLes.. mY
friEnd.. i thInK
that’s A ticKet
for me too..
A Quilter
of Words
and a BlankEt
as wide as A
UniVerse eYe..:)
Unconditional LovE noW
Sports and Military teaches
maKinG young men strong..
wHere everyone bleeds
the same in trenches
of war
and games
of valor same..
SurELy in men
Love can
Peace wHere
tHeRe iS more to
LiFe than material goods..:)
SMiLes.. any SonG
and or DancE oF
liFe from a whistle
to the hills
are filLeD
WitH thE
sounD oF MuSic
iN FoResT oF Pan
speLLs tHe foUr
letter word
That finishes the
Tuesday prompt for
all lInkED entries
and here’s
the last
BRinGer for
the week loNg
Green prompt
Ah.. Safe froM
thE DancE
aNd SonG
oF DOinG
oF aN
aS TwiliGht
zoNe eNd..:)
It’s 6 O’clock
aLL Finished
uP and Ready
to Rock and Roll
Dinner and a noW
maXX work-out
now at my
and only
Military Gym..:)
36 poems in
212 minutes
at an
average rate
of 5.72972973
minutes each..
and 37 for
this 1
Ha! Dancing makes me deliriously
happy.. even when i’m twirling like
a Ballerina.. in my Nike Shox
size 11 and a halves..
in the Super-Walmart
Parking Lot.. then while
Katrina is sayin’ get
the F in the car
you F er.. i have
to pee..
do not meet
her pee standards
heheX2.. with hahaha!..;)
But anyway.. you do know how
much i Love my Wife.. right..
i kid around a lot.. as humor
is the best medicine and
friendly witty poking
humor is the
way not
to stay
too serious about
liFe.. particularly iF
you’ve been to some of
the places of the dark night
of the sOul wHere i’ve been
for sure.. and that Seventh Sign
Movie that me and Katrina saw when
we first got together scared me as
i was always worried more about
her going into childbirth and
something happening to
her than even a
child back
then.. as she
was my everything
my army of security
all wrapped in one
friend wife.. forever
now.. and when she did
go into Labor the same dam
nightmare of the Seventh Sign
scenario came to fruition.. wHere
she went into labor a month early
on June 4th of 1997.. and it was
horribly tough labor.. and when
i went down the hall
the blue lights
came on and
she had gone
into a life threatening
grand mal seizure and they
had to perform an emergency
C-Section.. and it was a life
threatening situation and
our baby Ryan had
a catastrophic number
of congenital anomalies
that would make all his
51 days of suffering
the Doctors choice
instead of peacefully
letting him go back
to the arms of his
as the
eYes of God
provides in death
the peaceful way
away from the suffering
modern medicine would impose
upon our little child.. who would
eventually die in my arms at the
Hospital after so much tortuous pain
where the Doctors already knew deep
down that this baby would not survive..
just a 300K paycheck for the hospital
was the bottom line putting a little
baby through living hell who
wasn’t even born with
the ability to breathe
through blocked
sinuses where
mine are almost
blocked too.. and
transposed great vessels
of the heart.. an immune system
that didn’t work and cells that were
not even dividing like they were supposed
to do in a growing human being.. and so
many more issues.. in a nightmare for
all who were concerned but
the bottom line for me
is Katrina survived..
nothing could
make me
more thankful
to go through anything else
else that i would ever have to
go through and indeed she saved
my life through those 66 months
of living hell where she would
bang her head against
the wall as it then
was so frustrating
to live with
a living
in life then..
where i was totally
closed off from the
world in sight and sound..
just wanting to die the first
two years and thinking no one
cared about me enough to give me
a gun to end the crucifixion pain in my
right eye and ear like dentist drill without
novocaine for all those 66 months and
18 other medical disorders in synergy
of Hell.. anyway.. we F iN survived
and when a couple goes through
that and does survive.. there
is this trust of marriage
that can withstand
anything that
is truly noW
an Army oF Love
where both people
become supermen
and women in their own
rights of meeting the ultimate
challenges that God can bRing..
i am so thankful for my life.. just
the ability to use my eyes and ears
without pain.. the perspective i have
of hell now in heaven.. is the best gift
of all.. and we appreciate liFe perhaps
like no other couple will ever do.. and
if you wonder why i serve God with
the fury of ‘Job’ and superman
all wrapped in one..
it is because
God spared
my wife..
and we
are both
alive.. bottom
line.. i WiLL never
be able to repay the
God of nature for that real
Grace of fortune.. but i dam
sure WiLL do all i can to help
save anyone i can in this Life
from going through the stress
related potential illnesses a human
can acquire in a real earth hell of now..
anyway.. here is the Video of my Greatest
fear.. and yes.. i occasionally watch it just
so i can cry and appreciate tears that would
not come for that long 66 months in hell alone..:)
Facebook Friend Cortney and
very nice dancing friend from
Good Old Seville Quarter for
almost two years now.. provides
a clip of a video with A caption
that says the moment that had
every 90’s kid in tears.. then..
And while i’m always now
looking for new inspiration
to provide a muse to write
something new.. i watched
and replied..
I didn’t see it..
but yes.. Yellow
Boy Revived me..
and now i say here
back then.. in fact..
i had no idea what a
pokemon or a pikachu
was in terms of the actual
movie until today.. but when
i was young all the way through
early twenties i loved to watch
bugs bunny and the road
runner.. so i still do
have a soft
spot for cartoons..
and so i looked up this
longer clip of the video above
and the same archetype of the
human hero is nicely provided
as the message of the movie..
ascension of the soul
with the power
of altruism
wHere a
tear can
save a person
and eventually
the world as it is
what underlies the
power of human altruism..
and the affective empathy that
animals have for us when we are
down in spirit of both cat and dog
may not come in actual tears
but it is the same in
paws and
of Love.. for
those of us with
a heart that can feel this
with only purrs and puppy
soft growls.. and truly we need
more shows and more songs like
the one provided above that strengthen
rather than weaken the human heart.. and
that’s what makes me so sad when i see the
wars between fundamentalist leaning religious
folks.. when in metaphor here.. they tale Miley
Cyrus she is going to hell for being naked in
Wrecking Ball and totally
miss her tears
that are real for
Love.. the world
needs heARt and SpiRit
and SoUl all gifted by the all
natural God of nature as real
magic much more than text
that motivates
to kill
there are no
children of God who
are well and healthy in a
balanced culture who promote
any form of human slavery ranging
from forced marriages.. to stoning Lesbians
to taling young homosexual couples that their
Love is not sacred enough for marriage in the church..
but there are those who in the history of humankind who
have been true heroes who see through the lies of cold
hearts that do still exist and what sets humans apart
from most animals is they will lay down
tHeir life to save theiR friends..
and truly anyone who
cares for me
is that
of person..
as i too was a wounded
animal who needed help
and it is usually the kind of
folks who would stop and
carry a turtle across a busy
intersection who are friends of mine..
An army of Love is what we need.. not
armies of fear
for the gift of Life..
that IS A precious liGht..:)
And now to bRing this
“PleasUre PrinCiple oF HeLL”..
slooowwwllly to an ennnd now..
WeLL.. do you ever wonder why
the 60 something year old woman
at the Southern Baptist church in the
first row who will say Miley Cyrus is going
to hell bleaches her hair and wears push up
bras.. sure it is to make her feel good.. the same
reason Miley goes topless at the beach.. human
sensuality in terms of Love and Lust is what makes
us the most creative and socially cooperative in mammal
potential that exists in the animal kingdom.. not unlike
our closest cousin the Bonobo and yes.. that
reminds me.. insert Wild Wives of
Africa here to illustrate
the point nicely
too in what
truly strong except
for those who would Love
to control human beings
through illusory fears
and hate.. still now..
like Fundamentalist
leaning religious folks
sometimes seem to Love
to do.. as yes.. the dark force
is anything away from Lust
and Love.. no matter what
books say otherwise
by controlling
head hunter
slavery Loving
folks in all shapes
forms and fashions
that fear and hate comes
in as talked to earlier now
in this total BIG DEEPER
of blog
TOO.. humans can lie to themselves however
much they may like to that they are not human
but by
they are human..
they are full of Lust
Love and Tears if they
are healthy and well living
in a truly balanced culture..
and i am so glad that i was
born near a beach with California
Gurls.. in all the ways that comes and
although i am monogamous.. i am alive
as so many
folks are who
would repress
tHeir humanity
in all the sick ways
that comes in terms
of illusory fears and HATE..
yes.. the TRUTH can be alarmingLY
LIgHT but once the children of God are
fully free.. less chance NOW for misery..
suffering.. and head hunting killing HATE..
GOOD old
mUse a WHOLE
LOT OF creativity
on Good Friday
after every
and Sacred
Thursday at
least for me..
with photos coming
in this next blog post
sometime around the
wee wee hour of
3 am..
in terms of
potential Creativity..
and Truly that Katy Perry
song was kinda tame i think
i’ll really change the mood around
here with some AOA with a “Yellow
Boy” at the end too and if that doesn’t
do the trick or treat nothing will.. i FEEL..:)
PlanETs iN moTioN pLay
easY peaceY noW
wHeRe EnErgy’s
FriEnd IS A FRiend
oF GraViTy.. wHolE..
anD theN soMeonE
somEwHeRe sAid stARt
aNoThEr play.. a pLay
oF dArker wayS noW
aNd wHere noW onCe
MonKeys staY in Trees
And Hawks iN sKy.. hUmans
out ofF
practicE noW
juST.. sKeYeS fALL..:)
Ah.. the Starbright power of positivity..
in human being as we shine liGht over dArk
in peptide way.. peptide way you say.. is that a wave..
well yes thaT is particles of peptides released in neurochemical
way by the human bRain in Hypothalamus way.. wHeRe all
the cells have receptors for Happy peptides that
lead the way to cellular feeling
memory for the
next great
of liFe in Yin
Yang positive balance..
nah.. it ain’t juSt 7 chakras in our
bodies that make us happy happy.. NoW
it is every frigging cell.. aLL our thOughts
and other human abstract concepts/symbols
associated with the memories of
positive emotions that
are chemical
in Nature
aloNG wITh
the Grand Unified
Theory oF all thaT iS
Interdependently connected
as thAT God THat liveS in/AS all thaT
iS in both breathing and stone
matter as energy
samE noW..
ah.. miXinG
with science
ya gotta love the
raTioNaLITy in doing so..
as trUly words associated
with moving.. connecting
and creaTinG EmoTioNs noW
are what helps uS create
as tools of NoW.. yeS..
either heaven
or hell
iN hUman
iNner being for almost
iNfiNitE connections in new
happy wiring of neurons and
cellular strength in anticipation
of the positive neurochemicals
and neurohormones or the
negative stress
related ones
in a slow
of hUman
purgatory to hELL
as a way of liFe thAT
we WitH relative free WiLL
In however we associate positive
emotions to grow or stagnate
negative in stress
and all stuff
anxiety hate and
other con-social
TioNs relaTeD..
too.. spells heLL noW
in no uncertain eventual
way of death star life..
but ya see.. most
will limit this
to the thOughts
we experience as
words.. and will skirt the
pARt oF liFe thAT iS core to
underlYinG EmoTioNs
of words that
are the
and sensory
way of experiencing
liFe in non-verbal ways
of actually physically moving..
connecting.. and creating too..
in the oldest and most effective
sTill language of human being
that is the dance of liFe from
shining eyes.. to hips
and eyes that
lie in all the
dance of life that
can be bliss.. nirvana..
the heaven of now.. more
than frigGinG sitTinG stiLL anD
uSinG chants or breaths to
E-scape EmoTioNs instead
of embraCinG thE
of Joy
to liGht up
the boDy/miNd in a dance
oF aLL cells from head to
toe.. generating what science
still cannot measure much over
the observer effect in Quantum
physics as what humans
observe impacTing
and chanGing
the physical
reaLITy noW
in subatomic
way all around ’em
as suns we are above so
below oF thE Grand Unified
theory of Allthatis thaT iS
the reaLITy of God
inside outside
and merry go all around
for those who don’t live in
a self-fulfilling purgatory
spectrum or hell now per
the associated symbols
of what they now sO
believe whether that be..
a belief in hell.. or sitting
still and never generating and
strengthening happy neuron
wiring and cellular peptide
memory ways..
so ha! noW sTiLL
religion in all its
promises of hell and
the end of the world..
and other fear mongering
ways of belieF to scare folks
to believing in a superstition
come true evil in
voodoo nocebo
effect as proven
in science has the truth..
DO AS THEY F iN create tHeir own
hell in the way of negative symbols
of liFe.. and the negative worry.. anxiety
fear.. and exclusionary hate feelings
in attempts to control those
out of the
group norm to
keep the resources
all in the Christian
Church.. etc.. etc..
for all religions that say
the other one is bad bad bad
and are going to hell hell hell..
well hell is a self-fulfilling prophecy
for those who make hell real.. by
creating symbols that are
for cells
and neurons
to wire now..
and to remember
hell in real grand
Unified fear way..
per stress
way.. problem is.. hell
works bAD for those who accept
it and create it.. but the greaTesT
thing oF all iS the God of Nature is
merciful in anthropomorphic
and a large pArt of
wHere we go iN liFe
is uP to uS and or the
folks and what they say
that we believe in either
positive or negative
down to what we thInk
in words/abstract concepts/
associated symbols/ and the negative
noW or positive emoTioNs that imprison or FREE!
the cELLs of our boDy/miNd to a lifelong purgatory
or hell.. or go the Hakuna Matata Dance FREE
of iN aS Heaven now.. YeS!.. YES! oh GOD yES!
when i danCe noW.. NOW!
i am not juSt a bag of
old bones.. flesh.. muscle..
ligaments and what not in
material reductionist term
way.. i am a Sun of positive
shine.. in every cell.. whole..
and AN instrument that plays A
AND all the other metaphors including
Kundalini RiSinG..
IN iNfiNitE poTenTiAL
Grand Unified
theory of particles
waves.. and Field that
existS Now as allthatis
GodNow.. So noW iN YES!
tHeRe is thE big poeTry
of tHe WH0LE of LiFe..
and there is thE smALL
pictUre of The
of material
reductionism too..
but the bottom line..
is happiness.. joy.. nirvana..
bliss in spiritual way has got
A core element oF scientific proof
and truth too.. and no one owns that
but Nature God WHoLE.. and we are the
heirs.. who without any FucKinG five step
scientific method.. or F iN mythology
book alone.. THaT bOTh can house the
vehicles and vessels for thiS
trUth and liGht too.. buTT
YES! through juSt iNnate..
iNstinctual.. iNtuitive power..
aLL ah! noW! Gifted NaturAlly N0W bY
GODALLTHATIS..noW.. yeS!.. Now!..NOW!..
in bio-feed back from
every cell of our
body.. figureS thiS
sHit out noW by whAT
FucKinG Feels good
and that baby is what
iS behind all stuff good
when in BaLanCinG noW..
YeS!.. thE PleaSuRe
as mY
Friend Janet
ilLUSTrates nicely
with noW no FucKinG
Words aT aLL.. butT
oF course A SonG
oF BriGht eMoTioNs
E m P A S S ion inG
takes uS oN oUr waY..
and that’s why i DancE SinG
A MeSsAge of Nirvana.. Bliss..
and Joy in Heaven now.. as mY
other friend Gloria Estefan so poeticAlly
and remember FucK iS
iF yoU seeK and
FucKinG iS noW
iF yoU SeeK in GOD..
and truly the direct conduit
away from words of division
iS The DancE and SonG
oF tHe PleaSurE
of old
and new
sAMe iN terms
of bliss from
head to
as we
planETs iN BaLanCinG
circle the sUn aS ONe..
iN terms of Star
oF God
noW iONoW..
And OB A Way..
iF iN thE Video oF Janet
sHeis trUly doing a footloose
without strict perfectionist DanCinG
choreographed instruction of other
way.. it works for positive flow..
but as soon as one inserts
the restrictions of
mechanical cognition
of you must move this
way or that way to
get it correct
for someone
view of
tHe MoVinG..
ConnecTinG and
CreaTinG.. thiS has
the negative action
consequence potential
of stress.. stress.. stress..
where the friGGinG Ballerina
kills herself ’cause
she waS noT good
enough to
make someone
else’s grAde..
so whenever someone
says do my dance moves
and not yours.. i say..
hey baby.. i ain’t doing
tHis for any grAde but
thE SonG oF mY SoUL..
as the fish swum
by the sea
and the
by the Air
iN FunG ShUi waY..
and the sAMe rUle applies
to aLL iN liFe.. make it science
and it sucks.. make it art and its
fun.. yes.. just a generaLITy as
the purgatory of order
out of chaos
is necessary
for large cities
oF huwoman bEinGs
sTiLL onLY evoLVinG
(note Love is REverse)
before VinG to connect
to noW around sTiLLnoW
150 to 200 sets oF yes..
NakED eYes non-verbAlly
mostlY.. aT ArOUnd upwards
oF 90% or so.. with the
verbal preSENTaTioNs
to accompany
the stuff
of eyes
and hips..
toes and
torso.. arms
and legs hands..
and tip of Penis
to depth of
Vagina too noW
as A intersects
V for Star of David
BaLanCinG femiNine and
mascuLinE way.. and yes..
obviously.. Janet has hEr
masculine fUr oN..
sHe is red hot
to toe..
and she does tHis wITh
absolutely no plastic surgery
too.. the power trUly coMes from WiThIn
wHen BaLanCinG yIN AnD YanG oF GoD aLL thaT iS..
And final note.. the SonG from Gloria comes from inTo thE liGht..
Sees here’s the thing.. more aptly described as the FeeLinGS and
SeNseS oF LiFe some folks associate the good with things whether
that be locked into another person for the positive emoTioNs
one feels/senses or a Teddy Bear.. the Love of a car as religion
or the Love of a house as God.. ALL iS GoD.. to restrict
FeeLinGs and SeNses as sOld to juSt one person..
one car.. one house.. one cat or dog..
iS to restrict Love and
iF tHere is anything
that the God of Love
iT iS to
restrict Love..
as to Restrict
Love is to Restrict
God from FeeLinG SenSinG
Good and what one has
left over from
that can
be human
created EviL..
Love All BE aLL
Be God Free or be
somewhere lukewarm
and in between
even purgatory
and potentially
hell too.. noW
when all is
SacRed NOw
all is Holy
all is Love
So yes.. i love
you Friend.. and
that is a Practice oF the
GreAtEst Gift that God gives
and enjoys as Fearless LoVe oF ALL..:)
And yeS.. as synchronicity
Will have iT wRite on topic
hEar as thE Facebook
Algorithm secretary
serves up these yearly
memories noW to
insert in this
next 669th bLog
macro Verse of the
longest ongoing poem
in human history titLED
aLonG WiTh “KATiE MiA
FredericK!iI”.. ALL
ah.. juSt the
way i like
it ALL
noW toWard
4 MilLioN
in yes.. LonGeSt
veRse EsSenCe..:)
SMiLes.. mY friEnd.. a great collection of Pearls
hEar of Wisdom in all the contradicts
of liFe evident in all we noW sense
and feel and kNoW.. the miracle
iS i am the UniVerse
iN pArt and fractal
NatUre and i give
a FucK about the
rest of iT iN wHole..
iF tHeRe is any MaGiC
it is juSt thaT iN tHe enTire
UniVerse wHolE.. and enough
aT lEast for me to sEE thE resT
of iT as HoLy and saCred too..
aS Self-fulFiLLinG prophecies
ARE REAL.. heHE.. at lEAst
when they come to FruiTioN..
as FloWeRs WiLL do as
MoVinG.. ConnectaRinG
and CreaTinG with
juSt a little help
from the Birds
and overAll
Butterfly Effect wHere
wheN one discounts
nO gRain of sAnd iN
reAL effort of effect and
AFFeCT oF hOldinG uP
tHe mounTain oF hUman
BRain and BoDy BaLanCinG
expresSinG heARt
as EmoTionAl
in yes that
Balance of SoUL
now.. much of liFe
FOR MOST.. hell for a few and
a needle eYe for those who
orchestrate A
fULLuSt symphony
of HEaveNow noW aS
arT and reAson balance
as thOU Art fAtHeR
wE ArT SoN
aS ReaSon
wITh spiRit
of EmoTioNs
and Senses moVing..
and creaTing
JuSt uS as
to do or NoT bE
iN fearless Love
as REal AS FucKinG
ReAL as hUmans can
gET in simple bliss
and peace
my Friend..
So have a good trip..
the journey of LiFe is
what we make iT Now
aS pAThs noW oR
NOT.. dArk Or
liGht sHades
of coLor oR
and whitE
Stone cOld Statue..
no different reAlly than that
dude i used to be in the Funeral
of a day of a liFe of Sargesnt Pepper..
now advancing to Captain sAlt iN metaPhorSe..
i FucKinG ‘hate’ the censorship of ShaRinG..
GiVinG alMost as much as money
and aS sAMe but at lEast
‘they” left tHe cruX
oF thE
iN youTube
Google online way..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.